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WISeKey Releases CEO Letter to Shareholders


WISeKey Releases CEO Letter to Shareholders

Discusses milestones achieved in 2019; sets goals and growth strategy for 2020

Zug, Switzerland – WISeKey International Holding Ltd. (“WISeKey” NASDAQ: WKEY; SIX Swiss Exchange: WIHN), a leading cybersecurity and IoT company, today released a letter to shareholders from Carlos Moreira, WISeKey's Founder and CEO.

Dear Shareholders:

I am pleased to take this opportunity to discuss the significant milestones we achieved in 2019 and update our shareholders on the opportunities and growth initiatives we are pursuing for 2020.

In 2019, we celebrated our 20th anniversary of delivering highly trusted security solutions to leading international organizations, corporations and governments worldwide. This level of trust is not built overnight but is earned by years of flawless execution and by demonstrating a governance model and culture aimed at solving some of the toughest security problems that individuals and enterprises are faced with in an ever-changing digital landscape.

The past year was filled with transitions, continued traction for our core businesses, and market-shifting product releases, that are setting the stage for substantial growth, as we move into the next decade.  Following the sale of the SSL/TLS PKI business, WISeKey strengthened its vision of being a provider of truly integrated Identity Management, IoT, and Blockchain services, with a unique trust model for securing objects and people in the connected world.

We closed an impressive amount of new agreements and made significant progress towards achieving our primary objective of building WISeKey into a globally competitive and profitable company. We also learned some interesting lessons about why our clients selected us as their security partner -- they wanted a) an integrated security solution that was easy to deploy, b) at a price that was appropriate for their market risk, and c) backed up by the support of a company that has already proven its credibility in the cybersecurity market.

We are enthusiastic about the team we have in place, our product portfolio, and the market conditions we see ahead of us. Below is a list of operational milestones we achieved in 2019.

Operational Milestones:

  • Higher demand for our products (hardware and software) and services from existing and new/potential clients
  • Launch of new proprietary solutions, including VaultiTrust, WISeID, and NanoSealRT: offering secure digital identities for critical applications such as smart grids, cloud security, drones, smart homes, Industry 4.0, consumer engagement, personal asset protection, anticounterfeiting, and battery protection
  • Development of modular Integrated Security Platforms that meet the need for easy to deploy security solutions that can be reconfigured to solve the challenges of unique market verticals
  • Acceleration of new customer acquisitions and increased geographic footprint 
  • Establishment of several partnerships with leading players in the Identity Management/IoT/Blockchain segment, through the establishment of several partnerships with leading players in the space, together with joint ventures in Saudi Arabia, India and China which will provide new revenue streams and increased diversification
  • Nasdaq Listing: on December 4, 2019, WISeKey listed our American Depositary Shares (ADSs) on the NASDAQ (https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/wkey)

Investing in our Future

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WISeKey Releases CEO Letter to Shareholders   WISeKey Releases CEO Letter to Shareholders Discusses milestones achieved in 2019; sets goals and growth strategy for 2020 Zug, Switzerland – WISeKey International Holding Ltd. (“WISeKey” NASDAQ: WKEY; SIX Swiss Exchange: WIHN), a leading …