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INFICON HOLDING: Strong Results in a Tough Market

INFICON shines with record-breaking sales and robust profits in 2024, setting the stage for a promising future.

  • INFICON achieved record sales of USD 177.5 million in Q4 2024, a 1.7% increase year-on-year, with an operating profit of USD 36.1 million, representing 20.3% of sales.
  • For the full year 2024, INFICON's sales were USD 671.0 million, slightly down by 0.4% from 2023, but with an increased net profit of USD 112.8 million, up 6.7% from the previous year.
  • INFICON's largest market, Semi & Vacuum Coating, accounted for 56.6% of sales in Q4 2024, with USD 100.5 million, a 22.4% increase from the previous year.
  • The company expects 2025 sales to be between USD 660 million and USD 710 million, with an operating profit margin around 20%, anticipating growth from the semiconductor market in the second half of the year.
  • INFICON's Board of Directors proposes a dividend of CHF 21.00 per share and a share split at a ratio of 1:10 at the AGM scheduled for April 8, 2025.
  • INFICON reported a strong operating cash flow of USD 116.5 million for 2024, with a record-high net cash position of USD 74.9 million and a solid equity ratio of 72.4%.

The price of INFICON HOLDING at the time of the news was 1.123,00EUR and was down -0,35 % compared with the previous day.
16 minutes after the article was published, the price was 1.121,00EUR this corresponds to a minus of -0,18 % since publication.


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INFICON HOLDING: Strong Results in a Tough Market INFICON shines with record-breaking sales and robust profits in 2024, setting the stage for a promising future.