
    GEELY AUTO. HLDGS...Da geht was - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 22.09.06 19:28:22 von
    neuester Beitrag 24.07.07 14:12:47 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 22.09.06 19:28:22
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      Stock Code 175

      Mein Tip für

      wer Kohle machen will :kiss:

      macht euch schlau und dan nichts wie rein!

      schrieb am 22.09.06 19:30:36
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      DJ MARKET TALK: Bear Stearns Ups Geely Auto To Outperform Sep 20, 2006 08:07

      0741 [Dow Jones] STOCK CALL: Bear Stearns ups Geely Automobile (0175.HK [News / Quote]) to Outperform from Peer Perform on better-than-expected 1H results. 'We expect Geely's robust earnings growth to continue in 2007,' Bear Stearns says. 'We believe new product launches...will help to sustain unit sales growth momentum and continue product mix improvement in 2007.' Geely's 1H net profit almost tripled from year ago; costs for raw materials fell more than 5% in 1H. Tips improvements in Geely's margins on 'improving product mix and rapidly expanding production scale that helps to cut unit cost.' Geely posting steady growth in its small-engine models, most robust segment in China. Pegs target price at HK$1.10, stock closed at HK$0.90.(SYC) Contact us in Hong Kong. 852 2802 7002;

      (Delayed by 1 hour)
      schrieb am 22.09.06 19:32:49
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      schrieb am 25.09.06 11:49:21
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.109.816 von Wuscher am 22.09.06 19:32:49Bin dabei! :D
      schrieb am 25.09.06 17:51:35
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.109.816 von Wuscher am 22.09.06 19:32:49werd noch nen günstigen Moment abwarten und nen Abstauber Limit setzen dann bin ich auch dabei wenn man sieht das der asiatische Markt immer mehr Kapital anzieht dann muß dieses ja auch irgendwo umgesetzt werden und gerade der chin./ indische Kleinverdiener wird früher (aber wohl eher etwas später) seinen Wohlstand zeigen wollen und wie geht das besser als mit nem schönen Auto von Geely :D:laugh::D
      und wenn das nicht funktioniert dann gibts ja auch noch Europa/Amerika wo Billigfahrzeuge immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen bzw gewinnen werden glaube hier kann man fast nur gewinnen:cool::cool:

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1250EUR +7,76 %
      East Africa Metals: Neues All-Time-High – die 276% Chance jetzt nutzen?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 26.09.06 15:21:04
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Automobilbau: Indien und China bald Schwergewichte
      Massive Veränderungen stehen der weltweiten Automobilindustrie bis zum Jahr 2020 bevor, berichtet der wöchentliche Branchendienst Kunststoff Information (KI, Bad Homburg; Nicht nur, dass chinesische Hersteller auf westlichen Märkten dann bereits eine ähnliche Position wie heute koreanische Autobauer einnehmen dürften. Auch Indien wird erheblichen Einfluss auf die Politik großer OEMs haben. Das sind Ergebnisse der jüngsten Studie der Unternehmensberatung A.T. Kearney (ATK; mit dem Titel „Die Automotive-Industrie im Jahr 2020". Massive Veränderungen stehen der weltweiten Automobilindustrie bis zum Jahr 2020 bevor, berichtet der wöchentliche Branchendienst Kunststoff Information (KI, Bad Homburg; Nicht nur, dass chinesische Hersteller auf westlichen Märkten dann bereits eine ähnliche Position wie heute koreanische Autobauer einnehmen dürften. Auch Indien wird erheblichen Einfluss auf die Politik großer OEMs haben. Das sind Ergebnisse der jüngsten Studie der Unternehmensberatung A.T. Kearney (ATK; mit dem Titel „Die Automotive-Industrie im Jahr 2020".
      © Kunststoff Information, Bad Homburg

      :D :eek: :cool:

      schrieb am 29.09.06 17:01:16
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      BIZCHINA / Top Biz News

      Geely to make cars in Indonesia
      (South China Morning Post)
      Updated: 2006-09-28 14:29

      Geely Holding Group, China's biggest privately owned carmaker, will start assembling cars in Indonesia after an initial plan to produce them in Malaysia was rejected by the government in Kuala Lumpur.

      Geely will assemble its 1.1-litre, 1.3-litre and 1.5-litre cars in a plant near Jakarta and begin selling them in November, said Cam Soh Thiam Hong, group executive chairman of Alado, the Malaysian sole distributor of Geely cars in Southeast Asia.

      Malaysia allows foreign carmakers to assemble and sell vehicles in the country if they are not directly competing with those made by state-held Proton Holdings.

      The policy benefits Indonesia, which offers incentives for foreign investments and accelerates approvals to boost its economy, analysts say.

      For Indonesia, "any foreign investment is good as it means more jobs and more money for the government," said Erwan Teguh, head of research at Danareksa Sekuritas.

      Alado took only two weeks to obtain approval to sell Geely cars in Indonesia, Mr Soh said. The company and its Indonesian partner, Indomobil Sukses Internasional, began selling Chery's 0.8-litre engine cars in the country last week, with the aim to sell 1,000 cars this year.

      Geely, which will be the second Chinese carmaker to assemble cars in Indonesia, plans to boost exports to 65 per cent of total sales by 2015.

      Chery Automobile started last week to sell the cheapest cars in Indonesia. "The Indonesian market is huge," Mr Soh said yesterday in Petaling Jaya, outside Kuala Lumpur.

      Alado "is in the final stage of concluding an agreement with an Indonesian partner", he said, declining to elaborate.

      The Malaysian government considers Geely a "direct competition to the national car [Proton]," and would allow them to be assembled in the country only for exports, Mr Soh said.

      In Malaysia, the 0.8-litre Chery QQ AMT is being sold at slightly more than M$41,000 (HK$86,661). The cheapest Proton model is the 1.3-litre Iswara, which sells at about M$34,500.
      schrieb am 29.09.06 17:04:06
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Chinese car maker Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd. (0175.HK: Quote, Profile, Research) is considering whether to make cars in the United States, its chairman and founder said on Thursday.

      Geely had previously announced a plan to sell cars in the United States as early as 2008.

      "We could do that in several ways, and (U.S. production) is an option," Li Shufu told Reuters in an interview. Geely may also ship cars to the U.S. market from China, Li added without elaborating.

      He said Geely aimed to export nearly 20,000 cars this year, mostly to developing countries, and that exports could double in 2007. Previously, the company had set an export target for this year of 10,000 cars.

      © Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.
      schrieb am 29.09.06 17:05:01
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Chinese car maker Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd. (0175.HK: Quote, Profile, Research) is considering whether to make cars in the United States, its chairman and founder said on Thursday.

      Geely had previously announced a plan to sell cars in the United States as early as 2008.

      "We could do that in several ways, and (U.S. production) is an option," Li Shufu told Reuters in an interview. Geely may also ship cars to the U.S. market from China, Li added without elaborating.

      He said Geely aimed to export nearly 20,000 cars this year, mostly to developing countries, and that exports could double in 2007. Previously, the company had set an export target for this year of 10,000 cars.

      © Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.
      schrieb am 06.10.06 19:22:55
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      0,001 Cent
      und das Baby
      Der Zug rollt schon
      schrieb am 22.02.07 06:53:48
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Die Kursentwicklung ist
      einfach nur Geil.
      Und das ist nur der Anfang.
      :D :D :D
      schrieb am 22.02.07 11:13:56
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Leute es geht doch, endlich mal was los hier!

      mit dem wert werden wir viel spaß haben! seit dem artikel im handelsblatt geht es echt aufwärts!

      :)Danke für alle infos!
      schrieb am 22.02.07 15:39:59
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.450.279 von Wuscher am 06.10.06 19:22:55Haste nachgekauft? ;)
      schrieb am 22.02.07 20:45:38
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.899.588 von Pliscon am 22.02.07 15:39:59Nein ich bin schon so fett drin
      ich brauche nur noch die Beine
      hoch legen und den Zug rollen lassen.
      Da sind noch einige andere China Babys die
      gefüttert werden wollen.
      schrieb am 23.02.07 10:07:14
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.908.962 von Wuscher am 22.02.07 20:45:38@Wuscher

      hey erzähl mal von deinen anderen china babies, ich bin für anregungen immer offen!!!

      schrieb am 23.02.07 10:35:10
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.918.099 von wgumcd am 23.02.07 10:07:14Broad Intelligence
      Asia Water
      Asia Power
      Tom Group
      Tom Online
      Kannst sie dir ja mal anschauen.
      Vielleicht ist ja was bei für dich.
      schrieb am 23.02.07 22:37:17
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Geely ist sicherlich ein überlegenswertes Investment. Aber bevor ich mir eine Position zulege, möchte ich noch Einiges abklären. Vielleicht kann mir jemand meine Bedenken glaubhaft und nachvollziehbar ausräumen.
      Das Geely mit billigen Fahrzeugen in USA u Europa den Einstieg schafft würde ich auch bejahen. Nur, in China ist es scheiß egal wie viel CO2 da hinten rauskommt. Heute würden ihre Fahrzeuge die Hürde beim Emmisionausstoß bei weitem nicht erreichen. Und die Zügel werden weiter angezogen. Ich habe echt bedenken, dass sie in ein oder zwei Jahren so weit sein werden. Zudem wird sich die ho ansässige Autolobby zu wehren wissen. Die fehlende Umwelttechnik könnte ihnen die Suppe versalzen.
      schrieb am 24.02.07 12:08:56
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.935.808 von Rehrl am 23.02.07 22:37:17Schau dir mal die Homepages von Manganese Bronze Holdings Plc
      an die sind auch mit dem Hybrid Motor zu gange.
      Ich könnte mir vorstellen das die beiden in der
      Richtung was zusammen auf die Beine stellen.
      Dan wäre Geely aber ganz vorne mit dabei :)
      schrieb am 25.02.07 11:00:02
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Was für ein Potential da noch vor sich hin schlummert :eek::eek:

      Asien gibt Gas
      Experten warnen vor Verkehrskollaps
      Nicht nur China gibt Vollgas. Auch in Indien und anderen asiatischen Ländern wird sich die Zahl der Pkw und Lkw in den nächsten 30 Jahren vervielfachen. Folgen: Staus, Smog, Klimadesaster.

      Frankfurt a. M. - Eine Verkehrsstudie der Asiatischen Entwicklungsbank (ADB) in Manila kommt zu dramatischen Ergebnissen. Das Wirtschaftswachstum in den bevölkerungsreichen Boomländern wird die Motorisierung in ungekannte Höhen schrauben. Das Beispiel China ist am drastischsten: Der wachsende Reichtum ermöglicht es immer mehr Menschen, vom Fahrrad aufs Moped und vom Moped aufs Auto und Geländewagen umzusteigen.

      Um 2035 werden in dem Land laut der Studie im Maximalfall 15 Mal so viele Autos fahren wie heute, nämlich statt rund 13 Millionen dann 190 Millionen. Das wären mehr Pkw als heute im Automobilland Nummer eins, den USA, unterwegs sind.

      Aber auch in Indien kommt einiges in Bewegung. Hier wird eine Erhöhung der Zahl der Personenwagen auf das Dreizehnfache erwartet - auf dann 80 Millionen.

      Zum Vergleich: Derzeit sind weltweit rund 550 Millionen Autos zugelassen, davon in den USA alleine rund 150 Millionen. Auch in den stark wachsenden asiatischen Ländern liegt die Motorisierung noch niedrig. "Die Autodichte in China bewegt sich noch auf dem Niveau der USA von 1912", bemerkte das Worldwatch-Institut in Washington in einer Analyse. In Indien kommen heute sieben Fahrzeuge auf 1000 Menschen, in Deutschland sind es rund 550.

      Von zwei auf vier Räder

      Die ADB glaubt sogar den Punkt angeben zu können, an dem ein Land beschleunigt von zwei Rädern auf vier umsteigt: wenn das Bruttosozialprodukt pro Kopf rund 2300 Euro erreicht: "Dann beginnen die Verkaufszahlen der Motorräder zu sinken, und die der Autos steigen an." In China sei diese Schwelle in Sicht, Indien und Indonesien lägen noch deutlich darunter.

      Die wachsende Motorisierung hat Folgen für den Treibstoffverbrauch und den Ausstoß der Treibhausgase im gesamten Verkehrssektor. Beides werden sich nach den Prognosen in Asien bis 2030 mindestens verdreifachen, warnt die Bank. Gleichzeitig werde die Luftverschmutzung in den Städten wegen immer häufigerer und längerer Staus stark zunehmen. Der Neubau von Straßen könne mit der schnell wachsenden Autodichte nicht Schritt halten, sagen die Studien-Autoren voraus. Außerdem werde der Anfall von Altautos, die deponiert oder recycled werden müssen, kräftig zunehmen.

