
    Taser - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 29.01.06 18:19:53 von
    neuester Beitrag 29.04.08 08:10:15 von
    Beiträge: 68
    ID: 1.036.247
    Aufrufe heute: 0
    Gesamt: 6.803
    Aktive User: 0

    ISIN: US05464C1018 · WKN: A2DPZU · Symbol: TCS
    -2,31 %
    -6,00 EUR
    Letzter Kurs 18:47:51 Tradegate

    Werte aus der Branche Sonstige Technologie

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 29.01.06 18:19:53
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Taser steigt ! Scheinbar merkt es keiner .Umsatzsteigerungen und einige gewonnene Prozesse geben der tief gefallenen Aktie Auftrieb .KAUFALARM ! ! !
      schrieb am 29.01.06 18:32:01
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      So ist es!

      schrieb am 29.01.06 18:35:34
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Hat übrigens Ende Dezember ein KAUFSIGNAL generiert!

      Kursziel 2006: 25 Dollar!


      einfach kaufen und liegenlassen!
      schrieb am 29.01.06 19:18:04
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      was mich ein wenig abschreckt bei traser ist das hohe KGV von 74 ...

      was meint ihr dazu ????

      schrieb am 29.01.06 20:20:19
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Taser wird eine der Top Aktien für dieses jahr, allerdingsvwürde ich mit einem Einstieg noch ein paar Tage warten, da der Wert gerade an einem Widerstand nach unten abgeprallt ist.
      Also ich schätze 5-7% unter aktuellem Niveau: kaufen

      gruß Cherlin

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1250EUR +7,76 %
      East Africa Metals: Neues All-Time-High – die 276% Chance jetzt nutzen?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 29.01.06 20:24:25
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      [posting]19.949.391 von Cherlin am 29.01.06 20:20:19[/posting]und wie erklärst du das hohe KGV ????? ist sie nicht überbewertet ???
      schrieb am 29.01.06 20:42:45
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      [posting]19.949.439 von Bernd13090 am 29.01.06 20:24:25[/posting]Nach dem KGV fragt hier keiner, damals wie heute:

      schrieb am 29.01.06 20:53:57
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      naja,... die aktie ist sehr stark zurückgekommen,.. überlege mir am mo einzusteigen, nur das hohe KGV schreckt mich ein wenig ab
      schrieb am 29.01.06 22:32:30
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Was erwartet Ihr denn. schaut Euch mal den USA Chart an.

      Abwarten mit kaufen. Korrektur kommt!

      schrieb am 04.02.06 19:12:52
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Ruhig bleiben - Aufwärtstrend intakt !
      schrieb am 10.02.06 16:25:47
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      der kursverlauf heute und die neue Analyse sind super :)))
      schrieb am 10.02.06 17:03:34
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Heute wird bei Taser zum " Einstieg geklingelt " ! Hintergrund :13 Prozesse gewonnen - Umsatzanstieg erwartet . KAUFEN !
      schrieb am 22.02.06 16:33:37
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Gewinnwarnung bei Taser !In USA bisher 3,9% Minus ,bei uns 7,4 % . Die Aussichten sind zwar gut ,aber werden wohl erst später in den Bilanzen stehen . Nachkaufgelegenheit ?
      schrieb am 23.02.06 15:05:15
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Taser International verkaufen
      Quelle: Pacific Continental Sec.
      Datum: 23.02.06

      Die Wertpapierexperten von "" bleiben bei ihrem "verkaufen"-Rating für die Aktie von Taser International (ISIN US87651B1044/ WKN 676681).

      Der US-Hersteller von Betäubungswaffen habe gestern Zahlen für das vierte Quartal und das Gesamtjahr 2005 vorgestellt. Hier habe der Konzern einen kräftigen Gewinnrückgang hinnehmen müssen.

      So habe Taser für das Schlussquartal des abgelaufenen Jahres einen Nettogewinn von 92.697 USD bzw. 0 Cents je Aktie ausgewiesen, nachdem im Vorjahr noch 4,7 Mio. USD bzw. 0,07 USD je Aktie verbucht worden seien. Der Umsatz sei dabei um 34 Prozent auf 12,6 Mio. USD deutlich gesunken.

      Auch im Gesamtjahr sehe die Situation nicht besser aus. Der Nettogewinn sei hier von 18,9 Mio. USD bzw. 0,30 USD je Aktie auf nun 1 Mio. USD bzw. 0,02 USD je Aktie eingebrochen. Damit habe die Gesellschaft auch die Erwartungen des Marktes (0,03 USD) nicht treffen können. Der Umsatz sei um 30 Prozent auf 47,7 Mio. USD ebenfalls deutlich zurückgegangen.

      Hintergrund seien die in die Kritik geratenen Produkte von Taser. So würden Sicherheitsbedenken bei der Anwendung dieser Betäubungswaffen bestehen. Die Taser-Produkte würden anscheinend mit einigen Todesfällen in Verbindung stehen, weshalb sich der Konzern mit einer Reihe von Klagen konfrontiert sehe - derzeit gebe es 43 offene Klagen. Vor diesem Hintergrund arbeite die Gesellschaft an ihrem angeschlagenen Image, weshalb in 2005 7 Mio. USD für Anwälte, Public Relations etc. aufgewendet worden seien.

      Für die Wertpapierexperten stelle sich nun die Frage, wann der Tiefpunkt erreicht werde. Die laufenden Klagen seien ein großer Risikofaktor und die Aussichten seien mäßig. Marktexperten würden für 2006 mit weiter sinkenden Umsätzen rechnen. Erst ab 2007 könnte es mit den Umsätzen ein wenig aufwärts gehen.

      Die Aktie habe sich zuletzt charttechnisch stark gezeigt. So sei der Kurs in einem steilen Aufwärtstrend innerhalb kurzer Zeit von 6 USD auf 11 USD gestiegen. Aktuell notiere der Kurs bei 10,20 USD. Fundamental sei der Anstieg jedoch nicht nachvollziehbar. So mache der Titel hinsichtlich der schwachen Perspektiven und des hohen Risikoprofils auf dem aktuellen Kursniveau einen zu hoch bewerteten Eindruck.

      Vor diesem Hintergrund bleiben die Wertpapierexperten von "" bei ihrem "verkaufen"-Rating für die Taser-Aktie.
      Analyse-Datum: 23.02.2006
      schrieb am 06.03.06 19:01:39
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Heute steigt Taser -Wie gut dass ich bei 7,75 € nachkaufen konnte !
      schrieb am 10.03.06 15:18:32
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Und Einsteigen bitte - es geht wieder los!!!!

      Taser Intern. bei Schwäche kaufen

      Quelle: Jaindl & Mautz
      Datum: 10.03.06

      Die Experten von Jaindl & Mautz empfehlen die Aktie von Taser International (ISIN US87651B1044/ WKN 676681) bei Schwäche zu kaufen.

      Die jüngste Rally von über 50 Prozent habe in den letzten Handelstagen zu einer Verschnaufpause geführt. Bei leichten Gewinnmitnahmen sei die Aktie wieder ein interessanter Kauf.

