
    Wer kennt Sino Biopharm (1177.HK)? Aussichtsreiche China-Aktie mit P/E 1,87? - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 09.02.07 19:11:35 von
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    ISIN: KYG8167W1380 · WKN: A0CBDJ · Symbol: SMZ1
    +3,53 %
    +0,0116 EUR
    Letzter Kurs 31.05.24 Tradegate

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 09.02.07 19:11:35
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Hoffentlich läuft dieser Thread etwas länger als der letzte Sino Biopharm - Thread:

      Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd., Dividente 7,46 %
      Autor: cyberhai · Forum: Biotech 1 31.07.05 20:09:55

      #1 von cyberhai 31.07.05 20:09:55 Beitrag Nr.: 17.406.629
      Dieses Posting: versenden | melden | drucken | Antwort schreiben

      Hallo !

      Wie ist Eure Meinung zu Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd.?

      Daten lt. Comdirect: KGV 22, Dividentenrendite: 7,46 %

      Lt. einem Artikel in Euro am Sonntag (Ausgabe ist schon ein paar Wochen alt): Die in Hongkong notierte Sino Biopharm (ISIN KYG8167W1380) hält Goldman-Sachs-Experte John Tang


      Da der o.a. Thread schon zu den historischen zählt und nicht mehr fortgesetzt werden kann, habe ich den Inhalt einfach mal als Start hier reinkopiert. Da cyberhai gerade online ist, würde ich mich über seinen Kommentar freuen. :)


      Sino Biopharm (1177.HK) Kurs 1,30 HKD + 13,043 %. Vol. 4.488.000P/E 1,87!

      WKN A0CBDJ - In Frankfurt sind heute 85.000 zu 0,13 € gelaufen.

      Principal Activities: Research and development, production and sale of a series of biopharmaceutical products, modernised Chinese medicines, chemical medicines and modern health-care products for medical treatment.

      Issued Shares: 2,263,968,736
      (as at 31/12/2006)
      Par Value: HKD 0.0250

      Market Capitalisation: HKD 2,943,159,357
      Financial Data
      Financial Year End Date: 31/12/2005
      Net Asset Value: HKD 1,853,247,000
      Net Profit (Loss): HKD 1,532,929,000
      Earnings per Share: HKD 0.6939

      04/12/2006 3rd qt Div 1 ct
      31/12/2006 06/12/2006 - 08/12/2006

      29/09/2006 Int Div 1 ct
      31/12/2006 04/10/2006 - 06/10/2006

      08/06/2006 1st qt Div 1 ct
      31/12/2006 12/06/2006 - 14/06/2006

      26/05/2006 Fin Div 1.5 cts
      31/12/2005 30/05/2006 - 05/06/2006

      25/11/2005 3rd qt Div 1.5 cts
      Sp div 5 cts
      31/12/2005 29/11/2005 - 01/12/2005

      13/10/2005 Int Div 1.5 cts
      31/12/2005 17/10/2005 - 19/10/2005

      26/05/2005 1st qt Div 2 cts
      31/12/2005 30/05/2005 - 01/06/2005

      06/05/2005 Fin Div 4 cts
      Bonus 1 for 2
      31/12/2004 10/05/2005 - 13/05/2005

      Der Haken: Profit - 84 % per 30.09.2006


      schrieb am 09.02.07 21:08:11
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Von wem stammt denn die völlig irreführende Angabe "P/E 1,87"? Bezogen auf das Nettoergebnis 2005 mag das ja stimmen, nur muß man auch dazusagen, daß der überwiegende Teil dieses Ergebnisses auf Einmalfaktoren beruht. Operativ sieht es - wie auch die 9-Monatszahlen 2006 zeigen - ganz anders aus, das EPS nach 3 Quartalen beträgt 4,2 Cent…
      schrieb am 09.02.07 21:41:31
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.557.423 von MFC500 am 09.02.07 21:08:11SINO BIOPHARM (1177 )

      Nominal Price Net Change Change (%) Bid Ask P/E(x)

      1.3 0.15 13.043 1.27 1.31 1.87…

      Code 388 bitte in 1177 ändern.

      Übrigens: Solltest Du diesen Hinweis unter # 1 übersehen haben:

      Der Haken: Profit - 84 % per 30.09.2006

      Wenn wir schon bei den Links sind, hier noch der Link zu den Announcements zur weiteren Info:…

      Könntest Du bitte mal etwas mehr zu den "Einmaleffekten" mitteilen?

      schrieb am 09.02.07 22:10:54
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.558.399 von NOBODY_III am 09.02.07 21:41:31den Hinweis habe ich nicht übersehen, wobei die -84% natürlich genau so irreführend sind, da im Q3 des Vorjahres die besagten Einmaleffekte auftraten und operativ das Ergebnis im Gegenteil sogar etwas über Vorjahr lag:…

      zu 2005:
      op. Ergebnis 130 Mio
      Überschuß 1,57 Mrd

      So eine Differenz kommt nur durch Einmaleffekte zustande
      Woher dieser Einmaleffekt rührt, kann ich dir nicht sagen, da ich die Aktie aufgrund der op. Entwicklung (Bewertung anhand der Zahlen Q1-3/2006) nicht für so interessant halte, daß sich tiefergehenderes Research lohnen würde. Wie gesagt, 9-Monats-EPS (2006) 4,2 Cent, Kurs 1,30, die Aktie ist mir deutlich zu teuer. Aber du kannst dir ja den 9-Monatsbericht 2005 bei HKEX herunterladen, da steht sicher etwas diesbezüglich drin
      schrieb am 09.02.07 22:42:09
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.559.270 von MFC500 am 09.02.07 22:10:54Danke für Deine Info.

      Entschuldige bitte, wenn ich bei meiner Klaue irrtümlich aus - 94 minus 84 % gemacht und die Quellenangabe vergessen habe.

      Ich gebe zu, daß die Angaben der Börse Hong Kong zu Sino Biopharm etwas irreführend sind. Für mich war das verblüffend und vor lauter Begeisterung, eine Ringeltaube gefunden zu haben, blieb die Überprüfung der Daten leider etwas auf der Strecke. Ich wäre vorher nie auf die Idee gekommen, die dortigen Daten anzuzweifeln oder zu relativieren.