      Die Bank-Experten sehen die Gefahr, dass der Fahrzeug-Boom in den Schwellenländern sozusagen "nach hinten los geht". Der Transport von Menschen und Waren drohe ineffizient und teuer zu werden, warnen sie. Sie fordern deswegen Länder, Regionen und Kommunen auf, "Aktionspläne" aufzustellen, um das absehbare Chaos zu verhindern.

      Sie schlagen vor: eine bessere Stadtplanung mit dem Ziel der kurzen Wege, Förderung von Bussen und Bahnen, Spritverbrauchs-Grenzen für Neuwagen, Förderung von Biokraftsstoffen, stärkere Wartung der Motoren, um Abgase zu minimieren. Bindu Lohani, Abteilungsleiter bei ADB, fordert: "Die Probleme müssen von allen Seiten angepackt werden." Joachim Wille


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      [ document info ]
      Copyright © FR online 2007
      Dokument erstellt am 23.02.2007 um 17:04:01 Uhr
      Letzte Änderung am 23.02.2007 um 17:57:28 Uhr
      Erscheinungsdatum 24.02.2007
      schrieb am 25.02.07 15:59:30
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      China's used car market to rocket over next two years 2007-02-25 19:31:24

      BEIJING, Feb. 25 (Xinhua) -- China's used car market is expected to speed ahead over the next two years, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) predicted.

      A previous report said China's used car dealers are expecting business to zoom far ahead of last year as nearly 36 percent of current car owners plan to buy a new or used vehicle.

      Statistics from the CAAM showed that more than 1.90 million used cars were traded in China last year, up 31.5 percent over 2005.

      The growth rate is 6.37 percentage points higher than that of new car sales. It is the third consecutive year that used car sales growth out paced the growth of new car sales.

      In China three out four cars sold are new cars while in the United States, the world's top auto market, the sale of used car is two to three times higher than new car sales.

      Only 30 out of every 1,000 Chinese own a car, much lower than the world average of 120.

      As the cars of first time buyers begin to age they will begin to buy new ones and sell their old vehicles creating a potential new market, said Yu Yuanbo, vice chairman of China Auto Dealers Association.

      The U.S.-based Manheim Auctions, the world's leading auction company of used vehicles opened its second joint auction venture in Shenzhen last month. It's first was set up in Shanghai in November last year.

      Neville Green, president of the joint venture, has predicts China's used car sales could exceed 6 million by 2011.

      Statistics from the CAAM show new car sales hit 7.22 million last year, up 25.13 percent year-on-year.

      China overtook Japan to become the world's second largest market for new vehicles in 2006 next only to the United States.

      Editor: Yan Liang
      E-mail Us
      schrieb am 03.03.07 11:15:40
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Geely (0175) units vehicle sales up 4.5% in Jan-Feb
      2007/03/02 17:51

      (Infocast News) Geely Automobile (0175) announced that total sales volume at the group's four 46.8%-owned associates was 33,076 units in the first two months of 2007, up 4.5% from same period last year.

      Sales volume was 13,067 units in February, up 1.0% year on year. The sales volume in February was, however, down 34.7% from January due to the smaller number of working days in February as a result of the Chinese New Year holiday in mid February. Although the February sales volume figures appeared lower than the previous months, this only reflected the lower levels of orders from dealers ahead of Chinese New Year holiday, which is very much expected.

      According to the Geely's spokesman, the sales performance of the four associates in February met the management's expectations. The sales performance during the month was much attributable to the continued good sales volume achieved by the "Free Cruiser" and "Geely Kingkong" models. The monthly sales volumes of the two models were over 5,000 units and 3,000 units respectively in February. Based on current order conditions, the management of the group expected the total sale volume of the four associates to rebound substantially in March.
      schrieb am 05.03.07 14:31:44
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Drei Artikel von heute

      p.s. ZEIT ZUM AUFSTOCKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh::laugh::laugh:


      Published: 05/03/2007 12:00 AM (UAE)
      Chinese car exports to double this year

      Beijing: China's automobile exports will likely double this year, but labour rights in developed countries mean Chinese automakers face better opportunities setting up shop in other developing markets, an automobile entrepreneur has said.

      Within eight to 10 years, China could become the world's largest exporter of small to mid-sized cars, predicted Yin Mingshan, founder and head of the Lifan Group, China's top motorcycle maker.

      China became a net vehicle exporter for the first time in 2005. The following year, exports nearly doubled to 300,000 units.

      But while Chinese carmakers such as Chery Automobile or Geely Automobile Holdings have US and European markets in their sights, Yin said labour laws could prove an obstacle preventing Chinese firms from buying Western carmakers outright.

      He spoke with reporters on the sidelines of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a largely symbolic meeting of advisers from the business and civic spheres.

      "There is one problem that's hard to solve - that's the labour problem. For instance when SAIC bought Ssangyong, Ssangyong workers just never stopped striking," he said.

      Shanghai Automotive Industry owns 51 per cent of Ssangyong, whose unions have carried on a South Korean tradition of tough wage negotiations.

      "So there is no problem buying foreign facilities for here or setting up in developing countries, but to start producing from the US market, that's a rather big problem."

      Many Chinese auto makers, flush with cash and eager to emulate the global success of their Japanese and Korean counterparts, have been pursuing overseas deals.

      Nanjing Automobile Group in 2005 took control of Britain's collapsed MG Rover and then announced plans for China's first car plant in the US.

      Some Chinese firms are also seen as potential bidders for DaimlerChrysler AG's Chrysler Group.

      China's auto exports to double in '07 -Lifan
      Mon Mar 5, 2007 12:14AM EST

      (Adds listing details, writes through)

      By Lucy Hornby

      BEIJING, March 4 (Reuters) - China's automobile exports will likely double this year, but labour rights in developed countries mean Chinese auto makers face better opportunities setting up shop in other developing markets, an automobile entrepreneur said on Sunday.

      Within eight to 10 years, China could become the world's largest exporter of small to mid-sized cars, predicted Yin Mingshan, founder and head of the Lifan Group, China's top motorcycle maker, which is considering a Hong Kong listing.

      China became a net vehicle exporter for the first time in 2005. The following year, automobile exports nearly doubled to 300,000 units.

      But while Chinese car makers such as Chery Automobile Co. or Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd. (0175.HK: Quote, Profile, Research) have U.S. and European markets in their sights, Yin said labour laws could prove an obstacle preventing Chinese firms from buying Western car makers outright.