      Die Experten von Jaindl & Mautz raten die Aktie von Taser International bei Schwäche zu kaufen.
      Analyse-Datum: 10.03.2006
      schrieb am 14.05.06 07:24:19
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 20.615.267 von copitz001 am 10.03.06 15:18:32Ich bin leider immer noch satt investiert in meinen einstigen Hofnungswert .Offensichtlich ist deren Buchhaltung ein " Sauladen ".Dennoch überlege ich mir , ob ich nicht doch noch mal ein Abstauberlimit setze um dann vielleicht mit geringerem Verlust wieder raus zukommen.Negativ beim Verkauf dürfte sich auch die weiterhin von mir erwartete Dollarschwäche auswirken .Bitte hiermit um weitere Meinungen oder Infos .
      schrieb am 05.07.06 07:25:15
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.568.150 von Bodenseetracker am 14.05.06 07:24:19Im aktuellen Aktionär - KAUFEMPFEHLUNG 1
      schrieb am 08.07.06 13:34:27
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Ja Kursziel zwar "nur" 9,50 EuR - aber immerhin !
      Der Artikel ist realistisch m.M. nach. Wenn ein Verwaltungsratchef 100.000 seiner Aktien kauft kann es eigentlich nur nach oben gehen. Die Aktie sollte man kaufen , da gehts nach oben. Die letzte Zeit hält sie sich sowieso relativ gut gegen den schwachen Markt. Nichts wie rein !;);)
      schrieb am 30.09.06 12:17:40
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.464.036 von laling am 08.07.06 13:34:27Ich bin immer leider immer noch investiert .Vileicht tut sich was wenn der Sohnemann das Ruder übernimmt... !Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt !
      schrieb am 07.01.07 13:27:16
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Taser bekommt in letzter Zeit TOP-Aufträge durch ihr neues Produkt,eine Elektroschock-Pistole,deren Auftragsbücher sind prall gefüllt, dieser Abwärtskanal nervt mich ´!!!:mad:
      schrieb am 09.01.07 20:00:32
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      New TASER C2 Personal Protector Debuts At Consumer Electronics Show
      Incorporates Revolutionary SureCheck Background Check Technology
      SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Jan. 8, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- TASER International, Inc. (Nasdaq:TASR), a market leader in advanced personal protection devices, today unveils the new TASER(r) C2 Personal Protector product line at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.

      "The TASER C2 is the next generation in personal protection," said Tom Smith, Chairman of TASER International, Inc. "TASER International was founded to create safer personal protection alternatives, while utilizing technologies to maximize public safety and minimize the potential for misuse -- and the TASER C2 continues in that tradition."

      The TASER C2 is the first device to incorporate a revolutionary new public safety background check technology called SureCheck(tm). With SureCheck, TASER C2 units are shipped in an inactivated state. They cannot be used until the end user successfully completes a background check from the privacy of their own home using a secure web site or a toll-free 800 number. After completing the background check, the user is issued an activation code unique to their serial number. Only after entering the activation code can the TASER C2 be operated.

      "SureCheck is one more way TASER International is ensuring that our devices are properly used for self protection," added Smith. "The TASER C2 cartridge also continues to include our unique Anti-Felon Identification (AFID) program that disperses 20-30 serialized confetti whenever a TASER Cartridge is deployed, identifying the owner of the TASER system which has proved successful in deterring criminal use for the past 13 years."

      The TASER C2 is available in a variety of colors -- Black Pearl, Titanium Silver, Electric Blue, and Metallic Pink. The unit also features a highly intuitive safety cover and trigger design that novice users can easily operate, yet protects the trigger from accidental activation to provide a safer, effective means of personal protection.

      The new consumer-friendly design eliminates many of the high-end professional features such as dataport management, digital displays, and the TASER CAM interface, enabling the TASER C2 to be available at a lower cost. "We also we eliminated many of the high-end professional features such as dataport management, digital displays, and the TASER CAM interface, enabling us to make the TASER C2 available at a lower price point, starting as low as $299 while maintaining the effectiveness for which TASER products are known," continued Smith.

      The TASER C2 package includes the TASER C2, a smaller and newly designed disposable TASER Cartridge, and training DVD. The TASER C2 has a 15-foot range and is available with or without integrated laser sight. First shipments are scheduled for April, 2007.

      "We encourage interested people to stop by the Sands Convention Center booth #70805 at CES or visit on Monday, January 8 for more information," concluded Smith.

      schrieb am 17.02.07 20:25:27
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Taser International Kursziel 10 USD

      Graz ( AG) - Die Experten von Jaindl & Mautz sehen das Kursziel für die Aktie von Taser International (ISIN US87651B1044/ WKN 676681) bei 10 US-Dollar.
      Der Spezialist für Elektroschockwaffen habe höchstwahrscheinlich das Schlimmste hinter sich. In den letzten 12 Monaten seien immer wieder Klagen bezüglich Todesfälle in Verbindung mit der Elektroschusswaffe auf den Konzern zugekommen. Mittlerweise jedoch seien 33 Verfahren infolge zugunsten von Taser entschieden worden und so würden mehrheitlich alle Marktteilnehmer davon ausgehen, dass es zu keinem gerichtlichen Nachspiel kommen werde.

      Viele Staaten und Länder hätten sich vergangenes Jahr mit der Bestellung von neuen Waffen zurückgehalten, da man zuerst den Ausgang der Verfahren habe abwarten müssen. Auch die Einführung einer kommerziellen Taser Waffe für den US-Markt sollte der Aktie Auftrieb geben.

      Wie bereits Mitte des vorigen Jahres sei der Ausbruch aus der Korrektur geglückt. Weiteren Schwung sollte man in der kommenden Woche durch neue Quartalsergebnisse bekommen. Langfristig lägen die ersten Widerstände erst wieder bei rund 10 US-Dollar.

      Somit ergibt sich für den Kurs der Aktie von Taser International vom momentanen Stand aus zumindest eine gute 25%-Chance, so die Experten von Jaindl & Mautz. Positionen sollten mit einem Stopp-Loss-Limit bei 7,28 US-Dollar abgesichert werden. (15.02.2007/ac/a/a) Analyse-Datum: 15.02.2007

      Was haltet ihr von der Aktie?
      schrieb am 06.06.07 11:00:02
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Hallo allezusammen ...

      Taser scheint ja etwas aus dem Fokus gerückt zu sein ...

      Aber nicht bei mir... bin jetzt mit an Bord! :lick:
      schrieb am 06.06.07 11:05:32
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()

      Taser International Hits 3-Year High After Announcing 2 New Orders

      NEW YORK (AP) -- Shares of Taser International Inc. hit a three-year high on Wednesday, after the stun gun maker disclosed two orders which an analyst expects to lift second-quarter sales above Wall Street expectations.

      The stock gained 36 cents, or 3.4 percent, to $10.81, after hitting $11.22 earlier in the session, eclipsing a prior high of $10.62. Shares changed hands in over three times average trading volume of around 1.6 million shares.

      The orders from the South Carolina Department of Public Safety and the Bridgeport Police Department in Connecticut are expected to ship in the second quarter. Although financial terms of the contracts were not disclosed, Merriman Curhan Ford & Co. analyst Eric Wold valued the orders at a combined $550,000.

      Wold expects the orders to lift second-quarter sales above his $21.1 million estimate, especially on top of other orders from three U.S. police departments: the Washington State Police, the Tallahassee, Fla., department and the Scottsdale, Ariz., department. All three orders are expected to ship in the second quarter.

      Wall Street expects $21 million in second-quarter sales, according to a Thomson Financial poll of analysts.

