
    Biotech- und Pharma-Übernahmen - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 29.04.10 16:54:51 von
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    Letzter Kurs 31.05.24 Nasdaq


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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 29.04.10 16:54:51
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      So, nachdem in diesem Bereich immer wieder und häufig über Übernahmen und den Preis spekuliert wird, möchte ich ein Board einrichten, in dem Meldungen zu Übernahmen gesammelt werden können, um einen besseren Überblick für Alle die sich dafür interessieren zu geben.

      Als Vorbild sehe ich dabei mulgas Oncology Partnering Deals (Hallo mulga ) und ich hoffe in diesem Board bleibt es genauso übersichtlich und sachlich.

      Ich hoffe es trägt einiges zur Infornmation und zur Meinungsbildung bei.
      Ich werde demnächst mal ein oder zwei "historische" Übernahmen einstellen und hoffe auf rege Beteiligung.

      Grüße Oberländler
      schrieb am 29.04.10 16:58:26
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Und hier zum Anfang eine immer wieder gerne zitierte Übernahme.

      Jerini für EUR 328 Mio. an britische Shire verkauft
      Einhellige Unterstützung durch den Aufsichtsrat und Vorstand von Jerini
      07.07.2008 - Das global tätige biopharmazeutische Unternehmen Shire Limited teilte mit, dass die Maia Elfte Vermögensverwaltungs-GmbH, die als indirekte deutsche Tochtergesellschaft von Shire Limited in "Shire Deutschland Investments GmbH" umbenannt werden soll, ein freiwilliges öffentliches Übernahmeangebot für alle ausstehenden Aktien des börsennotierten deutschen Biotechnologie-Unternehmens Jerini AG unterbreiten wird. Sowohl der Aufsichtsrat als auch der Vorstand von Jerini unterstützt einhellig die Transaktion und werden den Aktionären die Annahme des Angebots empfehlen.

      Der bedeutendste von Jerini entwickelte Wirkstoff ist FIRAZYR, das erste Orphan Arzneimittel seiner Art, das zur symptomatischen Behandlung von akuten hereditären Angioödemen (HAE) entwickelt wurde. HAE ist eine schwächende und potenziell lebensbedrohliche, genetisch bedingte Erkrankung, die vergleichsweise selten vorkommt. Sie ist durch unvorhersehbare, wiederkehrende Schwellungen der Hände, Füße, des Gesichts, der oberen Atemwege und des Bauchs gekennzeichnet. Die Einführung des Produkts in Europa wird für die zweite Jahreshälfte 2008 erwartet.

      Die Angebotskonditionen

      Shire bietet für sämtliche ausstehenden Aktien von Jerini einen Kaufpreis von EUR 6,25 je Aktie in bar. Dies entspricht einem Unternehmenswert von EUR 328 Mio. Shire finanziert die Übernahme aus liquiden Mitteln. Die Übernahme wird voraussichtlich ab der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2010 zum Non-GAAP-Ergebnis beitragen.

      Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass die Annahmefrist für das Angebot an die Aktionäre von Jerini bis Ende des dritten Quartals 2008 laufen wird.

      Darüber hinaus hat Shire mit Mitgliedern des Vorstands und Aufsichtsrats sowie mit großen institutionellen Anteilseignern Vereinbarungen zum Kauf von 53% des bestehenden Grundkapitals (vor der Kapitalerhöhung) von Jerini getroffen. Für die Zeichnung von neu ausgegebenen Aktien von Jerini, die einem Anteil von zirka 9% des erhöhten Grundkapitals entsprechen, investiert Shire im Gegenzug EUR 21 Mio..Jerini verfügt damit über ausreichend liquide Mittel, um die bevorstehende Markteinführung von FIRAZYR in Europa umzusetzen. Mit der Einführung kann möglicherweise noch vor Abschluss dieser Transaktion begonnen werden.

      Sobald die Angebotsunterlage veröffentlicht und an die Aktionäre von Jerini ausgegeben wurde, werden Einzelheiten auf den Internetseiten beider Unternehmen bekannt gegeben.

      Strategische Logik der Transaktion

      Mit der Akquisition ergänzt Shire sein Portfolio an Behandlungsmöglichkeiten, die von Fachärzten für seltene Störungen verschrieben werden. Die weitere Entwicklung von FIRAZYR wird erheblich von der globalen HGT-Infrastruktur von Shire, sowie den Spezialistenteams des Unternehmens im Vertrieb und im medizinisch-regulatorischen Bereich, dem Know-how auf dem Gebiet der Orphan-Arzneimittel sowie der finanziellen Unterstützung profitieren.

      Ergänzend zur Zwischenfinanzierung wird Shire unterstützend sein bewährtes HGT Commercial Team in Europa einsetzen, das verstärkt auf HAE aufmerksam machen, Centers of Excellence aufbauen und die Erkennung und Behandlung von Betroffenen erleichtern soll, analog zur erfolgreichen Strategie für die aktuellen Orphan-Arzneimittel ELAPRASE® (Idursulfase) und REPLAGAL® (Agalsidase alfa). Darüber hinaus wird Shire die wachsende Infrastruktur des Unternehmens dazu nutzen, um die Markteinführung von FIRAZYR überall dort in der Welt zu unterstützen, wo das Produkt zugelassen wird.

      Nach Abschluss der Übernahme wird Shire eine strategische Überprüfung der weiteren Bereiche von Jerini durchführen, darunter Jerini Ophthalmic, Inc., eine USTochtergesellschaft, die sich mit der Behandlung von feuchter altersbezogener Makuladegeneration (AMD) befasst, sowie JPT Peptide Technologies GmbH, eine Produktionseinrichtung, die komplexe synthetische Peptide hergestellt.

      Globale Entwicklung von FIRAZYR

      Aufbauend auf umfangreicher Expertise in der Arzneimittelzulassung in den Vereinigten Staaten und dem Fachwissen in der Therapierung seltener Krankheiten wird Shire Jerini darin unterstützen, die Zustimmung der US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) zum Antrag für FIRAZYR als neues Arzneimittel (new drug application, NDA) zu erhalten, nachdem Jerini im April 2008 einen 'not approvable letter' erhalten hatte. Shire ist zuversichtlich, die US-Zulassung für FIRAZYR zu erhalten, wenn die im 'not approvable letter' aufgeführten Themen bearbeitet wurden. Diese standen im Zusammenhang mit Daten zur Wirksamkeit, jedoch nicht mit der Sicherheit des Wirkstoffes. Der FDA wird eine umfassende Antwort innerhalb der nächsten drei bis vier Monate vorgelegt werden; außerdem soll mit der Behörde die zukünftige Vorgehensweise bei weiteren Registrierungen abgestimmt werden.

      Darüber hinaus wird Shire bestrebt sein, Jerini bei der Einführung dieses Produktes in weiteren Märkten zu unterstützen, und dabei die eigene globale Aufstellung zu nutzen. Shire schätzt, dass FIRAZYR innerhalb der nächsten zehn Jahre weltweit einen Spitzenumsatz von circa 350 bis 400 Millionen US-Dollar erreichen könnte; über die Hälfte davon soll in Europa erzielt werden.

      Grüße Oberländler
      schrieb am 29.04.10 17:04:13
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.426.755 von Oberlaendler am 29.04.10 16:54:51worin soll sich dieser Thread von: Oncology Partnering Deals Unterscheiden?

      Sonst wäre es doch gut alles konzentriert unter einem Dach zu haben, oder?

      schrieb am 29.04.10 17:09:16
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.426.845 von FTaktuell am 29.04.10 17:04:13Mulga hat mit seinem Thread Verpartnerungen angesprochen, ich will speziell Übernahmen ansprechen und nicht nur auf Onkologie beschränkt. Für mich schon ein gewisser Unterschied.

      Und ich würde es doch nie wagen, einen Thread von mulga zu unterwandern. ;)

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 29.04.10 17:10:26
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Wenn ich eh schon dabei bin:

      Übernahme der U3 Pharma AG durch DAIICHI SANKYO
      Eva-Maria Diehl, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
      Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie

      26.05.2008 18:40

      Mit dem Verkauf der Max-Planck-Ausgründung U3 Pharma an das zweitgrößte japanische Pharmaunternehmen, wird der Biotechnologie-Standort "München-Martinsried" im Bereich Onkologie wesentlich aufgewertet.
      Das Martinsrieder Biotechnologie-Unternehmen U3 Pharma AG ist für 150 Millionen Euro von dem japanischen Pharmakonzern DAIICHI SANKYO übernommen worden. U3 wurde 2001 durch Professor Axel Ullrich gegründet, Direktor am Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie. Das Unternehmen ist auf die Entwicklung von monoklonalen Antikörpern für die Behandlung von Krebs spezialisiert. Erst kürzlich konnte der neue anti-HER3 Antikörper (U3-1287/AMG 888) der Firma die vorklinische Prüfung passieren und sich für klinische Studien qualifizieren. U3 Pharma beschäftigt derzeit 27 Mitarbeiter. Diese werden weiterhin im Unternehmen und am Standort Martinsried bleiben.

      Alle Antikörper, die von U3 Pharma derzeit entwickelt werden, sind zu den so genannten ziel gerichteten Therapeutika zu rechnen. Sie stellen spezifische Inhibitoren von zellulären Wachstums-Rezeptoren dar und sollen als Wirkstoffe gegen bestimmte Brust-, Lungen-, Haut- und Darmkrebsarten entwickelt werden. Die Wirkstoffe basieren auf Ergebnissen der Grundlagenforschung der Forschungsabteilung "Molekularbiologie" am Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, deren Direktor Professor Axel Ullrich ein Pionier der translationalen Medizin ist.

      Bereits zwei "Blockbuster" der Tumorbehandlung, Herceptin® (gegen Brustkrebs) und Sutent® (gegen Gastrointestinale Stromatumore und metastasierendes Nierenzellkarzinom) gründen auf den Forschungsergebnissen von Axel Ullrich und seinen Mitarbeitern.

      DAIICHI SANKYO kann durch den Erwerb von U3 Pharma sein Portfolio von potentiellen Antitumor-Wirkstoffen deutlich erweitern. Das weltweite tätige Unternehmen etabliert durch die Akquisition außerdem seinen vierten Forschungs- und Entwicklungsstandort außerhalb Japans.

      "Die Vereinbarung mit DAIICHI SANKYO stellt einen wichtigen Meilenstein in der Entwicklung von U3 Pharma dar. Wir freuen uns darauf, gemeinsam mit den Kollegen von DAIICHI SANKYO an der Fortentwicklung der Wirkstoffe in der Pipeline von U3 und ihrer Umsetzung in neue Krebstherapien zu arbeiten. Die Übernahme zu diesem Zeitpunkt sichert die Weiterentwicklung viel versprechender und dringend benötigter Krebstherapeutika", kommentiert Axel Ullrich den Kauf.


      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1410EUR +21,55 %
      East Africa Metals: Neues All-Time-High – die 276% Chance jetzt nutzen?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 29.04.10 17:17:42
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.426.891 von Oberlaendler am 29.04.10 17:09:16Übernahmen ansprechen und nicht nur auf Onkologie beschränkt. Für mich schon ein gewisser Unterschied.

      das stimmt (von mir zusätzlich unterstrichen)..

      Wir sollten schon ne gewisse Übersichtbarkeit behalten, sonst verliert man ja den Überblick, aber find es schon ok..

