
    BLINKX - die nächste Google ? - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 13.09.09 11:56:31 von
    neuester Beitrag 10.02.16 22:49:26 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 13.09.09 11:56:31
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Mich wundert es das es zu Blinkx noch gar keinen thread hier gibt :confused:

      dabei ist die Company als Suchmaschine vor allem im Bereich Video inzwischen sehr bekannt

      akt notiert der Kurs bei 18 GBpence, immer noch in der Nähe des Tiefs vom Dez 2008

      MK 48,6 Mio GBP
      Shares in issue: 278,128,180
      schrieb am 13.09.09 12:00:55
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Major Shareholders' Information % Holding

      Autonomy Corporation plc 9.9%
      F&C Asset Management plc 9.8%
      Lloyds Banking Group plc 9.3%
      Michael Lynch 8.6%
      William Blair & Co 8.5%
      JP Morgan Asset Management (UK) Limited 6.0%
      Barclays plc 5.1%
      Directors' Information % Holding
      Michael Lynch 8.63%
      Mark Opzoomer 0.06%
      Anthony Bettencourt 0.02%

      ergo befinden sich ca. 69% in festen Händen
      Freefloat 31%

      schrieb am 13.09.09 12:03:22
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Blinkx ist eine kostenfreie Suchmaschine die Informationen vom PC sowie aus dem Internet bereitstellt.

      Während sich ein Nutzer die Informationen einer Webseite ansieht, ober an einem Word-Dokument arbeitet, werkelt Blinkx im Hintergrund und weiss bereits nach kurzer Zeit, ob es ergänzende Informationen zu einem Dokument gibt. Auf dem Desktop erkennt Blinkx Textdateien, PDF, MS-Word, -Exel, -Power Point, Dateien einiger weniger E-Mail Clients sowie Bilder (.jpg) und Musik (.mp3-Dateien).

      Blinkx ist zum Zeitpunkt seiner Gründung ein Zwei-Personen Unternehmen. Der Computer Spezialist Suranga Chandratillake arbeitete 3 Jahre bei Autonomy. Im Jahr 2000 bot Autonomy den Desktop-Client Kenjin einige Monate zum kostenlosen Download an. Blinkx arbeitet in seiner Grundfunktion ähnlich wie damals Kenjin. Das Programm liest praktisch mit und sammelt im Hintergrund Informationen zum Dokument mit dem man sich gerade beschäftigt. In sogenannten Channels werden, die Informationskanäle abgefragt. Dazu gehören:

      * Lokale Dateien auf dem Desktop
      * World Wide Web
      * Online Nachrichten Seiten
      * Shopping Seiten (mit Einblendung bezahlter Anzeigen)
      * Weblogs
      * Nachrichten Videos (BBC)

      Schutz der Privatsphäre

      Blinkx spricht sich gegen Adware und Spyware aus, Programme, die in Verdacht stehen, die Privatsphäre der Nutzer zu missachten.
      Blinkx erklärt, das Nutzerverhalten wird nicht aufgezeichnet, die Nutzer bleiben anonym. Blinkx blendet lediglich klar gekennzeichnete kommerzielle Anzeigen in den Shopping-Kanal um sich zu finanzieren.
      Suche nach Dokumenten

      Für die Suche muss der Blinkx Client aufgerufen werden, was über das Symbol im System-Tray (Rechte Ecke unten) geschieht.

      Neben der normalen Eingabe mehrerer Worte, kann mittels Phrasensuche (Anführungszeichen) die Anfrage verfeinert werden (gilt nicht für die lokale Suche). Durch Eingabe von email, word, ppt oder pdf gefolgt vom Suchbegriff lässt sich die Suche auf spezielle Dateitypen eingrenzen. Oder Sie verwenden die entsprechenden Symbole neben der Suchmaske. Auch eine Datumssuche mit dem Format tt/mm/jj ist möglich.

      Blinkx möchte sich nicht mit den Grössen der Web-Suche, wie etwa Google, messen. Es verfügt über einen relativ kleinen Webindex von rund 60 Mill. Webseiten. Seine stärken bietet dieses Tool in der Kombination von lokaler und Web-Suche. Die Websuche kann aber alternativ statt mit der blinkx-Suche mit bekannten Suchmaschinen wie Google oder Yahoo! durchgeführt werden.

      schrieb am 13.09.09 12:07:31
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()

      ich sehe Blinkx als longinvest und denke das hier noch großes Aufwärtspotential vorhanden ist was den shareprice angeht

      Blinkx wird in Berlin gehandelt, Heimatbörse ist London

      wer kann der sollte direkt in London kaufen
      in Berlin ist der spread zu groß und der Handel zu gering
      schrieb am 13.09.09 12:10:13
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.969.324 von Elrond am 13.09.09 12:07:31übrigens auch als CFD über z.B. CMC oder IG Markets handelbar mit einer Margin Rate von 20%

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1250EUR +7,76 %
      East Africa Metals: Neues All-Time-High – die 276% Chance jetzt nutzen?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 13.09.09 12:16:38
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      der link zur Seite fehlt noch .... :p

      schrieb am 13.09.09 12:26:42
      Beitrag Nr. 7 () Video-Suchmaschine, die Premiuminhalte von Fernsehsendern und nutzergenerierte Clips intelligent erfasst.


      blinkx-screenDie Videosuchmaschine möchte so etwas wie die "Fernbedienung des Videowebs" sein - und gleichzeitig auch die Orientierung einer TV-Programmzeitschrift bieten: Die Macher behaupten, ihre Rechner würden bei jedem Video genau verstehen, worum es darin geht. Dabei setzt auf optische und akustische Erkennungsverfahren - und verzichtet auf die Verschlagwortung (Tagging) durch die Nutzer. Mehrere Millionen Stunden Videos sind erfasst - zusammengetragen aus den Mediatheken der Fernsehsender im Internet und den Video-Communitys á la YouTube. Seit Oktober 2007 werden auch deutsch-, französisch- und spanischsprachige Videos erfasst. Zuvor war die Suchmaschine ganz auf den us-amerikanischen und britischen Markt zugeschnitten.

      Blinkx bietet seine Dienste nicht nur für Endkunden an: Auch Real (Real Player) und Suchdienste wie und Lycos haben die Technologie lizensiert und in ihre Angebote integriert.

      + Plattformübergreifende Inhalte.
      + Riesige, gut sortiere Auswahl an Videos.

      - Geringer Bekanntheitsgrad in Europa.
      - Suchfunktion ist recht langsam.

      der noch geringe Bekanntheitsgrad ist für den Einsteiger derzeit noch der große Vorteil ;)

      schrieb am 13.09.09 13:06:09
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.969.301 von Elrond am 13.09.09 11:56:31dabei ist die Company als Suchmaschine vor allem im Bereich Video inzwischen sehr bekannt

      der noch geringe Bekanntheitsgrad ist für den Einsteiger derzeit noch der große Vorteil

      ja was denn nun :confused:
      zum pushen hast du jedenfalls kein Talent :laugh:
      schrieb am 13.09.09 14:44:22
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.969.470 von zocklany am 13.09.09 13:06:09wenn du genauer gelesen hättest, wäre dir nicht entgangen das ich etwas von longinvest geschrieben habe :p

      zudem kann man solche Werte, die in D kaum gehandelt werden, nicht ordentlich pushen

      und so vermessen, das es mir gelingen könnte einen Wert, der in London gelistet ist, zu pushen , bin ich nun doch nicht :laugh:
      schrieb am 13.09.09 15:58:43
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.969.301 von Elrond am 13.09.09 11:56:31

      Wenn Du hier so Ähnlichkeiten zu Google siehst -dann wäre es sehr nett, erst mal aufzuzeigen, ob die Geschäfszahlen auch so eine große Ähnlichkeit mit Denen von Google haben -oder irgendwas, was aaannähernd in die Richtung geht.:D ;)

      schrieb am 13.09.09 17:14:51
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.969.875 von Popeye82 am 13.09.09 15:58:43wenn die Geschäftszahlen ähnlich wie bei Google wären, stände die Aktie sicherlich woanders, oder ? .... :eek:

      Zahlen etc kommen nächste Woche ... jetzt wird gegrillt ... schließlich ist Sonntag :D
      schrieb am 13.09.09 17:31:12
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.970.064 von Elrond am 13.09.09 17:14:51
      Alles klar -also auch so ein Unternehmen, wo man die Geschäftszahlen lieber nicht mit zu reinstellt.:D ;)

      schrieb am 13.09.09 20:32:51
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.970.115 von Popeye82 am 13.09.09 17:31:12Popeye
      das ist doch Quatsch

      dies ist ein thread um zu diskutieren, nicht ein thread um euch die gebratene Gans in den Mund zu schieben
      ihr müßt auch schon ein wenig selbst recherchieren ....

      ich habe euch auf ein sehr gutes Invest aufmerksam gemacht ... mehr nicht

      wie sagt der Engländer so schön ?
      DYOR ;)
      schrieb am 13.09.09 22:34:27
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.970.694 von Elrond am 13.09.09 20:32:51

      Das ist doch Quatsch.

      Diskutieren ist doch super -aber Du hast dieses Unternehmen als aussichtsreich vorgestellt, da kann man schon mal als Minimum erwarten, dass Du auch etwas zu operativen Entwicklung/ungefähre Bewertung etc. anfügst -ganz speziell, da Du hier ja "die nächste Google vermutest".

      Von daher -war das jetzt eher ein Eigentor &kann ich nur zurückgeben.

      schrieb am 27.07.10 16:42:04
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Hallo User,

      aus aktuellem Interesse wurde dieser Thread wieder eröffnet.

      Viel Spaß wünscht Euch,
      Euer wallstreet : online - Team
      schrieb am 27.07.10 16:48:47
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      schrieb am 27.07.10 17:35:00
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert. Grund: auf eigenen Wunsch des Users
      schrieb am 28.07.10 10:29:31
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()

      Juli 15 - Daniel Stewart and Co. - Buy - Target Price STG 1.10
      Juli 16 - Citigroup - Buy - Target Price STG 1.00
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 05.08.10 10:18:26
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.887.997 von Papaguy am 28.07.10 10:29:31Techinvest schreibt (ca. August 4, 2010)

      The shares hit a high of 75.75p during the month, a more than sixfold rise from the low set as recently as May 7. Nervous profit-taking then set in following news that non-exec Director Mike Lynch, who is also Chief Executive of Autonomy, out of which blinkx was spun three years ago, had sold 750,000 shares. However, this represented only 3.1% of Dr. Lynch's holding.

      We think the shares still have a long way to go. Consider adding on further dips.…
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 06.08.10 13:00:49
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.932.532 von Papaguy am 05.08.10 10:18:26Motley Fool sagt Blinkx wird nach oben schiessen.…
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 12.08.10 08:14:33
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.941.297 von Papaguy am 06.08.10 13:00:49Bist du einer Meinung mit dem Hr. Fool?

      Bzw. ist damit auch die Börse in Berlin gemeint? 0.82€ klingt momentan ja nicht sehr spannend. :laugh:
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 15.08.10 09:09:48
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.970.765 von Stunt am 12.08.10 08:14:33Ich halte M. Fool für übertrieben, aber seine Meinung zeigt mir, dass er auch viel Potenzial bei blinkx sieht, auch bei diesem Niveau.

      Durch den erhöhten Aktienpreis, bekommt blinks von den Fonds viele Aufmerksamkeit. Auch von kleinen Anlegern.

      Die Aktien haben sich unter 70p stabiliziert - ich hoffe, dass die Aktien bald diese Marke durchbrechen werden. Ich halte STG 1.10 bis Ende des Jahres für realistisch - basiert auf eine Bestätigung des Gesachäftsmodels im November mit den Ergebnisse.

      Ich habe diese Aktien in London gekauft, aber alle Kommentaren sollen auch für Berlin gelten.
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 15.08.10 11:08:39
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      nicht schlecht Herr Specht ... :D

      schrieb am 16.08.10 16:33:15
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.986.228 von Papaguy am 15.08.10 09:09:48Aha...
      Ich bin schon gespannt wie sich die Aktie in Deutschland entwickeln wird. Momentan steht sie bei 0.82€.
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 19.08.10 10:53:23
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.991.612 von Stunt am 16.08.10 16:33:15Interessante Beitrag von einem englishen Blog (Praxision) (

      "My target price for Blinkx is 300p (circa £1bn mkt cap ) and I'd like to explain why.

      1. Knowing Dr Lynch, and I do, I don't think he is going to let Blinkx sell out too soon or too cheap to the first few offers from Google or Microsoft. I think he has a pet hate of British tech companies selling too early to US buyers and he isn't building Blinkx just to let it go for a song at this, the very start of the Internet video game.

      2. The Blinkx patent portfolio is extremely diverse and robust. The company has only just begun to commercialise some of the applications of its technologies. Google and Microsoft are desperate to equip their present and future properties with deep video search but it is likely that neither of them can even get started without infringing the Blinkx/Autonomy patents. They are up against an insurmountable IP barrier and, to make matters even trickier, the Blinkx-Autonomy licence arrangement is a triumph of barrier engineering science.

      3. Video advertising on desktop and mobile screens is going to be so much more important than any other kind of online advertising. Web users went banner blind ages ago and only the very smartest contextual/behavioural ad serving systems have any relevance in today's game. Tomorrow's game is video ads, and Blinkx is perfectly positioned to become the Double-Click of online and mobile video ads, pre-rolls, mid-rolls...and eyeball intrusion methods we haven't even contemplated yet.

      4. Google has eaten everyone's lunch in the textual search and keyword advertising space, and in the meta-data-based image search game. When the web began in 94/95, none of us foresaw just how important and how lucrative textual search was to become in the longer term. Time and again we have overestimated the short term value in dot com tech and grossly underestimated the long term implications. Why not take that serially repetitious error on board and really try to fathom Dr Lynch's long term vision for Blinkx?

      5. Once it settles down generating stable profits, Blinkx will easily be a PE ratio 30(ish) company. It is quite conceivable that Blinkx could, in the not too distant future, achieve profit levels around the £30m mark and, by using more and more cloud services as well as the infrastructure it's already built, could do this without needing to raise very large capital sums through any heavily dilutionary share issues.

