
    Buzz Technologies, Inc.-Übernahme abgeschlossen, große Chancen in den Märkten von China und Indien - 500 Beiträge pro Seite (Seite 4)

    eröffnet am 11.10.06 15:45:02 von
    neuester Beitrag 26.11.21 10:23:25 von
    Beiträge: 1.882
    ID: 1.087.122
    Aufrufe heute: 14
    Gesamt: 134.860
    Aktive User: 0

    ISIN: US12428P1030 · WKN: A0JJ5K · Symbol: BZTG
    +9.900,00 %
    +0,0001 USD
    Letzter Kurs 06.06.24 Nasdaq OTC

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 26.03.08 12:59:28
      Beitrag Nr. 1.501 ()
      Stundenlamg im Chat hängen und warten, bis der Vogel auftaucht? Nene, da habe ich keinen Bock drauf. Zumal ich mir sicher bin, dass ich die Wahrheit schon kenne...;)
      Mich hat der ja außerdem sowieso gefressen.

      Aber ich dachte, es wäre halt auch eine schöne, reale Möglichkeit für alle (auch für die, die mich hier anfeinden) zu sehen, ob tatsächlich ich das Problem bin oder ein CEO, der der Welt lauter Unwahrheiten erzählt, um seine Shares abzuladen bzw. den Kurs zu pushen. Dann könnte endlich jeder mitkriegen, wem hier der schwarze Peter zugeschoben gehört...

      Aber in einem gebe ich Dir wirklich absolut recht: Ich hab mich hier ziemlich verbissen aufgespult. Das hat aber nichts mit meiner Ex-Investition (das war Pillepalle) zu tun sondern mit meinem Gerechtigkeitsinn. Wenn mir Betrug so offensichtlich auffällt und ich dann noch sehe, dass das tatsächlich funktioniert, dann kriege ich echt einen zuviel.

      In diesem Sinne, einen schönen Tag noch!

      schrieb am 26.03.08 13:44:11
      Beitrag Nr. 1.502 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.728.463 von keutula_reloaded am 26.03.08 12:59:28Hey Keutula,

      meine letzte Nachricht war wohl etwas zu verbissen. Ich möchte mich dafür bei dir entschuldigen. Deine Recherche und deine Aufzeichnungen machen einen schon nachdenklich. Ich glaube zwar nicht, dass es alles nur ein Fake ist, aber wirklich seriös und professionel geht es hier wirklich nicht zu. So langsam verliere ich auch den Mut und die Hoffnung, da sich der pps überhaupt nicht bewegt. Ich glaube, hier wird auf zu vielen Hochzeiten getanzt und nichts wirklich intensiv und durchdacht bearbeitet. Es wäre nur bescheuert meiner Ansicht nach, jetzt rauszugehen, da ich deutlich höher gekauft habe. Naja, wir werden sehen. Ich halte jetzt die Augen offener und lass mich nicht mehr von jeder Meldung so begeistern. Gruss Tilio
      schrieb am 26.03.08 13:59:22
      Beitrag Nr. 1.503 ()

      Mk 2,47 Mill. Dollar
      schrieb am 26.03.08 14:23:31
      Beitrag Nr. 1.504 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.728.938 von Tilio am 26.03.08 13:44:11Hi Tilio,

      alles halb so schlimm. Mir ging es hier mal ähnlich wie Dir und ob Du es glaubst oder nicht, ich kann Deine Situation total verstehen. Und Du kannst mir noch eins glauben: Ich will nicht, dass wir uns hier alle gegenseitig verbal zerfleischen. Aber was ich dieser Buzz-Bude wünsche, das kannst Du Dir sicherlich vorstellen. Sie sind so dreist, dass ich einfach nicht wollte, dass es anderen wie mir ergeht. Ich habe bestimmt nichts gegen Dich oder jemand anderes hier persönlich. Aber zuzusehen wie Buzz hier eiskalt ihre Nummer durchzieht, das konnte ich einfach nicht mehr, nachdem mir so viele Dinge klar geworden sind.

      Nichts für ungut auch noch mal von meiner Seite an Dich.


      schrieb am 05.04.08 12:38:49
      Beitrag Nr. 1.505 ()
      AltersvorsorgeDie häufigsten Renten-Irrtümer
      (Erschienen am 16. August 2007 )
      Die gesetzliche Rente (Foto: dpa)
      Ehemänner kriegen keine Witwerrente, die letzten Jahre vor der Rente sind die wichtigsten: Obwohl die Deutsche Rentenversicherung seit Jahren Aufklärung betreibt, machen falsche Informationen über die Rente ausdauernd die Runde.

      Artikelshow - Die häufigsten Renten-Irrtümer

      na ja, auf der Begrüßungsseite von T-online heute....

      ..wird woanders auch alter Schmarrn veröffentlicht.
      Hauptsache , man ist dabei....:D:D

      Trading Spotlight

      Grounded People Apparel
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      Ad-hoc! Komplette Neubewertung angelaufen, 6.500% Wachstum mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 14.05.08 18:09:22
      Beitrag Nr. 1.506 ()
      schrieb am 14.05.08 18:14:16
      Beitrag Nr. 1.507 ()
      das ist der Text für obengen. link

      [May 14, 2008]

      Thailands IT Industry Booms with Microsoft and Buzz

      Microsoft (News - Alert) Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT), made a major investment in Thailand last October with the acquisition of Bumrungrad Hospital's information system developer Global Care Solutions, Buzz (OTC:BZTG) has built their business on the tropical island paradise of Phuket Thailand and has quickly become Google's (News - Alert) (NASDAQ:GOOG) prime competitor in the country having already capturing the nations leading Newspaper and 100's of local publishers.

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      Microsoft's team in Thailand is large and comprised a quarter of Microsoft's healthcare solutions development team, with other members being based in China and the United States, Buzz is more Regional covering Thailand, Philippines, India and China.

      Both Microsoft and Buzz are adding people as fast as they can, and are certainly happy with the high quality of IT professionals in Thailand. Microsoft is looking for engineering talent - software test engineers, those with C++ and C# skills, hoping to hire many additional staff. Without giving precise numbers he said it would be in the double-digit range - but not more than 100. Buzz is hiring both IT and admin staff and expect the same number of staff locally as Microsoft.
      As a community-building service, TMCnet allows user submitted content which is not always proofed by TMCnet editors. If you feel this entry is of inferior quality or wish to report it for some reason, please forward the URL to "webedit [AT] tmcnet [DOT] com" with your comments.

      Find Solutions for Enterprises, SMBs & Service Providers at the INTERNET TELEPHONY Conference and EXPO West, September 16-18, 2008. Los Angeles, California.
      Find Solutions for Enterprises, SMBs & Service Providers at the INTERNET TELEPHONY Conference and EXPO West, September 16-18, 2008. Los Angeles, California.
      Find Solutions for Enterprises, SMBs & Service Providers at the INTERNET TELEPHONY Conference and EXPO West, September 16-18, 2008. Los Angeles, California.
      Find Solutions for Enterprises, SMBs & Service Providers at the INTERNET TELEPHONY Conference and EXPO West, September 16-18, 2008. Los Angeles, California.
      Find Solutions for Enterprises, SMBs & Service Providers at the INTERNET TELEPHONY Conference and EXPO West, September 16-18, 2008. Los Angeles, California.
      Find Solutions for Enterprises, SMBs & Service Providers at the INTERNET TELEPHONY Conference and EXPO West, September 16-18, 2008. Los Angeles, California.

      ich stelle das völlig wertfrei rein. Einfach nur zum Lesen, weil sich hier schon lange nichts mehr gerührt hat.

      Gruß kassier
      schrieb am 14.05.08 18:25:19
      Beitrag Nr. 1.508 ()
      schrieb am 20.05.08 10:25:49
      Beitrag Nr. 1.509 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.093.650 von kassier am 14.05.08 18:25:19

      ..die ganze Entwicklung gefällt mir, sieht richtig gut aus zur Zeit. Bin ein wenig überrascht, wie zügig das vorwärts geht.

      Der chart von alexa kennt ja nur noch eine 'Richtung !!!!

      ..und die Nennung zusammen mit den richtig Großen läßt auch hoffen.
      Wichtig wäre mal der Kurs über 025
      Aber ich glaube, wenn die alten Angsthasen ihr Geld gerettet haben, wird das ganz schnell gehen

      schrieb am 25.05.08 17:22:05
      Beitrag Nr. 1.510 ()
      schrieb am 28.05.08 16:53:06
      Beitrag Nr. 1.511 ()

      schrieb am 28.05.08 17:57:14
      Beitrag Nr. 1.512 ()
      So, bin endlich komplett raus heute, auch wenns bei mir wirklich nur Taschengeld war was ich hier drin hatte. Bin etwa +- 0 raus :rolleyes:

      Allen Investierten noch viel Erfolg.

      schrieb am 29.05.08 10:07:28
      Beitrag Nr. 1.513 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.189.351 von Wayet am 28.05.08 17:57:14
      schön, dass du ohne Verlust raus konntest.

      Ich kanns natürlich noch nicht lassen...:D

      Habe die Hoffnung auf Gewinn nicht aufgegeben.

      Der Grund ist, dass jetzt auch Zeitungen über buzz berichten, u.a. die Größte in Thailand. Es sollen auch immr mehr Beteiligungen zustande kommen. Ich glaube eben nicht, dass derartige Anstrengungen nur für ein paar lumpige Cents gemacht werden.
      Der Alexa-chart ist auch viel besser.

      Sicher wird sich auch wieder mal stupidgame oder Keutula melden und ihre Sicht darstellen. Wenns geht ohne Beschimpfungen....:D könnte doch sein, daß ihr euch geirrt habt und die Firma doch noch richtig gut wird, oder ???
      schrieb am 29.05.08 10:13:49
      Beitrag Nr. 1.514 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.193.588 von kassier am 29.05.08 10:07:28Danke !

      Ehrlich gesagt habe ich in den letzten Monaten buzz auch gar nicht mehr verfolgt. Ich habe die ganze Zeit auf einen Anstieg wie gestern gehofft. ;)

      Trotzdem wünsche ich keinem was böses und hoffe für die restlichen Investierten, dass buzz doch keine Märchenfirma ist.

      schrieb am 02.06.08 12:40:25
      Beitrag Nr. 1.515 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.193.588 von kassier am 29.05.08 10:07:28Welche größte Zeitung Thailands berichtet denn über Buzz?
      schrieb am 02.06.08 12:59:31
      Beitrag Nr. 1.516 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.216.953 von keutula_reloaded am 02.06.08 12:40:25
      habe mir den Namen nicht genau gemerkt.
      Sowie es wieder so weit ist, stelle ich das hier rein.

      bis bald

      schrieb am 02.06.08 13:40:00
      Beitrag Nr. 1.517 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.216.953 von keutula_reloaded am 02.06.08 12:40:25 May 29, 2008 - 12:59 PM EDT

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      BZTG 0.03 0.00

      Today 5d 1m 3m 1y 5y 10y

      The Bangkok Post to Feature Buzz in Print
      --( 05/29/2008 - The Bangkok Post, Thailand's most popular newspaper, will be running 1/4 page promotions in the weekend's print edition both Saturday and Sunday to help advance Buzz Technologies Inc.'s (OTC: BZTG) business across Asia, especially Thailand, as part of the ongoing partnership between Post Publishing and Buzz.

      The articles will promote Buzz's Marketing, Search, Property, Web, and Business Services, and we expect that this will drive Thai and Asian sales and brand awareness throughout the quarter. The articles will also feature the good wishes of some of our advertisers and partners. Everyone at Buzz is very thankful for the great support from The Bangkok Post and there is no doubt they have been helpful in Buzz becoming Thailand's premier ad supplier beating out major rivals Google, Yahoo and Microsoft.

      In China, Buzz has seen the number of internet caf¿ PCs rise to 60,000 since the signing of the Green Power Internet Caf¿ Union, and expects this to grow at a faster rate as Chinese Publishers start displaying Ads by Buzz.

      About Buzz:

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. is a convergent media company with operations ranging from infrastructure development to online retail.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements based on the Company's beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including statements regarding the timing of the introduction of certain products. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties which are identified and described in the Company's registration statements and periodic reports on file with the SEC, some of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, issues related to the travel and transportation industries, and prevailing economic conditions in general. In light of these risks and uncertainties, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate.

      Buzz Technologies, Inc.

      Srisoonthorn Road

      Cherngtalay, Phuket, Thailand

      Source: U.S. Equity News (May 29, 2008 - 12:59 PM EDT)

      News by QuoteMedia
      schrieb am 02.06.08 13:41:18
      Beitrag Nr. 1.518 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.216.953 von keutula_reloaded am 02.06.08 12:40:25 May 29, 2008 - 12:59 PM EDT

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      Receive Copy: yes

      BZTG 0.03 0.00

      Today 5d 1m 3m 1y 5y 10y

      The Bangkok Post to Feature Buzz in Print
      --( 05/29/2008 - The Bangkok Post, Thailand's most popular newspaper, will be running 1/4 page promotions in the weekend's print edition both Saturday and Sunday to help advance Buzz Technologies Inc.'s (OTC: BZTG) business across Asia, especially Thailand, as part of the ongoing partnership between Post Publishing and Buzz.

      The articles will promote Buzz's Marketing, Search, Property, Web, and Business Services, and we expect that this will drive Thai and Asian sales and brand awareness throughout the quarter. The articles will also feature the good wishes of some of our advertisers and partners. Everyone at Buzz is very thankful for the great support from The Bangkok Post and there is no doubt they have been helpful in Buzz becoming Thailand's premier ad supplier beating out major rivals Google, Yahoo and Microsoft.

      In China, Buzz has seen the number of internet caf¿ PCs rise to 60,000 since the signing of the Green Power Internet Caf¿ Union, and expects this to grow at a faster rate as Chinese Publishers start displaying Ads by Buzz.

      About Buzz:

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. is a convergent media company with operations ranging from infrastructure development to online retail.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements based on the Company's beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including statements regarding the timing of the introduction of certain products. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties which are identified and described in the Company's registration statements and periodic reports on file with the SEC, some of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, issues related to the travel and transportation industries, and prevailing economic conditions in general. In light of these risks and uncertainties, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate.

      Buzz Technologies, Inc.

      Srisoonthorn Road

      Cherngtalay, Phuket, Thailand

      Source: U.S. Equity News (May 29, 2008 - 12:59 PM EDT)

      News by QuoteMedia
      schrieb am 02.06.08 14:47:11
      Beitrag Nr. 1.519 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.217.465 von wise_w am 02.06.08 13:41:18Ahh, die gute alte Bangkok Post.
      Eine fremdsprachige Zeitung in Thailand mit der Auflage eines mittleren deutschen Regionalblattes. Die schieben sie den Geschäftsreisenden in Bangkok jeden Morgen ungefragt durch den Hotelzimmerschlitz. Kann ich mich noch gut dran erinnern. (Vermutlich kommen sie daher auf die Auflagezahlen.)
      Hoffentlich erzählt demnächst kein Russe den Thailändern, dass die Russki Berlin die größte Zeitung Deutschlands ist...

      Gibt es in Thailand keine Zeitungen für Einheimische?
      schrieb am 02.06.08 17:02:07
      Beitrag Nr. 1.520 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.218.005 von keutula_reloaded am 02.06.08 14:47:11kann man auch anders sehen...

      ..was hilft eine einheimische Zeitung....die armen Leute haben doch kein Geld zu kaufen..

      ..da muss international ran...:D

      schrieb am 02.06.08 17:54:36
      Beitrag Nr. 1.521 ()

      Market Wire
      11:37 a.m. 06/02/2008

      HONG KONG and PHUKET, THAILAND, Jun 02, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Technologies, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: BZTG) has recorded another record growth month across Asia with over 350,000 regular users viewing 2.2m pages. Search and Buzz Marketing reached some 3m people serving over 50m Ads in Asia during the month.

      The portal traffic was generated by

      1) 1,323,462 (59.92%) 2) 222,797 (10.09%) 3) 196,533 (8.90%) 4) 186,457 (8.44%) 5) 50,131 (2.27%) (Independent Statistics from True Internet Corp, )

      Currently Buzz is focused on generating Thai and Chinese business, competing directly with Google, Baidu and Yahoo.

      The rapid growth in China has been driven by Internet Cafes. Currently 67000 PCs in internet cafes have their home page set to Buzz and this number is expected to reach 200,000 by August 2008.

      Buzz will officially launch a YouTube Search tool today, located at, where visitors can search and watch 12buzz videos on a single page. The super fast search tool will also allow millions of people who cannot directly access 12buzz at various times to enjoy the online video offerings.

      About Buzz:

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. is a convergent media company with operations ranging from infrastructure development to online retail.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements based on the Company's beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including statements regarding the timing of the introduction of certain products. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties which are identified and described in the Company's registration statements and periodic reports on file with the SEC, some of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, issues related to the travel and transportation industries, and prevailing economic conditions in general. In light of these risks and uncertainties, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate.

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. Srisoonthorn Road Cherngtalay, Phuket, Thailand

      CONTACT: Buzz Technologies, Inc. Beth Simpson 66872721727 Marketing Director

      Copyright 2008 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 02.06.08 18:01:48
      Beitrag Nr. 1.522 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.219.571 von kassier am 02.06.08 17:02:07Na dann viel Spaß noch!!!

      Denk an meine Mail kassier, wie sprechen uns wieder ;)

      Ich will Euch nicht die momentane Party verderben...
      schrieb am 02.06.08 18:48:08
      Beitrag Nr. 1.523 ()
      Bench Mark Journal: Sector Analysis for BZTG


      12:05 p.m. 06/02/2008

      Jun 02, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- LONDON- Benchmark Journal brings independent company and sector research together, utilizing top financial advisors and investment tactics to provide you with a clear picture of investment opportunities. Once you register as a free member to, you will be granted full access to our site, including sector analysis and company analysis. Our company profiles will be at your fingertips, presented in a clearly laid out format that allows you to easily comprehend the dynamics of our featured companies. Our analysts have selected the following company, Buzz Technologies, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: BZTG), for review as it has noteworthy corporate development and have potential for growth.

      This Monday, during the mid-session, Buzz Technologies was up 13.33 percent with a volume over 890,000.

      This Monday, June 2nd, 2008, Buzz Technologies Inc., has recorded another record growth month across Asia with over 350,000 regular users viewing 2.2m pages. Search and Buzz Marketing reached some 3m people serving over 50m Ads in Asia during the month.

      The portal traffic was generated by

      1) 1,323,462 (59.92%) 2) 222,797 (10.09%) 3) 196,533 (8.90%) 4) 186,457 (8.44%) 5) 50,131 (2.27%) (Independent Statistics from True Internet Corp, ) Currently Buzz is focused on generating Thai and Chinese business, competing directly with Google, Baidu and Yahoo.

      The rapid growth in China has been driven by Internet Cafes. Currently 67000 PCs in internet cafes have their home page set to Buzz and this number is expected to reach 200,000 by August 2008.

      To view our research, sign up to now. Timing and knowledge are essential components of every successful investment, and thus we only release analysis when the timing is ideal for action. To reap the full benefits of our services sign up now, and get informed when it matters.

      Companies looking to receive additional exposure of their equities please email us at so that we can gather more information about your needs.

      If you are tired of being the last to hear about exciting opportunities and want to know what the others seem to know before you, sign up now to . We will help you not only to identify strong trading opportunities, but also be able to capitalize on them when the markets are ripe for the picking.

      Take the time to fill in the registration form at and become one step closer to trading in the markets with clarity and direction. has not been compensated by any of the above mentioned companies.

      This release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. "Forward-looking statements" describe future expectations, plans, results, or strategies and are generally preceded by words such as "may", "future", "plan" or "planned", "will" or "should", "expected," "anticipates", "draft", "eventually" or "projected". You are cautioned that such statements are subject to a multitude of risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events, or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements, including the risks that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, and other risks identified in a companies' annual report on Form 10-K or 10-KSB and other filings made by such company with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      You should consider these factors in evaluating the forward-looking statements included herein, and not place undue reliance on such statements. The forward-looking statements in this release are made as of the date hereof and Benchmark Journal undertakes no obligation to update such statements.

      CONTACT: Benchmark Journal WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD

      danke keute, auf jeden Fall ists für mich zur Zeit richtig spannend.

      schrieb am 10.06.08 17:34:43
      Beitrag Nr. 1.524 ()
      eben von Yahoo !!!!

      Press Release Source: Buzz Technologies, Inc.

      China: 100,000 PCs Serving as Buzz Sales Terminals
      Tuesday June 10, 11:14 am ET

      HONG KONG and PHUKET, THAILAND--(MARKET WIRE)--Jun 10, 2008 -- Buzz Technologies, Inc. (Other OTC:BZTG.PK - News) has recorded record growth during the first 10 days of June. Chinese Internet Cafés have signed on to the Buzz program at a rapid rate and currently over 100,000 PCs in China's Internet Cafés have their homepage hardwired to Buzz.

      Buzz is now introducing phase 2 of the roll out that will see each PC and Café become a sales terminal for Buzz products and services. Currently being implemented, the system allows users to pay for VoIP, Hosting, Domain Names, Advertising and in the next phase Travel and Shopping.

      Buzz now has seen 140,000 daily and 450,000 daily page views. Publisher numbers have also seen solid growth with Buzz Marketing's ads, reaching an estimated 3.31m people daily across Asia.

      Buzz is focused on generating Thai and Chinese business competing directly with Google, Baidu and Yahoo. The range of services now includes Advertising, Web Services, Entertainment, Property, Travel, Communications, Sports, Casinos and an extension of Financial Services, Buzz Broker is set to be launched soon.

      The Buzz Livescore service for sporting events has attracted many new users to the site. Currently offering live Football scores (Soccer), the service is being extended to NBA and Olympic events.

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. has been invited as a Media Partner and Featured Presenter at the Smart Investment Expo in Hong Kong, China in June,, and will continue the relationship throughout all of the Smart Expo's in Asia. Smart is Asia's leading international and investment property expo, showcasing opportunities from around the world to the investment community.

      About Buzz:

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. is a convergent media company with operations ranging from infrastructure development to online retail.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements based on the Company's beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including statements regarding the timing of the introduction of certain products. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties which are identified and described in the Company's registration statements and periodic reports on file with the SEC, some of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, issues related to the travel and transportation industries, and prevailing economic conditions in general. In light of these risks and uncertainties, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate.
      schrieb am 23.06.08 20:37:27
      Beitrag Nr. 1.525 ()
      Hong Kong China, Jun 23, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- BZTG | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating -- Buzz Technologies Inc (PINKSHEETS:BZTG) (OTC:BZTG) having already claimed the title of Thailand's number 1 ad supplier from rival Google has stepped up the companys sales network in China competing directly against Baidu. The Company has added to the range of Ad Services in the China market to Include;
      Region and Suburb Specific Online Ads in the following forms

      Text Search (Text/Banner) Widgets Games Video



      and will soon add Print and TV advertising.

      Buzz has become one of China's Top 800 most popular web sites ( with a growing range of offerings in local languages. The company has aimed at delivering easy interactive content across web, TV and mobile. Publishers include a growing list of Asia's Most Important websites as well as 130 000 PC's in Internet Cafes across China.

      Recently launched Foreign Exchange trading and Online Multiplayer Games Sales have been well received and on Friday the companys website had its most usage ever with over 160 000 visitors and 500 000 page views (

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      Morning Coffee with TradingMarkets -- Free Newsletter
      schrieb am 23.06.08 21:23:38
      Beitrag Nr. 1.526 ()


      Hong Kong, June 23, 2008, (OTC:BZTG) (ISIN:US12428P1030)
      Baidu and Googles main competitor Buzz Directors to Extend Holdings and Update Market

      Print article
      Refer to a friend
      2008-06-23 18:21:43 - Hong Kong China Buzz Technologies Inc (PINKSHEETS:BZTG) (OTC:BZTG) Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) and Baidu (NASDAQ:BIDU) main competitor in China has announced new board resolutions that tightly regulate the issue of any new stock except in the instance of a take-over or the acquisition of any company valued in excess of $20m USD, the new board resolutions were passed so the company can present themselves as an investment opportunity to professional investors and various investment houses in Asia at the Smart Investment Expo currently being held in Hong Kong.

      Directors of the company believe the stock is currently undervalued and will be extending their holdings in the coming months. Prior to any large scale acquisition of stock by directors they have agreed to releasing a series of Press Releases to insure the market is properly informed about the company and the companys prospects, this will be done over the
      next 3 days.

      The Directors believe that given the rapid expansion in China and in Search and Online Advertising in Asia Buzz has been overlooked by the Investment Community. China increased its internet users in one year by 73,000,000. The total number of U.S. Internet users is estimated to be 215 million - only three times China's one year gain and only 5 million more total Internet users than China. With a population in excess of 1 billion, China clearly has plenty of capacity to not only catch-up but leave the U.S. well behind in market size.

      Google Inc. , already dominate in Internet search in the rest of the world save for China and Russian, sees China as key to its future. At a conference in Boao, China Google China President Kai-Fu Lee was quoted in the Wall Street Journal as saying 'Certainly, we would like to aspire to be a market leader China in five years.' dominates the Chinese Internet search market the way Google dominates the U.S. market. With over 60% market share, even Google admits it will be a tough road ahead. As Google's Kai-Fu Lee noted, 'Gaining share against a well-established, supermajority competitor is a difficult proposition because there is a certain critical mass, economy of scale and word-of-mouth effect that one has to overcome.'

      In the last month Buzz has spread quickly across China's Internet Cafes and in a little over a month has 130 000 PC's hardwired to with the expectation of 400 000 by the end of 2008. At this rate of growth Buzz anticipates becoming one of China's top 5 most visited sites with in 5 years

      Politically, Google has significant disadvantages in the Chinese market. There are already well-covered cases of the Chinese government demanding search filtering or disclosures of user information as the admission price to China's huge Internet market. These pressures make it difficult for Google to keep face with its Western users, a problem and do not have. Also, culturally users may want to stick with or as they are native companies - rare among the technology companies that dominate Asia's landscape.

      As Buzz Technologies Inc expands in China it will pose serious competition to Baidu and Google and is therefor undervalued according to the directors.
      schrieb am 24.06.08 22:11:42
      Beitrag Nr. 1.527 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Mobile to Enter North American Market Quick Reply Quote

      Jun 24, 2008 Buzz (OTC:BZTG) (PINKSHEETS:BZTG) will extend it's mobile portal offerings to North America in the next 30 days with a portal that offers users the ability to check any e-mail, search the Web, send GRPS messages, share photos, micro-blog and watch videos on their phones -- to compete with systems offered by G oogle's Android, Microsoft Corp., Apple Inc. and Research In Motion Ltd. The Buzz Mobile Portal offers great ad space available from Buzz as well. Online advertising on phones in the U.S. may jump to $4.8 billion by 2011 from $1.6 billion this year, according to New York-based research firm EMarketer Inc.

      ''They look at mobile as one of the emerging, multi-decade opportunities,'' Scott Kessler, an analyst with Standard & Poor's in New York, said in a Bloomberg Television interview. ''This is about market share for Google right now.''

      The Wall Street Journal reported today that Android is experiencing delays as wireless carriers such as T-Mobile USA Inc. and Sprint Nextel Corp. struggle to implement the technology. Android-based phones might not make it onto the market until the end of 2008 or sometime next year, the Journal said, citing people familiar with the matter.

      Buzz is seeking the same payoff from mobile-phone advertising that it is developing in the computer-based online ad market. Shipments of so-called smart phones, which have Internet browsing and e-mail access, increased 29 percent to 32.3 million units. North America led that growth, where shipments more than doubled from a year earlier, Stamford, Connecticut-based Gartner said.

      There are more than 3.3 billion mobile phones worldwide, about one for every two people on the planet. By 2010, that number is expected to jump to 4 billion, or triple the number of personal computers, Gartner said.

      About Buzz:

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. is a convergent media company with operations ranging from infrastructure development to online retail.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements based on the Company's beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including statements regarding the timing of the introduction of certain products. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties which are identified and described in the Company's registration statements and periodic reports on file with the SEC, some of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, issues related to the travel and transportation industries, and prevailing economic conditions in general. In light of these risks and uncertainties, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc
      Tel: 1 6687 272 1727
      schrieb am 26.06.08 19:20:36
      Beitrag Nr. 1.528 ()

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      Press Release Source: Buzz Technologies, Inc.

      Buzz to IPO in Hong Kong
      Thursday June 26, 12:16 pm ET

      HONG KONG--(MARKET WIRE)--Jun 26, 2008 -- Buzz Technologies, Inc. (Other OTC:BZTG.PK - News) has announced that the company will list on the Hong Kong Exchange via an IPO.

      Current BZTG shareholders will be able to exchange 1 share in BZTG for 1 share in the new entity at the time of listing. The share structure of the new entity will exactly reflect the current 300m with no additional issue. After which the new entity will take control of the Texas entity and will see it trading as an ADR on the NASDAQ.

      Participants in the IPO will need to acquire BZTG stock on market as will Investment Houses and Brokers involved in the IPO. Two Hong Kong brokers are competing for the IPO and an announcement for the lead position will be made in the coming weeks.

      The IPO will be released to qualified, professional investors only in Asia. The new structure will allow for a more rapid expansion in China as well as being a tax effective base for the company to grow from. It will also bring to an end the opportunity for the rampant naked short selling practices that have spread through our current exchange.

      The make up of the Hong Kong Board will be predominantly new and in keeping with the company's strong focus on Asia. The IPO will be featured at the upcoming SMART Investment Expo in Hong Kong

      Some Directors of the Company intend on increasing their holdings but prior to that acquisition it should be pointed out that:

      1. The Company has in the past released financial information
      2. The Company has beaten expectations every quarter since inception
      3. Estimates of $120m in revenue for 2009 may be revised upwards.

      To allow for the proper dissemination of these press releases, directors will not be buying on market for the next 7 days. The directors believe this results in maximum shareholder value.

      About Buzz:
      schrieb am 26.06.08 19:23:39
      Beitrag Nr. 1.529 ()

      Und nicht vergessen, so weit ich weiss, muss der Kurs mind. 1 HK-Dollar betragen, das heisst mind ca. 13 usa-cent.
      schrieb am 26.06.08 19:27:21
      Beitrag Nr. 1.530 ()
      Morgen wird das wohl in Asien veröffentlicht werden, mal sehn ob da schon welche in usa kaufen ????

      und hier noch der Langzeitchart
      schrieb am 28.06.08 21:56:26
      Beitrag Nr. 1.531 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.383.986 von kassier am 26.06.08 19:27:21Hi Kassier,

      immer noch ein Verhältnis mit BUZZ? Was sagt denn deine Frau dazu? :D Falls du wieder Geld an der Börse verdienen möchtest, schau dir mal lieber die Kohle- und Potashplayer an, sind im Moment die einzigen Werte wo du ein paar Euronen machen kannst.

      schrieb am 30.06.08 16:40:02
      Beitrag Nr. 1.532 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.398.132 von Raudy am 28.06.08 21:56:26servus raudy,

      nein, ich bleib doch noch bei buzzi. Ich will das wissen.

      Vom Volumen her wird jetzt interessant....und vom pps her natürlich auch.

      schrieb am 30.06.08 19:50:43
      Beitrag Nr. 1.533 ()
      Maxwell Media Marketing: The Movers and Shakers for Monday, June 30, 2008 LTHU, FRGY, BZTG, GYGC, VYEY
      Monday, June 30, 2008; Posted: 12:35 PM 7 Stocks You Need To Know For Tomorrow -- Free Newsletter
      Jun 30, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- VYEY | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating -- Maxwell Media Marketing: Serious Speculator's Market Movers and Shakers for today and tomorrow include: Lithium Technology Corporation (LTC) (Pink Sheets: LTHU), Frontier Energy Corporation (Pink Sheets: FRGY), Buzz Technologies, Inc. (Pink Sheets: BZTG), Guyana Gold Corp. (Pink Sheets: GYGC), Victory Energy Corporation (OTCBB: VYEY)
      Visit and register for our regular newsletter and email alerts. While there, also visit our popular blog at featuring insight and opinion regarding stocks on the move and market trends as economy well as our featured company, always of interest to serious speculators everywhere. Also, visit our blog for updates on our featured companies as well as insightful and entertaining information on many other financial subjects of interest.


      LITHIUM TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION - New Chief leads to gains.

      Lithium Technology Corporation (LTC) (Pink Sheets: LTHU), is trading up 20% following the news of June 27, 2008 that as a leading global manufacturer of large rechargeable lithium ion batteries, announced that its Board of Directors has appointed Theo M.M. Kremers as its Chief Executive Officer. To read the entire story, click here:

      FRONTIER ENERGY CORPORATION - Yes, more oil is good.

      Frontier Energy Corporation (Pink Sheets: FRGY | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating) is trading up 50% on heavy volume following the news of June 27, 2008 that the Company is pleased to announce it has signed a letter of intent for the purchase of all assets and on-going business of Cancen Oil Processors, Inc. ("Cancen") (, a private company. Cancen's assets include a refinery, multiple disposal wells and an existing operating business with experienced staff. To read the entire story, click here:

      BUZZ TECHNOLOGIES, INC. - Lots of buzz about Buzz.

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. (Pink Sheets: BZTG | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating) is trading up 18% on heavier than usual volume following the news of June 27, 2008 that has released independent Web Traffic Data from Truehits. The Data reflects the rapid uptake of the site amongst users in Asia. To read the entire story, click here:

      GUYANA GOLD CORP. - Reduction leads to gains.

      Guyana Gold Corp. (Pink Sheets: GYGC | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating) gapped up 40% before retracing and remains up 10% on very heavy volume on the news of June 30, 2008 that the Company is pleased to announce that a decision has been made to cancel 114,250,000 common shares. This cancellation will reduce the company's outstanding shares from 165,038,947 to 50,788,947, which represents approximately 70% of the issued and outstanding shares. To read the entire story, click here:

      VICTORY ENERGY CORPORATION - More oil acquired.

      Victory Energy Corporation (OTCBB: VYEY | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating) is trading up 19% on the news of June 30, 2008 that announced it has acquired an additional oil and gas lease consisting of 640 acres. This acreage is contiguous to and expands the Corporation's current gas play in the Texas Permian Basin. To read the entire story, click here:

      ALTERNATIVE ENERGY STOCK WEB PORTAL - The Place for Alternative Energy Content

      Also, visit our newest site, a total resource site for alternative energy stocks. Here we have listed well over 100 alternative energy related companies and stocks where are adding more every day. All major industries are included.

      Visit our fuel-cell site at , our lithium-ion site at , our biofuel site at , our solar power site at , our wind energy site at , our geothermal site at , and our nuclear energy site at . While you're there, check out our new alternative energy blog at .


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      schrieb am 30.06.08 19:52:10
      Beitrag Nr. 1.534 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): China Intenet Cafe's to Get Buzz TV
      Monday, June 30, 2008; Posted: 04:17 AM 7 Stocks You Need To Know For Tomorrow -- Free Newsletter
      Jun 30, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- BZTG | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating -- Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG) (PINKSHEETS:BZTG) has finalized negotiations to launch Free Sat TV to 150 000 PC's in the Buzz Internet Cafe program currently sweeping China ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, this will increase the pressure on rivals China Digital TV Baidu and Google.
      The software features over 500 channels, in more than 100 languages, broadcast on Buzz TV FREE. Advertising opportunities on Buzz TV are now available at…

      Viewers can download Buzz TV at .

      In many countries Buzz TV will be the only free way to watch the Olympics live in your choice of languages.

      Buzz Sat TV - Featuring Bloomberg, BBC News, CNN International, ESPN, Fashion TV, NASA and YouTube!

      With 378 million TV households and 152 million cable TV households at the end of 2007, China is the world's largest TV market. Its cable TV industry generated 3.4bn in revenue in 2007 and is expected to grow at over seven per cent year-on-year to be worth Euro 4.8bn by 2012.

      Cable dominates the multi-channel industry as satellite reception is banned and IPTV is in its infancy. As a result 40% of all homes have cable TV, and it accounts for 99% of the pay TV market.

      With significant investment in the technological infrastructure across the country, the cable industry is rapidly converting to digital in time for the planned analogue switch-off in 2015. The Olympics is acting as a catalyst for this - as the Beijing Olympics will be the first all-HD Olympic Games. Digitization and a raft of interactive TV services will drive average revenue per subscriber up.

      According to The Insight Research Corporation this sector is set to explode, here is what they had to say;

      Streaming video and music distributed across the Internet, an IPTV network, or a mobile handset will generate $70 billion in network- derived and content-derived revenue into the US markets over the next six years, according to a new market research study from The Insight Research Corporation. Streaming media refers to the transmission of digital audio and video files over an IP network or wireless network in real time or on-demand, while prohibiting users from storing the files locally.

      Insight's market analysis study, "Streaming Media, IPTV, and Broadband Transport: Telecommunications Carriers and Entertainment Services 2008-2013," describes the technology and market forces underpinning the network-derived revenues generated from distributing streamed content across the public Internet, content distribution networks, cellular networks, or telco IP networks.

      The study also estimates the revenue from the various types of content- derived revenues, along with associated advertising revenue. The streaming market is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of nearly 29 percent over the next six years, driven by on-demand audio, on-demand video, as well as the accompanying advertising revenue.

      "The outlook for streaming media has never been brighter. Questions surrounding consumers' willingness to pay for content have been dispelled by satellite radio and iTunes," says Robert Rosenberg, Insight Research president. "The forecasts that we present are conservative and in line with current performance. If, however, per- stream costs drop faster than anticipated, we have quicker acceptance of IPTV, or improvements in 3G delivery take place faster than expected, it could blow the doors off of our forecasts, propelling this industry into explosive growth," Rosenberg continues.

      Insight's report examines the following market drivers: licensing issues, broadband Internet access, mass-market demand, and enterprise usage. Forecasts include revenues for the US market by network services, including digital rights management (DRM), encoding, and performance measurement; and by content services, including advertising, music on-demand, Internet radio and video on-demand.
      schrieb am 01.07.08 19:09:01
      Beitrag Nr. 1.535 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): A Rare High Tech IPO gets attention
      Tuesday, July 01, 2008; Posted: 05:56 AM 7 Stocks You Need To Know For Tomorrow -- Free Newsletter
      Jul 01, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- SINA | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating -- As the IPO drought in Silicon Valley is intensifying, prompting big changes in how high-tech companies backed by venture capitalists raise money. The exception to this rule is Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG), who will IPO in a very non traditional manner in Hong Kong departing the USA as the main listing venue to seek a better audience amongst it's web users in Asia. Baidu (NASDAQ:BIDU), Sina (NASDAQ:SINA) and Netease (NASDAQ:NTES) main competitor Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG) has announced that the company will list on the Hong Kong Exchange via an IPO.
      In the second quarter, no companies backed by venture capitalists went public via an initial public offering in the U.S., the first time that has happened since 1978, according to the National Venture Capital Association. There were just five venture-capital-backed stock offerings in the first quarter, compared with 31 in the fourth quarter of 2007.

      With stock offerings not an option for many small, venture-backed companies -- at least in the near term -- these start-ups are being forced to raise more money privately to stay afloat., Buzz took a long time to get going but did so without venture capital backing, but opted for cash flow to fund growth in a move that now sees the company debt free and booming.

      "Our business has never been better," says Dwight Badger, the co-founder and chief executive of Advanced Equities, which specializes in doing late-stage private placements for venture-backed companies. The company had about $300 million in revenue last year, up from $3 million in 2002, according to Mr. Badger's business partner, Keith Daubenspeck.

      The flurry of late-stage financing, of course, is delaying profits for venture capitalists, who see their biggest paydays when the companies they back go public and they sell. And though some venture-backed start-ups are considering acquisition offers -- a good thing for venture capitalists, since they also make money when their companies are bought -- the IPO slowdown is denting the value of M&A deals. Buzz's IPO has no venture capitalists hot for an exit on opening so the growth in the company seems assured.

      Other beneficiaries of the IPO doldrums include investment firms that traffic in the low-profile secondary market for venture-capital deals. These firms buy positions in private, venture-backed companies from venture-capital firms, or venture arms of corporations; investors in venture-capital firms, such as pension funds or hedge funds; and sometimes from the cash-strapped executives of start-ups themselves.

      Many of these executives have lately been frustrated that they can't liquidate their stakes and finally see a payday from their years of work. Right now, the average venture-backed company in the U.S. takes 8.6 years from inception to go public, up from less than 4 years in 1999.

      "The secondary market gets busier when the primary market needs liquidity," says Hans Swildens, the founder of Industry Ventures, a San Francisco secondary-venture-capital firm. "The downturn's created a large opportunity" for secondary firms. Mr. Swildens says Industry Ventures has bought 36 venture positions in the last 12 months, compared with 27 in the previous year.

      The National Venture Capital Association this week called the current lack of IPOs a "capital markets crisis" and urged government action to simplify some regulations for start-ups.

      Some venture capitalists and bankers say that recent structural changes on Wall Street have done more to hurt small companies' IPO chances, including a dearth of research analysts who cover smaller stocks. Without research, big, institutional buyers won't buy those stocks.

      "The economics have been destroyed for small-cap IPOs," says Revolution Partners' Mr. Falvey.

      The Buzz Hong Kong IPO seems well placed to attract serious investors to a market that lacks anything new, and dilution free.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson


      wenn ich die nächsten 14 Tage keine news hier reinstelle, liegt es daran, dass ich im Urlaub keinen Hotspot in der Nähe habe.
      schrieb am 14.07.08 19:13:15
      Beitrag Nr. 1.536 ()
      Ich setz Buzz auf die watchlist

      Press Release Source: Buzz Technologies, Inc.

      China VoIP Could Reach $100m by 2010 for Buzz
      Tuesday July 8, 10:45 am ET

      HONG KONG--(MARKET WIRE)--Jul 8, 2008 -- Buzz Technologies, Inc. (Other OTC:BZTG.PK - News) has announced that the company will launch the new VoIP Service to China's Internet Cafes on the 27th of July 2008 and has already made arrangements for it to be installed on close to 200,000 PCs in Internet Cafes in China immediately and 400,000 by January 2009.

      The new VoIP system from Buzz will offer paid discounted calling and discounted ad supported calling across China. The service is being integrated into Buzz's Free SMS service to be launched at the same time.

      VoIP, ad supported VoIP and Free ad supported SMS will provide Buzz an edge on Google and Baidu in the highly competitive Online Ad and Search Marketing in China. Buzz Technologies Inc. is currently testing APIs from other Ad Networks with a view to ad sharing agreements with some of the largest ad networks in the world. The move will help build the Buzz Brand as well as increase revenue by up to 30%.

      With the current nature of the online ad market and the uncertainty of the Google, Yahoo, Microsoft situation regarding mergers Buzz feels it is best to be prepared for any and all outcomes. Various APIs will be tested on sites and search over the next month and be completed prior to the Olympics.

      The main benefit in any ad sharing deal will be a faster and more profitable roll out across the USA.

      The Company is preparing for an IPO in Hong Kong under which the current BZTG shareholders will be able to exchange 1 share in BZTG for 1 share in the new entity at the time of listing. The share structure of the new entity will exactly reflect the current 300m with no additional issue. After which the new entity will take control of the Texas entity and will see it trading as an ADR on the NASDAQ.

      Participants in the IPO will need to acquire BZTG stock on market as will Investment Houses and Brokers involved in the IPO. Two Hong Kong brokers are competing for the IPO and an announcement for the lead position will be made in the coming weeks.

      About Buzz:

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. is a convergent media company with operations ranging from infrastructure development to online retail.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements based on the Company's beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including statements regarding the timing of the introduction of certain products. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties which are identified and described in the Company's registration statements and periodic reports on file with the SEC, some of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, issues related to the travel and transportation industries, and prevailing economic conditions in general. In light of these risks and uncertainties, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate.


      Buzz Technologies, Inc.
      Srisoonthorn Road
      Cherngtalay, Phuket, Thailand
      Buzz Technologies, Inc.
      Beth Simpson
      Marketing Director

      Source: Buzz Technologies, Inc.
      schrieb am 14.07.08 20:24:15
      Beitrag Nr. 1.537 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.504.538 von talis am 14.07.08 19:13:15wenn der matador des threads aus dem urlaub da ist
      werd ich auch ihn mal anrufen:)

      muss auch noch einiges mal für die mögliche zukunft abklären;)
      schrieb am 16.07.08 18:40:25
      Beitrag Nr. 1.538 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Email Anywhere Upgrade Complete
      Wednesday, July 16, 2008; Posted: 10:03 AM 7 Stocks You Need To Know For Tomorrow -- Free Newsletter
      Jul 16, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- BZTG | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating -- Buzz (OTC:BZTG) has just completed an upgrade of the companys Free Email Service, Buzz Email Anywhere is fully integrated with all desktop, mobile, iPhone, iPod and Blackberry and the free service is available at or on mobile at As part of the new upgrade the sending of SMS/Text Messages is now much easier using Japanese, Chinese, Thai and many Indian Languages.
      Email Anywhere puts the world of online communication on your desktop, mobile, iPhone, iPod and Blackberry. If you want to exchange Email, Video or SMS with colleagues, friends or family all the tools you need are here.

      If you're looking for an e-mail program that is fully integrated with any device, look no further. This free e-mail application will rival even the most powerful commercial programs.

      It's great also for people who want to check their other email accounts with a mail client that is not limited by OS or device.

      Here are some key features of Email Anywhere

      -- Manage multiple e-mail Accounts

      If you have several e-mail accounts, you can work with all of them within one window. You can also create multiple users, or identities, for the same device. Each identity has unique e-mail folders and an individual Address Book. Multiple identities make it easy for you to keep work e-mail separate from personal e-mail, and also to keep individual users' e-mail separated.

      -- Browse through messages quickly and easily Using the message list and preview pane, you can view a list of messages and read individual messages at the same time. The Folders list contains e-mail folders, news servers, and newsgroups, and you can easily switch among them. You can also create new folders to organize and sort messages, and then set up message rules so that incoming e-mail that meets your criteria automatically goes to a specific folder. You can also create your own views to customize the way you look at your e-mail.

      -- Keep your e-mails, Pictures, Video's, Music on our server so you can enjoy it from more than one device.

      Whether or not your email service provider (ESP) uses an Internet message access protocol (IMAP) or POP e-mail server for incoming e-mail, you can read, store, and organize your files in folders on the server without downloading the messages to your device. That way, you can view files from any device as they all can connect to our server.

      -- Use the Address Book to store and retrieve e-mail addresses You can save names and addresses in the Address Book automatically by simply replying to a message. You can also import names and addresses from other programs, type them into the Address Book, add them from e-mail messages you receive, or add them from a search. The Address Book supports Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) for viewing Internet directory services and ActiveSync.