      Was soll ich jetzt tun? Den Thread löschen lassen? Immerhin ist die korrigierende Info ja erfolgt und nachzuvollziehen.

      Hier ein Posting aus einem anderen Thread in Sachen Einmaleffekt:

      # 94 vom 09.02.07

      Bleib fair.
      Sino Biopharm hat aus Pharmageschäft ein KGV von ca. 20. Das niedrige KGV stammt aus Einmalgewinnen von abgegebenem Geschäft. Der Gewinn daraus wird zum wesentlichen Teil in die Gewinnung von Kohlewasserstoffen aus Kohle gesteckt werden, so dass Pharma nur noch die zweite Geige in dem Unternehmen spielen wird.

      So wie ihr hier alle pushed und ständig neue Mitstreiter akquiriert muss man als "älterer Hase" bald nachdenklich werden ob es nicht bald massive Rückschläge bei den Kursen hagelt.


      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1390EUR +11,20 %
      East Africa Metals: Widerstand gebrochen und neues Jahreshoch! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 09.02.07 22:50:34
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.559.270 von MFC500 am 09.02.07 22:10:54Zu meiner Ehrenrettung hier nochmal der Threadtitel:

      Wer kennt Sino Biopharm (1177.HK)? Aussichtsreiche China-Aktie mit P/E 1,87?

      Immerhin habe ich die Angabe mit einem Fragezeichen versehen und damit ja auf weitere Informationen im Rahmen des Diskussionsforums gehofft, so wie sie ja auch spontan gekommen sind.
      schrieb am 09.02.07 23:00:37
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.560.083 von NOBODY_III am 09.02.07 22:42:09du musst dich nicht entschuldigen. Wie du selbst sagst, hast du den Threadtitel ja mit Fragezeichen versehen. Und letztendlich ist doch ein Forum dazu da, sowas zu klären

      nice WE
      schrieb am 10.02.07 10:37:47
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Hallo NOBODY_III !

      Ich bin hier schon längere Zeit nicht mehr investiert und habe das Unternehmen auch nicht "unter Beobachtung". Zudem bin grundsätzlich nicht mehr im chinesischen Markt investiert; daher kann ich Dir leider auch keinen Kommentar zu Sino geben.

      Du musst Dich auf jeden Fall nicht für Deinen Thread bzw. für Deine Verhaltensweise entschuldigen - Du bist weit davon entfernt, als Pusher zu agieren;) Da gibt es hier bei WO ganz andere User...

      Viel Erfolg bei Deinem Investment.

      Gruß Cyberhai
      schrieb am 10.02.07 20:55:40
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Um überhaupt eine Vorstellung von Sino Biopharm zu bekommen, hier eine Übersicht der Fundamentals:


      Ist zwar nicht gerade aktuell, aber das einzige, was unter Fundamentals zu finden war.

      Die Experten, die sich besser auskennen mit dem Unternehmen, posten bitte, was davon u.U. mittlerweile alles verkauft wurde.


      Principally engaged in the research and development production and sale of a series of biopharmaceutical products for the medical treatment of ophthalmic diseases and a series of modernised Chinese medicines and chemical medicines for the treatment of hepatitis; and the investment in sinoforeign equity joint ventures whose principal activities are the manufacture distribution and sale of pharmaceutical products.

      Business Review - For the year ended December 31 2005

      In spite of the challenging conditions in the pharmaceutical industry the Group reported outstanding performance and it was mainly attributable to its persistence in executing the proven business and human resources policies.

      In 2005 the pharmaceutical industry experienced fluctuation because of government policy changes in particular the pricing control policy squeezed the industry¡¦s profitability; the expiration of patents and the release of encouraged replication of products intensified competition; and the promulgation of the new pharmacopoeia to raise product quality led to increased production costs. Other factors aggravating competition included regulation on direct selling stringent pharmaceutical categorization and more medicine wholesale companies enter the market. Pharmaceutical organizations purchasing through centralized tendering also lowered profit further.

      The Group adjusted its sales and marketing strategy to cope with the changing market conditions. Riding on its established sales network and thorough understanding of regional markets the Group conducted more academic promotions to reinforce its professional image and brandings. In addition the Group stepped up marketing to hospitals and pharmaceutical retailers and also actively developing third-tier end markets. Currently the Group employed over 1358 sales staff and its products are sold in 30 provinces cities and autonomous regions in the PRC.

      The Group adheres to a dual emphasis management concept of ¡§achieving results and containing crisis¡¨. Besides the Group¡¦s employees are its most important asset and one of its core competitive advantages. As such the Group adopts an effective staff incentive mechanism that links staff rewards and personal advancement with the Group¡¦s performance. The Group committed strong efforts towards research and development (¡§R&D¡¨) to strengthen its edges for future development. The R&D expenses contributed approximately 7.1% of the sales of the Group. The Group undertakes self-development and co-development of innovative drugs and self-development of generic drugs. To enhance its R&D capabilities the Group fully utilizes the society¡¦s R&D resources and power and conducts joint development projects with domestic and international R&D institutes.

      The Group emphasizes on intellectual property rights to new drugs. 2005 was a rewarding year for the Group in terms of filing and securing patent for its products and technology. During the year it filed 212 invention patents applications and obtained 17 patents. The Group has an accumulation of 322 patents of which 21 secured patents which included 12 invention patents 2 utility models patent and 7 apparel design patents. The announced product invention patents are 247. One patent that is worth mentioning is that of a new chemical compound extracted from Licorice for treating severe hepatitis and protecting liver by lowering enzyme level. The compound is used to produce Magnesium Isoglycyrrhizinate injections (¤Ñ´¸¥Ì¬ü¡Ð²§¥Ì¯ó»ÄÁâª`®g²G) and that of a new anti-viral drug for hepatitis with a new crystal of Adefovir Dipivoxil ¡V Adefovir Dipivoxil tablets (¤Ñ´¸±d¶§¤ù). It has laid the foundation for the Group to expand its business and extend its share in the hepatitis drug market.

      The Group has been focusing on developing specialty treatment product series and specialty brands. After years of efforts the Group has successfully developed its own line of hepatitis medicines and cardio-cerebral medicines; and has begun to actively develop its own analgesic medicines oncology medicines and respiratory system and anti-diabetic drugs etc.

