
    Gold is finally FREE!!! - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 18.05.02 22:35:42
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Das Wort zu Pfingsten...

      ..Ja Gold ist Frei ! Es bekommt seine Hedge-Fesseln abgenommen!

      Dieser Goldbug schreibt sich, und das Gold frei!:

      GOLD IS FREE!!!

      Gold is finally FREE!!!

      Its shackles have been RELEASED & it is ready to begin performing according to the laws of supply & demand. Actually, it is important to understand now that the rules of the game, as dictated by the "big boys", have changed.

      When the effort to control the price of gold through the extreme & successful method of hedging, Barrick Gold was first chosen as the "patsy" to carry these designs out. For Barrick playing this role brought prestige & honor & political power to have the important distinction of being the major vehicle implemented in carrying out the gold price manipulation scheme.

      But as with the role of all "patsies," their services are eventually no longer needed. Such is now the case with Barrick. It is now time for gold to shine & someone must take the blame & heat for the devastation brought about by the pain that a manipulated gold price has brought about.

      Barrick does not like this new role it is being scripted to play.

      Just a year ago there were 2 principal gold companies whose duties were the active involvement & pursuit of keeping the price of gold down, AngloGold & Barrick. But now the game has changed & it is has been determined by the elite that it is acceptable for the price of gold to float & maneuver freely.

      AngloGold`s recent comments & actions reveal this new change of policy. What is AngloGold officially saying about the direction & future of the gold price now?

      Bill Murphy 5-1-2002 "The following appeared in a MONEYWEB today. It is MOST SIGNIFICANT. I will elaborate in MIDAS later: (the following is an interview with Bobby Godsell, AngloGold CEO). BOBBY GODSELL: …we`ve indicated again that we think the gold price is firming and that we`ve got better prospects for the gold price than we`ve had certainly since 1993, maybe even since 1987. Against that background, we`ve been trimming back our hedge book."

      Bill Murphy, "This is a two plus twoer. Gold went to $400 + in 1993 and $500 + in 1987. Up, up and away we go!"

      What does this statement from the CEO of the most powerful gold company in the world mean? What Bobby Godsell is announcing to the world is AngloGold`s acceptance now of a higher gold price. In this statement he informs the investment community that AngloGold is positioning itself accordingly to prepare for this coming gold price explosion. No longer will there be severe steps taken to keep gold`s price down.

      What is AngloGold doing to prepare for a higher gold price?

      "AngloGold CEO Bobby Godsell has been pounding the table for months and months that Anglo has reduced its hedge book and is going to continue to do so in an aggressive manner."

      "That is most unusual. Normally a big hedger completes a buyback program and THEN announces what it has done. My colleagues and I have been scratching our heads as to why Anglo would announce its intentions ahead of time, which would surely result in higher buyback prices…."

      "Thus Bobby Godsell wants the world to know that the world`s No. 1 gold producer is covering hedges, so as to encourage others to cover hedges, so as to encourage hedge funds and other physical gold buyers to step up to the plate and get long."

      Do you begin to understand readers how the wheels are turning & a new position for gold is being established? For a long time it was gold`s role to be unimportant & for its price to be kept below 300 dollars an ounce.

      Now the rules are changing & the new rule is for gold to be allowed to RISE!!!

      This is just too bad for a company like Barrick who has built its entire infrastructure around the concept & practice of hedging. Yes, I will be very surprised to see Barrick in its present form & its current leadership still intact several years from today.

      Let me repeat again what Bobby Godsell has said so its significance can really penetrate the brain.

      BOBBY GODSELL:"we think the gold price is firming and that we`ve got better prospects for the gold price than we`ve had certainly since 1993 (1993 = 400 an ounce), maybe even since 1987 (1987 = 500 an ounce). Against that background, we`ve been trimming back our hedge book."

      If the above message is not a signal by a major world player & market maker informing the world where gold is heading I do not know what is!!!

      Bobby Godsell goes on to say, "We`ve reduced our hedge book by 1.7 million ounces this quarter, or 120 percent of the company`s production. We are now significantly less hedged than we were last quarter. That increases our participation in the firmer gold prices…"

      MONEYWEB: Now the gold price is flirting with around the $310 level. Where do you see that by year-end?