      Wenn zB irgend ne Bioklitsche mal n Mittelchen zum Haarwuchs rausbringt - hat ja auch nix mit Onkologie zu tun. Aber wer in sowas interessiert ist und sich darüber "auslassen" möchte, wenn M&A anstehen, dann ist doch gut, wenns nicht in den Quatschenthread od Mulgas Thread (tu ich trotz etwas eingekehrter Ruhe dort immer gern mal schnüffeln) geht, sondern noch "etwas" existiert..

      Aber irgendwo sollten wir wie gesagt drauf achten, das es nicht ausartet und auch gewisse Regeln eingehalten werden und Sinn u Zweck der Threads "erfüllt" werden..

      thx @ Oberle

      und schade das mulga net mehr da ist.. gerne durch seine threads schnüffel und nun auch rnpv´lern kann u.v.m...
      schrieb am 29.04.10 21:52:21
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      So einen hab ich für heute noch:

      Bristol-Myers kündigt Übernahme von Medarex an
      New York ( AG) - Der US-Pharmakonzern Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. (ISIN US1101221083/ WKN 850501) kündigte

      New York ( AG) - Der US-Pharmakonzern Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. (ISIN US1101221083/ WKN 850501) kündigte am Mittwochabend die Übernahme des Biotechnologie-Spezialisten Medarex Inc. (ISIN US5839161016/ WKN 883040) an.

      Demnach lässt sich Bristol-Myers Squibb die Übernahme von Medarex insgesamt rund 2,4 Mrd. Dollar kosten, wobei Medarex über einen Netto-Barmittelbestand von 300 Mio. Dollar verfüge. Im Rahmen der Vereinbarung sollen die Aktionäre des Biotechnologiekonzerns jeweils 16,00 Dollar je Aktie in bar erhalten.

      Durch die Übernahme will sich der Pharmakonzern vor allem im Bereich Immun-Onkologiue verstärken, zumal Medarex in diesem Segment über eine vielversprechende Produktpipeline verfüge.

      Die Aktie von Bristol-Myers Squibb notierte zuletzt bei 20,29 Dollar, während die Anteilsscheine von Medarex zuletzt bei 8,40 Dollar notierten. (23.07.2009/ac/n/a)

      Genug fürs Erste
      schrieb am 01.05.10 14:32:13
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Hier ein Beitrag über eine noch nicht erfolgreich abgeschlossene feindliche Übernahme von OSI-Pharmaceuticals durch Astellas.…

      Interessant sind auch die Parameter, die für das Übernahmeangebot angelegt wurden:

      - 8-facher Jahresumsatz
      - 46-facher Gewinn

      Vielleicht sollte man sich auch den 5-Jahres-Chart von OSI ansehen, damit man die Höhe des Übernahmeangebotes auch zu dem Höchstkurs in Relation setzen kann.
      schrieb am 01.05.10 14:58:51
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      hierzu gibt es z.B. bei ihub bereits eine passende Übersicht...…

      Premium Kaufpreis übernommenes Unternehmen Käufer Datum
      465% $57 Mio GNLB GSK Okt 2008…
      319% $50 Mio MEMY Roche Nov 2008…
      233% $190 Mio KOSN BMY Mai 2008…
      171% $155 Mio MGRM LH Jun 2009…
      167% $165 Mio COLY PFE Nov 2007…
      158%‡ ‡‡ $36 Mio NTMD Deerfield Jan 2009…
      149% **$2,8 Mrd EYE ABT Jan 2009…
      147% $190 Mio IOMI Intercell Mai 2008…
      136% $150 Mio BTRX Stiefel Jun 2008…
      126% $132 Mio Tepnel GPRO Jan 2009…
      119% $64 Mio SGXP LLY Jul 2008…
      118% $350 Mio ENCY PFE Feb 2008…
      104% $660 Mio TRCA Ipsen Jun 2008…
      97% $380 Mio MDT Sep 2008…
      94% $880 Mio Speedel NVS Jul 2008…
      92% $1,1 Mrd MNT JNJ Nov 2008…
      90% $2,1 Mrd MEDX BMY Jul 2009…
      85% $620 Mio SIRT GSK Apr 2008…
      *‡76% $1,4 Mrd CVTX GILD Mrz 2009…
      *†74% *†$370 Mio IDEV ENDP Jan 2009…
      ††73% ††$510 Mio LEVP VPHM Jul 2008…
      ***72% $42 Mio TARG MDCO Jan 2009…
      72% $3,4 Mrd Ventana Roche Jan 2008…
      *71% $520 Mio Jerini Shire Jul 2008…
      70% $20 Mio APNO Cell Bio Sep 2009…
      69% $207 Mio AAH.AX CEPH Feb 2009…
      64% $450 Mio FACT ABT Mrz 2010…
      64% $550 Mio Acambis SNY Jul 2008…
      64% $141 Mio JAV HSP Apr 2010…
      61% $1,4 Mrd SCRX Shionogi Sep 2008…
      60% $253 Mio BFRM Merz Jan 2010…
      56% $210 Mio ASPM COV Sep 2009…
      55% $75 Mio IDMI Takeda Mai 2009…
      54% $370 Mio ATSI MDT Apr 2010…
      ‡†54% $1,6 Mrd ALO KG Nov 2008…
      ‡‡53% $15,2 Mrd MEDI AZN Apr 2007…
      53% $8,8 Mrd MLNM Takeda Apr 2008…
      ***52% $75 Mio PCOP LGND Sep 2008…
      51% $65 Mio CLZR ELOS Sep 2009…
      ‡*51% $465 Mio OMRI JNJ Nov 2008…
      †††51% $6,5 Mrd IMCL LLY Okt 2008…
      50% $2,5 Mrd MYOG GILD Okt 2006…
      50%* †* $7,2 Mrd MIL Merck KGaA Mrz 2010…
      50% $40 Mio CRGN CLDX Mai 2009…
      46% $2,9 Mrd PHRM CELG Nov 2007…
      42% **$9,0 Mrd BRL TEVA Jul 2008…
      39% $3,9 Mrd MOGN Eisai Dez 2007…
      34% $41 Mrd SGP MRK Mrz 2009…
      30% $420 Mio CGPI Galderma Feb 2008…
      29% $68 Mrd WYE PFE Jan 2009…
      †29% $940 Mio APPX Fresenius Jul 2008…
      28% $1,6 Mrd WX CRL Apr 2010…
      28% $2,6 Mrd SEPR Dainippon Sep 2009…
      ‡‡26% $2,6 Mrd Zentiva SNY Sep 2008…
      22% $428 Mio NOVN Hisamitsu Jul 2009…
      *‡‡17% *‡‡$49,7 Mrd ACL NVS Jan 2010…
      16% $970 Mio CGRB JNJ Mai 2009…
      16% †*$46,8 Mrd DNA Roche Mrz 2009…
      ‡15% $190 Mio Roche Jul 2008…
      6% $38 Mio CEGE BPAX Jun 2009…
      -4% $33 Mio VXGN OXGN Okt 2009…
      †‡(7%) $38 Mio AVGN MNOV Aug 2009…
      ® ® PGLA Avexa Dez 2008…
      ® ® NUVO ARCA Sep 2008…
      ® ® NOVC Transcept Sep 2008…
      ® ® VSGN IPC*†† Aug 2009…

      ebenfalls Biotech-Pleiten:…

      mfg ipollit
      schrieb am 17.05.10 18:19:50
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Astellas buys OSI for $4B By Maureen Martino

      After months of wrangling, OSI Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: OSIP) has agreed to be acquired by Japan's Astellas for $57.50 per share, or $4 billion. That's a premium of 55 percent to the closing price for OSI's shares on Feb. 26, when Astellas made its original $3.5 billion, $52-per-share offer. Astellas launched a hostile takeover attempt after OSI's board rejected that bid.

      The successful deal is a victory for Astellas CEO Masafumi Nogimori, who last year was unable to execute a buyout of CV Therapeutics. Gilead ended up purchasing the drugmaker. "Investors were worried that Astellas might fail to buy a foreign firm again. That they have managed to clinch the deal will probably wipe out investor anxiety about Astellas' management," analyst Atsushi Seki tells Reuters.

      Astellas is most interested in OSI's cancer pipeline, including the blockbuster lung cancer drug Tarceva.
      OSI is pursuing an expanded indication for the drug, which could boost annual sales over $1.2 billion.
      Astellas hopes sales from OSI holdings will offset the loss of patents on its blockbuster drugs Flomax and Prograf. "In addition to Tarceva, we are pleased to add its oncology infrastructure, discovery platform, expanded pipelines and talent base to our existing businesses," says Nogimori in a release.…
      schrieb am 30.06.10 18:39:42
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Celgene strikes $2.9B deal to acquire Abraxis
      June 30, 2010 — 7:23am ET | By John Carroll

      With an eye to burnishing its oncology rep and its already sizable revenue, Celgene has struck a deal to buy Abraxis BioScience for cash and stock totaling $2.9 billion. The buyout gives Celgene control of Abraxane, now approved for breast cancer treatment, along with its discovery platform and a pipeline of experimental therapies.

      In exchange for every share of Abraxis, Celgene will pay $58 a share in cash and 0.2617 of a share of Celgene. That values Abraxis' shares at $71.93, a 17 percent bump on yesterday's close. Abraxis shareholders also stand to gain up to $650 million in additional milestone payments if Abraxane is approved for lung and pancreatic cancers. In addition to a slate of ongoing trials for Abraxane, Abraxis has one mid-stage trial underway, a Phase I and three preclinical programs listed on its website.
      schrieb am 01.07.10 09:00:07
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.759.240 von RichyBerlin am 30.06.10 18:39:42Danke Richy und Danke auch an ipollit.

      Mir fehlt momentan leider die Zeit den Thread etwas zu pflegen .
      Ich hoffe aber mal hier in den nächsten Monaten mehr einstellen zu können. :D

      schrieb am 10.08.10 08:20:31
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Von gestern Abend:

      Penwest Pharmaceuticals Agrees to be Acquired by Endo Pharmaceuticals for $5.00 per Share in Cash
      Endo Will Commence All-Cash Tender Offer Shortly

      Tender Offer Expected to be Completed in September

      PATTERSON, N.Y., Aug. 9, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Penwest Pharmaceuticals Co. (Nasdaq:PPCO) today announced that it has entered into a merger agreement under which its long-time partner in the development and commercialization of Opana(R) ER, Endo Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq:ENDP), has agreed to acquire all of the common stock of Penwest for $5.00 per share in cash. The total equity value of the transaction is approximately $168 million.

      Jennifer L. Good, President and Chief Executive Officer, said, "The Board of Directors and I concluded that this transaction is in the best interests of Penwest and its shareholders and is an excellent way to maximize the value of Penwest's most strategic asset, Opana(R) ER."

      The cash consideration represents a premium of 47% over the 30-day average of Penwest shares and 19% based on the closing price of Friday August 6. This agreement has been unanimously approved by the Penwest and Endo Boards of Directors.

      Under the terms of the merger agreement, Endo will shortly commence an all-cash tender offer to acquire 100 percent of the outstanding common stock of Penwest for $5.00 per Penwest share. The tender offer is expected to be completed in September 2010. Endo will acquire any Penwest shares that are not purchased in the tender offer in a second-step merger, which is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter, at the same price per share paid in the tender offer. The tender offer will be subject to certain closing conditions, including a minimum condition that not less than a majority of shares of Penwest common stock are tendered into the offer.

      Shareholders Tang Capital Partners, LP, and Perceptive Life Sciences Master Fund Ltd. whose principals Kevin Tang and Joe Edelman, respectively, are members of Penwest's Board of Directors, Mr. Tang, Penwest's Chairman of the Board, and Jennifer Good, Penwest's President and Chief Executive Officer, who collectively own 38.6% of the fully diluted common stock of Penwest, have committed to tender their shares in the tender offer.

