
    DISNEY (DIS, 855686) - der größte Medien- und Unterhaltungskonzern - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 28.11.07 11:09:46 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 28.11.07 11:09:46
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      ich beobachte DIS schon ne weile, aktuell gehts nur abwärts, da wohl die Investoren vermehrt von einer Rezession in den USA ausgehen, was auf die Spendierlaune der Amis negativen Einfluss haben könnte.

      Wenn man von einer Konjunkturdelle ausgeht, dürfte DIS bei einer beruhigung der aktuellen lage auch Kursmässig am Boden angekommen sein...

      eachstum immer so um 10-12%, allein die Divi von 1% stört mich ein bisserl...

      Ist jemand von Euchj investiert?

      Hier noch eine schöne aktuelle zusammenfassung der DIS-Situation aus der FTD.

      Gruss space

      Dossier Disney - Bezaubernd und verwünscht zugleich
      von Jens Korte
      In den USA ist gerade der neue Disney-Film \"Enchanted\" (\"Verwünscht\") angelaufen. Er handelt von einer Trickfilmprinzessin, die sich plötzlich im realen New York der Gegenwart wiederfindet. Klingt hübsch - im wirklichen Leben verzaubert die Disney-Aktie die Anleger derzeit jedoch kaum.

      Ob Prinzessin Giselle auch den Weg an die Wall Street findet? Prinzessinnen stehen zumindest hoch im Kurs. Der Markt rund um den Mädchentraum ist auf rund 4 Mrd. $ angeschwollen. Das Cinderella-Schloss wird täglich von Horden Drei- bis Sechsjähriger in Ballkleidern bestürmt. Die Kleinen lassen sich die Nägel lackieren, ein Make-up verpassen oder die Haare möglichst majestätisch richten. Um das Marktpotenzial zu erweitern, zielt Disney mit Prinzessinnen-Krippen oder Windelunterlagen jetzt auch auf Neugeborene ab.

      Die Investoren an der Wall Street waren von der Disney-Aktie im bisherigen Jahresverlauf jedoch weniger verzaubert. Nachdem der Kurs im April mit rund 36 $ den höchsten Stand seit Dezember 2000 erreicht hatte, ging es mit der Aktie in den vergangenen Monaten abwärts. Dabei fielen die jüngsten Geschäftszahlen durchaus vielversprechend aus. Trotz Anzeichen einer konjunkturellen Abschwächung in den USA meldeten die Vergnügungsparks ein Gewinnwachstum von neun Prozent im vierten Quartal. Die Mediensparte schaffte sogar ein Wachstum von 25 Prozent und die Sparte Consumer Products einen Anstieg um zehn Prozent. Lediglich die Filmstudios konnten an die Erfolge wie \"Fluch der Karibik\" aus dem Vorjahr nicht anknüpfen und meldeten einen Einbruch um 21 Prozent.

      Der schwache Dollar, der gegenüber dem Euro erst in dieser Woche auf ein neues Rekordtief gefallen ist, kam Walt Disney nicht ungelegen. \"Zum einen ist die USA-Reise etwa für Europäer und Japaner günstiger geworden. Zum anderen ist die Europareise für Amerikaner teurer geworden\", sagt David Bank, Medienanalyst von RBC Capital Markets. Weshalb der Familienurlaub häufig auf Disneyland oder Disney World beschränkt wird. Allerdings kühlt die US-Konjunktur ab. \"Bisher zeigt sich das bei den Besucherzahlen noch nicht. Doch viele Investoren fürchten, dass sich das ändern könnte. Diese Sorge hat die Aktie zuletzt belastet\", sagt Bank.

      Ähnlich wird die Situation für die Medien- und TV-Sparte eingeschätzt. Im abgelaufenen Quartal verbuchte vor allem der Sportsender ESPN Zuwächse. Ebenfalls zu Disney gehört der Kabelsender ABC. Bei geringerem Wirtschaftswachstum oder eventuell sogar einer Rezession in den USA dürften die Werbeeinnahmen deutlich sinken. \"Disney ist ein Makro-Call\", sagt David Joyce, Analyst von Miller Tabak. \"So wie die US-Konjunktur läuft auch die Disney-Aktie.\" Im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr wurde der Gewinn konzernweit von knapp 3,4 auf über 4,5 Mrd. $ gesteigert. Laut Citigroup-Analyst Jason Bazinet wird der Gewinn 2008 auf unter 4,3 Mrd. $ abkühlen.

      Als wachstumsreichster Geschäftszweig gilt der Consumer- Products-Bereich mit dem Lizenzgeschäft. Walt Disney sei die Premiummarke schlechthin im Unterhaltungssektor, sagt Analyst Bank. Um die Marken besser zu nutzen, entwickelt Disney verstärkt eigene Videospiele rund um die Kinofilme. \"Das Risiko ist zwar etwas größer, als wenn man die Entwicklung Dritten überlässt. Aber dafür ist auch der potenzielle Gewinn deutlich höher\", sagte Bank. Laut einer jüngsten Bloomberg-Erhebung empfehlen 18 von 30 Analysten die Aktie zum Kauf. Zwölf Analysten bewerten die Aktie mit halten. Doch so wie Joyce und Bank schätzen für den Moment die meisten Experten die derzeitige Situation ein: Sollte die US-Konjunktur weiter abkühlen, gilt Disney nicht als das Investment der Stunde. Doch bei einer Wiederbelebung der US-Wirtschaft könnte es einer der Profiteure sein.
      schrieb am 29.11.07 08:24:38
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Bin gestern zur Börseneröffnung in NYC eingestiegen. war vieleciht gar nicht schlecht der zeitpunkt...
      Dividende wird gesteigert, zudem unten noch einen aktuelle Chartbericht.

      Gruss space

      Walt Disney Boosts Annual Dividend To 35c From 31c
      By Monica M. Clark
      Last Update: 4:16 PM ET Nov 28, 2007
      DIS boosted its annual dividend 12.9% to 35 cents from 31 cents. The Burbank, Calif., family-entertainment and media enterprise said the dividend is payable on Jan. 11 to shareholders of record Dec. 7. Walt Disney shares closed up 3%, or 97 cents, at $32.69. End of Story

      WALT DISNEY - Nachfrageseite meldet sich!

      The Walt Disney Company (Nachrichten/Aktienkurs) - Kürzel: DIS - ISIN: US2546871060

      Börse: NYSE in USD / Kursstand: 32,85 $

      Kursverlauf vom 05.09.2004 bis 28.11.2007 (log. Kerzenchartdarstellung / 1 Kerze = 1 Woche)

      Rückblick: Die WALT DISNEY Aktie befindet sich in einer mittelfristigen Kursrallye. Anfang Mai brach sie auf ein neues Mehrjahreshoch aus und etablierte eine Countertrendlinie als obere Begrenzung. In der ersten Jahreshälfte 2007 prallte sie nach einem neuen Hoch bei 36,79 $ an dieser Linie nach unten hin ab und vollzog eine dynamische Zwischenkorrektur. Diese Korrektur fiel noch in den 31,03er Bereich zurück. Diese Marke wurde gleich 2 Mal erfolgreich getestet. Ausgehend davon stieg die Nachfrageseite und die Aktie wieder an. In den letzten Handelstagen setzte die Aktie erneut in diesen Bereich zurück und bietet demzufolge eine Longchance mit verbesserten Chance/Risiko Verhältnis.

      Charttechnischer Ausblick: Aufgrund der beschriebenen Stabilisierung besteht durchaus weiteres Erholungspotenzial bis an den Widerstand bei 36,79 $. Das negative Potenzial bis möglicherweise 31,03 $ steht weiterhin zur Debatte und muss als Restrisiko klassifiziert werden. Unter 31,03 $ sollte der Basiswert nicht mehr gehen, hier könnten dann auch antizyklische Longpositionen aufgelöst werden. Sobald die Aktie einen mittelfristigen Kursanstieg über 35,42 $ vollzieht, dürfte sofort unser langfristiges Kursziel bei 51,00 $ zum Tragen kommen. Kurzfristig wäre bereits ein Kursanstieg über 35,42 $ als zartes Kaufsignal zu interpretieren.

      schrieb am 30.11.07 10:58:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Disney Shares The Wealth

      Walt Disney, coming off a better-than-expected quarter, will use some of its growing profits to boost its payments to shareholders. The company's stock, however, is still not the best-yielding play in the entertainment sector.

      Walt Disney (nyse: DIS - news - people ) hiked its annual dividend by 12.9% to 35 cents per share. The dividend will be paid on January 11, 2008 to shareholders who held Disney stock on December 7th, 2007.

      "I’m delighted to say that 2007 was another outstanding year for the company, marked by significant creative and financial achievements," said Disney Chief Executive Officer Robert A. Iger. "With our strong balance sheet, bolstered by record 2007 earnings, Disney is in a good position to continue returning capital to shareholders even as we invest for growth."

      Despite the dividend increase, shares of Walt Disney fell 11 cents, or 0.3%, to $32.58, on Thursday, as investors may have anticipated the dividend bump.

      "The 12.9 percent increase in its cash dividend is a positive for Disney shareholders and in keeping with the pattern of increasing the company's cash payout by $0.04 annually the last few years," said BMO Capital Markets analyst Jeffrey Logsdon.

      Based on Thursday's share price, Disney's stock now yields 1.1%. According to Revere Data, that puts Disney in the middle of the pack for dividends among entertainment companies.

      CBS (nyse: CBS - news - people )'s stock yields 3.7% annually. The EMI Group (other-otc: EMIPY - news - people )'s stock yields 3.2% annually. Viacom (nyse: VIA - news - people )'s stock yields 0.7% annually.

      Disney, headquartered in Burbank, Calif., is a diversified entertainment company. It operates TV networks, theme parks, and movie studios.

      The company is benefiting from strong performances at its television networks. During the fourth-quarter, sales at the networks jumped 14.3% to $4.0 billion. Its networks include ABC and ESPN. (See: "Disney Does Well, But Can The Magic Last?")

      The division helped the company post better-than-expected profits. It announced earlier this month a fourth-quarter profit on the continuing operations basis used by analysts of 42 cents per share. Analysts had expected 41 cents per share. (See: "Disney Does Well, But Can The Magic Last?")
      schrieb am 30.11.07 13:17:08
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Disney reportedly to lift stake in India's UTV Software, take management control
      By New Delhi
      Last update: 5:57 a.m. EST Nov. 30, 2007
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      NEW DELHI (MarketWatch) -- U.S. based Walt Disney Co. plans to acquire an additional 11%-15% stake in India's UTV Software Communications Ltd. for INR1,250 a share and gain management control of the company, the Hindustan Times reported Friday, citing unnamed industry sources.
      Walt Disney, which acquired a 14.85% stake in UTV at INR200 a share in August 2006, is likely to buy the fresh shares through a private placement, the report said.
      UTV Chairman Ronnie Screwvala and his associates currently own 30.67% of the company, and this stake will likely fall to 26% after the sale of fresh shares to Walt Disney, the report said.
      The deal is expected to close in December, the report added.
      schrieb am 03.12.07 15:17:22
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()

      Attention Business Editors
      D-BOX Closes Deal With Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment

      Beginning with "The Game Plan," Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment
      will include D-BOX MOTION CODE(TM) on select High Definition Blu-ray
      Disc(R) titles

      LONGUEUIL, QC, Dec. 3 /CNW/ - D-BOX Technologies Inc. (TSX-V: DBO.A)
      announced today that it has closed a licensing agreement with Walt Disney
      Studios Home Entertainment (WDSHE) to feature D-BOX MOTION CODETM on select
      Blu-ray Disc releases. D-BOX MOTION CODE(TM) will initially be featured on
      WDSHE's "The Game Plan," which will be available in high-def only on Disney
      Blu-ray Disc on January 22, 2008.
      The addition of the D-BOX MOTION CODE(TM) to the high quality picture and
      sound of the Blu-ray format will transport movie-viewers in the comfort of
      their homes to a new dimension and let them be part of the movie. Of course,
      only those homes equipped with D-BOX motion generation systems will enjoy the
      full benefit of the Blu-ray Disc-embedded with D-BOX MOTION CODE(TM).
      "This is a very special time for D-BOX, as our technology will be used by
      another one of the largest movie studios worldwide," stated Claude Mc Master,
      President and Chief Executive Officer of D-BOX Technologies. "As a Contributor
      member of the Blu-ray Disc Association, we also want to show our strong
      support for the high definition Blu-ray format. We are very proud of having
      Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment on board as it will undoubtedly
      accelerate the penetration of our technology worldwide and will significantly
      enhance our efforts to become a world standard in the entertainment industry."
      "With the amazing picture and sound quality of our High Definition
      Blu-ray titles, D-BOX MOTION CODETM Technology is the perfect addition to
      further engage viewers in an immersive experience," added Gordon Ho, Executive
      Vice President of Worldwide Marketing, Creative Content and Business
      Development for Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment.

