
    PANCONTINENTAL OIL - Projekte in Australien, Kenya, Malta, Marocco und Namibia (Seite 385)

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 20.08.10 13:13:02
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Ein weiterer Artikel, der die zukünftige Bedeutung von East Africa hervorhebt - das Drilling des Mbawa prospect im nächsten Jahr wird internationale Beachtung finden - da bin ich doch sehr sicher... cool, wenn mann dann schon genügend günstige PCLs im Depot hat... ;)…

      Africa's New Oil Frontiers
      Thu Aug 19, 2010

      For decades, oil and gas investors in Africa have focused on exploiting the riches of the continent's established producers Nigeria, Angola, Libya and Algeria. In recent years, however, spurred on by large discoveries offshore Ghana and in the Lake Albert region in Uganda, the industry has been looking beyond the traditional oil markets to a new crop of frontier oil plays.

      Wild West

      Ghana has led the way in West Africa, after Anglo-Irish explorer Tullow Oil sparked industry interest with a major oil discovery at the deepwater Jubilee oil field in the Gulf of Guinea in 2007. That discovery has drawn significant investment into Ghana already and looks set to transform the country's economy once production begins in 2010 and significant exports begin in 2011. If the Jubilee and nearby Tweneboa discovery are both brought online BMI sees production reaching 450,000 barrels per day by 2014.

      US explorer Anadarko further heightened interest in West Africa's oil potential with a significant find at its offshore Venus field in Sierra Leone in September 2009. Since then industry players have set out aggressive exploration programmes off the coasts of Liberia, Cote d'Ivoire and Equatorial Guinea. A planned round to award exploration licences around the small island nation of Sao Tome and Principe has also attracted significant interest.

      Eastern Promise

      Tullow again led the way in East Africa with its major 2007 discovery in Lake Albert on Uganda's western border. The 2bn barrel field has been slower to develop than Ghana's Jubilee discovery, with production not expected to begin until the end of 2011. Development of Uganda's oil industry is expected to require US$8-10bn in investment for the construction of production facilities, a refinery and pipelines to send oil to the Kenyan coast, where it can be exported.

      Significant interest has spread from Uganda across East Africa, making it one of the industry's most attractive regions. Much of that interest has focused on East Africa's significant offshore gas resources, with important discoveries in Mozambique and Tanzania. Kenya is still holding out hope for a major discovery in spite of a recent failure from China's state-run oil company CNOOC to strike hydrocarbons with its latest well. The truly intrepid have even begun to look to Somalia.

      While the resource potential of these frontier markets has attracted great interest from oil and gas explorers, political risks have contributed to a challenging business environment. In Ghana, for example, US explorer Kosmos Energy attempted to sell its minority 30.9% stake in the Jubilee discovery to industry major ExxonMobil. That deal, however, ran into stiff political opposition and in early July 2010 Accra notified Kosmos that it would not approve the sale. The government instead encouraged Kosmos to sell its stake to the state-run oil company Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC). With Ghana looking to the China Development Bank for funds to develop its oil industry, it has been widely expected that GNPC would eventually sell the stake onto one of China's state-run oil companies, with CNOOC appearing to be the most likely candidate.

      In spite of such political risks, we see the potential rewards in these new frontier markets continuing to attract significant investor interest as explorers seek out opportunities in some of the world's last largely unexplored frontiers.
      schrieb am 18.08.10 10:55:41
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Ein weiterer sehr lesenswerter Artikel über das steigende Interesse an East-Africa als zukünftige Öl-Provinz

      (in diesem Lichte scheinen auch die aktuell offenbar fortgeschrittenen Aktvitäten von PCL bezüglich der schon seit etwa 2 Jahren anstehenden Zeichnung eines Petroleum Agreements und einer Exploration Lizenz in Namibia für Teile der RL1/2007, Offshore Walvis Basin, PCL 85% - beachtenswert...)

      Hier der Artikel:…

      Felicity Duncan|15 August 2010 22:42
      There's oil in them thar hills

      Is East Africa going to be the next place to hit black gold?

      It's no secret that the world is increasingly desperate for oil (see here), and oil exploration companies, driven by rising demand, increasing energy nationalism, and falling reserves, have begun to look for deposits in regions that have historically been overlooked.

