
    Coeur DÀlene Mines (CDE) - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 12.06.02 20:11:39 von
    neuester Beitrag 06.05.05 16:30:02 von
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    ISIN: US1921085049 · WKN: A0RNL2 · Symbol: CDM1
    -1,46 %
    -0,0850 USD
    Letzter Kurs 02:04:00 Nasdaq


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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 12.06.02 20:11:39
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Ein guter Weg um Silber zu bekommen. Eine billige Aktie und ein guter Pullback Einstieg für den nächsten Aufschwung, vermutlich gibt es dort eine kleine bis keine Silber Reserve irgendwo. Dies könnte vorteilhaft für Silber sein.

      schrieb am 20.06.02 08:37:55
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Hizufügen zur Precious Metal Liste.
      Fügt CDE zu eurer Selektion von Precious Metals hinzu, die sich in den frühen Stufen von Ihrem bull market befinden.

      schrieb am 20.06.02 15:21:32
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Wie sieht deine weitere Einschätzung aus?
      schrieb am 20.06.02 16:40:12
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Der Aufwärtstrend bei CDE hat begonnen. Es sollte in den interessant werden über die nächsten Wochen. CDE hat in den letzten Tagen seine Position verbessert. RS ist größer als bei HL über die letzten 2 Wochen. (HL hat sich mehr zurückgezogen). Ich halte und mag HL, aber ich denke CDE wird HL outperformen während der nächsten Rallye Phase.

      CDE ist doppelt geschützt, ob die Zinsen niedrig bleiben während einer schwierigen Depression oder CDE wird zur Himmelsrakete bei massiver Hyperinflation.
      Silber ist ein großartiger Hegde sowieso und kombiniert mit dem Defizit an Silberlieferungen wird CDE zur ultimativen Growth und Value Aktie zur selben Zeit.
      Der geringe Schuldenstand wird eher als später eliminiert.

      schrieb am 20.06.02 17:48:12
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      geringer schuldenstand?

      wieiel unzen silber wird denn coer fördern müssen um seine schulden zu bezahlen.
      jetzt mal ganz einfach gerechnet nimm 5$ je unze.
      vergiß die förderungkosten etc.
      die verdienen ja bis dato keinen cent am silber,
      nein, nein, coer ist nur als transformer (a la hecla)
      interessant, von silber zu gold, so wird ein schuh draus.
      silber als beiprodikt und gold als money maker.

      thats what i mean.

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
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      East Africa Metals: Widerstand gebrochen und neues Jahreshoch! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 20.06.02 18:02:25
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Im moment verdienen die noch nichts am Silber.
      Deshlab fördern sie ein wenig Gold um wenigstens ein bisschen Cash-Flow zu haben. Doch wenn sie am Silber verdienen die Schulden und die ausstehende Wandelanleihe bezahlt haben wirds richtig abgehen. CDM stand mal 15 € dann kam die Insolvenz Gefahr und nun siehts schon wieder viel besser aus!
      Wenn also Schulden und Wandelanleihen keine Probleme mehr machen, danach siehts im Moment aus. Was steht dann noch einem neuen Höhenflug im Wege?
      Es müssen ja nicht gleich 15€ sein aber 5€ wären doch schon gut!
      Was meint ihr?
      schrieb am 20.06.02 19:00:54
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Die Rakete ist schon gestartet!

      schrieb am 20.06.02 22:07:22
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Wenn also Schulden und Wandelanleihen keine Probleme mehr machen, danach siehts im Moment aus. Was steht dann noch einem neuen Höhenflug im Wege?

      wie kommst du da drauf im nächsten jahr sind über 100 mille
      wieviel werden sie davon dieses jahr verdienen, und seit wann ist coer am break even, daß ich nicht lache,
      bin zwar dort auch noch little aktionär, aber die werden nach meinem zahlenmaterial auch zum 30. juni keine schwarzen zahlen bringen.
      bitte um erklärung, falls ich falsch liege.
      über kurse sag ich eh nix, 2 hab ich mal gepostet, die sind gekommen und die hab ich genommen,
      der rest ist erst mal noch lange hin.
      wiedereinstieg in größere position, bei silberpreis über 5.50 und mal sehen was der $ macht.
      schrieb am 20.06.02 22:13:21
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      also meine frage wurde überhaupt noch nicht beantwortet.

      long term von coer sind 122 mille

      bei einem unzenpreis von 5 $

      müssen die 24.4 millionen unzen silber rüberreichen.
      bekanntlich sind das 2 jahresproduktionen.

      nicht enthalten sind aber noch ca. 60 mille conv. bonds,
      na gut ich nehm mal an die werden so oder so in aktien getauscht,
      ist allerdings ne leichte verwässerung der shareholder,
      inzwischen kassieren die bondhalter ein paar zinsen und werden dann noch großzügig beim umtausch bedient, siehe
      hecla, pardon, das war natürlich gut von hecle, den dosto war
      ja prefferd sharholder, jetzt krieg ich wieder hecla-aktien, allerdings mit 20 % discount, auch ein geschäft, das wird reihenweise bei den minen kommen, auch bei öl und bei gas.
      also dann lass mal rakten, sei dir aber nicht so sicher,
      die rakete kann auch einfach umkippen.
      schrieb am 21.06.02 03:26:11
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Na endlich!

      Dank peterle
      Da sind sie endlich wieder... die Raketen die gerade starten
      oder gerade erst gestartet sind :laugh:

      Mensch wie hab ich euch vermisst.

      Erinnert mich an irgendwie an Frühjahr 2000 Neuer Markt...
      lauter Raketen die gerade starten :D

      dabei sind sie gerade umgekippt.

      Soweit isses noch nicht... aber bald.... spätestens wenn
      im Goldbrett die durchschnittliche Verweilzeit eines Sräds
      auf Seite 1 unter 30 Minuten liegt (kann nicht mehr lange dauern)
      schrieb am 21.06.02 08:26:19
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Der Platz wo man sein sollte (Precious Metals).
      Eine von vielen in der Minenindustrie (Gold/Silber) die einen positiven Chart haben.
      CDE wird in der nahen Zukunft bei $25-35 gehandelt. Die Marktkapitalisierung ist $100million. Wenn Silber in den $10`s gehandelt wird - ein extrem konservatives Ziel - CDE wäre fair bewertet in der $25 Range! CDE hätte dann eine Marktkapitalsierung von $1,5billion.
      CDE wurde gehandelt bei $25-35 als Silber in der $10-15 Range war---es wird wieder passieren.
      Zähle darauf---Versuche diese Aktie zu bashen, um sie tiefer kaufen zu können, werden nicht arbeiten. Wenn du bei CDE investiert sein willst, dann mußt du jetzt starten CDE zu kaufen---wenn nicht, dann wird es dir nicht möglich sein CDE auf diesem Niveau oder niedriger zu kaufen. Dir wird es dann nur möglich sein, CDE auf höheren Kursen zu kaufen.

      schrieb am 21.06.02 11:09:40
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      ich brauch das ding nicht bashen, war weit unter 1 $ drin,

      und es gibt genug alternativen sofort wieder dabeizusein.
      du lebst ja voll von der hoffung 10-15 bei silber,
      das nenn ich erst mal pushen, ja sogar dummpushen, dafür
      gibts nämlich erst mal gar keine fundamentals,
      schon bei der hälfte klappen in südamerkia die minen auf,
      und der uoutput wird fürchterlich werden, das gestein liegt schon da, bereits abgetragen, muß nur noch gemillt werden
      und dann ab in die chemicals.
      also du hast noch nie ne mine gesehen.
      sitze gerade voll in einem minengebiet, alles miner um mich rum, die so viel unverständnis über das millieu gar nicht verstehen können. naja das gabs wohl schon immer,
      schreibtischtäter die aus irgendeiner fanatsie quasseln, und die profs mit der schippe (cat) in der hand, die ungläubig
      den kopf schütteln.

      ja jetzt muß man über den terminmarkt und futeremarkt
      halt den großen hype entfachen, physisch steht dem die wirklichkeit
      also ab wie ne rakte mit den preisen und den aktien,
      danach ist wenigstens die implusion sofort im hause.
      fürs clevere? absahnen wirds dann reichen.
      eine normale entwicklung wird allerdings mal noch ein paar jährchen brauchen, mit immer leicht anziehenden metallpreisen, das wär für mich allerdings wesentlich idealer, es hält mir solche typen, die immer zu spät kommen,
      und dann noch ganz schnell etwas haben wollen, vom hals.
      mit den anderen kann ich ganz gut leben.
      schrieb am 21.06.02 17:05:38
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      was sind das hier für jämmerliche versuche, den leuten vozugaukeln, daß ihr(peter usw.) angeblich keine deutschen staatsbürger seid?

      entweder richtig deutsch
      oder richtig english

      den kauderwelsch versteht sonst keiner so, wie er es eigentlich müsste!
      schrieb am 22.06.02 10:45:22
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      sorry beides nicht möglich
      schrieb am 24.06.02 10:40:01
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Ich mag Minenaktien!
      Ich denke diese Minenaktie hat eine Menge Aufwärtspotenzial.

      schrieb am 24.06.02 18:46:51
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Mehr Gold! Steigt auf Volumen! Der ganze Sektor ist stark! Und der breite Gesamtmarkt (DOW, Nasdaq) geht die Toilette runter. Alle die großen Pistolen treffen neue Multi-Jahrestiefs und die Nasdaq geht um durch das Tief vom 21.09.01 durchzubrechen.

      schrieb am 09.07.02 23:03:12
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Coeur d`Alene Mines (NYSE:CDE) -- Coeur has been busy the past couple of weeks. In late June, it picked up a working capital facility through Standard Bank London for the recently opened Cerro Bayo Mine in southern Chile. Coeur expects to produce 52,000 ounces of gold and 3.6 million ounces of silver there this year, with cash costs for gold forecast to be under $150 an ounce.

      Next, the NYSE told Coeur that it was again in compliance with Big Board listing requirements, resolving a situation that has been touch and go for the past year and a half. Reflecting a new optimism that led CEO Dennis Wheeler to refer to it as the “new Coeur”, the firm also revamped its investor relations program. It made internal corporate changes and hired Makovsky & Company, the New York City communications and investor relations consultants. CDE has traded lately at around $1.84.
      schrieb am 10.07.02 07:25:35
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Silber auf dem asiatischen Markt +.09 auf $5,11. 2 Dollar sollten heute für CDE drin sein.

      schrieb am 11.07.02 07:44:09
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      CDE hat operative Kosten von $4,60/oz. Nehmen wir mal an, das Silberminen mindestens 10% von Ihrem Kapital verdienen müssen, seitdem es ein hochriskantes Spiel ist. In Wirklichkeit denke ich, das es die Silberminen eine sehr viel höhere Rate als diese 10% schaffen.
      Rechne: Der wahre Bedarf für Silber würde diktieren einen Silberkurs von 15,-/oz um genug Lieferungen zu generieren, damit der Bedarf und die Lieferungen auf ein Niveau kommen.

      schrieb am 12.07.02 08:29:26
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      CDE bricht klar aus! Es wird unzweifelhaft sehen die $2,50 - $3,- innerhalb der nächsten Woche. Nur dann ist ein Retracement möglich. Und wenn dieses Retracement tatsächlich kommen sollte, dann sehe ich $2,25 als neuen Boden. Warte und sehe. Du kannst entweder nun kaufen oder warten bis die Rallye vorüber ist und es retracet. Egal welchen Weg du nimmst, $2,25 werden das billigste sein, was du bekommen wirst wenn du kaufst. Ich würde jetzt eine 1/4 - 1/2 von deiner gedachten position aufbauen und den Rest, wenn das Retracement kommt. Behalte dein Geld, wenn du bei CDE investiert bist, in CDE. Momentum und Trends sprechen für Precious Metals Aktien. Aber du mußt Geduld haben. Es könnten leicht 1 oder 2 Jahre werden.

      schrieb am 15.07.02 07:19:35
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Time of News Announced: 2002-07-08 13:20:40
      Title: U.S. Treasury may soon buy silver for coins

      Congress has sent to President George W. Bush legislation that would allow the U.S. Treasury Department to buy up to 9 million ounces of silver annually on the open market to make a special silver eagle coin.

      The bipartisan bill was sponsored by lawmakers from Idaho and Nevada, where silver mines would benefit from Treasury purchases of the metal to make the Silver Eagle Bullion coin.

      At present, the Defense Logistics Agency has exhausted its stockpile of surplus silver. The bill also requires the Treasury Department to study the impact on the U.S. silver market and prepare a report for the Senate and House banking committees.

      Bush is expected to sign the bill into law, according to industry experts.

      Idaho Sen. Mike Crapo, a Republican, said in a statement that the legislation would create jobs for silver miners and would benefit coin collectors around the world.

      The U.S. Mint, a unit of the Treasury Department, has generated revenue of more than $264 million from the sale of the collectable coins from 1995 through 2001. The profits are used to pay down the national debt.

      Nevada is the nation’s largest silver-producing state, accounting for 17.5 million ounces of silver last year. Idaho’s silver industry employs more than 3,000 and generates some $900 million annually for the state economy.
      schrieb am 15.07.02 07:29:08
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Es ist sehr leicht möglich, das mit dem Pullback auf $2,15 auf geringem Volumen (Bear trap), CDE kann nun wollen auf die $2,65 hoch zu rennen. Ich bin bullish auf Silber (CDE, SIL, PAAS, HL), da dieser Sektor Dampf aufnimmt.

      schrieb am 16.07.02 10:02:05
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      “The United States Constitution is very specific in Article 1, Section 8, as to the authority of Congress to coin money. Money shall be silver or money shall be gold. The Constitution goes so far as to specify the purity of the silver and gold, which may be coined as money. NOWHERE in the Constitution is Congress authorized to delegate their authority to coin money to a private institution like the Federal Reserve.

      We may therefore conclude that the Federal Reserve Act, and everything which has subsequently taken place under its terms, is unconstitutional, therefore unlawful, and therefore invalid. President Woodrow Wilson committed treason when he signed the Act; the members of Congress who voted for the Act committed treason. Their acts had no foundation in law, since they had stepped outside of their constitutional authority.

      The banksters who control the issue and valuation of our currency are the worst offenders of all. They have subverted the highest law of the land, and they continue to ruthlessly impose their will upon the ignorant and therefore relatively helpless American people.”-Brent Johnson

      “Patriotism means to stand by the country.
      It does not mean to stand by the President or any other public official save exactly to the degree in shich he himself stand by the country.
      It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country.
      In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth-whether about the President or anyone else.” – President Theodore Roosevelt (1901-09)

      Das PPT (FED/Goldkartell/JP Morgan/Deutsche Bank) kamen gestern rein, um in Massen Aktien zu kaufen. Nur deshalb, um die Panik zu verhindern und um die Illussion bei den regulären Investoren zu schaffen, das der Boden nun da sei. Bemerke, wie nach jeder "Rallye", welche niemals länger als ein oder zwei Tage dauerte, die Indizes unter die vorherigen Tiefs gefallen sind. Das sind die großen Jungs (oder auch Gangsterbanken) die noch mehr Menschen Verluste zufügen will. Ma und Pa Amerika. Menschen wie du und ich. Das PPT hatte gestern eindeutig interveniert, zur Hölle es existiert also. Sie haben interveniert, indem sie an den Märkten ein Bündel von S & P Future Kontrakte gekauft haben, um die Leute denken zu lassen, das ist der Boden und um das Blut zu stemmen.

      Langfristig wird der breite Markt (Dow Jones/Nasdaq) nach unten gehen. Langfristig wird das Gold nach oben gehen.
      Nichts hat sich an den märkten verändert, es ist nur alles schlimmer geworden. Laßt unds hoffen, das wir keine absolute Panik bekommen und eine nachfolgende 1929 Depression Situation. Laßt uns nun ruhig hinuntergleiten beim Dow Jones auf <7000 und beim Nasdaq Composite auf <1000 ruhig und ohne Panik. 500 Punkte/Woche beiom Dow Jones wäre schön. Den endgültigen Boden beim Dow Jones sehe ich erst bei 6000. Die Kräfte, die den Dow Jones seit Anfang 2000 herunterbringen, sind weiterhin am Wirken. Bisher haben sie ihren Job ganz gut getan. Jetzt fehlen nur noch 2400 Punkte nach unten bis zum Boden. Laßt uns sehen, wann sie dieses fortsetzen. Wenn der Dow Jones unter die 8000 bricht folgt unmittelbar eine schreckliche Bewegung auf 6000. Das PPT kann den Fall nur aufhalten, aber nicht stoppen. Und das PPT kann den Goldpreis nur so lange unten halten. Früher oder später werden sie Ihre Short Positionen beim Gold einzudecken haben. 2003 im Juli werden diese Precious Metals Preise uns sehr billig erscheinen. Gold und Silber wird sehr viel höher zu steigen haben. Wenn der US Dollar weiter fällt, kommt Japan in große Schwierigkeiten und sie werden dann starten Gold und Silber zu kaufen.
      Das System hat zu crashen und sehr viele werden noch darunter zu leiden haben. Das Silber Play wird weiter gehen. Seht auf den Silberchart und den jetzigen Kurs. Es ist und bleibt ein langes, sicheres Spiel und wenn du nicht ausflippst, wirst du daran gut profitieren können in naher Zukunft.

      schrieb am 18.07.02 09:30:01
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      CDE ist schnell von $1,73 auf 2,50 gestiegen, so war eine kleine Korrektur nötig. $2,- sollte nun eine gute Untersützung sein. Ich würde somit meine Kauforders bei $2,01 - 2,09 platzieren. Wenn der Silberpreis steigen sollte, dann wird CDE um so schneller steigen. Die Precious metal bilden gerade einen Boden hier. Und somit können wir etwas weitere Schwäche erwarten. CDE hat das Potenzial sich nach oben explosionsartig zu entwickeln.

      schrieb am 04.08.02 10:09:05
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      CDE in todays Barrons: Silver Lining
      After revamping, Coeur d`Alene offers a cheap hedge against a lengthy bear market
      At a time when investors are nervous about the economy and the stock market, with the major equity-market averages down and no one certain whether the bear market is ending or merely pausing, those with a taste for alternative investments might find Coeur d`Alene Mines intriguing. It might be especially alluring if they think that the stock market`s slump will be a long one, thereby burnishing the allure of precious metals. Since last year, the stock of the company, which is the largest U.S. silver producer, has moved up, recently hitting a 52-week high of $2.50 before sagging back to $1.47 Thursday, as the overall mining group cooled down after a strong run. That`s a far cry from the $17-plus that the company was trading at in 1997, or the $25 it commanded in its glory days in the early 1990s. But it`s still well above the pitiful 63 cents a share that the stock was quoted at in September. While putting money into a penny stock -- and that`s certainly what this mining issue has
      become -- is always risky business, Coeur d`Alene, at the least, offers a cheap hedge against a lengthy bear market. Bulls on the stock contend that the company, which also
      mines gold, has been reborn and revamped, shedding the high costs and much of the high debt that pummeled it over the past five years. That revamping, they say, could make it a
      suitable gamble for investors who take the long view. It also offers traders a cheap way to play any sudden rallies in gold, something that could pay off if, as some political
      commentators contend, the U.S. will use military force to try to oust Iraq`s leader, Saddam Hussein, later this year.
      Perhaps unsurprisingly, Chief Executive Officer Dennis Wheeler argues that the stock should hit $5 in the next six to nine months. Helping the shares are relatively robust prices for precious metals, a modest movement into the stock by institutional investors, who own about 7% of outstanding shares, and improvements in the Coeur d`Alene, Idaho-based
      company`s mining operations. In addition, the stock market`s miserable performance over the past 18 months has led some investors to conclude that their portfolios need investments linked to hard assets. Says Scott Shoemaker, an investment-advisor with State Farm Insurance in Michigan:
      "Coeur`s shares have not appreciated as much as other silver companies have and they represent a good value here and a safe haven from the rest of the market." Shoemaker began buying the shares four months ago. Indeed, shares of silver-producing competitor Hecla Mining, also based in Coeur d`Alene, are up 244% year to date to $3.23 as of Thursday. Yet Hecla doesn`t have as much exposure to the market as Coeur because it mines other metals, such as lead and zinc.
      Coeur`s production is 70% silver and 30% gold. That`s good news because silver prices are up about 8% in the past year to a recent $4.58 an ounce as investors seek a haven. That`s well above the company`s total cost of production of $4.32 an ounce this year; a cost that has fallen from $5 back in 1997 when the turnaround began. Gold`s price -- which silver frequently follows -- also has risen. It`s up 10% this year to a recent $304 an ounce on Thursday. The company`s total cost of production is projected to be $180 an ounce this year, down from $382 five years ago. Precious-metals analysts believe the price increases are here to stay because years of
      depressed prices, mine closures and reduced production have resulted in changed sentiment towards silver and gold. Recent weaknesses in the U.S. dollar also support higher dollar-denominated commodity prices. That forecast is important because every 10-cent increase in the price of silver affects cash flow by 20%, and earnings before taxes
      by 10%. Says CEO Wheeler: "With our turnaround complete, we have accomplished what we need to accomplish and in this, the third quarter, we should strongly build our cash flow from
      operations. It should double between now and year`s end to $22 million." Cash flow is often considered a more relevant indicator of a commodity-based company`s well-being than earnings per share, in part because these companies have high non-cash costs and must contend with volatile commodity prices. Last year, Coeur had a loss of $1.07 a share, but its results should turn positive this year. Bear Stearns expects Coeur to earn eight cents a share. The improvement stems from Wheeler`s drive to reduce Coeur`s debt. It has fallen nearly
      $180 million since 1997 to a recent $121 million, and Wheeler says that another $43 million in debt will be gone in the next several months. The decline is expected, in part, because Coeur recently completed a major refinancing that allowed it to retire all of its debt that had been due June 10. But the improved financial performance comes at a cost: the new debt -- while allowing the company to meet its obligation and get cash for new mine sites -- is at a much higher interest rate. In June, it retired 6% convertible subordinated debentures in cash from a new issue of $21.5 million of new 13.375% notes yielding $16 million to use towards the $9.4 million remaining on the 6% notes then due. It won`t face another debt hurdle until the end of 2003.
      "This should give the company the time it needs to generate cash, take advantage of new assets and continue to improve its balance sheet," says Bear Stearns mining analyst Michael Dudas, who is optimistic about Coeur`s outlook. Bear Stearns has no investment banking relationship with Coeur. "Coeur`s management has done a great job refinancing its debt and improving its production profile," he says. "They have acquired some good low-cost properties and their shares could move higher as silver prices rise." Dudas see the company`s shares hitting $3.50 in the next 12 months. He notes that this will be the first time in almost three years that Coeur will be cash-flow positive. The company expects to produce a record 15 million ounces of silver this year. That would be 40% more than last year. Most of those gains will come from two new South American mine sites with high-grade deposits and very low mining costs. On April 17, it began production at its 100% owned high-grade gold and silver mine in Cerro Bayo, Chile. The company had been processing lower-grade development ore at the site until the higher-grade areas were ready this quarter. The mine should produce 2 million ounces this year. In addition, Coeur recently acquired a mine in Martha, Argentina, that began production in June. Its silver output in the next six months should top 1.6 mill. With all of the changes taking place at Coeur d`Alene, CEO Wheeler is hoping to persuade more institutions to hold its shares. Right now, over 90% of its investors are individuals. But that, too, is beginning to change. Recently, in the midst of its new debt offering, Wheeler has been meeting with different kinds of investment companies and has convinced
      a few value-oriented hedge funds to own either the company`s debt and/or its equity. The hedge funds LoneStar Partners, JMB Capital Management and Langley Management are a few of Coeur`s newest investors, according to SEC filings. "It is the first time this group of investors have come to us," says Wheeler. "They spot turnaround situations and recognize that the sector is undervalued. It is all part of the new look of Coeur."
      schrieb am 04.08.02 13:25:13
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()

      Hi, und was sagt uns dasalleshier?

