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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 04.11.16 23:56:06
      Beitrag Nr. 501 ()
      Life in BIOplastic, it’s More Fantastic: A Review, Come ooon, Biology, let’s gooooo paaaaaaarty!

      schrieb am 05.11.16 01:37:49
      Beitrag Nr. 502 ()
      Klimaschutzplan soll verschärft werden…

      "Berlin (dts Nachrichtenagentur) - Der umstrittene Klimaschutzplan der Bundesregierung soll offenbar in letzter Minute noch verschärft werden. Das geht aus einem Entwurf hervor, den das Bundesumweltministerium am Freitag verschickt hat, berichtet die "Süddeutsche Zeitung" (Samstagsausgabe). "Die Kohleverstromung wird verringert", heißt es darin.

      "Neue Kohlekraftwerke und Tagebauerweiterungen würden zu Fehlinvestitionen führen und werden daher unterbleiben." Für betroffene Regionen, vor allem die Braunkohlereviere im Rheinland und in der Lausitz, müssten "Strukturbrüche (...) vermieden werden". Ein Verzicht auf Investitionen in die Kohle sei, so heißt es an einer anderen Stelle, "im Sinne einer vorausschauenden Modernisierungspolitik". In ersten Entwürfen des Plans war lediglich von einer "schrittweisen Reduzierung" des Kohlestroms die Rede, doch diese Passagen fielen zwischenzeitlichen Bereinigungen zum Opfer. Stattdessen geht der neue Entwurf nun noch weiter: Erstmals verlangt er, die Bundesregierung möge sich "auf europäischer Ebene für die Einführung eines Mindestpreises für zu versteigernde Zertifikate einsetzen". Solche Mindestpreise gibt es bisher nur in Großbritannien, Frankreich liebäugelt mit der Einführung. Sie lösen ein Problem, das bei der Einführung des Emissionshandels keiner auf dem Schirm hatte: einen dauerhaft niedrigen Preis. Schließlich sollte der Emissionshandel eigentlich die Kohlendioxid-Emissionen von Industrie und Kraftwerken deckeln und so eine Nachfrage nach Emissionszertifikaten auslösen. Wer nämlich CO2 ausstößt, weil er Kraftwerke oder Fabriken betreibt, ist in der EU zum Kauf solcher Zertifikate verpflichtet. Doch der Überfluss ist derart groß, dass die Preise seit Jahren im Keller sind. Der Anreiz zur Senkung der Emission bleibt so aus. "Ein Mindestpreis würde dieses Dilemma beheben", sagte Ottmar Edenhofer, Chef-Ökonom des Potsdam-Instituts für Klimafolgenforschung, der Zeitung. "Wenn wir irgendwann aus der Kohle aussteigen wollen, ist das genau der richtige Schritt." Vor allem die Braunkohle wäre von höheren Preisen betroffen, sie verursacht besonders viele Treibhausgase. Auch findet sich in dem Entwurf erstmals wieder eine Tabelle, die auch für den Verkehr, für Gebäude, die Industrie und die Landwirtschaft konkrete Zielmarken vorgibt. Sie war aus einem frühen Entwurf des Plans wieder gestrichen worden. So müsste der Verkehr bis 2030 rund 60 der zuletzt 160 Millionen Tonnen Kohlendioxid einsparen - das entspricht einem Minus von fast 40 Prozent. Ohne viele neue Autos mit alternativen Antrieben wird das nicht zu schaffen sein. Die Industrie soll von zuletzt gut 180 auf 120 bis 125 Millionen Tonnen Kohlendioxid runter. Die Energiewirtschaft muss ihre derzeitigen Emissionen noch einmal halbieren - auf 170 bis 180 Millionen Tonnen im Jahr 2030. Für diesen Freitag und kommenden Montag sind Gespräche der Staatssekretäre anberaumt. Gelingt eine Einigung, könnte der Entwurf schon Mittwoch das Kabinett passieren - gerade noch rechtzeitig zur Klimakonferenz in Marrakesch, die kommende Woche beginnt."
      schrieb am 05.11.16 02:08:43
      Beitrag Nr. 503 ()
      Roboter sollen gefährliche Rotfeuerfische fangen; eine Umweltorganisation aus den USA will mit automatischen Tauchrobotern Jagd auf Rotfeuerfische machen. Waruuuuum? Die ebenso giftigen, wie gefräßigen, Fische verbreiten sich immer stärker im Atlantik, +verdrängen einheimische Fischarten. Selbst im Mittelmeer sind sie schon eingewandert

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 05.11.16 02:12:07
      Beitrag Nr. 504 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.625.267 von Popeye82 am 05.11.16 02:08:43

      - Lionfish are invasive to the Atlantic Ocean and their voracious appetites are upsetting coral reef ecosystems.

      A new non-profit company wants to restore the balance by building a robot to zap and harvest these predators before its too late.

      For more:

      Correction: RISE = Robots in Service of the Environment

      Nsikan Akpan
      Matt Ehrichs

      Jenny Marder
      Patti Parson
      Richard Coolidge
      Travis Daub
      Vanessa Dennis

      Megan Crigger
      Adam Sarraf

      Special Thanks to
      Priscilla Shanks
      Philippe Rouja
      Alex Chequer
      Ocean Support Foundation
      Tim Noyes

      Battle (Boss) by BoxCat Games (FMA)
      Something Elated by Broke For Free (FMA)
      Is That You or Are You You? by Chris Zabriskie (FMA)
      Air Hockey Saloon by Chris Zabriskie (FMA)
      Divider by Chris Zabriskie (FMA)
      Summers Coming by Dexter Britain (FMA)
      Enthusiast by Tours (FMA)
      Window #3 by Two Bicycles (FMA) -
      schrieb am 05.11.16 02:18:14
      Beitrag Nr. 505 ()
      E-Auto-Quote in China; der größte Automarkt der Welt mischt die Karten, neu: Ab 2018 müssen Autobauer eine E-Auto-Quote erfüllen, um in China weiterhin Autos mit Verbrennungsmotoren verkaufen zu dürfen. Die Unruhe in der Branche ist gewaltig

      Trading Spotlight

      Nurexone Biologic
      0,3520EUR +8,98 %
      Einzigartiges Medikament löst Milliarden-Problem?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 05.11.16 02:24:06
      Beitrag Nr. 506 ()
      schrieb am 05.11.16 02:29:21
      Beitrag Nr. 507 ()
      schrieb am 05.11.16 03:22:03
      Beitrag Nr. 508 ()
      70 % weniger Energieverbrauch; Im Ultraschall-Trockner ist Wäsche nach 20 Minuten trocken; Wäsche mit Wärme trocken: Für Forscher aus den USA nicht grün genug. Sie haben deswegen einen Trockner entwickelt, der Feuchtigkeit mit Ultraschall verdrängt –in nur 20 Minuten, +mit 70 % Energieersparnis :eek::eek:
      schrieb am 05.11.16 17:30:22
      Beitrag Nr. 509 ()
      Columbus, 2.0

      Erste Menschen betreten neue Insel; vor Japan ist eine neue Insel entstanden, einer der jüngsten Flecken der Erde. Jetzt sind Wissenschaftler auf der Insel gelandet -sie haben dokumentiert, welche Tiere sich dort als erstes angesiedelt haben
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 05.11.16 17:33:22
      Beitrag Nr. 510 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.628.075 von Popeye82 am 05.11.16 17:30:22
      schrieb am 07.11.16 15:32:54
      Beitrag Nr. 511 ()
      Untätigkeit +der Status quo sind KEINE Optionen…
      schrieb am 07.11.16 20:47:12
      Beitrag Nr. 512 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.388.834 von Algol am 01.10.16 10:47:11
      Zitat von Algol: Die Wahrheit ist (voraussichtlich) jedoch eine gänzlich andere:
      Die Menschheit dreht durch ihre schiere Anzahl und steigenden Lebensstandard (Umweltveränderungen) an zahllosen Stellschrauben gleichzeitig, ohne im Mindesten die Langfristfolgen zu erfassen, geschweige denn zu beherrschen.

      So auch beim Methan.

      Wir haben es hier mit einer sich selbst verstärkenden Rückkoppelung zu tun, Methan ist ein hochwirksames Klimagas, je höher die Temperatur, desto mehr Methan wird freigesetzt, erhöht die Temperatur, was noch mehr Methan freisetzt usw. :…

      Übrigens auch am Meeresboden:…

      Dams raise global warming gas, Dams produce more methane than previously believed, +contribute to global warming in the short term

      - A new study estimates that dams produce 25% more methane by surface unit than estimated
      - Researchers found that dams emit more methane than lakes +wetlands
      - Amount of greenhouse gas depends on organic material in the water...……

      "Hydroelectric dams contribute more to global warming in the short term than previously estimated, according to a study, published in BioScience.

      The current and planned boom of hydroelectric projects would double the current cover of dams in the world and will aggravate the problem.

      The research states that dams emit about a billion tons of greenhouse gas, which is responsible for 1.3 percent of total annual global emissions

      Within a 100-year timescale, dams produce more methane than rice plantations and biomass burning.

      “We estimate that dams emit around 25 percent more methane by unit of surface than previously estimated”, Bridget Deemer, from the School of Environment of the Washington State University in Vancouver, and lead author of the study, told SciDev.Net.

      “Methane stays in the atmosphere for only around a decade, while CO2 stays several centuries, BUT OVER THE COURSE OF 20 YEARS METHANE CONTRIBUTES ALMOST THREE TIMES MORE TO GLOBAL WARMING THAN CO2, a relevant period for policymakers”, she adds.

      Methane is produced at the bottom of the reservoirs, where oxygen is low and bacteria decompose organic material, like trees and grasses, which is already present or carried by watercourse. Part of the methane becomes CO2; the rest is carried to the surface as bubbles.

      Analyzing more than 250 dams (a quarter of the total global occupied area) and including bubble-based emissions, the researchers found that dams also emit more methane than lakes and wetlands.

      Emily Stanley, a professor in liminology and marine science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, said that the study is “very relevant” because it delivers the best available information about greenhouse gas emissions from dams. It shows that high methane emissions are not linked to the location or antiquity of the reservoirs, as other researchers suggest, but to the quantity of organic material.

      According to the study, algae that proliferates in downstream dams may receive more nutrients such as nitrogen or phosphate, and therefore produce more methane.

      Deemer is enthusiastic about the possibilities that this research presents for designing, situating and operating dams that emit fewer gases.

      The researchers have suggested that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change consider these methane emissions in future budgets.

      This article was produced on the Latin America and Carribean edition. "
      schrieb am 07.11.16 20:58:12
      Beitrag Nr. 513 ()
      Florida Institute funds Gainesville-based BioTork, LLC, Company enables efficient, cost-effective bioconversion of renewable feedstock…

      "The Florida Institute for the Commercialization of Public Research (the Institute) announced today that it has finalized a funding agreement with BioTork, LLC, a Gainesville-based company with technology developed at the University of Florida. The Institute supports new company creation based on publicly-funded research, and bridges early funding gaps for companies spinning out of Florida-based universities and research institutions.

      BioTork is a strain development company specializing in the improvement of existing bioconversion processes, and the creation of new ones. With a focus on the microorganism factories, or the fermentation “software” rather than the industrial fermentation equipment or “hardware”, the company can optimize any type of cell grown on any type of substrate under conditions that mimic industrial parameters. BioTork’s technology can improve the fermentation capabilities of both GMO and non-GMO organisms, giving them the potential to enter markets that demand either or both approaches.

      “BioTork is mastering the art of fermentation,” said Eudes de Crecy, BioTork, LLC, Chief Executive Officer. “We can intervene in any market where a microorganism is used to manufacture the desired end- product, and achieve higher yields and shorter fermenter retention times to produce various commodities. Most importantly, we can use our technology to improve the robustness and performance of strains used for fermentation, which tend to be the greatest obstacles encountered in the industry.”

      “BioTork is forging a path to sustainable, green chemistry while improving industrial bioconversion processes,” said Jackson Streeter, MD, Institute Chief Executive Officer. “Rather than using standardized approaches to solve diverse industrial challenges, the company is providing tailored microbial solutions that allow for greater efficiency and higher yields.”

      About the Institute
      Formed by the Florida Legislature in 2007, the Florida Institute for the Commercialization of Public Research is a non-profit organization that works collaboratively with the technology licensing and commercialization offices of Florida’s state universities and private research institutions to leverage a $2.3B+ research base and form investable companies that create clean jobs in new industries that are driving the global economy. With funding from the State of Florida through the Department of Economic Opportunity, and through the generosity of mentors, advisors and donors, the Institute provides company building services, and seed funding through the Florida Technology Seed Capital Fund, to promising Florida startups. Fifty-eight companies have been funded to date, and the Institute’s overall economic impact through June 30, 2016 was $630 million.

      About BioTork, LLC
      Founded in 2008, BioTork, LLC is a biotechnology company focusing on the development of microbial strains and bioconversion processes capable of producing bio-based chemical commodities such as lipids, fuels, enzymes, plastics and other valuable compounds from affordable and renewable feedstocks. Our optimized microorganisms provide the robustness needed for cost effective industrial bioconversion processes.

      Jane Teague
      Chief Operating Officer
      Institute for Commercialization of Public Research (561)
      phone: 368-8889
      email: "
      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 07.11.16 21:01:01
      Beitrag Nr. 514 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.639.451 von Popeye82 am 07.11.16 20:58:12
      BioTork Announces "Groundbreaking Alternative to Fish Oil", BioTork, LLC, a Florida-based biotechnology company has created a sustainable, GMO-free, vegan omega-3 oil, produced from algae. This omega-3 oil will be launched in the nutraceutical, feed +food industries, worldwide, as a direct replacement to fish oil…
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 07.11.16 21:04:06
      Beitrag Nr. 515 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.639.475 von Popeye82 am 07.11.16 21:01:01
      Governor Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii presents a $1,600,000 check, to further zero-waste biofuel +high-protein feed program, initiated by DKI-PBARC +BioTork LLC…
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 07.11.16 21:06:50
      Beitrag Nr. 516 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.639.505 von Popeye82 am 07.11.16 21:04:06
      Producing Cannabinoids, With Yeast: BioTork announces it has reached a 1st milestone, in the race to alternative cannabinoids…
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 07.11.16 21:17:55
      Beitrag Nr. 517 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.639.520 von Popeye82 am 07.11.16 21:06:50
      UF Grants Exclusive Worldwide License to BioTork: BioTork announces that UF is granting the company a license to use an extremely heat-tolerant phytase, The University of Florida has granted BioTork a license to patent rights, for an enzyme that could revolutionize the animal feed industry, when developed by BioTork; UF researchers have discovered a naturally occurring thermotolerant phytase. The most heat-tolerant of these enzymes known today, it reportedly retains activity @temperatures up to 100°C. BioTork, with its strain development expertise +an exclusive license to use this phytase, will maximize the efficiency of the production of the heat-tolerant enzyme, the ultimate goal being to provide an accessible source of thermotolerant phytase, to the feed industry around the world; Phytase is an enzyme used in the processing of animal feed +food, in order to increase nutrient availability, by breaking down phytate, a non-accessible form of phosphorus, with antinutrient properties. By adding phytase to animal feed, phosphorus, iron, zinc +calcium are made more bioavailable, +less inorganic mineral additions to feed are needed. Not only does this shrink the costs of processing animal feed, it also decreases environmental eutrophication, by reducing the amount of nutrients released through waste +contaminating the environment…
      schrieb am 07.11.16 21:21:10
      Beitrag Nr. 518 ()
      "Ultra-high barrier Plantic eco Plastic™ Package Delivers Ultra Fresh Italian Pasta", Combine Renewably Sourced Packaging with 100% Natural Inspired Pasta…
      schrieb am 07.11.16 21:52:01
      Beitrag Nr. 519 ()
      Braskem liefert Technologie für Raumstation ISS, Partnerschaft zwischen Materialhersteller +Made in Space; Biokunststoff auf Basis von Zuckerrohr wird nun für die Herstellung von Teilen im Weltraum verwendet. Möglich wurde dies durch die

      - 3D-gedruckte Bauteile sparen in der Raumfahrt Kosten, +Zeit(© Braskem) -…

      "Biokunststoff auf Basis von Zuckerrohr wird nun für die Herstellung von Teilen im Weltraum verwendet. Möglich wurde dies durch die Partnerschaft von Braskem mit Made In Space, einem US-amerikanischen Unternehmen, das marktführend bei der Entwicklung von 3D-Druckern für die Verwendung in Schwerelosigkeit und ein Lieferant der NASA ist. Die Technologie ermöglicht die Herstellung von Werkstoffen und Ersatzteilen im Weltraum aus biobasiertem Kunststoff, wodurch die aus Weltraummissionen mehr Autonomie erhalten.

      Das erste Ersatzteil, dass außerhalb der Erde hergestellt wurde, war ein Rohrverbinder für die Pflanzenbewässerung, der in der Additive Manufacturing Facility (AMF) gefertigt wurde, dem ersten kommerziellen 3D-Drucker, der dauerhaft im Weltraum verbleibt. Dieses Gerät, das verschiedene Arten von Ersatzteilen aus Biopolymer herstellen wird, befindet sich in der internationalen Raumstation ISS und wurde von Made In Space mit Unterstützung von CASIS (Center for the Advancement of Science in Space) hergestellt.

      Ein Jahr arbeiteten die Mitarbeiter der Abteilung Innovation und Technologie bei Braskem mit Made In Space an der Entwicklung eines Kunststoffes aus biobasiertem Polyethylen für den 3D-Druck in schwerelosen Umgebungen. Die Partnerschaft ermöglicht es, dass Astronauten per E-Mail das digitale Design der Ersatzteile erhalten und diese drucken. Das Ergebnis ist eine erhebliche Zeit- und Kostenersparnis.

      Der biobasierte Kunststoff "I’m green" von Braskem wurde für das Projekt ausgewählt, da er Eigenschaften wie Flexibilität, chemische Beständigkeit und Wiederverwendbarkeit miteinander verbindet und außerdem aus erneuerbaren Rohstoffen hergestellt wird. Es werden große Erwartungen an das Projekt gestellt, da der 3D-Druck im Weltraum von der Nasa als einer der wichtigsten Fortschritte für eine eventuelle Mission zum Mars angesehen wird.

      Auch der Drucker selbst enthält Technologie von Braskem. Der Drucktisch des Geräts besteht aus Polyethylen mit ultrahoher molarer Masse (Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight Polyethylene = UHMW-PE). Der Kunststoff zeichnet sich für besseren Halt beim Druck mit biobaisertem PE aus und bietet sehr gute mechanische Eigenschaften wie eine erhöhte Abriebbeständigkeit und Stoßfestigkeit."
      schrieb am 07.11.16 22:20:48
      Beitrag Nr. 520 ()
      eine Beobachtungslistenaktie

      - roactive Investors’ Andrew Scott interviews Keith Allaun, chairman of Powerhouse Energy PLC (LON:PHE), which has developed a technology that turns waste material into synthesis gas.

      He talks about the challenges of the last two years, telling Scott they “have been a significant development experience during which we’ve created a novel technology”.

      The Powerhouse advance can turn carbon-based waste material into a fuel similar to natural gas.

      So, Allaun sees a huge potential market for the company’s G3-UHt system.

      “A lot of thought and effort and design has gone into converting the complex into a simple solution,” he says.

      “The solution we have created is the most economical use of advanced material science, thermal science and thermal treatment that exists today.” -
      schrieb am 07.11.16 22:26:46
      Beitrag Nr. 521 ()

      - Find more Earth Focus content at
      Smart green homes are in Japan's future. Home Energy Management Systems are among some of the hottest technologies being developed in Japan to make households energy efficient and eco-friendly. Constantino de Miguel reports. -
      schrieb am 07.11.16 22:34:10
      Beitrag Nr. 522 ()
      Record hot year may be the new normal by 2025; The hottest year on record globally in 2015 could be an average year by 2025, +beyond, if carbon emissions continue to rise @the same rate, new research has found…

      "The hottest year on record globally in 2015 could be an average year by 2025 and beyond if carbon emissions continue to rise at the same rate, new research has found.

      Lead author Dr Sophie Lewis from the ANU Fenner School of Environment and Society said human activities had already locked in this new normal for future temperatures, but immediate climate action could prevent record extreme seasons year after year.

      "If we continue with business-as-usual emissions, extreme seasons will inevitably be the norm within decades and Australia is the canary in the coal mine that will experience this change first," said Dr Lewis, who is also from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science.

      "If we don't reduce our rate of emissions the record hot summer of 2013 in Australia - when we saw temperatures approaching 50 degrees Celsius in some areas - could be just another average summer season by 2035.

      "This research tells us we can potentially prevent record-breaking seasonal temperatures from becoming average at a regional level."

      The idea of a new normal has been used repeatedly when talking about climate change but had never been clearly defined until Dr Lewis and colleagues developed a scientific definition for the term.

      "Based on a specific starting point, we determined a new normal occurred when at least half of the years following an extreme year were cooler and half warmer. Only then can a new normal state be declared," Dr Lewis said.

      This process was also used to determine new normal conditions for seasonal and regional changes to the climate, she said.

      Using the National Computational Infrastructure supercomputer at ANU to run climate models, the researchers explored when new normal states would appear under the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change's four emissions pathways.

      The research team examined seasonal temperatures from December to February across Australia, Europe, Asia and North America.

      "The results revealed that while global average temperatures would inevitably enter a new normal under all emissions scenarios, this wasn't the case at seasonal and regional levels," Dr Lewis.

      "We found that with prompt action to reduce greenhouse gases a new normal might never occur in the 21st century at regional levels during the Southern Hemisphere summer and Northern Hemisphere winter."

      The research, supported by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science, is published in the Bulletin of the American Meterological Society. "
      schrieb am 08.11.16 02:04:35
      Beitrag Nr. 523 ()
      Ahlstrom +Munksjö to combine, creating a "global leader in sustainable +innovative fiber-based solutions"…
      schrieb am 09.11.16 01:31:22
      Beitrag Nr. 524 ()
      Gabriel verweigert Klimaschutzplan die Zustimmung…
      schrieb am 10.11.16 22:30:04
      Beitrag Nr. 525 ()
      schrieb am 10.11.16 22:33:26
      Beitrag Nr. 526 ()
      schrieb am 11.11.16 00:25:49
      Beitrag Nr. 527 ()
      Fraunhofer ISE meldet neuen Photovoltaik-Rekord: 30,2 Prozent Wirkungsgrad für siliziumbasierte Mehrfachsolarzelle; Forschern am Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE(Freiburg) ist es gemeinsam mit der österreichischen Firma EV Group gelungen, eine Mehrfachsolarzelle auf Silizium-Basis mit nur zwei Kontakten herzustellen, welche die theoretische Wirkungsgradgrenze reiner Silizium-Solarzellen überschreitet.
      schrieb am 11.11.16 12:05:42
      Beitrag Nr. 528 ()
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 13.11.16 14:29:11
      Beitrag Nr. 529 ()
      Freistädter Elektrofirma fliegt, mit, in die Stratosphäre…
      schrieb am 14.11.16 20:07:01
      Beitrag Nr. 530 ()
      Power-to-Liquid: Pilot Operation of First Compact Plant, First Compact Plant Worldwide for Synthetic Fuels from Solar Energy +Carbon Dioxide, extracted from Air, to Start, in Finland; Demand-driven production of liquid fuels from regenerative energy sources is a major element of the energy turnaround. Production of synthetic fuels from solar energy +carbon dioxide extracted from air is the objective of the SOLETAIR project, started now by INERATEC, a spinoff of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(KIT), in cooperation with Finnish partners. Together, the partners plan to take into operation the first chemical pilot plant worldwide. It is so compact that it fits into a ship container, +produces gasoline, diesel, +kerosene, from regenerative hydrogen +carbon dioxide
      - The founders of INERATEC, a spinoff of KIT, develop compact, microstructured chemical reactors for conversion of gases into high-quality liquid fuels – on the photo, from left to right: Tim Böltken, Philipp Engelkamp, and Paolo Piermartini. (Photo: KIT) - Zoom - -………

      "The plant consists of three components. The direct air capture unit developed by the Technical Research Center of Finland (VTT) extracts carbon dioxide from air. An electrolysis unit developed by Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) produces the required hydrogen by means of solar power. A microstructured, chemical reactor is the key component of the plant and converts the hydrogen produced from solar power together with carbon dioxide into liquid fuels. This reactor was developed by KIT. The compact plant was developed to maturity and is now being commercialized by INERATEC.

      “Projects, such as SOLETAIR, are essential for the success of the energy turnaround,” Professor Thomas Hirth, Vice President for Innovation and International Affairs of KIT, says. “Commissioning of this pilot plant is an example of successful transfer of KIT’s research innovations to industry.” INERATEC GmbH is a spinoff of KIT and develops, constructs, and sells compact chemical plants for various gas-to-liquid and power-to-liquid applications. The spinoff is supported under the EXIST research transfer program of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

      “We are proud of our participation in this promising international project,” INERATEC founder Dr. Tim Böltken emphasizes. In the future, KIT, INERATEC, and VTT plan to extend their cooperation. Under the national research alliances of “Energy Lab 2.0” and “Neo-Carbon Energy,” work will focus on the investigation and development of innovative energy systems based on renewable energy sources, novel storage technologies, and the conversion of renewable energies into chemical energy carriers. In addition, KIT and INERATEC contribute their expertise to the “Power-to-X” Kopernikus project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

      “The energiewende will only be a success, if we pool our know-how and jointly strengthen the competencies of European industry in the energy sector,” VTT scientist and SOLETAIR project head Dr. Pekka Simell says with respect to the planned cooperation. The new power-to-liquid plant will be taken into operation at the BIORUUKKI Piloting Center of VTT this year. In 2017, operation is planned to be continued on the campus of LUT. The SOLETAIR project will be completed in mid-2018. It is funded with EUR 1 million by the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (Tekes).

      Press release by VTT on SOLETAIR…

      Press release on INERATEC…

      About the KIT Energy Center

      Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) pools its three core tasks of research, higher education, and innovation in a mission. With about 9,300 employees and 25,000 students, KIT is one of the big institutions of research and higher education in natural sciences and engineering in Europe.

      KIT – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association


      Kosta Schinarakis
      PKM, Themenscout
      Tel.: +49 721 608-41956
      Fax: +49 721 608-43568

      Source: KIT, press release, 2016-11-09.

      Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
      Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWI)
      IneraTec - Innovative Reactor Technology
      Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
      Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT)
      Technical Research Centre (VTT) of Finland
      Tekes - Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation "
      schrieb am 15.11.16 20:39:27
      Beitrag Nr. 531 ()
      254 Milliarden Euro bis 2030, EU will noch mehr Investitionen für Ökostrom; Um die Ausbauziele für Erneuerbare Energien zu erreichen, müssen bis 2030 voraussichtlich 254 Millionen Euro zusätzlich investiert werden -das geht aus Entwürfen eines neuen Energiepakets der EU hervor. Umweltschützer äußern Kritik…

      "Bis 2030 müssen nach einer EU-Schätzung 254 Milliarden Euro zusätzlich in Ökostromanlagen investiert werden, um die Ausbauziele für Erneuerbare Energien zu erreichen. Dies geht aus Entwürfen für ein Energiepaket der EU-Kommission hervor, die bis Ende November fertig sein sollen.

      Ohne zusätzliche Anstrengungen käme die EU demnach bis 2030 nur auf einen Anteil der Erneuerbaren am Gesamtenergieverbrauch von 24,3 Prozent. Damit würde sie ihr Ziel von mindestens 27 Prozent und damit auch die Zusagen aus dem Pariser Klimaschutzabkommen verfehlen, heißt es im Entwurf einer Richtlinie zur Förderung erneuerbarer Energien.

      Umweltschützer kritisieren Brüssel
      "Um diese Lücke zu schließen, ist eine erhebliche Investitionsanstrengung nötig", heißt es weiter im Entwurf. Die genannte zusätzliche Summe von 254 Milliarden Euro beziehe sich nur auf die Stromerzeugung. Die Kommission hatte 2015 die gesamte Investitionssumme für Ökostrom bis 2030 auf eine Billion Euro geschätzt.

      Mit dem für 30. November erwarteten Energiepaket soll deutlich werden, wie die EU-Kommission die Nutzung von Erneuerbaren bei Strom, Heizung, Kühlung und Verkehr vorantreiben und gleichzeitig den Strommarkt für Quellen wie Wind und Sonne rüsten will.

      Auch um die Steigerung der Energieeffizienz soll es gehen. Umweltschützer kritisieren die Brüssel kursierenden Entwürfe als zahnlos. Die EU hatte ihre Klimaziele für das Jahr 2030 schon 2014 festgesetzt. Neben dem Erneuerbaren-Ziel ist vorgesehen, dass der Ausstoß an Treibhausgasen um mindestens 40 Prozent im Vergleich zu 1990 sinkt und die Energieeffizienz um mindestens 27 Prozent steigt."
      schrieb am 16.11.16 04:17:31
      Beitrag Nr. 532 ()
      Hofreiter: Deutsche Agrarpolitik für Flüchtlingskrise mitverantwortlich; „Das System unserer Agrarpolitik funktioniert nicht mehr. Es produziert zu viele Verlierer“, warnte Hofreiter. „In Deutschland sterben massenhaft Höfe, vor allem kleine, weil sie dem Kostendruck nicht standhalten.“ Um zu überleben, versuche die Branche, mehr in alle Welt zu exportieren, vergrößere Ställe +Produktionsanlagen. Das treffe Kleinbauern hier +in Entwicklungsländern hart. „Wir müssen raus aus diesem Teufelskreis“
      schrieb am 17.11.16 10:11:49
      Beitrag Nr. 533 ()
      Die Menschen ändern nicht nur das Klima - sondern "das Leben selbst"
      Das schreibt Bloomberg in einem Kommentar zu einem SCIENCE-Artikel über die Folgen der Erwärmung:

      Bloomberg: Humans Aren’t Just Changing the Climate. We’re Changing ‘Life Itself’

      Science: The broad footprint of climate change from genes to biomes to people

      Zitat von Bloomberg: Change is so pervasive that geologists, keepers of the earth’s chronology, are considering the dramatic gesture of creating a new epoch, called the Anthropocene, to mark humanity’s influence.
      “One of the longest-lived impacts of this new people’s epoch, longer lasting even than all the CO₂ piling up in the atmosphere,” Biello said about the Science paper, “will be our impact on evolution. The question now is: Will the Anthropocene be a blip in the rock record, like an asteroid impact, or can people learn to ameliorate our impacts and lengthen the span of this new epoch?
      Wenn wir weiter machen wie bisher, wird das Anthropozän allerdings nur wenige hundert Jahre dauern. Aber es wird den Planeten und das Leben darauf nachhaltig verändern.

      Der Vergleich mit einem Asteroideneinschag ist so absurd nicht: Frühere Massenaussterben wurden meist so ausgelöst. Und es könnte durchaus sein, dass die Spezies Mensch das selbst verursachte Massenaussterben nicht überlebt.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 17.11.16 19:04:36
      Beitrag Nr. 534 ()
      MIT moves closer to creating biodegradable plastics, Chemists @the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) have determined the structure of a bacterial enzyme that can produce biodegradable plastics; MIT has described the development as a breakthrough, that could help chemical engineers tweak the enzyme, to make it even more industrially useful

      "Chemists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have determined the structure of a bacterial enzyme that can produce biodegradable plastics.

      MIT has described the development as a breakthrough that could help chemical engineers tweak the enzyme to make it even more industrially useful.

      “Learning more about the enzyme’s structure could help engineers control the polymers’ composition and size, a possible step toward commercial production of these plastics, which, unlike conventional plastic formed from petroleum products, should be biodegradable,” the institute added.

      Catherine Drennan, an MIT professor of chemistry and biology, said: “I’m hoping that this structure will help people in thinking about a way that we can use this knowledge from nature to do something better for our planet.”

      According to the researchers, the enzyme – polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) synthase – generates long polymer chains that can form either hard or soft plastics, depending on the starting materials that go into them.