      One such region is East Africa. Traditionally, West and North Africa have been the oil darlings of the continent; they are the most thoroughly explored regions, and most of the continent's proven oil reserves are found there. More recently, however, East Africa has become a hot destination for those in search of black gold. Many oil men believe that East Africa is the last great frontier for the oil business, and that the region may have vast undiscovered oil deposits.

      Until a few years ago, East Africa had long been ignored by oil explorers; while both West and North Africa have around 20,000 wells, there are only around 500 in East Africa. That's starting to change now, as oil companies are sinking hundreds of millions of dollars into prospecting up and down the east coast of Africa, and their efforts are starting to bear fruit.

      In Uganda near the DRC border, for example, London-based Tullow Oil and Heritage Oil have discovered fields containing several billion barrels of oil, and massive natural gas fields have been discovered off the coast of Mozambique by Texan driller Andarko. On Madagascar, Madagascar Oil is gearing up to start developing two smaller fields, and explorers in Tanzania have discovered massive natural gas reserves.

      In general, it's believed that countries all along the east coast of Africa could have huge offshore oil and natural gas deposits that could be commercially developed, and exploration is growing intense. Even Kenya, which has not yet produced any proven reserves, has been getting a lot of exploration attention. Recently, Cove Energy, a small AIM-listed company with various oil interests in East Africa, announced that it had concluded a farm-in deal that will see it spending $15.5m for a 15% stake in a series of Kenyan oil exploration blocks that are currently owned by Anadarko and Dynamic Energy Exploration and Production Corporation (DEPCO).

      (By way of explanation, a farm-in deal is a deal in which a company that doesn't hold a license to explore a particular area can acquire an interest from a company that does have a license. Usually, the acquiring company pays a fee and agrees to do a certain amount of work in exchange for participating in any finds.)

      Around the same time, a small Toronto-listed company, Centric Energy, announced a similar farm-in deal with Tullow for another Kenyan exploration block. Kenya is also being explored by the China National Offshore Oil Corporation and the Toronto-listed Africa Oil Corporation and other players interested in Kenya include Black Marlin Energy, the Malaysian national oil company Petronas, and major players like Shell and Total. The story is the same in Uganda, Somalia, Mozambique, Ethiopia and Madagascar; oil explorers are moving into East Africa in force, and starting to produce results.

      Naturally, there are challenges. Many of the countries being targeted for exploration, for example Somalia and Ethiopia, have serious political problems and are, or have been, active conflict zones. This instability makes it harder for companies to set up shop and increases their costs. There are also the usual infrastructure challenges. In landlocked Uganda, for example, the Tullow/Heritage discovery will probably mean that a pipeline will have to built linking the fields to the Kenyan coast.

      Nevertheless, oil companies have been doing business in rough and tumble places since the first geyser sprouted, and East Africa is going to see plenty of action over the next few years, and this may offer opportunities to investors.

      Although oil is a notoriously risky business, especially during the exploration phase, the newness of the East Africa oil boom means that it may be possible for investors to get in on the ground floor in some cases. Most of the companies active in the region are listed on either the London Stock Exchange's AIM board or on the Toronto Stock Exchange, both of which are accessible to global investors.

      For an investor looking to get some exposure to an industry with the potential for rapid growth, the East Africa oil boom offers some intriguing possibilities. But remember, safety first.
      schrieb am 11.08.10 09:08:34
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      ... und ein weiteres grosses farmin in Kenya... (wenn das in dieser Dynamik weiter geht, wird Kenya noch der (O+G Hotspot ;) )

      sehr interessant Imho - Tullow übernimmt 50% des onshore Blocks 10BA (Nord-West Kenya, die Lizenz umfasst den Lake Turkana; siehe Grafik, die ich letzte Woche hier gepostet habe).

      Tullow wäre natürlich auch ein grossartiger farmine für die PCL-Lizenzen - sowohl für L6 als auch für L8. Mit diesen farmin - Aktivitäten der letzten Wochen beweist sich meines Erachtens auch die Bedeutung der beiden PCL Lizenzen - wir werden kaum ein Problem haben, ein erfolgreiches farmout für diese shallow water offshore Lizenzen zu bewerkstelligen - PCL hat hier wirklich äußerst attraktive Assets...

      Hier die Meldung bei

      Tullow Oil Announces Farm-in to Kenya Block 10BA
      Thursday, August 05, 2010

      Centric Energy Corp. has entered into a binding letter agreement whereby Tullow Oil PLC has agreed to farm-in to a 50 percent participating interest in Centric Energy's 100 percent owned Production Sharing Contract covering Block 10BA in north-western Kenya (the 'PSC'). The closing of the farm-in is conditional upon completion of due diligence, the negotiation and settlement of definitive farm-in and joint operating agreements and the approval of the Kenyan Government and the TSX Venture Exchange.