      About D-BOX

      D-BOX Technologies designs and manufactures high-technology motion
      systems destined mainly for the entertainment industry. Its unique, patented
      technology uses motion codes specifically programmed for each film, TV program
      or video game, resulting in motion that is perfectly synchronized with
      on-screen action. By forming strong industry alliances, D-BOX's award-winning
      motion technology is creating a global standard in the entertainment world.
      For more information, please visit
      D-BOX(TM) is a registered trademark and Motion Code is a trademark of
      D-BOX Technologies Inc. Other names are for informational purposes only and
      may be trademarks of their respective owners.

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Certain statements included herein, including those that express
      management's expectations or estimates of our future performance, constitute
      "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities laws.
      Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates
      and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by management at this time,
      are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive
      uncertainties and contingencies. We caution that such forward-looking
      statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other risks that
      may cause our actual financial results, performance, or achievements to be
      materially different from our estimated future results, performance or
      achievements expressed or implied by those forward-looking statements.
      Numerous factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those in
      the forward-looking statements, including without limitation, our ability to
      achieve increased market acceptance for our product offerings and penetrate
      new markets; the existence of undetected errors or similar problems in our
      products; our ability to manage our growth; our ability to compete
      successfully; potential liabilities; maintaining our intellectual property
      rights and litigation involving intellectual property rights; our dependence
      on the expertise of our key personnel; and our access to sufficient capital to
      fund our future requirements. This list is not exhaustive of the factors that
      may affect any of our forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned not
      to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements. All subsequent written
      and oral forward-looking statements attributable to D-BOX or persons acting on
      our behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by this notice. We
      disclaim any intent or obligation to update publicly these forward-looking
      statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or
      otherwise. Risks and uncertainties about our business are more fully discussed
      in our Annual Report.

      The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy
      or accuracy of this release.

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      schrieb am 04.12.07 07:28:52
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Shanghai determined to build own Disney

      Kathy Wang and Benjamin Scent

      Tuesday, December 04, 2007

      A competitor to the already troubled Hong Kong Disneyland may emerge sooner than expected because Shanghai has expressed determination to build its own Disneyland theme park starting 2010, when it hosts the World Expo, according to mainland media reports.

      The proposed location for the attraction has switched from suburban Chuansha town in Shanghai's Pudong district to Chongming Island, the China Business Journal reported, quoting an unidentified source.

      Project investment has also increased to 40 billion yuan (HK$42.12 billion), from the previous plan of 30 billion yuan.

      Negotiations for a Shanghai Chuansha Disneyland was stopped last year when the probe into the city's pension fund began, the China Business Journal said.

      Walt Disney Corporation has resumed talks with the Shanghai government recently for a possible shift in location, according to the newspaper report.

      Chuansha's main advantage is its location. Only 10 minutes away from Shanghai Pudong International Airport, the easy access would allow airport transit passengers to visit the park for up to 48 hours without needing a visa.

      But as it is also within the Shanghai Pudong area, any future land expansion would be very difficult.

      Chongming Island, situated at the mouth of Yangtze River, has a population of 650,000 and an area of nearly 1,200 square kilometers. Its main advantage over Chuansha is that it is "virgin territory," according to the report.

      The undeveloped island is said to be more suitable for a theme park, allowing it to adopt the same model as Disney World Orlando in Florida and be a "back to nature" park.

      The Chongming county government has had plans to develop the island since 2004 and already set aside land for a theme park as part of its plans to develop the economy in an environmentally friendly way.
      schrieb am 04.12.07 12:55:02
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Walt Disney acquires iParenting Media
      By Simon Kennedy
      Last update: 6:11 a.m. EST Dec. 4, 2007
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      LONDON (MarketWatch) -- Walt Disney Co. said Tuesday that its Internet division has acquired iParenting Media in a deal intended to add to its line-up of family-targeted Web sites. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. "IParenting has built a strong, trusted reputation among parents, and we feel the site is a perfect complement to our overall portfolio," said Paul Yanover, managing director of Disney Online
      schrieb am 06.12.07 23:44:54
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      ist zwar nicht die riesen Position, aber immerhin:

      Disney Director Buys Shares
      Thursday December 6, 3:57 pm ET
      Disney Director Orin Smith Buys 3,100 Shares

      NEW YORK (AP) -- A director of entertainment company Walt Disney Co. bought 3,100 shares of common stock, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing Wednesday.

      In a Form 4 filed with the SEC, Orin Smith reported he bought the shares for $32.86 to $32.87 apiece.

      Insiders file Form 4s with the SEC to report transactions in their companies' shares. Open market purchases and sales must be reported within two business days of the transaction.

      Disney is based in Burbank, Calif.
      schrieb am 10.12.07 07:37:45
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Hier ne Analyse eines US-Brokers, ganz interessant. Übrigens, DIS notiert heute in den USA exD.

      Fund's managers swing wide for value
      Sound Shore finding relative bargains in tech, health care and media
      By Murray Coleman, MarketWatch
      Last update: 4:47 p.m. EST Dec. 9, 2007
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      SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- In a tough year for value-focused managers, the Sound Shore Fund's team is staying above water.


      Walt Disney Co.
      The managers are also bullish about Walt Disney Co.
      Free cash flow is key to evaluating media firms, DeGulis says. Disney's free cash flow is expected to equal about $2.35 per share in fiscal 2008, which ends in September.
      "That should be slightly above earnings of $2.15 a share," DeGulis said. "That's a very healthy situation. Generally for the S&P 500, free cash flow is about half of EPS."
      The most misunderstood piece of the entertainment giant is its ESPN property, he adds. It's part of Disney's cable networks unit, which has grown from about $1 billion in operating profits in 2002 to a forecasted $3.7 billion in fiscal 2008. "We expect that to represent about half the entire company's operating profit," DeGulis said.
      While ESPN is the engine, the Disney Channel and other cable networks also provide support. "Their original programming in sports and entertainment is proving to be very popular," DeGulis said. "They've got they've got the best pure-play content of anybody in the business."
      He adds that sports-viewing demand is growing in double-digits each year. "ESPN just signed a long-term deal with the international cricket league, which is immensely popular in the U.K. and Asia," DeGulis said. "We think ESPN has 10-15% earnings growth easily for the next five years."
      Shares of Disney rose 7 cents to $32.79 on Friday. End of Story.
      Murray Coleman is a reporter for MarketWatch in San Francisco
      schrieb am 12.12.07 07:24:38
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      China Said to Block U.S. Films

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      Published: December 11, 2007

      SHANGHAI, Dec. 11 — China has stopped granting permission for American films to be shown in its cinemas in an apparent trade dispute with the United States, according to several Hollywood executives and United States government officials.

      The Chinese government has not announced any ban, but American movies are no longer being approved for release early next year, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

      The Chinese action, these officials said, may be in retaliation for the United States decision last April to file an intellectual property rights case with the World Trade Organization. The filing was meant to pressure China to more strictly enforce its intellectual property rights laws and to give American companies greater access to the Chinese market.

      At high-level economic talks held in Beijing today, United States government officials said they had raised the issue of the ban or suspension of film approvals, but the officials did not say how China responded.

      According to the officials, Chinese leaders expressed strong displeasure with the decision to file the intellectual property rights case earlier this year.

      The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, which regulates China’s film industry, declined to comment. A spokeswoman at the agency’s Beijing office said by telephone that if a ban was in place it would have been publicly announced.

      “If you can find the regulation banning films, it means we have; if you cannot find any information on our Web site, it means we haven’t,” said the spokeswoman, who declined to give her name.

      China already has restrictions on foreign films shown here, limiting them to about 20 a year, but Hollywood has been pressing for greater access to Chinese cinemas. Films shown here must also pass Chinese censors and are often edited heavily.

      China may also be moving to protect its own film industry. Foreign films — mostly from the United States — typically account for nearly half of China’s box office revenues, which topped $350 million in 2006.

      This year, the Hollywood film “Transformers” was the top film at the Chinese box office.

      The month of December, though, is generally set aside for Chinese films, so there are few American films now being shown in Chinese cinemas.

      Hollywood executives said they were very worried about talking about any ban, which they say has been rumored in China for more than a month.

      In recent weeks, Hollywood officials say they have attempted to submit films for approval to be shown early next year and the films were either not accepted by regulators or the requests were ignored or delayed.

      “It’s not that they aren’t approving, you’re just not hearing anything from them,” one Hollywood executive said.

      Officials working for three of the biggest studios operating here, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Warner Brothers and Walt Disney, all declined to comment today.

      The Motion Picture Association of America, which has been pressing for greater market access and more enforcement of intellectual property rights laws, was not available for comment today.

      The trade dispute over movies is just one among many now playing out between China and the United States, involving everything from currency reform to food safety to China’s booming trade surplus.

      Among the worries in China is that the United States and the European Union may be moving toward increasing protectionism as a way to ease trade deficits.

      Intellectual property rights are also a leading area of dispute. Last April, the office of the United States trade representative filed a case against China with the World Trade Organization concerning intellectual copyrights and market access. It covers authors and producers of books, music, movies and other goods.

      The largest and most prominent of those goods are American movies, which are popular in theaters in China but also widely available on counterfeit DVDs in most large cities, particularly those films that have never been released in China.

      Earlier this year, after the United States filed its case, Chinese officials complained it would not help cooperation between the two countries.

      “I don’t deny that I.P.R. infringement and piracy occurs in the Chinese market, but that doesn’t mean the United States is founded to file complaints against China in the W.T.O.,” said Wang Ziqiang, a spokesman for China’s National Copyright Administration.

      Chinese officials say they have moved aggressively to crack down on copyright violations and piracy and destroyed more than 70 million counterfeit goods in 2006.
      schrieb am 14.12.07 19:34:00
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      14.12.2007 19:11
      Walt Disney: Verzweifelte Haufrauen verkaufen sich gut
      Burbank, California ( - Bei Walt Disney (Nachrichten/Aktienkurs) laufen die Geschäft derzeit blendend, glaubt jedenfalls die UBS. Die Schweizer hoben den Medienkonzern jetzt auf „Kaufen“ an (vorher: „Neutral“) mit einem Kursziel von 39 Dollar. Der Sportkanal ESPN laufe gut und der TV-Kanal Disney Channel entwickle neue Programme. Außerdem expandierten die Themenparks (Disneyland) dank der Verwendung von Figuren aus den den Trickfilmen der Tochter Pixar. Daneben verkaufe sich die TV-Serie „Verzweifelte Hausfrauen“ („Desperate Housewives“) auf den Weltmärkten blendend.

      Der Dow-Titel klettert 0,76% auf 33,01 Dollar.
      (© BörseGo AG 2007 -, Autor: Maier Gerhard, Redakteur)
      schrieb am 19.12.07 07:44:10
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      The Walt Disney Company Executives to Discuss Fiscal First Quarter 2008 Financial Results via Webcast

      Last update: 3:19 p.m. EST Dec. 18, 2007
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      BURBANK, Calif., Dec 18, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- The Walt Disney Company will announce fiscal first quarter 2008 financial results via a live audio Webcast beginning at 4:30 p.m. EST / 1:30 p.m. PST on Tuesday, February 5, 2008 (results will be released at approximately 4:01 p.m. EST / 1:01 p.m. PST). To listen to the Webcast, point your browser to The discussion will be available via re-play through February 19, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. EST / 4:00 p.m. PST.
      SOURCE: The Walt Disney Company

      The Walt Disney Company
      schrieb am 23.01.08 09:03:38
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Report: Disney to launch Japanese cellphone service
      Los Angeles Business from bizjournals

      Walt Disney Co. is planning on launching a new cellphone service in Japan on March 1, according to Tuesday reports.

