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Douglas AG Faces Market Challenges, Adjusts 2024/25 Forecast

Douglas AG faces a challenging horizon, revising its 2024/25 forecast as the European beauty market slows, influenced by economic and geopolitical strains.

  • Douglas AG is adjusting its 2024/25 forecast due to weakening customer sentiment and slower market development.
  • The European premium beauty market, especially in Germany and France, is experiencing a slowdown.
  • The company cites macro-economic and geopolitical tensions, economic and political situations in Germany, and potential international trade conflicts as reasons for the market decline.
  • Douglas AG has revised its net sales forecast to around 4.5 billion euros, down from the previous 4.7–4.8 billion euros.
  • The adjusted EBITDA margin is now expected to be around 17%, with net income forecasted at approximately 175 million euros, down from the previous 225–265 million euros.
  • The company will assess the expected leverage ratio and mid-term guidance, with updates to be provided during the Q2 reporting on 15 May 2025.

The next important date, Release of the Q2 2024/2025 results, at Douglas is on 15.05.2025.

The price of Douglas at the time of the news was 13,940EUR and was down -4,16 % compared with the previous day.
15 minutes after the article was published, the price was 13,800EUR this corresponds to a minus of -1,00 % since publication.
At this time, the index SDAX was at 16.168,62PKT (-2,13 %).


+0,80 %
-8,73 %
-35,61 %
-47,07 %
-50,05 %
-59,87 %

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Douglas AG Faces Market Challenges, Adjusts 2024/25 Forecast Douglas AG faces a challenging horizon, revising its 2024/25 forecast as the European beauty market slows, influenced by economic and geopolitical strains.