      -- Add a personal signature or stationery to your messages You can insert essential information into outgoing messages as part of your personal signature, and you can create multiple signatures to use for different purposes. You can also include a business card with more detailed information. To make your messages look more attractive, you can add stationery patterns and backgrounds, and you can change the color and style of the text.

      -- Send and receive secure messages You can digitally sign and encrypt messages by using digital IDs. Digitally signing your message assures recipients that the message is really from you. 4096 Military Grade Encryption ensures that only intended recipients can read the message.

      . Control Spam Settings

      Specify the level to mark a message as Spam, a value of 10 will mark only the most obvious messages as spam, where a value of 1 will use a more aggressive filter to determine if a message is of Spam origin.

      . iPhone - iPod - Mobiles and PDA

      Everything you can do on your PC, you can now do on these devices with Buzz Email Anywhere.

      About Buzz

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. is a convergent media company with operations ranging from infrastructure development to online retail.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements based on the Company's beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including statements regarding the timing of the introduction of certain products. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties which are identified and described in the Company's registration statements and periodic reports on file with the SEC, some of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, issues related to the travel and transportation industries, and prevailing economic conditions in general. In light of these risks and uncertainties, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      Morning Coffee with TradingMarkets -- Free Newsletter
      schrieb am 16.07.08 18:41:05
      Beitrag Nr. 1.539 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Latest TV for PC Released
      Wednesday, July 16, 2008; Posted: 10:03 AM 7 Stocks You Need To Know For Tomorrow -- Free Newsletter
      Jul 16, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- BZTG | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating -- Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG) has released an upgraded version of the TV software featuring over 5000 channels, in more than 100 languages, broadcast on Buzz TV FREE. Viewers can download Buzz TV at . (old version should be removed first)
      Buzz Sat TV - Featuring Bloomberg, BBC News, CNN International, ESPN, Fashion TV, NASA and YouTube!

      With 378 million TV households and 152 million cable TV households at the end of 2007, China is the world's largest TV market. Its cable TV industry generated 3.4bn in revenue in 2007 and is expected to grow at over seven per cent year-on-year to be worth Euro 4.8bn by 2012.

      Cable dominates the multi-channel industry as satellite reception is banned and IPTV is in its infancy. As a result 40% of all homes have cable TV, and it accounts for 99% of the pay TV market.

      With significant investment in the technological infrastructure across the country, the cable industry is rapidly converting to digital in time for the planned analogue switch-off in 2015. The Olympics is acting as a catalyst for this - as the Beijing Olympics will be the first all-HD Olympic Games. Digitization and a raft of interactive TV services will drive average revenue per subscriber up.

      According to The Insight Research Corporation this sector is set to explode, here is what they had to say;

      Streaming video and music distributed across the Internet, an IPTV network, or a mobile handset will generate $70 billion in network- derived and content-derived revenue into the US markets over the next six years, according to a new market research study from The Insight Research Corporation. Streaming media refers to the transmission of digital audio and video files over an IP network or wireless network in real time or on-demand, while prohibiting users from storing the files locally.

      Insight's market analysis study, "Streaming Media, IPTV, and Broadband Transport: Telecommunications Carriers and Entertainment Services 2008-2013," describes the technology and market forces underpinning the network-derived revenues generated from distributing streamed content across the public Internet, content distribution networks, cellular networks, or telco IP networks.

      The study also estimates the revenue from the various types of content- derived revenues, along with associated advertising revenue. The streaming market is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of nearly 29 percent over the next six years, driven by on-demand audio, on-demand video, as well as the accompanying advertising revenue.

      "The outlook for streaming media has never been brighter. Questions surrounding consumers' willingness to pay for content have been dispelled by satellite radio and iTunes," says Robert Rosenberg, Insight Research president. "The forecasts that we present are conservative and in line with current performance. If, however, per- stream costs drop faster than anticipated, we have quicker acceptance of IPTV, or improvements in 3G delivery take place faster than expected, it could blow the doors off of our forecasts, propelling this industry into explosive growth," Rosenberg continues.

      Insight's report examines the following market drivers: licensing issues, broadband Internet access, mass-market demand, and enterprise usage. Forecasts include revenues for the US market by network services, including digital rights management (DRM), encoding, and performance measurement; and by content services, including advertising, music on-demand, Internet radio and video on-demand.

      Advertising opportunities on Buzz TV are now available at…

      About Buzz

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. is a convergent media company with operations ranging from infrastructure development to online retail.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements based on the Company's beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including statements regarding the timing of the introduction of certain products. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties which are identified and described in the Company's registration statements and periodic reports on file with the SEC, some of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, issues related to the travel and transportation industries, and prevailing economic conditions in general. In light of these risks and uncertainties, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      Morning Coffee with TradingMarkets -- Free Newsletter
      schrieb am 17.07.08 16:53:48
      Beitrag Nr. 1.540 ()
      eben bei pinksheets erschienen:

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      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Plan to Stop Naked Short Selling

      Jul 17, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG) has for sometime believed the company's share price has been affected by naked short selling. To Combat the the naked short selling the company has announced a 1 for 1 exchange to a new foriegn entity to be traded in Hong Kong and has deemed it prudent to issue a dividend in the form of a currently non tradable security from one of the Buzz Venture Capital investments that represents a distribution of part of that investment to shareholders.
      This proceedure although having no direct financial impact on the shareholders in the short term, as the listing of any such security would be 12 to 18 months away, it will provide a valuable marker to identify and quantify those brokers who are holding short positions in the stock. A determination of which equity will be made at company meeting from July 21st to 23rd when management from China, Thailand, India and the Philipines will be attending the Buzz Intergration and Unification Conference.

      Naked Shorting has long been an issue at Buzz and across the entire American Market for sometime, while many have claimed at various points there is no such thing as naked shorting, last weeks action by the SEC followed by further action this week has left little doubt in anyone's mind that the problem is a serious threat not only to companies but to the US economy as well.

      Details of the SEC action.

      US corporate regulator, the Securities and Exchange Commission, has invoked emergency powers to put a temporary ban on "naked" short selling of securities in the troubled mortgage financiers Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and several investment and commercial banks.

      In taking such drastic action the SEC made it clear it was motivated by concern that short sellers had been destabilising the stock market by deliberately spreading false rumours about companies in an attempt to drive down their share price and enable the sellers to cover at a profit.

      The SEC only last Friday announced it intended to immediately conduct investigations aimed at preventing the manipulation of share prices by intentional spreading of false information, but even if the commission can find proof it would take time. Slapping a temporary ban on short selling may be a more effective way of taking some of the stock market heat off financial stocks, particularly Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

      The SEC has long had the power to make emergency orders, but seasoned observers cannot recall it previously being invoked, describing the latest move as unprecedented.

      Normally, a proposed rule change by the SEC takes at least two months and must involve public consultation. In fact, the commission already had such a proposal under way on what it called abusive naked short selling.

      Naked short selling -- selling securities the seller doesn't own or hasn't made arrangements to borrow -- is covered by the SEC's existing anti-fraud rules on manipulation of stock prices. The practice is technically not illegal but dealer-brokers are required to have "reasonable grounds" to believe the securities can be borrowed to allow settlement.

      Until now, the brokers have been able to rely on the assurances of customers, but the SEC proposes to put the onus on the sellers by making it unlawful for them to deceive brokers-dealers as to their ability to deliver securities on time.

      This rule change is now out for comment but the SEC has obviously decided it can wait no longer. Its emergency order stipulates that a seller must have made arrangements beforehand to borrow securities before going short -- that is, naked shorts are banned and only covered shorts will be allowed.

      However, the order doesn't apply until Monday and only lasts for nine days. The SEC can extend the order but it cannot apply for longer than 30 days.

      The order applies to only 19 stocks at present, including Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, Bank of America, Barclays, BNP Paribas, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Daiwa Securities, Deutsche Bank, Allianz, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, JPMorgan, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and UBS.

      However, SEC chairman Christopher Cox told the US Senate Banking Committee that the regulator would introduce a rule to "address the same issues across the entire market".

      The SEC says it has acted because false rumours can lead to a loss of confidence in the market, resulting in panic selling, which is exacerbated by naked short selling. As a result the prices of securities may "artificially and unnecessarily" decline well below those resulting from the normal price discovery process.

      In recent days, the regulator says, false rumours have continued to threaten disruption of the market. As a result, the commission has concluded "there exists a substantial threat of sudden and excessive fluctuations of securities prices generally, and disruption in the functioning of the securities markets that could threaten fair and orderly markets". Hence the emergency order.

      It's difficult to avoid the conclusion that the main aim of the ban is to defeat, or at least slow, the bear attack on Freddie Mae and Freddie Mac, which between them guarantee $US5 trillion, or half, of the US's home mortgages, and which have lost two-thirds of the value of their securities in recent trading.

      A collapse of that duo would have had such dire consequences the US Government has been forced to agree they will be allowed to borrow from the Federal Reserve and the Government will inject funds, if necessary, by buying equity in the companies.

      Short selling is not responsible for the slump on Wall Street and other markets throughout the world, including Australia. Blame that on the sub-prime crisis -- the widespread securitisation of sub-quality mortgages, and the resulting dislocation of the debt and equity markets.

      However, the SEC is not alone in focusing on short selling. In Britain, where some of the country's major banks have been forced to raise equity from shareholders, the regulator, the Financial Services Authority, has required disclosure of short positions during rights issues if they exceed more than a mere 0.25 per cent of the company's capital and has threatened, if necessary, to take further measures, such as limiting stock lending during a rights issue.

      The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has confirmed that it is paying closer attention to the circulation of false rumours to push down the price of a company's securities, warning that it is a criminal offence. The regulator has made formal requests for information from a number of market participants about trading in certain securities. Short selling has also come under heavy criticism in Australia, particularly following the collapse of Opes Prime and Chimaera, which used a stock lending model for their margin lending activities, resulting in retail clients unwittingly handing over legal title to securities that they put up as collateral.

      Australia generally has better rules than the US on short selling, including a rule that no more than 10 per cent of a company's securities can be short sold, and the uptick rule, which prevents shares being shorted at a lower price than the previous ordinary sales.

      The US used to have an uptick rule but scrapped it a year ago, which many contend has led to an increase in short selling and much greater market volatility. A leading US law firm, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen and Kratz, has called on the SEC to reinstate the rule.

      entity to be traded in Hong Kong and has deemed it prudent to issue a dividend in the form of a currently non tradable security from one of the Buzz Venture Capital investments that represents a distribution of part of that investment to shareholders.

      This procedure although having no direct financial impact on the shareholders in the short term, as the listing of any such security would be 12 to 18 months away, it will provide a valuable marker to identify and quantify those brokers who are holding short positions in the stock. A determination of which equity will be made at company meeting from July 21st to 23rd when management from China, Thailand, India and the Philippines will be attending the Buzz Integration and Unification Conference.

      Naked Shorting has long been an issue at Buzz and across the entire American Market for sometime, while many have claimed at various points there is no such thing as naked shorting, last weeks action by the SEC followed by further action this week has left little doubt in anyone's mind that the problem is a serious threat not only to companies but to the US economy as well.

      Details of the SEC action.

      US corporate regulator, the Securities and Exchange Commission, has invoked emergency powers to put a temporary ban on "naked" short selling of securities in the troubled mortgage financiers Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and several investment and commercial banks.

      In taking such drastic action the SEC made it clear it was motivated by concern that short sellers had been destabilizing the stock market by deliberately spreading false rumours about companies in an attempt to drive down their share price and enable the sellers to cover at a profit.

      The SEC only last Friday announced it intended to immediately conduct investigations aimed at preventing the manipulation of share prices by intentional spreading of false information, but even if the commission can find proof it would take time. Slapping a temporary ban on short selling may be a more effective way of taking some of the stock market heat off financial stocks, particularly Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

      The SEC has long had the power to make emergency orders, but seasoned observers cannot recall it previously being invoked, describing the latest move as unprecedented.

      Normally, a proposed rule change by the SEC takes at least two months and must involve public consultation. In fact, the commission already had such a proposal under way on what it called abusive naked short selling.

      Naked short selling -- selling securities the seller doesn't own or hasn't made arrangements to borrow -- is covered by the SEC's existing anti-fraud rules on manipulation of stock prices. The practice is technically not illegal but dealer-brokers are required to have "reasonable grounds" to believe the securities can be borrowed to allow settlement.

      Until now, the brokers have been able to rely on the assurances of customers, but the SEC proposes to put the onus on the sellers by making it unlawful for them to deceive brokers-dealers as to their ability to deliver securities on time.

      This rule change is now out for comment but the SEC has obviously decided it can wait no longer. Its emergency order stipulates that a seller must have made arrangements beforehand to borrow securities before going short -- that is, naked shorts are banned and only covered shorts will be allowed.

      However, the order doesn't apply until Monday and only lasts for nine days. The SEC can extend the order but it cannot apply for longer than 30 days.

      The order applies to only 19 stocks at present, including Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, Bank of America, Barclays, BNP Paribas, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Daiwa Securities, Deutsche Bank, Allianz, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, JPMorgan, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and UBS.

      However, SEC chairman Christopher Cox told the US Senate Banking Committee that the regulator would introduce a rule to "address the same issues across the entire market".

      The SEC says it has acted because false rumours can lead to a loss of confidence in the market, resulting in panic selling, which is exacerbated by naked short selling. As a result the prices of securities may "artificially and unnecessarily" decline well below those resulting from the normal price discovery process.

      In recent days, the regulator says, false rumours have continued to threaten disruption of the market. As a result, the commission has concluded "there exists a substantial threat of sudden and excessive fluctuations of securities prices generally, and disruption in the functioning of the securities markets that could threaten fair and orderly markets". Hence the emergency order.

      It's difficult to avoid the conclusion that the main aim of the ban is to defeat, or at least slow, the bear attack on Freddie Mae and Freddie Mac, which between them guarantee $US5 trillion, or half, of the US's home mortgages, and which have lost two-thirds of the value of their securities in recent trading.

      A collapse of that duo would have had such dire consequences the US Government has been forced to agree they will be allowed to borrow from the Federal Reserve and the Government will inject funds, if necessary, by buying equity in the companies.

      Short selling is not responsible for the slump on Wall Street and other markets throughout the world, including Australia. Blame that on the sub-prime crisis -- the widespread securitisation of sub-quality mortgages, and the resulting dislocation of the debt and equity markets.

      However, the SEC is not alone in focusing on short selling. In Britain, where some of the country's major banks have been forced to raise equity from shareholders, the regulator, the Financial Services Authority, has required disclosure of short positions during rights issues if they exceed more than a mere 0.25 per cent of the company's capital and has threatened, if necessary, to take further measures, such as limiting stock lending during a rights issue.

      The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has confirmed that it is paying closer attention to the circulation of false rumours to push down the price of a company's securities, warning that it is a criminal offence. The regulator has made formal requests for information from a number of market participants about trading in certain securities. Short selling has also come under heavy criticism in Australia, particularly following the collapse of Opes Prime and Chimaera, which used a stock lending model for their margin lending activities, resulting in retail clients unwittingly handing over legal title to securities that they put up as collateral.

      Australia generally has better rules than the US on short selling, including a rule that no more than 10 per cent of a company's securities can be short sold, and the uptick rule, which prevents shares being shorted at a lower price than the previous ordinary sales.

      The US used to have an uptick rule but scrapped it a year ago, which many contend has led to an increase in short selling and much greater market volatility. A leading US law firm, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen and Kratz, has called on the SEC to reinstate the rule.

      About Buzz

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. is a convergent media company with operations ranging from infrastructure development to online retail.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements based on the Company's beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including statements regarding the timing of the introduction of certain products. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties which are identified and described in the Company's registration statements and periodic reports on file with the SEC, some of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, issues related to the travel and transportation industries, and prevailing economic conditions in general. In light of these risks and uncertainties, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies,Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 18.07.08 18:25:14
      Beitrag Nr. 1.541 ()
      und weiter gehts, da ist mir der laufende pps eigentlich erst mal egal.


      Press Release Source: Buzz Technologies, Inc.

      Buzz IPO and Dividend
      Friday July 18, 12:01 pm ET

      HONG KONG--(MARKET WIRE)--Jul 18, 2008 -- Buzz Technologies Inc (Other OTC:BZTG.PK - News) is pleased to report the current IPO remains on track for 2008 and has encountered no delays.

      *Auditors will be announced Monday 21st of July 2008.

      *Insurers on 26th of July 2008.

      *Lead Broker on the 1st of August 2008.

      *It will be a direct 1 for 1 swap of Equities.

      *The ADR will be available for those wishing to trade in the USA, the number of shares per ADR share will depend on pricing at the time.

      *There will be no new stock issued, the new company's share structure will exactly reflect the current structure.

      The Dividend

      Buzz will declare the first Dividend that will be a distribution to Shareholders of a Position held by Buzz Venture Capital.

      The distribution will be 1 share for each 500 held and should equate to an approx 5% at current valuation. In relation to the Dividend however it is not expected that the equity will list for 18 months to 2 years at which time the value of the position should also have increased along with the return. The company is an Asian based mining company already in production in the energy sector.

      Distribution of the Dividend will be handled from Hong Kong

      Details and Dividend date to be announced August 1

      About Buzz

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. is a convergent media company with operations ranging from infrastructure development to online retail.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements based on the Company's beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including statements regarding the timing of the introduction of certain products. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties which are identified and described in the Company's registration statements and periodic reports on file with the SEC, some of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, issues related to the travel and transportation industries, and prevailing economic conditions in general. In light of these risks and uncertainties, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate.

      Beth Simpson
      Buzz Technologies, Inc
      Tel: +66 87 272 1727
      schrieb am 20.07.08 18:28:42
      Beitrag Nr. 1.542 ()
      aus einem anderen board

      Hong Kong, July 19 (OTC:BZTG) (ISIN:US12428P1030)
      Buzz Technologies Quarterly Update

      Print article
      Refer to a friend
      2008-07-19 11:58:14 - Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG) is pleased to report on the strongest quarter in the companies history. Growth across the diverse holdings of Buzz has reached new highs as the Ad Network has delivered a vast array of new opportunities for the company.

      During the last quarter Buzz released in full the companys challenger to Baidu, Sina, Google and Yahoo's search marketing and online ad network.

      In the first month of operations the service captured Thailand's number 1 news service and one of Asia's most prominent publishers The Bangkok Post . Subsequently the Buzz Publisher network grew from nothing to 1000 publishers in
      a very short period of time, and became one of Asia's most visited web sites.

      In China the Publisher Network was given a warm reception and has spread through the China Internet Cafe market so fast that Buzz was forced to rethink infrastructure needs and conducted and extensive upgrade and expansion of delivery infrastructure. Today almost 250 000 PC's in China are hard wired to Buzz and serve as Sales terminals for Buzz VoIP and other services.

      Nielsen Media Research lead our Thai advertisers in a survey campaign booked by their local agency TMC. Silkspan, Thailand's largest Credit Card and Personal Loan company also booked ongoing space on a revenue sharing basis which has proved a success.

      In Thailand the best revenue from ads and search was seen by 12property which executed both property sales and rentals directly from ads in the Buzz Marketing Publishers Network. The Ads also were directly responsible for strong growth in the commercial property sector.

      In China Buzz Broker, Venture Capital and Buzz FX did best with a flood of sign ups, corporate clients and corporate deals. Games product sales were strong, and VoIP in testing beat per PC, per week estimates by 50%.

      Asia-wide Property and Financial Services were the strongest earners, one advertiser secured a large funding deal for a development project from $500 investment in ads, and our testing of market awareness for listed companies proved very positive and in-house property and financial services sales were exceptionally strong.

      Work continues on developing all facets of the technology that delivers the search and ads. Buzz is also focused on presenting ads in new and more engaging ways to help the company in a USA launch in September.


      Our property division had a great start predominantly from the exposure in the ad network, this has lead to an ongoing deal for media sponsorship with Smart Investment and Property Expos which will see both 12Property and Buzz gain huge exposure in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia.

      Our Ad-Network and IT services have also given us the opportunity to develop a close relationship with which is Asia's number 1 resource for property news and we look forward to working with them more in the future.

      Our own developments are continuing and will go on-sale in 2009, due to fluctuating Oil costs and the impact on building prices we have decided to wait on releasing any presales.

      We expect the first China Real Estate office to open in 2008.

      Online Publications/Communities

      Over the last year we have been experimenting with different online publications that are integrated into communities and currently have 4 running , and so far the Content Community of Celebs has by far been the most successful with most visitors being from Asia, the community allows people to interact through the sharing of Pictures, Video, MP3 and MP4, the concept is a new concept and has a uniquely Asian appeal. Actorvist has proved popular with some shareholders and is the home of the companys ongoing open management ideal, shareholders can interact with management, comment on products and services, even comment on management themselves and corporate matters, this is an open and frank location and although it has proved very unpopular with some shareholders and observers, management feel it remains an important part of what Buzz is, from heated discussions to general conversation you will find it on Actorvist, all with a healthy dose of Capt Jack's irreverence, by far one of the most entertaining destinations on the Internet.

      DrTom is an environmentally friendly community headed up by and joint ventured with a respected professor and researcher. It is a great place to learn about the environment, participate in discussions and find great green products for sale.

      Buzz Asia is an Asian Business, Lifestyle and Property Magazine that reports on daily news and events in Asia or with an impact on Asia.

      All communities/publications are ad driven however Buzz upholds the worlds tightest privacy controls, visitors can be assured none of their information, interests or habits will result in the being profiled, spammed or in other ways advertised to, based on mined data. As the popularity of the site increases so do earnings from the publications. Video Email has been receiving more and more use as the service grows.

      Buzz Email Anywhere

      The Buzz Email Philosophy is simplicity, Email should be easy. You should be able to access it from any device without the need for special configuration. There should be no compatibility issues, no sync issues, storage needs to be unlimited and your encryption military grade. Email should include SMS (Text Messaging), Options, Voice and Video features and multiple email address management. Buzz Email Anywhere delivers all of this and it has seen the service become very popular especially since the release of iPhone and other Smart Phones.

      The email service is also ad driven, the more users the more earnings so growth in the sector is important to us. What we have done to combat the manufacturers hard-wiring of our competitions services in Asia is gone to the retailers. Retailers can earn money from setting the phones homepage to Buzz and Registering the buyer a Buzz Email Address at the time of purchase.


      Online shopping is a challenge in Asia as many services do not provide delivery to some of the regional countries. Buzz has teamed with Amazon and other selected retailers to make sure that we offer a complete service to local buyers, this project is around 60% complete and we expect it to produce substantial revenue in 2009.

      We regularly test different products through the ad network and have done so for sometime, so we now have very accurate market statistics on what consumers in Asia will buy online. High Value brand name products not available in parts of Asia have been the best seller mostly driven by Expatriates living and working in Asia.


      In Travel we have teamed with Expedia and are developing Asia's best Travel Site. Online Travel in the region has just started becoming very popular and given our local knowledge and Internet expertise we are sure to capture good market share. Last month as a result of the ad network travel rated highly as one of the companys best advertisers by revenue. Thailand Accommodation has been the biggest seller and Thailand-China Flights second.

      Financial Services

      Driven by China Ads our China FX service has proven very popular with daily sign ups and constant revenue, the online platform is administered by one of the worlds largest FX Houses so none of the FX income requires any additional expense from Buzz. In China so far it has proven to be a solid revenue producer.

      Our newly launched Buzz Broker lead to the acquisition of the Solar Co-op contracts in Thailand. From IT to corporate services and property sales this series of contracts will earn Buzz in excess of $10m and see Buzz Venture Capital as a small equity partner.

      Across Asia this service has delivered a steady stream of business from Venture Capital proposals to Corporate Services contracts. We do have a development team working on an online trading platform.

      Mobile Portal

      Our mobile portal has grown in traffic at a slightly faster pace than our web portal, Email services has driven the growth. Our own mobile ad network is beginning to grow, our service covers all types of mobile and smart devices in English, Thai and Chinese. Although not a significant earner now, mobile has a great future as the technology improves.

      Buzz Casino's has been growing daily, the service is extremely popular, Asia is the fastest growing Online Casino market in the world and Buzz now has an interest in over 50 local online Casino's through our affiliate network.

      Casino Earnings break new records every month and the recent promotion of mobile casino services and poker tournaments provided a good indication of how bright the future is in this sector.


      Live score and the Euro Cup seen subscriber numbers to the service double, only available in Thailand now the service will be globalized in the coming year,

      Olympic LiveScore will be built and be available in China and Thailand and we are working on LiveScore for deployment on more International and Regional Sports in different markets, from Horse Racing in Australia and Hong Kong to NBA in Nth America and China.

      Phone to Phone VoIP

      One of our most exciting products, with an Agent in Nth America and the retail network already built across Asia we expect this to grow to over $100m in sales in 2009.

      The service outperforms competitors on call quality and pricing, subscribers can call from their own phone to any phone in the world, cheaply and easily. China to USA calling is most popular with China-Hong Kong a close second.


      Ever popular in Asia our short online flash games are a great investment for delivering string ad revenue, our games can also be lifted and taken with a user to place on any other web site developing a stream of traffic back to 12buzz.

      Downloads with 74000 titles and over 250 000 downloads this is a great resource for freeware, shareware and new software. Buzz earns money from the site from ads, profit sharing on promoted titles and on premium placement.

      Business IT Services

      Still our bread and butter delivers the best value IT solutions in the world. We are ready to give you access to an Outsourcing Powerhouse. Save money and see your electronic plans come to life. In addition to our own staff we have over 500 subcontractors ready to quote on work anytime.

      This service has lead us to most of our business and has proven to be the most common point of first contact to Buzz. Up-sales and cross sales are very good, the ability to have so many qualified people to call on has been instrumental in the success we have seen so far.

      With services from Automated Web Building to full application development there is nothing the Buzz Team cannot handle.

      An exciting Quarter to say the least, with the coming Hong Kong IPO and the new developments at Buzz the next quarter is really something to look forward too.
      schrieb am 21.07.08 15:04:15
      Beitrag Nr. 1.543 ()
      Na, dann lasst uns mal hoffen, das die auditied numbers halbwegs gut sind.


      Other News Sources < Back

      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Auditor Appointed in Hong Kong and USA

      Jul 21, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG) is pleased to announce the appointment of Auditors in Hong Kong and the USA. The incoming Auditor, Yu and Associates, is a highly respected firm in Hong Kong, China and North America the companies founder Mr Yu established the entity in 1999 after 20 years as a partner from Deloitte & Touche Tohmatsu, Hong Kong. Before joining Deloitte, Mr. Yu had worked for 8 years with HSBC, the second largest bank worldwide.
      Mr. Yu brought his experience in the public accounting and finance fields into the firm and the firm developed rapidly to a middle sized firm with expertise in auditing, accounting, tax, and financial areas, for both public and private companies as well as individuals.

      We are very confident Yu and Associates is a great addition to Buzz and will add substantial value to the company.

      About Buzz

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. is a convergent media company with operations ranging from infrastructure development to online retail.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements based on the Company's beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including statements regarding the timing of the introduction of certain products. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties which are identified and described in the Company's registration statements and periodic reports on file with the SEC, some of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, issues related to the travel and transportation industries, and prevailing economic conditions in general. In light of these risks and uncertainties, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 21.07.08 21:07:58
      Beitrag Nr. 1.544 ()
      von PR-inside


      Hong Kong, July 21 (OTC:BZTG) (ISIN:US12428P1030)
      Buzz business solutions

      Print article
      Refer to a friend
      2008-07-21 18:58:01 - Advertising and Marketing

      Buzz Words
      Buzz Words allows you to pick the sites you want to advertise on, the search words where you want to appear in any language, in any ad form. Text, banner or flash get more for your dollar.
      Olympic Exposure
      Looking ahead to 2008, it is clear that the opportunities in China are vast. In staging one of
      the most memorable Games in history, the Beijing Games will provide business with an opportunity to invite the world to see their products, as well as gaining the best possible exposure to the greater China Market.
      Marketing in Asia
      Looking to Launch your Web Based or Software based business in Asia ? Let Buzz make it easy, we are specialists in the Asian market and can offer a low cost high return alternative for your expansion. Having already established offices and staff in most of Asia we can help you save money and achieve faster results.
      Piracy Protection
      Our company not only delivers piracy protection but also revenue and exposure maximisation online.
      With one-of-a-kind proprietary software and systems to make the most of your digital asset.
      The Drummer
      Need someone to beat your drum?
      Buzz Media Services will not miss a beat. You will be everywhere you need to be with every cent of potential online revenue being captured.

      Buzz Logic
      Earn more and get paid. Our system is the fairest division of ad revenue on the Internet. Our ad feed is super fast and specifically designed to get you maximum clicks

      Buzz Affiliates
      Whether you own an Internet Cafe, an ISP, Manufacture or Service PC's, Distribute or Service Mobile Phones, have a Hotel or Business Offering a Wireless Hotspot you can make instant money doing what you already do! All you need to do is have Buzz give you your own co-branded URL for PC or Mobile, set it as your system's default home page and you are earning

      Site Search
      Add our powerful search to your website. Attract more visitors and encourage customer loyalty with Buzz Search. Our search incorporates all major search engines for web, news, video and shopping.

      Website Builder
      Building websites with Website Complete is simple – If you can browse, you can build. There are no HTML codes to remember. No need to learn any graphic design. Users don’t even need to know the principles of website design.

      IT Reseller
      Buzz Technologies Inc. offers a comprehensive Storefront from where your Customers may place their Orders. The Storefront is completely customizable.

      You can modify the look and feel, point your own URL to it and modify the content of the same.

      Corporate Services

      Email Anywhere
      Manage your corporate communications.
      On the Buzz Email Platform corporations of any size can manage all of their email accounts. This service is free and packed with features! Live corporate calender with real time interface to mobile and an Active Sync to outlook.

      Buzz VoIP
      BuzZ VoIP provides you with three unique ways for making huge savings on all your calls around the world. No new equipment is needed; you your existing telephone or mobile phone. It is as easy as using the web, sending an SMS message from your mobile phone or dialing a local access number to initiate a Callback call.

      Web - IT Services
      We are ready to give you access to an Outsourcing Powerhouse. Save money and see your electronic plans come to life. In addition to our own staff we have over 500 subcontractors ready to quote on your work now.

      About Buzz

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. is a convergent media company with operations ranging from infrastructure development to online retail.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements based on the Company's beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including statements regarding the timing of the introduction of certain products. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties which are identified and described in the Company's registration statements and periodic reports on file with the SEC, some of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, issues related to the travel and transportation industries, and prevailing economic conditions in general. In light of these risks and uncertainties, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate.
      schrieb am 24.07.08 18:29:07
      Beitrag Nr. 1.545 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz and Bangkok Post Extend Deal to Print
      Thursday, July 24, 2008; Posted: 05:04 AM 7 Stocks You Need To Know For Tomorrow -- Free Newsletter
      Jul 24, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- BZTG | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating -- Buzz Technologies Inc is pleased to announce that the company can now add The Post Publishing Public Company LimitedPrint Advertising to the list of advertising products available from Buzz. Thought to be the first deal between online ad suppliers and traditional media, the new arrangement will be tested with the 30th of October Issue of Horizons Phuket by The Post Publishing Public Company Limited.
      The Post Publishing Public Company Limited is one of Asia's largest Newspaper and Magazine Publishers

      About Buzz

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. is a convergent media company with operations ranging from infrastructure development to online retail.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements based on the Company's beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including statements regarding the timing of the introduction of certain products. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties which are identified and described in the Company's registration statements and periodic reports on file with the SEC, some of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, issues related to the travel and transportation industries, and prevailing economic conditions in general. In light of these risks and uncertainties, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Marketing Director, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 872 721 727 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      Morning Coffee with TradingMarkets
      schrieb am 25.07.08 11:01:38
      Beitrag Nr. 1.546 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Archer's Michael Selsman Joins Editorial Team at Buzz Asia

      Jul 24, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG) is pleased to welcome Michael Selsman of Archer to the editorial team at Buzz Asia .
      Michael Selsman has been an executive or producer at 20th Century-Fox, Paramount, MGM, Universal, and Samuel Goldwyn Productions, at Goldwyn Studios. He has been a studio and independent producer, and a theatrical agent with Artists Agency Corporation, now ICM, and with famed literary agent, Irving Paul Lazar. He is considered an expert source on international entertainment and has been quoted in such publications as Time, Newsweek, TV Guide, and in various newspapers and books on the subjects of contracts and changing mores and social values in the media and commenting on Hollywood studio history.

      Michael has also appeared on national and international television programs, and has appeared as an expert witness in court for various Hollywood guilds, and has also been retained to evaluate film libraries, examining the film product, recommending necessary restorative and preservation techniques, assessing existing distribution contracts in terms of future value, and suggesting new modes of product dissemination, including estimating any particular film's importance as a re-make, or sequel. He consults with entertainment industry attorneys to refresh or amend agreements and talent agents and/or guilds to obtain waivers for royalties or to contract for additional work.

      Michael has guest-lectured at schools and universities including UCLA, USC, Pepperdine University, Mount St. Mary's and Loyola.
      schrieb am 25.07.08 11:02:48
      Beitrag Nr. 1.547 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz IPO to Feature in Bangkok Post

      Jul 24, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- The Bangkok Post print edition will run a 1/4 page promotion for the upcoming IPO in Hong Kong of Buzz Technologies Inc. A separate 1/4 page promotion will run featuring the Buzz property division One-2-Property.
      The advertisements will run over 2 days this coming weekend, 26th and 27th of July in The Bangkok Post one of Asia's most popular newspapers.

      The Online Edition of The Bangkok Post carrys both ads by Buzz and the Buzz search engine.

      About Buzz

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. is a convergent media company with operations ranging from infrastructure development to online retail.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements based on the Company's beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including statements regarding the timing of the introduction of certain products. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties which are identified and described in the Company's registration statements and periodic reports on file with the SEC, some of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, issues related to the travel and transportation industries, and prevailing economic conditions in general. In light of these risks and uncertainties, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Marketing Director, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 872 721 727 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 25.07.08 11:07:30
      Beitrag Nr. 1.548 ()
      wenn sich jemand fragt, warum der Kurs bei so viel doch recht guten news nicht rauf geht, dann sage ich,....ich verstehe es auch kaum. mag daran liegen, dass bei dem oft kleinem Volumen jedes trading stark negativ wirkt. shorties mag ich bei dem Volumen nicht so denken.

      Ich richte hier wieder mal nach längerer Zeit eine Anfrage an die Kollegen stupidgame und keutula !!!!!!!!!!

      Seht ihr die Firma jetzt positiver ?????


      schrieb am 28.07.08 15:45:48
      Beitrag Nr. 1.549 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): China Connects to Buzz VoIP

      Jul 28, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG) is pleased to report a successful first day of Buzz VoIP in the internet cafe's in China. Buzz is currently the homepage of 250 000 PCs located in Internet cafe's across China and the VoIP service is now being actively marketed to those users.
      Early indications from users show a very strong uptake of the service with strong sales and tens of thousands of calls on the first day. Around 25% of the new users also used the service from other locations other than the Internet cafe's are running the promotion.

      China passing the U.S. in number of Internet users was only a matter of time given its huge population of 1.3 billion. Still, only 19.1 percent of China's citizens have online access and many use Internet cafe's to connect, far less than the United States, where Internet penetration is 71 percent, according to the Pew Internet and American Life Project.

      China is the worlds largest potential VoIP market and Buzz is aiming to be the number 1 supplier in the nation. Through limited free/ad supported use and unlimited free SMS and Text messaging (ad supported) Buzz use will spread quickly across China, the company also intends to use the VoIP and SMS services to expand an already strong ad network.

      About Buzz

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. is a convergent media company with operations ranging from infrastructure development to online retail.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements based on the Company's beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including statements regarding the timing of the introduction of certain products. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties which are identified and described in the Company's registration statements and periodic reports on file with the SEC, some of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, issues related to the travel and transportation industries, and prevailing economic conditions in general. In light of these risks and uncertainties, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 28.07.08 15:46:59
      Beitrag Nr. 1.550 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Asia Leads BuzzTV Downloads

      Jul 28, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG) has seen downloads of the SatTV to PC services increase 5000% in the last week with Asian countries leading the way in daily downloads in the weeks leading upto the Olympics.
      Buzz Sat TV - Featuring Bloomberg, BBC News, CNN International, ESPN, Fashion TV, NASA and YouTube!

      With 378 million TV households and 152 million cable TV households at the end of 2007, China is the world's largest TV market. Its cable TV industry generated 3.4bn in revenue in 2007 and is expected to grow at over seven per cent year-on-year to be worth Euro 4.8bn by 2012.

      By combining the free service with PC to TV applications such as those available from Microsoft and Google it is a simple process to watch BuzzTV on the household TV.

      Cable dominates the multi-channel industry as satellite reception is banned and IPTV is in its infancy. As a result 40% of all homes have cable TV, and it accounts for 99% of the pay TV market.

      With significant investment in the technological infrastructure across the country, the cable industry is rapidly converting to digital in time for the planned analogue switch-off in 2015. The Olympics is acting as a catalyst for this - as the Beijing Olympics will be the first all-HD Olympic Games. Digitization and a raft of interactive TV services will drive average revenue per subscriber up.

      According to The Insight Research Corporation this sector is set to explode, here is what they had to say;

      Streaming video and music distributed across the Internet, an IPTV network, or a mobile handset will generate $70 billion in network- derived and content-derived revenue into the US markets over the next six years, according to a new market research study from The Insight Research Corporation. Streaming media refers to the transmission of digital audio and video files over an IP network or wireless network in real time or on-demand, while prohibiting users from storing the files locally.

      Insight's market analysis study, "Streaming Media, IPTV, and Broadband Transport: Telecommunications Carriers and Entertainment Services 2008-2013," describes the technology and market forces underpinning the network-derived revenues generated from distributing streamed content across the public Internet, content distribution networks, cellular networks, or telco IP networks.

      The study also estimates the revenue from the various types of content- derived revenues, along with associated advertising revenue. The streaming market is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of nearly 29 percent over the next six years, driven by on-demand audio, on-demand video, as well as the accompanying advertising revenue.

      "The outlook for streaming media has never been brighter. Questions surrounding consumers' willingness to pay for content have been dispelled by satellite radio and iTunes," says Robert Rosenberg, Insight Research president. "The forecasts that we present are conservative and in line with current performance. If, however, per- stream costs drop faster than anticipated, we have quicker acceptance of IPTV, or improvements in 3G delivery take place faster than expected, it could blow the doors off of our forecasts, propelling this industry into explosive growth," Rosenberg continues.

      Insight's report examines the following market drivers: licensing issues, broadband Internet access, mass-market demand, and enterprise usage. Forecasts include revenues for the US market by network services, including digital rights management (DRM), encoding, and performance measurement; and by content services, including advertising, music on-demand, Internet radio and video on-demand.

      Advertising opportunities on Buzz TV are now available at…
      schrieb am 28.07.08 15:47:49
      Beitrag Nr. 1.551 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz to Open VoIP and Ads to Developers

      Jul 28, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG) will extend the reach of the companys VoIP and Search/ Ad Network by opening them to developers. Allowing individuals and corporations to build applications and networks based on Buzz proprietary software.
      The program will extend the reach of Buzz by giving the company an interest in 100's and possibly 1000's of VoIP and Search/Ad Networks across Asia bearing the powered by Buzz logo and adding to the revenue of the company.

      Sites will be able to carry Buzz Search, Develop Ad Zones in conjunction with the search and become Ad and VoIP Agents.
      schrieb am 29.07.08 15:01:51
      Beitrag Nr. 1.552 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Michael Selsman to Lead Archer's Buzz Powered Ad Agency

      Jul 29, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Archer Entertainment Media Communications Incorporated (OTC:AEMC) will be launching their Hollywood Ad Agency with a focus on Advertisers and Publishers in the Entertainment Industry, the service will cover all facets of potential advertising opportunities from product placement in TV shows and Movies to embedded advertising in Games and Music Video Clips. The service will also allow content owners to have their residual Ad income properly managed to provide returns from the multitude of new content delivery platforms from YouTube to Mobile Phones.
      In an industry that still generates 90% of premium content Archer will be the first dedicated Ad Agency that can offer such monetization control and management from content using the Buzz (OTC:BZTG) ad platform and combining it with the services of another Buzz company.

      Michael Selsman has been an executive or producer at 20th Century-Fox, Paramount, MGM, Universal, and Samuel Goldwyn Productions, at Goldwyn Studios. He has been a studio and independent producer, and a theatrical agent with Artists Agency Corporation, now ICM, and with famed literary agent, Irving Paul Lazar. He is considered an expert source on international entertainment and has been quoted in such publications as Time, Newsweek, TV Guide, and in various newspapers and books on the subjects of contracts and changing mores and social values in the media and commenting on Hollywood studio history.

      Michael has also appeared on national and international television programs, and has appeared as an expert witness in court for various Hollywood guilds, and has also been retained to evaluate film libraries, examining the film product, recommending necessary restorative and preservation techniques, assessing existing distribution contracts in terms of future value, and suggesting new modes of product dissemination, including estimating any particular film's importance as a re-make, or sequel. He consults with entertainment industry attorneys to refresh or amend agreements and talent agents and/or guilds to obtain waivers for royalties or to contract for additional work.

      Michael has guest-lectured at schools and universities including UCLA, USC, Pepperdine University, Mount St. Mary's and Loyola.

      About Buzz

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. is a convergent media company with operations ranging from infrastructure development to online retail.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements based on the Company's beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including statements regarding the timing of the introduction of certain products. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties which are identified and described in the Company's registration statements and periodic reports on file with the SEC, some of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, issues related to the travel and transportation industries, and prevailing economic conditions in general. In light of these risks and uncertainties, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Marketing Director, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 872 721 727 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 29.07.08 17:17:18
      Beitrag Nr. 1.553 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Strong Advisory and Professional Team for IPO

      Jul 29, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG) is pleased to announce a strong team of corporate advisors and professionals assisting with the IPO including:
      Yu and Associates

      Yu and Associates firm was formed in 1999 by Mr. K. K. Yu after his early retirement as a partner from Deloitte & Touche Tohmatsu, Hong Kong for 20 years. Before joining Deloitte, Mr. Yu had worked for 8 years with HSBC, the second largest bank worldwide.

      Mr. Yu brought his experience in the public accounting and finance fields into the firm and the firm developed rapidly to a middle sized firm with expertise in auditing, accounting, tax, and financial areas, for both public and private companies as well as individuals.

      Their firm is registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board and is member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the California Society of Certified Public Accountants, and the Centre for Audit Quality.

      Yu and Associates provides outstanding service to our clients because of our dedication to the three underlying principles of professionalism, responsiveness and quality.


      Yu and Associates is one of the leading firms in the area. By combining our expertise, experience and the energy of our staff, each client receives close personal and professional attention. Our high standards, service and specialized staff spell the difference between our outstanding performance, and other firms. We make sure that every client is served by the expertise of their whole firm.


      Yu and Associates is responsive. Clients who choose our firm rely on competent advice and fast, accurate personnel. We provide total financial services to public and private businesses, individuals, and other agencies.

      To see a listing of our services, please take a moment and look at our services page. Because we get new business from the people who know us best, client referrals have fueled our growth in the recent years.

      Through hard work, we have earned the respect of the business and financial communities. This respect illustrates our diverse talents, dedication and ability to respond quickly.


      An accounting firm is known for the quality of its service. Our firm's reputation reflects the high standards we demand of ourselves.

      Our primary goal as a trusted advisor is to be available to provide insightful advice to enable our clients to make informed financial decisions. We do not accept anything less from ourselves and this is what we deliver to you.

      We feel it is extremely important to continually professionally educate ourselves to improve our technical expertise, financial knowledge and service to our clients.

      Yu and Associates high service quality and "raving fan" clients are the result of our commitment to excellence.

      G C Alliance Limited

      Advising on the selection of difference capital markets (e.g. Hong Kong, Nasdaq in the US, Singapore) and different fund raising methods.

      Advising on the group structure that best suits client's businesses as well as achieves tax saving.

      Assistance in the devising of an integrated listing plan.

      Referral of other professionals including sponsors, underwriters, lawyers, valuers, commercial banks.

      Review of accounting and internal control systems in compliance with listing and other regulatory requirements.

      Advising on the optimum group structure and tax plan that best complement the listing or fund raising plan.

      Assistance in the preparation of financial information (such as consolidated accounts, profit and cash flow forecasts) as well as non-financial information (such as business plan in the prospectus) required for listing.

      Assistance in handling inquiry of the Stock Exchange.

      Acting as reporting accountant.

      Marsh (Asia) Inc China

      Globalization. Kyoto. Sarbanes-Oxley. M&A. In today's world, risk is headline news. As the world's leading insurance broker and strategic risk advisor, Marsh is devoted to finding the opportunity in risk. Companies look to us to help them navigate the daunting global risk landscape, seeing risks others don't and unlocking opportunities others can't.

      Welcome to the Upside

      Opportunity never comes without risk. Our role, and our commitment to clients, is to help transform risk from a liability into an advantage, enabling you to seize opportunity and achieve things you otherwise could not. We call it finding the upside of risk. How do we find the upside of risk again and again? We apply a rigorous, diagnostic, total-cost-of-risk approach that helps our clients embrace risk as a core element of their strategy. From risk identification and assessment, to risk quantification and prioritization, to risk mitigation and financing - our strategic approach to risk lies at the core of a truly differentiated client experience. An experience based on brokerage excellence, analytical rigor, deep intellectual capital, and seamless access to unrivalled global talent. It's challenging, meaningful work that inspires the industry's best risk experts to join us. In fact, Risk & Insurance magazine named 47 Marsh executives among the top 150 insurance brokers in the United States in February 2007.

      Unrivalled Experience

      With 26,000 employees and annual revenues approaching $5 billion Marsh serves more clients in more industries worldwide than any firm in our industry. We work with businesses, public entities, organizations, and private clients in over 100 countries. We see risk - and its accompanying opportunities - in all its permutations. And our experience in helping clients turn risk into competitive advantage is unrivalled. Marsh is part of the family of MMC companies, including:

      About Buzz

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. is a convergent media company with operations ranging from infrastructure development to online retail.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements based on the Company's beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including statements regarding the timing of the introduction of certain products. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties which are identified and described in the Company's registration statements and periodic reports on file with the SEC, some of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, issues related to the travel and transportation industries, and prevailing economic conditions in general. In light of these risks and uncertainties, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 30.07.08 03:09:16
      Beitrag Nr. 1.554 ()

      ich fahre do oder fr morgens nach amberg
      zu uwe und helmut(wo auf der liste sind)
      ich würde mich bei der hinfahrt bei dir zum frühstück einladen:D

      oder rückfahrt mittagessen oder etwas später zum kaffee:D
      schrieb am 30.07.08 17:12:21
      Beitrag Nr. 1.555 ()
      Press Release Source: Archer Entertainment Media Communications, Inc.