      Disney's Japan unit said it will become a mobile virtual network operator using Softbank Corp.'s pricing plans and sales channels, according to Dow Jones reports. The partnership was initially reported on in November.

      Burbank-based Disney (NYSE: DIS) discontinued two similar services in the U.S. in recent years, with Disney Mobile announcing in September that it was stopping service at the end of 2007 and Mobile ESPN shutting down in September 2006.
      schrieb am 30.01.08 07:44:08
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      die Disney-Aktien reißen zur Zeit gar nix, gestern jetzt auch noch ein Verkaufsbefehl. Ich denke aber, langfristig ein gutes Invest.

      Gruss space

      UPDATE: Analyst Sees Disney Park Pitfalls; Shares Drop1-29-08 3:03 PM EST | E-mail Article | Print Article

      LOS ANGELES (Dow Jones) -- Shares of Walt Disney Co. dropped Tuesday after the entertainment giant was downgraded by a Wall Street analyst over concerns about theme park business.
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      Citigroup's Jason Bazinet cut Disney (DIS) to sell from hold and reduced his target price to $26 a share from $36, saying that weakness in the company's parks business could be on the horizon.

      Bazinet said in a note to clients that the probability of selling out rooms at Disney's East Coast properties slipped during the last three months of 2007 vs. the year before. He added spot pricing for hotel rooms was down, and that weakness was spilling over to forward pricing.

      Disney hotel rooms also were cheaper to book one week prior to travel than three months ahead from October to January, Bazinet noted.

      "This suggests the calendar [fourth quarter] demand Disney anticipated did not materialize, prompting last-minute rate reductions to fill vacant rooms," Bazinet said.

      Disney shares were down 3.8% in recent action to $28.27.

      Bazinet noted there has been no issue with strategy or execution by Disney management. Instead, his concerns stem from whether the company will be able to sustain robust results at the parks.

      He offered one caveat: that he had similar concerns in 2007 that never materialized.

      "But now, as we enter 2008, we are getting increasingly concerned that Disney's strategy and strong execution may simply get overshadowed by macroeconomic forces. That is, as energy costs remain stubbornly high, the housing market falters, and equity values pull back, we think it's only natural for consumer spending to slow," Bazinet wrote.

      (END) Dow Jones Newswires
      Copyright (c) 2008 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
      schrieb am 01.02.08 11:45:03
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.209.129 von spaceistheplace am 30.01.08 07:44:08hier was von CRAMER...recht hat er...

      Gruss space

      Jim Cramer's Mad Money In-Depth, 1/31/08: Disney's Mickey Mouse Downgrade
      posted on: February 01, 2008 | about stocks: DIS / HOLX / JCP / RL
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      Stocks discussed in the in-depth session of Jim Cramer’s Mad Money TV program, Thursday,January 31. Click on a stock ticker for more analysis:

      Ralph Lauren (RL) and J.C Penney (JCP)

      Cramer said he was including homebuilders, financials and retailers in his little black book of loved stocks. One may wonder why there was a selloff after the rate cut and before the eventual rally, and Cramer attributes the decline to thoughtless negativity which does not reflect the fact that the "cycle has turned." He would buy JCP, down 41% year-over-year and RL, down 26% on two "undeserved" downgrades, before the February 19th launch of American Living, JCP's and RL's joint venture. "I call it a kind of aspiration, apparel and home products game... and it's going to be huge. It's a way of feeling rich when you don't have any money." Cramer likes the balance between high-end RL and lower-end JCP and believes JCP CEO Mike Ullman that American Living will be a billion dollar concept.

      Disney (DIS)

      Cramer called Citi's downgrade of Disney a "miscarriage of justice." The analyst was concerned about the sustainability of Disney's theme parks, which comprise only 22% of the company's revenue; "Citi only talks about DIS's theme park business. Nothing about their cable properties, broadcasting, DVD sales or film... How could he not mention ESPN?" DIS' CFO brought data proving the theme parks are doing better than they were last year. Cramer notes Disney has a 15% long-term growth rate and trades at a mere 13.8x earnings; 'I happen to believe it is the right time to buy DIS for the next 12 days, let alone the 12 months... let alone the 12 years.'
      schrieb am 01.02.08 20:23:27
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      01.02.2008 18:47
      Walt Disney: Broker streiten vor Quartalszahlen
      Burbank, California ( - Der Medienkonzern Walt Disney Co. (News/Aktienkurs) meldet kommenden Dienstag seine aktuellen Quartalszahlen. Der Broker Oppenheimer&Co. zeigt sich im Vorfeld optimistisch. Oppenheimer-Analyst Jason Helfstein hob heute den Dow-Titel auf "Outperform" an (vorher: „Perform" , das entspricht „Neutral"). Helfstein rechnet damit, dass die Kalifronier am Dienstag die Erwartungen schlagen. Begründung: Er rechne mit guten Ergebnissen von den Themenparks und Freizeitanlagen des Mischkonzerns. Außerdem zeige die Aktie im Vergleich zum S&P 500 Index die niedrigste Bewertung seit 5 Jahren. Oppenheimer steht damit in Opposition zu Citi Investment Research. Der Analyst Jason Bazinet hatte Disney bereits am Dienstag auf „Verkaufen“ heruntergestuft. Bazinet befürchtet, dass die schwache US-Konjunktur auch den Besucherstrom in den Disney-Parks einschränkt. Analyst Doug Creutz vom Broker Cowen&Co. vergibt die Note „Neutral“ und verweist ebenfalls auf die schwache Konjunktur.
      schrieb am 03.02.08 10:41:37
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Disney CEO Iger Inks 5-Year Deal

      02/01/08 - 04:31 PM EST

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      SAN FRANCISCO -- Disney(DIS - Cramer's Take - Stockpickr) signed Chief Executive Robert A. Iger to a new five-year contract.

      The media and theme park conglomerate said Friday that Iger's contract will end Jan. 31, 2013. His old deal would've expired in September 2010.

      Iger became CEO of Disney in September 2005, following the increasingly tempestuous tenure of longtime chief Michael Eisner.

      Shares of Disney, which closed Friday off 2.7% to $30.64, steadily climbed after Iger took the helm, but began slumping during the past seven months. In total, Disney's stock has now risen 21% in Iger's two-and-a-half year term.

      Disney also signed a new five-year deal with CFO Thomas O. Staggs, to expire April 1, 2013.
      schrieb am 04.02.08 22:57:41
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      netter FOOL-Artikel zu DIS. Ist immer wieder nett zu lesen...

      Gruss space…
      schrieb am 05.02.08 09:27:07
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      heute kommen nachbörslich die Quartalszahlen, hier ein "Vorbericht".

      Gruss space

      Disney profit expected higher on TV improvement
      By David B. Wilkerson, MarketWatch
      Last update: 10:02 p.m. EST Feb. 4, 2008
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      CHICAGO (MarketWatch) -- Walt Disney Co. is expected to report higher fiscal first-quarter earnings Tuesday afternoon, excluding a year-earlier gain, on higher revenue at its broadcast and cable networks.
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      DIS 30.90, +0.24, +0.8%) is expected to earn 52 cents a share on $10 billion in revenue, according to a survey of analysts by Thomson Financial.
      In its fiscal first quarter a year earlier, Disney's profit was 79 cents a share, including a gain from sales of interests in E! Entertainment and Us Weekly. Excluding the gain, the company would have earned 50 cents a share on revenue of $9.73 billion.
      Oppenheimer & Co. analyst Jason Helfstein expects broadcast TV revenue at Disney to rise 7% to $1.75 billion due to higher advertising rates at the ABC network, despite an 11% drop in primetime ratings in the key adult 18-49 category. The segment should also be helped by DVD sales for "Lost: Season 3."
      Helfstein sees cable network revenue climbing 10% to $2.4 billion on strong advertising rates. Laura Martin of Soleil-Media Metrics says the unit will benefit from strong results at ESPN.
      Following News Corp.'s assessment on Monday that there are no signs of an advertising slowdown despite the shaky U.S. economy, Disney will be expected to offer its analysis of the situation. See related story
      One standout in the prior year was studio operations, where the DVD releases of "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest," "Cars" and a re-release of "Little Mermaid" pushed sales for the unit 29% higher to $2.6 billion. Against this difficult comparison, Helfstein says revenue will slip to $2.56 billion.
      Helfstein is upbeat about Disney's theme parks, expecting a revenue increase of 10% to $2.7 billion on strong holiday season attendance.
      However, analysts will be listening carefully to Disney's outlook at the theme parks. Citigroup analyst Jason Bazinet said in a note last month that it may be difficult for the parks to continue to execute as well as they have in the past year.
      "(A)s we enter 2008, we are getting increasingly concerned that Disney's strategy and strong execution may simply get overshadowed by macroeconomic forces. That is, as energy costs remain stubbornly high, the housing market falters, and equity values pull back, we think it's only natural for consumer spending to slow," Bazinet wrote. End of Story
      David B. Wilkerson is a reporter for MarketWatch in Chicago.
      schrieb am 05.02.08 23:19:48
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      schöne zahlen von Disney, nacxhbörslich gehts gerade 4,5% hoch. Zuerst auf Deutsch, danach alles ausführlich.

      Gruss space

      Walt Disney kann Umsatz und Gewinn unerwartet deutlich steigern

      Burbank, CA ( AG) - Der Medien- und Entertainment-Konzern Walt Disney Co. (ISIN US2546871060/ WKN 855686) gab am Dienstag nach US-Börsenschluss die Zahlen für das erste Fiskalquartal 2007/08 bekannt. Dabei konnte der US-Konzern aufgrund einer positiven Entwicklung in allen Bereichen die Umsatz- und Gewinnerwartungen übertreffen.
      Der Nettogewinn belief sich auf 1,25 Mrd. Dollar bzw. 63 Cents je Aktie, nach 1,70 Mrd. Dollar bzw. 79 Cents je Aktie im Vorjahreszeitraum. Der bereinigte Gewinn verbesserte sich dagegen um 29 Prozent auf nun 63 Cents je Aktie. Analysten waren im Vorfeld von einem EPS von 52 Cents ausgegangen.

      Der Umsatz verbesserte sich im Berichtszeitraum von 9,58 Mrd. Dollar auf nun 10,45 Mrd. Dollar. Analysten hatten zuvor Erlöse von 10,04 Mrd. Dollar erwartet.

      Für das laufende zweite Fiskalquartal 2007/08 prognostizieren die Analysten ein EPS von 48 Cents bei Umsatzerlösen von 8,39 Mrd. Dollar.

      Die Aktie von Walt Disney schloss heute an der NYSE bei 30,24 Dollar (-2,14 Prozent). (05.02.2008/ac/n/a)

      Quelle: 05.02.2008 22:21:00

      hier der offizielle Quartalsbericht:…
      schrieb am 05.02.08 23:34:06
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      und noch ein schöner Bericht zu den zahlen:…
      schrieb am 05.02.08 23:35:22
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      ist eigentlich noch jemand ausser mir in diesen klasischen Wachstumswert investiert?

      Gruss mit der Bitte um outing...
      schrieb am 05.02.08 23:40:38
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Disney reported a net profit of $1.25 billion, or 63 cents per share, down 27% from the same period last year but beating consensus estimates of 52 cents per share.
      also bei 62 cent gegenüber 52 cent erwartet, da nehmen sich die 5& Aufschlag nachbörslich noch gediegen...
      Gruss space
      schrieb am 07.02.08 10:54:07
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Wieder mal ein schöner Fool-Artikel zu DIS.