      I've held BLNX patiently from when it hit bottom and have been reading this discussion board ever since. There have been many posts whose authors have been hitting all the right nails on the head, and others who have not been so fortunate or insightful in their analyses. How lucky we are to have such freedom to debate while the management of the companies under debate just get their heads down and get on with the execution."
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 20.08.10 09:17:32
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.011.110 von Papaguy am 19.08.10 10:53:23Mail Online (August 19/20, 2010):-

      One of the year's top performing stocks so far is video search engine Blinkx. It jumped a further 7p to 74.75p, and people in the know are confident that it will be trading above £1 before Christmas. Last month, Korea's Samsung Electronics selected Blinkx for participation in applications for Samsung phones

      Read more:…
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 22.08.10 22:54:49
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.018.316 von Papaguy am 20.08.10 09:17:32Sunday Times (August 22, 2010)

      "Small Stocks set to shine - Managers are looking beyond Britain's firms"

      "Blinkx 73p

      Another tip from Feld (Guy Feld, analyst on the Marlborough Special Situations Fund) Blinkx is a £231m video and "rich media" search engine spun out of enterprise search company Autonomy in May 2007 at 45p a share. It initially slumped, but has soared from 12p to 73p in just three months. "Blinkx was a classic case of technology coming to early", said Feld. He thinks the firm, which has an index of more than 35m hours of searchable video, could become as well known as Google as broadband makes video search more viable."
      schrieb am 23.08.10 13:39:54
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.011.110 von Papaguy am 19.08.10 10:53:23Vielen Dank für den sehr interessanten Arktikel!

      Da werde ich doch demnächst einsteigen müssen :)
      schrieb am 01.10.10 09:21:30
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 11.10.10 10:36:22
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.246.023 von Stunt am 01.10.10 09:21:30Trading Update

      blinkx Expects to Report First Half Revenue of approximately $27M, An Increase of around 100%

      Schedules First Half Results and Conference Call for 9 November 2010

      SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. - Oct 11, 2010 - blinkx, the world's largest and most advanced video search engine, today announces a trading update for the 6 months ended 30 September 2010. The Company expects to report revenues for the first half of approximately $27m, an increase of around 100% from the same period last year. The number of video searches and ads served also grew significantly. With revenues growing strongly, the Company expects to report an operating profit above $1m for the first half that will be ahead of current analyst consensus of $0.63m for the period. Since the year ended 31 March 2010 the Company's cash has increased by approximately $2m to around $17m, reflecting the positive cash profile of the group.

      Suranga Chandratillake, founder and CEO, blinkx, commented, "Video advertising is the fastest-growing format online - eMarketer estimates continued growth in spending of almost 500% over the next four years to $11.3 billion in 2014. This powerful momentum underscores the vitality of our business model. Over the last six months, blinkx has continued to experience strong user demand, with ever increasing numbers of searches placing in the Top 100 sites. We also continue to exploit new applications and platforms that represent additional markets for our existing search engine and content partnerships. We expect to further accelerate the growth of our business and given our market position remain confident of the outlook."


      - Premium content partnerships announced during the half include deals with the BBC, AccuWeather and Internet Video Archive

      - Strategic entry-points established in the mobile market, including the launch of and distribution deals with Evri, Mobica, and Samsung which brought blinkx to iPhone and Android devices

      - Significant progress achieved in desktop distribution and the proliferation of our partnership with ITN, and a joint initiative with Microsoft to release blinkx-powered Accelerators for Internet Explorer 8

      - blinkx continued its beta release programme for Cheep, the transaction hijacker product, including a successful closed test with external users and bloggers

      The company expects to announce its results for the 6 months to 30 September 2010 on 9 November 2010.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 11.10.10 11:12:15
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.297.500 von Papaguy am 11.10.10 10:36:22Cannacord - Blinkx (BLNX : BUY : TP 101p : MV £253 million) H1/11 ahead of expectations; company expects further acceleration – Alan Howard, 020 7050 6644 Event Trading update ahead of interim results on 9 November. • Interim results ahead of expectations. • H1/11 sales up 100% to US$27 million (CG estimate: US$25 million). • H1/11 EBITA US$1 million (CG estimate: US$0.86 million). • Expects to “further accelerate growth” and remain confident of outlook. Impact • A very encouraging result, indicating that Blinkx continues to post triple-digit growth in both search volumes and advertising revenues on the back of its market-leading online video search engine and the compelling proposition it offers to advertisers in the fast-growing online video advertising market. • The company’s core strategy of building its business through content and distribution partnerships continues to bear fruit, and H1/11 represents the first move into profitability (at the pre-tax line) for the group. With the business model remaining robust, and growth continuing, we expect earnings to benefit from clear operating leverage going forward. On the basis of this announcement, there appears to be upside to our pre-tax profit forecasts of US$5.9 million (FY11) and US$20.9 million (FY12). • Also encouraging is management’s confidence that the business will see “accelerated growth” in coming periods, on the back of the substantial opportunities not only in PC-based advertising (eMarketer estimates the market will grow four times by 2014), but also from expanding distribution platforms such as mobile and webTV. Although these platforms are at an infant stage of development, the company is well positioned to exploit the likely future demand for video search, given deals both already in place and under discussion. Valuation • At 3.8 times C11 sales, Blinkx trades at a discount to both Google (7.0 times) and Yahoo! (4.0 times), and given its superior near- and medium-term growth potential, we remain of the view that there is significant upside. • The shares are trading at a 28% discount to our DCF-based target price of 101p.
      schrieb am 15.10.10 09:27:23
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      blinkx plc

      ("blinkx" or "the Company")

      Placing of new ordinary shares



      blinkx plc proposed placing of up to 23,213,763 new ordinary shares

      SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.- Oct 15, 2010 - blinkx, the world's largest and most

      advanced video search engine, today announces the intention to place ("Placing")

      up to 23,213,763 new ordinary shares ("Placing Shares") representing

      approximately 7.5 per cent. of blinkx's existing issued share capital

      immediately prior to the Placing (and representing approximately 7.0% of the

      expected enlarged issued ordinary share capital of the Company).

      The Placing will be conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions set

      out in the Appendix. The Placing will be effected by way of an accelerated

      bookbuilding to be managed by Citigroup Global Markets U.K. Equity Limited. (the

      "Manager") The book will open with immediate effect. The timing of the closing

      of the book, pricing and allocations is at the absolute discretion of the

      Manager. The price at which the Placing Shares are to be placed (the "Placing

      Price") and the number of Placing Shares will be agreed by blinkx with the

      Manager at the close of the accelerated bookbuilding period. Details of the

      Placing Price and the number of Placing Shares will be announced as soon as

      practicable after the close of the bookbuilding process.

      The Placing is conditional upon, amongst other things, admission of the Placing

      Shares to AIM becoming effective and the Placing Agreement between the Company

      and the Manager not being terminated prior to Admission.

      Background and reasons for the Placing

      blinkx plc (LSE AIM: BLNX.L) is the world's largest and most advanced video

      search engine, enhanced by $150M in R&D over 12 years and is now protected by

      110 patents. blinkx's TV and Video search index performs over 22 million

      searches every day and the company has partnered with over 720 media companies,

      including the BBC, AccuWeather and Internet Video Archive.

      The Placing is being conducted to further strengthen blinkx's balance sheet and

      to provide additional funding to support blinkx's growth strategy.

      Autonomy Corporation plc, the Company's largest shareholder, intends to

      subscribe for shares in the Placing.
      8 Antworten
      schrieb am 15.10.10 12:23:51
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.326.921 von Papaguy am 15.10.10 09:27:23Kapitalerhöhung ist schon vorbei!

      RNS Number : 4681U
      Blinkx Plc
      15 October 2010


      blinkx plc

      ("blinkx" or "the Company")

      Result of Placing


      SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.- Oct 15, 2010 - blinkx, the world's largest and most
      advanced video search engine, is pleased to announce the successful completion
      of the placing (the "Placing") announced earlier today.

      A total of 23,213,763 new ordinary shares in blinkx (the "Placing Shares") have
      been placed by Citigroup Global Markets U.K. Equity Limited, with new and
      existing institutional shareholders (including Autonomy Corporation plc) at a
      price of 84 pence per Placing Share (the "Placing Price"). Based on the Placing
      Price, the gross proceeds of the Placing will be approximately GBP19.5 million
      (US$31.2 million). The Placing Shares being issued represent approximately 7.0%
      of the expected enlarged issued ordinary share capital of the Company.

      The Placing Shares will, when issued, be credited as fully paid and will rank
      pari passu in all respects with the existing ordinary shares of blinkx,
      including the right to receive all dividends and other distributions declared,
      made or paid after the date of issue.

      Issue of New Shares

      Application has been made to London Stock Exchange plc for admission to trading
      of the Placing Shares on AIM, a market of London Stock Exchange plc ("AIM")

      It is expected that Admission will become effective on or around 20 October 2010
      and that dealings in the Placing Shares will commence at that time.

      Total Voting Rights

      For the purposes of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, the Company's total
      issued share capital following the completion of the Placing will consist of
      332,730,608 ordinary shares of 1p each with one voting right per share. There
      are no shares held in treasury.

      The above figure may be used by shareholders as the denominator for the
      calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their
      interest in, or a change to their interest in, the Company, under the Disclosure
      and Transparency Rules.
      7 Antworten
      schrieb am 26.10.10 17:35:37
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.328.492 von Papaguy am 15.10.10 12:23:51blinkx meldet heute sein neues Produkt - "cheep." Durch ein add-on erkennt es, dass Sie nach einem bestimmten Produkt suchen, und zeigt Ihnen wo Sie es noch (billiger) einkaufen können. Es gibt auch die Möglichkeit mit anderen über das Produkt über Social Netzwerke zu diskutieren.…

      There are a vast amount of product comparison sites on the web and a number of social shopping sites that allow online shoppers use their social graph to share purchasing decisions. Today video search engine Blinkx is trying to combine the two functionalities with the launch of Cheep, a social shopping service.

      Through a browser add-on (which currently only works on Firefox or IE), Cheep recognizes when you’re looking at a specific product and will show you current price comparisons from around the Web, as well as reviews and ratings. Cheep will appear as a small bar at the top of your screen when you’re looking at a product page. The startup has indexed millions of products nearly 200 online retailers, including Amazon, BestBuy and Walmart, so chances are that Cheep will be able to find the product you are viewing within your browser.

      Beyond the add-on, Cheep is also a standalone social network that encourages users to share their shopping activity, including purchases, wishlists, likes, reviews and more; with other Cheep members. The startup is also creating profiles for millions of products, which users can share on Facebook and Twitter.

      I doubt I’d really use the online community side of Cheep but the browser add-on could be useful. The ability to receive automatic, contextual information such as alternative reviews or prices for a product without having open another browser tab for a search is appealing.
      6 Antworten
      schrieb am 29.10.10 18:01:22
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.393.339 von Papaguy am 26.10.10 17:35:37blinkx (Beat) auf Google TV

      SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.—October 29, 2010—blinkx, the world’s largest and most advanced video search engine, today announced the launch of blinkx Beat for Google TV. blinkx Beat, blinkx’s popular Web channel of viral videos, has been polished and perfected for the big-screen, lean-back experience of television.
      blinkx Beat is a riveting playlist of the latest and greatest online videos—hilarious bloopers, amazing stunts, ridiculous pranks and cute animals—and it will be available in full-screen, with single button control, at You can replay videos that you like, share them with your friends, or simply sit back and enjoy!
      “blinkx Beat was designed and built to be watched like television,” said Suranga Chandratillake, founder and CEO of blinkx. “It’s an addictive channel of snackable videos which offers an ideal sit-back and surf experience and we’re thrilled to make it available through Google TV.”
      About blinkx
      blinkx plc (LSE AIM: BLNX) is the world's largest and most advanced video search engine. Today, blinkx has indexed more than 35 million hours of audio, video, viral and TV content, and made it fully searchable and available on demand. blinkx's founders set out to solve a significant challenge – as TV and user-generated content on the Web explode, keyword-based search technologies only scratch the surface. blinkx's patented search technologies listen to – and even see – the Web, helping users enjoy a breadth and accuracy of search results not available elsewhere. In addition, blinkx powers the video search for many of the world's most frequented sites. blinkx is based in San Francisco and London. More information is available at
      5 Antworten
      schrieb am 29.10.10 18:05:23
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.417.817 von Papaguy am 29.10.10 18:01:22blinkx schedules First Half Results and Conference Call for 9 November 2010

      Auschnitt aus dem Trading Update "blinkx Expects to Report First Half Revenue of approximately $27M, An Increase of around 100%"
      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 05.11.10 14:19:34
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.417.847 von Papaguy am 29.10.10 18:05:23Vorabgedanken von "citi."

      "We rate Blinkx Buy/Speculative."

