
    Rio Tinto laut Focus Money kaufenswert! - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

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      schrieb am 26.02.04 13:31:50
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Rio Tinto kaufenswert
      Focus Money

      Das Anlegermagazin "Focus Money" empfiehlt derzeit ein Engagement in die Aktien von Rio Tinto (ISIN AU000000RIO1/ WKN 855018).

      Nachdem der Gewinn 2003 leicht gesunken sei, dürfte der nach BHP und Anglo American drittgrößte Rohstoffkonzern der Erde im laufenden Jahr gut verdienen. Steigende Rohstoffpreise würden negative Effekte des starken australischen Dollar - dort besitze Rio Tinto rund die Hälfte seiner Aktivitäten - überdecken. Der Konzern arbeite wegen der günstigen Kostenstruktur bei vielen Projekten mit einer hohen operativen Gewinnmarge.

      Hinter dem brasilianischen Konzern Valé do Rio Doce (CVRD) sei der australisch-britische Konzern der zweitgrößte Eisenerzexporteur der Erde. Eine starke Absatzstellung in China sowie neue Eisenerz-, Kohle- und Kupferprojekte, die 2005 in Produktion gehen dürften, würden die guten Zukunftschancen von Rio Tinto unterstreichen.

      Vor diesem Hintergrund rät das Anlegermagazin "Focus Money" zu einem Engagement in die Aktien von Rio Tinto.

      schrieb am 09.03.04 11:42:56
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()

      Chart in Frankfurt:

      schrieb am 15.03.04 20:00:20
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      ich würde unbedingt in BHP umschichten.
      schrieb am 22.03.04 19:27:55
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      RIO ist in Australien nur die Nummer 2, BHP hat bei weitem bessere Aussichten
      schrieb am 06.04.04 22:45:13
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Jetzt wieder nach Norden! Aktionär sagt kaufen!


      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1390EUR +11,20 %
      East Africa Metals: Geht jetzt der Kurs durch die Decke? mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 15.04.04 23:17:54
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      ich glaube, bei cia vale (tlw. in bras. staatsbesitz) werden die grösseren räder für die chinesen gedreht:
      ---leider gibts in D bloss die adr zu handeln---

      China may invest $5 bln in Brazil ports, railways
      Thursday April 15, 4:16 pm ET
      By Natuza Nery

      BRASILIA, Brazil, April 15 (Reuters) - China could invest more than $5 billion in Brazilian ports and railways in a move to secure the delivery of its booming commodities imports from the Latin American country, Chinese officials said on Thursday.

      The plans are expected to be announced when Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva visits China next month and would represent a victory for Lula`s drive to boost Brazil`s ties with the world`s leading developing nations.

      A group from the China International Trust & Investment Corporation (CITIC) -- China`s largest financial conglomerate -- are visiting Brazil this week and met with Lula on Wednesday.

      "They (the Chinese) are waiting for the signing of the letter of intention after president Lula`s visit to China," said Fernando Garnero, head of Brasilinvest, which is participating in the negotiations.

      He told Reuters the value of the Chinese investments could reach more than $5 billion.

      Chinese investments in Brazilian infrastructure would be a boon for Brazil and could boost the speed with which soaring exports like soy and iron ore reach China`s market. China became Brazil`s third-biggest single export market in the first quarter of this year, as exports jumped 51 percent from the same period a year earlier.

      "At this moment we are interested in Brazil`s ports ... because port projects, as well as offering good returns, can help agricultural exports," said Wang Jun, head of CITIC. "A reduction in the cost of transport plays an important role both for China and for Brazil."

      Brazil`s ports are in need of investment to expand capacity in order to keep up with the country`s soaring exports.

      China is increasingly looking to Latin America for the commodities it needs to keep its economy booming. Reflecting the growing commercial ties between Brazil and China, this week`s visit by CITIC was its first ever to Brazil.