      Meanwhile, Taser recently received an order from a foreign law-enforcement agency for $1.4 million in stun guns. Wold said further gains from doing business abroad are imminent, especially because Taser has penetrated less than 5 percent of the international market.

      "We believe we are on the cusp of seeing an acceleration of international orders for Taser, with this expected to take place as soon as the second half of 2007," Wold wrote in a client note.
      schrieb am 06.06.07 11:11:58
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      TASER International Clarifies Discovery Issue in Patent Litigation

      SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., May 31, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- TASER International, Inc. (Nasdaq:TASR), a market leader in advanced electronic control devices, clarifies the protective order in TASER v. Stinger (Federal Case CV07-0042-PHX-MHM) patent infringement lawsuit. This order was granted to obtain schematics and samples of the competitor's product to evaluate for infringement of TASER International's issued patents. This is a standard operating procedure in litigation discovery when competitive information must be shared under protection by the courts.

      Contrary to the mischaracterization in a press release Stinger issued this morning, the technology subject to discovery has nothing to do with TASER International's wireless eXtended Range Electronic Projectile (XREP) program. TASER International has been developing a wireless projectile system for the past five years, which was demonstrated by live firings for our military customers in January 2006. TASER International's wireless XREP technology is currently in limited production and well over 500 rounds were deployed in extensive pre-release validation. Several TASER XREP patents have already been issued and medical studies of its effects are in the peer review process for publication. There is nothing applicable in the information related to this legal discovery procedure that has any bearing on the XREP program.

      "The fact remains that in our evaluation, and that of independent users, the competitor's technology does not stop aggressive attackers," commented Doug Klint, General Counsel for TASER International. "TASER International's patented waveforms have been studied by numerous researchers and institutions worldwide and have stood up to the rigors of the courts. The devices to be obtained under this discovery order are for use in our patent litigation against Stinger. TASER International has no interest in utilizing these less than effective, untested waveforms in our products now or in the future."

      About TASER International, Inc.

      TASER International provides advanced electronic control devices for use in the law enforcement, military, private security and personal defense markets. TASER(r) devices use proprietary technology to incapacitate dangerous, combative or high-risk subjects who pose a risk to law enforcement officers, innocent citizens or themselves in a manner that is generally recognized as a safer alternative to other uses of force. TASER technology saves lives every day, and the use of TASER devices dramatically reduces injury rates for police officers and suspects. For more information on TASER life-saving technology, please call TASER International at (800) 978-2737 or visit our website at
      schrieb am 06.06.07 11:12:42
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      TASER International Announces New Vice President of International Sales

      SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., June 1, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- TASER International, Inc. (Nasdaq:TASR), a market leader in advanced electronic control devices, announced that it has hired Scott J. Mustian as Vice President of International Sales.

      Mustian brings more than 15 years experience in sales management and marketing to TASER International, including extensive international experience. Mustian received a BA in finance from the University of Kentucky in Lexington in 1985 and an MBA in marketing from Indiana University in Bloomington in 1991. He started his career in 1985 at the Procter & Gamble Company in Cincinnati, OH, followed by working as a District Representative for U.S. Congressman Bill Gradison in Cincinnati.

      Over the past 16 years, Mustian has worked in the medical device and consumer appliance industries. While with Whirlpool Corporation, he was based in Tokyo, Japan and Singapore working on the company's expansion in Asia. During his career with Hill-Rom Company, the world's leading supplier of hospital beds and patient care equipment, Mustian was Director of International Sales and Marketing responsible for global distributor sales. From 2002 to 2005, he was based in Hong Kong leading a turnaround of Hill-Rom's Asia region, establishing a new sales company in Australia, and successfully restructuring distribution in China.

      "We are delighted to have Scott join our team," said Kathy Hanrahan, President of TASER International. "His experience in developing and growing international sales channels is crucial for us as we take our international sales growth to the next level. Throughout the recruiting process, Mustian demonstrated an expertise and passion for working with international customers that will be an important addition to the TASER International management team," said Ms. Hanrahan.

      "I am honored to have the opportunity to join this dynamic company," commented Mustian. "TASER International is revolutionizing methods to protect lives. I am looking forward to the opportunity to becoming a part of this team and building on the international success that TASER International has already achieved."

      About TASER International, Inc.

      TASER International provides advanced electronic control devices for use in the law enforcement, military, private security and personal defense markets. TASER(r) devices use proprietary technology to incapacitate dangerous, combative or high-risk subjects who pose a risk to law enforcement officers, innocent citizens or themselves in a manner that is generally recognized as a safer alternative to other uses of force. TASER technology saves lives every day, and the use of TASER devices dramatically reduces injury rates for police officers and suspects. For more information on TASER life-saving technology, please call TASER International at (800) 978-2737 or visit our website at
      schrieb am 06.06.07 11:15:13
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Video: Time to Buy TASER?

      By Mac Greer June 1, 2007

      With new orders on the way and a stock on the rise, it's been a good couple of weeks for TASER (Nasdaq: TASR). And while I like the idea behind TASER technology, I'm less sure about TASER the company. After all, this is a company that has generated a lot of controversy over the last few years. What's behind TASER's latest success? Should investors take a second look? And what does it look like when the president of TASER gets tased? In our latest installment of Fool Video, I talk TASER with Motley Fool contributor Tim Beyers.
      schrieb am 06.06.07 11:25:11
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Wenn sich das Teil erst mal durchsetzt und die alten Befürchtungen von wegen der Gefährlichkeit zu den Akten gelegt sind, gibt es für den Kurs kein halten mehr. Auch in unseren Breiten wird der Einsatz von Tasern immer mehr zunehmen, was größere Aufträge erwarten lässt. :cool:

      Nach der Novellierung des bayerischen Polizeiaufgabengesetzes am 14. Dezember 2005 sind nach §61 neben Schlagstock, Pistole, Revolver, Gewehr, Maschinenpistole, Maschinengewehr und Handgranate auch „Elektroimpulsgeräte und vergleichbare Waffen“ als Waffen der bayerischen Polizei zulässig.
      In Hamburg verabschiedete der CDU-Senat unter Bürgermeister Ole von Beust und Innensenator Udo Nagel im Juni 2005 ein neues Polizeigesetz, das u.a. auch die Einführung von Taser-Waffen vorsieht.
      Die Bundesinnenministerkonferenz hat 2006 empfohlen, dass die Polizei-Spezialeinsatzkommandos aller Bundesländer den Taser anschaffen.

      Am 26. Juli 2003 wurde vom Schweizer Bundesamt für Polizeiwesen die Verwendung der Waffen "Advanced Taser M26" und "TASER X26 EMD" ("EMD" steht hier für "elektro-muskulare Disruption") durch die Polizeibehörden genehmigt. Die Elektroschock-Waffe «Taser» ist seit Anfang 2005 für die Sondereinheit «Enzian» der Kantonspolizei Bern freigegeben und wurde am 30. Dezember 2006 erstmals eingesetzt.

      Im Februar 2006 wurden 20 Taser an oberösterreichische Polizisten verteilt. Zum ersten Einsatz eines Tasers kam es am 7. Juli 2006, als ein Polizist bei einer Kontrolle einen professionellen moldawischen Einbrecher während eines Fluchtversuchs aus etwa zwei Metern Entfernung mit zwei Schüssen außer Gefecht setzte.