      Blinkx (1S) 1H10 Results • Event Preview — Blinkx is due to report 1H results before the open on Tuesday 9 November. The company has already given a clear pre-close trading update indicating that it is on track to deliver $27m of revenue and c.$1m of operating profit in the 1H. This compares with Citi/Consensus at $25-$26m and $0.5-$0.8m respectively and leaves the group on track to hit our FY estimates of $58m and $5.6m respectively. • Focus — We see three areas of focus at the results. First, we are looking forward to an update on some of the operational KPIs, in particular video search volume growth. A steeper gradient of search volume growth is the most direct way for the group to deliver EPS upgrades. A secondary focus will be cash usage. Following the recent capital raise, the group has nearly $50m of cash on its balance sheet. Acquired search volume is an alternative driver of revenue upside. Third, following its recent public launch, we look for an early view on prospects for the group’s transaction highjacking offering, cheep ( • Action — Whether it is organic, or via acquisition, momentum looks like it will continue to be positive for Blinkx’s core video search business. While we anticipate something of a slow burn on the transaction hijacking business, we note that our forecasts include limited revenue/profit (sub £5m) longer-term. Overall we are upbeat on prospects for the group, and see the 1H results as a further positive potential catalyst for the group. We would be long going into results. • Valuation and Investment Case: Still Bullish — Having rallied from little over 15p to 86p now (via 100p at one point), valuation is no longer as extreme as it was. Blinkx trades at 17x 2012E (March Y/E) EV/EBITDA and 26x 2012E P/E. However, while this appears extreme in a sector context, with a 3-year revenue/EPS CAGR of 25%/70% respectively we expect the multiple to fall fast. We believe a DCF-based analysis justifies a FV of c. 100p implying an ETR of 15%. We rate Blinkx Buy/Speculative. • Meeting/Conference Call Details — The company will host an investor meeting at 11am UK time. The meeting will be held at Financial Dynamics, Holborn Gate, 26 Southampton Buildings, London, WC2A 1PB. The meeting will also have a dial-in: +1 866 803 8344 (U.S.), +44 (0)20 7162 0125 (U.K. and Europe), password: blinkx. It will also be webcast at
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 09.11.10 19:08:35
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.463.150 von Papaguy am 05.11.10 14:19:34BLINKX PLC ANNOUNCES RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2010

      blinkx achieves profitability and positive operating cash flow, doubles revenue year on
      blinkx's interim period conference call will be webcast live at on
      9 November, 2010, at 11:00 a.m. GMT/6:00 a.m. EST/3:00 a.m. PST.
      Cambridge, England and San Francisco, CA - 9 November 2010 - blinkx PLC (BLNX.L), the
      world’s largest video search engine, today reported financial results for the six months ended 30 September 2010.

      Financial Highlights
      Six months to
      30 September
      Six months to
      30 September
      $'000 $'000
      Revenues 27,363 13,092
      Gross profit 17,712 8,483
      Profit / (Loss) before taxation 2,024 (7,346)
      Profit / (Loss) for the period 2,024 (6,962)
      Earnings / (Loss) per share (cents) Cents Cents
      Basic 0.66 (2.5)
      Diluted 0.64 (2.5)
      $’000 $’000
      Cash generated / (used ) by operating activities 2,221 (8,061)
      Cash balance as at 30 September 16,867 10,753
      Revenue more than doubled to $27.4m from $13.1m in H1 FY10
      Gross profit up 109% to $17.7m from H1 FY10. Gross margin was 65 % (unchanged from H1
       Operating profit of $2.0m, compared with an operating loss of $7.4m for H1 FY10
       Profit before tax of $2.0m, compared with a loss before tax of $7.3m for H1 FY10
      $2.3m cash generated during the period resulting in a closing balance of $16.9m
       Video streams in the US grew by 107% from September 2009 to September 2010 (comScore)
       Average Daily Search run rate during the period was 31.6 million searches per day, compared
      with 13.1 million per day in H1 FY10
       Average deal size for video advertising bookings increased by 40% from the H2 FY10
       New premium content partnerships, including the BBC, Bloomberg and AccuWeather
       Strategic entry-points established in the mobile market, significantly extending addressable
       Continued growth of AdHoc advertising platform, with new clients including Nokia, McDonalds,
      Mercedes and American Express
       $31m placing of new shares in October 2010 to provide additional funding to support
      blinkx’s growth strategy
      Commenting on the interim results Suranga Chandratillake, founder and CEO of blinkx, said:
      The six months ending September 30, 2010 have been game-changing. blinkx transitioned into
      profitability and generated cash as we more than doubled revenue from the same period last year.
      Since our IPO, we have clearly and consistently demonstrated the strength of blinkx’s business model.
      Our video search offering continues to draw an ever larger global audience, through an ever
      increasing number of distribution points - video streams in the US grew by 107% over the past year.
      We established the foundation to take blinkx to mobile users on a variety of devices, and saw
      continued growth in searches from desktop applications. At the same time, the unique value
      proposition of our online video advertising platform, AdHoc, has attracted larger budgets from a
      growing roster of brand advertisers with the average size of video advertising deals up by 40% from
      the previous half.”
      Mr. Chandratillake continued: “With video advertising forecast to increase almost 500% over the next
      four years, per IDC, reaching $11.3 billion by 2014, blinkx is perfectly positioned to profit from the
      increasing dominance of online media and the continued momentum towards ROI-driven advertising.
      Given this strong industry backdrop and our market position, we remain confident of the outlook.”
      Financial Highlights
      For the six months ended 30 September 2010 (H1 2011), revenues totaled $27.4 million, an increase
      of 109% over the $13.1 million in revenues reported for the 6 months ended 30 September 2009 (H1
      2010). Gross profit for H1 2011 was $17.7 million representing a gross margin of 65%. Gross profit
      for H1 2010 was $8.5 million, representing a gross margin of 65%. Net profit for H1 2011 was $2.0
      million. Net loss for H1 2010 was $7.0 million. Earnings per share for H1 2011 was 0.66 cents
      (basic) and 0.64 cents (fully diluted). Loss per share for H1 2010 was 2.5 cents (basic and fully
      diluted). blinkx’s cash balance at 30 September 2010 was $16.9 million (30 September 2009: $10.8
      Customer and Business Developments
      blinkx made significant advances in its distribution strategy during the period, including further
      expansion of its partnership with ITN to deliver advertising around ITN content on a variety of newsoriented
      websites, and a joint initiative with Microsoft to release blinkx-powered Accelerators for
      Internet Explorer 8, which embedded blinkx functionality into the browser.
      Over the past six months, blinkx’s targeted advertising products continued to attract global brand
      advertisers. As the Internet claimed a growing share of ad budgets, leaders from across a breadth of
      industries, such as Nokia, McDonalds, Mercedes and American Express, capitalized on blinkx’s
      unique video advertising platform, booking campaigns through top agencies, including Universal
      McCann, Ogilvy and Grey Group.
      On the content front, blinkx continued to expand its roster of premier media partners, including the
      addition of programming from diverse industry leaders, such as the BBC, Bloomberg and
      Product and Technology Developments
      On-going research & development (R&D) spend increased by18%. On-going R&D expenditure was
      $4.7m in the period, which includes $0.6m of capitalized R&D ($nil H1 FY10), compared with $4.0m
      in the H1 FY10, excluding the $1.4m of one-time R&D costs reported at the time. While economies
      of scale allowed the company to reduce infrastructure costs, blinkx emphasized its
      commitment to the research and development of cutting edge technology by increasing
      engineering headcount by 17%.
      During the period, blinkx made a strong entrance into the mobile arena, establishing strategic entrypoints
      in the market with the launch of, the release of its first mobile application, and
      the introduction of an API to open its index of mobile video to application developers and distribution
      partners. blinkx's Video Search engine is now available on the iPhone and Android-based devices.
      Over the past six months, blinkx also continued its beta release programme for Cheep, the transaction
      hijacker product, including a successful closed test with external users and bloggers.
      About blinkx PLC
      blinkx (London AIM: BLNX) is the world's most comprehensive video search engine. Today, blinkx
      has indexed more than 35 million hours of audio, video, viral and TV content, and made it fully
      searchable and available on demand. blinkx's founders set out to solve a significant challenge – as TV
      and user-generated content on the Web explode, keyword-based search technologies only scratch the
      surface. blinkx's patented search technologies listen to – and even see – the Web, helping users enjoy a
      breadth and accuracy of search results not available elsewhere. In addition, blinkx powers the video
      search for many of the world's most frequented sites. blinkx is based in San Francisco and London.
      More information is available at
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 10.11.10 09:45:14
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.486.544 von Papaguy am 09.11.10 19:08:35Update von "citi" (fett ist von mir)

      massive upside Blinkx (1S) U/L Moving In The Right Direction; Cash Usage the Opportunity Current Price: £0.89 Target Price: £1.07 (up from £1.00) • What's Changing in this Report? — We upgrade 2011E EPS by 14%, albeit from a low base. While u/l momentum is strong, the recent capital raise acts as a drag on LT ests. Given increased share count and limited return on cash, 2012-14E EPS only moves up 0%-1%. We upgrade our PT to 107p to reflect EBITA upgrades plus the raised cash. Finally, we reduce our risk code from Speculative to High Risk. • 1H Results Strong; But Basically In Line — 1H revenues/operating profit were strong at $27.4m/$2.0m respectively (cf. guidance of $27m/>$1m). The key highlight was the move into profitability as well as the strong cash generation. • KPIs Supportive; 2011E Forecasts Upgraded — Search volume growth was strong, up >100% YoY and c. 40% sequentially (1H11 on 2H10). While sequential revenue growth (c. +33%) implies a pull back in monetization (driven by mobile), trends remain strong. We raise FY revenue ests. to $59.5m (vs. $58m) and now expect FY EBITA at $6.5m ($5.6m). An 18% upgrade albeit against a small base. • Longer-term Upgrades Offset by Capital Raise… — Longer-term, u/l upgrades are absorbed by the recent capital raise, which increases the share count for little appreciable return (we forecast <1% return p.a. on $45m+ of cash). • … But Cash Usage a Big Opportunity — If Blinkx could buy in distribution at the same EV/Monetisable Search Volume ratio as itself (each 1bn search volume worth c. $49m), full use of cash could add as much as 850m to aggregate searches. At their current monetization rate/CPM this would add $5m to revenue/$3.3m to op. profit, a c. 15% potential upgrade to our current 2012E EPS. In practice it could be more. • Raising PT (to 107p); Reducing Risk Code; Staying Buyers — We upgrade our PT to 107p from 100p in line with the u/l move in ests and stick with a Buy. While valuation is full 16x 2011E EV/EBITDA and 27x P/E, we believe current growth (25% revenue CAGR/61% EPS CAGR) justifies this. Reflecting positive momentum and the move into profit, we also move the risk code to High from Speculative
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 10.11.10 13:55:28
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.489.978 von Papaguy am 10.11.10 09:45:14Ich denke die Zahlen sind sehr gut und gehe auch inZukunft wieder von steigenden Kursen aus. Muss man abwarten. Der Anstieg der letzten Monate war zu steil und es war klar das jetzt konsolodiert wird. Nur heute ist es zu stark.

      Abwarten und Tee trinken.

      Eine blinkx am Anfang könnte die Snap Interactive sein.
      schrieb am 25.11.10 22:59:01
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      den kleinen Rücksetzer konnte man nochmal zum kaufen nutzen ...
      schrieb am 10.04.11 08:30:22
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Was für ein Anstieg über 28% in einer Woche. So kann es gerne weiter gehen :D
      schrieb am 13.04.11 12:25:53
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.— April 8, 2011 — blinkx, the world’s largest and most advanced video search engine, today announces a trading update for the year ended 31 March 2011. Following good interim results, trading for the second half of the financial year has continued to be strong. The Company expects to report revenues greater than US$65 million, an increase of over 90% from last year (ahead of analyst expectations), and to report an operating profit above the current analyst consensus estimates of US$6.7m (after share based compensation charges) for the financial year ended 31 March 2011 before one-time costs associated with the acquisition of Burst Media Corporation.

      The Company also announces today that it has entered into a definitive agreement with Burst Media Corporation (“Burst”) pursuant to which blinkx will acquire the entire issued and to be issued shares of common stock of Burst for an aggregate consideration of US$30 million to be satisfied by the issue of new blinkx shares and, for Non-Accredited Investors, in cash. Further details can be found in the related announcement released today.


      •New content partnerships announced during the second half of the financial year include deals with VideoJug, Howdini, and TVGuide
      •Introduction of blinkx TV API provides partners in the Connected TV ecosystem – from box makers and TV manufacturers, to app developers and game consoles – access to blinkx’s index of over 35 million hours of online video
      •New distribution agreements with Boxee, GoogleTV and Woomi increase blinkx’s footprint in the OTT and IPTV space
      •Exclusive strategic partnerships with Belgacom to power video search across its new entertainment platform
      •Samsung Electronics selected blinkx for inclusion on its first tablet device, the GALAXY Tab powered by the Android Operating system 2.2

      The Company has cash of approximately $52.8m, an increase from the $17m reported for the half year ended 30 September 2010. Cash consideration for the Burst Media Corporation acquisition is not expected to exceed $4.5m.

      The company expects to announce its results for the year ended 31 March 2011 on 18 May 2011.

      Suranga Chandratillake, founder and CEO, blinkx, commented, “We have continued to see strong momentum in the business during the course of the year with a revenue increase of over 90% on the prior year. This strong performance was driven by increased traffic on the blinkx site and the continued success of our advertising platform, AdHoc, in attracting new and repeat advertising customers such as Microsoft and Toyota. During the year we have continued to develop our cross-platform proposition, including the launch of blinkx mobile and our Application Programming Interface for the connected TV space.

      Separately today we have announced the acquisition of Burst. This is an exciting development which will bring blinkx’s 35 million hours of online video and TV to Burst’s audience of over 130 million unique users.”
      schrieb am 13.04.11 12:27:37
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      8 April 2011
      Bringing online video to a wider audience: delivering blinkx’s 35 million hours of content to Burst’s 130 million unique users
      The Boards of blinkx plc (AIM:BLNX), the world’s largest video search engine (“blinkx” or the “Company”) and Burst Media Corporation (AIM:BRST), the online advertising services and technology business (“Burst”) are pleased to announce today that they have entered into a definitive agreement (the “Merger Agreement”) pursuant to which blinkx will acquire the entire issued and to be issued shares of common stock of Burst for an aggregate consideration of US$30 million (£18.5 million) to be satisfied by the issue of New Blinkx Shares and, for Non-Accredited Investors, in cash (the “Acquisition”).

      The combination of the two companies will bring blinkx’s 35 million hours of online video and TV to Burst’s audience of over 130 million unique users (source: comScore Media Metrix December 2010). blinkx will create contextually relevant video channels for Burst’s network of publishers, thereby aggregating an online video audience for advertisers across long tail internet sites, which will rival the scale of television networks.