      Archer Entertainment Media Communications, Inc. Opens Internet Global Multimedia Store
      Wednesday July 30, 9:30 am ET

      HONG KONG and SANTA MONICA, CA--(MARKET WIRE)--Jul 30, 2008 -- Archer Entertainment (Other OTC:AEMC.PK - News) has established its proprietary, branded, global multimedia store, which is now open for business. Internet shoppers can purchase DVDs, music, MP3 downloads, TV programs, video downloads and more from all over the world. "Our multimedia store is powered by and Archer's strategic partner in Asia,," said Michael Selsman, Archer CEO.

      12Buzz is ranked at 7,700 in World Wide Web traffic, by Alexa,, making Buzz one of the world's most popular web sites, and expects to be in the top three across Asia within the next few months, competing directly with Yahoo!, Google, MSN and Baidu, and can be found on more than 10,000 PCs in Internet Cafes in Thailand and as the home page on over 210,000 PCs in Internet Cafes in China and projects that number to rise to 500,000 this year. Buzz expects to deliver over 500m ads in August based on current levels and growth.

      Selsman reported that Archer is establishing strategic associations with content providers in the U.S., Europe and China, as well as Southeast Asia, especially Thailand, to add significant full-length films, TV shows, and "YouTube"-similar product to its virtual shelves. "The impact of the global on-line marketplace makes it easy for entertainment producers, wherever they may reside, to showcase themselves and their work instantly to world audiences, and we are happy to assist them," Selsman continued. Archer also concurrently inaugurated its global, branded Internet search engine,, and opened Hong Kong offices to assist increasing inquiries from brokers and potential investors from Southeast Asia.

      About: Archer Entertainment Media Communications Incorporated is a vertically integrated global entertainment and media company. Archer has created a digital infrastructure leveraging existing Internet assets and resources providing a secure, complete, end-to-end digital solution exclusively focusing its interests in China, Southeast Asia and the United States.

      Forward-Looking Statements: Certain statements in this release constitute forward-looking statements or statements which may be deemed or construed to be forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The words "forecast," "project," "intend," "expect" "should," "would," and similar expressions and all statements, which are not historical facts, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve and are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which could cause the Company's actual results, performance (finance or operating) or achievements to differ from future results, performance (financing and operating) or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

      Archer Entertainment Media Communications, Inc.
      Hong Kong Headquarters
      Linda Scott
      Information Director
      May Ho
      Assistant to Ms. Scott
      + 852.2251.8300
      schrieb am 31.07.08 21:56:03
      Beitrag Nr. 1.556 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Nielsen Remains with Buzz for Coming Year

      Jul 31, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Nielsen's Thai Agent TMC has awarded an extended Nielsen Ad campaign to Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG) to run across Search and Ad Network Ads in Thailand.
      The Nielsen promotion is a market research program aimed at Thai Nationals, The Nielsen Company is the world's leading provider of marketing information, audience measurement, and business media products and services. By delivering an unmatched combination of insights, market intelligence, advanced analytical tools, and integrated marketing solutions, Nielsen provides clients with the most complete view of their consumers and their markets. Headquartered in New York, USA and Haarlem, The Netherlands, Nielsen operates in more than 100 countries with a global team dedicated to helping clients compete more effectively and discover opportunity with more clarity than ever before.

      Buzz is very pleased to have them as an advertiser.
      schrieb am 31.07.08 22:12:23
      Beitrag Nr. 1.557 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.627.104 von kassier am 31.07.08 21:56:03wir sehen uns in ca 9 stunden:)
      schrieb am 02.08.08 10:01:54
      Beitrag Nr. 1.558 ()
      Other News Sources < Back

      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): 4.6m Visitors to in July up 14.5%

      Aug 01, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG) is pleased to report continuing growth in visitors to Visitors in July reached 4.6m individuals predominantly from China and Thailand. 12buzz remains Thailands most popular Web Search according to TrueHits By Country Visitors Outside of Thailand
      1) China

      2) United States

      3) Germany

      4) Taiwan

      5) United Kingdom

      6) Japan

      7) Hong Kong

      8) Malaysia

      Best Converting Publishers

      1) Green Power Cafe Union

      2) Bangkok Post







      Most Popular Destinations

      1) 3,070,766 (47.84%)

      2) 862,047 (13.43%)

      3) 797,872 (12.43%)

      4)" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener"> 205,376 (3.20%)

      5) 183,250 (2.86%)

      6)" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener"> 156,537 (2.44%)

      7) 95,713 (1.49%)

      8) 85,083 (1.33%)

      9) 66,607 (1.04%)

      10) 34,573 (0.54%)

      BuzzTV recorded 487 000 downloads so far and growing at 5000 daily. This traffic is not recorded.

      Source True Hits
      schrieb am 03.08.08 18:36:24
      Beitrag Nr. 1.559 ()
      August 2, 2008
      International Broker for IPO

      Hong Kong 1:01pm Sunday (HKT)

      Posted by Beth Simpson, Marketing Director

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. (OTC:BZTG) is pleased to name Maritime Securities as the preferred broker for it's up and coming IPO. Maritime Securities have been chosen for a number of reasons, most importantly their ability to trade the USA, Hong Kong and London exchanges. This is an important consideration as we expect the dividend company to list in London or Australia. It is a fact that many brokers based in Hong Kong no longer open accounts for US citizens. Maritime Securities will be available to provide information on the IPO to their account holders that qualify as sophisticated/accredited investors.

      Although the IPO is open to everyone the company is only supplying information to members of the investment community who qualify as sophisticated/accredited investors. Investors from Asia should email with their postal address and preferred language so that a local broker can contact them.

      Maritime Securities will only be providing information to account holders that qualify as sophisticated/accredited investors. Those who are not account holders at participating brokers or do not qualify as sophisticated/accredited investors in their market should refer to the company for information.

      Those who wish to open an account with Maritime Securities should contact Theo Moss at Maritime Securities.

      About Buzz

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. is a convergent media company with operations ranging from infrastructure development to online retail.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements based on the Company's beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including statements regarding the timing of the introduction of certain products. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties which are identified and described in the Company's registration statements and periodic reports on file with the SEC, some of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, issues related to the travel and transportation industries, and prevailing economic conditions in general. In light of these risks and uncertainties, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate.
      schrieb am 03.08.08 22:25:14
      Beitrag Nr. 1.560 ()
      ich wünsche allen buzz investierten alles gute und möge der "home-run" gelingen. ich habe nicht mehr daran geglaubt und meine aktienzahl auf ein minimum reduziert.

      nach 18 monaten zieht die karanwane steuerfrei weiter.

      falls es jemanden interessiert warum ich jetzt raus bin...

      es wurde immer wieder gesagt , dass die käufer kommen...ich warte heute noch darauf.

      nichtsdesttrotz...bin ich kein prophet....und vieleicht gibt sich alles zum guten für die investierten und das wünsche ich beinahe allen von herzen.

      schrieb am 04.08.08 11:36:34
      Beitrag Nr. 1.561 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.639.435 von alamzana am 03.08.08 22:25:14 richtig überrascht bin ich nicht....;);)

      trotzdem wunderts mich ein kurz vor dem ipo.

      aber egal, wenn man nicht mehr daran glaubt, das hätte ich dann auch so gemacht.

      machs gut...und lege die Kohle gut an. Wenn du mal einen guten Tip hast, wäre schön, wenn wir uns weiter austauschen könnten.


      schrieb am 04.08.08 11:51:38
      Beitrag Nr. 1.562 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.641.465 von kassier am 04.08.08 11:36:34hallo günter,
      du weisst ja , dass ich eigendlich im chat nicht rede, ausser man spricht mich an.
      das kannst du ja gerne machen...ich bin da schon noch present...natürlich nicht immer "live"
      schrieb am 04.08.08 12:42:20
      Beitrag Nr. 1.563 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.641.465 von kassier am 04.08.08 11:36:34:)

      mein freund!! in der schweiz bekommt besuch:eek:

      war:cool: am fr.morgen

      nur nach hause 4 stunden stau:cry:
      schrieb am 04.08.08 12:56:45
      Beitrag Nr. 1.564 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.641.991 von Bachalor am 04.08.08 12:42:20
      oh weh, hoffentlich hatte Nero Wasser im Auto...:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 04.08.08 15:45:12
      Beitrag Nr. 1.565 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Turnkey VoIP Solution for China

      Aug 04, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz (OTC:BZTG) has opened the huge China VoIP market to resellers and Agents. Buzz offers never before seen direct control in a total turnkey solution for those wanting to participate in the growing VoIP market in China. Where else can you set up your on VoIP Company and your own rates by country, agent or account? Set your very own billing increments, issue unlimited virtual credits, provision and set rates for VIN, easily enable Callback, manage agents, view and manage all accounts regardless of their access method; VoIP phone, pc to phone, phone to phone gateways, web dialers or soft phones, run a call shop or internet cafe's? All of this is possible through the Buzz Control Panel.
      Unlimited Virtual Credits Buzz's virtual credit system lets our resellers issue unlimited PIN to agents. Resellers can collect payments from their own Agents for each PIN issued; Buzz will only charge you for actual usage. Now you can start your small or big business without making a large initial investment. As little as $500 gets you started!

      Service Plans Create and manage your own service plans, Buzz resellers are given ultimate control over their own pricing. Would you like to charge one of your Agents more for calls to the United States, for example, without affecting your other customers? Well you can! Our Service Plan module lets you generate and modify service plans in real-time.

      Agent Management As a Reseller, Buzz's web application allows you to dynamically manage all your Agents. Get detailed information on sales performance, deposit funds into an Agent's account, and more. Your Agents are given access to their very own web application that lets them manage their business with minimal involvement from you. Best of all, with our customizable interface, your Agents will never know that they are working with Buzz.

      Account Generation Unlike many other providers, Buzz lets you create your own accounts in real-time. No need to speak with any sales representative - generate as many accounts as you want in real time using our web application. As mentioned in the "Unlimited Virtual Credits" section above, you can create an unlimited number of accounts without being charged until they are used!

      Reports Naturally, you will want to know how your business is running. With our reporting tools, we provide all of the information you need - and more. Generate real-time sales reports, view call logs, monitor inventory, and much more. With these reporting tools, you will always be up to date on how your business is doing.
      schrieb am 04.08.08 15:46:00
      Beitrag Nr. 1.566 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Thailand Travel Specials from Buzz

      Aug 04, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- With over six million foreigners flying into the country each year, Thailand has become Asia's primary holiday destination and is a useful and popular first stop on any overland journey through Southeast Asia. Now Buzz offers users some of the best Thai Travel deals on the Web with the lowest price guaranteed. Through our association with Expedia you can also call in your travel requests and bookings to
      US and Canada: 1-800-780-5733 Europe: 00-800-11-20-11-40 Use discount code: 193657

      Through Buzz also offers huge savings on Thailand's best Holiday Villa's +66807007900 or .

      Most journeys start in Bangkok . Thailand's huge, noisy, polluted capital can be an overwhelming introduction to Southeast Asia, but there are traveller-oriented guesthouses aplenty here, and heaps of spectacular temples to visit. It's also the best place for arranging onward travel and visas for neighboring countries. A popular side-trip from the city takes in the raft houses of Kanchanaburi, the infamous site of the Bridge over the River Kwai. After Bangkok, most travellers head north, sometimes via the ancient capitals of Ayutthaya and Sukhothai , to the enjoyably laid-back city of Chiang Mai , where they organize treks to nearby hilltribe villages. There's tranquil countryside in bucketloads up in the northern highlands around Mae Hong Son and along the Mekong River in Thailand's northeast (Isaan), where you can stay in village guesthouses and hop across the border into Laos. The northeast is the least visited area of Thailand, but holds two fine ancient Khmer ruins at Phimai and Phanom Rung, and the country's most popular national park, Khao Yai .

      After trekking and rural relaxation, most visitors want to head for the beach - and Thailand's eastern and southern coasts are lined with gorgeous white-sand shores, aquamarine seas and kaleidoscopic reefs. The most popular of these are the east coast backpackers' resorts of Ko Samet and Ko Chang, the Gulf Coast islands of Ko Samui, Ko Pha Ngan and Ko Tao, and the Andaman coast idylls of Laem Phra Nang, Ko Phi Phi , Ko Lanta and Ko Tarutao. The southern island of Phuket and the east coast resort of Pattaya are more expensive, package-tour oriented spots. In the deep south, Thailand merges almost seamlessly with Malaysia, and there are plenty of border crossing points here; the city of Hat Yai in particular offers convenient long-distance bus and rail links to many Malaysian towns. Getting into Cambodia overland is not so easy, but there are two crossings currently open, Poipet and Trat.

      The climate of most of Thailand is governed by three seasons: rainy (roughly June to October), caused by the southwest monsoon; cool (November to February); and hot (March to May). The cool season is the pleasant time to visit and the most popular. Christmas is peak season, when accommodation gets booked way ahead and prices rise significantly. In the hot season, temperatures can rise to 40degC. The rainy season hits the Andaman coast (Phuket, Krabi, Phi Phi ) harder than anywhere else in the country - heavy rainfall usually starts in May and persists at the same level until October. The Gulf coast (Ko Samui, Ko Pha Ngan and Ko Tao) gets hardly any rain between June and September, but is hit by the northeast monsoon, which brings rain between October and January. This area also suffers less from the southwest monsoon, getting a relatively small amount of rain.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 04.08.08 15:47:23
      Beitrag Nr. 1.567 ()
      Other News Sources < Back

      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Email Anywhere Brings New iPhone and Mobile Email Functions

      Aug 04, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz (OTC:BZTG) is pleased to announce a robust and versatile addition to the companys very popular and free Email Anywhere service. Here you can easily organize your work, add Tasks and Appointments to specific times and dates. The new features work and interact with PC, Mobile and even iPhone.
      To Add an appointment, either double click on the appropriate time to create an hour long appointment or click on the start time and drag down to the appropriate amount of time. You can now enter details for this appointment.

      Time Line When you Create an Appointment it can be set for any time in fifteen (15) minute intervals. Once an appointment is created you can click the entry to drag'n'drop to another time to reschedule.

      Month Selector To View other months, select "<" for previous month, and ">" for next month. To jump to previous year select "|<", to jump to next year select ">|". Once a month is shown you can add / modify / delete Appointments.

      This also shows your working month. The selected day has a dark-red background. You can go to another day by clicking on the Date. Any dates in the current month that have appointments are shown in bold.

      Add a New Task To add a task click on the "add" button in the tasks bar. The Task will be shown below. Click on the task to edit it.

      Delete a Task To delete a Task, click on the button with the 'X' next to the task. This task will be permanently Deleted.

      The Shared Calendar allows you to assign specific users tasks, and set up appointments which are visible to a particular group you define. Information here will guide you in using the Shared Calendar.

      The Shared Calendar allows you to assign specific users tasks, and set up appointments which are visible to a particular group you define. Information here will guide you in using the Shared Calendar.

      Creating a Shared Appointment

      To create a shared appointment in the WebMail Calendar, just do the following:

      In your Calendar pane, click on a date in which you want to set the appointment in.

      You will see a pop-up window. Here, you can set the time, date and category of your appointment. On this window, click on the option called "Group Appointment".

      Click on the tab called "Participants". Here, you can explicitly define which users have read/write or read-only access to the appointment.

      Click on "Add Entry"
      schrieb am 06.08.08 17:45:53
      Beitrag Nr. 1.568 ()
      < Back

      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Microsoft, Google and Yahoo's New China Rules Help Buzz

      Aug 05, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ:MSFT), Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) and Yahoo Inc. (NASDAQ:YHOO), bowing to pressure from the American Senate are in negotiations with other Internet companies and human rights groups, to reach an agreement on a voluntary code of conduct for activities in China and other countries the USA considers restrictive. Buzz (OTC:BZTG) remains one of the few search engines that have addressed the issue by allowing users to keep their search and other information totally private. The move has seen Buzz soar through the traffic rankings in many countries in Asia to become one of the regions leading search engines.
      In separate letters sent last Friday to Sens. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., and Tom Coburn, R-Okla., all three participant companies said the details of the code are still being worked out, but the basic outlines are settled.

      The move will not win the 3 companies many political friends in China and other Asian countries that seem to bare the brunt of the new code.

      Durbin and Coburn asked for an update on the talks last month out of concern that without such a code, Internet companies could be pressured more easily by the Chinese government to provide information about Internet users while they are in China during the Summer Olympic games.

      The voluntary code will spell out "principles of freedom of expression and privacy" in countries where governments seek users' private information or block access to certain Web sites, according to the letters.

      The code also will offer "implementation guidelines" on how participating companies can put the principles into practice. The group will establish a governing body to independently assess how participants are complying.

      The code will be completed later this year, once all members sign off.

      About Buzz

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. is a convergent media company with operations ranging from infrastructure development to online retail.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements based on the Company's beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including statements regarding the timing of the introduction of certain products. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties which are identified and described in the Company's registration statements and periodic reports on file with the SEC, some of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, issues related to the travel and transportation industries, and prevailing economic conditions in general. In light of these risks and uncertainties, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 06.08.08 17:47:05
      Beitrag Nr. 1.569 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): International Numbers from Buzz

      Aug 05, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz (OTC:BZTG) Customers can take advantage of Direct Inward Dial (DID) numbers to provide a very low cost alternative to the high cost of direct dial international rates from 40 countries. A Buzz International Phone Number is a local phone number that is used by customers to forward a call over the Internet, using Buzz VoIP technology, to your home, business or mobile phone number. By using Buzz International numbers, you can bypasses high international long distance rates when making international calls, you can stay connected with clients, employees or family for a fraction of the cost.
      * Easily Track all phones and callers in real time

      * Print out receipts and call history and details

      Buzz International Phone Numbers are the ideal solution for those Individuals and Organizations that want to have a local presence in major markets without having to have a physical location in those counties. For example, a consulting firm in China requires a local presence in the United States without having to open up an office. With Buzz International Phone Numbers, they can have a New York phone number that rings directly into the corporate office in China. It is also an ideal way of keeping in touch with family and friends worldwide while travelling.

      To get your International Number you will need to open a Buzz VoIP Account at for Citizens and Corporations in Nth America simply email
      schrieb am 07.08.08 15:18:51
      Beitrag Nr. 1.570 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Technologies Inc Joins Hoovers

      Aug 07, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG) has joined Hoovers to provide accurate and current information to the public as well as Journalists, Financial Publications (Online and Offline) and Customers. Hoover's maintains a database of 23 million companies and other organizations using an in-house editorial staff of industry experts. The company derives most of its revenues from subscriptions, which are sold primarily to sales, marketing, and business development professionals. It provides less-detailed company, industry, and executive information to non-subscribers. Hoover's also publishes analytical features through its Hoover's Index pages, and its Bizmology and BIZ blogs.
      Besides publishing information on its website and in its books, the company distributes information via data feeds and third-party licensing agreements. Hoover's is headquartered in Austin, Texas and also has employees elsewhere in North America, Europe, and Asia.
      schrieb am 07.08.08 15:20:28
      Beitrag Nr. 1.571 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Eyes of the world on China

      Aug 07, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Technologies, Inc., (OTC:BZTG). As the Beijing Olympic's draw near, it has become more and more clear that this will be an event that truly shows China to the world. Everything about the Beijing Olympics is on a huge scale and organizers intend to start on a grand scale with Friday's opening ceremony, a three-hour 'spectacular'.
      Some 15,000 performers are set to take part, with 29,000 fireworks due to be released into the night sky.

      The ceremony is also due to see Chinese pop star Liu Huan, together with British singer Sarah Brightman, sing a specially commissioned theme song in the closing 'artistic' section.

      As has been seen in past Olympics in the modern era, the event is followed by several years of strong growth in tourism, foriegn investment and property. This historic trend has not been missed by Buzz, apart from a good month for our ad sales, a huge boom for BuzzTV and our LiveScore Services, it will also be the first test of our Bluetooth ads and heavy traffic to the VoIP Network. Yan Ma, Buzz Technologies CEO in China has been hard at work readying Property and Travel for the post Olympic economic growth.

      Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Chairwoman and CEO of Property and Thanissara Sinprasertwong, Regional Business Development Director will be in China for extended periods setting up a local on ground dedicated presence for Property, Travel and Venture Capital in China.

      The Chinese economy will remain robust after the 2008 Beijing Olympics as has happened in some other host nations, said renowned economist Li Yining.

      China is only halfway to full industrialization and the thirst for investment will not subside when the Beijing Olympics closes, said Li at the ninth New Year Forum held in Beijing University.

      Huge amounts of investment is required to rejuvenate the old industrial base in northeast China and the country's underdeveloped west, said the economist, adding that hi-tech industries are also a new hot area that will attract new investment.

      New energy resources, bio-technology, new materials and new generations of electronic products will draw huge sum of money, said Li.

      Strong investment after the Beijing Olympics will keep the Chinese economy growing fast, said the economist.
      schrieb am 07.08.08 15:21:56
      Beitrag Nr. 1.572 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz to Open B2B Raw Materials/Commodities Portal

      Aug 07, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG) today announced the company will launch a Raw Materials/Commodities trade service which will allow international entrepreneurs to trade direct to Asia's growing number of buyers.
      Export-to-Asia will provide suppliers across the world with a Asian-language online storefront on's marketplace. It is a user friendly, direct channel to connect international entrepreneurs with millions of buyers in Asia. Export-to-Asia members will also benefit from Buzz's professional translation service and promotions at major trade shows in Asia every year.

      Asia's importance in the global market is evolving from a top manufacturing hub and exporter into a powerful global buyer as well. Asia's growing demand for Raw Materials/Commodities is being fueled by a booming economy and an emerging middle class. In China the most recent trade figures indicated a continued rise in exports by 18% from a year ago to US$121.53 billion, while imports soared 31% to US$100.18 billion, shrinking the nation's trade surplus for the month. China currently ranks third in the world in trade volume and is expected to become the world's biggest import market within 10 years.

      The service will be limited to pre-qualified Buyers and Sellers in the Energy/Minerals/Metals markets, the service has already signed agreements to exclusively market minerals such as Iron Ore, Uranium and a list of other industrial minerals.
      schrieb am 07.08.08 22:25:04
      Beitrag Nr. 1.573 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Eyes of the world on China
      Thursday, August 07, 2008; Posted: 04:31 AM 7 Stocks You Need To Know For Tomorrow -- Free Newsletter
      Aug 07, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- BZTG | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating -- Buzz Technologies, Inc., (OTC:BZTG). As the Beijing Olympic's draw near, it has become more and more clear that this will be an event that truly shows China to the world. Everything about the Beijing Olympics is on a huge scale and organizers intend to start on a grand scale with Friday's opening ceremony, a three-hour 'spectacular'.
      Some 15,000 performers are set to take part, with 29,000 fireworks due to be released into the night sky.

      The ceremony is also due to see Chinese pop star Liu Huan, together with British singer Sarah Brightman, sing a specially commissioned theme song in the closing 'artistic' section.

      As has been seen in past Olympics in the modern era, the event is followed by several years of strong growth in tourism, foriegn investment and property. This historic trend has not been missed by Buzz, apart from a good month for our ad sales, a huge boom for BuzzTV and our LiveScore Services, it will also be the first test of our Bluetooth ads and heavy traffic to the VoIP Network. Yan Ma, Buzz Technologies CEO in China has been hard at work readying Property and Travel for the post Olympic economic growth.

      Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Chairwoman and CEO of Property and Thanissara Sinprasertwong, Regional Business Development Director will be in China for extended periods setting up a local on ground dedicated presence for Property, Travel and Venture Capital in China.

      The Chinese economy will remain robust after the 2008 Beijing Olympics as has happened in some other host nations, said renowned economist Li Yining.

      China is only halfway to full industrialization and the thirst for investment will not subside when the Beijing Olympics closes, said Li at the ninth New Year Forum held in Beijing University.

      Huge amounts of investment is required to rejuvenate the old industrial base in northeast China and the country's underdeveloped west, said the economist, adding that hi-tech industries are also a new hot area that will attract new investment.

      New energy resources, bio-technology, new materials and new generations of electronic products will draw huge sum of money, said Li.

      Strong investment after the Beijing Olympics will keep the Chinese economy growing fast, said the economist.
      schrieb am 11.08.08 17:20:04
      Beitrag Nr. 1.574 ()
      Pinnacle Digest: Buzz Technologies Is "Company Of Interest" According To Pinnacle Digest

      Aug 11, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- is a performance-driven online financial magazine and social network with a proven track record. After Friday's news from Buzz Technologies Inc (OTCPK:BZTG) announcing that it has released their Olympics LiveScore Service for the Olympics just ahead of the opening ceremony, our team has launched their exclusive investor controlled forum. Our staff and members have requested that all Buzz Technologies shareholders join our community and share their thoughts on the company, its development and future outlook. One of the most important aspects when we research for new investments is to understand the sentiment of the current shareholders; that is why we have released this announcement - we want to know your opinion.
      Once a member of you will have access to all our Buzz Technologies research. It is our goal to find viable opportunities for each one of our members.

      Join to

      Find out if Buzz Technologies makes it as a Pinnacle Featured Company

      Chat with other shareholders invested in Buzz Technologies

      Explain to our investor community what differentiates this company

      Connect with investors and professionals in the equity markets

      Meet the thousands of investors who have already become members of the Pinnacle community. is an investment club comprised of over 15,000 members. We use all of our member's insight when selecting our next investment opportunity. Your membership is free - join today. has no vested interest in the company mentioned herein. This source of information is from an unbiased perspective. If you wish to become a member of you will be gaining access to articles similar to this one and many other useful services we know you will find valuable. Keeping you educated and up-to-date with the market is one of our main purposes. Our approach in achieving this goal and our ability to consistently deliver high quality investment material is what defines our business model.

      This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of any offer to buy securities in any jurisdiction.

      All material herein was prepared by (Pinnacle Digest) based upon information believed to be reliable. The information contained herein is not guaranteed by to be accurate, and should not be considered to be all-inclusive. The companies that are discussed in this opinion have not approved the statements made in this opinion. This opinion contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. This material is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities. is not a licensed broker, broker dealer, market maker, investment banker, investment advisor, analyst or underwriter. Please consult a broker before purchasing or selling any securities viewed on or mentioned herein. may receive compensation in cash or shares from independent third parties or from the companies mentioned. will not advise as to when it decides to sell and does not and will not offer any opinion as to when others should sell; each investor must make that decision based on his or her judgment of the market.

      This release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. "Forward-looking statements" describe future expectations, plans, results, or strategies and are generally preceded by words such as "may", "future", "plan" or "planned", "will" or "should", "expected," "anticipates", "draft", "eventually" or "projected". You are cautioned that such statements are subject to a multitude of risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events, or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements, including the risks that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, and other risks identified in a companies' annual report on Form 10-K or 10-KSB and other filings made by such company with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      You should consider these factors in evaluating the forward-looking statements included herein, and not place undue reliance on such statements. The forward-looking statements in this release are made as of the date hereof and undertakes no obligation to update such statements.

      CONTACT: Pinnacle Digest WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 11.08.08 17:20:55
      Beitrag Nr. 1.575 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Archer (PINKS:AEMC) in $3m Deal with Buzz

      Aug 11, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Archer Entertainment, Media and Communications (PINKS:AEMC) and Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG) have signed and executed an agreement representing a $3m USD acquisition of Intellectual Property, Ad Space and Content. $750 000 was settled last week and represents an investment in Search and Ad Technology, making it the search and ad division's best day. The deal was funded by a 3rd party private investment company, one of several that have made funding available for Archers Projects.
      More Archer Developments

      Archer Motion Picture Company, headed by Production President, David Wardlow, has acquired and/or is developing 12 feature film projects, ranging from high budget action adventure to low budget ethnic or street movies. Some films will be self-financed and others will be co-productions with various Asian, European and American companies. Archer will distribute its films in Asia and Europe and will share distribution in other areas with major U.S. film companies.

      Archer Advertising Agency (AAA) headed by Company CEO, Michael Selsman, is focusing on providing ads for Archer Search,, ABM&E, , CBL, Archer Search/Store, Archer/12Buzz, and other internet products and services, interacting with Buzz.

      Content Co-Production:

      Archer recently entered into a co-production arrangement with Los Angeles-based OM Studios, a state-of-the-art sound, video and editing facility located in Hollywood, with content in production that Archer intends to distribute worldwide utilizing its Internet and satellite assets. OM is producing "The Light of Asia," eight 45-minute animated episodes in a series of the life, philosophy and wisdom of Buddha. A 4 .5 minute trailer exists. OM is also developing "The Song Celestial - The Bhagavad-Gita," as an 18-part animated series. A 4- minute trailer is in work. "Echoes from the White House," is an animated series project reproducing the Inaugural addresses of 43 Presidents of the United States, from George Washington to George Bush. Well-known actors will be sought for the 67 total inaugural addresses, along with presidential historians, to write the narrative providing the context and the historical perspective. Archer believes this possesses extraordinary revenue potential as a six part documentary film series presenting the history of the United States from the perspective of the 43 presidents thus far.

      Archer is discussing creating TGCC Travel Green Capture Carbon, to co-venture with, a Global Warming Travel Advisory website to alert travelers of the Great Green Adventures available on the planet. The site will generate revenue from Green Advertising, Eco-travel, Green Content and travel related Green products.

      What's on the Horizon

      Global Entertainment Talent ( is an international talent directory, talent agency and social network similar to Facebook, MySpace, and YouTube. It includes a network community for China-based actors, models, musicians, entertainment production personnel and technicians, whom Archer will present to regional and international entertainment production companies with projects in China, South East Asia and the world. is subscription-based, with annual fees processed through GET's E-commerce platform designed with Visa and Master Card processing by an international payment processing company spanning 120 countries. The issuer owns the domain names:, and

      China Broadcast Live (CBL) is preparing to distribute via the Internet advertiser-supported Chinese TV channels, including movies and the 2008 Olympic TV broadcast, to millions of Chinese expats world wide free of charge.

      The company is currently in late stage development of several US based entertainment projects, including: "AEnter-to-Win ," an advertising-supported reality-based TV show series for the Internet that gathers data based on incentives, i.e., 1st Class travel to key events plus cash to spend and makeover/s. The camera follows the winning contestants to, along the way, and from.

      Archer Broadcast Media & Entertainment (in development) is a live and taped music concert event producer, content aggregator, and owner-distributor, developing and building a branded music entertainment content library and merchandise that converts to multiple income streams. Archer Broadcast Media joins with award winning producers and production companies to produce concert programs from Hip Hop/Rap to Opera. These programs will be distributed by Archer domestically and internationally, exploiting current and future methods of distribution.

      Archer is considering purchase of one-half interest in Hong Kong Satellite TV Channel 8 from its strategic partner, Buzz Technologies. Channel 8 claims viewership of 350 million people in Asia, including 100+million people in China.

      Other Archer/Buzz businesses include; a mobile phone credit card gateway, a VoIP platform launched July 27, 2008 in China and Southeast Asia, Buzz Broker, an international full service securities brokerage house with headquarters in Nassau, the Bahamas, Buzz Financial, Buzz Properties, a real estate sales site, and more.

      Further London & Company, our in-house accountants completed all of our financial statements to GAAP standards and the Company is engaging an SEC approved independent auditor to begin the financial audit process for the calendar years ending December 31, 2005, December 31,

      2006, and December 31, 2007. All financial statements are current and are available at Following receipt of its audited financial statements, AEMC plans to file with the US Securities and Exchange Commission to become a "fully reporting company."

      Although the world financial markets continue to be unsettled, Archer management believes that in our areas of business, we are solidly positioned for growth in the Internet and all its related opportunities. We appreciate and thank you for your continued support.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 11.08.08 18:13:02
      Beitrag Nr. 1.576 ()

      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Chairwoman's Letter to Shareholders

      Aug 11, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- As part of Buzz Technologies, Inc.,(OTC:BZTG) becoming more transparent, Buzz has embarked on a complete Investor and Media Relations kit. As an Introduction, here is a Letter from our Chairwoman, Sutida Suwunnavid.
      Dear Shareholders:

      As the changes in the corporate structure draw nearer, I would like to discuss our management philosophy going forward from this milestone, so that shareholders and investors can know what to expect from Buzz Management .

      Our diversification into a variety of businesses extends back to the inception of the company. Sean "Jack" Lee and I believe it is one of our primary strengths, to be future oriented and take a long term view of our business growth. Jack and I would prefer to reach our goal by directly owning and controlling a diversified group of businesses that each generate cash, and earn above-average returns on capital, consistently over time . Our second choice is to own non controlling interests of other businesses that we believe will be successful, predominantly by owning a marketable equity stake.

      Utilizing a small core group of managers Jack and I have built many of these businesses from the ground up, giving managers and partners a free but supervised hand in running and developing those operations.

      While we are proud of our achievements with, equally important is the fact that we operate in a diverse range of industries, Buzz companies have set, and continue to set, high standards for operational innovation, customer service, progressive management, and environmental best practice. With such a young team, we are always aware that we must continually strive to 'do better' than our more senior rivals. Without new concepts, without innovation and evolution, we could not have grown so fast over the past few years.

      Today Buzz is a growing and highly diversified group, and while others turn to debt and equity funding, we remain firmly adhered to a policy of growth from profits. This tight policy has made us more innovative and more determined to make money from everything we do, because universally, business is about the bottom line.

      Jack and I would like shareholders to think of their holdings in Buzz as something more than an account balance whose value fluctuates daily and that is instantly for sale when a gain is made or market events make you nervous. We hope you instead see yourself as a part owner of a business that you expect to stay with indefinitely, the same way you would think of a property investment or a business that you own. The evidence clearly suggests that most Buzz shareholders do indeed have this long-term partnership concept. The annual percentage turnover in Buzz's shares is a small fraction of that occurring in the stocks of other major corporations, even when the shares Jack and I own are excluded from the calculation.

      Jack and I cannot promise you results. But we can assure you that your position will move exactly as ours does for however long you elect to be our partner. Jack has no interest in a salary, in fact Jack does not, and has never have drawn a salary. Furthermore Jack personally pays for all management travel and allows the use of his boats, cars and properties for the company business free of charge. We will make money as our partners do, and at the same time and rate. Moreover, when we make a mistake it costs Jack and I more than it costs anyone else, for while we view this as a partnership with our shareholders, by virtue of our shareholdings, Jack and I remain managing partners.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 12.08.08 16:22:05
      Beitrag Nr. 1.577 ()
      Pinnacle Digest: Buzz Technologies Deemed Company Of Interest By Pinnacle Digest

      Aug 12, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- is a performance-driven online financial magazine and social network with a proven track record. After yesterday's news from Buzz Technologies, Inc (OTC:BZTG) announcing a complete Investor and Media Relations kit, our team has launched their exclusive investor controlled forum. Our staff and members have requested that all Buzz Technologies shareholders join our community and share their thoughts on the company, its development and future outlook. One of the most important aspects when we research for new investments is to understand the sentiment of the current shareholders; that is why we have released this announcement - we want to know your opinion.
      Once a member of you will have access to all our Buzz Technologies research. It is our goal to find viable opportunities for each one of our members.

      Join to

      Find out if Buzz Technologies makes it as a Pinnacle Featured Company

      Chat with other shareholders invested in Buzz Technologies

      Explain to our investor community what differentiates this company

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      Meet the thousands of investors who have already become members of the Pinnacle community. is an investment club comprised of over 15,000 members. We use all of our member's insight when selecting our next investment opportunity. Your membership is free - join today. has no vested interest in the company mentioned herein. This source of information is from an unbiased perspective. If you wish to become a member of you will be gaining access to articles similar to this one and many other useful services we know you will find valuable. Keeping you educated and up-to-date with the market is one of our main purposes. Our approach in achieving this goal and our ability to consistently deliver high quality investment material is what defines our business model.

      This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of any offer to buy securities in any jurisdiction.

      All material herein was prepared by (Pinnacle Digest) based upon information believed to be reliable. The information contained herein is not guaranteed by to be accurate, and should not be considered to be all-inclusive. The companies that are discussed in this opinion have not approved the statements made in this opinion. This opinion contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. This material is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities. is not a licensed broker, broker dealer, market maker, investment banker, investment advisor, analyst or underwriter. Please consult a broker before purchasing or selling any securities viewed on or mentioned herein. may receive compensation in cash or shares from independent third parties or from the companies mentioned. will not advise as to when it decides to sell and does not and will not offer any opinion as to when others should sell; each investor must make that decision based on his or her judgment of the market.

      This release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. "Forward-looking statements" describe future expectations, plans, results, or strategies and are generally preceded by words such as "may", "future", "plan" or "planned", "will" or "should", "expected," "anticipates", "draft", "eventually" or "projected". You are cautioned that such statements are subject to a multitude of risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events, or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements, including the risks that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, and other risks identified in a companies' annual report on Form 10-K or 10-KSB and other filings made by such company with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      You should consider these factors in evaluating the forward-looking statements included herein, and not place undue reliance on such statements. The forward-looking statements in this release are made as of the date hereof and undertakes no obligation to update such statements.


      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 12.08.08 16:26:46
      Beitrag Nr. 1.578 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Leading the Internet for Online Privacy

      Aug 12, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz (OTC:BZTG) Web Division remains one of the few Search and Ad Platforms not employing behavioral targeting technology. Although widely available Buzz sees the technology as an abuse of the trust of customers. Buzz also feels the Asian market will be the first to reject such practices and are likely to turn to so they can maintain their privacy. While Many Internet and broadband companies have acknowledged using targeted-advertising technology without explicitly informing customers, according to letters released yesterday by the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
      Google (NASDAQ:GOOG), the leading online advertiser, stated that it has begun using Internet tracking technology that enables it to more precisely follow Web-surfing behavior across affiliated sites.

      The revelations came in response to a bipartisan inquiry of how more than 30 Internet companies might have gathered data to target customers. Some privacy advocates and lawmakers said the disclosures help build a case for an overarching online-privacy law.

      "Increasingly, there are no limits technologically as to what a company can do in terms of collecting information . . . and then selling it as a commodity to other providers," said committee member Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), who created the Privacy Caucus 12 years ago. "Our responsibility is to make sure that we create a law that, regardless of the technology, includes a set of legal guarantees that consumers have with respect to their information."

      Markey said he and his colleagues plan to introduce legislation next year, a sort of online-privacy Bill of Rights, that would require that consumers must opt in to the tracking of their online behavior and the collection and sharing of their personal data.

      But some committee leaders cautioned that such legislation could damage the economy by preventing small companies from reaching customers. Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) said self-regulation that focuses on transparency and choice might be the best approach.

      Google, in its letter to committee Chairman John Dingell (D-Mich.), Markey, Stearns and Rep. Joe L. Barton (R-Tex.), stressed that it did not engage in potentially the most invasive of technologies -- deep-packet inspection, which companies such as NebuAd have tested with some broadband providers. But Google did note that it had begun to use across its network the "DoubleClick ad-serving cookie," a computer code that allows the tracking of Web surfing.

      Alan Davidson, Google's director of public policy and government affairs, stated in the letter that users could opt out of a single cookie for both DoubleClick and the Google content network. He also said that Google was not yet focusing on "behavioral" advertising, which depends on Web site tracking.

      But on its official blog last week, Google touted how its recent $3.1 billion merger with DoubleClick provides advertisers "insight into the number of people who have seen an ad campaign," as well as "how many users visited their sites after seeing an ad."

      "Google is slowly embracing a full-blown behavioral targeting over its vast network of services and sites," said Jeffrey Chester, executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy. He said that Google, through its vast data collection and sophisticated data analysis tools, "knows more about consumers than practically anyone."

      Microsoft and Yahoo have disclosed that they engage in some form of behavioral targeting. Yahoo has said it will allow users to turn off targeted advertising on its Web sites; Microsoft has yet to respond to the committee.

      More than a dozen of the 33 companies queried said they do not conduct targeted advertising based on consumers' Internet activities. But, Chester said, a number of them engage in sophisticated interactive marketing. Advertisers on's site, for instance, are able to target advertising based on "over 3 billion page views" from "15 million unique users."

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 13.08.08 19:54:20
      Beitrag Nr. 1.579 ()
      was würde ich mich doch freuen, wenn sich das mal im pps bemerkbar machen würde.

      bin ja grundsätzlich geduldig, aber fürs Auge wärs schon schön....:laugh:
      schrieb am 14.08.08 10:37:38
      Beitrag Nr. 1.580 ()
      Aug 07, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- BZTG | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating -- Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG) has joined Hoovers to provide accurate and current information to the public as well as Journalists, Financial Publications (Online and Offline) and Customers. Hoover's maintains a database of 23 million companies and other organizations using an in-house editorial staff of industry experts. The company derives most of its revenues from subscriptions, which are sold primarily to sales, marketing, and business development professionals. It provides less-detailed company, industry, and executive information to non-subscribers. Hoover's also publishes analytical features through its Hoover's Index pages, and its Bizmology and BIZ blogs.
      Besides publishing information on its website and in its books, the company distributes information via data feeds and third-party licensing agreements. Hoover's is headquartered in Austin, Texas and also has employees elsewhere in North America, Europe, and Asia.
      schrieb am 18.08.08 19:58:42
      Beitrag Nr. 1.581 ()
      Also ein Aktienwert von ca. 1 us $

      Press Release Source: Buzz Technologies, Inc.
      Buzz in $300 Million Pre-IPO Exchange
      Monday August 18, 11:16 am ET
      HONG KONG--(MARKET WIRE)--Aug 18, 2008 -- Buzz Technologies, Inc. (Other OTC:BZTG.PK - News), listing in Hong Kong, China, is making sound progress. And the initial Information Memorandum will be available in the coming 2 weeks. Supported by a team of highly respected accounting, insurance, finance and corporate professionals, the listing is coming together very well. We expect audits of the USA corporation to be released to market and the finalization of existing contracts exchanging ownership rights in exchange for 300,471,362 shares @ $1, (this may or may not vary from valuations of the Businesses, Intellectual Property, Property and Contracts, some of these valuations are still awaiting final appraisal) in the entity to be listed in Hong Kong. The information memorandum will contain the current business model, details of each business being operated and future prospects. The declared dividend will be paid as individuals and corporations exchange their USA equities for those in the new entity.
      The introduction to the Information Memorandum flags a number of developments that have never been detailed to the public; an excerpt appears below;
      Buzz has through necessity and opportunity grown into a diverse group of companies, spanning a number of industries and countries. Although on the surface it may not be immediately recognizable, the businesses are in fact tied together in one clearly defined area: they are all businesses that are technology dependent. Buzz has pioneered the way in unleashing the full potential of technology in the markets that have the least technological resources, the emerging markets of Asia.
      After starting with a VoIP service and acquiring an IT firm, we set about building a search engine and accompanying ad delivery platforms. Like anyone in or entering the online search and ad business, there is one seemingly insurmountable problem. With Google having dominated Internet search and advertising for many years and continuing to grow stronger year after year, how does anyone catch up? After reviewing all of the competing services we seen an opportunity to capture the publisher market with live customer support, free web assistance and better privacy in the Asian Market. Problem solved? No. To enter the online ad market you need, apart from very advanced technology, 2 distinct groups of customers, publishers who will display your online ads, and advertisers who will buy that ad space. As you cannot sell ad space you do not have, you must first acquire the publishers as clients, Problem solved? Still, no. A further and much more difficult barrier to entering the search and online ad market is that you must first acquire those publishers, after the publishers are using your ad and search services you must be able to fill those ads with revenue producing product or be happy to accept massive cash outflows while you hunt for advertisers. This is where necessity played its part in building Buzz.
      Rather than turn our backs on one of the world's most lucrative businesses, that of online ads and search, we decided to select a single market, in our case Thailand, build the businesses and form alliances to fill the ad space prior to the commencement of our search and online ad network. After study of the local market we decided that to fill the online ad space and make a very high return on investment we needed a number of businesses, Real Estate, Travel and Financial Services, the 3 key core businesses that provided revenue from online ads. The best of the 3 businesses by far was Real Estate. With 80% of the world's property sales being leads generated online, we chose that business to invest in and grow ourselves. For Travel, we partnered with Expedia and for Financial Services initially with EasyForex and subsequently Maritime Securities in the Bahamas.
      When we launched the service in May 2008, we quickly signed The Bangkok Post and the search and online ad network has continued to grow since then. Our Property Division, One-2-Property has seen enormous growth fueled by occupying Thailand's most sought after online ad space, as have Travel and Financial Services. Our returns on the ad network exceed all our competition in the local market because of our own innovation and careful planning.
      The ad network has now expanded into China with Travel and Financial services being well received. Our market in China comprises mostly Internet cafes with a male audience of 15 to 25, this required a rethink of the Thailand model and through Amazon and other MMORPG supplier, we have built a successful games distribution network providing not only sales but income from recurring monthly fees. To further cement our place in these cafes we have also made available VoIP and other services available at the counter. We deferred other publisher deals in Hong Kong and China until we have opened our Real Estate offices there later this year.
      That brings us to opportunity, what we did see in Asia and around the world were the many start-up companies looking to raise funds. They were all or in-part to build, develop or buy technology, and Buzz having access to the best and cheapest IT talent in the world, this was a natural fit. It cut out almost all downtime and generated a constant stream of work, making us, and our contractors very busy and substantially more profitable. Thus was born Buzz Venture Capital. Buzz Venture Capital brings together a unique offering, IT Services, Marketing, Property and Financial Services all under one roof. We have built a wide and substantial portfolio of investments in companies at different stages of development. Our early entry and deal structure have created a very secure high value asset for the company.
      schrieb am 20.08.08 08:31:22
      Beitrag Nr. 1.582 ()
      Hallo alle Threadleser zusammen,
      ich als Threaderöffner melde mich auch einmal wieder.
      Da ich Aktionär (noch) von BZTG bin, habe ich auch einen Zugang zu der Actorvist Page (früher Buzzme). Da habe ich mich gestern in
      den Chat eingeloggt. Und habe mit einem anderen User diskutiert was die Bezeichnung des Chatrooms denn zu bedeuten hat (Success week day 2).
      Da hat sich der Ceo wieder von seiner sehr charmanten Art zu Wort
      gemeldet. Daß er gerne seine Aktionäre Deppen, Idioten usw. nennt, dürfte sich ja inzwischen bekannt geworden sein. Ich habe ihm danach geantwortet, daß er doch einfach mit meiner linken Hand sprechen soll und nicht mit mir.
      Au backe!!! Da hat mich aber der volle Zorn des Ceo´s getroffen.
      Er hat tatsächlich meinen Account gesperrt und so wie ich sehe meine gesamte Seite. Ich bin also verbannt worden.
      Ich vergaß, daß leider nur einer pöbeln darf und das ist der Chef!
      und nicht die Aktionäre, die Deppen haben das Maul zu halten und das Geld rauszurücken.
      Der Kreis der Aktionäre wird auf jeden Fall (zumindest in Deutschland) wieder etwas kleiner werden.
      Abschließend ist folgendes von meiner Seite noch anzumerken:
      Wie ich des öfteren gemailt habe, sehe ich das Engagement im Pink Sheet OTC Sector als reines Glückspiel an. Und so ist auch mein
      Anlegeverhalten bei Buzz gewesen. Ich habe hier nur Spielgeld investiert, das ich gut verschmerzen kann, sogar ein Totalverlust
      ist immer von mir eingerechnet worden.
      Die Firma hatte sehr lange Kredit bei mir die gesteckten Ziele
      zu verwirklichen.
      Leider hat sie die alten Ziele nie verwirklicht (Buyback 7 US Cent,
      das F das angeblich beantragt wurde, die ganzen Militärkontrakte, die auf einmal nirgends mehr nur eine Erwähnung finden, der gute, alte Metal Bare Computer, die ganzen Schulen und Uni´s in Thailand, die mit den Servern von Buzz verbunden werden also auch der Metal Bare Computer und, und, und.....)
      Da Märchen zwar immer nett sind anzuhören, ich aber es nun auch leidig geworden bin diese auch noch ins deutsche zu übersetzen,
      hat mich die Verbannung aus der Buzz Familie nicht wirklich hart getroffen.
      schrieb am 20.08.08 10:01:12
      Beitrag Nr. 1.583 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.772.710 von wise_w am 20.08.08 08:31:22Hi wise,

      bin auch seit Ewigkeiten mal wieder hier zu Gange. Die letzten Wochen/Monate habe ich das mit Buzz alles nicht mehr verfolgt und mir heute früh mal einen kleinen Update reingezogen. Deine Schilderungen passen absolut ins Programm von Buzz. Vermutlich steht der CEO unter Druck. Ich schätze mal, er hatte die letzten 1,5 Jahre fleißig seine Billig Shares für 1 Cent nochwas eingesammelt um sie zum Zeitpunkt der Olympiade mit Pauken und Trompeten für teures Geld wieder rauszuhauen. Leider haben mittlerweile wohl schon zu viele gemerkt, was eigentlich hinter Buzz steckt, die Stimmung in der Boards verschlechtert sich. Vor ein paar Monaten hat sich dann auch mal unsere alte Bekannte aus Venzuela im Ami-Board bekannt und ihre Abzocke druch Buzz öffentlich gemacht (Sie wollte sogar noch außerbörslich Shares haben). Tja, und aus lauter Verzweiflung für den CEO muss nun auch noch ein möglichst schwammig inszeniertes IPO herhalten. Doch nichts passiert. Der Boost bleibt aus und der Kurs bröckelt wieder.

