
    Anson Resources / A1 der Lithium & Brom Player 2025 (Seite 382)

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 24.03.21 10:49:32
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.578.159 von Montekaolino am 24.03.21 09:44:31
      Die aktualisierte PEA wurde heute veröffentlicht
      Heute wurde das Update der PEA veröffentlicht. Die Lithium Produktion wurde dabei in Stage 1 integriert.


      The updated PEA indicates a high economic viability and return on investment due to the unique
      nature of the brine which flows to surface under its own pressure with high concentration of a
      number of minerals, including bromine (Br) and lithium (Li) which can be extracted from the same
      brine using the same supply & disposal infrastructure.

      - NPV von 451m US $ !
      - Wenn man diesen Wert in Relation zur aktuellen MK von 67mioUS$ setzt, kann man erahnen wohin die Reise geht!

      A summary table of JORC Compliant Mineral Resource Estimate is presented below

      Diese Daten werden sich mit großer wahrscheinlichkeit mit der Öffnung weiterer Bohrlöcher erhöhen. ASN hat dafür bereits einen Antrag eingereicht. Mit der Freigabe ist täglich zu rechnen (Antrag wurde 2020 gestellt)

      Anson has re-entered historic oil wells to depths of up to 2,300 metres in the Paradox Brine Project
      area. The wells have an average spacing of 1.6km (ranging between 1.3km and 3.0km). The bores
      have delineated an aquifer containing hyper-saline brine with total dissolved solids (TDS) ranging
      between 350,000 mg/L and 410,000 mg/L. The brine is enriched with respect to bromine, lithium
      and other recoverable minerals. The sampling of the supersaturated brines from the clastic zones
      of the Paradox Formation have yielded concentrations up to 5,041 ppm bromine and 253 ppm

      The planned 20-year production is supported by the bromine and lithium which are in the Indicated
      category. The bromine extracted will then be processed into sodium bromide (NaBr) and the lithium
      will be extracted will then be processed into lithium carbonate (Li2CO3). To date the large
      exploration target for Clastic Zones 17, 19, 29 & 33, see Figure 3, is due to the fact that there are
      no historical assays or new drilling to extend the Indicated and Inferred Resources category
      estimates, which is not the case with Clastic Zone 31. With the addition of one re-entry, the Inferred
      Resource would probably be converted to the Indicated category in Clastic Zone 31 and the
      Exploration Target estimate to an Inferred category for the Clastic Zones 17, 19, 29 and 33. This
      would result in an increase in the block model tonnages and grades for the additional Clastic Zones
      as there has been no recorded assays in those locations
      . Assay data and effective porosity values
      in those areas would increase both the Indicated and Inferred Resource estimates.

      Die schwarzen Punkte zeigen weitere Bohrlöcher die zu potentiellen Ressourcensteigerungen führen könnten

      ASN Infrastructure

      Die Kosten der Infrastruktur belaufen sich auf 177m$

      Zur Finanzierung:
      The Company has been approached and is in discussion with a number of potential funders
      and intermediaries at a level commensurate with the current stage of the project. These
      include debt financing, traditional bank resource Project funding, offtake funding, Project
      and Corporate level equity investment and equipment finance providers. These discussions
      are continuing.

      The strong production and economic outcomes delivered by the PEA are considered by the
      Board to be sufficiently robust to provide confidence in Anson’s ability to fund preproduction capital through conventional debt and equity financing. Anson has engaged with
      various international groups for strategic investments and off-take arrangements and to
      date these interactions have been positive.

      This has informed Anson’s view of being able to secure the necessary funding for all phases
      of the project at times where the interest in financing these projects is expected to be high
      due to rising prices and market demand.

      The project will require approximately 2 years of permitting, detailed engineering, and construction
      prior to the commissioning and operations of Phase 1.
      Anson Resources | 0,048 € | im Besitz: Ja | Meinung: kaufen
      schrieb am 24.03.21 09:44:31
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.576.422 von Montekaolino am 24.03.21 08:06:26

      Hey mate,

      Lithium carbonate Chinese spot pricing sitting at 84,000, was sitting at 40,000 late last year.

      There are many predictions it will hit 160,000 late 2022-early 2023, equivalent to around US24,000 a ton.

      If this eventuates, which I for one suspect it will. Any company with lithium will go nuts. I’ve been here for three years and completely apply to the hold the stocks with fundamental resources that have increasing demand in a transition period.

      This energy transition will be the largest since the invention of the first fossil car. The streets of NY were littered with the horse and cart, only eight years later not a horse and cart in sight.

      You really have to back your convictions on this energy transition, I spend around 4 hours a day going though news sites, reading around 15 stocks on HC, and following some of the more honest posters I’ve learned to trust over the years.

      There can be be no doubt this electric revolution is on the cusp of greatness, carmakers day by day announcing continuous upgrades in investment in R&D, and pulling back all investment in ICE.

      All I can really say is trust your judgement but be patient, these gains I look for do not happen overnight.

      No investment advice offered here, just my honest opinion.

      Best wishes all, and yes that includes you 1shareholder1, you’re not a bad sausage mate, best of luck.

      Hey Kumpel,

      Der chinesische Spotpreis für Lithiumcarbonat lag bei 84.000 und Ende letzten Jahres bei 40.000.

      Es gibt viele Vorhersagen, dass es Ende 2022 bis Anfang 2023 160.000 erreichen wird, was etwa 24.000 US-Dollar pro Tonne entspricht.

      Wenn dies eintritt, was ich jedenfalls vermute, wird es. Jedes Unternehmen mit Lithium wird verrückt. Ich bin seit drei Jahren hier und bewerbe mich vollständig um das Halten der Aktien mit fundamentalen Ressourcen, die in einer Übergangszeit eine steigende Nachfrage haben.