      Nach Aufmöbeln, Coeur d ` Alene bietet
      eine preiswerte Hecke gegen einen langen Baissemarkt an:laugh:

      schrieb am 04.08.02 13:49:45
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Performance Vergleich:
      Und hier,PAAS,HL,SSRI
      ein paar ausgesuchte Silberwerte im Vergleich zum S&P 500. Dieser Performance Chart zeigt eine klare Outperformance ggü. dem S&P 500. Und diese Outperformance wird noch größer werden, denn der S&P 500 ist bestimmt auf 640 Punkte zu fallen. :lick: Der Abstand zwischen den Silberminenaktien und dem S&P 500 wird sich also deutlich vergrößern.

      schrieb am 06.08.02 22:50:53
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Coeur d`Alene Mines (NYSE:CDE) -- Last weekend, Coeur got a nice mention in Barron’s. The publication noted that CDE, with its 70% silver and 30% gold production mix, might offer a good hedge against a long bear market or a gold spike caused by war or other international blowup.

      Beyond this, Coeur recently joined the crowd and tossed out Arthur Anderson as auditor, replacing the disgraced bean counter with KPMG. The stock’s been trading lately around the $1.75 level.
      schrieb am 08.08.02 10:18:02
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Bei Coeur gibt`s heut` ne Konferenz zu den QII-Zahlen/Webcast und zwei Stunden nach Konferenzschluß dann eine Audio-Aufzeichnung derselben... (wohl auf der Homepage abrufbar):

      Coeur common stock (CDE) is traded on the New York Stock Exchange and the Pacific Exchange. The Company`s 13.375% Convertible Senior Subordinated Notes due December 31, 2003, are also traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol CDE 03.

      Second Quarter Results Conference Call and Webcast - 8:00 a.m. August 8, 2002 - US/Canada Dial-In Number: (800) 603-1777 International/Local Dial-In Number: (706) 634-1173

      A digital recording will be available 2 hours after the completion of the conference for 3 days. To access Encore, the US/Canada participants should call (800) 642-1687 or for International/Local participants, call (706) 645-9291 and enter the Conference ID 4962334.
      schrieb am 06.09.02 08:16:40
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Ein Hedge für`s Depot. Eine sehr gute Aufwärtsbewegung, welche von einem Volumen mit Momentum begleitet wird. CDE ist ein sehr gutes Unternehmen. Die Volatilität könnte ab jetzt sinken und CDE auf neue Hoch`s bringen.

      schrieb am 07.09.02 08:53:49
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Coeur d’Alene Mines (NYSE:CDE) -- In early August, Coeur posted a quarterly loss of 16 cents a share. That compared to a loss of 8 cents in the year-earlier period. Despite the red ink, operations generated about $100,000 in positive cash flow, versus a $10 million loss a year ago. Coeur says it’s still on track to produce a record 15 million ounces of silver in 2002 -- a 40% jump from last year -- at an average cash cost of around $2.95 an ounce.

      This week, the SEC declared Coeur’s registration statement effective for its June secondary offering of 13 3/8% Convertible Senior Subordinated Notes. Coeur stock started the year at about 80 cents, and now is up around $2.
      schrieb am 08.09.02 08:06:17
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Sehr positive MACD und höheres Volumen mit höherer Kursbewgung (Long Recommendation)

      Gehtlong bei CDE. Sehr positive Technik durch seine Kursbewegung in Verbindung mit gesteigertem Volumen, block trades, und MACD. Dieses könnte bald ein Himmelsstürmer sein.

      schrieb am 10.09.02 09:24:54
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Ein sehr interessanter Chart, die Weltentwicklungen und Properties von CDE

      Ist diese Chart-Formation nicht sehr interessant. Eine objektive Studie von einer Aktie, die eine Menge Zeit mit seiner Bodenbildung verbringt, während sie entscheidet, was zu tun ist. Konservative Anleger möchten darauf warten zu sehen, wenn CDE über $5,- ausbricht. Dieser Ausbruch würde diesen Chart regelgerecht machen. Dieses gesagt, CDE ist momentan sehr volatil, und wird sie auch noch solange bleiben, bis sie über $5,- ausgebrochen ist. Über $5,- wird sich die Volatilität legen, weil dann große Spieler dabei sein werden. Für die Fundamentalisten: Die fundamentalen Daten haben sich gegenüber dem Vorjahr sehr verbessert.

      Die politischen Entwicklungen vom Wochenende sind sehr gut für den Gold- und Silberpreis. Spot Gold war demgemäß gestern morgen auch scharf angestiegen. An diesen politischen Entwicklungen hat sich aber heute noch nichts verändert. Die gesteigerten Spannungen in der Irak Frage, der 11.09 und damit eventuell aufgrund des Jahrestages ein neuer Terroranschlag!

      Silber zeigt Zeichen der Bestätigung von einem Aufwärtstrend, wie es historisch dem Goldpreis folgt.

      San Bartolome

      The San Bartolome property is located on the flanks of Cerro Rico mountain near Potosi, a historic mining center located in southern Bolivia.Since its discovery in 1545, this world class mining district has produced an estimated 2 billion ounces of silver.

      During 2001, Coeur made considerable progress at its San Bartolome silver project in the historic Cerro Rico silver district near the town of Potosi, Bolivia. Based on a comprehensive pre-feasibility study and subsequent geological work, Coeur initially calculated a silver resource of 122 million contained ounces, of which 93 percent was classified as measured and indicated. This has since been increased to 126.6 million contained ounces. The pre-feasibility study also demonstrated San Bartolome to be an economically viable mining project at a $5.00 per ounce silver price. This was based on an annual production rate of six million ounces of silver for a minimum of eight years, projected total cash costs of $3.50 per ounce and an estimated capital cost of between $60 million and $65 million, including working capital requirements. Results from the pre-feasibility study were very encouraging and the Company elected to proceed to a final feasibility study with all data to be rigorously reviewed by independent third party geological and engineering consulting firms. Coeur’s wholly-owned Bolivian subsidiary, Empresa Minera Manquiri, S.A., was awarded a grant of $760,000 by the U.S. Trade and Development Agency to assist with the study`s completion. In addition to commencing work on a final feasibility study, Coeur has made excellent progress on a number of other initiatives which should enhance project economics:

      Acquired additional exploration and mining rights adjacent to the Company`s San Bartolome project that are known to contain significantly higher grade material

      Secured special tax incentives available to the Potosi region of Bolivia, particularly lower value-added taxes and import duties that could reduce project working capital requirements by as much as $6 million.

      Signed water supply and electric power agreements at very competitive rates, well below projections in the pre-feasibility study.

      Completed a detailed study of a number of process flow sheet improvements, including an alternative tailings disposal plan, that collectively will reduce capital requirements.


      Although the final feasibility study will not be completed until later in 2002, preliminary indications are that projected total cash costs can be reduced to at least $3.25 per ounce of silver and possibly lower and that the project is economically attractive at silver prices as low as $4.50 per ounce. Furthermore, the Company has received some very favorable metallurgical data on the possible economic recovery of tin as a by-product and is currently examining this opportunity to increase the economic returns of the project. When Coeur first acquired the San Bartolome silver project late in 1999, it was little more than an exploration property. As a result of the dedicated efforts of the Company`s geologists and engineers, San Bartolome has become a very promising silver development project in one of the world’s most prolific silver-producing regions.


      • Acquired additional exploration and mining rights

      • Secured special tax incentives available to the Potosi region

      • Signed water supply and electric power agreements at very competitive rates

      • Completed a detailed study of a number of process flow sheet improvements .

      All facets of the project are currently being evaluated. San Bartolome’s silver mineralization is contained in gravel-like channel deposits on the sides of Cerro Rico mountain called “sucus” and “pallacos.” The latest sampling program revealed some of these deposits to be up to 30 per cent thicker than initial testing had indicated. In addition, not all of the deposits at San Bartolome have been examined in detail and further exploration could result in additions to the present resource.

      Coeur is very pleased with results to date of its activities in Bolivia and is in the process of examining other opportunities in the country which could build upon the value of San Bartolome’s silver resource.


      The Kensington gold property, located in Southeast Alaska about 40 miles northwest of Juneau, is Coeur’s only gold development project.

      Coeur acquired its 100-percent interest in the Kensington gold property in 1995. To date, a total of reserves plus resources of 3.2 million ounces of gold have been defined. As much of the property remains only partially explored, Coeur believes that the property has considerable upside potential. Kensington and the adjacent Jualin lease property, are both located approximately 45 miles north of Juneau, Alaska on the east side of the Lynn Canal. Both properties, which comprise a total of more than 14,000 acres, occupy the northern end of the Juneau Gold Belt where past gold production has exceeded 6.5 million ounces. For the past three years, Coeur has mainly confined its efforts to completing an optimization plan to significantly reduce projected capital and cash operating costs. Through the use of more selective mining methods that would result in fewer tons mined at a higher ore grade, Coeur has reduced capital cost estimates by $56 million to approximately $155 million. The Company believes that once these optimization studies are finalized, and the amended permitting process completed, Kensington would be a feasible project at gold prices between $310 and $330 per ounce.

      Permitting in 2002

      Coeur`s objective is to complete project permitting and seek a joint venture partner to assist in the development of its Kensington property.

      Es ist eine goldene (und silberne) Zeit angebrochen! Und Ihr könnt dabei sein, wenn Ihr wollt!
      schrieb am 11.09.02 07:51:15
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Kauft CDE. Kurzfristiges Kursziel $2,10 - 2,50

      schrieb am 11.09.02 22:37:17
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      1. Frage: Was verstehst du unter kurzfristig?
      2. Frage: Dein Kursziel bis Ende des Jahres und wann denkst Du sehen wir evtl die 5$?
      3. Frage: Wieviel Prozent macht dieser Wert in Deinem Depot aus?

      Ein sehr interessierter
      schrieb am 11.09.02 23:40:35
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      @Mr. Propper

      1. Kann sehr schnell paasieren.
      2. Wenn alle zittrigen Hände aus diesem Wert raus sind, die das Hintergrundwissen nicht haben.
      3. Aktuell 5,47%

      schrieb am 12.09.02 11:01:03
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Ich denke bei diesem Wert ist die Chance weitaus grösser als das Risiko!
      Danke für Deine Antworten - was ist sonst noch so angesagt bei Dir?
      schrieb am 12.09.02 11:41:33
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      @Mr.Propper, meine Depotwerte

      WKN Name Typ Land Schluß Update Vä/T%(1)
      860325 AGNICO-EAGLE MINES LTD. Aktien Kanada 15,70 11.09.2002 -3,68
      864253 ASA LTD. Aktien Südafrika 32,00 11.09.2002 -3,03
      890325 ASHANTI GOLDFIELDS CO. LTD. Aktien Ghana 5,50 11.09.2002 -3,51
      871498 CAMBIOR INC. Aktien Kanada 1,25 11.09.2002 0,00
      868071 COEUR DALENE MINES CORP. Aktien USA 1,88 11.09.2002 -3,59
      890729 CRYSTALLEX INTERNATIONAL CORP. Aktien Kanada 2,05 11.09.2002 -7,24
      865260 DURBAN ROODEPOORT DEEP LTD. Aktien Südafrika 4,30 11.09.2002 -5,49
      865279 GLAMIS GOLD LTD. Aktien Kanada 9,85 11.09.2002 -4,83
      856777 GOLD FIELDS LTD. Aktien Südafrika 13,35 11.09.2002 -4,64
      890493 GOLDCORP INC. Aktien Kanada 11,60 11.09.2002 0,87
      888002 GOLDEN STAR RESOURCES Aktien Kanada 1,41 11.09.2002 0,00
      851267 HARMONY GOLD MINING CO. LTD. Aktien Südafrika 15,10 11.09.2002 -8,48
      854693 HECLA MINING CO. Aktien USA 4,05 11.09.2002 -3,57
      889021 KINROSS GOLD CORP. Aktien Kanada 2,23 11.09.2002 -3,04
      902257 MERIDIAN GOLD INC. Aktien Kanada 19,65 11.09.2002 -3,68
      876617 PAN AMERICAN SILVER CORP. Aktien Kanada 6,52 11.09.2002 -7,52
      915084 RANDGOLD & EXPLORATION CO.LTD. Aktien Südafrika 5,00 11.09.2002 -4,76
      873817 RICHMONT MINES INC. Aktien Kanada 3,65 11.09.2002 -2,67
      885652 ROYAL GOLD INC. Aktien USA 16,75 11.09.2002 0,00
      858840 SILVER STANDARD RESOURCES INC. Aktien Kanada 4,65 11.09.2002 -6,06
      893759 STILLWATER MINING CO. Aktien USA 6,90 11.09.2002 1,47
      schrieb am 12.09.02 16:41:00
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      @ Peter,
      bei so vielen Werten wäre in der Tat die Gewichtung interessant.
      Ich hab gerade mal 9 Minen (Ashanti, Cambior, Crystallex, Durban, Golden Star, Hecla :) plus 3 Exoten) und finde, das reicht auch - naja, CDE fehlt vielleicht noch.

      Was nützt mir eine - sagen wir - 100%ige Steigerung, wenn ich von dem Wert nur 1% im Depot habe;)

      schrieb am 12.09.02 18:21:31
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Nicht schlecht!

      Coeur ist heute schön im plus!
      Ich denke morgen geht es weiter nach oben:D - 15-20% sind kurzfristig möglich
      schrieb am 12.09.02 19:45:43
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      @Mr.Propper, meine Depotwerte

      WKN Name Typ Land Schluß Update Gewichtung in %
      860325 AGNICO-EAGLE MINES LTD. Aktien Kanada 15,70 11.09.2002 4,48
      864253 ASA LTD. Aktien Südafrika 32,00 11.09.2002 4,50
      890325 ASHANTI GOLDFIELDS CO. LTD. Aktien Ghana 5,50 11.09.2002 5,88
      871498 CAMBIOR INC. Aktien Kanada 1,25 11.09.2002 4,29
      868071 COEUR DALENE MINES CORP. Aktien USA 1,88 11.09.2002 5,17
      890729 CRYSTALLEX INTERNATIONAL CORP. Aktien Kanada 2,05 11.09.2002 5,07
      865260 DURBAN ROODEPOORT DEEP LTD. Aktien Südafrika 4,30 11.09.2002 4,61
      865279 GLAMIS GOLD LTD. Aktien Kanada 9,85 11.09.2002 5,55
      856777 GOLD FIELDS LTD. Aktien Südafrika 13,35 11.09.2002 5,69
      890493 GOLDCORP INC. Aktien Kanada 11,60 11.09.2002 5,58
      888002 GOLDEN STAR RESOURCES Aktien Kanada 1,41 11.09.2002 4,58
      851267 HARMONY GOLD MINING CO. LTD. Aktien Südafrika 15,10 11.09.2002 5,71
      854693 HECLA MINING CO. Aktien USA 4,05 11.09.2002 4,75
      889021 KINROSS GOLD CORP. Aktien Kanada 2,23 11.09.2002 4,55
      902257 MERIDIAN GOLD INC. Aktien Kanada 19,65 11.09.2002 5,53
      876617 PAN AMERICAN SILVER CORP. Aktien Kanada 6,52 11.09.2002 4,08
      915084 RANDGOLD & EXPLORATION CO.LTD. Aktien Südafrika 5,00 11.09.2002 3,96
      873817 RICHMONT MINES INC. Aktien Kanada 3,65 11.09.2002 4,07
      885652 ROYAL GOLD INC. Aktien USA 16,75 11.09.2002 5,84
      858840 SILVER STANDARD RESOURCES INC. Aktien Kanada 4,65 11.09.2002 3,31
      893759 STILLWATER MINING CO. Aktien USA 6,90 11.09.2002 2,80

      Stand 12.09 um 11.45h
      schrieb am 30.09.02 21:32:25
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      * Coeur d`Alene Mines (NYSE:CDE) -- Coeur says that so far this year it has cut outstanding debt from about $146 million down to $105 million. (Much of the reduction came through the conversion of debt to stock, which increased shares outstanding.)

      Coeur also says it continues to generate positive exploration results from its South American projects at Cerro Bayo in Chile and Martha in Argentina. Shares were trading recently at $1.68.
      schrieb am 01.10.02 09:28:28
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Hallo Peter,

      es freut mich, dass wenigstens Du versuchst hier ein bisschen Optimissmus zu verbreiten. Warum CDE im derzeitigen Umfeld von steigenden Goldkursen (die ja auch einen Anstieg von Silber erwarten/erhoffen lassen) tendenziell verliert,ist mir nicht ganz klar. Die Situation war schliesslich auch schon schlechter kurz nach den Juli Tiefs und der Kurs dennoch besser.
      Bei der Mine selber hat sich soweit mir bekannt auch nichts negatives getan,...


      Was bewegt derzeit den Kurs dieses Titels? ...gestern 7% runter bei der nasdaq waehrend POG 3$ hoch ging. (Silber auch)


      Gruss pastis
      schrieb am 01.10.02 09:56:29
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Reuters Company News
      U.S. Treasury silver buys should prop up demand
      Monday September 30, 4:10 pm ET DENVER, Sept 30 (Reuters) - Demand for silver should rise between 9 million and 10 million ounces a year now that the U.S. Treasury has been authorized to buy silver for coins, Coeur d`Alene Chairman and Chief Executive Dennis Wheeler said on Monday."That`s a marked departure from the large stocks of silver" the department used to have, he told the Denver Gold Group`s Mining Investment Forum.He said other projects that use silver such as water purification should also add 15 million to 20 million ounces to yearly silver demand.Coeur d`Alene is expected to produce 15 million ounces of silver this year, a 40 percent increase over last year. The company derives about 70 percent of its revenue from silver and the rest from gold.The company does not hedge, Wheeler said.
      schrieb am 01.10.02 09:57:46
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      Iraq War Could Cost Up to $9 Billion a Month - Report Mon Sep 30, 4:34 PM ET
      WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fighting a war with Iraq could cost the United States between $6 billion and $9 billion a month, with preparing for a conflict and winding down after it adding another $14 billion to $20 billion to the total, congressional budget analysts said on Monday.

      seems pretty costly, and you-know-who gets to pay for it - on top of our exhorbitant mortgages and other debts. Factor in lost jobs, reduced earnings, etc.

      Then Wheeler goes and reports the demand for silver should increase. Tomorrow there`ll be more fun. - AC
      schrieb am 01.10.02 09:59:15
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Reuters Market News
      US Treasury yield plunge points to Fed rate cut
      Monday September 30, 3:43 pm ET

      By Eric Burroughs
      schrieb am 01.10.02 10:03:14
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Billionaire Conspiracies and Martin Armstrong?
      by Russ Browne
      25 September 2002 15:29 UTC
      schrieb am 01.10.02 10:08:19
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Monday, Sept 30, LA Times article <excerpts>

      West Coast cargo ports were shut down indefinitely Sunday night after a chaotic day on the waterfront that dashed hopes for a truce between dockworkers and shipping lines, now in their fifth month of troubled contract talks.

      The Pacific Maritime Assn., which represents international shipping lines and U.S.-based terminal operators, locked out union workers.

      Losses to the trade-dependent U.S. economy could quickly reach billions of dollars. The 29 ports from San Diego to Seattle handle about half of the nation`s ocean-going cargo, including imports of cars, electronics, garments, housewares and sporting goods

      An extended shutdown of the West Coast ports would be economically devastating, according to a study done for the Maritime Assn. by the Martin Associates consulting firm in Lancaster, Pa.

      A five-day shutdown would cost the national economy an estimated $4.7 billion in lost wages and other costs, according to the study

      The costs would snowball over time, with a 10-day shutdown costing the economy an estimated $19.4 billion.