      Source: Sino Biopharm (1177) Annual Results Announcement

      schrieb am 10.02.07 21:12:32
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      2006-9-4 09:48:00 a.m. HKT, XFNA
      Hong Kong-listed Sino Biopharmaceutical to establish China coal refining JV…

      2006-9-4 09:19:00 a.m. HKT, XFNA
      Sino Bio, Shaanxi government to set up 5 bln yuan China coal-olefin JV -…

      2005-7-7 07:01:00 p.m. HKT, XFNA
      HK-listed Sino Biopharma to book 1.42 bln hkd profit from Bausch & Lomb deal…

      Bausch & Lomb to take 55 pct stake in China eye-care business for 200 mln usd
      XFNA, Jul 6, 2005 03:00:00 p.m.…
      schrieb am 10.02.07 21:36:41
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      SINO BIOPHARM<01177> - Results Announcement

      Sino Biopharmaceutical Limited announced on 13/11/2006:
      (stock code: 01177 )
      Year end date: 31/12/2006
      Currency: HKD
      Auditors' Report: N/A
      Interim/Quarterly report reviewed by: Audit Committee

      (Unaudited )
      (Unaudited ) Last
      Current Corresponding
      Period Period
      from 01/01/2006 from 01/01/2005
      to 30/09/2006 to 30/09/2005
      Note ('000 ) ('000 )
      Turnover : 536,941 593,287
      Profit/(Loss) from Operations : 132,807 130,489
      Finance cost : (1,883) (1,709)
      Share of Profit/(Loss) of
      Associates : N/A N/A
      Share of Profit/(Loss) of
      Jointly Controlled Entities : N/A N/A
      Profit/(Loss) after Tax & MI : 94,913 1,569,286
      % Change over Last Period : -94 %
      EPS/(LPS)-Basic (in dollars) : 0.0419
      -Diluted (in dollars) : N/A N/A
      Extraordinary (ETD) Gain/(Loss) : N/A N/A
      Profit/(Loss) after ETD Items : 94,913 1,569,286
      3rd Quarter Dividend : 1 cent 1.5 cents


      wir haben schon ein neures Ergebnis:
      schau mal,

      um den 1x Effekt hab ich mich nicht gekümmert, ich kanns aber mal tun, wenns einen interessiert.

      Der Profit wird sich eher bei 200 Mille einpendeln
      2,264 Mill shares stehen darußen: also 9 cent pro Aktie.
      schrieb am 10.02.07 21:56:07
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Sino Biopharmaceutical Limited (1177)

      2006 Interim Report

      31 Seiten…


      Interim Report 2006

      For the six months ended 30 June, 2006, the Group recorded the following operational

      – Revenue from continuing operations was approximately HK$330.82 million, a decrease
      of approximately 9.1% against the same period last year;

      Profit attributable to the Group from continuing operations was approximately
      HK$57.44 million, approximately 20.4% higher than in the same period last year;

      Basic earnings per share from continuing operations were HK2.54 cents, approximately
      14.4% higher than in the same period last year;

      – Sales of new products accounted for 17.2% of the Group’s total revenue;

      – Cash equivalents and bank balance as at 30 June, 2006 was approximately
      HK$1,742.91 million;

      – For the six months ended 30 June, 2006, the Board of Directors (the “Directors”)
      declared an interim dividend payment of HK 1 cent per share; plus the dividend of HK
      1 cent paid in the first quarter, a total of HK 2 cents will be paid for the first two
      quarters of the year.

      4 Sino Biopharmaceutical Limited

      Interim Report 2006

      Sino Biopharmaceutical Limited (the “Company”), together with its subsidiaries and jointlycontrolled
      entity (the “Group”), is an integrated pharmaceutical enterprise. Applying
      advanced biotechnology and modernized Chinese medicinal technology, the Group researches,
      develops, manufactures and markets a vast array of health enhancing biopharmaceuticals,
      modernized Chinese medicines and chemical medicines.

      The Group focuses on two core therapeutic categories: cardio-cerebral diseases and hepatitis,
      and also actively develops medicine for treating oncology, analgesia, respiratory system,
      diabetes and digestive system diseases to meet the increasing demands of the market,
      medical practitioners and patients.
      Cardio-cerebral medicines: Kaishi (Alprostadil) injections, Spring (Purarin) injections
      Hepatitis medicines: Ganlixin (Diammonium Glycyrrhizinate) injections and
      capsules, Tianqingfuxin (Marine) injections and capsules
      Oncology medicines: Tianqingyitai (Zolebronate Acid) injections
      Analgesic medicines: Kaifen (Flurbiprofen Axetil) injections
      Products with great potentials include:
      Hepatitis medicines: Tianqingganmei (Magnesium Isoglycyrrhizinate) injections,
      Tianqingganping (Diammonium Glycyrrhizinate) enteric
      capsules, Adefovir Dipivoxil (Mingzheng) capsules
      Cardio-cerebral medicines: Tianqingganan (Glycerin and Fructose) injections
      Oncology medicines: Renyi (Pamidronate Disodium) injections
      Respiratory medicines: Tianqingzhengshu (Loratadine) tablets
      The Group’s medicines have received Good Manufacturing Practice (“GMP”) certifications
      issued by the State Food and Drug Administration (“SFDA”) of the People’s Republic of China
      (the “PRC”). They are in the following dosage forms: large volume injections, small volume
      injections, PVC-free soft bags for intravenous injections, capsules, tablets, powdered
      medicines and granulated medicines.
      The Company was awarded Forbes Asia’s Annual “Best 200 under a Billion” list within the
      Asia Pacific region. The Company was also awarded “Hong Kong Outstanding Enterprises
      2005” by Economic Digest and “Red Herring Small Cap 100” by Red Herring magazine. It
      was awarded “Chinese Outstanding Enterprise Achievement Prize” by Capital Magazine on
      22 May, 2006.