      He spoke with reporters on the sidelines of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a largely symbolic meeting of advisers from the business and civic spheres.

      "There is one problem that's hard to solve -- that's the labour problem. For instance when SAIC bought Ssangyong, Ssangyong workers just never stopped striking," he said.

      Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. owns 51 percent of Ssangyong Motor Co. (003620.KS: Quote, Profile, Research), whose unions have carried on a South Korean tradition of tough wage negotiations.

      "So there is no problem buying foreign facilities for here or setting up in developing countries, but to start producing from the U.S. market, that's a rather big problem."

      Many Chinese auto makers, flush with cash and eager to emulate the global success of their Japanese and Korean brethren, have been pursuing overseas deals. Nanjing Automobile Group in 2005 took control of Britain's collapsed MG Rover and then announced plans for China's first car plant in the U.S. Some Chinese firms are seen as potential bidders for DaimlerChrysler AG's (DCXGn.DE: Quote, Profile, Research) troubled Chrysler Group.

      The tall and cheerful Yin, who prides himself on his optimism, expects China's domestic car sales to grow by 30 percent to 40 percent this year. Car sales in China grew by just over 30 percent in 2006.

      Yin expects Lifan's sales to grow 30 percent this year to 13.5 billion yuan (about $1.74 billion) from 10.4 billion yuan in 2006.

      Yin said his company plans to list in Hong Kong, possibly this year, before embarking on a domestic listing. He said he hopes for a price-to-earnings ratio of between 8 and 14 times.

      "I used to say you should wait and find a good partner before listing, just like in a marriage where an older and established man will get a better bride. Now I see I was wrong -- in fact there are lots of partners out there, and marrying early makes it that much easier to find another wife."


      Lifan made headlines last year when it bid to buy a Brazilian plant that made BMW (BMWG.DE: Quote, Profile, Research) engines, planning to dismantle it after 2007 and bring it to its home base in Chongqing, in Southwest China. But the Brazilian government is insisting the plant stay in Brazil, Yin said.

      It began making cars in China early in 2006. Late that year, its $30 million joint venture in Vietnam began assembling the Lifan 520 sedan for sale to taxi fleets.

      This year, it has entered a memorandum of understanding for two joint venture auto plants in Egypt that would produce 30,000 to 50,000 cars a year, Yin said.

      Although details have yet to be finalized, Yin said Lifan would provide technology and equipment and a "rather small" amount of financing, with most of the capital coming from Egyptian partners whom he declined to name.

      Production will begin in the fourth quarter of this year at a 100,000 car-per-year joint venture in Russia, to which Lifan is also contributing technology and equipment.

      Lifan plans to begin producing motorcycles in Turkey by June, to avoid that country's import tariffs. The $50 million plant would also produce for the European market, which accounts for about 10 percent of its exports.

      Back at home, China has a long way to go before car ownership reaches the rates common in the West, Yin cautioned. "I think it will be hard to reach the stage when every family has one or two cars, even though we will definitely see average car ownership moving up. I think that in eight to 10 years there will be one car for every two families in China."

      (Additional reporting by Coco Li and Ruth Wong)

      ((Editing by Ken Wills;; Reuters Messaging:; +86 10 6598-1269)) Keywords: CHINA PARLIMENT/AUTOS

      UPDATE 1-China's Geely to transfer assets to listed unitMon Mar 5, 2007 7:11AM EST
      (Adds details, quote)

      BEIJING, March 5 (Reuters) - Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co. aims to transfer auto-making assets to Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd. (0175.HK: Quote, Profile, Research) to shore up the competitiveness of its Hong Kong-listed unit, the parent company's chairman said on Monday.

      Geely, which last year sealed a deal with Britain's Manganese Bronze Holdings Plc (MNGS.L: Quote, Profile, Research) to make London black taxi cabs in China, also hopes to sell the models in China and elsewhere as early as next year, Li Shufu told reporters on the sidelines of an annual session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a political advisory body.

      Assets to be transferred include three Geely plants in Shandong, Hunan and Gansu provinces, which are currently under construction and will have a combined capacity of 150,000 units per year, Li said.

      He added that the transfer, which could be conducted in phases, would only occur after the plants had started production. Two of the facilities are likely to be completed this year.

      Under a deal signed in late 2006, Geely will set up a US$54.3 million car-making venture with Manganese Bronze Holdings in China to make the iconic London cabs, along with other models.

      The locally made cabs would be priced at 200,000 yuan ($25,840) in China when they hit the market in 2008, Li said.

      Geely, which makes some of China's lowest-priced vehicles but harbours ambitions to enter more mature markets, has set up an export arm targeting the United States and Europe.

      "We want to sell to the European market first, followed by the U.S.," said Li, who founded Geely in 1986 as a maker of refrigerator parts. "We have made a lot of preparations for that."

      Geely, which shipped 15,000 vehicles overseas in 2006, mostly to developing nations, announced earlier this year an ambitious target to sell one-third of its vehicles abroad by 2010, rising to two-thirds by 2015.

      Exports would come to 270,000 vehicles by 2010, out of a total of 800,000 units produced. The number would rise further to 1.3 million by 2015, when its overall sales would hit 2 million units, it said. ($1=7.741 Yuan)

      © Reuters 2006
      schrieb am 06.03.07 04:17:58
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Geely (0175) to get asset injection
      2007/03/06 11:08

      (Infocast News) Geely Holding Group plans to inject auto related assets into its listing arm Geely Automobile Holdings, chairman Li Shufu said yesterday on the sidelines of the National People's congress.

      The parent of Geely Automobile plans to build three production plants in Shandong, Hunan and Gansu, China, aiming to raise its annual production capacity by 150,000 cars. After the commencement of the plants, they will be injected into the Hong Kong-listed unit.
      schrieb am 20.04.07 19:06:42
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Der Widerstand bei 0.10€ dürfte nächste Woche
      wohl Geschichte sein.
      :D :D :D
      Dan dürfte es wohl sehr schnell gen 0.20€ gehen.
      Ich sage nur Kaufen bevor es zu spät ist.
      Das Baby wird uns in naher Zukunft noch sehr viel
      Freude bereiten.
      schrieb am 22.04.07 11:24:37
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Und hier die Begündung :D

      Home >> Business
      UPDATED: 15:03, April 22, 2007
      China's Geely unveils version of London "Black Cab" cars in Shanghai auto show
      font size ZoomIn ZoomOut

      The first Chinese-made model of the reputed London taxi "Black Cab" debuted at the 12th Shanghai Automobile and Technology Exhibition on Saturday.