      Disney Makes Bears Look Goofy
      By Rick Aristotle Munarriz February 6, 2008

      6 Recommendations

      Just last week, Citi analyst Jason Bazinet downgraded Disney (NYSE: DIS), fearing that weakening consumer spending trends and anecdotal evidence of last-minute resort discounting would eat into the family-entertainment giant's performance.


      Disney is trouncing Wall Street's expectations, as it has during every single quarter under CEO Bob Iger's tenure. (Check out the previous quarter's topper).

      Fiscal first-quarter revenue climbed 9% to nearly $10.5 billion. Earnings -- before asset-sale gains and one-time items from a year ago -- soared 29% to $0.63 a share. Analysts expected a profit of just $0.52 a share on $10 billion in revenue.

      Three of Disney's four segments -- media networks, theme parks, and consumer products -- generated double-digit top-line gains. Operating margins widened at all three. The lone holdout was Disney's studio division, but that was a given, since it was competing against last year's fiscal first quarter, during which DVD sales of Cars, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, and a Platinum Release of The Little Mermaid sold briskly.

      Making a difference
      Iger referred to what the company is calling "The Disney Difference" during yesterday's conference call. Disney feels that it is in a more recession-resistant position than its competitors. No leisure company may be completely insulated from an economic slowdown, but Disney's various moving parts prove that its unique promotional ecosystem is enough to keep it afloat during lean periods.

      Take a look at any of Disney's non-studio divisions. Media networks rose, despite the dearth of fresh prime-time content on ABC late in the season. How could this be? We'll get a clearer picture when rival CBS (NYSE: CBS) posts its quarterly results later this month, but we know that Disney was helped by strength at its all-weather cable properties like The Disney Channel and ESPN.

      Theme parks? Though Bazinet feared that Disney would come undone here first, attendance and per-capita spending were up at both coastal resorts. Regional amusement-park operators like Six Flags (NYSE: SIX) and Cedar Fair (NYSE: FUN) may be suffering at the turnstiles, but Disney has been able to set itself apart as an aspirational brand that's worth saving up for.

      Bears who argue that Bazinet's suggestion of weakness at Disney's resorts will come into play during the current quarter will be disappointed. Disney noted that bookings are ahead of last year's pace. To be fair, next month's Easter holiday will fall during the current quarter. The school break came in April last year.

      Brands on the run
      Internal estimates at Disney find that consumers spent 13 billion hours collectively consuming Disney-branded content last year. Ten billion of those hours were spent glued to The Disney Channel. Another 800 million hours were spent at its theme parks, with 1.2 billion hours spent consuming Disney movies at theaters, on DVDs, and through Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) iTunes digital downloads. The last billion hours were spent everywhere else, no doubt consuming Disney's websites and virtual communities.

      No one can milk a successful franchise like Disney. Disney began the call alluding to the box-office success of Hannah Montana's concert movie, which opened over the weekend; it was the industry's biggest debut during a Super Bowl weekend. Just as Disney Channel hits like Hannah Montana and High School Musical have been transformed into hot CDs and traveling stage shows, the same goes for Disney's animated characters.

      Toy Story came out 13 years ago, but it's still generating $400 million annually in licensed merchandise sales. The Toy Story Mania ride opens at Disney's resorts in both California and Florida this summer. Next year finds the two original films getting theatrical re-releases in 3D form, leading up to the 2010 debut of Toy Story 3.

      Iger all but leaked the news that a Cars sequel was on the drawing board, possibly in time to coincide with the 2012 opening of the high-tech Cars Land attraction at Disney's California Adventure. A virtual community game is also on the way.

      And we're no longer singing Disney's animated praises between Pixar releases. Sure, you probably went "ooh" and "ahh" over the Super Bowl ad for Pixar's Wall-E, due out this summer. However, the Pixar brain trust is also now very involved in Disney's holiday release of Bolt, a cross-country road trip flick about a celebrity dog trying to make his way from New York to California with the help of a housecat and a hamster.

      How cool will Disney be if it can swing two hit animated features a year, the way that DreamWorks Animation (NYSE: DWA) has done from time to time? Especially knowing how lucrative a hot franchise can be in Disney's proven moneymaking hands?

      Recession? What's that? Disney hitting the wall? Heck, it hasn't even hit the Wall-E yet.
      schrieb am 13.02.08 08:07:49
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Disney Revives 'House of the Future'
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      Posted 13 February 2008 @ 12:11 am EST

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      ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) - Millions of Disneyland visitors lined up a half-century ago to catch a glimpse of the future: a home teeming with mind-blowing gadgets such as handsfree phones, wall-sized televisions, plastic chairs, and electric razors and toothbrushes.

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      disney future house revives

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      The "House of the Future," a pod-shaped, all-plastic dwelling that quickly seemed quaint closed its doors a decade later. Now Disney is set to open a new abode in Tomorrowland this time in partnership with 21st century technology giants.

      The 5,000-square-foot home scheduled to open in May will look like a normal suburban home outside, but inside it will feature hardware, software and touch-screen systems that could simplify everyday living.

      Lights and thermostats will automatically adjust when people walk into a room. Closets will help pick out the right dress for a party. Countertops will be able to identify groceries set on them and make menu suggestions.

      The $15 million home is a collaboration of The Walt Disney Co., Microsoft Corp., Hewlett-Packard Co., software maker LifeWare and homebuilder Taylor Morrison.

      Visitors will experience the look of tomorrow by watching Disney actors playing a family of four preparing for a trip to China.

      "It's much different than a spiel that you would get at a trade show," said Dave Miller, director of alliance development for Walt Disney Parks & Resorts. "We won't get into the bits and the bytes. It will be about the digital lifestyle and how that lifestyle can help you."

      The actors will be in a flurry of cooking, packing and picture-taking designed to emphasize cutting-edge features in the home's two bedrooms, living room, kitchen, dining room, study and back yard.

      Much of the project will showcase a network that makes the house "smart" and follows family members from room to room even adjusting artwork to preset personal preferences.

      When a resident clicks a TV remote, for example, lights will dim, music will shut off and the shades will draw as the network realizes a movie is about to start.
      schrieb am 13.02.08 08:36:41
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      13.02.2008 08:04
      Disney to buy 20 pct of Vocento's Net TV unit for around 27 mln eur

      MADRID (Thomson Financial) - Vocento SA (News) said The Walt Disney Company (News/Aktienkurs) has agreed to acquire 20 pct of the Spanish media group's Net TV unit for around 27 mln eur.

      In a statement, Vocento said the sale is part of its 2008-10 strategy plan to consolidate its position as a Digital TV provider.

      The sale is subject to approval by competition authorities.

      After the sale, Vocento will hold 55 pct of Net TV and Intereconomia will hold 25 pct.
      schrieb am 13.02.08 09:47:07
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Why is Disney Failing in Hong Kong?
      posted on: February 13, 2008 | about stocks: DIS
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      I have always loved Disney (DIS), ever since I was a little boy watching Donald Duck’s antics with my parents on TV or being mesmerized by the exotic delights of Epcot with my grandmother … I even went there on a family trip for my sister-in-law’s honeymoon – and 9 months later my first son was born.

      Like generations of people around the world, Disney has had a special place in my heart and mind. Disney connected with people’s heartstring about love and family and dreams. Their marketing team was second to none.

      But all is not well in the Disney empire. Disney has lost its ability to connect with customers. As I wrote last year, my most recent trip to Disneyworld was a disaster from a service standpoint. Disney employees chastised my in-laws when they did not understand what was said to them because English is not their 1st language and the rides and hotel rooms seemed to be falling apart.

      Hong Kong Disney’s struggle too is no secret. Disney was caught with its pants down last year, not expecting the rush of Mainland Chinese tourists during the Chinese New Year. How that happened I am still not sure. Disney was better prepared this year, but attendance actually decreased from 5.2 million in its first year of operation (already falling short of the 5.6 million expected visitors) to just over 4 million last year, a 23% fall.

      Hong Kong Disneyland’s poor performance is not a reflection of Chinese distaste for theme parks. Just down the street in Hong Kong, local theme park Ocean Park has been beating up on Disney with more visitors—a record 4.92 million in 2006/2007 fiscal year, leading to a record surplus of $141 million, a 9 percent year on year increase. Government officials expect attendance to increase to 5.8 million by 2012.

      So what is wrong with Disney in Hong Kong?

      Right now Disney in Hong Kong is kind of like that new restaurant that opens up in the same location where dozens have failed before. No one seems to want to go there. No one knows why no one eats there, they just do not.

      In response to complaints that Hong Kong Disneyland does not cater well enough to the Chinese market, the park is trying to localize itself. Its current “Year of the Mouse Celebration” is a good example. Hong Kong Disneyland Managing Director Bill Ernest explained, “’To help Mickey celebrate this monumental year, Hong Kong Disneyland has combined the best Chinese New Year traditions with Disney's unique style of entertainment.’" Mickey and Minnie will be sporting new Chinese New Year customs created by designer Vivienne Tam, and as the website boasts, “of course, traditional Chinese New Year menus and food will overflow from every corner of the Park and the two Disney themed hotels. With over 80 new items and menus with lucky names, there are sure to be endless "lucky" palates during the "Year of the Mouse Celebration".

      Alas, clearly, Disney does not understand why they are failing in Hong Kong and China. Localization is important, but other more serious problems plague the parks, and plague the company in other ways. While having Chinese food rather than burgers and hot dogs might fit the Chinese palate more, having Mickey dress up in Chinese garb is not going to get Chinese to rush to the gates of HK Disney.

      My firm conducted interviews with Chinese, Korean, and Singapore tourists recently who had visited Disneyworld in Florida and in Hong Kong. As one Korean 45 year old man responded, “I was mesmerized with Disneyworld went I first went there 20 years ago. The rides were amazing. I was so excited when I took my family there last year. But I was shocked – it was the same rides as 20 years ago, and they were falling apart and outdated. I won’t take my family back to Florida, and I won’t even try Hong Kong.”

      Such poor sentiments were echoed by people we interviewed who had visited Hong Kong Disney. As one 28 year old Chinese male said to us, “The park is too small and there are no rides. Why on earth would I want to go there? It is not fun.”

      Hong Kong Disney needs more and bigger rides, not designs by Vivienne Tam – what wrong-headed thinking… Would Disney attract more people by getting Ralph Lauren or Tommy Hilfiger to design employee suits in Florida?

      For some reason, Disney feels that Chinese consumers wanted to stroll and take photos rather than go on rides. This is a complete err in thinking. The park’s small size is its second huge problem.

      Disney is taking steps to improve Hong Kong Disneyland with more rides, but much more is needed. The park announced the addition of four new attractions in 2008—Muppet Mobile Lab, High School Musical Celebration, Turtle Talk With Crush and The Art of Animation—as well as a version of its classic ride It's A Small World. In addition to parks, though, and perhaps even prior to focusing on their park fiascos, Disney has more fundamental problems to address in Asia.

      Rumors are flying that Disney is thinking about expanding its Asia parks operations by opening a new park on the mainland, most likely in Shanghai. Such a move would further damage Hong Kong attendance and has Hong Kong government officials worried about the prospect of pouring more investment into the already struggling park.

      In America, people will continue to visit Disneyland because of the same “magic” feelings towards the brand that I have, as an American raised with Disney since I was still in the crib. In China, though, consumers do not have those magic feelings.

      This is Disney’s 3rd problem and perhaps biggest problem in China and Hong Kong – they just are not connecting with Chinese consumers on the emotional level that they did in the US.

      That emotional attachment to Disney that exists elsewhere in the world can be created in China and this is what Disney needs to focus on. To create the attachment, needs to focus on their product lines in retail outlets. Disney theme parks are generally visited by those who already are quite familiar with the company. Disney needs to strengthen the products that will reach people earlier in their formation as consumers: Clothes, toys, and all the other paraphernalia that has potential to find its way into China’s increasing number of middle class homes.

      Thus far, however, Disney has been licensing its brand too much and thus diluting its image. Disney has not been aggressive enough about quality control, with the result that Disney products stay expensive while quality gets worse and worse. This is hurting the brand in exactly the places Disney needs to build brand loyalty the most.