      Sino Biopharmaceutical Limited 5

      Interim Report 2006

      The Group’s principal subsidiary – Jiangsu Chia Tai – Tianqing Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
      (“JCTT”) and a jointly-controlled entity, Beijing Tide Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (“Beijing Tide”)
      have been designated as “High and New Technology Enterprise” and “Advanced Technology
      Enterprise”. Beijing Chia Tai Green Continent Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (“CTGC”), another
      subsidiary, has been designated as “High and New Technology Enterprise”.
      JCTT, Beijing Tide and Chia Tai Qingchunbao Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (“CTQ”) ranked
      amongst top 50 enterprises in the Chinese Medicine Entity Independent Audited Enterprises
      based on aggregated profit for 2005 according to Chinese Medicine Economic Statistic

      JCTT and CTQ ranked amongst top 50 enterprises in the “2005 National Pharmaceutical
      Industry’s Best Innovative Enterprise” according to the announcement by “Chinese Medicine
      Economic Statistic Network”.
      The research department of JCTT was recognized as the “Postdoctoral Research &
      Development Institute” by the PRC’s Ministry of Personnel. It is the country’s unique “New
      Hepatitis Medicine Research Center”.
      Website of the Group:
      For China’s pharmaceutical industry, 2006 is a year of consolidation, adjustment and
      standardization. “High medical fees leading to difficulty in obtaining medical treatment” has
      become a key concern of the Chinese people and the Government. As the medical reform
      advances, laws and regulations are fine-tuned and regulatory efforts are stepped up. That
      plus the Government’s continuous effort to suppress prices and clamp down on replica
      medicines by applying effectively the medicine approval system and pricing method, vicious
      competition created by replica medicines in the market has been suppressed. The intensifying
      price and product competition in the market have seen sales increased. The phenomenon
      favors companies with strong advantages giving them larger shares of the market and has led
      to more severe polarization in the industry. The development will benefit large pharmaceutical
      companies with proven advantages, and ultimately help to rationalize profit attribution along
      the value chain. The future better-regulated pharmaceutical industry in China will be brandfocused
      and will grow through mergers and acquisitions. Companies with prominent brands,
      sound technologies, abundant resources, outstanding management and scale advantages will
      emerge as winners after the adjustment and standardization concluded.


      To cope with the current industry adjustments and policy changes, the management is
      actively adjusting the Group’s strategies based on thorough study of the possible impacts that
      regulations may have on its operations. Boasting unique products, strong R&D capabilities,
      brand supremacy, an extensive sales network, patented products and state-of-art technologies,
      the Group will strengthen promotion of its corporate and product brands. It will reinforce

      6 Sino Biopharmaceutical Limited

      Interim Report 2006

      internal governance to lower operation costs and adjust its product R&D structure to focus on
      main product development. To boost sales, it will conduct more academic promotions for
      main products and products with great potentials, reinforce development of third-tier end
      markets (village and town hospitals, public health hospitals, public health centers, public
      health clinics, private clinics) and retail markets. Leveraging JCTT’s “People’s Safe Medicine
      Enterprise” in “Safe Medicine for Everyone” status, won at an event jointly organized by
      Health Times magazine, China Health magazine, Health Digest magazine and People’s Health
      magazine in 2005, the Group has been actively promoting its brands. At the same time,
      taking into account and pinpointing the characteristics of different products, the Group has
      sought to exploit new sales channels, such as setting up a non-prescription medicine (OTC)
      team to target the retail market and embarking on direct sales via TV channels, to increase
      revenue, enlarge market share and lower sales costs for health care medicine. All those
      policies were introduced in the second quarter.
      On 29 July, 2006, the Group’s Tianqingganmei (Magnesium Isoglycyrrhizinate raw materials
      and injections) won the gold medal in “The Third Chinese International Patented and Famous
      Brands Exhibition” organized by State Intellectual Property Office of the PRC. The Group
      holds a patent certificate of independent intellectual property right to Tianqingganmei which
      was introduced to the market in November 2005. It is the world’s first Magnesium
      Isoglycyrrhizinate with chemical compound patent protection that was independently
      developed by JCTT. Because of the product’s unique structure which gives it multiple medical
      functions and outstanding pharmacokinetics and liver targeting advantages, it has become
      the most popular product among hepatitis medicines.
      During the period under review, the Group recorded revenue from continuing operations of
      approximately HK$330.82 million, approximately 9.1% lower than in the corresponding
      period last year, the second quarter showed approximately 27.8% more than the first quarter.
      Profit attributable to the Group from continuing operations amounted to approximately
      HK$57.44 million, representing an increase of approximately 20.4% from that in the same
      period last year, and the second quarter showed approximately 8% more than the first
      quarter. Basic earnings per share from continuing operations were approximately HK2.54
      cents, approximately 14.4% more than last year and the second quarter showed
      approximately 8.2% more than the first quarter. New products accounted for approximately
      17.2% of the Group’s total turnover. The Group had cash equivalent and bank balance of
      approximately HK$1,742.91 million, an increase of approximately 606.8% from the level in
      the same period last year.
      The Group’s principal profit contributors are JCTT, Beijing Tide, Nanjing Chia Tai Tianqing
      Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (“NJCTT”) and CTQ.
      Cardio-cerebral medicines
      Cardio-cerebral medicines are mainly manufactured by Beijing Tide and NJCTT, representing
      approximately 24.8% of the Group’s turnover. Produced by Beijing Tide, the segment’s major
      product Kaishi injections is the first Prostaglandin El target sustained release medicine in the
      PRC. Based on the Drug Delivery System (DDS) theory, this product has been awarded many