      A specific project under consideration by the two countries is a railway line which would link Brazil to the Pacific Ocean, possibly to a port in Chile, cutting thousands of miles off the voyage to Asia. That would considerably cut the cost of shipment for exports to China.

      A specific interest for China is iron ore, which Wang said was key to the development of China.

      China`s top steel maker, Baosteel (Shanghai:600019.SS - News), said in February it was considering the construction of a steel plant in Brazil together with local group Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD) (Sao Paolo:VALE5.SA - News; NYSE:RIO - News), the world`s top iron ore miner.

      At a cost of $2.5 billion, it would be the largest overseas investment by a Chinese company so far.
      schrieb am 22.04.04 21:25:01
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      In der Studie vom 20. April bewertet JP Morgan die Aktie des britischen Rohstoffkonzerns Rio Tinto mit "Neutral".

      Pigment-Produzenten würden weiterhin unter Druck stehen. Allerdings habe die gestiegene Nachfrage aus China die Situation erst mal gerettet. RBM und QIT würden nach wie vor mit verringerter Kapazität operieren, könnten aber leicht aktiviert werden. Die Analysten bestätigen ihr Votum "Neutral".


      schrieb am 24.04.04 15:46:31
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      cia vale stellt sich immer breiter auf :
      eisenerz,bauxit,mangan,pottasche,demnächst auch kupfer.

      news zu cia vale:

      Brazil CVRD 1st-quarter output rises year on year
      Friday April 23, 12:04 pm ET

      RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil, April 23 (Reuters) - Brazilian mining company CVRD (Sao Paolo:VALE5.SA - News; NYSE:RIO - News), the world`s biggest iron ore producer, said output of all products except potassium rose in the first quarter, compared with a year earlier.

      As usual, the rainy season, which complicates mining and transportation, reduced production of some items, such as iron ore, from the previous three-month period, but not significantly, CVRD, or Cia Vale do Rio Doce, said in a statement issued late on Thursday.

      Iron ore output under U.S. GAAP accounting standards rose 7.3 percent from year-ago levels to 46.52 million tonnes, but was 5.1 percent lower than in the last quarter of 2003.

      The year-on-year increase came despite the shutdown of the exhausted Capanema mine, CVRD said.

      CVRD produced 44 percent more ore pellets than a year ago, or 3.75 million tonnes, while pellet output slipped 5.5 percent from the previous quarter. Including its participation in joint ventures, which the U.S. GAAP method does not take into account, pellet output was 8.45 million tonnes, CVRD noted.

      "These CVRD numbers show that the world steel industry is still pretty hot, with growing purchases of ore and pellets," Brascan Bank analyst Luiz Caetano said in a report.

      Caetano added that he expected CVRD to post "tangibly superior" earnings this year. CVRD posted a record 4.5 billion reais ($1.55 billion) profit last year.

      CVRD shares, which fell on Thursday on fears steel prices may drop soon, rebounded nearly 2 percent to about 125 reais.

      The company`s Manganese production under U.S. GAAP jumped 26.4 percent from a year earlier to 556,000 tonnes and edged up 3 percent from the October-December period. Ferro-alloys output soared 44.8 percent from year-go levels and 17.3 percent from the fourth quarter, totaling 152,000 tonnes.

      Alumina production rose 37.9 percent year on year and 3.8 percent sequentially to 648,000 tonnes, which CVRD attributed to increased efficiency of its Alunorte refinery.

      Bauxite production, which is calculated only under Brazilian GAAP, soared 62 percent to 1.57 million tonnes from year ago level and fell 9 percent from the preceding quarter.

      Primary aluminum output at the Albras refinery reached 64,000 tonnes, practically in line with the same period last year but 5.4 percent lower than in the fourth quarter of 2003 due to technical adjustments at the plant. CVRD said the plant was working normally in April.