      A full account of the research has been published in Biological Chemistry. The paper’s lead author is graduate student Elizabeth Wittenborn."
      schrieb am 17.11.16 19:11:25
      Beitrag Nr. 535 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.713.296 von rv_2011 am 17.11.16 10:11:49

      das finde ich ein sehr, sehr interessantes(wie wohl leider auch, vielmehr "dramaturgisches und dramatisches")Thema.

      Algol hatte hier dazu ja auch schon einen ähnlichen Kommetar abgegeben.
      also da, und jetzt zu deinem,wollte ich wahrscheinlich nochmal drauf zurückkkommen
      schrieb am 19.11.16 16:31:04
      Beitrag Nr. 536 ()
      Ende der Erde ist UNausweichlich: S. Hawking, Erde wird spätestens in 1.000 Jahren zerstört sein

      - Stephen Hawking: "Innerhalb der nächsten tausend Jahre würde Menschheit aussterben"
      - Technischer Fortschritt zerstört die Menschheit
      - Menschen sollen sich nach neuen Lebensräumen, auf anderen Planeten, umsehen
      - Aggressivität der Menschen ist, laut Hawking, größtes Übel...…………
      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 19.11.16 18:21:54
      Beitrag Nr. 537 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.731.113 von Popeye82 am 19.11.16 16:31:04
      Die Diagnose von Hawking ist richtig
      Die Schlussfolgerung kann ich allerdings nicht nachvollziehen:

      Wenn wir nicht mal diese Erde bewahren können, die doch (noch) für uns fast ideale Lebensbedingungen bietet - wie sollen wir dann andere Planeten kolonisieren können?

      Kennst du diesen Witz:

      Treffen sich zwei Planeten:
      "Wie geht´s?"
      "Ziemlich schlecht: Ich hab Menschen!"
      "Kenn ich. Geht vorüber."

      Wollen wir hoffen, dass es nicht so endet:

      Das letzte Kapitel

      von Erich Kästner, geschrieben 1930

      Am 12. Juli des Jahres 2003
      lief folgender Funkspruch rund um die Erde:
      daß ein Bombengeschwader der Luftpolizei
      die gesamte Menschheit ausrotten werde.

      Die Weltregierung, so wurde erklärt, stelle fest,
      daß der Plan, endgültig Frieden zu stiften,
      sich gar nicht anders verwirklichen läßt,
      als alle Beteiligten zu vergiften.

      Zu fliehen, wurde erklärt, habe keinen Zweck.
      Nicht eine Seele dürfe am Leben bleiben.
      Das neue Giftgas krieche in jedes Versteck.
      Man habe nicht einmal nötig, sich selbst zu entleiben.

      Am 13. Juli flogen von Boston eintausend
      mit Gas und Bazillen beladene Flugzeuge fort
      und vollbrachten, rund um den Globus sausend,
      den von der Weltregierung befohlenen Mord.

      Die Menschen krochen winselnd unter die Betten.
      Sie stürzten in ihre Keller und in den Wald.
      Das Gift hing gelb wie Wolken über den Städten.
      Millionen Leichen lagen auf dem Asphalt.

      Jeder dachte, er könne dem Tod entgehen.
      Keiner entging dem Tod, und die Welt wurde leer.
      Das Gift war überall. Es schlich wie auf Zehen.
      Es lief die Wüsten entlang. Und es schwamm übers Meer.

      Die Menschen lagen gebündelt wie faulende Garben.
      Andre hingen wie Puppen zum Fenster heraus.
      Die Tiere im Zoo schrien schrecklich, bevor sie starben.
      Und langsam löschten die großen Hochöfen aus.

      Dampfer schwankten im Meer, beladen mit Toten.
      Und weder Weinen noch Lachen war mehr auf der Welt.
      Die Flugzeuge irrten, mit tausend toten Piloten,
      unter dem Himmel und sanken brennend ins Feld.

      Jetzt hatte die Menschheit endlich erreicht, was sie wollte.
      Zwar war die Methode nicht ausgesprochen human.
      Die Erde war aber endlich still und zufrieden und rollte,
      völlig beruhigt, ihre bekannte elliptische Bahn.
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 20.11.16 20:37:40
      Beitrag Nr. 538 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.537.041 von JACKYONE am 16.08.14 22:31:23
      Zitat von JACKYONE: Nachtrag

      Wer ernsthaft sowas meint :
      ob die Marskolonialisierung letztlich alternativlos ist
      , was 'gut wäre'.
      Und so weiter.

      Hat m.M.n. eh ein Rad ab.

      Bist Du in diesem Board eigentlich noch tätig?
      Ich habe da nämlich 2,3 Meldungen die ich Dir gern mal vor den "Latz knallen" würde,
      und die eeeher mich, als Dich, bestätigen.
      So " "vordergründig" einleuchtend", und sinnig, Dein Aufschrei auch geklungen haben mag
      Da muss das Rad eventuell nochmal neu ausgewürfelt werden

      Wenn Du das liest Bitte ich ernsthaft um Rückmeldung,
      dann wollen Wir mal sehen was Deine Meinung wert ist
      schrieb am 20.11.16 22:27:13
      Beitrag Nr. 539 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.731.413 von rv_2011 am 19.11.16 18:21:54
      zu Deinem Witz
      manchmal denke ich mir dass sich die Erde vielleicht einfach(von uns) "auskurieren" sollte.
      waere fuer die Oekologie vmtl das Beste

      Zitat von rv_2011: Die Schlussfolgerung kann ich allerdings nicht nachvollziehen:

      Wenn wir nicht mal diese Erde bewahren können, die doch (noch) für uns fast ideale Lebensbedingungen bietet - wie sollen wir dann andere Planeten kolonisieren können?

      Das ist ehrlich gesagt genau der Punkt den ich daran auch nicht verstanden habe.

      (Aber)vielleiiicht sieht Er es ja in der Art: Die "Diagnose steht fest",
      und (auch wenn wir eine superdumme Spezies sind)dass Wir, trotzdem, unsere Chance "verdient" haben,
      nicht "einfach untergehen" soll(t)en.

      wäre für mich jetzt, in der Aaart, das Naheliegend(st)e
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 20.11.16 22:39:17
      Beitrag Nr. 540 ()
      Ich wuensche Ihnen alles, alles erdenklich Gute bei Ihrem Vorhaben,
      denke aber letztlich dass der Typ ein (zu grosser)Idiot ist

      Staaten APPELLIEREN AN KLIMASKEPTIKER TRUMP, Die Erderwärmung nannte Donald Trump einmal einen "Schwindel". Zum Ende der Klimakonferenz in Marrakesch haben Staaten einen Appell an den künftigen US-Präsidenten gesandt -mit einer Einladung auf die Fidschi-Inseln

      "So romantisch die Fidschi-Inseln klingen, diese Einladung dorthin ist es weniger: Frank Bainimarama, Regierungschef des kleinen Inselstaats, hat den künftigen US-Präsidenten Donald Trump auf der Klimakonferenz in Marrakesch am Freitag zu einem Besuch gebeten. Der Klimaskeptiker solle sich persönlich von den Folgen der Erderwärmung überzeugen.

      Fidschi ist von den Folgen des Klimawandels besonders bedroht. Viele andere Staaten - die sich auf dem Gipfel auf einen Klimafahrplan einigten - wandten sich mit ebenso eindringlichen Appellen an Trump, sich am Kampf gegen den Klimawandel zu beteiligen.

      Trumps Wahlsieg hatte mit Blick auf die Verhandlungen in Marrakesch für Diskussionen gesorgt. Der designierte US-Präsident hatte im Wahlkampf angekündigt, das Pariser Klimaschutzabkommen aufzukündigen, den Klimawandel nannte er "teurer Schwindel".

      Allerdings gilt es, nicht nur Trump zu überzeugen. Die Weltgemeinschaft hatte sich in der französischen Hauptstadt im Dezember 2015 darauf verständigt, die Erderwärmung auf ein beherrschbares Maß von deutlich unter zwei Grad und möglichst unter 1,5 Grad im Vergleich zum vorindustriellen Zeitalter begrenzt werden. Die bisher vorliegenden nationalen Zusagen zur Verringerung des Treibhausgasausstoßes reichen dazu allerdings bei Weitem nicht aus. Auch die Finanzhilfen reicher Staaten für die Bewältigung des Klimawandels in armen Ländern sorgten in Marrakesch erneut für schwierige Diskussionen.

      Zum Abschluss ihrer knapp zweiwöchigen Beratungen in Marokko beschlossen die Delegierten aus mehr als 190 Staaten in der Nacht zum Samstag einen Fahrplan zur Umsetzung der Klimaschutzziele von Paris. Gleichzeitig bekräftigten sie ihr Engagement für den Klimaschutz. In ihrer Abschlusserklärung verpflichteten sich die Teilnehmerstaaten, ihre Fortschritte beim Klimaschutz bereits 2017 zu "überprüfen". Bis 2018 soll dann eine Bilanz gezogen werden.

      "Kampf, für die ZUKUNFT unseres Planeten"

      Konferenzleiter Salaheddine Mezouar sagte, die internationale Gemeinschaft stehe in einem "großen Kampf für die Zukunft unseres Planeten". Es gehe dabei um "die Würde von Abermillionen Menschen", fügte Marokkos Außenminister hinzu. Die Botschaft der Konferenz an Trump laute daher: "Wir zählen auf Ihren Pragmatismus und Ihren Geist der Verpflichtung."

      Das Uno-Klimaabkommen war am 4. November in Kraft getreten und wurde inzwischen von 110 Staaten ratifiziert, darunter die größten Treibhausgasverursacher USA und China. Da das Abkommen inzwischen in Kraft ist, wäre eine nachträgliche Annullierung des US-Beitritts ein kompliziertes und langwieriges Unterfangen. Vertreter mehrerer US-Bundesstaaten kündigten ebenso wie China, Indien und Saudi-Arabien an, am Pariser Abkommen festzuhalten.

      Bundesumweltministerin Barbara Hendricks (SPD) lobte die Konferenz in Marrakesch als konsequente Fortsetzung der Klimaschutzbemühungen in Paris: "Wir haben den Rückenwind der letzten Monate genutzt und wichtige Weichen für die zügige und ambitionierte Verwirklichung des Paris-Abkommens gestellt". Die Grünen-Abgeordnete Bärbel Höhn erklärte, die Weltgemeinschaft habe sich trotz Trump entschlossen, das Klima zu retten - auch, weil es mit den erneuerbaren Energien inzwischen ein Alternative zu Kohle und Öl gebe.

      Auch Umweltverbände lobten die erzielten Fortschritte. In Marrakesch seien die Teilnehmerstaaten "näher zusammengerückt", sagte Regine Günther vom WWF. Der politische Geschäftsführer von Germanwatch, Christoph Bals, wertete die Konferenz als "ermutigenden Schub" für die Umsetzung des Paris-Abkommens. Der Klimaexperte von Oxfam, Jan Kowalzig, wies jedoch darauf hin, dass die Ausarbeitung des Regelwerks "noch Jahre dauern" werde.

      Die nächste Klimakonferenz wird 2017 von den Fidschi-Inseln ausgerichtet, sie findet aus logistischen Gründen aber in Bonn statt. Die übernächste Klimakonferenz wird dann 2018 in Polen stattfinden."
      schrieb am 20.11.16 23:15:17
      Beitrag Nr. 541 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.735.679 von Popeye82 am 20.11.16 22:27:13
      Zitat von Popeye82: zu Deinem Witz
      manchmal denke ich mir dass sich die Erde vielleicht einfach(von uns) "auskurieren" sollte.
      waere fuer die Oekologie vmtl das Beste
      Ja - aber wir sind selber Menschen!
      Ob diese Spezies ein Irrweg der Evolution ist - oder ob sie noch einmal die Kurve kriegt, wird die Zukunft zeigen.

      Die Spezies Homo "Sapiens" ist allerdings in höchstem Maße anpassungsfähig. Wenn sie nicht (z.B. durch Klimaänderung, aber es gibt bekanntlich auch andere Möglichkeiten) ein Massensterben auslöst, bei dem die meisten großen Säugetierarten aussterben, wird eine überschaubare Population überleben - aber wahrscheinlich nicht die technische Zivilisation! Der gebe ich keine 1000 Jahre mehr.

      Der schlimmste Satz in der Bibel (Altes Testament, also Grundlage der jüdischen, christlichen und mohammedanischen Religion) steht in der Scöpfungsgeschichte: "Macht Euch die Erde untertan" (denn Ihr seid die Krone der Schöpfung).

      Ich schätze Hawking als genialen theoretischen Physiker und Kosmologen, aber seine Aufforderung, ins Weltall auszuweichen ist (mit Verlaub) unsinnig. Allein die Vorbereitungen dafür würden die noch vorhandenen Ressourcen unserer Erde endgültig zerstören.
      schrieb am 21.11.16 19:19:47
      Beitrag Nr. 542 ()
      schrieb am 21.11.16 20:52:56
      Beitrag Nr. 543 ()
      schrieb am 22.11.16 23:33:22
      Beitrag Nr. 544 ()
      schrieb am 23.11.16 02:39:23
      Beitrag Nr. 545 ()
      schrieb am 23.11.16 02:43:37
      Beitrag Nr. 546 ()
      schrieb am 23.11.16 17:04:23
      Beitrag Nr. 547 ()
      Klimaschutz bringt Wachstum…

      "Berlin (dts Nachrichtenagentur) - Ein 2014 angestoßenes Sofortprogramm für den Klimaschutz entlastet Bundesbürger und Wirtschaft deutlich mehr, als es sie kostet. Das geht aus einer Studie der Wirtschaftsprüfer von PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) hervor, über die die "Süddeutsche Zeitung" (Mittwochsausgabe) berichtet. Die Wirtschaftsprüfer hatten im Auftrag des Bundesumweltministeriums untersucht, welche ökonomischen Effekte das "Aktionsprogramm Klimaschutz 2020" unter dem Strich hat.

      Das Programm soll helfen, die deutschen Klimaziele bis 2020 noch zu erreichen, unter anderem durch mehr Energieeffizienz in der Industrie, emissionsarme Gebäude und einen klimafreundlicheren Verkehr. Der Studie zufolge entstehen dadurch bis 2020 insgesamt 430.000 neue Jobs und ein Prozent Wirtschaftswachstum. Langfristig stünden Kosten von 123 Milliarden Euro Einsparungen von 274 Milliarden Euro gegenüber, vor allem durch vermiedenen Energieverbrauch. Sowohl private Haushalte als auch die Industrie profitiere davon. Bundesumweltministerin Barbara Hendricks (SPD) sprach von einem Konjunkturpaket. "Die Studie zeigt: Klimaschutz rechnet sich", sagte sie. An diesem Mittwoch soll das Gutachten in Berlin vorgestellt werden."
      schrieb am 23.11.16 18:29:10
      Beitrag Nr. 548 ()
      "Quantensprung", in der Klimatechnologie; Weltpremiere -Daimler verkauft Klimaanlage mit nicht brennbarem Kältemittel Kohlendioxid(CO2)…

      "Der Konzern Daimler verkauft als erster Autobauer Serien-PKW mit Klimaanlagen, die mit dem nicht brennbaren Kältemittel Kohlendioxid (CO2) arbeiten. Damit wird eine Alternative zu dem umstrittenen Kältemittel R1234yf der US-Chemieunternehmen Honeywell und Dupont etabliert, das bei Motorbränden hochgiftige Chemikalien freisetzen kann. Standard ist die CO2-Anlage bisher allerdings nur in der teuren S-Klasse, für ein weiteres Modell, die E-Klasse. Laut einem Bericht der „Frankfurter Rundschau“ soll sie ab Mitte 2017 als Sonderausstattung zu haben sein.

      Auslöser für die Neuentwicklung waren Crash-Simulationen, die Daimler im Herbst 2012 durchführte. Bei zehn von 14 Unfallszenarien kam es dabei zu Bränden, nachdem R1234yf in den heißen Motorraum geströmt war. In der Folge entstand Flusssäure, eine stark ätzende Substanz, die für Fahrzeuginsassen und Ersthelfer gefährlich werden kann.

      Der Autobauer entschied wegen dieses Risikos, die CO2-Alternative zu entwickeln. Daimler hat dafür einen mittleren dreistelligen Millionenbetrag investiert. Dem Unternehmen zufolge ist ein flottenweiter Einsatz aktuell noch "nicht darstellbar". Sprecher Jörg Howe erklärte gegenüber der „Frankfurter Rundschau“, es sei nicht ungewöhnlich, innovative Technologien zuerst in den Topmodellen einzusetzen. Die Produktion der neuen Klimaanlage würde langsam hochgefahren, um eine hohe Qualität zu gewährleisten. Es sei wünschenswert, dass auch andere Autobauer bei der CO2-Technik nachziehen.

      Umweltschützer loben Daimler für den Schritt, halten aber eine schnellere Einführung in allen Pkw des Konzerns für nötig und fordern vor allem die anderen Autokonzerne auf, ebenfalls auf CO2 umzustellen. Wolfgang Lohbeck von Greenpeace bezeichnet die Entwicklung als "Quantensprung" in der Klimatechnologie."
      schrieb am 25.11.16 02:03:10
      Beitrag Nr. 549 ()
      schrieb am 25.11.16 22:17:03
      Beitrag Nr. 550 ()
      The world is @the point of a food security threshold…

      "As well as being Abundant’s Chief Research Scientist, Nabil Ahmad is a Research Fellow at Sydney University’s Plant Breeding Institute. Abundant Produce published an interview with Nabil, in which he offers some interesting views on the world's food security crisis and how science can help solve it.

      What role do you think science can and should play in the production of food?
      The world has managed to increase food production dramatically over the last century but it has been at the expense of the environment. Agriculture is already contributing to around one third of the climate change we’re seeing so far.

      In addition the population is continuing to grow at an alarming rate. There will be more than 9 billion of us by 2050 and it’s estimated that we’ll need to increase food production by 70% to feed everyone.

      To do that with current food production methods we’ll need to double the amount of fresh water we use, and where that water will come from, nobody knows. Already fresh water resources all over the world are stretched.

      That sounds like a frightening situation. Is it really as bad as that?
      It certainly is. The world is at the point of, or maybe even beyond, a food security threshold.

      What do you mean by food security?
      As defined by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, food security is a state where all people at all times have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.

      So can science help? And if so, how?
      The only way is to make our farming activities more sustainable, to reduce their impact on the environment and try to delay the onset and extent of climate change. That can be achieved through sustainable intensification - the production of more food with fewer inputs on existing agricultural land. We need to avoid removing forests and to reduce on-site gas emissions from farms.

      Does the work you do at Abundant have the potential to help?
      Certainly. All of our plant breeding takes place under very harsh Australian climatic conditions. We deliberately expose the plants to stresses like diseases and high temperatures and salinity. We select the plants that do best under these difficult conditions. This is completely different to conventional breeding, which takes place under optimal conditions.

      Our plants produce vegetables with less fertiliser, less pesticides and less temperature control, decreasing the impact of horticulture on the environment.

      So you are working directly toward increasing the sustainability of agriculture?
      Yes and, as well as increasing sustainability, our plants will grow better in those parts of the world where the food is needed most, places with harsh climates like Australia’s - in Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

      Actually nowadays we grow enough food for everybody but one billion people go hungry while others over-consume because the food isn’t distributed evenly enough. So our work will enhance food security by helping to even out distribution as well as by helping to make production more sustainable.............................................."
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 26.11.16 10:57:10
      Beitrag Nr. 551 ()
      schrieb am 26.11.16 20:08:09
      Beitrag Nr. 552 ()

      - In the mosquito world, Hadyn is public enemy number one. He is CEO of Oxitec, a pioneering, British biotech company that uses advanced genetic methods to control populations of the dengue mosquito and other harmful insects that affect hundreds of millions of people each year. They do this by releasing 'sterile' males of the damage-causing species: a highly targeted form of biological control that has shown incredibly positive results while being sustainable, environmentally friendly and cost-effective. If adapted on a global scale, the benefits to world health could be virtually unparalleled.

      Hadyn talks about his collaborative effort with Brazil to reduce the population of Aedes Aegypti. This nasty breed of Mosquito targets humans and has advanced the spread of Dengue Fever across the world. He shows us how his company achieve this marvellous feat of genetic engineering and even gives us a sneak peak of their mosquito mobile- an incredible little automotive packed thousands of mosquitos and its own theme tune. -

      - In einem einzigen Jahr treten weltweit 200-300 Millionen Fälle von Malaria und 50-100 Millionen Fälle von Dengue-Fieber auf. Warum also haben wir noch keinen Weg gefunden, Mücken wirksam zu töten? Hadyn Parry stellt eine faszinierende Lösung vor: die gentechnische Veränderung männlicher Mücken, um sie unfruchtbar zu machen, und das Freisetzen der Insekten in freier Wildbahn, um krankheitsübertragende Arten zu dezimieren. -
      schrieb am 27.11.16 13:06:46
      Beitrag Nr. 553 ()
      schöner Schritt finde ich
      über Ähnliches sollten mal Mehr nachdenken

      Gegen Wegwerfmentalität, Schweden senkt Steuern, auf Reparaturen; Um die Hälfte will Schweden die Mehrwertsteuer auf Reparaturen von Fahrrädern, Kleidung oder Schuhen senken. Damit will das Land die Umwelt schonen -&den Arbeitsmarkt ankurbeln…

      "Der Reifen des Fahrrads ist platt, aus dem Sattel quillt schon das Innenleben, noch dazu funktioniert die rostige Bremse nicht mehr richtig - reparieren? Lohnt sich nicht, viel zu teuer. Ein neues muss her, das alte landet auf dem Müll oder bestenfalls auf dem Flohmarkt. Dieser Wegwerfmentalität will Schweden nun ein Ende bereiten: Mit reduzierten Steuern auf Reparaturen will das skandinavische Land umweltschonendes Handeln erleichtern und gleichzeitig den Arbeitsmarkt ankurbeln.

      Die Strategie des Verbraucherministeriums ist Teil des Haushalts, der im Dezember verabschiedet werden soll. Stimmt das Parlament zu, tritt zum Jahreswechsel ein umfangreiches Maßnahmenpaket in Kraft, das das Konsumverhalten ändern soll. Die Mehrwertsteuer auf Reparaturen von Fahrrädern, Kleidung oder Schuhen wird um die Hälfte gesenkt. Wer einen Handwerker ins Haus kommen lässt, um seine Waschmaschine oder den Kühlschrank reparieren zu lassen, zahlt künftig weniger für die Arbeitsstunde.

      "Das soll einen Anreiz geben, seine Dinge reparieren zu lassen, anstatt sie wegzuwerfen und neu zu kaufen", sagte der zuständige Verbraucherminister Per Bolund der Nachrichtenagentur dpa. "Viele Menschen sagen, dass sie gern nachhaltiger konsumieren möchten." Ihnen fehle nur das Werkzeug dazu.

      Mehr Steuereinnahmen, trotz Steuersenkung???
      Allein für die Steuererleichterungen hat die Regierung 750 Millionen schwedische Kronen (umgerechnet rund 76,5 Millionen Euro) eingeplant. Doch die Sache werde sich auszahlen, sagt Bolund: "Wir glauben, dass diese Branche mehr zu tun bekommt, also werden mehr Menschen in diesem Bereich arbeiten, und die wiederum zahlen Einkommensteuer."

      Auch den Handel mit Gebrauchtwaren will die Regierung fördern. Immer mehr Menschen wollten secondhand kaufen, sagte Bolund. Eine Gruppe erarbeite zurzeit, ob Projekte wie Carsharing und Mitfahrangebote auf andere Bereiche ausgedehnt werden können. Auch das habe einen doppelten Effekt: Wer ein Auto borgen müsse, statt ein eigenes vor der Tür stehen zu haben, fahre oft weniger Auto.

      43 Millionen schwedische Kronen (4,3 Millionen Euro) sollen bis 2020 in den Aufbau einer Informationsplattform investiert werden. Hier sollen gute Beispiele für umweltfreundliches Handeln vorgestellt und Forscher, Industrie, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft miteinander vernetzt werden. Auch in den Schulen soll das Thema Abfallvermeidung und Konsum eine stärkere Rolle spielen. Unternehmen wird Hilfestellung zu Umweltthemen, Menschenrechten und Vermeidung von Korruption angeboten.

      Die Strategie der Regierung stoße auf viel positives Echo, sagte der Verbraucherminister: "Wir bekommen sehr viel Unterstützung." Er sei selbst überrascht, dass so viele Menschen dies als wichtiges Thema ansehen. "Es ist eine Gelegenheit, unser Verhalten zu ändern und gleichzeitig der Wirtschaft und dem Arbeitsmarkt neue Impulse zu geben.""
      schrieb am 28.11.16 00:14:59
      Beitrag Nr. 554 ()
      schrieb am 29.11.16 15:40:21
      Beitrag Nr. 555 ()
      Health Canada: Current Use of Imidacloprid NOT Sustainable
      schrieb am 29.11.16 15:46:28
      Beitrag Nr. 556 ()
      Deutsche Autohersteller bauen Stromtankstellen; Bessere Reichweite für Elektroautos: Bis 2020 soll es Tausende neue Schnellladestationen in Europa geben. Mehrere Autohersteller schließen sich dafür zusammen, Nach den Plänen der Autohersteller soll es 2017 in Europa 400 neue Schnellladestationen geben…

      "Die großen deutschen Autohersteller und Ford planen den gemeinsamen Bau von Schnellladestationen für E-Autos. Wie die Firmen in einer gemeinsamen Erklärung mitteilten, wollen sie von 2017 an in einem ersten Schritt 400 Schnellladestationen entlang der großen Verkehrsachsen in Europa aufbauen. Bis 2020 sollen es dann schon Tausende Stationen sein. Daimler, BMW, der Volkswagen-Konzern mit seinen Töchtern Audi und Porsche sowie der US-Autobauer Ford unterschrieben eine Absichtserklärung (Memorandum of Understanding) für ein entsprechendes Gemeinschaftsprojekt.

      Das Vorhaben läuft parallel zu den Plänen von Bundesverkehrsminister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU), 400 Schnellladestationen für Elektrofahrzeuge an Autobahnraststätten aufzustellen. Zur Verbesserung der Ladeinfrastruktur stellt der Bund 300 Millionen Euro bis 2020 zur Verfügung – davon zwei Drittel für Schnellladesäulen.

      Die Autobauer folgen damit dem Beispiel des E-Auto-Pioniers Tesla, der in Europa entlang von Autobahnen bereits mehr als 700 Ladestationen mit fast 5.000 Ladeplätzen betreibt. Den Tesla-Kunden wurde der Strom bislang geschenkt. Das ändert sich aber im kommenden Jahr – zumindest für Neukunden.

      Preise noch offen
      Preise für die Ladestationen der deutschen Autohersteller stünden noch nicht fest, weil dies noch mit Energieversorgern festgelegt werde müsse, sagte ein Daimler-Sprecher. Es sei aus jetziger Sicht aber eher nicht geplant, den Strom kostenlos abzugeben.

      Die Stationen der deutschen Autobauer sollen für CCS-Stecker (Combined Charging System) ausgelegt sein und eine Leistung von 350 Kilowatt unterstützen. E-Auto-Batterien sollen dort binnen weniger Minuten zu 80 Prozent aufgeladen werden können. Zum Vergleich: An einer Steckdose in der eigenen Garage dauert das Laden einer herkömmlichen Elektroautobatterie sieben bis acht Stunden.

      Die Form der Gesellschaft und die Art, wie die Ladesäulen betrieben werden, seien noch offen, hieß es von Daimler. Das Joint Venture soll offen für weitere Partner sein. Die Gründungsmitglieder Ford, BMW, Daimler und Volkswagen wollen sich zu gleichen Teilen daran beteiligen. In den vergangenen Monaten war vielfach über ein solches Vorhaben spekuliert worden.

      Trotz Prämie nur wenig Absatz
      Wie viel Geld die Hersteller in die Hand nehmen, ließen sie vorerst ebenfalls offen. Klar ist, dass mit der Investition in die Infrastruktur der Verkauf von E-Autos erleichtert werden soll. Denn trotz der viel diskutierten Kaufprämie, die es seit Mai dieses Jahres für neue Elektroautos gibt, läuft der Verkauf nur schleppend an.

      Beim zuständigen Bundesamt Bafa gingen bis Ende Oktober knapp 5.800 Anträge für die Prämie ein. 4.000 Euro gibt es für reine Elektroautos, 3.000 Euro für sogenannte Plug-in-Hybride mit kombiniertem Benzin- und Stromantrieb. Bisher ging ein einziger Antrag für ein Brennstoffzellenfahrzeug ein.

      Der hohe Anschaffungspreis gilt neben dem schlechten Ladenetz bisher als größtes Hemmnis für den Verkauf von Elektroautos. Dabei sind die Hersteller auf eine gute Infrastruktur angewiesen, wenn sie ihre Pläne in den nächsten Jahren umsetzen wollen.

      Nachdem BMW mit dem i3 längst vorgelegt hat, soll Audis Elektro-SUV 2018 in Serie gehen. 2019 folgt das erste Modell von Daimlers Strommarke EQ. Porsches Mission E soll bis Ende des Jahrzehnts am Markt sein, Volkswagens Kompaktmodell ID um das Jahr 2020. "
      schrieb am 29.11.16 17:19:48
      Beitrag Nr. 557 ()
      schrieb am 29.11.16 17:50:42
      Beitrag Nr. 558 ()
      schrieb am 29.11.16 18:30:25
      Beitrag Nr. 559 ()
      schrieb am 01.12.16 22:27:14
      Beitrag Nr. 560 ()
      Leclanché receives ISO 14001:2015 environmental certification for proprietary environmentally-friendly manufacturing process

      - Leclanché is the first AND only global Lithium-Ion battery producer with a water-based cell production process for manufacturing. This contrasts with typical Li-Ion manufacturing processes which use chemical solvents for industrial coating which must be subsequently recycled or burnt.
      - Protection of the environment is given high priority in every phase of the Company's product life cycle: saving resources by reduction of waste in manufacturing, separation technology in all areas of chemical processing and gas and water treatment through to systematic recycling and recovery of raw materials.
      - The Company's environmental friendly proprietary process is applied to all of its manufactured Li-Ion technologies at both its Yverdon-les- Bains Switzerland and Willstätt Germany sites, for both its proprietary high-cycling and fast-charging lithium titanate (LTO) and higher energy density graphite nickel manganese cobalt (G-NMC) battery storage technologies...…
      schrieb am 04.12.16 19:16:20
      Beitrag Nr. 561 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.774.832 von Popeye82 am 25.11.16 22:17:03
      Zukunft der Lebensmittelversorgung UNgewiss…

      "MÜNCHEN (dpa-AFX) - Die Zukunft der weltweiten Lebensmittelversorgung ist nach einer neuen Studie sehr ungewiss. Die Unternehmensberatung PwC hält für das Jahr 2050 sowohl ein ausreichendes Nahrungsmittelangebot als auch Knappheit und steigende Preise für denkbar - abhängig vor allem davon, wie Regierungen und Lebensmittelindustrie auf die Herausforderungen der wachsenden Weltbevölkerung und der globalen Erwärmung reagieren

      Die europäischen Regierungen müssten sich MEHR anstrengen, um für den technologischen Wandel in der Landwirtschaft günstige Voraussetzungen zu schaffen, heißt es in dem Papier - ein heißes Eisen, da "technologische Innovation" in der Landwirtschaft den in Europa umstrittenen Einsatz genveränderten Saatguts beinhaltet.

