
    Simba Energy -- die rennt und rennt nach Norden - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 18.01.11 20:13:23 von
    neuester Beitrag 30.08.15 18:08:42 von
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    ISIN: CA82857V1031 · WKN: A2DQQM
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 18.01.11 20:13:23
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      kein halten ??
      schrieb am 18.01.11 22:04:37
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Entlich jetzt geht es ab und ich bin dabei......................:laugh::D:laugh::D
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 19.01.11 16:29:17
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.884.243 von heisseanleihe am 18.01.11 22:04:37
      schrieb am 25.01.11 17:38:30
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Schließt Privatplatzierung
      Jan. 25, 2011 (Market News Publishing) -- 25 Januar 2011 (Market News Publishing) -

      SIMBA ENERGY INC. ("SMB-T") - Closes Private Placement SIMBA Energy Inc. ("SMB-T") - schließt Privatplatzierung
      Simba Energy Inc. (the "Company") announces that it has closed its private placement first announced on December 30, 2010, The Company issue 42,322,500 units at $0.08 per unit for total gross proceeds of $3,385,800. Simba Energy Inc. (das "Unternehmen") gibt bekannt, dass sie geschlossen sein Privatplatzierung zum ersten Mal angekündigt am 30. Dezember 2010, Die Gesellschaft Problem 42.322.500 Einheiten zu $ 0,08 pro Einheit für einen Bruttoerlös von insgesamt $ 3.385.800. Each unit consists of one common share and one-half of one transferable share purchase warrant, each whole warrant exercisable into one additional common share until January 20, 2012, a price of $0.16 per share. Jede Einheit besteht aus einer Stammaktie und einer Hälfte eines übertragbaren Warrant, wobei jeder ganze Warrant in eine weitere Stammaktie bis 20. Januar 2012, zu einem Preis von $ 0,16 pro Aktie. All securities issued under the placement are subject to hold periods expiring on May 21, 2011. Alle Wertpapiere im Rahmen der Platzierung ausgegebenen Wertpapiere unterliegen Perioden bis zum 21. Mai 2011 zu halten.

      The Company paid $93,540 in finder's fees in respect of the placement. Das Unternehmen zahlte $ 93.540 in Finder's Fees in Bezug auf die Platzierung.

      The majority of the proceeds will be used for the payment of government fees, preliminary ground work expenses and office setup fees in Mali, as well as licensing and survey costs and general overhead costs in Liberia for the next several months. Die Mehrheit der Erlös wird für die Zahlung von staatlichen Gebühren, vorläufige Bodenarbeit Aufwendungen und Office-Setup-Gebühren in Mali, sowie Lizenz-und Erhebungskosten und Gemeinkosten in Liberia für die nächsten Monate genutzt werden. The Company will also use general working capital funds to continue its pursuit of Production Sharing Agreements In pay down outstanding payables and other liabilities as required. Die Gesellschaft wird auch allgemeines Betriebskapital Mittel, um ihre Verfolgung von Production Sharing Agreements Im zahlen ab herausragende Leistungen und sonstige Verbindlichkeiten Bedarf fortsetzen.

      The Company also announces that Casey Forward has resigned as director and Chief Financial Officer of the Company. Das Unternehmen gibt außerdem bekannt, dass Casey Sturm hat als Direktor und Chief Financial Officer des Unternehmens zurückgetreten. The Company thanks Mr, Forward for his years of service, Mr, Keith Margetson CA, has been appointed Chief Financial Officer of the Company effective immediately, Margetson qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1975 and has operated his own accounting firm since 1992. Die Gesellschaft dankt Herrn, Forward für seine Dienstjahre, Herr, Keith Margetson CA, wurde Chief Financial Officer des Unternehmens mit sofortiger Wirkung bestellt, qualifizierte Margetson als Wirtschaftsprüfer im Jahre 1975 und betreibt seine eigene Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft seit 1992. He has 15 years experience with public companies both as an auditor and in providing other professional services. Er hat 15 Jahre Erfahrung mit öffentlichen Unternehmen sowohl als Wirtschaftsprüfer und bei der Bereitstellung in anderen Fachbereichen.

      On Behalf of the Board, Im Auftrag des Vorstands,

      Robert Dinning Robert Dinning

      President and CEO Präsident und CEO
      schrieb am 01.02.11 09:27:53
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.884.243 von heisseanleihe am 18.01.11 22:04:37Nettes Unternehmen gefällt mir Simba Energy, mit guten

      Aussichten auf Erfolg, Öl wird immer gebraucht auf der Welt.

      Beobachte das Unternehmen auch schon eine Weile.

      Ein Longinvest für alle Fälle.

      Bin gespannt wie es hier weiter geht.


      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
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      East Africa Metals: Geht jetzt der Kurs durch die Decke? mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 03.02.11 20:23:24
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      also ich muss sagen unsere simba hält sich sehr sehr gut.
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 03.02.11 21:56:42
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.978.884 von kreminalkomissar am 03.02.11 20:23:24Das Ding wird spitze ich finde diese ganze Region echt cool,

      überall Öl. Das quillt da nur so raus aus allen Löchern überall.

      Ich komm da gleich selber runter und bau ein Öl Förderturm.

      schrieb am 03.02.11 22:07:05
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.978.884 von kreminalkomissar am 03.02.11 20:23:24

      Also die Liegenschaft ist auch schön gross und grenzt auch an reichhaltige Öl Lagerstätten anderer Unternehmen an. :)

      Gefällt mir !!! :):cool:;)
      schrieb am 25.02.11 00:06:39
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      moin jungs,
      als bei diesem schönen Firmenlogo kann das ja nur gut ausgehen! Wäre aber schön wenn mal wieder news kommen würden, zB. ob das Gebiet in Mali ergattert wurde.
      Wann setzen die eigentlich endlich mal den Bohrer an, scheinbar muss man ja nicht mal suchen. Angeblich quillt das ja überall daraus. Ich glaub ich muss mal ne Afrikasafari machen und mich selbst überzeugen.
      Weiß irgendwer mehr?
      PS: Kennt ihr eigentlich noch aussichtsreiche Öl und Gas Player in Afrika? Oder ist Simba derzeit die interessanteste Firma?
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 25.02.11 10:38:55
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.103.698 von pearlhunter am 25.02.11 00:06:39Morgen pearlhunter,

      also so wie ich das mitbekommen habe,

      geht es da um die Lizenz und Produktionsvereinbarung die abgeklärt werden muss mit der Liberianischen Regierung.

      Der Antrag dafür ist in Bearbeitung. Danach soll wohl eine Seismische Bodenprobung/Erkundung vorgenommen werden um Öl nachzuweisen was förderbar wäre, in tieferen Schichten.

      Bzw. mit einem möglichen Partner danach, weil Simba dafür zu klein ist, dass ganze Ölfeld allein zu erschliessen.

      Sollte Öl nachgewiesen werden was ich auch denke, da auch bereits die Nachbarn auf Öl gestoßen sind. Ist die ganze Region sehr vielversprechend.

      Ich gehe davon aus das im Frühjahr/Sommer da was kommt.

      Die Chancen stehen gut für Simba Energy daher.

      Andere Firmen sind da auch auf dem Gelände aktiv und Chinesen wohl auch da irgendwo.

      Aber eine Safari würde ich auch gern da

      machen wollen.:):laugh::laugh::D
      schrieb am 25.02.11 22:14:43
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      moin snoggles,
      danke für die Info. Chienesen sind ja mittlerweile überall, nicht loszuwerden diese Pest. Am meisten ärgert mich, dass die sich überall groß einkaufen und dann den Rohstoffabnahmepreis bestimmen wollen. So kann man überhaupt nicht mehr von Preissteigerungen profitieren.Meinst du mit Nachbarn die Förderfimen die offshore sind oder gibt es noch welche, die auf dem Land suchen. Ich dachte Simba wären die einzigen auf dem Land. Sofern es noch weitere auf dem Land gibt, kennst du da Ergebnisse? Frage ich deshalb um mögliche Förderbedingungen zu ergründen. Kann ja sein dass es schwierig ist. Weißt was zu deren Reserevn (viel kleine oder große Ölagerstätten)
      Weißt du wann Ergebisse zu den Entscheidungen bezüglich Mali und Seismische Erkundung in Liberia anstehen?
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 25.02.11 22:45:55
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.110.290 von pearlhunter am 25.02.11 22:14:43Hallo pearlhunter,

      viele Fragen, jedoch ist aus den Presse Mitteilungen nicht viel mehr

      herauszulesen. Jedoch sind einige große Firmen dort unten aktiv am fördern.

      Als Nachbar der Westgrenze hat ein französischer Ölkonzern Total zuletzt eine Entdeckung gemacht. Und ENI, China National Petroleum und andere sind da auch aktiv und suchen nach Öl. Zu weiteren kleineren Explorern liegen mir keine News vor.

      Also gute Chancen auf Öl zu stoßen hat somit Simba Energy, ohne weitere Konkurenz zu befürchten.

      Zu den Chinesen, ja klar mischen die gerne mit und versuchen durch billige Rohstoff Liegenschaftsaufkäufe in Afrika so das Monopol wie bei
      Seltenen Erden zu sichern.

      Würde mich nicht wundern, wenn die Chinesen da bei Simba Energy auch noch anklopfen werden.

      Werden aber bald News kommen ich bin optimistisch.

      Das Land Liberia muss sich auch erst erholen nach den ganzen Kriegen.

      Durch die liberianische Regierung und den Rebellengruppen.

      Also wirtschaftlich und demokratisch kommt da auch der Aufschwung in Gang.

      Alles gute Anzeichen für Stabilität auch für Simba dadurch.

      schrieb am 12.05.11 09:46:23
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Hallo liebe Simba Energy Fans !:)

      Laut dem Unternehmens-Update vom 17. März 2011

      soll ja nun bald die Produktionsvereinbarung PSA folgen abschliessend.

      Für die Liegenbschaften in Liberia, Mali und Ghana ich hoffe das damit endlich der Weg frei gemacht wird für das seismische Bodenerkundungsprogramm um Öl oder Gas auf den Liegenschaften nachzuweisen.

      Die Chancen stehen weiterhin gut und gehe auch davon aus das die was finden.;)

      Schon allein wegen Ölfunde anderer Unternehmen in der Region ist das schon sehr vielversprechend und interesant.

      Bin gespannt auf die nächsten News.

      Euch allen eine schönen Tag.
      schrieb am 12.05.11 17:07:16
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      moin SMB- lers,

      wert scheint ein etwas ´anderer´ zu sein - statt SELL IN MAY wird
      grad kräftig GEKAUFT.
      ..........schaut euch mal die trades der insider
      an............schon recht ordtl. vol.....IMO

      Simba Energy Inc. (SMB)
      As of May 11th, 2011

      Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price

      May 04/11 May 02/11 Inwentash, Sheldon Control or Direction Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 250,000 $0.185

      May 03/11 May 02/11 Pinetree Capital Ltd. Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 250,000 $0.185

      May 02/11 Apr 29/11 Pinetree Capital Ltd. Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 250,000 $0.185

      May 02/11 Apr 29/11 Inwentash, Sheldon Control or Direction Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 250,000 $0.185

      Apr 29/11 Apr 27/11 Inwentash, Sheldon Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 184,000 $0.160

      Apr 29/11 Apr 28/11 Inwentash, Sheldon Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 116,000 $0.160…

      denke, da sollte man selbst nicht nur zugucken

      6 Antworten
      schrieb am 12.05.11 17:18:45
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.493.161 von hbg55 am 12.05.11 17:07:16...uuuuund wenn ICH mir so die charts anschau, kanns schon recht
      bald sein, daß SIE weiter gen norden ´rennt´ :D:laugh:

      RT....cad 0,155

      schrieb am 12.05.11 18:27:01
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.493.161 von hbg55 am 12.05.11 17:07:16Kurschwankung um paar Cents sind hier immer drin schon wegen Neuzukäufe.

      Und dahin ziehen der PSA Produktionsvereinbarung, :look:

      wenn die PSA durch ist, wird der Kurs bestimmt neu belebt werden.

      Kann ja nun wirklich nicht mehr lange dauern.:)

      Ich bin gespannt was da noch kömmt...:D:laugh:

      falls nicht komm ich persönlich runter und Bohr selber das S...loch.

      schrieb am 12.05.11 18:41:26
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.493.161 von hbg55 am 12.05.11 17:07:16...hier mal die NEWS dazu........

      Simba Energy shareholder Pinetree Capital buys more shares

      Wednesday, May 04, 2011 by Andre Lamberti

      Simba Energy (CVE:SMB) shareholder Pinetree Capital Ltd (LON:PNP) has increased its stake in the oil explorer by acquiring a further 500,000 shares.

      The venture capital group said it acquired the shares through a series of transactions ending on May 2 2011, and they represent around 0.4 percent of Simba’s issued and outstanding shares.

      Pinetree and jointly acting parties now control an aggregate of 11.8 million common shares of Simba, including the newly acquired shares and rights to acquire an additional 5 million shares of Simba upon exercise of certain convertible securities.

      In the event that the convertible securities are fully exercised, the holdings of Pinetree and its joint actors represent a total of 16.8 million Simba shares, or approximately 11.6 percent of the capital. Pinetree alone would hold 16 million shares, or an 11.1 percent stake.

      This transaction was made for investment purposes, Pinetree said.

      Pinetree is focused on the small cap market, and its investments are primarily in the resources sector: precious metals, uranium and coal, base metals, oil and gas, and potash, lithium and rare earths.

      In March, Simba reported it was making solid progress with production sharing agreements in Liberia, Ghana and Mali.

      In Mali the group is awaiting final approval for its hydrocarbon PSA on Block 3. It follows a visit by a delegation of senior company officials which met the government agencies and officials handling its application.

      In Liberia, meanwhile, it has submitted an application to turn its hydrocarbon reconnaissance permit into a production sharing agreement. In March it completed negotiations with the national oil company NOCAL and is now just waiting for a meeting with the technical committee to formalise an agreement.

      Finally in Ghana, the company hopes to soon get to the final decision phase of its PSA application, which was made at the end of 2010.

      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 12.05.11 19:00:48
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.493.773 von hbg55 am 12.05.11 18:41:26klingt doch gut.:)

      Nun noch die PSA durch und die Seismische

      Bodenerkundung kann endlich beginnen.


      Mögliche Joint Venture Partner sollten wohl schon angeklopft haben oder mit denen

      man zusammen arbeiten möchte, da Simba Energy ja zu klein ist.:)

      Aber eins steht fest, wenn die da unten Gas, Öl Felder finden, werden

      hier andere Kurswinde wehen.

      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 12.05.11 19:26:49
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.493.891 von Snoggles am 12.05.11 19:00:48

      ....Mögliche Joint Venture Partner sollten wohl schon angeklopft haben....

      DAS dürfte wohl EIN grund für PINETREE gewesen sein, hier noch mal
      schööööön zuzulegen !!!

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 12.05.11 20:21:52
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.494.082 von hbg55 am 12.05.11 19:26:49jep, die Zukäufe sind ein guter Beweis.:)

      Und ich schätze mal die wissen schon ganz genau, was da in den Feldern drín

      schlummert bei Simba.:D:)
      schrieb am 03.06.11 00:41:49
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      ...hab im SH-Forum gefunden. zur Info :)…

      Simba Presentation Dates in UK
      6/2/2011 5:25:02 PM | | 47 reads | Post #29804671
      Rate this
      clarity 4
      overall quality 4
      credibility 5
      usefulness 5

      Simba Energy will be making a presentation on June 8th at the Proactive One2One investment Forum at the Chesterfield, Mayfair in London.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…

      The company will also be making a presentation on June 15th at Drapers Hall for the UK - Liberia Investment Forum put on by DMA (Developing Markets Association). The Government of Liberia will be in attendance including the President, Ellen Johnson Sirlearf, as well as the President and CEO of NOCAL (National Oil Company of Liberia), Christopher Nyeor.

      Simba's website has a new look as of today.
      You can also stay connected through facebook and twitter for regular updates

      Simba Energy Inc.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 03.06.11 02:11:02
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.597.048 von SteirerMan am 03.06.11 00:41:49hallo alle!

      ich denke die Presi May 2011 hatten wir noch niergends:…

      schrieb am 06.07.11 21:47:58
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()

      nur noch wenige augenblicke bis zum endgültigen PSC!!