      Auch bei der Wiener Spezialeinheit WEGA ist der Taser in Verwendung.
      schrieb am 06.06.07 12:23:13
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      :D :D :D :D :D

      Analysten-Bewertung - 07.05.07

      Taser International stark kaufen

      Graz ( AG) - Die Experten von Jaindl & Mautz stufen die Aktie von Taser International mit dem Rating "stark kaufen" ein. Der Wahlsieg in der gestrigen französischen Stichwahl von Sarkozy könnte nun kurzfristig zu Aufträgen für Taser in der Höhe von USD 100 bis USD 120 Millionen führen. Fundamental bewertet bedeute allein diese Order einen Wert von ca. USD 4 je Aktie. Ausgehend vom jetzigen Kurs bei USD 9,53 würde dies ein Kursziel von USD 13,53 ergeben. Die Experten würden demnach heute bei der Eröffnung der NASDAQ einen stärkeren Kursanstieg in diesem Wertpapier erwarten. Die Experten von Jaindl & Mautz bewerten die Aktie von Taser International mit dem Rating "stark kaufen".

      :D :D :D :D :D
      schrieb am 06.06.07 12:29:47
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      07.05.2007 Taser International stark kaufen
      Jaindl & Mautz
      03.05.2007 Taser International stark kaufen
      Jaindl & Mautz
      03.05.2007 Taser International stark kaufen
      Jaindl & Mautz
      15.02.2007 Taser International Kursziel 10 USD
      Jaindl & Mautz
      11.10.2006 Taser International stark kaufen
      Jaindl & Mautz
      26.06.2006 Taser International kaufen
      Jaindl & Mautz
      10.05.2006 Taser International kaufen
      Jaindl & Mautz
      10.03.2006 Taser Intern. bei Schwäche kaufen
      Jaindl & Mautz
      23.02.2006 Taser International verkaufen
      Pacific Continental Sec.
      14.02.2006 Update Taser International Inc.: Buy
      Jefferies & Co
      10.02.2006 Taser International Kursziel 20 USD
      Jaindl & Mautz
      06.01.2006 Taser International stark kaufen
      Jaindl & Mautz
      21.12.2005 Taser International buy
      Merriman Curhan Ford
      21.12.2005 Update Taser International Inc.: Buy
      Merriman Curhan Ford
      19.12.2005 Taser International langfristig kaufen
      Jaindl & Mautz
      04.11.2005 Taser International hochspekulativ
      Jaindl & Mautz
      25.10.2005 Update Taser International Inc.: Buy
      Jefferies & Co
      schrieb am 06.06.07 16:34:13
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Daily Stock Poll: Watch GE, Taser
      By TSC Staff
      6/6/2007 9:24 AM EDT

      Every day, readers of and RealMoney have the opportunity to vote on a hot stock in the news that they believe will get the biggest lift in the following day of trading.
      In last night's poll, readers tabbed Taser and GE as the stocks most likely to rise. Full results below.

      Who's Jumping?

      Stock, # of votes, % of votes
      TGT, 41, 12.65%
      TASR, 71, 21.91%
      PALM, 52, 16.04%
      GE, 71, 21.91%
      A, 51, 15.74%
      WFMI, 38, 11.72%
      schrieb am 06.06.07 17:14:43
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()

      Das sieht doch gut aus ... auf zu alten Höhen!

      :) :) :)
      schrieb am 06.06.07 17:50:38
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Ist hir überhaupt jemand investiert? :confused:

      Meiner Meinung nach ist Taser eine solide Granate im Aufwärtstrend!
      schrieb am 08.06.07 13:37:55
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Servus watchi,
      Ich bin auch in Taser investiert und überzeugt dass wir hier noch Höchststände sehen werden. Vor allem im internationalen Handel ist enormer Nachholbedarf sollten ersteinmal größere Orders aus Europa eintreffen was nur eine Frage der Zeit sein wird, dann gibt es kein halten mehr.Und auch im Inland wird die neue revolutionäre X26 Elektroschockpistole neue Orders der Us-Polizei mit sich ziehen. Der Aktionär empfahl die Aktie in der letzten Ausgabe mit Kursziel 6€. Leider werden die Stücke in Deutschland nur sehr begrenzt gehandelt. Eine Top-Aktie die von den steigenden Terrorängsten enorm profitieren wird, denn die Frage nach Besserer Bewaffnung von Sicherheitskräften ist auf der ganzen Welt zu hören.Grüße aus Bayern,
      schrieb am 08.06.07 13:40:40
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.703.775 von flotsch am 08.06.07 13:37:55meinte natürlich Kursziel 12€ ;)
      schrieb am 08.06.07 16:15:24
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.703.829 von flotsch am 08.06.07 13:40:40
      Taser zieht geschmeidig an ... :D

      PS: 6,- wär ja auch übel. :laugh:
      schrieb am 12.06.07 09:25:01
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Sarkozy Victory Could Juice Taser

      Taser electrified investors Monday, juiced by upcoming legislative elections in France. The shares of the Scottsdale, Az.-based stun gun company rocketed 88 cents, or 8.1%, to $11.78.

      Eric Wold, an analyst with Merriman Curhan Ford, said that if French president Nicolas Sarkozy’s party--the Union for a Popular Movement--wins the June 17 elections it would have the largest majority since 1958. This would pave the way for reforms and policies, which could include the purchase of Tasers (nasdaq: tasr - news - people ) for French police. “So I guess people are pretty much putting two and two together and the likelihood of getting a major order out of France is definitely increasing,” Wold said.

      In August of last year, under President Jacques Chirac, the Police Nationale and Gendarmerie Nationale approved the sale of 5,000 Tasers. But additional purchases to equip all 250,000 of France’s police officers were delayed until after the presidential elections, which took place May 6. On May 7, the day after the election, shares of Taser jumped to a high of $10.25, closing at $9.92. On May 4, two days before the election, the high was $9.63.

      If a stun gun is purchased for every police officer in France, sales of Tasers in the country would reach $300 million, Wold said. For fiscal year 2007, Taser’s sales as a whole are estimated at $88 million, with projected sales for fiscal year 2008 expected to reach $109 million.

      Wold said the company had heard Sarkozy planned on purchasing 100,000 Tasers near-term, which equals $120 million in sales.

      Wold maintains “Buy” rating on the stock.
      schrieb am 12.06.07 16:03:15
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Von 7,80 auf 9,05, 16% in drei Tagen! Hier ist gerade ein enormer Anstieg in Gange. :D

      Falls wirklich große Aufträge aus Frankreich kommen, platzt der Kurs aus allen Nähten. Wenn dann noch andere mitziehen, ... Aloha! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
      schrieb am 14.06.07 14:56:35
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      TASER International to Introduce Wireless eXtended Range Electronic Projectile At Annual TASER Tactical Conference July 9

      Keynote Address Open to Media for Product Introduction for the First Time

      SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., June 14, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- TASER International, Inc. (Nasdaq:TASR) a market leader in advanced electronic control devices today announced it will introduce its much-anticipated XREP wireless 12-gauge Neuro Muscular Incapacitation (NMI) projectile at the annual TASER(r) Tactical Conference on July 9, 2007 in Chicago, Illinois. The Conference, normally restricted to active duty law enforcement and military officers, will include an open session for media to attend the keynote address by Tom and Rick Smith, Chairman and CEO respectively, at the conference's opening from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.