      "Smarte" Zuchtmethoden, Genom-Editierung und genetische Veränderung könnten in der Lage sein, "dürre- und hitzebeständiges Anbaugut zu produzieren und die Folgen der globalen Erwärmung abzumildern", heißt es in dem Papier, das der Deutschen Presse-Agentur vorliegt. Am anderen Ende der Skala steht eine pessimistische Einschätzung: Auch die Technologisierung der Landwirtschaft könnte demnach nicht verhindern, dass die globale Lebensmittelproduktion wegen der globalen Erwärmung sinkt. "Lebensmittel sind teuer und manchmal von schlechter Qualität", nehmen die PwC-Agrarfachleute für diesen Fall an. Weltweite Knappheit würde zu Protektionismus führen./cho/DP/zb"
      schrieb am 05.12.16 01:18:07
      Beitrag Nr. 562 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.731.113 von Popeye82 am 19.11.16 16:31:04
      Zitat von Popeye82: Ende der Erde ist UNausweichlich: S. Hawking, Erde wird spätestens in 1.000 Jahren zerstört sein

      - Stephen Hawking: "Innerhalb der nächsten tausend Jahre würde Menschheit aussterben"
      - Technischer Fortschritt zerstört die Menschheit
      - Menschen sollen sich nach neuen Lebensräumen, auf anderen Planeten, umsehen
      - Aggressivität der Menschen ist, laut Hawking, größtes Übel...…………

      Re: LANGFRISTIG sind wir Alle tot

      Asteroid Mining: NOT as Crazy, as it Sounds…

      "At FIRST glance it sounds ridiculous. Why would anyone consider mining in space when even the largest Earth-based mining operations seem to have trouble managing costs? After all, mid-grade and marginal deposits seem to have trouble finding any money and the process of moving a project from prospect to mine can take decades and cost hundreds of million of dollars. I’ll be the first to admit that the whole idea of asteroid mining was initially right up there with Star Trek-style transporters and desktop cold fusion, but a few recent events have piqued my curiosity on the subject. Allow me to elaborate.

      First, one of the many items that was lost back in October, 2014 when the Antares rocket was destroyed was the Arkyd 3 satellite. Arkyd 3 is a testing platform designed by Planetary Resources, otherwise known as “the asteroid mining company”. Apparently these guys aren’t just doing interviews: There is actual work going on here. A re-built Arkyd 3 is scheduled for launch in about 9 months.

      Mineral Exporation
      Mining Properties and Project Reviews

      Home / Exploration Methods / Asteroid Mining: Not as Crazy as it Sounds
      Artist's concept of NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft preparing to take a sample from asteroid Bennu. (Image Credit: NASA/Goddard/Chris Meaney)
      Artist's concept of NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft preparing to take a sample from asteroid Bennu. (Image Credit: NASA/Goddard/Chris Meaney)
      Asteroid Mining: Not as Crazy as it Sounds

      Posted by: Christopher Rawluk in Exploration Methods, Mining Hostile Environments, Popular Geology and News

      At first glance it sounds ridiculous. Why would anyone consider mining in space when even the largest Earth-based mining operations seem to have trouble managing costs? After all, mid-grade and marginal deposits seem to have trouble finding any money and the process of moving a project from prospect to mine can take decades and cost hundreds of million of dollars. I’ll be the first to admit that the whole idea of asteroid mining was initially right up there with Star Trek-style transporters and desktop cold fusion, but a few recent events have piqued my curiosity on the subject. Allow me to elaborate.

      First, one of the many items that was lost back in October, 2014 when the Antares rocket was destroyed was the Arkyd 3 satellite. Arkyd 3 is a testing platform designed by Planetary Resources, otherwise known as “the asteroid mining company”. Apparently these guys aren’t just doing interviews: There is actual work going on here. A re-built Arkyd 3 is scheduled for launch in about 9 months.
      Philae lander closing to the surface of a comet.

      - Philae lander closing to the surface, of a comet. (Image CC) -

      Second, the recent landing of the Philae spacecraft on comet 67P stirred all of our imaginations in a way that was reminiscent of the moon landing, first shuttle launch or first Mars rover. If we can effectively land a bullet on a bullet 500 million miles away from Earth, then the idea of grabbing a near-earth asteroid doesn’t sound nearly as crazy. The economics might still seem crazy, but the technology – not so much.

      As it turns out, there are three groups currently working on a long term strategy to gather resources from space. Two are private companies and the third is NASA. All have different approaches, but their end games are largely the same.

      What Asteroids? What Resources?

      Asteroid miners are seeking out near-earth asteroids. There are over 11,000 known near-earth asteroids which are considered to be left-overs from the formation of the solar system. These bodies can be composed of ice, silicate minerals, carbonaceous minerals and metals.

      - Water is present in some times of asteroids and a key potential commodity for asteroid mining. (Image credit: NASA, ESA, M.A. Garlick (, University of Warwick, and University of Cambridge.) -

      Ice or water on these bodies is one of the most significant potential resources. Solar panels on spacecraft can provide the power to simply convert water to hydrogen and oxygen for fuel. Considering that it costs from $5,000-25,000+ per kg to ferry items into space, the idea of harvesting resources needed in space doesn’t sound like such a bad idea. In fact, the groups involved are primarily focused on gathering the resources needed for space exploration and development. Gathering resources to send back to earth is a much longer term goal and arguably may never be economic.

      Groups Involved

      Currently there are two private companies pursuing asteroid mining; Planetary Resources and Deep Space Industries. NASA is also involved on several levels and has awarded contracts to several companies including both Planetary Resources and Deep Space Industries for studies relating to relating to asteroid redirection.

      Planetary Resources –Arkyd System

      Planetary Resources has made headlines over the past few years with a much publicized and successful crowdfunding campaign and the landing of some high profile investors including Sir Richard Branson and Google co-founder Larry Page. The company has a multi-phase phase asteroid mining strategy which starts with the Arkyd 3 and Arkyd 6 test satellites. These are designed to the test the systems and design of their planned space telescopes. In fact, the key to their strategy are a series of small to mid-size space telescopes designed to examine near-Earth asteroids for economic potential. The company also hopes to generate revenue from the commercialization of these telescopes. The Arkyd 100, Arkyd 200, and Arkyd 300 are among their planned telescopes.

      The Arkyd 100 series is designed to be a low-orbit telescope capable of analysing both the Earth and potential asteroid targets. The Arkyd 200 is designed to be an interceptor. The “Interceptor” will have propulsion systems that give it the capability of locating asteroids travelling between the earth and the moon and collect data on them. The planned Arkyd series 300 spacecraft will have upgraded propulsion systems that enable it to explore beyond Earth and the moon. Each successive generation is designed to gather more data on the composition, shape, size and travel patterns of prospective asteroid targets. Among the company’s longer term visions are the creation of an orbital propellant depot, robotic mining operations and the ability to affect the orbits of objects with the potential for dangerous Earth collisions.

      Deep Space Industries –Fire Fly/DragonFly/Harvestor

      Deep Space Industries’ approach includes a series of compact spacecraft known as FireFlies (not to be confused with NASA’s FireFly Cubesat). The company plans to send them on one-way missions to gather information such as size, shape, density and composition of asteroids of interest. Their longer term plan includes the development of a spacecraft known as the “Dragonfly” which will capture asteroids to return for analysis and to test processing methods and the “Harvestors” which will collect material for return to Earth’s orbit. The Harvestor class is meant for full-scale production for initial customers in space from collecting propellant for future space missions, manufacturing materials using extracted metals and radiation shielding. If costs begin to decrease over time they hope to be able to return these extracted commodities back to earth. DSI recently made the news when it partnered with another firm to build Bitcoin satellites as part of a proposed Bitcoin orbital satellite network.

      - Concept model of the FireFly Design (Image credit: Deep Space Industries / Bryan Versteeg. Used with Permission.) -


      NASA has commissioned a number of studies on the potential for asteroid mining and interactions as part of it’s Early Stage Innovation and Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) directives. The Robotic Asteroid Prospector study determined that water and possibly Platinum Group Metals had the most economic potential for asteroid mining operations and presented some preliminary designs for water extraction.

      NASA’s OSIRIS REx spacecraft is designed study the the near-Earth “Bennu” asteroid for more than a year with the primary goal of landing on the asteroid and retrieving a sample for return to Earth. OSIRIS-REx is scheduled for launch in September 2016.

      NASA has been also been studying robotic mining for several years and holds annual competition where university students can build a mining robot.


      While the prospect of harvesting resources from space for return to Earth is still more fiction than science, the idea of locating resources that may be useful for in-space development or as fuel sources has some merit. Considering the cost of transporting goods into space, a large water-bearing near-Earth asteroid could have significant economic value were the accompanying extraction and processing technology successfully developed. This is a long way off, but public and private groups have already started looking into ways that this can happen and investing significant resources into testing the waters.

      Further Reading

      Planetary Resources (Company Website)

      Deep Space Industries (Company Website)

      NASA Robotic Mining Competition (Website)

      NASA OSIRIS-REx Mission (Website)

      A (surprisingly messy looking) Presentation and Report to NASA on the Robotic Asteroid Prospector – (PDF’s) "
      schrieb am 05.12.16 02:56:07
      Beitrag Nr. 563 ()
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 05.12.16 22:56:29
      Beitrag Nr. 564 ()
      US Energy Independence day DAWNS

      Dieses Bild ist nicht SSL-verschlüsselt: [url]
      schrieb am 05.12.16 22:59:47
      Beitrag Nr. 565 ()
      The Paris Climate Deal Is Now in Force. Whaaaaat Comes Next?…
      schrieb am 06.12.16 17:14:48
      Beitrag Nr. 566 ()
      schrieb am 06.12.16 19:06:56
      Beitrag Nr. 567 ()
      Phillips 66 Sets World Record in Organic Solar Cell Efficiency…

      "HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Phillips 66 (NYSE: PSX) has successfully set a new world record in power conversion efficiency for polymer-based single junction organic photovoltaic (OPV) cells. The 11.84 percent efficiency was certified by Newport Corporation, a recognized center for independent verification of solar cell results under standard testing conditions.

      The solar cells are based on proprietary state-of-the-art polymers and interfacial layers, which have been developed by Phillips 66. The advantaged technology can be printed using low-cost roll-to-roll manufacturing processes. The organic solar cells do not contain hazardous components, such as lead or cadmium, unlike some other types of thin film technologies.

      “This breakthrough, in efficiency, brings us closer to the possibility of commercializing this promising form of solar technology,” said Merl Lindstrom, vice president of Technology at Phillips 66. “Continuing to increase the ability of OPV cells to convert power with high efficiency will ONE day make this energy source more affordable for the consumer.”

      OPV technology enables the development of flexible, lightweight and transparent solar modules that can be manufactured at a low cost. The Phillips 66 materials provide the potential for cost-effective renewable electricity generation on PAR with conventional energy technologies.

      About Phillips 66

      Phillips 66 is a diversified energy manufacturing and logistics company. With a portfolio of Midstream, Chemicals, Refining, and Marketing and Specialties businesses, the company processes, transports, stores and markets fuels and products globally. Phillips 66 Partners, the company's master limited partnership, is an integral asset in the portfolio. Headquartered in Houston, the company has 14,000 employees committed to safety and operating excellence. Phillips 66 had $50 billion of assets as of Sept. 30, 2016. For more information, visit or follow us on Twitter @Phillips66Co.

      View source version on

      Source: Phillips 66

      Phillips 66

      Dennis Nuss, 832-765-1850 (media) "
      schrieb am 07.12.16 21:40:25
      Beitrag Nr. 568 ()

      - THINK of CO2 as a resource rather than waste. BE part of the evolution! -…
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 07.12.16 21:43:04
      Beitrag Nr. 569 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.850.221 von Popeye82 am 07.12.16 21:40:25
      schrieb am 07.12.16 22:28:40
      Beitrag Nr. 570 ()
      Climate change deal is a TURNING point for world, Obama SAYS

      - Calling it a "historic day" in the fight against climate change, President Obama lauded the landmark Paris climate agreement that takes effect Nov. 4. “This gives us the best possible shot to save the one planet we’ve got,” Obama said in remarks in the Rose Garden.

      While Obama said the deal will help delay some of the most pressing threats posed by climate change, it alone "will not solve the climate crisis.” Seventy-two countries have formally signed the agreement, including China, India and the U.S, some of the world’s largest emitters of greenhouse gases -
      schrieb am 08.12.16 19:18:51
      Beitrag Nr. 571 ()
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 08.12.16 19:34:34
      Beitrag Nr. 572 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.857.712 von Popeye82 am 08.12.16 19:18:51
      Netherlands to be NEARLY emission free by 2050; Environmental groups UNimpressed

      "The government wants the Netherlands to be nearly CO2 emissions free by 2050, according to Economic Minister Henk Kamp's Energy Agenda. The Agenda contains a number of measures to reduce dependency on fossil fuels and encourage sustainable living. Environmental organizations call the plan unambitious, reports.

      The government aims to reduce the demand for energy with energy cuts and promote the use of renewable electricity and renewable heat, by among other things, expanding the number of offshore wind farms. The legal requirement to be connected to the gas network is being scrapped and new gas networks will no longer be automatically installed with new housing developments. This is intended to reduce the use of gas.

      By 2035 the government wants only sustainable cars sold in the Netherlands. The railway sector also needs to switch to green power and all buses in public transport must be using renewable energy or biofuel by 2025. There will also be more investments in bicycle connections and parking to make cycling a more attractive option. And road haulers and the aviation sector are expected to switch to more sustainable fuels.

      Production processes in the industry will be changed to reduce CO2 emissions, and the emissions that do occur will be stored in depleted gas fields in the North Sea. And consumers will be encouraged to generate and store their own energy, which they can sell or use at a later point.

      "The transition to a low-CO2 energy supply has definitely started, there is no turning back", Kamp said. "We must realize that the shift to a low-CO2 economy requires large investments." The government is working on policies that will ensure that the shift to sustainable energy outweigh the costs, while staying affordable for citizens. "The cost savings made by offshore wind already show that this is possible", according to the Minister.

      The government ordered more research into the cost of shifting to green energy, the results of which are expected in mid next year. This means that the next government will have to continue with these plans. "Companies and local governments need certainty so that they can coordinate their plans. Next cabinets will have a lot of work to do, but we are laying the foundation on which they will be able to continue", Kamp said. He promised to work with involved parties to make agreements over expanding the policy.

      Environmental organizations are unimpressed with these plans, calling them unambitious. Mileudefensie, the Dutch Friends of the Earth, is pleasantly surprised by the steps to make residential areas gas-free, but finds that 2050 is way too late for that. Natuur & Milieu called it a "meager energy agenda containing too few building blocks to tackle climate change effectively". Greenpeace thinks Kamp is going in a "good direction, but the how of it lacks." The organizations all agree that the agenda lacks concrete goals for energy conservation, renewable energy and a higher CO2 price.

      The PvdA called the agenda a "story without ambition", according to The party thinks Kamp is not reducing carbon dioxide emissions fast enough. For example, the deadline to stop selling cars that run on fossil fuels should be 2025 instead of 2035, according to the party.

      D66 parliamentarian Stientje van Veldhoven said that there is "a big hole" in Kamp's plans. "The closure of coal plants is the cheapest and smartest way to reduce CO2 emissions", she said to the newspaper. According to her, without closing the coal plants, it is impossible to reduce CO2 emissions effectively. She also called the plan "without ambition" in the field of electric vehicles.

      The PvdA and D66 recently submitted a 10 step plan on how to encourage electric driving in the Netherlands. "
      schrieb am 11.12.16 16:37:20
      Beitrag Nr. 573 ()
      ohne freundliche Genehmigung des Users "tradit"

      MIT Mikroorganismen, Größte Power-to-Gas-Anlage der Welt entsteht, in Ungarn…

      "Mit Öko-Strom erzeugtes Gas gilt als Energieträger der Zukunft. Ein deutsches Unternehmen baut nun die größte Power-to-Gas-Anlage der Welt.

      Die MIT Abstand größte Power-to-Gas-Anlage der Welt baut das Unternehmen Electrochaea aus Planegg bei München in Ungarn. Sie wird eine Leistung von zehn Megawatt haben. In Dänemark läuft bereits das Vorgängermodell, das auf ein Zehntel dieser Leistung kommt.

      Electrochaea nutzt als Rohstoffe Kohlendioxid und Wasserstoff. Während die meisten anderen Entwickler diese beiden Gase mit Hilfe von Katalysatoren dazu bringen, sich miteinander zu Methan, also synthetischem Erdgas zu vereinen, setzen Geschäftsführer Mich Hein und Doris Hafenbradl, die das Ressort Technik leitet, auf Mikroorganismen. Die sogenannten Archaeen ernähren sich von Kohlendioxid und Wasserstoff und scheiden reines Methan aus.

      "Wir konnten die Effektivität unsere Mikroorganismen um das Zwanzigfache steigern", sagt Hafenbradl. Dass die Archaeen des Planegger Unternehmens SO fit sind, hat es dem Professor Laurens Mets vom Lehrstuhl für Molekulargenetik und Zell-Biologie der University of Chicago zu verdanken. Ihm ist es gelungen, Archaeen so zu züchten, dass sie NAHEDZU konkurrenzlos effektiv arbeiten. "Ganz ohne Genmanipulation", wie das Planegger Unternehmen beteuert.

      Erdgas, für Ungarns öffentliches Netz

      Das Methan, das in Ungarn produziert wird, soll ins öffentliche Erdgas eingespeist werden. Den Strom liefert das staatliche Energieversorgungsunternehmen MVM (Magyar Villamos Művek), mit dem Electrochaea eigens für den Bau der Anlage das Joint Venture "Power-to-Gas Hungary" gegründet hat.

      "Wir hoffen, dass wir einen günstigen Preis für elektrische Energie bekommen", sagt Hafenbradl. Davon hängt es ENTSCHEIDEND ab, ob die Power-to-Gas-Anlage wirtschaftlich arbeitet. Strom ist nötig, um Wasser in einem Elektrolyseur in Wasser- und Sauerstoff zu zerlegen. Der Wasserstoff wird gemeinsam mit dem Kohlendioxid in den Bioreaktor geleitet, in dem die Archaeen aktiv sind.

      "Idealerweise nutzten wir für die Wasserstoffproduktion Überschussstrom aus erneuerbaren Quellen", sagt Hafenbradl. Das lässt sich allerdings nicht konsequent machen, außer man akzeptiert, dass der Elektrolyseur mit vielen Unterbrechungen gefahren wird. Das würde zwar den Strompreis massiv reduzieren. Doch die Methanproduktion würde darunter leiden.

      NOCH keine Großanlage für Deutschland

      Da Strom in Deutschland derzeit besonders teuer ist, lässt sich - so Hafenbradl - eine Methanisierungsanlage hierzulande NICHT wirtschaftlich betreiben.

      In Dänemark, das ebenfalls sehr hohe Strompreise hat, ist es ebenso schwierig. Doch die dortige Anlage soll LEDIGLICH zeigen, dass es funktioniert. Sie benötigt auch weniger Wasserstoff als ein Bioreaktor, der nur mit Kohlendioxid und Wasserstoff beschickt wird. Die dänische Anlage wird mit Biogas betrieben, das neben Kohlendioxid Methan enthält, das praktisch nur durchgeschleust wird. "
      schrieb am 11.12.16 16:40:13
      Beitrag Nr. 574 ()
      ohne freundliche Genehmigung des Users "tradit"

      MIT Mikroorganismen, Größte Power-to-Gas-Anlage der Welt entsteht, in Ungarn…

      "Mit Öko-Strom erzeugtes Gas gilt als Energieträger der Zukunft. Ein deutsches Unternehmen baut nun die größte Power-to-Gas-Anlage der Welt.

      Die MIT Abstand größte Power-to-Gas-Anlage der Welt baut das Unternehmen Electrochaea aus Planegg bei München in Ungarn. Sie wird eine Leistung von zehn Megawatt haben. In Dänemark läuft bereits das Vorgängermodell, das auf ein Zehntel dieser Leistung kommt.

      Electrochaea nutzt als Rohstoffe Kohlendioxid und Wasserstoff. Während die meisten anderen Entwickler diese beiden Gase mit Hilfe von Katalysatoren dazu bringen, sich miteinander zu Methan, also synthetischem Erdgas zu vereinen, setzen Geschäftsführer Mich Hein und Doris Hafenbradl, die das Ressort Technik leitet, auf Mikroorganismen. Die sogenannten Archaeen ernähren sich von Kohlendioxid und Wasserstoff und scheiden reines Methan aus.

      "Wir konnten die Effektivität unsere Mikroorganismen um das Zwanzigfache steigern", sagt Hafenbradl. Dass die Archaeen des Planegger Unternehmens SO fit sind, hat es dem Professor Laurens Mets vom Lehrstuhl für Molekulargenetik und Zell-Biologie der University of Chicago zu verdanken. Ihm ist es gelungen, Archaeen so zu züchten, dass sie NAHEDZU konkurrenzlos effektiv arbeiten. "Ganz ohne Genmanipulation", wie das Planegger Unternehmen beteuert.

      Erdgas, für Ungarns öffentliches Netz

      Das Methan, das in Ungarn produziert wird, soll ins öffentliche Erdgas eingespeist werden. Den Strom liefert das staatliche Energieversorgungsunternehmen MVM (Magyar Villamos Művek), mit dem Electrochaea eigens für den Bau der Anlage das Joint Venture "Power-to-Gas Hungary" gegründet hat.

      "Wir hoffen, dass wir einen günstigen Preis für elektrische Energie bekommen", sagt Hafenbradl. Davon hängt es ENTSCHEIDEND ab, ob die Power-to-Gas-Anlage wirtschaftlich arbeitet. Strom ist nötig, um Wasser in einem Elektrolyseur in Wasser- und Sauerstoff zu zerlegen. Der Wasserstoff wird gemeinsam mit dem Kohlendioxid in den Bioreaktor geleitet, in dem die Archaeen aktiv sind.

      "Idealerweise nutzten wir für die Wasserstoffproduktion Überschussstrom aus erneuerbaren Quellen", sagt Hafenbradl. Das lässt sich allerdings nicht konsequent machen, außer man akzeptiert, dass der Elektrolyseur mit vielen Unterbrechungen gefahren wird. Das würde zwar den Strompreis massiv reduzieren. Doch die Methanproduktion würde darunter leiden.

      NOCH keine Großanlage für Deutschland

      Da Strom in Deutschland derzeit besonders teuer ist, lässt sich - so Hafenbradl - eine Methanisierungsanlage hierzulande NICHT wirtschaftlich betreiben.

      In Dänemark, das ebenfalls sehr hohe Strompreise hat, ist es ebenso schwierig. Doch die dortige Anlage soll LEDIGLICH zeigen, dass es funktioniert. Sie benötigt auch weniger Wasserstoff als ein Bioreaktor, der nur mit Kohlendioxid und Wasserstoff beschickt wird. Die dänische Anlage wird mit Biogas betrieben, das neben Kohlendioxid Methan enthält, das praktisch nur durchgeschleust wird. "
      schrieb am 13.12.16 04:11:38
      Beitrag Nr. 575 ()
      schrieb am 13.12.16 04:25:08
      Beitrag Nr. 576 ()
      Bill Gates Launches, $1,000,000,000, BreakTHROUGH Energy Investment Fund; In a post on his Gates Notes blog, Gates said the fund will invest in “scientific breakthroughs, that have the potential to deliver cheap, +reliable, clean energy, to the world.”, “We NEED affordable +reliable energy, that doesNT emit greenhouse gas, to power the future —&to get it, we need a different model for investing in GOOD ideas, +MOVING them from the lab to the market,” Gates said in his post…

      "Billionaire philanthropist and investor Bill Gates is launching a $1 billion fund, called Breakthrough Energy Ventures, to invest in new forms of clean energy. Gates has gathered a group of like-minded investors, including Silicon Valley venture capitalists John Doerr and Vinod Khosla and former hedge manager John Arnold, to join him in the fund.

      In a post on his Gates Notes blog, Gates said the fund will invest in “scientific breakthroughs that have the potential to deliver cheap and reliable clean energy to the world.”

      “We need affordable and reliable energy that doesn’t emit greenhouse gas to power the future—and to get it, we need a different model for investing in good ideas and moving them from the lab to the market,” Gates said in his post.

      The announcement of the fund comes a year after the United Nations climate change talks in Paris, where Gates unveiled the Breakthrough Energy Coalition – a group of some 20 billionaire business leaders from around the world, plus institutional investors, who committed to investing in new forms of energy. The coalition partnered with Mission Innovation, a group of 20 countries and the European Union that pledged to double their investment in clean energy research over five years. Gates calls the new Breakthrough Energy Ventures fund announced Monday the next step to the coalition formed in December 2015.

      The investors in Breakthrough Energy Ventures have a HIGH tolerance for risk and ARE willing to wait longer than typical venture funds for a return on their investment, Gates pointed out. The group has spelled out five “grand challenges” which it says are the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions around the world: electricity, buildings, manufacturing, transportation and food.

      Gates, the world’s richest man, has been an investor in various forms of new energy over the year, as have venture capitalists Doerr and Khosla. So far none of those investments have yielded technologies that have been widely adopted or that have been financially very successful. That underlines the challenges this fund faces: It’s not easy to select or develop successful new clean energy technologies. Yet Gates and others are optimistic that it’s possible."
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 13.12.16 04:33:50
      Beitrag Nr. 577 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.879.282 von Popeye82 am 13.12.16 04:25:08
      A New Model for Investing in Energy Innovation

      "By the middle of this century, the world will use twice as much energy as we use today.

      There’s good news in this: more energy means better lives and stronger economies.

      But it also means the world needs a new energy supply—one that doesn’t contribute to climate change. Climate change is a serious threat, especially in the poorest parts of the world.

      We need affordable and reliable energy that doesn’t emit greenhouse gas to power the future—and to get it, we need a different model for investing in good ideas and moving them from the lab to the market.

      That is why today, I, along with an incredible group of people who care a lot about energy innovation, am announcing the launch of Breakthrough Energy Ventures (BEV), a fund that will invest more than $1 billion in scientific breakthroughs that have the potential to deliver cheap and reliable clean energy to the world.

      It’s the next step in an effort that began last December, when we brought together private investors from around the globe who were passionate about solving this problem. We formed the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, a group of entrepreneurs, business leaders, and institutional investors committed to help bring promising new zero-emissions energy technologies to market.

      The Coalition partnered with Mission Innovation, an initiative of more than 20 countries and the European Union to double their investment in clean energy research and development in the next five years.

      As I’ve argued before, an investment in a true energy transformation requires governments, research institutions, businesses, and private investors to work together. And it’s hard to overstate how important this public commitment is. Government funding gives scientists the freedom to come up with bold new ideas and try to prove they will work. But government research is not enough. The world needs the skills and resources of investors with experience driving innovation from a lab to the marketplace. The private sector knows how to take great research, turn it into a great product, and ultimately create a great company to bring a transformative technology to market.

      It’s this type of public-private collaboration that’s given rise to advances in defense, space, medicine, and information technology. In fact, it’s what brought these words to your screen right now. During the Cold War, the Department of Defense developed a network of computers that could survive a nuclear attack, and private companies saw an opportunity to expand this technology to the public. Together, they created the Internet.

      When it comes to energy, though, this transition—from idea to product to company—is often complicated by the challenges of the market. Unlike a software start up, getting a new energy technology from a lab to market takes a lot of infrastructure, a lot of upfront capital, and a lot of time.

      The Breakthrough Energy Coalition created BEV to address some of those challenges in the energy market. We are willing to wait a longer time for returns than other funds. We have a higher tolerance for technical risk, because we know it’s tough to determine which technologies will succeed in a complicated energy market. We are led by our investors, who are a unique group of global business leaders, entrepreneurs, energy experts, and company builders who can help new companies navigate the challenges of building a business while developing partnerships with the companies and institutional investors who will help bring those products to scale.

      The fund is also driven by science. Because of the technical nature of succeeding in an energy market, we will build a team that knows as much about the science behind energy breakthroughs as the investment strategies necessary to build those businesses.

      Finally, the fund is committed to discovering breakthroughs, wherever they are. The world has made remarkable progress in wind and solar over the past decade, and these technologies will continue to play an important role in our zero-carbon energy mix. I have argued before that innovative industries deploy the technology they have while developing the technology they need. But because the scale of the challenge of providing reliable and affordable power without contributing to climate change is so vast, and the future energy needs are so great, we need to explore as many viable solutions as possible. As I’ve learned through my work in business and philanthropy: to be successful, you have to get the most out of the technology you already have while developing the technology you still need.

      After talking with some of the world’s greatest scientists, energy experts, and energy investors, the Coalition has developed a list of scientific priorities that will set us on the path toward the energy future we need. We see this list as a “landscape of innovation”—essentially, a roadmap that Breakthrough Energy Ventures and others can use to focus their attention and guide their investment decisions over the next two decades.

      In this landscape, we’ve outlined five grand challenges, corresponding to the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions around the world:

      Electricity: How can we deliver reliable, affordable zero-carbon electricity to the world?
      Buildings: How can we eliminate emissions from our homes, offices, hospitals, and schools?
      Manufacturing: How can we make everything we use without emitting greenhouse gases?
      Transportation: How can we get around our communities and the world without emitting carbon?
      Food: How can we feed the planet without contributing to climate change?

      Of course, no investor can answer these questions alone. That’s why, in addition to funding new ventures, Breakthrough Energy investors will help build a broader clean energy ecosystem. We’ll explore new partnerships with governments, businesses, and institutional investors who want to be part of the global energy transition. Through these partnerships, we will not only help organize more investments, but we will also help research new solutions. One of the Coalition’s partners is the University of California, which has an amazing capacity to innovate through their labs and universities. In the coming years, we’ll work with them to expand our research partnerships and identify the best ways to pull great inventions out of the lab and turn them into companies.

      Even though $1 billion is a significant step, it is just one of many steps on the path to a sustainable energy future.

      With patience, flexibility, collaboration, and a clear vision backed by meaningful investment, we, the fund’s investors, are confident the world can meet its energy needs in a way that is fair, safe, and sustainable. And we’re excited about the role that Breakthrough Energy Ventures will play in that effort."
      schrieb am 13.12.16 21:07:40
      Beitrag Nr. 578 ()
      schrieb am 15.12.16 02:35:42
      Beitrag Nr. 579 ()
      schrieb am 15.12.16 18:40:10
      Beitrag Nr. 580 ()
      schrieb am 16.12.16 17:56:03
      Beitrag Nr. 581 ()
      schrieb am 17.12.16 22:42:42
      Beitrag Nr. 582 ()
      "TNG Ltd (ASX: TNG) is an Australian resource company primarily focused on advancing its cornerstone asset, the 100%-owned Mount Peake Vanadium-Titanium-Iron Project in the Northern Territory. Mount Peake is advancing rapidly to construction, with a license to mine imminent and permitting and agreements at a late stage. Key Agreement TNG is positioning itself to develop and drive the vanadium based renewable energy market in Australia following the signing a key agreement with Sumitomo Electric Industries and Energy Made Clean (ASX: CCE). The Memorandum of Understanding (Mou) will see the three companies collaborate on the promotion, development and growth of Australia’s Vanadium Redox Flow Battery (VRF) market. TNG’s Managing Director, Mr Paul Burton says the rapid development and growth of off-grid and mobile energy solutions using both vanadium redox and lithium-ion battery technologies is widely acknowledged as “a transformational event in the global economy”. “There is no doubt that these are disruptive. They are disruptive to the big utility providers. People will be able to go off grid with a battery source that has a 20 or 30-year longevity and that keeps your operating costs down to a minimum. “If you look at most emerging economies around the world, in places like China 40 per cent of people are still living off the grid. The statistics are similar in India. “Essentially once the vanadium electrolyte is in (the battery) you don’t have to replace it. It has a very huge potential effect in a number of regions around the world.” Australia has the potential to be a key vanadium producer worldwide, but due to its size, it is also emerging as a key energy storage market. “Australia has an awful lot of remote communities and areas. There are a lot of aboriginal communities, small towns, roadhouses, cattle stations – all running off expensive, polluting diesel engines and off grid”. “So the question is, would a vanadium battery power these more efficiently and provide a cost saving and an environmental saving? The answer to all those, is yes.” Mr Burton said the Company was pleased to be collaborating with ‘a leading global industrial conglomerate’ in Sumitomo and ‘a rapidly growing renewable energy proponent’ in EMC. “We independently started reviewing the different vanadium redox battery providers around the world,” he told the Australian Investor. “Our view was that Sumitomo produce the best VRF batteries. We thought Sumitomo clearly has a plan to roll out these alternative energy batteries. ”They need two things. They need a vanadium electrolyte to go into the batteries and they also need an integration provider in the country. EMC fit that bill and we have a mine that is going to produce vanadium electrolyte.” The companies agreed to jointly establish a demonstration VRF of commercial size in Australia to showcase SEI’s technology. “The technology is already demonstrated in Japan. Sumitomo will send over a battery, we will supply the vanadium electrolyte, EMC will hook it up – we can then see which areas it will be most applicable.” The MoU follows TNG’s recent announcement that TNG had successfully produced high-purity, commercial grade vanadium electrolyte using vanadium pentoxide at Mount Peake. "
      schrieb am 19.12.16 21:39:31
      Beitrag Nr. 583 ()

      Sawdust Reinvented, Into Super Sponge for Oil Spills

      "Lowly sawdust, the sawmill waste that’s sometimes tossed onto home garage floors to soak up oil spilled by amateur mechanics, could receive some new-found respect thanks to science.

      Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have chemically modified sawdust to make it exceptionally oil-attracting and buoyant, characteristics that are ideal for cleaning oil spills in the icy, turbulent waters of the Arctic. The nontoxic material absorbs up to five times its weight in oil and stays afloat for at least four months.

      “Most of today’s oil remediation materials are designed for warm water use,” said PNNL microbiologist George Bonheyo, who leads the modified sawdust’s development from PNNL’s Marine Sciences Laboratory.

      “But as ice retreats in the Arctic Sea, fossil fuel developers are looking north, and we need new oil spill response methods that perform well in extreme conditions,” added Bonheyo, who also holds a joint appointment in bioengineering with Washington State University.

      “The chance of an oil spill in the Arctic is real,” said fellow PNNL microbiologist Robert Jeters, who is also part of the project. “We hope materials like our modified sawdust can help if an accident happens.”


      Fire, &ice
      Containing oil spills in cold waters is especially tricky, as bobbing ice chunks push oil below the water’s surface, making it difficult to collect. The same goes for rough waters, whose tall, clashing waves disperse oil.

      The modified saw dust pulls double duty. Beyond absorbing oil, it also enhances another approach to combatting oil spills – controlled burns. If changing weather or tides move spilled oil toward a sensitive area fast, oil can be burned before it can cause further harm. Called in-situ burning, the practice can significantly reduce the amount of oil in water and minimize its adverse environmental effects.

      Bonheyo and his team looked to develop an environmentally friendly and inexpensive material that floats despite rough or freezing waters and can support in-situ burning. Not wanting to create more pollution if emergency responders can’t retrieve oil cleanup material, Bonheyo’s team considered other natural ingredients like rice hulls and silica. But they ultimately found their winner in a fine dust called wood flour. A woodworking byproduct, wood flour is often used to make wood composites.

      Continue reading at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory........................................

      Image courtesy of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory via Flickr."
      schrieb am 19.12.16 21:46:50
      Beitrag Nr. 584 ()
      schrieb am 19.12.16 21:55:10
      Beitrag Nr. 585 ()
      A Fish Adapting Quickly, to Lethal Levels of Pollution

      "Evolution is working HARD to rescue some urban fish from a lethal, human-altered environment, according to a new study published Dec. 9 in the journal Science. Researchers from the University of California, Davis and the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science conducted the study.

      While environmental change is outpacing the rate of evolution for many other species, Atlantic killifish living in four polluted East Coast estuaries turn out to be remarkably resilient. These fish have adapted to levels of highly toxic industrial pollutants that would normally kill them.

      The killifish is up to 8,000 times more resistant to this level of pollution than other fish, the study found. While the fish is not commercially valuable, it is an important food for other species and an environmental indicator.

      What makes Atlantic killifish so special is their extremely high levels of genetic variation, higher than any other vertebrate—humans included—measured so far. The more genetic diversity, the faster evolution can act. That’s one reason why insects and weeds can quickly adapt and evolve to resist pesticides, and why pathogens can evolve quickly to resist drugs created to destroy them. Not all species are so lucky, however.

      “The whole genome sequencing of the Atlantic killfish revealed innovative insights into how animals quickly evolve and may adapt to climate change because of its biology and ecology. Two co-authors from UM Rosenstiel School, Douglas Crawford and Marjorie Oleksiak, initiated genomic research in the Atlantic killfish by isolating more than 69,000 genes sequences and discovered large genetic variation. “Killfish have large populations that make natural selection more effective and live in a diversity of environments which enhances the genetic diversity,” said Douglas Crawford. “This genetic diversity is the basis for evolutionary adaptation that was revealed by taking the ambitious goal to sequencing the whole genome of 394 individuals.”

      “Some people will see this as a positive and think, ‘Hey, species can evolve in response to what we’re doing to the environment!’” said lead author Andrew Whitehead, associate professor in the UC Davis Department of Environmental Toxicology and lead author of the study. “Unfortunately, most species we care about preserving probably can’t adapt to these rapid changes because they don’t have the high levels of genetic variation that allow them to evolve quickly.”......................................"
      schrieb am 19.12.16 21:59:52
      Beitrag Nr. 586 ()
      MILLIONS exposed to mercury, in urban Pakistan; >40 per cent of Pakistanis living in urban areas are exposed to mercury contamination, through dust particles +bioaccumulation, says a new study
      schrieb am 19.12.16 23:30:24
      Beitrag Nr. 587 ()
      schrieb am 20.12.16 22:40:11
      Beitrag Nr. 588 ()
      schrieb am 20.12.16 22:48:26
      Beitrag Nr. 589 ()
      schrieb am 21.12.16 13:03:42
      Beitrag Nr. 590 ()
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 21.12.16 13:11:42
      Beitrag Nr. 591 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.931.743 von Popeye82 am 21.12.16 13:03:42

      - ZAPINAMO IS CHANGING THE WAY WE CHARGE ELECTRIC VEHICLES. ZAPINAMO [pronounced ZAP-IN-A-MO] will change the way people charge Electric Vehicles [EV’s], like UBER disrupting the Taxi market, ZAPINAMO will revolutionise the EV charging experience. It will also enable high speed rapid charging where the Grid will not allow it, saving time, money, expensive ground works, planning permissions and enormous substation and network upgrades. TfL, OLEV and the DfT recognise this as game-changing. We have a signed MOU in place with Heathrow Airport Limited to help their task of switching to EV’s over the next 5 years for both passenger side vehicles and 6500 vehicles airside - they are currently at Grid capacity 18 hours a day and cannot upgrade the grid connections without vast expense and disruption. We have been approached by LoCITY to participate in TfL trials for the encouragement of business to increase the uptake of commercial vehicles. We have recently completed data trials in London substantiating the non-viability of PHEV and EV Taxi’s under the new legislation due to impact in January 2018, unless an alternative system like ZAPINAMO is in place, and our proof of concept demonstration unit is complete and available at our workshop. All of this supports the need to improve the Air Quality in the UK and help improve public health which costs London £3.7 billion in 2015, and are global issues regarding transport emissions. -…
      schrieb am 21.12.16 13:23:13
      Beitrag Nr. 592 ()

      - BATM Advanced Communications Limited (LON:BVC) has won a second contract for its agri-waste disposal technology from Israel’s largest food company.

      Chief executive Zvi Marom tells Proactive the contract, worth about $2 mln, is for the supply and installation of a unit at one of the customer's bovine slaughterhouses.

      Installation will begin immediately and is due to be completed in 2017. -
      schrieb am 21.12.16 14:59:26
      Beitrag Nr. 593 ()
      schrieb am 21.12.16 17:41:09
      Beitrag Nr. 594 ()……

      "Coal-fired power plants are widely acknowledged to be the major source - 44%, according to the International Energy Agency 2014 Report - of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions, the primary causes of global warming and climate change. As a result, governments around the world have introduced increasingly stringent regulations in an effort to force power generators to switch to renewable fuel sources that emit far fewer pollutants and cause considerably less damage to the environment.

      The European Parliament has made phasing out coal a major priority, committing member states to a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and to ensuring that 20% of their total energy consumption is derived from renewable sources by 2020. In the United States, President Obama’s Clean Power Plan aims to reduce carbon dioxide levels in 2030 by 32% from 2005 levels, and to increase renewable energy generation by 30% - primarily by instructing coal-fired energy producers to ‘Clean Up or Shut Down’.

      Their efforts are already bearing fruit: global coal use decreased by at least 2.3% in 2015, and is expected to continue to fall - in the U.S. coal consumption fell by 11% between January and July 2015, and coal’s share of electricity generation fell to 36% in 2015 from 50% in 2005.

      However, during the transition to a decarbonised future and the elimination of fossil fuels, governments have a duty to deliver their citizens secure, reliable and cost-efficient energy. Immediately shutting down coal-fired power stations would lead to a dramatic fall in electricity generation capacity, with potentially catastrophic economic and sociological consequences.

      According to the IEA Clean Coal Centre, there are over 2,300 coal fired power plants worldwide (7,000 individual units). To date, the only method of reducing the harmful emissions they produce was to install expensive chemical scrubbers, or to modify them - ‘retro-fitting’ - to burn renewable fuels, typically Biomass. One of the best-known examples is the Drax power plant in the U.K., which has committed to spending some £700 million (US$1.1 billion) on converting three of its coal-fired generating units to burn Biomass, and a similar amount to establish fuel manufacturing facilities in the U.S. to supply them with feedstock.

      Biomass - a carbon neutral renewable energy source derived from plant- or wood-based matter, which provides an 85% net saving on carbon dioxide emissions compared to coal - is an effective alternative to coal, and already accounts for some 60% of European Union renewable energy production. But enabling coal-fired power plants to burn Biomass without costly retro-fitting has long been the ‘holy grail’ of the power generation industry.

      AEG CoalSwitch is the world’s first ‘drop-in’ Biomass fuel that can directly replace coal completely - or be co-fired at high percentages with coal - in industrial power plants, without requiring any furnace, logistics, handling or storage modifications.

      Uniquely, AEG CoalSwitch fuel possesses comparable energy (BTU) levels to coal, and has similar handling and friability characteristics, which combined with greatly-reduced low- and mid-volatiles post-production makes it safer to handle than traditional Biomass pellets or other fuels.

      The result of seven years of extensive research and development, for which seventeen ‘greenfield’ patents have already been filed, AEG CoalSwitch is set to transform the power generation industry and propel Biomass into the energy mainstream.

      It enables coal-fired power plant owners to significantly reduce pollution levels and greenhouse gas emissions, immediately benefitting the environment and improving air quality; and allowing them to continue generating power while complying with new emissions regulations.

      Uniquely, the AEG CoalSwitch manufacturing technology works with any plant- or wood-based Biomass material, including previously-unusable timber (branches, bark and forestry thinnings), sawmill waste (contaminated or aged sawdust and offcuts) and industrial timber (construction and demolition waste, chemically-impregnated wood and railway sleepers/railroad ties); by removing contaminants in an organic process that leaves no harmful residues.

      Aside from producing high-energy fuel with similar characteristic to coal, the AEG CoalSwitch process provides several key advantages over existing Biomass fuel pelleting solutions. They include high volume throughput, lower production costs, the ability to supply the finished feedstock in different formats (pellets, granules, briquettes and bales) and - crucially - greatly reduced storage, handling and distribution costs, as the final product is hydrophobic (i.e. water-resistant).

      Commencing in 2016, AEG CoalSwitch - a joint venture between Active Energy Group Plc and Biomass Energy Enhancements LLC, the process inventors - intends to roll out an innovative ‘build-own-operate-toll’ business model, under which the company will construct a network of advanced demountable fuel manufacturing facilities close to large-scale Biomass raw material sources, including forests, sawmills and agricultural/industrial waste sites

      For more information on AEG CoalSwitch and how we may be able to work together, please complete our Contact Us form, or email Dan Shaw, AEG CoalSwitch Director of Business Development, at

      AEG TimberLands

      AEG WoodFibre "

      - Active Energy’s Coalswitch business has reached an important threshold as it aims to tap into the power industry's move to find cleaner alternatives to coal says Michael Rowan, chairman.
      AEG CoalSwitch has developed an environmentally-friendly process that cleanses raw timber biomass by removing salts, minerals and other contaminants that harm the atmosphere and damage power plant furnaces.
      It can then be used by thermal power stations as a cheaper alternative to clean coal conversion.
      Coalswitch has just been consolidated into the Active Energy PLC with its main shareholder giving its backing by switching a chunk of debt into equity.
      The rationale is that it complements the existing Ukraine forestry and Timberlands development businesses very nicely and will allow all three to grow in step. -
      schrieb am 22.12.16 00:00:39
      Beitrag Nr. 595 ()
      schrieb am 22.12.16 06:02:24
      Beitrag Nr. 596 ()
      These giant batteries may save your power bill; Snohomish County is embarking on the biggest evaluation so far of batteries, that can do both missions, +a lot more…

      "EVERETT, Wash. -- An electric substation in Everett is trying something new that could ultimately save you money on your energy bills by storing renewable energy in giant batteries.

      When the wind is calm, wind turbines don't generate as much power. Same thing for solar panels when the sun goes down. But when the wind blows and the sun shines, enough power can be stored in the Snohomish County PUD's new advanced vanadium flow batteries to run 1,000 homes for eight hours.

      The utility says the batteries also have the effect of balancing out the open market for power. For example, when you get home from work and start turning everything on, power consumption spikes. That frequently sends utilities to buy power on the open market -- often at a higher price -- to keep the lights on.

      Each battery was built inside 20-foot-long shipping containers by UniEnergy Technologies (UET) of Mukilteo. Each battery has four containers holding liquid electrolyte and other equipment that generates the voltage. One container holds the computerized brains, such as the battery management system, and switching equipment that flips between charging and discharging.

      There are four of these at the Everett substation. The batteries are expected last 20 years with little more than occasional maintenance says UET. For now, it's believed to be the largest containerized flow battery in the world. Snohomish Co. PUD will evaluate these batteries and another lithium ion battery system installed in 2014.

      "These are long duration batteries, so these can operate and charge and discharge for several hours in each direction," says Russ Weed, UET vice president of Business Development and Marketing.

      Another set of batteries is at work with Avista Utilites in Pullman. A third installation is underway in Italy.

      Unlike lithium ion, these batteries won't present a flammability risk, says UET. They work by using a new Vanadium molecule the company says developed at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Eastern Washington.

      The batteries work by pumping the charged Vanadium electrolyte liquid through a box called a "stack." The stack contains layers of steel, copper, plastics, and carbon says the company. Like other batteries, one tank acts as a cathode (a negatively charged electrode) and other as an anode (a positively charged electrode). As electrons flow through the stacks, voltage is generated.

      Copyright 2016 KING"
      schrieb am 22.12.16 17:59:13
      Beitrag Nr. 597 ()
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 22.12.16 18:03:11
      Beitrag Nr. 598 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.941.916 von Popeye82 am 22.12.16 17:59:13
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 22.12.16 18:11:36
      Beitrag Nr. 599 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.941.952 von Popeye82 am 22.12.16 18:03:11

      - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory battery scientist Venkat Srinivasan chats with Sabin Russell, former San Francisco Chronicle reporter turned Berkeley Lab science writer. They explore the problems that prevent lithium-ion batteries from being widely used in electric, hybrid-electric, and plug-in-hybrid-electric vehicles. Series: "Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Summer Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 22552] -

      - Increased demand for energy storage in consumer electronics, electric vehicles and the power grid presents opportunities and challenges for rechargeable battery research and development. Lithium ion batteries have been the dominant power source for consumer electronics. This lecture reviews the existing technology and presents promising future battery technologies that could have significantly higher energy density, lower cost, better safety and longer life. Novel battery chemistries and materials are key to a revolutionary change. SLAC facilities can play an important role in fundamental and applied research on batteries.

      Yi Cui is an associate professor at Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. He received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1998 and a PhD from Harvard University in 2002. He was a Miller Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley from 2003 to 2005. Cui is an associate editor of Nano Letters and a co-director of the Bay Area Photovoltaic Consortium, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. He founded Amprius Inc. in 2008 to commercialize high-energy battery technology. -
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 22.12.16 18:57:50
      Beitrag Nr. 600 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.942.030 von Popeye82 am 22.12.16 18:11:36
      schrieb am 23.12.16 10:10:00
      Beitrag Nr. 601 ()
      schrieb am 23.12.16 10:29:26
      Beitrag Nr. 602 ()
      schrieb am 23.12.16 14:09:08
      Beitrag Nr. 603 ()
      schrieb am 23.12.16 14:21:42
      Beitrag Nr. 604 ()
      schrieb am 26.12.16 18:39:16
      Beitrag Nr. 605 ()
      UNIST Researchers Turn Waste Gas into Road-Ready Diesel Fuel…
      schrieb am 26.12.16 18:41:21
      Beitrag Nr. 606 ()
      Corals Survived Caribbean Climate Change…
      schrieb am 26.12.16 18:46:14
      Beitrag Nr. 607 ()
      Continental bringt Löwenzahnkautschuk ins Nutzfahrzeug; Eine technische Revolution, jetzt auch für Nutzfahrzeuge: Continental präsentiert erstmals Komponenten +Reifen für Lkw +Busse, die aus einem Naturkautschuk aus der Löwenzahnwurzel gefertigt wurden. Das Technologieunternehmen stellt auf der anstehenden IAA Nutzfahrzeuge erstmals Lkw-Reifen aus dem innovativen +nachhaltigen Löwenzahnkautschuk der Öffentlichkeit vor. Es handelt sich dabei um Conti EcoPlus HD3 Reifen, die im Sommer 2016 hergestellt wurden. Außerdem zeigt Continental den Prototypen eines Motorlagers, das Antriebsaggregat +Fahrgestell verbindet. Es isoliert den Körperschall des Motors, +erhöht damit den Fahrkomfort +die Sicherheit für den Fahrer. Als weiterer Prototyp wird erstmals ein Gelenkwellenzwischenlager aus dem neuen Material mit dem Namen „Taraxagum“ präsentiert. Es stabilisiert +minimiert die Schwingungsübertragung in das Fahrgestell…
      schrieb am 26.12.16 18:49:18
      Beitrag Nr. 608 ()
      schrieb am 26.12.16 19:33:59
      Beitrag Nr. 609 ()
      Mikroben verarbeiten Rauchgas, von Kohlekraftwerken, zu Bioplastik; Die Rauchwolken stehen imposant über den riesigen Kohlekraftwerken am Niederrhein +in der Lausitz: Was wie Wolken aussieht, ist ein Klimakiller. Jetzt haben Ingenieure ein Verfahren entwickelt, das die Abgase als Rohstoff nutzt. Mikroben produzieren aus dem Rauch Bioplastik
      schrieb am 26.12.16 19:36:04
      Beitrag Nr. 610 ()
      schrieb am 26.12.16 19:47:15
      Beitrag Nr. 611 ()
      Betonkugel als Stromspeicher wird im Bodensee versenkt; Der Bodensee wird zum Energiespeicher: Heute wird eine Betonkugel in 100 m Tiefe vor Überlingen abgesetzt. Ein vierwöchiger Testlauf soll zeigen, OB die Hohlkugel als Speicherkraftwerk für Offshore-Strom taugt. Das Potenzial für diese neue Art der Zwischenspeicherung von überschüssigem Strom ist riesig
      - Dieser Kugelpumpspeicher wird heute auf dem Grund des Bodensees verankert. Die Kugel wird nun vier Wochen getestet und erzeugt Strom, wenn das Wasser in die Kugel strömt. -…

      "Bisher lief alles nach Plan. Die Betonkugel mit einem Durchmesser von 3 m wurde gestern im Fährhafen von Konstanz in den Bodensee gebracht und soll heute etwa 200 m vor dem Ufer in Überlingen in 100 m Tiefe abgelassen werden. Für die nächsten vier Wochen muss die Hohlkugel den Praxistest bestehen. Mit dem Modell im Maßstab 1:10 wird erprobt, ob solche Betonkugeln für die Zwischenspeicherung von Strom aus Offshore-Windparks tatsächlich funktionieren.

      Das Ziel wären Windparks mit 80 bis 200 Kugelspeichern in direkter Nähe zu einem Offshore-Windpark. Wenn die Windräder mehr Strom produzieren als gebraucht wird, können die vollen Kugeln mit der überschüssigen Energie leer gepumpt werden. Herrscht dagegen Flaute, produzieren die Kugelspeicher per Knopfdruck sofort Strom.

      - Um als Speicherkraftwerk für einen Windpark zu dienen, stellen sich die Forscher ein Feld mit bis zu 200 Kugelspeichern in Meerestiefen zwischen 600 und 800 m vor. Jede dieser Kugeln hat einen Durchmesser von 30 m.
      Foto: Fraunhofer IWES
      K -

      Kugel IST ein Pumpspeicherkraftwerk

      Das Prinzip des neuartigen Meerespumpspeichers ist einfach. In der hohlen Betonkugel befindet sich auf der Oberseite eine Öffnung mit einer Pumpturbine. Öffnet man ein Ventil an der Kugel, strömt Wasser in die Kugel und treibt die Turbine an, die Strom erzeugt. Das entspricht dem Entladen des Speichers. Beim Laden des Speichers wird Wasser mit überschüssigem Windstrom aus der Kugel, gegen den Druck der Wassersäule aus der Kugel herausgepumpt. Die Speicherkapazität steigt bei gleichem Volumen linear mit der Wassertiefe an.

      - Größere Exemplare dieser Betonkugel sollen künftig als Energiespeicher im offenen Meer eingesetzt werden. In der Nähe von von Offshore-Windparks könnten Felder mit bis zu 200 Kugeln große Mengen Strom zwischenspeichern. -

      Das Prinzip geht auf die beiden Physik-Professoren Horst Schmidt-Böcking und Gerhard Luther der Universitäten Frankfurt und Saarbrücken zurück. Fünf Jahre hat es gedauert, bis die Erfindung zur Anwendungsreife gebracht werden konnte. Das auf Energiesystemtechnik spezialisierte Fraunhofer-Institut IWES in Kassel hat dies im Projekt Stensea (Stored Energy in the Sea), das vom Bundeswirtschaftsministerium gefördert wurde, erreicht. Die Betonkugel selbst wurde vom Unternehmen Hochtief Engineering in Frankfurt hergestellt.

      Später liegt Kugelspeicher in 600 bis 800 m Tiefe

      „Auf Basis der Vorstudie haben wir eine detaillierte Systemanalyse mit Konstruktion, Bau- und Logistikkonzept des Druckbehälters durchgeführt“, so Projektleiter Matthias Puchta vom Fraunhofer IWES. Man habe eine Pump-Turbinen-Einheit entwickelt, die Einbindung in das Stromnetz untersucht und Wirtschaftlichkeitsberechnungen durchgeführt. Im vierwöchigen Modellversuch im Bodensee sollen nun Detailfragen zur Konstruktion, Betriebsführung und Regelung überprüft werden.

      - Wirkungsprinzip der Betonkugeln als Pumpspeicherkraftwerke. -

      Danach werden geeignete Standorte für ein Demonstrationsobjekt in Europa genauer untersucht. Die Kugel im späteren Echtbetrieb würde dann einen Durchmesser von 30 m haben. Sicher ist, dass das Konzept erst ab Wassertiefen von etwa 600 bis 800 m im Meer wirtschaftlich anwendbar sein wird.

      Die Speicherkapazität steigt bei gleichem Volumen linear mit der Wassertiefe und beträgt für eine 30-Meter-Kugel bei 700 m ungefähr 20 MWh. Potenzial für die Anwendung der neuen Speichersysteme sehen die Fraunhofer-Forscher beispielsweise vor Norwegen und Spanien, aber auch vor den Küsten der USA und Japan.

      Geringe ökologische Auswirkungen der Stromspeicher

      Mögliche Auswirkungen auf die Unterwasserwelt haben die Physiker und Ingenieure des Fraunhofer-Instituts ebenfalls bedacht. Die ökologischen Risiken durch die eingesetzten Materialien der Betonkugel, die überwiegend aus Stahl und Beton besteht, seien gering und würden entsprechend ausgewählt, sagt Matthias Puchta. „Wir haben eine Pumpturbine ausgewählt, die auch zur Förderung von Trinkwasser eingesetzt wird. Das Einsaugen von Tieren wird durch die Sicherstellung einer geringen Strömungsgeschwindigkeit am Wassereintritt und durch ein entsprechend sehr feinmaschiges Gitter verhindert. Für einen möglichen Versuch im Meer gilt ähnliches, nur in einem größeren Maßstab.“

      Ganz andere Konzepte zur Speicherung von Energie aus Windparks verfolgt der Netzbetreiber Tennet. Er will eine Energie-Insel vor der belgischen Küste bauen, die als Pumpspeicherkraftwerk dienen soll.

      - In der Nähe von Überlingen wird dieser Kugelpumpspeicher in einer Tiefe von 100 m verankert, um Strom zu speichern.
      Foto: Felix Kä - "
      schrieb am 26.12.16 19:51:34
      Beitrag Nr. 612 ()
      Germany's solar PV owners go Uber

      " If I had to bet on who will have the most impact on the future of the energy market, Donald Trump or Lumenaza, I would put my money on Lumenaza.

      This three year-old German startup has introduced a brilliant innovation to the German market which may soon allow all of Germany’s 1.4 million households with rooftop solar panels “to go Uber” with their own electricity production.

      That is to say, they will be able to produce power not just for themselves, but also sell it to their neighbours and fellow residents.

      Just as anybody nowadays can be a taxi driver thanks to Uber, a hotel owner thanks to AirBnB, a journalist, photographer, economist, historian, financial analyst, politician, etc. etc. etc. thanks to the internet, so people will be able to be energy providers thanks to the type of software developed by the likes of Lumenaza.

      The CEO of Lumenaza, Christian Chudoba, tells the story behind his company in this interview he had with Sonja van Renssen this week. Don’t miss it.........................."
      schrieb am 26.12.16 19:55:40
      Beitrag Nr. 613 ()
      DIESER Elektro-Laster lässt sich in vier Stunden von einer Person zusammenbauen; Mit einem Truck, der leicht, leise +umweltfreundlich ist, will der Unternehmer Denis Sverdlov den britischen Lkw-Markt von hinten aufrollen. Der Elektro-Laster Charge soll 2017 in unterschiedlichen Größen gebaut werden, wobei ein Fahrzeug in nur vier Stunden von einer Person montiert wird. Die Software für autonomes Fahren wird auch gleich mitgeliefert
      schrieb am 26.12.16 20:15:56
      Beitrag Nr. 614 ()
      Disrupting $60,000,000,000 Palm Oil Industry, with BUGS; the Indonesian startup makes cooking oil from insects, which is more sustainable +richer in nutrients than palm oil

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 26.12.16 20:23:51
      Beitrag Nr. 615 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.956.763 von Popeye82 am 26.12.16 20:15:56


      schrieb am 26.12.16 21:46:32
      Beitrag Nr. 616 ()
      schrieb am 26.12.16 22:32:33
      Beitrag Nr. 617 ()
      schrieb am 26.12.16 22:47:54
      Beitrag Nr. 618 ()
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 26.12.16 22:50:08
      Beitrag Nr. 619 ()
      BURNING issues

      "“Unprecedented uncertainty facing the energy sector, as a result of climate policies and technological and economic changes.” That was the story of energy for the last couple of years.

      Well, get ready to be nostalgic. They were a summer picnic, a crowded street in an unknown city, compared to the uncharted territory, the stormy oceans we are entering now.

      Shale gas, CO2 reductions, cheap solar and wind power, peak oil demand, electric cars? Tough challenges, sure.

      But easy compared to what we are up against now: a political order that seems to be coming apart at the seams.

      While we at Energy Post continue to publish our articles – this week on the latest reform proposals of the EU Emission Trading System (ETS), on the urgent need for a policy debate on “negative emissions”, on the effects of the earthquakes in North West Europe’s largest gas province, Groningen, on the potential of fast breeder nuclear reactors – all fine articles, by the way, highly recommended – bigger events may soon be upseting all our plans and schemes.

      The new Trump administration may ditch the Paris Climate Agreement – or, for that matter, start a third World War (the Generals are already in place). What will come of “climate policy” then? Michael Klare, hard-hitting energy author, certainly thinks that Donald Trump may cause planetary disaster if he gets his way.

      On this side of the pond, with key elections coming up in France, Germany and the Netherlands, some Eastern European member states slipping back into nationalistic dictatorships, the European Central Bank experimenting with the euro for the greater good of saving fiscally irresponsible EU governments, we can’t rule out the possibility that the EU may fall apart. What will happen to something like the EU ETS then? Your guess is as good as mine.

      But what can we do but to carry on? To fight for a civilised order and rational energy and climate policies? Not to mention continue innovating and investing for a better future?

      That’s why we felt it right to end the year with an article by energy veteran Walt Patterson who presents a fascinating perspective on what he regards as the world’s fundamental energy and climate problem. What that problem is? You can read it in his appropriately entitled article: The burning issue.

      We are taking a break now and coming back in January. But not before we share with you, as we do every year, our top-10 of best-read articles of the year.

      We didn’t have any articles this year that went truly viral, but we had a solid readership base all year round. The most popular articles were all read well over 4,000 times, with the top ones going over the 10,000 mark. That doesn’t count the many thousands of times they were read on socila media or on our sister website The Energy Collective, which publishes most of our articles. Energy Post as a whole had over 400,000 unique visitors this year.

      Here is the list – you can draw your own conclusions about which topics are the hottest in energy at the moment:

      Mark Diesendorf, Renewable energy versus nuclear: dispelling the myths
      Rauli Partanen, The looming Nordic energy crisis
      Zachary Shahan, Why hydrogen fuel cell cars are not competitive — from a hydrogen fuel cell expert
      Andreas de Vries and Salman Ghouri - Wake up call for oil companies: electric vehicles will deflate oil demand
      Karel Beckman - Can Nord Stream 2 be stopped?
      Jeffrey Michel - Germany sets a new solar storage record
      Jilles van den Beukel - Why oil prices are going up – and will continue to go up
      Michael Klare - Twenty-first century energy wars: how oil and gas are fuelling global conflicts
      Schalk Cloete - Can battery electrics disrupt the internal combustion engine? Part 1: “No”
      Jakub Kucera - The German conundrum: renewables break records, coal refuses to go away

      Perhaps you will have some time to explore these and other articles on our website over the Christmas and New Year break. We are grateful if you see a chance to share them on social media.

      A special thanks also to all of you who took a subscription to our premium newsletter Energy Post Weekly (which will return on 13 January) and to all the companies that supported us in one way or the other (note that an updated version of the EUEnergy App, which we developed with Shell, will be available in January).

      We wish you happy holidays and above all a spirited, inspiring, resolute, engaged, undaunted 2017!

      Karel Beckman, editor in chief
      Matthew James, publisher "
      schrieb am 26.12.16 23:06:01
      Beitrag Nr. 620 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.957.159 von Popeye82 am 26.12.16 22:47:54…
      schrieb am 27.12.16 20:40:32
      Beitrag Nr. 621 ()
      UK bioeconomy supports >5,000,000 jobs, an interview with Margaret Smallwood, CEO BioVale

      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 27.12.16 20:43:09
      Beitrag Nr. 622 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.961.584 von Popeye82 am 27.12.16 20:40:32
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 27.12.16 20:44:46
      Beitrag Nr. 623 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.961.614 von Popeye82 am 27.12.16 20:43:09
      schrieb am 27.12.16 21:36:54
      Beitrag Nr. 624 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.879.282 von Popeye82 am 13.12.16 04:25:08
      Let ME fund Your NEXT Energy Breakthrough

      schrieb am 27.12.16 22:21:31
      Beitrag Nr. 625 ()
      Could Rudolph(and friends) help to slow down our warming climate?
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 28.12.16 00:09:33
      Beitrag Nr. 626 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.962.190 von Popeye82 am 27.12.16 22:21:31
      Rudolph's antlers inspire next generation of UNbreakable materials

      "The team looked at the antler structure at the 'nano-level', which is incredibly small, almost one thousandth of the thickness of a hair strand, and were able to identify the mechanisms at work, using state-of-the-art computer modelling and x-ray techniques.

      First author Paolino De Falco from QMUL's School of Engineering and Materials Science said: "The fibrils that make up the antler are staggered rather than in line with each other. This allows them to absorb the energy from the impact of a clash during a fight."