      Simba Energy Inc, Finalizing Onshore Liberian PSC Application

      July 06, 2011, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Simba Energy Inc. (the “Company”) (TSX-V: SMB, Frankfurt: GDA, OTCBB: SMBZF), has received an official invitation from the National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL) to meet in Monrovia, Liberia during the week of July 18, 2011 to commence the final negotiation process for Simba Energy Inc.’s formal Production Sharing Contract (PSC) application. A Draft Production Sharing Contract (PSC) has been received from NOCAL and Simba Energy is currently reviewing this draft PSC and will be in attendance the week of July 18, 2011 to finalize discussions which it anticipates will lead to the issuance of the onshore PSC.

      Pursuant to our previous announcement in October 2010, Simba Energy submitted its application to the National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL) to convert its current Hydrocarbon Reconnaissance Permit (NR-001) into a Production Sharing Contract (PSC). Since then, the Company has had extensive meetings with NOCAL to review, advance, and finalize this PSC application. During this period there have been changes to management and the board of directors of NOCAL, as well as a moratorium imposed by the Government on new (offshore) PSC applications. The Company is pleased to confirm it has successfully completed all required negotiations and discussions with NOCAL and will be in attendance the week of July 18, 2011 to finalize discussions which it anticipates will lead to the issuance of the onshore PSC.

      The formal letter received by Simba Energy from NOCAL also stated that the delay in reaching the final negotiation process was due mainly to the lack of a “Model Production Sharing Contract for onshore oil” along with the reorganization within NOCAL`s offices.

      Mr Robert Dinning, President and CEO is quoted "This invitation and meeting represents the final step in the process for the Company’s application to convert its current exploration license into a PSC. We look forward to finalizing this application process so we can begin our planned activities and continue to contribute socially to the communities within our area of work.”

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 12.07.11 11:59:04
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.752.571 von SteirerMan am 06.07.11 21:47:58
      ...gut zu sehen, wie damit neuer schwung in die aktie reinkam - trotz
      neg. gesamtmarktes !!!!

      SK gestern....cad 0,17

      schrieb am 28.07.11 13:58:05
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Simba Energy Acquires Controlling Interest of PSC for Blocks 1 & 2, Onshore Guinea

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 07/27/11 -- Simba Energy Inc. ("Simba" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE: SMB) (FRANKFURT: GDA) (OTCBB: SMBZF), announces it has signed an Agreement to acquire a 60% interest in the PSC (Production Sharing Contract) for Blocks 1 & 2 comprising 12,000 square kilometres onshore in the Republic of Guinea's Bove basin.

      Under terms of the agreement, Summa Energy is transferring to Simba Energy a 60% interest in the PSC covering Blocks 1 & 2. Simba will provide 100% funding of all program costs in the first year, and 60% of all program costs thereafter.

      The finalization of this agreement is subject to receipt of approval from the Republic of Guinea's Minister of Mines and Geology (Le Ministere des Mines et de la Geologie). A work program, including planning for commencement of a seismic program, will proceed immediately after receipt of final approval from the Minister of Mines. Simba recently conducted a detailed review of technical data on Blocks 1 & 2 and concluded a significant potential for oil and gas exists.

      Highlights of the potential of the Bove basin include:

      -- Migration and communication are demonstrated by the presence of seeps,
      large accumulations of bio-degraded heavy oil at surface, along with
      light oil staining in earlier (historical) core and samples
      -- A detailed laboratory analysis of samples from two wells carried out in
      1989 by Beicip (France) indicated a level of maturity as mature to over
      mature and a source that is likely oil prone
      -- Silurian shales, which are the major source rock in all North African
      basins, are present
      -- The basin has three known reservoir systems with fair to good reservoir
      parameters in both clastic sediments and carbonates
      -- A gravity and magnetometer survey carried out over the entire basin in
      1972 by Texas Geophysical Company indicates sediments were present up to
      a depth of 4,000 metres and identified numerous anomalies, the magnitude
      of which remain of great interest
      -- Most of the basin's wells to date were drilled prior to the 1960's and
      were too shallow to fully evaluate the section
      -- The tectonic style of the Bove basin is such that structures are formed
      that produce traps capable of pooling large reserves

      In an area 100 to 200 kilometres offshore from Blocks 1 & 2 Hyperdynamics Corporation (Houston, TX, NYSE Amex: HDY) recently carried out extensive 2D & 3D seismic surveys and now plans to drill the first of a two well program later this year.

      Robert Dinning, President & CEO of Simba said, "This agreement is a major milestone for the Company, and further supports our strategy of pursuing underexplored onshore basins in Africa. The Company also advises it has completed PSC applications with other jurisdictions in the region, and expects to close these very shortly. When completed the Company will possess an exciting portfolio of exploration properties in addition to the PSC for Blocks 1 & 2 just acquired in Guinea".

      To view a map detailing the geographic scope of this acquisition, please visit our website or select the following link:…

      James Dick, P.Geol., P.Eng., Director of the company and Qualified Person in accordance with National Instrument 51-101, has reviewed and approves the technical disclosure in this news release.

      Finder's Fees on this acquisition will be paid in accordance with TSX Venture Exchange policy.

      About Simba Energy Inc.

      Simba Energy is a Vancouver, B.C. based oil and gas exploration company strategically focusing on underexplored overlooked basins in its pursuit of hydrocarbon opportunities in Africa (currently Liberia, Mali, Ghana, Guinea and others). This region has shown increased promise for development of new hydrocarbon deposits. On behalf of its shareholders the Company's Senior Management Team have endeavoured to leverage their expertise and affiliations to pursue, secure and develop strategic assets that demonstrate high potential for drilling and or production operations; and to do so in a manner of best practices and to the betterment of those communities where we work.


      Robert Dinning, President & CEO

      We seek safe harbour.

      This news release includes certain forward-looking statements or information. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this release, including, without limitation, statements relating to the exploration merits of the property and other future plans, objectives or expectations of the Company are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's plans or expectations include risks relating to the actual results of current exploration activities, fluctuating commodity prices, possibility of equipment breakdowns and delays, exploration cost overruns, availability of capital and financing, general economic, market or business conditions, regulatory changes, timeliness of government or regulatory approvals and other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the filings made by the Company with securities regulators. The Company expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise except as required by applicable securities legislation.

      Simba Energy Inc.Mark Sommer
      604-641-4450 or Toll Free: 1-855-777-4622
      info@simbaenergy.cawww.simbaenergy.caSource: Simba Energy Inc.

      Read more:…
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 31.07.11 18:18:01
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      schrieb am 04.08.11 10:39:17
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.858.802 von Nissie am 28.07.11 13:58:05

      damit nicht genug - nun hat man auch in KENIA zuschlagen können..........

      Simba Energy Granted Block 2A in Kenya

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 3, 2011) - Simba Energy Inc. (the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:SMB)(FRANKFURT:GDA)(OTCBB:SMBZF), is pleased to announce the Company has been granted a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) by the Ministry of Energy, Republic of Kenya for Block 2A, comprising 7,801.72 square kilometres in northeast Kenya.

      "We are delighted in having been awarded this PSC from the Republic of Kenya's Energy Ministry. This is a major achievement for the Company and further supports our strategy to pursue underexplored and overlooked onshore basins in Africa. While we remain very close to finalizing other PSC applications elsewhere, Block 2A's PSC provides our shareholders a very significant boost in near term upside exploration potential for the Company. It has been a lot of work to get to this point so we are extremely pleased," remarks Robert Dinning, President CEO.

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 04.08.11 11:12:33
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.890.213 von hbg55 am 04.08.11 10:39:17...dazu mal ein beitrag eines SH- users............

      From the research I have been doing, Kenya is potentially the next major region in Africa for multi-billion barrel discoveries. The geology is good enough to host large reserves of oil and gas, but has been hardly explored compared to other basins around the world. The Basins in Kenya are approximately 1/3 the area of the basin under Alberta. Alberta has had tens of thousands of wells drilled, Kenya has had just a handful.

      Kenya was largely ignored until the Billion barrel discoveries in neighboring Uganda by Tullow Oil. Now Tullow has aggressively moved into Kenya and are about to start a very aggressive drilling program. Exploration in Kenya was dominated by CNOOC of China and African OIL another Vancouver based company who is a member of the Lundin group of companies. Tullow and African Oil will be spending tens of millions in the next year drilling.

      Simba`s Block 2A is next to Block 9 which is Africa Oil. North of Simba`s block is Afren, UK based company which produces 40k barrels a day and has just made a major move into Kenya. They are expected to conduct a major seismic and drilling program in the next year also.

      Anadarko has just acquired 5 offshore blocks and will also be drilling in the next year.

      Simba is the smallest company which has a block in Kenya. Simba is surrounded by majors who will collectively spend over a $100 million in the next year drilling for oil.
      It seems obvious the one of the majors in Kenya or another major looking to participate in Kenya will most likely farm into to Simba`s block or try to acquire Simba if oil is discovered in an adjacent block.

      Simba`s entry into Kenya seems to be a very strategic move by management which the market did not realize this week. It is only a matter of time before a major farms into Simba or tries to acquire it, Either way we shareholders WIN

      ......seh ICH ähnlich und rechne mit baldiger reaktion des marktes - bis dahin heißts
      schnäppchen sammeln

      schrieb am 04.10.11 23:26:18
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Ich werde warum der Kurs fällt und fällt, trotz guter News. Deckt sich jemand günstig ein oder verkauft jemand seine Aktien die letzten Tage? Hoffe es wird bald die Liberia PSA News vermeldet. Als UNX vor 3-4 sich an Namibia Blöcken beteiligt hat beteiligt hat, fiel die Aktie bis 10-15 Cent. UNX wurde ich glaube letztes oder dieses Jahr von den Brasilianern übernommen, die Aktie kletterte bis über 5 Euro an. Ich habe mich dann geärgert, als ich meine Aktien bei 15 Cents verkauft habe und danach der Kurs stetig gestiegen ist.
      Ich weiss nicht, ob ich Simba bei den jetzigen Kursen aufstocken soll oder nicht.
      Was meint ihr? Bitte um eure Meinung, hier ist es sehr ruhig.

      schrieb am 18.10.11 14:58:57
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      schrieb am 27.10.11 18:47:54
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()

      Hallo, liebe Simbanesen und -innen :) dem heutigen Tag können IMO die Spiele beginnen.
      die Aussichten sind erfreulich, und ich hoffe die umsetzung wird noch erfreulicher :D

      Simba Energy receives PSC approval for block 3

      2011-10-27 10:23 ET - News Release

      Mr. Robert Dinning reports


      Simba Energy Inc. has provided the following corporate update on its current activities, as well as the status on a number of applications for production sharing contracts (PSCs) currently in the final stages of their review and negotiation process.

      Simba president and chief executive officer Robert Dinning said: "In spite of very difficult market conditions, the company has been able to remain focused on the task of pursuing and securing the assets we have targeted. As a result, management anticipates finalizing a number of strategic PSC applications in the near future. By this time, the Company expects to be holding 100% interests in a number of Production Sharing Contracts in some very strategic and prospective blocks in Africa for its technical team to advance through the early exploration and development stages of work.

      1. Republic of Mali - PSC for Block 3

      The Company has received a formal notification that the Republic of Mali's Council of Ministers has adopted a Decree granting Simba Energy a PSC for Block 3. This notification has been approved by the Republic of Mali's Ministry of Mines, Energy, and Water with the support of the government agency AUREP (L'Autorite pour la Promotion de la Recherche Petroliere au Mali or The Authority for the Promotion of Oil Research in Mali).

      Management anticipates traveling to Bamako in the very near future for the formal signing ceremony and looks forward to providing further information about the block and its development plans in a more detailed news release.

      2. Liberia - Application to convert Hydrocarbon Reconnaissance Licence NR-001 into PSC status

      Efforts to finalize and close this negotiation have been delayed by the current national election in Liberia. A run-off election is scheduled for November 8th 2011. Officials at NOCAL (National Oil Company of Liberia) have informed that negotiations with the Company will re-commence immediately after the elections are over. Management believes that while negotiations have taken on a protracted nature, it is very close to a finalizing this agreement and anticipates a conclusion swiftly after this process resumes.

      3. Republic of Kenya - Block 2A

      The Company is now a holder of a 100% interest in the PSC for a very prospective oil block in northeastern Kenya. Since signing the PSC with the government of Kenya in August, the Company has established an office in Nairobi and commenced the process of procuring the project's next phases of work, primarily, the reprocessing of existing historical seismic data and the acquisition of further seismic data in conjunction with initiating base line environmental studies. The tender and selection process to procure these services is expected to take six to eight weeks with work due to commence in the first quarter of 2012. The technical team continues to compile and review all currently available data.

      4. Republic of Guinea – Blocks 1 & 2 (onshore)

      The Company successfully acquired a 60% interest in a PSC for onshore Blocks 1 & 2 in the Republic of Guinea this past July. Earlier this month, in Vancouver, the Company hosted a delegation of officials from Guinea as part of their review and approval of the Company's technical and financial capabilities. The Company is confident that it has met or exceeded all the requirements set forth and anticipates formal approval before the end of this year. At this point, the Company intends to begin an aggressive assessment of basin characteristics where during its due diligence site visit the technical team observed very similar seep characteristics with those encountered at the Company's concession in Liberia. Hyperdynamics Corporation (Texas) is currently drilling its first of two exploration wells 100 to 200 kilometres offshore from Blocks 1&2.
      In addition to the above, the Company's management and technical staff remain active pursuing a number of other assets in the region. Finally, in these coming weeks, those already familiar with Simba Energy can expect to see a new look and branding for our company.

      12 Antworten
      schrieb am 10.11.11 07:11:32
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Simba Energy’s Hassan sees exciting times ahead as industry interest builds
      Thursday, November 10, 2011 by Jamie Ashcroft

      There are exciting times ahead for Simba Energy (CVE:SMB) as some of the larger industry players size up the group’s highly prospective assets in Africa, managing director Hassan Hassan told Proactive Investors.

      From a standing start Simba has built a considerable portfolio in just one year.

      The firm now has four onshore licence blocks on the continent – one each in Kenya and Mali and two in the Republic of Guinea. Applications are also being processed for assets in Liberia and Ghana.

      Hassan’s comments today followed a productive visit to the Africa Oil Week 2011 event in Cape Town last week.

      “We went to the conference to build industry awareness,” Hassan told Proactive Investors.

      “The show was a resounding success for us. We expected to get some passing interest from other junior companies.

      “But what actually happened was a lot of larger companies came to visit us literally every day at our booth.

      Hassan said that he now plans to start talking with some of these companies about them potentially partnering Simba on some of its blocks.

      “A lot of representatives of these large oil companies made a point to sit down with us, either publically or in private, to talk about our business,” Hassan added.

      “They asked us how we’ve managed to do what we’ve done, for such a small company. They want to know how we can work together and what we would you like from them.”

      Tying up with a larger explorer is in keeping with Simba’s plan to develop its early stage assets.

      According to Old Park Lane Capital’s Barney Gray Simba’s business model is straightforward.

      “(Simba’s) management works exceptionally hard in a competitive environment to secure highly prospective acreage in underexplored regions,” Gray said in a note to clients today.

      “Following early stage work programmes to highlight the upside potential of the acreage, Simba will look to farm down its interests to larger partners in return for carried interests over longer term exploration programmes.”

      In his note Gray said Simba’s initial emphasis will be on Kenya. Here he believes Hassan and his team will significantly boost the prospectivity of the acreage in the next 12 months.

      That will be due in part to the group’s own desktop work. Simba will shortly re-process a catalogue of existing seismic data that was captured by previous operators.

      After that it will submit a proposal to the Kenyan government, outlining the next phase of exploration plans.

      However by that time the potential of Simba’s acreage is likely to have been underlined by exploration programmes on nearby properties, Grey said.

      According to the analyst seismic work being carried out on either side of the group’s Kenyan acreage could allow enable Simba to draw positive inferences regarding its own acreage.

      Toronto listed explorer African Oil has recently completed a seismic programme to the west. Afren is set to begin a programme in the adjacent block to the north while Lion Petroleum is preparing a survey to the immediate south.

      Meanwhile in Guinea Simba has a 60 per cent stake in Blocks 1 and 2. Gray said that while there has been little history of exploration activity in the area Simba has recorded extensive surface oil seeps.

      This indicates a working hydrocarbon system, he explained.

      “The company intends to embark on a modest expenditure programme over the next twelve months including the reprocessing of existing seismic data and the submission of a new work programme to the government ministry,” Gray added.

      The analyst reckons Simba will receive the formal signing of a production sharing contract in Mali imminently.