      Meanwhile, CVRD produced 11.9 percent less potassium, which is used in fertilizers, than a year ago and 17 percent less than in the fourth quarter. CVRD attributed the fall to 141,000 tonnes to the effects of work on the expansion of Taquari-Vassouras mine capacity to 850,000 tonnes by 2005.

      It said this year`s potassium output should be more than 6 percent below last year`s record of 658,000 tonnes.
      schrieb am 29.04.04 21:11:28
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      ich bin nicht mehr dabei, SL...

      schrieb am 27.05.04 11:20:23
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      OUR TAKE

      Rio Tinto Glimmers
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      By Roger Nusbaum
      May 26, 2004

      Investing in gold stocks can be a wild ride. The supply and demand for the underlying metal is often difficult to understand and, consequently, share prices can be volatile. If you`re looking for exposure to the group, Rio Tinto (NYSE: RTP) may be a way to invest in the sector but be insulated from potentially violent swings in the price of gold.

      In addition to gold, Rio Tinto also mines aluminum, copper, diamonds, coal, iron ore, and half a dozen other industrial minerals. The benefit here is that earnings can grow even if gold does not go to $450 or $500. But even though only about 20% of Rio Tinto`s earnings comes from gold, the stock has a very high correlation to the Philadelphia Gold and Silver Index.

      The fundamental picture for Rio Tinto is very solid. Earnings are expected to be $6.45 per share and increase 25% for 2005 to $8.09, with revenues expected to jump 13% over the same period. With a forward price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio of 12, shares are much cheaper than many of the other gold stocks. Lastly, Rio Tinto sports a 2.9% dividend yield, which compares favorably to rival companies.

      Last year was a great year for shares of Rio Tinto, as they jumped 40%. This was thanks to a worldwide economic recovery, new demand coming from China, and a bull market in the entire commodity complex. In reviewing the 2003 annual report, it`s clear the company is well-positioned to take advantage of China`s immense need for industrial metals.

      Some investors hold gold stocks for an inflation hedge. Unfortunately, as inflation has seemingly begun to pick up in the last few months, gold stocks have dropped 10% to 15% on average.

      Other investors may be interested in one other type of insurance that Rio Tinto and gold stocks offer. In the days after the Sept. 11 tragedy, the gold sector had a small rally while the broader market dropped 20%. This is clearly an unpleasant topic, but if we truly are in a war on terror and if we are to believe what the government tells us about possible future attacks in the U.S., gold stocks are likely to react the same way if there is another attack.

      If we are lucky enough to never be attacked again, Rio Tinto still gives you an almost 3% dividend yield, and big benefits from China.

      schrieb am 05.06.04 11:06:33
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Lehman Brothers stuft die Aktie des australischen Minenbetreibers Rio Tinto Ltd. In einer Analyse vom 4. Juni mit "Overweight" ein. Das Kursziel werde mit 118 Dollar angegeben.

      Kupfer sei schon immer und bleibe das beliebteste Metal der Analysten. In nächster Zeit werde dem Versorgungsbereich des Kupfer-Marktes jedoch etwas Gegenwind entgegen blasen. Die Analysten sind dennoch der Meinung, dass das Nachfragewachstum groß genug sein werde um den Versorgungsproblemen entgegenwirken zu können.

      Lehman Brothers erwartet, dass Kupfer in 2004 weiterhin relativ beständig bleibe. Pro Pfund steigern die Analysten ihre Erwartungen auf 1,23 Dollar, was einen Jahresdurchschnitt von 1,20 Dollar impliziere.


      schrieb am 14.06.04 19:27:58
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      und wieder was negatives:

      Die Analysten von JP Morgan stufen in einer Studie vom 11. Juni den Titel des britischen Rohstoffkonzerns Rio Tino plc von "Neutral" auf "Underweight" herunter. Bei einem Kurs von 1284 Pence beträgt der faire Wert 1480 Pence.