      "This is bad. Very bad," said Robin Lanier, executive director of the West Coast Waterfront Coalition, which represents major retailers and manufacturers that use the ports. "We`ve already got a backed-up situation, and it`s going to get progressively worse. And everybody`s terrified of what this does to the stock market tomorrow."
      schrieb am 01.10.02 10:13:23
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Gehe auch einmal in mein HL Board. Da wirst du noch mehr aktuelle Anhaltspunkte finden.
      Einen Rat gebe ich dir. Auf jeden Fall drin bleiben und die aktuelle Schwäche zum Kaufen ausnutzen!!!!!

      schrieb am 03.11.02 14:10:01
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()

      Symmetrical triangles can be characterized as areas of indecision. A market pauses and future direction is questioned. Typically, the forces of supply and demand at that moment are considered nearly equal. Attempts to push higher are quickly met by selling, while dips are seen as bargains. Each new lower top and higher bottom becomes more shallow than the last, taking on the shape of a sideways triangle. (It`s interesting to note that there is a tendency for volume to diminish during this period.) Eventually, this indecision is met with resolve and usually explodes out of this formation (often on heavy volume.) Research has shown that symmetrical triangles overwhelmingly resolve themselves in the direction of the trend. With this in mind, symmetrical triangles in my opinion, are great patterns to use and should be traded as continuation patterns.
      schrieb am 03.11.02 14:14:55
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()

      Valuation Summary

      ValuEngine Assessment
      Today`s Fair Value: 6.00
      CDE is 75.00% undervalued.
      ValuEngine Smart Ratings
      VERY ATTRACTIVE to Day Traders
      VERY ATTRACTIVE to Momentum Investors
      LESS ATTRACTIVE to Market Leader Investors
      VERY ATTRACTIVE Growth-at-Reasonable-Price Investors
      ATTRACTIVE to Balanced Investors
      LESS ATTRACTIVE to Classic-Value Investors
      ATTRACTIVE to Conservative Investors
      schrieb am 09.11.02 13:41:52
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Wir sahen mehr als einen breakout gestern!
      Mit CDE`s breakout über seine Nulllinie bei seiner MACD, ist es mehr als ein technischer breakout. Auch technisch ist CDE gestern ausgebrochen und hat über seinem oberen Bollinger Band geschlossen.
      - UN-Sicherheitsrat in der Irak Frage
      - JPM (Bankrott?)
      - $ wird immer schwächer
      - Irak
      - Zinssenkung der FED um einen halben Basispunkt
      - US-Arbeitslosigkeit
      Dieses alles könnte eine sehr große Unsicherheit für den breiten Aktienmarkt bringen (und evtl. den lange erwarteten Crash? überfällig wäre er ja zumidest beim Dow Jones! :)

      So lange wie CDE über dem oberen Bollinger Band bleibt ist CDE stark bullish! HL befindet sich auch in einem starken Aufwärtstrend und über seinem oberen Bollinger Band und sieht sehr stark aus.

      Cliff Droke`s Nov.4th Chart vom 04.11. zeigt das es einen breakout für das Gold gibt, wenn Gold über $322 schließt. Gold startete stark in USA und schloß bei $321 Sieht so aus, als ob wir beim Gold kurz vor dem breakout stehen. Vielleicht schon in der nächsten Woche!

      Gruß Peter
      schrieb am 09.11.02 13:46:19
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      JP Morgan befindet sich nun in echten Schwierigkeiten! :)…
      schrieb am 09.11.02 13:49:06
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Gold reaches fresh highs

      LONDON (9 November):
      schrieb am 09.11.02 14:06:07
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      schrieb am 10.11.02 16:12:32
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()

      This is going to be the toughest call of this entire $300 - $330 sideways movement. The reason why is because, as we enter the $320 - $325 range, there is a knee-jerk reaction in the gold market. The gold market is so used to the arrival of JPM, Lehman, Goldman and Merrill as sellers pounding the market, that gold shares now almost automatically decelerate, as a knee-jerk reaction to gold being at the the $320 -$325 price. At this price, the gold shares` appreciation decelerates and actually stops dead in their tracks.

      What the market has failed to realize is that these gold dealers, due to their own liquidity situations, are now no longer the big position takers in gold as they were before. All they have been doing lately is exercising clients` orders. The sellers of gold that have come into gold market at the $320 - $325 area have not been the gold cartel. They have been the local floor traders and speculator computer traders. Again, not the cartel. This is why we have had higher lows as we chop sideways.

      I firmly believe the chances of taking out the $330 level to the upside before Christmas is real because the significant enemy of the gold price, the gold cartel, is out of business. They have had their trading capital called back to the parent holding company because of the effects of the credit downgrade on the parent holding companies. When the market wakes up that the enemy is no longer there, no event will be required to take gold above $330. It will simply go there.

      Here is how we will determine if gold is going to break out above $330:

      Have you wondered how I was able to determine the heads up and buy/sell points in this rally? Well, thanks to RGLD/GG and the use of proprietary measures in the duration period of the chart, the slow stochastic and Williams %R, I have when these leading (action-wise) gold shares entered an oversold condition, began to look for the buy and overbought for the sell. Now as gold approaches $330, if the gold shares (which historically know more about gold than gold does) are not into the overbought condition that have been so accurate, we will assume $330 is going to breach and NOT SELL our 1/3.

      This means we are remaining disciplined, but being superbly focused. I will, as we near this situation, be doing daily technical reviews. I consider the market at this time more critically positive than ever before in this 11-month rally. The magnificently symmetric, three-year golden tea cup formation* would break to the upside out of the handle at a close above $330. This type of a formation, over this amount of time, is extremely rare and super bullish. I have in my 43 years never seen a technical formation of this kind for this long a duration with this type of symmetry. It is rare and important. This type of a formation will launch only one thing, a huge Bull market, if resolved to the upside. The probability of failure after gold breaks to the upside above $330 from this type of a formation is less than 10%. Those odds are outrageously good for the long.

      We know the bull market in gold started 11 months ago, but history will record the breakout above the handle on the golden tea cup as "The Birth of the Gold Bull Market." This will occur because the amount of appreciation above the handle will be orders of magnitude compared to the 11-month appreciation we have already witnessed. Be assured that I am focused and will be keeping the Gold community as closely focused.
      schrieb am 11.11.02 10:09:15
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      schrieb am 11.11.02 10:14:44
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      schrieb am 12.11.02 10:26:52
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Press Release Source: Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation

      Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation to Host Conference Call and Webcast
      Wednesday November 6, 5:00 pm ET

      COEUR D`ALENE, Idaho--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 6, 2002--Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation (NYSE:CDE - News) announced today that it will host a conference call with a simultaneous webcast presentation at 1:00 p.m. PST on Tuesday, November 12, 2002.
      Hosting the call will be Dennis E. Wheeler, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, who will be joined by Robert Martinez, President and Chief Operating Officer and Geoffrey A. Burns, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

      Subject: 3rd Quarter 2002 Results

      Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 1:00 p.m. Pacific (4:00 p.m.

      Call Info.: The Call-in numbers are as follows:
      U.S./Canada Dial-In Number: 800/603-1777
      International/Local Dial-In Number: 706/634-1173

      Webcast Info.: The webcast can be accessed through Coeur`s website
      at or Click on "join a show" and
      enter the show number 77738. An on-demand replay of the
      presentation will be available 24 hours following the webcast
      for 3 days.

      Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation is a leading international low-cost primary silver producer, as well as a significant producer of gold. The Company has mining interests in Nevada, Idaho, Alaska, Chile, Argentina and Bolivia.

      Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation
      Mitchell J. Krebs, 208/769-8155

      Source: Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation
      schrieb am 13.11.02 09:13:35
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      The International Forecaster - excerpt

      By Bob Chapman
      Nov 9, 2002
      schrieb am 13.11.02 09:15:11
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Silver to out perform US equities

      Dr. Clive Roffey
      schrieb am 14.11.02 09:43:21
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Gold mkt observations
      by: Not_A_Random_Walk (M/Dallas, TX) 11/13/02 12:24 pm
      Gold market taking away huge gains from yesterday..duh

      - we are not at war with Iraq yet
      - Greenspan gave his bull shit speech

      Greenspan is like O`Neil, and visa-versa

      they will not say anything to frighten markets..and often prone on side of optimism...sometimes too much optimism.

      Greenspan said the low rates should stimulate the soft spots in the economy

      Does he mean the AUTO sector?

      Auto sales down 30% across the board in October in spite of zero percent financing, in spite of $2,000 to $3,000 rebates. The behavior of the auto slaes in the face of rebates and zero percent credit tells me that there is a high possibility of market saturation. This makes sense because auto companies have been using rebates and zero percent financing since 9-1-1.. they achieved record sales with this strategy. The problem is that it steals sales from the future..achieving market saturation sooner.

      Unemployment is NOT going is going up

      People are NOT finding jobs, its the worst market for jobs in 25 years

      Bond market, especially on long end has not made any gains and mortgage rates are not being improved..

      The economy has slumped since July of 2002 and that is in the face of 1.75% fed rate.. so much for that.. if reducing the fed rates further DOES NOT reduce long term rates further,, THEN THERE WILL BE NO HELP FORM the fed`s move.. which makes the Fed rate cut symbolic meaningless with respect to its affect on the economy.

      People continue to say there is no housing fact they say it the same way they said there was no stock market bubble in the last half of 1999 and first half of 2000. That by itself is scary. That confirms that there is a housing bubble and that we should expect fewer buyers to show up..the only way to get buyers to show up now...would be REDUCED home prices...

      AGAIN.. the fed rate cuts will NOT help the economy is the long term rates do not go down

      I am not expecting the long term rates to go down..if they do it will not be by negliable.

      Therefore, teh fed rate cut even if go to zero.. will not help the didn`t work in Japan,, and it will not work here.

      No bankers are going to offer fixed rate mortgages less than 5%.. buyers should be very cautious getting into any ARM at this point. ARMs make sense only if rates go down or are flat.. rates will not always be low... if the long end go up.. the ARMs will be problems for many people..
      schrieb am 14.11.02 09:46:24
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      schrieb am 15.11.02 09:32:36
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      China to Sell Mining Rights to Foreign Investors
      schrieb am 15.11.02 09:46:47
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()

      Metals indexes bounce back
      Gold futures weaken on stock market strength

      By Myra P. Saefong,
      Last Update: 4:19 PM ET Nov. 14, 2002

      NEW YORK (CBS.MW) -- Major metals indexes bounced back Thursday from a more than 3 percent decline Wednesday amid uncertainty over Iraqi President Saddam Hussein`s cooperation with U.N. weapons inspections.…
      schrieb am 03.12.02 16:07:22
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Coeur d`Alene Mines

      COEUR D`ALENE, Idaho--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 25, 2002--Coeur
      d`Alene Mines Corporation (the "Company" - NYSE:CDE) today announced
      that it filed a "universal shelf" registration statement on Form S-3
      with the Securities and Exchange Commission to register the offer and
      sale by the Company from time to time of up to $125,000,000 of various
      securities, which may include debt securities, preferred stock, common
      stock and or warrants.
      The proceeds of the sale of any securities registered under the
      registration statement will be used by the Company for general
      corporate purposes, which may include the repayment of indebtedness.
      The registration statement on Form S-3 relating to these
      securities filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission has not
      yet become effective. These securities may not be sold nor may any
      offers to buy be accepted prior to the time that the registration
      statement becomes effective. This press release shall not constitute
      an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall
      there be any sale of these securities in any state or jurisdiction in
      which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to
      registration or qualification under the securities laws of such state
      or jurisdiction. The offering of the securities shall be made only by
      means of a prospectus contained in the registration statement filed
      with and declared effective by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation is the world`s largest primary
      silver producer, as well as a significant, low-cost producer of gold.
      The Company has mining interests in Nevada, Idaho, Alaska, Argentina,
      Chile and Bolivia.
      schrieb am 04.12.02 19:08:27
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      A package of cheapies that you can buy and put away for the third phase of the gold bull market -- BGO, CBJ, DROOY, ECO, GSS, KGC, SLGLF, CDE.

      China and Gold

      Richard Russell
      Dow Theory Letters
      4 December, 2002
      schrieb am 05.12.02 23:34:42
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()

      But this issue I want to look at SILVER and its stocks.
      schrieb am 10.12.02 12:24:28
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Bill Murphy
      Chairman, Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, Inc. (GATA)

      Howe/Bolser Report Stuns Gold Investment World
      by Bill Murphy
      Thursday, December 5, 2002
      schrieb am 12.12.02 21:28:42
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Heute machts wieder Spass zuzuschauen...:kiss:
      schrieb am 22.12.02 12:44:30
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()

      schrieb am 09.01.03 16:38:14
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      schrieb am 12.01.03 19:57:50
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Coeur d`Alene Mines Corp.
      ... A First Class Silver Investment

      Clive Maund
      13 January, 2003
      schrieb am 22.01.03 20:56:02
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      schrieb am 23.01.03 13:01:54
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      All that glitters was gold for Glamis

      Bill O`Driscoll
      1/21/2003 08:03 pm
      schrieb am 23.01.03 13:10:55
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      Press Release Source: Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation

      Coeur d`Alene Mines and Asarco Inc. Announce Agreement Relating to Common Stock Owned by Asarco
      Thursday January 9, 3:46 pm ET
      Designees on Board of Directors Resign

      schrieb am 23.01.03 13:13:01
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      Coeur and Asarco reach an Agreement relating to stock. (1/9/2003)(PDF)
      schrieb am 23.01.03 13:15:50
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      James James A. Sabala appointed Chief Financial Officer (1/13/2003)(PDF)
      schrieb am 28.02.03 12:03:58
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      Ich würde ja gerne nochmal verbilligen. Wie sieht es eigentlich finanziell bei Coeur aus? Besteht auch die Gefahr eines Totalverlustes? Oder sind sie ganz gut positioniert?
      schrieb am 01.03.03 20:46:05
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      Kann mir jemand was zur Wandelanleihe von Coeur sagen?
      Wo kann ich sie kaufen und wie sind die Konditionen?
      schrieb am 05.03.03 22:31:55
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      CDE 3rd Q report.

      Cerro Bayo & Martha: "881,000 ounces of silver and 15,000 ounces of gold produced during the third quarter...Silver production expected to double and gold production expected to increase 50% in current quarter; cash costs expected to decline to $0.65 per ounce of silver"

      Rochester: "1.7 million ounces of silver and 19,000 ounces of gold produced during the third quarter... Cash costs of $2.83 per ounce of silver during the third quarter."

      Silver Valley: "1.2 million ounces of silver produced during the quarter...Cash costs of $4.54 per ounce during the third quarter ."
      schrieb am 06.03.03 08:09:29
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      Canada sells 15 pct of gold reserve on price surge
      Wed March 5, 2003 11:30 AM ET

      By Gilbert Le Gras
      OTTAWA, March 5 (Reuters) - Canada sold 15 percent of its gold reserves last month as prices surged to 6-1/2 year highs and used the money to add to its higher-yielding foreign currency investments.
      The country`s holding of foreign currency securities rose to $28.16 billion, or 78 percent of its total reserves of $35.9 billion, up from 74 percent two years ago. Foreign currency cash reserves, meanwhile, shrank to 9 percent of the total from 15 percent in February.
      Finance ministry figures released on Wednesday showed that the government sold 90,588 ounces of gold in February, leaving its holdings at slightly above 500,000 ounces. That is down from about 21 million ounces in 1980 before Canada`s gold sales started.
      schrieb am 06.03.03 08:14:48
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      Mar 5, 8:48 PM EST

      U.S. Asks 60 Countries to Expel Iraqis

      Associated Press Writer

      Lederer reports the Iraqis appear to be taking this in stride, given another expulsion order in February. (Audio)

      WASHINGTON (AP) -- Two U.N.-based Iraqi diplomats were ordered Wednesday to leave the country and the United States asked 60 countries to expel alleged Iraqi agents who, U.S. officials said, may be poised to attack American interests overseas.

      The government has identified 300 Iraqis in the 60 countries whom officials want expelled, the U.S. officials said. Some are operating as diplomats out of Iraqi embassies, the officials said, adding that the foreign governments are expected to comply with the U.S. request.

      State Department spokesman Philip Reeker confirmed the expulsion request but offered no information on the number of countries or their identities, or on how many suspected Iraqi agents are involved.

      Reeker said the action has no bearing on possible U.S. military action against Iraq.

      The government officials, asking not to be identified, said the State Department made similar requests of foreign governments before the 1991 Persian Gulf War.
      The current request comes as a U.S.-led war against Iraq appears increasingly likely. U.S. officials and outside analysts have warned that an attack on Iraq could well trigger attacks on U.S. interests by Iraq or its allies.

      Secretary of State Colin Powell said Wednesday the real risk lies in failure to act against Saddam.

      In that event, he said, there would be a world "where Saddam and the likes of Saddam are emboldened to acquire and wield weapons of mass destruction."

      In New York, Iraqi Ambassador Iraq`s U.N. Ambassador Mohammed Al-Douri said the two Iraqis being expelled men were informed of the expulsion order Tuesday at 6 p.m. EST and given 72 hours to leave the United States.

      The State Department identified them as Nazih Abdul Latif Rahman and Yehia Naeem Suaoud.

      "The two attaches were engaged in activities outside the scope of their official function," the department said. "Federal law enforcement authorities deemed the activities to be harmful to our national security."

      The men have the ranks of attaches but are not on the list of personnel accredited to the United Nations, Al-Douri said.

      "They are the security personnel of the mission, the guards," the ambassador told The Associated Press. "They are living in the basement of the (Iraqi) mission."

      Last month, the U.S. government expelled an Iraqi journalist who covered the United Nations for the official Iraqi News Agency, saying he was "harmful" to the security of the United States.

      Al-Douri has complained that U.S. officials have tried to get members of Iraq`s U.N. mission to defect.
      schrieb am 06.03.03 08:18:40
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      A Very Interesting Trade

      By Theodore Butler
      schrieb am 13.03.03 18:05:55
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      CDE läuft heute sehr gut. Ich denke das das die Trendwende ist. Liegt momentan in Führung bei meinen 27 Minen in der Tagesperformance!
      schrieb am 18.03.03 16:04:17
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      CDE (+ 3.17% bei $1.30) führt aktuell das Rennen im US-Handel an vor RGLD (+ 2.59% bei $15.05) und PDG (+ 2.17% bei $9.40).

      Go Silver Go!
      schrieb am 18.03.03 16:49:38
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      Eben gerade hat CDE (+ 3.17% bei $1.30) die Führung von PDG
      (+ 2.07% bei $9.39)zurück gewonnen. Beide führen heute im US-Handel vor NEM (+ 1.87% bei $25.58).

      Go Silver und Gold Go!
      schrieb am 18.03.03 17:11:17
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      Press Release Source: Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation

      Coeur Reports Record 4th Quarter and 2002 Silver Production, with 22 Percent Lower Cash Operating Costs
      Tuesday March 18, 8:32 am ET

      COEUR D`ALENE, Idaho--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 18, 2003--Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation (NYSE:CDE - News):
      New South American operations driving improved performance
      Majority of remaining indebtedness restructured

      Record silver production of 4.9 million ounces during the fourth quarter, up 53 percent from a year ago at an average cash cost per ounce of $2.06.
      Full year silver production a new record of 14.8 million ounces, up 36 percent over the previous year at an average cash cost per ounce of $2.89.
      Fourth quarter gold production of 43,674 ounces, up 118 percent from last year`s period.
      Full year gold production of 117,114 ounces, up 22 percent from previous year.
      Silver cash costs down 22 percent for the year.
      Cerro Bayo/Martha mines in South America commenced production and produced nearly two million ounces of silver in fourth quarter at cash cost of $0.05 per ounce, net of gold sold as a cash by-product.
      Discovery of 13.9 million additional high-grade silver equivalent ounces of reserves and 8.3 million ounces of resources at Cerro Bayo and Martha, with average discovery cost of $0.07 per ounce.
      Debt reduced 42 percent from previous year. Additional capital raised in February will further restructure outstanding indebtedness.
      schrieb am 18.03.03 17:48:56
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      CDE (+ 3.17% bei $1.30) hat eben wieder die Führung von HL übernommen. CDE führt im Moment vor PDG (+ 3.15% bei $9.49) und HL (+ 2.97% bei $3.12).

      Go Silver und Gold Go!
      schrieb am 19.03.03 16:20:20
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()

      CDE (+ 3.15% bei $1.31) hat soeben im US-Handel die Führung von VGZ übernommen. Und liegt nun vor SWC (+ 1.15% bei $2.65).

      Go Silver Go!
      schrieb am 19.03.03 16:28:30
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      cde wird aus der Überverkauft Situation nach oben springen.

      Gold wird gehandelt gerdade über seinem key support von $330

      Nun wird es Zeit mit dem nahenden Krieg die $390 wieder zu testen / Silber wird folgen!
      schrieb am 19.03.03 16:55:12
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      Niemand weiß im Moment aus geopolitischer Lage genau wie sich CDE kurzfristig verhalten wird. Aber CDE, Silber und Gold sind nun alle auf niedrigen Kursen im Moment.

      CDE ist eine verdammt gute Aktie.

      Go CDE Go!
      schrieb am 03.04.03 17:35:09
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()

      CDE (+ 3.08% bei $1.34) hat soeben im US-Handel die Führung von PAL (+ 1.22% bei $2.48) übernommen. Beide führen nun vor RANGY (+ 1.05% bei $10.57).

      Go Silber, Palladium und Gold Go!
      schrieb am 03.04.03 18:18:43
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      CDE (+ 1.54% bei $1.32) hat soeben im US-Handel von PAL wieder zurück erobert.

      Go Silber Go!
      schrieb am 03.04.03 19:18:16
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      CDE (+ 1.54% bei $1.32) hat soeben im US-Handel die Führung von RANGY (+ 1.34% bei $10.60).

      Go Gold Und Silber Go!
      schrieb am 03.04.03 21:35:44
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      CDE (+ 2.31% bei $1.33) hat soeben im US-Handel die Führung von VGZ (+ 2.15% bei $3.32)zurück erobert.

      Go Silber und Gold Go!
      schrieb am 04.04.03 17:27:55
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()

      CDE (+ 2.31% bei $1.33) hat soeben die Führung von SSRI im US-Handel übernommen und führt nun vor AEM (+ 2.25% bei $10.45) und ASL (+ 1.77% bei $5.18).