      Meanwhile negotiations are ongoing in Liberia and Ghana.

      “We believe that Liberia could be particularly promising given the recent escalation of exploration activity in the offshore region immediately adjacent to Simba’s onshore area of interest,” Gray said.

      Indeed the first wave of exploration here is now gathering pace.

      Tullow Oil today revealed the results of its Montserrado-1 exploration well. It was drilled in an offshore licence to the west of Simba’s onshore property – which is the subject of the current PSC negotiations.

      The well encountered eight metres of hydrocarbon pay and a light oil sample was recovered from the well. However it is being considered as a non-commercial discovery.

      The well result, which came alongside a more detailed trading statement, disappointed Tullow investors as the stock fell around 6 per cent today. But there were also some positives.

      “We now know Simba is in an oil bearing region. That has been confirmed (by the Tullow result),” Hassan said.

      Hassan said that Simba is “very close” to finalising the PSC in Liberia and the contracts are “basically done”.

      However talks have been temporarily sidelined while the country’s elections take place.

      He hopes to sit down with the authorities in the coming weeks, once the elections are complete, to finish the PSC talks.
      schrieb am 20.11.11 17:47:34
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      ...viele interessante Infos inkl. Timetable! :eek:

      hier gibts die neue NOV 2011 - Presi:…

      schrieb am 15.12.11 12:50:40
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Simba Energy secures government approval for work programme for Block 2A in Kenya
      Thursday, December 15, 2011 by Sergei Balashov

      Vancouver-based oil explorer Simba Energy (CVE:SMB) said the one year work programme for its wholly owned Block 2A onshore Kenya has been submitted and approved by the government.

      The Africa focused firm has now started environmental baseline and survey work on its Kenyan acreage, which is expected to complete in mid-January 2012, while interpreting existing gravity and magnetic data from the license block.

      In addition, the company has started reprocessing select 2D seismic data after obtaining copies of all existing 2D seismic survey lines spanning 800 kilometres carried out by previous operators Chevron and Amoco.

      “We are very pleased with the progress the team has made on the ground in Kenya,” said president and chief executive of Simba Energy Robert Dinning.

      “During our initial assessment of available data during the application process we became very confident in the exploration potential for Block 2A and are therefore now very keen to evaluate the re-interpretations in these coming months.”

      In addition to Block 2A in Kenya, Simba owns one block in Mali and two in the Republic of Guinea. Applications are also being processed for assets in Liberia and Ghana.

      According to Old Park Lane Capital’s Barney Gray, Simba’s initial focus will be on Kenya, expecting the company to significantly boost the prospectivity of the acreage in the next 12 months.

      Managing director of Simba Energy Hassan Hassan has recently told Proactive Investors that he plans to start talking with larger players interested in exploration assets in Africa about them potentially partnering Simba on some of its blocks.

      The company also announced the resignation of director and vice president for exploration Karim Akrawi today.
      schrieb am 18.12.11 11:25:36
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      schrieb am 05.03.12 08:19:03
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Simba Energy identifies two leads on Block 2A in Kenya
      Saturday, March 03, 2012 by Sergei Balashov

      Simba Energy (CVE:SMB, OTCQX:SMBZF) reported that work on its Block 2A project in Kenya is progressing ahead of schedule and raised C$3 million to fund its projects.

      The Vancouver-based oil and gas explorer has now completed the reprocessing of select 2D lines along with existing gravity and magnetic data and has so far identified two exploration leads in these early stages of the study.

      In addition to completing the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which has already been submitted to the oil ministry, Simba has obtained all the past geophysical data from Block 2A.

      This has allowed the company to accelerate the work programme that has already been approved by the ministry including a passive seismic survey, now anticipated to kick off in early April.

      In the meantime, it is expected that a technical report – compliant with the NI51-101 standard – and a competent person’s report (CPR) for the project will be completed in the coming weeks.

      “Having progressed this well early on sure helps the company gain some traction,” said president and chief executive of Simba Robert Dinning.

      “It sure is encouraging to see such positive results come from this region in these past number of weeks.

      “There's no question things are heating up in the area so we're looking forward to maintaining our aggressive pace on the ground in Kenya.”

      The company also announced a private placement of up to 37.5 million units consisting of a share and a warrant at a price of 8 Canadian cents to raise a total C$3 million to advance its projects. The fundraising is subject to the approval of the TSX-Venture exchange.

      In today’s report, Simba also drew investors' attention to the upcoming drilling campaigns in Kenya by Tullow Oil (LON:TLW) and Africa Oil, which will drill close to Block 2A.
      6 Antworten
      schrieb am 26.03.12 15:58:05
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.268.388 von SteirerMan am 27.10.11 18:47:54
      ...hat sich doch noch abisl verzögert - abbbbba dafür ´krachts´ HEUTE
      gaaaaanz ordtl........

      RT...cad 0,135

      11 Antworten
      schrieb am 27.03.12 11:35:04
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.848.989 von allida am 05.03.12 08:19:03:eek::eek:

      .....In today’s report, Simba also drew investors' attention to the upcoming drilling campaigns in Kenya by Tullow Oil (LON:TLW) and Africa Oil, which will drill close to Block 2A....

      gestrige pos. PR nun von AOI hinterließ auch bei unsrem baby seine spuren
      mit nem satten UPPPP- satz von über 37% bei TOP- jahresvol. von 3,7mios

      5 Antworten
      schrieb am 27.03.12 12:12:09
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.959.770 von hbg55 am 27.03.12 11:35:04

      ...uuuuuund als hätten SIE nur darauf gewarten sehen wir folg. PR

      Simba Engages Sproule to Evaluate Block 2A - Kenya

      Simba Energy Inc. (the “Company”) (TSXV: SMB, Frankfurt: GDA, OTCQX: SMBZF) is pleased to announce Sproule Associates Limited (Calgary) as having been engaged to carry out an evaluation on the Company’s 100% interest in Block 2A in Kenya and provide an evaluation report compliant to both NI 51-101, and a Competent Persons Report (‘CPR’ – for European investment standards).

      Sproule has considerable evaluation experience in Kenya and especially in the area of Block 2A where they have previously provided similar reports for blocks adjacent to Block 2A. The Company expects the report to be completed in the next 60 days.

      Robert Dinning, President & CEO remarks, “…we commissioned Sproule for this evaluation because they have done extensive in depth geological and geophysical studies in the immediate area. While Simba’s technical team is encouraged by its own evaluation and review of the available data, our shareholders can now look forward to seeing the results of an independent evaluation of this asset’s potential within these coming weeks.”

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 29.03.12 13:33:11
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Simba Energy eyes Kenya's tremendous oil potential
      Thursday, March 29, 2012 by Jamie Ashcroft

      Toronto-listed oil explorer Simba Energy (CVE:SMB) has an excellent chance of striking oil in Kenya, according to director Hassan Hassan.

      Shares raced to a 12-month high of 14.2 Canadian cents yesterday, following the shrewdly-timed announcement that industry consultant Sproule Associates had been hired to assess the group’s onshore exploration licence in Kenya.

      It follows Tullow Oil’s breakthrough discovery in the Kenyan rift basin on Monday. This is Kenya’s very first oil discovery. And its significance is underlined by the fact that it was formally announced by the country’s president Mwai Kibaki in Nairobi.

      “In the past there have been around 36 dry holes in Kenya, so this new discovery is massive for the industry,” Hassan said.

      “This first successful well shows there is tremendous potential going forward.

      "The fact that we have an onshore block means we’re very well positioned to participate in that. It is very exciting for us as a company and we are incredibly privileged to be active in Kenya at this time.

      "The discovery means that with the introduction of new technology and new ideas, and new people coming in to explore Kenya, it could prove to be a major oil producing nation further down the road.

      "And what we have is what we think is one of the best blocks in the country. So we are very excited.”

      He adds: “The theory that the geology in Kenya can hold oil has now been validated. But it is still early days for us."

      Simba has already compiled a comprehensive study of all the existing data, which is now being assessed by Sproule. And based on Sproule’s findings Simba will move onto the next stage of exploration.

      It is hoped the Sproule report, expected in around 2 months, will validate Simba’s findings to date and it may possibly assess the block’s potential oil in place volumes.

      The report could potentially provide Simba with a seal of approval from a highly regarded industry consultant. This could prove important in the future when the junior explorer seeks potential farm-in partners to take the asset forward.

      Indeed, Hassan says, the subsequent phase of exploration after the report will hopefully be about proving up current leads into drillable prospects, ready for potential farm-out talks.

      “We’ve got two very strong leads, identified from the reprocessing of old seismic data, and we are aggressively pursuing an exploration programme.

      "We have two different basins on our block, the Mandera and the Anza basin. We have oil seeps just north of our property, and that indicates that oil is present in the area.

      "So we think we have an excellent chance of hitting oil.”
      schrieb am 02.04.12 10:56:51
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.959.983 von hbg55 am 27.03.12 12:12:09moin ALLLLL,

      zum besseren verständnis nachfolg. auch nochmal in deutsch...........

      27.03., 15:26 BUSINESS WIRE

      Simba beauftragt Sproule mit der Evaluierung von Block 2A in Kenia

      Simba Energy Inc. (TSXV: SMB, Frankfurt: GDA, OTCQX: SMBZF) freut sich, mitzuteilen, dass Sproule Associates Limited (Calgary) mit der Evaluierung der 100-prozentigen Beteiligung von Simba an Block 2A in Kenia und der Erstellung eines Evaluierungsberichts in Übereinstimmung sowohl mit den Standards des National Instrument 51-101 (NI 51-101) als auch des Competent Persons Report (CPR – für europäische Investmentstandards) beauftragt wurde.

      Sproule verfügt über beträchtliche Evaluierungserfahrung in Kenia, insbesondere im Bereich von Block 2A, wo das Unternehmen in der Vergangenheit ähnliche Berichte für die an Block 2A angrenzenden Blöcke bereitgestellt hat. Simba geht davon aus, dass der Bericht in den kommenden 60 Tagen fertiggestellt wird.

      Robert Dinning, der President und CEO von Simba, erklärt: „Wir haben Sproule mit der Evaluierung beauftragt, da es umfangreiche, eingehende geologische und geophysikalische Studien in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft durchgeführt hat. Während das Technikteam von Simba durch seine eigene Evaluierung und Prüfung der verfügbaren Daten ermutigt ist, können sich unsere Aktionäre in den kommenden Wochen auf die Ergebnisse einer unabhängigen Evaluierung des Potenzials dieser Vermögenswerte freuen.“

      Über Sproule Associates Limited

      Sproule ist ein führendes, unabhängiges Erdöl-Beratungsunternehmen mit Fachkompetenz in den Bereichen Geologie, Geophysik und Erdöltechnik. Es verfügt über mehr als 60 Jahre Erfahrung und ist für seine Fachkenntnisse und Eigenständigkeit weithin anerkannt. Das Unternehmen stellt ein breites Spektrum von Dienstleistungen für Kunden bereit, wobei es sein Knowhow über unkonventionelle und konventionelle Kohlenwasserstoff-Vermögenswerte sowie deren Evaluierung nutzt. Die hervorragenden Kompetenzen des Unternehmens beruhen auf umfangreichen Erfahrungen und proprietären Datensätzen, die aus dem Abschluss von über 19.000 Projekten resultieren, die seit der Gründung von Sproule 1951 für 4.300 Kunden umgesetzt wurden. Darüber hinaus kann das Unternehmen auf direkte Kenntnisse verweisen, die es bei der Arbeit in jeder Öl- und Gasregion der Welt gesammelt hat. Sproule hat zudem wesentliche Erfahrungen in Kenia gemacht, kürzliche Competent Persons Reports (Gutachten) und Ressourcenstudien eingeschlossen, die für eine Reihe der an Block 2A angrenzenden Blöcke durchgeführt wurden, darunter:

      • Lion Petroleum Corp – Block 1 und 2B (2011)

      • Vanoil Energy Ltd. – Block 3A und 3B (2011)

      Über Simba Energy Inc.

      Simba Energy ist ein in Vancouver, British Columbia, ansässiges Öl- und Gasexplorationsunternehmen mit dem Schwerpunkt auf wenig erkundeten, bisher übersehenen Becken, das an Kohlenwasserstoffprojekten in Afrika (derzeit Liberia, Mali, Ghana) interessiert ist. Diese Region bietet vermehrt Chancen für die Erschließung neuer Kohlenwasserstofflagerstätten. Das Führungsteam des Unternehmens verfolgt das Ziel, sein Knowhow und seine Kooperationen für die Suche, Sicherung und Entwicklung strategischer Vermögenswerte einzusetzen, die großes Potenzial für Bohrungen und/oder Erdölförderung versprechen, und dies anhand bewährter Verfahren und zum Nutzen der Bevölkerung in unserem Arbeitsumfeld zu erreichen.

      Robert Dinning, President und CEO

      Wir bemühen uns um das Safe-Harbour-Zertifikat.

      Die Ausgangssprache, in der der Originaltext veröffentlicht wird, ist die offizielle und autorisierte Version. Übersetzungen werden zur besseren Verständigung mitgeliefert. Nur die Sprachversion, die im Original veröffentlicht wurde, ist rechtsgültig. Gleichen Sie deshalb Übersetzungen mit der originalen Sprachversion der Veröffentlichung ab.

      Simba Energy Inc.
      Mark Sommer, gebührenfrei: 1-855-777-4622

      ....denke, da hat SMB ne gute wahl getroffen und verspreche mir alsbald
      schon weitere infos über deren aktiv.

      schrieb am 02.04.12 16:09:54
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.955.686 von hbg55 am 26.03.12 15:58:05

      RT....cad 0,14

      schrieb am 02.04.12 16:13:54
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      weiter so !!! :D:D:D
      schrieb am 03.04.12 15:51:37
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Simba Energy Oversubscribes Private Placement to $4.335 Million

      VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--

      Simba Energy Inc. (the “Company”) (TSX Venture: SMB) (Frankfurt: GDA.F - News) (OTCQX: SMBZF.PK - News) is pleased to announce that due to increased demand it has oversubscribed its non-brokered private placement (the “Private Placement”) announced on March 2, 2012.

      Subject to final approval of the TSX Venture Exchange, up to 54,191,250 units (the “Units”) will be issued at $0.08 per Unit for gross proceeds of $4,335,300. Each Unit will consist of one common share of the Company and one common share purchase warrant (a “Warrant”). Each Warrant will be exercisable into one common share of the Company for a period of 24 months from closing at an exercise price of $0.16 per share.

      The proceeds of the Private Placement will be used for advancing all outstanding Production Sharing Contracts (PSC) and for general working capital. Finder’s fees may be payable in whole or part on the Private Placement in accordance with the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange.

      The securities issued with respect to the Private Placement will be subject to a four month hold period in accordance with applicable Canadian securities laws. Closing of the Private Placement is expected to occur on or before April 5, 2012 and is subject to receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals.
      schrieb am 13.04.12 16:44:03
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      PRESS RELEASES 4/13/2012 9:20:00 AM | Business Wire News
      Simba to Commence Seismic Work at Block 2A - Kenya

      VANCOUVER, British Columbia

      Simba Energy Inc. (the “Company”) (TSXV: SMB, Frankfurt: GDA, OTCQX: SMBZF) is pleased to report it has been notified by GeoDynamics Research S.R.L. (Italy) that on site reconnaissance of its 100% interest in Block 2A - Kenya is to commence in April. Crew and equipment is scheduled to arrive early May 2012 and we will begin an extensive program acquiring passive seismic survey data.

      The scope of this survey covers 750 square kilometers with 250 MPS (measuring points) on 2 km spacing to identify, and evaluate areas with hydrocarbon potential on Simba’s Block 2A.

      James W. Dick, P Geol., P. Eng., (APEGGA), and Qualified Person in accordance with NI 51-101, and a Director of the Company remarks “The planned survey covers a portion of both basins within Block 2A where the Company has already identified 2 exploration leads by re-working existing 2D seismic data. These existing exploration leads will receive the immediate focus along with any additional leads identified from ongoing 2D re-interpretation. The potential areas identified will be further evaluated by conventional seismic most likely 3D or 2D and/or gravity gradiometer prior to selecting a drill site.”

      The acquisition work in the field is expected to take 30 days with a report due within 30 days upon completion of field work.