      Man muss sich das nur mal vorstellen: Eine Firma mit angeblich über 100 Mio Umsatz und der selbsternannte zukünftige Gigant in Asien geht dort nun (auch angeblich) großangekündigt an die Börse. Die Marktkapitalisierung beträgt nicht mal 5 Mio USD (laut und trotzdem reißen die Institutionellen Anleger aus Asien Buzz nicht die Shares nur so aus der Hand. Wie geht das wohl? Es geht genauso wie Buzz schon alles mögliche machen und rausbringen wollte (Details erspare ich mir), was dann nie passiert ist.

      Ich denke, nur richtig große Naivlinge können hier weiter glauben, dass sie auf einer unentdeckten Perle sitzen, die sie eines Tages reich machen wird. Alle anderen mit gesundem Menschenverstand haben vermutlich bei über 4 Cent ihre Teile verkauft. Herzlichen Glückwunsch dazu!

      @kassier: Der Letzte macht dann bitte das Licht aus :laugh::laugh:

      Schönen Tag noch!

      schrieb am 20.08.08 11:13:22
      Beitrag Nr. 1.584 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.773.630 von keutula_reloaded am 20.08.08 10:01:12es ist schon bedauerlich , wenn sich leute wie du so unsensibel über andere noch investierte herrschaften hermachen.ich glaube nicht , dass die jemals dir etwas getan haben...
      der glaube und die hoffnung bei jedem pinkinvestierten ist hoch, wenn nicht meistens zu hoch, aber nicht nur hier.

      ich könnte dir auch lästige und naive smileys reinsetzen , wenn ich daran denke , wie du verkauft hast ...
      für mich war die sache sehr erfolgreich ,auch wenn sich meine vorstellungen natürlich auch nicht realisiert haben ... und zum schluss noch zu deiner letzten anmerkung zu kassier

      wenn dieser zum jetztigen kurs verkauft , dann ist er etwas 50 % über deinen austiegen. häme ist am falschen platz.
      schrieb am 20.08.08 11:52:32
      Beitrag Nr. 1.585 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.774.397 von alamzana am 20.08.08 11:13:22@alamzana???????

      unsensibel? hermachen?
      was hat das alles mit irgendwelchen Kursen zu tun, zu denen irgendjemand gekauft oder verkauft hat????

      Ich glaube, Du stehst absolut neben dem Thema (zumindest neben meinem).

      Ich mache mich über niemanden her und hege auch keine Häme. Es ist doch nun mittlerweile sonnenklar, was hinter der Bude Buzz steht. Viele Leute in der ganzen Welt haben das mitgekriegt aber statt die reale Faktelage sprechen zu lassen, versuchst Du hier irgendwelche persönliche Anfeidnungsszenarios ins Felde zu führen. Ich habe lediglich auf wise's Kommentar geantwortet.

      Vermutlich weißt Du ganz genau wie ich, dass der Großteil bei Buzz Lug und Trug war/ist/sein wird und einzig und allein Dein Wunsch, daraus noch Geld zu scheffeln, läßt Dich hier so merkwürdig zusammenhangslose Töne anschlagen.

      Und zum Thema "Was haben die Dir den getan?": Ich erinnere mich noch ziemlich gut daran, wie man mich fertig gemacht hat, weil ich Betrug aufgedeckt hatte.

      Übrigens: Wer weiß wie man richtig mit Pump & Dump Geld verdienen kann, kann auch eines Tages reich werden. Soviel zum Thema, dass alle hier nur verlieren. Das habe ich nie behauptet. Ich bin immer nur darauf einegegangen, dass die Firma Buzz ein großer Nepp ist. Wie schon mal erwähnt, ich bin es leid all die Lügen und leeren Versprechungen hier aufzuführen. Es waren einfach zu viele...
      Und Du wirst dies leider auch nicht entkräften können, wie sehr Du auch noch auf der persönlichen Schiene fahren wirst.

      schrieb am 20.08.08 12:53:51
      Beitrag Nr. 1.586 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.774.862 von keutula_reloaded am 20.08.08 11:52:32du scheinst dein eigenes geschriebenes zeug nicht zu verstehen , sonst würdest du dein häme bzl. kassier selbst erkennen.

      geh mal ein par seiten zurück , da hab ich geschrieben , dass ich raus bin...ich hab das gemacht ,was du in deinem ersten posting heute geschrieben hast und ich hab natürlich meine gründe.

      dabei hast du für mich gar nichts aufgedeckt

      ...wie man mich fertig geacht hat.... ich erinnere mich noch genau , dass du in nichts zurückgestanden bist.
      ich hab mich bei allem das letzte jahr vollkommen rausgehalten und mein eigenes ding gemacht....werde auch mit dir jetzt nicht weiter
      rumdiskutieren.... ich kann dir nur raten,im pos.sinne,hier loszulassen.
      schrieb am 20.08.08 13:33:33
      Beitrag Nr. 1.587 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.775.646 von alamzana am 20.08.08 12:53:51ich kann dir nur raten,im pos.sinne,hier loszulassen.

      Danke gleichfalls!

      sonst würdest du dein häme bzl. kassier selbst erkennen.

      Er ist der Einzige, der hier seit Wochen unermüdlich die Lügenpropaganda unkommentiert weiterschiebt. Jetzt tu nicht so, als ob ich hier der böse Blender wäre...

      ... ich erinnere mich noch genau , dass du in nichts zurückgestanden bist.

      Wohingegen alle anderen die Lügen akzeptiert haben oder nicht wahrhaben wollten. Im Nachinein hatte ich doch mit allem Recht. Oder wo sind sie, diese tollen Buzz-Dinge, von denen ich schon vor Langem schrieb, dass es sie nie geben wird?

      Warum wird hier nicht einfach ganz offen geschrieben: Ok, Buzz ist Pump und Dump Abzocke, aber wenn Ihr clever seid, kriegt Ihr ordentlich Kohle raus?
      Stattdessen wird unbedarften Anlegern immer wieder auf's Neue vorgegaukelt, dass hier was Großes am Entstehen ist. Das ist der eigentliche Skandal, das hat nichts mit mir oder Dir zu tun.

      werde auch mit dir jetzt nicht weiter

      Ich hör jetzt auch auf.

      schrieb am 20.08.08 13:47:07
      Beitrag Nr. 1.588 ()
      Leute, cool down!!!!
      Ich habe mit meinem Posting eigentlich nur den Vorgang von
      gestern abend im Chat hier reflektieren wollen.
      Auch muß ich mir eingestehen, daß die Skeptiker bis dato
      recht hatten. Ich habe oftmal gepostet, daß ich der Firma
      bis zu den olympischen Spielen Zeit lasse. War ja auch bis
      dato ein wichtiger Zeitpunkt für Buzz.
      Leider hat sich bestätigt, daß die definierten ziele von Buzz nicht erreicht wurden.
      Auch frage ich mich warum eigentlich der Chef (CEO) von Buzz
      eigentlich eine AG angefangen hat. Da er kein Fremdkapital
      benötigt (laut seiner Auskunft) um Buzz vorwärts zu bringen
      hätte er Buzz als LTd oder Einzelfirma gestalten können.
      Dann hätte er auch nicht die Fragen an der Backe von irgendwelchen Aktionären, die ja solche "Idioten" sind. Und er wäre der alleinige Chef. Um dann nach dem Erfolg von Buzz die Firma zu verkaufen, hätte der diese ja umwandeln können und ein IPO in Hong Kong machen. Dann hätte er 100 % der Aktien und 100 % des Erfolges!!!

      An alle Leser: stellt Euch mal die Frage des warum ist Buzz eiggentlich eine AG?

      Falls jemand ein Grund einfällt, bitte einfach posten.
      schrieb am 20.08.08 15:00:04
      Beitrag Nr. 1.589 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.776.242 von wise_w am 20.08.08 13:47:07ich gebe dir mit allem was du schreibst recht..deshalb hab ich ja die reißleine gezogen und nicht erst vor 10 tagen.

      es gibt aber noch leute , die wirklich an diese firma glauben...auch das ist legitim...keiner weiss was noch kommt.
      auch ist es hier auf wo legitim veröffenlichungen reinzustellen ,
      ohne dass man sie kommentieren muss.
      ich wünsche denen die noch drin sind , dass sie für sich das richtige machen.....wenn ich sehe , wie die umsätze im moment sind, ist es sicher nicht so leicht , aus dieser aktie gerade rauszukommen.ich hoffe , ich täusche mich...und
      wer weiss was da noch kommt....
      schrieb am 20.08.08 15:13:25
      Beitrag Nr. 1.590 ()
      Hallo alamzana,
      vielen Dank für Dein Posting.
      Selbstverständlich kann man die PR´s unkommentiert hier reinstellen. Das ist unbestritten. Und auch ich wünsche allen
      die noch investiert sind (ich bin es ja auch noch, aber eben nicht mehr lang, d.h. daß wenn der von mir gewünschte kurs kommt habe ich den Verkaufsauftrag gegeben) alles erdenklich Gute.

      Das wird auch Keutula reloaded so sehen.
      Ich denke, daß er etwas falsch verstanden worden ist. Nur
      die PR´s ohne Kommentar einzustellen kann den Anschein von
      pushen hervorrufen. Ich glaube (und hoffe) nicht, daß hier
      irgend jemand etwas persönlich gegen einen anderen Poster hat.
      Wieso auch? Keiner von uns kennt den anderen. Ich war mal bisher
      mit keinem beim saufen oder Pferde stehlen. Also kenne ich genau genommen keinen wirklich persönlich.
      Und das bischen geposte sagt eigentlich nichts aus.

      Einen schönen Mittwoch wünsche ich allen Lesern,
      die sich dieses Posting tatsächlich durchgelesen haben.
      schrieb am 20.08.08 15:34:54
      Beitrag Nr. 1.591 ()
      ich erlaube mir einfach ,nochmal meine Einstellung von früher hier rein zu stellen:
      inzwischen hat sich auf grund der Entwicklung was geändert:

      ----ich glaube seit kurzer Zeit an den Erfolg !!!


      #1463 von kassier 23.03.08 14:10:12 Beitrag Nr.: 33.709.804
      Dieses Posting: versenden | melden

      Folgende Antwort bezieht sich auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.708.713 von keutula_reloaded am 22.03.08 21:03:06

      ...servus Keutula....

      ..ich war noch nie empfindlich und bins auch jetzt nicht...

      Ich will mich auch nicht verteidigen, weil das nicht nötig ist, deshalb nur ein paar Worte zu dieser Angelegenheit. (Obwohl ich das schon gepostet habe, ist aber länger her)

      Ich muß mich wundern, daß du der Meinung bist, ich würde pushen. Ich habe noch nicht mal den Versuch gemacht.

      Meine privaten Beiträge sind ausschließlich hoffnungsvoller Natur, weil ich investiert bin. Wobei mir das Wort hier auch nicht so gefällt, sagen wir lieber mal, ich bin da drin....

      Mir ist inzwischen schlicht scheißegal, wie ein höherer Kurs zustande kommt, wichtig ist, daß er kommt.
      Und mal ehrlich.....bei wie vielen der "Pink-Buden" läuft es nicht genau so ??? Bei fast allen.

      Meine Beiträge hier haben betreffs Meinung oder Trendsetzung keinerlei persönlichen Hintergrund.


      Ich setze hier nur Artikel und andere news von buzz rein, damit wir später mal nachlesen können wer , wann und wie richtig lag. Und damit sich jeder selbst eine Meinung bilden kann.

      Außerdem besteht bei den "deutlichen" Stellungsnahmen von panem und keutula überhaupt keine Sorge, daß wegen meiner Beiträge noch jemand einsteigen wird.

      Vor allen Dingen, meine geschätzten Mitleser, interessiert mich, ob es tatsächlich zu einem Listing in Hongkong und Indien(wenn ich mich recht erinnere)kommt.
      ...und zu der Änderung,... von den pinks zu OTCQX mit dem Zusatz F bei buzz, also dann bztgf. Dies soll wesentliche Vorteile z.B. bei Veröffentlichungen, geben.

      seit zwei Tagen ist beim Anbieter ..advfn..dieser Wechsel schon vollzogen, ich glaube aber noch nicht dran,das kann ein Fehler sein, denn so was wird doch vorher angekündigt.

      ..und bei einem Listing in HK, ist m.E. der Mindeswert 1 HK-$, das würde ungefähr 0,13 us $ entsprechen. Und sollte das geschafft sein, dann gehts vermutlich noch was höher, denn dann erwarte ich echte pushwerte.

      Also wie gesagt, das mit den Listings u.s.w. wurde bisher von z.B. keutula ad absurdum gestellt. Wir werden sehen.

      Mein lieber keutula, wir kennen uns jetzt schon ein bischen länger, deshalb würde ich mich weiterhin freuen, deine kritischen Beiträge lesen zu können.
      Aber bitte...., warum willst du versuchen Beiträge von buzz hier unterdrücken zu lassen ???
      Kannst du Beweise von Handlungen der Firma buzz vorlegen, die jeglicher Belastung standhalten???
      Oder sind es nur deine persönlichen Festellungen wegen recherchierter optischer Gleichheiten ?

      Übrigens finde ich es zur Zeit tatsächlich etwas spannender, weil sich in der Darstellung von buzz nach Außen viel tut. Ob geklaut oder sonst was, ist mir i.A. auch egal,hauptsache es ist nicht relevant illegal und es geht weiter.

      ..ich werde später (faktenabhängig) auch nie sagen:...habe ich es nicht gesagt...., u..u.u.

      und nochmal....ich weiß nichts, ich glaube inzwischen auch nichts, aber ich hoffe mit aller Gewalt.. , daß es für die finanziell Beteiligten ein gewisser Erfolg wird.

      jetzt sind es doch ein paar Worte mehr geworden,aber wer viel Zeit hat.....

      ..noch zwei schöne Feiertage

      schrieb am 20.08.08 18:53:46
      Beitrag Nr. 1.592 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.778.122 von kassier am 20.08.08 15:34:54Ich muß mich wundern, daß du der Meinung bist, ich würde pushen.

      Habe ich das gesagt? Du verbreitest nur die Buzz-Lügenpropaganda. Ein Push ist was anderes.

      warum willst du versuchen Beiträge von buzz hier unterdrücken zu lassen ???

      Wann habe ich gesagt, dass ich das will?

      Mir ist inzwischen schlicht scheißegal, wie ein höherer Kurs zustande kommt

      Lügen, bescheißen, abzocken, alles egal, Hauptsache man selbst kann einsacken. Sehr zwiespältige Moral...

      Kannst du Beweise von Handlungen der Firma buzz vorlegen, die jeglicher Belastung standhalten???
      Oder sind es nur deine persönlichen Festellungen wegen recherchierter optischer Gleichheiten ?

      Was sind denn optische Gleichheiten??? Immer wieder war von Produkten die Rede, die nie kamen. Ich habe etliche Male bewiesen, dass alles gelogen war. Die Zeit als zweiter Beweisfaktor kommt noch dazu. Es ist nichts passiert.

      ..und bei einem Listing in HK, ist m.E. der Mindeswert 1 HK-$, das würde ungefähr 0,13 us $ entsprechen. Und sollte das geschafft sein, dann gehts vermutlich noch was höher, denn dann erwarte ich echte pushwerte.

      Wie gesagt, würde es alles stimmen, was BUZZ so rausposaunt, müssten die Anleger (vor allem in Asien) ihnen die Shares nur so aus der Hand reißen...

      Ich lass Dich jetzt hier allein in Deinem Spielkasten. Ich werde mich Ende des Jahres noch mal melden. Wollen wir eine Wette abschließen (mit Millionenumsätzen).
      Ich sage: keine auditierten Finanzreports, kein Listing in Hongkonk und schon gar kein Kurs von 13 US Cents.

      Ich bin erst mal wieder weg. (Hoffentlich nicht Euer Geld...)

      schrieb am 21.08.08 07:50:49
      Beitrag Nr. 1.593 ()
      Guten morgen Buzzer,
      so, wie ich heute morgen schon auf dem IHub Board gelesen habe,
      hat es auch andere Actorvist User getroffen. Der Bannstrahl des
      Seeräubers Jack hat nicht nur mich getroffen!
      Hier erkennt man, daß das Verständnis eines Asiaten zur Meinungsfreiheit einfach anderst gestrickt ist als bei uns Europäern.
      schrieb am 21.08.08 14:14:43
      Beitrag Nr. 1.594 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.781.532 von keutula_reloaded am 20.08.08 18:53:46
      keute, ich will hier nicht nochmal alles abhandeln.

      ..aber du tatsächlich gesagt, du willst versuchen bei WO zu erreichen, dass keine news von buzz mehr eingestellt werden können.
      Ich habe heute übrigens meine Ankümdigung wahrgemacht und mich an WO gewandt, weil ich finde, diese Farce hier im Interesse der Kursteigerung muss langsam aufhören.
      Und weil ich keine Ahnung davon habe, wie man einer Firma wie Buzz auch rechtlich in Deutschlnad auf die Pelle rücken kann, habe ich das gleich noch miterwähnt. Vielleicht haben die ja eine Idee.

      Schönen Abend noch!

      das war posting 1467 auf seite 147, die Ankündigung habe ich auf die Schnelle nicht gefunden

      zu damaliger Zeit war es mir auch egal wie der Kurs hochkommt, Hauptsache ich mache Gewinn.
      Jetzt, steht ja auch ganz oben, glaube ich an den geplanten Erfolg der Firma.
      Natürlich auch an HK und die auditied finan.

      Ob ich richtig liege, ist ne andere Frage, wir werden sehen.


      schrieb am 21.08.08 14:25:11
      Beitrag Nr. 1.595 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.789.705 von wise_w am 21.08.08 07:50:49ja wise, habe ich auch gestern teils mitbekommen, durch Äußerungen im chat.
      bei ihub bin ich nie gewesen, das ist mir die unterste Schublade (ich habe bisher nur die in den chat eingestellten links angeklickt und gelesen)Ist ja der gleiche Mist wie in vielen thread hier in WO)

      Ich habe den Eindruck, daß Jack seine Seiten nicht auch so versauen lassen will und deshalb nach seinem Ermessen aufräumt.
      Ich weiß nicht wie und weshalb, weil ich ja vorgestern den chat unter Protest verlassen habe, eben aus dem Grund. Da fragen die gleichen Leute zum 100sten mal die gleichen Fragen und wurden auch ausfallend. Das hatte nichts mehr mit "deutlichen" Worten zu tun.
      Ich wundere mich schon seit Wochen, daß Jack sich so viel Arbeit macht.
      Ich will heute mal versuchen rauszubekommen, wer da gelöscht wurde. Evtl. gibts da ne Seite derer, die buzz verlassen haben. Mal sehn.

      ..übrigens...m.E. ist Jack Engländer und nicht Asiate.

      machs gut

      schrieb am 21.08.08 16:54:12
      Beitrag Nr. 1.596 ()
      noch ein kleiner Beitrag von mir zur Klärung der auditied financals und dem damit zusammenhängenden HK-Listing:D


      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz to begin Reporting

      Aug 21, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- On Monday, 25th August, 2008, prior to market open Buzz Technologies, Inc., (OTC:BZTG) will begin reporting financial, corporate, and business changes that are now in effect as part of the Hong Kong listing.
      Although we will be lodging the documents on Monday, we are unaware whether those changes will appear on

      We will be asking permission to publish the documents and will if we can.

      About Buzz

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. is a convergent media company with operations ranging from infrastructure development to online retail.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements based on the Company's beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including statements regarding the timing of the introduction of certain products. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties which are identified and described in the Company's registration statements and periodic reports on file with the SEC, some of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, issues related to the travel and transportation industries, and prevailing economic conditions in general. In light of these risks and uncertainties, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 21.08.08 16:54:20
      Beitrag Nr. 1.597 ()
      Hallo Kassier,
      ich kann dir genau sagen, wer am Dienstag gelöcht wurde (nicht gesperrt, nein einfach so gelöscht ohne Vorankündigung, ohne Einwilligung). Sogar Islas ist noch in den Top Stuffs drin, wir
      auf jeden Fall nicht mehr. Bei mir war er gründlicher.
      Das war ich mit dem Pseudonym Chersterfield (ich denke, du findest weder meine Homeseite, noch bin ich auf der Top Stuff Seite mehr).
      Und ein gewisser KJBuzz. Ich denke ein amerikanischer User.
      Nach dem er ja uns schon als Idioten, und als lästige Parasiten beschrieben hat (ohne daß ich Ihn überhaupt direkt angesprochen habe im Chat), habe ich mich relativ deutlich geäußert, daß er doch bitte mit meiner linken Hand sprechen soll. Darauf wurden wir beide gelöscht als ob wir niemals da waren. Und das hat nichts mit "aufräumen" zu tun. Er erträgt keine Kritik (egal ob sachlich oder nicht). Und darum beschimpft er Leute, die ihm nicht andauernd anhimmeln und zu allem Beifall klatschen. Nachfragen zu alten PR´s mag er auch nicht. Die hat er ja fast alle nicht eingehalten oder kann zumindest keine Beweise herzaubern.
      Probiers doch einfach mal selber aus. Löcher Ihn doch mal im Chat
      was mit den Metal Bare Computer passiert ist. Und frage nach dem Militär Kontrakt, oder nach dem berümten "F" im Kürzel, das er angeblich beantragt hat. Oder nach dem Buyback um 7 US Cent und, und und.....
      Ich denke Du kennst alle PR´s der letzten 2 Jahre ja auch.
      Und auch Du wirst bald zu den Verdammten gehören!

      Ob jack wirklich Engländer ist, kann ich nicht nachrecherchieren.
      Mein Wissensstand ist, daß Jack eine spanische Mutter hat und einen
      syrischen Vater. Geboren in Hong Kong, das bekanntlich seit Ende der neuziger Jahre chinesisch ist. Angeblich soll er einen Australische Pass haben. Oder doch einen von England da Hong Kong ja vorher englisch war? oder 2 oder 3 Staatsbürgerschaften? Echt keine Ahnung, da sich ja keine Biographie des CEO´s finden läßt.
      Nur eines kann man auf jeden Fall sagen: Er ist eher ein Asiate
      als ein Engländer was das Führen seiner Geschäfte angeht.

      Eines noch: vor ca. 1-2 Wochen wurden alle neu ernannten CEO´s mit Biographie vorgestellt. Von was ist eigentlich Jack überhaupt noch der CEO?
      schrieb am 21.08.08 17:11:17
      Beitrag Nr. 1.598 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.797.746 von wise_w am 21.08.08 16:54:20
      ok, wise, da weisst du von Jacks Herkunft mehr als ich.

      das mit dem F hat sich erledigt, da ein anderer Weg gefunden wurde. Wann das stattfindet weiss ich auch nicht.

      Ich bezeichne solche Dinge aber nicht als Lügen sondern als Meinungsänderung in Laufe geschäftlicher Entwicklung.

      Man kann doch manches nicht so vorhersagen, wie es kommt.

      Es ist durchaus möglich, dass du nächste Woche wieder rein kannst.
      Die vorgestellten Leute sind alles Direktoren einzelner Abteilungen. Chef ist und bleibt Jack.

      schrieb am 25.08.08 17:53:31
      Beitrag Nr. 1.599 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Notes from Shareholders Meeting

      Aug 25, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Our ability to gather and process information on specific industries and markets provides us with the knowledge of which ones we can enter and when.. Our prime competitor in the search ad business, Google, is a company that has dominated the search and ad business for many years. It has maintained that position in the face of competition from giants such as Microsoft, Yahoo, and many others that have taken a heads on approach in the search ad business. At Buzz we do not have such grand aspirations of defeating Google. Well not in the short term anyway. Our short term strategy is to take valuable ad space, and prime search locations, and then to capitalize on them through our other divisions. As we move toward our Hong Kong listing, shareholders will see as much fuller picture of Buzz in the soon to be released information memorandum.
      Property, Travel, and Financial services are key divisions in providing Buzz with the returns that we need to become a Google challenger in the next three to five years. From our property business alone, using the advertising provided by our search and ad business, we have already seen returns many times in excess of our competitors. While many challenges lay ahead, we firmly believe our asset base, cash flow and resourcefulness will see us overcome any obstacle.

      Buzz Venture Capital is another way to draw returns from our technology, by using the technology as currency in venture capital deals, predominately in the third world. By combining our knowledge, our technology and our direct investment, we have acquired a long list of assets, including properties, businesses, and investments. As Buzz is one of the few companies run by shareholders, we remain committed to no dilution, no debt, cautious expansion, and the long term growth of shareholder value.

      Question: The company press release states that they who accept the exchange for the IPO shares will receive the distribution also. If one does not do the exchange, will they also receive the distribution?

      Answer: Dividend payment is on exchange.

      I hope everyone has read the recent documents and Pr's, I am sure for some it was a shock, and we did keep a lot of information back for commercial reasons. While many are now trying to make money from search and ads, we feel we have the right way to compete in this market by investing in new business that then becomes our advertisers, a high return advertiser, we have changed the nature of how we compete, our margins alter immensely.

      What we do is use our technology to bring sales in new ways to search, as far as Thailand is concerned, we will outperform Google ten-fold with property as our big advertising earner, and I do understand you did not invest in a property company, however technology lends itself most readily in this market to property marketing, why not market our own? We do have deals for big publishers in Hong Kong, I did wait to launch them, as ad sales are not easy, fast or lucrative on a small scale and Google is a fearsome competitor, so we waited to establish our property business first and then launch in Hong Kong.

      Venture Capital, in Venture Capital, technology and advertising are as good as hard currency at the moment, especially in Asia. This was an opportunity too good to miss.

      Question: How many total VC deals have we entered into?

      Answer: 18, 6 we now own outright.

      Question: Will you release the names of these companies?

      Answer: Yes, as Part of the IPO.

      Question: Are all the VC deals focused on Asia?

      Answer: Most are, yes.

      Question: Approx. how much capital for the VC's?

      Answer: Under $10m USD.

      Question: As we play an active role in these ventures, risks are survivable and limited?

      Answer: Limited and segregated, all built in special purpose entities.

      Question: Do we have an role in the management of the VC's?

      Answer: Any Venture Capital deal we control the banking.

      Question: Which one do you currently have highest hope for?

      Answer: Mining.

      Question: Google is $491. Do you believe Buzz Tech will reach that price?

      Answer: Do I believe I can beat Google on every level? In time yes, or I would do something else.

      Question: Where do you see Buzz Tech in a year from now?

      Answer: One year from now I see us consolidating assets and being competitive on search product.

      Question: What is the commodity being mined?

      Answer: Mining, Iron Ore, Gold, Uranium, Manganese Ore, Nickel we are awaiting contracts.

      Question: Where do you see the share price a year from now?

      Answer: Market sets the price not me, I think we will be better placed in Hong Kong and that property will encourage institutional investors.

      Question: What markets are you planning to open in the USA?

      Answer: The first two, VoIP in New York City and Archer Ads in Hollywood

      Jack: China's 5 year plan is where we built our mining shopping list.

      Question: Why Mining?

      Answer: Most of the Earth has been explored those results are buried in libraries, universities and government records and other public documents, after seeing the power of our search robots.

      I asked if we could go and scan through these 10's of millions of pages and we could, so we did. I hired a geologist , and a mining guy sent them to close deals.

      Question: It sounds like we are headed in many different directions? How can Buzz possibly control all of this?

      Answer: Our Technology.

      Question: How have sales of VoIP in China been going?

      Answer: Fantastic.

      Question: On property division, do you expect to open many physical offices? China?

      Answer: We will need to, Hong Kong and Hainan 1st.

      Question: You stated that you will outperform Google in Thailand, what other markets can this be achieved in?

      Answer: Good point, to repeat our success we need property and travel to lead into those markets.

      Question: Coming back to Voip, $60m 2009 revenue, what's the profit margin on that? Or is that pure profit?

      Answer: Our margin runs close to 50% before ads and management.

      Question: When can we expect to see the IPO?

      Answer: There are 2 ideal windows for the IPO, we still have the process to go through, and it will be times for maximum impact. Will i indicate a date? no.

      Question: You said previously that the IPO would take place 2008 is that is that still true. Are there any major stumbling blocks?

      Answer: Stumbling blocks, there are always some, none have stopped us so far.

      Question: Is "Buzz" contemplating any deals like "Google and Verizon" just announced today?

      Answer: This is where Google is a fearsome competitor and I think we will need a bold strategy to compete.

      Question: Do you expect trading (on the pinksheets) to be halted a few days before the Hong Kong IPO, if so, how long do you expect?

      Answer: I am trying to avoid that, I would like everyone to be liquid 100% of the time.

      Question: Whats 'BZTG' current/forward "thinking, plans, strategy" for overtaking 'Google' and Baidu' in the Asian market, specifically China?

      Answer: Lessons from Tito, pick the part we can win and hold.

      Question: Lets lay out the basic different components of the overall business and the % contribution.

      Answer: Earnings technology 70%, property 15%, financial services 5%, venture capital 10%.

      No communications on this website shall constitute an offer or solicitation, to buy or sell any securities, or the solicitation of any vote or approval.

      Investors and security holders will be able to obtain free copies of any documents filed by Buzz Technologies, Inc. through the web site: . Free copies of any such documents can also be obtained by directly contacting: Investor Relations Department, Buzz Technologies, Inc. 123/29 M.5 T.Cherngtalay, A.Talang, Phuket, Thailand, 83110.

      Buzz Technologies, Inc., it's directors, executive officers, staff, and other participating persons will not be soliciting the purchase of stock, they are only providing the opportunity for a formal question and answer interaction with shareholders. Information regarding Buzz Technologies, Inc., it's directors and executive officers, will be available in the upcoming annual report for the year ended June, 30, 2008, and online at

      Statements in the released transcripts will include "forward-looking-statements" are based on current expectations and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially because of factors such as Buzz Technologies, Inc. ability to achieve the synergies and value creation required going forward, Buzz Technologies, Inc. ability to promptly and effectively integrate new business , and the diversion of management time resulting from these transaction-related issues, as well as other unexpected events. For further information regarding risks and uncertainties associated with investments please consult your broker.

      All information in this communication is as of August, 22, 2008. Buzz Technologies, Inc. undertakes no duty to update any forward-looking-statement to conform to actual results, or changes in the company's expectations.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 25.08.08 18:03:20
      Beitrag Nr. 1.600 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz to expand Asian search offerings

      Aug 25, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Thailand's leading search engine, has embarked on a new stage of development, for it's seach and search ad business. will be releasing three new search engines, wiki search, rss xml search and blog search.
      All search engines have now been integrated into Buzz's ad delivery servers. Currently Buzz is on target to deliver in excess of 600 million ads in the month of August.

      Buzz search advertisers can now bid seperately for each of the eight different search engines, as well as one of Asia's most extensive publisher networks.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Marketing Director, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 872 721 727 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 25.08.08 19:48:30
      Beitrag Nr. 1.601 ()
      Buzz Records $300 Million in Assets

      HONG KONG, Aug 25, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Technologies, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: BZTG) today announced its unaudited results for period ending August 22, 2008.



      AUGUST 22, 2008

      Current Assets
      Shares in Buzz, Inc. (at a discount to valuation, see notes)
      Total Current Assets
      Shareholders Equity

      NOTE-1 Operations
      Buzz Technologies, Inc. has established a blanket agreement covering all cost and any required expenses with Buzz, Inc. Under the agreement Buzz, Inc. will pay any all such amounts within the prescribed period of the debt. Buzz Technologies, Inc. now holds a significant investment in Buzz, Inc., and will distribute that investment to holders after which it may seek to acquire other investments or investment management services.

      NOTE-2 Accounting Policies Use of Estimates

      The valuation of the Equities is below that of estimates and other valuations and has been for now placed at $1.00, this will be reviewed again after Buzz, Inc. is a listed entity.

      NOTE-3 Contingencies

      As with expenses, contingencies, if any, are now the concern of Buzz, Inc.

      In other news, One-2Property ( has entered in to a sales and marketing agreement with Sri Panwa ( of Thailand's most exclusive property developments.

      Buzz will be releasing 3 new search engines, 1. Wikipedia Search, 2. RSS XML Search 3. Blog Search. The 3 offerings in their beta format can be viewed and tested at

      Buzz Financial Services has added new features to the Gold and Silver Trading Platform. Clients can now trade Gold and Silver with as little as $100 (
      schrieb am 02.09.08 16:27:28
      Beitrag Nr. 1.602 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Foreign Exchange, Gold and Silver SMS Alert Service

      Sep 02, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Join the Buzz (OTC:BZTG) SMS Alert Service, receive vital notifications on your mobile phone so you can monitor your positions and free yourself from your computer.
      Know what's happening to your trades and know what's happening in the market around the clock. Make decisive trading decisions, set advance buy and sell points, then choose to go online and manage your trades.

      Join the SMS Alert Service in My Account section and receive 3 free SMS alerts.

      If you do not have an account, Join Buzz Online Trading to get full access to the site.

      Three types of SMS Alert notifications can be sent directly to your mobile phone:

      * An alert when a specified exchange Rate appears in the market

      * An alert when an your deal closes

      * An alert when your Limit Order captures SMS Rate Alert You want to know when a specific exchange rate occurs in the market. You don't want to be tied to your computer waiting for it to happen. Set a rate alert for a currency pair you are interested in and walk away. If the rate happens, you are notified so you can choose to login and open a trade.

      Deal Closure Alert

      Be alerted when your Day Trade has automatically closed. Your deal may have closed because it reached the Stop Loss or the Take Profit rates you defined. Or the deal closed as it reached its expiry date. If it does close, and you set this alert, you will be notified that this specific deal has closed.

      Limit Order Capture Alert

      Know when your Limit Order captures, by setting this alert. With a Limit Order you define an exchange rate for a specific currency pair. When this rate is reached in the market a Day Trade is opened automatically for you. The SMS Alert Service conveniently let's you know when this happens.

      Direct information, more convenience and greater freedom.

      The SMS Alert Service sets a new standard in customer support.

      Please note this SMS Alert service is supplied for your convenience. Due to the reliance on external network providers, we cannot guarantee the timeliness, relevance or accuracy of data provided. Also note, that the content of an SMS Alert does not constitute a recommendation and use of such content is the sole responsibility of the user. For a fuller explanation - see the video tour on the SMS Alert Service.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 02.09.08 16:28:05
      Beitrag Nr. 1.603 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Oil drops heavily as Gustav fears fade

      CURRENCY TRADING SUMMARY, Sep 02, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- 2ndSeptember 2008 (00:30GMT)

      * U.S. Dollar Trading (USD) Public Holiday, big moves on Oil as Hurricane Gustav fails to make impact helped the dollar to make gains. Looking Ahead, Aug ISM expected to fall slightly to 49.7 vs. 50.0 previously. UPDATE OIL breaks below $110 a barrel

      * The Euro (EUR) tracked Oil movements closely, weakening as Oil softened. German July retail Sales were confirmed as a weak -1.5% m/m. Eurozone PMI was confirmed at Overall the EUR/USD traded with a low of 1.4583 and a high of 1.4717 before closing the day at 1.4605 in the New York session. Looking ahead, July Eurozone PPI is expected to gain 1.3% in July.

      * The Japanese Yen (JPY) continued to make gains against most currencies as the USD/JPY broke the key level of 108. Weak Japanese stocks weighed. Overall the USDJPY traded with a low of 107.63 and a high of 108.67 before closing the day around 108.20 in the New York session.

      * The Sterling (GBP) broke through 180 as downside momentum accelerated. Overall the GDP/USD traded with a low of 1.7985 and a high of 1.8128 before closing the day at 1.8020 in the New York session. Looking ahead, Government Stimulus package is expected to be released.

      * The Australian Dollar (AUD) weighed down by commodity sales and lack of support from the AUD/JPY. Overall the AUD/USD traded with a low of 0.8485 and a high of 0.8580 before closing the US session at 0.8485. UPDATE RBA cuts rates by .25%

      * Gold (XAU) fell heavily as Oil continued to slide. Overall trading with a low of USD$817.20 and high of USD$835.30 before ending the New York session at USD$818 an ounce.


      Currency Sup 2 Sup 1 Spot Res 1

      Res 2 EUR/USD 1.4366 1.4440 1.4575 1.4728 1.4811 USD/JPY 107.29 107.63 108.10 108.80 110.29 GBP/USD 1.7754 1.7821 1.7915 1.8211 1.8344 AUD/USD 0.8173 0.8276 0.8495 0.8586 0.8694 XAU/USD 801.00 807.40 815.00 935.50 844.00

      * Euro - 1.4575 Initial support at 1.4440 (Feb 7 low) followed by 1.4366 (Jan 22 low). Initial resistance is now located at 1.4728 (Sept 1 high) at followed by 1.4811 (Aug 26 high).

      * Yen - 108.10 Initial support is located at 107.63 (Aug 29 low) followed by 107.29 (Aug 1 low). Initial resistance is now at 108.8 (Sep 1 high) followed by 110.29 (Aug 25 high).

      * Pound - 1.7915 Initial support at 1.7821 (Apr 27 2006 low) followed by 1.7754 (Apr 21 2006). Initial resistance is now at 1.8211 (Sep 1 high) followed by 1.8344 (Aug 29 high).

      * Australian Dollar - 0.8495 Initial support at 0.8276 (Sept 18 2007 low) followed by 0.8173 (Sep 10 2007 low). Initial resistance is now at 0.8586 (Sep 1 High) followed by 0.8694 (Aug 28 high).

      * Gold - 815 Initial support at 807.40 (Aug 22 low) followed by 801 (Aug 20 low). Initial resistance is now at 835.5 (Sep 1 high) followed by 844 (Aug 28 high).

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 02.09.08 16:28:51
      Beitrag Nr. 1.604 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Baidu and Buzz to take on Alibaba

      Sep 02, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Thailand web search leader Buzz (OTC:BZTG) and Chinese web search leader Baidu (NASDAQ:BIDU) are both getting ready to launch e-commerce portals to rival market leader Alibaba (HKG:1688). Baidu completed modifications platform and it will now accept up to 10,000 applications for beta testers. Buzz has developed a portal focused on the raw material sector.
      For Baidu customers who apply and get approval, the e-commerce platform will offer independent .CN domain names, free promotions and customized marketing activities to them. In addition, these customers will have rights to upload products, decorate their online shops and complete business certification before the opening of the platform, so as to make preparations for the opening of their shops.

      These moves appear to place it in competition with Chinese e-commerce heavyweight, which solely focuses on online commerce.

      Buzz will offer a similar service aimed at the top end for traders in the commodities and raw materials sector. The service will also see the financial services division of Buzz assist in qualifying buyers, sellers, materials and financial instruments.

      In the second phase of the Buzz Export Portal there will be the opportunity for individuals and corporations to build their own free online presence, supported by Buzz's search, advertising and SEO services. Encouragement and assistance will be provided to remote communities with limited Internet access.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 04.09.08 16:32:23
      Beitrag Nr. 1.605 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Internet Radio Set to Launch

      Sep 04, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz (OTC:BZTG) Media will add to the current on line streaming service of Buzz TV with the launch of Buzz Radio this month. Buzz Radio will feature live music 24/7 regular DJ appearances as well as contests, news and interviews. The Radio service will form part of the companies drive into the delivery of more "streaming" content, this will include Podcasting, Mobile applications, production, Music and Video on Demand. First to launch will be Thailand followed by China.
      Buzz Internet radio is an audio broadcasting service transmitted via the Internet.

      Broadcasting on the Internet is usually referred to as webcasting since it is not transmitted broadly through wireless means. Internet radio involves a streaming medium that presents listeners with a continuous "stream" of audio over which they have no control, much like traditional broadcast media; in this respect, it is distinct from "on-demand" file serving.

      Internet radio is also distinct from podcasting, which involves downloading rather than streaming. Many Internet radio "stations" are associated with a corresponding traditional (or "terrestrial") radio station or radio network. Internet-only radio stations like Buzz are independent of such associations.

      Buzz Internet radio services are accessible from anywhere in the world-for example, one could listen to an Australian station from Europe or America. Internet radio remains popular among expatriates and listeners with interests that are often not adequately served by local radio stations (such as the Thai and Chinese Youth Market). Internet radio services offer news, sports, talk, and various genres of music-everything that is available on traditional radio stations.

      The Buzz ad server will make booking radio ads as simple as booking any online ad.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 04.09.08 16:33:37
      Beitrag Nr. 1.606 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Venture Capital Acquires Popular Thai Internet Start-up CWN Club

      Sep 04, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz (OTC:BZTG) has acquired 100% of internet start up firm CWN and the company's website one of Thailand's leading forums and portals and has commenced the integration process to bring CWN Club into
      CWN currently has 20 000 members and over 100 000 regular visitors that will now be using services. CWN is the latest in the Buzz acquisition strategy, purchases have been increasing from Buzz as it expands across Asia, especially Thailand, and the deals has completed have been focused on content production and Services in Thailand and China which stands in contrast with Google, which has focused on applications.

      The Asia-Pacific region is now by far the world's largest broadband market with 39 per cent of the total; also Asia-Pacific is the largest mobile phone market with 1.4 billion subscribers and claims 42 per cent of the world's Internet users, a UN report has stated.

      Buzz-Inc owner of Thailand's largest online ad supplier and Thailand's most popular web search has recently started to market in China and the balance of Asia. ranks as one of the regions most popular websites and has a large range of services and features for users and business. The mobile web has also made good penetration across Asia lead by the company's Email Anywhere services that easily transfers to Smart Phones, iPhones and PDAs.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 04.09.08 16:34:59
      Beitrag Nr. 1.607 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz to Bid on Baidu Europe

      Sep 04, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- As a result of conversations held today Buzz Inc Subject to Due Diligence will be making an offer on Baidu Europe in the next 2 days.
      The Groningen-based internet company Baidu Europe is selling its highly sought-after brand and domain names. As well as the brand name Baidu, the domain names for sale include,, and

      Managing Director P. Ufkes of Baidu Europe is taking this step in response to the difficulties his company has faced since a Dutch agency began to promote the Chinese search engine giant Baidu in Europe. Ufkes plans to continue his company under a different name.

      "The mounting popularity of the Asian Baidu (NASDAQ:BIDU), which has grown into the world's third biggest search engine; the launch of new services such as Baidu TV - the domain name is already owned by Baidu Europe - and the Chinese company's activities related to the Olympic Games are making it very difficult to differentiate between the two companies", explains Ufkes.

      Great interest

      The European trademark rights of Baidu Europe, the generic domain names, and ten other European Baidu domain names are being sold through the Amsterdam-based trademark agency De Merkplaats. Managing director Ufkes is expecting to attract a lot of interest in the European trademark rights and domain names. "Baidu Europe has gained a very good reputation during the past five years." Ufkes has already received a number of offers to take over his company's brand and domain names. "But we weren't yet ready to take the step."

      Own search engine

      The internet company Baidu Europe was established in 2003 and employs eight people. The company specializes in the provision of total automation and web design solutions. When Ufkes had the name Baidu registered he had not yet heard of the Asian Baidu.

      Following the Asian Baidu's decision in 2006 to have itself represented in Europe by a Dutch agency, confusion arose between the identities of the two companies. To make it clear that Baidu Europe is not directly linked to the Chinese company; Ufkes announced plans to build a search engine of his own to compete with Google. Although that media announcement brought an end to Baidu Europe being confused with the Asian company, competing against a superpower such as Google proved unsuccessful.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 09.09.08 15:34:19
      Beitrag Nr. 1.608 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Moves Closer to China IPO with Information Memorandum

      Sep 09, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Inc has progressed along the path to IPO in Hong Kong with the release today of the draft Information Memorandum, the document is available on request to accredited, qualified investors. The draft is available at

      Buzz has through necessity and opportunity grown into a diverse group of companies spanning a number of industries and countries. Although on the surface it may not be immediately recognizable, the businesses are in fact tied together in one clearly defined area; they are all businesses that are technology dependant. Buzz has pioneered the way in unleashing the full potential of technology in the markets that have the least technological resources, the emerging markets of Asia.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 09.09.08 15:35:26
      Beitrag Nr. 1.609 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): in Open Ended Ad Deal with Buzz Search

      Sep 09, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- is pleased to announce that the local advertising agent for has confirmed an open ended ad deal with Buzz Ads and Buzz Search.
      PlasmaNet, Inc. owns and operates and and serves as a sweepstakes provider on the Internet. The company also offers clinical trial recruitment services. In addition, it provides targeted advertising and marketing services. PlasmaNet was founded in 1999 and is based in New York, New York.

      Buzz Search and Ad network delivered 800m ads in August and has seen a spike in foreign firms wishing to advertise in Asia. There has also been an increase in interest for the pending Nth America launch of Buzz as Google-Yahoo still face USA issues in relation to the merger.