      Go Silber und Gold Go!
      schrieb am 04.04.03 18:48:48
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      CDE (+ 3.85% bei $1.35) hat soeben im US-Handel die Führung von MDG (+ 3.38% bei $9.17) zurück erobert. Beide führen nun vor SSRI (+ 3.20% bei $4.52).

      Go Silber und Gold Go!
      schrieb am 04.04.03 23:18:35
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      CDE (+ 4.62% bei $1.36) hat sich wieder an die Spitze im US-Handel gesetzt. Weitere starke Gewinner sind heute SSRI
      (+ 4.57% bei $4.58) und ASL (+ 4.32% bei $5.31).

      Go Silber und Gold Go!
      schrieb am 10.04.03 21:50:27
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      Bisschen der Wurm drin;)
      schrieb am 08.05.03 19:05:52
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()

      CDE (+ 6.16% bei $1.55) hat soeben im US-Handel die Führung von GLG übernommen. CDE führt nun vor RANGY (+ 5.38% bei $12.54) und SWC (+ 4.76% bei $3.30).

      Go Silber, Gold, Platin und Palladium Go!
      schrieb am 09.05.03 11:19:50
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      Warum ziehen die in Frankfurt nicht so an wie in NYSE?
      schrieb am 13.05.03 16:09:23
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()

      CDE (+ 1.29% bei $1.57) führt zu Handelsbeginn im US-Handel vor HMY (+ 1.07% bei $12.32).

      Go Silber und Gold Go!
      schrieb am 22.05.03 16:07:42
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      CDE (+ 2.03% bei $1.51) führt im US-Handel vor SIL (+ 1.60% bei $15.27).

      Go Silber Go!
      schrieb am 28.05.03 17:34:48
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      CDE (+ 1.56% bei $1.30) führt im US-Handel.

      Go Silber Go!
      schrieb am 28.05.03 17:38:53
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      stell doch statt den Sekunden-Chart den Lanfristchart rein.

      Nicht mal die letzten 3 Tage sahen gut aus.

      SILBER - na ich weiss nicht.
      Da sitz ich lieber auf meinen OS Laufzeit 06.
      Ausserdem ist nicht viel verloren.
      schrieb am 28.05.03 21:50:53
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      "The funds will be used for general corporate purposes and working capital needs, which may include the repayment of debt such as the Company`s 13 3/8% senior convertible notes due December 2003 or the 6 3/8% convertible subordinated debentures due January 2004."
      schrieb am 30.05.03 18:19:40
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      CDE (+ 1.53% bei $1.33) hat soeben im US-Handel die Führung von SWC übernommen.

      Go Silber Go!
      schrieb am 30.05.03 20:34:10
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      CDE (+ 1.53% bei $1.33) hat soeben im US-Handel die Führung von SWC (+ 1.18% bei $4.27) übernommen.

      Go Silber, Platin und Palladium Go!
      schrieb am 30.05.03 20:43:27
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      Total cash costs for the latest three-month period was $(0.29) per ounce. The negative cash cost per ounce of silver is the result of the gold by-product credit as a reduction of operating costs. (5 million oz. of free silver with a cash bonus besides!)

      Exploration at Cerro Bayo during the first quarter focused on reserve/resource delineation drilling of the Javiera, Wendy and Tranque Norte veins. Results from the drilling are expected to produce additional reserves and resources. (recent 10Q)
      Cerro Bayo:
      "New reserves and mineralized material discovered in five veins totaled 8.2 million ounces of silver and 123,951 ounces of gold.
      The average discovery cost was a low $0.08 per silver equivalent ounce. (p.8 2002 annual report)
      Martha mine:
      "New reserves and mineralized material discovered on the Martha mine property during the second half of 2002 totaled 4.6 million ounces of silver equivalent per ton. They were discovered at an extremely low cost of $0.03 per silver equivalent ounce." (p.10 2002 annual report)
      (already permitted and pending an amendment)
      "The property has 1.8 million ounces of proven and probable gold reserves and 1.4 million ounces of mineralized material. Coer believes that additional exploration potential exist at Kensington that could significantly increase the project`s total mineralization."
      They have only scratched the surface exploring these properties and they are hiding tons of gold behind the "silver equivalent" nametag.
      schrieb am 30.05.03 21:19:08
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      CDE (+ 1.53% bei $1.33) hat soeben im US-Handel die Führung von PDG (+ 1.02% bei $10.85) zurück erobert.

      Go Silber und Gold Go!
      schrieb am 30.05.03 21:24:01
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      "4.6 million silver equivalent ounces averaging 150 ounces of silver equivalent per ton."
      schrieb am 02.06.03 16:06:48
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      CDE (+ 1.52% bei $1.34) führt im US-Handel.

      Go Silber Go!
      schrieb am 02.06.03 19:49:36
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      CDE (+ 2.27% bei $1.35) hat soeben im US-Handel die Führung von RANGY übernommen. CDE führt nun vor NEM (+ 1.82% bei $30.20) und BVN (+ 1.49% bei $29.89).

      Go Silber und Gold Go!
      schrieb am 02.06.03 20:19:36
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      CDE (+ 2.27% bei $1.35) hat soeben im US-Handel die Führung von NEM zurück erobert. CDE führt nun vor RANGY (+ 2.11% bei $13.05) und NEM (+ 1.96% bei $30.24).

      Go Silber und Gold Go!
      schrieb am 03.06.03 16:07:24
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      CDE (+ 1.50% bei $1.35) führt zu Handelsbeginn im US-Handel vor DROOY (+ 1.24% bei $2.44) und HMY (+ 1.23% bei $13.18).

      Go Silber und Gold Go!
      schrieb am 03.06.03 17:50:09
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      CDE (+ 2.26% bei $1.36) hat soeben im US-Handel die Führung von GSS (+ 1.47% bei $2.07) übernommen. Beide führen nun vor PAAS (+ 1.38% bei $6.60).

      Go Silber und Gold Go!
      schrieb am 06.06.03 16:09:21
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      CDE (+ 2.29% bei $1.34) führt zu Handelsbeginn im US-Handel vor SWC (+ 1.44% bei $4.24).

      Go Silber go go CDE!
      schrieb am 06.06.03 22:00:35
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      aber nur für 1 stunde:D
      schrieb am 09.06.03 16:08:32
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      CDE (+ 1.53% bei $1.33) führt heute zu Handelsbeginn im US-Handel vor DROOY (+ 1.53% bei $2.66) und HL (+ 1.49% bei $4.08).

      Go Silber go CDE!
      schrieb am 09.06.03 21:35:05
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      CDE (+ 2.29% bei $1.34) hat soeben im US-Handel die Führung von RGLD (+ 1.85% bei $20.34) übernommen. Beide führen nun vor GSS (+ 1.63% bei $2.49).

      Go Silber go CDE!
      schrieb am 09.06.03 23:04:24
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      CDE (+ 1.53% bei $1.33) hat soeben im US-Handel die Führung von RGLD (+ 1.35% bei $20.24) übernommen. Beide führen nun vor NEM (+ 1.11% bei $32.65).

      Go Silber go CDE!

      schrieb am 10.06.03 18:34:53
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      CDE (+ 1.53% bei $1.33) ist soeben im US-Handel in Führung gegangen.

      Go Silber go CDE!
      schrieb am 10.06.03 18:40:06
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      Coeur d`Alene Mines Reports Expanding Exploration Results in South America
      6/10/2003 9:00:00 AM

      COEUR D`ALENE, Idaho, Jun 10, 2003 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ --…
      schrieb am 10.06.03 18:42:27
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      Press Release Source: Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation

      Coeur d`Alene Mines Reports Expanding Exploration Results in South America
      Tuesday June 10, 9:00 am ET
      Additional 267,000 Gold Equivalent Ounces of New Resources Expected By Year-End at Cerro Bayo

      COEUR D`ALENE, Idaho, June 10 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ --
      schrieb am 10.06.03 20:40:59
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      peter lustig:laugh:
      schrieb am 16.06.03 19:49:41
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      CDE (+ 2.99% bei $1.38) hat soeben im US-Handel die Führung von GSS (+ 2.20% bei $2.79) übernommen. Beide führen nun vor SWC (+ 1.52% bei $4.69).

      Go Silber go CDE!
      schrieb am 19.06.03 16:50:17
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      CDE (+ 2.82% bei $1.46) hat soeben im US-Handel die Führung von SWC übernommen. CDE führt nun vor PAL (+ 1.19% bei $3.41) und SWC (+ 1.00% bei $5.05).

      Go Silber go CDE!
      schrieb am 19.06.03 16:51:59
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      Coeur Receives Key Approval for Kensington Gold Project
      6/19/2003 9:00:00 AM

      COEUR D`ALENE, Idaho, Jun 19, 2003 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation (CDE) reported today that the Juneau Assembly approved an amendment to its Mining Ordinance, which allows Coeur to eliminate permitting duplications and streamline the permitting process for its Kensington Gold Project. The Company estimates that this modification will reduce the amount of time required to obtain its remaining permits by six months. Coeur now anticipates receiving all necessary permits for Kensington by the end of January 2004.

      Dennis E. Wheeler, Coeur`s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer stated, "Obtaining this key approval to amend the Ordinance will streamline the remaining permitting process and will result in cost savings of approximately $300,000. In addition to enjoying a higher gold price, our optimization work continues to focus on programs designed to reduce Kensington`s projected capital and operating costs."

      The Kensington Gold Project is located approximately 45 miles north of Juneau, Alaska and contains 1.8 million ounces of proven and probable gold reserves and 1.4 million ounces of resources. Capital costs necessary to place Kensington into production are currently estimated to be $150 million, while annual gold production is projected to average 175,000 ounces annually at estimated average cash operating costs of approximately $200 per ounce. Coeur believes that additional exploration potential exists at Kensington that could significantly increase the project`s total resources.

      Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation is the world`s largest primary silver producer, as well as a significant, low-cost producer of gold. The Company has mining interests in Nevada, Idaho, Alaska, Argentina, Chile and Bolivia.

      Contact: Tony Ebersole
      schrieb am 01.07.03 18:53:44
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      Heftige Umsaetze gestern und auch heute,
      weiss wer woran es liegen koennte?

      schrieb am 07.07.03 21:11:42
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()

      anstatt dir die Mühe zu machen, so viele einzelne Goldwerte zu bewerben nimm doch einfach Dundee Precious Metals (WKN 872063)... :D

      Hier das aktuelle Beteiligungsportfolio von DPM:

      Altius Minerals Corporation
      American Bonanza Gold Mining Corporation
      Anatolia Minerals
      Apollo Gold Corporation
      Argosy Minerals
      Ariane Gold Corporation
      Atikwa Minerals Limited
      Bolivar Gold Corp.
      Campell Res. Inc.
      Canadian Royalities Inc.
      Case Resources Inc.
      Cumberland Resources
      Diagem International Res.
      Eastmain Resources Inc.
      Eldorado Gold Corporation
      European Goldfields Ltd.
      FNX Mining Company
      Gabriel Resources Ltd.
      GlobeStar Mining Corp.
      Golden Queen Mining
      Greystar Resources
      Hedman Resources Ltd.
      Manhattan Minerals Corporation
      Major Drilling Group
      Metallic Ventures
      Metallica Resources
      Miramar Mining Corporation
      Nichromet Extractions Inc.
      Northgate Exploration Ltd.
      Opti Canada
      Pacific Rim Corporation
      Pele Mountain Resources Inc.
      Quest Ventures
      Ranchgate Oil & Gas
      Rio Narcea
      South Atlantic Ventures Ltd.
      Stratic Energy Corp
      Tahera Corporation
      TecnoPetrol Inc.
      Tempest Energy
      Titanium Corporation
      Twin Mining Corporation
      Verena Minerals Corporation
      Western Canadian Coal Corp.
      Wolfden Resources
      East African Gold Mines
      Revesco Group Ltd.
      Red Back Mining NL
      schrieb am 07.07.03 22:36:04
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      CDE (+ 2.11% bei $1.45) hat soeben im US-Handel die Führung von MNG übernommen. CDE führt nun vor SIL (+ 2.01% bei $15.26) und RIC (+ 2.00% bei $3.06).

      Go Silber go CDE!
      schrieb am 08.07.03 16:36:34
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      CDE (+ 2.01% bei $1.52) hat soeben im US-Handel die Führung von AAUK übernommen.

      Go Silber go CDE!
      schrieb am 08.07.03 17:05:42
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()
      Richard Russell recommends SILVER

      Richard Russell
      Dow Theory Letters
      Jul 8, 2003
      Extracted from the July 7, 2003 issue of Richard`s Remarks
      Gold -- Next, let`s turn to the precious metals. Last week I talked about silver, and I stated that I was now "a silver bull." In silver we have a case of too much demand and not enough supply. For over a decade the world has been using more silver than has been produced by the mines. Nobody knows how much silver is already mined and above ground, but it is thought that this supply (whatever it is) is at most around 500,000 ounces and is now being rapidly depleted.
      What about the US government`s Strategic Stockpile of Silver? Here`s the thought that the Stockpile has shrunk to around 200.000 ounces. All in all, it`s possible that the world could run low or even out of silver within five years.
      I`m not going to go into the whole, fascinating background of the silver situation -- let`s just keep our eyes on the price action. Last week the price action was good, as silver broke over its preceding peak even as gold did nothing. The key level on the upside for silver is $5.00, but subscribers may want to buy either the American Eagle one ounce silver coins or a few silver stocks. There aren`t many listed silver stocks but subscribers may want to consider initial positions in HL, SIL, CDE and PAAS, CDNX. Check their charts out on Big Charts.
      Question -- Do the Chinese know something that Washington doesn`t know?
      Answer -- It would seem so --
      Last October the Chinese established the Shanghai Gold Exchange. A few months later China announced that Chinese citizens would be free to buy, sell, and own gold.
      Now China announces that on July 8 it will open the Shanghai White Platinum and Silver Exchange. Silver of 99.90% and 99.95% purity will be traded at the Exchange. The Chinese spokesman told Dow Jones that slightly more than 60 members, including domestic silver producers, trading firms and Jewelry makers, have been approved for trading on the new Exchange.
      It seems to me that China has moved to all-out trading in the precious metals. Furthermore, it seems apparent that China is now encouraging its over-one billion people to own precious metals. Now why in the world would China do that? Could it be that China wants to be the world`s largest holder of gold and silver?
      The Chinese government normally keep about 2% of its reserves in gold, the rest in foreign currencies. I expect China to push up that 2% of gold reserves.
      I believe China is up to something. Could that something be a convertible, gold-backed renminbi? If that happens, Chinese currency could become the most wanted currency in the world.
      I`ve written before that I believe China wants to be become a world leader on a par with the United States. Historically, gold has always gone to the strong. China`s leaders know this. Gold is moving to China and its citizens. All the while the US build not stockpiles of gold, but mountains of deficits and debts. This while Western central banks denigrate and belittle gold! It`s been said that --
      "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad."
      Richard Russell
      Dow Theory Letters
      © Copyright 2003 Dow Theory Letters, Inc
      schrieb am 10.07.03 20:04:49
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      CDE (+ 4.46% bei $1.64) hat soeben im US-Handel die Führung von PAAS (+ 4.31% bei $7.74) übernommen. CDE führt nun vor SSRI (+ 4.15% bei $5.52).

      Go Silber go CDE!
      schrieb am 10.07.03 20:12:47
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      Greenwich research has new report and recommendation out on CDE today. Anyone have a looksee?
      schrieb am 10.07.03 20:13:27
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      Looks like cde is in the Russell 3000.
      schrieb am 10.07.03 20:14:40
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      "Greenwich research has new report and recommendation out on CDE today. Anyone have a looksee? "

      Now we know the research firm that is behind the big accumulator at the $1.40 level last week that I had speculated about.
      As typical Wall Street style, a research report is being used to unload the big inventory that was accumulated cheap for a quick easy profit.… 7078991&mid=34547
      schrieb am 10.07.03 20:24:10
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      Color me (bullish on) Silver
      Richard Russell
      Dow Theory Letters
      Jul 10, 2003

      Extracted from the July 9, 2003 issue of Richard`s Remarks

      Silver -- Speaking of charts, I want to talk about one specific chart, and that`s the chart of silver. With the Fed flooding the system with liquidity, this money has to go somewhere, and it will often seep into the most underpriced area of the market. One extremely underpriced area is silver.

      The action in silver is becoming interesting, and I wrote about it last Monday.

      The first "victory" for silver would be the metal closing over its May 12 high of 4.91. A greater technical victory would be silver closing above $5.00.

      Today the Dow will now buy 1,897 ounces of silver, which is almost ridiculous.

      As recently as March, 1998 one ounce of gold would buy 46 ounces of silver. Today one ounce of gold will buy 72 ounces of silver which is historically way "out of whack" -- silver has become much too cheap relative to gold.

      Silver is just plain cheap, period.

      The chart above shows daily silver, with MACD which is now on a "buy" signal. All the moving averages on silver have turned up.

      Color me bullish on silver.

      More follows for subscribers . . .

      Richard Russell
      Dow Theory Letters
      © Copyright 2003 Dow Theory Letters, Inc

      Russell began publishing Dow Theory Letters in 1958, and he has been writing the Letters ever since (never once having skipped a Letter). Dow Theory Letters is the oldest service continuously written by one person in the business.

      He offers a TRIAL (two consecutive up-to-date issues) for $1.00 (same price that was originally charged in 1958). Trials, please one time only. Mail your $1.00 check to: Dow Theory Letters, PO Box 1759, La Jolla, CA 92038 (annual cost of a subscription is $250, tax deductible if ordered through your business).

      Do go for the trial. I think that once you read Russell, you will sign up permanently. There is a reason he`s been around for 45 continuous years.

      Bob Moriarty
      Publisher 321Gold

      321gold Inc Miami USA
      schrieb am 10.07.03 20:25:31
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      Bond market fall threatens global recovery
      By Jenny Wiggins in New York, Peronet Despeignes in Washington and David Ibison in Tokyo
      Published: July 9 2003 20:33 | Last Updated: July 9 2003 20:33

      The steep fall in global bond markets in recent weeks is threatening to slow global economic recovery through higher mortgage and corporate lending rates.

      US mortgage refinancing, which has been a key support for the economy over the past year, has fallen sharply following a rise in mortgage rates driven by higher bond yields. Refinancing activity fell 21 per cent last week, the Mortgage Bankers Association said on Thursday, the biggest weekly decline since November.

      "We`ve definitely seen a turn," said Jade Zelnik, chief economist at RBS Greenwich Capital. "I think refinancings have peaked."

      Economists said the downturn in refinancing was a potential headache for the Federal Reserve, whose decision to cut rates by only a quarter-point last month triggered the fall in bond prices and rise in yields.

      "What the Fed doesn`t want is a big sell-off in bonds that would snuff out the early prospects of economic revival," said Sherry Cooper, chief economist at BMO Nesbitt Burns.

      In Japan, the collapse in government bond prices has also pushed up interest rates. Mizuho, Japan`s largest bank, is expected to announce on Thursday that it will increase its prime lending rate from 1.25 per cent to 1.6 per cent. The Japanese finance ministry said pn Wednesday it would increase the rate it charged the Housing Loan Corporation, which dominates the mortgage market, from 0.7 per cent to 1.3 per cent.

      The fall in US mortgage re- financings follows a rise in average interest rates for 30-year fixed-rate mortgages to 5.37 per cent, their highest levels since May 2. Mortgage rates track government bond yields, which have risen sharply after investors concluded the Federal Reserve had finished cutting interest rates.

      As rates rise it becomes less attractive for some homeowners to refinance their mortgages. Refinancings hit a record $1,750bn last year, which helped push total equity extracted by home owners to an unprecedented $700bn in 2002, according to Fed estimates.

      In Japan, bankers warned higher interest rates could hit consumer spending and business investment. But John Alkire, chief investment officer at Morgan Stanley, said higher rates could boost the economy. "Consumption will rise because savvy individuals will stop hoarding money and lock in ultra-low fixed rates before they rise for large-ticket items such as mortgages and real estate."
      schrieb am 10.07.03 20:29:58
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      Gold currently: $343.50
      Silver: $4.83

      What is the historical ratio of silver to gold ounce? 16 to 1. Simple grade school division of $343.50 divided by $4.83:


      Undervalued? Of course.

      Today the Dow will now buy 1,897 ounces of silver, which is almost ridiculous.

      As recently as March, 1998 one ounce of gold would buy 46 ounces of silver. Today one ounce of gold will buy 72 ounces of silver which is historically way "out of whack" -- silver has become much too cheap relative to gold.

      Silver is just plain cheap, period.

      From Richard Russell.
      schrieb am 10.07.03 21:22:08
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()
      CDE (+ 5.73% bei $1.66) hat soeben im US-Handel die Führung von PAAS übernommen. CDE führt nun vor SSRI (+ 5.47% bei $5.59) und PAAS (+ 4.72% bei $7.77).

      Go Silber go CDE!

      schrieb am 10.07.03 21:24:48
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()
      Press Release Source: Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation

      Coeur d`Alene Mines Added to Russell 2000 Index
      Thursday July 10, 11:50 am ET
      Recent Company Growth Initiatives Lead to Higher Market Valuation
      schrieb am 13.07.03 22:35:06
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      Price of Ag has caught fire of late, and could well be into the $5-$6 range by September. With that being the case, CDE should finally break through the minor resistance in the$2.50-$3, afterwhich it`s all blue sky.

      Rumours of the merger with HL are just an added bonus. For longs 2003 will be a memorable year.
      schrieb am 13.07.03 22:42:09
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      From Gold-Eagle and Eric King
      Q: Eric...I wonder if you have an opinion re the huge number of Silver calls outstanding for the month of December? have stated that you believe a "Silver crisis" will be here shortly....are you able to publicly state your "timing" reasons....<snip>

      A: Ronald, a significant event happened earlier this year in the silver market, Barrick (ABX) announced they were getting rid of their "hedge" book in silver.