      About Passive Seismic Spectroscopy (IPDS®)

      Infrasonic Passive Differential Spectroscopy (IPDS) is a direct hydrocarbon indictor process which utilizes high sensitivity seismometers. The seismometers presently used are even more sensitive and are used in an extensive worldwide grid monitoring the earth’s subsurface seismic activity. This grid identifies the background noise as a frequency spectrum.

      IPDS detects low frequency in the 1-8 Hz range as spectral signatures over hydrocarbon reservoirs. A hydrocarbon reservoir is a frequency converter and deforms the frequency of the natural earth noise. These deformed signals on spectroscopic analysis produce unique spectral signatures which are used as Direct Hydrocarbon Indication. IPDS technology has been tested in numerous basins and reservoirs all around the world in areas including currently producing, depleted, abandoned fields and virgin reservoirs. In over 120 surveys it has proven to be correct 80% of the time which is a marked improvement in the current wildcat success ratio. Its use on Simba’s Block 2A to evaluate known structures should move the Exploration program ahead by at least one or two years while reducing risk.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 14.04.12 10:57:08
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.036.515 von allida am 13.04.12 16:44:03
      ...schööööne PR, die kurs, trotz roten gesamtmarkts, mit TH ins WE
      gehen ließ..........uuuuund folg. LASTS......

      Recent Trades - Last 10 of 56
      Time ET Ex Price Change Volume Buyer Seller Markers

      15:49:30 V 0.13 0.02 9,500 7 TD Sec 1 Anonymous K
      15:44:57 V 0.13 0.02 45,000 124 Questrade 1 Anonymous K
      15:41:25 V 0.13 0.02 23,500 39 Merrill Lynch 1 Anonymous K
      15:41:25 V 0.13 0.02 11,500 39 Merrill Lynch 1 Anonymous K
      15:00:22 V 0.13 0.02 465 39 Merrill Lynch 6 Union E
      14:50:13 V 0.13 0.02 8,500 81 HSBC 1 Anonymous K
      14:50:13 V 0.13 0.02 16,500 81 HSBC 1 Anonymous K
      14:45:48 V 0.13 0.02 40,000 7 TD Sec 1 Anonymous K
      14:18:23 V 0.13 0.02 25,500 39 Merrill Lynch 1 Anonymous K
      14:18:23 V 0.13 0.02 20,000 39 Merrill Lynch 9 BMO Nesbitt K

      schrieb am 16.04.12 13:17:21
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      PRESS RELEASES 4/15/2012 11:01:00 PM | Filing Services Canada
      Simba Energy Closes Private Placement for Gross Proceeds of $4.242 Million
      By: Copyright (c) 2006 Filing Services Canada Inc.
      2012-04-16 03:01:00
      Simba Energy Closes Private Placement for Gross Proceeds of $4.242 Million

      April 16, 2012, Vancouver, British Columbia. Simba Energy Inc. (TSX Venture: SMB) (Frankfurt: GDA) (OTCQX: SMBZF) (the "Company")is pleased to announce that it has closed its non-brokered private placement (the "Private Placement") raising gross proceeds of $4,242,900.

      Pursuant to the Private Placement, 53,036,250 units (the "Units") were issued at $0.08 per Unit. Each Unit consists of one common share of the Company and one common share purchase warrant (a "Warrant"). Each Warrant is exercisable into one common share of the Company for a period of 24 months from closing at an exercise price of $0.16 per share.

      The proceeds of the Private Placement will be used for advancing all outstanding Production Sharing Contracts (PSC) and for general working capital.

      In connection with the Private Placement the Company issued to certain finders 1,209,000 warrants, each warrant is exercisable into one common share of the Company for a period of 24 months from closing at an exercise price of $0.16 per share. The securities issued with respect to the Private Placement are subject to a four month hold period in accordance with applicable Canadian securities laws.
      schrieb am 18.04.12 17:27:48
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.959.770 von hbg55 am 27.03.12 11:35:04:eek::eek:

      ....eeeeendlich kommt auch bei SMB bewegung rein, nach dem nachbar AOI
      von HOCH zu HOCH eilte in den vergangenen 4 wochen.........

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 19.04.12 13:46:41
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.055.999 von hbg55 am 18.04.12 17:27:48
      AOI weißt inzwischen ne MK von knapp mcad 1100,- auf - hingegen die
      smarte SMB grad mal mcad 28,-
      ............DAS verdeutlicht eindrucksvoll,
      welch immenses potential hier noch schlummert.....IMO

      schrieb am 19.04.12 15:38:23
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.955.686 von hbg55 am 26.03.12 15:58:05

      :eek::eek: gap- UPPPP gehts bei auffällig hohem vol.
      in den heutigen handelstag und sind nach wenigen min. schon beim
      12- monats- HOCH von 0,19 angelangt

      scheint, da merken manche, daß SMB ggüber AOI gewaltig nachhol- potential

      9 Antworten
      schrieb am 19.04.12 15:46:45
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.061.080 von hbg55 am 19.04.12 15:38:23

      8 Antworten
      schrieb am 23.04.12 19:40:08
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      ....also heute wurde was veröffenlicht :lick:
      würde gerne posten , aber mir fehlt das know how :cry:

      h5 ; allida; SM - bitte übernehmen ;)
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 23.04.12 20:02:15
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.077.290 von runn64 am 23.04.12 19:40:08Hi runn64,

      ich denke Du meinst das:

      Initiating Research Coverage on Simba Energy Inc: Junior Explorer With Highly Prospective Pan-African Frontier Exploration Acreage; Exploration Success Could Unlock Significant Value

      Press Release: Ubika Research

      TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - April 23, 2012) - Ubika Research has initiated coverage on a Vancouver-based Oil & Gas Junior that continues to amass lands and Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) in Africa, convinced that yesterday's so called "Dark Continent" will be the source of tomorrow's light in a sector that continues in its downward spiral of diminishing resources. Ubika Research has calculated a Ubika Model Price (UMP) of $0.81 with an undervalued rating on the stock of Simba Energy Inc (TSX VENTURE:SMB.V - News) (OTCBB:SMBZF.PK - News).

      The Initiation Report is available here:…

      The strategy of Simba Energy Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SMB.V - News) (OTCBB:SMBZF.PK - News), says Ubika Research Senior Analyst Vikas Ranjan "is to assemble highly prospective oil and gas exploration assets in relatively stable and business-friendly African countries and bring in financially strong partners to explore and develop the assets to production... "

      In March 2012, another oil company, Tullow Oil, announced some welcome news for Simba. Its well in Turkana, an arid region in northwest Kenya, had turned up oil and it plans four exploratory wells in the area this year. Ubika points out that Simba also has amassed land packages in Kenya.

      Ubika's Initiation Report points out that in the O&G industry, there is a unanimous feeling that Africa's reserves could be the answer to the current market uncertainty. "Although Africa may not be able to compete with the Middle East in terms of proven reserves, it is emerging as the new region with capacity to keep markets tranquil," says the report.

      "A good analogy for Simba could be a landowner who owns prime real estate in major cities and can easily attract strong attention from prospective developers," says Vikas Ranjan, Ubika Managing Director, Senior Analyst, and lead researcher of the report. "We believe that this is a company with significant values waiting to be unlocked."

      The report points out that its business model is straightforward- to discover prospective onshore projects and seek farm-in partners to carry these assets to exploration and development (E&D). "Onshore projects are less expensive and easily accessible compared with offshore fields," states Mr Ranjan. "The acquisition of onshore fields and farm-in agreements greatly reduces the cost and risk involved."

      The company's portfolio consists of Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) PSCs in Kenya and Guinea and Mali, and on advanced negotiations for closing Production Sharing Contracts in Liberia and Ghana.

      In August 2011, Kenya's Ministry of Energy awarded Simba a PSC for Block 2A, a 7,802 sq. km acreage that covers the southern end of the Mandera Basin and extends into Anza Basin in the southwest. A month earlier, Simba acquired a 60% interest in the PSCs for two onshore areas in the Republic of Guinea, namely Blocks 1 and 2, covering 12,000 sq. km and located in the highly prospective Bove basin. In Liberia, Simba owns a Hydrocarbon Reconnaissance Permit and has applied for a PSC; in Mali, it has formally earned the PSC for Block 3 and completed the technical review process by year-end 2011; and in Ghana, Simba is finalizing a PSC covering 8,700 sq. km in the Voltaian Basin.

      Ubika's report is available for download at….

      Ubika is an investment research and capital market services firm based in Toronto and Vancouver with a proven track record of identifying and launching coverage of high potential small and mid cap stocks at an early stage, thus offering timely market insights. Its specialty is small-cap companies with a market capitalization of less than $1 billion.

      DISCLAIMER: Ubika Research has received compensation from Simba Energy Inc. for providing analyst research coverage. Except for the historical information presented in its reports, matters discussed in these documents contain forward-looking statements that are subject to certain risks and uncertainties. Hence, actual results could differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied in the reports.

      Ubika Research and (are both divisions of Ubika Corporation), and are not registered with any financial or securities regulatory authority, and do not provide nor claim to provide investment advice or recommendations in its reports. Readers are encouraged to talk to their own investment advisor before making specific investment decisions. Our full disclosure is available at
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 23.04.12 20:07:44
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.077.413 von Resources am 23.04.12 20:02:15muchias gracias, genau das
      schrieb am 23.04.12 20:43:44
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Ubika Research has calculated a Ubika Model Price (UMP) of $0.81 with an undervalued rating on the stock of Simba Energy Inc
      schrieb am 23.04.12 23:22:43
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.959.770 von hbg55 am 27.03.12 11:35:04
      woooooow..........ausgerechnet HEUTE, annem tiefroten montag steigt
      unsre SMB auf neue 12-monats- HOCHS.........nebst TH von cad 0,21
      auch beim SK, wie nachfolg. LASTS zeigen.........

      Recent Trades - Last 10 of 357
      Time ET Ex Price Change Volume Buyer Seller Markers

      15:59:42 V 0.195 0.025 2,500 99 Jitney 39 Merrill Lynch K
      15:59:41 V 0.195 0.025 4,000 99 Jitney 33 Canaccord K
      15:59:41 V 0.195 0.025 12,500 99 Jitney 33 Canaccord K
      15:59:41 V 0.195 0.025 17,500 99 Jitney 33 Canaccord K
      15:59:41 V 0.195 0.025 12,500 99 Jitney 39 Merrill Lynch K
      15:59:41 V 0.195 0.025 12,000 99 Jitney 39 Merrill Lynch K
      15:59:18 V 0.195 0.025 2,000 99 Jitney 33 Canaccord K
      15:58:01 V 0.195 0.025 7,000 99 Jitney 33 Canaccord K
      15:52:41 V 0.195 0.025 9,500 99 Jitney 33 Canaccord K
      15:52:33 V 0.195 0.025 12,500 9 BMO Nesbitt 1 Anonymous K

      ....uuuuund das beste daran - wir haben immmmmer noch ne menge platz
      gen norden !!!!

      schrieb am 02.05.12 22:48:51
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      der nachbar AOI ist heute auf ATH :eek:
      ...bin gespannt wie unsere mitze-katze reagiert...
      schrieb am 07.05.12 15:59:08
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      .....furioser start in die woche, nachdem folg. gooood news
      vom nachbarn AOI veröfft. wurde.........

      Africa Oil: Ngamia-1 Well Discovers Additional Oil in Kenya

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - May 7, 2012) - Africa Oil Corp. (TSX VENTURE:AOI)(OMX:AOI) ("Africa Oil" or the "Company") is pleased to provide the following update in respect of the previously announced oil discovery at the Ngamia-1 well on Block 10BB, Kenya. Africa Oil holds a 50% working interest in this block, which is operated by Tullow Oil plc ("Tullow") which holds the remaining 50% interest.

      The Ngamia-1 exploration well in Kenya has now been deepened to a total depth of 1515 meters and has encountered in excess of 100 meters of net oil pay in multiple reservoir zones over a gross interval of 650 meters.

      Following the initial announcement on the 26th March 2012 that Ngamia-1 had encountered in excess of 20 meters of net oil pay, the well has now been deepened from 1041 meters to 1515 meters. A further four good quality, oil-bearing reservoir zones have been encountered.

      Due to deteriorating hole conditions, a sidetrack of the well was required to deepen the well. Moveable oil with an API greater than 30 degrees has been recovered to surface from six of these intervals. This oil has similar properties to the light waxy crude encountered in the upper reservoir zone.

      The Ngamia-1 well will now be drilled to a depth of approximately 2,700 meters to explore for deeper potential including the Lokhone sandstone which was one of the primary objectives of this well. Plans are in place for at least two drill stem tests upon completion of drilling operations. The Weatherford 804 rig will then move to Block 13T where the Twiga-1 (formerly Mbango South) wildcat well will spud in the second half of 2012. A further rig is being sourced to drill the Block 10A Paipai prospect in the Cretaceous Anza Graben system.

      Africa Oil President and CEO, Keith Hill, stated, "The total pay sand thickness in this well has far exceeded pre-drilling estimates and certainly has highly positive implications for numerous similar prospects on trend. Based on these results, we are working with our partner Tullow to source additional rigs and acquire additional seismic to accelerate the exploration campaign in this basin. Our goal in the near term will be to assess the size and extent of the potential of this newly discovered basin."

      Africa Oil Corp. is a Canadian oil and gas company with assets in Kenya, Ethiopia and Mali, as well as Puntland (Somalia) through its 51% equity interest in Horn Petroleum Corporation. Africa Oil's East African holdings are in within a world-class exploration play fairway with a total gross land package in this prolific region in excess of 300,000 square kilometers. The East African Rift Basin system is one of the last of the great rift basins to be explored. New discoveries have been announced on all sides of Africa Oil's virtually unexplored land position including the major Albert Graben oil discovery in neighbouring Uganda. Similar to the Albert Graben play model, Africa Oil's concessions have older wells, a legacy database, and host numerous oil seeps indicating a proven petroleum system. Good quality existing seismic show robust leads and prospects throughout Africa Oil's project areas. The Company is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange and on First North at NASDAQ OMX-Stockholm under the symbol "AOI".


      Keith C. Hill, President and CEO

      Africa Oil's Certified Advisor on NASDAQ OMX First North is Pareto Öhman AB.

      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 07.05.12 21:39:33
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.130.869 von hbg55 am 07.05.12 15:59:08angesichts des mooves bei AOI haben wir doch eher
      bescheidene bewegung aaaaaber das wird schon...;)
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 07.05.12 21:55:46
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.132.600 von runn64 am 07.05.12 21:39:33
      .....umso massiver baut sich hier das nachhol- potential auf

      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 08.05.12 13:15:53
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.132.682 von hbg55 am 07.05.12 21:55:46

      ...DIES wird besonders deutlich, wenn man sich vor augen hält, daß AOI
      inzwischen ne MK von cad-mios 1700,- aufweist ggüber bescheidenen 32,-
      von SIMBA !!!!

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 08.05.12 14:59:37
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.135.303 von hbg55 am 08.05.12 13:15:53SIMBA- ein hauch eigeniniative würde nicht schaden :look:
      schrieb am 24.05.12 23:27:14
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Simba Receives Approval for its 60% Interest in Blocks 1 & 2 Onshore Guinea…

      The infographic below is more visual, easier, and faster to read than a traditional press release.

      schrieb am 25.05.12 16:54:17
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      Simba Energy seals new Guinea exploration acreage
      Friday, May 25, 2012 by Jamie Ashcroft

      Simba Energy (CVE:SMB) has confirmed new additions to its African oil and gas exploration portfolio as it received final approval two new assets in Guinea.

      It said that the Republic of Guinea’s Minister of Mines and Geology has now approved Simba’s 60 per cent stake of the Production Sharing Contract in onshore blocks 1 & 2.

      This new exploration acreage totals 12,000 square kilometres in the Bove basin. Simba says the basin has an extensive presence of surface oil seeps and three known reservoir systems.

      Simba believes that its newly acquired acreage possess significant hydrocarbon exploration potential. And that supports taking an aggressive near-term exploration approach, it said.

      “We are pleased to have received formal approval of this transaction, including the right to be the operator, and can now proceed with the investment necessary to explore an asset that we believe has great exploration potential,” said chief executive Robert Dinning.

      “Simba is the first Canadian company to explore for oil and gas in onshore Guinea.