      Transaction Highlights

      •Burst’s network of publishing partners reaches over 61 per cent. of the US online population. It ranks as the 36th largest US media property and the 30th largest UK media property on the internet (source: comScore Media Metrix December 2010). Working together with web publishers and advertisers, Burst enables brands to reach loyal, highly segmented audiences in a quality-assured environment
      •Following the Acquisition, blinkx intends to drive significant expansion of its audience through embedding relevant videos and video channels into Burst’s network of publisher sites. In addition to improving the user experience for consumers, this is expected to allow for the sale of video advertising, which typically attracts a significantly higher CPM, increasing the revenue earned by sites that carry the combined solution
      •Targeted changes taken to focus Burst’s business mean the Acquisition is expected to have a go-forward revenue run rate of US$33 to 34 million. blinkx expects the Acquisition to be earnings accretive for the year ending 31 March 2012
      •blinkx believes that Burst customers will benefit from working with the internet’s leading video search engine with greater financial resources, technology leadership and additional customer-facing strengths in sales and support. The display banner advertising that is currently sold on Burst’s networks attracted an average CPM of US$1.49 over the year ended 31 December 2010; blinkx's standard, untargeted video pre-rolls were priced at a CPM of US$20 in 2010, reflecting the demand for its highly engaging contextual video advertising products. blinkx believes that the combined group will be able to realise some of the differential between these two rates and share the resulting value with its publishers through combining the scale of Burst’s network with blinkx’s video products. Given this should also deliver an improved, richer experience for end users, blinkx believes the combination will represent a win-win-win proposition for users, publishers and advertisers
      •The majority of Burst’s senior management team will continue with the combined group, with Jarvis Coffin, Co-Founder and CEO of Burst and David Stein, Co-Founder and CTO of Burst remaining in temporary roles to assist transition
      •blinkx’s cash balance on 31 March 2011 was approximately US$52.8 million. Cash consideration payable under the terms of the Acquisition is not expected to exceed US$4.5 million
      •Pursuant to the Merger Agreement Burst stockholders will receive US$0.4093 (25.08 pence) in cash or New Blinkx Shares, per Burst Share held by them (the “Per Share Amount”)

      Commenting on the Acquisition, Suranga Chandratillake, Chief Executive of blinkx, said:

      "In just a few years, we have seen online video advertising become the fastest growing segment of online advertising. Up until now, the primary barrier to further television advertising budgets moving online has been online video’s inability to match the sheer scale of audience that television can deliver. We are extremely excited about the Acquisition as it will allow us to overcome that challenge: by fusing blinkx’s unique patented technology and large video index with Burst’s massive reach, we will have the potential to create personalised, online television that is watched by hundreds of millions of users."

      Commenting on the Acquisition, Jarvis Coffin, Chief Executive of Burst, said:

      “Since 1995, Burst has supported the interests of vertical web sites online and the loyal users that depend on them for the information they need and want. By combining with blinkx and its enormous video index, we will be able to substantially enhance our users’ experience with high quality, relevant video, and also improve monetisation for our publishers through high value video advertising.

      Burst stockholders are receiving a substantial premium for their Burst Shares and those who receive their consideration in New Blinkx Shares will hold stock in a bigger, more liquid company with an opportunity to participate in the high growth online video market where blinkx is one of the market leaders.”
      schrieb am 13.04.11 17:17:57
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()

      schrieb am 27.04.11 14:49:23
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Macht Spass... :)
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 27.04.11 15:36:08
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.416.893 von Stunt am 27.04.11 14:49:23in der Tat ...... :laugh:
      schrieb am 13.05.11 12:26:05
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      und weiter rauf .... :laugh:
      schrieb am 17.05.11 10:41:12
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      wo sollte man die aktie am besten kaufen ?
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 17.05.11 14:38:41
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.512.765 von mat0r am 17.05.11 10:41:12Also, mir war sie bei 80 cent schon zu teuer, und nun habe ich 100% verpasst, so kann man sich irren...
      schrieb am 17.05.11 15:03:40
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      ob die über 1,70 geht ?
      schrieb am 17.05.11 16:18:11
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      ich würde nun nicht mehr einsteigen nach dem Anstieg ....
      aber wer weiss .... :confused:
      schrieb am 19.05.11 10:13:06
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      Cambridge, England and San Francisco, CA - 18 May 2011 - blinkx PLC (AIM: BLNX), the world's largest video search engine, today reported unaudited financial results for the year ended 31 March 2011.

      Financial Summary:

      Year ended 31 March 2011 (unaudited)
      Year ended 31 March 2010



      Gross profit

      Profit / (loss) from operations before acquisition costs*

      Profit / (loss) from operations

      Profit / (loss) for the year before acquisition costs*

      Profit / (loss) for the year

      Earnings / (loss) per share

      Adjusted basic*


      Adjusted diluted*



      Cash generated by / (used in) operating activities

      Cash balance

      *Excludes costs of $1.2m related to the acquisition of Burst Media Corporation ("Burst") incurred prior to the year end, which completed post year end on 9 May 2011. (FY2010: nil).


      · Revenue increased over 96% from FY2010 to $66.1m

      · Profit from operations before acquisition costs up $16.2m from a loss of $9.0m in FY2010 to a profit of $7.2m in FY2011

      · Net cash generated by operating activities of $8.4 m (FY2010: $10.6m cash used by operations)

      · Video streams in the UK and US grew by over 155% (comScore)

      · Average Daily Video Search run rate increased to 44.5 million searches per day in H2 FY2011

      · Continued growth of AdHoc advertising platform, with new clients including Kleenex, Mercedes, and American Express

      · Introduction of blinkx Internet TV API and new distribution agreements with Boxee, Google TV, Amino and Woomi increase blinkx's footprint in the OTT and Internet TV space

      · Launch of blinkx Mobile API opens blinkx Video Index to distribution partners, and agreements with Samsung and Evri bring blinkx to iPhone and further Android devices

      · Raised gross proceeds of $31.2m in the year from equity issue

      · Acquisition of Burst Media (announced in April 2011) for an aggregate consideration of $30m completed in early May 2011

      Commenting on the preliminary results Suranga Chandratillake, founder and CEO of blinkx, said: "We're delighted to report another strong performance this year delivering results ahead of analyst consensus on all key metrics. We have maintained powerful momentum in the business, with revenue increasing over 96% on the prior year and a movement into a position of full year profitability with robust cash flow.

      This achievement was driven by a number of factors, including the robust growth of traffic on the blinkx site and the ongoing success of our advertising platform, AdHoc, in attracting new and repeat advertising customers such as Kleenex and Microsoft. During the year we also continued to expand our cross-platform distribution initiatives, through partnering with industry leaders like Samsung, the launch of blinkx mobile and the release of our Application Programming Interface for the Internet TV space."

      Mr. Chandratillake continued: "While we continue to draw an ever larger global audience through a growing number of distribution points, increasing our video streams by more than 155% over the year, we also recently announced the acquisition of Burst Media. This exciting development will allow us to bring blinkx's 35 million hours of online video and TV to Burst's network of over 157 million unique users. It will fuse our unique patented technology and large video index with Burst's massive reach, and enable us to create personalised, online television that is watched by hundreds of millions of users.

      Video ads remain the fastest-growing online ad format, and, in recent research, eMarketer has forecast that the market will be worth $5.7 billion by 2014 up from $1.4 million in 2010. blinkx is ideally positioned in this sector, and, while we are mindful of uncertainties in the broader economic environment, we believe we have established a robust foundation from which to generate strong growth in revenues and profits, and realize the potential of the Burst acquisition."

      Financial Highlights

      For the year ended 31 March 2011 (FY 2011), revenue totaled $66.1 million increasing 96% over the $33.7 million in revenue reported for the year ended 31 March 2010 (FY 2010). Gross profit for FY 2011 was $43.2 million representing a gross margin of 65.3% (FY 2010: $21.9 million, representing a gross margin of 65.1%).

      Net income for FY 2011 was $7.6 million and $8.8 million before acquisition costs of $1.2 million (FY 2010: net loss of $8.5 million). Before acquisition costs, adjusted basic earnings per share in FY 2011 was 2.76 cents. Basic earnings per share for FY 2011 was 2.39 cents and diluted earnings per share was 2.33 cents (FY 2010: loss per share of 2.94 cents).

      Although total R&D costs decreased to $8.2 million in FY 2011 (FY 2010: $10.6 million), direct R&D staff costs increased and headcount in the department grew by 10%. The decrease in R&D costs from FY 2010 to FY 2011 was primarily attributable to reduced costs achieved through operational efficiencies and one-time costs in FY 2010 not repeated in the current fiscal year. Costs relating to the acquisition of Burst amounted to $1.2 million in the year. The transaction was completed post year end.

      blinkx's cash balance at 31 March 2011 was $52.8 million (31 March 2010: $14.6 million). Cash generated by operating activities for FY 2011 was $8.4 million (FY 2010: cash used of $10.6 million). In October 2010 blinkx raised gross proceeds of $31.2 million through an equity issue. The Board believes that the company's cash resources are best applied to the future strategic development of the business and consequently will not be recommending a dividend for FY2011.

      Burst Acquisition

      On 9 May 2011, blinkx completed its acquisition of Burst Media Corporation, an online media and technology company, for an aggregate consideration of US$30 million. Working with web publishers and advertisers, Burst enables brands to reach loyal, vertically targeted audiences in a quality-assured environment. Burst's network of publishing partners reaches over 65 percent of the US online population. It ranks as the 36th largest US media property and the 30th largest UK media property on the internet (source: comScore Media Metrix December 2010).

      The acquisition of Burst will enable blinkx to expand the reach of its video search and advertising offering across Burst's extensive network of independent publishers. Over time, the combination of the two companies will potentially bring blinkx's 35 million hours of online video and TV to Burst's audience of over 157 million unique users (source: comScore Media Metrix December 2010). blinkx aims to create contextually relevant video channels for Burst's network of publishers, thereby aggregating an online video audience for advertisers which could rival the scale of television networks. As highlighted at the time of the acquisition, and based on targeted changes to focus the Burst business and its expected go forward annualized revenue run rate of $33 million, Burst should contribute approximately $29 million in revenues for the ten and one half months of operations in fiscal 2012, with revenues weighted towards the second half of the year as commercial benefits of the integration are realised. blinkx expects to recognize restructuring charges of $3 million-5 million related to the transaction in FY 2012.

      blinkx directors believe that Burst's publishers and advertisers will directly benefit from the financial resources, technology leadership and additional customer-facing strengths in sales and support provided by blinkx. The display banner advertising currently sold on Burst's networks attracted an average Cost Per Mille (CPM) of US$1.49 over the year ended 31 December 2010; in contrast, blinkx's standard, untargeted video pre-rolls were priced at a CPM of US$20 in 2010. blinkx directors believe that the combined group will be able to realise some of the differential between these two rates and share the resulting value with its publishers. Given the combined offering should also deliver an improved, richer experience for end users, blinkx directors consider the acquisition a win-win-win proposition for users, publishers and advertisers.

      Customer and Business Developments

      blinkx's targeted advertising products have continued to win campaigns from top global brands. Brands such as Honda, Microsoft and Revlon booked campaigns through leading agencies, including Starcom Mediavest, Ogilvy and McCann Erickson. This year, the success of blinkx's contextual advertising platform, AdHoc, was also evidenced in new customer wins through a partnership with the ITN Premium News Network to deliver targeted advertising, packaged around ITN video content.

      Over the last 12 months, blinkx made significant advances in its cross-platform distribution initiatives, attracting top tier partners from the Internet TV and mobile arenas. blinkx content is now easily accessible through applications on a number of industry leading devices, including Google TV, Boxee and Samsung's Galaxy Tab and Galaxy S handset.

      In addition, blinkx continued to expand its roster of premier media partnerships with the addition of popular content from TVGuide, the BBC, Bloomberg and Hulu in the past year.

      Product and Technology Developments

      While economies of scale and efficiencies enabled the company to reduce infrastructure costs, blinkx reaffirmed its commitment to the research and development of cutting edge technology by increasing engineering headcount by 10% over the year. The growth of the research and development team helped expedite development of cross-platform initiatives, including the release of blinkx's Mobile and Internet TV Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). The APIs are designed to provide partners in the fast-growing Internet TV and mobile ecosystem - from handheld device and TV manufacturers, to app developers and game consoles - access to blinkx's index of over 35 million hours of online video.

      (Meine Meinung - die Aktien werden weiterhin steigern. Warum ? Marktwachstum, Organischeswachstum und Wachstum duerch den Kauf von Burst).
      schrieb am 25.05.11 12:41:52
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Citigroup raises Blinkx price target to 180P(Pence) from 130P; rating buy
      schrieb am 26.09.11 14:11:42
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Mon, 26th Sep 2011 07:15

      Sept 26 (Reuters) - Blinkx PLC:

      * Goldman Sachs starts Blinkx Plc with buy; price target

      schrieb am 26.09.11 18:35:11
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Mehr dazu:-

      Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs initiated research on Blinkx (LON:BLNX) with a ‘buy’ rating and a 12-month price target of 250 pence.

      Analysts said that the firm's strong technology (based on Autonomy’s Intelligent Data Operating Layer server) coupled with the intellectual property it has developed itself gave it “strategic appeal”, but more importantly, positioned it well to take advantage of structural growth in the online video advertisement market.
      schrieb am 27.09.11 08:48:06
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      nicht schlecht ... :D
      schrieb am 09.11.11 09:10:24
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      blinkx Trading statement (Halbjahr bis September 30, 2011)

      Trading for the first half of the financial year ending 31 March 2012 has been strong. For the half year period to 30 September 2011, the Company expects to report revenues of approximately US$44.6 million, an increase of over 60% from the corresponding period ended 30 September 2010, and to report EBITDA for the half year of approximately US$5.7 million and an operating profit for the half year of approximately US$4.9 million , an increase of approximately 95% over the corresponding period ended 30 September 2010. For the half year period to 30 September 2011, blinkx expects to report cash and cash equivalents of approximately US$52.9 million. blinkx is pleased to report that the integration of Burst Media Corporation is proceeding very well. blinkx expects that the cost of restructuring will be approximately US$2.5 million; less than the market predicted US$4.5 million. The Company has also seen continued growth of the AdHoc advertising platform with new brands, including Kelloggs, Disney, Pimms and Nivea. blinkx expects to announce its half year results on 11 November 2011.
      schrieb am 09.11.11 09:12:45
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      blinkx kauft Prime Visibility Media Group Inc.