      As one Shanghai housewife told us when looking at Disney clothes for her newborn, “These clothes are ugly. Why would I spend more for this shirt when the quality does not look good?” One man said, “That doll of Winnie the Pooh looks like junk.”

      Poor quality consumer products are problematic for Disney not only because they hurt the brand image but because they could damage Disney’s ability to cash in on the Mainland’s increasing demand for international-standard consumer products. Disney has a lot of potential in the consumer products area as Chinese increasingly demand top quality products for themselves and their children as incomes rise, and people are increasingly willing to spend more for safety and comfort as I wrote in a column for Forbes recently entitled “Chinese Seek Quality from Multinationals.”

      There are lots of opportunities in China and Hong Kong still for Disney. But it is important that Disney gets back on track by connecting with Chinese consumers, understanding what they want, and delivering entertainment and products of a high quality. They still have a long-way to go.

      CMR Analyst Charlotte MacAusland contributed to this article.
      schrieb am 13.02.08 10:26:42
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      hier noch ne aktuelle Kaufempfehlung von heute, das mir aber nicht wichtig isdt. Interessant sind die Details. Gibts nen schönen Überblick über die Geschichte und die aktuelle Situation.

      Mal ne Frage, weil ich hier ne Solo-Nummer abziehe. Gibts denn bei WO keinen Vater, der mal seinen Jungs ne Disney-Aktie zu Weihnachten geschenkt hat statt ner Puppe?
      Ist denn niemand investiert?

      Kommt keine Resonanz, stelle ich hier nicht mehr ein...

      Gruss space

      Walt Disney kaufen (Aktienservice Research)

      Bad Nauheim ( AG) - Die Experten von "Aktienservice Research" bewerten die Aktie von Walt Disney (ISIN US2546871060/ WKN 855686) mit "kaufen".
      Der amerikanische Filmproduzent und Freizeitparkbetreiber stehe seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 1923 für erfolgreiches Entertainment. Trickfilmfiguren wie Mickey, Donald und Dagobert oder Filme wie "König der Löwen" oder "Fluch der Karibik" seien weltweit bekannt und würden sich großer Beliebtheit erfreuen. Angesichts der jüngst vorgelegten guten Bilanz könnte Walt Disney auch bei den Investoren Anklang finden.

      Zwischen den Jahren 1920 und 1930 seien von den Brüdern Walt und Roy Disney gleich zwei Unternehmen gegründet worden - das Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio und die Walt Disney Productions. Erst im Jahr 1986 seien sie in The Walt Disney Company zusammengeführt worden. Walt Disney habe bis dahin für lustige Unterhaltungsfilme gestanden. Der Name sei der Inbegriff des Cartoons gewesen.

      Dementsprechend sei nicht nur die Enttäuschung, sondern auch die Skepsis der Analystenschar groß gewesen, als die legendäre Zeichentricksparte des Konzerns, das Herz von Walt Disney, im Jahr 2003 geschlossen worden sei - wegen Erfolglosigkeit. Der Konzern habe sich aus seiner Krise aber befreien können. Das Unternehmen sei heute einer der weltweit größten Unterhaltungskonzerne. Zu ihm gehöre neben den bekannten Walt Disney Studios auch einer der drei größten Fernsehsender der USA: ABC (American Broadcasting Company).

      Nicht wegzudenken seien mittlerweile auch die noch zu ihren Startzeiten viel kritisierten und als Damoklesschwert des Konzerns angesehenen Disneyland-Themenparks, unter anderem in Florida. Nicht zu vergessen seien die drei hauseigenen Spartenkanäle Disney Channel, Toon Disney und Playhouse Disney. Ebenso halte der Konzern diverse Beteiligungen an zahlreichen Fernsehstationen wie den erfolgreichen amerikanischen Sportkanal ESPN. Auch in Deutschland sei Walt Disney im TV-Geschäft präsent. Mit 50% sei man an Super RTL beteiligt.

      Nun sollte man meinen, dass Walt Disney als Konsumaktie und als Mitbewerber in einer harten Branche sicherlich für Anleger nicht das ideale Investment sei, das auf lange Sicht Sicherheit geben könnte. Weit gefehlt: Das Papier von Walt Disney dürfe mittlerweile ruhig als defensiver Wachstumswert angesehen werden. Der Fünf-Jahres-Chart beweise es. Die Aktie sei stetig auf dem Weg nach oben - zwar nicht mit großen Schritten, doch die Richtung sei eindeutig. Die letzten Quartalszahlen würden den fundamental positiven Trend belegen.

      Der US-Unterhaltungskonzern habe trotz der schon im letzten Viertel des vergangenen Jahres schwächeren US-Konjunktur Stärke bewiesen. Noch mehr: Er habe mit seinen Themenparks, TV-Sendern und diversen neuen Fernsehserien wie "Hannah Montana" gutes Geld verdient. Im ersten Quartal des Geschäftsjahres 2007/08 (bis Ende September) habe der Konzern dabei die Analystenerwartungen beim um Sondereffekte bereinigten Ergebnis je Aktie (EPS) schlagen können. Daher sei es fast egal gewesen, dass der absolute Überschuss im Vergleich zum Vorjahr wegen damaliger Sondergewinne durch den Verkauf von Konzernteilen niedriger ausgefallen sei.

      Unter dem Strich habe Walt Disney von Oktober bis Dezember 1,3 Mrd. US-Dollar und damit 27% weniger als im Vorjahr verdient. Das EPS sei von 0,79 US-Dollar auf 0,63 US-Dollar gesunken. Bereinigt um die Verkaufserlöse sei der Gewinn je Aktie jedoch von 0,49 US-Dollar auf 0,63 US-Dollar gestiegen, was deutlich über den durchschnittlichen Analystenschätzungen von 0,52 US-Dollar gelegen habe. Und auch beim Umsatz hätten die Markterwartungen von rund zehn Milliarden US-Dollar mit einem Anstieg von 9% auf 10,45 Mrd. US-Dollar übertroffen werden können.

      Skeptische Anleger könnten an dieser Stelle erneut warnen und sagen, dass das laufende Quartal zeigen werde, ob Walt Disney wirklich nichts mit der Rezession in den USA und der damit verbundenen Konsumschwäche zu tun habe und man daher abwarten solle - eben weil Walt Disney ein Konsumwert sei. Aber auch hier könne Walt Disney seine Anlegerschaft beruhigen. Denn nach Aussagen von Firmenlenker Robert Iger, dessen Vertrag erst jüngst vorzeitig bis Anfang 2013 verlängert worden sei, sei Walt Disney sehr gut in das Kalenderjahr 2008 und somit in das eigene zweite Quartal gestartet. Man sei zwar nicht unverwundbar, aber man könne die Stürme deutlich besser überstehen als viele andere, habe er erläutert.

      Ein Grund sei die anhaltende weltweite Expansion. Denn der US-Konzern sei im asiatischen Bereich aktiv und betreibe, wenn auch mit kleineren Problemen behaftet, bereits einen Themenpark in Hongkong. Walt Disney wolle aber das große Geschäft im Mobilfunksektor machen. Dafür sei in Japan nun mit Softbank eine Kooperationsvereinbarung geschlossen worden. Walt Disney Japan werde somit in Zusammenarbeit mit Softbank Mobile ab dem kommenden Frühjahr einen Mobilfunkservice unter dem Namen Disney Mobile starten.

      Mit einem KGV (2008/09e) von 13 sei die Aktie derzeit attraktiv bewertet. Die Gefahr, dass eine US-Rezession den Gewinn des Konzerns deutlich schmälern könnte, halten die Experten von "Aktienservice Research" für gering. Mittlerweile würden alle Sparten des Konzerns gut verdienen und mögliche Umsatzeinbußen in einem Segment sollten durch die breite Streuung des Portfolios aufgefangen werden können.

      Wenn man das Walt Disney-Papier in seiner Performance mit dem Dow Jones und dem S&P 500 vergleiche, sei festzustellen, dass Mickey Mouse & Co. vor allem seit Jahresbeginn besser abschneiden würden - möglicherweise ein Indiz für Stärke. Damit sei das Papier nicht nur etwas für Fans von Cartoons und Comics, sondern könnte auch für Investoren ein langfristig interessantes Investment darstellen. Wer sich derzeit nicht traue, sollte das Papier zumindest auf seine Beobachtungsliste nehmen, um eventuell später einen Einstieg zu wagen.

      Die Experten von "Aktienservice Research" empfehlen die Walt Disney-Aktie zu kaufen. Das Stopp-Loss-Limit sollte bei 28,40 USD platziert werden. (Global Markets Ausgabe 377 vom 12.02.2008) (13.02.2008/ac/a/a) Analyse-Datum: 13.02.2008

      Analyst: Aktienservice Research
      Rating des Analysten: kaufen

      Quelle: 13.02.2008 10:17:00
      schrieb am 14.02.08 16:25:42
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      niemand mehr da?

      Disney's THE LION KING Continues to Roar Across the Globe

      Last update: 9:00 a.m. EST Feb. 14, 2008
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      NEW YORK, Feb 14, 2008 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Disney's THE LION KING, now in its eleventh year on Broadway, continues to dominate the theatrical landscape across the globe. With over three billion dollars in ticket sales and over 45 million audience members worldwide to date, the theatrical life of Disney's biggest stage hit seems to have no end in sight.
      Disney Theatrical Group announced today the Johannesburg production of THE LION KING will conclude its historic South African run at The Teatro at Montecasino on February 17, marking the closing of the longest-running stage production in South African history.
      Disney Theatrical Group also announced today that after an unprecedented six seasons of touring two companies of THE LION KING, one of the two record-setting tours would complete its final stop in Milwaukee, WI on March 2. As demand for the production remains strong, the second tour will continue indefinitely. Together the two tours have played to a combined audience of over 10 million people to date and grossed more than $100 million a year since the two tours began.
      "I am hugely proud of THE LION KING's continued success on the road and our historic achievement in South Africa," said Thomas Schumacher, President of the Disney Theatrical Group. "This show continues to be embraced by audiences around the world and brings us to places we never would have dreamed of a decade ago."
      When the Johannesburg production closes on February 17, 2008, the show will have sold over 550,000 tickets making it the most successful stage production in South African history. Ticket sales have more than doubled the previous record-holder, "The Phantom of the Opera." Leaving behind the legacy of a theatre built specifically for the production, THE LION KING has literally changed the theatrical landscape of South Africa for generations to come.
      When the South African production opened on June 6, 2007, THE LION KING was originally expected to run through fall 2007. After several extensions due to high demand, THE LION KING will now conclude its run on February 17, 2008. The show will ultimately have played for a record-breaking forty weeks. In a special Wednesday matinee program with principal sponsor Telkom, 38,000 South African children, mainly from the local townships, will have had the opportunity to see the show for free. As the first theatrical experience of their lives, the show has given them an experience like none other. THE LION KING in South Africa is co-produced by Lebo M and Pieter Toerien.
      Over the past five years, THE LION KING's two national touring productions have played to more than 10 million people in more than 50 major cities in North America grossing a total of over $500 million. THE LION KING's second tour continues to draw capacity crowds to highly successful engagements, including recent sold out returns to Dallas and Minneapolis. In 2008, THE LION KING will premiere in Toledo, Washington, D.C. and Kansas City, and play return engagements in Atlanta, Tampa and Columbus with more cities to be announced.
      For tickets and more information, visit
      The first tour of THE LION KING debuted in Chicago, IL at The Cadillac Palace Theatre in April, 2003, following the sit down engagement in Los Angeles at the Pantages Theatre from November of 2000 through January 2003. In an effort to share the experience of THE LION KING with additional communities across the United States, Disney also launched a tour in Denver, CO in April 2002 at The Denver Performing Arts Center and immediately began achieving record-breaking success while entertaining audiences nationwide.
      THE LION KING first tour (known as the 1st National Tour) finished a 13-week run in Honolulu in December, grossing $15 million for the engagement and was the longest running and highest grossing theatrical engagement ever to play Honolulu. The production set a house record for The Blaisdell Concert Hall, grossing $1.3 million during its final week. Sales for the recently concluded four-week Mexico City engagement were 106 million pesos for the four week engagement (approximately $10 million US), with over 150,000 people attending the production at the Auditorio Nacional.
      THE LION KING remains one of the most popular shows on Broadway, entertaining more than 650,000 people a year in New York City for 10 straight years. The production is the winner of more than 70 major awards worldwide, and has become a global phenomenon seen by more than 45 million people. In addition to Broadway and its two national tours, THE LION KING can also be currently seen in Hamburg, Johannesburg, London, Paris, Tokyo and Fukuoka.
      SOURCE Disney Theatrical Group
      schrieb am 14.02.08 22:31:09
      Beitrag Nr. 30 () Breaks Its All-Time Traffic and Site Registration Records in January 2008
      Parks, Virtual Worlds and Community Strategies Contribute to Strong Growth