      “We will initiate the seep survey in the near future covering a number of specific target areas with known seeps."
      schrieb am 25.05.12 18:56:01
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 25.05.12 19:51:40
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.061.129 von hbg55 am 19.04.12 15:46:45:eek::eek:

      ....sollte unser baby hier tatsächlich nun auch mal entdeckt werden - müßte
      eigtl. schon ´zumindest´ bei cad 0,50 stehen........IMO

      RT allerdings erst......cad 0,185

      7 Antworten
      schrieb am 26.05.12 13:30:01
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.212.630 von rolleg am 25.05.12 18:56:01

      message scheint bei investoren angekommen zu sein und sahen vorm laaaaangen
      WE bei TOP- vol. von knapp 5,5mios folg. LASTS.........

      Recent Trades - Last 10 of 599 :eek::eek:
      Time ET Ex Price Change Volume Buyer Seller Markers

      15:59:19 V 0.19 0.03 11,000 99 Jitney 62 Haywood K
      15:59:19 V 0.195 0.035 3,500 99 Jitney 7 TD Sec K
      15:59:16 V 0.19 0.03 5,500 7 TD Sec 62 Haywood K
      15:59:16 V 0.19 0.03 2,000 7 TD Sec 62 Haywood K
      15:59:16 V 0.19 0.03 1,500 80 National Bank 62 Haywood K
      15:59:16 V 0.19 0.03 400 80 National Bank 6 Union E
      15:58:46 V 0.195 0.035 3,000 7 TD Sec 7 TD Sec K
      15:58:21 V 0.19 0.03 4,500 7 TD Sec 85 Scotia K
      15:54:38 V 0.19 0.03 200 6 Union 79 CIBC E
      15:54:31 V 0.19 0.03 15,000 99 Jitney 46 Macquarie K

      mit nem kurssprung von knapp 22% konnten wir sogar BIG brother AOI
      mal outperformen :D

      .....und die chancen auf fortsetzung der rally sehen auch gar nicht
      so übel aus !!!!

      in diesem sinne ALLLLLLLLLL.......schöne pfingsttage :cool:

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 26.05.12 14:53:28
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Danke hbg & co für all die Infos :)
      Habe mich nach Kurzsturz von Horn Petroleum auch bei Simba eingekauft. War ne super Woche bei beiden Werten :D
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 26.05.12 14:53:36
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.214.329 von hbg55 am 26.05.12 13:30:01Toller Newsflow in den letzten Wochen, da kommt noch einiges auf uns zu, die Marketcap. ist wirklich sehr sehr niedrig !!!
      schrieb am 26.05.12 15:00:36
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.214.440 von Ahorne am 26.05.12 14:53:28ps... schaut mal bei Manas Petroleum vorbei. Geringe Marketcap & einige Bohrungen stehen direkt & indirekt(Petromanas; JV mit Shell) in diesem Jahr an.

      und nun wieder zu Simba :)
      schrieb am 27.05.12 21:46:57
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      Hallo Ahorne,

      nett gemeinter Wink, aber Simba und Manas trennen Welten, das fängt schon auf der Management-Ebene an und hört bei den Projekten auf. Nicht jeder Explorer mit geringer Marketcap ist ein Kaufkandidat. Wenn ich eine Aktie kaufe muss mein Hirn und mein Bauch ja sagen, im Falle Manas sagen beide nein. Mit mir also nicht, trotzdem viel Glück und nichts für Ungut, auch mein Hirn und Bauch können irren!!!


      schrieb am 28.05.12 16:15:33
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.212.819 von hbg55 am 25.05.12 19:51:40:eek::eek:

      moin SMB- lers bzw. HITZE- geschädigte,

      unser baby marschiert zum wochenstart weiter gen norden - knackt
      schon kurz nach start 12- monats- HOCH von cad 0,215 schon 0,23

      6 Antworten
      schrieb am 28.05.12 16:22:47
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.217.993 von hbg55 am 28.05.12 16:15:33
      woooow, sie nimmt jetzt mächtig fahrt auf..........

      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 28.05.12 17:03:08
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.217.993 von hbg55 am 28.05.12 16:15:33

      NICHT nur 12- monats- HOCH geknackt, sondern ATH, so daß wir HEUTE
      passend zu hiesigem wetter........OOOOOPEN sky sehen

      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 28.05.12 17:05:13
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.218.126 von hbg55 am 28.05.12 17:03:08

      .....uuuups - DAAAA issser; der entspr. 3- jahres- chart...........

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 28.05.12 18:00:15
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.218.132 von hbg55 am 28.05.12 17:05:13gooood morning africa

      die löwin hat sich wohl eine schmackhafte gazelle aus der herde geschnappt
      fürs heute sollte es aber gut sein ....:lick:
      schrieb am 29.05.12 15:50:24
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.218.012 von hbg55 am 28.05.12 16:22:47
      moin SMB- lers,

      baby bleibt weiterhin im fokus der investoren - ZU sehr klafft da
      inzwischen ne lücke in der bewertung auf zu AOI & HRN, die zumindest
      abissl weiter geschlossen werden will !!!!

      RT.....cad 0,26

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 29.05.12 16:08:31
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.221.484 von hbg55 am 29.05.12 15:50:24:eek::eek:

      bei SEHR lebhaftem handel von bislang schon vol. von knapp 3mios
      gings sogar schon HOCH bis auf neues ATH von 0,265.........

      Recent Trades - Last 10 of 373
      Time ET Ex Price Change Volume Buyer Seller Markers

      09:46:31 V 0.26 0.02 2,500 7 TD Sec 7 TD Sec K
      09:46:16 V 0.265 0.025 4,500 39 Merrill Lynch 7 TD Sec K
      09:46:08 V 0.265 0.025 2,500 39 Merrill Lynch 7 TD Sec K
      09:46:08 V 0.26 0.02 10,000 39 Merrill Lynch 1 Anonymous K
      09:45:55 V 0.26 0.02 8,000 99 Jitney 2 RBC K
      09:45:52 V 0.26 0.02 3,000 99 Jitney 2 RBC K
      09:45:49 V 0.26 0.02 20,000 62 Haywood 2 RBC K
      09:45:49 V 0.26 0.02 7,000 7 TD Sec 2 RBC K
      09:45:12 V 0.26 0.02 4,500 7 TD Sec 99 Jitney K
      09:44:17 V 0.26 0.02 6,500 39 Merrill Lynch 85 Scotia K

      ....auch in CAN- boards steigt der optimismus mit kurszielen WEIT über
      den akt.

      schrieb am 29.05.12 16:35:26
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      Wie ich schon erwähnte, sie ist zu sehr unterbewertet !!! Endlich merken es auch die Anderen !!
      schrieb am 29.05.12 22:18:31
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      Heftiger Kursverkauf heute:

      Prev Close: 0,24

      Open: 0,255

      High: 0,265

      Low: 0,215

      Quote for Simba Energy Inc. (SMB:CA)
      $ 0,22 -0,02 (-8.33%) Volume: 8,55 m 15:59 EDT 29.05.2012
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 29.05.12 22:24:53
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.223.764 von rolleg am 29.05.12 22:18:31Upps - Kursverlauf meinte ich... ;)
      schrieb am 01.06.12 17:32:24
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      Bin heute mal eingestiegen un die rally nicht zu verpassen.
      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 02.06.12 11:50:02
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.239.275 von Montekaolino am 01.06.12 17:32:24
      welcome monte, wobei zu hoffen bleibt, daß akt. schwäche beim ölpreis
      sich nicht ausweitet...........nach den jüngsten belastungen :rolleyes:

      hier guck mal............

      Ölpreise beschleunigen Talfahrt - Brent-Ölpreis unter 100 Dollar
      01.06.2012 - 18:17 | Quelle: dpa-AFX

      NEW YORK/LONDON/WIEN (dpa-AFX) - Die Ölpreise haben ihre Talfahrt kurz vor dem Wochenende mit hohem Tempo fortgesetzt. Als Ursache nannten Händler unerwartet schlechte Konjunkturdaten und die Sorge vor einer Eskalation der Schuldenkrise. Am späten Freitagnachmittag stand der Preis für ein Barrel (159 Liter) der Nordseesorte Brent mit Auslieferung im Juli erstmals seit Oktober 2011 wieder unter die Marke von 100 US-Dollar. In der Spitze rutschte der Brent-Preis bis auf 97,70 Dollar, konnte sich zuletzt auf 98,79 Dollar erholen. Das sind immer noch 3,08 Dollar weniger als am Vortag.

      Der Preis für US-Rohöl der Referenzsorte West Texas Intermediate (WTI) war bereits an den Vortagen auf den tiefsten Wert seit vergangenen Oktober abgerutscht und verbilligte sich zum Wochenschluss weiter um 2,98 Dollar auf 83,55 Dollar. Einen ähnlich starken Kursrutsch der Ölpreise wie im Verlauf der Woche hatte es zuletzt Anfang Mai gegeben. Seit dem Jahreshoch im März sind beide Ölpreise mittlerweile um jeweils etwa 25 Dollar abgerutscht. Eine vergleichbare Talfahrt war zuletzt von Mai bis Oktober 2011 zu beobachten.

      Auslöser für den jüngsten Schwächeanfall der Ölpreise waren unerwartet schlechte Daten zur Stimmung der Einkaufsmanager in Europa. Am Vormittag rutschten die Indizes für die Industrie der Eurozone und Großbritanniens auf den jeweils tiefsten Stand seit drei Jahren. Am Nachmittag sorgte dann die Veröffentlichung unerwartet schwacher Arbeitsmarktdaten aus den USA für einen weiteren Schub nach unten. In den USA wurden im Mai viel weniger Jobs geschaffen als erwartet. Außerdem trübte sich die Stimmung der US-Einkaufsmanager stärker als erwartet ein.

      Auch mit Blick auf die weitere Preisentwicklung an den Ölmärkten sehen Experten schwarz. 'Eine schnelle Trendwende ist angesichts der enttäuschenden Konjunktursignale und des immer fester tendierenden US-Dollar nicht in Sicht', hieß es in einer Einschätzung der Commerzbank. Zudem sei an den Weltmärkten mehr als genug Rohöl vorhanden. Zuletzt waren die US-Ölreserven erneut gestiegen.

      Auch der Preis für Rohöl der Organisation Erdöl exportierender Länder (Opec) fiel weiter deutlich zurück. Nach Berechnungen des Opec-Sekretariats vom Freitag kostete ein Barrel am Donnerstag im Durchschnitt 101,06 Dollar. Das waren 1,69 Dollar weniger als am Mittwoch. Die Opec berechnet ihren Korbpreis täglich auf Basis von zwölf wichtigen Sorten des Kartells./jkr/bgf

      Quelle: dpa-AFX
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 02.06.12 12:46:40
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.241.857 von hbg55 am 02.06.12 11:50:02

      ....wie obiger 3j- chart zeigt wirds spannend in den nächsten tagen

      schrieb am 03.06.12 00:38:20
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.241.857 von hbg55 am 02.06.12 11:50:02und wenn doch....und der preis richtung 80 abrutscht....
      (um dann auf ewtl. über 150 zu steigen...)

      für mich sind diese nicht beeinruckend...denn wurden
      von EXPERTEN :laugh: erstellt ,die auch
      nicht die spur der währungskriese kommen sahen

      die frage bleibt ob ewtl. lecht abbröckelnde ölpreis
      unsenen baby substantiel was anhaben könnte...
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 04.06.12 08:59:05
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Hat sich ja am Freitag gut gehalten mal schauen was ta heute noch kommt.
      Sollten ja news kommen lassen uns mal überrschen.
      schrieb am 04.06.12 11:34:05
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.243.060 von runn64 am 03.06.12 00:38:20
      ........die frage bleibt ob ewtl. lecht abbröckelnde ölpreis
      unsenen baby substantiel was anhaben könnte

      moin r64,

      DA bin ICH mal optimistisch und denke, daß die vergleichsweise ÜBER-
      bewerteten AOI & HRN entsprechende reaktionen VOR unsrem billig- baby
      spüren dürften.

      ...derweil bröckelt ölpreis weiter gen süden - akt.....usd 96,40

      schrieb am 06.06.12 10:16:39
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      Ja diese woche sollten eigentlich noch nwes kommen.
      Lassen wir uns überraschen.
      schrieb am 06.06.12 10:41:22
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      schrieb am 07.06.12 21:30:17
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      Zitat von Montekaolino: Ja diese woche sollten eigentlich noch nwes kommen.
      Lassen wir uns überraschen.

      sprichst wahrscheinlich nicht du von africa ölkonferenz in Paris(simba dabei)
      die schätzungsweise am 12 Juni stattfindet....
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 07.06.12 21:50:11
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.262.055 von runn64 am 07.06.12 21:30:17

      Heute hat Uli Pfauntsch geschrieben im CompanyMaker vom 07.06.2012
      SMB kein Kauf.

      Simba Energy (SMB), aktuell 20 Kanadische Cent,
      besitzt die Lizenz an einem 7.800 Quadratkilometer
      großen Block im Nordosten Kenias. Seit Wochen
      bewirbt das Unternehmen seine Aktie mit dem Erfolg von Africa Oil. Die Aktie von Simba Energy ist
      zwar „sympathiehalber“ gestiegen, operative Fortschritte
      wurden allerdings nicht erzielt. Ich habe
      Erkundigungen eingezogen, die erhebliche Zweifel
      an den Fähigkeiten des Managements aufkommen
      lassen. Kein Kauf!

      Was soll man davon halten ???
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 07.06.12 22:20:05
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.262.141 von Montekaolino am 07.06.12 21:50:11moin monte, & war für MICH stets ein.......´kontra- indikator´

      schrieb am 07.06.12 22:25:44
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.262.141 von Montekaolino am 07.06.12 21:50:11tja was soll man davon halten....

      pintree ist meines wissens dick drin ...

      der kursverlauf deutet auch nicht unbedingt auf einen fehlgriff

      ewtl. kann h5 es ein wenig kommentieren
      schrieb am 07.06.12 23:22:15
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      Ganz einfach: Pfauntsch hat den Einstieg verpasst und das meine ich ernst !!!
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 08.06.12 00:05:22
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.262.440 von Resources am 07.06.12 23:22:15

      SOOO läufts halt bei ner reihe BBs

      schrieb am 08.06.12 06:21:21
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      Was soll man davon halten ???

      die Qualitäten des Managements müssen sich noch herausstellen, definitiv ist SIMBA nicht ein "first mover" wie AOI, eher ein "area player" der sich überall dort ein Tortenstück gesichert hat, wo die Wahrscheinlichkeit großer Funde am höchsten ist.

      Ich empfehle mal einen Blick in die Corporate Presentation zu werfen, speziell Seite 9, mit "ZOOM" . . .…

      . . . und folgenden Artikel zu studieren . . .…

      . . . dann dürfte eine Einschätzung leichter fallen, nicht vergessen das alles reine Spekulation ist, solange kein Öl gefunden wurde

      The statements contained in this release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements, which involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the targeted results.

      schrieb am 08.06.12 06:52:47
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      . . hier noch weiter führende Literatur……

      ab Seite 43 kommen graphische Darstellungen, die auch SIMBA betreffen

      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 08.06.12 07:08:21
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.262.666 von DaenischeSuedsee am 08.06.12 06:52:47 Lion currently holds a 20% working interest in Block 1 which is operated by Afren Plc, and a 100% working interest in Block 2B. Total net unrisked prospective resources on the blocks are 528 million boe based upon the NI 51-101 report prepared by Sproule Associates Ltd. and Afren Plc management estimates.

      Charles Watson, director of Taipan, commented, "Lion's Block 1 and Block 2B onshore Kenya are highly prospective, world-class, oil and gas exploration blocks. Kenya is at an early and exciting stage in the development of the country's hydrocarbon resources post the first major oil discovery in Kenya, the Ngamia-1 well, announced by Tullow Oil Plc and Africa Oil Corporation in March."…

      Block 2B Exploration Overview…

      Petroleum Systems of Block 2B,
      Southern Anza Basin, Offshore Kenya…

      . . . hatte gerade einen "Lauf", genug jetzt ;-)
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 08.06.12 08:52:00
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.262.677 von DaenischeSuedsee am 08.06.12 07:08:21
      Danke für Deine Mühe.

      und Simba ist mit Block 2 B in der Mitte.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 08.06.12 08:56:28
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.262.957 von Montekaolino am 08.06.12 08:52:00

      Sorry müßte 2 A sein
      schrieb am 08.06.12 11:48:31
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Zur Info.

      Liberia: New Draft National Oil Policy Ready for Review Insight

      The exercise is in keeping with a timetable released last month by the National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL) to reform the oil sector.