      Li Shufu, chairman of Geely Automobile and K. Russell, CEO of Manganese Bronze Holdings, unveiled the model car at the auto show,which formally opens on Sunday.

      Geely signed with Manganese Bronze Holdings, manufacturer of the famous London taxi, an agreement in October last year to jointly produce the taxi. Geely plans to formally produce models of the cab from 2008 in a new facility adjacent to its automobile production base in Shanghai.

      A total of 20,000 "Black Cabs" will be produced a year in Shanghai, according to Geely.

      Geely will sell the cars in Asia, while Manganese Bronze, which invested 19.85 million pounds in the joint venture, will sell the cars to markets outside Asia.

      The cars will cost between 150,000 and 200,000 yuan (about 19,400 to 25,900 U.S. dollars), or about half of the price in Britain, according to Geely.

      "The design of the cars has inherited features of the 'Black Cab'. For example, physically-challenged people can get into the car through a slide board from the back, without getting off their wheelchairs." said a staff from Geely at the show.

      The "Black Cab", which was put into production in 1948 in Britain, is famous for its spacious design and long endurance. It has become an iconic vehicle on London streets

      After the Chinese model hit market, the cab is expected to be a commonly-seen landscape in Chinese cities.

      "We believe the joint venture can create significant value for shareholders of both sides and we look forward to a promising export prospect." said Li Shufu.

      Geely Automobile Holdings, which began production in 1996 and is now the country's largest privately-owned automaker, has sold 175,635 cars in two local subsidiaries last year.

      Source: Xinhua

      schrieb am 27.04.07 21:15:50
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Wie ich schon sagte
      die 0.10 € sind wohl Vergangenheit.
      Und nun geht sie ab die Luzie.
      Der Markt Eintritt in Europa und USA
      rückt immer näher und die geplanten neuen
      Modelle werden ihr übriges dazu tun um den Kurs
      schneller als gedacht gen Norden zu schicken.
      Es bleibt also nicht mehr viel Zeit um ein
      zu steigen.
      schrieb am 27.04.07 22:11:48
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.036.198 von Wuscher am 27.04.07 21:15:50107 mal gelesen.
      keine Meinung.
      schrieb am 27.04.07 23:45:33
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.036.894 von Wuscher am 27.04.07 22:11:48Ich brüll meine Meinung halt nicht immer rum.
      Aber um mal ein Feedback zu geben,ich bin dabei,habe auch kürzlich noch ein klein wenig nachgekauft und für die 0.20€ brauch es noch ein wenig.
      Aber . . . . ;):):D
      schrieb am 28.04.07 13:08:09
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Js was soll man den groß schreiben? Es geht halt langsam bergauf. Bin aber nicht ganz so optimistisch wie Wuscher. Der Kurs wird ohnehin in HongKong gemacht.
      schrieb am 28.04.07 16:00:50
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Optimistisch bin ich schon,sehr sogar.
      Aber ganz so schnell wird es halt nicht gehen.:look:
      schrieb am 30.04.07 13:00:08
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.036.894 von Wuscher am 27.04.07 22:11:48Wuschsi...

      altes Haus, ich poste hie immer wie bekloppt.

      nicht traurig sein!

      schrieb am 02.05.07 10:25:03
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      was geht?

      schrieb am 04.05.07 23:14:55
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Was für realistische Kursziele hab ihr so für die nächsten Jahre?
      schrieb am 05.05.07 05:15:09
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Dausend !!!
      schrieb am 05.05.07 07:36:54
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Guten Morgen

      Toyota war Gestern.;)
      schrieb am 11.05.07 22:46:52
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Unter 0.10 zu verkaufen war für den ein oder
      anderen doch nicht so die richtige Entscheidung.
      Für diejenigen die unten ab gegrast haben dagen schon.
      Vielen Dank.
      schrieb am 15.05.07 22:30:00
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.277.472 von Wuscher am 11.05.07 22:46:52war das letzte Nacht schon bekannt? :eek:

      China Automotive Systems Q1 net sales up 35 pct on Chery, Geely strength

      15.05.2007 04:19
      BEIJING (XFN-ASIA) - Nasdaq-listed China Automotive Systems Inc, a supplier of power steering parts, said its net sales totaled 28.4 mln usd in the first quarter, up 35 pct from a year earlier on the strong performance of Chinese automakers it supplies.

      Net income rose 50 pct to 1.6 mln usd in the period, the company said in a statement.

      Two of China Automotive Systems' key customers - Chery and Geely (Nachrichten) - moved into China's top five in terms of auto sales during the quarter, the statement said.

      Chief executive Chen Hanlin added that China Automotive Systems' joint venture with Chery is expected to come online early in the third quarter. According to previous reports, the 50 mln yuan venture in Anhui province will focus on R&D and manufacturing of power steering systems and components.

      Chen also said Chery's agreement with Chrysler to distribute the Chinese firm's economy car in North America and Europe 'clearly represents a substantial opportunity for fuel efficient and environmentally friendly Chinese cars in the global marketplace'.

      (1 usd = 7.69 yuan)
      schrieb am 16.05.07 20:50:54
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      schrieb am 18.05.07 17:12:00
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.349.998 von Wuscher am 16.05.07 20:50:54Hi Wuscher, die setzen noch einen drauf! Brandneu! :eek:

      China's Geely motors on with RI car plan

      Business and Investment - May 18, 2007

      The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

      Aiming at grabbing a slice of Indonesia's reviving automotive market, Chinese automaker Geely International Corp. is set to establish a presence here with its Geely CK sedan.

      The new car, which will make its debut in July, will be assembled here by Malaysian-based firm PT IGC International and PT Gaya Motor, a subsidiary of PT Astra International.

      With three engine variants, the sedan will sell on-the-road for between Rp 80 million (US$9,090) and Rp 95 million.

      "Our idea is to supply the market with a quality product at an affordable price," Geely International president director George Zhao told a media conference Wednesday during the signing of the agreement between Geely International, IGC International and Gaya Motor.

      The Geely CK sedan, which made its debut in China in 2005, is exported to 60 countries and has sold more than 80,000 units worldwide.

      Zhao said that his company would use the agreement, which will see it assembling its first cars outside China, to establish a presence in Southeast Asia and other prospective right-hand-drive markets worldwide.

      "We selected Indonesia as our first market in Southeast Asia as we are aware that the automotive industry here has been making very promising progress."

