
    The less bumpy way to ride e-commerce = Rakuten (Seite 978)

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 10.07.18 14:10:34
      Beitrag Nr. 1.131 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 58.177.208 von FlankerStan am 10.07.18 13:23:55Was heißte denn angallen?
      schrieb am 10.07.18 14:08:16
      Beitrag Nr. 1.130 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 58.177.208 von FlankerStan am 10.07.18 13:23:55Ist klar. 3018 also, das habe ich mir auch gedacht. Fragt sich nur, ob es die Pommesbude dann noch geben wird.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 10.07.18 14:01:40
      Beitrag Nr. 1.129 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 58.177.208 von FlankerStan am 10.07.18 13:23:55 Richtig ist allerdings auch, dass Rakuten im Fintechbereich bisher unter eigenen Namen bis auf vereinzelte Engagement in Südasien bisher nicht im Ausland aufgetreten ist.

      Man darf aber nicht übersehen, dass Rakuten über Rakuten Capital in 14 Fintech Unternehmen, die fast alle im Ausland liegen, mit Minderheitsbeteiligungen investiert hat.
      schrieb am 10.07.18 13:23:55
      Beitrag Nr. 1.128 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 58.174.544 von FlankerStan am 10.07.18 08:22:09
      Und noch besser sind die 800 Millionen US-Dollar Fintechgewinne, die 3018 angallen werden…

      Selbst mit einem KGV von nur 25, was bei dem vorgelegten Wachstum eher niedrig ist, ergibt sich dadurch für den gesamten Fintechbereich von Rakuten schon ein Fair Value von 20 Milliarden - und der Fintech-Bereich von Rakuten macht nur etwas weniger als 40% der Aktivitäten von Rakuten aus.
      5 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 10.07.18 08:22:09
      Beitrag Nr. 1.127 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 58.174.463 von FlankerStan am 10.07.18 08:13:41
      Das läuft auf mindestens 4 Milliarden US-Dollar Fintech-Umsätze in 2018 hiinaus…
      6 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.

      Trading Spotlight

      Nurexone Biologic
      0,3210EUR -0,62 %
      Einzigartiges Medikament löst Milliarden-Problem?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 10.07.18 08:13:41
      Beitrag Nr. 1.126 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 58.173.410 von FlankerStan am 09.07.18 22:35:51
      Was daran negativ sein soll, dass 38% des Umsatzes inzwischen aus dem Fintech-Bereich kommt
      - und damit der Anteil des simplen E-Commerce sinkt, der aber immerhin noch ordentlich wächst, aber nicht mehr so schnell wie die anderen Bereiche, kann ich nicht nachvollziehen.
      7 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.07.18 22:35:51
      Beitrag Nr. 1.125 ()
      Dass die zerrupften Versicherer von Rakuten nicht begeistert sind, ist klar. Daher werden sie auch nicht unbedingt Aktien von Rakuten kaufen, obwohl das ein aus rationaler Sicht m.E. eine schlechte Entscheidung ist, da man sich bei seinen Anlagenentscheidungen von Emotionen frei machen sollte.

      Anstelle der Versicherungskohle müsen eben andere Anleger einspringen. Und die werden das auch tun, aber das benötigt eben seine Zeit - obwohl da Kurssprünge nicht auszuschließen sind.
      8 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.07.18 22:28:02
      Beitrag Nr. 1.124 ()
      Tech players disrupt the insurance industry
      Rakuten‘s acquisition of Asahi Fire & Marine this week could be a portent of how tech players around the world are set to disrupt the insurance industry.

      The acquisition of Asahi Fire & Marine is not Rakuten’s first foray into financial services. It already has interests in credit cards, banking, securities, life insurance, payment services and electronic money. In Germany, it has invested in insurtech startup Simplesurance. By leveraging its customer base through big data, Rakuten’s financial services revenues now contribute 38% of its overall sales.