      ABX was net short the silver market to the tune of 42 million ounces. They announced they were going to accomplish this by "delivering" into the market 13 million ounces and by purchasing the other 29 million ounces in the futures market.

      Almost immediately after this announcement call options in two months at the end of the year were purchased for a total of roughly 30 million ounces.

      I believe that ABX did this because they wanted "insurance" in case the price of silver exploded. If silver exploded they were limited to losses of $6.00 and $7.00 strike prices which is the price at which the call options were purchased.

      You may ask, well what accounts for the other millions and millions of ounces? Good question.

      The answer in my opinion is other producers with hedges immediately said to themselves, we need to get out of our hedges if ABX is exiting and followed a similar "call option" strategy in order to give them the necessary time at the end of the year to clear out their hedges.

      By the way, ABX paid approximately 1.2 million dollars for the 29 million ounce hedge protection. Not a bad price to pay to allow them to get out relatively unscathed.

      Q: Thanks Eric for the detailed explanation....what continues to puzzle me is who and why would any one sell them that many calls...unless they in some fashion were protected from a huge potential loss from a sharply rising Silver price???....I`m sure you know better then I the nature of floor brokers and market makers....but this does not seem like the kind of risk they would normally take.....naked short thousands of calls at $6 and $7 dollars??? does seem to me knowing the reasoning of the other side of these calls would be knowledge worth having....I like others are aware of Buffets Silver holdings....he`s the only one I`m aware of that could accommodate these purchases without serious losses....

      A: It is a very dangerous game for whoever is selling those calls. If silver remains muted until December they are ok and pocket the 4 million bucks or so of profit. If silver takes off and breaks out above $6.00 and eventually $7.00 an incredible explosion in the price of silver could occur as the parties who sold those options scramble frantically to get "long" to offset all of
      those "calls" in order to protect (hedge) themselves.
      schrieb am 16.07.03 11:47:24
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      Nur der Ausgewogenheit wegen:

      cde hat gestern die Führung im us-handel übernommen:

      -10,06% bei 1,43 usd (-0,16usd)

      go silver, go cde!!!
      schrieb am 18.07.03 18:18:43
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      bin noch rel. neu in der Silbergemeinde und eben erst auf cde gestoßen.
      Rätsel für mich: Alle anderen Silberaktien haben sich seit ihren Tiefstkursen MINDESTENS VERFIERFACHT. CDE hat sich gerade einmal verdoppelt.Gibt es für diese massive UNDERPERFORMANCE erkennbare Gründe??? :confused: :cool: :confused:
      Die hohe Verschuldung der letzen Jahre ist ja zügig abgebaut worden:lick:
      Gibt es plausible Gründe
      :eek: dafür oder ist es eine RIESENCHANCE;) :kiss: ;)
      Dank an alle die mehr wissen und mich teilhaben lassen:p
      schrieb am 19.07.03 11:37:06
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      Meiner Meinung nach liegt es an den hohen Produktionskosten der Firma also sie schreibt wohl Verluste.
      Es ist eine Wette auf einen Anstieg des Silberpreises.
      Sollten die 5 $ weit überschritten werden dürfte die Firme gut in die Gewinnzone kommen. Bei einen starken Anstieg der Rohstoffe dürfte CDE wie ein OS der am Geld liegt besonders stark steigen und bei einen fallenden Preis aber auch besonders stark fallen. Die Frage die du dir stellen must ist, ob du an einen Anstieg der Rohstoffe glaubst und ob du CDE einem direkten Investment vorziehst , auch eine Mischung im Depot würde sich anbieten.

      Positiv zu erwähnen ist das ein OS Zeitwertverlust und ein Laufzeitende hat was CDE nicht hat und somit mit Sicherheit ein besseres Investment auf der Longseite ist als ein Silber Turbo Bull mit KO Schwelle oder ein klassischer OS. Die einzige Gefahr die lauert ist eine Pleite der Firma, dessen man sich bei so kleinen Werten immer bewust sein muss.

      Sollte Silber über 6$ gehen wird CDE alle anderen Werte outperformen. :look:
      schrieb am 19.07.03 13:04:57
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      cde hat einen grossen Teil seiner Schulden dadurch bezahlt, dass man neue Aktien herausgegeben hat, was
      auch zu einer höheren Marktkapitalisierung geführt hat.

      Damit ist wohl ein Teil der Underperformance des Kurses zu erklären.

      Bei einem Anstieg des Silberpreises wird cde wohl erheblich profitieren, da cde überwiegend Silber fördert.
      Zudem ist die Verschuldung gering und die Sorge, demnächst fällige Verbindlichkeiten nicht tilgen zu können, dürfte wohl auch allmählich schwinden (so etwas wird von vielen Teilnehmern nur verzögert wahrgenommen).
      Soweit ich weiss hat cde auch nur geringe (oder keine?) Hedgepositionen, so dass sich ein Preisanstieg bei silber erheblich auswirkt.

      Sehe hier langfristig auch eine "Riesenchance" !


      schrieb am 21.07.03 23:50:23
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()
      Danke mr. lukoil/Karilles!

      ...für die plausiblen Erklärungen...
      Hab mich jetzt auch in cde engagiert und denke,
      daß sich die riesigen zirkulierenden Geldmengen auf reale Werte
      verteilen werden und deren Wert in ein angemessenes Verhältnis zum vorhandenen Geld bringen.
      Silber scheint mir dabei noch besonders unterbewertet zu sein.
      Schau´n mer mal! (Hoffentlich nicht mehr zu lange).

      schrieb am 23.07.03 16:05:19
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      CDE (+ 6.58% bei $1.62) führt im US-Handel vor PAAS (+ 4.72% bei $7.76) und RANGY (+ 4.42% bei $11.80).

      Go Silber go CDE!
      schrieb am 23.07.03 16:11:03
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      Coeur d`Alene Mines Reports First San Bartolome Silver Reserves And New Thick, High-Grade Gold Veins Intercepted at Cerro Bayo Mine
      PR Newswire - July 23, 2003 08:46

      COEUR D`ALENE, Idaho, July 23 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation (NYSE: CDE), the world`s largest primary silver producer and a growing gold producer, announced today that silver resources at the Company`s San Bartolome mining project in Bolivia have been converted to proven and probable reserves totaling 126 million ounces, which represent a 164 percent growth in company-wide silver reserves.

      In addition, exploration drilling at the Company`s Cerro Bayo property in southern Chile has intersected a major new mineralized zone near the underground workings that contains 27 feet of 0.77 gold equivalent ounces per ton.

      San Bartolome Reserves

      San Bartolome is an advanced stage development project with reserves contained in silver-bearing gravel deposits that can be hauled directly to processing facilities. The new reserves measure 35.3 million tons containing 3.58 ounces of silver per ton. The deposits are located near Potosi, Bolivia, in a region with historical silver production of over two billion ounces.

      The completion of the ore reserves, in conjunction with the updated feasibility study underway, allows the company to proceed with the final mine plan and construction cost estimates. Assuming a construction decision by early 2004, the project could be in operation in 2005 after an 18-month construction period. Anticipated silver production at San Bartolome would average almost six million ounces a year for at least ten years. In addition, Coeur has established that tin can be commercially recovered on two of the deposits, which will also significantly add to project economics.
      schrieb am 23.07.03 16:12:06
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()
      "The completion of the San Bartolome proven and probable ore reserves is a major milestone in the development of the mine," said Dennis E. Wheeler, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "The addition of these reserves further solidifies Coeur`s position as the preeminent silver company. Once in production, San Bartolome would increase Coeur`s total silver output by 40 percent, further building on our position as the world`s largest primary silver producer."

      Major New Drill Results at Cerro Bayo

      The major new high-grade zone at Cerro Bayo is located 600 feet west of existing underground infrastructure of the Cerro Bayo mine. The mineralized zone is composed of two high grade veins containing 5.7 feet of 0.97 gold equivalent ounces per ton, and 7.7 feet of 1.33 gold equivalent ounces per ton.

      "The discovery of this new very high-grade zone is significant because unlike other veins nearby there was no surface visibility," said Mr. Wheeler. "Also, the discovery was based on our new geologic model at the mine, which demonstrates our ability to find new high-grade zones through the application of that model."

      There are now 15 mineralized veins known to exist in the central Cerro Bayo area. Known veins yet to be explored in the central Cerro Bayo area alone total more than eight miles in total length. Coeur controls a total of over 108 square miles in the Cerro Bayo property.

      Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation is the world`s largest primary silver producer, as well as a significant, low-cost producer of gold. The Company has mining interests in Nevada, Idaho, Alaska, Argentina, Chile and Bolivia.

      Contact: Tony Ebersole, Investor Relations
      Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation
      schrieb am 23.07.03 16:13:37
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      From PR Newswire 7/23:

      CDE announced today that silver resources at the company`s San Bartolome mining project in Bolivia have been converted to proven and probable reserves totaling 126 million ounces, which represent a 164 percent growth in company-wide silver reserves.

      In addition, exploration drilling at the company`s Cerro Bayo property in souothern Chile has intersected a major new mineralized zone near the underground workings that contain 27 feet of 0.77 gold equivalent ounces per ton.
      schrieb am 25.07.03 21:19:52
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      CDE (+ 5.03% bei $1.88) hat soeben im US-Handel die Führung von SSRI übernommen. CDE führt nun vor AAUK (+ 4.40% bei $17.31) und SSRI (+ 4.39% bei $6.68).

      Go Silber go CDE!
      schrieb am 25.07.03 21:22:21
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()
      Richard Russel and CDE

      I`ve been looking at a group of lower-priced and more speculative gold shares plus two silver shares. The group consists of BGO, EGO, GSS, CBJ, WHT and CDE. You can check `em out on Big Charts. I own most of these, and subscriberS may want to buy equal dollar quantities of these six and "put `em away." They may not look exciting now, but if and as the precious metal bull market moves on, these six stocks may take on an ultimate "bull market glow."

      Remember, also that as the gold bull market matures, the "big" stocks will become too expensive for the crowd to buy. At that point the herd will go for the "cheapies," the kind of stocks that I listed above.

      schrieb am 28.07.03 21:45:59
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()
      Press Release Source: Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation

      Coeur Announces Major Memorandum of Understanding for Kensington Mine Permitting Signed By State and Federal Agencies
      Monday July 28, 8:35 am ET

      JUNEAU, Alaska, July 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ --
      schrieb am 04.09.03 21:47:15
      Beitrag Nr. 158 ()
      Ihr habt ein neues Mitglied im CDE-Thread;)
      Ist ja ziehmlich ruhig hier die letzten Tage.
      Hoffe das es schön weiter Richtung Norden läuft:p
      Gruß Uwe
      schrieb am 05.09.03 17:27:47
      Beitrag Nr. 159 ()
      schrieb am 08.09.03 14:50:58
      Beitrag Nr. 160 ()
      schrieb am 09.09.03 15:53:19
      Beitrag Nr. 161 ()

      Bin jetzt auch wieder dabei.

      CDE ist meine Versicherung gegen einen Kollaps der Finanzsysteme. Leider notiert sie in US-Dollar...

      Die Nachteule
      schrieb am 10.09.03 07:43:37
      Beitrag Nr. 162 ()
      Coeur ist ein Zock auf den Silber-Preis. Als Versicherung habe ich Goldfields.
      schrieb am 12.09.03 16:18:11
      Beitrag Nr. 163 ()
      # all

      CDE - ist 3,4 USD der faire Preis?

      DJ. Coeur D`Alene/Priced -2: Underwritten By CIBC > CDE

      NEW YORK, Sep 11, 2003 (ODJ Select via COMTEX) -- (Dow Jones)--Coeur D`Alene Mines Corp. (CDE) priced 20.6 million shares at $3.40 a share in a secondary offering late Thursday.

      The lead underwriter was CIBC World Markets Corp.

      Gross spread was 17.9 cents, selling concession is 10.4 cents, management fee is 3.6 cents, reallowance is 10 cents, and the settlement date is scheduled for Sept. 16.

      The company previously had about 178.8 million shares outstanding. The proceeds from the offering will be used for development, debt reduction, acquisitions and general corporate expenses.

      -By Roger Cheng, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-5393;
      (C) Copyright 2003 ODJ

      schrieb am 12.09.03 20:51:57
      Beitrag Nr. 164 ()

      Ach nee...

      Eine Silbermine reagiert auf den Silberpreis, bist du dir da ganz sicher?

      Ich bitte dich!
      Das verstehen ja schon kleine Kinder.

      Es ist vielmehr so, dass die steigenden Minen ein Indiz für weiter steigende Edelmetallpreise sind.

      Und es ist so, dass im Falle eines Zusammenbrechens der Finanzsysteme Gold und Silber enorm profitieren werden. Daher ist für mich Silber und Gold eine Versicherung für den totalen Kollaps. Sogar die Minen sind nicht ganz sicher, es ist ja nur Papier. Am sichersten ist reines Metall.

      Daher sollte man alles haben:

      Chinaaktien, Minenaktien, und reines Metall.

      Kommt es zu einer kleinen Krise, werden die Chinesen trotzdem laufen. Kommt es zu einer grossen Krise, läuft Gold und Silber, und die Minen laufen noch besser. Kommt es zum Kollaps, sind nur noch die Edelmetalle was wert, aber dafür umso mehr.

      MfG, Die Nachteule
      schrieb am 13.09.03 01:47:32
      Beitrag Nr. 165 ()
      Passt mal auf ihr Schlaumeier....Pitterchens Postings sind üblicherweise fast intelligenzfrei.

      CDE ist DREck....und sollte das raisen zunehmen das Ende der Fahnenstange erreicht

      Bussi Culo....ex DL...der seit 3 Jahrzehnten nur Goldminen handelt:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
      schrieb am 13.09.03 22:49:24
      Beitrag Nr. 166 ()

      CDE ist beinahe schuldenfrei, und hat in der letzten Zeit genügend Cash eingesammelt, um die Aktivitäten weiter ausbauen zu können. CDE ist sehr nahe am break-evan angesichts niedrigerer/beinahe keiner Zinszahlungen und eines steigenden Silberpreises.

      Keine schlechte Leistung bei einem jahrelang niedrigen Silberpreis. Das Angebot zu 3,4 Dollar/Aktie wurde gerne angenommen, und das Instiinteresse ist stark. Was glaubst du, wo CDE steht, wenn Silber nachhaltig über 10 Dollar steigt? Die Instis kaufen diesen Dreck in sehr grossen Mengen! Die Marktkapitalisierung ist noch sehr niedrig.

      Kurzfristig wäre es gut, wenn das Gap noch geschlossen wird, damit es dann weiter aufwärts gehen kann.

      MfG, Die Nachteule
      schrieb am 17.09.03 11:36:50
      Beitrag Nr. 167 ()
      Hi Nachteule,
      habe CDE auf meiner Kaufliste.
      Von welchen Gap sprichst Du?
      MfG Lima
      schrieb am 17.09.03 13:57:04
      Beitrag Nr. 168 ()

      Das Gap von 3,26 auf 3,30 US-D wurde noch nicht geschlossen. Das wäre gesünder. Das Instiinteresse ist aber sehr stark, und die Marktkap. noch deutlich unter 1 Mrd. US-D. Es muss nicht unbedingt sein, dass das Gap geschlossen wird. Man könnte ein Abstauberlimit bei 3,27 probieren.

      MfG, Die Nachteule
      schrieb am 17.09.03 19:32:28
      Beitrag Nr. 169 ()
      Hi Nachteule
      hab mein Limit gesetzt,mal sehen,ob ich noch mitgenommen werde.
      bis denne
      schrieb am 17.09.03 20:00:37
      Beitrag Nr. 170 ()

      Das hat leider nicht gereicht!
      Jetzt ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit auf die Schliessung des Gaps gesunken. Ich würde das Limit aber mal drinlassen, für alle Fälle.

      MfG, Die Nachteule
      schrieb am 18.09.03 14:18:16
      Beitrag Nr. 171 ()
      tja...wann ist die Zeit, dass gestiegene Schätzchen zu verkaufen? Bin da wirklich sehr unschlüssig. Bin bei 1,56 rein und ab 100% werd ich doch ein wenig schwach...
      schrieb am 18.09.03 14:37:45
      Beitrag Nr. 172 ()


      100% Plus sind kein Verkaufsgrund. CDE ist weiter klar im Aufwärtstrend. Auch die Fundamentalzahlen haben sich immer weiter verbessert. Und noch liegt der Silberpreis ganz am Boden.

      Wo steht CDE, wenn die Feinunze Silber 100 Dollar kostet? Ich bin kein Träumer oder Hyper!

      Ich bin so bullish für Silber wie letzes Jahr für Sohu. Und da habe ich 2000% gemacht. Wer nimmt Silber denn noch Ernst? Frag mal in deinem Bekanntenkreis! Eigentlich würde ich sagen zukaufen, aber wenn du schon ans Verkaufen denkst, dann sperr die Stücke in einen Schrank, und lass sie da eine Weile!

      MfG, Die Nachteule
      schrieb am 19.09.03 13:12:14
      Beitrag Nr. 173 ()
      So,hab gestern mein Limit erhöht und bin im Boot.
      schrieb am 23.09.03 20:40:55
      Beitrag Nr. 174 ()
      Hi Nachteule!
      Da hätte noch fast mein Limit zu 3 heute gezogen,das noch aktiv war.3,02 war das Tief heute.
      schrieb am 23.09.03 21:00:49
      Beitrag Nr. 175 ()

      Das war natürlich Pech...

      Ich habe nochmal zu 3,10 zugeschlagen, und bin für meinen Geschmack jetzt genügend dabei in CDE. Die Instis zeigen anhaltendes Interesse, ich denke, CDE ist ein gutes Langfristinvestment. Die ganz schnellen Gewinne will ich gar nicht, da ich mich nicht viel um Aktien kümmern kann im Moment.

      Die Nachteule
      schrieb am 23.09.03 22:46:00
      Beitrag Nr. 176 ()

      wie seht ihr die Weiterentwickelung von CDE bis Ende des Jahres. Fallen wir noch mal unter die 3.-. Danke im Voraus nuit
      schrieb am 24.09.03 15:36:37
      Beitrag Nr. 177 ()

      Oh je, wir haben doch keine Glaskugel. Was sind das denn für Fragen.

      Die Nachteule :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 24.09.03 16:18:04
      Beitrag Nr. 178 ()
      Fragen die mich beruhigen würde, wenn einer sie beantworten könnte.


      PS: SORRY für die Frage
      schrieb am 24.09.03 22:40:39
      Beitrag Nr. 179 ()

      Ach so, du brauchst eine Beruhigungspille...

      Stell dir einfach mal vor, CDE steigt ab jetzt so wie Sohu letztes Jahr. Oder wie Netease.

      Na, beruhigt?

      Mal im Ernst: Gold und Silber steigen, was soll denn passieren? Ist doch alles in Butter.

      Die Nachteule
      schrieb am 24.09.03 22:48:24
      Beitrag Nr. 180 ()
      Danke Nachteule für die Pille!!!!

      schrieb am 25.09.03 20:40:25
      Beitrag Nr. 181 ()
      Upps,da hat doch mein 3 € Limit gezogen.
      Hab jetzt beide Säcke voll mit Coeur .
      Egal,Dax DoofJones und Konsorten werden fallen,
      Gold und Silber werden steigen:D
      schrieb am 26.09.03 18:45:38
      Beitrag Nr. 182 ()
      Was ist da eigentlich plötzlich los. Warum wird so massiv verkauft?
      schrieb am 27.09.03 01:29:56
      Beitrag Nr. 183 ()
      Wouw-das hat ja voll reingehauen.Sind jetzt alle sprachlos?
      Ist Silber doch nicht der Hit???
      Quatsch sag ich euch! der erste Silberhype ist zwar etwas schnell gestartet,aber Silber wird im Zuge von Gold zu ungeahnten Höhen rauschen,auch wenn es kein Schwein glaubt.
      Wenn die Nachfrage bei Gold nicht gedeckt werden kann dann ist auf Silber Verlass,auch wenns keine Sau gebrauchen kann.Physisches Silber ist natürlich der Renner in Harten Zeiten:D

      etwas balabala
      schrieb am 30.09.03 16:28:36
      Beitrag Nr. 184 ()
      Die Richtung stimmt wieder...nur schade, dass der schwache Dollar nicht mehr zulässt.
      schrieb am 01.10.03 22:00:38
      Beitrag Nr. 185 ()
      Bin mit der Hälfte gestern raus.Silberminen sind wohl doch
      riskanter als physisches Silber.Ist halt immer shity,wenn man wie ich relativ spät einsteigt.Nachteule,ich halte keine Aktien mehr auf Sicht von 10 Jahren,dazu bin ich nicht liquide genug.
      Saludos de Lima
      schrieb am 02.10.03 15:32:47
      Beitrag Nr. 186 ()

      10 Jahre...

      Oder 10 Tage?????

      Naja. Du hast wahrscheinlich zuviele gekauft. Ich habe nicht soviele, und kann daher cool bleiben. Ich gebe kein Stück her.