      Indonesia's total commercial and passenger vehicle sales dropped last year to 318,304 from a record high of 534,000 in 2005 due to higher lending rates. However, automotive analysts project that this year's total vehicle sales will be exceed 400,000.

      For the first quarter of this year, figures from the Association of Indonesian Automotive Manufacturers (Gaikindo) shows that vehicle sales reached 84,511, up 6 percent from the same period last year, when the equivalent figure was 79,412.

      Geely International, whose total annual production stands at 650,000 vehicles, will become the second Chinese automaker to assemble its products in Indonesia after Chery Automobile entered the market last year in collaboration with the country's second-largest auto producer and distributor, PT Indomobil Sukses International.

      Geely expects to produce 2,000 cars per year and intends to introduce at least five new models over the next two years.

      IGC International chief commissioner Suhaelly Kalla said that Indonesia would become the center of production of the Geely CK for the Southeast Asian market. The cars would be exported to East and Southeast Asian countries, he said.

      In addition to establishing an assembling facility at a cost of about US$6 million, IGC International will also set up spare-parts and after-sales service centers. (04)

      China's Geely motors to make debut in Indonesia 2007-05-18 13:38:15
      Adjust font size:

      JAKARTA, May 18 (Xinhua) -- Aiming at grabbing a slice of Indonesia's reviving automotive market, Chinese automaker Geely International Corp. is to make presence here with its Geely CK sedan, the local press said Friday.

      The new car, to be launched in July, will be assembled here by Malaysian-based firm PT IGC International and PT Gaya Motor, a subsidiary of the country's largest auto firm PT Astra International, reported English daily The Jakarta Post.

      With three engine variants, the sedan will sell for between 80 million rupiah (9,095 U.S. dollars) and 95 million (10,800 dollars).

      "Our idea is to supply the market with a quality product at an affordable price," Geely International president director George Zhao was quoted as saying.

      The Geely CK sedan first hit the Chinese markets in 2005, and has been exported to 60 countries and sold more than 80,000 units worldwide.

      "We selected Indonesia as our first market in Southeast Asia as we are aware that the automotive industry here has been making very promising progress," Zhao said.

      Geely International will become the second Chinese automaker to assemble its products in Indonesia after Chery Automobile entered the market last year in collaboration with the country's second-largest auto producer and distributor, PT Indomobil Sukses International.

      Geely expects to produce 2,000 cars per year and intends to introduce at least five new models over the next two years.

      IGC International chief commissioner Suhaelly Kalla said that Indonesia would become the center of production of the Geely CK for the Southeast Asian market. The cars would be exported to Eastand Southeast Asian countries, he said.

      In addition to establishing an assembling facility at a cost of about 6 million dollars, IGC International will also set up spare-parts and after-sales service centers.
      Editor: Chen Feng
      schrieb am 18.05.07 23:41:28
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      schrieb am 29.05.07 20:33:13
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Geely Nachrichten der letzten Tage!!! :eek:

      Geely (0175) sees sales in 2H better than 1H
      2007/05/28 15:36

      (Infocast News) Lawrence Siu-lun Ang, executive director of Geely Automobile (0175), said today that he expected auto sales in the second half of this year will be better than the first half given the official production of "Vision" model commenced last week.

      Sales of vehicles for April was approximately 18,000 units and expected sales for May should be sound. The company aims to achieve sales of 240,000 units for the whole year and target could be achieved by the monthly sales of 20,000 units.

      Geely wants cab operators to think of England


      Tuesday, May 29, 2007

      Geely Automobiles (0175), the Hong Kong-listed unit of the mainland's biggest privately held automaker, plans to bring the popular London "black cabs" to Hong Kong and will cooperate with the Hong Kong Productivity Council to develop a vehicle that can run on liquefied petroleum gas.

      Geely's 2.5-liter models will be diesel-driven and will come with five- speed manual or auto transmission.

      Unveiling one of the cabs to a select group of taxi operators Monday, Geely executive director Lawrence Ang Siu- lun said Hong Kong's strategic position will help the automaker "to develop the regional market."

      Geely entered into a joint venture with Manganese Bronze Holdings to produce and sell the London taxicab in Shanghai next year at less than half its current cost. Zhejiang-based Geely aims to export the vehicle to Asia.

      The joint venture is capable of rolling out 10,000 taxicabs a year in about a dozen colors apart from the familiar black, tailored to specific markets and customer demand. Another 30,000 will be made for use as private limousines or as sedans.

      "We plan to sell between 1,000 and 4,000 black cabs per year to meet domestic demand," Ang said.

      Geely estimates production cost can be halved. Prices have not been finalized, but Ang said a cab costs about 40,000 (HK$620,636) in London.

      Frank Leung, general manager of the productivity council's automotive and electronics division, said there is a need for a new type of taxi service that will offer accessibility for wheelchair users and luggage space.

      London Taxi International, the production arm of Manganese Bronze, will also benefit in terms of securing cheap mainland-made components, said Matthew Cheyne, LTI's international marketing director.

      LTI sold about 2,850 taxis in Britain last year and exported a small number of the cabs to markets including South Africa, France and Germany.


      Monday May 28, 09:52 AM

      Geely to sell London taxis in China and HK in 2008

      HONG KONG (Reuters) - Geely Automobile Holdings <0175.HK>, which bought Britain's Manganese Bronze (LSE: MNGS.L - news) <MNGS.L> in 2006, plans to sell the firm's iconic London taxicabs in China in 2008 at less than half its current cost, and begin exporting the vehicle to Asia and elsewhere soon after.

      Ambitious Geely, which makes no secret of its eventual plans to expand globally using some of its home country's cheapest-made cars, may start exports with Hong Kong -- bringing a common London sight to the former British colony more than a decade after it reverted to Chinese rule.

      "We estimate the production cost can be lowered at least by half," Geely Executive Director Lawrence Ang told reporters on Monday after showing the firms' newest London cab to pre-selected Hong Kong taxi drivers.

      Prices had not been finalised but Ang said U.K.-made models sold at nearly 40,000 pounds ($79,350). Geely and Manganese have set up a joint venture in Shanghai that can crank out 10,000 of the cabs a year in about a dozen colours apart from the familiar black, tailored to specific markets and customer demand, and another 30,000 intended for private limousine or sedan use.

      It will eventually serve as a global base for production and export to Southeast Asia and, eventually, other regions.

      Manganese's U.K. production arm, London Taxi International (LTI), will also benefit in terms of securing cheap Chinese parts, said Matthew Cheyne, LTI's international marketing director.