      BOBBY GODSELL: Byron, all we can say is -- my colleague Kelvin Williams has studied this market for 17 years now -- everything is in place for a firmer price.

      Again, "Better prospects for the gold price than we`ve had certainly since 1993, maybe even since 1987." (500 + gold price)

      "Conservative gold executives like Bobby Godsell do NOT make casual comments such as this. There is a purpose to everything he says in a formal interview. Godsell knows that GATA has been right all along; that the gold price has been rigged and kept at artificially low prices for years. He knows the rig is coming to an end and he knows the gold price is explosive for all the reasons often cited in "Midas" commentary. For those reasons Godsell is not afraid to hint that $400 or $500 gold is possible."

      "I can`t be the only one in Gold Land to understand this. A statement like this has to freak some of the big hedgers and encourage other big spec players to load the gold boat."

      You are right, Bill. This is indeed a message for the remaining hedgers to UNWIND THEIR HEDGES." I consider Godsell`s gold comments to be as significant a development as any since GATA began and the Cafe opened for business."

      From the very beginning it was designed that Barrick would be the principal patsy to act as the flagship for the practice of hedging & to act as a role model for other gold mining companies to follow.

      Now the plan is changed & part of the design is to allow the gold price to move forward. AngloGold is aware of these plans & is preparing for it accordingly. It is important to always remember that the money behind AngloGold represents the REAL world players & market movers. Barrick`s players & insiders represent "chump change".

      Who controls the purse strings of AngloGold? Go look & see. I would prefer not to mention their names lest my intentions are misconstrued.

      Now Barrick is being prepared as the sacrificial lamb.

      Is Barrick accepting this new world policy change for gold gracefully & with class?

      In desperation to save itself Barrick has tried to position itself stronger by purchasing Homestake to provide a cheap source of unhedged gold. But this will not be enough to save Barrick & Barrick realizes this.

      Even now Barrick is beginning to sink under the weight of its own self-created corruption.

      Thom Calandra of CBS MarketWatch touched on Barrick in his column today:

      "Barrick failed to meet Wall Street earnings expectations Wednesday. In their conference call, Barrick executives fielded numerous analysts` questions about the company`s hedged sales of gold, a strategy seen by some as risky if bullion prices rise sharply. Those questions, from JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and others, were met by Barrick executives, who assured investors they were monitoring the situation."

      "Monitoring the situation? What does that mean? The arrogant meatheads at Barrick continue to doubletalk. They are going to get their hat handed to them. AngloGold has outfoxed them and Barrick is stuck sucking up to the Gold Cartel. Hedge book blowups are coming. Will Barrick be one of them?"

      "Not only is Barrick (ABX) unable to manage its core business profitably, but CEO Oliphant has dragged his company into the yawning abyss of the Gold Cabal. While the reported loss on derivative gold sales is described as "small", you can bet this number will explode, and most of it splashing across the face of Oliphant. Dump it!" Bill, The Charleston Voice

      How deserving that the very pain & horror that Barrick contributed to so many other gold mining companies it is beginning to experience itself.

      When Barrick does eventually sink into its own self created sess pool there will be no sympathy from the rest of the gold mining community. Most of those really knowledgeable of the gold mining industry long ago recognized Barrick as an Enron & Author Anderson type financial instititution dealing primarily in derivatives. NEVER was Barrick a true gold miner, but only an Enron Derivatives Dealer.

      In desperation Barrick is now even attempting to purchase AngloGold & against AngloGold`s will. I`ll tell you right now though, that ain`t going to be allowed to happen!!!

      "GATA Chairman Bill Murphy`s "Midas" commentary tonight at breaks what may prove to be the story of the year in the gold world: Barrick Gold`s plan to acquire AngloGold."

      "The big gold news today has to do with Barrick and AngloGold. I was told the following last night by the best of overseas sources:

      "Barrick at the moment has a team of 40 people working in Johannesburg. They want to take over AngloGold." Bill Murphy LeMetropole 5-1-2002

      And what is AngloGold`s response to this?