      BofA Merrill Lynch is acting as exclusive financial advisor to Penwest in connection with the transaction.

      Important Additional Information Will Be Filed with the SEC

      This press release is neither an offer to purchase nor a solicitation of an offer to sell shares of Penwest Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (the "Company").

      The tender offer described in this document has not yet commenced. At the time the tender offer is commenced, Endo Pharmaceuticals ("Parent") will file with the SEC and mail to the Company's stockholders a Tender Offer Statement on Schedule TO and the Company will file with the SEC and mail to its stockholders a Tender Offer Solicitation/Recommendation Statement on Schedule 14D-9 in connection with the transaction. These will contain important information about Parent, the Company, the transaction and other related matters. Investors and security holders are urged to read each of these documents carefully when they are available.

      Investors and security holders will be able to obtain free copies of the Tender Offer Statement, the Tender Offer Solicitation/Recommendation Statement and other documents filed with the SEC by Parent and the Company through the web site maintained by the SEC at once such documents are filed with the SEC. A copy of the Tender Offer Solicitation/Recommendation Statement on Schedule 14D-9 (once it becomes available) may be obtained free of charge from Penwest's website at or by directing a request to Penwest at 2981 Route 22, Patterson, New York 12563, Attn: Frank Muscolo. In addition, a copy of the Tender Offer Statement, letter of transmittal and certain other related tender offer documents (once they become available) may be obtained free of charge from Endo's website at or by directing a request to Endo at, or Endo Pharmaceuticals, 100 Endo Boulevard, Chadds Ford, PA 19317, Attn: Corporate Secretary's Office.

      Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

      Statements in this press release regarding the proposed transaction between Parent and the Company, the expected timetable for completing the transaction, future financial and operating results, benefits and synergies of the transaction, future opportunities for the combined company and any other statements about Parent or the Company managements' future expectations, beliefs, goals, plans or prospects constitute forward-looking statements. Any statements that are not statements of historical fact (including statements containing the words "believes," "plans," "anticipates," "expects," estimates and similar expressions) should also be considered to be forward-looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements, including: the ability to consummate the transaction, the ability of Parent to successfully integrate the Company's operations and employees; the ability to realize anticipated synergies and cost savings; risks relating to the commercial success of Opana ER, including our reliance on Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. for the commercial success of Opana ER; risks of generic competition and risks that Opana ER will not generate the revenues anticipated; the need for capital; regulatory risks relating to drugs in development; whether the results of clinical trials will be indicative of the results of future clinical trials and will warrant further clinical trials, warrant submission of an application for regulatory approval of, or warrant the regulatory approval of, the product that is the subject of the trial; whether the patents and patent applications owned by us will protect the Company's products and technology; actual and potential competition; and other risks and the other factors described in the Parent's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2009 and in Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009, each of which has been filed with the SEC. Except as otherwise required by law, Parent and the Company disclaim any intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of developments occurring after the date of this press release.

      About Penwest Pharmaceuticals

      Penwest is a drug delivery company focused on applying its drug delivery technologies and drug formulation expertise to the formulation of our collaborators' product candidates under licensing collaborations. Penwest's drug delivery technology is included in Opana ER, a product for the treatment of moderate to severe chronic pain marketed by Endo Pharmaceuticals. Penwest is also developing A0001, or a-tocopherolquinone, for the treatment of Friedreich's Ataxia and MELAS syndrome.

      About Endo Pharmaceuticals

      Endo Pharmaceuticals is a U.S.-based, specialty healthcare solutions company, focused on high-value branded products and specialty generics. Endo is redefining its position in the healthcare marketplace by anticipating and embracing the evolution of health decisions based on the need for high-quality and cost-effective care. We aim to be the premier partner to healthcare professionals and payment providers, delivering an innovative suite of complementary diagnostics, drugs, devices and clinical data to meet the needs of patients in areas such as pain, urology, oncology and endocrinology. For more information about Endo Pharmaceuticals, and its wholly owned subsidiary HealthTronics, Inc., please visit

      TIMERx is a registered trademark of Penwest. All other trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners.

      This news release was distributed by GlobeNewswire,

      SOURCE: Penwest Pharmaceuticals Co.

      CONTACT: Penwest Pharmaceuticals
      Jennifer Good
      (845) 878-8401
      (877) 736-9378
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      Donald C. Cutler
      (212) 521-4800

      Finde ich angesichts der letzten Quartalszahlen für deutlich zu niedrig.

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 30.08.10 05:18:25
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      29.08.2010 19:53
      Sanofi-Aventis will Genzyme für 18,5 Mrd USD in bar übernehmen

      DJ Sanofi-Aventis will Genzyme für 18,5 Mrd USD in bar übernehmen

      PARIS (Dow Jones)--Sanofi-Aventis SA hat den Aktionären des US-Biotechnologieunternehmens Genzyme ein nichtbindendes Barangebot von 69 USD je Aktie unterbreitet. Wie der französische Pharmakonzern am Sonntag mitteilte, bewertet es Genzyme dabei mit einem Wert von 18,5 Mrd USD.

      Gerüchte über ein Interesse der Franzosen an Genzyme kursierten bereits seit über einem Monat. Das Angebot entspreche einem Aufschlag von 38% auf den davon noch unbeeinflussten Schlusskurs vom 1. Juli von 49,86 USD, teilte Sanofi weiter mit.

      Sanofi erklärte zudem, das Angebot bereits am 29. Juli unterbreitet und am Sonntag in einem Brief an Genzyme-Chairman und CEO Henri Termeer wiederholt zu haben. "Sanofi-Aventis glaubt stark an die Übernahme und ihre strategischen und finanziellen Vorteile. Wir arbeiten darauf hin, in konstruktive Gespräche mit Genzyme einzutreten, um die Transaktion abzuschließen," erklärte CEO Christopher Viehbacher in einer Mitteilung. Sanofi sei bereit, alle Alternativen zu erwägen, um die Übernahme erfolgreich abzuschließen.

      Besuchen Sie auch unsere Webseite

      (END) Dow Jones Newswires

      August 29, 2010 13:23 ET (17:23 GMT)

      Copyright (c) 2010 Dow Jones&Company, Inc.
      schrieb am 08.09.10 11:25:39
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Bristol-Myers Squibb to Acquire ZymoGenetics

      Builds on Long-standing Commitment to Virology
      Gains Full Rights to Promising Phase II Hepatitis C Biologic, Pegylated-Interferon Lambda
      Obtains FDA-Approved Specialty Surgical Biologic, RECOTHROM®
      Attains Early Clinical and Pre-clinical Programs in Oncology and Immunoscience

      NEW YORK & SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Bristol-Myers Squibb Company(NYSE:BMY) and ZymoGenetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZGEN) announced today that the companies have signed a definitive agreement providing for the acquisition of ZymoGenetics by Bristol-Myers Squibb, for $9.75 per share in cash. The transaction, with an aggregate purchase price of approximately $885 million, or approximately $735 million net of cash acquired, has been unanimously approved by the boards of directors of both companies. The board of directors of ZymoGenetics intends to recommend that ZymoGenetics’ shareholders tender their shares in the tender offer. In addition, shareholders holding approximately 37% of the outstanding shares of ZymoGenetics’ common stock have entered into agreements with Bristol-Myers Squibb to support the transaction and to tender their shares in the offer.

      “The acquisition of ZymoGenetics brings us full ownership of a promising investigational biologic that strengthens our very diversified Hepatitis C portfolio. Building on our leadership in virology, we are developing a strong portfolio to help patients with Hepatitis C,” said Lamberto Andreotti, chief executive officer, Bristol-Myers Squibb. “In addition, ZymoGenetics brings proven capabilities with therapeutic proteins and revenue from a marketed specialty surgical biologic. This acquisition is another example of our strategic, targeted approach to business development.”

      “By joining forces with Bristol-Myers Squibb, we believe we will enhance the long-term potential of ZymoGenetics’ portfolio of assets, while providing a compelling valuation for our shareholders,” said Douglas E. Williams, Ph.D., chief executive officer of ZymoGenetics. “Our collaboration with Bristol-Myers Squibb in the development of PEG-Interferon lambda has been extremely positive and it has given us an opportunity to fully appreciate their capabilities. We believe that this transaction will maximize the potential for our products and product candidates to make a meaningful difference for patients in need.”

      Bristol-Myers Squibb gains the following as a result of the acquisition:

      Full ownership of pegylated-interferon lambda, a novel interferon in Phase IIb development for the treatment of Hepatitis C infection, which, if approved, could be an important contributor to Bristol-Myers Squibb’s future growth. The companies have collaborated on the development of pegylated-interferon lambda since January 2009. Four-week and 12-week results from a Phase IIa study will be presented at the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases meeting later this year.
      RECOTHROM®, a recombinant thrombin approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use as a topical hemostat to control non-arterial bleeding during surgical procedures.
      IL-21 protein, a cytokine currently being tested in an open-label, Phase II clinical study as a potential immunotherapy treatment for metastatic melanoma.
      An earlier-stage pipeline of six biologic drug candidates, including an anti-IL-31 antibody, currently in pre-clinical development for atopic dermatitis.
      Potential milestone and royalty payments from six partnered programs in various stages of clinical development by EMD Serono, Inc., an affiliate of Merck KGaA, and Novo Nordisk.
      “ZymoGenetics is a leader in advancing novel biologics, particularly genomics-based therapies,” said Elliott Sigal, M.D., Ph.D., executive vice president and chief scientific officer, Bristol-Myers Squibb. “We expect ZymoGenetics’ pipeline and biologics capabilities to complement and enhance our existing efforts in Hepatitis C, oncology and immunoscience.”

      Initially, the transaction is expected to be modestly dilutive to earnings per share (EPS) for Bristol-Myers Squibb. In 2010, the transaction is expected to be dilutive to EPS by approximately $0.03. In 2011, the transaction is expected to be dilutive to EPS by approximately $0.07.

      Under the terms of the definitive agreement, Bristol-Myers Squibb will commence a cash tender offer on or about September 9, 2010, to purchase all of the outstanding shares of ZymoGenetics’ common stock for $9.75 per share. The closing of the tender offer is subject to customary terms and conditions, including the tender of a number of shares which is equal to or greater than 48,282,192 shares (which represents approximately 56% of the outstanding shares as of August 31, 2010, which represents a majority of the shares on a fully-diluted basis, excluding certain shares underlying derivative securities that are significantly out-of-the-money), and the expiration or termination of the waiting period under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act. The agreement also provides for the parties to effect, subject to customary conditions, a merger to be completed following the completion of the tender offer which would result in all shares not tendered in the tender offer being converted into the right to receive $9.75 per share in cash. The merger agreement contains a provision under which ZymoGenetics has agreed not to solicit any competing offers for the company. Bristol-Myers Squibb will finance the acquisition from its existing cash resources. The companies expect the tender offer to close approximately thirty days after commencement of the tender offer.

      Read more:…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 30.09.10 11:27:18
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Endo Pharmaceuticals Announces Agreement to Acquire Qualitest Pharmaceuticals for $1.2 Billion

      CHADDS FORD, Pa., Sept. 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ --

      * Diversifies Revenue Streams and Boosts Scale in Existing Generics Business, and Strengthens Core Pain Franchise
      * Transaction Expected to be Immediately Accretive to Adjusted Diluted Earnings per Share by $0.40 in First Full Year After Close
      * Company Reiterates Full-Year 2010 Financial Guidance

      Endo Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: ENDP) announced today that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Qualitest Pharmaceuticals, a leading, privately-held generics company in the U.S., for approximately $1.2 billion in cash. The combined company will deliver more comprehensive healthcare solutions across its diversified businesses in Branded Pharmaceuticals, Generics, Devices & Services in key therapeutic areas including pain and urology.