      Pursuant to the Letter Agreement, Tullow will earn a 50 percent participating interest in the PSC and will assume operatorship in return for:

      • Reimbursing 50 percent of Centric Energy's acquisition costs for the PSC which total approximately $750,000.

      • Paying 80 percent of the first US$30 million of expenditures under the PSC.

      • Assuming 80 percent of the bank guarantees and parent company guarantees during the period in which it is paying 80 percent of the expenditures under the PSC.

      'Centric Energy is very pleased to have the opportunity to work with Tullow Oil on the exploration of Block 10BA,' said Alec Robinson, President & CEO of Centric Energy. 'Tullow's success and expertise in a similar geological setting in Uganda will ensure that Block 10BA is explored using the most modern exploration technology and in accordance with recognized international environmental standards and principles. Centric Energy intends to participate fully with Tullow in the exploration program.'

      Block 10BA is strategically located within the East African Rift System which is enjoying increasing exploration interest and significant recent success, most notably in the Albertine rift in Uganda, 660 km to the west, which is considered to be the closest geological analog to the Tertiary basins underlying Block 10BA (source: Gustavson Associates, 'Resource Evaluation Report, Centric Energy Corporation, Kenya Block 10BA'). Major volumes of hydrocarbons have been discovered by Tullow Oil in the Albertine rift, currently estimated to be approximately 950 million barrels recoverable as stated in the press release issued by Tullow on July 28, 2010 (

      An independent assessment of the prospective resources of Block 10BA has been completed by Gustavson & Associates under a Resources Evaluation Report prepared in accordance with National Instrument 51-101 - Standards for Disclosure for Oil and,Gas Activities.

      This report calculates prospective resources (defined below) for 25 prospects in the Block. The total of the prospective resources ranges from a low case (P90) of 955 millio

      n BOEs* up to a high case (P10) of 4,379 million BOEs*, with a best estimate (P50) of 2,188 million BOEs. The January 1, 2010, report entitled 'Resource Evaluation Report, Centric Energy Corporation, Kenya Block 10BA' is filed on SEDAR under the Company's profile. Prospective resources are defined as 'those quantities of oil and gas estimated on a given date to be potentially recoverable from undiscovered accumulations. They are technically viable and economic to recover.' Note that the estimated prospective resources could be oil or gas and that the estimate does not include consideration for the risk of failure in exploring for these resources. There is no certainty that any portion of the resources will be discovered. If discovered, there is no certainty that it will be commercially viable to produce any portion of the resources.

      Block 10BA is relatively under-explored, with the most recent seismic data acquired in 1991. It covers 16,205 square kilometers (over 4,000,000 acres) in a part of the Rift System that includes portions of several Tertiary-age rift sub-basins, including the Kerio and Turkana basins and the northern part of the Lodwar basin. The Loperot-1 well was drilled by Shell Exploration (Kenya) in 1992 in the southern part of the Lodwar basin, 75 km to the south of Block 10BA, and encountered oil shows and mature source rocks, demonstrating the presence of a petroleum system (source: Kenya National Oil Corporation).

      Further exploration opportunities and upside potential are provided by the Cretaceous-age Anza Graben, which underlies the northern part of Block 10BA. Ongoing studies of old, existing seismic data by Centric Energy show the presence of a very thick sedimentary section in this area, presumed to be of Tertiary and Cretaceous age. The acquisition of new seismic data will considerably improve the understanding of the hydrocarbon potential of this area, in addition to the remainder of the Block.
      schrieb am 09.08.10 23:14:59
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.952.586 von Resources am 09.08.10 16:19:52Hi Resources - ich habe bei diesen Species wohl eine ähnliche Strategie...

      Es gibt noch in diesem Jahr zwei weiter Mega-Hype Bohrungen in Australien, die man noch früh kaufen und in den Hype hinein verkaufen kann - vielleicht interessiert Dich das ja...