      The process, expected to be completed in August 2012, is also intended to create a new Petroleum Law and a new model Production Sharing Contract. It will also see nationwide stakeholder and Diaspora consultation to ensure greater public understanding and input on reforms to the oil and gas sector. This measure is in line with the commitment by NOCAL, which is coordinating the work, to transparency and inclusiveness.

      The President and CEO of NOCAL, Dr. Randolph AKW McClain, expressed satisfaction with the process sofar"Even though we still do not yet know if we have a commercial quantity of oil, we want to engage all stakeholders and educate people about oil so that all have a say in the future of the sector," the NOCAL CEO and President said.

      LOOKING very GOOD all the way for our PSC, and August is only weeks away,,,,,,HOOOOOOOORAY !
      schrieb am 08.06.12 11:57:49
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      # 1:Block 2A, korrekt

      # 2: . . . die erhebliche Zweifel an den Fähigkeiten des Managements aufkommen lassen.“

      die Analysen zweier Finanzhäuser adressieren dies bezüglich ganz klare Erwartungen an das mgmt

      ARTIKEL vom 25. Mai 2012:

      Strong short term catalysts: We believe that 2012 could be the banner year
      for the Company. After years of meticulously working on obtaining PSCs in
      different parts of Africa, the Company is finally in a position to execute on its business model that involves finding deep-pocketed financial partners to explore these projects, while retaining a significant upside stake. We expect the Company to work simultaneously on securing the right partnerships, while continuing to announce initiatives on exploration and development fronts.


      ARTIKEL vom 16.Dez. 2011:

      “ However, Edison noted that it is vital that the company finds farm-in partners to be able to carry its projects through to drilling. “

      “ Edison noted the significant experience Simba's management team has in African upstream activities. “

      “"Building a portfolio of assets mitigates risk and enhances the company’s ability to attract partners, but finding a partner or funding within a year is vital to carry these projects to exploration. As such we would expect further equity raises over the next year – following a C$10m raised so far- and farm outs within the next 12-18 months depending on the success of preliminary exploration studies," the Edison analysts said.“

      „ . . the main goal of Simba's Kenyan activity is to improve prospectivity of Block 2A over the next 12 months, both through work programs on neighbouring acreage and from its own passive seismic survey. “

      “ As potential is identified in its assets, Simba will need to look for farm-in partners to escalate and progress exploration towards pre-drill activities, leading up to exploration drilling, Edison noted.“

      “ However, the Edison analysts said that Simba's current balance sheet is unlikely to cover estimated operating costs and pre-drill activities, which means the company will either come to the market for further funding within a year, or identify farm-in partners over the next 12 to 18 months. “…


      interessant fand ich noch folgende Passage:

      In Kenya, Simba’s early focus was Block 2A, the 7,801 square kilometre block that covers the southern end of the Mandera Basin and also parts of the Anza Basin in the south-west, and in which the company holds a production sharing contract. Four wells drilled in the late 1980s in the Mandera Basin and 11 wells in the Anza Basin all encountered oil shows, said the report.

      North of Simba’s Block 2A, Afren is planning a 1,200 kilometre seismic on Block 1 in 2012 – oil seep has been recorded on Tarbaj-1, 50km from Simba’s Block 2A – but a carbonate cap and petroleum system has yet to be determined. According to Afren’s latest management estimates, there is up to 751mm boe of unrisked gross prospective resources on Block 1.

      Quelle: ebenfalls…
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 08.06.12 12:20:11
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.263.735 von DaenischeSuedsee am 08.06.12 11:57:49Betr.: Anza Graben - Mandera Basin…

      soo, jetzt müßte alles klar wie Klosbrühe sein, bb ;-)
      schrieb am 08.06.12 16:40:17
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      schrieb am 12.06.12 13:25:44
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()

      Simba Energy Receives Sproule's Resource Assessment Report For Block 2A - Onshore Kenya

      June 12, 2012, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Simba Energy Inc. ("Simba" or the "Company") (TSXV: SMB, Frankfurt: GDA, OTCQX: SMBZF), is pleased to announce that independent petroleum consultant Sproule Associates Limited (“Sproule”) has completed a technical report compliant to NI 51-101 and CPR (Competent Persons Report) standards in respect of Simba’s holding, a 100% interest in the PSC (Production Sharing Contract) for onshore Block 2A, Kenya, comprising 7,802 within the Madera-Lugh basin, near the juncture with the Anza basin and Lamu Embayment/Basin.............…

      .....PRIMA news !!!!

      schrieb am 12.06.12 13:56:53
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()

      Das sprengt meine kühnsten Erwartungen.

      Mal sehen, wie die Big Boys das bewerten.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 12.06.12 15:59:08
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.274.618 von Ventrikel am 12.06.12 13:56:53:eek::eek:

      jooooo,es kracht - nach 30min sehen wir schon knapp 3mio vol.......

      Recent Trades - Last 10 of 286
      Time ET Ex Price Change Volume Buyer Seller Markers

      09:40:26 V 0.265 0.055 10,000 39 Merrill Lynch 39 Merrill Lynch K
      09:40:18 V 0.265 0.055 3,500 39 Merrill Lynch 39 Merrill Lynch K
      09:40:18 V 0.265 0.055 1,000 39 Merrill Lynch 39 Merrill Lynch K
      09:40:10 V 0.265 0.055 9,000 19 Desjardins 39 Merrill Lynch K
      09:40:10 V 0.265 0.055 1,000 19 Desjardins 9 BMO Nesbitt K
      09:40:10 V 0.265 0.055 10,000 19 Desjardins 124 Questrade K
      09:39:28 V 0.26 0.05 12,000 1 Anonymous 1 Anonymous K
      09:39:28 V 0.26 0.05 3,500 79 CIBC 1 Anonymous K
      09:39:28 V 0.26 0.05 31,000 1 Anonymous 1 Anonymous K
      09:39:09 V 0.26 0.05 25,000 1 Anonymous 85 Scotia K

      ......klopft grad am ATH an

      schrieb am 12.06.12 16:55:51
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      Nur ein Strohfeuer! Schade!:(
      schrieb am 12.06.12 21:56:43
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      Zitat von ThorVestor: Nur ein Strohfeuer! Schade!:(

      und was für einer von 30%+ ; ins - gedreht
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 12.06.12 22:20:25
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.276.804 von runn64 am 12.06.12 21:56:43das is schon recht heftig
      schrieb am 13.06.12 14:53:42
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      . . frage mich allen Ernstes wo sich jetzt noch jemand 40k für 0,137 aus den Rippen geschnitten hat, wäre in CAD 0,176 :confused:
      schrieb am 13.06.12 15:59:50
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      Simba Energy: Hotly anticipated CPR highlights ‘great potential' in Kenya
      Wednesday, June 13, 2012 by Jamie Ashcroft

      An independent assessment of Simba Energy’s (CVE:SMB) wholly owned Kenyan asset, exploration block 2A, estimates the area could contain as much as 1.9 billion barrels of oil.

      Simba today revealed that the new competent persons report, based on existing 2D seismic data, defined three prospective leads. The report was compiled by the firm’s consultant Sproule Associates.

      And it estimates the leads may contain 1.927 billion barrels of ‘undiscovered petroleum in-place’.

      From that figure it is estimated that 445.3 million barrels of oil could be recoverable, and they are termed ‘gross unrisked prospective resources’.

      The CPR meanwhile estimates risked prospective resources at 26.9 million barrels of oil.

      Chief executive Robert Dinning says the independent report has reaffirmed Simba’s initial belief that Block 2A was highly prospective with ‘great potential for significant accumulations.’

      Aside from the existing 2D seismic, which spans 500 kilometres, no other exploration has yet been carried out on the block.

      Simba plans to carry out further seismic work - using passive seismic, either 2D or 3D – to delineate these leads further.

      It also plans to design a drilling programme to evaluate the ‘top leads’ that result from this seismic exploration.

      While most of the hype surrounding East Africa’s oil and gas potential has been fixed on the massive offshore gas discoveries, located in Tanzanian and Mozambican waters, Tullow Oil’s recent Ngamia onshore oil discovery in Kenya has drawn focus to onshore oil assets.

      Tullow says that its Ngamia well found twice the amount of oil than any of its other East African wells to date.

      It also provided Kenya with its first oil discovery and it has stirred up a great deal of interest from investors and industry players alike.

      Simba says that Block 2A shares similarities with Ngamia, which is located at the ‘junction’ of two trends.

      “While it is encouraging to have Sproule’s assessment for exploration potential for this area of interest within Block 2A, including a very strong lead, we now also believe it is relevant to note how this same area lies within the junction of two (basin) trends as being geologically similar to the successful Ngamia-1 well,” Dinning said.

      “As a next step we see our passive seismic program as offering a very strong compliment to the existing seismic we have for these leads.

      “We definitely have an exciting, active and funded exploration program now in place for Block 2A and will look forward to the work of proving up our resources in the license.”

      London based broker Old Park Lane Capital believes Simba could be worth C$0.21 a share following this assessment.

      The broker says this valuation, which equals Monday's closing price, comes comes after 'a raft of conservative discount criteria' including a commercial/political risk weighting of 50 per cent.

      "At the current share price, investors are therefore receiving a free option on all of Simba’s other interests in Guinea, Mali and Liberia not to mention any additional upside which is likely to be identified on Block 2A in Kenya," analyst Barney Grey said in a note.

      Opening deals one the Toronto Venture exchange saw Simba shares advance over 20 per cent to trade at C$0.26.
      schrieb am 17.06.12 08:36:50
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      hatte ich noch garnicht mit bekommen

      Kenya: Block 2A passive seismic to start in May…


      Crew and equipment is scheduled to arrive early May 2012 and we will begin an extensive program acquiring passive seismic survey data.

      The acquisition work in the field is expected to take 30 days with a report due within 30 days upon completion of field work.

      Geospectra IPDS®
      schrieb am 18.06.12 18:36:43
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      das Zeitfenster beginnt sich zu schließen :)
      schrieb am 19.06.12 14:47:40
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      also ich würde lieber jetzt kaufen, später wird es teurer :-)
      schrieb am 20.06.12 13:04:45
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      vielleicht kann man hier noch Informationen ziehen . . .

      Die Juni 2012 Presentation von Nachbarn (BLOCK 2B)…
      schrieb am 03.07.12 19:02:07
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      schrieb am 04.07.12 11:18:25
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      Danke Montekalino . . .

      Africa Oil says finds additional 43m of oil in Kenya well

      NAIROBI, July 4 | Wed Jul 4, 2012 2:52am EDT

      (Reuters) - Canada's Africa Oil said on Wednesday it has found an additional 43 metres of potential oil pay in its Ngamia-1 well in northern Kenya where the east African country announced its first oil discovery in March.

      The Ngamia-1 well in Kenya Block 10BB, which is operated by Africa Oil's partner Tullow, was drilled to a depth of 2,340 metres and will now be suspended for future flow testing. The commercial viability of the find has yet to be ascertained.…

      schrieb am 05.07.12 18:42:11
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      PRESS RELEASES 7/5/2012 8:14:00 AM | Filing Services Canada
      Simba Energy Update on Block 2a-Kenya
      By: Copyright (c) 2006 Filing Services Canada Inc.
      2012-07-05 12:14:00
      Simba Energy Update on Block 2a-Kenya

      Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, July 05, 2012 /FSC/ - Simba Energy Inc. (SMB - TSX Venture, SMBZF - OTCQX, GDA - FWB), is pleased to announce that the Company participated in a stakeholders meeting held on July 2nd in Wajir, the largest community within the Company's Block 2A concession area, onshore Kenya.

      Approximately fifty people were in attendance including local district commissioners and councillors for the three regions comprising Block 2A (Wajir East, Wajir West and Wajir South), with members of the local business community and people from local villages also in attendance. Simba's management visited the region to formally introduce the Company to the citizens of Wajir and the local districts and to establish a good working relationship as part of its appraisal for Block 2A's hydrocarbon potential.

      Simba's Managing Director of Operations, Hassan Hassan and other Company officials were graciously welcomed by both dignitaries and citizens in attendance. After the Company's presentation of its plans for the exploration and potential development on Block 2A the Company heard concerns about both employment opportunities for local citizens as well as any possible detrimental environmental impact from the work to be carried out in the area.

      The Company emphasized its universal policy of hiring as many local people as possible and also confirmed that local labour from Wajir and surrounding districts had already been hired for short-term activities. Further commitments were made during the meeting to minimize any environmental impact, work closely with the community on all local matters, while keeping everyone properly informed of the Company's current and future activities going forward.

      Simba's Hassan Hassan said, "It was very gratifying to be welcomed so warmly by the people and local officials in Wajir and surrounding communities. The stakeholders meeting was very important both for us to introduce ourselves but also to listen and understand particular local concerns. We are confident going forward with our activities in a cooperative manner and hope to make a significant contribution as a new member of the community."
      schrieb am 18.07.12 15:34:22
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      Simba Energy Progresses on Block 2A, Onshore Kenya
      Press Release: Simba Energy Inc.

      VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--

      Simba Energy Inc. ("Simba" or the "Company") (TSXV: SMB, Frankfurt: GDA, OTCQX: SMBZF), the pan-African oil & gas explorer, is pleased to provide an operations update on its activities at Block 2A, onshore Kenya. Simba holds a 100 % interest in the Production Sharing Contract (PSC) for Block 2A.

      The acquisition of passive seismic data is well underway. In addition to targeting the primary lead in Block 2A, and following the assessment of new data, the Company has now decided to increase the coverage area of the passive seismic survey five-fold from 750 sq.kms to approximately 4,000 sq.kms, utilizing 218 data/listening stations, as well as add a geochemical survey during this current phase of fieldwork. This area, lying within a junction of two basin trends, is believed by Simba’s technical staff to be geologically analogous to the area in Block 10BB drilled by Tullow Oil plc & Africa Oil Corp.

      In addition, the Company is also pleased to announce that it has formally engaged Ernst & Young LLP to advise the Company on advancing the value of this exciting asset, including a potential farm-out of Block 2A.

      Hassan Hassan, Managing Director of Operations said, “Our work in the field is progressing well. This decision to expand the coverage area of passive seismic, also adding the geochem study, coupled with existing 2D, gravity and aeromagnetic surveys most definitely serves to better appraise the true extent of Block 2A’s exploration potential. Further, with the considerable interest generated in the region by the recent oil discovery at Block 10BB, having Ernst & Young’s Oil & Gas team sign on to help us advance this concession in the best possible manner for the Company, including a possible farm-out, is definitely another very positive step so early on.”

      "Robert Dinning", President & CEO.
      schrieb am 25.07.12 13:17:29
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      Marathon Oil deal highlights Kenya’s status as exploration hot spot

      Tuesday, July 24, 2012 by Jamie Ashcroft

      News of Marathon Oil’s (NYSE:MRO) entry to the Kenyan oil play provides a further signal that Kenya and East Africa is fast becoming a hot spot for onshore exploration.

      It was announced today that Marathon is buying a 15 per cent stake in Tullow Oil’s Block 12A through a deal with venture partner, Africa Oil (CVE:AOI). The block is located immediately south of Block 10BB, where Tullow’s Ngamia well struck Kenya’s first significant oil discovery earlier this year.

      Marathon is paying US$35 million to acquire the stake, and it will pay US$43.5 million of Africa Oil’s future costs too. It also gets a 50 per cent stake in Kenyan Block 9 as part of the deal. This area is located further east and spans 30,000 square kilometres.

      Separately, Tullow also topped up its stake in 2A as a result of an existing farm-out deal, agreed with Africa Oil last February. Tullow is acquiring 15 per cent for US$750,000 and the purchase of seismic exploration data worth US$3.1 million.

      Going forward, Block 12A will be explored by the three parties with Tullow owning 65 per cent, while Africa Oil and Marathon own 20 and 15 per cent respectively. And Block 9 will be a jointly owned venture between Africa Oil and Marathon.

      Africa Oil chief Keith Hill this morning said that East Africa is rapidly becoming the most prospective oil and gas province in the world.
      This view was echoed today by Dublin-based broker Davy. And according to analyst Job Langbroek, Kenyan oil projects are now attracting a new wave of industry interest.

      “It [the Marathon deal] provides further mainstream validation of onshore African oil plays,” he said in a note to clients.

      Langbroek says this new wave of interest is being facilitated by the de-risking that comes with ongoing exploration successes and also the needs of smaller companies, which require spending commitments for future exploration.

      Tullow’s Ngamia discovery in March was a breakthrough for Kenyan oil exploration, a point reflected by the fanfare that accompanied the strike – Kenya’s President personally declared the discovery to the public.