      The research, published in the journal ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, provides new insights and fills a previous gap in the area of structural modelling of bone. It also opens up possibilities for the creation of a new generation of materials that can resist damage.

      Co-author Dr Ettore Barbieri, also from QMUL's School of Engineering and Materials Science, said: "Our next step is to create a 3D printed model with fibres arranged in staggered configuration and linked by an elastic interface.

      The aim is to prove that additive manufacturing - where a prototype can be created a layer at a time - can be used to create damage resistant composite material."..........................."
      schrieb am 28.12.16 00:21:27
      Beitrag Nr. 627 ()
      schrieb am 28.12.16 00:35:44
      Beitrag Nr. 628 ()
      Warren Buffet of Canada Invests in Farmers Edge, as kleiner Perkins Exits…
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 28.12.16 00:39:32
      Beitrag Nr. 629 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.962.685 von Popeye82 am 28.12.16 00:35:44
      schrieb am 28.12.16 19:12:09
      Beitrag Nr. 630 ()
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 28.12.16 19:18:05
      Beitrag Nr. 631 ()
      See-Through Solar COULD Turn Windows, Phones Into Power Sources; "It's a WHOLE new way of thinking about solar energy," says startup CEO about using transparent solar cells on buildings +electronics
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 28.12.16 19:25:12
      Beitrag Nr. 632 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.967.494 von Popeye82 am 28.12.16 19:18:05
      "You CAN let your imagination run wild"
      schrieb am 28.12.16 20:56:13
      Beitrag Nr. 633 ()
      schrieb am 28.12.16 21:02:17
      Beitrag Nr. 634 ()
      schrieb am 28.12.16 22:05:11
      Beitrag Nr. 635 ()
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 28.12.16 22:20:50
      Beitrag Nr. 636 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.968.664 von Popeye82 am 28.12.16 22:05:11
      "Tom G.

      I fully support what this article is promoting, however much more needs to be done. Decarbonization of society is not the only thing that matters. Waste heat from power plants matter, too many cows, pigs, turkeys and chickens matter, too many people on the planet matters, refrigerant gasses matter, food waste matters, landfill gas matters, methane leaks matter, waste water treatment matters, SUV's with one passenger matters, private jets matter and I could go on and on.

      What is needed is not just a single action like that being promoted in this article which by the way I FULLY support, but an overall strategy to address ALL of the contributing factors I mentioned above. And that list of contributing factors by the way is not a complete list or the only things that matter. Almost every day I see people harping about CO2, or abortion rights or clouds in the sky or dust from some farming operation or the methane gas from cows. NO ONE - ANYWHERE - has a comprehensive plan in place to address what needs to be done to save our planet from us.

      Years ago I coined the following phrase. We need to focus on "clean air to breathe and water to drink for everyone on our planet" instead of constantly complaining about CO2, natural gas leaks and cow farts. We need an overall strategy that addresses ALL of the contributing factors. A plan of action that will result in "clean air to breathe and water to drink" for everyone. We need to identify ALL of the contributing factors, establish a clear set of Goals and Objectives for each one and then priorities and focus our efforts on the significant few first. And no I have not done a study to determine what needs to be prioritized. However, as someone who has worked in the energy field for over 25 years, wasting 70% of every BTU of heat energy we create by burning coal or using nuclear heat is very wasteful. At lease Combined Cycle Natural Gas plants only waste about 40% of every BTU heat energy we create by burning the natural gas.

      So why all of this strategic planning, goals and objectives stuff? Well for one thing just go ask your neighbor if they understand the consequences of 403 ppm of CO2 on a mountain top in Hawaii. It is my belief that more than 90% of our population will just look at you with a blank stare. Outside of the scientific community and the few thousand readers here, the general population can't even tell you what ppm means. Heck about 21 percent of adults in the U.S. read below a 5th grade level, and 19 percent of high school graduates can't read at all and these are the people we are expecting to get behind a big push to reduce carbon. I hate to say this but this really sounds like some type of bad joke.

      We need to develop a Strategy, and then a set of prioritized Goal and Objectives that will make decarbonization more understandable to "we the people". The American people will respond if they understand what is expected of them. That is my opinion and I am sticking to it.

      Thank you for reading my very long posting."
      schrieb am 28.12.16 22:47:13
      Beitrag Nr. 637 ()
      Slime can see
      Dieses Bild ist nicht SSL-verschlüsselt: [url]
      schrieb am 28.12.16 22:50:56
      Beitrag Nr. 638 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.967.458 von Popeye82 am 28.12.16 19:12:09
      schrieb am 28.12.16 22:53:14
      Beitrag Nr. 639 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.967.458 von Popeye82 am 28.12.16 19:12:09
      schrieb am 29.12.16 14:56:10
      Beitrag Nr. 640 ()
      3D-Animation des CO2 in der Atmosphäre…
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 29.12.16 22:03:50
      Beitrag Nr. 641 ()
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 29.12.16 22:37:15
      Beitrag Nr. 642 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.972.423 von rv_2011 am 29.12.16 14:56:10
      An RV, auch Algol, und Andere,
      Wenn Ihr wollt könnt gern immer mal Sachen zu reinstellen,
      ich halte Es aber so oder so, auch Alleine, durch :) ;);)
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 30.12.16 13:10:59
      Beitrag Nr. 643 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.975.390 von Popeye82 am 29.12.16 22:37:15Wenn ich den Eindruck habe, etwas würde gut zum Thema des Threads passen, mache ich das gerne.

      Alles Gute für dich (und alle andere) im Neuen Jahr; hoffentlich gibt es nicht noch mehr böse Überraschungen als in diesem!
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 30.12.16 17:14:58
      Beitrag Nr. 644 ()
      We ALL scream

      DOE accelerates renewable jet fuels, with key grants…
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 30.12.16 17:25:09
      Beitrag Nr. 645 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.980.088 von Popeye82 am 30.12.16 17:14:58
      from Waste to Wing

      Old carbon, new jet fuels: LanzaTech's gas fermentation platform disrupts the current, highly centralized, global, energy system, by enabling the regional production of low-cost energy, from local wastes +residues, including gases, as varied as industrial flue gas, gasified biomass wastes +residues, biogas, +high-CO2 stranded natural gas. The company was originally founded in 2005, in New Zealand. The, proprietary, gas-to-liquid platform produces fuels -&can be converted from ethanol to a drop-in jet fuel, via an upgrading process……
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 30.12.16 17:37:32
      Beitrag Nr. 646 ()
      schrieb am 30.12.16 21:01:16
      Beitrag Nr. 647 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.975.165 von Popeye82 am 29.12.16 22:03:50
      Zitat von Popeye82:……

      So tief sind wir schon gesunken dass der Biowahn selbst vor Bier nicht halt macht, dabei ist das Originale Reinheitsgebot an "Biodiversität" oder wie man das nennt, nicht mehr zu untertreffen, obwohl, im wirklichen Originalrezept aus Anno Dazumal musste sogar noch Schweinegalle ins Bier, diese Schweinerei ist allerdings inzwischen unter den Teppich gekehrt worden, taucht also im heute gültigen "Reinheitsgebot" für Bier nicht mehr auf.

      Trotzdem sollte man auch bei den sogenannten Biolebensmitteln die Augen aufbehalten und nicht einfach alles unbesehen und unkritisch kaufen. Das fängt an mit Würmern in Bioäpfeln, -die sich als Kennzeichen für Bioware hervorragend eignen- und hört auf der Lebensmittelwarnungsseite auf.…
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 31.12.16 15:09:01
      Beitrag Nr. 648 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.981.222 von depodoc am 30.12.16 21:01:16
      Zitat von depodoc: Trotzdem sollte man auch bei den sogenannten Biolebensmitteln die Augen aufbehalten und nicht einfach alles unbesehen und unkritisch kaufen

      Das ist vollkommen zutreffend!!!
      schrieb am 02.01.17 00:53:43
      Beitrag Nr. 649 ()
      schrieb am 02.01.17 21:04:04
      Beitrag Nr. 650 ()
      schrieb am 03.01.17 13:58:04
      Beitrag Nr. 651 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.980.142 von Popeye82 am 30.12.16 17:25:09…
      schrieb am 04.01.17 04:06:59
      Beitrag Nr. 652 ()
      schrieb am 04.01.17 04:18:46
      Beitrag Nr. 653 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.978.519 von rv_2011 am 30.12.16 13:10:59
      Zitat von rv_2011: hoffentlich gibt es nicht noch mehr böse Überraschungen als in diesem!

      An RV,

      Also ich denke Das ist so ein Thema Wo man ein "paar" Bibeln schreiben kann.

      Was ich aber auf Jeden Fall sagen kann ist da inzwischen Einen, sehr großen, Unterschied zu machen: Bei Der "Negativbemessung"/"Katastrophenlevel"(Wie immer man Das nennen will) eines bestimmten Zeitraumes, oder Jahres.
      Zwischen im Prinzip "faktisch Passiertem" und Dem GEFÜHLTEM, Wie negativ, All, Diese Ereignisse waren.

      Denke dass Wir mittlerweile in Einer Zeit/Gesellschaft angekommen sind,
      Wo Die Differenz zwischen Dem Einen und Dem Anderen teilweise EXORBITANT hoch ist.

      Schwierig zu sagen, aber ich denke bei Gefühltem geht es "kaum" noch zu steigern,
      beim Anderen aber Durchaus........................................

      schrieb am 04.01.17 07:19:35
      Beitrag Nr. 654 ()
      schrieb am 04.01.17 08:40:06
      Beitrag Nr. 655 ()
      The Evolution of Autonomous Transportation; Ryan Popple, Proterra’s chief executive officer, discusses the evolving state of transportation, the outlook for autonomous buses, +the possibility of an IPO

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 04.01.17 18:54:52
      Beitrag Nr. 656 ()
      schrieb am 04.01.17 19:06:28
      Beitrag Nr. 657 ()
      schrieb am 04.01.17 20:51:06
      Beitrag Nr. 658 ()
      Forscher entdecken NEUES Organ; Ein Forscherteam, aus Irland, hat, vier, Jahre lang den menschlichen Bauchraum mikroskopisch untersucht –mit einem erstaunlichen Ergebnis: Wir verfügen über ein inneres Organ mehr, als bislang angenommen

      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 04.01.17 22:04:51
      Beitrag Nr. 659 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.004.385 von Popeye82 am 04.01.17 08:40:06
      U.S. EV Sales Rocket In December, Pushing Annual Numbers To New Heights…
      schrieb am 05.01.17 21:40:19
      Beitrag Nr. 660 ()
      schrieb am 05.01.17 21:44:55
      Beitrag Nr. 661 ()
      Scientists say the global ocean circulation may be more vulnerable to shutdown than we thought…
      schrieb am 05.01.17 23:09:49
      Beitrag Nr. 662 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.011.783 von Popeye82 am 04.01.17 20:51:06
      Zitat von Popeye82: :eek::eek::eek:
      Forscher entdecken NEUES Organ; Ein Forscherteam, aus Irland, hat, vier, Jahre lang den menschlichen Bauchraum mikroskopisch untersucht –mit einem erstaunlichen Ergebnis: Wir verfügen über ein inneres Organ mehr, als bislang angenommen


      so so, ein Neues Organ im Bauch.

      Das kann erklären warum meine private Krankenkasse mir ab 2017 EUR 40 im Monat mehr abknöpft.

      Vielleicht sollte man das Organ "Abknöpfer" nennen.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 05.01.17 23:10:49
      Beitrag Nr. 663 ()
      schrieb am 05.01.17 23:15:26
      Beitrag Nr. 664 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.021.283 von depodoc am 05.01.17 23:09:49
      Zitat von depodoc: Das kann erklären warum meine private Krankenkasse mir ab 2017 EUR 40 im Monat mehr abknöpft

      Neee, neeeee,
      Das wissen die ja noch gar nicht!!

      Warte mal ab WENN Dies wissen!!!!!
      Dann wird 2stellig nicht reichen :eek::eek::eek:
      schrieb am 06.01.17 02:34:33
      Beitrag Nr. 665 ()
      schrieb am 06.01.17 03:23:52
      Beitrag Nr. 666 ()
      schrieb am 06.01.17 18:38:32
      Beitrag Nr. 667 ()
      schrieb am 09.01.17 19:22:44
      Beitrag Nr. 668 ()
      schrieb am 09.01.17 20:40:02
      Beitrag Nr. 669 ()
      schrieb am 10.01.17 02:18:31
      Beitrag Nr. 670 ()
      Grünen wollen EU-Agrarsubventionen neu gestalten…

      "Berlin (dts Nachrichtenagentur) - Die Grünen wollen die milliardenschweren EU-Agrarsubventionen komplett neu gestalten. Das geht aus einem gemeinsamen Papier der agrarpolitischen Sprecher aus Bundestags- und Landtagsfraktionen hervor, das am Montag präsentiert werden soll und aus dem die "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung" (Montag) zitiert. Kurzfristig fordern die Grünen von der Bundesregierung eine Umschichtung der mehr als sechs Milliarden Euro an Fördermitteln, die Brüssel nach Deutschland überweist.

      So soll eine zusätzliche halbe Milliarde an Subventionsgeldern beispielsweise für die Förderung von Weidemilch- oder Weidefleischsiegeln gewonnen werden. Für die kommende Förderperiode der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik (GAP) ab 2020 fordern die Grünen einen "grundlegenden Neuanfang" mit dem Ziel einer "bäuerlichen europäischen Landwirtschaft". Nach dem Willen der Agrarpolitiker sollen die Subventionszahlungen "zu einem Instrument für den Umbau der Landwirtschaft" werden. Die Kosten dafür könne die Branche nicht alleine stemmen. In dem Papier ist von einer "Maximalgrenze" die Rede, bis zu der Fördergelder gezahlt werden sollen. Demnach sollen große Betriebe ab einer gewissen Hektar- oder Tierzahl künftig bei Subventionen leer ausgehen. Eine "Verschwendung von Steuergeldern" für industrielle Tierställe, die "die bäuerlichen Strukturen zerstören, ist weder akzeptabel noch zukunftsfähig", heißt es in dem Papier. Stattdessen wollen die Grünen beispielsweise Hofgastronomie oder Direktverarbeitung von Produkten auf den Betrieben fördern. Zudem soll die von Eiern bekannte Kennzeichnung der Haltungsform auf Fleisch übertragen werden. Friedrich Ostendorff, agrarpolitischer Sprecher der Grünen-Bundestagsfraktion, sagte der Zeitung, den Landwirten in Deutschland müsse eine Perspektive für die weitere Entwicklung geboten werden. "Die jüngsten Betriebszahlen zum Verlust bäuerlicher Betriebe haben deutlich gezeigt, wir haben keine Zeit zu verlieren und müssen handeln", so Ostendorff. Nach Angaben des Bundeslandwirtschaftsministeriums sind 2015 in Deutschland insgesamt 6,8 Milliarden Euro EU-Agrarsubventionen an 330.000 Empfänger ausgezahlt worden."
      schrieb am 10.01.17 04:14:41
      Beitrag Nr. 671 ()
      schrieb am 10.01.17 04:56:13
      Beitrag Nr. 672 ()
      Bei Interesse, am Thema, ruhig mal Artikelvollständig lesen((aber)6 Seiten)

      Plant Engineering Biomass, Bioplastics on the Move! –HOOOW Can Plant Engineering React to the Biomass Boom…
      schrieb am 10.01.17 18:16:14
      Beitrag Nr. 673 ()
      schrieb am 10.01.17 18:22:26
      Beitrag Nr. 674 ()
      schrieb am 10.01.17 18:24:33
      Beitrag Nr. 675 ()
      schrieb am 10.01.17 18:33:30
      Beitrag Nr. 676 ()
      Farm benchmarking data to improve productivity, +sustainability; Benchmarking can support farmers to improve their productivity +sustainability performance. @its simplest, benchmarking is defined as improving the performance, of a farm, for example, by comparing with peers, learning from others, +identifying actions. Valuable lessons can be drawn from benchmarking, by raising the subsequent questions: whyyyyy are others better?, hooow are others better?, whaaaaat can be learnt?, +hooooooow can the farm catch up? The EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Benchmarking brought together 20 experts, from 14 EU Member States, +a diverse range of backgrounds. They explored the potential for farmers +advisers, to use farm benchmarking data +process, to improve productivity +sustainability performance in agriculture. This report offers the group's main conclusions…
      schrieb am 10.01.17 20:12:40
      Beitrag Nr. 677 ()
      schrieb am 11.01.17 02:46:17
      Beitrag Nr. 678 ()
      Our moon MAY have formed from multiple small ones; Technion scientists say series of cosmic collisions may have led to mini-moons that, over millions of years, clumped together to make one large one…
      schrieb am 11.01.17 04:11:34
      Beitrag Nr. 679 ()
      Wind Power Generates Than Coal, in 2016; “This IS a historic point for energy, +a fantastic achievement for wind power +renewables here, in the UK”
      schrieb am 11.01.17 04:28:32
      Beitrag Nr. 680 ()
      United Nations Publish Aviation Sustainability Report, released a new paper, ‘Green Aviation’, Greening Aviation, from the GROUND
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 11.01.17 04:41:36
      Beitrag Nr. 681 ()
      schrieb am 11.01.17 05:06:11
      Beitrag Nr. 682 ()
      schrieb am 11.01.17 05:40:08
      Beitrag Nr. 683 ()
      schrieb am 11.01.17 05:48:58
      Beitrag Nr. 684 ()
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 11.01.17 06:45:41
      Beitrag Nr. 685 ()
      South America’s Cheapest Energy Option Is A 100% Renewable Electricity System, A 100% renewable electricity system would be the cheapest electricity production method for South America, +could be achieved by 2030; A study by Lappeenranta University of Technology(LUT) +VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. also shows that a 100 percent renewable system(100% RE) is the cheapest electricity production option, +can be achieved with very few energy storages; “South America has a unique renewable energy resource base, since one of the best wind sites globally is in Patagonia, the best solar energy sites are in the Atacama Desert, hydro power is already used in large amounts +the sustainable biomass potential is significant. For these reasons, South America is one of the most favourable regions, globally, to shift to a 100% RE system,” explains Professor Christian Breyer
      schrieb am 11.01.17 06:49:42
      Beitrag Nr. 686 ()
      6 Antworten
      schrieb am 11.01.17 06:56:33
      Beitrag Nr. 687 ()
      schrieb am 11.01.17 07:00:36
      Beitrag Nr. 688 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.054.643 von Popeye82 am 11.01.17 06:49:42
      General Motors makes largest ever purchase of renewable energy
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 11.01.17 07:03:59
      Beitrag Nr. 689 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.054.688 von Popeye82 am 11.01.17 07:00:36
      Google set to reach 100% renewable electricity

      "Google has announced that it will reach its 100% renewable electricity goal in 2017.

      During the COP21 climate negotiations last year, Google joined RE100 – an ever-expanding group of the world’s most influential companies committed to 100% renewable power, led by The Climate Group in partnership with CDP.

      Google had an interim goal to triple its renewable energy purchasing by 2025. But the internet giant is going to reach 100% renewable power sooner than expected.

      Today, Google is the world’s largest corporate buyer of renewable power, with commitments totalling 2.6 gigawatts of wind and solar energy. The company will meet the 100% milestone through a combination of direct purchases from renewable developers and through partnerships with utility providers.

      Damian Ryan, Acting CEO of The Climate Group, welcomed the news: “Our sincere congratulations to Google on reaching this fantastic milestone earlier than expected – it shows companies everywhere that a complete transition to renewable power is both possible and makes business sense.”

      In a blog, Google’s Senior Vice President, Technical Infrastructure, Urs Hölzle highlighted the business case for corporates to switch to renewables: “Over the last six years, the cost of wind and solar came down 60% and 80%, respectively, proving that renewables are increasingly becoming the lowest cost option.

      He continued: “Electricity costs are one of the largest components of our operating expenses at our data centers, and having a long-term stable cost of renewable power provides protection against price swings in energy.”

      Also today, Google has published a white paper setting out its longer-term ambition to help green the entire electricity grid with clean, zero-carbon energy. Its plans include promoting policies that empower energy consumers to choose their energy supply.

      “The science tells us that tackling climate change is an urgent global priority”, wrote Urs Hölzle in his blog. “We believe the private sector, in partnership with policy leaders, must take bold steps and that we can do so in a way that leads to growth and opportunity”…“Our ultimate goal is to create a world where everyone – not just Google – has access to clean energy.”

      Damian Ryan responded: “Google has already been a driving force within RE100 and we’re delighted that the company wants to go further and use its influence to help decarbonize the grid. Google’s continued leadership will help many more businesses to reach their own goals for 100% renewable power.”

      Google was one of several companies to back a recent RE100 report calling on EU policy makers to put renewables center-stage."
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 11.01.17 07:10:44
      Beitrag Nr. 690 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.054.691 von Popeye82 am 11.01.17 07:03:59…
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 11.01.17 07:20:18
      Beitrag Nr. 691 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.054.718 von Popeye82 am 11.01.17 07:10:44
      Microsoft makes largest wind energy purchase to date
      schrieb am 11.01.17 07:23:55
      Beitrag Nr. 692 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.054.643 von Popeye82 am 11.01.17 06:49:42
      schrieb am 11.01.17 07:30:29
      Beitrag Nr. 693 ()
      INequalities In Carbon Footprints Of Chinese Households Highlighted By New Study; New research, involving the University of, East, Anglia(UEA), has revealed that inequalities in China’s household carbon footprints +incomes risk undermining the country’s attempts to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions

      "Researchers say new policies are needed to improve living standards and encourage sustainable consumption if Chinese lifestyles are to move away from the current trajectory of carbon-intensive consumption patterns.

      The study, published today in Nature Climate Change, quantified the carbon footprints of urban and rural households across 13 income groups (5 rural and 8 urban) for services, goods, food, mobility and housing.

      The researchers, including Prof Dabo Guan of UEA’s School of International Development and Dr Jing Meng from UEA’s School of Environmental Sciences, found they are unequally distributed among the rich and poor due to differences in the scale and patterns of consumption. It comes as more people in China move from rural to urban areas – approximately 20 million a year – and increasingly aspire to and adopt westernised carbon and resource-intensive consumer lifestyles.
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      Using data for the most recent available years (2007-2012), the study’s authors found that due to income inequality the urban very rich income group, comprising 5% of the population, generated 19% of the total carbon footprint from household consumption in China, with 6.4 tons of CO2 per capita (tCO2/cap), nearly four times the national average of 1.7 tCO2/cap.

      The rural population and urban poor, comprising 58% of population, produced 0.5–1.6 tCO2/cap. Between 2007 and 2012 the total footprint from households increased by 19%, with 75% of the increase due to growing consumption of the urban middle class and the rich.

      In terms of energy consumption, there is a clear urban-rural divide in China. Rural households often use traditional and locally polluting energy carriers, such as straw, wood or coal, while electricity and natural gas are slowly penetrating these areas. In urban areas, modern energy carriers such as electricity, natural gas and LPG are dominant, and mobility, for example travelling by private car, has become one of main drivers of direct household energy use.

      Prof Guan, a professor in climate change economics and the study’s lead UK author, said: “Our findings suggest that coming out of poverty is fairly carbon-intensive. This is because poorer households would tend to increase consumption of food, housing and general manufacturing products. Production of those goods are often emission intensive, strongly driven by China’s coal dominated energy mix.

      “However, much more problematic are the growing carbon footprints of the urban middle class and the rich, who together produce 69% of the total Chinese household footprint and are rapidly westernising their lifestyles, meaning more resources are required and larger carbon footprints are created.

      “Decarbonising the energy system via production-focused efficiency measures and energy-pricing reforms is essential. But developing carbon-free lifestyles beyond the current trajectory of increasing carbon footprints while becoming wealthy will require more substantial debates on the limits of green consumerism and the potential towards sustainable consumption.”

      The researchers recommend that the long-term transformations required to create a net zero carbon society should be included in national discussions about the currently dominant mode of ecological modernization, green growth and conspicuous consumer lifestyles.


      The carbon intensive lifestyles of the wealthy are being emulated, and serve as role models, while investments in infrastructure and cities are made

      Prof Guan said: “The carbon intensive lifestyles of the wealthy are being emulated, and serve as role models, while investments in infrastructure and cities are made. Therefore, social and redistributive policies need to be understood as interacting with climate and energy policy, as well as with efforts towards enabling sustainable lifestyles for all.

      “In a globally carbon-constrained future, high levels of wellbeing and human development need to be achieved while rapidly reducing total emissions. Reducing inequalities but preventing emission-intensive lifestyle westernisation in populous developing countries can be a step forward in contributing to global climate change mitigation. Consumers in developed countries can be role models in advocating sustainable consumption as a desirable way of living.”

      The researchers conclude that cost-effectively using public and private funding for these societal goals will be crucial. They add that some countries, such as Costa Rica and Thailand, have already achieved a high level of human development with an average carbon footprint of 1 ton per capita, suggesting routes to habitable and potentially more sustainable societies exist.

      They also suggest the methods used in the study could be useful for developing sustainable consumption programmes for those income groups which dominate the footprints of certain consumption areas, or for guiding policy design in achieving poverty alleviation while reducing emissions and increasing energy efficiency.

      ‘Unequal household carbon footprints in China’, Dominik Wiedenhofer, Dabo Guan, Zhu Liu, Jing Meng, Ning Zhang and Yi-Ming Wei, is published in Nature Climate Change."
      schrieb am 11.01.17 07:35:27
      Beitrag Nr. 694 ()
      schrieb am 11.01.17 07:38:04
      Beitrag Nr. 695 ()
      schrieb am 11.01.17 07:47:56
      Beitrag Nr. 696 ()
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 11.01.17 08:02:55
      Beitrag Nr. 697 ()
      schrieb am 11.01.17 08:08:15
      Beitrag Nr. 698 ()
      schrieb am 11.01.17 08:16:44
      Beitrag Nr. 699 ()
      World’s First Autonomous Ship; Mayflower will be world’s first autonomous vessel, using cutting edge wind +solar technology, to propel it an unlimited range
      schrieb am 11.01.17 08:28:13
      Beitrag Nr. 700 ()…

      "Avantium, the Dutch leading chemical technology company and forerunner in renewable chemistry, has acquired the assets of Liquid Light Inc., a renowned developer of electrochemical processes. Liquid Light has developed proprietary process technology to make major chemicals from low-cost, globally-abundant carbon dioxide (CO2). The acquisition combines the technologies of both Liquid Light and Avantium to develop a world leading electro-catalysis platform and to commercialize new process technologies using CO2 as feedstock to produce sustainable chemicals and materials. The integration of the Liquid Light assets into Avantium is complete and effective immediately. Financial details of the transaction were not disclosed.

      Liquid Light, which was spun out from Princeton University in 2008, has invested more than US$35 million on low-energy electrochemistry technologies to convert CO2 to major chemicals. It has filed over 100 national patent applications of which more than twenty have been granted. Its patent portfolio includes filings on producing multiple chemical building blocks used in large existing markets, including oxalic acid, glycolic acid, ethylene glycol, propylene, isopropanol, methyl-methacrylate and acetic acid for the production of polymers, coatings and cosmetics.

      The technology and patent portfolio of Liquid Light will be integrated in Avantium’s Renewable Chemistry business unit and its existing R&D program in electrochemistry. The combination of Liquid Light’s expertise in electrochemistry with Avantium’s expertise in catalysis and process engineering WILL BE THE BASIS OF AN UNRIVALLED TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM, TO Develop NOVEL PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES, FOR CONVERTING CO2 TOCHEMICALS AND MATERIALS.

      “The acquisition of Liquid Light – Tom van Aken, Chief Executive Officer of Avantium, said – is an important step in our strategy to create and commercialize breakthrough technologies in renewable chemistry. It will extend our capabilities beyond catalytic conversion of biomass. This acquisition will enable the development of a powerful technology platform on the basis of CO2 feedstock, meaning it turns waste into valuable products such as chemicals and plastics.”

      CO2 is a greenhouse gas that originates as waste from the burning of fossil fuels, the production of electricity, fertilizers, chemicals, steel and cement. It is the biggest contributor to global warming. The development of electrochemistry has the potential to use CO2 as a feedstock for the sustainable production of chemicals and materials, and is seen as a ’game-changer’ for the chemical industry. The result is that greenhouse gas is sequestered into products that can replace plastics and chemicals that are now produced from fossil feedstock.

      According to Gert-Jan Gruter, Chief Technology Officer of Avantium, “Electro-catalysis is an emerging technology in the chemical industry that is based on electrical energy and catalytic reactions to drive chemical reactions. The technology enables the use of renewable energy for example from wind farms or solar panels for the chemical industry resulting in a significantly improved carbon footprint. The extensive patent portfolio of Liquid Light brings Avantium in the top of the world’s Intellectual Property position in electrochemistry.”"
      schrieb am 11.01.17 08:42:05
      Beitrag Nr. 701 ()
      A, Novel, Liquid Battery COULD Hold Potential For UNlimited Energy Storage

      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 11.01.17 08:47:40
      Beitrag Nr. 702 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.055.321 von Popeye82 am 11.01.17 08:42:05
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 11.01.17 08:51:39
      Beitrag Nr. 703 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.055.360 von Popeye82 am 11.01.17 08:47:40
      TOP Energy, +Finance, Companies Launch Next Generation Storage System, for Utility +Grid-Scale Applications…
      schrieb am 11.01.17 09:11:49
      Beitrag Nr. 704 ()
      Department of Energy Announces 16 New Projects, to Transform Energy Storage, +Conversion…
      schrieb am 11.01.17 09:28:17
      Beitrag Nr. 705 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.054.556 von Popeye82 am 11.01.17 05:48:58…
      schrieb am 11.01.17 09:34:49
      Beitrag Nr. 706 ()
      schrieb am 11.01.17 09:37:18
      Beitrag Nr. 707 ()
      schrieb am 11.01.17 10:16:55
      Beitrag Nr. 708 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.054.853 von Popeye82 am 11.01.17 07:47:56
      China, 2050, High Renewable Energy Penetration Scenario, +Roadmap Study; Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas the world's largest developing country, coal consumer, +green house gas emitter, China is confronted with challenges, that are more urgent +arduous as its transforms toward a clean +low-carbon energy system. The China 2050 High Renewable Energy Penetration Scenario +Roadmap Study set out to analyze the technical +economic feasibility, of having high renewable energy penetration by 2050, based on economic, environment, +carbon emission constraints, +backcast the policies +programs needed, @different points in time, to make this a reality. The main goals of the study were to build a common vision among China’s key stakeholders, for an energy system centered on renewables, +to design a strong model for a national energy strategy, that could guide China’s future energy planning, +policy development; The study results show that it is both -technically +economically feasible for renewable energy, to satisfy >60 percent of China’s primary energy consumption, +85 percent of electricity consumption by 2050; + , under the high renewable energy penetration scenario, China will be able to peak fossil energy consumption +carbon emission by 2025

      schrieb am 11.01.17 10:46:54
      Beitrag Nr. 709 ()
      schrieb am 11.01.17 11:03:59
      Beitrag Nr. 710 ()
      New Friends Of The Earth Report Warns, Of Need To Extend Pesticide Restrictions
      schrieb am 11.01.17 11:15:35
      Beitrag Nr. 711 ()
      Millionen Menschen können sich 2050 keinen Fisch mehr leisten, WWF-Studie; Die Menschen in Europa +Amerika essen zu viel exotischen Fisch –&rauben damit den Menschen auf der Südhalbkugel ihre Nahrungsgrundlage. Trotzdem müssen nicht ALLE zu Vegetariern werden…
      schrieb am 11.01.17 12:04:26
      Beitrag Nr. 712 ()
      schrieb am 11.01.17 20:32:58
      Beitrag Nr. 713 ()
      schrieb am 11.01.17 20:46:01
      Beitrag Nr. 714 ()
      schrieb am 12.01.17 01:04:22
      Beitrag Nr. 715 ()
      Animal Welfare Prioritized by United Nations Committee…

      "The 43rd session of the United Nations Committee on World Farming Security approved a dramatic policy recommendation with broad implications for livestock welfare. These recommendations are modeled after the Terrestrial Animal Health Code written by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE, formerly the International des Epizooties) and are meant to improve animal health, food security, and nutrition.