      "And AngloGold`s announcing its plans to reduce its hedging, driving up the cost of its own plans, may make sense too, as Murphy writes -- in the context of AngloGold`s fending off acquisition by the super-hedged Barrick, for whom a higher gold price is death." Bill Murphy, LeMetropole May 1, 2002

      Let us look once more at the hemorrhaging of Barrick.


      May 6, 2002

      John C. Doody, editor of the numbers-crunching Gold Stock Analyst newsletter, figures Barrick Gold in its latest reported quarter saw the mark-to-market value of its so-called hedge book drop to a negative $121 million as of March 31 from a positive $380 million on June 30, 2001.

      Doody at Gold Stock Analyst puts the negative swing of the company`s hedge book at $507 million. "This swing far offsets the net profits earned of $46 million in the first quarter of 2002 plus the $66 million in the third quarter of 2001 plus the $82 million in the fourth quarter of 2001. The net is a loss of $313 million."

      "The sensitivity of the derivative portfolio now stands at about $21 million an ounce," says Douglas Pollitt at Pollitt & Co. in Toronto. "Each $1 an ounce upward move in the gold price sees the mark-to-market (of Barrick`s derivative contracts) drop by about $21 million. At $350 an ounce, the mark-to-market would be over $1 billion in the red." Gold prices this year have risen to $312 an ounce from $270 at the start of January

      (WOW!!! Let`s hear this again!!! Editor)

      "Each $1 an ounce upward move in the gold price sees the mark-to-market (of Barrick`s derivative contracts) DROP by about $21 million. At $350 an ounce, the mark-to-market would be over $1 billion in the red."

      "Pollitt calculates the notional value of Barrick`s spot-deferred contracts at 18 million ounces. "Add to this another 5 million in written call options, (which the company now calls `variable priced sales contracts`), and, one way or another, the company is short about 23 million ounces of gold. This is a fantastic number and begs the question: Could Barrick cover even if they wanted to?"

      Is this the company that so confidently hedged every years worth of production for almost 20 years?

      "…the company is short about 23 million ounces of gold. This is a fantastic number and begs the question: Could Barrick cover even if they wanted to?"

      Well. I am at a loss for words.

      What more can I say?

      Only that anyone still holding shares in this immoral corrupt golden Enron Style Derivatives Fire Trap is a complete IDIOT!!!


      Between Barrick & AngloGold, Barrick is expendable, but NOT AngloGold. Within the political ownership of AngloGold rests some of the most important & powerful financial entities in the world. AngloGold represents their personal gold mine. Barrick`s (the chump changers) job now in the world scheme is to take the heat for the gold price manipulation scheme & to die gracefully with the coming gold price explosion.

      Within another 3 years (probably less than that), between AngloGold & Barrick, only one company will remain standing & it will NOT be Barrick!!!

      AngloGold will continue & Barrick will fail. This will be a convenient timely circumstance because by this time gold will be firmly in an advancing bull market & the public will be crying out for blood for the one most responsible for the gold price manipulation scheme.

      "Anglogold wants the gold price to go much higher to stave off Barrick. Barrick remains heavily hedged. A soaring gold price is no great shakes to Barrick and could even do the company in if their hedge book blows up. In addition, if AngloGold covers its hedges as fast as possible, it will add fuel to the growing gold-buying power and be a factor in moving the gold price higher. The more Anglogold covers forwards and the higher its share price goes, the more difficult it will be for Barrick to take over AngloGold. For Anglogold will get too expensive."

      "It is only a matter of time before the gold derivative bomb goes off and sinks the evil cabal forces."

      Meanwhile, Barrick Gold continues to stink up the place.

      Readers, it is important to digest these occurrences so that you can look with confidence at a rising gold price & know where to place your investments.

      Part of the reason I am taking the time to go over so carefully & repetitively this message is because there are still so many emails I receive from readers asking me if the run on gold stocks will continue or if they are oversold.