      Im Vergleich zur Peergroup sehen die Analysten weniger Aufwärtspotential. Doch aufgrund der niedrigen Kursvorhersagen des A-Dollars im Vergleich zum Dollar steigern die Analysten ihre Gewinnprognosen um etwa 13%, da etwa 30% des Umsatzes in Australien gemacht würden.


      schrieb am 02.07.04 18:43:43
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Rio Tinto "neutral weight"

      Wednesday, June 30, 2004 2:47:11 PM ET
      Prudential Financial

      NEW YORK, June 30 (New Ratings) - Analyst John C Tumazos of Prudential Financial maintains his "neutral weight" rating on Rio Tinto (RTP.NYS). The target price is set to $92.

      In a research note published this morning, the analyst mentions that Rio Tinto`s recent discovery of gold in Cortez is unlikely to drive the company`s stock performance in the near term. Given the diversified nature of Rio Tinto`s businesses, the gold discovery is unlikely to add significant value to the company`s asset base, the analyst says.
      schrieb am 26.07.04 17:04:58
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Rio Tinto May Treble 1st Half Net To US$1.7 Billion On High Prices

      07-26-04 12:52 AM EST
      PERTH -(Dow Jones)- Driven by surging Chinese metals demand and well-timed asset sales, Anglo-Australian resources group Rio Tinto Ltd. (RTP) may nearly treble first half earnings to around US$1.7 billion when it reports this Thursday.

      The record surplus will also confirm expectations of a further profit lift in the second half, as Rio Tinto and competitor BHP Billiton (BHP) enjoy high copper, iron ore, coal and aluminum prices.

      After stripping out one-off asset sales, including the March disposal of a stake in copper miner Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. (FCX), Rio Tinto is expected to report earnings of just under US$1 billion for the half year to June 30, 2004. One of the world`s biggest miners, Rio Tinto earned US$641 million in the year-earlier period.

      Heath Jansen, a resources analyst with ABN Amro, tips a US$931 million profit, versus consensus forecasts of around US$960 million.

      "If anything I expect a result slightly weaker than market expectations," he told Dow Jones Newswires.

      He tips rising fuel costs and higher mine operating costs to put a slight brake on profits that have been boosted by robust demand out of China and elsewhere in Asia.

      "But the stage is set for a strong back half for Rio, so the market is willing to look through a first half that may be below expectations," Jansen said.

      Last week Rio Tinto reported on second quarter operations, with higher thermal coal, copper and Canadian diamond production offset by a weather-affected iron ore division and low Australian diamond output.

      The company appears to have overcome recent production disruptions, with the Escondida copper mine in Chile, Grasberg copper in Indonesia and Hamersley iron ore "all largely back at capacity", said broker Citigroup Smith Barney.

      "Profit on asset sales are expected to drive a very strong headline reported earnings, after tax, of US$1.7 billion," the broker said. However, before one- off items, Smith Barney`s forecast remains unchanged at US$1 billion.

      In addition to increased production and contributions from new projects such as Diavik (diamonds) and Hail Creek (coal), Rio Tinto`s second half will be driven by the full benefit of higher iron ore and thermal coal prices, Smith Barney said.

      Goldman Sachs JB Were said that earnings per share growth has been " particularly strong" over the past six months for both Rio Tinto and BHP.

      "We conclude that each division of BHP and RIO (with the possible exception of mineral sands) is enjoying strong profitability, which we expect to continue," it said.

      Copper is the key first half earnings driver for Rio Tinto, with the division contributing around 40% of the forecast profit of US$967 million, Goldman Sachs said.

      Despite production interruptions by cyclone activity, the broker also tips iron ore profits to rise 27% on the year-earlier period, making it the second biggest contributor after copper.

      Iron ore profits will also rise in the second half as an 18.6% contract price increase, agreed to earlier this year with Japanese steel mills, is fully realized, the broker said.

      -By Stephen Bell, Dow Jones Newswires; 61-8-9245-6408

      -Edited by Ian Pemberton

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      Rio Tinto laut Focus Money kaufenswert!