      "The Wireless eXtended Range Electronic Projectile (XREP) is truly a revolutionary technology breakthrough, culminating five years of intensive research and development and a dream that began 14 years ago with the founding of TASER International," said Rick Smith, CEO. "The XREP introduces not only amazingly miniaturized TASER technology, but groundbreaking flight stabilization and microprocessor-controlled intelligent electrode selection technologies - in a package that weighs only 14 grams, or half an ounce. The XREP projectile is, by an order of magnitude, the most sophisticated weapon system ever launched from a 12-gauge shotgun platform."

      XREP product images, video demonstrations, and public specifications will not be released until the keynote presentation. Limited previews of advanced features will be posted on TASER International's website at - with the keynote address and full product features being released on July 9.

      The Company plans to release the XREP into a field test for 6 to 12 months starting in the fall of 2007, with full release of production in 2008 upon completion of the field trial phase. Law enforcement, military, and press can sign up to attend the TASER Tactical Conference (Media may attend the keynote XREP demonstration only) at
      schrieb am 14.06.07 16:46:36
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      JIHAA! Und wieder ein kräftiger Satz nach oben!

      :D :D :D :D :D

      Nur schade, daß ich hier nahezu der Alleinunterhalter bin ...
      schrieb am 15.06.07 15:32:45
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()

      Friday June 15, 9:01 am ET

      Taser Wins Patent Suit Against Employee

      Taser Says Court Rules Former Patent Attorney Must Surrender Rights, Claims to Patents

      SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (AP) -- Taser International Inc., a maker of electric shock weapons, said Friday a court ruled the company's former patent attorney must surrender any claims he has or may have to patents related to Taser's weapons.

      Taser had sued Thomas Watkins III for alleged breach of fiduciary duty, constructive fraud and breach of contract. Previously, the court had said Watkins represented Taser without letting the company know about interests he had that were adverse to the company, and, as a result, Taser was harmed.

      The ruling Taser announced Friday was a final judgment.

      Watkins was not immediately available for comment. :kiss:

      Taser said the Superior Court of Arizona for Maricopa County ordered Watkins to surrender "all right, title, and interest that Watkins has, claims to have, or may have in certain United States patents, patent applications, related electrical stun technology, electronic weapon technology, or any component or process thereof, whether or not patented or patentable."
      schrieb am 19.06.07 08:58:00
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Sarkozy Victory Leaves Taser Flat
      Ruthie Ackerman, 06.18.07, 3:45 PM ET

      The combination of Nicolas Sarkozy’s win in the second and final legislative elections in France on June 17 and the dismissal of three product-liability lawsuits against Taser International (nasdaq: tasr - news - people ) should have sent the stun gun company’s shares through the roof.

      Instead shares of the Scottsdale, Ariz.-based company fell 8 cents, or 0.7%, to $12.21 Monday afternoon.

      Matthew G. McKay, an analyst at Jeffries & Co., said that although Sarkozy’s election is a signal that France supports his policies, the level of urgency and the schedule of a Taser rollout is still unclear. “It may be where they start with outfitting some of the more highly trained police officers with Tasers and go from there,” McKay said. “I would be somewhat surprised if they all of a sudden bought 100,000 Tasers to put in every police cruiser, but I guess it could happen.”

      Last week, shares of Taser zapped to a high of $11.93 following the first legislative elections in France, a signal that investors believed a rollout was imminent (See “ Sarkozy Victory Pumps Up Taser”). But McKay says that there was other noise in the stock that pushed it up including: A rumor that California highway patrol was going to make a purchase, a growing anticipation about second quarter results and the upcoming launch of the C2, a consumer product that looks like a cell phone and is aimed at women in the marketplace.

      In August of last year, under then-President Jacques Chirac, the French Police Nationale and Gendarmerie Nationale approved the purchase of 5,000 Tasers. At the time Sarkozy was the interior minister and investors believed that additional purchases to equip all 250,000 of France’s police officers were going to be delayed until after the presidential elections, which took place May 6. The day after the presidential elections, shares of Taser jumped to a high of $10.25, closing at $9.92.

      Were a stun gun purchased for every police officer in France sales of Taser in the country would reach $300 million. For fiscal year 2007, Taser’s sales as a whole are estimated at $88 million, with projected sales for 2008 expected at $109 million.

      McKay says that there should be some orders out of France in the second half of the year. There are also 44 countries that have started Taser programs, and could make large purchases as well.

      McKay has a “buy” rating on the stock with a price target of $13.
      schrieb am 19.06.07 13:52:37
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      TASER International Announces Foreign Order Totaling 1,375 TASER X26 Devices

      SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., June 19, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- TASER International, Inc. (Nasdaq:TASR), a market leader in advanced electronic control devices today announced the receipt of an export purchase order from a foreign international law enforcement agency totalling 1,375 TASER(r) X26 Electronic Control Devices (ECDs) and related accessories.

      "This order provides the continuation of large deployments of our TASER technology overseas to international law enforcement agencies outside the European Union," said Tom Smith, Chairman and Co-Founder of TASER International. "We anticipate making an impact in law enforcement around the world as more and more countries successfully conclude evaluation periods and deploy TASER technology to protect life."

      This order is expected to ship in the second quarter of 2007.

      :D :D :D
      schrieb am 19.06.07 21:18:59
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      19.06.2007 20:55

      TASER - Steile Rallye läuft weiter, wenn...

      Kurz-Kommentierung: Taser gehört heute wieder zu den Gewinnern und kann die Rallye der Vorwochen auf ein neues Hoch fortsetzen. Die Aktie brach aus einer langfristig gebildeten symmetrischen Dreiecksformation in den Vorwochen aus, mit dem Anstieg über 9,27 $ wurde ein erstes größeres Kaufsignal generiert. Dieses hat den Kursverlauf bis an einen bei 12,60 $ liegenden starken Widerstand gehebelt. Eine Konsolidierung ist hier kurzfristig möglich, die die Aktie nochmals bis auf 11,00 $ führen kann. Übergeordnet bietet sich dann bei einem Ausbruch über 12,60 $ auf Wochenschlussbasis weiteres umfassendes Kurspotenzial bis in den Bereich 16,06 und 19,38 $.

      :D :D :D
      schrieb am 20.06.07 17:26:24
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      50th Product Liability Lawsuit Dismissed Against TASER

      SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., June 20, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- TASER International, Inc. (Nasdaq:TASR), a market leader in advanced electronic control devices announced that the wrongful death product liability lawsuit filed by the estate of Leroy Pierson has been voluntarily dismissed against TASER International. This is the fiftieth (50th) wrongful death or injury lawsuit that has been dismissed or judgment entered in favor of TASER International. TASER International has not lost any product liability lawsuit.

      "Our outstanding legal team, notably Missy O'Linn with the law firm of Manning and Marder located in Los Angeles, continues to achieve impressive results," said Doug Klint, Vice President and General Counsel of TASER International. "Missy O'Linn previously prevailed with a unanimous jury verdict for TASER International in the jury trial of the Alvarado wrongful death litigation. Her legal expertise and experience representing law enforcement has been a huge asset for TASER International."

      schrieb am 23.06.07 20:49:12
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      51th Product Liability Lawsuit Dismissed Against TASER

      Text wie üblich.