      The recommendations include enabling access to veterinary services, improving animal health management, promoting the prudent and responsible use of antimicrobials—including the phasing out of use of antibiotics for animal growth promotion—delivering on the five freedoms and related OIE standards, and promoting access to good quality feed. The five freedoms referred to in the recommendations are animal rights outlined by the OIE to govern treatment. They are “freedom from hunger, thirst and malnutrition; freedom from fear and distress; freedom from physical and thermal discomfort; freedom from pain, injury and disease; and freedom to express normal patterns of behaviour.” Activists believe these freedoms necessary for the humane treatment of animals and should be universally accepted.

      In addition to the humane treatment of animals, scientific research is revealing the financial benefits of the new welfare recommendations. For instance, heat stress lowers growth, reproduction, production, and health in livestock, leading to decreased profit. Bruised meet, caused by rough handling, reduces product quality, safety, and market value. Improving animal welfare can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lowering climate change risks and related costs. Regulators now have the tools to track and enforce the new recommendations including improved methods of assessing pain, monitoring stress, and evaluating animal welfare.

      Researchers have found that educating workers how stress, injury, and shock before slaughter can decrease meat quality has led to increased adoption of animal welfare practices and policies. Collaboration in the United Kingdom between producers, scientists, and veterinarians in policymaking resulted in practical, meaningful, and effective reductions in antibiotic use. Sustainable breeding programs, a branch of agroecology, are focusing on adapting livestock to local environments, increasing food security and diversity. According to the Journal of Dairy Science, the dairy industry has already seen a shift towards decreased antibiotic and hormone use and improved animal welfare, as well as an increase in organic farms, in large part due to social pressures and policy changes. However, a multinational evaluation found that further work is necessary to expand animal welfare programs internationally.

      In the United States, the majority of farm animal regulations are at the state level. The strongest relevant law at the Federal level is the Animal Welfare Act, but it does not apply to farm animals. The Twenty-Eight Hour Law of 1873 (amended 1994) prevents the transportation of livestock for more than 28 consecutive hours without being unloaded for five hours for rest, water, and food. The Humane Methods of Slaughter Act of 1958 (amended 2002) outlines proper handling of food animals, except chicken and other birds, but there is inadequate enforcement. These and a few sections of the Code of Federal Regulations Title 9 suggest how to treat farm animals, but they are not as progressive or inclusive as the new U.N. recommendation.

      Progress towards improving animal welfare in the U.S. include guidelines from the Food and Drug Administration regarding antibiotic use. This, coupled with voluntary actions in industry, has lowered antibiotic resistance in meat. Additionally, the American Humane Certified™ and Certified Humane programs provide third party verification of adherence to OIE recommendations.

      Increasingly, companies are voluntarily committing to improving the welfare of animals used in their products. Organizations such as Bon Appétit and Whole Foods have had animal-friendly policies for years. Since the U.N. announcement, companies including Panera Bread, Pret A Manger, Compass Group USA, Sodexo, and Aramark have stated they will take steps towards improving their practices and those of their suppliers. The Humane Society, Global Animal Partnership, World Animal Protection, and other advocacy groups are reporting these commitments with great enthusiasm. Consumers continue to drive market directions and increasingly expect the humane treatment of livestock. The new recommendations seem to be acting as a guidepost for industry, even in the absence of regulatory oversight."
      schrieb am 12.01.17 04:41:39
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      ENERGIZING Waste, Chinese researchers turn vinasse, a by-product from alcohol producing industry, into promising electrode material for energy storage

      schrieb am 13.01.17 04:13:22
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      Borrowing Ideas from Nature: Sustainable Packaging Materials Inspired by Plant Cuticles…
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      2016 world green energy investment falls, 18% - CER/FT - Jan 13, 2017

      "Global green energy investment has plunged by the largest amount in more than a decade as a spending splurge in China and Japan has leveled off and the price of solar panels continues to fall.

      A total of $287bn was poured into wind farms, solar parks and other clean power systems in 2016, down 18% from the record set in 2015, according to the Bloomberg New Energy Finance research group. That is the biggest one-year drop recorded by the group, which has been tracking clean energy investments since 2004. According to the Financial Times, the fall comes amid concern in environmental movements about the rise of populist leaders such as US president-elect Donald Trump, who has cast doubt on the existence of climate change and vowed to boost the fossil fuel industry."
      schrieb am 14.01.17 09:31:50
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      the Wende is dead, long live the transition
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      Dual-purpose biofuel crops COULD produce both ethanol +biodiesel, increasing profits by 30%; Today many biofuel refineries operate for only seven months each year, turning freshly harvested crops into ethanol +biodiesel. When supplies run out, biorefineries shut down for the other five months. Howeeeeever, according to recent research, dual-purpose biofuel crops could produce both -ethanol +biodiesel for nine months of the year—increasing profits, by as much as 30%…
      schrieb am 15.01.17 18:23:16
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      Revolutionary microbe, for biofuel production, Biofuels pioneer Mascoma LLC +the Department of Energy’s BioEnergy Science Center have developed a revolutionary strain of yeast, that COULD help, significantly, accelerate the development of biofuels, from nonfood plant matter…
      schrieb am 15.01.17 18:26:52
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      Solar cell game changer COULD cut the cost of organic photovoltaics, +wearable electronics…
      schrieb am 15.01.17 19:09:58
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      New Class of Swelling Magnets Have the Potential to Energize the World; THIS research has the potential to catapult sustainable, energy-efficient materials in a very wide range of applications; Discovery Sheds New Light on 175-year-old Principle…
      schrieb am 15.01.17 19:23:12
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      Life In The Power Lane: THESE Roads Wirelessly Charge Your Car, As You Drive
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 15.01.17 23:38:36
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.089.939 von Popeye82 am 15.01.17 23:36:29
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.089.939 von Popeye82 am 15.01.17 23:36:29
      payback is very fast
      schrieb am 16.01.17 02:26:14
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      summed material output, of the contemporary human enterprise

      Our “technosphere”, the stuff we have created, weighs 30 trillion tons…

      "Scientists have come up with a new way of conceptualizing humankind’s impact on Planet Earth. Ladies aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeentlemen, introooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooducing the technosphere.

      Coined by Peter K. Haff, Professor Emeritus of Geology and Civil and Environmental Engineering at Duke University, the term attempts to encapsulate in geological terms the bulk of human artifice, from houses and roads, mines, factories and farms, books and pens, computer systems and tonnes of discarded waste. In essence, the technosphere represents the “summed material output of the contemporary human enterprise,” according to authors of a new study published in the journal The Anthropocence Review by an international team of researchers and led by geologists at the University of Leicester in the U.K.

      Scientists typically describe the Earth as consisting of four different “layers” – the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and the biosphere. The technosphere adds another piece to the puzzle.

      And we’re talking about a lot of stuff. In total, the technosphere is estimated to represent about 30 trillion tonnes of materials, which spread out over the surface of the Earth would create a layer several inches thick and weighing about 60 kilos per square metre.

      “The technosphere is one way to think, and I think it’s quite a fruitful way to think, of the ways in which humans are impacting the Earth and in fact changing not just its ecology and biology and so forth but its geological processes,” says Professor Jan Zalasiewicz, a geologist at the University of Leicester in the U.K., and co-author of the new study, in conversation with news outlet Seeker.

      Thinking ahead, the researchers have even defined the world’s “technofossils” as those human-made products that will eventually find their way underground, to be preserved for umpteen years into the future. The variety of different products available for fossilization is astronomical (as anyone currently paying for a storage unit can attest), meaning that there are far more soon-to-be technofossils than there are recognized fossils and biotic species on Earth."
      schrieb am 16.01.17 09:17:03
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      SOLARbetriebenes Raumschiff fast fertig…
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      schrieb am 16.01.17 15:51:52
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.091.232 von Popeye82 am 16.01.17 09:17:03
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      New breed of super-efficient plants expected to boost crop yields by 20%…

      "Scientists have figured out how to seriously upgrade the productivity of crop plants, with a new study showing increases in plant growth of up to 20 per cent.

      In a result which could help humanity to meet its burgeoning demand for food, researchers with the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), and the University of Illinois have been able to genetically alter tobacco plants so that they are more responsive to changes in sunlight and cloud cover, causing the huge jump in crop yields.

      “Tobacco was used as the model crop plant in this study because it is easy to work with, but we’re working to make the same modifications in rice and other food crops,” says Krishna Niyogi, of Berkeley Lab’s Division of Molecular Biophysics and Integrative Bioimaging and study co-author. “The molecular processes we’re modifying are fundamental to plants that carry out photosynthesis, so we hope to see a similar increase in yield in other crops.”

      Experts predict that food production and food security will be key concerns over upcoming decades, as global warming causes increased instability, even as the global population continues to expand. Worldwide food demand is projected to increase by 60 per cent above 2006 levels by the year 2050, according to a report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Drought, decreases in rainfall, floods and extreme weather events are all forecasted to negatively impact agricultural production worldwide, including crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry.

      While the FAO urges that the food production industries themselves need to develop “climate-smart agriculture,” which does its part in countering climate change at the same time as it encourages practices that respond to ongoing changes to local environments and ecologies. “The agriculture sectors can contribute to mitigation, first, by reducing their emission intensity … and avoiding the further loss of carbon stored principally in forests and soil,” says the report.

      Boosting crop production without increasing emissions WILL help.

      Scientists have found that crucial to plants’ use of the process of photosynthesis, which converts sunlight, carbon dioxide and water into food, is their ability to turn off the process when they experience an excess of sunlight, at which point the extra energy is expelled by the plant as heat. But once the extra energy is released – with the onset of cloud coverage, for instance – plants take a long time to rev up the photosynthesis engine once again, effectively cutting into potential growing time.

      Researchers were able to increase the expression of three genes involved in the protective energy release mechanism, with the results showing an increase of between 14 and 20 per cent in plant growth. “My attitude is that it is very important to have these new technologies on the shelf now because it can take 20 YEARS before such inventions can reach farmer’s fields,” says Stephen Long, plant biologist and crop scientist at Illinois. “If we don’t do it now, we won’t have this solution when we need it.”

      Food prices in Canada rose by four per cent last year, with prices for fresh vegetables climbing a remarkable 18.2 per cent and meat prices up five per cent, according to Statistics Canada."
      schrieb am 17.01.17 17:57:58
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      schrieb am 17.01.17 22:35:14
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      It’s TIME, We Get Serious, About Organic Farming…
      schrieb am 17.01.17 22:57:25
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      schrieb am 17.01.17 23:03:22
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      Plastic You Can Drink: A Solution, for Pollution?, REthinking Plastic, with Shrimp Shells & Cassava; Avani Eco makes a cassava-based bioplastic, that is biodegradable +compostable. Founder Kevin Kumala has proved the substance's safety, by dissolving it in plastic, +drinking it…
      schrieb am 18.01.17 16:57:57
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      schrieb am 18.01.17 18:25:55
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      Scientists make plastic :eek::eek::eek: , from Christmas trees; University of Bath researchers developed renewable plastic from a chemical called pinene, found in pine needles; Most current plastics are made from oil, which is UNsustainable. Howeeeeever, scientists, from the Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies(CSCT), @the University of Bath, have developed a renewable plastic from a chemical called pinene, found in pine needles
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      schrieb am 18.01.17 18:33:58
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      SynBio REinvents Photosynthesis, with artificial CO2-fixing Pathway, Team leader of CETCH project, Tobias Erb, succeeded in isolating a very efficient CO2-fixing enzyme; Removing CO2 from the atmosphere could help with climate change, +there’s NOW a new biological method in the making, to achieve THIS. Researchers have developed a new TURBO-charged version of a metabolic pathway for fixing CO2, which is 20% more efficient than in plants
      schrieb am 19.01.17 14:15:50
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      " WHY Tech Entrepreneurs Should be Interested in Ag

      Close your eyes and picture an entrepreneur; most likely you see a millennial with black, square-rimmed glasses, relaxed jeans and sneakers, coffee in one hand, iPhone in the other, as they test their latest app.

      Close your eyes again and picture a farmer. Many images may come to mind. There’s the older man with leathered hands in denim shirt and khakis scouting a field of soybeans or cotton. Or maybe you envision the fresh face of a woman in t-shirt and jeans who just finished feeding calves on a dairy farm. Perhaps your image of a farmer is more of a young guy wearing a baseball cap with earbuds in while tweeting from a combine.

      Whatever vision came to mind, today’s farmer is probably more like the entrepreneur than you think. In fact, farming increasingly relies on technology and farmers are more tech savvy than ever. GPS, variable rate technology, genomics, agronomy, finance, chemistry, meteorology, engineering, and biotechnology are just some of the domains growers must think about and operate on a daily basis.
      With predictions saying farmers will need to produce 70% more food by the year 2050 in order to meet food, fuel, and fiber demand growth (The Economist), farmers are looking for ways to substantially increase yield and efficiency. Technologies that can quickly and reliably help farmers make solid decisions - using less water, less land, and fewer inputs - are vital to the future of farm, and consequently food stability.

      “Farmers are always looking for ways to be more productive, more efficient and more profitable,” shared Jeff Aiken, TN Farm Bureau President at a recent AgLaunch Demo Day.
      In fact, agriculture is not the out-of-date industry that many characterize it to be. For entrepreneurs seeking high impact applications for their skill, there are few better opportunities. Agriculture is an industry that incorporates robots, drones, sensors, and just about every other gadget a tech nerd could dream of using. Watch these AgLaunch alumni pitches to see a few of the newest technologies.

      Ag tech investments nearly doubled in 2015, according to Forbes. Still, 2016 saw some cutbacks in funding as AgFunder outlines in their 2016 investment report. Technology adoption rates are not growing at the same pace as funding. There are many “hammers looking for a nail.” Establishing a solid value proposition and developing early strategic relationships with growers can help you not only get funded, but sell your innovation to eager buyers.

      That’s where the AgLaunch Accelerator comes in. The program not only introduces entrepreneurs to growers so innovative solutions and go-to-market hypotheses can be tested, but it also links entrepreneurs to a deep network of agribusiness expertise, opening the door to a world of opportunity.

      While conventional stereotypes make it seem like an unlikely pair - a tech entrepreneur and a farmer - it is one of the most critical partnerships to the future of humanity. No entrepreneur should let the unfamiliarity of rural farm life keep them from diving into tech’s most innovative sector.

      For THOSE that see the entrepreneurial opportunity in agtech and have a viable solution, be sure to check out and apply to the next AgLaunch Accelerator. Applications are being accepted through March 1 for the 2017 accelerator program. Participants gain $50,000 seed funding and are linked to a network of mentors, farmers and entrepreneurial experts. "
      schrieb am 19.01.17 20:56:14
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      Beitrag Nr. 763 ()…

      "Food waste tech startups are finally getting the attention of the high profile investors they deserve.

      This week, Apeel Sciences, a biotech startup targeting food waste, raised $33 million in Series B funding in a round led by big name, generalist venture capital firms Andreessen Horowitz and DBL Investors.

      Other heavy hitters in the food and ag space joined the round including S2G Ventures, Tao Capital Partners, and the relatively new Powerplant Ventures.

      Apeel Sciences uses agricultural byproducts and waste such as orange peels to manufacture a formula that can be applied to fresh produce to extend its shelf life.

      This solution leaves a thin barrier on the outside of fruits and vegetables to slow down the rate of water evaporation inside the produce, which is what leads to its ultimate decay. Applying a film to produce is not a new concept; currently, food processors apply wax films, but these do not enable the gas exchange that’s also vital to preventing decay.

      “In order to maintain moisture inside fresh produce, processors have needed to apply so much wax-based formula that it’s prevented the gas exchange that’s necessary to avoid negative physiological characteristics,” said James Rogers, CEO of Apeel Sciences. “We can maintain both the moisture and allow a delicate balance of gas exchange to allow for the proper physiological maturing of the fruit while dramatically slowing the rate of spoilage.”

      Apeel Sciences’ products are 100% edible and decompose in the environment the same way that food does.

      A growing awareness globally of just how much food goes to waste has brought the issue into the mainstream attracting the attention of investors and philanthropists worldwide. In the US, about 40% of all food grown is wasted, and the country spends over $218 billion, or 1.3% of GDP, growing, processing, transporting, and disposing of that uneaten food. Figures in other parts of the world can be even higher.

      Earlier this year, the Fink Family Foundation launched ReFed, a multi-stakeholder coalition of over 30 business, government, and nonprofit leaders committed to reducing food waste. In March 2016, it released A Roadmap to Reduce US Food Waste by 20%: the first ever national, data-driven economic study by a multi-stakeholder group to outline solutions to food waste.

      But investment dollars going into food waste innovation remain low. In 2015 AgFunder recorded just $93 million in funding for “waste tech” startups, which was less than 2% of the total investment going into the agtech sector that year ($4.6 billion). And during the first half of 2016, some $29 million was invested. This comes in stark contrast to the $553 million invested in food delivery startups and the $333 million raised by precision ag startups; those that are focused on increasing food production on the farm.

      The entrance of big name venture capital firms like Andreessen and DBL Investors should help to bring the sector into the spotlight for more venture capital firms and help startups raise funding for their related technologies.

      “When we started in 2012, this was a problem that no-one was talking about despite the obvious challenges, and the magnitude of the problem was not really understood or publicized,” Rogers told AgFunderNews. “Since then we’ve really seen media attention moving towards these issues, and that’s really helped us to tell our story. We are now not just a group of scientists talking about the spoilage of fresh produce, but there are major media outlets detailing how big of a problem is it, so that was really market validation for us and allowed us to focus on the science.”

      Apeel Sciences launched in 2012 out of a new venture competition at the University of California which granted them $10k to formally incorporated the company. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation later awarded them a $100k grant to test their concept, and they leveraged that to raise a $1.25 million seed round in January 2014 to build a proof of concept. In July 2015 the company raised a $6 million Series A led by Upfront Ventures. That funding was used to scale-up the manufacturing of the formula, get FDA approvals and ship the formula internationally for demonstration to potential overseas clients.

      There are 10 other startups and products innovating in the shelf-life enhancement space, according to ReFED’s Innovator Database. They are:

      BiOWiSH Fruit & Vegetable wash
      Food Freshness Technology
      Fresh Paper
      Hazel Technologies

      At least four of these are focused on inhibiting ethylene, the plant hormone associated with maturing and ripening, which ironically is used by agricultural companies to promote quicker ripening of their produce for market.

      Are you a startup innovating in the food shelf-life enhancement space? Get in touch!"
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 20.01.17 03:01:45
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.123.173 von Popeye82 am 20.01.17 02:59:15

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      Whaaaaat’s Next?…

      "Alternative proteins startups are set to be the new trend in 2017, according to Fortune’s Erin Griffith. In her daily newsletter for the private equity and venture capital industry Term Sheet, Griffith recently shared various 2016 takeaways and predictions for 2017 from her readers. Today, she quoted one prediction: “Alternative proteins will replace VR (virtual reality) as the current hype.”

      Startups manufacturing alternatives to animal-based food products are a small but growing part of the food and agritech space. To-date they have mostly focused on producing alternatives to animal meat, milk, and eggs, but there are also startups manufacturing leather without animals, wine without vines, and coffee without beans. Other startups are growing algae and insects as a more sustainable source of protein for both human and animal consumption.

      There are two main ways startups are manufacturing meat, milk and egg alternatives: using animal cells to culture a biological replica of the product without the animal in a process called cellular agriculture, and processing plant proteins to mimic the feeling and taste of the animal product.

      - Alternative proteins startups from an infographic by Rosie Bosworth -

      Alternative proteins startups have already attracted investment from some high-profile names including Bill Gates, Khosla Ventures, Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund, Google Ventures, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Horizons Ventures (the VC arm of Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing), Tyson Foods, Singapore state fund Temasek, General Mills, Arielle Zuckerberg, rapper Nas, and Marc Benioff.

      Also backing startups in the space are a couple of independent, non-profit organizations namely the Good Food Institute and New Harvest, which are dedicated ensuring alternative proteins startups get the support they need to succeed.

      I spoke with Bruce Friedrich, executive director of the Good Food Institute, to find out more about the organization and to ask some specific questions about how he sees the plant-based and cellular agriculture alternative proteins startups developing over the long term. (Also watch out for a guest commentary from GFI next week on what it will take for cellular agriculture to scale.)

      LBT: When did GFI launch and why?

      The Good Food Institute launched February 1, 2016, after a few months of planning. We had three staff initially and received our 501(c)(3) nonprofit status in May. We ended up with eight staff members in June, and we have 10 staff members now. The Good Food Institute was formed to focus on creating the products that will compete with conventional animal products on the basis of the factors that actually go into people’s food purchasing decisions, which are taste, price, and convenience. Everything that GFI does is laser-focused on making alternatives to conventional animal products–both plant-based foods and the products of cellular agriculture–as delicious, price competitive, and convenient as possible.

      LBT: How did you and your team get together?

      BF: Two of the initial three of us worked together previously. Chris Kerr, who is currently GFI’s entrepreneur in residence, and I were the first two primary staff members. We worked on figuring out what GFI would look like, how the organization would focus its resources, and what our key program areas would be. GFI now has four program areas. The first one is fostering innovation; the second one is supporting innovation; the third is corporate engagement; the fourth is institutional engagement. Fostering innovation involves outreach to synthetic biologists, plant biologists, tissue engineers, entrepreneurs; people who have the skill sets that will make them particularly valuable to advance the fields of plant-based alternatives and cellular agriculture.

      That outreach is key to focus efforts in these exciting new markets. Maybe they’re currently a tissue engineer that’s working in medicine, or a plant biologist who’s working in drought resistance, or an entrepreneur who’s thinking about starting a company. We reach out to educate people about both how well they can do and how much good they can do in the world if they use their skills to either join one of these incredibly innovative plant-based or clean meat companies or start a company themselves. At the Good Food Institute, we have ideas for about 15 whitespace companies that we would like to see started, and we’re working directly with entrepreneurs and scientists to turn those ideas into reality. GFI has launched two companies so far, and we have three or four more set to launch in the next year.

      LBT: What about your second area: supporting innovation?

      Our team is designed to support the success of startups and established companies making clean meat or plant-based foods. Both our policy department and our science department focus on figuring out the pathway forward for both plant-based and clean meat products. For example, our policy director, who taught food law for five years at Valparaiso Law School, is working in the cellular agriculture space to map out the regulatory pathway for these novel products, both in the United States and internationally. In the plant-based category, she is focused on leveling the playing field and challenging some of the anti-competitive regulations that adversely affect plant-based alternatives to conventional animal products.

      Additionally, we have three scientists, one of whom was a mechanical engineer and program manager at Boeing; two of whom have PhDs and expertise in working with recombinant proteins. Our scientists focus on conducting technological readiness assessments for both plant-based and cellular agriculture products. We need excellent products that taste fantastic, that are price competitive, and that are convenient; our team is there to help support companies and ensure that their products meet these standards and can compete on the market.

      LBT: So, in some ways, you’re an incubator?

      We serve some of those roles, although we work with any and all companies in the space that want our help, and we are creating regulatory, scientific, and entrepreneurial roadmaps that will exist for everyone and in the public domain. These are all documents that will go up in the resources section of our website. We’re kind of an incubator for the entire plant-based alternative and cellular agriculture space, whereas a traditional incubator would serve specific companies and work to get those specific companies a competitive advantage in their market sectors. We work to give all plant-based and cellular agriculture companies a competitive advantage over conventional animal products.

      LBT: What are some of the key challenges for this space? In the cellular ag space, everyone likes to quote that the first cultured burger cost $300,000, for example. But surely this is rapidly changing and will no longer be a challenge in the near future?

      The cost of producing clean meat fell by about 98% over the course of less than two years. It remains cost prohibitive, but it’s just silly that people continue to quote the cost of the very first burger as an indicator of current or future viability. The first iPhone cost $2.6 billion in R&D, but of course, we all now buy iPhones for a fraction of that.

      It’s especially surprising to see people who understand, to see science journalists, talking about the first burger costing $300k without making the extraordinarily basic point that the first of anything costs exponentially more than what it will actually cost at commercialization. Cellular agriculture and clean meat production will be so much more efficient than conventional animal agriculture.

      Economies of scale and various other technological hurdles that need to be cleared mean that it’s a lot more expensive to grow a clean meat hamburger now than a conventional hamburger. But, as we solve the engineering problems and as we scale up, clean meat is going to get to price points that are competitive with conventional animal agriculture. We need to put the resources into solving these problems, but they don’t require breakthroughs in the same way that getting to Mars might require a breakthrough. Much of the science is already available and well-developed, it simply needs to be adapted for this specific field.

      The main obstacle is going to be raising the money that will be required to hire the right people and give those people the resources that they need to deal with these engineering questions. With the influx of new interest and the early successes of companies like Memphis Meats, I’m extremely optimistic that meat production as we know it today is on the path toward transformation.

      This is a trillion dollar per year industry and we can shift the entire industry away from the use of animals and toward clean meat and plant-based alternatives that are more efficient, cause exponentially less climate change, don’t require antibiotics, have a zero percent chance of generating zoonotic diseases, don’t have bacterial contamination, and don’t cause animals to suffer. Right now people eat meat despite how it’s made rather than because of how it’s made. Some portion of people will shift to plant-based alternatives, but some portion of people won’t, and the clean meat technology can satisfy those people who simply won’t be satisfied with plant-based meat.

      LBT: In your ideal world, is everyone eating plant-based or cellular meat? Is there no room for any animal agriculture even if it’s done with the highest sustainability standards and in environmentally beneficial ways? Some grass-raised operations have very noteworthy, regenerative ways of operating. Obviously, they’re still killing animals for food; I understand that. But I’m wondering if you have a place for some sustainable animal agriculture in the future?

      Our focus is on transforming the practices that represent 98-99% of animal agriculture: the lowest common denominator animal agriculture, which is almost all of it. There’s a very small percentage of animal agriculture that uses the regenerative process: the grass-fed, organic model. The people who are purchasing animal products from those farms are doing it with their eyes wide open and can afford to consciously make a choice to find products that aren’t the result of factory farming. We aren’t trying to reach those people, necessarily. We see plant-based and clean meat products replacing meat for the vast majority of consumers who are not thinking about the environment, or sustainability, or animal welfare. They just like the taste and are buying the least expensive stuff.

      LBT: What do we know about the nutritional profile of alternative proteins, particularly the plant-based meats? I think everyone automatically assumes that because they’re plant-based, they’re going to be healthier, but there’s a lot of processing and production that’s going on. How do we know they’re definitely nutritionally superior to a normal burger? At AgFunder we wonder if some alternative products will be like margarine 2.0. The way that the ingredients interact with each other and how they then interact with our gut will be something new. It seems to me that startups aren’t really looking at that because I’ve asked a few of them about the research they’ve done into the nutritional profile of their products, and it’s not something that they’ve been able to answer really.

      That’s interesting. What we know to be true from the Harvard Medical School, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the American Dietetic Association is that there is a nutritional consensus that excess animal protein consumption leads to a host of problems including the biggest killers in the developed world — heart disease and cancer — as well as other public health crises like diabetes and obesity. The studies indicate that where animal proteins and animal fats cause these chronic health problems, plant-based proteins, and plant-based fats are protective. You look at research which shows scientists actually unclogging people’s arteries by moving them off of animal products and onto a whole foods plant based diet; because the nutrients in the plant-based products are plant proteins and plant fats, which appear to be protective against disease.

      The products that these companies use appear to be good for you. They have complex carbohydrates and fiber; they have low levels of saturated fat and no cholesterol, whereas animal products are the opposite of that. Animal-based meat is high in cholesterol, high in saturated fat, devoid of fiber entirely, devoid of complex carbohydrates entirely. At the very least you’re replacing one product that we know causes harm with another product the constituent components of which had never shown to be harm-inducing in the past.

      LBT: What about the cellular ag companies that are hoping to recreate meat in a laboratory? I guess the nutritional profile of those should be the same as normal meat?

      There’s a discussion about that. There’s a little bit of a debate. What is definitely true is that the reason we’re calling it clean meat is twofold. The first is that it is so much better for the environment, akin to clean energy. The second is because its production doesn’t require antibiotics and because the process doesn’t involve all of the filth of factory farms and slaughterhouses. This means there is not the bacterial contamination; there isn’t the salmonella, the E. Coli, the listeria. Nutritionally, it’s most likely, at least initially, that clean meat will be the exact same thing. It will be the exact same meat as conventional meat. It will come with the same heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity impact of conventional meat, but with much less likelihood of food positioning.

      In the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control, contaminated meat leads to tens of millions of illnesses every year. It puts more than 100,000 people in the hospital every year and it kills thousands of people every year. With clean meat, those problems go away. But because it’s the exact same product, it does come with the chronic disease issues. Eventually, there is talk about adapting clean meat to have a lower fat or cholesterol content, but this is unlikely in the initial product.

      The argument against that is that what we really want to do is create a product that is the exact same thing as what people would otherwise be buying except more sustainable, less expensive, less likely to be contaminated. The point at which you start tweaking the nutritional profile is the point at which people start seeing it as something different. We are convinced that once we’ve got the exact same thing but less expensive, a more transparent production process that causes less harm, people will buy it. If you tweak the nutritional profile, it becomes a different product, and it becomes less clear.

      Ultimately, whole food, plant-based diets are the ideal, but we see plant-based meat as a little bit of a concession. We would be delighted if people shifted to a wholefoods plant-based diet, but so far that doesn’t seem like something that people are especially likely to do. We agree with people like Eric Schmidt and Bill Gates that as we make plant-based meats competitive with animal-based meat in terms of taste, cost, and availability, an awful lot of people who like animal meat will shift to plant-based meat who probably would not have shifted to beans and grains.

      Clean meat is not quite as good from an environmental, sustainability, or health standpoint as plant-based meat but it’s a lot better than conventional animal-based meat in all of those categories. For example, where plant-based meat is nine times as efficient as chicken, which is the most efficient meat, clean meat is three times as efficient as chicken.

      LBT: Going back to plant-based alternative proteins startups, how are you looking at sourcing the ingredients? At the moment it seems that pea protein is the big ingredient. Do you see there becoming more diversity in the type of ingredients? I’m thinking, at scale, will it lead to more mono-cropping of particular crops? Probably not corn and soy, but perhaps in replacing fields and fields of soybean for cattle feed, with fields and fields of pea protein for plant-based burgers, we could run into some of the biodiversity issues and unsustainable farming practices employed in conventional agriculture today. How much research is being done to find more diverse sources of plants for these products?

      That’s something that our scientists are looking at and is one of their top priorities. Bill Gates said in his food blog that 92% of plant proteins have not yet been explored for their capacity to be turned into plant-based meat. One of the things we’re working on is figuring out everything that’s been tried, looking at the costs, looking at the environmental impact, and looking at what the end product actually becomes in terms of taste and texture. Basically, we’re figuring out what the best avenues are for the commercialization of all of the various plant proteins in every way. Certainly, as more pea protein is turned into plant-based meat or plant-based dairy, there will be more pea protein crops. The same thing for canola, the same thing for quinoa, for chickpeas; for anything that’s turned into plant-based alternatives to conventional animal products. As demand increases, the supply will go up, but these products will be competing with animal-based meat and dairy products, which are undoubtedly the leading driver of biodiversity loss, rainforest deforestation, and environmental degradation.

      Every time somebody chooses to consume veggie burgers or veggie nuggets instead of animal-based burgers and animal-based nuggets, that frees up a tremendous amount of land. To get a veggie burger, you put one unit of plant in to get one unit of plant-based burger out. Whereas to get an animal burger you put 25 units of soy, or wheat, or alfalfa, or whatever it is that animal is eating to get one unit back out in the form of meat. The most efficient meat is chicken, and it takes nine calories into a chicken in the form of animal feed to get one calorie back out in the form of chicken meat.

      This was one of the key reasons that Eric Schmidt said plant-based meat is a technological innovation that will improve life for humanity by a factor of at least tenfold. The two things that he talked about were sustainability — the fact that we’re not going to feed 9.7 billion people by 2050 with a food source that is so extraordinarily inefficient — and the second was climate change. The least climate change-inducing meat is chicken and chicken produces 40 times as much CO2 as legumes, like beans and soy, per calorie of protein.