      Integrating the world's largest video search engine with a leading text search platform

      The Boards of blinkx plc (AIM:BLNX), the world’s largest video search engine ("blinkx" or the "Company") and Prime Visibility Media Group, Inc., a leading online performance advertising network and digital marketing agency ("PVMG") are pleased to announce today that they have entered into a definitive stock purchase agreement (the "Purchase Agreement") pursuant to which blinkx has acquired the entire issued and to be issued shares of common stock and the entire issued and to be issued shares of preferred stock of PVMG (the "PVMG Shares") for an aggregate consideration of US$36 million (£22.4 million), to be satisfied in cash (the "Acquisition").

      The Acquisition consideration of US$36 million (£22.4 million) will be funded through blinkx's existing cash balances and the proceeds from a proposed placing of new ordinary shares in the capital of the Company (the "Placing") announced separately today. A separate announcement is being issued by the Company this morning which will contain details of the Placing.

      In the event that the Placing does not complete for any reason, the Acquisition will be funded entirely from the Company's existing cash balances.

      Further details of the Acquisition are set out in the Appendix to this document.

      Transaction Highlights

      •PVMG’s network averages over 600 advertisers (measured over the 6 month period to 30 September 2011) and 350 publishers. Processing 1.5 billion queries, and generating 14 million ad interactions every day, PVMG has the reach and volume to meet the demands of metric-driven advertisers and enables publishers to monetise their traffic from multiple forms of advertising.
      •Following the Acquisition, blinkx expects to integrate PVMG's platform with blinkx's so as to enable the blinkx video search engine to respond to a portion of PVMG's 1.5 billion daily queries with relevant video results. Where available these videos can be paired with rich media video ads that typically monetise at a higher rate.
      •In September 2011, the average effective cost per mille (eCPM) of PVMG’s sponsored text advertisements was approximately US$5.00, while blinkx’s standard untargeted sponsored video advertisements were priced at US$13.00. blinkx believes that the combined group will be able to realise some of the differential between these two rates to generate incremental revenue.
      •PVMG also operates a digital marketing agency which offers consulting services to assist customers in developing Internet marketing strategies to establish and enhance their digital presence, through Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), social media, email and mobile marketing services.
      •Following the Acquisition, blinkx expects that the agency business will provide useful insights into its brands’ Internet marketing strategies, which will enable blinkx to offer more compelling advertising solutions.
      •PVMG is led by a team of seasoned executives with deep and diverse expertise in the search, rich media, mobile and agency sectors of the digital marketing industry. blinkx expects to benefit from the strategic addition of PVMG’s senior leadership in key areas across its business. PVMG CEO, S. Brian Mukherjee, will be joining blinkx as EVP and GM for Search and Mobile.
      •PVMG's consolidated audited financial statements for its financial year ending 31 December 2010 show gross assets of US$22.4 million, and gross revenues of US$29.9 million, and a net loss for the period of US$389,511.
      •The integration is expected to begin immediately, and by the end of the financial year ending 31 March 2013 the Acquisition is expected to have an annual revenue run-rate of between US$35 million and US$40 million.

      Commenting on the Acquisition, Suranga Chandratillake, CEO of blinkx, said:

      "Online video advertising continues to be the fastest growing format by a significant margin, and is forecast to reach $3.5 billion over the next three years. Brands continue to move an increasing amount of their TV advertising budgets to online video, but need to be able to reach an audience of equivalent size on the Web. We’re extremely excited about the Acquisition because the integration of our video search engine with PVMG’s text search platform will enable us to tap into a new audience of intent-driven consumers and deliver TV-style brand advertising to them, which gives us the opportunity to expand our customer reach and increase PVMG’s margins over time."

      Commenting on the Acquisition, S. Brian Mukherjee, CEO of Prime Visibility Media Group, said:

      "As a close knit team with the shared sense of optimism to lead the next revolution of digital advertising, we are proud of our accomplishments at PVMG. We believe that the Acquisition puts us at the very heart of one of the most dynamic sectors of the digital advertising industry – online video. The combination of our powerful, proven high frequency transaction engine and audience reach with blinkx’s unrivalled video search technology and vast content index unlocks a tremendous opportunity for us to develop high value online video advertising solutions."
      schrieb am 20.12.11 22:10:09
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      krasser Absturz in den letzten 6 Wochen ..... :eek:

      schrieb am 20.12.11 22:30:10
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      am 9.11. gab es eine Kapitalerhöhung
      placing of 7 Mio shares zu 134 pence .... danach der crash .... Pörse eben .... :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 15.02.12 09:30:10
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Ja - die Aktien ist hart gefallen. Die Spekulanten (darunter ich) haben zu viel von den zugkauften Firmen erwartet. Eine davon (Burst) müsste umgebaut werden. Dies wurde an den Aktionären nicht klar gemacht. Blinkx ist mit kommunikation mit den Investoren nicht gut (genug).

      Aber die Aktein kommt wieder.
      schrieb am 15.02.12 09:31:13
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()

      SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.-February 15, 2012- blinkx, the world's largest and most advanced video search engine, today announced that it will power video search for AOL. The partnership expands the quantity and quality of AOL's video search results and also delivers integrated Safe Search tools that block adult oriented content from minors. In addition, blinkx will incorporate AOL's premium video assets into its current index of over 35 million hours of content, making them easily searchable and accessible to users around the world.
      schrieb am 02.04.12 16:47:11
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      Shares in Blinkx fall 6 percent after Goldman Sachs downgrades the video search-engine operator to "neutral" from "buy," saying the company's recent acquisitions increases its exposure to a slower-growing display advertising market.

      "With the acquisition of Burst and PVMG, Blinkx now has a greater exposure to a slower-growing display ad segment which we believe will slow down revenue growth unless synergies are extracted and the company is able to convert some proportion of the ad revenue to video ads," the bank writes in a note.

      Quelle:- Reuters
      schrieb am 10.04.12 09:37:19
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()

      SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.- April 10, 2012- blinkx, the world's largest and most advanced video search engine, today announces a trading update for the year ended 31 March 2012. The Company expects to report revenues for the full year of approximately $114m, representing a year-on-year increase of approximately 72% and behind analyst consensus of $121.5m. The company expects to report an operating profit, before one-time costs and amortization of purchased intangibles, slightly ahead of analyst consensus of $10.3m. Gross Margin for the year was approximately 53%. The company's cash balance at year end was $38.4m.

      Operating cash flow for the period, both before one-time costs and also on an absolute basis, is expected to exceed analyst consensus. One-time costs for FY 2012 are expected to be approximately $5m and amortization of purchased intangibles is expected to be approximately $4m. The company expects to report an IFRS operating profit, after one-time costs and amortization of purchased intangibles, above analyst consensus of $1.3m for the period.

      Commenting on the preliminary results Suranga Chandratillake, founder and CEO of blinkx, said: "blinkx's revenues are up 72% this year, surpassing the $100 million mark. We believe this is a significant achievement. Growth across the business has been strong, and whilst it is disappointing to deliver revenues a little below expectations it is worth noting that in a challenging economic climate, blinkx outperformed the aggressive growth of the online video advertising industry by over 80%. We are confident in our position in the market and the progress we have made this year, and are excited about the opportunities that lie before us."

      The company expects to announce its results for the full year on 18 May 2012.

      The above represent preliminary summary results based on blinkx's expectations at the time of publication of this announcement. These results may be subject to revision as part of the analysis process and, at this stage, should be taken as indicative estimates only. Preliminary summary results are provided as an aid to investors based on information available at the time of publication. Full results, including income statement, balance sheet, statement of changes in equity, cash flow statement and related notes and other segmental information will be published in due course, which is expected to be on 18 May 2012. All results, including those set forth above, are subject to quarterly financial review by blinkx's independent auditors, and are considered preliminary and subject to change until publication of any such review or audit.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 10.04.12 12:10:15
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.017.730 von Papaguy am 10.04.12 09:37:19Bin mal rein, ganz schoen abgeschmiert, finde den Ausblick ganz ordentlich...
      schrieb am 12.04.12 20:42:17
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Lesenswertes Artikel von Motley Fool über Blink (u.a.).…
      schrieb am 19.05.12 10:59:54
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Video search engine Blinkx (LON:BLNX) reported revenue increased 73 per cent, year-on-year, boosted by increased advertising streams and the increasing popularity of smartphones and tablets growing online video demand.

      Blinkx improved revenue in the year ended March 31 2012 to US$ 114.4 million from US$ 66.1 million, while underlying pre-tax profit increased to US$10.7 million from US$ 8.3 million.

      Chief executive and founder Suranga Chandratillake: “The proliferation of powerful connected devices and high-speed broadband networks has catalysed consumer appetite for web video.”

      During the year the company acquired Burst Media, an online media and technology company and Prime Visibility Media Group, an online and digital advertising agency.

      The acquisitions have increased the company’s potential to deliver video content and advertising to over 2,000 new publishers.

      The company, which outstripped the growth of the online video advertising market by over 80 per cent, boosted revenue with new and continued advertising customers such as Microsoft, Kellogg’s and Shell.

      The company also added new brand advertisers such as Disney and IBM during the year.

      Chandratillake added that he expects to see continued growth in online advertising over the medium term.

      Chandratillake added: “We remain confident in our position in the market and the progress we have made this year, and are excited about the opportunities that lie before us.”

      The company said that internet market research company, comScore, reported that in March of this year, 181 million people in the US watched nearly 37 billion videos online.

      The share price was up 4.17 per cent to 44.50 pence at 10.50 this morning.

      Source: Proactive resources

      Press release von Blinkx:-
      schrieb am 19.07.12 09:01:39
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Directorate Change

      SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. — July 19, 2012. The Board of blinkx plc (LSE: blnx; “blinkx” or “Company”) is pleased to announce today the broadening of the senior leadership team following a period of significant growth.
      Suranga Chandratillake, the Founder and current Chief Executive Officer of the Company, has assumed the role of President and Chief Strategy Officer of blinkx and will continue serving as an Executive Member on its Board. In this position, he will be responsible for advancing and evangelizing the Company’s technology and product vision, and exploring new opportunities for growth. He will remain prominently involved in relationships with Investors, Partners and Advertisers.
      Chief Operating Officer Subhransu (“Brian”) Mukherjee has been appointed CEO of blinkx and an Executive Member of its Board of Directors with immediate effect. As the CEO, Brian will be responsible for the overall leadership of the Company and the development and execution of the Company’s strategy, which includes leveraging the significant opportunities created by the recent acquisitions of Burst Media, Inc. and Prime Visibility Media Group, Inc. (PVMG).
      Brian (45) brings over 12 years of executive management and operating experience at Public and Private companies in the technology and media sectors to the CEO role. Brian joined blinkx in 2011 through the acquisition of PVMG, where he was the President, CEO and a Director. Prior to PVMG, Brian was at Miva, Inc. (NASDAQ:MIVA), where he ran the Media Division globally. Before Miva, Brian led the acquisition of and ran the Contract Management Solutions Group at Selectica (NASDAQ: SLTC). During his career, Brian has also held Executive positions in Silicon Valley-based Internet, Mobile and Services startups, where he was responsible for raising capital, acquiring companies, building high performance teams and expanding partnerships to accelerate revenue and profitability growth. Brian started his career as an Engineer and a Management Consultant and holds BE and MS degrees in Engineering. He also holds an MBA from the University of Chicago.

      Quelle:- blinkx (press release)
      schrieb am 19.07.12 09:06:53
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Additional information

      While the company is not providing a full trading update at this time, sales, operations and integration progress are in line with expectations so far this half.

      Quelle: blinkx (press release Juli 19, 2012)

      Aber die "expectations" sind unbekannt!

      Aktionäre hoffen auf ein besseres Verhältnis mit dem neuen CEO.
      schrieb am 19.07.12 12:58:00
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      Hoffentlich! Wenn ich bedenke bei welchem Kurs ich damals eingestiegen bin und was das Papier jetzt Wert ist :-(
      schrieb am 29.10.12 08:25:50
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. - October 29, 2012— blinkx plc (LSE AIM: BLNX) today announces a trading update for the first six months of the financial year ended 30 September, 2012.
      The Company expects to report revenues for the first half of approximately $80m. Profit before tax, including one-time costs and amortization of purchased intangibles,will be around $2.4m, ahead of market expectations for the period.
      S. Brian Mukherjee, CEO of blinkx, commented, “This has been an exceptional first half for blinkx. The business has shown strong growth, driven by its underlying fundamentals in combination with the ahead-of-schedule integration of Burst and PVMG into the blinkx engine and increased advertising spend allocated to special events – specifically the summer Olympics and the US presidential elections. While these one-time events have provided us with a better-than-expected boost to revenues during the traditionally slower summer months,we anticipate revenues for the second half to be similar to the first half, resulting in a modest increase in our expectations versus consensus for the full year.
      There are powerful secular trends driving the growth of video advertising: the proliferation of broadband and connected devices, and the accelerating migration and consumption of video online. This market momentum underscores the vitality of the sector and our business model. Based on our performance this period and the fundamentals of the sector, we remain confident in our outlook for the rest of the year.”
      The company expects to announce its results for the period on 14 November, 2012.