      Diese Energiewende wird die größte seit der Erfindung des ersten fossilen Autos sein. Die Straßen von New York waren mit Pferdewagen übersät, nur acht Jahre später war kein Pferdewagen in Sicht.

      Sie müssen wirklich Ihre Überzeugungen in Bezug auf diese Energiewende untermauern. Ich verbringe ungefähr 4 Stunden am Tag damit, durch Nachrichtenseiten zu gehen, ungefähr 15 Aktien über HC zu lesen und einigen der ehrlicheren Poster zu folgen, denen ich im Laufe der Jahre zu vertrauen gelernt habe.

      Es besteht kein Zweifel daran, dass diese elektrische Revolution auf dem Höhepunkt der Größe steht. Die Autohersteller kündigen Tag für Tag kontinuierliche Verbesserungen der Investitionen in Forschung und Entwicklung an und ziehen alle Investitionen in ICE zurück.

      Alles, was ich wirklich sagen kann, ist, Ihrem Urteil zu vertrauen, aber seien Sie geduldig. Diese Gewinne, nach denen ich suche, geschehen nicht über Nacht.

      Hier wird keine Anlageberatung angeboten, nur meine ehrliche Meinung.

      Die besten Wünsche an alle, und ja, das schließt Sie 1shareholder1 ein, Sie sind kein schlechter Wurstkamerad, viel Glück.
      Anson Resources | 0,048 €
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.03.21 08:06:26
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.536.725 von Montekaolino am 20.03.21 10:36:41

      Anson Resources | 0,073 €
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 20.03.21 10:36:41
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.529.324 von Di_2 am 19.03.21 16:08:09

      You can change the Li price up to US$15,500/tonne for those figures too, LKE just did that.

      Looking forward to the resource upgrade, been researching the Leadville Limestone zone, very interesting!

      Current clastic zones have been up to ~10m thick from memory, Leadville is up to 170m thick potentially massively increasing total brine resource.

      Exactly, it's potentially massive news and could dramatically increase the resource size.

      From Bruce's presentation, "historical drilling data confirms a massive, supersaturated brine aquifer" in the Leadville Limestone zone, that has similar brine to that of the existing resource.

      So, the Plan of Operations has been re-submitted to the Bureau of Land Management to include testing by way of re-entering existing wells intersecting the Leadville Limestone zone, in addition to that originally applied for to re-enter Clastic zone 31.

      Anson Resources | 0,057 €
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 19.03.21 16:08:09
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.490.105 von Montekaolino am 17.03.21 10:20:51Bruce hat bei der Benchmark Minerals Präsentation die PEA Veröffentlichung in Kürze angekündigt...das dürfte der Auslöser für den heutigen Preisanstieg gewesen sein
      Anson Resources | 0,062 €
      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.

      Trading Spotlight

      Grounded People Apparel
      0,9950EUR +44,20 %
      Extreme Wachstumsstory! Wo man jetzt noch rein will…mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 17.03.21 10:20:51
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.440.473 von Di_2 am 12.03.21 20:55:40


      Share price re-rates ------------------------

      PEA with Li - end of march 2021 (Yes it will re rate substantially as markets in general will be upbeat as US will have clear direction on interest rates soon)Engineering and design stage 1 and Bromine PFS - end of June 2021 for the sake of history with ASN (this should re-rate again, I say there will be a 20 percent share bounce back from March and April re-rate and re-rate to more than 40% at this stage, if we get offtake with this for Bromine, we will be sitting comfortably on 0.3 at this stage)With above we are expecting completion of Novonix final assessment, this news will put fire to ASN share price with renewed interest by Novonix itself and other big names, we will sure be hovering around 0.30 to 0.40 at this stage.We will be receiving permission to start digging at Bull at this stage and should consolidate ASN share price solidly at 0.30 to 0.40 and think that price will not bounce back until we get some devastating news from US and Bonds raise beyond 2% and major sell off in the markets.

      I like the below line if anybody is concerned about CR-----------------------------------------------------------
      "Other than the above there have been no significant events from end of financial period to the date of this report which significantly affect the operations of the Group, the results of those operations or the state of affairs of the Group in future financial year"

      Also like this sentence--------------------------
      "The directors have prepared a cash flow forecast, which indicates that the Group will have sufficient cash flows to meet all commitments and working capital requirements for the 12-month period from the date of signing this financial report by raising capital from equity or debt markets."

      The above statements should be taken with pinch of salt, but we will require cash for operations as this year we will have significant progress in the work we will be doing and as I mentioned, we will need a fund partner going forward, if Chia can pitch in well and good, if not find somebody in US or Australia who can fund us, but that will happen after PFS and probably suitable Novonix results

      Also if interest rates increase, I believe that will be part of PFS assessment, there will be a impact on ongoing liabilities.Performance payment hurdles I will not comment, but I would have had tough ones, but anyways if they are motivations and if board can achieve them, will be more that happy to pay them out.

      #Secure funding

      are key hash tags or mantras going forward

      Anson Resources | 0,053 €
      5 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 12.03.21 20:55:40
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()
      Ich freu mich schon auf die neue PEA. Durch die darin höher abgebildeten Einnahmen sollte sich der Kurs wieder in Richtung 20c$ bewegen.
      Anson Resources | 0,061 €
      6 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 12.03.21 20:53:59
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      Hat sich diese Woche gut gehalten;)
      Anson Resources | 0,061 €
      schrieb am 11.03.21 14:34:06
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.373.666 von Montekaolino am 09.03.21 10:36:20

      Anson Resources | 0,057 €
      schrieb am 09.03.21 10:36:20
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.373.465 von Montekaolino am 09.03.21 10:27:35

      Anson Resources | 0,051 €
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      Anson Resources / A1 der Lithium & Brom Player 2025