      We definitely need to be thinking, as we shift away from animal-based meat and toward plant-based meat, about the environmental impacts and the production practices, but it’s absolutely the case that as this shift occurs there will be less mono-cropping, fewer pesticides used, and less environmental harm all around—because we’ll need a fraction of the total cropland if we’re not cycling crops through animals.

      What do you think of alternative proteins startups? Who you eat a lab-grown meatball or cook a burger manufactured from processed plant proteins? Email "
      5 Antworten
      schrieb am 20.01.17 07:17:24
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.123.275 von Popeye82 am 20.01.17 06:25:38…
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      13 Startups, Pioneering the Future of Protein…
      schrieb am 20.01.17 07:55:51
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.123.275 von Popeye82 am 20.01.17 06:25:38
      Alternative proteins are changing how we think, about EVERYTHING
      schrieb am 20.01.17 08:21:13
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.123.275 von Popeye82 am 20.01.17 06:25:38
      Alternative Protein Startups Receive Boost, from Investor Coalition Worth $1.25tn…

      "The alternative protein movement got a big kick last week when a coalition of large institutional investors joined forces to pressure some of the world’s largest food companies to bring more meat alternatives into their supply chains.

      Plant-based and cultured protein alternatives sprung onto the food tech scene a few years ago in the wake of damning data about the environmental impact of animal farming. Investment capital followed shortly after and there’s now a small, but growing ecosystem of startups and venture capital investors — and even a non-profit research association — dedicated to replacing animal-based products with plant-based alternatives.

      “The world’s over-reliance on factory farmed livestock to feed the growing global demand for protein is a recipe for a financial, social and environmental crisis,” said Jeremy Coller, founder of secondaries private equity firm Coller Capital and the FAIRR (Farm Animal Investment Risk & Return) Initiative leading the coalition.

      “Intensive livestock production already has levels of emissions and pollution that are too high, and standards of safety and welfare that are too low. It simply can’t cope with the projected increase in global protein demand.”

      In partnership with responsible investment organization ShareAction, FAIRR brought together the 40-strong investor coalition including Swedish state pension funds AP2, AP3, and AP4, as well as a range of leading global investment firms such as Aviva Investors, Boston Common, Coller Capital, Folksam, Nordea and Robeco.

      The coalition, which represents $1.25 trillion in assets under management, is putting pressure on 16 multinational food companies to release plans to address the risks inherent in the factory farming of beef. In particular, the coalition wants to see food companies diversify their sources of protein into plant-based alternatives.

      The food companies include Kraft Heinz, Nestle, Unilever, Tesco, Walmart and General Mills.

      This is great news for startups producing meat and animal product alternatives, and the investors looking to fund them. Startups producing meat alternatives include Beyond Meat, Impossible Foods, and Memphis Meats, while Ripple Foods and Muufri are manufacturing milk alternatives, and Clara Foods and Hampton Creek are producing egg alternatives.

      New Crop Capital, a venture capital fund focused on this burgeoning space and investor in some of the above companies, is a signatory to the coalition.

      “Plant-based meat is a solution to the climate crisis and the wastefulness of meat production, and a widespread shift toward plant-based meat would result in plummeting food-borne illnesses and improved health outcomes generally,” Bruce Friedrich, partner at the fund, told AgFunderNews. “All food companies should be focusing more and more resources on plant-based alternatives to conventional meat, dairy, and eggs, and as they do, what is already a burgeoning market sector will become even more profitable. Investors see the writing on the wall, which is why there has never been a better time to either be running or starting a plant-based food company.”

      FAIRR was encouraged to form the coalition on the back of a report from the University of Oxford in the UK earlier this year. The report calculated that if global diets reduced their reliance on meat it could lead to healthcare-related savings and avoid climate damages of $1.5 trillion by 2050.

      The coalition is not only about doing the right thing; the investors involved also want to ensure they can make returns investing in the plant-based market, said Coller.

      “Investors want to know if major food companies have a strategy to avoid [a] protein bubble and to profit from a plant-based protein market set to grow by 8.4% annually over the next five years,” he wrote in the release.

      It also wants to ensure its portfolio companies are not at-risk from involvement in what they see as an unsustainable meat farming system.

      The announcement coincides with the release of a report about the investment case for protein alternatives from FAIRR and ShareAction. The report details the driving factors behind the plant-based market shift, the policy and regulatory frameworks surrounding the segment, product innovation, and consumer trends.

      You can download it ------> HERE <------ .

      This is FAIRR’s second engagement. In April, it formed a similar coalition to put pressure on food companies to reduce the amount of antibiotics used by farmers in their supply chains.

      “FAIRR was set up by the Coller Foundation in 2015 to create links between the food industry and some of the material risks investors are looking at in their environment, social and governance policies, such as climate change and health,” said Rosie Wardle from FAIRR. “We want to close the knowledge gap about the impact of factory farming.”

      The initiative’s first study on the investment risks associated with factory farming came out in January and identified 28 ESG issues. From here it has identified key issues to engage investors on, and after antibiotic use and increasing plant-based alternatives, FAIRR is likely to look at resource scarcity such as water, according to Wardle.

      “We are not advocating for a way forward, but we want to raise awareness of the investment risks associated with the increased intensification of factory farming,” she said. There are lots of different ways to address these issues and they could include promoting sustainable, regenerative or organic livestock farming methods,” she added."
      schrieb am 20.01.17 16:22:24
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      New Isosorbide-Based Acrylate Monomers, for Paints +Plastics…
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      Q&A: Gates Foundation’s Christian Witt on Using Open Innovation in Agriculture…

      "Editor’s Note: Christian Witt is senior program officer for soil health at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and will speaking at the upcoming Rothamsted Open Innovation Forum in the UK on January 18-20. The forum has an innovative agenda aimed at inspiring the next generation of agri-food innovation at the startup and corporate level, to solve the world’s food security challenges. For some of the last remaining tickets, go here. If you’d like to attend from overseas, email me for one of five free international delegate passes.

      I caught up with Witt ahead of the event to find out how the foundation is using open innovation to reach its goals for agricultural impact.

      How Does the Gates Foundation use Open Innovation?
      We have several ways of driving towards impact around our strategies. The most obvious is our grant-making, but we often cite our convening power and ability to bring together a community to jointly solve a particular challenge. We have been using OI in various ways since the early days of the foundation.

      For example, we have the Grand Challenges, a family of initiatives fostering innovation to solve key global health and development problems – the challenges could be very specific and technical in nature or relatively broad. Through the challenges we crowd-source ideas in an area we feel is neglected and then we may choose to fund a variety of ideas with seed money and consider any next steps the grantees propose, which could be follow-up funding or staggered funding.

      In 2007, the Gates Foundation launched Grand Challenges Explorations to engage more of the world’s innovators more quickly. Great ideas come from everywhere. Twice each year, Grand Challenges Explorations invites high-risk, high-reward proposals on a range of challenges.

      Our convening events are another form and we often use them to learn about a particular area and whether it would be worthwhile investing in. We bring together key thought leaders and partners in and invite them for a couple of days to help us think though all the different perspectives of a particular problem. Participation can vary from 10 to 60 people, but it’s usually very targeted around a particular topic. We may organize convening events when internally we don’t have clarity on how to approach a particular problem, or we need to understand whether better research is needed. They help us to map the landscape, get some voices to it, and connect people who might not know each other.

      Can you give me an example of a convening event or Grand Challenge topic?
      We have run relatively few Grand Challenges exclusively on agriculture but sometimes this is the only way to reach out to the broader community of creative minds that is hard to reach otherwise. In 2013, we ran a Grand Challenge on Labor Saving Strategies and Innovations for Women Smallholder Farmers as we felt this was an area that needed innovation, recognizing that the majority of smallholder farmers in the developing world are women who labor their fields under often difficult conditions.

      In 2015, we organized a convening together with USAID to brainstorm ways to promote the commercial and sustainable production and delivery of early generation seed for food crops in Sub-Saharan Africa (follow this link to download the report). We were concerned about this particular bottleneck in the seed value chain and used the convening to draw up intervention options.

      What are your main concerns today about soil health and the ag sector, globally?
      There are different ways to look at soil health issues. You can look at it from a farmer’s perspective in terms of soil and land productivity or more broadly in the context of environmental services. These are complex issues demanding integrated solutions.

      One particular area we have identified that deserves more attention is open data access around soil, crop and land information globally. We are not organized enough in the research community to make key data available to the broader science community and the public, and that is essential because it is the key enabler for innovations; solutions can be built on top of these data and information. And it’s not just the data, it’s the analytics and knowledge on how to act on the information. This is one reason why we invested in the Africa Soil Information Service to innovate around digital soil mapping and form partnerships with researchers, governments, private sector and other partners to inform decision making at various levels in support of smallholder farming.

      Are you working with GODAN?
      We are member of GODAN and are actively supporting their efforts. Related, we launched our own Open Access Policy as of January 1, 2017 under which all foundation-funded research must be freely accessible online, including underlying data, without a paywall or embargo period, and freely reusable for anyone to build on with proper attribution.

      Which categories of the agritech startup scene excite you the most?
      There are quite a few one could list but I’m particularly intrigued at the moment by the emerging platforms facilitating innovation and collaboration like the one offered by the Center for Open Science along with an increasing number of commercial providers. We need to make it much easier for agricultural scientists and tech developers to come together and jointly work on solutions. The divide is huge and particularly so in the agricultural sciences. There is much to learn from other industries."
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      novel fuel cell carbon capture technology…
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      Weird science; How genome research in Atlantic Canada could lead to BIG breakthroughs, for energy +mining sectors…
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      Investing in Irrigation, for Global Food Security; Investments in irrigation across the developing world could, significantly, decrease food prices +hunger, worldwide, but in order for these investments to pay off, they need to be targeted, +should be accompanied by improvements in water-use efficiency. Claudia Ringler analyzes the costs of expanding irrigation in the developing world, +the potential of improved water management, to help provide stable, affordable food, +a more nutritious diet…
      schrieb am 28.01.17 00:41:50
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      Commission brings in TOP innovators, to advise on a potential European Innovation Council; European Commissioner, for Research, Science +Innovation, Carlos Moedas, has named 15 top innovation advisors, to suggest better ways to spend the EU innovation budget. Ingmar Hoerr, Co-Founder +CEO of CureVac +Marjolein Helder, founder +CEO of Plant-e will represent the voice of the biotech sector; Carlos Moedas: "I am delighted, that we have managed to attract such a high-calibre group of innovators operating in different fields, to assist the Commission in designing a new approach, to supporting innovation under the working title of a European Innovation Council. I am confident, that they will bring a vital user perspective, helping us to design an approach, that is fit for purpose, +targeted on boosting the quality, of EU support, for breakthrough, market-creating innovation, on which Europe's prosperity INCREASINGLY RELIES"…
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      schrieb am 28.01.17 04:09:57
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.183.496 von Popeye82 am 28.01.17 03:53:27

      , Plant-e is a young Dutch company, that is focussed :eek: , on developing products with which electricity is generated :eek: , with living plants :eek::eek::eek:


      schrieb am 28.01.17 19:15:08
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      Introducing Lina, the world’s FIRST BIOCOMPOSITE CAR
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      RNA clay offers green alternative to plant pesticides, Biodegradable spray that targets plant virus with RNA technology set to enter field trials in Australia

      - RNA clay is a promising non-GM technology, that may replace pesticides
      - Virus-specific RNA only kills the targeted pathogen when sprayed onto plants
      - Several companies are already working on commercialising RNA clay…

      "[SYDNEY] A nano-sized bio-degradable clay-comprising double stranded ribonucleic acid (dsRNA) could offer a cost-effective, clean and green alternative to chemical-based plant pesticides.

      Australian researchers from the University of Queensland have successfully used a gene-silencing spray, named BioClay, a combination of biomolecules and clay, to protect tobacco plants from a virus for 20 days with a single application. Their study has been published in Nature Plants.

      “When BioClay is sprayed onto a plant, the virus-specific dsRNA is slowly released from the clay nanosheets into the plant. This activates a pathway in the plant that is a natural defence mechanism. The dsRNA is chopped up into small bits of RNA by enzymes of this pathway. These small bits attack the virus when it infects the plant without altering the plant genome,” explains lead researcher, Neena Mitter.

      “Even with current pesticides, we lose up to 40 per cent of our crop productivity because of pests and pathogens. We are hoping that having BioClay in the mix as an environmentally friendly, sustainable crop protection measure will reduce crop losses,” Mitter adds.

      “The clay-based delivery technology could represent a positive inflection point in the progress towards commercialisation of topical RNAi. This is a non-GM, environmentally benign and very specific technology.”
      John Killmer, APSE

      While chemical-based pesticides kill the targeted insect, they can also affect a range of other insects that are beneficial. Mitter says, “BioClay is specific and it only kills the pathogen being targeted. Currently farmers use insecticides to kill the vector that comes with the viruses, but with BioClay we can target the virus itself.”

      BioClay field trials may begin in Australia by year-end. “The first test will be on a virus that infects vegetable crops — capsicum, tomato, chilli,” Mitter tells SciDev.Net.

      Farmers can use the existing equipment to deliver BioClay and the researchers are hopeful that it will be a commercially viable product for farmers everywhere. The clay component is cheap to make, but not the RNA.

      Several companies like APSE, a US based startup, are working on the mass production of RNAs. APSE is developing RNA manufacturing technology for RNA interference (RNAi) or gene silencing applications.

      “Our technology for RNA production should be ready in 2-3 years. We are targeting US$2 per gram,” APSE’s John Killmer tells SciDev.Net.
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      Killmer says, “The clay-based delivery technology could represent a positive inflection point in the progress towards commercialisation of topical RNAi. This is a non-GM, environmentally benign and very specific technology.”

      RNAi technology is being used by many in the agriculture industry including the biotech firm Monsanto. The company’s BioDirect technology is focused on applications of RNAi directly onto the leaves of a plant.

      Monsanto’s spokesperson John Combest tells SciDev.Net, “As insects develop resistance to certain classes of pesticides, giving farmers another option to control these pests is critical. The idea is not to replace any given system of farming, whether modern GM systems or others — it’s to provide farmers with products that can complement or replace agricultural chemical products.” "
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 30.01.17 16:54:34
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.196.672 von Popeye82 am 30.01.17 16:47:02…
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      schrieb am 01.02.17 02:45:48
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      schrieb am 01.02.17 04:21:33
      Beitrag Nr. 823 ()…
      schrieb am 01.02.17 05:24:34
      Beitrag Nr. 824 ()
      schrieb am 01.02.17 05:28:53
      Beitrag Nr. 825 ()
      schrieb am 02.02.17 18:01:00
      Beitrag Nr. 826 ()
      schrieb am 02.02.17 18:07:18
      Beitrag Nr. 827 ()
      DIESE Roboter-Reptilien spionieren ihre echten Artgenossen aus; Ob diese Erfindung auch etwas für den deutschen Tierfilmer Andreas Kieling wäre? Robotische Nachbauten eines Krokodils +einer Echse, die mit Kameraaugen ausgestattet sind? Die Maschinen in Tierform bewegen sich so natürlich, dass sie richtig nah an ihre echten Vorbilder herankommen. Das Ergebnis: herausragende Bilder


      - EPFL scientists designed, built and remote-controlled the robotic structures of a crocodile and a lizard for a field experiment, in the depths of Africa, in collaboration with the BBC. The robots are featured in today’s episode of “Spy in the Wild”.

      Read more:
      BBC Spy in the Wild: -
      schrieb am 02.02.17 18:15:23
      Beitrag Nr. 828 ()
      Anuvia Plant Nutrient's breakTHROUGH waste-to-nutrient tech; There's a new +fascinating way to improve plant yield +farmer income, +it's high technology in service of a very ancient idea -in this case, "slow +steady wins the race"- applied in this case to controlled-release fertilizer. The company is called Anuvia Plant Nutrients, +it has built a, small, first, commercial plant, in Zellwood, Florida. The kicker??? It's using organic waste otherwise headed for the landfill, to create its nutrient magic…
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 02.02.17 18:19:38
      Beitrag Nr. 829 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.225.757 von Popeye82 am 02.02.17 18:15:23

      schrieb am 02.02.17 18:27:05
      Beitrag Nr. 830 ()
      Maximizing diesel +jet fuel yields; IF you've been following our coverage of Shell +Virent, you'll know that there's a broad-based effort to bring forward(@massive, Shellesque scale) Multistage Hydrothermal Liquefaction(HTL) of biomass, that would be integrated with Virent's Catalytic BioForming Process, to efficiently produce cost effective "drop-in" fuels. The feedstocks in focus, include woody biomass +corn stover - +there's a push on in this technology for jet fuel +diesel yields
      schrieb am 02.02.17 18:32:30
      Beitrag Nr. 831 ()
      biofuel-powered flight of an ATR aircraft…
      schrieb am 02.02.17 18:40:08
      Beitrag Nr. 832 ()
      Researchers separate sugars from byproduct chemicals including toxin; In California, in creating fuels from the woody materials of plants - the most abundant source of biomass on earth - scientists must separate the desirable sugars from byproduct chemicals including toxins. A team from the University of California, @Berkeley, Northwestern University, +Hokkaido University discovered a honeycomb-like structure, called NU-1000, that selectively adsorbs toxic furanics, whiiiiile completely EXcluding desirable sugars from the same watery mixture. The NU-1000 even works when the sugar is present in several-hundred-fold excess…
      schrieb am 02.02.17 19:53:50
      Beitrag Nr. 833 ()…

      schrieb am 02.02.17 20:04:28
      Beitrag Nr. 834 ()
      "On January 30th of this year, California released a State Administrative Management Memo setting out requirements for State purchases of EVs and EV charging infrastructure. It was full of good news for the State, for EVs and for Envision Solar. California’s commitment to establishing policies and programs that reduce greenhouse gases and promote energy diversity could not be better served than by the deployment of our products. There were two particularly important bullets in the memo which directed California’s Department of General Services (who renewed our statewide contract this year) to:

      - establish new goals for State ZEV (zero emission vehicle) purchases so that 50% of annual light duty fleet purchases are ZEV by 2025 and,
      - assist state agencies in the development and implementation of each agency’s workplace charging plan that will result in EV charging availability at a minimum of 5% of workplace parking spaces at state facilities. .................................................

      schrieb am 02.02.17 20:29:41
      Beitrag Nr. 835 ()
      WHAAAAAT do Chili peppers, algae, aerial drones, marijuana, the Rockefeller Foundation, 3D Printing, Hagfish slime, +spider silk exactly have in common?; 9 billion people by 2050, that’s the population that the UN is telling us that we are going to have. That’s a lot of mouths to feed with the same land base - +with more urbanization, who knows how much land we’ll have to use. One new company coming up fast in Crop Enhancement, tirelessly working to increase crop yields, +in a sustainable way. We'll be joined by CEO Kevin Chen +Chief Technology Officer David Soane. Later in the program we'll look @growing fuels, nutraceuticals, +protein in the water, via algae. Will Thurmond, author of Algae 2020, joins us, as we look @the technologies that are changing the way we make EVERYthing, from vitamins to omega-3 fatty acids, +the protein we feed to farm animals

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 02.02.17 20:37:37
      Beitrag Nr. 836 ()
      schrieb am 02.02.17 22:18:31
      Beitrag Nr. 837 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.226.960 von Popeye82 am 02.02.17 20:29:41
      the Plant Bottle REvolution;

      schrieb am 04.02.17 17:33:27
      Beitrag Nr. 838 ()
      schrieb am 05.02.17 03:19:27
      Beitrag Nr. 839 ()
      schrieb am 05.02.17 16:59:28
      Beitrag Nr. 840 ()
      Agricultural breakTHROUGH, Controlling plant regeneration systems MAY drive the future, of agriculture; the ability to self-repair damaged tissue is one of the key features, that define living organisms. Plants in paaaaarticular are regeneration champions, a quality that has been used for centuries in horticultural techniques, such as grafting. Belgian scientists, from VIB +Ghent University, have NOW discovered a key protein complex, that controls plant tissue repair…
      schrieb am 05.02.17 18:53:36
      Beitrag Nr. 841 ()
      Ireland likely to be first country, in the world, to ban fossil fuel investment, ‘We should NOT associate with Trump-era politics’…
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 05.02.17 18:56:51
      Beitrag Nr. 842 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.244.001 von Popeye82 am 05.02.17 18:53:36
      schrieb am 06.02.17 06:49:42
      Beitrag Nr. 843 ()
      schrieb am 06.02.17 07:45:51
      Beitrag Nr. 844 ()
      schrieb am 06.02.17 07:52:04
      Beitrag Nr. 845 ()
      China to protect areas of high ecological importance…
      schrieb am 06.02.17 08:06:59
      Beitrag Nr. 846 ()
      Researchers investigate decline in forest-birds
      schrieb am 06.02.17 10:16:34
      Beitrag Nr. 847 ()
      schrieb am 06.02.17 10:22:10
      Beitrag Nr. 848 ()
      Toxic air pollution nanoparticles discovered, in the human brain…
      schrieb am 06.02.17 11:37:52
      Beitrag Nr. 849 ()
      Alien-like critter forces creation of new insect category; Around one million insects have been discovered, +described by scientists, with every last one slotting into one of 31 categories, known in entomology circles, as orders. BUUUUUT researchers, @Oregon State University, have been forced to revisit the playbook, after the discovery of an alien-like insect, preserved in amber, left them with no choice but to take an incredibly rare step -&create order number 32, which it enjoys all to itself…

      schrieb am 06.02.17 21:16:30
      Beitrag Nr. 850 ()
      worlds first commercial smaller scale GTL plant
      schrieb am 08.02.17 03:31:10
      Beitrag Nr. 851 ()
      schrieb am 10.02.17 18:05:50
      Beitrag Nr. 852 ()
      first biobased railcar coating tested; Polish railway vehicle manufacturer Newag SA coated two diesel locomotives with a paint based on renewable resources. Lankwitzer Lackfabrik of Berlin supplied the coating, which it developed in close collaboration with Covestro, using the biobased coating hardener, Desmodur® eco N 7300…
      schrieb am 10.02.17 18:50:13
      Beitrag Nr. 853 ()
      schrieb am 13.02.17 05:20:41
      Beitrag Nr. 854 ()
      schrieb am 13.02.17 05:23:28
      Beitrag Nr. 855 ()
      schrieb am 13.02.17 05:34:51
      Beitrag Nr. 856 ()
      schrieb am 13.02.17 05:38:06
      Beitrag Nr. 857 ()
      Waste: a problem, ooooor a resource?

      schrieb am 14.02.17 21:13:27
      Beitrag Nr. 858 ()
      schrieb am 14.02.17 21:48:37
      Beitrag Nr. 859 ()
      BioFoam: The first CO2 neutral foam, in the world
      schrieb am 14.02.17 21:51:54
      Beitrag Nr. 860 ()
      EREMA: ReFresher ensures odourless recyclate, in post-consumer recycling
      schrieb am 14.02.17 22:01:20
      Beitrag Nr. 861 ()
      Studenten entwickeln neues biologisch abbaubares Plastik, aus Bananen…
      schrieb am 14.02.17 22:06:03
      Beitrag Nr. 862 ()
      Weniger CO2-Emissionen +mehr Nachhaltigkeit bei der Kunststoffproduktion: PLAneo® Technologie von thyssenkrupp wird kommerziell…
      schrieb am 14.02.17 22:12:19
      Beitrag Nr. 863 ()
      Future of CO2-based Product Technology Unveiled, @COP22, report Outlines Trillion Dollar Market Opportunity…
      schrieb am 14.02.17 22:20:00
      Beitrag Nr. 864 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.321.088 von Popeye82 am 14.02.17 22:12:19
      für mich Ein MEGAMEGAMEGAthema:

      Roadmap for the Global Implementation of Carbon Dioxide UTILIZATION Technologies ; TRANSforming CO2, from a liability to an ASSET

      schrieb am 14.02.17 22:26:21
      Beitrag Nr. 865 ()
      breakTHROUGH technology deployment, to accelerate the biobased economy…
      schrieb am 15.02.17 23:07:35
      Beitrag Nr. 866 ()
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 15.02.17 23:13:10
      Beitrag Nr. 867 ()
      schrieb am 16.02.17 03:28:16
      Beitrag Nr. 868 ()
      schrieb am 16.02.17 03:43:42
      Beitrag Nr. 869 ()
      schrieb am 16.02.17 20:16:23
      Beitrag Nr. 870 ()
      Clean Tech Innovator

      schrieb am 17.02.17 23:21:19
      Beitrag Nr. 871 ()
      schrieb am 18.02.17 00:09:01
      Beitrag Nr. 872 ()
      schrieb am 18.02.17 00:56:25
      Beitrag Nr. 873 ()
      schrieb am 18.02.17 02:32:48
      Beitrag Nr. 874 ()
      Reactive lignin for reducing the environmental impacts of wood products, Innovative replacement for toxic phenol compounds in wood adhesives offering new business opportunities to many industrial players; VTT, Technical, Research Centre, of Finland, has developed technology known as “CatLignin”, to produce reactive lignin from pulp industry side streams, to be used as a replacement for toxic phenol compounds in wood adhesives that, are widely used in wood products, +furnitur
      schrieb am 18.02.17 03:06:25
      Beitrag Nr. 875 ()
      schrieb am 18.02.17 04:35:39
      Beitrag Nr. 876 ()
      Mit Rhapynal zu einer besseren Umwelt innovativ, biobasiert UND nachhaltig, Neuartiges Biotensid bietet von der Landwirtschaft bis hin zur Pharmaindustrie NAHEzu unbegrenzte Einsatzmöglichkeiten…
      schrieb am 18.02.17 04:40:01
      Beitrag Nr. 877 ()
      IneraTec: Treibhausgase für synthetische Kraftstoffe…
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 18.02.17 04:44:55
      Beitrag Nr. 878 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.352.582 von Popeye82 am 18.02.17 04:40:01
      schrieb am 18.02.17 05:10:04
      Beitrag Nr. 879 ()
      Sequential cropping COULD unlock huge sustainable biogas potential: Italian farmers produce LOW cost biomethane with positive environmental impacts
      Dieses Bild ist nicht SSL-verschlüsselt: [url]
      FINAL report ------>…

      "1 February, 2017 – Utrecht, Netherlands/Lodi, Italy – Sequential cropping can be a promising model to produce additional biomass without negative impacts on land use change or food production. In a research study for the Italian Biogas Consortium (CIB), Ecofys found that agricultural crop yields can increase DRAMATICALLY in a sustainable manner if sequential cropping is introduced.

      In Europe, agricultural land is usually fallow during winter time. In a sequential cropping scheme, a winter cover crop is cultivated in addition to the usual summer crop. Ecofys, consulted by the Wageningen University Centre for Crop Systems Analysis and the Research Centre on Animal Production (CRPA, of Reggio Emilia), assessed the impacts of this practice which is already being applied by many Italian farmers. Ecofys focused its research on a case study in Northern Italy, where maize silage is being cultivated as a summer crop (for animal feed) and triticale silage as an additional winter crop (for biogas), with digestate, a nutrient-rich biogas residue, being fed back to the fields. The experts investigated how much additional biomass was produced and which impacts occurred on soil nutrients, soil erosion, water availability, on-farm biodiversity and the carbon balance. The study uses a methodology Ecofys developed for the European Commission, published on the DG Energy website.

      The results identified this agricultural system as promising in all respects: crop yields for animal feed and additional biogas feedstock were increased, thus providing additional income to farmers without displacing existing feed production or creating other negative environmental impacts. However, further research is recommended to confirm this. The additional biogas can be upgraded to biomethane and used for transport, heat or power.

      “Seeing that low cost biomethane can be produced with positive environmental impacts and no negative land use change risks is encouraging, as biofuels are needed in much greater quantities than today to decarbonise the transport sector. It would be exciting to see whether this concept can be rolled-out throughout Europe”, says Daan Peters, Senior Consultant Bioenergy at Ecofys and main author of the study.

      “We are delighted to see that our sequential cropping system, combined with a number of farming practices known as Biogasdoneright®, truly produces additional biomass while capturing more CO2 from the atmosphere”, adds Piero Gattoni, CIB President. “We will continue to analyse the positive impacts of this agricultural model, and further improve it through technological innovation and good farming practices, in order to increase EU energy production without undermining EU food security and agricultural sustainability.”

      Ecofys also assessed whether sequential cropping has a positive business case and whether it could be scaled up in other regions, and estimates that the potential cost savings and regional opportunities can be significant. An even larger potential can be expected if other crop combinations suitable for sequential cropping are taken into account. The experts thus recommend a more detailed study into the potential of sequential cropping in the EU and elsewhere.

      Ecofys and the Italian Biogas Consortium will present the study results at the CIB’s annual event “Biogasitaly 2017, the rise of a new #agriculturalrevolution” on 24 February in Rome. For more information:

      Graphic: Producing feed and biogas feedstock through sequential cropping, source: CIB

      About Ecofys
      Ecofys, a Navigant company, is a leading international energy and climate consultancy focused on sustainable energy for everyone. Founded in 1984, the company is a trusted advisor to governments, corporations, NGOs, and energy providers worldwide. The team delivers powerful results in the energy and climate transition sectors. Working across the entire energy value chain, Ecofys develops innovative solutions and strategies to support its clients in enabling the energy transition and working through the challenges of climate change. Additional information about Ecofys can be found at

      About CIB
      CIB, the Italian Biogas Consortium, brings together biogas producers, biogas equipment manufacturers, manufacturers of agricultural machines and natural gas vehicles as well as public bodies that act along the full biogas-biomethane value chain from agriculture to its end uses. CIB aims to promote, disseminate and coordinate activities around the biogas sector in Italy. The CIB actively fosters the Biogasdoneright® model as a sustainable and practical way to produce food, feed and energy while decarbonizing the footprint of the agricultural sector. Currently, CIB represents almost 800 associated members and more than 400 MW of installed power capacity. Additional information about CIB can be found at

      About Navigant
      Navigant Consulting, Inc. is a specialized, global professional services firm that helps clients take control of their future. Navigant’s professionals apply deep industry knowledge, substantive technical expertise, and an enterprising approach to help clients build, manage and/or protect their business interests. With a focus on markets and clients facing transformational change and significant regulatory or legal pressures, the Firm primarily serves clients in the healthcare, energy and financial services industries. Across a range of advisory, consulting, outsourcing, and technology/analytics services, Navigant’s practitioners bring sharp insight that pinpoints opportunities and delivers powerful results. More information about Navigant can be found at

      ------> * <------ The information contained in this press release concerning the report, Assessing the case for sequential cropping to produce low ILUC risk biomethane, is a summary and reflects Ecofys’current expectations based on market data and trend analysis. Market predictions and expectations are inherently uncertain and actual results may differ materially from those contained in this press release or the report. Please refer to the full report for a complete understanding of the assumptions underlying the report’s conclusions and the methodologies used to create the report. Neither Ecofys nor Navigant undertakes any obligation to update any of the information contained in this press release or the report."
      schrieb am 18.02.17 05:57:37
      Beitrag Nr. 880 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.352.582 von Popeye82 am 18.02.17 04:40:01
      Power-to-Liquid: Erste Kompaktanlage im Pilotbetrieb;session=14846de2a6caef46&focus=ST…
      schrieb am 18.02.17 06:37:19
      Beitrag Nr. 881 ()
      The Dwarf Planet Ceres MAY Have The Ingredients For Life

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 18.02.17 06:45:23
      Beitrag Nr. 882 ()
      schrieb am 18.02.17 07:21:20
      Beitrag Nr. 883 ()
      Researchers invent process to produce renewable car tires from trees, grass, the car tires produced from biomass, that includes trees +grasses, would be identical to existing car tires with the same chemical makeup, color, shape, +performance; a team of researchers, led by the University of Minnesota, has invented a new technology, to produce automobile tires, from trees +grasses, in a process that COULD shift the tire production industry toward using renewable resources, found right in our backyard
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 18.02.17 07:23:49
      Beitrag Nr. 884 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.352.705 von Popeye82 am 18.02.17 07:21:20
      schrieb am 18.02.17 21:36:25
      Beitrag Nr. 885 ()
      first lab-grown hamburger will cost, $345,000
      schrieb am 18.02.17 21:45:49
      Beitrag Nr. 886 ()
      schrieb am 18.02.17 22:38:01
      Beitrag Nr. 887 ()…

      - Even though it is hotter than the surface of the Sun, the crystallized iron core of the Earth remains solid. A new study from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden may finally settle a longstanding debate over how that’s possible, as well as why seismic waves travel at higher speeds between the planet’s poles than through the equator. -
      schrieb am 19.02.17 00:17:14
      Beitrag Nr. 888 ()
      schrieb am 19.02.17 06:43:21
      Beitrag Nr. 889 ()
      97,7percent of total Sea water is made up of only seven ions
      schrieb am 19.02.17 18:10:00
      Beitrag Nr. 890 ()
      schrieb am 23.02.17 01:26:23
      Beitrag Nr. 891 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.352.654 von Popeye82 am 18.02.17 06:37:19
      SIEBEN erdähnliche Planeten entdeckt

      schrieb am 23.02.17 21:01:38
      Beitrag Nr. 892 ()
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 23.02.17 21:05:32
      Beitrag Nr. 893 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.398.122 von Popeye82 am 23.02.17 21:01:38…
      schrieb am 23.02.17 21:13:45
      Beitrag Nr. 894 ()
      schrieb am 28.02.17 04:17:51
      Beitrag Nr. 895 ()
      schrieb am 28.02.17 09:22:21
      Beitrag Nr. 896 ()
      nach steven hawking müssen wir den planeten ja in den nächsten 1000 jahren verlassen um die menscheit zu retten...
      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 28.02.17 10:33:11
      Beitrag Nr. 897 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.426.911 von RelientK am 28.02.17 09:22:21Ich glaube nicht, dass unsere technische Zivilisation in 1000 Jahren noch besteht.
      Wenn wir weiter machen wie bisher, ganz bestimmt nicht.