      Last update: 12:00 p.m. EST Feb. 14, 2008
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      NORTH HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Feb 14, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) --, the longstanding No. 1 destination on the Internet for families and kids, broke its all-time traffic and registration records in January 2008. According to recently released comScore Media Metrix data, the Disney Online network of sites last month received 27.5 million unique visitors beating all previous traffic records. The traffic high represents an increase of more than 10 percent compared to the same period last year, and led to a record number of registrations to the site.
      Strong performance in virtual worlds, particularly the recently launched Pirates of the Caribbean Online (, and other community-driven areas of as well as Disney Parks were major contributors to the achievement.'s peak performance in January was underscored by a record all-time high of site registrations which represented more than twice the registrations for the same time last year, and more than five times the registrations logged in January 2006 according to internal resources that track registrations. Pirates of the Caribbean Online, which launched a full-scale marketing campaign in January, was a major factor.
      Disney Travel also experienced seasonal traffic increases during the month which is historically a peak time for travel planning. Additionally, comparisons to prior periods benefit from the inclusion of Club Penguin to Disney Online numbers which began in November 2007. Co-promotions and synergies have boosted performance and cross-visitation across both and Club Penguin destinations.
      "We couldn't be more thrilled with this new traffic record. Over the past year our team has worked hard to innovate and push the boundaries of visitor engagement with Disney's franchises," said Paul Yanover, executive vice president of the Walt Disney Internet Group and head of Disney Online. "Key to our approach is a focus on virtual worlds and community-driven programs. As an example, we're particularly excited with the response we're seeing to Pirates Online."
      Guest enthusiasm continues to build for community-based, interactive portions of the site. To date, more than 40 million avatars, virtual representations of a guest in the online world, have been created across the Disney Online network. Other examples include:
      -- XD, which as of today has more than 1.3 million personal XD channels created since the feature was first promoted in May 2007
      -- Disney Fairies, which has seen more than 4.5 million custom fairies created since the functionality became available last year.
      Disney Online in January also set a new all-time high traffic record according to Nielsen//Netratings representing a 14 percent increase compared to the year prior.
      Over the past several months, has also executed aggressively against its plans for geographical and platform expansion as evidenced by the debut of localized versions of the new in Japan and the U.K., as well as the launch of a new Disney-themed mobile Web destination.
      About Disney Online
      Disney Online (, a division of the Walt Disney Internet Group, produces the number one kids' entertainment and family community destination on the World Wide Web. Launched in 1996, is the online gateway to all of the company's Disney-branded entertainment initiatives, providing comprehensive access to, and information about Disney movies, travel, television, games, mobile, music, shopping and live events. also features Disney XD, a highly interactive broadband experience, that lets guests create their own customized online channel with games, videos, music, and chat - all of which can be enjoyed simultaneously in an immersive environment.
      In addition, Disney Online develops and publishes a range of online products and services including Pirates of the Caribbean Online, Disney's Toontown Online, Playhouse Disney Preschool Time Online, Disney Game Downloads, Disney Game Kingdom Online, Disney Connection and Hot Shot Business.
      The Walt Disney Internet Group (WDIG) is a unit of The Walt Disney Company .
      SOURCE: Walt Disney Internet Group
      schrieb am 15.02.08 11:37:52
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      15.02.2008 11:14
      Super RTL zeigt die zweite Staffel der weltweit erfolgreichen Sitcom "Disney Hannah Montana" als deutsche Free-TV-Premiere Serienstart: Montag, 18. Februar 2008, 19.45 Uhr, 18 Folgen
      Köln (ots) - Emmy-Auszeichnung für die Hauptdarstellerin Miley Cyrus, mit Mehrfach-Platin ausgezeichnete Alben, eine komplett ausverkaufte Tour, Schwarzmarktpreise von bis zu 3000 Dollar für ein einziges Konzert-Ticket - und mit dem Konzertfilm "Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour" der beste US-Kino-Start am Super-Bowl-Wochenende aller Zeiten: Die Teen-Sensation aus den USA ist und bleibt: Hannah Montana. Dank Super RTL (News) ist der 16-jährige Superstar aus der TV-Serie Disney (News/Aktienkurs) Hannah Montana auch in Deutschland ein ganz heißes Thema. Nach der erfolgreichen ersten Staffel im vergangenen Herbst steht nun die zweite Season in den Startlöchern: Ab dem 18. Februar zeigt Super RTL 18 brandneue Folgen des weltweiten Sitcom-Erfolgs als deutsche Free-TV-Premiere - montags bis freitags um 19.45 Uhr.

      Jugendlich, charmant, begabt, voller Spirit und ohne Skandale: Internationale Pop-Experten sind sich einig, dass Hannah Montana noch für ganz viel Wirbel sorgen wird. Doch wer ist diese Hannah Montana eigentlich? In erster Linie eine reine Fantasie-Figur, die von der 16-jährigen Miley Cyrus gespielt wird, Tochter des berühmten Country-Musikers Billy Ray Cyrus. Tagsüber ist Hannah Miley Stewart: ein ganz normales Highschool-Mädchen, das sich um gute Noten und die Aufmerksamkeit der Jungs bemüht. Abends aber setzt sie sich eine Perücke auf, schlüpft in spektakuläre Klamotten - und steht im Scheinwerferlicht. Nur ihre Familie und ihre besten Freunde wissen, dass Miley ganz nebenbei auch Hannah ist, der gefeierte Popstar, dem die Teenies zu Füßen liegen und der auf Partys die aufregendsten Promis kennen lernt. Die zweite Staffel von Hannah Montana beginnt mit einem dicken Streit zwischen Miley und ihrer Busenfreundin Lilly. Fräulein Stewart ist mächtig sauer, dass ausgerechnet Lilly sie nicht in ihr Football-Team gewählt hat. Mit einer recht eigenwilligen Methode versucht ihr gemeinsamer Freund Oliver, die beiden wieder zusammenzuschweißen: Er kettet sie mit Handschellen aneinander. Zu dumm nur, dass er den dazugehörigen Schlüssel verliert ...

      Viel versprechende Dates, böses Versetzwerden, nicht ganz so tolle Noten, heftiges Pauken - mit Miley Stewart können sich junge Zuschauer problemlos identifizieren. Und als Hannah Montana führt sie das Leben, von dem die allermeisten ihrer Altersgenossen mehr oder weniger offen träumen. Diese Kombination, gemixt mit gewitzten Dialogen, raffinierten Plots und mitreißender Musik, hat dafür gesorgt, dass Disney Hannah Montana das Publikum von der ersten Folge an begeistert hat.

      Fotos unter sowie auf Anfrage bei Jürgen Morgenroth; Tel: 0221/ 9155-1020.

      Originaltext: Super RTL Digitale Pressemappe: Pressemappe via RSS :

      Pressekontakt: Kontakt:

      Super RTL Sabine Kreft Fon: 0221 / 9155-1010 Fax: 0221 / 9155-1019 E-Mail: Internet:

      PR Direkt Birgit Fehrenkämper Fon: 02234 / 946 8890 Fax: 02234 / 946 8899 E-Mail:
      schrieb am 18.02.08 09:37:32
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      18.02.2008 07:52
      The Walt Disney Company Increases Strategic Investment in UTV

      UTV Software Communications Limited (UTV) and The Walt Disney Company (News/Aktienkurs) (NYSE:DIS) announced today that Disney's subsidiary The Walt Disney Company (Southeast Asia) Pte. Ltd. will increase its strategic investment in UTV, subject to UTV shareholder and regulatory approvals. Disney's investment further establishes its entry into the Indian market through UTV and complements its fast-growing Disney-branded businesses and long-held joint-venture in ESPN STAR Sports. In July 2006, Disney acquired Hungama TV, a leading Indian children's television channel, and took an initial equity interest in UTV.

      “We are pleased with our initial investment in UTV, which has strong local brands and media properties that provide complementary growth platforms to Disney's existing branded efforts,“ said Andy Bird, chairman, Walt Disney International. “The UTV management team is proven and well-respected, and we look forward to continuing to work with them.“

      Ronnie Screwvala, Chairman and Group CEO of UTV, commented, “This partnership across movies, TV content, interactive games and broadcasting endorses our leadership in India and Southeast Asia and propels our already growing global story. Over the last year we have learned to work well together, and the speed at which this collaborative deal was put together is testament to the strong working relationship we have built.“

      With this investment, Disney will be increasing its stake in UTV to 32.1% on a fully diluted share capital basis. Disney's investment is worth approximately USD 200 million. Ronnie Screwvala and certain entities with which he is affiliated (the “Promoter Group“) will be increasing their shareholding in UTV to 32.1% through issue of warrants. Disney's investment will be made through a preferential allotment of new UTV shares. In addition, Disney will make an open tender offer to the UTV shareholders as required under Indian securities regulations and detailed in a Public Announcement to be made to UTV shareholders.

      Concurrently with its UTV investment, Disney will invest approximately USD 30 million for a 15% stake in UTV Global Broadcasting Limited (“UGBL“). UGBL, through its subsidiaries, has launched two youth entertainment channels under the Bindass brand and The World Movie channel, and is about to launch UTV Hindi Movies channel. UTV will also invest USD 60 million in UGBL for a 75% stake, while the remaining shares will continue to be held by the Promoter Group.

      Disney in India

      The Walt Disney Company (India) opened in July 2004 with its head office located in Mumbai. In less than three years, it established a strong foothold in this diverse and highly dynamic market. Disney India employs around 185 permanent staff, and anticipates accelerated growth across Media Networks, Consumer Products, and Studio businesses.

      Outside of the US, India is the largest market Disney has invested in for local production. Disney Channel and Jetix have over 6000 episodes of trans-created content (3 local languages included). Disney Channel India has close to 25% local content on-air today. In July 2006, Disney acquired Hungama TV, a 24-hour Hindi language and top rated Indian children's television channel. Disney Channel and Toon Disney have a current reach of over 49 million homes. In 2006-07, the channels won 21 awards including Disney Channel's win as Best Children's Channel (second year in a row) at the Indian Television Academy awards, which is based on audience polls. Through the terrestrial network, Disney Channel reaches over 122 million homes.

      Walt Disney Internet Group has made available a wide variety of Disney-branded mobile entertainment via the country's top carriers, reaching more than 84 million mobile phone subscribers and representing more than 60 percent of India's mobile market and 85 percent of the data market. WDIG also provides games with local flavor e.g. Disney Cricket, Mickey Mouse Rickshaw Rush, and other games which are tailor-made content for Indian tastes.

      In June 2007, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures (India) announced a historic collaboration with Bollywood's leading studio - Yash Raj Studios - to make animated films created by and for Indians. The first film with Yash Raj, to be released in summer this year, is entitled "Roadside Romeo," which features the voices of leading Bollywood stars. The popularity of Disney content among Indian families can also be gauged by the successes of The Lion King, Narnia, Incredibles and Pirates of the Caribbean 2 as the highest selling DVDs of all time in India.

      In the last two years, Disney Consumer Products has more than doubled the number of licensee relationships and established new retail relationships which are delivering consumers a broad range of products. DCP is showing significant momentum as it focuses on broadening its geographic reach by expanding product reach beyond key cities through existing licensees, focusing on “˜direct to retail' relationships, and developing innovative specialty stores and special Disney Corners (shop in shop).