      Zum einen das Artemis Drilling im November - recoverable Potential: 12 TCF (!!) - Mit der wunderbaren Songa Venus wird gebohrt - Petrobras ist farmine mit 50% interst und bezahlt die well - free carried sind Moby Oil (MOG) 10% interest, Cue Energy (CUE) 15% interest und MEO 25% interest (btw. mit einem deutschen CEO, Jürgen Hendrich). MEO ist für diese erste well noch Operator. Aus meiner Sicht findet der Run mit MEO und MOG (hätte den größten "Hebel" im Erfolgsfall) statt. Ich halte MOG- wahrscheinlich eine größere Position sogar bis zu den Ergebnissen, den diese Bohrung hat eine geologische COS von 32% (zumindest werde ich das Drilling präzise beobachten, um im Verlauf zu entscheiden, ob halten oder werfen...)

      Das zweite "buy early, sell before results" play ist das offshore Sydney Drilling in PEP 11. Bounty Oil (BUY) wird der Wert sein, mit dem in Aussi "gespielt" wird. Potential 5-7 TCF für das Drilling (but most likely a duster). Das Drilling kommt eventuell noch vor November.

      ... Sorry for off topic...
      schrieb am 09.08.10 16:19:52
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.928.422 von gimo211 am 04.08.10 17:01:43Hallo gimo211,

      mein Augenmerk liegt in erster Linie auf der Kenya L8 Bohrung. Wie Du schon geschrieben hast ist das der Zock, könnte vielleicht sogar der Zock des Jahres werden und keiner bekommt es in Deutschland mit. Wie bei allen Explorern ist die Kunst vorher drin zu sein und bei der Verschiebung der Seismik im Frühjahr, habe ich sogar nochmal ein paar Shares eingesammelt. Ich denke und hoffe das wir nicht tiefer als 0,03 A$ fallen. Für den Fall das gebohrt wird, halte ich mich mit Kursprognosen zurück und halte weiterhin meine Anteile. Es eilt nicht!!! Wir werden sehen!!!

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1390EUR +11,20 %
      East Africa Metals: Geht jetzt der Kurs durch die Decke? mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 04.08.10 17:01:43
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      ... um überhaupt einmal ein Gefühl zu bekommen, von welche Explorations-Lizenzen wir überhaupt reden folgende Grafik...

      - PCL ist in L6 (Onshore und offshore) und L8 unterwegs
      - die Anadarko-Lizenzen sind: L5, L7, L11A, L11B and L12

      schrieb am 04.08.10 16:52:54
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      etwas off topic - aber es gibt ein steigendes Interesse an offshore Kenya - Cove Energy gibt ein umfassendes farmin in die Anadarko Lizenzen bekann (OilVoice):

      Cove Energy Announces Kenya Deepwater Farm-in
      Wednesday, July 28, 2010

      Cove Energy plc, the AIM quoted upstream oil and gas company focused on East Africa, is pleased to announce that it has concluded a conditional farmin agreement with Dynamic Energy Exploration and Production Corporation ('DEPCO') to acquire a 15% participating interest in five contiguous deepwater blocks L5, L7, L11A & B and L12 covering an area of over 30,500 sq kms, offshore Kenya, East Africa. The five Blocks are held in a Joint Venture by Dynamic Global Advisors Kenya Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of DEPCO with a 30% interest (15% after farmout) and Anadarko Kenya Company, an affiliate of Anadarko Petroleum Corporation ('Anadarko'), the operator of the blocks with a 70% interest.

      • Extensive contract area - approximately 30,500 sq km (7.5 million acres) over the entire deepwater fairway offshore Kenya, more than three times the size of the Company's Area 1 Offshore Mozambique block.
      • Diversity of hydrocarbon play types - typical deepwater hydrocarbon plays such as turbidite fan/channels in a number of structural and stratigraphic trapping situations are evident from existing seismic data and are similar to those identified offshore Mozambique.
      • Evidence of working petroleum systems - adjacent shallow water and onshore wells have oil and gas shows together with active oil seeps on Pemba Island near the southern part of the contract area.
      • Recent extensive 2 D seismic - over 5000 line kilometres of modern 2 D seismic has been acquired in 2010.
      • Experienced Operator - Anadarko has considerable offshore Africa deepwater exploration experience and has enjoyed notable success in Ghana (Jubilee) and Mozambique (Windjammer).
      • Drilling Continuity for Cove - drilling on the Kenya blocks is expected to commence in 2012/13 and is planned to follow the ongoing 2010/11 Mozambique offshore exploration programme ensuring continual drilling activity for Cove in East Africa deepwater basins.
      • Provides synergy between DEPCO and Cove combining DEPCO's knowledge and strategic data - base in a number of emerging plays offshore Africa with Cove's experienced technical and financial strengths. Both companies will seek to co-operate in future ventures.