      A few years ago Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan, sent out a message to the world and investors in general that everything would be done to play down the gold price over the next few years.

      Now, a new message equivalent to the one Greenspan gave then is being issued & sent out around the word to all investors.

      That message given by the most powerful of market leaders is sending out a message that gold is free & will be moving higher.

      BOBBY GODSELL: -- EVERYTHING is in place for a firmer price.

      Again, "Better prospects for the gold price than we`ve had certainly since 1993, maybe even since 1987."


      The dollar is beginning its long slow fall. I have written in earlier commentary & mentioned that through the pain of a wrecked US economy that Europe will shine brighter as a world power.

      George Bush will go down in the history books as another Hoover. Bush`s additional historical distinction will be as the president under whose watch the US gold disappeared.

      "It has been said that the gradual closing of producer hedges is putting a floor under the gold price. Barrick`s scramble for unhedged gold might attach rockets to the price." Bill Murphy 5-6-2002

      A rising gold price will be the instrument used to calculate to what extent & degree the US economy becomes wrecked.

      * * * * *
      Please visit our website, Alternatives For Financial Freedom:

      Just "click" the gold coin:

      or ""

      David Vaughn

      May 10, 2002

      It is the author/publisher`s goal of this letter that the reader may have his or her interest piqued in such a manner that will compel the individual to do their own further diligent research on the topic, issue or company discussed herein. The author/publisher of this publication has taken every precaution to provide the most accurate information possible. The information & data were obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but because the information & data source are beyond the author`s control, no representation or guarantee is made that it is complete or accurate. The reader accepts information on the condition that errors or omissions shall not be made the basis for any claim, demand or cause for action. Because of the ever-changing nature of information & statistics the author/publisher strongly encourages the reader to communicate directly with the company and/or with their personal investment advisor to obtain up to date information. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. Any statements non-factual in nature constitute only current opinions, which are subject to change. The author/publisher may or may not have a position in the securities and/or options relating thereto, & may make purchases and/or sales of these securities relating thereto from time to time in the open market or otherwise. Neither the information, nor opinions expressed, shall be construed as a solicitation to buy or sell any stock, futures or options contract mentioned herein. The author/publisher of this letter is not a qualified financial advisor & is not acting as such in this publication. Investors are advised to obtain the advice of a qualified financial & investment advisor before entering any financial transaction.

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      Also by David Vaughn

      schrieb am 18.05.02 22:44:02
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      ..Es wird im übrigen langsam Zeit , das die Finders-Touren
      im Aussi-Land ihre Preise anpassen -
      oder immer noch zu teuer!?

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      Couples $ 110.00

      Full Day:

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      Couples $ 185.00

      Group Bookings:

      By arrangement.

      Extended Tours:

      Tours for longer periods of time including prospecting and tourist visits to places of interest can be arranged by special arrangement.

      Detector Hire Rates
      Central Goldfields Tourist Guide

      a division of Finders
      Bookings through

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      Phone Bookings Australia: B/Hrs. (03) 5468 1333
      Phone Bookings International: B/Hrs. 613 5468 1333
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      E-mail Booking enquires:
      In diesem Sinne - Frohe Pfingsten !
      schrieb am 18.05.02 22:52:25
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      ..Ach ja und wem jetzt wg. geschlossenen Börsen doch zu Langeweilig ist , der kann sich mal an dieses Goldigen Rätsel
      versuchen (den 1.Preis verrat ich demnächst...:

      ..eigentlich zu einfach für echte Goldbugs !
      schrieb am 25.05.02 14:46:34
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      ...Zum Wochende nach Pfingsten nun die mit Spannung erwartete Auflösung des Gold-Rätsels:

      ...neue (alte) Aussage zum aktuellen Geschehen:´s Wochende möcht ich alle Goldboard Aktiven dieses auf den Weg geben:

      Jean-Paul Satre, franz. Philosoph und Schriftsteller
      1905 - 1980

      Vielleicht gibt es schönere Zeiten; aber diese ist die unsere.

      Die Hölle, das sind die anderen.

      MfG Weisenstein

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      Gold is finally FREE!!!