      ""From the U.K. point of view, the benefit is we got cost of production saving of 50 percent, 40 percent, whatever it is, sourcing cheap parts in China and that's enough for our benefit," he said.

      LTI sold about 2,850 taxis in the United Kingdom last year and exported a very small number of the cabs to overseas markets, such as South Africa, France and Germany.

      Geely shares eased 2.21 percent on Monday but had gained about 27 percent in the month to Friday.

      Geely (0175): HK demand for TX4 about 1000-4000 units
      2007/05/28 15:32

      (Infocast News) Geely Automobile (0175) executive director Lawrence Siu-lun Ang said today the company plans to introduce LPG-powered TX4 London Taxi to Hong Kong. However, sales of TX4 in Hong Kong will be negligible if the introduction is materialised, he said, expecting Hong Kong demand to be some 1,000 to 4,000 TX4, a model meeting the EURO IV standard that people using wheelchair and senior citizens find convenient.

      After Geely's joint venture in Shanghai starts to to make TX4, which is now selling at almost GBP40,000 each, the production cost can be halved and the selling price can be reduced to around $200,000 each, Ang said. He expects mainland China to be a larger market in future.
      schrieb am 29.05.07 23:15:09
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Ich wollte euch einladen in diesem Thread über alle möglichen Aktien egal welche Branche oder welches Land, zu schreiben!…
      schrieb am 31.05.07 05:10:17
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()

      Morgan Stanley adds 25.8M shares in Geely (0175)
      2007/05/30 18:44

      (Infocast News) Morgan Stanley has added 25.8 million shares in Geely Automobile (0175), the Stock Exchange's SDI information shows. After the acquisition, Morgan Stanley's long position in the company increased from 273.766 million shares (5.73%) to 299.566 million shares (6.27%). The shares were bought on May 22. The price per share is not disclosed.

      schrieb am 31.05.07 16:51:21
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Geely to launch research center
      Updated: 2007-05-31 13:58

      Special coverage:
      Auto Shanghai 2007
      Related publication:

      Related readings:
      Geely to launch models in Indonesia
      Geely unveils 'London black cabs' for local market
      Geely aims to triple exports
      Yang Jian, vice president of technology development of Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd, announced that Geely plans to launch a research and development center in Jinan city, East China's Shandong Province.

      Liang Henian, previously deputy general manager of Great Wall Motor Co Ltd in charge of technology research and development, is now head of the Jinan research center for Geely.

      At present, Geely already has two automobile research institutes located in Shanghai and Taizhou, Zhejiang Province.According to Yang, the upcoming Jinan research center will do all kinds of collaborations with oversea research and design institutes. Dozens of research centers from seven countries have shown interest in cooperating with Geely.
      schrieb am 01.06.07 22:47:13
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()

      schrieb am 06.06.07 10:34:49
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.583.089 von Wuscher am 01.06.07 22:47:13- von heute 06:57

      Chinas Autobauer mit sattem Gewinnanstieg, Geely & Chery vorn

      Peking 06.06.07 (
      Laut der aktuellen Veröffentlichung der China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) haben die 16 größten Autohersteller des Landes im ersten Quartal einen Nettogewinn in Höhe von 12,75 Mrd. Yuan (1,66 Mrd. USD) erreicht. Gegenüber dem Vorjahreszeitraum ist das ein sattes Plus von 69,9 Prozent.
      Der Umsatz betrug 229,8 Mrd. Yuan (30 Mrd. USD), ein Anstieg zum Vorjahr von 36,6 Prozent.
      Unter den Autproduzenten war es das private Unternehmen Geely Holding Group, welches mit einem Plus von 194 Prozent den größten Umsatzschub erlebte, wie auch den kräftigsten Gewinnanstieg. Ihm folgten die China National Heavy Duty Truck Group (Sinotruck) und Chery Automobile, so die CAAM.
      schrieb am 08.06.07 21:48:46
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Da geht sie ab die Luzie :cool:

      BEIJING (XFN-ASIA) - Geely, das Gruppe, des größten privaten den Automobilhersteller und Elternteil Landes von hält Ltd. der Geely Automobil-Holding-(Nachrichten) (HK 0175), gesagt ihm verkaufte herum 100.000 Autos in den ersten fünf Monaten dieses Jahr, herauf von 89.800 Maßeinheiten ein das Jahr früher.

      Die Gruppe sagte in einer Aussage, der sie ein Absatzziel von 296.000 Maßeinheiten eingestellt hat, für 2007, von denen 33.000 Autos exportiert werden.

      Die China Handelsnachrichten berichteten über früheren heutigen Tag, dem das erste Auto Otaka Geelys, bekannt als das CK-1 auf dem Binnenmarkt, das Fließband seiner russischen Partner Ural Automobile und Maschinen ausgespeichert hat.

      Geely Ausgang am russischen Betrieb wird erwartet, um 17.000 Maßeinheiten dieses Jahr, entsprechend dem Report zu erreichen.

      Geely, das Exportvereinbarungen im Platz in Indonesien, in Rußland und in Ukraine hat, ist z.Z. auch in den Vermittlungen, zum der Träger nach der Türkei und Südafrika in Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Partnern zu exportieren.

      schrieb am 09.06.07 13:59:05
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Stelle doch bitte die Nachricht auch im englischen Original hier ein. Dieses automatisch übersetzten Nachrichten sind absolut unverständlich.
      schrieb am 10.06.07 10:52:35
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      8.06.2007 06:31
      China's Geely Jan-May car sales 100,000 units vs yr-earlier 89,800

      BEIJING (XFN-ASIA) - Geely Holding Group, the country's largest private carmaker and parent of Geely Automobile Holdings (Nachrichten) Ltd (HK 0175), said it sold around 100,000 cars in the first five months this year, up from 89,800 units a year earlier.

      The group said in a statement that it has set a sales target of 296,000 units for 2007, of which 33,000 cars will be exported.

      The China Business News reported earlier today that Geely's first Otaka car, known as the CK-1 on the domestic market, has rolled off the assembly line of its Russian partner Ural Automobiles and Engines.

      Geely output at the Russian plant is expected to reach 17,000 units this year, according to the report.

      Geely, which has export agreements in place in Indonesia, Russia and Ukraine, is currently also in negotiations to export vehicles to Turkey and South Africa in cooperation with local partners.
      schrieb am 10.06.07 15:05:51
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Super, Danke:)
      schrieb am 27.06.07 13:34:27
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      War Geely etwa heute nacht um 12 % in HK im Plus?