      Vorbörslich Montag:- diese Nachricht wurde sehr positiv von englischen Bulletin Boards aufgenommen.
      schrieb am 10.11.12 10:26:38
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Unten finden Sie ein Link zu den Meinungen von Börsenmaklern - Richtung STG 1 (heute 68p)

      Am Mittwoch gibt es die offizielle Halb Jahrs Bericht. Ich erwarte positive Aussagen von neuen CEO (Mukerjee). Alte CEO ist jetzt CTO - er hat gemerkt das CEO zu sein war nicht mehr sein Ding. Brave Entscheidung.
      schrieb am 14.11.12 09:55:35
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Teil des heutiges Press Release (November 14, 2012):-

      Business Highlights
      • Revenues increased by 84% to $82.0m, from $44.6m in H1 2012
      • Adjusted* profit from operations increased by 61% to $7.9m compared with $4.9m for H1 2012
      • Adjusted* profit before tax of $8.4m, compared with $5.0m for H1 2012
      • Cash balance was $41.6m up from $38.4m on 31 March 2012
      • Sales and product integrations of Burst and PVMG acquisitions are ahead of schedule
      • Introduced next generation, designed to enhance video discovery and viewing, optimized for mobile use, with powerful personalization capabilities and social graph integration
      • Established new distribution agreements with Sony and Popbox in the Connected TV space
      • Secured content partnerships including Kiplinger, Hulu, and Fox Sports
      • Added new brand advertising clients including Google, Asda and Gillette

      Link zu Press Release:-…
      schrieb am 20.11.12 15:53:04
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      Dr. Lynch, der Autonomy an HP verkauft hat, ist auch "non-executive Director" bei blinkx. Heute HP behauptet, dass nicht alles bei Autonomy sauber war/ist. Man hat Angst, dass es auch Auswirkungen auf blinkx hat. Heute wirkt es auf den Aktienpreis. Hoffentlich gibt es eine Stellungnahme von blinkx.
      schrieb am 21.11.12 08:59:18
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      Was HP sagt…

      Was ex-CEO und - Gründer (Dr. Lynch) sagt:-

      So viel ich es beurteilen kann, hat diese Geschichte nichts mit Blinkx zu tun.

      Aber laut Financial Times gab es die Befürchtung HP wurde ihre 12,6% Beteiligung an Blinkx verkaufen wollen. (Ich beziehe mich auf eine englische Share Chat Website). Perönlich finde ich es gut wenn HP nicht mehr Aktionäre wäre.
      schrieb am 21.11.12 16:43:32
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      Was sagt man heute - hier ein Kommentar von Cannacord (als ich in Finanzen tätig war, hattte ich Diskussionen mit Cannacord - (die haben mich beeindrückt)- also schätze ich derren Meinung.

      The recent share price weakness provides a prime opportunity to acquire shares in Blinkx (LON:BLNX), the video search engine group.

      This, at least, is the verdict of Canaccord Genuity’s tech team, which has reiterated its ‘buy’ advice and 110 pence a share price target.

      Yesterday (Nov 19), Blinkx was hit by the transatlantic fallout from Hewlett-Packard’s massive write-down of the value of the acquisition of UK tech group Autonomy.

      HP is a 12.6% shareholder of Blinkx following its takeover of Autonomy, which developed and spun it out as a separate entity several years before the takeover.

      “While we do not propose to comment on the veracity of the accusations – enough has been written over the years about Autonomy’s accounting practices – we strongly believe that yesterday’s reaction in Blinkx’s share price was both illogical and excessive,” said analyst Jonathan Imlah in a short note to clients.

      “The businesses – and revenue models – are very different and there is no suggestion of any accounting irregularities or improprieties at Blinkx.”

      At 2pm, the stock was changing hands for 67.94 pence, recording a rise of 0.19 pence. Yesterday the share price fell around 10 pence.
      schrieb am 14.01.13 10:17:16
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      Goldman Sachs bestätigt ihre "Neutral" Empfehlung - Ziel 78p. (ca. +20% höher als Heute). Andere Broker sind mehr positiv 103p. bis 110p..…

      Dieses Link zeigt die Broker Empfehlungen.

      (P.S. IQE PLC macht auch eine interessante Entwicklung)
      schrieb am 22.01.13 12:09:55
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      Heutige Press Release:-

      New Design and Cross Device Functionality Increase Dwell Time and Mobile Usage by 400%

      SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. - January 22, 2013- blinkx (LSE AIM: BLNX), the Internet Media platform powered by CORE, the world's most advanced video engine, officially launched the next generation of its flagship product,, today. The new site was designed to enhance the video discovery and viewing experience, with strong recommendation and personalization, as well as integration across users' social graph. In open beta testing over the past four months,'s focus on delivering personalized, curated content resulted in a significant increase in dwell time, with users spending four times as much time on the new site as on previous versions. In addition, mobile usage was up 400%, as a result of the site's responsive design and its simple, elegant interface that is touch-optimized for effortless navigation on smartphone and tablet devices.

      "We've been delighted with audience response to the new," said Matt Scheybeler, CTO, blinkx. "In transforming the site, we prioritized discovery and personalization because social networks and mobile devices have profoundly changed the way we consume content online. We're deeply engaged with Facebook pages and Twitter feeds - a unique content universe created for us by our friends and the people we follow, so we designed the new to support this behavior: optimized for sharing, discovery and mobile access."

      Features of the next-generation include:

      My Stream: a constantly updated stream of video, customized based on your social graph, topics you've chosen to follow and your viewing preferences. It's your personal TV channel.

      Multi-platform:optimized for mobile users, when accessed through tablets and smartphones, the site is touch-optimized for easy navigation and browsing on the go.

      Pause and Pick-Up:users can start watching video on one device, hit pause and pick it up again at the same point on a different device. is built on a powerful, patented technology platform that takes a holistic approach to video search and discovery, using text, visual and audio analysis to build a deep, comprehensive understanding of video content on the Web. blinkx is able to deliver the most accurate search results and compelling recommendations to its audience, drawn from an index of over 35 million hours of online video and more than 800 content partners. The new site is fully integrated with blinkx's advertising platform, AdHoc, the first contextual advertising platform for online video.

      "The proliferation of connected devices and near ubiquity of broadband networks have established the foundation for the irreversible and accelerating growth of online video," said S. Brian Mukherjee, CEO, blinkx. "eMarketer forecasts that by 2016 there will be 1.3 billion online video viewers and blinkx is committed to delivering a world-class experience to this audience across all platforms. Capitalizing on our industry- leading technology, we have transformed our flagship consumer product to deliver an elegant, personalized experience that enables users to discover and watch video from any device with a consistent look and functionality."
      schrieb am 11.02.13 09:24:26
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. - February 11, 2013 - blinkx plc (LSE AIM: BLNX) today provides a brief trading update. In November 2012, blinkx announced that it had an exceptional first half, driven by the early integration of recent acquisitions and the effects of the US elections and London Olympics.
      Today, blinkx is pleased to report that trading in the third quarter continued to be strong. Therefore, the company expects to be ahead of targets, with revenue for the full year in the range of $180M to $185M.
      S. Brian Mukherjee, CEO of blinkx, commented, “As expected, the acquisitions have significantly expanded the scale and scope of the blinkx engine and the integrations are being implemented extremely effectively. In the second half, we continued to benefit from campaign spending in the US election cycle, which, in addition to the rapid customer adoption of our expanded offerings and strong secular trends within the industry, contributed to our growth. While our advertising revenues are transactional in nature, we remain confident in our outlook and prospects for the remainder of the year.”

      Sieht gut aus.

      Es wird ab und zu gesagt, dass Blinkx übernommen wird. Es wäre schön, aber man hätte es bei einem niedrigeren Preis gemacht, meine Meinung nach.
      schrieb am 11.02.13 13:40:08
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      Freut mich ganz besonders der Anstieg!
      Bin schon ewig dabei und endlich scheint die Explosion zu kommen.
      schrieb am 11.02.13 16:38:51
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      uppsssss ..... was ist da passiert .... :eek:
      schrieb am 11.02.13 19:58:50
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      Heute sagen die Analysten:-

      Cannacord - kaufen -STG 1,25
      Numis - kaufen - STG 1,08

      schrieb am 17.02.13 16:47:18
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      Sehr gut :)
      Es geht Bergauf!
      schrieb am 22.02.13 10:15:50
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      Citigroup - kaufen - STG1,15

      schrieb am 24.04.13 08:58:39
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Ahead of expectations

      SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. - April 24, 2013 - blinkx plc (LSE AIM: BLNX) today provides a brief trading update for the financial year ended 31 March, 2013.


      · Revenues for the year expected to be approximately $196 million, ahead of the previously upgraded range of $180 to $185 million, an increase of 71% from the year ended 31March, 2012

      · Adjusted EBITDA is expected to be approximately $26 million, an increase of over 200% from $12.8 million for the year ended March 31, 2012

      · Profit before tax, including one-time costs and amortization of purchased intangibles, is expected to be approximately $15 million, an increase from $1.9 million for the year ended March 31, 2012

      · Basic earnings per share is expected to be approximately 4.4 cents, a 400% increase from 1.1 cents, for the year ended March 31, 2012

      · Net cash at year-end is expected to be approximately $55 million an increase from $38.4 million for the year ended March 31, 2012

      The outperformance during the financial year can be attributed to:

      · Strong growth in the broader online advertising industry in general and the video advertising sector in particular

      · An increase in advertising spend driven by two major events this financial year, namely the Summer Olympics and the US presidential year elections, which delivered a one-time boost to revenue

      · The well-executed integrations of the acquisitions which have allowed the Group to expand the scale, scope and reach of blinkx's offerings

      S. Brian Mukherjee, CEO of blinkx, commented, "This has been an exceptional year for blinkx. Widespread broadband adoption, proliferation of connected devices and the accelerating consumption of video content online continue to fuel the growth of the industry. This sector momentum, along with one-time events, strengthening fundamentals of the business and the effective integration of the acquisitions have been critical to our success and growth this year."

      The Company expects to announce its audited financial results for the financial year ended 31 March, 2013 on 13 May, 2013.
      schrieb am 05.05.13 14:53:08
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      Ganz sicher nicht das nächste Google ;-)
      schrieb am 07.05.13 11:43:42
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      "Blinkx raised to BUY from Neutral by Goldman Sachs" - laut The Wall Street Journal (Mai 6, 2013). Laut englische Webseiten soll der Zielpreis 133 Pence sein.

      Bei Bloomberg gibt es eine interessante Artikel über Online Video Ads. Blinkx wurde nicht erwähnt - vielleicht weil die Firma nicht auf amerikanischen Börsen notiert ist. Sonst ist Blinkx da sehr präsent.…
      schrieb am 13.05.13 08:18:49
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      Ergebnisse für das Geschäftsjahr bis März 31, 2013

      Business Highlights

      · Revenue increased by 73% to $198.0 million, from $114.4 million in FY2012

      · Adjusted* EBITDA increased by 111% to $30.2 million, from $14.3 million in FY2012

      · Adjusted* profit before tax of $24.6 million, an increase from $10.7 million in FY2012

      · Basic earnings per share of 4.8 cents, a 336% increase from 1.1 cents in FY2012

      · Net cash at year-end was $55.9 million, an increase from $38.4 million in FY2012

      · Secured content and syndication partnerships, including Daily Motion, Kiplinger, Fox Sports, Sony and Popbox

      · Added marquee brand advertisers, including Clorox, Kellogg, Nike, Disney, Gap, Siemens and Mattel

      · Launched next generation of flagship video search and discovery engine,, optimized for mobile environments and integrated with social media platforms

      · Achieved the front end integration of FY2012 acquisitions well ahead of schedule

      · Completed the successful transition of the CEO and CFO roles

      · Expanded the leadership team with key Marketing, Product and Technology executives

      Commenting on the results, S. Brian Mukherjee, CEO of blinkx, said: "This has been an exciting year for blinkx and we are delighted to report a record performance. The business demonstrated strong underlying growth, stability and efficiency, which was accelerated by the ahead-of-schedule integration of the acquisitions that we made last year. The scale, scope and reach of these acquisitions enabled us to serve a greater number of advertisements to a wider audience at robust monetization rates, which helped drive our growth.

      Several structural trends are fueling the growth of the online advertising industry in general, and the video advertising sector in particular. These include widespread broadband adoption, the proliferation of connected devices and the rapid migration and consumption of video content online - all of which are prompting advertisers to follow audiences online. This year, the industry also benefited from the increase in advertising spend attributed to two high-profile events - the summer Olympics and the US political campaigns in a Presidential election cycle. We believe the market momentum underscores the vitality of the sector and of our business model. The opportunity for blinkx lies in maximizing yield through product innovation, expansion of its distribution channels and the capture of new and emerging revenue streams. Based on our capabilities and the fundamentals of the industry, we remain confident in our prospects and opportunities."

      Quelle (und mehr):-…

      Heute morgen gibt es ein Conference Call - ich bin nicht dabei.

      blinkx's year-end conference call will be webcast live at on 13 May, 2013 at 9:30 a.m. BST (also 10:30 deutsche Zeit).
      schrieb am 13.05.13 12:31:15
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      Numis und Cannacord bestätigen ihre Kauf Empfehlung:

      Numis Ziel 136 Pence
      Cannacord Ziel 135 Pence
      schrieb am 13.05.13 13:58:53
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      Laut Cannacord:-

      These are exceptional results by any measure. It is clear that the business is well positioned to take advantage of rapid structural growth in the wider online advertising market but the new management team has done an excellent job of execution and integration. We look forward to further progress in FY14. We are raising our FY14 and FY15 revenue forecasts by 7% and 5% respectively. Our underlying EBITDA forecasts – which already assumed a substantial level of operational gearing – remain broadly unchanged. Given that EBITDA margins expanded from 12.5% to 15.3% in FY13, we consider the 50bp expansion pencilled in for FY14 as conservative, particularly with some rationalisation of back office functions still to come. blinkx is trading at 2.3x FY14 revenues, falling to sub 2.0x for FY15. This represents a discount to fast-growing online advertising peers such as Valueclick, Yahoo! and Google. Following the recent strong run in the share price, the upside is less pronounced than a few months ago but we continue to see upside to the share price at these levels. We continue to view blinkx as a highly compelling play on the exciting growth in online video advertising and believe that it warrants a premium rating. We reiterate our Buy recommendation and upgrade our price target to 135p, from 125p, based on 2.5x FY15 revenues.
      schrieb am 16.05.13 10:22:15
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      Ausgezeichnet! :)
      schrieb am 25.06.13 18:45:47
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Vorab Autonomy bzw. HP hält 12,63% an blinkx plc

      LONDON, June 25 (Reuters) - Software company Autonomy, owned by U.S. computer maker Hewlett-Packard, said on Tuesday it planned to sell all of its remaining stake in video search engine group Blinkx Plc.

      At Tuesday's closing share price of 126 pence, the sale of 45.7 million shares would be worth 57.6 million pounds ($88.7 million).