      And it has since been reported that the government would play its part in promoting Kenya’s nascent oil industry with tax breaks on offer for oil firms that invest in the country.

      Understandably, Kenya is increasingly being seen as an ‘up and coming’ destination for explorers.

      And today’s latest development will be followed closely by investors with interests in other explorers that have already staked acreage in Kenya.

      London-listed Afren is partnered with Tullow in Block 10A, to the north of Ngamia. It also has a stake in Block 01 in Kenya’s north east, as well as two coastal blocks in the country’s south east.

      The Marathon deal may also be of interest to investors in Toronto-quoted Simba Energy (CVE:SMB) as it owns 100 per cent of Block 2A, located immediately east of Block 9 – now jointly owned by Marathon and Africa Oil.

      Last month Simba unveiled a new independent assessment of Block 2A, which estimated the area could potentially contain as much as 1.9 billion barrels of oil.

      Simba’s next step will involve further seismic exploration to further delineate targets ahead of a future drill programme.

      Analysts have previously said that Simba would be a position to attract a major farm-in partner to help fund a wider exploration programme by the end of this year.…
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 25.07.12 13:31:29
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.421.879 von Pompeianus am 25.07.12 13:17:29Danke, das sind genau die news welche wieder Schwung bei der Aktie bringen.:cool:
      schrieb am 26.07.12 12:34:09
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      Research report zu Simba (vom 3. Juli):

      Valuation: Deal flow could reset expectations Simba’s early mover strategy means valuations are obviously speculative in nature, although with Kenya now the key valuation driver we can envisage a range of valuations based on different scenarios. Using this approach our valuations range up to 202c per share with 60c a reasonable outcome in the event that prospectivity of the Mandera-Lugh basin is proven and Simba can move its assets through to being drill ready. If Ngamia-1 is declared commercial we see significant potential for major deal-flow in Kenya, which could rapidly escalate the value of Simba’s acreage.…
      schrieb am 02.08.12 17:45:07
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      Eni Purchases Stake in Three Blocks Offshore Liberia
      by Quintella Koh|Rigzone Staff|Thursday, August 02, 2012

      Italy's Eni said Thursday that it has signed a sale and purchase agreement with Chevron for a 25-percent interest in LB11, LB12 and LB14 blocks, offshore Liberia.

      The acquisition of the three offshore blocks, said Eni in a statement, is part of its strategy to expand in sub-saharan Africa.

      All of the three offshore blocks are operated by Chevron, and they extend over 3,691 square miles (9,560 square kilometers) and are located on the shelf and continental slope of Liberia between 0 to 9,843 feet (0 to 3,000 meters) deep.

      The joint venture – which will be in effect from Thursday, a spokesperson from Eni confirmed with Rigzone, comprises of Chevron (45%), Eni (25%) and Oranto (30%).

      When asked about the value of the sale and purchase agreement, the spokesperson said that Eni was unable to comment due to a non-disclosure agreement that it had made with its partners.…

      Die Offshore-Blöcke LB12 und LB14 grenzen direkt an den Onshore-Block von Simba:
      schrieb am 07.08.12 18:20:19
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      Simba Energy Confirms Oil Seeps in Guinea
      Simba Energy Confirms Oil Seeps in Guinea

      Simba Energy Inc. ("Simba" or the "Company") (TSXV: SMB, Frankfurt: GDA, OTCQX: SMBZF), the pan-African oil & gas explorer, with approval of the OGRPP (de l’Office Guineen de Recherche et de Promotion Petrolieres) has completed an educational lecture and field trip in the Republic of Guinea.

      Simba Energy’s James W. Dick, Chief Technical Officer & Director, conducted an educational lecture that combined boardroom presentation and a field trip to visit the Company’s concession. The lecture held at the OGRPP (de l’Office Guineen de Recherche et de Promotion Petrolieres) was attended by over 30 geologic and technical staff.

      The field trip to Simba’s Block 2 identified and sampled numerous oil seeps and a contaminated (unpalatable) water well. Many samples were taken for laboratory analysis to confirm the presence of hydrocarbon. Preliminary tests on two samples showed significant florescence confirming the presence of hydrocarbon.

      The Company has also opened an office in Conakry, complete with locally hired support staff and a Country Manager.

      Simba Energy’s James Dick remarked, “...with this trip we firmly established Simba’s presence on the ground in Guinea. We are very pleased with the magnitude and number of seeps found, with hydrocarbon odor present at some of these locations. The Company is pleased with its progress to date and will continue with its activities to prepare for further appraisal work.”

      The Company holds a 60% operating interest in the PSC (Production Sharing Contract) for onshore Blocks 1 & 2, comprising 12,000 square kilometres in the Bove Basin. The Company’s upcoming appraisal and planned seismic work as part of the PSC is supported by the following (historical) highlights and rationale:

      Confirmed presence and size of seeps prove migration and communication have taken place in the basin
      In 1989, the French laboratory Beicip, performed a detailed analysis which indicted the level of maturity was mature to over mature and the source was likely oil prone
      Silurian shales which are the major source rock in all the northern African basins are present and in communication with thick porous Ordovician sands
      Three reservoir systems are present in the basin with fair to good reservoir parameters (both clastic sediments and carbonates)
      An earlier gravity survey over the entire basin indicated sediments were present up to a depth of 4,000 meters and confirms Simba’s concession covers two basement deeps as well as the northwest flank
      The Bove basin’s tectonic style can form structures that produce traps capable of pooling large reserves
      The Cretaceous overlies the Devonian in the North West corner of Block 1 with many of the wells drilled in Guinea Bissau lying just to the north (of Block 1) encountered light oil staining in core and samples

      About Simba Energy Inc.

      Simba Energy Inc. is a Pan African oil & gas exploration company focused on onshore opportunities across Africa. Simba holds a 100% Production Sharing Contract (PSC) for Block 2A in Kenya, 60% interest in Blocks 1 and 2, onshore Republic of Guinea, and has Block 3 (onshore) Mali. Simba also has applications pending for onshore blocks in Liberia and Ghana and continues evaluating and assessing other strategic assets throughout sub-Sahara Africa.

      "Robert Dinning", President & CEO

      Business Wire
      August 7, 2012 - 9:20 AM EDT
      schrieb am 22.08.12 15:27:23
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      Simba Energy Completes Passive Seismic Survey on Block 2A, Onshore Kenya

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire -08/22/12)- Editors note: There is one infographic associated with this press release.

      Simba Energy Inc. ("Simba" or the "Company") (SMB.V)(GDA.F)(SMBZF), the pan-African oil & gas explorer, is pleased to announce the successful completion of the first phase of field work on Block 2A, onshore Kenya where the Company currently holds a 100 % interest in the Production Sharing Contract (PSC) for this concession.

      The passive seismic data collected from 218 listening stations covered the Company's existing three leads. Data results obtained were reported by GeoDynamics Worldwide as being of high (clean) quality and expected to correlate well with existing 2D seismic during processing. The final report and interpretations are expected soon. Additionally the Company carried out the collection of 675 geochemical samples on Block 2A. These will be analyzed with results being incorporated into the Block 2A geological interpretation.

      At the strongest lead, with 4-way closure already confirmed by reprocessed 2D seismic, the passive seismic survey's preliminary field data considerably increased the exploration potential and resulted in the decision to infill the listening pattern. The Company's technical team will now follow up with targeted 2D and or 3D seismic programs in order to better determine the location of its first exploration well on this concession.

      To highlight the program's success, Simba's Chief Technical Officer & Director, and Qualified Person in accordance with NI 51-101, James Dick remarked, "I am very pleased with the results of this program to date. After the passive seismic data has been processed and interpreted our plan had been to shoot up to 500 kilometres of 2D seismic. Now a smaller amount of 2D and or 3D seismic is required to locate the first well. This passive seismic survey has accelerated the exploration phase on Block 2A and has moved us closer to a drilling program. Getting to this stage so early in the exploration program is a very positive development for the Company and its shareholders."

      James Dick, P.Geol., P.Eng., Director of the Company and Qualified Person in accordance with National Instrument 51-101, has reviewed and approves the technical disclosure in this news release.

      Click here to view the infographic version of this release or enter this url:


      Robert Dinning, President & CEO.
      schrieb am 22.08.12 16:19:25
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()

      ...nach sagenhaften 45min schon 1 Mio gehandelter Stk!

      RT....0,13 CAD

      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 24.08.12 14:24:02
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      Simba Energy moves closer to first Kenyan exploration well - Broker
      Friday, August 24, 2012 by Jamie Ashcroft

      Africa oil explorer Simba Energy (CVE:SMB) has moved closer to drilling its first well in Kenya following the completion of its first phase of field work, says City boutique Old Park Lane Capital.

      Yesterday the Toronto listed explorer told investors that a passive 2D seismic survey of onshore Block 2A was now complete and it said also collected 675 geochemical samples from the area.

      The findings of the first phase work are expected soon. And they will subsequently help form a new geological interpretation of the area.

      “Simba is confident that this work programme has accelerated its exploration programme in Kenya and moved the company closer to the commencement of a maiden exploration well,” Old Park Lane analyst Barney Grey said in a note to clients.

      Gray says the new seismic is deemed to be ‘high quality’ and correlates closely with the existing data. As such he points out that Simba is confident that a smaller amount of additional, 2D or 3D, seismic will now be required to site the first well.

      An independent assessment of the acreage, prior to the work programme, in June, estimated that Block 2A could contain as much as 1.9 billion barrels of oil.

      Specifically it identified three prospective leads, which were deemed to have the potential for 1.927 billion barrels of ‘undiscovered petroleum in-place’.

      From that figure it is estimated that 445.3 million barrels of oil could be recoverable, and they are termed ‘gross unrisked prospective resources’.

      The CPR meanwhile estimates risked prospective resources at 26.9 million barrels of oil.

      OPL rate Simba as a ‘buy’ though he says a valuation for the company would be ‘highly indicative’ at this stage.

      “Nevertheless, after the application of a raft of conservative criteria to Sproule’s resource estimates, we believe that Block 2A could be worth at least C$0.20 per share (fully diluted),” he said.

      The broker’s estimate represents significant upside to the current price of C$0.11 a share. And as such, he says, it implies that investors also receive a free option on the group’s early stage exploration assets in Guinea, Mali and Liberia.

      Yesterday, Simba’s chief technical officer Dick James said: "I am very pleased with the results of this program to date. This passive seismic survey has accelerated the exploration phase on Block 2A and has moved us closer to a drilling program.

      “After the passive seismic data has been processed and interpreted our plan had been to shoot up to 500 kilometres of 2D seismic. Now a smaller amount of 2D and or 3D seismic is required to locate the first well.

      “Getting to this stage so early in the exploration program is a very positive development for the company and its shareholders," he added.

      Simba is a Pan African oil and gas exploration company focused on onshore opportunities across Africa.

      It holds the PSC for Block 2A in Kenya, 60 percent interests in Blocks 1 and 2 in the Republic of Guinea, and it controls Block 3 onshore Mali.

      Simba also has applications pending for onshore blocks in Liberia and Ghana.
      schrieb am 13.09.12 07:44:39
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      NEWS RELEASE TORONTO : September 12, 2012


      September 12, 2012, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Simba Energy Inc. ("Simba" or the "Company") (TSXV: SMB, Frankfurt: GDA, OTCQX: SMBZF), the pan-African oil & gas explorer with assets in Kenya, Guinea, Mali and Liberia, today presented at the Nomura Upstream Conference and will be presenting at the Oilbarrel investor conference in London tomorrow.
      A copy of the presentation is available on the website:

      About Simba Energy Inc.

      Simba Energy is a Vancouver, B.C. based oil and gas exploration company focusing on underexplored overlooked basins in its pursuit of hydrocarbon opportunities in Africa (currently Liberia, Mali, Guinea, Ghana and Kenya). These regions have shown increased promise for the development of new hydrocarbon deposits. The Company's senior management team aims to leverage its expertise and affiliations to pursue, secure and develop strategic assets that demonstrate high potential for drilling and or production operations; and to do so in a manner of best practices and to the betterment of those communities where it operates.

      "Robert Dinning", President & CEO

      For further information contact Simba Energy Inc. at: 604-641-4450, or visit: , or , or Mark Sommer, Toll Free: 1-855-777-4622. Or;
      Financial Public Relations (UK), Lionsgate Communications, Jonathan Charles,, or +44 (0)7791 892509.

      We seek safe harbour.

      This news release includes certain forward-looking statements or information. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this release, including, without limitation, statements relating to the exploration merits of the property and other future plans, objectives or expectations of the Company are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's plans or expectations include risks relating to the actual results of current exploration activities, fluctuating commodity prices, possibility of equipment breakdowns and delays, exploration cost overruns, availability of capital and financing, general economic, market or business conditions, regulatory changes, timeliness of government or regulatory approvals and other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the filings made by the Company with securities regulators. The Company expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise except as required by applicable securities legislation
      schrieb am 18.09.12 19:39:00
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      54th Oilbarrel Conference - Simba Energy - Hassan Hassan, Managing Director -- Operations - 13/9/12
      schrieb am 24.09.12 15:17:38
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      schrieb am 11.10.12 17:57:16
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.521.222 von SteirerMan am 22.08.12 16:19:25
      auch HEUTE gehts ordtl. UPPPP - liegts an folg. PR..........

      Simba Energy Kenya Country Office Opening, Investor Presentation

      Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, October 11, 2012 /FSC/ - Simba Energy Inc. (TSXV: SMB, Frankfurt: GDA, OTCQX: SMBZF),("Simba" or the "Company")the onshore pan-African oil & gas explorer with assets in Kenya, Guinea, Chad and Mali, is pleased to announce that it has officially opened its Kenya County Office in Nairobi with a presentation and luncheon for local energy journalists.

      Simba also presented a technical analyst presentation at an event organised by Merrill Lynch at the InterContinental Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.

      A copy of the presentation is available on the website:

      About Simba Energy Inc.

      Simba Energy is a Vancouver, B.C. based oil and gas exploration company focusing on underexplored overlooked basins in its pursuit of hydrocarbon opportunities in Africa (currently Liberia, Mali, Guinea, Ghana and Kenya). These regions have shown increased promise for the development of new hydrocarbon deposits. The Company's senior management team aims to leverage its expertise and affiliations to pursue, secure and develop strategic assets that demonstrate high potential for drilling and or production operations; and to do so in a manner of best practices and to the betterment of those communities where it operates.

      "Robert Dinning", President & CEO

      inzwischen schon 3,3mio vol.........RT 0,15

      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 11.10.12 19:19:06
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.703.350 von hbg55 am 11.10.12 17:57:16ANYHOW, das gesamt- paket scheint MIR hier ausgesprochen attraktiv, grad
      auf akt. level !!!

      ´nur´ mal am rande sei erwähnt, daß in einer akt. studie von UBIKA ein
      kursziel von cad 0,81 gesehen wird............

      Ubika Research: Simba Marches Forward In Africa, Secures Three New Oil Blocks In Chad…

      schrieb am 11.10.12 19:54:12
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.703.350 von hbg55 am 11.10.12 17:57:16:eek::eek:

      nicht nur in CAN sehen wir schönes vol., selbst in USA - TOP- wert seit
      3 jharen...........

      akt.....usd 0,16

      schrieb am 15.10.12 16:59:31
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      mit frischem schwung starten wir in die neue woche.........

      Recent Trades - Last 10 of 83
      Time ET Ex Price Change Volume Buyer Seller Markers

      10:35:18 V 0.165 0.01 6,500 33 Canaccord 39 Merrill Lynch K
      10:35:18 V 0.165 0.01 3,500 33 Canaccord 7 TD Sec K
      10:33:41 V 0.165 0.01 2,000 9 BMO Nesbitt 7 TD Sec K
      10:33:41 V 0.165 0.01 4,500 9 BMO Nesbitt 7 TD Sec K
      10:33:41 V 0.165 0.01 6,500 9 BMO Nesbitt 7 TD Sec K
      10:33:41 V 0.165 0.01 20,000 9 BMO Nesbitt 85 Scotia K
      10:33:41 V 0.165 0.01 28,000 9 BMO Nesbitt 19 Desjardins K
      10:33:41 V 0.16 0.005 10,000 9 BMO Nesbitt 19 Desjardins K
      10:33:41 V 0.16 0.005 5,000 9 BMO Nesbitt 85 Scotia K
      10:33:41 V 0.16 0.005 16,000 9 BMO Nesbitt 99 Jitney K

      schrieb am 18.10.12 09:21:33
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      Erweiterung des Portfolios !!!!