      The Association of National Advertisers, which represents major companies like Procter & Gamble and General Motors, has sent a letter to the Justice Department recommending that the deal be blocked. The group claims the pact would raise the price of search ads and create an unhealthy concentration of marketing power.

      The agreement, announced in June, gives Web-search giant Google the right to sell search and other text ads on Yahoo sites, sharing the revenue with Yahoo.

      Yahoo said in a statement that the company was "disappointed" with the ANA's move. Google spokesman Adam Kovacevich added that "numerous advertisers" have supported the agreement, which will help advertisers show more targeted ads across more inventories.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 10.09.08 15:44:52
      Beitrag Nr. 1.610 ()
      ja wo bleibt er denn der $$$
      schrieb am 10.09.08 19:20:18
      Beitrag Nr. 1.611 ()
      Vielleicht kommt er noch....:D

      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Google, Yahoo, Baidu, and MSN Rival Buzz to IPO in Hong Kong

      Sep 10, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz (OTC:BZTG) the main competitor to Yahoo, MSN, Google and Baidu in Asia is pleased to report that good progress continues toward the IPO. The company will provide further updates upon the finalization of contractual arrangements. The IPO will remain a 1 for 1 exchange from the USA Company to the new entity and no new stock will be issued. Shareholders will not be required to do anything as the change over will be an automated process.
      Buzz yesterday released an Information Memorandum on the IPO that can be downloaded at, Buzz has through necessity and opportunity grown into a diverse group of companies spanning a number of industries and countries. Although on the surface it may not be immediately recognizable, the businesses are in fact tied together in one clearly defined area; they are all businesses that are technology dependant. Buzz has pioneered the way in unleashing the full potential of technology in the markets that have the least technological resources, the emerging markets of Asia.

      Buzz does not see the world as a 1 size fits all market even though Google, Yahoo, MSN and Baidu have all adopted that policy in the majority of their sites and business models. Buzz will be developing the company's web sites and businesses aimed directly at the local, fast growing and high value market across Asia.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 12.09.08 13:16:37
      Beitrag Nr. 1.612 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz in talks to Acquire China real estate start-up

      Sep 12, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Technologies (OTC:BZTG) is currently in discussion with a popular real estate portal start-up in Hong Kong & China.
      It is expected the discussions will finalize this weekend.

      The company will be integrated into the One-2-Property business

      This purchase, if successful will help raise the company profile prior to IPO.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Marketing Director, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 872 721 727 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 16.09.08 12:32:54
      Beitrag Nr. 1.613 ()
      schrieb am 16.09.08 12:41:03
      Beitrag Nr. 1.614 ()
      schade, dass hier nicht mehr user posten.
      schrieb am 17.09.08 17:44:19
      Beitrag Nr. 1.615 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): China IPO Update

      Sep 17, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Additional details regarding the IPO will be released on the 27th at the Smart Expo in Hong Kong. We are pleased to advise that everything remains on track for our Hong Kong Listing.
      The road show currently underway in relation to the Listing has already seen commitment to 25% of the total buyers being sort from institutions and high net worth individuals.

      In other news our new Search Ad network has through affiliations, partnerships and direct sales attracted many premium name advertisers, including Sony, Virgin Atlantic, Singapore Airlines, Play Asia, Delta Airlines, Nielsen and

      Buzz Venture Capital's Siam Solar opened a pilot project at a prominent Thai University on Monday. Details will follow.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Marketing Director, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 872 721 727 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 17.09.08 17:47:23
      Beitrag Nr. 1.616 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Yahoo, Google Ad Deal See's Buzz Focus on Newspapers

      Sep 17, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- As the World Association of Newspapers takes aim at the Yahoo, Google ad deal Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG) has focused on newspapers to offer an alternative to the 2 major ad and search suppliers.
      Having already developed a growing business relationship with Bangkok Post part of Post Publishing Group one of Asia's largest newspaper and magazine publishers and distributors Buzz is in a prime position to offer newspapers a new level of service and revenue. Buzz's active participation with Bangkok Post extends to Print ad sales, feature ad sales; Buzz also distributes a Social Media Widget for Bangkok Post.

      Through a combination of search/ads and social media marketing Buzz offers newspapers more than just better advertising revenue, buyers can buy ads only on the particular newspaper, so no losing customers to the greater ad network, we are active in promoting print ad sales for our newspaper publishers and we use social media advertising to increase the newspapers profile at a global and regional level.

      The World Association of Newspapers, which represents 18,000 newspapers worldwide, sent letters to the Competition Bureau as well as the European Commission's Competition Directorate saying the deal represents a threat to its industry.

      "WAN is also concerned that this deal would give Google unwarranted market power over important segments of online advertising," said WAN president Gavin O'Reilly in the letters.

      Yahoo and Google agreed to the advertising deal in June, following Yahoo's decision not to accept a takeover offer from Microsoft Corp.

      The deal would allow Yahoo to run advertisements supplied by Google alongside its own search results. That would likely translate into millions of dollars in new revenue for Yahoo while strengthening Google's dominance in the online advertising market.

      Critics of the deal say it would give Google a monopoly in the online advertising market, allowing the company to set higher advertising rates.

      Google controls about 60 per cent of the online search-engine market, while Yahoo has about 20 per cent.

      "Newspapers have some justification to worry about Google as an Internet traffic cop," said IDC Canada software analyst Kevin Restivo. "Is (Google) going to direct traffic to places where it gets more ad revenue?"

      Newspapers are struggling to maintain their relevancy, said Restivo, and it is not surprising they would try to buy time to reinvent their online business models.

      The Competition Bureau said at the end of August it would review whether the Google-Yahoo deal violated competition laws in Canada.

      A spokesperson for the agency said Monday that due to the ongoing review it could not confirm whether a letter was received.

      "We're aware of the different parties' time frames and we're working to complete (the review) as expeditiously as possible," said Pamela Wong.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Marketing Director, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 872 721 727 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 23.09.08 06:48:33
      Beitrag Nr. 1.617 ()
      Wer einen Blick hinter die Kulissen des gestrigen Kursabsturzes werfen möchte, dem sei dieser Link empfohlen:

      Da gibt es einen Typen auf iHub, der sich ganz viel Arbeit gemacht hat, die Buzz-Geschcihte aufzurollen. Er hat auch etliches über die wahre Identität von Capt. Jack rausgefunden. Sehr interessant ist auch die zugehörige iHub Diskussion darüber.

      Ich kann und will den Inhalt seines Reports hier nicht bewerten, aber im Großen und Ganzen deckt sich das mit meinen eigenen Eindrücken über diese Firma. Bei dem Stein, der da gestern ins Rollen gebracht wurde, kann man nur hoffen, dass derjenige, der so kurz vor Handelsschluß noch mal 30% über Tagestiefkurs gekauft hat, diesen Bereicht kannte...

      Ich mag nicht darüber mutmaßen, ob das jetzt das totale Ende dieses Stocks ist (der Enthüller wollte seinen Bericht übrigens auch an die SEC weiterleiten ), aber es sieht so aus, als hätte sich gestern das letzte bisschen Vertrauen und Hoffnung einiger Ami-Investoren in Luft aufgelöst.

      Was immer hier noch passiert, jeder Betrogene ist einer zu viel. Das sage ich ganz ohne Häme, wohlwissend, dass man mich hier auch beschissen hat.

      Einen schönen Tag noch!

      schrieb am 23.09.08 14:49:02
      Beitrag Nr. 1.618 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.228.073 von keutula_reloaded am 23.09.08 06:48:33
      nein, Keutula, das ist in der Tat nichts Neues.

      Bisher hat sich das wohl keiner gewagt zu posten, da in dieser Richtung schon von den Anwälten Jacks gedroht wurde bzw. Anzeigen oder ähnlich, liefen.

      Auch einer der Gründe, weshalb ich news ohne Kommentar und völlig wertfrei reingestellt habe.
      Der Spruch ...wer einmal lügt....gilt für mich nicht immer. Es gibt im Leben auch Besserungen.
      Das nur grundsätzlich und nicht immer anwendbar.

      Ich war wohl einer der letzten die das erfahren haben vor einiger Zeit. Andere wissen das schon über ein halbes Jahr und haben trotzdem gekauft.

      Das einzige was mich in dem Bericht wirklich stört, und das war auch neu für mich gestern...und ich glaube für viele andere die Antwort von Mrs. Yu, er hätte noch keine audietet fin. erstellt.
      Das würde das angekündigte IPO mehr als fraglich machen.

      Wir werden sehen, Jack ist auf jeden Fall vielerseits aufgefordert etwas zu unternehmen, ansonsten kann er das Ding als stock vergessen.

      Wir werden sehen, machs gut

      schrieb am 23.09.08 15:06:08
      Beitrag Nr. 1.619 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.234.673 von kassier am 23.09.08 14:49:02Ich bin ja hier (und auch auf BuzzMe) schon einige Zeit nicht mehr wirklich aktiv. Daher sind diese Erkenntnisse in ihrer Geballtheit schon neu für mich gewesen.

      Wenn ich Dich aber richtig verstehe, dann war all das kriminelle Gehabe lediglicfh die Vergangenheit von Capt.Jack? Mittlerweile wird er nicht mehr international gesucht und er lebt als freier und rechtschaffender Mann in Thailand? Richtig? (Ich frage das tatsächlich, weil ich es wirklich nicht weiß.)
      schrieb am 23.09.08 15:41:36
      Beitrag Nr. 1.620 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.234.922 von keutula_reloaded am 23.09.08 15:06:08nach meiner info.....

      richtig, das war im Jahr 2003.
      Er war Direktor einer Investmentgesellschaft, die "dicht" gemacht hat.

      Inwieweit noch Forderungen von damals bestehen weiß ich nicht.
      Es soll niemals ein Verfahren gegeben haben,also auch keine Strafe. Deshalb hat er wohl auch jedem mit Anzeige gedroht, der in dieser Richtung irgendwas veröffentlicht.
      Die Namensänderung ist Fakt.

      Die jetzigen Angriffe resultieren wohl aus Ärger von Leuten, die sich noch gelinkt fühlen oder auch wurden.

      Auf jeden Fall reicht es i.A. den pps zu schrotten.

      Was da weiter wird,....keine Ahnung.
      schrieb am 23.09.08 17:08:13
      Beitrag Nr. 1.621 ()
      Eigentlich hatte ich diesen Thread schon "verschrottet".
      Bin momentan auf Arbeit und habe durch reinen Zufall kurz den Buzz-Kurs abgerufen. Ist schon der Hammer. Mit paar 100k bis auf einen Viertelcent durchgereicht.
      Habe aktuell keine Zeit. Aber diesen Research aus #1612 werde ich mir sicher morgen noch reinziehen. Wenigstens Unterhaltungswert bekommt das ganze noch.
      Nur kurz zum "HK-IPO"... (Man muss ja hier eigentlich alles in Anführungszeichen setzen)
      Ich habe bis jetzt auch keinerlei Pre-IPO Infos von irgendeiner der einschlägigen Hongkonger Info-Seiten.
      Zum IPO muss man für weniger Informierte mal erwähnen, dass hier ein ziemlich grosser Emissionsprospekt pflicht ist. In der Regel 80 bis weit über 100 Seiten. Und auch in der Regel sind diese Berichte mindestens um die 2 Monate vor dem geplanten Listing für das Publikum verfügbar. (Bei mir liegen etliche in der Box)
      Von Buzz bislang nichts zu sehen.
      Ich habe auch mehrfach geschrieben, dass ich daran nie glaube. Weil, dass würde heissen, über die letzten 3 Jahre quasi "die Hosen runterlassen zu müssen" über alles, was Firmengeschichte, Management, Kapitalstock und Finanzen anbelangt.
      Konnte sich das ernsthaft irgendjemand vorstellen, dass das passiert?

      schrieb am 23.09.08 19:40:19
      Beitrag Nr. 1.622 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.237.290 von stupidgame am 23.09.08 17:08:13

      Bin da natürlich auch deiner Meinung mit der Pre-List.

      Ist ja auch in dem Research erwähnt. Deshalb gehe ich davon aus, daß es noch länger dauern wird. Bleibt noch Wunschdenken, obwohl der Ceo mir das heute wieder bestätigt hat, daß 2008 noch das Ipo kommt, eben wie schon die ganze Zeit versprochen.

      Ich bin und bleibe noch drin, weil ein Verkauf jetzt keinen Sinn macht. Wie du schon sagst, mit ein paar 100 k wird er Kurs geschrottet. Limitiert man, wird man durch die unendlichen Teilausführungen über Tage durch die Spesen angefressen.

      Aber ..stupidgame...wenn das in Kürze daneben geht, verstehe ich nicht, warum man sich bei buzz soviel Arbeit gemacht hat für nichts oder fast nichts.
      Der Mann ist das große Geld gewohnt. An seiner Stelle würde ich überhaupt nichts mehr tun.

      schrieb am 23.09.08 19:41:33
      Beitrag Nr. 1.623 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.237.290 von stupidgame am 23.09.08 17:08:13
      stupidgame.....hast du ne Ahnung was ein HK-listing der Firma kostet ??? Kann das 750 k us $ sein ???
      schrieb am 23.09.08 19:44:03
      Beitrag Nr. 1.624 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.239.918 von kassier am 23.09.08 19:41:33
      ..übrigens..der Verfasser des Reserch ist bekannt für solche Sachen. Der hat schon über viele Firmen derlei Nachforschungen betrieben und veröffentlich. Über ihn habe ich heute gelesen, weiß aber den link nicht mehr, habe ihn auch bekommen und nur angeklickt.
      schrieb am 23.09.08 19:48:27
      Beitrag Nr. 1.625 ()
      war der in der e-mail heute nacht?
      schrieb am 24.09.08 09:35:53
      Beitrag Nr. 1.626 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.239.894 von kassier am 23.09.08 19:40:19Mmmh kassier, mal ganz ehrlich: Ist dein Vertrauen echt noch so groß in diesen Laden oder spielst Du das nur?
      Du weisst, ich habe mir in den vergangenen Monaten viel Arbeit gemacht, immer mal wieder den Betrug aufzudecken. Wir müssen über all die alten Geschichten und die nie eingetretenen Versprechen von Buzz nun aber nicht schon wieder sprechen (Ich weiß auch, dass Du das nicht glauben willst). Ich finde aber, dass die letzten Meldungen die Disukussion auf ein neues Level heben.
      Ich fühle mich noch mehr bestätigt in meiner Meinung. Ich weiß nicht, wer dieser Enthüller ist und ob er in allem recht hat, aber wenn klarer Betrug sich mit einem möglichen kriminellen Hinetrgrund der Person des CEO verbinden, dann ist das für mich schlüssig.

      Dass der CEO Dir gegenüber irgendwas bestätigt, ist genauso aussagekräftig wie die unerledigte Buzz-Liste von groß angekündigten Dingen. Er würde sich Dir gegenüber niemals offenbaren, wenn er betrügen würde. Das muss Dir doch klar sein.
      Warum tut man jetzt so, als würde hier jemand das großartig laufende Geschäft eines ehrenwerten Menschens böswillig zerstören?

      Nochmal zu der Frage: Wozu der Aufwand?
      Das, was Buzz heute nach außen darstellt (Websites, PRs usw.)ist weit weniger, als Du denkst.
      Das bisschen online-Auftritt gepaart mit Reselling und 3-4 PRs pro Woche kriegt man mit ein paar wenigen Leuten hin. Ich weiß nicht, wieviel Mio Dollar der Herr CEO mittlerweile schon aus dem Handel mit Shares rausgeholt hat, aber für mich klingt das nach einem äußerst lohnenden Geschäft für wenig Arbeit. Vermutlich ist sein Reingewinn schon höher als all das, was Du je in Deinem Leben verdient hast (ohne Dir zu nahe zu treten wollen ;-). Es macht also aus seiner Sicht absolut Sinn. Mach es Dir noch einmal klar: Der Typ verdient nicht an einem finalen Sharepreis von 1 Dollar. Der Typ verdient am millionenfachen Verschleudern von Shares im Penny-Bereich.

      Ich weiß, dass unsere Meinung über den Laden und unsere Ziel kaum gegnsetzlicher sein könnten, daher bemühe ich mich auch um äußerste Sachlichkeit hier (Gebe zu, das war nicht immer so).
      Und eigentlich wollte ich ja auch gar nicht mehr hier sein, aber das was da gerade abläuft, finde ich einfach zu spannend, als dass ich mich der Sache verschließen könnte.
      Also nichts für ungut, aber ich bin mehr denn je davon überzeugt, dass das Ende dieser Firma naht. Ich habe heute früh übrigens auf iHub gepostet und our-street angeboten, meine alten Erkenntnisse zur Verfügung zu stellen, wenn er es will. Schließlich bin ich von dem Betrug überzeugt und wenn er schon mal Zeugs für die SEC zusammenstellt...

      Schönen Gruß!

      schrieb am 24.09.08 11:00:36
      Beitrag Nr. 1.627 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.247.849 von keutula_reloaded am 24.09.08 09:35:53
      nein Keutula, mein Vertrauen ist nicht groß, das war es auch noch nie, ich habe immer gesagt, daß ich nichts weiß, nur in letzter Zeit habe ich an die Sache gelaubt, weil eben das mit dem IPO richtig gut rüberkam.

      Ich habe i.A. überhaupt kein Vertrauen und kann nur, wie bisher, hoffen, daß es nicht in die Hose geht.

      Wir dürfen nicht vergessen, daß wir an der OTC sind und pinkies handeln. Nur ein ganz kleiner Prozentsatz funzt da wirklich. Und ich dachte wir sind dabei.

      Ich teile deine Ausführungen fast komplett.

      Wäre die Veröffentlichung nicht schon jetzt gekommen, wäre ein Profit sehr wahrscheinlich gewesen.

      Aber jetzt weißt du auch, warum der pps die ganze Zeit trotz der vielen news nicht vom Fleck kam. Es wußten zu viele von der Vergangenheit, besonders in ihub.
      Ich muß mich dort halt doch mal anmelden.

      Bin gespannt auf die heutigen news, müßten eigentlich schon da sein.

      Also ein Eiertanz täglich. Wichtig ist für mich auch die Frage, ob und wie auf der Expo in HK die Firma buzz auftritt.

      bis bald
      schrieb am 24.09.08 11:00:59
      Beitrag Nr. 1.628 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.240.030 von Bachalor am 23.09.08 19:48:27
      welche nächtliche e-mail meinst du denn ???
      schrieb am 24.09.08 11:26:51
      Beitrag Nr. 1.629 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.239.918 von kassier am 23.09.08 19:41:33stupidgame.....hast du ne Ahnung was ein HK-listing der Firma kostet ??? Kann das 750 k us $ sein ???

      Nochmal kurz zu der "Firma".
      Zwei simple Fragen stellen sich, die sich immer wiederholen.
      -Warum ist das überhaupt eine AG?
      -Wie und womit verdienen die ihr Geld?

      Man kann sich ja noch erinnern, an die Eröffnungsbilanz vor gut 2 Jahren...
      Hier mal Auszüge daraus, vom 21.04.06:
      -TOTAL ASSETS 6,916,846.71
      -Total Liabilities 1,481,861.90
      -Total Equity 5,434,984.81
      -Since January 2006 the company has generated $280,195.00 income and net income (not audited) of $58,373.00.

      Seither sind 2 Jahre und 5 Monate vergangen. Es kamen unendliche Meldungen über Aktivitäten, aber nie Follow ons - also keine Meldungen, wie es in den gemeldeten Sachen voran ging. Es wurden immer nur neue Spielwiesen entdeckt.
      Nun soll die "Company" nach diesen knapp 2,5 Jahren ein Konzern mit dreistelligem Mio.Umsatz und mittleren dreistelligen Mio.Assets sein? Das wäre einfach ein beispielloser Vorgang, den ich bei noch nie irgendeiner kleinen Firma in meinen 20 Jahren Börsenerfahrung erlebt hätte. Woher stammt z.B. das ganze Working Capital, dass für solch eine Expansion nötig wäre? Mindestens doch 35-40mUSD. Sicher nicht von der Börse. Da müsste man sich dann zum 100-sten mal fragen, warum eine Börsennotiz?
      Das ist alles sowas von nicht nachvollziehbar, und wenn hier ein BWL-er einen Blick drauf werfen würde, der würde wahrscheinlich im Anschluss in die Klapsmühle müssen. Weil, sowas, wie hier in den Verlautbarungen der "Firma" dargestellt wird, das geht überhaupt nicht.

      Nun ist aber genug. Muss mich wieder etwas sinnvollem widmen.

      schrieb am 24.09.08 11:31:52
      Beitrag Nr. 1.630 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.249.801 von stupidgame am 24.09.08 11:26:51Ok, sinnvoll mag das hier nicht sein - aber allemal spannend! ;)

      Wie gesagt, ich bin davon überzeugt, dass das Shares abladen die eigentliche "Geschäftsgrundlage" ist.
      Alles drumherum ist vermutlich nur Staffage und soll den Betrug verschleiern. Besonders interessant fände ich mal den Blick in Seans persönliche Bücher. Würde mich wirklich interessieren, was der Knabe hier so rauszieht...
      schrieb am 24.09.08 11:40:39
      Beitrag Nr. 1.631 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.249.801 von stupidgame am 24.09.08 11:26:51Hier ist nochmal die übersichtliche PDF-Broschüre "Listing in Hong Kong":
      schrieb am 24.09.08 12:45:48
      Beitrag Nr. 1.632 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.249.358 von kassier am 24.09.08 11:00:59schicke sie dir am nachmittag
      schrieb am 24.09.08 13:08:23
      Beitrag Nr. 1.633 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.249.347 von kassier am 24.09.08 11:00:36Kassier

      Bin grad mal auf die Expo HK Seite. Das ist offensichtlich eine Immobilienmesse.
      Buzz wird dort als Media-Partner aufgelistet. Was immer das auch sein mag...
      schrieb am 24.09.08 19:06:46
      Beitrag Nr. 1.634 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz-Inc IPO Update

      Sep 24, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Technologies Inc upon advice will not be lodging an audit for Buzz Technologies Inc.(OTC:BZTG) and hence we do not require representation in the USA at this time. We will be proceeding with the audit of Buzz-Inc with local auditors to local regulations.
      Sometime after that we will conduct the USA audit with the same regional auditor; this offers a much faster and more cost effective approach to the process.

      The move will speed the process of Buzz-Inc listing in Hong Kong. No stock is available now or in the future of Buzz-Inc, There is however a 1 for 1 exchange available to shareholders of BZTG. A faster listing with a focus on the local market is beneficial for shareholders and has met with the approval of local investors that may participate in the listing.

      Our IPO plans remain on track for Hong Kong.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      -0- --------------------------------


      das wird ja immer bunter !!!!

      irgendwie macht er das schon clever, wenn man bedenkt, dass gestern ca. 1,5 mio shares g e kauft wurden.
      schrieb am 24.09.08 19:41:06
      Beitrag Nr. 1.635 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.257.887 von kassier am 24.09.08 19:06:46Oh Mann, jetzt wird die Dreistigkeit ganz offen ausgelebt!
      Auf iHub wurde vorhin eine aktuelle Email von Mr. Yu veröffentlicht, dem angeblichen Asien Auditor (und quasi das Tor zum HK-Listing). Darin versichert sein Büro (in Kopie an die Buzz-Riege), dass sie keines falls die Buzz-Auditoren sind.

      Man weiß nie, was hier alles noch passieren kann, aber das ist für mich wie die eingestandene Schande (Bankrotterklärung??).
      Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass diese Aktie noch jemls wieder was wird. Man muss sich nur mal durchlesen, was bei den Amis so abgeht...

      Zeit für eine Notbremse??? Ich muss sagen, ich bin froh, dass ich aus der Nummer raus bin.

      Trotzdem alles Gute für Euch!

      schrieb am 25.09.08 11:38:28
      Beitrag Nr. 1.636 ()
      wurde ich einigen Foren gepostet

      Re: UPDATE Quick Reply Quote

      EXPOSING Our-Street / Timothy Miles EXPOSING

      EXPOSING Our-Street / Timothy Miles EXPOSING

      For those of you who have been investing in the stock CSHD, you are probably familiar with the stocks biggest critic, "Our-Street". This guy is known for his illegal tactics in trying to bring down honest running companies. This thread is here to expose everyone to who this fellow really is. is his website. It's goal seems to be a simple one. It's purpose appears to be to post slanderous comments about the company "Conversion Solutions Holdings Corp" also known as CSHD. What is the motive behind this Slander? Thats quite simple. The owner of (whose real name is Timothy Miles but also goes by several Alias's including Nick Tracey) has an enormouse amount of short holdings in the company. Because of this he is trying despertly to make the stock price fall so that he can cover his shorts. This is not the first time that Timothy has done this, and it won't be the last unless something is done about his actions.

      What Timothy is doing is highly illegal, and looked at as a major crime by the Security and Exchange Commission. Timothy was already charged in a prior Pump & Dump scheme that he ran with several other people. It is believed that he has made over $500,000 in a scam similar to the one he is performing using CSHD as his victim.

      Timothy Miles does not always use his real name. In the past he has gone by "Nick Tracy" a scambuster out to save humanity from Stock Scams. He claimed to be living in the UK while he was really living in Oregon at the time. The website he ran under this alias was On the registration information of this site, it lists:

      Quote: Nick Tracy Enterprises Timothy Miles 44****002080 fax: 4257400645 The phone number listed has the country code 44 which is the UK. Timothy never lived in the UK. The fax number listed pertains to a Northern Washington address.

      There are many many articles just online that describe his illegal actions, and the trouble he got into with the SEC for his pump and dump schemes. Here are a few in which part of the articles are posted here:

      From: Quote: But it turns out that scribe Nick Tracy of London was, in fact, a former stockbroker in Oregon named Timothy Miles–and Miles himself faces SEC charges that he took part in a pump-and-dumpstock scheme in 2000. He was tried in June and awaits a verdict. No matter:Circle Group stock fell below a dollar in a year of combat with Miles and the anonymous bashers on Yahoo (and after Nestlé dropped Z-Trim). Halpern’s stake is down $75 million, and he blames Miles and his acolytes; he has sued for defamation. “Some of these bloggers have just one goal, and that is to do damage. It’s evil,” he says. From: This is a really good article that explains the type of creep this fellow is: Quote: May 9, 2005 (FinancialWire) "Nick Tracy," whom FinancialWire unmasked in an expose a year ago as no stock hero, but rather a never-do-well individual named Timothy Miles charged by U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission with stock fraud and charged by detractors as being a sloppy investigator who despite picking some bad apples, has almost never had his facts straight, says he's giving up his website, "" Whether that is true or another subterfuge, the irrepressible self-appointed "scam cop" has his SEC trial coming up in June. The other two individuals charged with him have also reportedly left the country. He is appealing a ruling against him in a case involving Circle Group Holdings (AMEX: CXN), and he continues to claim credit for "discovering" a phone scam involving six companies, including American Multiplexer Corp., Donini Inc. (OTCBB: DNNI), 5G Wireless Communications Inc. (OTCBB: FGWC), Innovative Food Holdings Inc., and Power3 Medical Products (OTCBB: PWRM) and their shareholders which the SEC recently said was in reality "discovered" and reported by the largest number of investors in its history. True to his history of questionable diligence, the now apparently "former" Our-Street" proprietor has continued to suggest that the companies themselves were involved in the scam long after the SEC had said none of them were found to have been involved. It is believed that Timothy has lived in both Oregon, and Klamath Falls, Idaho. He now claims to be residing in Slovenia. However most people don't believe this at all.

      Other website that this scammer runs are: * * * *

      Some of these sites are obvious scams. Just look at "". On this site Timothy claims that a magical crystal from god has been found. His site is devoted to a book he is writting to explain the fantastic story behind this magical crystal, and what the texts found in the crystal reveal about life and religion. Not only does he claim to be the one person you can purchase this great information from but he also claims to have been a Minister for 30 years, and goes by the name Rev. Timothy Miles. Pathetic, isn't it? All this coming from a person who has been charged for Stock scams by the SEC.

      Like I said previously, Timothy claims to be living in Slovenia. Not only does he claim this but he also has this information listed on the contact details of all his website. The following is the registration data from his sites:

      Quote: Timothy Miles 386051262885 fax: 4257400645 Postno Lezece crnuce ljubljana 1231 si Now as you see, the phone number he has listed is 386051262885. Funny thing is that this number matches identically the phone number listed at the Slovenian Services website: Looks like someone made a mistake by copying a phone number exactly off another site lol.

      While the SEC stated that Timothy is a scammer, Timothy denies this and says that he works with the SEC in pointing out scams.

      It gets even mroe pathetic. For the past few weeks/months Timothy has been claiming that CSHD is a scam corporation, and that there is no way they will ever file a 10K on their company. However just yesterday the 10K was released and proved Timothy wrong. Now he plans on attacking the SEC and pointing out how they are allowing Scammers to run companies. Is this the most Ironic, and pathetic thing you have ever heard?

      Fact is Timothy is a scammer. He has been charged by the SEC for a pump and dump scheme. Once a scammer, always a scammer. He's addicted to defrauding companies and individual (shown by his miracle crystal book that he plans on selling, and all the attacks he has made on honest corportations).

      CSHD was not the first stock that he was posted slanderous false comments on.

      Quote: Other companies that Our-Street has gone after include Silverado Gold Mines, Ltd. (SLGLF), Epixtar Corp. (EPXR), Aqua Vie Beverage Corporation (AQVB), ChampionLyte Holdings, Inc (CPLY), BEVsystems Interenational, Inc. (BEVI), DataMeg, Inc. (DTMG), Kingdom Ventures, Inc. (KDMV), Imaging Diagnostics, Inc. (IMDS), SHEP Technologies, Inc. (STLOF), EdgeTech Services, Inc (EDGH), Nutra Pharma Corp. (NPHC), Verdisys Inc. (VDYS), Calypte Biomedical Corporation (CYPT), Galaxy Energy Corp. (GAXI), PowerChannel, Inc. (PWRC), US Global Nanospace (USGA), and Universal Guardian Holdings (UGHO) There appear to be many people who are out to stop this crook from bringing down other good honest companies like CSHD:

      From: Quote: Gregory Halpern at Circle Group, in Mundelein, Ill., used this approach against his nemesis, Nick Tracy, a.k.a. Timothy Miles. After the first attack Halpern contacted the blogger's lawyer but got nowhere. He demanded a correction, only to get mocked:Miles posted on his blog an audio file of a perturbed message Halpern had left on his voice mail.

      Halpern had better luck, however, when he allied with Gayle Essary, who runs the FinancialWire online news service and had tangled with Miles, too. Halpern dug up details on Miles (his photo and Oregon driver's license; his links to a litany of questionable companies; his claim to be an ordained minister; his Web site that describes a mysterious crystal that contains a message from God) and fed them to Essary. Essary did 15 articles on Miles without citing Halpern as a source, and when Halpern heard from people asking about Miles' allegations against Circle Group, he referred them to FinancialWire, saying it had "exposed this guy a long time ago." Now here's a very interesting article explaining how Timothy Miles is destroying good honest companies:

      More information about this guy can be found on his website. The contact information there is: Quote: AOL IM "otcart" Yahoo IM "otc_art" phone 910-817-4092 (Area code is for Fayetteville, No. Carolina) Fax 425-740-0645 (area code is for Northern Washington) So for those of you who have any more information on this known scammer, or those of you who have been affected by this scammer, please post here. Don't let this lunatic manipulate a the markets of any more stocks and force many honest investors to beleive his lies!

      For your information, the CSHD has filed their 10k and has proven to hold over $800 million in audited assets free of liability, and over 7.4 billion in assets yet to be officially audited. The CEO, Rufus Paul Harris has followed through with his promises, and has awarded shareholders who stuck in the stock despite Our-Street's lies with 6 addition shares post merger. The corporation itself is far from a scam, and is working with numerous individuals and institutions of the utmost respect. They are planning to head to the NASDAQ within weeks possibly.

      Please post any additional information you can dig up on this crook! Let's bring him down legally and prevent him from scamming anyone else! Last edited by talkgold : 10-17-2006 at 07:25 PM. Reply With Quote test222 View Public Profile Send a private message to test222 Find all posts by test222 See All Ratings by test222 test222 Talkgold test222 Money Exchange(Ratings) -- Sponsored Links -- #2 Old 10-18-2006, 04:52 PM Accontant's Avatar Accontant Accontant is offline Permanently Banned

      Join Date: Aug 2005 Location: a well armed bunker complex Posts: 1,171 Default Re: EXPOSING Our-Street / Timothy Miles I looked at the bgalance sheet, Income Statement and cash flow, and while they do seem to be in order, they don't make sense compared tot he 10K filing. This company has a little more than a quarter million in shareholder equity (hardly a fortune 500 company), lost almost a half million in the last year and has operating cash flow of (401,000) yet they claim it should be worth $15 a share? Looks to me like someone bought a dormant OTC company and is doing a pump and dump... a lot of questions come up when a company goes from 4 cents a share to $2 in a few weeks, with no income to speak of etc....

      If this guy is a crook, call the SEC, but it looks to me like "the lady doth protest too much" Reply With Quote Accontant View Public Profile Send a private message to Accontant Find all posts by Accontant See All Ratings by Accontant Accontant Talkgold Accontant Money Exchange(Ratings) Reply

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      schrieb am 25.09.08 11:39:04
      Beitrag Nr. 1.637 ()
      Tuesday, November 1st, 2005
      Forbes magazine has devoted a sensational cover story to bloggers who set out to damage people and brands. Since the piece itself is password-protected, here is how it kicks off:

      Web logs are the prized platform of an online lynch mob spouting liberty but spewing lies, libel and invective. Their potent allies in this pursuit include Google and Yahoo.

      Gregory Halpern knows how to hype. Shares of his publicly held company, Circle Group Holdings, quadrupled in price early last year amid reports that its new fat substitute, Z-Trim, was being tested by Nestlé. As the stock spurted from $2 to $8.50, Halpern’s 35% stake in the company he founded rose to $90 million. He put out 56 press releases last year.

      Then the bloggers attacked. A supposed crusading journalist launched an online campaign long on invective and wobbly on facts, posting articles on his Web log (blog) calling Halpern “deceitful,”"unethical,”"incredibly stupid” and “a pathological liar” who had misled investors. The author claimed to be Nick Tracy, a London writer who started his one-man “watchdog” Web site,, to expose corporate fraud.He put out press releases saying he had filed complaints against Circle with the Securities & Exchange Commission.

      Halpern was an easy target. He is a cocky former judo champion who posts photos of himself online with the famous (including Steve Forbes, editor-in-chief of this magazine). His company is a weird amalgam of fat substitute, anthrax detectors and online mattress sales. Soon he was fielding calls from alarmed investors and assuring them he hadn’t been questioned by the SEC. Eerily similar allegations began popping up in anonymous posts on Yahoo, but Yahoo refused Halpern’s demand to identify the attackers. “The lawyer for Yahoo basically told me, ‘Ha-ha-ha, you’re screwed,’” Halpern says. Meanwhile, his tormentor sent letters about Halpern to Nestlé, the American Stock Exchange, the Food & Drug Administration, the Federal Trade Commission and the Brookhaven National Laboratory (involved in Circle’s anthrax deal).

      But it turns out that scribe Nick Tracy of London was, in fact, a former stockbroker in Oregon named Timothy Miles–and Miles himself faces SEC charges that he took part in a pump-and-dumpstock scheme in 2000. He was tried in June and awaits a verdict. No matter:Circle Group stock fell below a dollar in a year of combat with Miles and the anonymous bashers on Yahoo (and after Nestlé dropped Z-Trim). Halpern’s stake is down $75 million, and he blames Miles and his acolytes; he has sued for defamation. “Some of these bloggers have just one goal, and that is to do damage. It’s evil,” he says.

      Blogs started a few years ago as a simple way for people to keep online diaries. Suddenly they are the ultimate vehicle for brand-bashing, personal attacks, political extremism and smear campaigns. It’s not easy to fight back: Often a bashing victim can’t even figure out who his attacker is. No target is too mighty, or too obscure, for this new and virulent strain of oratory. Microsoft has been hammered by bloggers; so have CBS, CNN and ABC News, two research boutiques that criticized IBM’s Notes software, the maker of Kryptonite bike locks, a Virginia congressman outed as a homosexual and dozens of other victims–even a right-wing blogger who dared defend a blog-mob scapegoat.

      Forbes’s writer Daniel Lyons point out that first amendment rights protect many writers who are simply out to settle scores, or in the case of “Pamela Jones” - the writer of Groklaw - take a partisan line on SCO’s case against IBM over Linux. Lyons suggests that Jones may be an IBM mouthpiece.

      The article is written in a sensational flack versus counter-flack style, but both it and the indignant response from bloggers are worth a read.

      (via Micropersuasion)

      Posted in web monitoring, Search is brand, Corporate communications, Reputation management, Online detractors, PR, Buzz tracking, Blogging, Competitive Intelligence | 1 Comment »

      This blog is mainly the work of Market Sentinel CEO Mark Rogers. We use it to review recent developments in the areas of buzz-monitoring, buzz-marketing, word of mouth, online public relations, blog marketing and related topics. Feel free to comment or email us direct
      schrieb am 25.09.08 14:50:30
      Beitrag Nr. 1.638 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.268.516 von kassier am 25.09.08 11:39:04Verbrecher gegen Verbrecher???
      Sehr schön. Irgendwie glaube ich beide Stories (über Sean und über Tim).

      Hey Kassier, was bequatscht Ihr denn eigentlich so in Euren Shareholder Boards? Rückt der Kollege CEO dort eigentlich mal mit konkreten Fakten raus oder spielt er immer noch die Versteckspielnummer und weicht allen Fragen aus wie früher schon? Hat er mal gesagt, wer er ist?
      Würde ja gern mal wissen, ob diese Schlacht mittlerweile mehr und mehr fremdgesteuert wird. Vermutlich stacheln die Hauptakteure schon ordentlich ihre Supporter an, gegen den anderen Stimmung zu machen.
      Das schreit alles immer mehr nach einem Einschreiten der SEC. Man kann ja wohl nicht auf dem Rücken von unwissenden Investoren Grabenkämpfe austragen.
      Ich kann mir kaum vorstellen, dass dieser Wert hier noch dauerhaft Käufer anziehen wird, bei dem Theater...

      Schönen Gruß!

      schrieb am 25.09.08 18:09:41
      Beitrag Nr. 1.639 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.271.959 von keutula_reloaded am 25.09.08 14:50:30
      im board selbst ist keine Veränderung eingetreten. Wird alles im chat besprochen.

      Aber egal..was, wer und wie sagt, man muss zur Zeit einfach abwarten was davon eintritt.

      Der Sturm ist vorbei weil nichts Neues mehr veröffentlicht werden kann.

      Ich würde an seiner Stelle die Flucht nach vorne antreten und sagen, ok, ich habe da mal Fehler gemacht und versuche einfach unter einem nicht belasteten Namen meine zweite Chance zu nutzen.
      Dann wäre alle Zweifel beseitigt und der Wind aus den Segeln.

      aber na ja, jeder wie er meint.

      schrieb am 29.09.08 16:02:43
      Beitrag Nr. 1.640 ()
      Re: shayne heffernan
      By joseph heffernan on 9/29/2008 2:55:50 AM

      Dear Timothy

      Please remove all reference to me and my comments in your reports. I was fighting with my son, what you have published is total lies. The Task report for one thing I know is a complete phoney, it was a blackmail attempt on my son, I know I was there, in fact I know plenty.

      I know he has been chasing to fix the E1 thing for 5 years, waiting for his investments and debtors to be in a position to close off all old problems, not one day I know of went past when he did not work on that!!!

      What you have done is used my family fight with my son and twisted it to try to prove your speculation. If I caused you to do this I apologize, he was wrong not to call me, very wrong. And your report is also wrong, but it did make him call me, a long over due phone call.

      To clarify, my son is not a con man, him and his wife have never been drug users, he is the hardest working person I have ever seen or heard of. The Task report is total rubbish and I am sure anything Shayne does will work out fine.

      Please set this straight for me, I am not a well man at all. I do thank you for helping get him call me.

      Joe Heffernan
      schrieb am 07.10.08 14:24:55
      Beitrag Nr. 1.641 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Update

      Oct 02, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Some management and staff from our initial funders who have been assisting in various capacities have now been redirected to sales and a reorganization of sales duties are underway.
      This will reflect in a more active approach to investor relations and a more aggressive sales team, all other plans remain unchanged.

      Updates on progress will now be issued every Monday.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 07.10.08 14:25:26
      Beitrag Nr. 1.642 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Update

      Oct 06, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Last week a number of site upgrades continued, visible changes can be seen on and again in search results. One-2-Orient replaced Buzz Asia as we move toward clearer branding of our One-2 groups of companies. One-2-Orient will eventually become a print magazine as well as online magazine and be distributed around Asia; you can see it at however it will relocate to in the coming week.
      One-2-Orient will also serve to expand and reinforce our presence in the Asian property, travel and advertising sector. VoIP for the USA is in the final rounds of testing and a release in the next few weeks is certain.

      We commenced work on several ad campaigns for new clients and expect a steady stream of interest as Thailand's tourist high season approaches.

      Lawyers, Accountants and advisors remain hard at work on other matters.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 07.10.08 14:25:55
      Beitrag Nr. 1.643 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Marketing Phuket to the World

      Oct 07, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Phuket High Season:
      What's Hot New Ways to Sell More Make More with Every Sale Buzz Stats

      What's Hot

      Bangkok Post to Publish Phuket Horizons on the 30th of Oct

      This is the definitive guide to Phuket available in print and online at Buzz has been working with Bangkok Post for some time, we offer the ad space on as well as print advertising. Due to our special relationship with Bangkok Post, we can put together a Phuket Horizons promotion with supporting online ads from as little as 20,000 B.

      High season is just around the corner and people are looking at their Christmas and New Year destinations! During their visit to Phuket many will look at buying property, get them before they arrive with Buzz Marketing's super deals on Search Marketing and SEO.

      New Ways to Sell More

      Buzz Search and Buzz Search Marketing offer an innovative way to target a new audience for your property or service in Phuket. is the search engine on the popular, there are many searches for Phuket and holiday destinations, our Featured Listings offer a great way to reach new clients.

      Make More with Every Sale

      By marketing online to your customers, you can add to your income by providing more Phuket services through the Buzz Ad Network and Buzz Affiliate Network, own a tour company. You can easily install a direct feed of Phuket property for sale and for rent right on your site AND earn a commission on any sale!

      Buzz Words

      Buzz Words allows you to pick the sites you want to advertise on, the search words where you want to appear in any language, in any ad form. Text, banner or flash get more for your dollar.

      Marketing in Asia

      Looking to launch your Web Based or Software based business in Asia. Let Buzz make it easy, we are specialists in the Asian market and can offer a low cost high return alternative for your expansion. Having already established offices and staff in most of Asia, we can help you save money and achieve faster results.

      Buzz VoIP

      Buzz VoIP provides you with three unique ways for making huge savings on all your calls around the world. No new equipment is needed you your existing telephone or mobile phone. It is as easy as using the web, sending an SMS message from your mobile phone or dialing a local access number to initiate a Callback call.

      Call +66807007900 or email

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 07.10.08 19:12:28
      Beitrag Nr. 1.644 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Dynamic Rich Media Search

      Oct 07, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- The Buzz Search Engine has now finished the framework required to deliver more dynamic rich media search results. Currently automated, semi-automated, and manual functions are being merged with the Buzz Ad Server to provide a true Web 2.0 search experience. Search will feature, better results, glimpses of media content and images in an easy to navigate layout.
      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 13.10.08 10:59:48
      Beitrag Nr. 1.645 ()
      < Back

      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Update

      Oct 13, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Listing
      Today the company has issued a Shareholder Questionnaire to assist us to act quickly, should the possibility arise in the near future, to list in Hong Kong. All factors including the current global economic crises are being monitored closely and the company is eager to take the first viable opportunity to list in Hong Kong.

      We urge all shareholders to complete and return the form; it is available for download at" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">


      Our newly acquired video streaming software is now in use on the website, you will also find on offer a new addition to our sales portfolio, a range of new and used Falcon Yachts as well as a wide selection of property across Asia and Europe.

      Becoming available in the next few days are some of the worlds most spectacular villa's located at Sri panwa ranging in price from $4 to $12m USD.

      Villa's and Condos from $800 per month to $8000 per night are also available in Phuket for the high season.

      Buzz Travel

      On the eve of Phuket's high season Buzz Travel acquired exclusive rights to a number of luxury charter yachts and has negotiated exclusive mooring, entertainment and villa rates in Phuket's finest hotels. The luxury travel packages will be available online not only on Buzz but also on many other travel, yachting, and special interest websites.


      Speed, Speed, Speed is our number 1 priority with Buzz Search and work continues in generating great results as fast as possible. Featured listing are seeing click through rates almost double the old style text ads.

      Online Ads

      Our new mixed media display/text ads are generating strong interest and improved click through rates. As part of our ongoing education and training of staff, we are currently developing Flash and Video skills in-house.

      Search Marketing

      Having built nine of our own search engines we have a unique insight into how search engines work. We are now offering Search Marketing services as part of the online/print and event promotion services to real estate developers and hotel owners.


      Radio services are now available in English and Thai. Competitions have been running on Thai radio now for the past 2 weekends and have proved popular. We expect to deliver a completed Archer Radio this week.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 14.10.08 13:33:50
      Beitrag Nr. 1.646 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz teams with Bangkok Post on Guru and Horizons

      Oct 14, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Technologies, Inc. is pleased to announce that the company can now offer additional Post Publishing Public Company Limited Print Advertising to the list of advertising products available from Buzz. Thought to be the first deal between online ad suppliers and traditional media, the arrangement that was tested with the 30th of October Issue of Horizons Phuket by The Post Publishing Public Company Limited has proven successful. Now every issue of Horizons and Guru Magazines are available from Buzz.
      The Post Publishing Public Company Limited is one of Asia's largest Newspaper and Magazine Publishers.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 16.10.08 13:58:42
      Beitrag Nr. 1.647 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Thailand 'looking at relaxing foreign ownership rules' on Real Estate

      Oct 16, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Thailand is considering relaxing the rules on foreign ownership of property to make it easier for non-Thais to invest, in a move that would set local real estate sales in popular tourists areas like Phuket soaring.
      Global Property Guide figures supplied to the Seoul Timeshare revealed that while prices increased by 5.6 per cent in the year to the end of the second quarter of 2008, this represents a real terms drop of 4.18 per cent as the house price rise is lower than overall inflation.

      The paper said that the Thai government is considering changing the ownership rules in response.

      Another factor that could make it easier for investors to buy in Thailand is the price itself.

      Udorn Olsson, managing director of the Para Development company, has said that the effect of the credit crunch will be to hit the interests of westerners, who make up the majority of high-end Thai property buyers.