      Qualitest, the sixth largest U.S. generics company as measured by prescriptions filled, is focused on cost competitive, high quality manufactured products with high barriers to entry. Qualitest has cGMP facilities in the U.S. including the ability to manufacture controlled substances, which make up approximately 40 percent of its product portfolio, and liquids, which are roughly 17 percent of its portfolio. The company brings a broad range of generics to Endo encompassing 175 product families. Thirty-two of Qualitest's products are listed among the top 250 generics by total prescription (TRx) volume. In addition, the combined company will have an extensive pipeline of abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs) with 46 ANDAs under active FDA review in multiple therapeutic areas, including pain, urology, CNS, as well as oncology and hypertension and an additional 24 ANDAs under development in multiple therapeutic areas.

      Endo believes Qualitest brings critical mass to Endo's current generics business, further diversifies its business lines and product offerings and enhances Endo's portfolio of pain management products. Combining the companies' generics portfolios will also significantly boost Endo's revenue and earnings growth. On a pro forma basis for fiscal 2010, the combined company would have had revenues of approximately $2.0 billion and more than 3,000 employees.

      Commenting on today's transaction, David Holveck, President and Chief Executive Officer of Endo, said, "This is an exciting day for Endo. The acquisition of Qualitest accelerates our stated strategy of building a diversified healthcare company, better able to respond to the changing economics that drive the U.S. healthcare environment. We believe that this transaction will accelerate and diversify our revenues and earnings streams, while also providing our partners in the industry with a wider range of products and services at multiple value points. The transaction provides Endo with an enhanced competitive position and critical mass in the generics market and when combined with our growing Branded Pharmaceuticals and Devices & Services businesses, makes us a more comprehensive healthcare solutions provider. Together, we will be well positioned to strengthen our relationships with physicians and payment providers to deliver better outcomes for patients and to meet the demands of the evolving health care system in the U.S."

      In addition, with more than 90 percent of all pain prescriptions now filled by generic drugs in the $15 billion U.S. pain market, the acquisition of Qualitest is a key step to Endo remaining at the forefront of providing pain solutions to its customers. Forty percent of Qualitest's revenues are derived from pain products, making the acquisition a natural extension of Endo's competitive position in pain and controlled substances. Endo believes that combining its technology platforms with Qualitest's already substantial business holds the potential for significant advantages in the new healthcare environment. The combined leadership team will bring vast experience in the generics space, including in product development, manufacturing and collaborative technical management.

      Marvin Samson, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Qualitest, added, "Today's announcement brings together two highly successful businesses that I believe are an excellent fit. I am confident Qualitest's unique capabilities as a leading generics provider ideally complement Endo's diversified businesses. I am convinced that this combination will enable our management team and employees to accelerate the growth of our business and continue the important work we do here at Qualitest."

      Qualitest brings a highly qualified and experienced management team to Endo, with a track record of success in building leading and growing generics businesses. Further, Endo believes Qualitest adds important new capabilities, with the combined company having exceptional breadth and depth in the development, manufacture, distribution and sale of generic pharmaceuticals. The current Chairman and CEO of Qualitest, Marvin Samson, along with Julie McHugh, Endo's Chief Operating Officer, will lead an integration team comprised of senior leaders from both organizations focused on accelerating the growth of the combined business. Endo intends to retain Qualitest's facilities located in Huntsville, Ala. and Charlotte, N.C., as well as its own facility in Westbury, N.Y.

      Endo is acquiring Qualitest Pharmaceuticals from funds advised by Apax Partners, one of the world's leading private equity investment groups. Buddy Gumina, Partner and Co-Head of Global Healthcare at Apax, said, "We have been proud to work with the management team at Qualitest over the past three years as they have built one of the leading generics businesses in the U.S. by supplying high quality, cost effective pharmaceuticals. Qualitest, and now Endo, represents an important part of the solution to the challenges faced by the U.S. healthcare system."

      Under the terms of the agreement, which have been unanimously approved by Endo's Board of Directors, Endo will acquire 100 percent of Qualitest for a total cash consideration of $1.2 billion. Endo intends to finance the purchase using $500 million in cash from its balance sheet, drawing down an existing $300 million revolving credit facility and has secured financing for up to $400 million.

      Endo expects the transaction to be immediately accretive to adjusted earnings per share in the first full year after close. Upon deal closing, Endo anticipates that Qualitest would add approximately $400 million in annualized revenue and $0.40 in annualized adjusted diluted earnings per share. Endo also expects revenue growth of the combined generics business to be at least 15 percent over the next two years. Endo expects to realize a $30 million annualized cost synergy run-rate in 2013. The synergies will be associated with procurement, distribution, manufacturing and other general and administrative expenditures. The agreement contains customary representations, warranties, covenants, indemnities, conditions and termination provisions. The transaction is subject to regulatory review, including clearance by the relevant antitrust authorities and is expected to close late in the fourth quarter of 2010 or early in the first quarter of 2011.

      Financial Guidance

      Endo also reiterates its 2010 revenue guidance of between $1.63 billion and $1.68 billion dollars and full-year adjusted diluted earnings per share to be between $3.30 to $3.35 per share. The company also estimates reported (GAAP) diluted earnings per share to be between $1.88 to $1.96 per share. For an explanation of Endo's reasons for using non-GAAP measures, see Endo's Current Report on Form 8-K filed today with the Securities and Exchange Commission.…

      schrieb am 12.10.10 14:52:54
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Pfizer schluckt Schmerzspezialisten

      NEW YORK/BRISTOL (dpa-AFX) - Der weltgrößte Pharmahersteller Pfizer setzt seine Einkaufstour fort. Für 3,6 Milliarden Dollar (2,6 Mrd Euro) schluckt der US-Konzern den Schmerzspezialisten King Pharmaceuticals. Das Management beider Unternehmen sei sich einig, teilte Pfizer am Dienstag mit. Die King-Aktionäre lockt der Branchenriese mit seinem satten Aufschlag von rund 40 Prozent auf den Schlusskurs vom Montag. Um den Jahreswechsel soll die Übernahme abgeschlossen sein.

      Pfizer steht wie alle Pharmaunternehmen unter Zugzwang, ständig neue Medikamente auf den Markt zu bringen, um alte Präparate zu ersetzen, bei denen der Patentschutz ausläuft. Forschung und Entwicklung sind jedoch teuer und mit großen Risiken behaftet. Deshalb kaufen Pharmafirmen gerne Konkurrenten zu. Pfizer hatte sich im vergangenen Jahr für 68 Milliarden Dollar den Rivalen Wyeth einverleibt./das/DP/nmu
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 12.10.10 15:22:25
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.305.410 von starwarrior03 am 12.10.10 14:52:5440% Aufschlag :(
      das würde beim MDG momentan ca. 2,90€/ Share bedeuten !!
      schrieb am 15.10.10 14:02:27
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Hier noch eine etas kleinere Übernahme eines nicht börsennotierten Unternehmens:…
      schrieb am 09.11.10 14:04:03
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Lilly ($LLY) snags Avid Radiopharmaceuticals in $800M buyout deal
      November 8, 2010 — 9:55am ET | By John Carroll

      Frustrated by a series of nasty setbacks in the clinic, pharma giant Eli Lilly ($LLY) is writing a $300 million check to acquire Avid Radiopharmaceuticals, a diagnostics company that has garnered worldwide attention for its new approach to detecting Alzheimer's. Lilly also is promising to pay an additional $500 million provided florbetapir hits certain regulatory and commercial milestones.

      The deal has the potential to provide Lilly with a rare regulatory win. Florbetapir F 18 (18F-AV-45), a molecular imaging agent under investigation for detecting the presence of amyloid plaque in the brain, has been submitted to the FDA for approval.

      Sign up for our FREE newsletter for more news like this sent to your inbox!

      "The acquisition of Avid Radiopharmaceuticals aligns well with Lilly's innovation-based strategy, offers a potential near-term revenue opportunity, leverages our neuroscience expertise and will immediately bolster our diagnostics capabilities," said John Lechleiter, Ph.D., Lilly chairman and chief executive officer. "We look forward to partnering with Avid's experts during the regulatory process for florbetapir, and are intent on gaining FDA approval for this promising diagnostic intended to help clinicians and researchers identify the presence of beta-amyloid plaque in the brain."

      Alzheimer's is one of the toughest drug targets in the development world. But with mega-blockbuster income awaiting anyone who can develop an effective therapy for the disease, Lilly has been in hot pursuit--with little to show for it so far. Avid, though, is being given credit for helping to revolutionize disease diagnosis, something that has eluded patients and physicians for decades.

      Read more: Lilly ($LLY) snags Avid Radiopharmaceuticals in $800M buyout…

      Gruß Oberlaendler
      schrieb am 09.11.10 14:07:47
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Ups Link geht nicht. 2. Versuch:…

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 18.12.10 13:56:47
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.483.235 von Oberlaendler am 09.11.10 14:07:47hoffe die molo wird in 2011 nicht hier auftauchen! :)
      schrieb am 24.04.12 10:59:27
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      AstraZeneca kauf Ardea Biosciences für 1,3 Milliarden Dollar…
      LONDON (Dow Jones)--Der britische Pharmakonzern AstraZeneca verstärkt sich mit einem Zukauf im Bereich Biotechnologie. Das Unternehmen übernimmt Ardea Biosciences mit Sitz im kalifornischen San Diego für knapp 1,3 Milliarden US-Dollar.

      Die Transaktion soll im zweiten oder dritten Quartal 2012 abgeschlossen werden. AstraZeneca zahlt 32 Dollar je Ardea-Aktie, das ist ein Prämie von über 50 Prozent auf den Schlusskurs vom Freitag.

      Das in der Forschung am weitesten fortgeschrittene Produkt von Ardea ist "Lesinurad", das bei Gichtpatienten zur Behandlung von chronischer Hyperurikämie, einer Erhöhung des Harnsäurespiegels im Blut, eingesetzt werden soll. Die Zulassungen in den USA und Europa sollen im ersten Halbjahr 2014 erfolgen.

      AstraZeneca will die Entwicklung des Medikaments vorantreiben, welches auch in China und Japan vertrieben werden soll. Die Entwicklungskosten sollen vom derzeitigen Forschungsetat von AstraZeneca aufgebracht werden.
      -Von Ian Walker, Dow Jones Newswires;
      +49 (0)69 29725 102,
      (END) Dow Jones Newswires
      April 23, 2012 02:43 ET (06:43 GMT)
      Copyright (c) 2012 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
      schrieb am 24.02.15 12:43:09
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Der Thread ist auf Wunsch wieder für neue Inhalte offen. :)
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 24.02.15 13:12:25
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 49.158.755 von MODelfin am 24.02.15 12:43:09Danke.

      Nachdem sich in der letzten Zeit doch wieder einiges tut (und ich etwas mehr Zeit habe), möchte ich zur Mitdokumentation den Thread wieder aufleben lassen.