      MfG, Die Nachteule
      schrieb am 03.10.03 20:10:18
      Beitrag Nr. 187 ()
      immer raus das zeugs:look:
      schrieb am 03.10.03 21:25:52
      Beitrag Nr. 188 ()
      Wo ist eigentlich Peter Wedemeier?????????
      Doch nicht etwa krank oder so.:confused:Sag doch mal Kuckkuck.
      schrieb am 22.10.03 17:49:52
      Beitrag Nr. 189 ()
      wieder ein stabiler Aufwärtstrend. DAs sieht gut aus
      schrieb am 24.10.03 00:42:07
      Beitrag Nr. 190 ()
      Gold steigt und steigt,und CDE dümpelt:( :(
      schrieb am 24.10.03 01:01:01
      Beitrag Nr. 191 ()
      schrieb am 25.10.03 12:13:00
      Beitrag Nr. 192 ()
      up! ;)
      schrieb am 25.10.03 14:28:32
      Beitrag Nr. 193 ()
      CAAS auf 11,25 - Wahnsinn!
      Aber was stört dich eigentlich konkret so an CDE???
      schrieb am 01.11.03 20:37:12
      Beitrag Nr. 194 ()
      schrieb am 05.11.03 14:07:36
      Beitrag Nr. 195 ()
      Up ;)
      schrieb am 12.11.03 20:09:30
      Beitrag Nr. 196 ()
      Ups...hat einer irgendwelche News von der Firma?
      Warum steigen die so? Ich freu mir ja, aber der Grund ist mir unklar...der Silberpreis kann es nicht sein.
      schrieb am 12.11.03 20:23:09
      Beitrag Nr. 197 ()
      gute Frage, irgendwer kauft reichlich ein.

      Schon über 6,4 Mio Teile gehandelt. Vielleicht liegt es noch daran :

      Coeur nabs La Verde silver mine
      Tuesday , November 11, 2003 11:05 ET

      Mexico, Nov 11, 2003 ( via COMTEX) -- Idaho-based silver producer Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation (NYSE: CDE) has executed a binding letter of intent for an option to purchase assets belonging to Mexico`s Minera Real de Cosala (MRC), the former announced.

      MRC operates the La Verde underground silver mine and other concessions covering more than 21,000 acres (8,500ha) in northwestern Mexico`s Sinaloa state. Coeur aims to conduct confirmation sampling and a drilling program on the land over the next several months.

      "The La Verde mine and surrounding areas represent a unique opportunity for Coeur to potentially develop a large, low-cost operation that will generate value over many years," company chairman and CEO Dennis Wheeler said.

      As part of the agreement, Coeur will pay MRC up to a total of US$10mn over five years and holds the right to acquire MRC`s assets by making the balance of remaining payments, Coeur said. The deal is subject to due diligence, and a final definitive agreement is being prepared.

      "Assuming Coeur exercises its option, the company anticipates continuing small-scale underground mining while developing a larger-scale operation, which will provide Coeur with immediate production and cash flow," the company said.

      Describing itself as the world`s largest primary silver producer, Coeur holds mining interests in the US, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and Mexico.

      schrieb am 12.11.03 20:33:36
      Beitrag Nr. 198 ()
      ich denke schon, dass der silberpreis der Anstoss ist!
      schrieb am 12.11.03 20:55:08
      Beitrag Nr. 199 ()

      Ok. Silber steigt um 5%. Ende September waren wir in ähnlichen Regionen mit dem Preis des Edelmetalls, aber Couer war tiefer.... schauen, wie es weiter läuft. bleibe long
      schrieb am 17.11.03 00:50:44
      Beitrag Nr. 200 ()

      Warum ist es um eine gute Aktie eigentlich so still?

      Das spricht m.E. für weiter steigende Kurse.
      Gold&Silber sind sowieso nicht mehr zu stoppen.

      MfG, Die Nachteule
      schrieb am 18.11.03 19:43:00
      Beitrag Nr. 201 ()
      Manquiri to start Bartolome plant work early 2004
      Friday , November 14, 2003 17:30 ET

      Bolivia, Nov 14, 2003 ( via COMTEX) --

      Minera Manquiri will start building a treatment plant early next year at its San Bartolome silver project, which will process slag from the company`s operations in the southwest Bolivian department of Potosi, local paper El Diario reported.

      The company, a subsidiary of Idaho-based Coeur d`Alene Mines (NYSE: CDE), aims to submit the plant`s environmental impact study in the first quarter, while installation is expected to take 18 months, and production is scheduled to start early 2006.

      Minera Manquiri has invested upward of US$6.5mn in sampling work on the deposit, achieved through drilling, metallurgical testing, agitation and a pilot plant. Total investment in the mine is estimated to be US$80mn.

      The feasibility study is being conducted by US engineers Fluor Daniel, and had been due last year.

      Coeur d`Alene studies indicate San Bartolome would produce about 6Moz/y silver at costs of US$3.5/oz.
      schrieb am 26.11.03 16:47:08
      Beitrag Nr. 202 ()
      holla, Silber geht ja ab, wie Schmitz Katze außer Silver Standard auch Coeur, beide mit neuem 52 W High:

      On November 24, 2003, Coeur d?Alene Mines Corporation, an Idaho corporation (the ?Company?), entered into a purchase agreement (the ?Purchase Agreement?) whereby the Company sold 3,150,000 shares of its common stock to several institutional investors for aggregate proceeds of approximately $13.5 million, or $4.2826 per share. The Company offered and issued the shares to the investors under the Company?s shelf registration statement.

      52W HIGH: New 52-Wk High for CDE @ $4.580 up4.57%
      Wednesday, November 26, 2003 10:20 ET

      This is the 2nd 52 WEEK HIGH alert for CDE in the past 7 calendar days.

      The share price for Coeur D`Alene Mines Corporation (NYSE: CDE) reached a new 52-week high today, trading at $4.580, up $0.200 (4.57%) from its previous close of $4.380.

      The Company`s previous 52-week high of $4.570 was set 7 days ago on November 19, 2003.

      One year ago, the Company`s shares closed at $1.460. The price has climbed more than 213 percent since then.

      At the time of this alert, the stock had traded 616,300 shares via 196 trades, 85.70% below it`s 20day average of 4,309,650 shares.

      This new 52-week high currently puts the stock:

      19.18% above its 20day Moving Average of $3.843
      30.03% above its 50day Moving Average of $3.522
      55.33% above its 100day Moving Average of $2.948

      The Company last released news on November 25, 2003 (yesterday):

      "Coeur Announces Final Redemption of Its 9% Senior Convertible Notes And Sale of Common Stock"

      schrieb am 26.11.03 22:25:51
      Beitrag Nr. 203 ()
      :) ;)
      schrieb am 28.11.03 17:35:27
      Beitrag Nr. 204 ()
      Wird die Luft jetzt bald dünne ? Ist fast schon unheimlich.

      52W HIGH: New 52-Wk High for CDE @ $5.100 up4.51%
      Friday , November 28, 2003 10:00 ET

      This is the 2nd 52 WEEK HIGH alert for CDE in the past 7 calendar days.

      The share price for Coeur D`Alene Mines Corporation (NYSE: CDE) reached a new 52-week high today, trading at $5.100, up $0.220 (4.51%) from its previous close of $4.880.

      The Company`s previous 52-week high of $4.990 was set 2 days ago on November 26, 2003.

      One year ago, the Company`s shares closed at $1.490. The price has climbed more than 242 !!!!! percent since then.

      At the time of this alert, the stock had traded 569,600 shares via 172 trades, 87.40% below it`s 20day average of 4,519,950 shares.

      This new 52-week high currently puts the stock:

      30.42% above its 20day Moving Average of $3.910
      43.81% above its 50day Moving Average of $3.546
      71.06% above its 100day Moving Average of $2.981

      The Company last released news on November 25, 2003:

      "Coeur Announces Final Redemption of Its 9% Senior Convertible Notes And Sale of Common Stock"


      52W HIGH: New 52-Wk High for SSRI @ $10.599 up2.41%
      Friday , November 28, 2003 09:51 ET

      This is the 4th 52 WEEK HIGH alert for SSRI in the past 7 calendar days.

      The share price for Silver Standard Resources Inc (NASDAQ SC: SSRI) reached a new 52-week high today, trading at $10.599, up $0.249 (2.41%) from its previous close of $10.350.

      The Company`s previous 52-week high of $10.350 was set 2 days ago on November 26, 2003.

      One year ago, the Company`s shares closed at $3.890. The price has climbed more than 172 !!!!!! percent since then.

      At the time of this alert, the stock had traded 41,100 shares via 43 trades, 92.10% below it`s 20day average of 520,040 shares.

      This new 52-week high currently puts the stock:

      31.89% above its 20day Moving Average of $8.036
      43.76% above its 50day Moving Average of $7.373
      48.34% above its 100day Moving Average of $7.145

      The Company last released news on November 25, 2003:

      "Silver Standard Resources Inc.: Argentine Joint Venture Updates Activities at Manantial Espejo"
      schrieb am 01.12.03 19:05:05
      Beitrag Nr. 205 ()
      Hiiiiilfe, der Sauerstoff wird knapp.

      52W HIGH: New 52-Wk High for CDE @ $5.490 up5.98%
      Monday , December 01, 2003 10:01 ET

      This is the 3rd 52 WEEK HIGH alert for CDE in the past 7 calendar days.

      The share price for Coeur D`Alene Mines Corporation (NYSE: CDE) reached a new 52-week high today, trading at $5.490, up $0.310 (5.98%) from its previous close of $5.180.

      The Company`s previous 52-week high of $5.250 was set 3 days ago on November 28, 2003.

      One year ago, the Company`s shares closed at $1.440. The price has climbed more than 281 percent since then.

      At the time of this alert, the stock had traded 823,000 shares via 191 trades, 81.91% below it`s 20day average of 4,549,250 shares.
      schrieb am 03.12.03 09:26:24
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 09.12.03 09:27:35
      Beitrag Nr. 207 ()
      sieht doch nett aus. ;-)))))

      schrieb am 09.12.03 16:37:42
      Beitrag Nr. 208 ()
      Das säh noch netter aus, wenn der Dollar nicht so schwach wäre. Aber andererseits haben wir damit auch ein nettes Währungspolster.
      schrieb am 15.12.03 18:07:16
      Beitrag Nr. 209 ()
      schrieb am 29.12.03 15:01:35
      Beitrag Nr. 210 ()
      Schönes Neues schonmal. Silber immer noch im aufwärtstrend und dann noch diese nette Meldung.;-)))))

      Coeur d`Alene Mines Reports Feasibility Study Progress Updates at Its Kensington and San Bartolome Development Projects

      - Significantly Improved Project Economics Expected at San Bartolome and Kensington Projects - - Final Feasibility Studies Expected in Second Quarter of 2004 - - Construction Decision on Both Projects Anticipated to be Considered in the Second Quarter of 2004 -

      Monday , December 29, 2003 08:32 ET
      COEUR D`ALENE, Idaho, Dec 29, 2003 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via Comtex/ -- Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation (NYSE: CDE), the world`s largest primary silver producer, said today that ongoing optimization and feasibility work at both its San Bartolome (Bolivia) silver project and Kensington (Alaska) gold project have significantly improved their expected project economics, with development timetables at the two properties currently estimated to add to company gold and silver production in 2006.

      Based on current information, Coeur plans silver production at San Bartolome of 6 million ounces per year at an average cash operating cost of approximately $2.50 per ounce. At Kensington, based on current information, Coeur estimates production averaging 100,000 ounces of gold per year at an average cash operating cost of approximately $195 per ounce. Final construction decisions on both properties are expected in the second quarter of 2004, with an 18-month construction timeframe for each mine.

      "We are very pleased with the excellent progress updates from our ongoing efforts to further enhance Coeur`s two world-class development projects, which are expected to increase company-wide silver production by 41% and gold production by 89% over current levels, at very low cash operating costs," said Dennis E. Wheeler, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "Both of these fully-owned Coeur projects are key components of our strategic plan to grow low-cost silver and gold production and cash flow for our shareholders, capitalizing on continued strong market demand for both metals. No fatal flaws have been identified in either project at this stage of the feasibility studies. The final feasibility studies will, of course, define final project parameters and provide the basis for the construction decision."

      San Bartolome

      San Bartolome has an anticipated mine life of approximately 14 years. Capital costs to construct the mine are estimated at $80 million. Proven and probable reserves measure 123 million ounces of silver, contained in silver-bearing gravel deposits that can be hauled directly to processing facilities. The deposits are located near Potosi, Bolivia, in a region with historical silver production of over two billion ounces.

      In addition, Coeur has established that tin can be commercially recovered, which has significantly benefited project economics. The final feasibility study and necessary permits at San Bartolome are expected in the second quarter of 2004, with a construction decision following.


      The Kensington Gold Project is located approximately 45 miles north of Juneau, Alaska and contains an estimated 1.8 million ounces of proven and probable gold reserves and 1.4 million ounces of resources. Following re-engineering and optimization work, capital costs necessary to place Kensington into production are currently estimated at $75 million, with a current mine life of at least ten years. Coeur believes that significant exploration potential exists at Kensington and intends to continue an active exploration program upon commencement of mine development.

      Coeur anticipates receiving all necessary permits for Kensington during the second quarter of 2004, and plans to reach a final decision on developing the mine after completion of the permitting.

      Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation is the world`s largest primary silver producer, as well as a significant, low-cost producer of gold, with estimated 2003 production of 14.6 million ounces of silver and 112,000 ounces of gold. The Company has mining interests in Nevada, Idaho, Alaska, Argentina, Chile and Bolivia.
      schrieb am 31.12.03 19:34:59
      Beitrag Nr. 211 ()

      :) ;)
      schrieb am 06.01.04 15:32:58
      Beitrag Nr. 212 ()
      Das Teil geht ja ab wie Schmidts Katze.
      Wär bietet seriöse Einschätzung, wo wir das Ende der Fahnenstange erreichen werden?
      schrieb am 20.01.04 19:42:54
      Beitrag Nr. 213 ()
      Axcess News: Coeur d`Alene mines silver production early indication of record year

      Monday , January 19, 2004 05:06 ET
      Lovelock NV, Jan 19, 2004 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- ( Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation (NYSE: CDE) announced that the Rochester mine surpassed 100 million ounces of historic silver production, reaching a major milestone as one of the world`s most productive silver mining districts.

      Rochester is the 7th largest silver mine in the world and also produces a significant amount of gold. Last year, historic gold production surpassed 1 million total ounces. Cash operating costs have averaged $2.58 per ounce of silver since operations commenced in 1986.

      Friday, January Silver futures on the Chicago Board of Trade closed at $6.32 an ounce, exceeding last years` high of $5.93 by $0.39. To date, spot silver has climbed over 20% since January 2003.

      Christopher Palazzo, commodities specialist with KIS Futures in Reno Nevada said, "Silver has gone up dramatically. For companies like Coeur d`Alene Mines it wasn`t productive 12 months ago when Silver was trading at $4.00."

      According to Palazzo, "There`s been extreme interest in silver over the last six months. We`ve been getting new account requests just for silver and gold in that time frame."

      But Investors have also been showing interest in silver stocks as well bullion.

      Coeur d`Alene Mines announced last week that it had completed its previously announced offering of $180 million of 1.25% Convertible Senior Notes due 2024.

      With its bank account full cash and record prices for both gold and silver, Coeur is expected to have one of its best years yet in 2004. The Company had previously announced two gold and silver properties it intended to bring into production with the cash raised from its convertible notes.
      schrieb am 12.02.04 16:10:34
      Beitrag Nr. 214 ()
      schrieb am 12.02.04 17:35:02
      Beitrag Nr. 215 ()
      CDE: New 52-Wk High @ $6.980 up 1.90%
      Thursday , February 12, 2004 09:56 ET

      This is the 2nd 52 WEEK HIGH alert for CDE in the past 7 calendar days.

      The share price for Coeur D`Alene Mines Corporation (NYSE: CDE) reached a new 52-week high today, trading at $6.980, up $0.130 (1.90%) from its previous close of $6.850.

      The Company`s previous 52-week high of $6.890 was set yesterday on February 11, 2004.

      One year ago, the Company`s shares closed at $1.580. The price has climbed more than 341 percent since then.

      At the time of this alert, the stock had traded 442,300 shares via 152 trades, 92.47% below it`s 20day average of 5,875,200 shares.

      This new 52-week high currently puts the stock:

      17.52% above its 20day Moving Average of $5.939
      22.74% above its 50day Moving Average of $5.687
      50.72% above its 100day Moving Average of $4.631

      The Company last released news on February 12, 2004 (today):

      "Coeur D`Alene Mines Corporation Announces Fourth Quarter/Year-End 2003 Earnings Conference Call"
      schrieb am 13.02.04 10:56:03
      Beitrag Nr. 216 ()
      Sollte es wirklich bis 15$ gehen und die Gold-Eagle Studie recht behalten, dann haben wir ja noch etwas Platz. Die Firma wird jedenfalls 2004 ihr bestes Jahr seit langem haben.
      schrieb am 13.02.04 16:07:36
      Beitrag Nr. 217 ()
      Zumindest interessante Zeiten.

      CDE: New 52-Wk High @ $7.400 up 7.25%
      Friday , February 13, 2004 09:56 ET

      This is the 3rd 52 WEEK HIGH alert for CDE in the past 7 calendar days.

      The share price for Coeur D`Alene Mines Corporation (NYSE: CDE) reached a new 52-week high today, trading at $7.400, up $0.500 (7.25%) from its previous close of $6.900.

      The Company`s previous 52-week high of $7.230 was set yesterday on February 12, 2004.

      One year ago, the Company`s shares closed at $1.660. The price has climbed more than 345 percent since then.

      At the time of this alert, the stock had traded 396,200 shares via 94 trades, 93.28% below it`s 20day average of 5,897,600 shares.

      This new 52-week high currently puts the stock:

      23.67% above its 20day Moving Average of $5.984
      29.53% above its 50day Moving Average of $5.713
      58.64% above its 100day Moving Average of $4.665

      INDUSTRY: Trade Deficit Surprise Boosts Gold Shares
      Friday , February 13, 2004 09:28 ET

      The December trade deficit increased to $42.5 billion ($40.0 billion expected), from a revised $38.4 billion in November. Soon after the news release this morning, the dollar depreciated by 0.5% versus the euro. Spot gold gained $2.30 to $415.40 rising from negative territory.

      Und Silber springt auf 6.69 $.
      schrieb am 17.02.04 19:19:30
      Beitrag Nr. 218 ()
      Wo ist denn da das Ende ?

      CDE: New 52-Wk High @ $7.450 up 4.34%

      Tuesday , February 17, 2004 09:55 ET
      This is the 4th 52 WEEK HIGH alert for CDE in the past 7 calendar days.

      The share price for Coeur D`Alene Mines Corporation (NYSE: CDE) reached a new 52-week high today, trading at $7.450, up $0.310 (4.34%) from its previous close of $7.140.
      schrieb am 18.02.04 13:43:41
      Beitrag Nr. 219 ()
      Silver fixes at six-year peak on fund buying
      Wednesday February 18, 7:32 am ET

      LONDON, Feb 18 (Reuters) - * SILVER (XAG=) - Fixes sharply higher at 682.00 cents a troy ounce, from 664.00 cents on Tuesday as fund buyers continue dipping into the metal.

      * Spot market $6.78/6.80 by 1230 GMT, from previous $6.76/6.78 in New York late on Tuesday. Silver forward rates on Reuters page (SIFO) indicated at 0.894, 0.703, 0.475 and 0.140 for one, three, six and 12 months respectively.

      * GOLD (XAU=) - Spot gold trades in tight range, quoted at $414.70/415.10 an ounce by 1230 GMT, compared with $415.55/416.25 late in New York on Tuesday.

      * Bullion resistance seen at $418.00, despite the euro scoring fresh record peaks against the dollar (EUR=)

      * PLATINUM (XPT=) - Rises to $859.00/864.00 versus previous $856.50/861.50 in New York.

      * PALLADIUM (XPD=) - At $238.00/243.00, compared with $239.00/245.00 late Tuesday.
      schrieb am 19.02.04 15:49:10
      Beitrag Nr. 220 ()
      Zahlen sind draußen

      Coeur Reports 4th Quarter and 2003 Results

      - South American operations continue low-cost production growth - - Restructuring completed, $250 million cash position to help fund future growth projects - - Updated feasibility studies for major development projects on track -

      Thursday , February 19, 2004 08:30 ET
      COEUR D`ALENE, Idaho, Feb 19, 2004 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Highlights

      -- Fourth quarter silver production of 3.5 million ounces at average cash cost per ounce of $3.47.

      -- Full year silver production of 14.2 million ounces at an average cash cost per ounce of $3.27.

      -- Fourth quarter gold production of 26,108 ounces.

      -- Full year gold production of 119,518 ounces.

      -- First full year of Cerro Bayo/Martha mine production of 4.9 million ounces of silver and 67,155 ounces of gold. Average cash cost of $0.60 per ounce of silver produced for the year.

      -- Discovery of 800,000 ounces of additional high-grade silver equivalent ounces of reserves and 2.4 million tons of mineralized material averaging 4.18 ounces of silver per ton and .09 ounces of gold per ton at Cerro Bayo and Martha, with average discovery cost of $0.10 per ounce.

      -- Total year-end reserves measure 174.6 million ounces of silver and 1.4 million ounces of gold.

      -- Current cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments stand at approximately $252.7 million at January 31, 2004, giving effect to recent $180 million offering of 1.25% Senior Convertible Notes due 2024, net of offering costs.

      -- San Bartolome and Kensington development projects in Bolivia and Alaska scheduled for final feasibility completion in the 2nd quarter of 2004 with construction decisions to follow.

      "During 2003, Coeur completed its major debt restructuring and is now in its strongest financial position in a decade, allowing us to move forward with our growth plans to significantly increase silver and gold production while lowering overall costs," said Dennis E. Wheeler, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "Giving effect to our Notes offering in January 2004, Coeur now has cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments at January 31, 2004 of approximately $252.7 million. This can help fund our internal projects, including our San Bartolome silver project in Bolivia, and our Kensington gold project in Alaska, as well as allow us to pursue additional growth opportunities. We have improved projected economics at both of these development projects, and the updated feasibility studies remain on track for completion in the second quarter of 2004.

      "Meanwhile, our Cerro Bayo and Martha mines in South America, which have fueled our recent growth, continued their strong performances in the fourth quarter and throughout 2003, with combined full-year cash operating costs of $0.60 per ounce of silver produced. Our accelerated exploration program at the two mines has increased resource levels and extended mine life by adding high-grade reserves at very low discovery costs. Because of our excellent performance there, we have increased our company-wide 2004 exploration budget to $10.7 million, most of which will be spent in South America, where we look to add to reserves and further extend the life of these two young mines and large, highly prospective mining properties," Mr. Wheeler added.