      As a result, he stated, developers may need to accept lower profit margins in order to adjust to the realities of the new business environment, the Bangkok Post reports.

      One-2-Property has noted a marked increase in tourist bookings and property enquiries around Phuket as the high season draws near. Although early predictions were of a poor high season the last 2 weeks has seen tour operators and hotels upbeat about how this year's high season will turn out, many now are predicting strong tourists' numbers.

      For more information on the property/financing/mortgage or viewing please email or One-2-Property Hotline 66 080 700 7900

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 16.10.08 14:00:10
      Beitrag Nr. 1.648 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Khao Khad Bay Villas Phuket Exclusive to One-2-Property

      Oct 16, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- One-2-Property has signed an exclusive marketing partnership with real estate developer Thai Irish Developments and their Khao Khad Bay Villas Phuket. The deal will see Khao Khad Bay Villas Phuket being promoted online, at Expo's and Events in Hong Kong and Europe. The properties will also be available through One-2-Property's broker network around the world.
      This prime development in one of Phuket's most popular destinations comprises of only eight Villa's and sales are expected to be brisk. One-2-Property and Thai Irish will be expanding the deal with new developments planned after the completion of Khao Khad Bay Villas Phuket.

      One-2-Property draws upon the technology and advertising space from

      About Khao Khad Bay Villas Phuket

      Open the door to first class living at Khao Khad Bay Villas, where a world of prestige and leisure awaits you. Upon going into Khao Khad Bay Villas, you are entering your very own paradise in a tranquil setting and in spacious grounds ranging from 767 square meters to 1,318 square meters. The development is located on Phuket's southeastern shores beside a quaint pier where boats can be moored, and offers easy access to all the amenities the island has to offer.

      Each villa is tastefully designed around a swimming pool with every room looking out onto the pool and lush gardens. This part of the island is seeing a growing number of expats settling in, whether they are business people, retirees or families establishing a home base or a second home.

      Set in the northerly tip of Chalong Bay in the south of Phuket Island, the small select development of Khao Khad Bay Villas offers a unique opportunity to those wanting to live amongst tranquil nature, yet within easy reach of all the amenities that Phuket has to offer nowadays. There are three models of villas available, one with three bedrooms, one with four bedrooms, and the other with five bedrooms. Both styles are built around a private swimming pool, with every room overlooking this central feature of the design. The area around the pool forms a verdant garden and a sala, or outdoor covered terrace, by the pool means that open air entertaining at home can easily be enjoyed.

      The villas are single storey and feature natural materials of wood and stone blending in effortlessly with the surrounding tropical scenery. High ceilings and windows on all sides of the houses ensure that natural ventilation enhances cool living.

      Khao Khad Bay Villas estate has a secure entrance so that residents are assured of privacy and safety. Just across from the entrance to the villas is a klong, or canal, used by local fishermen. Strolling along the long walkway here will be a pleasant way to enjoy the neighborhood.

      Sales Enquires 123/29 M.5 T.Cherngtalay A.Talang, Phuket, Thailand, 83110 Phone Number (66) 76 326 318 24 Hour Hotline (66) 80 700 7900 Fax Number (66) 76 326 319

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 17.10.08 19:53:25
      Beitrag Nr. 1.649 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Expands Advertising Infrastructure in Asia, Google and Yahoo Face Sales Pressure

      Oct 16, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- As Buzz's (OTC:BZTG) Search and Ad competitors predict slowing sales due to the current credit crises, Buzz has expanded the low cost alternative the company offers to include next generation flash, video and new display options. Buzz has also acquired prime traditional billboard space in Asia as a value added service to the company's main customers, real estate developers and the tourist industry. Focus has been placed on the types of ads real estate developers and the tourism industry want, online, billboard, print and a string of European and Asian events and expo's. Buzz is also opening small promotional centers in regional tourist's hot spots.
      One-2-Property has built marketing partnership deals around the technology and the additional services of and has closed the first marketing partner deal worth over $400,000 USD this week, "interest is strong as Asian real estate developers will need to compete more to win customers" said Thanissara Sinprasertwong, Buzz Business Development Director. Offering online display, text, multimedia and video ads as well as billboards in Thailand, Bangkok Post print and magazine advertising, representation at events in Europe and Asia as well as the new promotion centers, Buzz offers a total one stop shop for real estate developers and the tourism industry in Thailand.

      Buzz's low cost ad offerings will also start being offered in the USA next month even though the credit crisis may cost the online-advertising industry $6.7 billion in lost sales through 2010, according to Collins Stewart Plc. Collins Stewart see Customers large and small, from General Motors Corp. to Simplexity LLC, scaling back ad spending, while financial companies such as Wachovia Corp. are disappearing altogether.

      It is predicted that the reductions will drive growth in U.S. Internet ad outlays to less than 20 percent next year for the first time since 2002, says Collins Stewart analyst Sandeep Aggarwal in San Francisco. That would crimp sales growth at Google and derail the turnaround of Yahoo, two stocks that have already lost about half their value this year.

      ''Growth is coming down,'' said Aggarwal, one of at least eight analysts trimming their share-price estimates on Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) this month. ''The weakness is happening in search and display advertising and everywhere.'' Advertisers will spend $43.6 billion this year worldwide on online spots -- the text links that run next to search results and the ''display'' banner and video promotions on Web pages -- down from a previous estimate of $44.4 billion, he said.

      He also reduced 2009 and 2010 estimates, saying the credit crunch and slack consumer confidence would convince advertisers to hold back.

      Asia's online advertising industry is in its infancy and like many other Asian businesses is taking a slightly different direction to the USA search giants, online ad sales in Asia are expected to outgrow those in the USA in the coming year. The Buzz combination of advertising services combined with a highly focused market is still providing growth in difficult times.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 20.10.08 17:47:58
      Beitrag Nr. 1.650 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): One-2-Property Attracts Leading Thailand Properties

      Oct 20, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- One-2-Property continues to grow and now offers property from the nations most prestigious locations including:
      Banyan Tree

      Sri panwa

      Plaza Athenee

      The Met


      The Pano

      The Infinity

      The Madison

      Serenity Terrace

      Strong IT support for online marketing combined with Buzz's extensive ad network in Asia has helped keep a constant flow of new business to One-2-Property.

      Although there has been some, slow down due to the global economic issues the effect locally has not been as strong. Bangkok Post reported in a recent article Thailand was not as affected as some due to the industry not being debt driven.

      The Article.

      Thailand's property market is well insulated from the global financial crisis, as it is far less dependent on debt than most property markets, said real estate firm CB Richard Ellis Thailand.

      Chairman David Simister, as a longstanding player in Thai real estate and resort property, said Thai politics had been troubled for over three years so real estate investors have been cautious.

      Purchases have been made for use or investment rather than short-term speculation, he said. Also, outside Phuket and Koh Samui, the bedrock of commercial success has been sales to Thai nationals.

      "In my opinion, Thai market caution has resulted in the following: muted demand; a low level of speculation, despite rising prices; low borrowings to value; and possibly as low as 50% debt to current valuations, with buyers acting well within their financial capacity," he said.

      Unlike in most western markets, Thai property is not propelled by the availability of debt finance. Nor are maximum mortgages the norm. Thai banks also have a strict approval policy, he said.

      He added that the Thai banking industry learned a very hard lesson in 1997 and - both in project financing and domestic mortgages - prudence have since been the order of the day.

      Unlike many foreign counterparts, Thai banks have stayed away from structured finance and concentrated on unadventurous domestic business, with property loans rarely reaching 70% of the banks' own valuations, he said.

      Mr. Simister added that foreign buying has been 100% in cash, as purchasing a condominium under the foreign quota requires buyers to show they have brought in funds from abroad covering the full purchase price.

      "Thai real estate developed in the last five years has been a cash-driven market," he said.

      Though optimistic, Mr. Simister said his company had seen fewer launches and a lack of products for sale in some areas of Bangkok and Phuket.

      "We expect this situation to continue for another 18 months," he said. "More importantly, with the bulk of products under construction having sold well, we see no chance of a market crash." He said committed buyers continue to make serious property searches at its Phuket and Koh Samui offices but are finding almost no new high-end products.

      "Given the lack of good oceanfront sites, we are bullish on the limited volume of developments that are proceeding," said Mr. Simister. "Thai property has proved to be resilient to numerous external problems and I am convinced that it will prove to be, for tomorrow's buyers, an excellent medium-term investment."

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 20.10.08 17:48:38
      Beitrag Nr. 1.651 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): China FX Launches Oil Trading

      Oct 20, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- China FX now has oil Day Trading just as it already offers Gold and Silver Trading. However, unlike these commodities, oil has some peculiarities as it trades predominantly over the exchanges and there is not a liquid continuous spot market.
      Trading in OIL

      Oil trading at China FX is performed in the same way as Foreign Currencies Trading. It is OTC (Over the Counter) trading, which means that the transaction is performed directly between the two parties, involved - the buyer and the seller. There is no third party involved, like in an exchange market.

      The acronym for oil is OIL. It is measured in barrels but as it is cash settled (non-delivery trading) the physical purchase or sale of the commodity is not actually performed.

      China FX bases its contract on the US standard for OIL trading, namely the WTI (West Texas Intermediary). Also known as, Texas Light Sweet, WTI is a type of crude oil used as a benchmark in oil pricing and the underlying commodity of the New York Mercantile Exchange's (NYMEX) oil futures contracts.

      What does this mean to the China FX trader? The OIL trader will open, modify, and close deals on the China FX-Easy-Forex platform in the same way they do with a currency day trade.

      Quote convention: OIL will be quoted with OIL as the base - Example OIL/USD = 118.00 USD per barrel Expiration date: Oil trading can only be renewed up to the close of business on the fourth US business day prior to the 25th calendar day of the month, proceeding the contract month. If the 25th day is a non-business day, trading shall cease on the fourth business day prior to the business day proceeding the 25th calendar day.

      Trading hours: 01.30 London time until 22:30 London time. Outside these hours, no opening or closing of deals will be allowed. Go to trading hours to see the hours of trade for other currencies and commodities.

      Availability: Oil trading is not available in USA and some other regions.

      To find out more about OIL trading contact your Account Service Manager or Personal Dealer.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 21.10.08 15:47:36
      Beitrag Nr. 1.652 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Property Offerings Extended in Phuket

      Oct 21, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- One-2-Property www.12property.con has extended on property offerings in Phuket to include luxury hotels, yacht charters, and 5 star Itineraries ravel Agents around the resort destination.
      One-2-Phuket, Phuket Property, Your Travel Agents, Patong, Ao Por and Koh sites will all be offering One-2-Phuket services from One-2-Property is the first of these to go live. Each URL will be managed to capture different segments and different geographical locations in all major search engines including Buzz's own

      One-2-Phuket offers the best and safest way to invest, live or holiday on the island paradise of Phuket Thailand. Our Phuket Property service is the islands finest. In Phuket, we offer superb private real estate, stunning private resorts, mega-yachts, and private jets to make your Phuket Holiday very special. Our concierge service brings you Phuket from new perspective.

      Luxury Charter Four decks of luxurious living in an elegant, state-of-the-art motor yacht. A unique bridge deck boat house stores a 25-foot center console fishing tender out of view, preserving the sun deck for lounging in the heated Jacuzzi, relaxing at the tended bar or on the built-in chaise lounge.

      A true showpiece of Italian and American design and construction. Originally built as the Royal Yacht for the Emir of Bahrain, this Italian-built yacht was transformed by American craftsmen and skilled Shipwrights into a fabulous yacht for the millennium and beyond. Beautifully outfitted with custom furnishings and antiques, providing royal treatment for all who cruise aboard her.

      MAIN DECK & SYSTEMS The main deck is the center of social life aboard. In addition to the other spacious salons, this deck encompasses the casual and inviting Aft deck lounge and the dining salon.

      Cozy seating groups surround the spectacular Octagonal bar. In pleasant weather, the windows are removed, creating the atmosphere of a tropical verandah. The spiral staircase leads to a unique Sky lounge.

      A pair of antique, hand carved, gold-leafed statues of Buddha cast watchful eyes over the dining salon. This elegant room accommodates 14 guests for silver service dining, and many more for elegant buffets.

      The dining salon can also be used for business meetings. To facilitate presentations, a full array of audiovisual equipment is hidden behind the beautiful teak and marble burl consoles and cabinets.

      ACCOMMODATIONS 12 guests in 7 cabins.

      The master cabin has a king size bed, bath/tub, shower and head.

      Another 4 cabins have twin beds, shower, and head.

      One cabin has twin beds, bath/tub, shower, and head.

      One cabin has a queen size bed, bath/tub, shower, and head.

      Crew has a separate companionway, heads and shower.

      The accommodation deck features an exotic Master suite. Glowing, handcrafted Teak joinery is carved with the Mandarin characters signifying long life, luck, good health, and the Yacht's name.

      Beautifully embroidered silk fabrics, plush overstuffed furniture, an entertainment center, and exquisite Asian antiques complement this spacious quiet retreat.

      Comfortable guest accommodations include an exceptional VIP stateroom and five beautiful twin berth cabins. Strong, jewel-tone fabric colors are used throughout the yacht to personalize and enrich the spaces. Each guest stateroom has its own private bathroom appointed with rare Onyx, Marble, or Granite.

      RECREATION The most fanciful and lighthearted space aboard is the futuristic, galactic Sky lounge. Shooting stars glitter across the twinkling fiber optic ceiling while galaxies glide underfoot. A disappearing television and a hidden chair massage add to the room's mystique. The state-of-the-art pilothouse is the yacht's command center. Curved seating provides comfort for guests to observe the yacht's operation.

      No major yacht is complete without a gymnasium and an office. Located just Aft of the Bridge, the Gym has a treadmill, two stationary bikes, a multi-function weight machine and free weights. Besides a panoramic Vista, this room is equipped with a TV/VCR for viewing exercise tapes as well as a stereo for entertainment. A separate hydrotherapy room gives it all the features of a fitness club.

      For captains of industry who must keep abreast of the world's economic developments even when away from the office, there is a private command station. Satellite links provide instantaneous voice, fax, and data communication to any place on the globe.

      Tailor Made Luxury Holidays in Phuket Upgrade to a luxury holiday experience with our concierge travel service. We are specialists at providing tailor made luxury holidays that suit your needs and your budget. Choose sophisticated, jet-set accommodation with superb travel options from Business and First Class air travel to private jet and helicopter charter. Alternatively, float away on your own private yacht - perfect for family celebrations, corporate events, or weddings.

      Our concierge travel service can provide tailor made luxury holidays for any holiday you desire, so don't be afraid to let your aspirations run wild! Phuket hot spots such as Cape Panwa, Phi Phi, Krabi, and Similans are getting all the more popular. If you like something more unique how about Cruising Burma or India's Andaman Islands?

      Booking your luxury holiday couldn't be easier. Professional, tailor made service is key to our relationship. At our concierge travel service we want you to have the best, so once your holiday is booked we'll then look after your restaurant reservations, book spa treatments and golf tee-off times, organize guided tours, secretarial staff - in fact anything that's important to you.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 22.10.08 13:15:47
      Beitrag Nr. 1.653 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Update

      Oct 21, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Search Technicians are still actively working on search speed and the ability to include "symantic" search results, Buzz search will be open to the public to submit search results with in this month. Speed has improved on results and we have seen good growth in search advertising sales with our new style of search ads.
      Advertising Bangkok Post, Horizons, and Guru Magazine have added a new dimension to our ad offerings and new interest in our online ad network. We are looking to offer more combination advertising packages that include web, print and TV. Billboard areas are under construction and several promotional booths around Phuket are being tested.

      One-2-Orient Our online Real Estate, Lifestyle and Business News has started to produce more and more articles and is a great way to deliver highly targets traffic to One-2-Property.

      Articles from One-2-Orient are being picked up by a huge number of sites from the RSS feed.

      China FX China FX has now begum offering Oil trading online, given the large amount of news related to the Oil price we expect oil trading to be as popular as FX. Customer feedback on our FX and Gold trading service has been excellent, everyone enjoys the easy set up and simple trading platform.

      Mobile Services Mobile has been seeing a high level of traffic as iPhones and Smartphone's are rolled out across Asia. New Smart Device owners seem very keen to buy games, wallpapers and ringtones online.

      Hong Kong We continue progressing toward the Hong Kong listing of Buzz Inc and are monitoring the global economic position closely.

      One-2-Property One-2-Property has become a recognized brand in real estate in Bangkok and Phuket. We now offer some of the countries most sought after developments as well as prime development sites.

      Mining We expect to announce one small mine going into production in the coming weeks.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 22.10.08 13:16:17
      Beitrag Nr. 1.654 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): 120 Acres, 1 mile of beach on Koh Yao, Phuket for sale from One-2-Property

      Oct 21, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- 238 Rai (12o acres approx) is now on offer from One-2-Property the site is one of the few remaining large vacant development sites in the area and is surrounded by luxury hotel developments. The site can be built on easily and over 1 mile of pristine white sandy beaches. One-2-Property can assist with financing and local planning for any prospective buyer.
      Koh Yao Noi has around 4,000 inhabitants and is around 10 x 12 km in size. It is one of the largest in an archipelago of 44 islands that is famous since it was featured in the James Bond movie "The Man With the Golden Gun". Yao Noi's sister island Yao Yai lies only 15 minutes away by boat and offers a chance to enjoy a pleasant day's trekking or cycling.

      According to local legend, the strait between the two islands was created when a very angry Naga - Sea Dragon - crashed through on his way to Krabi to see his fiancee being married to someone else.

      For centuries, it has been believed that the two islands were populated by Chao Lay people, also called Sea Gypsies - nomadic groups who travelled from island to island for fish and other seafood.

      It is, indeed, obvious from the darker skins that some Koh Yao Noi inhabitants are relatives of the Sea Gypsies but there is also evidence that many early settlers here migrated from Thailand's southern Province and from Malaysia. Like all people of South Thailand, these migrants have mixed origins such as Thai, Burmese, Malay, Indian, and Chinese.

      On Koh Yao Noi, the locals speak a dialect similar in many ways to some of the Malay languages but they also speak "Bangkok Thai", should you want to practice. The main sources of income on the island are from rubber, seafood, rice, palm oil, and coconuts.

      Sea farms, holding bays for live fish and lobsters, are also popular and a common sight around the island. Tourism here has not been developed as it is in Phuket or Krabi therefore - if you take the time to look - you can experience the island as it was centuries ago, observing local people going about their daily business.

      The Island remains a very natural, quite, and easy place to live: Koh Yao Noi and its surroundings gathers in a short distance some of the most interesting things to be discovered in South Thailand, in one of the most beautiful locations.


      Our region is home to more than 250 species of mammals and 900 birds - the whole area contains an astonishing wealth of nature. The surrounding sea with its many coral reefs is also renowned as one of the finest diving areas in the world


      The Island sits at latitude eight degrees north and enjoys a tropical climate characterized by year round high temperatures and little rainfall due to its position. During the months of May-July and again in September-October Monsoon winds refresh the island with evening gusts that see the palm trees swaying and the odd downpour is possible. Best advice; however, is to arm yourself with sun tan lotion as the weather is mostly good.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 22.10.08 19:59:07
      Beitrag Nr. 1.655 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Dynamic Rich Media Live on Buzz Ad Network

      Oct 22, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- The Buzz Ad delivery network is upgrade is complete and can now provide high-speed dynamic rich media advertising. Sales and display ads have grown to be an important part of Buzz's advertising revenue.
      Flash-based (.swf etc) ad images delivering creative presentation and dynamic content provide a better experience to the consumer. Flash Based Dynamic ads can also be made keyword specific do that Advertisers know the person seeing the ad has an interest in the product.

      Video (any format) Buzz can take any video in any format, re-work and redesign it to fit into many ad formats, video is a great way for advertisers to communicate their message, Buzz can also make the Video delivery keyword specific.

      Search Ads

      Buzz is the first to offer Keyword Enabled Dynamic Rich Media as advertising with in search results. The new style of ads is currently in testing and has generated strong interest and very high click through rates.

      Easy Administration via our administration interface, which means no work, is involved to change ad text content, advertiser logo, advertiser contact details, listings placed within the ad etc, and overall ad appearance and behavior. Simple configuration operations removes administrative user frustrations and speed ad deployment.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 22.10.08 20:01:55
      Beitrag Nr. 1.656 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Marketing Events Calendar 2009

      Oct 22, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Marketing will be representing Phuket and Bangkok Hotel and Property Developers at a series of Events in 2009. With several advanced bookings spots are filling up fast for the shows and those interested should contact +66807007900 or email
      Europe's Premier Events

      Monaco Grand Prix 20-25th May 2009 Cannes Film Festival 13-25th May 2009

      12 days of opportunity, 2 events, bring your product to Europe's elite.


      MIPIM 10-13 March 2009 International market for real estate professionals and investors

      MIP TV 30 March - 3 April 2009 International Content Market for Interactive Media

      Festival du Film Publicitaire 21-27 June 2009 International advertising festival

      MIPCOM 5-9 October 2009 International Film and Programme Market for Television, Video, Cable, and Satellite

      International Boat Shows

      2009 Monaco Yacht Show 23-26th Sep 2009 attracting more high net worth individuals than any other boat show

      London Boat Show 9th - 18th January 2009 Attracting only the serious buyer.

      Single Events

      St Moritz Ski Week during Sotheby's Auction and White Turf 8-15th Feb 2009 Still Europe's most prestigious winter week

      Paris and Milan Fashion Week Feb 2009 Great Branding opportunity

      End of Season Parties Sept 2009 Monte Carlo, Puerto Banus, St Tropez

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 22.10.08 20:03:10
      Beitrag Nr. 1.657 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Site Traffic Taking Buzz towards Worlds Top 3000

      Oct 22, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- has according to both Alexa and recorded increased web use that has been generated by the popularity of the Buzz Search Engine.
      Alexa daily rankings has seen Buzz rise to close to the top 3000 websites in the world, says is Thailand's 16th most used web site. Buzz clearly has cemented a place in Asia's Top 5 search engines.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 23.10.08 18:30:44
      Beitrag Nr. 1.658 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Job Job Joins Buzz Marketing

      Oct 23, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Job Job Thailand's biggest job classifieds and recruitment service is now offering online and offline ads by Buzz. Job Job is a Partner of MSN (Microsoft) Thailand and supplies the MSN Thai site with the same employment portal
      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 23.10.08 18:31:17
      Beitrag Nr. 1.659 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Marketing Offers TV Commercials

      Oct 23, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Marketing and Bangkok Post have extended the online and print media partnership to now include Post Publications TV News services shown on Newsline, TVTV and Next Step TV. The productions cover local and international news, environmental news, sports, talk shows and business news and commentary.
      Post Publications the publisher of Bangkok Post is one of Asia's largest publishing companies and news sources. The deal to extend into TV advertising with them further cements the Buzz/Post Publishing partnership that has seen Buzz become not only Thailand's most popular web search and ad delivery platform, but now one of the most dynamic and broad spectrum ad agencies in Asia.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 23.10.08 18:32:02
      Beitrag Nr. 1.660 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Falcon Yachts Now Available in Phuket

      Oct 23, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- One-2-Phuket and One-2-Property will be offering New and a selection of used Falcon Yachts. Falcon builds some of the world's most sought after luxury watercraft.
      Falcon Yachts Srl. started in 1992 as a sister company to the existing Cantieri Navali Falcon Srl. (once Cantieri Navali Versil Srl.) in response to the growing demand of the market. Because of its good location, in the heart of the port area and close to the facilities for launching, it immediately focused on the construction of the larger models of the Falcon range.

      Concentrating on the fitting out of vessels in fiberglass using contractors highly specialized in finishing mega yachts, Falcon yachts started with the construction of a Falcon 88' followed by the Falcon 91' with a single deck and subsequently the Falcon 92' with a raised pilot house. Today, with 35 motor yachts built, the production is concentrated on two new models: the Falcon 102', that with its new line replaces the successful Falcon 100' and the Falcon 115', a 35.00 meter ship the new flagship of the Falcon fleet.

      The young and competent staff is guided by the expert hand of a few that have spent a lifetime in motor yacht construction, producing products of high quality, classic lines but with a notable taste for technology, all studied and designed entirely in house. Our motor yachts are all compliant to MCA Short Range rules.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
      schrieb am 23.10.08 18:32:42
      Beitrag Nr. 1.661 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Display Ads Coming to Buzz Mobile

      Oct 23, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Marketing will be bringing the new multimedia ad format to mobile sites in December. will carry the ads on sites and Buzz mobile search. Buzz Words allows you to pick the sites you want to advertise on, the search words where you want to appear in any language, in any ad form. Text, banner or flash get more for your dollar.
      Buzz IT services also offers low cost mobile web construction and mobile search marketing.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 23.10.08 18:38:36
      Beitrag Nr. 1.662 ()
      Ich denke mal, daß hier immer noch mal user, auch die mir bekannten..:D;)
      reinschauen und sich wundern, was sie Firma so alles auf die Beine stellt, und warum der pps auf Talfahrt ist.

      Leute, da haben wir was gemeinsam !!!:(:(:(

      Bin mal gespannt, wann zu Weihnachten der Nachthemdenverkauf beginnt. Oder Nikoläuser, später Osterhasen.

      Nach seinen Aussagen hat der bisherige Chef seine Posten alle abgegeben und ist nur noch Hauptaktionär.
      Mit der "Vergangenheit" sollte man im Hintergrund bleiben, da hat er schon richtig gehandelt.

      Ich stelle weiterhin völlig wertfrei, wie immer,die news der Firma rein. Letzlich ist es doch interessant wie lange das noch geht.

      schrieb am 24.10.08 19:26:22
      Beitrag Nr. 1.663 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Thai Real Estate market attracting investors

      Oct 24, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Commercial property enquiries at One-2-Property and have seen an uptick in recent weeks. Hotel and Apartment buildings in Bangkok and Phuket have been most popular.
      Continued strength has surprised many who predicted a decline in the property market in Thailand because of the political trouble. Hotels are reporting now that an above average high season is to be expected.

      As the world's economy and real estate industry continues to decline, Thailand's tourism destinations look like a safe investment to many.

      The success of the Thai economy has aroused the interest of international property investors, according to overseas specialist David Stanley Redfern (DSR).

      The country's economy got off to a scintillating start to 2008, with first quarter growth at six per cent on the same period last year, and up 5.7 per cent on the last quarter of 2007.

      Furthermore, after two years of political turmoil - culminating in a coup last year - it seems the new government is finally settling in, and has made economic growth its top priority, argues DSR.

      The main course of the new administration's efforts is centered on generating internal and regional investment, with global investment currently slowing following the continued liquidity crisis.

      "Continued growth in Asia is excellent news for property investment in Thailand, especially in the emerging markets of Thailand's islands of Koh Samui and Koh Phangan, where growth is primarily fuelled by spiraling regional tourism," said Liam Bailey, head of international research at DSR.

      "Property prices in Koh Samui, an island with more five and six star resorts than any other in Asia, grew by 50 per year, in 2006 and 2007."

      While purchasing property in the country is difficult - with strict ownership criteria in place - it is possible for overseas citizens to acquire investments through the use of local businesses.

      The Institute of International Finance (IIF) also casts a positive light on the future of the Thai economy.

      The IIF has said rising inflation caused by the rising cost of basic materials was the biggest challenge facing Asian economies. However, the organization also confirmed the problem would subside shortly and that worry over the problem had been greatly exaggerated.

      Furthermore, the IIF also finds Thailand has the best chance of weathering the global storm, saying: "The leading emerging markets in Asia are well-positioned to weather uncertain and less favorable global conditions."

      For more information on the property/financing/mortgage or viewing please email or One-2-Property Hotline 66 080 700 7900.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 27.10.08 18:09:01
      Beitrag Nr. 1.664 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Phuket Beachfront Resort Exclusive to One-2-Property

      Oct 27, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- One-2-Property www.12phuket today signed the exclusive rights to sell one of Patong's few truly beachfront hotels. Over 3.5 acres of direct beachfront with over 130 operating rooms and 2.5 acres of undeveloped land on the beach. At around only US$16m for a site that can easily sustain 450 to 500 rooms in Phuket's busiest tourist area of Patong.
      As with all One-2-Property Development sites Financing and Terms available to approved applicants.

      Patong, a hot favorite tourist destination in Thailand, is located on Phuket Island. The place has perfect recipe for almost every tourist. Idyllic beaches, astounding adventures, diverse shopping opportunities, electrifying nightlife, the place has something for everyone. Peculiar experiences like watching a Thai boxing match or a night time bungee jump can also be enjoyed in Patong.

      Butterfly Garden and Aquarium

      The huge open-air enclosure, assisted by lovely waterfalls and lush scenery, is the home of thousands of colorful butterflies. Information about the fascinating life cycle of butterflies and tours of butterfly breeding rooms are included in the itinerary. The attraction of the place is enhanced by an aquarium with landscaped tanks featuring live coral gardens.

      Adventure and Water Sports

      Patong, a haven for adventure tourists, presents a gamut of adventure activities like scuba diving, jet skis, parasailing, bungee jumping, etc. which can make the hair on one's body stand with excitement. Visitors in Patong love swimming, for the beach is reputed to be very safe. The sea is very calm between November to March. However, during August, September and October, sports like body surfing and boogie boarding are favored by the tourists.

      Snorkeling is also a popular sport among tourists. Enjoying around the small caves and offshore reefs in Patong is an experience which always remains in memory. Visitors also relish sailing and windsurfing.


      Patong provides every type of massage treatment. One can experience soothing and refreshing massage after hectic day. Masseurs, though not very much trained, offer relaxing and inexpensive services. Patong massage centers have plethora of services like spa, sports massage, Swedish massage, herbal baths, steam baths and several local beauty treatments. No Patong tour can be complete without spa and massage.


      No tourist in Patong forgets to enjoy shopping. Bright colors of Patong can be taken home in the form of Batik goods. Items like shirts, sarongs, bags and clothing represent local colors and themes. High quality leather goods can also be found in the place. Patong is also known for nielloware, a special Thai craft, which implies applying etched designs on objects. Silk/cotton textile, bronzeware, cashew nuts and furniture are also liked by Patong visitors.


      Nights fill the people of Patong with excitement and they run to nightlife spots to shake their legs. And there is no dearth of spots like clubs, bars, discos, massage parlors, cabaret, karaoke lounges. Patong nightlife is not on every tourist's lips for nothing.

      It is the viewer who gets to choose the place for his night. Discos are huge fun. There are bars with huge air-conditioned dance floors. One can witness sizzling performances in glitzy shows. Soi Bangla, which joins the Rat-U-Thit Road and the Beach Road, is the most well-known nightlife destination of Patong.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: + 6676 326 318 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 27.10.08 18:10:49
      Beitrag Nr. 1.665 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Update

      Search and Ad Network

      Oct 27, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Our search and ad network will focus on the Real Estate and Travel sector in preparation for Asia's tourist high season, publishers and webmasters that own or operate websites in these sectors should contact for special promotional offerings. Rich Media Ads are now being delivered across the entire Buzz Marketing network. Search speed continues to improve. Buzz joined the IBM partner network giving the company access to directly market to over 200 000 industry professionals. Buzz is already a registered developer with all the major developer networks.
      Buzz Marketing can now also offer advertising in The Standard Hong Kong in addition to all publications of the Post Publishing Company. We are in negotiation to offer a wide variety of print and TV advertising services.


      One-2-Property has added over US$150m worth of exclusive development sites for those interested in Thailand's Tourism sector. Tourism in Thailand has proven over the years to be strong despite global economic conditions, bookings in Phuket especially for the coming peak seasons are surprisingly high considering the global economic problems.


      The HSI closed today just over 11000 about half of where it was when the IPO announcement was made, Buzz-Inc will no doubt list in Hong Kong however any listing at this time would be disastrous in the short term, we will monitor the situation closely and move on the IPO as the HSI outlook improves.

      Buzz Inc in the Global Crises

      Buzz remains debt free and plans for expansion have not been based on credit or debt offerings. Buzz will take advantage of the low market price to acquire stock on market that will not be retired but however will be used for future acquisitions in Asia.

      While residential and other forms of mortgage backed buying are expected to fall, there is still strong interest in development sites especially in the hotel sector. Fierce competition between developers is expected to boost ad earnings this year. Buzz is in the fortunate position to offer mortgages to developers and investors.

      IT Services

      We have delivered the Archer Radio and have been given a contract to build an entertainment portal around that aimed at the USA youth market. Archer has started with ad sales in the USA with the first sales already recoded. SEO and Online Marketing services have been taken over by Buzz Marketing.

      Financial Services

      Oil trading was offered for the first time by Buzz and met with strong interest across Asia. Buzz Broker now offers online equity trading however a $50,000 minimum deposit applies.


      Buzz now offers 4 world class yachts for charter with itinerates exclusive to developed in conjunction with Sri panwa, we also have a luxury liner available for the London 2012 Olympics. launched a concierge service for VIP travelers with 5 star services including private villas, private jets, charter boats and butlers.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 31.10.08 19:46:36
      Beitrag Nr. 1.666 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Service Upgrades

      Oct 31, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz will be reconfiguring all services for the wide spread deployment of VMWare, dynamic rich media and streaming services. Promotions are planned from December through to February and are expected to significantly increase traffic.
      New advanced levels of interactivity and an increase in streaming content will add to the demand on our infrastructure. There maybe some service outages over the next 30 days. Outages will be kept to a minimum and will not affect all services.

      The work planned will increase site and search speed.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid Tel: +66 76 326 318 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 04.11.08 10:55:25
      Beitrag Nr. 1.667 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Update

      Nov 03, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Search and Ads
      As with other parts of the network service interruptions have been announced, search usage is now at an all time high.

      SEO and Ecommerce Marketing

      Buzz Marketing has resealed a tailored SEO/Ecommerce solution using our own proprietary technology, the service starts at $1000 per month with a 6 month minimum contract, and major contracts have already been signed and are expected to start in November.


      One-2-Orient phase 1 is focused on Phuket, online, print and 2 hours of TV per month have been planned, the web version beta is located at and is a raw work in progress. The Print version in Design and concepts are coming together with the TV programming in conjunction with Archer. The addition of this Media greatly improves our Ad Agency business.


      Phuket which features prominently in our Real Estate Agency/Development business continues to be a prime destination for Hotel and Resort investment in the last few months as investors see an major opportunity for growth. Phuket and many of its luxury resorts have featured in Conde Nast's awards. Conde Nast Traveler magazine has recently released in New York the results of the 21st annual Readers' Choice Awards 2008, a listing of the best cities, islands, hotels, transportation and resorts worldwide. This will add to the interest in development sites. One-2-Property has Hotel development sites from $500, 000 to $45m USD.

      Charter/Travel is bringing the finest in luxury charters to the island paradise of Phuket. One-2-Property has customized luxury 4 day, 7 day and 14 day cruise itineraries for the connoisseur traveler. The cruise captures the highlights of the Andaman Sea and the many sun drenched islands around Phuket.

      9 Days 2 people aboard 180ft $120,000

      100ft $50,000

      68ft $57,000

      62ft $25,000

      57ft $16,000

      Additional Charge per person is available on request.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 04.11.08 18:51:05
      Beitrag Nr. 1.668 ()
      < Back

      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): One-2-Property and Khao Khad Phuket Display Villa Complete

      Nov 04, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- One-2-Property and Khao Khad Bay Villa's have completed the first of 8 Villa's planned on the Panwa Cape. One-2-Property and Buzz Marketing signed exclusive marketing/real estate agent contracts with Thai-Irish Developments during construction.
      The 8 luxury villas are located minutes to the beach in one of Phuket's most sought after areas. Khao Khad Bay Villas is developed by Thai-Irish Developments. Whose mission is to focus on small, boutique property development that provides luxury and affordable residences. The company's expertise and professionalism comes from 20 years in the hospitality trade, which assess the highest standards.

      Thai-Irish Developments and One-2-Property signed an ongoing exclusive agent/marketing partnership which includes the services of Buzz Marketing.

      Owning a Property in the aEUR~Khao Khad Bay Villas' project

      The developers of the Khao Khad Bay Villas project and an experienced legal team have worked together to produce an up to date, comprehensive and secure as is practicably possible legal pack for the project.

      The Khao Khad Bay Villas Project offers the following secure method of ownership:

      1. Purchase a secure and registered leasehold interest which clearly sets out the initial term of 30 years with two additional irrevocably granted renewal periods of 30 years each (30 years, plus 30 plus 30 years).

      2. Ownership of the buildings (Foreigners in Thailand can own buildings in their own name).

      3. An indirect participation in the landowning company allowing you (in conjunction with the other Buyers) to direct the landowning company to renew the lease periods.

      The land owning company is set up to be compliant with Thai law.

      From Reservation to Legal Ownership

      In order to own your villa: 1. Complete and return the Reservation Agreement and the Reservation Deposit

      2. Conduct your due diligence into the property and the project

      3. Execute all contracts and make your first payment

      4. Make payments tied to construction milestones until the transfer date

      5. Pay the final balance followed by registration of legal ownership of the lease and building.

      Execute Reservation Contract We will provide to you the Reservation Agreement applicable to your chosen unit. You must sign and return this to us so we can sign and return it to you as an executed contract together with the contractual documents. The deposit is non-refundable.

      As you are investing in property in Thailand, you should ensure that all remittances into Thailand are marked "to invest in real estate". If you pay direct to our bank account we will obtain the Foreign Exchange Transaction Forms which will assist you send monies back out of Thailand should you wish to in the future. If you transfer to another bank in Thailand first, then you must obtain the required forms. If you have any doubts, please consult your bank. The Bank of Thailand restrictions (recently repealed) do not apply to leasehold acquisitions and building acquisitions

      Conduct Due Diligence Certain buyers will have their own lawyer or adviser to assist them with a purchase. Our lawyers can provide your lawyers with the information required to satisfy a thorough due diligence process and so that the time required is limited to 30 days:

      (i) We supply pre-prepared contractual documentation

      (ii) We supply you with the estate management details, details of which will be provided to you with the pre-prepared contractual documentation.

      You may elect of your own free will, not to engage a lawyer.

      In the event that more than 30 days pass before the execution of the contractual documentation, the reservation contract will expire and the property will be re-marketed. The reservation deposit is non-refundable.

      Execute Contracts and make the first payment When your due diligence is complete, you must execute all of the contractual documentation. Prior to finalizing the contract you should submit any minor modifications that you might wish to make to your unit and settle any additional costs to be included in the contract price.

      Payments are tied to construction milestones Each payment that you make will relate to the progress of construction. Ultimately, in the contract, there is a "long-stop date" or final date by which legal title must be transferred to you. Throughout this process we can provide you with a construction report at regular intervals.

      Pay the Balance and legal ownership is transferred A leasehold interest with renewals is a unique and secure type of ownership of property for foreigners in Thailand. It avoids the use of aEUR~Thai companies' and aEUR~nominee structures' by foreigners.

      Any buyers, who opt for the leasehold route will at the point of full payment, have their leases registered in their name or their designated entity.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 05.11.08 21:39:51
      Beitrag Nr. 1.669 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Phuket TV Series Planned

      Nov 05, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz (OTC:BZTG) and Archer (OTC:AEMC) are setting up to start filming TV specials around Phuket Thailand in 2009. The specials are set to start in Thailand's premier tourist destination Phuket and will feature Travel, Lifestyle and Environmental themes.
      Heading up production from Archer will be Michael Selsman regular editor/author at One-2-Orient, Michael Selsman has been an executive or producer at 20th Century-Fox, Paramount, MGM, Universal, and Samuel Goldwyn Productions, at Goldwyn Studios. He has been a studio and independent producer, and a theatrical agent with Artists Agency Corporation, now ICM, and with famed literary agent, Irving Paul Lazar. He is considered an expert source on international entertainment and has been quoted in such publications as Time, Newsweek, TV Guide, and in various newspapers and books on the subjects of contracts and changing mores and social values in the media and commenting on Hollywood studio history.

      Michael has also appeared on national and international television programs, and has appeared as an expert witness in court for various Hollywood guilds, and has also been retained to evaluate film libraries, examining the film product, recommending necessary restorative and preservation techniques, assessing existing distribution contracts in terms of future value, and suggesting new modes of product dissemination, including estimating any particular film's importance as a re-make, or sequel. He consults with entertainment industry attorneys to refresh or amend agreements and talent agents and/or guilds to obtain waivers for royalties or to contract for additional work.

      Michael has guest-lectured at schools and universities including UCLA, USC, Pepperdine University, Mount St. Mary's and Loyola.

      David Wardlow, Production President David Wardlow began his entertainment industry career at the Warner Brothers studio, following which he joined the William Morris Agency. He then became an agent at Chasin-Park-Citron, a division of Marvin Josephson and Associates, which became International Creative Management (ICM).

      David was instrumental in pioneering unique film financing in Asia, and in Hong Kong, negotiated a funding arrangement with Raymond Chow, chairman of Golden Harvest, Asia's largest film distributor.

      He then became Senior Vice President in charge of Production at United Artists, a subsidiary of MGM.

      David co-founded the literary and talent agency, Camden Artists, before founding Wardlow and Associates, which represents writers, producers and directors and oversees the estates of Truman Capote, Joseph E. Levine, of Embassy Pictures, and Leslie Charteris, creator and author of the internationally-known "The Saint," series of novels, movies and television series.

      Buzz staff will be organizing locations, story lines, talent and local film crews.

      About Filming in Thailand Thailand's reputation lies in the canny combination of competitive cost and experienced local crews, while the diverse locations, from the mountainous north to the southern islands, have long fascinated foreign filmmakers.

      In terms of value-for-money quality of crew, the country offers perhaps the best deal in Asia: Cost could be as much as 50% lower than shooting in the U.S., and Thai technicians can custom-make anything from Chinese mafia dens to Scandinavian ice caves. Indeed, the Weinstein Co.'s "Shanghai" had the entire Port of Shanghai circa 1940 built at a Bangkok backlot only months after the pic's permit got revoked in China.

      The world-famous post-production service in Thailand caps the list of attractions. Earlier this year, the government approved in principle the plan to offer tax rebates for film shoots, though the actual effect won't kick in until next year at the soonest. There's also a blueprint of a tax-free Movie Zone to pull in foreign investors, although again the physical result has yet to materialize.

      Beaches are one of the top favorites for visiting productions, but instead of sticking to the hot spots like Phuket or Krabi, smaller, low-key provinces in the south like Trang and Phang-Nga offer the same pristine scenery for much lower cost.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 10.11.08 18:15:44
      Beitrag Nr. 1.670 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Update

      Nov 10, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- One-2-Orient
      Orient has been redirected as a Phuket publication that will cover Print, Web and TV. The model if viable will be replicated across Asia.


      China traffic has increased dramatically


      One-2-Property has reached an agreement for well over 100 acres of beach front land that the company is drafting plans for 3 separate integrated resort and villa developments. The resorts and villa developments will be sold by Buzz however under the condition they are marketed exclusively by One-2-Property and Buzz Marketing. This project is owned and operated by Buzz.

      Hotel interest remains strong and the company has listed new for sale hotels in Phuket and Bangkok.

      Search and Ad network.

      November is already shaping up to be a record month for search and ad delivery. A dedicated unit has been building a network of travel and property related sites in Asia with great success.


      This week will see the commencement of a full wholly owned Travel unit of the company powered by Buzz.Technology

      Buzz is now beta testing new SEO software on several Buzz sites, this software will be an addition to the current SEO services.


      Several new beach locations have opened this week.

      CONTACT: Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 Tel: +66 80 700 7900 24 hour

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 19.11.08 18:38:27
      Beitrag Nr. 1.671 ()
      < Back

      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Update

      Nov 18, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Today will see changes begin in delivery of content methods aimed at a faster more user friendly service; this may cause outages in some areas for time to time.
      Traffic Traffic records were broken again in the last week with the popularity of search improving, several new content initiatives are underway with a focus on Thailand and China, China now accounts for the majority of our traffic.

      New Releases Pending releases include Thai News Service Thai Search Engine New Radio Options Video Portal Search Submit New Real Estate Platform New Travel Portal Phuket TV Programming Full Service Ad Agency

      New releases are being taken slowly due to the world economic crises, soft launches and "Beta" periods are being used on all services so that we can more accurately gauge how much investment each section requires now.

      Property Commercial listings in Thailand are growing fast at One-2-Property, strong interest in commercial investment is coming from Singapore, China and Thailand and we are hopeful to close several major hotel sales before mid 2009.

      Residential sales remain slow however Ad Sales in this sector are outperforming expectations.

      Travel Buzz has reached agreement with many major hotels and travel companies and is building a platform to service the top end travel sector in Asia and Internationally.

      Ad Agency As the current conditions are making business throughout the world more competitive we are seeing good interest in our cost effective alternative traditional online advertising. Our SEO services have had a great start with many clients looking for a prominent online presence.

      We now offer Web, TV and Print advertising

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 20.11.08 16:49:37
      Beitrag Nr. 1.672 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Marketing and One-2-Property to Expand

      Nov 20, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz will expand 2 divisions Buzz Marketing and One-2-Property by adding up to 6 new staff in Thailand and recruiting agents in other countries. Although the world's economies are in turmoil Buzz has seen increased demand for the Buzz Marketing Services and One-2-Property will be expanding the Phuket sales team.
      Buzz Marketing will also be offering international positions to Agents and Sub-Contractors in Asia. Interested parties should contact the company.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 20.11.08 16:50:20
      Beitrag Nr. 1.673 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Online Ad Networks Remain Strong in Recession

      Nov 20, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Marketing is set to expand the current SEO, Online Ad and Search offerings across Asia with the introduction of authorized agent program in the coming month. The program will give the opportunity to existing Ad Agencies to on sell, tailor and manage Buzz Marketing Services to their clients. Buzz Marketing has seen far stronger interest since the introduction of the combined SEO, News, Ad and Search package that helps those in business develop a broad spectrum web presence.
      "It has never been more important for business to make the most of their advertising" said Sutida Suwunnavid Chairwoman of Buzz Inc "our product is by far the most cost effective form of advertising available. As the global economic crises continues we expect to see more people online, and more people using the web, especially in relation to shopping online, the internet will be a key factor in how well many businesses perform during this period".

      Buzz has built 9 Search Engines as well as integrated ad networks the company has also developed an automated software system to manage SEO and SEO performance. Buzz Search has performed well and is now one of Asia's most popular web search engines, licensed versions of the service also operate on and . The ad network operates extensively on web sites in Asia with a particular focus on Property and Travel sites, a high yield market for Buzz. The Marketing and SEO services have been and are being used by some of the most well know resorts in Asia as well.

      Buzz's main competitor Google is telling clients that it can help them beat the recession and is urging them not to turn their backs on digital advertising as the economy slumps, according to its most senior executive outside the US.

      In an interview with the Financial Times, Mr. Arora said: "We are making a very explicit pitch to clients about using the internet to speed up in a slowdown. We want to make sure people don't sacrifice the digital imperative because of other issues in their business."