      But Asahi Fire & Marine is bigger than most of those businesses. According to Nomura, revenue for the last full financial year, in March 2017, was US$910 million.
      schrieb am 09.07.18 20:03:05
      Beitrag Nr. 1.123 ()
      After "english-nization", Rakuten started his "AI-nization"
      In Japan, more than 70% of Rakuten's customer contacts are already chatbots. Worldwide, 450 experts have been recruited to apply the AI ​​to the group's different professions. And thanks to the RIT Paris, France is not left out.

      To advance its e-commerce business, the Japanese Rakuten relies on four growth drivers : open e-commerce ( partnerships with retailers ), the international, the sale in own (in Japan for now ) ... and technological innovation. As a tech company like Amazon , Alibaba or, it has a major advantage: the Japanese market advance in many areas, starting with logistics.and the mobile. He also built the Rakuten Institute Technology (RIT), which employs 130 researchers, including fifteen in Paris, to bridge the gap between the academic world and the needs of the group: "The work we are doing there find their applications after a few months. months or years, while the Google or Facebook labs are much more fundamental research and aim to advance the state of the art, "says LSA Laurent Ach, director of RIT Paris.

      But by clearing the projects of the RIT, a techno emerges immediately: the artificial intelligence, obviously perceived as an accelerator to deploy urgently on a maximum of trades of the group. "Just as Hiroshi Mikitani decided in 2010 'english-nization' of Rakuten, of which 92% of the employees speak English today, he is launching an 'AI-nization', confirms Fabien Versavau, general manager Assistant to Rakuten France, 450 experts have been recruited to apply the AI ​​to the group's various businesses. "We already have more than 30 active chatbots, many based on IBM's Watson technology.", adds Masaya Mori, RIT world director, met in Tokyo.In Japan, more than 70% of the customer contacts are already treated by chatbots.Masaya Mori also evokes the projects of" creative AI ", for example able to generate a content varies depending on what users want to see, or voice command to search for products or contact customer service.

      A very advanced French RIT

      In France, for example, the RIT Paris office put artificial intelligence at the service of structuring the catalog and enriching the product sheets. "From the text and images sent by the sellers of our marketplace for each article, we use deep learning to automatically extract additional attributes," says Laurent Ach. For example, when the merchant describes an item as a blue cotton summer robé, the AI ​​can complete this description by indicating that the dress is strapless.

      An important challenge for a platform that markets as many references as Rakuten France (200 million cumulating the new and opportunity), both in terms of user experience and SEO. This project has gone into production at the former Priceminister. But advances in image recognition, which for example also identify clothing and accessories in a fashion photo, also have utility for an affiliation activity like that of the US site Ebates (Rakuten group) , which will link to a product for sale somewhere.

      AI passes bearings

      "We also worked with marketing teams to predict, with machine learning, the lifetime value of members based on their acquisition channel and increase the effectiveness of our marketing levers," adds Laurent Ach. The manual rules for choosing which products to highlight on the comparators, the affiliation and all these channels had reached a plateau. "The RIT has developed a model, based on machine learning, which generalizes the approach of these rules to develop the acquisition of traffic of these levers and increase the profitability of the campaigns."

      Better exploit data

      More generally, artificial intelligence is becoming an essential tool to exploit the group's data. And for Laurent Ach, Rakuten still has some work to do. "We could use our data more systematically than today, although we are less visible on these topics than Google or Facebook, which may be too far in some respects, but our data is still underutilized. So we're working to fix it, because our ecosystem-based operation, which encourages our users to move from one service to another, makes the potential of our data even more obvious, so we're working hard on this in collaboration with industry. and the countries of the group, "he concludes.…
      schrieb am 09.07.18 19:57:49
      Beitrag Nr. 1.122 ()
      Viber inks top-up partnership with Greek retail network
      Viber has inked a partnership with Netlink, a retail network in Greece. The deal means Viber users can top up their Viber Out account by paying in cash in over 4,000 Netlink-affiliate retail locations all over Greece, taking advantage of low-cost international calls over the Viber VoIP service.…
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      The less bumpy way to ride e-commerce = Rakuten