      Und wenn wir es nicht mal schaffen, die Lebensbedingungen auf der Erde zu erhalten, an die wir optimal angepasst sind - wie sollten wir es dann schaffen, den Mars oder gar einen Planeten eines anderen Sonnensystems bewohnbar zu machen?
      (Die nächsten Planetensysteme sind hunderttausend mal weiter entfernt als der Mars!)
      schrieb am 28.02.17 11:29:27
      Beitrag Nr. 898 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.426.911 von RelientK am 28.02.17 09:22:21
      SpaceX Plans To Send Two Private Citizens Around The Moon, Next Year…
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 28.02.17 13:05:14
      Beitrag Nr. 899 ()
      50,000-Year-Old 'SUPER Life' Discovered, in mexican grave, Says Head Of NASA Astrobiology, Approximately 40 different strains of microbes +some viruses were revived, +initial results suggest they are very different genetically from ANYthing, previously, known. The closest relatives to the microbes are 10% different genetically, that compared to the mere 4% genetic difference between humans +chimps

      schrieb am 28.02.17 16:48:10
      Beitrag Nr. 900 ()
      schrieb am 28.02.17 18:24:58
      Beitrag Nr. 901 ()
      den Bill G. AR wollte ich hier eh noch reinstellen:

      122,000,000 Reasons, To Join, The Child Survival Revolution; ALL lives have equal value


      schrieb am 28.02.17 21:17:55
      Beitrag Nr. 902 ()
      U.S. Airforce: Langley 1 of 4 bases to test bio-based grease, If the bio-based grease proves to be just as capable as the current grease being used, it will be substituted, +used Air Force-wide
      schrieb am 28.02.17 21:20:55
      Beitrag Nr. 903 ()
      schrieb am 28.02.17 23:17:56
      Beitrag Nr. 904 ()
      schrieb am 28.02.17 23:22:34
      Beitrag Nr. 905 ()
      schrieb am 01.03.17 00:15:29
      Beitrag Nr. 906 ()
      Oil Rig, of the FUTURE: Harvesting biofuel, from solar panels

      schrieb am 01.03.17 00:30:41
      Beitrag Nr. 907 ()
      schrieb am 01.03.17 01:19:59
      Beitrag Nr. 908 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.426.911 von RelientK am 28.02.17 09:22:21
      Paracetamol, on Mars


      Artificial leaf, as mini-factory, for medicine; Eindhoven University researchers presented scenario where leaves are able to collect enough sunlight to produce chemical products; to produce medicine, sustainably +cheaply, ANYwhere you want. Whether in the middle of the jungle ooor eeeeeven on Mars :eek::eek::eek: . A ‘mini-factory’ whereby sunlight can be captured to make chemical products. Inspired by the art of nature, where leaves are able to collect enough sunlight to produce food, chemical, engineers, @Eindhoven University of Technology(TU/e), have presented such a scenario. They describe their prototype reactor – consciously shaped as a leaf – in today’s journal Angewandte Chemie
      schrieb am 01.03.17 03:22:18
      Beitrag Nr. 909 ()
      Plastics recycling COULD be revolutionized, by a new polymer additive…
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 01.03.17 04:12:40
      Beitrag Nr. 910 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.435.293 von Popeye82 am 01.03.17 03:22:18

      - Only 2 percent of the 78 million tons of manufactured plastics are currently recycled into similar products because polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP), which account for two-thirds of the world’s plastics, have different chemical structures and cannot be efficiently repurposed together.

      That could all change with a discovery by a Cornell University research team.

      In this video, Geoffrey Coates, a professor of chemistry and chemical biology at Cornell University, explains how his research team created a new, multiblock polymer that, when added in small measure to a mix of the two otherwise incompatible materials, creates a new and mechanically tough polymer.

      Not only does this tetrablock polymer show promise for improving recycling, it could spawn a whole new class of mechanically tough polymer blends. -
      schrieb am 01.03.17 04:29:29
      Beitrag Nr. 911 ()
      Whole crop valorisation, Industry aims @using the whole crop, among others by valorisation of what used to be called waste streams

      Dieses Bild ist nicht SSL-verschlüsselt: [url]
      schrieb am 01.03.17 05:06:48
      Beitrag Nr. 912 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.428.102 von Popeye82 am 28.02.17 11:29:27…
      schrieb am 01.03.17 13:53:03
      Beitrag Nr. 913 ()
      Nanoparticles, of rare metal +light, convert carbon dioxide, into fuel, newly discovered chemical reaction could use natural sunlight, to reduce growing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere, +lead to the development of alternative energies…
      schrieb am 01.03.17 14:45:00
      Beitrag Nr. 914 ()
      KEY missing piece –viable source of renewable sugars, from non-food biomass
      schrieb am 01.03.17 22:02:16
      Beitrag Nr. 915 ()
      schrieb am 01.03.17 22:42:34
      Beitrag Nr. 916 ()
      schrieb am 03.03.17 18:00:59
      Beitrag Nr. 917 ()
      schrieb am 09.03.17 01:39:42
      Beitrag Nr. 918 ()
      schrieb am 10.03.17 15:21:12
      Beitrag Nr. 919 ()
      das dürfte wirklich ziemlich relevant sein für Diesen Sektor

      A bio-based packaging REVOLUTION: Danone +Nestlé, Waters, form the NaturalALL Bottle Alliance

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 10.03.17 16:06:15
      Beitrag Nr. 920 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.511.623 von Popeye82 am 10.03.17 15:21:12
      schrieb am 11.03.17 04:30:05
      Beitrag Nr. 921 ()
      Turning food waste, into tires; Researchers, @The Ohio State University, have developed a, patent-pending, technology, for incorporating food waste into rubber; Eggshells, tomato peels add strength to sustainable rubber

      schrieb am 12.03.17 05:33:41
      Beitrag Nr. 922 ()
      day AFTER tomorrow, after 100.000.000years

      - Earth's landmasses were not always what they are today. Continents formed as Earth's crustal plates shifted and collided over long periods of time. This video shows how today's continents are thought to have evolved over the last 600 million years, and where they'll end up in the next 100 million years.

      Paleogeographic Views of Earth's History provided by Ron Blakey, Professor of Geology, Northern Arizona University. -
      schrieb am 13.03.17 14:50:21
      Beitrag Nr. 923 ()
      schrieb am 13.03.17 18:16:05
      Beitrag Nr. 924 ()
      schrieb am 14.03.17 01:25:19
      Beitrag Nr. 925 ()

      - A spectrometer on the Dawn spacecraft has detected organic material on the surface of the dwarf planet Ceres.
      Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA -
      schrieb am 14.03.17 02:17:18
      Beitrag Nr. 926 ()
      Leonardo DiCaprio Invests in Sustainable Fish…
      schrieb am 14.03.17 03:02:59
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      schrieb am 15.03.17 15:17:11
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      schrieb am 15.03.17 15:40:53
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.540.490 von Popeye82 am 15.03.17 15:17:11…
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      Beitrag Nr. 933 ()…

      "In Pennsylvania, Penn State Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Yuan Xuan and researchers at Yale University will work together to identify clean-burning biofuels for next-generation internal combustion engines thanks to a $1.2 million award from the Energy Department’s Co-Optimization of Fuels and Engines Initiative (Co-Optima).

      The project is part of Co-Optima’s ground-breaking research in powertrain technology in partnership with universities, industry stakeholders and national laboratories. Co-Optima has two goals: to bring new engines and fuels to market within a decade and to demonstrate new combustion technologies by 2030 with the potential for a 30 percent reduction in petroleum consumption and a 14 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emission, nationwide."
      schrieb am 15.03.17 19:16:10
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      schrieb am 15.03.17 23:06:41
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      schrieb am 15.03.17 23:23:26
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.543.334 von Popeye82 am 15.03.17 23:06:41
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      schrieb am 16.03.17 00:02:49
      Beitrag Nr. 939 ()
      European Parliament proposes legislation to increase recycling……

      "The share of waste to be recycled would rise to 70% by 2030, from 44% today, under draft legislation adopted by the European Parliament on March 14. Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) also want the “waste package” plans to limit the share of landfilling, which has a big environmental impact, to 5% and to deliver a 50% reduction in food waste by 2030. Parliament will now negotiate with the Council of Ministers.

      Statistics for 2014 suggest that 44% of all municipal waste in the European Union is recycled or composted. This compares to just 31% in 2004, and by 2020 EU member states should be recycling or composting more than 50% of waste.

      The draft law limits the share of municipal waste to be landfilled to 10% by 2030. MEPs proposed reducing this to 5% albeit with a possible five-year extension, under certain conditions, for member states which landfilled more than 65% of their municipal waste in 2013. In addition, the MEPs advocated an EU food waste reduction target of 30% by 2025 and 50% by 2030, compared to 2014.

      By 2030, at least 70% by weight of so-called municipal waste (from households and businesses) should be recycled or prepared for re-use, (i.e., checked, cleaned, or repaired), said the MEPs. The European Commission proposed 65%. For packaging materials, such as paper and cardboard, plastics, glass, metal, and wood, MEPs proposed an 80% target for 2030, with interim 2025 targets for each material.

      “Today, Parliament—by a very large majority—has showed that it believes in the transition towards a circular economy. We decided to restore the ambitious recycling and landfill targets in line with what the Commission had originally proposed in 2014,” said Simona Bonafè, lead MEP. “Reuse, recycling, and recovery are becoming the key words around which a new paradigm needs to be built to promote sustainability, innovation, and competitiveness, so that waste will cease to be a problem and become a resource.” "
      schrieb am 16.03.17 19:00:24
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      schrieb am 17.03.17 02:26:46
      Beitrag Nr. 941 ()
      Clean energy is BIG business; The clean energy industry is now worth a whopping US$200 billion in the U.S. alone. For context, that's the size of America's pharmaceutical manufacturing sector, as this Vox article outlines—and not far behind consumer electronics; Worldwide, it's the same story (you can read the report here). Clean energy is a US$1.4 trillion industry globally, well ahead of airlines, roughly tied with apparel and catching up with media. As for its trajectory, clean energy's growth rate is more than double that of the world economy (seven per cent vs. three per cent). The take away? Don't let anyone tell you this is a niche industry……
      schrieb am 17.03.17 23:00:08
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      schrieb am 22.03.17 04:05:11
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      schrieb am 22.03.17 15:34:03
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      Hydrocarbon CRACKING…

      "Neste Jacobs and Coolbrook in collaboration with University of Oxford’s Osney Thermo Fluids laboratory, University of Cambridge’s Whittle laboratory, and major chemical producers are developing a new process based on hydrocarbon cracking method, where ethylene, the core raw material for polyethylene is produced.

      Espoo/Finland — The Finish company is involved in the collaboration and development of this new technology with a team specializing in cracker technology, reaction kinetics, and modelling. “Our team has been co-operating in this project with Coolbrook for several years now and we are happy that this fruitful cooperation is continuing. We are expecting great results from this collaboration in ethylene production and we believe that this innovation has great export potential,” says Jarmo Suominen, CEO, Neste Jacobs.

      “Coolbrook patented RDR (Roto Dynamic Reactor) technology improves cracking yields of olefins with about a third compared to the best technology available today. Significant financial benefits can be gained with RDR technology. It saves non-renewable resources, decreases radically side-products from ethylene cracking, and simplifies operations of ethylene production,” states Harri Johannesdahl, CEO, Coolbrook.

      Details, about RDR-Technology

      During the two-year project, a pilot reactor based on RDR technology will be built and tested. The pilot reactor will verify olefin yields and confirm reactor model combining kinetics and aerodynamics and CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) results. The commercial launch of this new technology is expected during 2019."
      schrieb am 22.03.17 16:51:20
      Beitrag Nr. 945 ()
      THIS company makes food packaging, out of bamboo +cassava to cut down on trash; to tackle Thailand's mounting trash problem, one company is turning to the country's plant life…
      schrieb am 22.03.17 18:59:54
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      schrieb am 23.03.17 18:44:35
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.600.027 von Popeye82 am 23.03.17 18:36:31
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      schrieb am 23.03.17 19:02:47
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.600.069 von Popeye82 am 23.03.17 18:44:35

      - nna’s enthusiasm to the field grew as it became evident that no wave energy company in the world, to date, was able to develop a commercially viable technology. She was intrigued by the ongoing “race” between the companies for being the first ones to harness cost-efficient wave energy. Therefore, she founded Eco Wave Power, which holds the best available wave energy technology.

      Ms. Braverman developed her desire for the green energy field at her early twenties, when she started to work for a renewable energy company, as International Marketing Manager. There, for the first time, her charisma and natural talent for business and marketing was noticed.

      This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at -
      schrieb am 23.03.17 20:30:07
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      schrieb am 23.03.17 22:48:10
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      schrieb am 29.03.17 01:54:35
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      schrieb am 01.04.17 00:44:07
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      schrieb am 01.04.17 00:47:21
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.631.811 von Popeye82 am 29.03.17 01:54:35…
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      schrieb am 05.04.17 02:40:40
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      schrieb am 05.04.17 22:01:56
      Beitrag Nr. 964 ()…

      " ------> [video] <------

      - Scientists have long suspected the solar wind of stripping the Martian atmosphere into space, a process that may have turned Mars into the red planet we see today. Now NASA's MAVEN orbiter has measured significant levels of solar wind erosion at in the upper Martian atmosphere. (NASA)-

      Mars was once wetter and warmer, and very possibly a congenial environment for life as we know it. Today it looks mighty dead, with all due respect. If there's life, it's cryptic.

      Mars just ain't the planet it used to be. It's a desert world, with a pitifully thin atmosphere less than 1 percent the density of Earth's. That leaves the surface exposed to radiation and prone to huge temperature swings from day to night. If Mars was ever blue or green, it is surely red now. WHAAAAAT happened?

      In 2013, NASA launched a robotic probe called MAVEN — for Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution — to help crack the mystery. The spacecraft, a seven-foot cube flanked by solar panels that together span 37 feet, arrived in Mars orbit the next year. It since has made more than 4,000 elliptical orbits, sniffing the Martian upper atmosphere and dipping to within 100 miles of the surface in its path around the planet.

      Thursday, in a paper in the journal Science, the MAVEN team published its first major finding: Much and possibly most of the Martian atmosphere has been lost to space, violently scraped from the planet by the solar wind.

      The solar wind is a steady stream of particles, mostly protons and electrons, emitted by the sun. It continues far beyond Pluto before finally tuckering out. Earth is also in its path but has a protective magnetic field, something Mars conspicuously lacks. The solar wind is deflected by Earth's magnetic field while pummeling Mars head on.

      Lead author Bruce Jakosky, a University of Colorado planetary scientist who is the principal investigator for the $600 million MAVEN mission, told The Washington Post that the spacecraft used a mass spectrometer to sample two isotopes of the element argon in the upper Martian atmosphere. Argon is special (a “noble” gas) because it is nonreactive chemically. Unlike, say, carbon dioxide, it would not have reacted with the surface of the young Mars and been depleted from the atmosphere that way. Once in the atmosphere, it should stay there — unless something comes along and knocks it into space by brute force. The lighter variant of argon is more likely to be blown into space, and by studying the ratio of lighter and heavier argon, the MAVEN team could calculate the likely effects of the solar wind.

      That wind, streaming through space at several hundred miles per second, creates its own magnetic field, inciting atmospheric particles to accelerate to high speed and then start careening around, slamming into things. That process, known as sputtering, blew most of the argon and other atmospheric gases into space, the MAVEN team concluded.

      “It's like a break shot in pool when you send a cue ball in at high speed and everything goes every which way,” Jakosky said. This process “may have played the major role in changing the climate. That is, the bulk of the atmosphere has been lost to space.”

      And it's something still happening today, “potentially in quantities sufficient to change the planet's climate,” the scientists write in the new paper.

      Why doesn't Mars have a magnetic field to protect it from the solar wind and all that sputtering? The problem is right in the core of the planet. Mars had a magnetic field when it was young and its iron core was molten and convecting — which is what Earth's iron core does to this day. But Mars is smaller than Earth, and sometime about 4.2 billion years ago that molten Martian core froze up, Jakosky said.

      In this scenario, turning off the magnetic field meant turning on the effects of the solar wind, and Mars began losing its atmosphere.

      “On Earth, the magnetic dynamo can help divert some of these particles that cause sputtering all around,” said Paul Mahaffy, a planetary scientist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland and a co-author of the new paper.

      The bottom line is that, although planets are common in the universe, they need a lot of things to go right if they want to be brimming with life for billions of years. So far, the number of planets known to have all the right features is stuck at one.

      schrieb am 05.04.17 22:31:14
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      schrieb am 06.04.17 13:50:03
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.689.309 von Popeye82 am 06.04.17 13:50:03
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      schrieb am 07.04.17 02:08:24
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.693.671 von Popeye82 am 07.04.17 02:04:58
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.693.671 von Popeye82 am 07.04.17 02:04:58
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.693.671 von Popeye82 am 07.04.17 02:04:58
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      schrieb am 07.04.17 02:24:57
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.693.683 von Popeye82 am 07.04.17 02:15:05
      UNprecedented PERFECT efficiency, in producing hydrogen from water, using solar energy, Breaking DOWN H₂O; the system developed consists of two semiconductors, a tiny spherical nano size particle(quantum dot) of a singular material, embedded within a 2nd material, that is rod-shaped, with a platinum particle, @its tip. The quantum dot attracts the positive charges, while the negative charges(electrons) accumulate, on the platinum tip. The physical separation between these charges is the key to the success of the system. The electrons are responsible for the chemistry –the reaction that produces hydrogen from water. Every two photons form a hydrogen molecule without any losses – a target that has previously been thought of as IMpossible to attain. With a perfect conversion of all the absorbed light to hydrogen, a single photocatalyst nanoparticle can produce 360,000 molecules of hydrogen, per hour. This is the highest achieved efficiency EVER to be reported.

      schrieb am 07.04.17 03:16:33
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.693.785 von Popeye82 am 07.04.17 05:52:39
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      schrieb am 13.04.17 14:32:49
      Beitrag Nr. 979 ()
      NEW plant, will convert residues from factories…

      "DONG Energy and Bigadan is to build a large-scale biogas plant that will reuse residues from the production facilities of Novozymes and Novo Nordisk in Kalundborg on Zealand. The four companies have just signed an agreement which, from spring 2018, will carry yet another significant contribution to the Danish production of green energy from biogas. The new biogas plant in Kalundborg will convert residues from the factories of Novozymes and Novo Nordisk in Kalundborg to bio natural gas which can be fed directly into the Danish natural gas grid.

      “This is a great example of how residues can be utilised even better. Biogas in our natural gas grid is a good supplement to the green power from wind and solar power and the green district heating from our power stations. This project is therefore an important step in the direction of a green, independent and economically sustainable energy system,” said Thomas Dalsgaard, Executive Vice President in DONG Energy.

      In Kalundborg, Novo Nordisk and Novozymes have a large-scale production of enzymes and insulins, among other things, that are sold all over the world. Now, biomass from this facility will be converted into energy in a local plant.

      “Novo Nordisk – said Michael Hallgren, Head of Production, Novo Nordisk Kalundborg – is very pleased with the partnership and is looking forward to the cooperation. During 2018, we’ll be able to better utilise our biomass for biogas production while also significantly shortening the transport distance between our factories and the recipient of our biomass. All in all, it’s a great optimisation for our production.”

      The production of enzymes and insulin is based on fermentation processes and can be compared with beer brewing. This opens up the possibility of reusing the residual biomass. With the new biogas plant, the residues will first be converted into biogas which will then be upgraded to bio natural gas. And when the biomass has been processed at the biogas plant, it will continue to be used as fertiliser in the fields, just like it has been for several years already.

      “This agreement is a double-up in terms of reusing Novozymes’ residues, and both the environment and Novozymes are gaining from it. It’s important to Novozymes to reduce the environmental impact from our production. For several years, we’ve invested heavily in reducing energy consumption by reusing our resources. We’ve succeeded in this and now we’re taking the next step,” said Jesper Haugaard, Head of Novozymes’ production in Europe.

      Bigadan and DONG Energy will build and own the biogas plant which will be located close to DONG Energy’s power station in Kalundborg. Bigadan, which has more than 30 years of experience in the biogas industry, will operate the plant, and Novo Nordisk and Novozymes will supply biomass from their factories in Kalundborg and Novozymes’ factory at Fuglebakken in Copenhagen.

      One of the best-known examples of industrial ecology can be found in Kalundborg, a small industrial zone 120km west of Copenhagen in Denmark. Over time, this unplanned industrial park has evolved from a single power station into a cluster of companies that rely on each other for material inputs.

      “I’m very pleased that we’ve now decided to realise this project, and I’m looking forward to the cooperation,” said Karsten Buchhave, CEO of Bigadan A/S.

      Construction of the new biogas plant started in March 2017, and the plant is scheduled for commissioning already in the spring of 2018. The biogas plant will have a production capacity of 8 million m3 of natural gas per year. This corresponds to the natural gas consumption of approximately 5,000 households."
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 14.04.17 13:52:43
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      schrieb am 18.04.17 20:05:35
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      Bio-based elastomer technology with tunable properties, that can be chemically converted back, to starting monomers……
      schrieb am 19.04.17 00:49:28
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      world’s LARGEST artificial Sun, Independent of weather conditions, the simulator will bring faster progress to solar fuel manufacturing

      schrieb am 20.04.17 11:08:04
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      living TOgether IN harmony

      from moo tooooo goo; Scientists, @the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, have developed a new system, to convert methane into a deep green, energy-rich, gelatin-like substance

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 21.04.17 18:58:25
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.777.259 von Popeye82 am 21.04.17 18:42:11

      - Scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have developed a new system to convert methane into a deep green, energy-rich, gelatin-like substance that can be used as the basis for biofuels and other products, including feed for cows that create the gas in the first place.

      More information is available at, and the manuscript is at -
      schrieb am 21.04.17 20:48:54
      Beitrag Nr. 989 ()
      is brooown the NEW greeeeen???

      could Pooooop Power Our Cars???????

      - Is brown the new green? UCLA researchers are using waste matter (yes, including poop) to make a new generation of advanced biofuels.
      The Climate Change Facts You Need to Know:

      The U.S. alone annually produces over 1 billion tons of manure from agriculture, which produces nitrous oxide and methane emissions, greenhouse gases 325 times more potent than carbon dioxide. But what if all this poop could have another use – one that could stimulate a sustainable biofuel movement?

      Graduate researcher David Wernick talks about ongoing work at UCLA to turn manure, sewage, plant waste and even carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere into feed stocks for producing biofuels, and for making the process of manufacturing biofuels clean and sustainable.

      Learn more about David Wernick’s work to turn poop (and other waste streams) into sustainable fuel sources:
      - Will Cars Of The Future Run On Poop?:
      - The Metabolic Engineering and Synthetic Biology Lab:

      The research highlighted in this video was supported in part by the UCLA-DOE Institute of Genomics and Proteomics and a grant from the National Science Foundation.


      The Climate Change Facts You Need to Know:

      Fig. 1 explores new ideas and research out of the University of California – ranging from science, technology, art and humanities. Get inside the mind of a researcher.

      Find more research at: -
      schrieb am 24.04.17 14:53:03
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      schrieb am 24.04.17 22:43:46
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      Genetics to boost sugarcane production; Brazilian researchers have identified genes that prolong harvest, by helping sugar cane store more sucrose…
      schrieb am 24.04.17 22:50:56
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      schrieb am 25.04.17 00:18:33
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      schrieb am 26.04.17 23:32:35
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      schrieb am 27.04.17 00:22:38
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.815.188 von Popeye82 am 26.04.17 23:32:35Investing in Coastal Protected Lands under Threat from Sea-Level Rise---

      Ziemlich viel alarmistischer Unsinn der da geschrieben steht.
      Als ob die Westküste der USA durch einen "Klimawandel" stärker bedroht ist, als sie es je schon immer rein natürlich war.

      Da es hier um viel Geld geht, ist es interessant zu wissen, dass Rahmstorfs Prognosen als übertrieben und voreingenommen gewertet werden und von den Planern des Küstenschutzes nicht berücksichtigt werden.
      Diese halten sich an die Realität und die ist normaler als Rahmstorf -und vielleicht auch die Münchner Rück- sich dies vorstellen.
      Ausserdem, wer wie Rahmstorf Tuningparameter quasi mit Pi mal Daumen festlegt, setzt sich auch offiziell dem Verdacht einer Datenmanipulation aus.

      Fachzeitschrift ‘Climate of the Past’ lehnt Meeresspiegel-Manuskript von Rahmstorf-Gruppe ab: Gutachter finden fundamentale Fehler in der Methodik...

      Auch die politische Führung North Carolinas reagierte prompt und entschied, dass die von Rahmstorf vermutete enorme Steigerung des Meeresspiegels selbst für North Carolina nicht plausibel ist und daher in Planungen nicht zu berücksichtigen sei (siehe unseren Blogartikel „Senat von North Carolina erteilt Rahmstorfs beschleunigtem Meeresspiegel eine Absage“). Bereits in den Vorjahren hatte es in Fachkreisen Kritik an den überzogenen Prognosen des Potsdamers gegeben, so zum Beispiel anlässlich einer Analyse einer Arbeit von Vermeer und Rahmstorf aus dem Jahr 2009 auf Climate Sanity.....
      Eines der größten Probleme der Arbeit ist, dass sowohl die Analyse als auch die Darstellung entschieden voreingenommen sind....
      seltsame Passage im Manuskript der Rahmstorf-Gruppe (Punkt 1 auf S. 3562):

      Model parameter values were tuned manually...…
      schrieb am 27.04.17 23:26:33
      Beitrag Nr. 997 ()
      RECORD-Setting Corn, Grows 45 Feet Tall; “It’s NEVER been done before”
      Dieses Bild ist nicht SSL-verschlüsselt: [url]

      "A plant breeder succeeds in growing a huge maize plant thanks to a known mutation and a few environmental tricks.

      Jason Karl has been growing corn since he was a teenager. Starting in 1996, he began planting the crop on his family’s farm in Olean, New York, and soon grew curious about how tall he could make it grow. So he started experimenting.

      “Seeing how tall corn can grow comes down to internode length and quantity,” Karl explains—in other words, the number of leaves a stalk has and the distance between those leaves. He learned early on that growing seedlings in a greenhouse greatly increases internode length, in part because the glass or plastic shifts the light spectrum reaching the plant’s leaves. He also learned that certain strains of corn were “night-length reactive,” meaning that the plant increases its number of internodes when grown in a light regimen of long days and short nights. Chiapas 234, an already-tall corn variety from southern Mexico, develops twice as many.

      Karl carried on his corn-growing experiments at home while he was in college at Cornell University, a couple of hours’ drive to the east. And at school, he had access to the university’s library, which contained volumes upon volumes of scientific research on maize genetics. “Once I got into the literature, I could see there were mutations” that affected a corn plant’s height, recalls Karl.

      Karl found plenty of information on mutations that increased internode number. In the 1970s, for example, researchers had discovered a naturally occurring dominant mutation known as Leafy that adds extra leaves (and thus extra internodes). He also learned of indeterminate and delayed flowering, both recessive mutations that affect the same flowering pathway in a way that boosts the number of internodes. Karl figured he could use traditional breeding techniques to integrate these mutations into Chiapas 234.

      I’ve never seen anybody grow a 45-foot-tall corn plant; it’s impressive. And he put together a cool set of genes in order to pull it off.
      —Edward Buckler,
      Cor­nell University

      “It’s never been done before,” he says. “No one would try it because it makes corn tall—too tall, people are not interested in super-tall corn. However, it’s interesting for basic research. The questions I always had”—such as how the short night–driven increases in internode number interact with the greenhouse-triggered increases in internode length, and how both of these interact with height-linked mutations—“the literature didn’t answer them.”

      Over the years, Karl got his corn to grow taller and taller. At his family’s farm, he grew the Chiapas 234 variety up to 35 feet tall, and that was just by manipulating environmental variables such as night length. That plant earned him the world record for tallest corn plant in 2011. Then, to push the plant taller yet, he bred a Chiapas corn plant with a mutant plant carrying the Leafy mutation and then back-bred that hybrid to the Chiapas for six generations to essentially place the Leafy mutation in the Chiapas genetic background.

      But before he grew his new corn variety, there was one last environmental variable to consider: the growing season. Karl could only grow for about seven months in New York before the costs of heating the greenhouse became prohibitive. So last year, on his own dime, Karl moved from Olean to the central valley of Costa Rica. “In New York, you have to keep corn from freezing, whereas down here you can focus on trying to grow it out to completion to see what’s happening,” he says. Late last year, his efforts paid off. In a makeshift greenhouse setup designed to both encourage the plant’s growth and support its stem as it climbed toward the sun, he grew a corn plant that measured 45 feet tall with more than 80 internodes—56 more internodes than unmodified Chiapas corn grown under normal conditions. (He regularly publishes his data in the Maize Newsletter.)

      “What I think is so amazing about this tall plant is it really highlights how quickly a corn plant can turn the sun into carbon, into an incredibly tall plant,” says Edward Buckler, a US Department of Agriculture (USDA) quantitative geneticist at Cornell University who in 2014 helped create a comprehensive map of maize height genetics (Genetics, doi:10.1534/genetics.113.159152). “I’ve never seen anybody grow a 45-foot-tall corn plant; it’s impressive. And he put together a cool set of genes in order to pull it off. My hat is off to him.”

      Although farmers may not be interested in growing super-tall corn plants, which are unable to support themselves, Karl’s work could have implications for increasing the height of other crops, says Sarah Hake, a USDA researcher at the University of California, Berkeley. “Most breeders would rather have their corn shorter so it doesn’t fall over. But if this could be sugar cane or Miscanthus for biofuel or feeding to animals as a wet grass . . . beyond the science of it, which is interesting, there [are potential applications].”

      Karl, though, plans to stick with corn. In addition to refining the growing conditions, he hopes to add some of the other mutations he’s identified that might boost plant height. “Then having those stacked together, it should get up a bit higher,” says Karl, who already has a 55-foot-tall plastic greenhouse constructed for his next big plant.

      CORRECTION (April 6): This story has been updated from its original version to add that both Edward Buckler and Sarah Hake are researchers with the US Department of Agriculture. The Scientist regrets the oversight."
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