      Sino Biopharmaceutical Limited 7

      Interim Report 2006

      national prizes and its sales has been increasing. The revenue of Kaishi amounted to
      HK$156.67 million in the review period.
      NJCTT and JCTT are engaged in the manufacturing of the Spring PVC-free soft bags for
      intravenous injections and the Spring (Purarin) injections. Spring injections was named
      “China’s Consumers Satisfactory Branding” in March 2006 by the China’s Medium-Light
      Products Quality Assurance Center. However, despite that Spring PVC-free soft bags for
      intravenous injections and the Spring injections are famous supreme products with assured
      quality, with them under scrutiny of the government, hospitals have been more cautious on
      prescribing the medicines. Thus, their sales dropped approximately 34.3% to HK$17.36
      million for the six months ended 30 June, 2006, when compared with the same period last
      The Tianqingganan (Glycerin and Fructose) injections introduced by NJCTT in April 2004 has
      been well-received by the market. For the six months ended 30 June, 2006, sales of the
      product during the first six months amounted to HK$8.21 million, approximately 78.8% more
      against the same period last year.
      Hepatitis medicines
      JCTT is responsible for the R&D and manufacture of hepatitis medicines, which recorded sales
      of HK$198.73 million during the period under review, accounted for approximately 60.1% of
      the Group’s turnover. Since the administrative protection period of its major product Ganlixin
      injections and capsules was expired, many replica products have emerged in the market,
      resulting in intensified competition which dragged down prices. Its turnover amounted to
      HK$119.12 million. Tianqingfuxin injections and capsules, another major product for
      combating hepatitis virus, reported sales of HK$48.34 million.
      An adequate expedient dosage being protected by intellectual property right, Tianqingganping
      enteric capsules launched in May 2004, recorded persistent sales surge reaching HK$23.67
      million, a growth of approximately 22.8% compared with the same period last year.
      Using a new chiral compound extracted from Licorice, as well as restructured and purified,
      the Tianqinganmei injection is for treating severe hepatitis by lowering enzyme level. With
      exclusive intellectual property right, the product was launched in November 2005 and
      reported strong sales exceeding HK$5.65 million in the past six months. It is expected to soon
      become another “blockbuster drug” of the Group. Adefovir Dipivoxil raw material and
      capsules (Mingzheng capsules) has received the new medicine certificate and production
      approval from SFDA. It is expected that the product is deemed to be another blockbuster
      product with sales exceeding HK$100 million among the Group’s hepatitis medicines.
      JCTT has built a foundation in hepatitis treatment with a series of liver protecting and treating
      medicines focusing on lowering enzyme level and combating hepatitis virus, fatty liver and
      alcohol liver. The Group has become the biggest manufacturer and producer of hepatitis
      medicine in the PRC.

      8 Sino Biopharmaceutical Limited

      Interim Report 2006

      Oncology medicines

      Developed and manufactured by JCTT and NJCTT, Tianqingyitai injections was launched in
      January 2005 for easing pain caused by osteolytic bone metastasis. With remarkable
      therapeutic effects, the new oncology medicine immediately captured the attention of
      medical practitioners and patients. The sales of Tianqingyitai amounted to HK$16.23 million
      in the first six months, up approximately 69.9% when compared with the same period last
      year. Representing approximately 4.9% of the Group’s total turnover, oncology medicines
      have great growth potentials and are expected to become strong drivers of the Group’s sales
      and profit.
      Analgesic medicines
      In 2005, Beijing Tide launched another new Flurbiprofen micro-sphere target sustained
      release analgesic injection which is also based on DDS theory, Kaifen injections. Enabled by
      advanced El target technology, the product boasts strong pain relieving effect and minimal
      side effects and has been well received by medical practitioners. In 2005, it also received the
      “National New Product” certificate, which was jointly awarded from the PRC’s Ministry of
      Science and Technology, the PRC’s Ministry of Commerce, the PRC’s General Administration
      of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and the State Environmental Protection
      Administration of China. The product has been on the growth path since it was launched.
      However, with the sales of analgesic medicines under government scrutiny, improving sales of
      the product will take time.


      The Group continues to focus R&D efforts on therapeutic medicines for cardio-cerebral
      diseases, hepatitis, oncology, analgesia, respiratory system and diabetes. During the period
      under review, the Group received 9 production approvals or new medicine certificates from
      the SFDA. A total of 64 cases had completed clinical research, under clinical trial or applying
      for production approval. The R&D testing work of the Group also progressed smoothly.
      It is worth to mention Adefovir Dipivoxil (Crystal Form E) raw material and capsules
      (Mingzheng capsules), a product that the Group has independent intellectual property right,
      received the new medicine certificate and production approval in May 2006 from the SFDA.
      The product can quickly and effectively suppress the replication of type B hepatitis virus with
      no cross medicine resistance, meaning it has prolonged control on the disease and promising
      long-term medical effect. The product has been launched to the market in 12 July and the
      sales of that month was reached over HK$3 million. Adefovir Dipivoxil has thus been included
      as a first-tier medicine for treating chronic type B hepatitis by authoritative professionals both
      domestically and internationally. Backed up by the Group’s extensive hepatitis medicine sales
      network, the product is deemed to be another blockbuster product with sales exceeding
      HK$100 million in among the Group’s hepatitis medicines.
      During the period under review, the Group filed 6 invention patent applications with the
      State Intellectual Property Office, and obtained 2 invention patents and 8 announced product
      invention patents. As at 30 June, 2006, the Group had accumulated 336 patents, 276
      announced product invention patents, 26 secured patents of which 17 were invention
      patents, 2 were utility model patents and 7 were design patents.

      By Order of the Board
      Sino Biopharmaceutical Limited
      Tse Ping
      PRC, 12 September, 2006


      Das Results Announcement ist bereits unter # 2 von MFC500 gepostet worden.
      schrieb am 10.02.07 22:08:53
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Verkauf von
      Shandong Chia Tai Freda Pharma /ophthalmic-osteoarthritis)

      1,406 Mill.
      schrieb am 10.02.07 22:34:07
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      hallo dosto,

      Danke für Deine Infos!

      um den 1x Effekt hab ich mich nicht gekümmert, ich kanns aber mal tun, wenns einen interessiert.

      wäre schön.

      Interessieren würde auch, welchen Ruf das Unternehmen in China hat, denn dort werden ja die Kurse gemacht.

      Die 13 % Plus am Freitag kommen sicher nicht von Jux und Dollerei oder weil der Med.-Bereich gerade im Fokus steht. Man wird sehen, wie es weitergeht.

      Das, was nach dem Verkauf vom Pharmabereich noch übriggeblieben ist, dürfte wesentlich wertvoller sein, als die meisten Pharma/Med.Companies, die hier im Forum empfohlen werden., auch wenn sich das nicht sofort in spektakulären Gewinnen auszahlt wie bei anderen namhaften Pharma-Unternehmen auch. Aber wenn dann mal der Durchbruch in einem Bereich gelingt, ist die Aktie nicht mehr zu halten. Das Warten dürfte sich dann gelohnt haben.

      China wird durch die 1 Kind Politik mit der Alterspyramide noch mehr Probleme kriegen als z.B. Deutschland, und davon profitiert die Pharma/Med.Branche in 1. Linie.

      Zu dem 1 x Effekt hatte sich auch iwiw schon gemeldet:

      # 94 vom 09.02.07

      Bleib fair.
      Sino Biopharm hat aus Pharmageschäft ein KGV von ca. 20. Das niedrige KGV stammt aus Einmalgewinnen von abgegebenem Geschäft. Der Gewinn daraus wird zum wesentlichen Teil in die Gewinnung von Kohlewasserstoffen aus Kohle gesteckt werden, so dass Pharma nur noch die zweite Geige in dem Unternehmen spielen wird.