      Financial Summary

      Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation (NYSE: CDE) today reported fourth quarter 2003 revenue of $30.6 million, an increase of 6% over reported revenue of $28.8 million in the fourth quarter of 2002. For the full year 2003, the Company reported revenue of $109.7 million, up 16% from the $94.5 million reported in the previous year. The increase was due primarily to the first complete year of production from the Company`s low-cost Cerro Bayo and Martha mines in South America, which began production in the second quarter of 2002.

      During the fourth quarter of 2003, the Company reported a net loss of $13.5 million, or $0.06 per share, compared to a net loss of $46.1 million, or $0.44 per share, a year ago. The most recent fourth quarter included a loss on retirement of debt of $7.6 million and an additional interest payment of $1.1 million triggered by the exchange in November 2003 of the Company`s 9% Senior Convertible Notes. Excluding these non-recurring items, the Company would have reported a net loss of $4.8 million in the recent fourth quarter.

      For the full year 2003, the Company reported a net loss of $67.0 million, or $0.40 per share, compared to a net loss of $81.2 million, or $1.04 per share in 2002. The most recent year included a $41.6 million loss on the early retirement of debt, a $2.3 million loss for the cumulative effect of change in accounting principle, and an additional interest payment of $7.0 million triggered by the early retirement of debt. Absent the nonrecurring items, the Company would have reported a net loss of $16.1 million for 2003.

      In 2003, Coeur continued and substantially completed the restructuring of its debt by eliminating indebtedness in the approximate amount of $70 million, constituting approximately 88% of Coeur`s indebtedness as of January 1, 2003. Coeur ended 2003 with $9.6 million in convertible debt outstanding, and on February 11, 2004 Coeur announced that it would redeem this debt for cash in March 2004. On January 13, 2004, the Company completed an offering of $180 million of 1.25% Senior Convertible Notes due 2024. Giving effect to these post year-end transactions, Coeur`s cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments at January 31, 2004 stand at approximately $252.7 million.

      For the fourth quarter, Coeur realized an average silver price of $5.18 per ounce compared to an average realized price during last year`s fourth quarter of $4.53 per ounce. For its gold production, Coeur realized an average price of $359 per ounce during the fourth quarter of 2003 compared to an average gold price of $324 per ounce during the same period last year. The market prices of silver (Handy & Harman) and gold (London Final) on February 18, 2004 were $6.73 and $414.50 per ounce, respectively.
      schrieb am 19.02.04 16:35:07
      Beitrag Nr. 221 ()

      ich versteh nicht so ganz,
      gegeben unten stehende Angaben von

      `-- Total year-end reserves measure 174.6 million ounces of silver and 1.4 million ounces of gold. `

      multipliziert mit den momentanen Preisen fuer Gold und Silber,

      plus 250 Millionen Cash,

      ergibt ca. 1.7 Milliarden.

      Die Marktkapitalisierung von CDE betraegt (laut
      derzeit ca. 1.4 Milliarden.

      Kann mich mal jemand aufklaeren, wo da der Fehler ist?
      Die Abbaukosten sind da doch noch gar nicht
      beruecksichtigt, und die sind doch mehr als 300 Millionen. Ausserdem erklaert dieses Verhaeltnis nicht so wirklich,
      wieso CDE auf eine Silberpreiserhoehung mit starkem Hebel

      schrieb am 19.02.04 16:41:39
      Beitrag Nr. 222 ()
      Und wieso hat die Aktie for 8 Jahren bei 20 Dollar notiert?

      Hatten die da nur 1/10 der Aktien draussen?

      Fragen ueber Fragen...

      schrieb am 20.02.04 19:00:33
      Beitrag Nr. 223 ()

      wo Du recht hast, haste recht. Ist wohl ca. ein Verhältnis von 1:2 (Gold:Silber). Ich komme so ca. auf 2 Mrd. also bleiben 600 Mio für den Abbau etc. Warum, wieso, weshalb, keinen Plan. Ist eben so.

      Vielleicht haben wir die Höhen ja auch bereits erreicht, wer weiß es schon so genau. Zumindest gehen Gold und Silber erstmal wieder Richtung Süden und damit auch Coeur.

      Schaun wir mal.

      schrieb am 23.02.04 12:10:24
      Beitrag Nr. 224 ()

      gegeben die angegebenen `Total year-end reserves` beziehen sich nur auf explizit nachgewiesene Resourcen, dann stellt sich die Frage wiviel Resourcen hat CDE geschaetzt auf anderen Claims, und an nicht so genau nachgewiesenen Resourcen.... Gibt es in der Branche vielleicht eine zweite, spekulativere Zahl ueber die Ressourcen einer Gesellschaft?
      Oder anders herum, um wieviel hoeher liegen die Ausbeuten einer Mine gegenueber deren derzeit gerade nachgewiesenen Ressourcen?

      irgendein Experte hier?

      schrieb am 12.03.04 19:16:23
      Beitrag Nr. 225 ()
      gibt´s hier noch experten die diesen wert halten oder zumindest weiter verfolgen ??

      hab die aktie bei 1,30 € ins depot genommen und hab sie immer noch !!

      meinungen zur zukünftigen entwicklung ??!
      schrieb am 12.03.04 21:52:27
      Beitrag Nr. 226 ()
      ich hab se seit 2,63 und auch noch im Depot.

      Silber dürfte allerdings spätestens bei 7,50 ausgelutscht sein.:cry:
      schrieb am 13.03.04 01:22:51
      Beitrag Nr. 227 ()
      wieso gerade 7,50?

      Wollte die Aktie eigentlich halten, bis ich irgendwann mal von mehreren Normalbuergern gehoert habe, dass man Silber kaufen sollte - oder bis unser Finanzsystem abkackt halt... :D
      schrieb am 13.03.04 10:08:34
      Beitrag Nr. 228 ()


      dann tu das doch

      schrieb am 15.03.04 12:14:46
      Beitrag Nr. 229 ()
      habe die Aktie bei € 1,10 gekauft und habe auch nicht vor, diese demnächst zu veräussern! Coeur hat auch schon Kurse weit über 15 € gesehen! Wieso sollte sie ihre Höchstkurse in den nächsten 1-2 Jahre nicht überbieten??:rolleyes:
      Ich glaube fest daran!:) :)
      Es ist das Jahrzehnt von Silber :lick: :lick:
      Wir werden noch viel Freude daran haben.
      schrieb am 29.04.04 21:22:44
      Beitrag Nr. 230 ()
      Wie schaut es denn so aus? Haltet ihr die Aktie immer noch? Weitere Prognosen für CDE nach diesem Rutsch? Wo erwartet ihr den Silberpreis in drei Monaten?
      schrieb am 06.05.04 16:06:36
      Beitrag Nr. 231 ()
      oeur Reports Improved First Quarter Results With Stronger Operating Performance Expected in 2004; Feasibility Studies at San Bartolome and Kensington Nearing Completion Wednesday, May 5, 2004 08:31 AM ET Printer-friendly version Quarterly Loss Reduced From $31.2 Million a Year Ago to Just $3.0 Million in 2004`s First Quarter - Higher Gold and Silver Production Projected This Year, With Lower Cash Costs - - Standard and Poor`s Issues Ratings Upgrade for Coeur -

      COEUR D`ALENE, Idaho, May 5 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ --


      -- Significantly improved results compared to last year`s first quarter.
      -- Silver production of 3.4 million ounces during the first quarter.
      -- First quarter gold production of 22,000 ounces.
      -- Consolidated cash costs of $4.25 per ounce/silver during the first

      quarter, expected to average approximately $3.00 for the full year 2004. -- Projected 2004 annual production of 14.5 million ounces of silver and 133,000 ounces of gold. -- Strong balance sheet with $235 million in cash and short-term investments at March 31, 2004. -- Accelerated exploration in South America returns early positive results. -- San Bartolome and Kensington feasibility studies on track for second quarter completion.

      -- No silver or gold hedge positions in place.

      -- Standard and Poor`s rating agency upgrades Coeur`s rating to B-.

      "With stronger metals prices and our strengthened capital structure, our results in this most recent quarter improved significantly from last year`s period. We look forward to much improved cash flow and earnings throughout 2004 with sustained metals prices," said Dennis E. Wheeler, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "Our balance sheet and cash position remain very strong, with approximately $235 million in cash and short term investments at March 31, giving us the financial strength to aggressively move forward with our growth projects. This growth profile was noted in Standard and Poor`s recent upgrade of Coeur`s credit rating," Mr. Wheeler added.

      "Coeur remains on target for 2004 production growth, with expectations of achieving full-year silver production of 14.5 million ounces, a 2% increase over 2003, and 133,000 ounces of gold production, an 11% increase over last year`s level. Full year 2004 cash costs are expected to be approximately $3.00 per ounce, a 9% reduction from the previous year`s level," said Robert Martinez, President and Chief Operating Officer.

      "At the San Bartolome silver project and the Kensington gold project, work continues on the final updated feasibility studies, which are scheduled to be completed during the second quarter of this year. Both of these major projects -- designed to increase silver production by approximately 41% and gold production by approximately 75% over current levels -- are expected to begin contributing to production in 2006, assuming the successful completion of updated feasibility studies and the permitting process at both projects," Mr. Martinez said.

      "Meanwhile, our aggressive exploration program is on plan to add low-cost ounces to our operating properties in Chile and Argentina, further extending mine life at these important producing mines," Mr. Wheeler added.

      Financial Summary

      Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation (NYSE: CDE, news), the world`s largest primary silver producer, today reported first quarter 2004 revenue of $27.6 million, compared to revenue of $29.3 million in the first quarter of 2003. Company-wide production was 3.4 million ounces of silver and 22,000 ounces of gold in the first quarter, compared to 3.6 million ounces of silver and 33,000 ounces of gold in the same period last year. Gold production was impacted by transition of mining at Cerro Bayo from the Furioso deposit to other vein systems, and the normal, cyclical nature of production at Rochester, as well as normal delay in recovering higher grade gold ores through the pad. For the full year, Rochester is expected to realize approximately 50% more gold production compared to the previous year. Silver production was slightly lower in the first quarter compared to a year ago due to the development project at Silver Valley, which has stepped up exploration for future production growth.

      For the first quarter of 2004, the Company reported a significant improvement in its bottom line, with a reported net loss of $3.0 million, or $0.01 per share, compared to a net loss of $31.2 million, or $0.23 per share, for the same period in the prior year. The recent first quarter was impacted by increased exploration expense totaling $1.9 million related to the Company`s accelerated exploration program in addition to $1.0 million related to the completion of updated feasibility studies at the San Bartolome and Kensington projects. In addition, the Company eliminated its gold forward contracts to zero during the quarter, which increased the net loss by $0.9 million. Interest expense was reduced by more than half in the recent first quarter compared to a year ago, a result of the Company`s restructuring and significantly strengthened balance sheet.

      During the first quarter, the Company redeemed its remaining $9.6 million of 7 1/4 % Convertible Subordinated Debentures. In January, 2004, Coeur raised $180 million through the sale of 1 1/4% Convertible Senior Notes due January 2024. As a result, cash and short-term investments at March 31, 2004 totaled $234.8 million.

      For the first quarter, Coeur realized an average silver price of $6.85 per ounce compared to an average realized price during last year`s first quarter of $4.77 per ounce. For its gold sales, Coeur realized an average price of $395 per ounce during the first quarter of 2004 compared to an average gold price of $341 per ounce during the same period last year.

      Overview of Operations

      South America

      Cerro Bayo (Chile)/Martha (Argentina)
      -- 1,217,816 ounces of silver and 10,536 ounces of gold produced during

      the first quarter -- Cash costs of $2.31 per ounce of silver, giving effect to the gold by- product credit as a reduction of operating costs -- Completion of 11,000 feet of drilling in the quarter pursuant to an accelerated exploration program

      Costs and production at Cerro Bayo/Martha were impacted in the first quarter due to the completion of mining in 2003 of the Furioso area at Cerro Bayo, a major gold producer for the mine in the past year. During 2004, production will focus on the high-grade vein systems in the main Cerro Bayo area, including Javiera Sur, the Luz Eliana, and Raul veins, as well as veins in the Laguna Verde area just west of the Cerro Bayo mine. Extensions of the high-grade Javiera Sur vein were mined in the first quarter. For the full year 2004, Cerro Bayo is expected to produce 4.9 million ounces of silver and 54,000 ounces of gold at an estimated average cash cost of approximately $2.05 per ounce of silver.

      The Company`s exploration program near existing infrastructure at Cerro Bayo and Martha, and in select areas in the Santa Cruz province, had its first full quarter of accelerated drilling, building on positive results from 2003. In the first quarter, over 4,300 meters of definition and 6,700 meters of drilling were completed around Cerro Bayo and Martha. Encouraging results were obtained, especially at the R4/Del Medio area of Martha, where recent results indicate economic high-grade mineralization exists below the 260-meter level where ramp construction is in progress.

      Coeur has also commenced reconnaissance and target generation exploration at its land holdings in Patagonia which will continue throughout the year. The exploration budget for Chile and Argentina in 2004 totals approximately $5.7 million, more than double last year`s budget.

      North America

      Rochester Mine (Nevada)
      -- 1,310,295 million ounces of silver and 11,475 ounces of gold produced

      during the first quarter -- Silver production increased by 20% and gold production up 7% as a result of the completion of the crusher relocation project -- Cash costs of $5.58 per ounce of silver during the first quarter, expected to decline to approximately $2.65 per ounce for the full year -- Higher gold ore grades placed on the pad in first quarter will result in higher gold production and lower operating costs though the remainder of 2004

      In the first quarter, Rochester produced 1.3 million ounces of silver and 11,000 ounces of gold, slightly higher than last year`s first quarter in both metals. Production in the first quarter of the year was impacted by weather conditions as is typical in the first quarter of the year. The crusher expansion, which was completed during the fourth quarter of 2003, deferred the mining of high-grade gold ore until the first quarter of 2004. During the recent quarter, higher grade gold ores were placed on the pad, which are expected to increase gold production and lower operating costs during the rest of the year. With the installation of the new crusher now complete, mining, crushing and leaching operations are now operating according to plan.

      During 2004, the Company expects Rochester production to total approximately 78,500 ounces of gold and 5.8 million ounces of silver at an average cash cost of approximately $2.65 per ounce.

      Coeur Silver Valley -- Galena Mine (Idaho)

      -- First quarter silver production -- 906,980 ounces
      -- Cash operating costs of $4.93 per ounce
      -- Promising early results from expanded exploration drilling and

      development program

      The Company`s 100 percent owned Coeur Silver Valley produced 0.9 million ounces of silver in the first quarter of 2004, compared to 1.2 million ounces in the first quarter of 2003. As previously announced, the decrease in production is the result of the Company`s decision in the third quarter of last year to increase exploration and decrease mine production during the 2004 to 2005 time frame, with the focus on increasing reserves to allow the mine to increase production to seven million ounces in 2007.

      In the first quarter 2004, cash costs totaled $4.93 per ounce of silver versus $4.22 in the same period a year ago, due in part to the development plan, which has an early emphasis on the adding of new reserves through exploration drilling. So far, drilling and drifting have taken place in the upper area of the Galena mine, returning promising results with drifting now underway to provide drill access to targets in the Coeur mine area.

      During 2004, Coeur Silver Valley is expected to produce 3.7 million ounces of silver at an average cash cost of approximately $4.80 per ounce. Production is expected to increase to seven million ounces by 2007, with costs declining to $4.00 per ounce of silver.

      Development Projects

      San Bartolome (Bolivia)

      The final updated feasibility study at the San Bartolome silver project near Potosi, Bolivia is scheduled for completion at the end of the second quarter of 2004.

      Based on the Company`s assessment of the updated feasibility study, the Company is revising several of the key benchmarks of the property. The initial expected mine life is fifteen years, with proven and probable reserves of 123 million ounces of silver. The Company expects plant throughput to increase from 4,700 tons per day to 5,200 tons per day and changes in the metallurgical circuit are expected to increase silver recovery from 71% to 78%. The addition of the tin circuit will allow for the recovery of this significant by-product metal. Based upon these modifications, it is now estimated that annual mine production would be as high as eight million ounces of silver and two million pounds of tin annually. Annual production the first three full years of operation was initially expected to average six million ounces of silver per year. It is now estimated that 95 million ounces of silver and 30 million pounds of tin will be produced over the life of the project from established ore reserves and mineralized material. Based on the work performed by the independent consultant, the Company believes there is an opportunity to expand the mineralized material.

      Initial capital costs are now estimated at $130 million, including a contingency of 12%, and per ounce operating costs, net of by-product credits, are now estimated at approximately $3.75 per ounce of silver. The revised project is based upon a silver price of $6.00 and a tin price of $2.90. The updated feasibility study is addressing these project modifications along with optimization opportunities.

      The final environmental study was filed with the Bolivian government on April 27, 2004. Pending the review of the final updated feasibility study and receipt of final permits, construction of the project could commence during 2004 with production commencing in 2006.

      Kensington (Alaska)

      At the Kensington gold project, located 45 miles north of Juneau in southeast Alaska, the final updated feasibility results to date indicate a project of approximately $85 million to be spent during 2004-2005, with annual production of approximately 100,000 ounces of gold when the proposed mine reaches full production. In addition, 7.3 million tons of mineralized material averaging .12 ounces of gold per ton exist on the property. The cash cost of production is expected to be approximately $195 per ounce. The expected mine life is approximately ten years.

      During the first quarter of 2004, the draft supplemental environmental impact statement was released for public comment. The comment period closed and the U.S. Forest Service is currently developing responses to the comments. The Environmental Protection Agency has released the preliminary draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit to affected governmental agencies for review and comment. The draft permit is currently being reviewed by the Army Corp of Engineers for completeness. The Company expects the project will have all required permits in the third quarter of 2004. Upon successful completion of the final updated feasibility and receipt of final permits, construction of the project could still commence during 2004 with production beginning in 2006.

      Recently, the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) introduced a bill to the Alaska House (HB 556) seeking legislative approval to issue bonds of up to $20 million to finance the acquisition, development, improvement and construction of port and related facilities located at Slate Creek Cove and Cascade Point in Berners Bay in southeast Alaska. These proposed facilities would facilitate the operation at Kensington. On April 30, 2004, the House passed the bill by a 38 to 0 margin. The bill is now in Senate Finance with final action expected in May, 2004.

      2004 Outlook

      During 2004, the Company expects to produce 14.5 million ounces of silver and 133,000 ounces of gold. Cash costs of silver production (net of gold by-product credits) are expected to average approximately $3.00 per ounce. The company expects to spend $9.5 million in sustaining capital during 2004.

      Recent Credit Upgrade by Standard & Poor`s Rating Services

      In late April, Standard & Poor`s Ratings Services announced it raised its corporate credit and senior unsecured debt ratings on Coeur to `B-` from `CCC.` The outlook on Coeur is stable. S&P noted that the upgrade "reflects the improvement in industry conditions and in the company`s liquidity and financial profile, which have provided Coeur with the capital necessary to fund development of its low-cost mining projects so that it may develop its reserve base and improve profitability and diversity."


      Coeur does not currently have any of its silver or gold production hedged.

      Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation is the country`s largest silver producer, as well as a significant, low-cost producer of gold. The Company has mining interests in Nevada, Idaho, Alaska, Argentina, Chile and Bolivia.

      Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors -- The United States Securities and Exchange Commission permits mining companies, in their filings with the SEC, to disclose only those mineral deposits that a company can economically and legally extract or produce. We use the term "resource" in this press release which the SEC guidelines strictly prohibit us from including in our filings with the SEC. U.S. investors are urged to consider closely the disclosure in our Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2003 and Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2004. You can review and obtain copies of that filing from the SEC website at

      This document contains numerous forward-looking statements relating to the Company`s silver and gold mining business. The United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a "safe harbor" for certain forward-looking statements. Operating, exploration and financial data, and other statements in this document are based on information the company believes reasonable, but involve significant uncertainties as to future gold and silver prices, costs, ore grades, estimation of gold and silver reserves, mining and processing conditions, the completion and/or updating of mining feasibility studies, changes that could result from the Company`s future acquisition of new mining properties or businesses, the risks and hazards inherent in the mining business (including environmental hazards, industrial accidents, weather or geologically related conditions), regulatory and permitting matters, and risks inherent in the ownership and operation of, or investment in, mining properties or businesses in foreign countries. Actual results and timetables could vary significantly from the estimates presented. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

      CONTACT: Tony Ebersole, Investor Relations

      Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation


      Three Months Ended
      March 31,
      2004 2003
      Silver ozs. 1,310,295 1,089,700
      Gold ozs. 11,475 10,747
      Cash Costs per oz./silver $5.58 $6.46
      Full Costs per oz./silver $7.21 $7.40

      Silver ozs. 906,980 1,235,771
      Cash Costs per oz./silver $4.93 $4.22
      Full Costs per oz./silver $5.44 $4.51

      Silver ozs. 1,217,816 1,277,457
      Gold ozs. 10,536 22,416
      Cash Costs per oz./silver $2.31 $(0.29)
      Full Costs per oz./silver $4.01 $2.01

      Silver ozs. 3,435,091 3,602,928
      Gold ozs. 22,011 33,163
      Cash costs per oz./Silver $4.25 $3.30
      Full Costs per oz./Silver $5.61 $4.50

      Silver ozs. sold 3,293,000 4,133,000
      Gold ozs. sold 20,000 35,000
      Realized price per silver oz. $6.85 $4.77
      Realized price per gold oz. $395 $341

      (A) The negative cash cost per ounce of silver is the result of the gold
      by-product credit as a reduction of operating costs. See "Cost and
      Expenses" below.

