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2G ENERGY: Strong International Growth Continues to Impress

2G Energy has demonstrated impressive growth in Q3, with sales revenues and total output seeing double-digit increases. The company's robust business model continues to thrive, particularly in the US market.

2G ENERGY: Strong International Growth Continues to Impress
  • Sales revenues in Q3 increased by 11.3% to EUR 86.7 million compared to the previous year.
  • Total output rose significantly by 12.9% to EUR 90.9 million compared to the previous year.
  • EBIT as of the end of September was 10.7% higher than the previous year, standing at EUR 9.0 million.
  • 2G Energy's business model is robust and resilient in the US market, with minimal impact from additional import duties.
  • 2G Energy is a leading manufacturer of CHP systems and heat pumps, with over 9,000 systems installed worldwide.
  • The company is expanding its technological leadership through continuous research and development, focusing on digital grid integration and sector coupling.

The next important date, Key Figures Q3 2024 and Business Development, at 2G ENERGY is on 19.11.2024.

The price of 2G ENERGY at the time of the news was 21,375EUR and was up +2,03 % compared with the previous day.
10 minutes after the article was published, the price was 21,450EUR this corresponds to a plus of +0,35 % since publication.


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Verfasst von wO Newsflash
2G ENERGY: Strong International Growth Continues to Impress 2G Energy has demonstrated impressive growth in Q3, with sales revenues and total output seeing double-digit increases. The company's robust business model continues to thrive, particularly in the US market.