      Zum Anfang Deals der letzten Tage:

      Valeant buys Salix for $10B, preps a cut in R&D costs and overhead
      February 22, 2015…

      $400M buyout deal puts Heptares' GPCR pipeline in Sosei's hands
      February 22, 2015$…

      Bristol-Myers bags IDO immunotherapy in $1.25B buyout of fledgling Flexus
      February 23, 2015…

      Mithilfe beim Sammeln ist immer gerne willkommen. Und Gerüchte sind natürlich auch immer interessant. :look:

      Gruß Oberländler
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 25.02.15 12:35:21
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Shire's shopping spree continues with a $245M deal to buy PhIII-ready Meritage February 24, 2015…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 25.02.15 18:12:25
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Hallo Oberlaender,

      gute Idee. Zur Ergänzung eine komplette Liste der Übernahmen aus den letzten Jahren.…

      Ich denke, dass auch die Übernahmen (und die Spekulation darauf) einen Teil des Biotechbooms ausmachen. Neben der gestiegenen Qualität der Unternehmen wird auch der niderige Zinssatz eine nicht zu unterschätzdende Rolle spielen.

      SG kmastra
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 25.02.15 19:16:20
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 49.159.157 von Oberlaendler am 24.02.15 13:12:25Mithilfe beim Sammeln ist immer gerne willkommen. Und Gerüchte sind natürlich auch immer interessant.

      Du hast es so gewollt:;)

      Aktuell gibt es gerüchte um eine Übernahme von PCYC. Das wäre natürlich ein ziemlicher Hammer und könnte für eine gewisse Dynamik sorgen!…
      schrieb am 26.02.15 08:56:22
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 49.174.475 von kmastra am 25.02.15 18:12:25Hallo kmastra,

      es ist schön wenn man ein Feedback bekommt und weitere mitarbeiten. :)

      Anscheinend ist sehr viel Geld billig im Markt verfügbar, Patente für Umsatzträger von großen Pharmas laufen aus und viele Entwicklungen bei Small- und Midcaps tragen Früchte und sind schon weit in der Entwicklung bzw. schon zugelassen.

      Insgesamt eine möglicherweise explosive Mischung, wenn man auf die richtigen Pferde setzt bzw. diese überhaupt findet. Ich finde die Situation auf jeden Fall spannend.

      Zu PCYC: Ein Wert, den ich immer wieder mal kurz im Blickfeld hatte. Ich konnte mich aber nie entscheiden mich damit intensiver auseinanderzusetzen, weil er mir immer zu teuer erschien. Meine bessere Hälfte sagt ja gerne "The trend is your friend" und da hat sie wohl durchaus nicht unrecht.

      Möglicherweise einer weniger, es bleiben damit nur noch ein paar tausend Firmen, aus denen man die richtigen raussuchen muss.

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 06.03.15 15:47:20
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Zur Vervollständigung:

      AbbVie boosts cancer drug pipeline with $21 billion Pharmacyclics deal
      By Supriya Kurane and Ben Hirschler

      Thu Mar 5, 2015 5:24pm EST
      Credit: Reuters/Brendan McDermid

      Cancer drug key to $21bln pharma deal
      Thu, Mar 5 2015Related NewsAbbVie CEO defends Pharmacyclics deal to skeptical investors
      Thu, Mar 5 2015(Reuters) - AbbVie Inc (ABBV.N) is to buy Pharmacyclics Inc (PCYC.O) for about $21 billion, giving it access to what is expected to be one of the world's top-selling cancer drugs and expanding its reach in the profitable oncology field.

      The deal -- the latest example of a big drugmaker swooping on a biotech firm to refill its medicine pipeline -- confounds expectations that Pharmacyclics would sell out to Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N).

      AbbVie will pay $261.25 per share in cash and stock, a 13 percent premium to Pharmacyclics stock's closing price on Wednesday. Back in 2008 and 2009, the shares dipped below $1.

      The acquisition lessens Chicago-based AbbVie's dependence on its blockbuster rheumatoid arthritis drug Humira that accounts for most of its revenue but is expected to start to see sales decline from 2017 or 2018.

      AbbVie failed last October to buy Dublin-based Shire Plc (SHP.L) for $55 billion after the United States took steps to deter such tax-lowering deals.

      Deutsche Bank analyst Robyn Karnauskas said the deal was positive for AbbVie as Pharmacyclics' blood cancer treatment Imbruvica would diversify the business beyond Humira.

      "Imbruvica is not only complementary to AbbVie's oncology pipeline, it has demonstrated strong clinical efficacy across a broad range of hematologic malignancies," AbbVie Chief Executive Richard Gonzalez said in a statement.

      Pharmacyclics expects U.S. sales of Imbruvica to hit $1 billion this year and by 2020 worldwide sales are forecast to reach $5.8 billion, according to consensus analyst estimates compiled by Thomson Reuters Cortellis.

      AbbVie, which was spun out of Abbott Laboratories in 2013, said the deal would be "highly accretive" to its revenue and earnings by 2017.

      Sunnyvale, California-based Pharmacyclics co-markets Imbruvica with Johnson & Johnson. Besides Imbruvica, it has three product candidates in development.

      In a statement, J&J said: “We’re looking forward to continuing our collaboration with the team at AbbVie to further develop and commercialize this important therapy for patients and their health care teams.”

      Media reports had said J&J was close to buying Pharmacyclics. Novartis AG (NOVN.VX) was also interested in the company, a report said.

      The acquisition is the latest in a spate of big pharma deals this year as many companies are strengthening their portfolios as old drugs go generic.

      Last month, Pfizer Inc (PFE.N) agreed to buy Hospira Inc (HSP.N) for about $15 billion, and Canada's Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc (VRX.TO) (VRX.N) agreed to buy Salix Pharmaceuticals Ltd (SLXP.O) for about $10 billion.

      The deal, expected to close in the middle of the year, comprises about 58 percent cash and 42 percent AbbVie common stock. Pharmacyclics shareholders can opt for cash, AbbVie stock or a combination, AbbVie said.…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 09.03.15 14:09:11
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()

      AbbVie's high-priced takeout of Pharmacyclics bodes well for other biotechs with high potential drugs
      Mar 5 2015, 08:52 ET | About: AbbVie Inc. (ABBV) | By: Douglas W. House, SA News Editor
      AbbVie's (NYSE:ABBV) extraordinarily generous buyout of Pharmacyclics (NASDAQ:PCYC) is a crystal clear example of how keen big pharma is to boost its prospects with biotech drugs with blockbuster potential. The transaction's $20B tab, backing out PCYC's $1B cash balance, values Imbruvica (ibrutinib) at $40B since Pharmacyclics' commercial partner Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) gets 50% of Imbruvica's revenue. This implies a multiple of almost 7x Imbruvica's projected peak sales of $6B. By comparison, Amgen's (NASDAQ:AMGN) takeout of Onyx Pharma and Sanofi's (NYSE:SNY) takeout of Genzyme were both at 5x premiums.The looming patent expiration for Humira ($12.5B in sales the past four quarters) undoubtedly provided AbbVie extra incentive to get the deal done.
      Adding 50% of Imbruvica's sales to AbbVie's top line should increase its revenue growth 3 - 7% and EPS growth 8 - 11% through 2020.

      According to RBC analyst Michael Yee, other biotechs on the big ticket acquisition radar are: BioMarin Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:BMRN), Dyax (NASDAQ:DYAX), Esperion Therapeutics (NASDAQ:ESPR), United Therapeutics (NASDAQ:UTHR), Vertex Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:VRTX), Intercept Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:ICPT), Juno Therapeutics (NASDAQ:JUNO), Kite Pharma (NASDAQ:KITE), PTC Therapeutics (NASDAQ:PTCT) and Receptos (NASDAQ:RCPT).…

      Mal sehen... :look:

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 30.03.15 13:01:43
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Horizon kauft Hyperion für 1,1 Milliarden und heißt jetzt Hyperizon - Scherz:)…

      Bei solchen Deals spielen wohl Synergieeffekte auch eine große Rolle.
      schrieb am 30.03.15 13:11:04
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Ganz schön was los heute:

      Teva kauft Auspex für über 3 Milliarden!…
      schrieb am 30.03.15 13:29:31
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 03.04.15 13:41:47
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 49.454.849 von kmastra am 30.03.15 13:29:31Danke kmastra,

      kaum ist man mal ein paar Tage nicht da...

      Mal sehen wie das Spiel weitergeht und wen es als nächsten erwischt. Hoffentlich mal einen von meinen Werten.

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 09.04.15 09:15:47
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Mylan makes $205/share bid for Perrigo; Generic firms rally

      Apr 8 2015, 11:47 ET | About: Mylan Inc (MYL) | By: Douglas W. House, SA News Editor

      Mylan (MYL +10.4%) submits a non-binding proposal to Perrigo (PRGO +27.6%) to acquire it for $205 per share in a cash-and-stock deal. If consummated, the combined company would generate over $15B in annual sales.…

      Gruß Oberländler
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 21.04.15 15:04:44
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 49.523.201 von Oberlaendler am 09.04.15 09:15:47Neue Wendung bei Mylan:

      Teva Proposes to Acquire Mylan for $82.00 Per Share in Cash and Stock
      Tue April 21, 2015 8:45 AM|Business Wire | About: TEVA

      Combination to Create an Industry-Leading Company, Well Positioned to Transform the Global Generics Space and Create a Unique and Differentiated Business Model, Leveraging on Its Significant Assets and Capabilities in Generics and Specialty

      Very Attractive Strategic and Financial Benefits for Teva and Mylan Stockholders

      Tevas Proposal Provides Significant Premium and Immediate Value for Mylan Stockholders and Opportunity to Participate in Upside Potential of Combined Company

      More Attractive Alternative for Mylan Stockholders Than Mylans Proposed Acquisition of Perrigo (PRGO)

      Enhanced Financial Profile, Creating Opportunity for Rapid Deleveraging, Funding of Future Growth and Increased Investment in Key Specialty Therapeutic Areas

      Strongly Positioned to Drive Sustainable Top- and Bottom-Line Growth, Immediately and Over Long-Term

      Opportunities for Substantial, Achievable Cost Synergies and Tax Savings, Estimated at $2 Billion Annually

      Expected to be Significantly Accretive to Teva Non-GAAP EPS, Starting in the Mid-Teens in Year 1 and Approaching 30% by Year 3

      JERUSALEM--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (TEVJF) (NYSE and TASE: TEVA) today announced a proposal to acquire all of the outstanding shares of Mylan N.V. (NASDAQ: MYL) in a transaction valued at $82.00 per Mylan share, with the consideration to be comprised of approximately 50 percent cash and 50 percent stock. The Teva cash and stock proposal provides Mylan stockholders with a substantial premium and immediate cash value, as well as significant potential for future value creation through participation in a financially and commercially stronger company.

      Tevas proposal also provides Mylan stockholders with a more attractive alternative to Mylans proposed acquisition of Perrigo Company plc (NYSE and TASE: PRGO), as announced on April 8, 2015, as well as to Mylan on a standalone basis. Tevas proposal would provide Mylan stockholders with consideration representing a 37.7% premium to the stock price of Mylan on April 7, 2015, which is the last day of trading prior to Mylans press release regarding its unsolicited proposal for Perrigo, and a 48.3% premium to the unaffected stock price of Mylan on March 10, 2015, which is the last day of trading prior to widespread speculation of a transaction between Teva and Mylan. ...…

      Gruß Oberländler
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 21.04.15 15:32:45
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 49.610.885 von Oberlaendler am 21.04.15 15:04:44Selbst boerse.ard hat das Thema heute erneut behandelt:……
      schrieb am 21.04.15 15:45:17
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Naja, wohl mehr allgemeines Geplaudere und Gerüchteküche. Trotzdem:

      Surging Actelion is on the hunt for buyouts amid 'M&A frenzy'
      April 21, 2015 | By Damian Garde

      Fueled by strong sales for its latest cardio drug and a promising pipeline, Switzerland's Actelion says it's on the lookout for acquisitions but remains wary of paying the big premiums that have become commonplace in pharma.