      Langsam stehen sie auf der sicheren Seite. Die Ängste der Anleger verschwinden, und für den Kurs gibt es kein Halten mehr, wenn jetzt noch ein paar ordentliche Bestellungen kommen. Und in Zeiten wie diesen werden sie kommen ... :)

      Bald lassen wir die 10,- Euro-Marke hinter uns! :cool:
      schrieb am 25.06.07 11:35:59
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      :D :D :D Die 10.- sind geschafft! :D :D :D

      STU: 10:34:39 - 10,15 - 78
      FRA: 11:16:15 - 10,19 - 50
      schrieb am 25.06.07 20:54:31
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      25.06.2007 17:55

      TASER - Rallye wird verschärft...
      Kürzel: TASR - ISIN: US87651B1044 / Kursstand: 13,75 $

      Kurz-Kommentierung: Die Aktie von Taser gehört weiterhin zu den Gewinnern und setzt die Rallye auch in dieser Woche zunächst fort. Dabei wird der bei 12,60 $ liegende Widerstandsbereich bereits nachhaltig durchbrochen. Ein Rücksetzer auf die 12,60 $ kann noch einkalkuliert werden, mittelfristig ist der Weg jetzt aber bereits in Richtung 16,06 $ relativ frei.

      :lick: :lick: :lick:
      schrieb am 26.06.07 13:48:11
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      TASER International White Paper Indicates TASER Devices Reduce Excessive Use of Force Liability Claims and Litigation Against Law Enforcement

      SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., June 26, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- TASER International, Inc. (Nasdaq:TASR), a market leader in advanced electronic control devices, announced the release of a TASER Liability and Litigation white paper which documents the success TASER International has had in defeating product liability litigation and how the TASER device can reduce the risk of excessive use of force claims and litigation filed against law enforcement agencies and officers.

      "In light of our 51st court dismissal in favor of TASER International, I have provided a white paper that analyzes our litigation track record and excessive use of force litigation against law enforcement," said Doug Klint, TASER International's Vice President and General Counsel. "Over the past few years we have accumulated compelling field statistics documenting significant injury reductions from TASER device use, risk management reviews showing how the TASER device can reduce excessive use of force claims, and court decisions holding that use of TASER(r) technology does not per se constitute excessive use of force. The conclusions indicate that court rulings and statistics from law enforcement agencies confirm that the deployment of a TASER electronic control device (ECD) is a reasonable use of force and plays a key role in reducing excessive use of force liability claims and litigation against law enforcement. The savings that results from this reduction in excessive use of force liability claims and litigation is a very important economic benefit to law enforcement agencies that deploy TASER ECDs," said Klint.

      TASER International recently announced that it has achieved a company milestone with its 51st lawsuit dismissal record and no losses.

      The white paper for TASER Product Liability Litigation Risk, Law Enforcement Excessive Use of Force Liability and Litigation Risk and recent favorable court rulings is available at…
      schrieb am 28.06.07 10:58:20
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      TASER International Receives Order for 1,420 TASER X26 Devices From Riverside County

      SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., June 28, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- TASER International, Inc. (Nasdaq:TASR), a market leader in advanced electronic control devices today announced the receipt of a purchase order for 1,420 TASER(r) X26 Electronic Control Devices (ECDs) and related accessories from the Riverside County Sheriff's Department.

      "We are pleased to see the continued and steady expansion of the use of TASER devices in California following an extensive test and evaluation period," said Tom Smith, Chairman and co-founder of TASER International. "We look forward to supporting the men and women of the Riverside Sheriff's Department through the deployment of TASER systems to protect life," concluded Mr. Smith.

      This order is expected to ship in the second quarter and possibly the third quarter of 2007.

      :) :) :)
      schrieb am 28.06.07 13:54:56
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      TASER International Forms Strategic Alliance With iRobot

      SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., June 28, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- TASER International, Inc. (Nasdaq:TASR), a market leader in advanced electronic control devices, today announced the forming of a strategic alliance with iRobot Corp. (Nasdaq:IRBT). Under the terms of this alliance the two companies will work collaboratively to develop a new robotic capability utilizing TASER(r) technologies. This combination of capabilities will allow law enforcement, federal, and military users to employ TASER technology from an iRobot(r) platform at a safe distance to engage, incapacitate, and control dangerous suspects without exposing those personnel, the suspect, or bystanders to unnecessary risks.

      As the first step in this alliance, the two companies have integrated TASER(r) X26 electronic control device (ECD) technology into the iRobot PackBot(r) Explorer. This proof-of-concept integration is being shown to Law Enforcement and Military customers to explore customer needs and requirements. The result of these customer interactions will lead to the development of products that may include a full line of TASER kits for iRobot platforms to a family of fully integrated robots.

      "TASER International is very excited to be entering into this alliance with a forward thinking and proactive company such as iRobot," said Tom Smith, Chairman of TASER International. "We have been working on expanding the delivery platforms of our proven TASER Neuromuscular Incapacitation (NMI) technology. Integrating our technology with the increasingly necessary capability of remotely controlled or autonomous robotic systems is a natural fit. Further, working on this integration with a company that matches our customer commitment, technical capability, and innovative spirit is very exciting for us and will allow both companies to significantly expand in this market. Stay tuned for what I know will be exciting new product and capability offerings resulting from this collaborative effort."
      schrieb am 28.06.07 19:01:33
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      28.06.2007 17:04

      iRobot and TASER Team to Deliver New Robot Capabilities for Military, Law Enforcement

      iRobot Corp. (Nachrichten) (NASDAQ:IRBT) today announced a strategic alliance with TASER International, (Nachrichten) Inc. to develop new robots that can remotely engage, incapacitate and control dangerous suspects with integrated TASER electronic control devices. Built on iRobot's combat-proven PackBot® robot platforms, the new TASER-equipped robots will add a new ability to control dangerous suspects while keeping personnel, the suspect and bystanders out of harm's way.

      iRobot and TASER together have developed a working proof-of-concept model - iRobot® PackBot Explorerâ„¢ with TASER X26 device - to showcase the first robot of its kind with an on-board, integrated TASER payload. The two companies will demonstrate the proof-of-concept model at the annual TASER Tactical Conference, July 9-10, at the Westin O'Hare in Chicago.

      “iRobot continually looks for new or proven technologies from best-of-industry companies to integrate on our battle-tested robots,“ said Vice Admiral Joe Dyer (U.S. Navy, Ret.), president of iRobot Government&Industrial Robots. “The addition of TASER technologies onto iRobot platforms will provide a critical tool for SWAT, law enforcement and military to handle a variety of dangerous scenarios.“

      The PackBot Explorer is a rugged and lightweight robot that can be hand-carried and deployed by a single operator. An unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), PackBot Explorer is designed to search hazardous areas, giving warfighters, law enforcement and first responders a safe first look so they know what to expect and how to respond. PackBot Explorer and the iRobot PackBot family of robots are designed with a digital, modular architecture which makes integration of payloads, including the TASER electronic control device, easy and cost effective.

      To date, iRobot has delivered more than 1,000 PackBot robots to a broad range of military and civilian customers worldwide. The iRobot PackBot is used to detect and defuse road-side bombs, known as Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), while keeping warfighters out of harm's way. The robots have performed tens of thousands of missions in Iraq and Afghanistan and are credited with saving soldiers' lives.