      Analysts at Citigroup last week highlighted the strength of global search engine advertising - Google's core business - but noted that banner ads, classifieds and lead generation activities were all showing signs of weakness online.

      Mr. Arora admitted that advertisers' experimentation with some newer online techniques "is going to have to take a back seat" as budgets tighten, but said many businesses had the scope to optimize and reallocate their marketing spending for greater returns.

      Three trends - a growing online audience, that audience's growing trust in the internet and the rise in e-commerce - would make the online sector more resilient, Mr. Arora said, although he admitted "that's not to say if there's a huge cut in advertising spending it's not going to filter through to all forms of advertising".

      Buzz is one company offering these new services in the form of managed e-commerce and SEO services, and continuing to take market share in the very competitive South East Asian region.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 20.11.08 16:51:05
      Beitrag Nr. 1.674 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Property Marketing Services

      Nov 20, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Advertising Property Property advertising on the internet is extremely competitive and a serious strategy needs to be properly in place for the best positions to be reached on the Google and other search engines. The property market is tough and recently more people have developed websites in the anticipation of reaching the top placements to get all the traffic that are looking for property from all over the globe.
      Advertising Property with Pay per Click Advertising in the property market using traditional pay per click advertising is a very risky and expensive venture. Due to the high level of competition for the business the cost per click is substantial and the sites are consuming a large advertising spend a month with no problem. The advantages are that with one sale in the property market an advertiser could pay for an entire year advertising using ppc on an ad network as the profit margins are high per property sale. The main advantage with ppc is that you are able to take premium listings under your chosen key search terms and gather qualified leads that are searching for your services the instant you place your bid. However people seem to be increasingly aware these are in fact ads and not search results and tend to disregard them.

      Property Advertising with Banners Banners are a popular way to get branding out there and with the right graphics can influence an end user to remember your company and use your services as opposed to the competitors to purchase their property. Banners provide the added branding benefits.

      Advertising Property with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) The best way to advertise property on the web is to get your property site on to the 1st page of the search engines in the natural listings with Buzz's search engine optimization. The reason is obvious. The best locations on a page of natural listings are used 90% by the end user looking for the property sales as opposed to any paid sponsor listings and there are no costs attached with visitors clicking through to your website. The Phuket property market is extremely aggressive and competing against the long standing websites is difficult - but we make it possible!

      It is essential that you have a clear strategy in place when taking on advertising property on the internet. The first thing to do is decide which key phrases you want to target in the property market and then make sure you know which pages are going to target which phrases. You must avoid repetition in all your web pages and ensure your metas are unique page to page. Your Phuket property website must be 'squeaky clean' to stand any chance of reaching 1st page on Google. You must ensure page layout is correct so the search engine spiders understand what you are wanting to advertise and do not participate in any link farms on the internet. Call 0807007900 for more information or advice on advertising your property website with search engine optimization (SEO).

      Quick Sales Buzz Marketing for Properties offers attractive options for getting quick cash for property you are looking to sell.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 24.11.08 18:06:12
      Beitrag Nr. 1.675 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Update

      Nov 24, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Service upgrades will affect performance and delivery for the next 7 to 14 days, yesterday we had a brief service attack however our security shut down the attack and service returned to normal within hours.
      Search has increased some 28% in speed; we look forward to integrating new search features including suggested search, related search and spell checking.

      Search is currently being used more than ever by our visitors and licensee's.

      Ad network We are pleased to see demand for our advertising services has increased since the launch of our SEO and E-Commerce Marketing services. Agents of Buzz will be launching the service in many new countries in the coming weeks which should further drive ad sales. We are expanding local staff for the Ad Agency.

      Property One-2-Property is in the final round of bidding for a 2000+ acre Residential, Commercial and Recreational development in Bangkok, we are in the early stages of several more opportunities similar in size.

      One-2-Property is currently the most advertised property company in Thailand and we are now expanding staff members to deal with the deal flow.

      Hong Kong Plans have not changed in relation to the shift to Hong Kong. Timing will be determined only by global economic stabilization.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 123 Tel: +66 87 272 1727 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 25.11.08 16:00:25
      Beitrag Nr. 1.676 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz and Bangkok Post launch new advertising product

      Nov 25, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Thailand's Leading online ad supplier Buzz, Inc., ( and Bangkok Post ( are set to launch a new display advertising product, a 300 x 250 multimedia zone on the front page of Bangkok Post.
      Bangkok Post is the "Worlds Window on Thailand", providing one of Asia's premier news services. The new ad zone is enabled for Flash, Video and Interactive Multimedia.

      Since launching in May, Buzz Search has become Thailand's leading English search engine ahead of, and (source Buzz is a popular English language search engine across Asia, drawing most search traffic from Asia's expatriate community, local business leaders and a growing number of students.

      Buzz provides state-of-the-art multimedia advertising to some of Asia's busiest web sites.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 26.11.08 11:53:57
      Beitrag Nr. 1.677 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Different Search Strategies Develop Amongst Competitors

      Nov 25, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz (OTC: BZTG) continues to grow during the downturn through their fast developing ad network. Their growth has been and will remain powered by contract workers in Asia. A strategy the company has adopted to reduce costs as it develops a search engine business, it hopes will one-day rival Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) and Yahoo (NASDAQ:YHOO) in Asia.
      The Wall Street Journal reported Internet search giant Google, Inc. said it is 'significantly' reducing the number of contract workers it uses, but has no plans at this time to lay off employees. Google is still hiring full-time staff and will remain doing so. Basically the opposite approach taken by Buzz.

      Google launched Lively, its 3-D interactive chat environment, in July, hoping "to help people experience another dimension of the Web."That dimension turned out to be flat, Lively never came alive as a social destination, and Google on Wednesday said that it plans to shutter the service at the end of the year. Buzz's also was not a big winner in ad sales or interest. However, the service will continue with reduced staff, "we need to focus on expansion in the parts of the business that are providing revenue now" said Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Chairwoman.

      In Thailand, Buzz outperforms, and (source and was only outperformed by Google's Thai language service However, Buzz is building the company's own Thai and Chinese search engines.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 26.11.08 11:54:31
      Beitrag Nr. 1.678 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Property Business Growing

      Nov 26, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Phuket founded Property Co.; One-2-Property has featured today in the business section of the Bangkok Post promoting property valued at over $100m USD from Bangkok, Phuket and Pattaya. The selection represents a fraction of the property now being marketed by One-2-Property.
      The Bangkok Post feature is a monthly promotion by One-2-Property, on a daily basis One-2-Property features in the online edition of (, (, (, (, and (, in Buzz's 9 search engines and hundreds of other such web sites.

      One-2-Property is by far the most heavily advertised property company in Thailand, the wide distribution of advertising gives One-2-Property clients a strong competitive edge over other property marketing firms in Thailand.

      One-2-Property provides client properties with online advertising, search marketing, billboards, print advertising, in 2009 several properties and developments will also appear in the Orient Magazine and in TV specials being organized by Buzz, Inc., and Archer ) "certainly it is not an ideal market in Thailand, the world's economic problems combined with political unrest will make the coming year a difficult one in the Thai property sector, however strong promotion and active marketing is delivering One-2-Property an increased market share. We will continue to advertise heavily and promote Thailand, I would think it is important for all business to be supportive of the country in difficult times if they expect to enjoy the rewards when things improve." said Sutida Suwunnavid Chairwoman of One-2-Property.

      One-2-Property has recently begun recruiting new staff for Bangkok and Phuket and is set to launch service in Nth America and Europe in the near future.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 123 Tel: +66 87 272 1727 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 26.11.08 17:07:50
      Beitrag Nr. 1.679 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): As Google Grows Buzz Plans USA Entry

      Nov 26, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz ( Asia's fastest growing search engine is gearing up for the first attempt at entering the USA market. Buzz will follow the same model that has seen it grow faster than any other search engine in the last year. Internet research firms comScore Inc. and Nielsen Online both said the volume of search requests at Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) has climbed substantially over the past year while rivals Yahoo Inc. (NASDAQ:YHOO) and Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ:MSFT) are losing market share. Google continues to dominate clearly over the current rivals for search and Buzz is ready to offer a new and different alternative to all the current players.
      In the privacy area Buzz leads Google and others by a long way; Buzz has never and will never track user activity or record search data on individuals. Advertising is also different with Buzz offering a Multimedia keyword driven display/text combination, strikingly different from Google's text ads.

      Google held a 63.1 percent share of the U.S. search market through October, up from 58.5 percent in the previous year, according to comScore. Yahoo ranked a distant second at 20.5 percent, down from 22.9 percent a year ago, while Microsoft's share stood at 8.5 percent versus 9.7 percent in October 2007.

      Nielsen Online pegged Google's October search share at 61.2 percent followed by Yahoo at 16.9 percent and Microsoft at 11.4 percent.

      "Google is set to record very good earnings in the next few quarters, reinforcing the high value of USA search traffic, while we will be starting small, our plans are big " said Sutida Suwunnavid Chairwoman of Buzz Inc.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 26.11.08 20:05:24
      Beitrag Nr. 1.680 ()
      Ich überfiege diese Meldungen nur noch.
      Aber mal im Ernst. Weiss irgendjemand eigentlich noch, was die uns damit sagen wollen? Was das ganze soll? Was momentan überhaupt irgendwie deren Geschäftsmodell ist? Ich habe den Faden mittlerweile so gut wie verloren.
      Von dem Hongkong-Listing wollen wir mal gar nicht reden.
      Aber irgendwie kommt mir das hier so vor, wie in einem Science Fiction Film. Wo eine Sonde noch sendet, weil deren Atombatterie noch nicht alle ist, obwohl deren ganze Zivilisation schon lange ausgestorben ist.:confused:

      schrieb am 01.12.08 15:37:27
      Beitrag Nr. 1.681 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): One-2-Property's Phuket Condo's

      Dec 01, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Centrally located on Rawai's white sandy beach overlooking the stunning hillside and tropical gardens, One-2-Property's new offering absolutely is an oasis of tranquility. With easy access to world-class facilities and recreational options for your modern and privacy lifestyle, The well planned project is an absolutely idyllic and secluded place to escape from the bustling city and spoil yourself in extreme relaxation.
      The Site comprises of 27 units fully furnished luxury modern condominiums ranging from 65 to 130 square meters. Each unit comes with 1-2 bedrooms, 1-2 en suit bathrooms, open area living room-kitchen in an airy modern design and spacious balconies offering the best of the exotic ambiance of Rawai Beach. The delighful grounds are further equipped with a swimming pool, fitness-gym, steam sauna, coffee shop, massage area, high speed internet, cable TV, 24 hour security, management office, landscaped lush garden and parking lot. Relish the privacy and ultimate tranquility here in Phuket.

      Rental return guarantees 6% or probably higher to home owners who wished to join our rental pool.

      123/29 M.5 T.Cherngtalay A.Talang, Phuket, Thailand, 83110

      Phone Number

      (66) 76 326 318

      24 Hour Hotline

      (66) 80 700 7900

      Fax Number

      (66) 76 326 319

      Office Hours

      9.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. + 7 hours ICT

      Monday through to Saturday including public holidays

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 e-mail: WWW: One-2-Property Tel: + 66 80 700 7900 Fax: +66 76 326 319 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 01.12.08 15:37:52
      Beitrag Nr. 1.682 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz to Enter USA Search Market

      Dec 01, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz is set to enter the USA search engine and online ad market in the coming month. Taking the companies cautious approach to cash flow, the first entry will be combined with an entry into the USA property sector at the same time to support the cost of publishers.
      In Thailand this is the same approach that seen it grow rapidly in popularity. In Thailand, Buzz outperforms, and (source and was only outperformed by Google's Thai language service However, Buzz is building the company's own Thai and Chinese search engines.

      The entry to the USA will be focused in the begining on 2 key states with active property markets.

      As Buzz's Search and Ad competitors predict slowing sales due to the current credit crises, Buzz has expanded the low cost alternative the company offers to include next generation flash, video and new display options. Focus has been placed on the types of ads real estate developers and the tourism industry buy.

      According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau, Internet advertising revenues rose 15.2 percent, to $11.5 billion during the first six months of the year, compared with the same period last year. And search advertising grabbed a larger piece of the share, accounting for 44 percent of the market--up 3 percentage points.

      Search advertising generated nearly $5.1 billion during the first half of the year, up 24 percent from a year ago. Display advertising, meanwhile, also grew at a double-digit pace of 19 percent to $3.8 billion over the course of the first half of the year.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 01.12.08 15:45:36
      Beitrag Nr. 1.683 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.080.051 von stupidgame am 26.11.08 20:05:24
      ja, die news....:D

      er hat vor einiger Zeit angekündigt, dass Montags immer Firmen-updates kommen.
      Wirklich Neues ist eigentlich selten.
      Und der Durchblick ist auch nicht so einfach, wenn man ne Weile nicht dabei war.
      Für mich sieht es so aus, dass buzz in china und Thailand durch die Suchmaschine bekannt werden wollen um ihre Produkte zu verkaufen, wie Immobilien und ähnlich Dinge.
      Ich habe vor langer Zeit mal den Begriff "Kiosk" gebracht. Ich glaube das triffts jetzt schon ein wenig. Ich hoffe nur, dass die Gewinne irgendwann mal veröffentlicht werden. Auf ewig kann er sein Spiel so nicht weiter machen. Ich wundere mich nur, wieviel Interesse immer noch im chat vorhanden ist, obwohl ja doch noch etliche richtig Geld investiert haben.

      Das HK-Listing soll jetzt spätestens im Februar kommen mit der Voraussetzung einer insgesamt stabilen allgemeinen Börsenlage, mit der Begründung, daß sonst eine Platzierung auf wenig Interesse stößt. Na ja.
      schrieb am 01.12.08 15:48:56
      Beitrag Nr. 1.684 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz to Enter USA Search Market

      Dec 01, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz is set to enter the USA search engine and online ad market in the coming month. Taking the companies cautious approach to cash flow, the first entry will be combined with an entry into the USA property sector at the same time to support the cost of publishers.
      In Thailand this is the same approach that seen it grow rapidly in popularity. In Thailand, Buzz outperforms, and (source and was only outperformed by Google's Thai language service However, Buzz is building the company's own Thai and Chinese search engines.

      The entry to the USA will be focused in the begining on 2 key states with active property markets.

      As Buzz's Search and Ad competitors predict slowing sales due to the current credit crises, Buzz has expanded the low cost alternative the company offers to include next generation flash, video and new display options. Focus has been placed on the types of ads real estate developers and the tourism industry buy.

      According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau, Internet advertising revenues rose 15.2 percent, to $11.5 billion during the first six months of the year, compared with the same period last year. And search advertising grabbed a larger piece of the share, accounting for 44 percent of the market--up 3 percentage points.

      Search advertising generated nearly $5.1 billion during the first half of the year, up 24 percent from a year ago. Display advertising, meanwhile, also grew at a double-digit pace of 19 percent to $3.8 billion over the course of the first half of the year.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 01.12.08 20:43:53
      Beitrag Nr. 1.685 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.124.119 von kassier am 01.12.08 15:48:56@stupid: Wenigstens der PR Motor stottert einmal pro Woche noch etwas rum...
      Hier hast Du Deine aktuellen Buzz-Geschäftsfelder:

      1.Luxus-Immobilien für Investoren und Touristen in Thailand:
      Die ganze Welt versucht ja gerade in diesen äußerst attraktiven Wachstumsmarkt einzusteigen, tja Millionen von finanzkräftigen Investoren wollen hier Fuß fassen. Es gibt nur 3 Probleme - keine Touristen (bzw. welche, die nur noch weg wollen), keine Flugzeuge, um neue hinzubringen und keine stabile Zukunft, um auch nur einen Cent in dieses Land zu investieren (drohender Bürgerkrieg). Besonders beliebt sind im Übrigen gerade Immobilien, die leicht zu Barrikaden oder zu Haftanstalten umfunktioniert werden können.

      2. Einstieg in den US Property Vermittlungs-Markt: Finanzkrise?- Hey was soll's! In Amerika ist der Immobilienmarkt zusammengebrochen und etliche Banken pleite. Aber das Grauen hat ein Ende - Buzz ist da und wird den bis auf Grundmauern zerstörten US Immobilienmarkt wieder aufpeppeln.

      3. Online Ads boomen weiter ohne Ende! Ok, Google hat zwar angekündigt, auf Grund des zu erwartenden Einbruchs bei Online-Werbung erst mal seine ganzen Leiharbeiter rausszumschmeissen, aber das kann ja Buzz als neuen Asien Gigant nicht von seinem Erfolgsweg abbringen. Immerhin haben sie es geschafft, eine online Anzeige in der "Bangkok Post", die vorgaukeln sollte, dass die Google aus dem Feld geschlagen haben, selbst zu bezahlen.

      Wie blöd muss man eigentlich sein, um diesen ganzen Schwachsinn auch nur 2 Sekunden lang zu glauben???

      Ach und weil Du kassier den Begriff Kiosk hier erwähnst: Mittlerweile ist die Marktkapitalisierung von Buzz, diesem multinationalen Großkonzern mit Umsätzen in 3stelliger Millionenhöhe, geringer als der Wert eines florierenden Schnellimbisses in guter Stadtlage eines Bekannten von mir (der hatte das vor 6 Monaten mal schätzen lassen).

      Ich sage Dir noch was zum Thema IPO im Februar (oder wann auch immer): Es gibt überhaupt keine finanzkräftigen Investoren in Asien, die sich auch nur Spur um Buzz scheren. Würde es all die florienden Geschäfte von Buzz wirklich geben, würden tatsächlich (und beweisbar) Millionen von Umsätzen fließen, wäre Buzz tatsächlich in Asien bekannt oder etabliert, dann hätte jeder Investor schon mit Kusshand zugegriffen. Die Wahrheit sieht allerdings leider so aus, dass heute nicht mal mehr einer den Kurs hochkaufen will. Es ist alles Betrug und langsam lernen das immer mehr Leute.

      Ich sehe alle meine Vorhersagen bestätigt und man sieht auch, dass die Lügen der Vergangenheit nicht mal mehr in einer schnöden PR auftauchen.

      Es tut mir leid für alle, die hier betrogen wurden. Ich hoffe, Ihr habt nicht zu viel Geld verloren. Aber ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass wir hier jemals wieder Werte wie früher sehen. Und sollte der Kurs auch nur um einen Cent anziehen, dann warten Millionen von Shares nur sehnsüchtig darauf verkauft zu werden.

      Alles sehr traurig...


      ps. Kassier, beleidigt der CEO (dieser Vogel, der lieber stundenlang in Chats runhängt als ernsthaft zu arbeiten) eigentlich immer noch Shareholder, die kritische Fragen stellen?
      schrieb am 01.12.08 21:00:27
      Beitrag Nr. 1.686 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.126.656 von keutula_reloaded am 01.12.08 20:43:53dass die Lügen der Vergangenheit nicht mal mehr in einer schnöden PR auftauchen.

      Im April wird sich die Ankündigung eines 7ct-Rückkaufs zum 4.mal jähren. Man erinnere sich an das Sutida-Statement im Fernsehen: "There will be a buyback", so etwa 1 1/2 Jahre später.

      Aber ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass wir hier jemals wieder Werte wie früher sehen.

      Naja, wie bei den Pinkies üblich, irgendwann wird den Shell jemand anders übernehmen und sich eine neue Story ausdenken. Dann geht das Spiel von vorne los. Die "Anleger" haben ein kurzes Gedächtnis und was die Historie irgendeines Börsenmantels anbelangt, da recherchiert eh kein Schwein, hauptsache es gibt `ne geile neue Story, die man wieder "glauben" kann.

      schrieb am 01.12.08 21:37:32
      Beitrag Nr. 1.687 ()
      danke für eure Meinung, bei der sich ja nichts geändert hat.
      Ich habe zwischendurch tatsächlich mal an die story geglaubt, jetzt hoffe ich nur noch, wie früher eben.

      Ich habe mir vorgenommen, die nächsten Monate noch die news rein zu stellen, wie immer völlig wertfrei meinerseits.
      Jetzt habe ich das so lange gemacht, also möchte ich das auch bis zum Ende machen. Und das wird nicht mehr länger dauern als ein paar Monate, es sei denn....:D:D

      machts gut


      schrieb am 03.12.08 15:01:28
      Beitrag Nr. 1.688 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.126.656 von keutula_reloaded am 01.12.08 20:43:53keutula und alle

      nach langer langer zeit muss ich mich jetzt einfach mal zu wort melden, damit auch die, die ich vor ein paar monaten nicht per e-mail erreichen konnte erfahren, dass ich hier ueber mehr als 2 Jahre nach strich und faden belogen wurde. Ich habe zwar beim letzten anstieg alles verkauft (ca. 8m), habe jedoch nie mein certi bekommen ueber 1,250.000 aktien, die ich im oktober 2006 bezahlt habe. Alles in allem ein hoher verlust und eine teuer bezahlte lehrzeit..

      Shayne Heffernan, alias, Capt. Jack, alias Sean Lee ist ein Luegner und Betrueger und hat vorher bereits mit seinem Equity1 Fond in Australien hunderte betrogen und dafuer seinen australischen Pass abgenommen bekommen. Ich denke dass mittlerweile jeder den Heffernan Report kennt aus dem Jahre 2003, wo die betruegereien dieses aufschneiders genauestens beschrieben sind.

      Man kann es in einem Satz zusammenfassen: Wenn Shayne Heffernan den Mund aufmacht kommt eine Luege raus.. und ich bin leider drauf reingefallen...

      Was ich absolut nicht verstehen kann ist, dass man immer noch an seinen Lippen haengt und weiter glaubt.. Selbst zu 0,006 ist der sharepreis zu teuer, aber heffernan findet offensichtlich immer noch genuegend dumme die ihm seine aktien jetzt noch abkaufen..

      Shayne Luegenbaron wird irgendwann merken dass nichts mehr geht und bztg wird im niemandsland verschwinden und er wird eine neue shell kaufen und den naechsten betrug abziehen...und die, die jetzt noch aktien haben werden auch das bisschen verlieren was sie noch wert sind.

      Ich habe ihn bei der SEC angezeigt, aber leider dauert das entweder so lange oder die SEC ist ueberfordert.. bisher hat sich nichtsgetan und ich ahbe tonnenweise beweise... Aber es ist nunmal so, dass in den pinksheets diese art von betruegern eher die regel als sie ausnahme sind.

      Im Juli, vor dem letzten Hype, habe ich alle gewarnt dass es gefaehrlich wird hier investiert zu bleiben. einige haben es geglaubt und sind gut rausgekommen, andere halten an Captain Jack sparrow's Phuket maerchen fest..

      Ich wollte nur klarstellen ,dass ich kein pumper war, ich habe an die firma geglaubt und haette mir nie vorstellen koennen, dass ich ueber so lange zeit so angelogen werden kann. Aber der Kerl is clever...deshalb sind ja immer noch welche investiert und kaufen noch zu.. haette ich mal auf keutula und stupidgame gehoert...

      ich wuerde den schrott mit verlust verkaufen und die chance nutzen dass richtig gute firmen im moment am boden sind und einmalige kaufgelegenheiten bieten.. so zb. SRSR, MTRE oder XYTS oder eben big board werte

      viel glueck
      schrieb am 03.12.08 18:58:58
      Beitrag Nr. 1.689 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Moves on New York, Florida and Australia's Gold Coast.

      Dec 03, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz has established 3 new sites and expanded the existing One-2-Property site with an aim to enter 3 key markets in the property and search sectors, In Thailand this is the same approach that seen it grow rapidly in popularity. In Thailand, Buzz outperforms, and (source and was only outperformed by Google's Thai language service However, Buzz is building the company's own Thai and Chinese search engines.
      Property advertising on the internet is extremely competitive and a serious strategy needs to be properly in place for the best positions to be reached on the Google and other search engines. The property market is tough and recently more people have developed websites in the anticipation of reaching the top placements to get all the traffic that are looking for property from all over the globe.

      Advertising Property with PPC

      Advertising in the property market using traditional pay per click advertising is a very risky and expensive venture. Due to the high level of competition for the business the cost per click is substantial and the sites are consuming a large advertising spend a month with no problem. The advantages are that with one sale in the property market an advertiser could pay for an entire year advertising using ppc on an ad network as the profit margins are high per property sale. The main advantage with ppc is that you are able to attain 1st page placements under your chosen key search terms and get the traffic that are searching for your services the instant you place your bid. However people seem to be increasingly aware these are in fact ads and not search results and tend to disregard them.

      Property Advertising with Banners

      Banners are a popular way to get branding out there and with the right graphics can influence an end user to remember your company and use your services as opposed to the competitors to purchase their property. Although branding will be good banner are not as good as text links for the end user due to our experience.

      Advertising Property with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

      The best way to advertise property on the website is to get your property website to the 1st page of the search engines in the natural listings with Buzz's search engine optimisation. The reason is obvious. The best locatons on a page of natural listings are used 90% by the end user looking for the property sales as opposed to any paid sponsor listings and there are no costs attached with visitors clicking through to your website. The property market is extremely aggressive and competing against the long standing websites is difficult - but not impossible!

      Quick Sales

      Buzz Marketing For Properties offers attractive options for getting quick cash for property you are looking to sell.

      As Buzz's Search and Ad competitors predict slowing sales due to the current credit crises, Buzz has expanded the low cost alternative the company offers to include next generation flash, video and new display options. Focus has been placed on the types of ads real estate developers and the tourism industry buy.

      According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau, Internet advertising revenues rose 15.2 percent, to $11.5 billion during the first six months of the year, compared with the same period last year. And search advertising grabbed a larger piece of the share, accounting for 44 percent of the market--up 3 percentage points.

      Search advertising generated nearly $5.1 billion during the first half of the year, up 24 percent from a year ago. Display advertising, meanwhile, also grew at a double-digit pace of 19 percent to $3.8 billion over the course of the first half of the year.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson Tel: +66 87 272 1727 e-mail: e-mail: WWW: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 03.12.08 19:21:30
      Beitrag Nr. 1.690 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.139.136 von longlongwau am 03.12.08 15:01:28
      Alles klar, du hast recht, jetzt wissen es wohl alle.

      Aber jetzt raus, nein, da soll wirklich alles den Bach runter.

      Ich sehe immer noch ein Bemühen, auch wenn viele Versprechungen nicht eingehalten wurden. Und das mit der Namensänderung war auch böse.

      Aber was hilft es, ob wir schimpfen oder nicht, ändern können wir gar nichts. Wer in diesen Markt investiert, muss immer mit Totalverlust rechnen.

      schrieb am 04.12.08 12:07:01
      Beitrag Nr. 1.691 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.141.918 von kassier am 03.12.08 19:21:30Hallo kassier,

      mal eine kurze Frage:
      Nimmst Du tatsächlich lieber einen Totalverlust in Kauf anstatt noch ein paar Euros zu retten?
      Sei mir nicht böse, aber das klingt irgendwie nicht nach rationalem Anlegerverhalten...

      Alles Gute!
      schrieb am 04.12.08 13:48:00
      Beitrag Nr. 1.692 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.146.119 von keutula_reloaded am 04.12.08 12:07:01
      ja, das ist so.

      wer in die pinkshits.:) geht, weicht sowieso von rationalem Börsenhandeln ab.
      schrieb am 04.12.08 15:28:58
      Beitrag Nr. 1.693 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.146.956 von kassier am 04.12.08 13:48:00Naja, jeder ist für sein Handeln ja selbst verantwortlich. Und wer halt auf Selbstpeinigung steht...
      Auch noch was nicht sehr Rationales als Gegenvorschlag: Ich könnte Dir auch meine Kontodaten durchgeben und Du schiebst die Kohle direkt rüber. Hat für Dich das gleiche Ergebnis, geht aber wesentlich schneller
      schrieb am 04.12.08 15:31:36
      Beitrag Nr. 1.694 ()
      Ich kann kassier schon verstehen, wenn man das Invest
      als Zock ansieht will man nicht 5 % vom eingesetzten
      Kapital "retten", sondern sagt sich hopp oder top!
      Ich persönlich habe meine Anteile leider auch noch und warte ab,
      ob vielleicht noch einmal eine Kurswelle wie immerhin schon
      2 x passiert ist, kommt.
      Ich habe allerdings wirklich nur mein Spielgeld eingesetzt.
      Ich habe das Invest immer wie ein Lottospiel angesehen.
      Und da ist ja auch der Einsatz weg, wenn die Zahlen falsch sind.

      Nicht, daß jemand das in den falschen Hals bekommt:
      Ich habe, genau wie auch z.B. longlongwau wirklich lange an
      die Firma geglaubt. Sonst würde ich nicht einmal Spielgeld
      schrieb am 04.12.08 16:10:18
      Beitrag Nr. 1.695 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.147.850 von keutula_reloaded am 04.12.08 15:28:58
      nein mein Gutster :) ich lasse das mal so, denn 100 %ig kannst du auch nicht sagen, ob es wirklich komplett weg sein wird.

      wise............hat das genau richtig erkannt, ich hoffe halt immer noch, dass Jack oder wie immer er heißt, seine shares mal teurer verkaufen will.

      Egal wie der Kurs zustande kommt.
      schrieb am 04.12.08 16:19:08
      Beitrag Nr. 1.696 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.148.259 von kassier am 04.12.08 16:10:18...dass Jack oder wie immer er heißt, seine shares mal teurer verkaufen will...

      Aber genau das hat er doch schon getan. Das Ergebnis haltet Ihr momentan in Euren Händen (Depots).
      Und das, was ich Dir schon früher nal geschrieben hatte, ist Dein größter Denkfehler bei der Geschichte: Er macht seinen Schnitt sowieso (bzw. hat er schon).
      Wer über 100 Mio Shares einfach (oder mehrfach) so auf den Markt werfen kann, der braucht nicht zwangsläufig 7 Cent für ein schönes Leben...
      schrieb am 04.12.08 16:22:04
      Beitrag Nr. 1.697 ()
      ps. Bin mal gerade wieder etwas mit Zeit ausgestattet. Und finde, dass es ganz okay ist, mit Euch mal wieder etwas zu quatschen.
      schrieb am 05.12.08 11:36:22
      Beitrag Nr. 1.698 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.148.353 von keutula_reloaded am 04.12.08 16:19:08
      ja, keute, ich kenne ja deine Ansichten mit dem Traden.
      Du kannst da durchaus richtig liegen, mehrere user denken so und ich habe da auch meine Zweifel.

      Da ich aber die ungefähren Vermögensverhältnisse von Heffernan kenne (nicht von ihm) hat er das eigentlich nicht nötig. Ich schätze mal, dass er mit seinen Beteiligungen ca. 50 MIllionen hat.

      aber longlongwau weiß das genau und da sie hier mitliest, wäre es ihr evtl. möglich darauf zu antworten, oder ???
      schrieb am 05.12.08 18:51:39
      Beitrag Nr. 1.699 ()

      Kurse zwischen Verschrotten und 010, hier wird z.T. ohne Limit der letzte cent gerettet .....und wieder gekauft.

      schrieb am 09.12.08 14:24:50
      Beitrag Nr. 1.700 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.156.732 von kassier am 05.12.08 18:51:39kassier

      ich lese nicht mit. Ich melde mich ab und zu mal an und schaue mir eventuell die letzten 3-4 posts an wenn ich zeit habe..

      wie du siehst war ich seit meinem Post nicht mehr angemeldet - bis jetzt.

      Also du kennst shayne heffernan's vermoegensverhaeltnisse?? Das ist interessant. Wer hat dir denn den neuen Baeren aufgebunden?? Alles was der mann hat, muss er versteckt in der Mongolei halten, weil es geklaut ist..

      Ich habe vor langer zeit kontakt mit Mickey butler aufgenommen und der war ja dreimal dort. also der erzaehlte mir da was ganz anderes. Sein angebliches superboot ist ein alten stueck, von dem Mickey butler denkt es ist geleast, da shayne den Kapitaen kaum kannte... man hat Mickey butler nie in das sogenannte Luxus buero in bangkok gebracht, sonders die geschaeftlichen besprechungen in dem einkaufscentrum/cafe unten im BKK-tower abgehalten-- aeusserst merkwuerdig.

      von einer anderen person weiss ich, dass shayne immer sein haus von weitem zeigt, aber kaum jemanden mit hinnimmt.. und das gezeigte haus ist ein luxushaus -der halen ist, dass es halt nicht seins ist.. nun ist aber lustig ,dass ich vor 2,5 jahren photos von shayne heffernan bekommen habe, die seine kinder darstellen bei sich zu hause. das haus sieht normal aus.. Das hat mir auch butler bestaetigt, der ins shaynische wohnheiligtum eingedrungen ist. Also nichts von wegen reich.

      butler erzaehlte mir noch dass Shayne die ganze nacht vor seinen bildschirmen sitzt, nebenbei mit ihm verhandelt hat, aber seine konzentation beim traden war..

      ich habe das mit seinem reichtum auch lange geschluckt. und wollte nicht wahrhaben was so eindeutig ist: wieso sitzt ein mann, der angeblich 50million hat (nach deinem post), nacht fuer nacht vorm PC und traded und ist im chatraum mit 7-10 shareholdern zu gange?? angeblich macht buzz ja 120m umsatz--- wau- und da muss der boss noch nachts traden und ein maennchen bei der stange halten funny..

      ausserdem habe ich noch einen hochrangigen kontakt der in dubai lebt (ein deutscher) und der ist der ganzen Sache sehr gruendlich auf den grund gegangen (da er auch aktien hatte) und er hat mir nach monatelangen recherchen vor ort bestaetigt, dass SH ein betrueger ist..

      Buzz-chat: maerchenstunde fuer die, die der wahrtheit nicht ins gesicht sehen wollen oder auch "Hirnwaschraum" genannt..

      alles selbstverstaendlich meine meinung.. die ich aber belegen kann.

      viel glueck
      schrieb am 09.12.08 16:19:51
      Beitrag Nr. 1.701 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.172.822 von longlongwau am 09.12.08 14:24:50
      was ich weiss, das weiss ich ja eigentlich alles von ...

      Da habe ich wohl was falsch mitbekommen. Das mit der Mongolei ist mir deshalb auch klar. Aber ich dachte er hat soviel zur Seite gebracht, dass er sich keine Sorgen mehr machen muss. Und wenn ich mich recht erinnere, wurde damals von 30 - 120 mio gesprochen, die da verschwunden sind.

      aber was solls, ich hoffe halt weiter, wobei es immer sinnloser aussieht.
      schrieb am 09.12.08 16:20:22
      Beitrag Nr. 1.702 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Inc Expands Mining Interests

      Dec 09, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Inc has entered into an agreement to acquire a 2500 square kilometers (1000 square miles) site in northern Thailand. The site is currently producing over 5000 mt of Mn Ore with out the aid of modern equipment.
      Geological tests show

      Mn 23-46%

      MnO2 36-71%

      SiO2 (Silica) 22-60%

      Fe (iron) 1-3%

      Drilling has only gone to 150ft, a total reserve will be measured post acquisition.

      in the fast few months many Mn Ore facilities have cut production or stopped producing due to falling demand.

      African Rainbow Minerals ARM expects to sell less manganese, which is also used to make steel. The ARM manganese division sells 3.7 million tonnes a year, with 800,000t of that going onto the spot market.

      BHP Billiton's 60% owned Samancor is cutting 170,000t or 23% of manganese alloy out of its 2009 production plans because of weak demand.

      Samancor, which is 40% owned by Anglo American, will cut manganese ore production from its Hotazel and GEMCO operations in South Africa and Australia respectively by 1.5 million tonnes in 2009 to 5.5 million tonnes.

      Buzz Inc will continue in the acquisition of iron ore and related minerals used in steel production while the market is under pressure.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 09.12.08 16:20:59
      Beitrag Nr. 1.703 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Offers Discounts to Thai Advertisers

      Dec 09, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Is offering substantial discounts on all services to Thai based clients to help them with their marketing budgets as economy recovers from the recent bout of protests and political turmoil.
      Buzz is offering a 20% discount on all advertising, PR and SEO services to Thai clients to help them gain as much market share as possible for what remains of the Tourist high season.

      Packages including online and print advertising start at as little as B20,000.

      Bangkok Post reported the Thailand tourism industry may lose up to 130 billion baht of revenues because of the closure of Suvarnabhumi airport, Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) deputy governor for international marketing Santichai Euachongprasit said on Tuesday.

      According to the initial assessment, the number of foreign tourists between December 2008 and April 2009 could drop by 2.3 million and the loss of revenues should be around 86 billion to 130 billion baht. The decrease would be about 40 to 50 per cent when compared to the same period of the previous year.

      Mr Santichai said the TAT initially aimed to welcome 16 million tourists, but the number could be slashed to 14 million due to the political and economic crises.

      The TAT will fine-tune its marketing plan by emphasizing on restoring tourist confidence. Previously, the authority proposed the "Seven Wonders" campaign to promote important tourist destinations in the country next year, but it will also try to restore the national image by apologizing to tourists who were affected by the seizure of airports by the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) and beefing up security measures.

      The TAT in cooperation with the private sector will come up with different tourism campaigns and promotions to draw in more tourists as well.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 09.12.08 16:29:31
      Beitrag Nr. 1.704 ()
      Also eigentlich ist Buzz ein Rundumversorger. Jetzt also auch Bergbau und natürlich Hand in Hand mit den Großen der Branche.
      Man darf davon ausgehen, dass sie wahrscheinlich nächstes Jahr endlich das erste Universal-Aids Medikament und ein Multi-Krebsmedikament auf den Markt bringen.
      Ich denke, so in 2-3 Jahren geht ohne Buzz weltweit praktisch nichts mehr. Alles aus einer Hand. Mit Google, Vale, Amgen als kleine Tochterunternehmen. Dürfte nur Ärger mit den jeweiligen Kartellbehörden bringen. Aber da findet sich sicher auch eine Lösung.:rolleyes:

      schrieb am 09.12.08 19:25:44
      Beitrag Nr. 1.705 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.173.883 von stupidgame am 09.12.08 16:29:31Der war richtig gut stupid!
      Es fehlt ja tatsächlich nur noch ein Steinwurf und das Ganze erreicht endlich diesen Satire-Level, den ich vor gut einem Jahr schon mal im Scherz an die Wand gemalt hatte.
      Schaut man sich im übrigen mal die Stimmung an, so gibt es wohl echt nur noch eine Hand voll Hirngewaschene weltweit, die diese Aktie tatsächlich noch bis aufs Blut verteidigen. (Ab und zu mal iHub lesen macht auch Spaß). Allerdings werden die wohl auch nur noch vom Rest der Leser verarscht.

      Also Kassier, Deine Standhaftigkeit in allen Ehren, aber Deine eigene finanzielle Situation scheint offensichtlich wesentlich besser als die von SH zu sein, da Du mit ungebrochenem Optimismus nicht mal die letzten Kröten aus diesem Wert rettest. Wenigstens weißt Du ja mittlerweile, was hier läuft. Mir ist nur nicht ganz klar, worauf Du wirklich noch wartest. Schau Dir die Diskussionen außerhalb der Chat-Röhre an und Du wirst verstehen, warum niemand auf der Welt diese Aktie mehr kaufen will.
      Aber wie gesagt, um Deine finanzielle Situation braucht sich wohl keiner Gedanken machen. Da gibt es vermutlich andere, die wesentlich schlechter dastehen (leider)...

      Schöne Grüße!
      schrieb am 09.12.08 19:56:02
      Beitrag Nr. 1.706 ()
      apropos ihub

      hier ist alles zusammengefasst und ich bin voellig ueberzeugt, dass das stimmt was dieser poster behauptet

      Posted by: Our-Street Date: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 11:45:03 AM
      In reply to: None Post # of 14853

      Someone please explain to me how it is anyone could still believe in BZTG given the facts now in evidence. I scratch my head every day in wonderment and would love an explanation.

      Here's what we have discovered.

      1. This con is being perpetrated by Shayne Heffernan, an international con man, having been exposed by exposed by two countries, one being the Australian government.
      2. Shayne initiated this fraud using an alias, several actually, and to this day refuses to acknowledge that he, posing as Capt Jack, is actually Shayne.
      3. As the controlling party of this con, from the outset, the company consistently posted false and misleading press releases and statements about the companies activities and financial status. He lied about their imaginary India offices and its employees, he lied about the hiring of competent IT executives. He lied about income and assets, he lied about non-existent audits and auditors. His promotion of this stock was little more than a stream of false and misleading press releases.

      Given this environment, one of lies, deceit and deception, it's hard for me to understand how anyone can believe anything Shayne, aka Capt Jack says. In order to accept a representation by someone, it usually requires some basis of trust unless there is substantiating evidence and, since con men are quite proficient at creating the illusion of substance where there is none, one would logically require independent proof before wild representations are accepted as fact.

      So people, those of you still in the super secret chat room (if there are any), please enlighten me... how is it you can find yourself willing to accept something.. or anything Shayne says as anything but just another lie? I am truly curious. JMHO of course
      schrieb am 10.12.08 11:19:46
      Beitrag Nr. 1.707 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.175.362 von keutula_reloaded am 09.12.08 19:25:44
      grundsätzlich habe ich auch kein Geld zu verschenken.

      aber jammern muss ich auch nicht, da ich z.B. nie auf Kredit spekuliere.
      Die letzten paar Tausender kann ich verschmerzen, sollte es aber danach noch mal anziehen, würde mich das unendlich ärgern.

      und an was ich glaube...wie schon gepostet nix mehr.

      aber ich hoffe, wie schon anfangs, dass da noch mal ein Kurspusch kommt, bei dem ich mich verabschieden kann.

      Ansonsten seht ihr das richtig...Kiosk hatte ich im buzz-board mal vor langer Zeit gepostet.

      Es mag ja sein dass shayne irgendwelche guten Vorsätze betreffs großer Firma hat, aber er leidet wohl an grenzenloser Selbstüberschätzung.

      Jedenfalls ist es schön immer mal was von euch zu hören.

      schrieb am 10.12.08 18:30:53
      Beitrag Nr. 1.708 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Phuket Beach Property Released by One-2-Property

      Dec 10, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- One-2-Property's latest project is set on area of approximately 4 Rai (6,400 sqm.) built across 3 building called A, B and C; Building A have an elevation of up to 4 levels, building B and C have an elevation of up to 3 levels. Each building has got own elevator. Third floors have partial sea view while fourth floor have full sea view of the Bangtao beach.
      The price range starting from 5,250,000 THB for Single Bedroom, from 10,000,000 THB for 2 bedroom, from 13,500,000 THB for 2 bedroom penthouse with full sea view and 17,000,000 THB for 3-bedroom penthouse. Foreign freehold option is available in this project.

      Phuket is one of Thailand's and South East Asia's biggest tourist attractions with its long beautiful beaches, diving, marinas, 6 golf courses, and probably the widest range of restaurants and entertainment attractions available in the Kingdom. Phuket is the perfect recreation and adventure choice for visitors from all over the would, of any age, not least because of its excellent infrastructure and Tourist authority of Thailand TAT promotion.

      This development has a total of 68 elegant suites starting from Studio, Deluxe 2 bedroom, Deluxe 2 bedroom with private pool and 3 bedroom penthouses with sea view. A show unit is available to visit now.

      The concept of the Bangtao Tropical Residence Condominium Resort and Spa project is to provide the customer with an atmosphere of tropical quiet and a peaceful home yet not far removed from the attractions of day and night excitement.

      Our facilities, amenities and services will have a high degree of luxury, elegance and professionalism to let the customer have the feeling of being at home while with us.

      Our location is within a tropical forest environment and is just a few meters away from the beach of Bangtao and Surin.Our Southern Thai styled mix with western style facilities, amenities and services will surely attract more visitors to spend great amount of time in our resort and will be enjoying all our recreational sports, food and beverages offering.

      Our Sales office is now opened . We are more than happy to welcome you here for an inspection, just let us know one day prior to your visit.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
      schrieb am 11.12.08 14:54:42
      Beitrag Nr. 1.709 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Quantcast Covers in USA

      Dec 11, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Quantcast will be measuring Buzz traffic in the USA as part of the launch. Quantcast is well respected by media buyers and advertisers as an accurate source of information on visitors and demographics.

      According to the limited details Quantcast has reaches approximately 7,357 people monthly in the USA. The site is popular among a 35-49, rather male audience in the USA.

      These numbers are surprisingly good considering there is little to no USA content and most of the site is not visible to such services while we are doing upgrades.

      About Quantcast

      The World's Only Open Internet Ratings Service Quantcast is a new media measurement service that enables advertisers to view audience reports for millions of sites and services to build their brands with confidence. The free service empowers publishers to demonstrate the unique value of their audiences by tagging their websites, videos, widgets and games for direct measurement.

      A Team of Engineers and Mathematicians Quantcast Corporation was founded in 2005 by a team of engineers and mathematicians committed to advancing the digital media industry. The Quantcast team has conducted extensive research and development to provide publishers with a free and easy way to report on the audience metrics that advertisers demand, including traffic, demographics and lifestyle assessments.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 123 Tel: +66 87 272 1727 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 12.12.08 15:51:26
      Beitrag Nr. 1.710 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Ad Upgrade

      Dec 12, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Technologies, the world's fastest growing independent search and ad network, today announced the pending launch of the latest version of ad server technology, a major update to its popular ad and content delivery network. The release contains dozens of new features, including a new application programming interfaces (API), a smoother dashboard and a faster service.
      "Buzz is committed to providing the publishers in our community with powerful new ways to control the advertising on their websites, display more relevant ads to their users and maximize their ad revenue," said Sutida Suwunnavid Chairwoman of Buzz. "The launch of the latest version will represent a milestone for Buzz and is the result of even more client involvement than ever before. In particular, the new features will benefit Buzz publishers by making it so much easier to integrate the ad server into their business model, serve ads more efficiently and quickly view key statistics about their sites"

      "From a webmasters perspective, it's been simple to start earning quickly with the Buzz API," said Thanissara Sinprasertwong Business Development Manager "Within minutes of becoming a member clients are ready to automatically created advertisers and publishers."

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 82 278 9369 123 Tel: +66 82 278 9369 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 12.12.08 15:51:55
      Beitrag Nr. 1.711 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Phuket Mortgage Finance at One-2-Property

      Dec 12, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- One-2-Property offers one of the beautiful and affordable residential resorts in Phuket. The property is located in Kamala bay, approximately 10-20 minutes between famous Patong and Surin Beach on the west side of Phuket island. Buyers can now move in with under $30 000 deposit.
      Designed for people who prefer to purchase for investment and / or for short-term vacationing or long-term living. The property consists with 6 villas, 79 condominiums, 10 guest rooms for daily rental and an on-site gourmet restaurant / bar. It embodies a relaxed lifestyle at one with nature, embraced by shady trees, a powdery beach and endless azure skies and sea. You will find happiness and harmony in Kamala, a delightful project that blends the colors of the forest with a full range of modern facilities, including fitness center, sauna, sport swimming pool, high speed internet, cable TV, keycard access, 24 - hour security and a professional management team.