      Was war da los?
      schrieb am 11.07.07 08:27:31
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Ist Geely momentan mit 9% in HongKong im Plus? :eek::D
      schrieb am 20.07.07 17:51:47
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      18.07.2007 06:37
      China's Geely Group sees 2007 car exports at over 40,000 units

      BEIJING (XFN-ASIA) - Geely Holding Group, China's largest privately-owned automaker and parent of Geely Automobile Holdings (Nachrichten) Ltd (HK 0175), said it expects car exports to surpass 40,000 units this year, compared to 15,000 in 2006.

      The company said in a statement on its website that exports of the CK model totaled 13,000 units in the first half.

      It added that the CK car recently underwent testing in Spain which cleared the way for its export to Europe. No details on the testing were provided.

      Geely Group set a 2007 sales target of 300,000 vehicles at the beginning of the year, with exports projected at 33,000.

      In the first half, Geely Holding Group's overall sales totaled 111,143 vehicles, compared to 105,900 a year earlier.



      :eek: :cool:

      Eine Frage

      Worauf warten Sie noch....

      :D :eek: :yawn:

      schrieb am 24.07.07 14:12:47
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Geely News!!! In Frankfurt schon + 10%

      23.07.2007 -- Tages-Anzeiger Online
      Autohersteller Geely plant den Export nach Europa

      Go West! Der chinesische Autobauer Geely.

      Immer wieder hat der chinesische Autobauer die Expansion in den Westen verschoben, abgeschreckt durch den Misserfolg der Konkurrenz. Jetzt steht der Schritt nach Deutschland kurz bevor.

      Von Christoph Giesen und Janis Vougioukas, Ningbo
      Der chinesische Autobauer Geely plant den Export nach Deutschland. «Wir arbeiten derzeit an zwei neuen Modellen für den europäischen Markt», bestätigt Geely-Topmanager Feng Qingfeng gegenüber dem «Tages-Anzeiger». Das Unternehmen werde dabei von koreanischen Wettbewerbern unterstützt.

      Die Modelle mit den konzerninternen Bezeichnungen FC-2 und FC-3 sollen im kommenden Jahr zunächst auf dem chinesischen Markt präsentiert werden. Für 2009 ist der Export nach Europa geplant. Geely will den europäischen Markt von Deutschland aus erobern. «Der Markteintritt muss in Deutschland erfolgen. Wenn unsere Fahrzeuge dort akzeptiert werden, können wir sie in der ganzen westlichen Welt verkaufen», sagte Feng.

      Die zwei Fahrzeuge sind als Mittelklasselimousinen geplant und sollen je nach Ausstattung zwischen 80'000 und 120'000 Yuan kosten - 12'700 bis 18'000 Franken. Der Konzern arbeitet derzeit auch an der Entwicklung neuer Motoren, die die Abgasnorm Euro 5 erfüllen sollen. Mittelfristig sollen 50'000 Autos für den europäischen Markt produziert werden. Das bisherige Spitzenmodell Vision FC-1 wird derzeit bereits in die Ukraine, Syrien, Russland, Lateinamerika und Afrika exportiert, insgesamt etwa 20'000 Fahrzeuge pro Jahr.
      Einer von fünf möglichen Sternen
      Geely plant bereits seit längerem die Expansion in den Westen, hat diesen Schritt in den vergangenen Jahren aber immer wieder hinausgeschoben. Der Grund: Bisher hat der europäische Markt chinesischen Fahrzeugherstellern mehr Probleme als Freude bereitet. Der Geländewagen Landwind des Herstellers Jiangling Motors sollte vor zwei Jahren das erste chinesische Fahrzeug auf dem deutschen Markt werden.
      Doch die Pläne zerplatzten, als der Automobilclub ADAC dem Landwind bei einem Crashtest schwerwiegende Sicherheitsmängel bescheinigte. «Gravierende Konstruktionsfehler führen zu einer untragbaren Reduktion des Überlebensraumes», hiess es in dem Ergebnis des Tests.

      Im Juni untersuchte der ADAC die Billig-Limousine Brilliance BS6, der zweite Versuch eines chinesischen Konzerns, den deutschen Automarkt zu erobern. Der Brilliance erhielt bei dem Crashtest nur einen von fünf möglichen Sternen, weit unter dem heute üblichen Standard. Ein belgischer Importeur nahm das Auto nach dem vernichtenden Testergebnis vom Markt und erstattete den Kunden ihr Geld zurück.

      Geely ist daher vorgewarnt. «Im Gegensatz zu Brilliance und Landwind muss der Markteintritt gelingen. Wir wollen unsere Marke auf keinen Fall beschädigen», sagte Feng. Vorbild seien die Expansionsstrategien von Toyota und dem koreanischen Hersteller Hyundai.

      Erfolgreichster Autobauer Chinas
      Geely ist einer der erfolgreichsten chinesischen Autobauer, und produziert nach eigenen Angaben mit 10'000 Mitarbeitern rund 300'000 Fahrzeuge pro Jahr. Der private Konzern wurde erst 1986 durch den Unternehmer Li Shufu gegründet und begann zunächst mit der Produktion von Kühlschränken und Aluminiumfassaden. 1998 wurde Geely zum ersten privaten chinesischen Autohersteller und blieb immer einer der innovativsten Fahrzeugbauer des Landes. Das vor einigen Jahren präsentierte Modell «Beauty Leopard» wurde der erste chinesische Sportwagen. Das 94-PS-Auto benötigte 15 Sekunden, um von 0 auf 100 Stundenkilometer zu beschleunigen. Im vergangenen Jahr gründete Geely ein Joint Venture, dass ab 2008 das berühmte Londoner Taxi in Shanghai produzieren soll.
      China exportierte im vergangenen Jahr 340'000 Fahrzeuge und war damit gerade einmal der viertgrösste Autoexporteur Asiens - hinter Japan, Südkorea und Thailand. Doch seit drei Jahren verdoppelt sich die Zahl der chinesischen Autoexporte jedes Jahr und stieg im ersten Quartal des laufenden Jahres noch einmal um 22 Prozent.

      Ebenso schnell wuchs die Ausfuhr von Fahrzeugteilen. Im vergangenen Jahr durchbrach die Zahl erstmals die Grenze von acht Milliarden Dollar.

      © Tamedia AG – Quellen: – Agenturen – Kontakt

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      GEELY AUTO. HLDGS...Da geht was