      About The Walt Disney Company:

      The Walt Disney Company (NYSE:DIS), together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, is a leading diversified international family entertainment and media enterprise with four business segments: media networks, parks and resorts, studio entertainment and consumer products. Disney is a Dow 30 company, had annual revenues of more than $35 billion in its most recent fiscal year, and a market capitalization of more than $61 billion as of February 15, 2008.


      UTV Software Communications Limited, popularly known as UTV, is India's foremost integrated Media&Entertainment Company with leadership position in 4 verticals that include Movies, TV Content, Interactive (Animation&Gaming) and Broadcasting.

      Listed on India's premier stock exchange, The Bombay Stock Exchange, UTV is India's only integrated media and entertainment company with content creation abilities across platforms and genres. It has subsidiaries with offices across India, Mauritius, UK and USA. More information on the group is available at:
      schrieb am 18.02.08 11:48:27
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      18.02.2008 11:01
      Walt Disney erhöht Beteiligung an indischer UTV Software Communications
      Burbank, CA ( AG) - Der Medien- und Entertainment-Konzern Walt Disney Co. (ISIN US2546871060 (News/Aktienkurs)/ WKN 855686) will seine Marktposition in Indien weiter verstärken.

      Wie aus einer am Montag veröffentlichten Presseerklärung hervorgeht, hat man die bestehende Beteiligung an der indischen UTV Software Communications Ltd. auf 32,1 Prozent ausgebaut. Der Kaufpreis für die Aufstockung der Beteiligung wurde auf 200 Mio. Dollar beziffert. Bei UTV handelt es sich um einen auf die vier Bereiche Filme, Interaktive Angebote in den Bereichen Animation und Gaming und Fernsehübertragungen spezialisierten Medienkonzern, an dem sich Walt Disney bereits im Jahr 2006 beteiligt hatte.

      Der CEO von UTV, Ronnie Screwvala, wird seine Beteiligung an dem börsennotierten indischen Medienkonzern gemeinsam mit seinen Partnerunternehmen ebenfalls auf 32,1 Prozent erhöhen, hieß es weiter.

      Walt Disney hatte die Marktposition in Indien in den vergangenen Jahren kontinuierlich verstärkt. Neben dem Erwerb einer Anfangsbeteiligung an UTV hatte der amerikanische Medienkonzern im Jahr 2006 unter anderem den auf Kinderprogramme spezialisierten Fernsehsender Hungama TV erworben.

      Die Aktie von Walt Disney notierte zuletzt bei 32,49 Dollar. (18.02.2008/ac/n/a)
      schrieb am 18.02.08 13:53:55
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      schöner Überblick.....warum interessiert sich hier keiner für dieses Unternehmen? habt Ihr keine Kinder?

      Gruss spaceDisney feuert aus allen Rohren
      Von Anette Kiefer

      Die Disney-Euphorie greift um sich. Neue Serien und eine effektive Vermarktung haben dem Unterhaltungskonzern gute Ergebnisse beschert. Unbeeindruckt vom schlechten US-Wirtschaftsklima und der Rezessionsangst legte der Disney-Konzern in der vergangenen Woche einwandfreie Quartalszahlen vor - und übertraf damit noch die Prognose der Analysten.

      STUTTGART. "Es fällt schwer, ein Unternehmen mit einem besseren Portfolio, einer besseren Geschäftsleitung oder einer besseren Strategie zu finden", sagt Jason Bazinet von Citigroup.

      Die Anleger griffen kräftig zu: Erst Mitte Januar hatte der Aktienkurs ein Jahrestief von rund 26 Dollar erreicht, inzwischen liegt er wieder bei 32 Dollar - ein Plus von etwa 25 Prozent in nur drei Wochen. "Dieser Preis ist mehr als gerechtfertigt", sagt Heath Terry von Credit Suisse. Er erwartet in den nächsten zwölf Monaten einen weiteren Sprung auf 38 Dollar. Das würde sogar das Sechsjahreshoch vom vergangenen Mai deutlich übertreffen.
      Kaufen? Halten? Verkaufen? Nutzen und bookmarken Sie das professionelle Handelsblatt Analyse-Tool!

      Die Disney-Euphorie greift vor allem deshalb um sich, weil der Konzern derzeit aus allen Rohren feuert: Lizenzprodukte, Freizeitparks und Fernsehsender trugen gleichermaßen zu dem guten Ergebnis bei. "Disney hat unsere Erwartungen in jeder einzelnen Sparte übererfüllt", lobt etwa Michael Morris von UBS Investment Research. Trotz des laufenden Streiks der Drehbuchautoren erzielten die Fernsehkanäle wie Sportsender ESPN und ABC, der unter anderem die Erfolgsserien "Lost" und "Desperate Housewives" produziert, gute Ergebnisse. Analysten erwarten, dass der Streik dem Konzern eventuell sogar eine Geldersparnis bringen wird. Denn zwischen Januar und April testen die meisten US-Fernsehsender die Pilotfilme für neue Serien, und in diesem Jahr ist das Angebot durch den Streik äußerst dürftig. Zwar sinken so die Chancen auf einen neuen Serienhit, aber gleichzeitig müssen die Sender auch wesentlich weniger Produktionskosten aufwenden.

      Die Freizeitparks wie Disneyland und Disneyworld sind voll, trotz oder gerade wegen der schwachen Wirtschaft: Die US-Bürger bleiben in den Ferien eher im eigenen Land, weil das Geld für größere Reisen fehlt; und die ausländischen Touristen kommen in Scharen nach Amerika, weil der niedrige Dollarkurs das Reisen so günstig macht. Außerdem sorgt Disney mit immer neuen Park-Attraktionen dafür, dass auch für Stammgäste das Programm nicht langweilig wird. Noch in diesem Jahr soll die Talentsendung "American Idol" - die US-Version von "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" - eine eigene Liveshow in Disneyworld bekommen. Die Tagesgewinner dürfen dann bei der nächsten Fernsehausscheidung auftreten.

      Mit den Serien "High School Musical" und "Hannah Montana" hat sich der Konzern außerdem zwei Goldesel herangezogen, die regelmäßig alle Prognosen übertreffen. Vor allem die Fernsehserie in der eine 14-jährige Schülerin, die ein Doppelleben als erfolgreiches Pop-Girlie namens Hannah Montana führt, kommt bei den jungen Zuschauern bestens an. Als Anfang Februar der zugehörige Spielfilm in die US-Kinos kam, waren bereits im Vorverkauf Tickets für neun Millionen Dollar weggegangen. Die Besucherzahlen für die ersten drei Kinotage brachen alle Rekorde für ein Super-Bowl-Wochenende.

      "Die Disney-Geschäftsleitung hat ihr großes Talent bewiesen, neue Serien zu entwickeln und diese dann effektiv auf sämtlichen Verkaufskanälen zu vermarkten", sagt Michael Morris. "Wir erwarten, dass sich dieser Trend in den nächsten Jahren fortsetzt und dem Konzern zu einem überdurchschnittlichen Gewinnwachstum verhilft."
      Gut für Anleger: Täglich eine neue Investmentidee auf !

      Auch Analyst Jason Helfstein von Oppenheimer & Co. rät zum Kauf der Aktie und liegt damit auf einer Linie mit der Mehrzahl der Banken. Neun von 25 empfehlen "Halten" und 15 den Kauf der Aktie. Nur Citigroup -Analyst Jason Bazinet rät den Investoren, ihre Titel zum aktuellen guten Kurs zu verkaufen - gibt aber gleichzeitig zu: "Nachdem wir die Aktie in der vergangenen Woche von Halten auf Verkauf herabgestuft haben, legte Disney die neuen Quartalszahlen vor. Und jetzt sieht die Herabstufung ehrlich gesagt ziemlich lächerlich aus. Aber man kann sich nur schwer vorstellen, wie die Dinge noch besser werden können."
      schrieb am 20.02.08 07:21:41
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      jetzt wird auch Indien von Mickey Mouse erobert:

      Walt Disney to open 135 stores in India by 2011

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      February 19, 2008 18:14 IST

      The Walt Disney Company, consumer product retailing arm of global animation giant, will soon add 135 new stores to its existing 15 in India, over the next four years to strengthen its foothold in the rapidly growing market here.

      "India is a high priority market for us. We will open 150 stores for our consumer products across the country by 2011," Disney Consumer Products Regional Director (ASEAN) Roshini Bakshi told PTI on the sidelines of the "Technopak Retail Summit" in New Delhi.

      The company, which currently operates 15 stores in the country, would open the outlets in franchisee model. She said the company would operate the future stores under a license agreement with Devyani International, which runs the company's present 15 stores.

      "The stores will be set up under franchisee models and we are looking at tier I, II and III cities," she said.

      The sizes of the outlets would vary from 500 sq ft to 1,500 sq ft area, which would sell stationary goods, party products, school and office items, gifts and soft toys. On the company's expected sales, she said, "Last two years, we grew over 100 per cent. In the next five years, we expect a high two-digit growth figure in the country."

      It also has about 100 partners in India, like Cadbury's, Nerolac, Weekenders, Pantaloons, Big Bazaar, etc through which the company sells its products. The company has also set up about 45 Disney Corners in the outlets of its partners.

      Asked about adding new partners, Bakshi said: "It is the combination of bringing in right partners and consolidation instead of adding new ones."

      The Walt Disney India, the 100-per cent subsidiary of the US firm, is present in the country with diversified business activities - TV channels, animation film production unit, children publishing house and mobile gaming business.

      © Copyright 2008 PTI. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of PTI content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent.
      schrieb am 21.02.08 13:27:39
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert. Grund: Beschwerde durch Firma liegt w:o vor
      schrieb am 25.02.08 08:54:37
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Disney stands out for stability, discipline: Barron's
      Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:15pm EST

      NEW YORK (Reuters) - Walt Disney Co (DIS.N: Quote, Profile, Research) stands out for its management stability and financial discipline, and long-term investors should be happy, business weekly Barron's said in its latest report.

      The report noted that Disney's shares now trade at 14.4 times the next 12 months' forecast earnings, a level last seen in 1990, and that its forward valuation was no higher than that of the Standard & Poor's 500.

      Disney shares closed on Friday at $32.57, up around 16 percent from a month earlier thanks to a stronger-than-expected earnings report, but they are still down around 6 percent year-on-year.

      The Barron's report said January lows around $28 appear to be "a decent estimate of the downside risk in the stock for now, with $40 being a reasonable target for upside in a year," based on 17 times fiscal 2009 earnings forecasts.

      It pointed out that CEO Robert Iger has focused on creating brands and deploying them across other parts of the company, citing the example of Hannah Montana, which has moved from a Disney Channel hit to a series of musical releases and stage shows.

      It also quoted Disney CFO Tom Skaggs as saying that while Disney's parks and resorts were not immune to macroeconomic cycles, they were more resilient than the market seems too believe.

      A Citigroup analyst downgraded the shares in late January, saying room rates at Disney resort hotels had suggested flagging demand.

      (Reporting by Ritsuko Ando; editing by Gunna Dickson)
      schrieb am 25.02.08 19:48:47
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Local ABC stations to offer video-on-demand programming
      By David B. Wilkerson
      Last update: 12:01 p.m. EST Feb. 25, 2008
      PrintPrint Email Subscribe to RSSRSS DisableDisable Live Quotes
      CHICAGO (MarketWatch) -- Walt Disney Co. said Monday that ABC stations will soon be able to offer ad-supported network programming on-demand on cable, satellite and telephone company-owned systems across the U.S., as long as those operators agree to disable the VOD services' fast-forwarding capability. Local affiliates will also be able to distribute the shows via the iTunes and Xbox download services. Each ABC affiliate will have the chance to insert one locally-sold 30-second commercial within each half-hour of programming in markets where ABC VOD is available. End of Story
      schrieb am 26.02.08 17:12:07
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Yes it is:

      Barron's Review: Is the Magic Back at Disney?
      posted on: February 25, 2008 | about stocks: DIS

      We've held onto The Walt Disney Co. (DIS) for quite some time.