      The sale is being carried out via an accelerated offering to institutional investors, run by Goldman Sachs.
      schrieb am 25.06.13 20:09:25
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      Und schon sind die aktien platziert:-…

      (Ich konnte den Artikel nicht kopieren!)
      schrieb am 01.07.13 19:11:49
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      Blackrock hält jetzt ca. 16.5% (vorher ca. 10%) in blinkx…

      HV am Juli 11, 2013
      schrieb am 05.08.13 20:13:33
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. - 5 August, 2013 - blinkx, the Internet Media platform powered by CORE that connects consumers with advertisers through professionally generated content online, today entered into an all cash transaction with Grab Network Holdings, Inc., related to its Grab Media property (

      Grab Media is a leading online video content syndication and advertising platform. The specific assets acquired by blinkx in the transaction will enable the company to add incremental audience and augment its relationships with advertisers, publishers and content providers.

      "In addition, blinkx plans to hire the existing Grab Media team - a talented, multi-faceted group with extensive experience and relationships in online video content syndication and advertising," said S. Brian Mukherjee, CEO of blinkx. "This transaction, while modest in size, enables us to meet growing consumer demand for online video, and provides us with an established platform to distribute and monetize these interactions across desktops, tablets, smartphones and connected TVs."

      While the transaction will not have a material impact on the revenue or cost base in the near term, it is an important catalyst that should enable blinkx to accelerate the growth of its recently launched syndication efforts, including blinkx VideoAdvantage™ (BVA).

      Quelle: Blinkx
      schrieb am 03.09.13 08:55:28
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      September 3, 2013

      Jefferies International - Zielpreis von Blinkx = 190 pence
      Citigroup - Zeilpreis von Blinkx = 185 pence

      (heutige Preis ca. 146 pence).

      Falls von Interesse halte ich folgenden englischen Aktien (mit meiner Meinung):-

      Top Level Domain Holdings - hoch spekulativ, Talfahrt bald zu Ende
      IQE - ich bin sicher es steigt noch, gute Produkte
      Premier Foods - ist schon gut gestiegen, Bilanz Problemen, aber gute Produkte.
      schrieb am 12.09.13 10:11:40
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      Heute (September 12, 2012) sagt Goldman Sachs - Kaufen - Ziel 215 pence).

      (Heutige Preis 158 pence).
      schrieb am 28.10.13 17:15:41
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      Am 5 November werden die Ergebnisse für den Zeitraum "6 monaten bis September 30, 2013" veröffentlicht.
      schrieb am 05.11.13 08:53:43
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      Weil es viel Information in Press Release gibt, hier ist ein Link:-…

      Ich finde die Ergebnisse gut - Wachstume, gutes cash flow etc. Der Aktienpreis ist in den letzten Monaten gut gelaufen.
      schrieb am 06.11.13 08:30:27
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Gestern sind die blinkx Aktien 33 pence auf 197 pence gestiegen (+33%).

      Zwei Börsenmakler haben sich auch gestern gemeldet:-

      Jefferies Buy Zielpreis 190 pence
      Numis Buy Zielpreis 221 pence

      Ich habe gestern das blinkx Webcast zu dieser Ergebnisse mit gehört - ich hatte ein positives Eindruck. Alle KPIs entwickeln sich positiv, wie es sich für diese Branche gehört. Was mich überrascht hat, war wie viel Zeit der CEO verbracht hat, zu erklären wie blinkx Zielfirmen identifiziert und übernimmt. Liegt etwas (überraschendes) vor?
      schrieb am 06.11.13 09:10:43
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      Aktien sind gestern um 33 pence (+21%) gestiegen, nicht +33%!
      schrieb am 06.11.13 10:06:39
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      November 6, 2013

      Citigroup hat sein Preisziel für blinkx auf 220 pence (vorher Ziel war 185 pence). Buy.
      schrieb am 14.11.13 09:17:55
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()

      Goldman Sachs hat sein Preisziel für blinkx auf 325 pence (vorher Ziel war 215 pence). Reiterate (Buy).

      Preis heute morgen vor Börseneroffnung 208 pence.

      (Man sagt auch blinkx wäre auch eine Übernahmeziel, kann gut sein, aber sagt man seit langem. Interessant ist aber neulich auf CNBC Half time Report, hat man gesagt, dass Facebook muss sein Videogeschäft aufbauen).
      schrieb am 19.11.13 17:34:35
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      Ich kenne kein Grund, warum der Preis sinkt. Ich gehe davon aus, dass es Gewinnmitnahmen sind, nach den Preisanstieg den letzten Tagen. Wir sind zurück am Preis von den 14ten.
      schrieb am 22.11.13 08:35:50
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      Nehme auch an das es Gewinnmitnahmen sind. Ich halte das Papier weiterhin. Sehe es in den nächsten Monaten bei 300 pence!
      schrieb am 03.12.13 17:57:27
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      blinkx kauft Rhythm Newmedia,eine führende Firma in Technologie für Mobile/Handy Werbung. Kostet $65 Millionen, finanziert durch Bar, eine Platzierung (?) an Instituten,und ich denke eine Kapitalerhöhung.

      Mehr dazu hier:-…
      schrieb am 04.12.13 10:28:14
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      Die Platzierung wurde heute Morgen vor Börseneröffnung bei 195 Pence erfolgreich.

      Press Release von blinkx:-

      London, England and San Francisco, CA - 04 December 2013 - blinkx, the Internet Media platform is pleased to announce the successful completion of the placing (the "Placing") announced yesterday.

      A total of 20,000,000 new ordinary shares in blinkx (the "Placing Shares") have been placed by Citigroup Global Markets Limited and Numis Securities Limited, with new and existing institutional shareholders at a price of 195 pence per Placing Share (the "Placing Price"). Based on the Placing Price, the gross proceeds of the Placing will be £39 million (c.US$64 million). The Placing Shares being issued represent 5.4% of the existing issued ordinary share capital of the Company.…
      schrieb am 13.12.13 17:27:11
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      blinkx wurde heute auf Goldman Sachs "Conviction List" aufgenommen.

      (leider habe ich keine vernunftige Link vorhanden).

      Am 14 November hat Goldman Sachs blinkx ein Zielpreis von 325 pence gemeldet (heute Istpreis um 200 pence).

      Am 5 Dezember hat Citigroup blinkx ein Zielpreis von 245 pence gemeldet.
      schrieb am 16.12.13 16:50:22
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()

      schrieb am 14.01.14 12:18:39
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      14 Jan Goldman Sachs Conviction Buy 340.00 Reiterates

      14 Jan Jefferies International Hold 190.00 Downgrades

      13 Jan Numis Buy 255.00 Retains
      schrieb am 21.01.14 09:56:05
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      Heute hat Goldman Sachs seine Kaufempfehlung zum dritten Mal wiederholt und erhöht (340 Pence).

      Der Preisschlacht der letzten Tagen liegt angeblich an "Shorters", die verkaufen vor sie einkaufen.

      Ich weiss von keine Nachrichten in den letzten Tagen, der so eine Bewegugung verursacht hätte.
      schrieb am 21.01.14 09:59:15
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      Halte Blinkx schon sehr lange und habe bis jetzt schon einen guten Gewinn. 340 wäre ja super!
      schrieb am 21.01.14 14:30:33
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      Recent weakness in the share price of video search engine specialist Blinkx (LON:BLNX) presents an attractive buying opportunity, according to heavyweight broker Goldman Sachs.

      The broker is a long-time fan of the company and argues that the valuation and risk reward at current levels is compelling.

      “We believe that the stock’s underperformance in line with the adtech sector (Tremor Video, YuMe, Criteo, Velti) is unjustified, given that Blinkx has a broader and differentiated product offering (video search, search/discovery syndication, video discovery, mobile) and is a profitable company vs adtech peers (programmatic buying mostly and not profitable),” Goldman’s crystal ball-gazers assert.

      Shares shot up 8% to 185.75p on the Goldman note, but are still well below the US firm’s 340p price target. At its current price the company is valued at £741mln, four times the value placed on it at the time of its May 2007 flotation.

      The company essentially makes money from hooking up views with content publishers and distributors, and could loosely be described as a competitor to YouTube.

      Following the recent dip in the shares, the stock trades on 16.4 times Goldman’s projected earnings for 2015 (calendar year).

      Quelle:- Proactive Investors aus U.K..
      schrieb am 30.01.14 13:13:23
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      Ich kenne kein Grund warum die Aktien so hart gefallen ist. Es gibt viele Gerüchte - z.B. ein Vertrag verloren, aber das erklärt nicht ein Verluss von 50% in einem halben Tag.
      schrieb am 30.01.14 19:28:21
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      Jemand, angeblich einem Professor bei Harvard Business School, hat am Dienstag ein böses Blog über blinkx geschrieben. Er behauptete den Umsatz nicht sauber wäre. Der professor gibt zu, dass er für seinen Blog bezhalt wurde.

      Press Release von blinkx:-

      London, England and San Francisco, CA.30 January 2014 - blinkx plc ("blinkx" or the "Company") notes the recent share price decline and related market speculation. As a matter of course, the Company does not normally comment on such matters. However, blinkx has noted a recent blog post by a Consultant paid by unnamed third parties, in which he discloses, "I prepared a portion of this article at the request of a client that prefers not to be listed by name." blinkx strongly refutes the assertions made and conclusions drawn in the blog post. The Company confirms there has been no material change to the operational and financial performance or outlook for the business, and that Fiscal Q3 trading was in line with management expectations.
      schrieb am 30.01.14 19:57:29
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      Gehört gleich eingesperrt der Professor!

      Danke für den Artikel! Hoffentlich erholt sich der Kurs bald wieder...
      schrieb am 30.01.14 21:22:18
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      Oberflächliche Zusammenfassung des heutigen Preisfall:-…
      schrieb am 05.02.14 19:20:36
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      Carson Block Says Muddy Waters Shorting Blinkx…
      schrieb am 06.02.14 12:09:45
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      pickuru - nice find. Diese ganze "shorting" Geschichte hat ein schlechtes Beigeschmack(?).

      Die Shorts haben ihre Position leicht verringert von 9,9% auf 8,88%

      Ab morgen bis Dienstag (Feb 11) wird ein Trading Update erwartet. Am Dienstag (vielleicht Mittwoch) präsentiert der blinkx CEO auf einem Goldman Sachs Veranstaltung.
      schrieb am 07.02.14 09:35:44
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      Viele Artikeln über den "Professor" von Harvard. Ich denke das Aktienpreis wird sich langsam erholen.…
      schrieb am 11.02.14 08:31:14
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      Bis jetzt keine Meldung (Trading Update). Die Firma hat nicht gesagt, dass es einne gibt, aber es gab eine letztes Jahr am 11ten.
      schrieb am 13.02.14 09:20:32
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      Bis jetzt kein Trading Update (spekuliert wird jetzt Montag 17 Februar).

      Gestern haben CEO und CFO von blinkx an "Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference" die Firma präsentiert.

      Hier ist ein direktes Link zu Powerpoint:-…

      Es scheint kein Tonaufnahme zu geben.

      Grundsätzlich finde ich es ein gute Darstellung der Firma. Laut Press Release wurde über die laufende Ergebnis nicht gesprochen.
      schrieb am 13.02.14 17:41:29
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      Folgende positive Kommentaren von Goldman Sachs nach den gestrigen Konferenz (Ich habe das von einem englischen Blog kopiert; die Quelle (link zu GS) habe ich noch nicht gefunden), aber ich denke es ist von GS:-

      After today's conference, Goldman Sachs say:

      "1) In responding to recent market debate regarding the Blinkx business
      model, sources of revenue and detailed disclosure, the company reiterated
      that it is a B2B company and the vast majority of its traffic is from 3rd party
      sources and not self-generated. More specifically Blinkx optimizes and
      filters traffic through four dozen internal filters and best of breed 3rd party
      verifiers. For the small part of the business where it does originate traffic
      ( and in apps) it is vigilant on how this traffic is used.

      2) Given the highly fragmented and unorganized nature of the Adtech industry,
      there are limited standardized practices, hence click fraud, traffic
      viewability and over-counting have been an industry-wide issue. Blinkx
      believes adoption of best practices and compliance to highest standards is
      necessary, hence it only recognizes revenues and gets paid when the ad
      campaign has been verified by 3rd party verification.

      3) Blinkx generates $700K per head in revenues and believes this is a testament
      to the strength of its technology platform (which incorporates the perpetual
      license for IDOL) as well as its operational excellence (as a result of integrating and
      rationalizing acquired headcount). In fact it believes it can further increase
      revenue per head to $1000K in future.

      4) We believe that Blinkx has a broader and differentiated product offering
      (video search/discovery syndication, mobile) enabling it to benefit from
      structural tailwinds of shift in video viewing from offline to online/mobile
      and a rise in programmatic buying to drive robust growth in the medium term.

      5) Operating margins still have scope to increase as the company extracts
      cost and revenue synergies from the Rhythm acquisition."
      schrieb am 06.03.14 10:10:03
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      Konnte seit ein Paar Wochen keine Updates schreiben.


      Die Geschäftsleitung hat 3 kleine Aktienkäufe gemacht.

      Die Shorters haben ihe Position leicht reduziert - von ca. 9,9% auf 7,8%

      Am März 31, hält blinkx ein "Capital Markets Day." Wahrscheinlich um die Vorwürfe von Herrn Edelman zu dementieren.
      schrieb am 11.03.14 10:42:53
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      Ich hoffe es geht bald wieder Berg auf!

      Danke Papaguy für deine Zusammenfassung!
      schrieb am 30.03.14 13:20:34
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      blinkx "Capital Markets Day" morgen (März 31, 2014). Bestimmt viel neues.

      Shorters sind jetzt runter auf 6,85%
      schrieb am 31.03.14 08:13:29
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      Presse Release (fett von mir):-

      London, England and San Francisco, CA - 31March 2014 - blinkx plc ("blinkx" or the "Company"), today provides a trading update for the financial year ending 31 March 2014 (FY2014). The Company expects to report revenues in the range of $245 to $247 million and Adjusted EBITDA in the range of $37 to $39 million, in line with market consensus. The company plans to release the results for Financial Year 2014 on6 May 2014.