      So wie ihr hier alle pushed und ständig neue Mitstreiter akquiriert muss man als "älterer Hase" bald nachdenklich werden ob es nicht bald massive Rückschläge bei den Kursen hagelt.



      So long

      schrieb am 11.02.07 11:51:29
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Optisch ist natürlich der Interim Report viel besser aufgemacht:…

      Deshalb habe ich in # 12 auch darauf verzichtet, alle möglichen Passagen hervorzuheben.

      Ich fürchte nur, daß die wenigsten sich an die "Überwindung der Barriere 31 Seiten" heranmachen. Das wäre allerdings sehr wichtig, wenn man erkennen will, ob dei Sino Biopharm etwas dahintersteckt oder ob uns da mehr oder weniger Luftnummern vorgegaukelt werden.

      Damit es wirklich nicht untergeht, hier nochmal wichtige Passagen aus dem Interim Report:

      The Group’s medicines have received Good Manufacturing Practice (“GMP”) certifications
      issued by the State Food and Drug Administration (“SFDA”) of the People’s Republic of China
      (the “PRC”). They are in the following dosage forms: large volume injections, small volume
      injections, PVC-free soft bags for intravenous injections, capsules, tablets, powdered
      medicines and granulated medicines.
      The Company was awarded Forbes Asia’s Annual “Best 200 under a Billion” list within the
      Asia Pacific region. The Company was also awarded “Hong Kong Outstanding Enterprises
      2005” by Economic Digest and “Red Herring Small Cap 100” by Red Herring magazine. It
      was awarded “Chinese Outstanding Enterprise Achievement Prize” by Capital Magazine on
      22 May, 2006.

      Es ist also nicht so, daß hier ein anerkannter Ladenhüter besprochen wird. ;)

      The Group’s principal subsidiary – Jiangsu Chia Tai – Tianqing Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
      (“JCTT”) and a jointly-controlled entity, Beijing Tide Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (“Beijing Tide”)
      have been designated as “High and New Technology Enterprise” and “Advanced Technology
      Beijing Chia Tai Green Continent Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (“CTGC”), another
      subsidiary, has been designated as “High and New Technology Enterprise”.
      JCTT, Beijing Tide and Chia Tai Qingchunbao Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (“CTQ”) ranked
      amongst top 50 enterprises in the Chinese Medicine Entity Independent Audited Enterprises

      based on aggregated profit for 2005 according to Chinese Medicine Economic Statistic

      The research department of JCTT was recognized as the “Postdoctoral Research &
      Development Institute” by the PRC’s Ministry of Personnel.
      It is the country’s unique “New
      Hepatitis Medicine Research Center”.

      Bei aller Erkenntnis, daß die Pharma/Med.-Branche aufgrund der 1 Kind Politik und die daraus resultierende Überalterung der Bevölkerung einen Boom erleben wird, trüben Informationen über gedrückte Preise etwas die Stimmung. (Das kennen wir allerdings schon aus eigener Erfahrung im Zusammenhang mit der Gesundheitsreform).

      Von dieser Problematik ist in folgender Passage die Rede:


      For China’s pharmaceutical industry, 2006 is a year of consolidation, adjustment and
      “High medical fees leading to difficulty in obtaining medical treatment” has
      become a key concern of the Chinese people and the Government. As the medical reform
      advances, laws and regulations are fine-tuned and regulatory efforts are stepped up. That
      plus the Government’s continuous effort to suppress prices and clamp down on replica
      medicines by applying effectively the medicine approval system and pricing method, vicious
      competition created by replica medicines in the market has been suppressed.
      The intensifying
      price and product competition in the market have seen sales increased. The phenomenon
      favors companies with strong advantages giving them larger shares of the market and has led
      to more severe polarization in the industry. The development will benefit large pharmaceutical
      companies with proven advantages, and ultimately help to rationalize profit attribution along
      the value chain.
      The Future better-regulated pharmaceutical industry in China will be brandfocused
      and will grow through mergers and acquisitions. Companies with prominent brands,
      sound technologies, abundant resources, outstanding management and scale advantages will
      emerge as winners after the adjustment and standardization concluded.

      To boost sales, it will conduct more academic promotions for
      main products and products with great potentials, reinforce development of third-tier end
      markets (village and town hospitals, public health hospitals, public health centers, public
      health clinics, private clinics) and retail markets

      Leveraging JCTT’s “People’s Safe Medicine
      Enterprise” in “Safe Medicine for Everyone” status, won at an event jointly organized by
      Health Times magazine, China Health magazine, Health Digest magazine and People’s Health
      magazine in 2005, the Group has been actively promoting its brands. At the same time,
      taking into account and pinpointing the characteristics of different products, the Group has
      sought to exploit new sales channels, such as setting up a non-prescription medicine (OTC)
      team to target the retail market and embarking on direct sales via TV channels
      , to increase
      revenue, enlarge market share and lower sales costs for health care medicine. All those
      policies were introduced in the second quarter.
      On 29 July, 2006, the Group’s Tianqingganmei (Magnesium Isoglycyrrhizinate raw materials
      and injections) won the gold medal in “The Third Chinese International Patented and Famous
      Brands Exhibition” organized by State Intellectual Property Office of the PRC.

      The Group
      holds a patent certificate of independent intellectual property right to Tianqingganmei which
      was introduced to the market in November 2005. It is the world’s first Magnesium
      Isoglycyrrhizinate with chemical compound patent protection that was independently
      developed by JCTT.
      Because of the product’s unique structure which gives it multiple medical
      functions and outstanding pharmacokinetics and liver targeting advantages, it has become
      the most popular product among hepatitis medicines.

      Cardio-cerebral medicines are mainly manufactured by Beijing Tide and NJCTT, representing
      approximately 24.8% of the Group’s turnover
      . Produced by Beijing Tide, the segment’s major
      product Kaishi injections is the first Prostaglandin El target sustained release medicine in the
      PRC. Based on the Drug Delivery System (DDS) theory, this product has been awarded many national prizes and its sales has been increasing. The revenue of Kaishi amounted to
      HK$156.67 million in the review period.