      Simba Energy Signs PSC for Three Oil Blocks in Republic of Chad

      VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--

      Simba Energy Inc. ("Simba" or the "Company") (TSXV: SMB; Frankfurt: GDA; OTCQX: SMBZF), is pleased to announce it has signed a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) with the Republic of Chad for 100% interests in three prospective oil & gas blocks within the Doba, Doseo and Erdis basins.

      The PSC for all three blocks has a first exploration phase of five years and a second exploration phase of three years. The first exploration phase requires geological and geophysical studies to include processing and reinterpretation of existing 2D seismic, acquisition of at least 750 kilometres of new 2D seismic, as well as 400 km² of 3D seismic (or 2D equivalent) to determine the range of possible drilling opportunities for the second phase that requires two exploration wells.

      The first two blocks, Chari Sud Block I and the southern half (50%) of Chari Sud Block II are adjacent to each other and therefore treated as one (10,111 km²). These blocks lie just southeast of the Mangara and Badila oil fields where proven reserves are currently in advanced stages of appraisal and production development. Assessment of earlier gravity and magnetic surveys across both these blocks, along with existing 2D seismic, has confirmed these blocks comprise the same basin morphology as these producing fields. The NE-SW trending Borogrop fault zone crosses both blocks in a manner that divides Chari Sud Block I into both a north and south section while Chari Sud Block II is mainly south of this fault zone. This fault represents the basin axis which is the deepest part and has lateral movement that can enhance the formation of traps while could also be a conduit for migration of hydrocarbons.

      The third concession, Erdis Block III, covering 15,700 km², is located in the southwestern portion of the Erdis basin, known as the Kufra basin in Libya, where there has been known discoveries. Currently, seismic acquisition is being carried out and two wells are now planned to the east on Sudan’s Block 14. Recent gravity across Erdis Block III indicates the presence of a major depo center and ties it to a sediment source to the west where along with a deep mature section and this current activity in Sudan, support the Company’s view of the block’s prospectivity.

      Hassan Hassan, Managing Director of Operations stated, “We view the exploration potential of these three blocks in Chad as very favorable. Once the National Assembly (of the Republic of Chad) ratifies the PSC we intend to initiate the first phase of exploration field work. Our technical team has begun a thorough assessment and re-processing of data available on Chari Sud I & II to initiate preparations and planning for our first phase of work in the southern concession.”

      Simba Director, James Dick, P.Geol., P.Eng., is a Qualified Person in accordance with National Instrument 51-101 and approves the technical disclosure in this news release.
      schrieb am 19.10.12 11:58:19
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      Das Portfolio zu erweitern ist eine gute Sache, nur wird das von der Börse in keinster Weise gewürdigt.

      Ich kenne den Fahrplan des Managments nicht wirklich, wenngleich ich deren Website regelmäßig lese. Möglicherweise gibt es auch keinen, folgedessen will der Kurs einfach nicht richtig durchstarten.

      Mir, und ich glaube auch den Großanlegern, wäre es viel lieber, mal klare Aussagen bzgl. der beiden Kenia-Blöcke zu treffen, aber vielleicht erfährt man ja nach dem 21.10 tatsächlich mehr.

      Ein Major Player als JV-Partner wenigstens für Kenia wäre sicher ein potenter Katalysator.
      schrieb am 22.10.12 15:55:35
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      schrieb am 05.11.12 15:40:25
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      Simba Energy Announces Passive Seismic Survey Results, Block 2A, Kenya
      Press Release: Simba Energy Inc.

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov 5, 2012) - Simba Energy Inc. ("Simba" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:SMB)(GDA.F)(SMBZF), the pan-African onshore oil & gas explorer, is pleased to announce the results of the Infrasonic Passive Differential Spectroscopy (or "passive seismic") survey recently completed over Block 2A, Kenya, where it has a 100% working interest.

      The original undertaking was to investigate and ascertain the hydrocarbon potential at the Company''s three targets (P1, P2, P3) by first employing a block survey using passive seismic to confirm or identify areas of hydrocarbon potential to be followed up with 2D seismic for structure definition.

      This first phase of passive seismic has confirmed P1 to be comprised of two distinct and sizeable leads with excellent hydrocarbon response lying east and SSE of the city of Wajir. The first lead in P1 with an area of 29km² demonstrates the highest level of hydrocarbon seismic energy interpreted amongst all seven potential leads identified by the survey; the second and likely related lead is over 100km² in size with good response for hydrocarbon potential and lies from 8km to 20km+ to the SW.

      At P2, several additional interconnected leads have been identified with good hydrocarbon response that is not seen with the current 2D seismic. The third lead, P3, has also been confirmed as a prospective lead where response fit exceptionally well with present 2D coverage.

      James W. Dick, P. Geol., P. Eng., Simba''s Chief Technical Officer and a director of the Company said, "Here on Block 2A, in a manner complemented by our existing 2D data, the passive seismic survey has discovered four more potential leads for follow up at our primary and secondary leads (P1 & P2) and confirmed good potential for hydrocarbons. We now have sufficient information and are comfortable that an additional small survey of 2D seismic has the potential to further upgrade our P1 & P2 target areas with some prospects that easily support a decision to drill."

      The Company now intends to carry out at a minimum 200km of 2D seismic to finalize the location and designed depth for the Company''s first exploration well at P1. Planning and preparation for this work is now underway and anticipated to begin in early 2013.

      James Dick, P.Geol., P.Eng., Director of the Company and Qualified Person in accordance with National Instrument 51-101, has reviewed and approves the technical disclosure in this news release.
      schrieb am 06.11.12 13:42:16
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      Ich habe diesen Artikel aus dem Stockhouse kopiert.

      Ein guter Beitrag zur Einschätzung der gegenwärtigen Situation von unserer kleinen SMB :)

      GeoDynamics S.R.L. of Italy conducted an Infrasonic Passive Differential Spectroscopy seismic survey for Simba covering 4,000

      Low Frequency Passive Seismic survey, also called Infrasonic Passive Differential Spectroscopy, is a unique technology for hydrocarbon reservoir detection and monitoring from the surface. It can not only tell you if there are fluids present in a structure located by 2D or 3D surveys, it can tell you if the fluids are oil or water or a combination of the two and the amount of oil to water in the formation. The technique is based on the principles of the behaviour of fluid systems in porous reservoirs. It is well-known that the relative compressibility of Hydrocarbon fluids is higher than water. Therefore, the Hydrocarbon fluids in the pore system can be detected at the surface as a characteristic alteration of the normal signature of the natural earth’s noise signal movement in the low frequency range between 1 Hz and 10 Hz, which can be measured by a very high sensitivity hydrocarbon sensor.

      A further 2D or 3D survey of the most promising areas delineated by the passive survey may be necessary in order to show the size of hdrocarbon bearing formation. The passive survey will show you the quality of the fluids present in the formation. When using this combination in a previously untested formation, 80% of the wells drilled hit oil.

      Geochemical sampling will increase the odds even better for finding oil and in addition to the passive survery, the company carried out the collection of 675 geochemical samples. These will be analyzed with results being incorporated into the geological interpretation.

      It should also be noted that the oil bearing structures appear to be near the surface and that will greatly decrease the cost of drilling an exploratory well...

      We may not need to form a joint venture to drill our first well, and if it produces a gusher, the resulting cash flow could let us develop our properties on our own.

      Since a 3D survey would be so expensive we may only do some additional 2D surveying, but with the information from the passive survey and the geochmical results, that should let us determine where to drill our first exploratory well. If needed, it will also give us better barganing power in forming a joint venture. It looks like it won't be until well into 2013 before we can get ready to drill a well, but the odds have improved, and once it is drilled, if we hit oil and it turns out to be a substantial amount of oil, our stock price should finally start rising, especially since people will see that we can then develop all our properties, and all of us that have waited and held on to our shares will be richly rewarded. But it is going to take time.

      schrieb am 19.11.12 09:06:45
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      Simba Energy Retains Executive Search Consultant Preng & Associates

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov 19, 2012) - Simba Energy Inc. ("Simba" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:SMB) (GDA.F) (SMBZF), the pan-African onshore exploration oil & gas company, is pleased to announce that it has retained executive search consultants Preng & Associates.

      Simba has retained Preng & Associates to bolster Simba''s technical and professional team.

      Simba is also pleased to announce the opening of its virtual data room for Block 2A, Kenya.

      Hassan Hassan, Managing Director, Operations, said, "Simba is a fast moving exploration company with a challenging workload. To date, we have been under- staffed and in order to achieve our objectives, additional technical and professional staff are now needed."

      About Simba Energy:

      Simba Energy Inc. is an international oil & gas exploration company focused on onshore Pan-African opportunities. The Company holds a diversified portfolio of 100% or majority interests in several prospective oil & gas exploration assets in Kenya, Chad and Guinea.

      In addition to its 100% interest in Kenya''s Block 2A, Simba holds a 60% interest in Blocks 1 & 2, onshore Republic of Guinea and holds 100% interests in three prospective oil & gas blocks in the Republic of Chad. The Company is also the successful applicant for Block 3 in Mali and has applications pending for onshore blocks in Liberia and Ghana.

      Simba''s objective is to establish itself as a diversified international developer and producer with a growing oil & gas acreage position and significant upside potential for shareholders.

      About Preng & Associates:

      "Preng & Associates ( is a global energy search specialist, focusing exclusively on executive searches within the energy and natural resources industries. For more than three decades, Preng have been helping companies recruit board members and their top management teams."


      "Robert Dinning", President & CEO.
      schrieb am 02.12.12 16:59:44
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()
      Interessiert euch vielleicht :)


      Simba Energy's Hassan says co is in "very good shape" in up-and-coming Kenya

      Wednesday, November 28, 2012

      Hassan Hassan, of Simba Energy, the pan-Africa explorer, talks to Proactive Investors at the Oil Council World Assembly. He says the company is in "good shape", one of THE up-and-coming oil addresses.…

      schrieb am 23.01.13 10:09:43
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()
      Simba Energy's Regional Office Opening, Kenya

      VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--

      Simba Energy Inc. ("Simba" or the "Company") (TSXV: SMB, Frankfurt: GDA, OTCQX: SMBZF), the onshore pan-African oil & gas explorer with assets in Kenya, Guinea and Chad, is pleased to announce that it has officially opened its regional office in Wajir, northern Kenya.

      Wajir represents the largest community within the Company’s Block 2A concession area. The office in Wajir will act as the regional head office for upcoming operations, including additional seismic activities and be manned by local employees.

      Hassan Hassan, head of Operations at Simba, said, “This is an auspicious time for Simba as the Company continues to focus on its ground activities in and around Wajir. We also look forward to developing our relationship with the local districts and regional councils.”

      Currently, Simba holds a 100% working interest in Block 2A with farm-out talks progressing.

      "Robert Dinning", President & CEO
      schrieb am 23.01.13 11:45:52
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      Fundstück für Simba-Freunde:


      Simba Energy the new Africa Oil?
      Saturday, January 19, 2013 by Ian Lyall

      Kenya isn’t the group’s only asset: it has significant land holdings Liberia, Guinea, Chad, Ghana and Mali.

      Investors hunting for the new Africa Oil (CVE:AOI) should take a look at Simba Energy (CVE:SMB), according to the latest update from Edison Research.

      The former has seen its shares spike over 300% in the past year based on farm-out deals in Kenya, where Simba also has significant acreage.

      Edison has calculated a risked net asset value of 20 cents a share for Simba, assuming a one-well carry following a farm-in deal.

      The figure rises to 36 cents for a two-well transaction and in excess of C$1.40 if the company’s first well hits oil.

      The Toronto-listed group, which has a strong UK following, recently completed a passive seismic survey on Block 2A in Kenya.

      Following this it opened a data room for potential farminees and has employed Ernst & Young to oversee the process of finding a partner to fund a drilling an initial programme.

      “We are encouraged by the aggressive nature of the company – it wants to drill its Kenyan acreage as quickly as possible and we expect significant progress down this road by the end of 2013,” said Edison’s Will Forbes in a note.

      “Indeed we believe it is the company’s intention to spud a well in the fourth quarter of 2013, although much work is required to do this.”

      Kenya isn’t the group’s only asset: it has significant land holdings Liberia, Guinea, Chad, Ghana and Mali.

      “We do not expect the addition of these blocks to be the last – Simba is still hungry to extend its range, but currently has limited cash,” said Forbes.…
      schrieb am 28.01.13 09:43:05
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      Simba Energy Expands Executive Team, Opens London Office

      VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--

      Simba Energy Inc. (“Simba”) (TSXV: SMB, Frankfurt: GDA, OTCQX: SMBZF), the onshore pan-African oil & gas explorer with assets in Kenya, Guinea and Chad, is pleased to announce that it has appointed Mr. Paul Vonk as its VP, Capital Markets.

      Paul has extensive experience as an investment banker advising oil & gas companies on their capital structures, initial public offerings, mergers and acquisitions and farm-out negotiations (including Chad). Most recently, Paul was working in Nomura’s London Natural Resources & Power team. Previously, he covered the oil & gas sector at RBS and ABN AMRO and was a Senior Field Engineer at Baker Hughes.

      Paul has an MBA from the University of Oxford, Said Business School, and a MSc. in Mining and Petroleum Engineering from Delft, the Netherlands.

      Hassan Hassan, Managing Director, Operations said, “We welcome Paul on board. We have a very exciting and busy schedule this year and look forward to Paul applying his expertise and experience to our key blocks in Chad as well as Kenya and Guinea.”

      In addition, Simba has opened an office in London, UK, which will house its operating and technical team.

      The London office address is:
      Simba Energy
      1st floor
      29-30 St James's Street
      London SW1A 1HB
      United Kingdom

      Robert Dinning, President & CEO
      schrieb am 27.02.13 15:38:05
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      imba Energy Identifies Three Significant Oil Seeps in Guinea

      Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, February 27, 2013 /FSC/ - Simba Energy Inc. (TSXV: SMB, OTCQX: SMBZF, Frankfurt: GDA)("Simba" or the "Company"),the pan-African oil & gas explorer, is pleased to report it has identified three additional and significant seeps during its initial phase of 2013 exploration work on Blocks 1 & 2 in the Republic of Guinea's Bove Basin.

      "Further to our site visit last summer that identified and confirmed a number of known seep areas within Block 2, these three additional seep areas (two in Block 1), from Paleozoic rocks, are impressive and clearly the best seeps seen to date. They certainly increase the prospectivity of both the blocks with the presence of higher C hydrocarbons. A number of samples have been sent to the lab for analysis." remarked James W. Dick, Director and CTO for Simba.

      In view of the results to date, the Company now plans to focus its initial exploration work in the Republic of Guinea on Block 1 and the northern part of block 2.

      The Company is planning a geochemical survey to collect 2,000 samples covering 1,000 line kilometers mostly within Block 1 to focus upcoming phases of exploration. Crews will be mobilized within the next month with completion anticipated shortly thereafter.

      James Dick, P.Geol., P.Eng., Director of the Company and Qualified Person in accordance with National Instrument 51-101, has reviewed and approves the technical disclosure in this news release.

      About Simba Energy:

      Simba Energy Inc. is an international oil & gas exploration company focused on onshore Pan-African opportunities. The Company now holds a diversified portfolio of 100% or majority or interests in several prospective oil & gas exploration assets in Kenya, Chad and Guinea.

      In addition to its 100% interest in Kenya's Block 2A the Company holds a 60% interest in Blocks 1 & 2, onshore Republic of Guinea and has recently signed a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) with the Republic of Chad for a 100% interest in three prospective oil & gas blocks within the Doba, Doseo and Erdis basins.

      Simba's objective is to establish itself as a diversified international developer and producer with a growing oil & gas acreage position with significant upside potential for shareholders.

      For further information contact: Ph. 604-641-4450, or visit: , or email: , or Mark Sommer, Toll Free: 1-855-777-4622, or;Financial Public Relations (UK), Lionsgate Communications, Jonathan Charles, , + 44 (0)779 189 2509.

      We seek safe harbor.

      Robert Dinning, President & CEO.

      This press release is available in PDF. Please click on the following link to view the PDF file:

      Source: Simba Energy Inc. (TSX-V: SMB) (OTCQX: SMBZF) (Frankfurt: GDA)
      Maximum News Dissemination by FSCwire.

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