      Note: "Cash Costs per Ounce" are calculated by dividing the cash costs computed for each of the Company`s mining properties for a specified period by the amount of gold ounces or silver ounces produced by that property during that same period. Management uses cash costs per ounce produced as a key indicator of the profitability of each of its mining properties. Gold and silver are sold and priced in the world financial markets on a US dollar per ounce basis. By calculating the cash costs from each of the Company`s mines on the same unit basis, management can easily determine the gross margin that each ounce of gold and silver produced is generating.

      "Cash Costs" are costs directly related to the physical activities of producing silver and gold and include mining, processing and other plant costs, deferred mining adjustments, third-party refining and smelting costs, marketing expense, on-site general and administrative costs, royalties, in-mine drilling expenditures that are related to production and other direct costs. Sales of by-product metals (primarily gold and copper) are deducted from the above in computing cash costs. Cash costs exclude depreciation, depletion and amortization, corporate general and administrative expense, exploration, interest, and pre-feasibility costs and accruals for mine reclamation. Cash costs are calculated and presented using the "Gold Institute Production Cost Standard" applied consistently for all periods presented.

      Total cash costs per ounce is a non-GAAP measurement and investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on it and are urged to read all GAAP accounting disclosures presented in the consolidated financial statements and accompanying footnotes. In addition, see the reconciliation of "cash costs" to production costs under "Costs and Expenses" set forth below:

      Three months ended March 31, 2004

      Silver Cerro
      Rochester Valley Bayo Total
      Production of Silver
      (ounces) 1,310,295 906,980 1,217,816 3,435,091

      Cash Costs per ounce $5.58 $4.93 $2.31 $4.25

      Total Cash Costs (thousands) $7,317 $4,468 $2,811 $14,596

      Third Party Smelting Costs (232) (1,279) (1,205) (2,716)
      By-Product Credit 4,688 793 4,308 9,789
      Deferred Stripping Adjustment (101) -- -- (101)
      Change in Inventory (3,895) 1,260 (1,983) (4,618)
      Production Costs $7,777 $5,242 $3,931 $16,950

      Three months ended March 31, 2003
      Silver Cerro
      Rochester Valley Bayo Total
      Production of Silver
      (ounces) 1,089,700 1,235,771 1,277,457 3,602,928

      Cash Costs per ounce $6.46 $4.22 $(0.29) $3.30

      Total Cash Costs (thousands) $7,039 $5,215 $(370) $11,884

      Third Party Smelting Costs (173) (1,596) (1,995) (3,764)
      By-Product Credit 3,777 739 7,921 12,437
      Deferred Stripping Adjustment (80) -- -- (80)
      Change in Inventory (1,807) 126 (918) (2,599)
      Production Costs $8,756 $4,484 $4,638 $17,878


      March 31, December 31,
      2004 2003
      ASSETS (In Thousands)

      Cash and cash equivalents $173,314 $62,417
      Short-term investments 61,462 19,265
      Receivables and prepaid expenses, net 13,090 9,979
      Ore on leach pad 15,424 17,388
      Metal and other inventory 13,408 12,535
      276,698 121,584

      Property, plant and equipment 82,281 87,546
      Less accumulated depreciation (48,939) (52,868)
      33,342 34,678

      Operational mining properties 114,867 114,018
      Less accumulated depletion (92,974) (90,245)
      21,893 23,773
      Mineral interests 20,125 20,125
      Non-producing and development properties 25,121 25,121
      67,139 69,019

      Non-current ore on leach pad 20,445 14,705
      Restricted investments 8,710 8,710
      Debt issuance costs, net 5,992 87
      Marketable securities 28 19
      Other 9,025 9,474
      44,200 32,995
      Total assets $421,379 $258,276


      March 31, December 31,
      2004 2003
      (In Thousands)

      Accounts payable $6,367 $7,772
      Accrued liabilities 5,553 5,218
      Accrued interest payable 486 120
      Accrued salaries and wages 3,951 5,705
      Current portion of remediation costs 1,044 1,278
      Current portion of bank financing 2,727 2,367
      20,128 22,460
      1 1/4% Convertible Senior Notes
      due January 2024 180,000 --
      7 1/4% Convertible Subordinated Debentures
      due October 2005 -- 9,563
      Reclamation and mine closure 21,304 20,934
      Other long-term liabilities 6,870 9,032
      208,174 39,529
      Common Stock, par value $1.00 per
      share-authorized 250,000,000 shares,
      issued 214,233,405 and 214,195,186
      March 31, 2004 and December 31, 2003
      (1,059,211 shares held in treasury) 214,233 214,195
      Additional paid-in capital 542,892 542,900
      Accumulated deficit (549,273) (546,241)
      Shares held in treasury (13,190) (13,190)
      Accumulated other comprehensive loss (1,585) (1,377)
      193,077 196,287


      Three Months ended March 31,
      2004 2003
      (In Thousands, except per share data)
      Sales of metal $28,271 $29,001
      Interest and other (647) 262
      Total revenues 27,624 29,263

      COSTS and Expenses
      Production 16,950 17,878
      Depreciation and depletion 4,846 5,019
      Administrative and general 3,608 3,055
      Exploration 1,944 1,087
      Pre-development 1,614 377
      Interest 938 2,007
      Write-down of mining properties
      and other holding costs 756 624
      Loss on exchange and early retirement of debt -- 28,107
      Total cost and expenses 30,656 58,154

      ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLE (3,032) (28,891)
      Income tax benefit -- 7
      ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLE (3,032) (28,884)
      Cumulative effect of change in
      accounting principle -- (2,306)
      Net loss (3,032) (31,190)
      Other comprehensive loss (208) (297)
      COMPREHENSIVE LOSS $(3,240) $(31,487)

      Weighted average number of shares
      of common stock (000`s) 213,142 133,503

      Net loss per common share before
      cumulative effect of change in
      accounting principle $(0.01) $(0.21)
      Cumulative effect of change in
      accounting principle -- (0.02)
      Net loss per common share $(0.01) $(0.23)

      Three Months Ended March 31, 2004 and 2003

      Three Months Ended March 31,
      2004 2003
      (In Thousands)
      Net loss $(3,032) $(31,190)
      Add (deduct) non-cash items:
      Depreciation and depletion 4,846 5,019
      Loss on early retirement of convertible
      subordinated debentures -- 28,107
      Interest expense on convertible senior
      subordinated notes paid in common stock -- 1,101
      Cumulative effect of change
      in accounting principle -- 2,306
      Compensation expense on restricted stock issue 567 29
      Other charges 795 214
      Changes in Operating Assets and Liabilities:
      Receivables (2,747) (1,160)
      Inventories (4,650) (2,694)
      Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (3,854) (3,078)

      Purchases of short-term investments (52,107) (40,750)
      Proceeds from sales of short-term investments 9,590 19,720
      Expenditures on mining assets (1,480) (3,264)
      Other 215 (50)

      Retirement of Long Term Debt (9,561) --
      Debt issuance costs (6,097) (248)
      Proceeds from issuance of subordinated notes 180,000 33,786
      Bank borrowings on working capital facility 6,056 12,155
      Payments to bank on working capital facility (5,696) (9,777)
      Common stock repurchase (793) --
      Retirement of building loan (1,200)
      Other (45) (31)


      Cash and cash equivalents
      at beginning of period 62,417 9,093
      Cash and cash equivalents
      at end of period $173,314 $19,288

      During the first quarter of 2003, holders of $2.8 million of the Series I 13 3/8% Convertible Senior Subordinated Notes due December 31, 2003 (the "Series I 13 3/8% Notes") voluntarily converted such notes, in accordance with original terms, into approximately 2.1 million shares of common stock. In addition, 0.1 million shares of common stock were issued as payment for $0.2 million of interest expense on the Series I 13 3/8% Notes.

      During the first quarter of 2003, the Company purchased $26.9 million and $1.7 million principal amount of its outstanding 6 3/8% and 7 1/4% Convertible Subordinated Debentures, respectively, in exchange for 16.9 million shares of common stock and recorded a loss on exchange and early retirement of debt of approximately $28.1 million. In addition, 0.6 million shares of common stock were issued as payment for $0.9 million of interest expense as part of the transaction. In conjunction with the issuance of the 9% Convertible Senior Subordinated Notes, the Company also issued 0.6 million shares of common stock for partial payment of offering costs of $1.0 million.

      During the first quarter of 2003, the Company issued 1.2 million shares of common stock in conjunction with its long-term incentive program.

      Source: Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation

      Contact: Tony Ebersole, Investor Relations of Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation, 800-523-1535
      schrieb am 06.05.04 20:51:25
      Beitrag Nr. 232 ()
      bin zwar nicht der ganz große "englischheld", aber das hört sich im großen und ganzen doch nicht so schlecht an!
      insbesondere die bewertungsverbesserung!!
      als ich damals eingestiegen bin, war coer noch ein pleitekandidat!!

      jetzt muß sich halt noch der silberpreis stabilisieren!

      schrieb am 12.05.04 21:45:32
      Beitrag Nr. 233 ()
      Mal ne Kleinigkeit von den Godmode-Leuten zum Silberpreis:

      12.05. 02:15
      SILBER - Zentrale Unterstützung durch, aber ...
      (©GodmodeTrader -

      SILBER: 5,58 $

      Aktueller Wochenchart (log) seit dem 25.11.2001 (1 Kerze = 1 Woche) mit Tageschartausschnitt.

      Am 02.04.2004 erreichte SILBER bei 8,43 $ sein Hoch. Seit ca. 6 Wochen befindet sich das Edelmetall in einem regelrechten Crash. Unsere Einschätzung, wonach auch der charttechnische Unterstützungsbereich bei 5,95-6,0 $ nicht halten werde, hat sich bestätigt. Durch den Bruch der 5,95er Marke wurde das benannte charttechnische Korrekturziel von 5,27-5,3 $ getriggert. Wir stellen jetzt fest, daß der Kursverfall unter die 5,95 seit 1-2 Wochen in einer bullishen Keilformation verläuft. Insofern besteht durchaus die Möglichkeit, daß 5,27-5,3 $ erstmal nicht erreicht werden und eine nicht unerhebliche Kurserholung starten könnte. BUY Trigger ist der Bereich von 5,95-6,0 $. Erst dann, wenn SILBER auf Tagesschluß über 5,95 ansteigen kann, kann aus charttechnischer Sicht über einen Kauf nachgedacht werden.

      Chart erstellt mit Tradesignal
      schrieb am 29.05.04 16:49:25
      Beitrag Nr. 234 ()
      Coeur d`Alene seeks to buy Wheaton River, Golden Star offers to buy Iamgold

      Thu May 27, 9:24 PM ET


      TORONTO (CP) - Takeover fever hit Canada`s gold industry with a vengeance on Thursday with one American mining company offering $2.5 billion for Wheaton River Minerals of Vancouver and another U.S. company offering $1.2 billion for Iamgold Corp. of Toronto in separate but co-ordinated deals.

      Silver producer Coeur d`Alene Mines Corp. of Idaho said Thursday its stock and cash offer for Wheaton River is conditional on the termination of a merger agreement between Wheaton River and Iamgold, which had been announced in March and is scheduled for a shareholder vote on June 8.

      Shortly afterwards, Toronto-based Iamgold also became the target of an unsolicited takeover offer by Denver-based Golden Star Resources, which is offering 1.15 of its shares for each Iamgold share in an all-stock deal worth $1.2 billion Cdn, based on Thursday`s closing stock prices.

      Golden Star and Coeur d`Alene said they had agreed between them that if their respective merger proposals succeeded, that Coeur d`Alene would pay to Golden Star a fee of $26 million US.

      Coeur said its offer for Wheaton River was worth $3.28 US a share, representing a 14-per-cent premium over Wheaton River`s closing share price on Thursday prior to the announcement.

      Dennis E. Wheeler, Coeur`s chairman and chief executive officer, said the combination of his company with Wheaton River would increase Coeur`s primary silver production by 45 per cent and create a top 10 global gold producer.

      " We think Wheaton River`s assets are an excellent fit with ours and should lead to significant synergies." Wheeler said.

      Golden Star said its offer for Iamgold represented a 13-per-cent premium based on the closing market prices for the two company`s stock as of Thursday.

      Golden Star said a merger with Iamgold would create an intermediate gold producer focused on West Africa, with about 800,000 ounces of production in 2005 and beyond, with $200 million US in cash and cash equivalents and opportunities to cut costs by $8 million annually.

      Wheaton River stock (TSX:WRM - news) closed at $3.96 Cdn, up six cents, on the Toronto Stock Exchange prior to the announcement. Iamgold shares (TSX:IMG - news) closed at $7.38, up eight cents. Golden Star (TSX:GSC - news) closed at $7.24, up four cents.
      schrieb am 15.06.04 11:45:03
      Beitrag Nr. 235 ()
      Hallo allerseits !
      Bin erst seit kurzem dabei.
      Wie gehts weiter mit Couer ???
      Irgendso ein schlauer Mensch hat mal gesagt, Coeur gehe auf die 10 € zu, und wo stehen wir jetzt.
      Dumm gelaufen.
      schrieb am 16.06.04 17:55:33
      Beitrag Nr. 236 ()

      hat da noch einer einen Plan, was die nun mit Wheaton River Minerals wollen. Die lassen da ja nicht locker.

      Wheaton River Minerals Ltd. today announced that it has received a written request from Coeur d`Alene Mines Corporation ("CDE") for a list of Wheaton`s shareholders.

      Wollen die jetzt alle einzeln anschreiben ?

      schrieb am 17.07.04 11:11:36
      Beitrag Nr. 237 ()
      Kann mir einer hier mal erklären, warum Coeur die Steigerungen in Silberpreis nicht mehr mitmacht und nicht von der Stelle kommt. Wirtschaften die wirklich so schlecht, dass sie bilanziell nicht von diesen hohen Rohstoffpreisen profitieren können?
      schrieb am 18.08.04 13:38:03
      Beitrag Nr. 238 ()
      Leute verabschiedet euch von CDE. Wer bei solchen Preisen immer noch keine Gewinne schreibt..........wech damit!

      Schaut Euch Mines Management (MGN) , Western Silver (WTZ) oder Silver Standard (SSRI) an. Mit Sicherheit aussichstreicher als der verschuldete CDE-Laden!

      schrieb am 26.08.04 08:43:43
      Beitrag Nr. 239 ()
      Möchte die Ansicht meines Vorredners nicht teilen. Finde die Expansionspolitik seitens Coeur nicht uninteressant.
      Aktuelles KGV von ca. 47 ist vergleichsweise moderat. Ich für meinen Teil habe den Coeur-Depotanteil gestern nochmals massiv aufgestockt. Die Hebelwirkung bei steigenden Silbernotierungen, scheint mir aktuell im Minensektor bei Coeur am größten zu sein.
      Grüße vom Robby
      schrieb am 26.08.04 11:59:30
      Beitrag Nr. 240 ()

      KGV 47 ist billig? Sorry, aber das ist doch nicht Dein Ernst?! Was ist denn bei Dir teuer? CDE ist optisch billig, aber nicht Fundamental!

      CDE wird auch steigen. Aber mit einem viel geringeren Hebel als z.B. MGN,SSRI,WTZ etc. (diese Minen sind deutlich billiger als CDE, MGN ein absolutes Schnäppchen)

      CDE steigt auch, weil viele keine Alternative haben bzw. sich nicht die Mühe machen, neue Firmen anzuschauen.

      Aktuelle Kurs:

      CDE 3,73$
      SSRI 14,43$
      WTZ 7,20$
      MGN 5,76$

      Bin mal gespannt, ob CDE diese Minen outperformen kann :rolleyes:

      schrieb am 27.08.04 18:48:12
      Beitrag Nr. 241 ()
      Erst mal ein Hallo an alle User !
      Vorweg gesagt ; ich bin kein ausgemachter Börsenprofi.
      Allerdings scheint mir EIN Kriterium bzgl. der Profitabilität eines Unternehmens das Kurs - Gewinn - Verhältnis ( KGV ) zu sein. Natürlich gibt es Minenwerte ( Perilya z.B. ) mit KGV 5 oder noch günstiger . Die von Dir genannten Gesellschaften erwirtschaften lt. Comdirect KEINEN Gewinn / Share.
      Natürlich bin ich für jedes Gegenargument dankbar.
      schrieb am 27.08.04 23:05:58
      Beitrag Nr. 242 ()

      Comdirect hat auch nicht zu allen Gesellschaften schätzungen! Vergleich mal die Reserven von den Gesellschaften mit denen von CDE. Und dann schau Dir mal die Marketcaps an. Dann siehste vielelicht, warum die anderen Minen einen viel höheren Hebel als CDE haben. Besonders MGN! MGN hat einen größere Reservenwert als CDE!!! MGN fördert noch nicht. Ok,aber wie dumm muß man sein,zu jetzigen Preisen sein Silber zu verkaufen :confused: Silber kann sich verfielfachen und CDE verkauft zu diesen Preisen. Sehr dumm! CDE ist ja gezwungen zu verkaufen, da sie ihre Schulden bedienen müssen. Das ist das Problem. Die anderen Minen sind Schuldenfrei und MÜSSEN nicht fördern. Sie warten einfach auf höhere Preise. Durch dieses Verhalten tragen sie damit bei, dass der Preis höher steigt, da weniger Silber verfügbar ist.

      Schau Dir mal den Marketcapvergleich zwischen CDE und MGN an:

      MGN 60 Mio.$
      CDE 774 Mio.$

      Damit ist CDE 13mal teuerer als MGN, bei einem geringeren Reservenwert!!! :rolleyes: Entschuldigung, aber Minen werden hauptsächlich nach dem Reservenwert zur Marketcap bewertet und weniger nach dem KGV!

      MGN besitzt Bodenwerte von 4,50 Mrd.$ (Silber und Kupfer)! Heißt also, sie wird mit 1/75 der Reserven bewertet.

      Die Reservenwerte von CDE liegen bei ca. 3,0 Mrd.$!
      Heißt also, sie wird mit 1/4 der Reserven bewertet.

      Und damit super teuer. Wenn man das KGV von 47 noch dazu nimmt, dann wird auch nix billiger. :rolleyes:

      Tausch CDE in WTZ,MGN und SSRI und du machst größere Gewinne.

      Würde ich drauf wetten :p

      Denk mal drüber nach. Will Dich nicht belehren oder sonst etwas. Will Dir nur nen Tip geben, damit Du und auch andere davon profitieren können.

      schrieb am 27.08.04 23:07:31
      Beitrag Nr. 243 ()

      Laß Dich nicht von dem optisch billigen Kurs blenden. Bewertung ist entscheidend. Und da kann CDE momentan nun mal nicht mithalten. Eine Hecla sieht ähnlich aus.

      schrieb am 30.08.04 23:29:43
      Beitrag Nr. 244 ()
      Bestend Dank soweit Adera , werd mir das mal genauer anschauen.
      Grüße vom Robby
      schrieb am 01.09.04 22:35:44
      Beitrag Nr. 245 ()

      Mines Management (MGN) bricht über die 200-Tage-Linie aus! STRONG BUY!

      Ich erwarte auf die nächsten drei Jahre Kurse von 30-50$.

      schrieb am 01.09.04 22:38:34
      Beitrag Nr. 246 ()

      Schau Dir mal den Chart von CDE an. Grausam! Voll im Abwärtstrend, trotz steigendem Silberpreis :rolleyes: Das gibt mir zu denken.

      schrieb am 02.09.04 00:19:30
      Beitrag Nr. 247 ()
      MGN gegen CDE (Gelb) und Hecla! Während MGN schon längst wieder im Aufwärtstrend läuft,kommen CDE und HL überhaupt nicht raus, aus ihrem Abwärtstrend :rolleyes:

      3 Monate

      6 Monate

      1 Jahr

      schrieb am 27.09.04 16:23:58
      Beitrag Nr. 248 ()
      Bodenbildung abgeschlossen, mittelfristiger Abwaertstrend beendet...

      schrieb am 28.09.04 17:38:39
      Beitrag Nr. 249 ()
      Ja... endlich!!!

      Sieht gut aus für Silber im Moment!!

      schrieb am 06.11.04 12:51:33
      Beitrag Nr. 250 ()
      Wird Zeit, dass dieser Deckel um 4€ mal endlich wieder durchstossen wird. Dann sind schnelle Kurssteigerungen bis 6€ wieder möglich. In Anbetracht des steigendes Silberpreises schlafe ich ruhig mit dieser Aktie.:D
      schrieb am 21.11.04 20:54:13
      Beitrag Nr. 251 ()
      Ist hier noch jemand? Oder kann einer die letzten beiden Wochen erklären (Siber + Gold steigen, Coeur fällt?):mad:
      schrieb am 21.11.04 23:11:01
      Beitrag Nr. 252 ()
      Naja, Silber hat sich im Verhältnis zu Gold (neues Hoch) recht bescheiden entwickelt. Die Silberminen insgesamt haben nicht so gut performed.

      Hoch gehen dürfte es erst, wenn bei Silber wieder richtig Schwung reinkommt - so sind die Aktien halt gut teuer.

      schrieb am 21.11.04 23:18:06
      Beitrag Nr. 253 ()
      Auch nen Grund für die maue Performance,
      CDE ist immernoch ein Cashburner...:

      Coeur d`Alene offers 25 mln shares at $4.50 each
      Thu Nov 18, 2004 07:48 PM ET
      NEW YORK, Nov 18 (Reuters) - Coeur d`Alene Mines Corp. (CDE.N: Quote, Profile, Research) , one of the world`s largest producers of silver and a large producer of gold, on Thursday said it raised a gross $112.5 million from a public offering of 25 million shares at $4.50 each.
      The Coeur d`Alene, Idaho-based company said it expects to receive net proceeds of about $106.9 million. It said on Nov. 12 it intended to use net proceeds to fund exploration, development and drilling, or to fund potential acquisitions, or for general corporate purposes. It said it may offer an additional 2.5 million shares to meet demand.

      The company had 213.3 million shares outstanding as of Nov. 4, according to its quarterly report.

      CIBC World Markets and J.P. Morgan are arranging the offering.
      schrieb am 06.05.05 16:30:02
      Beitrag Nr. 254 ()

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