      As announced on 4 March 2014, today the Company will host a Capital Markets Day for Institutional Investors and Analysts in London. This will include presentations by both the Company and representatives from the online advertising ecosystem, followed by a panel discussion. The presentations will be recorded and made available on the investor relations section of the Company's website ( in due course.

      blinkx today also published a detailed response to a blog post dated 28 January, 2014 ("the blog") that questioned the Company's business model and practices. blinkx strongly refuted the assertions made in the blog at the time it was published. Since then, the Company has completed a thorough internal and external review of the assertions made in the blog, detailed in the response, which has been postedon the Company's website (

      "We are pleased with the performance of the business in FY2014, particularly with the successful integration of Rhythm in mobile video, despite the obvious distractions in the last quarter of the financial year," said S. Brian Mukherjee, CEO of blinkx. "We diverted considerable time, energy and resources to conduct comprehensive internal and external diligence to uncover and address the inaccurate and misleading assertions made in the blog. However, this work has provided us with additional assurance that in a fast changing market, we are either in line withor leadingindustry standards - something that is important not just for us, but all our commercial stakeholders. We do not intend to engage in any further debate on this topic. Instead, we look forward to our Capital Markets Day, where we plan to showcase the breadth and depth of our product line and commercial partners, as we focus our undividedattention on growth opportunities for the Company."
      schrieb am 31.03.14 08:22:01
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      Link zu blinkx Antwort auf die (falsche) Behauptungen von Herrn Edelman.

      Hoffentlich führen beide (Press Release und Blog) zu einer Erholung des Aktienpreises. Das heutige "Capital Markets Day" nicht zu vergessen.
      schrieb am 03.04.14 14:40:01
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      Nach Capital Markets Day und Trading Update (siehe Betrag 128 oben), bekommen wir revidierte Analyst Einschätzungen:-

      Citigroup - Buy Ziel 170 Pence (vorher 245 Pence)
      Numis - Buy Ziel 217 Pence (vorher 255)
      Goldman Sachs - Buy 175 Pence (vorher 345 Pence) - Conviction Buy List.

      Link zu Capital Markets Day Webcast (dauert > 2 Stunden):-
      schrieb am 12.04.14 10:19:49
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      Shorters haben ihre Position stark reduziert auf 2.86% :-

      Diese Statitisk ist mit Vorsicht zu geniessen, weil nur Positionen über 0.5% müssen gemeldet werden.

      Trotzdem ist eine klare Tendenz zu erkennen.

      Meine Meinung nach wird sich die Aktie langsam erholen, aber ich zweifele ob es den hohen Preis(ca. STG 2.30) erreichen wird. An einer Übernahme zweifele ich auch, sonst hätte es bei diesen Preis schon stattgefunden.
      schrieb am 15.04.14 16:30:58
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      Jetzt schon unter einem Euro, wie krass ist das denn und wie lange haelt das Eurer Meinung nach an??
      schrieb am 15.04.14 16:32:11
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      Sollte man jetzt irgendwann einsteigen?
      Hatte frueher immer nur hinterhergeschaut...
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 15.04.14 16:53:45
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.828.453 von ooy am 15.04.14 16:32:11Es wird lange dauern, bis Investoren diese Aktie traut. Die Firma und das Geschäftsmodell sind gut. An einer Übernahme zweifele ich.

      Ich denke es ist ein gutes Einstiegsmöglichkeit - aber vielleicht nur ein Teilbetrag.

      Mind + Machines (ehemalige Top Level Domain Holdings) könnte auch interessant sein.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 15.04.14 17:58:00
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.828.689 von Papaguy am 15.04.14 16:53:45Danke, habe mir mal eine Anfangsposition geholt...
      schrieb am 03.05.14 09:40:08
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      Am Dienstag (6 Mai) gibt es die Endergebnisse für das Geschäftsjahr bis 31 März 2014.

      Press Release vom 31 März sagte " The Company expects to report revenues in the range of $245 to $247 million and Adjusted EBITDA in the range of $37 to $39 million, in line with market consensus."

      Gemeldete Shorts (>0,5%) jetzt runter auf 1,16% . Mitte Januar 2014 lag es bei 9,9%.
      schrieb am 06.05.14 08:43:28
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      Press Release:-

      Year on Year Revenues up 25% to $247m, Adjusted* EBITDA up 31% to $40m

      Revenue increased by 25% to $247.2 million, from $198.0 million in FY2013

      Adjusted* EBITDA increased by 31% to $39.6 million, from $30.2 million in FY2013

      Adjusted* profit before tax of $31.9 million, an increase from $24.6 million in FY2013

      Net cash at year-end was $126.9 million, an increase from $55.9 million in FY2013 benefiting from strong cash conversion ratio* of 162% and issuance of shares.

      Secured new content and syndication partnerships, including ABC, GameSpot, NHL, IGN, Discovery Networks, Condé Nast and E! Entertainment

      Added marquee brand advertisers, including Warner Brothers, Toyota, Reebok, Gap, Clorox, Microsoft and L'Oreal

      Acquired trade and certain assets of Grab Media, the leading digital video syndication platform

      Acquired Rhythm NewMedia, the ultra-premium mobile video technology platform

      Expanded Board of Directors with respected US and UK business and technology leaders

      Expanded the leadership team in critical areas of Product, Business and Technology with new executives

      Hosted inaugural Capital Markets Day for institutional investors, featuring representatives from across the digital advertising ecosystem including Yahoo, Nielsen and comScore

      Quelle und mehr Info:-…
      schrieb am 06.05.14 08:45:27
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      May 6, 2014


      Innovative Mobile Programmatic Solution Enables blinkx to further Expand its Footprint and Offerings within the Digital Advertising Ecosystem
      London, England and San Francisco, CA — 6 May, 2014 — blinkx plc (“blinkx” or the “Company”), the Internet media platform that connects consumers with brands through professionally generated content, today announces that it has acquired LYFE Mobile, an innovative mobile Demand Side Platform (DSP) and Data Management Platform (DMP), in an all cash transaction.
      LYFE Mobile offers a smart mobile technology to programmatically deliver relevant ads to consumers based on their geographic location and other attributes. With access to over 100 million users in the US and 600 million worldwide through its integrations with supply side partners, LYFE Mobile’s cross channel platform offers a full range of mobile advertising formats, including mobile display, video and native ads with customized, dynamic audience segmentation and targeting capabilities. LYFE Mobile’s targeting capabilities and API recognize a mobile user’s recent activities and environment — whether it’s raining at a specific location or the user just researched movie show times, and can seamlessly insert relevant advertising on over 5,000 devices and across 100,000 mobile applications. The acquisition of LYFE Mobile represents the continued extension of blinkx into the demand side of the programmatic value chain, which has been a core strategic initiative of th e Company. As part of the transaction, blinkx has hired the LYFE Mobile team — a talented and multifaceted group of engineers, data scientists and business staff with years of relevant mobile experience and relationships.
      “At blinkx our growth strategy is focused on three key areas — video, mobile and programmatic, which we feel represent the future of digital advertising,” said S. Brian Mukherjee, CEO of blinkx. “LYFE Mobile is one of those rare companies operating in the sector that delivers in all three areas for blinkx. The acquisition enables us to fill a critical gap in our product portfolio, which would have otherwise taken years to build. While the transaction will not have a material impact on revenue in the near term, and is currently loss making, it represents our first foray as a company into the demand side of the programmatic ecosystem. The deal further underscores our vision to become the leading, fully integrated, cross device video advertising technology and data platform, connecting consumers and brands through premium content worldwide.”
      schrieb am 13.05.14 16:27:11
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      Gemeldete Shorts (>0,5%) jetzt runter auf 0% . Mitte Januar 2014 lag es bei 9,9%

      Broker ratings:-

      Goldman Sachs - Buy - Ziel 130 pence
      Numis - Buy - 201 pence.

      Ich habe irgendwo gelesen, dass den Zielpreis von GS wäre 109 pence, wenn man die Meinung ist, dass Blinkx nicht übernommen wird.
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 13.05.14 17:23:20
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.972.336 von Papaguy am 13.05.14 16:27:11Ich glaube eher an eine Uebernahme - bei dem Kurs...
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 13.05.14 20:49:55
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.972.912 von ooy am 13.05.14 17:23:20An einer Übernahme denken (hoffen) viele, aber ich frage mich bei dem Preis wieso hat es noch nicht stattgefunden. Einige sagen Yahoo wird blinkx kaufen, wenn das Geld von Alibaba IPO auf dem Bankkonto ist. Der CEO von blinkx hat in seiner letzte Rede von eine mögliche "Merger of equals" gesprochen - blinkx ist sehr US/UK lastig, vielleicht gibt es ein Partner in Deutschland oder Frankreich (z.B. Adconion oder HiMedia, nicht 1und1).
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 14.05.14 08:16:34
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.974.460 von Papaguy am 13.05.14 20:49:55Wundert mich auch, wir werdens sehen...
      schrieb am 14.05.14 16:34:33
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()
      Warum steigts heute???
      schrieb am 14.05.14 18:18:00
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      Eine Antwort mit belegbaren Fakten gibt es nicht, aber ich vermute, dass das niedrige Niveau von Shorters ist ein Grund. Und dadurch ist die Aktien für Spekulanten und Investoren wieder interessant.

      Die Attacke auf die Aktien war sehr agressiv - und ich denke, dass der Fall des Preises zu weit war.

      Hoffentlich fliegen wir Ihre Einstiegspreis vorbei!
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 14.05.14 19:45:47
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.981.292 von Papaguy am 14.05.14 18:18:00Danke fuer die Einschaetzung...
      schrieb am 02.07.14 09:26:21
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      Unerwartete Press Release:-

      London, England and San Francisco, CA - 2 July 2014 - blinkx plc ("blinkx" or "the Company") today issues a trading update based on performance to date for the first half, Financial Year 2015 ("the Period"). Trading for the Period has been below management expectations.

      Historically, blinkx's business has been back-end loaded toward the latter part of each quarter, with disproportionate growth toward the end of each calendar year. During the last three months, which are seasonally the smallest quarter of the year, we saw lower than forecast demand - specifically within Desktop - with a corresponding shortfall in revenues and EBITDA. The shortfall was exaggerated toward the end of the quarter. We attribute this performance to industry-wide issues of efficiency and effectiveness, which, in our case was compounded by the lingering effects of the disparaging blog about the Company. This resulted in a slower than expected return of demand, despite earlier signs of normalization.

      As a consequence, while revenues grew c. 5% year-on-year, EBITDA will be c. $5M below management expectations for the Period, based on the Company's internal models.


      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 02.07.14 12:57:48
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.244.834 von Papaguy am 02.07.14 09:26:21Naja, ich kaufe jetzt mal unter 0,50, finde ich jetzt nicht soooo schlimm...
      schrieb am 03.07.14 10:29:34
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      Jetzt reif fuer eine Uebernahme?
      Was meint Ihr???
      schrieb am 03.07.14 11:54:39
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      Steigt gut vom Tief...
      schrieb am 03.07.14 17:36:05
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()
      Press release zum Aktienkauf durch CEO:-

      London, England and San Francisco, CA - 3 July 2014- blinkx plc ("blinkx" or the "Company"), has been notified that on 2 July 2014, the following ordinary shares were purchased by a Company Director:

      · 250,000 in the name of Subhransu Mukherjee, at a purchase price of £0.34 per share.

      Following this transaction, Mr. Mukherjee has 2,080,000 unexercised share options remaining in the Company, 450,000 restricted stock units and 400,000 ordinary shares, together representing 0.73% of the Company's issued share capital.


      Bedeutet auch, wegen Insider Dealing, dass es keine Übernahme im Moment geben kann.

      HV am Juli 15 Juli wird bestimmt interessant.
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 04.07.14 05:56:00
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.256.370 von Papaguy am 03.07.14 17:36:05Danke sehr...
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 08.07.14 19:31:58
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.258.912 von ooy am 04.07.14 05:56:00wo ist hier der haken?
      die Aktie notiert nahe am cash!

      Blinkx: Ist die Aktie jetzt ein Schnäppchen?…

      blinkx erinnert mich ein bischen an nq mobile...ob hier auch noch was kommt?
      schrieb am 15.07.14 07:50:37
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()
      schrieb am 15.07.14 08:24:45
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      HV heute morgen. Wird wertvolles Info geben, denke ich - gutes hoffentlich, weil die Aktien hat genug/übermässig gelitten
      schrieb am 16.07.14 19:54:14
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      Kommentar zur HV von City AM (Oliver Smith):-

      IT CAN hardly be said Blinkx’s annual general meeting (AGM) went without a hitch yesterday, despite the worrying signs Blinkx was on the right path to recovery.

      Let’s start with the hitches. That nearly 30 per cent of shareholders failed to support Blinkx’s appointment of a new director because they “weren’t aware of who he was” – an excuse told to me by people with knowledge of Blinkx’s investor relations – is a shocking indication of the state of Blinkx’s communication with its backers.

      Second, despite the AGM starting at 9am, it took until after the stock market had closed at 5pm for Blinkx to finally publish the AGM’s full results. Blinkx placed the blame on the meeting having overrun and the board meeting that had immediately followed for the delay – another disappointing omen.

      That said, there were some promising signs. Institutions seemingly remain committed to the stock; Fidelity passing the five per cent stock holding threshold yesterday is a positive.

      Blinkx also said it was seriously considering share buybacks, a move that could finally shake off the short sellers that had eroded Blinkx’s share price since January.

      But if Blinkx hopes to make a full recovery, it has to work harder to keep retail investors on board.
      schrieb am 30.07.14 09:20:25
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()
      Wow - 20.000 zu 0,398...
      schrieb am 02.12.14 23:20:45
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()
      bottom ........... :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 24.08.15 09:34:38
      Beitrag Nr. 158 ()
      Gibts was Neues oder nur der Markt??
      schrieb am 10.02.16 22:49:26
      Beitrag Nr. 159 ()
      so iss Börse ..... von 2,70 wieder auf 0,25 zurück ....

      gehen sie nicht über Los .. .,ziehen sie nicht 4000 DM ein ........ :laugh:

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