      The biotech unveiled better-than-expected financial results Tuesday thanks largely to the growth of Opsumit, Actelion's latest treatment for pulmonary hypertension. Now the company is painting a rosier picture of the rest of the year, raising its growth expectations to "the low double-digit percentage range."

      And Actelion is looking for some deals to brighten the future, CFO André Muller told Reuters, hoping to use its growing checkbook to expand its pipeline. But "we will remain disciplined, especially in this M&A frenzy that we've seen in the recent past," Muller said.

      Just what Actelion is looking for remains anyone's guess. The company has dominated the PAH space for years, beginning with the soon-to-lose-patent-protection Tracleer and continuing with the recently approved Opsumit. Actelion built a name for itself in the cardiology world in the process, and the company might look for bolt-on cardio assets to join the fold.

      Meanwhile, Actelion is expecting U.S. and European approval for the next-generation PAH treatment selexipag by year's end, riding investor optimism after presenting positive data at last month's American College of Cardiology meeting.

      Actelion's Phase III pipeline also includes cadazolid, a treatment for Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea; and macitentan, a drug for a congenital heart defect called Eisenmenger syndrome. Last week, the company kicked off a late-stage study of ponesimod for multiple sclerosis, planning to recruit 1,100 patients in step one of building a new franchise in immunology.…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 27.04.15 14:55:37
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Celgene buys collaboration partner Quanticel Pharma for up to $485M

      Apr 27 2015, 08:17 ET | About: Celgene Corporation (CELG) | By: Douglas W. House, SA News Editor

      Celgene (NASDAQ:CELG) acquires privately-held San Francisco, CA-based Quanticel Pharmaceuticals for $100M in cash and up to $385M in various R&D and regulatory milestones. Celgene expects the transaction to be neutral to 2015 non-GAAP EPS guidance.
      Quanticel, which as been a strategic alliance partner to Celgene since 2011, is a cancer-focused drug discovery firm based on a proprietary single-cell genomic analysis platform.…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 06.05.15 13:39:56
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Heute mal wieder ein großer Deal:

      Alexion ($ALXN) is paying $115 per share in cash and 0.6581 of a share of its stock for each share of Synageva ($GEVA)—roughly $230 a share total. On Tuesday Synageva's stock closed at $95.87, giving it a market cap of $3.5 billion. The buyout gives shareholders a remarkable 135% one-day premium.…

      Vielleicht gibt das der Branche Rückenwind?
      schrieb am 06.05.15 17:54:14
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Und noch eine (kleine) Übernahme:

      Gilead jumps into epigenetics with a bite-size biotech buyout
      May 6, 2015 | By Damian Garde

      As market watchers wonder whether Gilead Sciences ($GILD) is on the verge of a blockbuster buyout, the Big Biotech inked a small deal that will beef up its efforts in the growing field of epigenetics. The company is paying $65 million cash for Denmark's EpiTherapeutics, a small company with a stable of preclinical treatments that promise to modify the overarching systems that govern heritable genes and how they express themselves, known as epigenetics. EpiTherapeutics' work to date has largely focused on small-molecule treatments for cancer, but the biotech's technology has promise in a wealth of diseases and in combination with other therapies, Gilead said.…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 13.05.15 08:44:06
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Juno beefs up its CAR-T arsenal with an $80M biotech buyout
      May 12, 2015 | By Damian Garde

      CAR-T contender Juno Therapeutics ($JUNO) is settling in for the long haul in a race to commercialize new immunotherapies for cancer, buying up a European biotech to firm up its process on the way to late-stage development.

      Juno is trading €52.5 million ($59 million) in cash and about $22 million of its own shares for Stage Cell Therapeutics, a German company devoted to the engineering and manufacturing of cell therapies. Juno's top candidates are so-called CAR-T treatments, crafted by removing a patients' own T cells and rewiring them to home in on cancers. And the biotech, barreling toward Phase III, is buying Stage Cell with an eye on building a commercial-scale operation.

      Under the deal, Juno gets Stage Cell's two operations in Munich and Göttingen, staffed by 23 scientists, engineers and other personnel. Juno plans to operate the company as a German subsidiary, promising Stage Cell's shareholders another €135 million ($152 million) tied to down-the-road development and commercialization milestones. ...…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 18.05.15 15:55:08
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Hätte ich fast übersehen:

      Circassia snags a pair of asthma biotechs for $371M
      May 15, 2015 | By Damian Garde

      Circassia, the U.K. biotech that pulled off a major IPO last year, spent a combined $371 million on two asthma-focused drug developers in an effort to expand its pipeline beyond its home turf of allergy immunotherapies.

      The Oxford-headquartered company is paying about 1.8 billion Swedish krona ($214 million) for Sweden's Aerocrine and as much as £100 million ($157 million) for U.K. biotech Prosonix, funding the deals with a £275 million ($432 million) private placement. Aerocrine, a Karolinska Institute offshoot, is focused on designing and marketing diagnostics for asthma and other airway diseases, while Prosonix is developing proprietary and generic treatments for asthma and COPD.…

      Kenne ich zwar nicht, hört sich aber nach einer interessanten Firma an. Sollte mich vielleicht mal damit beschäftigen.

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 19.05.15 15:42:27
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      Und es geht weiter:

      Endo International Enters Agreement To Buy Par Pharma For $8 Billion
      May. 19, 2015 9:09 AM ET | About: Endo International plc (ENDP), PRX

      By Matt Rego

      The pharmaceutical industry saw another M&A bump this morning when Endo International said it entered into an agreement to purchase Par Pharmaceuticals for $8.05 billion. Under the deal, shareholders of the private company, Par Pharmaceuticals, will receive $6.5 billion in cash and 18 million Endo International shares. The new company will be the fifth largest generic pharmaceutical maker in the US by sales.

      New powerhouse to have generic and specialty pharmaceutical pipeline

      Endo International is a relatively small company that is based in Ireland and has its US headquarters in Malvern, PA, has 5,000 employees on payroll, and saw revenue results of $2.88 billion in 2014. Par Pharmaceuticals on the other hand is based in New York and was taken private by TPG Capital in 2012. Par Pharmaceuticals employs around only 1,600 people and saw revenues of $1.31 billion in 2014. “This is an exciting time of growth and opportunity in the generics and specialty pharmaceutical arenas,” says Par Pharmaceuticals CEO, Paul Campanelli. Campanelli will join Endo International once the buyout is complete and he will remain in charge of former Par Pharma assets in the new generics division. ...…

      Und von gestern noch was Kleines:

      Lannett Signs Definitive Agreement To Acquire Silarx Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
      PR Newswire Lannett Company, Inc. May 18, 2015 9:00 AM

      PHILADELPHIA, May 18, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Lannett Company, Inc. (LCI) today announced that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire privately held, Silarx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and a related real estate entity (together "Silarx"), a manufacturer and marketer of liquid generic pharmaceutical products. The transaction is expected to close in early June, 2015, subject to customary closing conditions. Strategic benefits of the acquisition include an FDA-approved manufacturing facility, research and development expertise and added diversity to Lannett's portfolio of existing and pipeline products. ...…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 29.05.15 12:57:59
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Cellectis in takeover talks with Pfizer

      May 29 2015, 05:04 ET | About: Cellectis S.A. (CLLS) | By: Yoel Minkoff, SA News Editor

      Cellectis (NASDAQ:CLLS) is in talks about a potential sale to Pfizer (NYSE:PFE) (which already owns 9.5% of the company), in a move would strengthen the latter's push to become a serious player in the immuno-oncology market.
      A deal could value Cellectis at as much as €1.5B, FT reports, and would mark Pfizer's second big move into immuno-oncology in the last six months - following a $2.85B development deal with Merck.
      CLLS -12% premarket after popping more than 16% yesterday on the news.…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 08.06.15 13:49:48
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Und auch hier der Vollständigkeit wegen:

      Actelion springen nach Übernahmespekulationen um 6,6% auf 140,60 CHF an, nachdem der Basler Biopharmakonzern offenbar ins Visier des britischen Pharmakonzerns Shire geraten ist. Einem Medienbericht zufolge erwägen die Briten eine Übernahme des Biotechnologie-Unternehmens für rund 12 Mrd GBP bzw. 160 CHF je Aktie. Eine formlose Anfrage der Briten sei zwar zurückgewiesen worden.

      Analysten halten die Übernahmespekulationen unterdessen für plausibel. Schliesslich hätten die Firmenverantwortlichen von Shire in der Vergangenheit kein Geheimnis daraus gemacht, über grössere Firmenakquisitionen wachsen zu wollen. Dank der starken Produktfranchise sei Actelion ein logisches Ziel für den britischen Rivalen, so heisst es.

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 12.06.15 12:45:02
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()

      Tribute Pharma to be acquired by Pozen for $146M (U.S.)
      2015-06-08 10:53 ET - News Release

      Mr. Rob Harris reports


      Pozen Inc., a pharmaceutical company committed to developing medicine that transforms lives, will acquire Tribute Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. in a transaction valued at approximately $146-million (U.S.). Upon completion of the acquisition, which is expected to occur in the fourth quarter of 2015, the combined company will be named Aralez Pharmaceuticals PLC and domiciled in Ireland. Upon closing, Aralez is expected to trade on the Nasdaq and the Toronto Stock Exchange. ...…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 17.06.15 13:45:01
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Allergan kauft Kythera für 2,1 Milliarden. Allergan wurde ja kürzlich selber übernommen...…
      schrieb am 29.06.15 13:48:39
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Giant Novartis downs a pain med in $200M-plus buyout of tiny Spinifex…


      Integra LifeSciences takes out TEI for $312M…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 16.07.15 12:56:56
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Der Vollständigkeit halber:

      UPDATED: Celgene shells out $7.2B for Receptos in a big bet on autoimmune disease
      July 14, 2015 | By Damian Garde

      Celgene ($CELG) is trading $7.2 billion in cash for Receptos ($RCPT) and its Phase III autoimmune treatment, building on some recent success in the field.

      Under the deal, Celgene has agreed to pay $232 per share of the San Diego-headquartered company, a nearly 18% premium to its closing price on Monday. In exchange, the Big Biotech gets ozanimod, formerly RPC1063, which is a promising oral treatment now in Phase III development for ulcerative colitis and multiple sclerosis. If all goes according to plan, the drug could bring in peak annual sales of as much as $6 billion, Celgene figures.

      The deal ends months of buyout speculation surrounding Receptos, which has seen its market value nearly double since January. Previous rumors pegged AstraZeneca ($AZN), Gilead Sciences ($GILD) and Teva ($TEVA) as potential suitors, but each company reportedly failed to offer enough cash to sway Receptos.…

      Länger beobachtet und leider doch nicht gekauft. Ärgerlich.