      Using a new chiral compound extracted from Licorice, as well as restructured and purified,
      the Tianqinganmei injection is for treating severe hepatitis by lowering enzyme level. With
      exclusive intellectual property right, the product was launched in November 2005 and
      reported strong sales exceeding HK$5.65 million in the past six months. It is expected to soon
      become another “blockbuster drug” of the Group
      . Adefovir Dipivoxil raw material and
      capsules (Mingzheng capsules) has received the new medicine certificate and production
      approval from SFDA. It is expected that the product is deemed to be another blockbuster
      product with sales exceeding HK$100 million among the Group’s hepatitis medicines.

      As at 30 June, 2006, the Group had accumulated 336 patents, 276
      announced product invention patents, 26 secured patents of which 17 were invention
      patents, 2 were utility model patents and 7 were design patents.
      schrieb am 11.02.07 19:37:54
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      hallo iwiw,

      Schau bitte mal in Dein Postfach.


      schrieb am 12.02.07 10:35:53
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Kurs 1.37 HKD + 5,38 %

      Day's Range: 1.31 - 1.43
      52wk Range: 0.88 - 1.78

      Vol. 2.568.000
      schrieb am 13.02.07 13:54:23
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      In Hong Kong dominieren heute Gewinnmitnahmen.

      Kurs 1.34 HKD - 2,19 %

      Da ist aber ganz gesund so nach dem deutlichen Kursanstieg der letzten Tage.

      Day's Range: 1.31 - 1.37
      52wk Range: 0.88 - 1.78
      Volume: 1,824,000
      schrieb am 23.02.07 11:16:22
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Sino Biopharm ist inzwischen von 1,30 auf 1,50 HKD geklettert.

      Wenn das so ruhig in der Form weitergeht, kann man nicht meckern.

      schrieb am 07.03.07 11:24:26
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Kurs aktuell 1.35 HKD + 3.846 % - Vol. 688.000
      schrieb am 05.04.07 11:54:40
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Sino Biopharm (1177) '06 NP $141M, dn 91%; fin div $0.02
      2007/04/03 17:21

      (Infocast News) Sino Biopharmaceutical (1177) posted a net profit of $141.172 million for 2006, down 90.79% from a year ago. The EPS were $0.0624. A final dividend of $0.02 per share was declared.


      Hängt wahrscheinlich mit dem folgenden Einmal-Effekt zusammen:

      2005-7-7 07:01:00 p.m. HKT, XFNA
      HK-listed Sino Biopharma to book 1.42 bln hkd profit from Bausch & Lomb deal

      Das war zu erwarten. Die Aktie gab gestern 6 HK-Cent auf 1,30 HKD nach.




      For the year ended 31 December, 2006, the Group recorded the following operational results:
      – Revenue from continuing operations was approximately HK$734.65 million, a decrease
      of approximately 2.8% against the same period last year;
      Profit attributable to the Group from continuing operations was approximately
      HK$141.17 million, approximately 29.6% higher than profit before fair value
      adjustment for derivative financial instrument in the same period last year;
      – Basic earnings per share from continuing operations were HK 6.24 cents;

      – Sales of new products accounted for approximately 26.7% of the Group’s total revenue;

      – Cash and cash equivalents as at 31 December, 2006 was approximately HK$1,684.16
      million; and
      – The Board of Directors (the “Directors”) has recommended a final dividend payment of
      HK2 cents per share. The Company adopts a quarterly dividend payout policy. Together
      with the dividend of HK3 cents per share paid for the first three quarters, the total
      dividend for the year will be HK5 cents per share.

      On 30 August, 2006, the Company, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Chia Tai Refined
      Chemical Industry Limited, entered into a joint venture agreement with three companies to
      establish Shaanxi Xinxing Energy Chemical Industry Limited, which is engaged in the
      refining of coal into methanol to low carbon olefin (MTO) chemical products. The project
      was approved at the Company’s extraordinary general meeting held on 12 October, 2006.…
      schrieb am 14.05.07 09:57:00
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Sino Biopharm (1177) buys 51% stk in Jiangsu Qingjiang
      2007/05/11 11:31

      (Infocast News) Sino Biopharmaceutical (1177) has agreed to acquire 37.28% equity interest in Jiangsu Chia Tai Qingjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Jiangsu Qingjiang) and, in order to increase its equity interests in Jiangsu Qingjiang to 51%, to contribute an amount of money to Jiangsu Qingjiang. The total consideration is RMB20.4 million ($20.196 million).

      Sino Biopharmaceutical also ahreed to increase its equity interest in Nanjing Chia Tai Tianqing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (NJCTT) by 4.6% to 25% at a consideration of US$303,200 (approximately $2.365 million). Jiangsu Chia Tai-Tianqing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a 60%-owned subsidiary of Sino Biopharmaceutical, holds the remaining 51% stake in NJCTT.

      Jiangsu Qingjiang is principally engaged in the production of pharmaceutical products, in particular, treatment for adhesive capsulipis and osteoarthritis. NJCTT is principally engaged in the manufacturing of modernized Chinese medicines and chemical medicines for the treatment of cardio-cerebral diseases and tumors in Nanjing City.


      Die Aktie steigt intraday um 5,19 % auf 1,42HKD (Tageshoch 1.50 HKD) - Vol. 6.060.000 - P/E 22,76
      schrieb am 14.05.07 16:33:12
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      14/05/2007 16:58 01177 SINO BIOPHARM Results Announcement 84KB, PDF…

      For the three months ended 31 March, 2007, the Group recorded the following operational
      Revenue was approximately HK$226.86 million, an increase of approximately 56.2% over
      the same period last year;

      Profit attributable to the Group was approximately HK$32.16 million, approximately
      16.4% higher than the same period last year;
      Basic earnings per share were HK1.42 cents, approximately 16.4% higher compared with
      the same period last year;
      – Cash and cash equivalents as at 31 March, 2007 was approximately HK$1,741.92 million;
      – The Company adopts a quarterly dividend payout policy. The Board of Directors (the
      “Directors”) declared a quarterly dividend payment of HK1 cent per share for the first
      quarter ended 31 March, 2007.
      schrieb am 15.05.07 16:08:23
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Sino Biopharm präsentierte ein starkes Quartal…
      schrieb am 24.06.07 14:07:34
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Im Zuge der jüngsten Aufwärtsbewegung hat sich auch Sino Biopharm endlich mal etwas bewegt.