      I've mentioned it in a positive vein repeatedly -- over a year ago on PBS with Paul Kangas, and then again here (Tribune Media), and even a year before that on the Pixar takeover.

      Why? A few years back, our quant tool (an earlier version of the FusionIQ software) had Disney highly ranked (12/05/2006). Since then, the shares have performed rather well, especially as the US dollar weakened.

      But back in 2005/06, analyst coverage was rather neutral. Well, it turns out that the fundie guys missed the boat, while the unbiased quant assessment turned out to be much better at stock picking.

      Since last year, however, there has been a deterioration of the many factors that go into the quantitative ranking of Disney: The short and intermediate term trend was broken, money flow slowed down, and institutional ownership slipped. The quant ranking of DIS started to drop to bearish levels (below 70), prompting us to exit the positions in our managed accounts.

      Fast forward to this weekend's edition of Barron's: They had a glowing cover story titled "The Magic is Back" about Walt Disney and its prospects for the future. Problem is, it's a few years late to the party.

      Rather than merely assume Barron's cover story is a contrary indicator, we decided to run Disney through the system to generate a new unbiased metric. As seen in the chart below, Disney's master quant ranking is now down to only a 58 out of a possible 100.

      Maybe there is some magic left in the kingdom, but objectively speaking, it's not showing up in our system. With only a 58 ranking, I cannot tell if the magic has come and gone, or if it's already reflected in the share price.

      If you want to invest in Disney shares, then perhaps your money would be better served waiting for the quantitative ranking to improve. We consider it bullish when its ranking score moves back over 70 again (I will set up an email alert based on ranking change and post it here if and when that occurs).
      schrieb am 27.02.08 07:53:43
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      The Walt Disney Company Executives to Discuss Fiscal Second Quarter 2008 Financial Results via Webcast

      Last update: 3:34 p.m. EST Feb. 26, 2008
      PrintPrint EmailE-mail Subscribe to RSSRSS DisableDisable Live Quotes
      BURBANK, Calif., Feb 26, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- The Walt Disney Company will announce fiscal second quarter 2008 financial results via a live audio Webcast beginning at 4:30 p.m. EDT / 1:30 p.m. PDT on Tuesday, May 6, 2008 (results will be released at approximately 4:01 p.m. EDT / 1:01 p.m. PDT). To listen to the Webcast, point your browser to The discussion will be available via re-play through May 20, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. EDT / 4:00 p.m. PDT.
      SOURCE: The Walt Disney Company
      schrieb am 27.03.08 08:49:25
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Guten Morgen miteinander,

      will mich mal melden, denn ich habe Euch was mitzuteilen:

      Ich werde mich ab sofort aus WO und aus dem ganzen Börsengeschehen mehr oder minder zurückziehen. Ich habe mir das schon länger überlegt und bin jetzt über Ostern zu diesem Schluss gekommen.

      Ich habe gestern fast komplett meinen Aktienbestand verkloppt. Ich habe mit meiner Bank, bei der ich einen Kredit über unser Haus laufen habe, ein große Sondertilgung vereinbart und werde diese in diesen Tagen durchführen. Da fließt das Geld hinein. Lieber meinen Kredit tilgen bzw. abbezahlen als auf im Endeffekt höhere Renditen am Markt spekulieren. Das kann böse in die Hose gehen bzw. ich denke, das eben die Renditen an den Märkten in den nächsten jahren nicht zum Himmel wachsen. Nummer Sicher, fertig...

      Ein sehr kleiner Rest ist noch nicht über die Spekufrist (sind aber eh keine großen Gewinne drauf), warte diese aber ab. Bis Ende des Jahres wird dann der Rest des Kredites abbezahlt.

      Zudem bin ich auch zum Schluss gekommen, hier bei WO meine Aktivitäten einzustellen. Ich hatte ja schon öfters geschrieben, dass ich zu viel Zeit aufwende und dann doch immer wieder in die gleiche Schiene verfallen bin, einfach zu viel Zeit dafür aufzuwenden, oft auch einfach zu verbissen war, was ich als nicht gut empfinde. Daher werde ich jetzt komplett aufhören und mich auch abmelden, sonst wird das wieder nix.

      Also macht es gut, haltet den Thread auch ohne mich als Threadgrünmder warm…
      Liebe Grüße an alle
      schrieb am 06.05.08 20:25:39
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Ernenne mich hiermit zum Nachfolger von Freund space, meinem einzigen Gesprächspartner bei WMT, wo ich seit seinem Weggang in ein schwarzes Loch gefallen bin.:laugh:


      heute nach Handelsschluß Quartalsergebnis. Ich rechne mit positiven Überraschungen mit der Folge eines deutlich höheren Kurses nachbörslich und morgen.

      Auch der gesamte Markt in USA wird morgen davon profitieren.

      Das in aller Kürze.
      schrieb am 07.05.08 08:11:51
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.040.860 von alysant am 06.05.08 20:25:39Trefferquote: 100 % :D:

      33.73 Vol. 15 Mio.



      nachbörslich 34.69 nach Top-Bericht:

      Erwartung durchschnittlich 0.51 cts (von 0.44 - 0.55)

      erzielt: 0.58 (trotz Autorenstreik)

      55 Mio. Leerverkäufe


      neue Höchstkurse wahrscheinlich
      schrieb am 07.05.08 17:19:41
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.043.094 von alysant am 07.05.08 08:11:5134.79 - intraday high 34.95 - Vol. 11 Mio. = übl. Tagesumsatz

      wird neue highs machen, vielleicht schon heute, Jahres-Hoch bisher 36.79

      alle Signale stehen auf bullish, erinnert mich fast an GOOG:laugh:
      schrieb am 07.05.08 20:43:56
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      34.70 (bei Marktschwäche) 21 mio. Vol.
      schrieb am 08.05.08 07:59:44
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.050.085 von alysant am 07.05.08 20:43:5634.70 (+2.88 %) vol. 31 Mio.



      mit weitem Abstand Top-Performer gestern im Dow und bei schwachem Gesamtmarkt, hat Gewinne stabil gehalten, was ein gutes Omen für neue Höchstkurse ist. Ich denke dabei an heute und / oder morgen.
      schrieb am 09.05.08 16:49:31
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      wird zeitlich ( heute ) nicht mehr hinhauen, formiert sich aber oberhalb 34 und wird dann Dampf geben. Eine Verpuffung des Quartalsergebnisses findet hier - wie so oft generell zu beobachten - nicht statt.

      meine persönliche Meinung
      schrieb am 12.05.08 16:10:39
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Versuche zum Ausbruch sind im Gange :laugh:

      mehr fällt mir momentan nicht dazu ein :D
      schrieb am 18.05.08 14:10:48
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      wird auch ab morgen in der kommenden Woche Realität ! :D

      (nachbörslich über 35)
      schrieb am 28.05.08 13:00:57
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      hat nicht geklappt, appelliere an Vorfreude (ist bekanntlich auch die schönste), da es beim nächsten Quartal spätestens klappen wird. :laugh:
      schrieb am 16.07.08 10:01:02
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Hallo zusammen,

      I'm back on board bei WO. Ich kann es eben nicht lassen....Die Favoriten von mir haben sich auch nicht geändert seit meiner 5-monatigen Abstinenz an der Börse. Ich wüsste auch nicht, was sich grundsätzlich an diesen Unternehmen groß geändert haben sollte, Krise hin oder her....

      Ich habe wieder ein bisschen flüssige Mittel dazu bekommen, leider in rel. bescheidenem Rahmen gegenüber meinem Ausstieg vor rd. 5 Monaten, aber egal. Jedenfalls habe ich nix groß falsch mit dem Ausstieg.

      Ich habe vor in nächster Zeit wieder die eine oder andere Aktie zu kaufen, aktuell aber eher noch nicht. Die aktuelle Lage sieht für mich gefühlsmässig eher so aus, dass es noch weiter runter gehen wird. Ich werde die Lage sich erst mal beruhigen lassen bzw. ne Bodenbildung abwarten, auch auf die Gefahr hin, dass ich etwas höher einsteigen muss. Bis zum Jahresende ist ja noch ein wenig Zeit, jedoch hält mich das nicht davon ab, vielleicht noch länger zu warten.

      In der jetzigen Situation halte ich es jedenfalls für angebracht, nur in große Blue Chips anzulegen mit solider Dividende und rel. gut laufendem aktuellen Geschäft.

      Ich poste hier, damit der Thread nicht einschläft und werde mich gegebenfalls einbringen, wenn ich es für notwendig erachte. Die "Versorgung" mit news hier werde ich aber so nicht mehr wie gewohnt durchführen, allein schon wegen Zeitmangels.
      Vornehmlich werde ich aber im Gewinnerthread " Gewinnerbranchen der Jahre 2006 bis 2040" posten.

      Gruss space
      schrieb am 30.07.08 16:53:04
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      heute kommen die DIS - zahlen nachbörslich.
      Bin nicht eingestiegen, aber ist auf der WL.

      Gruss space

      Hier Vorberichte:…
      schrieb am 30.07.08 22:50:04
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      hier mal das Wichtigste zu den zahlen. nachbörslich geht es gut 2% runter...

      30.07.2008 22:17
      Walt Disney übertrifft im dritten Quartal Markterwartungen leicht
      AdTech Ad

      Der US-Unterhaltungskonzern Walt Disney <DIS.NYS> <WDP.ETR> (News/Aktienkurs) hat im dritten Quartal etwas mehr verdient und umgesetzt als von Experten erwartet. Der Gewinn je Aktie (EPS) sei von 0,57 US-Dollar im entsprechenden Vorjahreszeitraum auf 0,66 Dollar geklettert, teilte das Unternehmen am Mittwoch in Burbank mit. Um Sondereffekte bereinigte lag das EPS bei 0,62 Dollar und damit um einen Cent höher als die durchschnittliche Prognose der Analysten. Der Umsatz stieg von 9,045 auf 9,236 Milliarden Dollar. Hier hatten die Experten nur mit 9,14 Milliarden Dollar gerechnet./he

      ISIN US2546871060

      AXC0213 2008-07-30/22:16
      schrieb am 11.08.08 14:43:34
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Die 35 müssen nachhaltig genommen werden, ist zwar schwierig, kommt aber mit Sicherheit, wenn die Quartalsergebnisse sich weiter so gestalten, wovon ich ausgehe.

      nur eine Frage der Geduld.

      schrieb am 16.10.08 18:49:29
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      zur charttechnischen lage der Disney-Aktie:…
      schrieb am 18.02.09 13:36:09
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      es darf geschrieben werden....:D
      schrieb am 01.05.09 09:59:31
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.594.791 von spaceistheplace am 28.11.07 11:09:46
      Walt Disney: Medienkonzern beteiligt sich an Video-Portal Hulu…
      schrieb am 17.12.09 10:54:32
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Sehr geehrter Wallstreet-online Nutzer,

      für eine aktuelle Diskussion enthistorisieren wir diesen Thread.

      MfG MaatMOD
      schrieb am 17.12.09 11:10:43
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Trauer beim Unterhaltungsgiganten: Roy Disney ist tot

      Roy Edward Disney, der Neffe von Walt Disney, ist im Alter von 79 Jahren an Krebs gestorben. Er erlag in einem Krankenhaus im kalifornischen Newport Beach seinem Leiden....»
      schrieb am 01.01.10 10:32:25
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Disney kauft Marvel

      Der Einzug von Spider-Man bei Micky Maus ist unter Dach und Fach. Die Aktionäre von Marvel Entertainment stimmten dem Kauf der Comic-Schmiede durch den Unterhaltungsriesen Disney zu. Der Deal hat ein Volumen von etwa 4,3 Milliarden US-Dollar....»
      schrieb am 01.01.10 20:20:33
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      US-Kinos werden teurer
      Hollywoods Kassen klingeln

      Die US-Amerikaner bescheren ihrer Filmindustrie 2009 ein Bombengeschäft. Trotz höherer Preise steigt die Zahl der Kinobesucher deutlich....»

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      WertpapierPerf. %
      DISNEY (DIS, 855686) - der größte Medien- und Unterhaltungskonzern