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 27.07.15 13:32:55
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Kleine Deal-Kaskade:

      Teva to buy Allergan Generics for $40.5B
      Jul 27 2015, 05:19 ET | About: Teva Pharmaceutical Indust... (TEVA) | By: Yoel Minkoff, SA News Editor

      Teva Pharmaceuticals (NYSE:TEVA) has agreed to buy the generic-drug business of Allergan (NYSE:AGN) for about $40.5B in cash and stock, ending its effort to acquire rival Mylan (NASDAQ:MYL).
      Allergan will receive $33.75B in cash and shares in Teva valued at $6.75B, giving it a 10% stake in the enlarged company.
      The acquisition further extends a wave of mergers that has swept over the healthcare industry. Pharmaceutical deals so far this year have topped $180B, on pace to beat the $200B announced in 2014.…


      Allergan to acquire Naurex for $560M
      Jul 27 2015, 05:29 ET | About: Allergan Inc. (AGN) | By: Yoel Minkoff, SA News Editor

      Besides for its recent deal with Teva, Allergan (NYSE:AGN) said on Sunday it would acquire biotech company Naurex, which is developing a fast-acting antidepressant.
      "Depression remains one of the largest unmet areas of medical need. When you think about existing therapies, they have modest effects with lots of side effects," said Brent Saunders, Allergan's chief executive.
      The $560M all-cash transaction is expected to close by year-end.…


      Mylan slumps after Teva's deal with Allergan; reaffirms interest in Perrigo…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 09.10.15 13:52:57
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      Adheron Therapeutics to be acquired by Roche
      Lead molecule, SDP051, is a Cadherin-11 inhibitor based on a pioneering cell technology and has completed Phase I of clinical development

      BERKELEY, Calif., Oct. 9, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Adheron Therapeutics, a privately held biotechnology company based in Berkeley, California, United States, announced today that it has agreed to be acquired by Roche. Adheron Therapeutics has developed a pioneering technology that disrupts immune cell adhesion through a cell surface protein called Cadherin-11 in order to develop potential treatments for a variety of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and fibrotic diseases. The lead asset, SDP051, a humanized monoclonal antibody targeting Cadherin-11, has completed Phase 1 of clinical development.

      "We are very excited about this acquisition, as it is an important step towards the development of breakthrough medicines in the area of inflammation and fibrosis," said Hari Kumar, Chief Executive Officer of Adheron Therapeutics. "This deal brings together Adheron's deep understanding of the underlying science of Cadherin-11 with Roche's vast experience in researching and developing next generation medicines. We are proud to move our promising investigational medicine to the next level and into a new home at Roche."

      Under the terms of the agreement, Adheron's shareholders will receive an upfront cash payment of USD 105 million, plus additional contingent payments of up to USD 475 million based on achievement of certain predetermined milestones. The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions and anticipated to close shortly.…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 12.11.15 15:17:41
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Zusammenfassung von letzter und dieser Woche;

      Shire buys Dyax for $5.9B in cash
      Nov 2 2015, 06:59 ET | About: Shire PLC (SHPG) | By: Douglas W. House, SA News Editor

      Shire (NASDAQ:SHPG) acquires Dyax (NASDAQ:DYAX) for $37.30 per share in cash or $5.9B. Dyax shareholders may earn an additional $4.00 per share in cash via a non-tradable contingent value right (CVR) for the regulatory approval of Phase 3-stage DX-2930 for the treatment of hereditary angioedema (HAE).

      The product candidate has Breakthrough Therapy and Orphan Drug status in the U.S. and Orphan Drug status in the EU. A Phase 3 study should commence this quarter. If approved, it could generate up to $2B in annual sales.

      Dyax develops plasma kallikrein inhibitors for the treatment of HAE. Its top product is KALBITOR (ecallantide), approved by the FDA in December 2009, for the treatment of acute attacks fo HAE in patients at least 12 years old. It generated almost $18M in sales in Q3.…

      J&J deepens its antiviral pipeline with Novira buyout
      November 4, 2015 | By Damian Garde

      Johnson & Johnson ($JNJ) is trading an undisclosed sum for private drugmaker Novira Therapeutics, picking up an early-stage treatment for hepatitis B and a handful of antivirals.…

      AstraZeneca poaches ZS Pharma for $2.7B, beating Actelion to the punch
      November 6, 2015 | By Damian Garde

      AstraZeneca ($AZN) agreed to buy ZS Pharma ($ZSPH) and its pending-approval kidney drug, one-upping rival bidder Actelion to get its hands on what it believes is a blockbuster in the making.

      Under the deal, expected to close by year's end, AstraZeneca will trade $90 per share of ZS and absorb the company and its 200 employees, based in the U.S. The big get is ZS-9, a late-stage treatment for hyperkalemia, which is a disease in which dangerously high potassium levels threaten kidney and heart function. The drug met its goals in late-stage development and is awaiting a final FDA decision, which the agency has promised to hand down by May 26. AstraZeneca said global peak sales for ZS-9 could exceed $1 billion a year.…

      Astellas offers $379M buyout for a pioneering stem cell survivor
      November 10, 2015 | By John Carroll

      Astellas Pharma has stepped up with a $379 million bid for Ocata Therapeutics, a pioneering--and often controversial--stem cell company that has managed to survive a years-long roller coaster ride through the hype, hope and disappointments of the past decade.

      Astellas has agreed to offer investors $8.50 a share for Ocata, which FierceBiotech readers may remember better as Advanced Cell Technology. Several years ago ACT was known for trumpeting every new bit of data as a major advance in the field. But clinical progress was slow for ACT as well as its rivals, and the biotech's shares sank into penny stock territory, leading to a reorganization with staff cuts.…

      Es tut sich was.
      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 23.11.15 14:00:16
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Pfizer and Allergan agree to merge
      Nov 23 2015, 07:48 ET | About: Pfizer Inc. (PFE) | By: Douglas W. House, SA News Editor

      It's official. Pfizer (NYSE:PFE) and Allergan (NYSE:AGN) agree to merge in a $160B deal, the largest inversion transaction on record. AGN shareholders will receive 11.3 shares of the combined company for each AGN share while PFE shareholders will receive one share of the combined firm for each PFE share. The deal should close in H2 2016. After the merger, the company will do business as "Pfizer plc" and trade under the "PFE" symbol. It will be domiciled in Ireland (pro forma adjusted effective tax rate expected to be 17 - 18%).

      Pfizer shareholders will own ~56% of the combined firm while Allergan shareholders will own ~44%. Pfizer chief Ian Read will be Chairman & CEO while Allergan chief Brent Saunders will be President & COO.

      The merger should be neutral to Pfizer's non-GAAP EPS in 2017, accretive in 2018, more than 10% accretive in 2019 and accretive in the high teens in 2020. Operating cash flow should exceed $25B beginning in 2018.

      The company will make a decision on splitting its innovative and established businesses no later than the end of 2018.

      Separately, Pfizer will execute a $5B share repurchase program in H1 2016. It has ~$5.4B remaining on its previously announced buyback plan.

      Pfizer will host a conference call this morning at 8:30 am ET to discuss the transaction.…

      Gruß Oberländler
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 23.11.15 14:48:56
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 51.153.705 von Oberlaendler am 23.11.15 14:00:16Interessante Grafik zum Thema Übernahme allgemein und jetzt Pfizer/Allergan - 1o Übernahmen innerhalb von 5 Jahren. Und jetzt Nr. 11 Wahnsinn!!

      schrieb am 21.01.16 10:13:46
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      Nachträge aus der letzten Zeit:

      Shire finally gets it done, bagging Baxalta in $32B buyout
      January 11, 2016 | By John Carroll

      It took a few months, but Shire ($SHPG) has wrapped a $32 billion deal to acquire Baxalta ($BXLT), providing CEO Flemming Ornskov with the big merger that he has been promising investors.

      Shire is paying $18 a share plus stock to bag Baxalta in a pact that is worth a total of $45.57 for a share of Baxalta. The deal arrives right on schedule, in a manner of speaking, giving Shire bragging rights to a major buyout as it looks to convince investors of the bright future that lies ahead.

      The deal gives Shire an instant pipeline makeover, with franchise operations that extend from hematology to immunology, neuroscience, lysosomal storage disorders and more. The combined company will generate 65% of its revenue from drugs that target rare diseases. To help cover the cost, Shire is anticipating that it can carve out more than $500 million in costs once the merger is complete.…


      Acorda bags PhIII Parkinson's drug in $363M Biotie buyout
      January 19, 2016 | By John Carroll

      Acorda Therapeutics ($ACOR) has swooped in to buy Finland's Biotie ($BITI) for $363 million in cash, snagging a Phase III Parkinson's drug that is being lined up to follow its leading experimental drugs into the neurology market.

      Acorda's prize in the deal is tozadenant (SYN-115), an oral adenosine A2a receptor antagonist that's registered proof of concept data for reducing "off" times among Parkinson's patients taking the standard levodopa/carbidopa remedy. Acorda also gains SYN-120, an oral, 5-HT6/5-HT2A dual receptor antagonist in Phase II development for Parkinson's-related dementia.

      Biotie is being acquired for $25.60 a share, a big premium on the $13.20 close on Friday, which was well under a $24 peak reached soon after the company went public on Nasdaq last summer. The biotech ended last week with a market cap of $162 million,

      The deal to acquire tozadenant is complementary with Acorda's decision to bag Civitas and its inhaled levodopa therapy CVT-301 in a $525 million buyout in late 2014. If all goes according to plan, says an Acorda spokesperson, 301 should line up for an NDA in early 2017, with tozadenant coming along for review in late 2018.

      Ardsley, NY-based Acorda says that tozadenant has a peak revenue projection of around $400 million, following 301's $500 million annual potential and more from their diazepam nasal spray Plumiaz for epilepsy--rejected by the FDA in 2013 and now back in the clinic. Collectively, these three drugs have the potential to push the biotech well past the billion-dollar mark in added revenue, according to Acorda.

      Biotie bought out Synosia's A2a tech in a $121 million deal 6 years ago.…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 16.05.16 14:54:17
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Pfizer buys Anacor Pharmaceuticals for $5.2B; shares up 53% premarket
      May 16 2016, 07:14 ET | About: Pfizer Inc. (PFE) | By: Douglas W. House, SA News Editor [Contact this editor with comments or a news tip]

      Pfizer (NYSE:PFE) agrees to acquire Palo Alto, CA-based Anacor Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:ANAC) for $99.25 per share or $5.2B net of cash. The deal should close in Q3.

      Anacor is the exclusive U.S. distributor of Sandoz's PharmaDerm's Kerydin (tavaborole) topical solution 5%, the first oxaborole antifungal indicated for the treatment of onychomycosis (toenail fungal infection). Its lead product candidate is crisaborole topical ointment 2% for the treatment of atopic dermatitis. Its New Drug Application (NDA) is currently under FDA review. The PDUFA date is January 7, 2017. Pfizer believes peak sales could reach $2B.

      Pfizer will finance the transaction with cash on hand. The deal will not impact its current 2016 guidance. The acquisition should be slightly dilutive to non-GAAP EPS in 2017 and accretive to non-GAAP EPS in 2018 and thereafter.