      Die Aktie konnte 13,6 % auf 1,67 HKD zulegen.

      schrieb am 11.07.07 11:04:42
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Kurs heute 1,76 HKD + 1,73 % (Tageshoch 1,79)

      Bis zum 52 Wochen Hoch von 1,81 HKD ist es nicht mehr weit.

      schrieb am 30.07.07 10:48:34
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Qualität setzt sich durch.

      SINO BIOPHARM steigt heute ohne besondere Meldungen um 14,20 % auf 1,85 HKD. (Tageshoch 2,04 HKD) :look:

      Volume: 14,120,000

      Am 20.07. gab es noch folgendes Announcement:


      (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)
      (Stock code: 1177)

      The Board announces that Ms. Zhao Yanping has resigned as an executive director of the Company
      with effect from 20th July, 2007 due to her cessation of employment with the Company.
      The board of directors (the “Board”) of Sino Biopharmaceutical Limited (the “Company”) announces
      that Ms. Zhao Yanping (“Ms. Zhao”) has resigned as an executive director of the Company with effect
      from 20th July, 2007 due to her cessation of employment with the Company. Ms. Zhao confirmed that she
      has no disagreement with the Board and there is no matter that needs to be brought to the attention of the
      shareholders of the Company.
      Taking this opportunity, the Board would like to express its gratitude to Ms. Zhao for her valuable
      contribution to the Company during her tenure of office.
      By Order of the Board
      Sino Biopharmaceutical Limited
      Tse Ping
      the People’s Republic of China, 20th July, 2007
      schrieb am 31.07.07 11:45:15
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Anscheinend haben die Börsianer jetzt entdeckt, daß die großen Pharmawerte Nachholbedarf haben.

      Sino Biopharm kann heute weiter kräftig zulegen:

      Kurs 2.08 HKD + 12,43 % (Tageshoch 2,20 HKD) :look:

      52wk Range: 0.88 - 1.81
      Volume: 15,110,000
      schrieb am 06.09.07 12:21:07
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()


      For the six months ended 30 June, 2007, the Group recorded the following operational results:

      – Turnover was approximately HK$503.82 million, an increase of approximately 52.3% over the
      same period last year;

      – Profit attributable to the Group was approximately HK$86.06 million, approximately 49.8%
      than the same period last year; :)

      – Basic earnings per share were HK 3.80 cents, approximately 49.6% higher compared with the
      same period last year;

      – Cash and cash equivalents as at 30 June, 2007 was approximately HK$1,759.72 million.

      For the second quarter ended 30 June, 2007, the Board of Directors (the “Directors”) declared the
      dividend payment of HK 1.5 cents per share; plus the dividend of HK 1 cent paid in the first quarter, a
      total of HK 2.5 cents will be paid for the first two quarters.…

      19 Seiten
      schrieb am 19.09.07 11:04:17
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      16:34 01177 SINO BIOPHARM Financial Statements

      Interim Report 2007 (541KB, PDF)…
      schrieb am 06.11.07 10:07:23
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      DJ MARKET TALK: Sino Biopharm +0.6%; An Undervalued Gem - DBS Nov 06, 2007 12:10…


      Die Zahlen kommen am 13.11.

      Die Aktie kann heute 8,33 % auf 1,69 HKD zulegen. Ist auch ziemlich runtergeprügelt worden und gilt als unterbewertet. 52 Wochen Hoch lag bei 2,20 HKD.

      schrieb am 11.11.07 11:42:02
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      01177 SINO BIOPHARM Announcements and Notices
      schrieb am 14.11.07 11:25:48
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      14/11/2007 17:46 01177 SINO BIOPHARM Announcements and Notices - [Quarterly Results / Dividend or Distribution / Closure of Books or Change of Book Closure...More]

      For the nine months ended 30 September, 2007, the Group recorded the following operational results:
      Turnover was approximately HK$839.30 million, an increase of approximately 56.3% over the
      same period last year;

      Profit attributable to the Group was approximately HK$148.44 million, approximately 56.4% higher than the same period last year;

      Basic earnings per share were HK6.56 cents, approximately 56.6% higher compared with the same period last year;


      – Cash and cash equivalents as at 30 September, 2007 was approximately HK$1,840.80 million.

      For the third quarter ended 30 September, 2007, the Board of Directors (the “Directors”) declared the dividend payment of HK1.5 cents per share; plus the dividend of HK1 cent paid for the first quarter and HK1.5 cents paid for the second quarter, a total of HK4 cents would be paid for the first three quarters.…
      schrieb am 15.11.07 17:35:21
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      15.11. / 06:27 DBS ups Sino Biopharmaceutical Target To HK$2.58 Dao Heng Securities (HK)…


      Kurs heute 1,69 HKD

      Ziel lt. DBS 2,58 HKD (Potential 52,66 %)

      Hoffentlich wird das von den Anlegern registriert.
      schrieb am 29.11.07 12:00:11
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()

      (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)

      (Stock code: 1177)


      16:34 01177 SINO BIOPHARM Circulars - [Connected Transaction / Continuing Connected Transaction / Discloseable Transaction]
      schrieb am 27.03.08 19:33:51
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()



      For the year ended 31 December, 2007, the Group recorded the following operational results:

      Turnover was approximately HK$1,164.27 million, an increase of approximately 58.5% over the same period last year;

      Profit attributable to the Group was approximately HK$224.35 million, approximately 58.9% higher than the same period last year;

      Basic earnings per share were HK9.91 cents, approximately 58.8% higher compared with the same period last year;

      – Sales of new products accounted for approximately 41.6% of the Group’s total revenue; and
      – Cash and cash equivalents as at 31 December, 2007 was approximately HK$1,775.75 million.

      For the year ended 31 December, 2007, the Board of Directors (the “Directors”) recommended a final
      dividend payment of HK2 cents per share. Together with the dividend of HK4 cents per share paid in
      the first three quarters, the total dividend for the year will be HK6 cents per share.…
      schrieb am 08.04.08 16:32:40
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      16:16 01177 SINO BIOPHARM

      2007 Annual Report (1086KB, PDF)…

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      Wer kennt Sino Biopharm (1177.HK)? Aussichtsreiche China-Aktie mit P/E 1,87?