      Cove is paying US$15.5m (the 'Consideration') inclusive of acquisition costs, a reimbursement of DEPCO's past expenditure on the blocks and funding for Cove's and DEPCO's forward work programme during the first exploration phase which extends to June 2012. US$10.5m of the Consideration is payable in cash with the balance of US$5m in Cove shares to be allotted at the time of closing.

      It is expected that this transaction will close in Q3 2010 pending receipt of normal partner, and government consents ('Closing'). In this respect Anadarko has already given its preliminary approval.

      The new ordinary shares in Cove allotted as part of the Consideration will be priced at an average of the Cove share price for the 5 business days prior to Closing and will rank pari-passu with existing ordinary shares. DEPCO have agreed to a lock-up on such shares for six months from their date of admission to trading on AIM.

      Mozambique Operations
      The Company is pleased to announce that drilling and associated operational activities continue on the Ironclad well and the Company will make a further announcement as and when appropriate.

      John Craven, Chief Executive of Cove, said:
      'We are delighted to have secured this farm-in. These Blocks effectively cover from north to south most of the Kenyan deepwater acreage where we have identified on seismic data geological features that are similar to what we see in our existing interests in Mozambique and Tanzania.

      'Aligning with Anadarko ensures operational and exploration continuity in our core area of East Africa with offshore Kenya as a natural follow on to our active exploration programme in Mozambique where operations on the Ironclad well are continuing.'
      schrieb am 03.08.10 12:03:38
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.912.393 von Resources am 02.08.10 13:27:08Hi Resources,

      prima, dass ich offenbar nicht der einzige PCLer bin... ;) Ich habe meine ersten 900k Shares bei AUD 0,017 erworben - inzwischen jedoch einen Teil davon in MOG (Moby Oil) für das Artemis Drilling im November 2010 platziert - wenn alles rund läuft, hoffe ich mit 1-2 Mio. PCLs in die "Mbawa pre spud"-Phase zu kommen - mal sehen...

      Zuvor gibt es für PCL vermutlich noch das Irriculla 2 drilling im Cooper Basin - schwer einzuschätzen wie hoch dort die Erfolgsaussichten sind - ich war über dieses farmin seitens PCL einigermassen überrascht. Sollte es ein duster geben (und sollte zudem das Stokes Bay - Testing, welches laut Buru auch noch dieses Jahr ansteht, kein positives Ergebnis haben), dann kann man wohl nochmals zu sehr kleinen Preisen bei PCL nachlegen...

      'würde mich über Deine Einschätzungen zu PCL sehr freuen.
      schrieb am 02.08.10 13:27:08
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.909.985 von gimo211 am 01.08.10 20:31:02Hallo gimo211,

      ich bin seit längerem in Panconti investiert und habe meine Aktien als Rentenpapiere deklariert. Von daher schaue ich nicht jede Woche auf den Kurs und in die Boards. Trotzdem empfinde ich es als sehr erfreulich wenn ich zusätzlich Informationen über die Panconti-Homepage hinaus bekomme, so wie von Dir. Von daher wirst Du von mir regelmäßig gelesen, auch wenn ich nicht viel schreibe, aber das kann sich ja auch mal ändern.
      schrieb am 01.08.10 20:31:02
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      ... melde mich mal wieder für die vielleicht interessierten Leser... (bin nicht sicher, ob es solche überhaupt gibt?? Interessiert sich hier jemand für PCL??):

      Der Quarterly ist veröffentlicht und die ersten Ergebnisse zu den 3d seismics von Kenya L8 bestätigen das Giant-Mbawa-Prospect - ... I like it ...;)

      Wenn wir zum Drilling kommen (vermutlich irgendwann 2011), dann wird das der "run" des Jahres...

      (zuvor rechne ich noch mit einem weiteren farmout seitens Orgin Energy - Anardako Petroleum Corp. könnte ein Kandidat sein - die halten schon die offshore -Lizenzen L5, L7, L11A, L11B and L12 im Lamu-Basin)

      Baniyas wird m. W. übrigens nicht mehr in 2010 gebohrt - da ist der Quarterly vermutlich nicht ganz korrekt.

      Activities Report:…

      Cashflow Report…
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      PANCONTINENTAL OIL - Projekte in Australien, Kenya, Malta, Marocco und Namibia