      About iRobot Corp.

      iRobot is a provider of robots that perform dull, dirty or dangerous missions in a better way. The company's proprietary technology, iRobot AWARE Robot Intelligence Systems, incorporates advanced concepts in navigation, mobility, manipulation and artificial intelligence. This proprietary system enables iRobot to build behavior-based robots, including its family of consumer and military robots. For additional information about iRobot, please visit

      schrieb am 28.06.07 21:10:08
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Echt eine sehr innovative Firma, die ständig neue Produkte auf den Markt bringt, noch ein paar Aufträge aus Europa und die Aktie kennt kein halten mehr, denn so wie die Aktie in den letzten Jahren abgestürzt ist hat sie enormes Aufholpotenzial!!!
      schrieb am 29.06.07 10:55:48
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.376.678 von flotsch am 28.06.07 21:10:08
      June 28, 2007 11:59 AM PDT

      Taser links up with iRobot for stunning new products
      by Michael Kanellos

      Taser International, the people who make the stun guns, and iRobot have kicked off a collaboration to develop machines for the military and police agencies that ideally will incapacitate, but not kill, suspects.

      Thus, instead of sending a rookie cop into a strip club to break up a fight between a bouncer and a coked-up drummer from a heavy-metal band, the robot can do it for him.

      And think of the improvements in crowd control you could achieve at those messy Greenpeace rallies.

      The two companies have already integrated a Taser X26 stun gun--also known as "an electronic control device," in Taser talk--on to an iRobot PackBot, the mobile military robot created by the company. PackBots have been used to perform reconnaissance in the caves of Afghanistan during combat situations and to investigate potential roadside bombs in Iraq, among other assignments.

      Colin Angle, one of iRobot's founders, has in the past talked about rigging up PackBots, which can accept a wide variety of attachments, with nonlethal weapons as a way to cut down on military and civilian fatalities.

      "We've evolved beyond Vietnam, where they would tie a rope around someone and lower them in a cave so if they got shot, they (could) pull them out," he said in a 2005 interview. "Every time you go in a door, you have to make a decision. Do you jump in? You could get shot. Do you throw a grenade in? It could blow up an innocent person in the room. The robot's true value is...decreasing the battlefield fog.

      Other companies have created robots mounted with machine guns, but these have not been used extensively by the military.

      iRobot also makes the popular Roomba vacuum cleaner and other household robots. Many of these can accept payloads too. Conceivably, you could one day see a Roomba that zaps intruders, rodents and household pets.

      In the interests of editorial disclosure, I'm actually somewhat familiar with the products from both companies and have been impressed. We had a Scooba in the house for a few weeks for testing and found it remarkable.

      Back in 2004, I also voluntarily got zapped with a Taser. It felt like being dipped into a vat of boiling oil while having nails driven through my hands. But if I ever had a subconscious desire to rob a convenience store, that one second blast got rid of it.

      And the numb sensation in my hands faded after a while.
      schrieb am 29.06.07 13:56:28
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      :D :D :D Jeden Tag SUPER_NEWS !!! :D :D :D

      TASER International Sets Release Date of July 23 for TASER C2

      SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., June 29, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- TASER International, Inc. (Nasdaq:TASR), a market leader in advanced electronic control devices, today announced that it has set a release date of July 23 for the new TASER(r) C2 consumer product.

      "We have begun production of the TASER C2 after an extensive product validation process," said Rick Smith, Chief Executive and Founder of TASER International. "Having sold over 130,000 TASER systems to the public since 1994, we have set a product release date for the new TASER C2 of July 23. This will coincide with TASER International ringing the bell to open the NASDAQ market, providing an excellent opportunity to highlight the availability of our newest and most advanced personal protection system available to consumers."

      :D :D :D Jetzt geht es ran an das Fußvolk. Der Kurs kennt nur noch eine Richtung!! :D :D :D
      schrieb am 29.06.07 14:16:00
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


      United States Military Issues Order for 2,400 TASER X26 Devices

      SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., June 29, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- TASER International, Inc. (Nasdaq:TASR), a market leader in advanced electronic control devices, today announced the receipt of a United States military purchase order for 2,400 TASER(r) X26 Electronic Control Devices (ECDs) and related accessories.

      "This order comes after several years of work by the United States military in evaluating our TASER X26 system as a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) item," said Tom Smith, Chairman and co-founder of TASER International. "This is an important milestone in the progress of the US Military continuing to accept and deploy our products for use in theater by our troops."

      The order was placed with Aardvark Tactical, Inc. of Azusa, CA, TASER International's sole military distributor. This is the first order of a five-year indefinite delivery indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract, with the possibility of future orders up to a maximum value of $22,789,851. A portion of this first order of 2,400 units is expected to ship in the second quarter of 2007 with the balance of the order shipping early in the third quarter.
      schrieb am 30.06.07 18:37:56
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      TASER International Announces Foreign Order Totaling 650 TASER X26 Devices

      SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., June 29, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- TASER International, Inc. (Nasdaq:TASR), a market leader in advanced electronic control devices, today announced the receipt of an export purchase order from an Asian law enforcement agency totaling 650 TASER(r) X26 Electronic Control Devices (ECDs) and related cartridges and accessories.

      "As we continue to see our international market gain momentum, this is a follow-on order for our TASER technology from an international law enforcement agency in Asia," said Tom Smith, Chairman of TASER International. "This particular country has been using our technology for several years and continues to expand and deploy TASER technology to protect life."

      This order is expected to ship in the second quarter of 2007.
      schrieb am 06.07.07 20:59:35
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      July 6, 2007 7:58 AM PDT

      Taser goes wireless
      by Jonathan Skillings

      Up to now, Taser stun guns have been short-range gadgets that deliver their jolt of electricity through wires linking the gun and the projectile. (Think Ben Stiller and Dustin Hoffman getting zapped in Meet the Fockers.) On Monday, the company plans to introduce its first-ever wireless device in Chicago at the Taser Tactical Conference for members of law enforcement and military organizations,

      Taser's new XREP packs its neuromuscular punch in a self-contained half-ounce projectile, the company says. Another convenient feature is that the XREP can be fired from a standard 12-gauge shotgun.

      Taser plans to start a field test of the XREP in the fall. After six to 12 months of testing, it's expected to get a full production release sometime in 2008. The company is being stingy about sharing details of the wireless zapper in the days before Monday's unveiling, but more than a year ago, the word was that a forthcoming Taser shotgun projectile might work at ranges approaching 100 feet.

      By comparison, the consumer-oriented Taser C2 has a range of just 15 feet. Plus, those annoying wires.
      schrieb am 09.07.07 21:36:47
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Shockwave Arrives At Annual TASER Conference

      TASER Also Demonstrates eXtended Range Projectile and iRobot Proof-of-Concept

      SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., July 9, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- TASER International, Inc. (Nasdaq:TASR), a market leader in advanced electronic control devices, today unveiled their new product lines at the opening day of the annual TASER Tactical Conference in Chicago, Illinois. TASER revealed their latest innovation for military use, the TASER(r) Shockwave(tm), a command activated area denial system consisting of a modular 6-shot TASER electronic control device (ECD) that covers a 22-degree arc with 25-ft XP TASER Cartridges.

      "This past year, TASER International formed a Senior Executive Advisory Board (SEAB), comprised of leading military and federal agency experts to provide guidance on how to adapt our technology for military and homeland security application," said Rick Smith, CEO and co-founder of TASER International. "The TASER Shockwave addresses the need for enhanced area denial and force protection at checkpoints where life-and-death decisions must be made instantaneously."