      ANAC is up 53% premarket on increased volume.…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 03.06.16 13:03:35
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Jazz Pharmaceuticals And Celator Pharmaceuticals Announce Agreement For Jazz Pharmaceuticals To Acquire Celator For $30.25 Per Share
      Tue May 31, 2016 3:30 AM|PR Newswire | About: JAZZ

      U.S. regulatory submission for VYXEOS planned by end of third quarter 2016

      Jazz Pharmaceuticals to host investor conference call today, May 31, 2016 at 8:30 AM EDT (1:30 PM IST)
      PR Newswire
      DUBLIN and EWING, N.J., May 31, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc (Nasdaq: JAZZ) and Celator Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (CPXX) today announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement for Jazz Pharmaceuticals (JAZZ) to acquire Celator for $30.25 per share in cash, or approximately $1.5 billion.…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 21.07.16 08:58:39
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Galenica and Relypsa Announce Agreement for Galenica to Acquire Relypsa
      2 comments | Thu July 21, 2016 1:00 AM|GlobeNewswire | About: RLYP

      – Acquisition Strengthens Galenica’s Business Unit, Vifor Pharma –

      •Galenica (GNHAF) will commence a tender offer to acquire all issued and outstanding Relypsa (RLYP) common stock for a cash consideration of $32 per share
      •Implied fully-diluted equity value of the offer amounts to approximately $1.53 billion
      •Acquisition affirms commitment of Galenica Board of Directors to separate the Galenica Group into two independent listed companies, partly financed by equity proceeds to be raised in conjunction with the envisaged division of the Galenica Group in 2017
      •Transaction brings Vifor Pharma a dedicated U.S. commercial organization and global rights to Veltassa®, a potassium binder for the treatment of hyperkalemia
      •The Boards of Directors of both Relypsa and Galenica have approved the terms of the merger agreement, and the Board of Directors of Relypsa has resolved to recommend that shareholders accept the offer…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 23.08.16 14:34:23
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Nachtrag von Gestern:

      Wall Street Breakfast: Pfizer To Buy Medivation For $14B
      Aug. 22, 2016 7:19 AM ET

      Pfizer has agreed to acquire Medivation (NASDAQ:MDVN) for $14B, with Pfizer (NYSE:PFE) beating out rivals Celgene (NASDAQ:CELG), Gilead (NASDAQ:GILD), Sanofi (NYSE:SNY), Merck (NYSE:MRK) and AstraZeneca (NYSE:AZN). Medivation makes the leading prostate cancer drug, Xtandi, which is expected to generate $5.7B in annual revenue by 2020.…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 24.08.16 17:14:39
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      ProMetic Life Sciences takes out Telesta Therapeutics
      Aug 24 2016, 07:24 ET | About: ProMetic Life Sciences... (PFSCF) | By: Douglas W. House, SA News Editor

      ProMetic Life Sciences (OTCQX:PFSCF) inks an agreement to acquire all the outstanding shares of Telesta Therapeutics (OTCPK:BNHLF) in an all-stock deal at $0.14 a share. The transaction should close no later than November.…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 14.09.16 14:45:12
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Es tut sich was...

      Horizon Pharma takes out Raptor Pharma for $800M

      Sep 12 2016, 07:32 ET | About: Horizon Pharma plc (HZNP) | By: Douglas W. House, SA News Editor

      Horizon Pharma (NASDAQ:HZNP) acquires Raptor Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:RPTP) for $9 a share in cash ($800M). The deal, to be financed with debt and cash, should close in Q4.

      Raptor's leading products are PROCYSBI (cysteamine bitartrate) delay-release capsules for the treatment of a rare metabolic disorder called nephropathic cystinosis and QUINSAIR (aerosolized levofloxacin) for the management of chronic pulmonary infections. Its revenue guidance for this year is $125M - 135M.

      Raptor closed Friday at $7.45.…

      Catalent acquires Pharmatek Labs in all-cash deal

      Sep 13 2016, 08:00 ET | About: Catalent (CTLT) | By: Douglas W. House, SA News Editor

      Catalent (NYSE:CTLT) inks an agreement to buy San Diego, CA-based Pharmatek Laboratories for an undisclosed sum, although Catalent says the amount is not material to its financial results.

      Pharmatek provides dosage form development and clinical-scale cGMP manufacturing of oral, injectable and topical products for more than 100 customers worldwide. Its particular competencies of value to Catalent are extensive early-phase drug development expertise, including spray drying which enhances the bioavailability of certain drugs, and experience handling highly potent compounds.…

      Allergan buys Vitae Pharmaceuticals for $21 a share

      Sep 14 2016, 08:27 ET | About: Allergan plc (AGN) | By: Douglas W. House, SA News Editor

      Allergan plc (NYSE:AGN) inks a deal to acquire Vitae Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:VTAE) for ~$639M in cash or $21 a share, almost a 160% premium to yesterday's close of $8.10.

      The transaction beefs up Allergan's dermatology pipeline with the addition of VTP-43742, a retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptor gamma inhibitor for the treatment of psoriasis and other autoimmune disorders and VTP-38543, a topical Liver X receptor beta selective agonist for the treatment of atopic dermatitis.

      The deal should close by year end.…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 20.09.16 14:25:33
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      TBRA wird von von AGN mit einem unglaublichen Premium übernommen (Kurs gestern USD 4.74):
      schrieb am 20.09.16 14:29:35
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()

      Allergan takes out Tobira for $28.35 and up to $49.84 in CVRs
      Sep 20 2016, 08:23 ET | About: Allergan plc (AGN) | By: Douglas W. House, SA News Editor

      Allergan (NYSE:AGN) inks an agreement to acquire nano cap Tobira Therapeutics (NASDAQ:TBRA) for $28.35 in upfront cash, a whopping six-fold premium to yesterday's close of $4.74. The potential consideration paid to TBRA shareholders could rise to $1.695B based on the successful completion of certain milestones [up to $49.84 in Contingent Value Rights (CVRs)] related to Tobira's lead product candidate cenicriviroc, in development for the treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).

      The extraordinary premium is even more surprising considering the failure of cenicriviroc in an earlier NASH study, although the company said the primary endpoint would not be required to support a marketing application. Allergan clearly agrees.

      Cenicriviroc is a dual inhibitor of proteins called CCR2 and CCR5 that play key roles in inflammation and fibrosis.

      Previously: Tobira's lead product candidate flunks mid-stage NASH study; shares plummet 54% premarket (July 25)…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 21.09.16 12:42:46
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Bemerkenswert, nochmals Allergan und nochmals NASH-Indikation:

      Allergan on a roll, buys another NASH therapy developer for $50M plus milestones
      Sep 20 2016, 16:39 ET | About: Allergan plc (AGN) | By: Douglas W. House, SA News Editor

      Allergan (NYSE:AGN) reinforces its commitment to the NASH space with its second acquisition in a day. It has acquired privately held Akarna Therapeutics for $50M in upfront cash plus unspecified milestones.

      Akarna develops small molecule drugs for the treatment of inflammatory and fibrotic diseases. Its lead product candidate is AKN-083, a preclinical-stage FXR agonist in development for the treatment of NASH. FXR (farnesoid X receptor) is a master regulator of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, bile-acid homeostasis, inflammation and fibrosis. FXR agonists reduce the expression of certain genes that control the synthesis of triglycerides in liver cells. They reduce liver steatosis (infiltration of liver cells with fat), lower the release of free fatty acids from fat tissue and reduce their uptake by the liver and improve tissues' responsiveness to insulin.

      Allergan announced its takeover of Tobira Therapeutics (NASDAQ:TBRA) this morning.…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 10.01.17 10:56:20
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Ein gutes neues Jahr allerseits.

      Takeda takes out ARIAD Pharma for $5.2B
      Jan. 9, 2017 8:10 AM ET|About: Takeda Pharmaceutical ... (TKPHF)|By: Douglas W. House, SA News Editor

      Takeda Pharmaceutical Company (OTCPK:TKPHF)(OTCPK:TKPYY) agrees to acquire ARIAD Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:ARIA) for $24 per share in cash ($5.2B). The deal represents a 75% premium over Friday's closing price of $13.74. The transaction should close by the end of next month.…

      Mal sehen, ob es ein gutes Jahr für Biotech und Übernahmen wird.

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 18.01.17 13:30:27
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Lilly to buy CoLucid for $960M in cash
      Jan. 18, 2017 7:06 AM ET|By: Douglas W. House, SA News Editor

      •Eli Lilly (NYSE:LLY) has agreed to acquire CoLucid Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:CLCD) for $46.50 per share in cash ($960M), more than a 33% premium to CoLucid's closing price of $34.90 yesterday. The deal should close by the end of the quarter.
      •Lilly expects to record an acquired in-process R&D charge of ~$850M related to the transaction (~$0.80/share) which will reduce its 2017 EPS guidance by the same amount. Non-GAAP EPS will not be affected.
      •CoLucid's lead product candidate is lasmiditan, an oral 5-HT1F agonist for the acute treatment of migraine.…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 08.12.17 08:43:57
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()

      Sucampo mulling acquisition offer; shares up 5%
      Dec. 7, 2017 3:15 PM ET|About: Sucampo Pharmaceutical... (SCMP)|By: Douglas W. House, SA News Editor

      •Bloomberg reports that Sucampo Pharmaceuticals (SCMP +4.7%) has received takeover interest. Management is apparently considering its options which may include making acquisitions itself.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 26.12.17 19:26:31
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Und Deal...

      Mallinckrodt seals deal for Sucampo Pharma
      Dec. 26, 2017 7:10 AM ET|About: Mallinckrodt PLC (MNK)|By: Stephen Alpher, SA News Editor

      Mallinckrodt (NYSE:MNK) has agreed to pay $18 per share in cash for Sucampo (NASDAQ:SCMP), for a total deal value of $1.2B.…

      Schöne Feiertage noch.
      schrieb am 09.01.18 08:04:13
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      Celgene und Novo Nordisk halten Fusionskarussell in Schwung
      Nachrichtenagentur: dpa-AFX | 08.01.2018, 10:50 | 298 | 0 | 0 SUMMIT/BAGSVAERD (dpa-AFX) - In der Pharmabranche dreht sich das Fusionskarussell weiter: In einem Milliardendeal schnappt sich der US-Pharmakonzern Celgene den Krebsspezialisten Impact Biomedicines. Derweil greift der dänische Insulinhersteller Novo Nordisk mit einem rund 2,6 Milliarden Euro schweren Bar-Angebot nach dem belgischen Biotechunternehmen Ablynx - doch das lehnt die Übernahme bislang ab.…

      Noch ein gutes neues Jahr
      schrieb am 22.01.18 13:44:26
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Quasi als Nachtrag bzw. jetzt offiziell:

      Celgene takes out Juno for $9B
      Jan. 22, 2018 6:44 AM ET|About: Celgene Corporation (CELG)|By: Douglas W. House, SA News Editor

      •Celgene (NASDAQ:CELG) has agreed to acquire Juno Therapeutics (NASDAQ:JUNO) for $87 per share in cash (~$9B), net of cash and marketable securities acquired and Juno shares already owned by Celgene (~9.7% stake).

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 22.01.18 13:46:34
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Sanofi nears $11.6B deal for Bioverativ
      Jan. 22, 2018 2:50 AM ET|By: Yoel Minkoff, SA News Editor

      •Sanofi (NYSE:SNY) is close to acquiring Bioverativ (NASDAQ:BIVV) for $105 a share, valuing the hemophilia drug maker - separated from Biogen (NASDAQ:BIIB) last year - at about $11.6B, according to multiple reports.…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 31.01.18 13:10:47
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Seattle Genetics to acquire Cascadian Therapeutics for $614M
      Jan. 31, 2018 6:43 AM ET|About: Cascadian Therapeutics... (CASC)|By: Douglas W. House, SA News Editor

      •Seattle Genetics (NASDAQ:SGEN) has agreed to acquire Cascadian Therapeutics (NYSE:CASC) for $10 per share in cash, more than a 69% premium to yesterday's closing price of $5.90. Total consideration will be ~$614M.…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 09.04.18 08:18:39
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      Novartis to buy AveXis for $8.7B
      Apr. 9, 2018 2:15 AM ET|About: AveXis (AVXS)|By: Yoel Minkoff, SA News Editor

      •Flush with cash... Novartis (NYSE:NVS) has agreed to buy AveXis (NASDAQ:AVXS) for $8.7B, or $218 per share, after agreeing to sell its stake in a consumer healthcare joint venture for $13B.…

      Gruß Oberländler
      schrieb am 03.12.18 16:02:02
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      Glaxo takes out Tesaro for $75/share in cash…

      Gruß Oberländler

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