      Addressing an audience of several hundred law enforcement and military officers, Smith explained that when activated, Shockwave units saturate an area with TASER Neuro Muscular Incapacitation (NMI), providing the first area-target system capable of not only denying personnel but also incapacitating persons utilizing reversible non-lethal effects by delivering five seconds of NMI, much like the current TASER X26 electronic control device.

      "Shockwave is designed to be a fully modular system, allowing the end user complete flexibility to deploy as needed to achieve the desired objective," said Smith. "Units can be stacked side by side, vertically, or can be 'daisy-chained' together in limitless combinations to allow an optimized response for every deployment. Shockwave units can also be mounted on vehicles to provide enhanced force protection during military operations in urban environments."

      TASER also introduced the company's revolutionary eXtended Range Electronic Projectile (XREP) with wireless NMI technology designed to be launched from a 12-gauge shotgun. Weighing less than half an ounce, the XREP is the world's first wireless electronic control device. The company revealed several revolutionary technologies embedded in the XREP, including:

      1. The XREP Engine: an electronic payload that delivers NMI from a
      package that weighs less than 2.5 grams

      2. Torsion Spring Fins: A radical new flight stability technology
      that uses spring deployed fins to spin stabilize a projectile fired
      from a smooth bore shotgun

      3. Recoil Electrode Deployment: A new technique to spread a secondary
      electrode contact on target by redirecting energy from the impact
      of the projectile to launch a secondary electrode away from the
      subject on a tether, which re-engages at a separate body location

      4. Reflex Engagement Electrodes: A method which utilizes the reflexes
      of the target to attach secondary electrodes which separate from
      the initial point of impact for enhanced NMI effects; and

      5. Intelligent Electrode Selection: A new technique wherein an
      on-board microprocessor inside the XREP monitors to detect
      connections between different electrodes and automatically
      redirects NMI discharges to the optimal electrode set.
      TASER's collaboration with iRobot Corp (Nasdaq:IRBT), aimed at developing a new robotic capability utilizing TASER technologies on iRobot(r) platforms, was also highlighted at the Tactical Conference. The strategic alliance with iRobot Corp. will allow the two companies to work collaboratively to integrate TASER(r) NMI technology into the iRobot PackBot(r) Explorer(tm) and other future robotic platforms.

      "We have come a long way over the past couple of years," explained Tom Smith, Chairman and TASER International co-founder. "This is an exciting time for the company and we look forward and remain dedicated to creating technologies that provide personal and national security that ultimately protect life."

      Photos and video of Shockwave activated area denial system, TASER XREP and the iRobot collaboration are available at

      btw: 10,80 :D
      schrieb am 10.07.07 16:28:28
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Taser creates electric shotgun And robots get stun guns
      By Chris Williams → More by this author

      Published Tuesday 10th July 2007 10:23 GMT

      Taser, the stun gun company, has announced a shotgun cartridge which fires a wireless electric shock round to knock down a person up to 65 feet away.
      The 2.4 gram TASER XREP (pictured) leaves an ordinary 12-gauge barrel at about 300 feet per second. When it hits, as well as providing "blunt impact", four barbed electrodes puncture clothes to deliver the same painful jolt as one of the firm's handheld weapons. The 20-second shock comes from a lithium ion battery.

      It's in pilot for the next six to 12 months, and is expected to cost about $99 a shot on release.

      XREP was one of a trio of new initiatives at yesterday's annual conference of the world's leading electropain outfit. There is also a deal with robotics firm iRobot to slap remote-controlled electric shock weaponry onto machines used by the military and police.
      A third application of "Neuro-Muscular Incapactation" will see a battery of six wired taser darts sprayed simultaneously in a 20 degree arc. The Taser Shockwave is aimed at border guards who feel the need to take down several people.

      At the launch, Taser CEO Rick Smith said: "The TASER Shockwave addresses the need for enhanced area denial and force protection at checkpoints where life-and-death decisions must be made instantaneously."
      Translation: it really hurts and there's a better chance a panicked grunt won't kill someone than if he reaches for the M16.
      There's a load more info, including some pretty creepy promotional videos, here. The new designs are just the latest fruits of Taser's efforts to apply cattle prod technology to as many situations as possible. At CES this year, it launched a version for consumers, in five pretty colours.®

      :eek: 12,65 :D
      schrieb am 16.07.07 15:00:02
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      So, jetzt eine kleine Konsolidierung ... bis auf 9,50 runter ... dann leg ich wieder zu!
      schrieb am 24.07.07 11:48:25
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      23.07.2007 16:59

      Taser übertrifft Analystenschätzungen, Aktie legt deutlich zu

      Scottsdale ( AG) - Der Betäubungswaffen-Hersteller Taser International Inc. (ISIN US87651B1044 (Nachrichten)/ WKN 676681) verbuchte im zweiten Quartal einen deutlichen Ergebnisanstieg und konnte die Analystenschätzungen dabei übertreffen.

      Wie der Konzern am Montag erklärte, lag der Gesamtumsatz im Berichtszeitraum bei 25,9 Mio. Dollar, was im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum (16,23 Mio. Dollar) einem Plus von 59 Prozent entspricht. Der Nettogewinn lag bei 3,70 Mio. Dollar bzw. 6 Cents je Aktie, nach einem Nettoverlust von 9,61 Mio. Dollar bzw. -15 Cents je Aktie im Vorjahreszeitraum. Analysten hatten zuvor ein EPS von 4 Cents sowie einen Umsatz von 21,25 Mio. Dollar erwartet. Für das laufende Quartal liegen die Analystenschätzungen bei einem EPS von 6 Cents sowie einem Umsatz von 23,46 Mio. Dollar.
      schrieb am 31.07.07 13:44:11
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.711.376 von watchi am 16.07.07 15:00:02...hast Du jetzt nochmals nachgelegt???
      schrieb am 29.08.07 12:01:03
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.950.135 von MCMLXVIII am 31.07.07 13:44:11
      Sorry, war länger nicht hier ... ne, bin zu 12,- raus.

      Unter 9.- gehts wieder rein. :lick:
      schrieb am 08.10.07 21:44:49
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Tausendmal getasert - drei im Krankenhaus
      Von Markus Becker

      Taser werden bei Polizeikräften immer beliebter. Die erste große Studie über den Einsatz im Alltag hat jetzt gezeigt, dass die Elektroschockwaffen statistisch betrachtet kaum jemanden ernsthaft verletzen. Kritiker befürchten, dass Polizisten gerade deshalb zu häufig Blitze schleudern.,1518,510156,00.h…
      schrieb am 09.01.08 14:41:40
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Elektroschocker in Leoparden-Fell
      Aus Las Vegas berichtet Konrad Lischka
      MP3-Holster und Leopardenfell-Muster: Die US-Firma Taser vermarktet ihre umstrittenen Elektrowaffen inzwischen als Lifestyle-Technik, um Frauen zu locken und das ganz große Geschäft zu machen. Neuste Vertriebsidee: Taser-Partys zum Kennenlernen der Handtaschen-Elektroschocker.,1518,527457,00.html
      schrieb am 29.04.08 08:10:15
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      TASER International Authorizes Stock Buy-Back Program for Up to $12.5 Million of Company Stock

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