      Pool villa starts from 9.3 M Baht for 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, sundeck on the top floor and private swimming pool. Modern designed condo starts from 4.24 M Baht for 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms or 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. And exclusive top floor penthouse of 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms features roof deck with your own Jacuzzi, outdoor shower and sunbathing area, starts from 9.1 M Baht.

      If you want Quietness, Calmness and Relaxation, Kamala Beach is the place to be.

      Located north of the infamous Patong beach, Kamala is a quiet Muslim community that many visitors find more appealing than its noisy neighbor. At one time, Kamala was just a fishing village, and it has still retained this atmosphere of relaxation along with its unspoiled beach. A few resorts are clustered up in the headland, offering unparalleled sea views. Meanwhile, behind the beach, many local eateries and bars have sprouted up, providing a good selection for visitors. The beach itself is clean and pretty, despite the development of the area. Accommodation is mainly in small guesthouses and the nightlife at Kamala is relatively quiet and low key. Patong beach is only about 10 minutes away for those who prefer some action.Everything is laid on for you at this beach.

      Kamala is also home to Phuket's only theme park, Phuket FantaSea. Although many people shy away from visiting a theme park while on holiday, this one is well worth a look. With a cast including 50 elephants, skilled performers and acrobats, and elaborate costumes and pyrotechnics, it provides a good evening out. The park also has a decent buffet along with games and shops to keep you preoccupied before and after the show.Altogether this beach is a good place to stay if you want to be close to Patong but still be able to get a good night's sleep when you aren't out at the bars.

      There are, however, two characteristics to Kamala. Firstly, it's a favourite with the Scandanavian crowd, so don't be surprised to find Swedish meatballs on the restaurant menus! They're provide agreeable company, and Kamala has a well behaved atmosphere with quiet friendly pubs. If you want authentic fusion Thai food with nice cold beers or selective wines, or just a good cup a coffee, and in the same time you can email your vacation stories via Wi-Fi Internet at G_one Cafe.

      The beach itself isn't as long as Patong, but substantial none-the-less and most of it not spoilt by resorts fronting the water. A road runs along part of the southern end of the beach, the middle section has a park and Tsunami memorial and the Northern section is completely wild with casuarina trees. In all Kamala has a pleasant villagey feel contrasting with the commercialism of Patong and Karon.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 82 278 9369 123 Tel: +66 82 278 9369 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 15.12.08 22:27:52
      Beitrag Nr. 1.712 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz to Feature in Bangkok Post, Property Outlook Improves

      Dec 15, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz's One-2-Property will feature again in the business section of Bangkok Post print edition on the 16th and 17th of December.
      The Thai property outlook has dramatically improved today following the election of Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva as the countrys new Prime Minister.

      Abhisit Vejjajiva, aged 44, has become the 27th prime minister of Thailand after receiving 235 votes from 431 MPs at the extraordinary parliamentary session on Monday.

      The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) index gained 12.27 points Monday on the news, or 2.89 per cent higher, to close at 437.06. The market value was around 19,485,970,000 baht, with about 4,736,570,000 shares being traded.

      The SET100 index closed at 653.98 points, increasing by 20.92, or 3.30 per cent higher.

      The SET50 index closed at 308.76 points, rising by 9.54, or 3.19 per cent higher.

      The FSTHL index also went up 15.22 points, or 3.10 per cent higher, to close at 505.84.

      The Market for Alternative Investment (mai) index gained 1.77 points, or 1.13 per cent higher, to close at 158.84.

      Thai Chamber of Commerce chairman Pramon Sutivong on Monday said the private sector wanted newly elected prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and his administration to restore confidence in the country.

      After the new cabinet is formed, the joint public and private committee together with the Thai Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) and the Thai Bankers' Association will propose ways for the government to develop the country, said Mr Pramon.

      He said the government should stimulate people's purchasing power in the short-term. The private sector could not foresee the economic direction in 2009 yet because the new government has to use its budget of 100 billion baht from the previous administration to shore up and spur the economy, he noted.

      Mr Pramon also suggested Mr Abhisit's government to revise the six six-month economic stimulus measures carried out by the previous government urgently as they are nearing completion.

      Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI) director Somchai Jitsuchon said he would like the new premier to appoint new economic ministers with a wide range of knowledge who can address economic problems.

      He said it would be beneficial if the prime minister heads the economic team so he can have full authority and would not encounter problems as in the past.


      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid Tel: +66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: +66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 16.12.08 16:04:09
      Beitrag Nr. 1.713 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Remains Competitive with Google and Yahoo

      Dec 16, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz remains committed to competing directly with major search providers such as Google and Yahoo by displaying rich, universal (also referred to as blended) search results. That means results are often embellished with video, top ten lists, music and photos. Pushing more information to users with fewer clicks to the end user is core of the initiative, and it's already happening.
      The simple search results are no longer are viable in todays search market, Chris Blakely, director of Client Services for comScore, a global Internet information provider, reported that 85 percent of Web users have seen a blended search result and that 31 percent of all search results average at least one enhanced entry.

      The next big issue for search engines is, does a search engine's effectiveness outweighing privacy rights? This debate continues to heat up. Anyone using a browser, might as well be "sitting in front of his computer naked," according to Mike Grehan, global KDM (keyword driven marketing) officer of Acronym Media during the panel "Battle of the Browsers: Personalization or Privacy." Buzz is the only serious search engine that does not track any results or usage ever.

      Terabytes of information from browsers, ISPs and search engines continue to be collected daily and used to deliver more relevant results and ad messages., however there remains the opportunity for this information to be abused by 3rd parties.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 17.12.08 16:32:58
      Beitrag Nr. 1.714 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Phuket Hotel Investment Growing

      Dec 17, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- The development of new Phuket hotel real estate remains surprisingly robust, despite the semi-resolved political issues in Thailand and international financial crises. Almost thirty brand new hotels are currently at various degrees of development with almost 5000 rooms due to hit the market over the next three years through 2011, according to market research conducted by leading Thailand-based hospitality consulting firm, C9 Hotelworks
      At present on the island of Phuket there are about 40,000 rooms in registered tourism establishments, covering all travel budgets from no star guest houses up through to branded hotels with approximately 10,000 of these, or 25% of total supply, being international star rated. Factoring in the new hotel rooms there will be an increase by 50% of the existing international standard units, with 47% being upscale and luxury hotels, 41% mid, 9% budget/economy and 3% extended stay (villas/condos). 2009 is set to see the largest ever surge in supply with 38% or 1,850 new rooms scheduled to open.

      One-2-Property and One-2-Phuket have seen growing interest in hotel sites as the available land is being quickly purchased by developers, they also have several hotels that are completed for sale.

      According to C9 Hotelworks Managing Director Bill Barnett, "Significant trends emerging include a greater number of Thai investment entities developing new hotels at the back of both publicly listed firms and private individuals. Much of this can be attributed to the domestic liquidity and greater availability of debt. Branding of hotels is also on the rise with 27 of the 30 hotels operated by international, regional and domestic chains. Thailand based brands such as Anantara and Centara are growing at a rapid pace and regional chains such as Langham are now expanding into the country."

      "The hotel market in Phuket is seeing a strong shift of new properties at the northern end of the island in particularly Mai Khao and now even over the bridge into Phang Nga. The east coast and Phang Nga bay are set to define a new era of luxury properties at the back of offerings which include The Yamu - designed by the design dream team Philippe Starck/Jean Michel Gathy, Jumeriah Private Island and Taj Exotica," Mr. Barnett added. "There remains growing concern on possible oversupply issues facing the island in the coming years and what is currently a sleeping giant, in terms of supply growth, is the conversion of exclusive villas and condos, in the non-traditional accommodation segment, becoming a direct competitor to the mainstream hotel market.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 17.12.08 16:34:16
      Beitrag Nr. 1.715 ()
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      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Update

      Dec 17, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- IPO
      Although markets have begun to stabilize there is still the unanswered question of America's Auto Industry and the true impact of the financial crises that should be seen on market in the coming months.

      This will allow markets to truly adjust to the new economic environment and begin to grow. Buzz Inc is committed to a Hong Kong listing in a growing market.


      Buzz Search is still growing in functionality, we are currently testing new features and results including a spell checker, combination rich media results and of course search speed. Buzz will continue to operate without the use of spyware and trackware, privacy is set to become one of the main issues in search in 2009.

      Ad Network

      We have focused our attention on gaining publishers in the real estate and travel sector. This sector is the high end of the pay-per-click and search engine marketing industry and the ideal target for our progress in this area. We continue our partnership with same of Asia's biggest publishers and are currently in talks with a regional airline in relation to in flight advertising.

      Real Estate News

      Buzz is now operating or construction real estate news sites in Asia, Australia, Nth America and Europe, this business model combines our Property, Search, IT, Content and Advertising businesses and is a business model unique to Buzz.

      We have very strong expectations on this part of our business being a very good revenue producer on a number of fronts.


      China has proven to be a great market for VoIP and we have gained a good deal of knowledge, technical ability and technology by launching in China first. Once this service is ready we will launch it many countries.


      Buzz Inc has entered into negotiations regarding the vending in of 2 of Buzz's mines into and Australian listed mining company. We also expect to see the first production of Mn Ore by March 2009. Initially we will be producing approximately $100 000 per month of Mn Ore for sale, existing buyers in India and Germany will be taking the production.

      Infrastructure Upgrades

      These very important upgrades that have been ongoing through out the year are important to our growth, customer service and delivery of content to end users.

      Holiday Season

      The majority of staff will be working through out the holidays.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 22.12.08 15:16:14
      Beitrag Nr. 1.716 ()
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      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Update

      Dec 22, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- 2008 was a critical year for Buzz and seen much of the ground work done in previous years come to fruition, while some products proved less successful, some were delayed and major corporate shifts were made impossible due to the current state of world markets, other products outperformed expectations, search and ads grew at a tremendous rate out pacing major competitors in the regional markets.
      The pending acquisition of a vast mining site in Thailand capable of producing tens of millions in revenue will add to the company's already strong asset base, news on the acquisition will be released hopefully this week.

      In the IT sector many companies launched new products during the year, some were late, some did not meet the expectations of markets like Microsofts Vista and others like Google's Lively were discontinued. Buzz shared that fate with the overall market, VoIP was delayed in the USA until the service is capable of outperforming fixed line services, other products launched such as search and real estate services gained an overwhelming response.

      Buzz is dedicated to constantly experimenting with new products and new ideas, not all of them will be on time, not all of them will survive but we expect others to generate significant revenue for Buzz.

      Traffic growth and measurement was interrupted 3 times in 2008 by inadequate infrastructure a problem currently being addressed that will make sure 2009 sees our rich media content delivered seamlessly around the world.


      -- The Company's share price, like that of most companies, as not performed well in 2008 due primarily to prevailing adverse market conditions in the general financial market. Buzz's current share price is essentially at shell value.

      -- Management believes that the Company's many accomplishments of the past year (especially at the launch of our search/ad network) combined with our future plans will remedy this situation and Buzz's share price should recover in 2009 together with a likely resurgence in the global economy.

      -- In terms of financial health, the Company is in the enviable position of having a strong balance sheet with cash and short-term investments at calendar 2008 year end, with expected cash dividends commencing in 2009 from the mining division.

      -- In 2008, Buzz instituted a share repurchase program because the Board believed that the market price of the Company not fully reflect the underlying value of the Company's business and its future business prospects. An update on the share repurchase program will be provided in the Company in Feb/March 2009.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 80 700 7900 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
      schrieb am 27.12.08 01:08:07
      Beitrag Nr. 1.717 ()
      ja dann schaut halt mal wo SRSR jetzt steht und wo es stand als oich es erwaehnt habe in meinem post hier... das nenne ich ein weihnachtsgeschenk: und das ist erst der anfang... SRSR 0,50 in 2009 minuimum!!!

      1683 von longlongwau 03.12.08 15:01:28 Beitrag Nr.: 36.139.136
      Dieses Posting: versenden | melden

      Folgende Antwort bezieht sich auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.126.656 von keutula_reloaded am 01.12.08 20:43:53
      keutula und alle

      nach langer langer zeit muss ich mich jetzt einfach mal zu wort melden, damit auch die, die ich vor ein paar monaten nicht per e-mail erreichen konnte erfahren, dass ich hier ueber mehr als 2 Jahre nach strich und faden belogen wurde. Ich habe zwar beim letzten anstieg alles verkauft (ca. 8m), habe jedoch nie mein certi bekommen ueber 1,250.000 aktien, die ich im oktober 2006 bezahlt habe. Alles in allem ein hoher verlust und eine teuer bezahlte lehrzeit..

      Shayne Heffernan, alias, Capt. Jack, alias Sean Lee ist ein Luegner und Betrueger und hat vorher bereits mit seinem Equity1 Fond in Australien hunderte betrogen und dafuer seinen australischen Pass abgenommen bekommen. Ich denke dass mittlerweile jeder den Heffernan Report kennt aus dem Jahre 2003, wo die betruegereien dieses aufschneiders genauestens beschrieben sind.

      Man kann es in einem Satz zusammenfassen: Wenn Shayne Heffernan den Mund aufmacht kommt eine Luege raus.. und ich bin leider drauf reingefallen...

      Was ich absolut nicht verstehen kann ist, dass man immer noch an seinen Lippen haengt und weiter glaubt.. Selbst zu 0,006 ist der sharepreis zu teuer, aber heffernan findet offensichtlich immer noch genuegend dumme die ihm seine aktien jetzt noch abkaufen..

      Shayne Luegenbaron wird irgendwann merken dass nichts mehr geht und bztg wird im niemandsland verschwinden und er wird eine neue shell kaufen und den naechsten betrug abziehen...und die, die jetzt noch aktien haben werden auch das bisschen verlieren was sie noch wert sind.

      Ich habe ihn bei der SEC angezeigt, aber leider dauert das entweder so lange oder die SEC ist ueberfordert.. bisher hat sich nichtsgetan und ich ahbe tonnenweise beweise... Aber es ist nunmal so, dass in den pinksheets diese art von betruegern eher die regel als sie ausnahme sind.

      Im Juli, vor dem letzten Hype, habe ich alle gewarnt dass es gefaehrlich wird hier investiert zu bleiben. einige haben es geglaubt und sind gut rausgekommen, andere halten an Captain Jack sparrow's Phuket maerchen fest..

      Ich wollte nur klarstellen ,dass ich kein pumper war, ich habe an die firma geglaubt und haette mir nie vorstellen koennen, dass ich ueber so lange zeit so angelogen werden kann. Aber der Kerl is clever...deshalb sind ja immer noch welche investiert und kaufen noch zu.. haette ich mal auf keutula und stupidgame gehoert...

      ich wuerde den schrott mit verlust verkaufen und die chance nutzen dass richtig gute firmen im moment am boden sind und einmalige kaufgelegenheiten bieten.. so zb. SRSR, MTRE oder XYTS oder eben big board werte

      viel glueck
      schrieb am 27.12.08 10:51:06
      Beitrag Nr. 1.718 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.267.549 von longlongwau am 27.12.08 01:08:07
      schön für dich mit srsr, hat ja lange Zeit auch sehr schlecht ausgesehen.

      aber egal, wie oft du das mit shayne noch bringst, es hat sich bisher leider nichts geändert.
      schrieb am 29.12.08 12:48:05
      Beitrag Nr. 1.719 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Phuket Property Market

      Dec 29, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- The latest research report from Thai property company Raimon Land indicates that the average price for a condominium in Phuket is now Bt101,203 per square meter. That is essentially double the price per square meter in 2005, a staggering increase in value in the past several years.
      The report attributed the continued boom in Phuket luxury property to new hotels and properties that continue to grow despite any political events in the country. There has also been increased interest from Russian and Chinese investors in the Thai property market.

      For property investors, rental yields are currently in the six to ten percent range per year. The report noted that "There is no doubt Phuket is set to experience long-term growth in the real estate sector."

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 30.12.08 11:41:51
      Beitrag Nr. 1.720 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Thai Manganese Project

      Dec 30, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Inc has completed the acquisition of a 1000 square mile site (yet to be named) in Thailand with estimated reserves in excess of 500 000 mtu of Mn Ore representing potential revenue in excess of $100m (more than 30c per share) over the next 5 years.
      The estimate is based on prior production and surface examinations only, the site has not been drilled or properly tested at anytime, given the proliferation of gold, silver and copper in the surrounding area Buzz reasonable expects to find additional mineralization however there is no way to speculate on the commercial viability of the additional mineralization.

      Buzz will update the market in the coming weeks with fresh estimates based on new on site activity and testing.

      Buzz is already in negotiations with potential buyers and partners for the site, however nothing will be finalized prior to complete and exhaustive research being conducted now. As with other Buzz projects the acquisition, and exploration are funded from revenue only, no debt or additional capital raising will occur to fund any part of the process.

      The proceeds from any sale, joint venture or operations will be a welcome addition to the companies diverse revenue streams and is reflective of the value the Buzz Inc. model brings to shareholders.

      Manganese is the twelfth most abundant element in the Earth's crust. Among about 300 minerals containing manganese only around a dozen are of economic significance. The two main manganese minerals are pyrolusite (MnO2) and rhodochrosite (MnCO3). Manganese is the fourth most used metal in terms of tonnage after iron, aluminum and copper and 90% of all manganese consumed annually goes into steel as an alloying agent. No satisfactory substitute has been identified for manganese which combines a relatively low price with outstanding technical benefits such as the ability to combine with sulphur and a powerful deoxidation capacity. After steel, the second most important market for manganese in the form of electrolytic manganese dioxide is dry cell batteries. Manganese also is an important alloying element in aluminum and copper, is used in plant fertilizers and animal feeds and is a colorant.

      Current Industry Developments

      GEMCO: At the Groote Eylandt mine a US$150 million construction program is underway to overcome a bottleneck in the processing plant and increase capacity from 3.1 Mtpa to 4.1 Mtpa. The project also will reduce operating costs from 2008. GEMCO employ about 250 people of whom about 15% are indigenous and the company plans to increase the indigenous workforce to about 24% by 2012. Progressive rehabilitation of disturbed areas is undertaken by a group of the local Anindilyakwa indigenous population. GEMCO plans by 2012 to reduce energy use by 13% per tonne of product produced at 2006 levels.

      OM Holdings Ltd: At the Bootu Creek mine product is trucked 60 km to the Muckety rail siding then railed 800 km to the Port of Darwin where it is stockpiled and loaded into vessels destined for Asia. A fleet of five scrapers was introduced in 2007 to increase total production. A $5.3 million materials rectification program was completed in the second half of 2007. Opportunities to increase production from 550 to 700 ktpa in 2008 are being examined. A revised life of mine plan is planned for completion in early 2008.

      Consolidated Minerals Ltd: The Woodie Woodie mine h as a capacity of 1.1 Mtpa and more than $20 million is budgeted to be spent on new capital to enhance and improve the operation by up to 5%. A resource of 1.4 Mt at 44% manganese defined at the Rhodes pit is the second largest discovery in the history of the Woodie Woodie mangan ese field. Lump and fine products are trucked about 400 km to Port Hedland where blending occurs prior to export to overseas markets.

      Mineral Resources Ltd: The re-treatment plant at Woodie Woodie has be en expanded to a capacity 400 ktpa of high grade fines. Concentrates are trucked to Port Hedland then blended and held in a storage facility in Port Hedland ready for export. The project has a life exceeding 10 years at current production rates.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 30.12.08 11:42:18
      Beitrag Nr. 1.721 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Launches European Property Sales in Spain

      Dec 30, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- has just released a preview of the Spanish real estate portal, the site offers news and information on the local real estate market. The site also serves as a sales and marketing tool for One-2-Property Spain and the company's clients.
      One-2-Property through affiliates and partners has 1000s of properties for sale in Spain including some high profile development sites. One-2-Property now offers full real estate services in Spain.

      Although like all property markets Spain is expecting to see a fall in property values in 2009, it remains the most sough after property destination according to research form Globaledge.

      Globaledge research data shows that Spain is more than twice as popular with English-speaking overseas property buyers than France, the next most popular country.

      English-language searches for sales property in Spain and its regions accounted for 27.9% of the 1.4 million overseas property searches analyzed in September this year; making it the most searched for location in the real estate market.

      The Globaledge Search Index uses a base of over 20 000 location names to query the Google Keyword Tool and uses a proprietary process to group and categorize the data. The searches analyzed are English-language phrases from searches in all geographical regions of the world, excluding countries where English is the first language

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 02.01.09 19:21:00
      Beitrag Nr. 1.722 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): 2009 will be an active year for Buzz Venture Capital

      Jan 02, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Venture Capital was formed to make Asian based venture capital equity investments in technology companies benefiting from the wide scale deployment of digital, broadband and mobile technologies. We believe these technologies create an incredibly rich market opportunity for Buzz to take advantage of and to grow, not only from investment returns but also by building relationships and extending our own market.
      The current downturn in the world economy has provided Buzz with and enormous investment opportunity in real estate and business. 2009 will be an active year for Buzz Venture Capital.

      Our partners have over 100 years of collective experience with Asian growth oriented technology companies. We capitalize on our extensive experience in IT, operations, business development, capital markets, international expansion and technology to provide companies with a distinct advantage. The partners/associates of Buzz Venture Capital are collectively responsible for billions of dollars of business around Asia.

      Buzz will invest across all stages of a company's lifecycle; however, most of our investments are made in companies at or near revenue with commercially available technologies.

      Buzz Venture Capital seeks to invest in businesses led by experienced and passionate business leaders with successful track records. Many of our portfolio companies are led by people with whom we have worked or have successfully invested in the past. Our objective is to own a significant minority interest in each of our portfolio companies with one or more board seats and financial controls in place. Buzz Venture Capital actively looks to syndicate our investments with complementary world class venture capital firms that share our vision for success and the possibilities Asia offers.

      Our interests now extend a broad spectrum of the Asian economy and economies, from India to China and from Mining to Real Estate.

      Flagship Project

      Our "Green" IT Park in Asia will be the first of its kind in the region. The Park will offer a strategic and cost effective platform for ICT companies targeting emerging markets in Asia.

      Buzz Technology Park is an initiative that supports the following economic objectives:

      -- Enterprise development

      -- Job and skill creation

      -- Investment Attraction

      -- Export and trade

      -- Innovation and entrepreneurship

      -- Diversification of the local economy

      -- "Green" Sustainable economy

      Through the combination of location and infrastructure housed in environmentally friendly, energy conscience buildings the site is set to be Asia's number 1 IT destination. Current plans include offices, retail and accommodation. Buzz is continuing negotiations with regional Governments in relation to Tax, Visa and Ownership privileges for potential residents.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 02.01.09 19:21:35
      Beitrag Nr. 1.723 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buying Foreign Property

      Jan 02, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- The past 10 years have seen an increase in the interest, purchase and benefit of buying a property abroad. The late 90's and early part of the 21st century has seen house prices surge in the Western countries to record heights, this together with the ever increasing number of the low cost airline destinations has given the average family the excess equity in their existing homes and easier access to be able to think about buying and perhaps living overseas.
      We have all been on a holiday to some exciting destination, be it Europe, The Americas or even exotic Asian and Pacific countries, and whenever we see a local estate agent we always make a beeline for their shop window if not to compare the prices to back home then certainly to see how and what we could afford - without really considering the possibilities.

      The main question we at One-2-Property are asked by potential investors and holiday home seekers is "where should we buy"? A difficult question to answer as everybody's idea of owning overseas investment property or off plan developments is completely different. We have a series of questions that we ask our clients to consider when thinking of buying abroad which include:

      * Budget - how much do you want to or can you spend. Do you need a mortgage or finance?

      * Location - is location important for you? Beach, countryside or town?

      * Use - personal for holidays or purely investment or a bit of both?

      * Access - is getting to your property easily and cheaply important to you?

      * Employment - will you need to work what is the employment situation?

      * Schooling - do you need to consider such things as schooling for your children?

      * Size - will a one bed apartment be big enough or do you need to consider a 4 bed town house or villa?

      * Rentability - is it going to be a necessity to rent your property out to help with mortgage payments?

      Although we have many different websites and feature over thousands of properties for sale in different countries abroad no two inquiries are ever the same and as such we treat each inquiry on a personal basis. We feature properties for sale directly from local owners and developers in each country.

      What about the legalities

      Buying a property abroad can be relatively straightforward and we can help - there is nothing really complicated as long as you follow instructions and use a reliable legal representative - whether they are from the country concerned or from your home country - it will certainly make you feel more at ease and will help things to run smoothly. We feature various articles and information on buying property abroad on our website and apart from various little peculiarities in certain countries most overseas property purchases can run smoothly.

      Mortgages Financing your overseas property is a lot easier now than it was a couple of years ago. Mortgages for buying property abroad can be arranged through One-2-Property or local banks. A typical loan to value %'s can range from 50 - 60% depending on the country.

      Insurance As with all major purchases insurance must play a part in your overall budget plan. We would strongly recommend that adequate property and contents insurance is taken out to cover your investment as it grows. Although you don't anticipate any problems arising with your new home you certainly want to ensure that your investment is covered against loss and damage.

      As we become more and more daring in our ventures of overseas holidays then the general public will continue to conquer new and exciting areas of the globe in which to lay their foundations of a holiday home or indeed a permanent residence abroad. Whatever your reasons are for considering a move abroad then remember there's only one company out there that can offer direct access to thousands of properties for sale in the hottest destinations Tel: +66807007900

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 02.01.09 19:22:11
      Beitrag Nr. 1.724 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): The Business of Buzz

      Jan 02, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Inc as part of the process toward an IPO in Hong Kong released a draft Information Memorandum in 2008.
      Buzz has through necessity and opportunity grown into diverse group of companies spanning a number of industries and countries. Although on the surface it may not be immediately recognizable, the businesses are in fact tied together in one clearly defined area; they are all businesses that are technology dependent. Buzz has pioneered the way in unleashing the full potential of technology in the markets that have the least technological resources, the emerging markets of Asia.

      Bztg shareholders are entitled to 1 Buzz Inc share for each Bztg share held. The share capital of Buzz-Inc is exactly the same as Bztg and the company has stated on numerous occasions there will be no dilution of the share capital. The company has also remained debt free and has only 1 class of share, no preferred shares, no charges over assets or any other encumbrances.

      Expansion has been made from revenue only.

      Executive Summary

      This executive summary is subject to more exhaustive information presented in other sections of the Information Memorandum and must be read and treated accordingly.

      Buzz has through necessity and opportunity grown into a diverse group of companies spanning a number of industries and countries. Although on the surface it may not be immediately recognizable, the businesses are in fact tied together in one clearly defined area; they are all businesses that are technology dependent. Buzz has pioneered the way in unleashing the full potential of technology in the markets that have the least technological resources, the emerging markets of Asia.

      After starting with a VoIP service and acquiring an IT firm around 2 years ago, we set about building a search engine and accompanying ad delivery platforms. Like anyone in or entering the online search and ad business there is one seemingly insurmountable problem, With Google, having dominated Internet search and advertising for many years and continuing to grow stronger year after year, how does anyone catch up? After reviewing all of the competing services we saw an opportunity to capture the publisher market with live customer support, free web assistance and better privacy in the Asian Market. Problem solved? No, to enter the online ad market you need, apart from very advanced technology, 2 distinct groups of customers, publishers who will display your online ads and advertisers who will buy that ad space. As you can not sell adspace you do not have, you must first acquire the publishers as clients, Problem solved? Still, no. A further and much more difficult barrier to entering the search and online ad market is that you must first acquire those publishers. After the publishers are using your ad and search services you must be able to fill those ads with revenue producing product or be happy to accept massive cash outflows while you hunt for advertisers. This is where necessity played its part in building Buzz.

      Rather than turn our backs on one of the worlds most lucrative businesses, that of online ads and search, we decided to select a single market, in our case Thailand, and build the businesses, and form alliances to fill the adspace prior to the commencement of our search and online ad network. After a study of the local market we decided that to fill the online ad space and make a very high return on investment we needed a number of distinct businesses generating ad revenues. Real-Estate, Travel and Financial Services are the 3 key core businesses that provided revenue from online ads. The best of the 3 businesses by far was Real Estate. With 80% of the worlds property sales coming from leads generated online we chose that business to invest in and grow ourselves. For Travel we partnered with Expedia and for Financial Services we initially partnered with Easy-Forex and subsequently with Maritime Securities in the Bahamas.

      When we launched the service in May 2008 we quickly signed The Bangkok Post, and the search and online ad network has continued to grow since then. Our Property Division One-2-Property has seen enormous growth, fueled by occupying Thailand's most sought after online adspace, as have our Travel and Financial Services. Our returns on the ad network exceed all our competition in the local market because of our own innovation and careful planning.

      The ad network has now expanded into China, with Travel and Financial services being well received. Our market in China comprises mostly Internet cafes with a male audience of 15 to 25. This required a rethink of the Thailand model and through Amazon and other MMORPG suppliers we have built a successful games distribution network providing not only game sales but income from recurring monthly fees. To further cement our place in these cafes, we have also made available VoIP and other services, available at the counter. We deferred other publisher deals in Hong Kong and China until we have opened our Real-Estate Offices there later this year.

      That brings us to opportunity. What we did see in Asia, and around the world, were the many start up companies looking to raise funds. These funds were all or in part to build, develop or buy technology. Since Buzz has access to the best and cheapest IT talent in the world, this was a natural fit, it cut out almost all downtime and generated a constant stream of work, making us and our contractors very busy and substantially more profitable. Thus was born Buzz Venture Capital. Buzz Venture Capital brings together a unique offering, IT Services, Marketing, Property and Financial Services all under one roof, allowing us to build a wide and substantial portfolio of investments in companies at different stages of development. Our early entry, and deal structure have created a very secure high value asset for the company.

      Download The Document Here

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 02.01.09 19:22:59
      Beitrag Nr. 1.725 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Sutida Suwunnavid Named Co-President of Foreign Affairs for Zonta International Bangkok

      Jan 02, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Sutida Suwunnavid Chairwoman of Buzz Technologies Inc is now currently serving as the Co-President of Foriegn Affairs for Zonta International Bangkok. Zonta is a Highly respected NGO with close ties to the United Nations.
      " I look forward to this role at Zonta, and the opportunity to help others around the world" said Sutida Suwunnavid

      Zonta International is a global organization of executives and professionals working together to advance the status of women worldwide through service and advocacy. Nearly 33,000 members belong to more than 1,200 Zonta Clubs in 67 countries and geographic areas.

      Zonta International service has been closely linked with the United Nations since Zonta expressed support for the fledgling UN in 1946. As an international non-governmental organization (NGO), Zonta brings women's concerns to the UN, suggests solutions, draws public attention to issues and encourages its members to participate at the local level.

      Zonta maintains representatives of its United Nations Committee at UN sites in Geneva, New York, Paris and Vienna. Committee members attend UN conferences, and UN agency, committee and commission sessions.

      Accredited NGOs, like Zonta, participate in these sessions by providing written statements and oral presentations on issues being considered. NGOs also may organize panels relating to the general debate.

      UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Since 1985, Zonta has had general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), one of six principal bodies carrying out UN work.

      ECOSOC is responsible for two-thirds of UN programs, in particular, those concerned with economic issues such as trade, industrialization and development, as well as social issues such as women's rights, children and social welfare. ECOSOC makes recommendations on how to improve education and health conditions and to promote respect for and observance of the human rights and freedoms of people everywhere.

      Commission on the Status of Women One of nine functional ECOSOC committees, the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is the leading policymaking body concerned with women's rights and the equal status of women. Since 1946,the CSW has convened an annual conference, now attended by thousands of women worldwide, to discuss issues of paramount concern for women.

      Department of Public Information Zonta is one of many NGOs associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information because of its strong programs on issues of concern to women. The UN provides NGOs access to information and materials and the NGOs agree to disseminate information to their membership.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 02.01.09 19:23:24
      Beitrag Nr. 1.726 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): China Mobile 3G Buzz

      Jan 02, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Chinese telecom firms shares surged today after Beijing finally approved the issuance of 3G licenses for new mobile networks, ushering in billions of dollars in infrastructure spending and the prospect of fresh revenue streams from new 3G services.
      Buzz Inc (OTC:BZTG) has had the 3G Buzz Mobile site in Chinese operating for sometime and welcomed the news today that hundreds of millions of people in China will now be able to use all of the Buzz Mobile services.

      With over $41 billion in spending needed to roll out the new networks, telecommunications equipment makers, services and portal hosts, mobile content suppliers and mobile applications will see gains.

      Mobile service providers China Mobile (NYSE: CHL) China Unicom (NYSE: CHU) and China Telecom also rose on expectations the new technology, allowing many new services such as video, email, games and more on mobile phones, will attract more higher spending customers.

      'Our investments in 3G technology will help Buzz expand our growth on many fronts in China" said Sutida Suwunnavid of Buzz Inc

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 05.01.09 14:01:18
      Beitrag Nr. 1.727 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Corporate Update

      Jan 05, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- This year will begin with an increased level of investor awareness of Buzz Inc with the development of our corporate site. Additional details regarding mining and other activities the company is involved in will add to transparency and investor confidence.

      Buzz Inc has ignored conventional wisdom from the outset and has instead developed an enterprise aimed at the future. Globalization, economic shifts, and changes in the very manner in which business is and will be conducted have all been taken into account. Having started with seed capital Buzz Inc was not reliant on venture capital firms, allowing the ideas and concepts to develop unimpeded by traditional corporate thinking. While the "Google" phenomenon exploded and the competition raised and spent fortunes to capture market share,, under the direction of Buzz Inc, quietly built a better product tailored to the emerging markets, with live support, webmaster support and a strong respect for privacy.

      Buzz Inc as part of the process toward an IPO in Hong Kong released a draft Information Memorandum in 2008.

      Buzz has through necessity and opportunity grown into diverse group of companies spanning a number of industries and countries. Although on the surface it may not be immediately recognizable, the businesses are in fact tied together in one clearly defined area; they are all businesses that are technology dependent. Buzz has pioneered the way in unleashing the full potential of technology in the markets that have the least technological resources, the emerging markets of Asia.

      Bztg shareholders are entitled to 1 Buzz Inc share for each Bztg share held. The share capital of Buzz-Inc is exactly the same as Bztg and the company has stated on numerous occasions there will be no dilution of the share capital. The company has also remained debt free and has only 1 class of share, no preferred shares, no charges over assets or any other encumbrances.

      Expansion has been made from revenue only.

      Real Estate

      The expansion of real estate and real estate news services has already commenced and will continue during 2009, for now although we do offer retail property our focus will be on the commercial sector in Thailand, Europe and USA.

      The Internet and mobile technologies have transformed the real estate industry by changing the way people find property. The new generation of buyers is eager to explore property options online. Today's clients carry iPhones and Laptops. They expect to see Web sites with video tours, audio clips and even video podcasts. And if they haven't yet ventured into the world of multimedia, today's homebuyers and sellers are engaged by these tools while looking to the Web for a growing list of information, goods and services, especially property.


      The upgraded and faster search services will go online this month, testing is continuing with a number of new and exciting rich media ad formats.


      Buzz Inc Thailand (OTC:BZTG) has just acquired and existing Mn Ore mine in central Thailand producing over 5000 mtu per month of high grade Mn Ore, and the news on an increased price would add significantly to the value of that asset, better still is the implication that China's demand for steel has not diminished.

      Mn Ore will be in production very shortly, other sites are being developed to the stage where BUzz Inc can maximize return on any sale or JV.

      Our Search Engine developments lead us into the mining industry. While we were testing the ability of our technology to gather, store and organize data, we discovered the power that this application had. We set it to a task, to build Buzz Inc a geological and mining survey map of the world based on information stored online of old and new surveys, drilling, testing and exploration.

      Over the past century most of the world has been at least to some extent studied from a mining perspective and most of that data is stored online somewhere. The amount of data is overwhelming, but not for our search application: we search gathered and indexed the data, and then we turned to the database to search out prime unclaimed mining rights, and we found many.

      Buzz quickly capitalized on the idea and hired a small team of professionals to go and secure the best of the mining claims on behalf of Buzz Inc, to package them in a singe entity, install strong management, and then market the mining assets or seek venture partners.


      The news last week of China paving the way for 3G services was great for Buzz, our Chinese Language mobile portal has done well with the roll out of the iPhone and other Smartphones in China and now these users will be able to experience the full spectrum of Buzz Mobile services.

      On's mobile portal users can check any e-mail, search the Web, send GRPS messages, share photos, micro-blog and watch videos on their phones - our service is 100% compatible with systems offered by Google's Android, Microsoft Corp., Apple Inc. and Research In Motion Ltd. The Buzz Mobile Portal offers great ad space available from Buzz as well.

      India and China combined have total cell phone subscribers of about 900 million, accounting for a quarter of the world total. "Every month, India adds 9 million new subscribers and more, which is higher than China. We hope the excitement will continue," said N.K. Goyal, president of consultant group Communications and Manufacturing Association of India.

      Financial Services

      Buzz Inc will be expanding the financial services offered and we have gained many new accreditation's for the company this will bring additional and substantial new revenue in 2009.

      SEO and PR Services

      One of our fastest growing services in terms of new clients. Buzz Marketing SEO can create very strong brand awareness - if your property website that has a high rank among search engine listings that means that more people will see the company's name and become more and more familiar with the products as well as the company although they still haven't made one single purchase. In real estate nothing is instant, your development needs to be in front of people as much as possible.

      Approval has been given for this service to be used in our investor awareness campaign including the use of the ad network.

      Buzz Venture Capital

      Buzz Venture Capital offers capital via direct investment and the provisioning of technology and services; typically we provide assistance to immature, high-potential, growth companies in emerging markets. Although venture capital investments are generally made with cash in exchange for shares in the invested company, Buzz is the first to realize the high value of technology in today's business world and has exchanged technology and services for equity, sometimes this is part of a cash investment and sometimes this is a stand alone transaction.

      Venture capital is most attractive for new companies in emerging markets with limited operating history that are too small to raise capital in the public markets and are too immature to secure a bank loan or complete a debt or equity offering. We mitigate the high risk that Buzz Venture Capital assumes by investing in smaller and less mature companies, and by taking significant control over company decisions and finances, in addition to a significant portion of the company's ownership. Our services are also charged to the company at market rates allowing us to build a margin into the equity from the outset, reducing our cash exposure. Each venture capital project is housed in a purpose built entity to protect shareholders from any long term negative exposure.

      Buzz Venture Capital brings managerial and technical expertise as well as capital to our investments. Our various divisions offer strong support from concept to capital raising and listing. We also have extensive infrastructure to help launch existing and new businesses in Asia. As China and the region grows, this service is becoming more and more important. Made of many cultures, languages and countries, Asia, particularly China has proven difficult to enter for many foreign companies. Buzz Inc specializes in this area.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 80 7007 900 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 06.01.09 12:38:27
      Beitrag Nr. 1.728 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): China's online search market size jumps 75%

      Jan 06, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- US search giant Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) had its share in the lucrative Chinese search market climb to 26.9% in the first three quarters of 2008 from 23.4% in 2007, said technology, media and telecom (TMT) market researcher Analysys International in a recent report.
      The search site generated revenues of CNY 973 million in the first three quarters, including CNY 246 million in the first quarter, CNY 320 million in the second quarter and CNY 407 million in the third quarter, citing the report., Inc. (NASDAQ: BIDU), the world's dominant Chinese-language search engine, raised its market share in China to 62.9% in the January-September 2008 period from 59.3% in 2007.

      The Beijing-based company reaped revenue of CNY 557 million in the first quarter, CNY 790 million in the second quarter and CNY 928 million in the third quarter, boosting its total revenues to CNY 2.275 billion.

      Buzz Inc's (OTC:BZTG) has seen strong numbers in China since launching in mid 2008, and expects to see stronger numbers still after the launch of a China Language search in 2009.

      China's online search market size hit CNY 4.664 billion in the January-September period, rising 75.8% from a year earlier.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 06.01.09 12:38:53
      Beitrag Nr. 1.729 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): China Property Market Looking Overseas

      Jan 06, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Dropping property prices and the depreciation of foreign currency are fueling Chinese ambitions to buy homes overseas.
      These prospective buyers mainly target properties valued from $300,000 to $500,000. About 60 percent are property professionals who would like to investigate the USA, Europe, Australia and Phuket real estate sector and make investments accordingly. But a big number are looking for homes for their children. Two types of US properties will interest the buyers.

      The first type is the home that has been taken back by banks and has entered into the legal process. The prices of such places are usually low.

      The second type, which boasts access to good schools and community equipment, could see a price rebound soon if the economy warms up.

      Statistics from the USA Mortgage Bankers' Association show that 1.35 million homes were subject to foreclosure in the third quarter.

      The growing interest among Chinese in buying overseas properties is not focused merely on the US.

      "There are more people contacting us and asking about the process of buying an overseas property," said Sutida Suwunnavid, of Buzz-Inc, a division of the company One-2-Property mainly deals with foreign investors in real estate.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 06.01.09 12:39:14
      Beitrag Nr. 1.730 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): One-2-Property starts market Spanish Hotel sites

      Jan 06, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Spain is one of Europe's biggest holiday destinations with millions of visitors for the summer sun and winter snow. Spain's open policy on foreign investment and the high growth rate in tourism makes the country worthwhile as an investment destination for foreign hotel chains. contact +66807007900
      We have hotel development sites from 2 to 15m Euro.

      The Spanish government is to help the country's tourism industry deal with the effects of the global financial crisis by supplying a cash injection worth some 400 million euros (500 million dollars), Deputy Prime Minister Maria Teresa Fernandez reported.

      The aid packet is intended to help modernize the tourism industry and make Spain a more attractive tourist destination, local media reports said, particularly through interest-free loans for small and medium enterprises in the tourism sector.

      Tourism accounts for some 11 per cent of Spain's Gross National Product (GNP), and is an important pillar of the Spanish economy. In the first ten months of 2008 51.7 million foreign tourists visited the country, according to the tourism ministry, 1.4 per cent less than the corresponding period in 2007. A two-per-cent fall for the whole of 2008 over the previous year is expected.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
      schrieb am 06.01.09 22:18:09
      Beitrag Nr. 1.731 ()
      Buzz Inc. Announces Results of Preliminary Feasibility Study on The Lanna Project

      HONG KONG and BANGKOK, THAILAND, Jan 06, 2009 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Inc. (the"Company" or "Buzz") (PINKSHEETS: BZTG),, is pleased to announce that the preliminary feasibility study on its Lanna Project Manganese deposit at its property in Thailand has been completed.
      The study was commissioned by the Company in November 2008 and was performed by incoming and outgoing staff at the mine site. It confirmed that the project is economically viable and also supports an updated mineral reserve calculation and updated mineral resource estimate on the property.

      Lanna is the Company's prime exploration target for the Manganese deposit which is located on the Company's Property in Thailand.


      Mineral Resources and Reserves

      An initial updated Mn Ore indicated mineral resource estimate for The Lanna deposit was reported in a news release previously based on estimates from the negotiations of the site.

      As a result of further in-depth analysis, the quantity has changed; however, there have otherwise been no material changes to the grades and quantities previously reported. The following table summarizes the mineral reserves for The Lanna Mn Ore deposit, effective January 6, 2009:

      Mn 23-46%

      MnO2 36-71%

      SiO2 (Silica) 22-60%

      Fe (iron) 1-3%

      The estimated reserve of minable Mn Ore now sits at 6.1m mtu and this is expected to increase as drilling commences.


      Rounding may result in some discrepancies. No processing recovery factors have been applied to these reserve figures.

      Assumptions and Methods: the team included the following steps during calculation of the indicated resources at The Lanna Project:

      -- personal inspection of The Lanna Project property during 2008 - 2009;
      -- database compilation and data validation;
      -- geological interpretation and modeling;
      -- compositing test intervals to a common length;
      -- determination of average material density;
      -- previous analysis of grade variability.

      Data Verification: During numerous inspections of the The Lanna Project properties (2008 to 2009) areas for immediate mining were identified and a mining plan commenced.

      The team completed the preliminary study in order to evaluate the merits of extracting Mn Ore from The Lanna Project using the reserve and resource base summarized above. The conceptual work plan is to continue the current extraction methods (open cut) along high quality mineralization, processing of ore and bagging on site then shipping a commercial grade to overseas buyers, predominantly in China. The preliminary feasibility study used a wide variety of economic data to produce projected capital and operating costs estimates, environmental and social considerations, mining methods, processing technologies, permitting issues, taxation issues, and commodity price trends, all of which became components of The Lanna Project development economic model.

      Assuming an Mn Ore price of $200 mtu and using the previous methods and ship bagged Mn Ore during a two-year period, generating $48m in revenue, with the initial profits funding more drilling and exploration for Copper, Silver and Gold.

      The mine would pay back capital costs in the third or fourth quarter of the first year of development. Mn Ore Bags would be produced at the mine site, thus creating early cash flow. Maintaining Mn Ore quality for overseas markets is very important to the success of the proposed development. Preliminary testing of an area of The Lanna Project shows high recovery rates of Mn Ore. Other impacting factors include rainfall, and metal price trends of both Mn Ore and Iron Ore as well as global steel demand.

      The mine plan contemplates deploying standard scrap, crush and bag ore processing. When in full production the mill will process up to 25000 mtu of Mn Ore per month; this would not occur before year 3.

      Cautionary Notes to Investors SEC's Industry Guide 7 standards have not been applied, and many of the terms and concepts set out in and used as information material to the Company are neither recognized by the SEC nor included in or compliant with Industry Guide 7 standards. Buzz Inc., as part of the process toward an IPO in Hong Kong, released a draft Information Memorandum in 2008.

      Buzz has through necessity and opportunity grown into a diverse group of companies spanning a number of industries and countries. Although on the surface it may not be immediately recognizable, the businesses are in fact tied together in one clearly defined area; they are all businesses that are technology dependent. Buzz has pioneered the way in unleashing the full potential of technology in the markets that have the least technological resources, the emerging markets of Asia.

      BZTG shareholders are entitled to 1 Buzz Inc. share for each BZTG share held. The share capital of Buzz Inc. is exactly the same as BZTG and the company has stated on numerous occasions there will be no dilution of the share capital. The company has also remained debt free and has only 1 class of share, no preferred shares and no charges over assets or any other encumbrances.

      Expansion has been made from revenue only.

      About Buzz

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. is a convergent media company with operations ranging from infrastructure development to online retail.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements based on the Company's beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including statements regarding the timing of the introduction of certain products. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the Company's expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties which are identified and described in the Company's registration statements and periodic reports on file with the SEC, some of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors including, among others, issues related to the travel and transportation industries, and prevailing economic conditions in general. In light of these risks and uncertainties, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements contained in this press release will in fact transpire or prove to be accurate.

      Beth Simpson
      Buzz Technologies, Inc.
      Tel: +66 87 272 1727

      SOURCE: Buzz Technologies, Inc.


      Copyright 2009 Market Wire, All rights reserved.

      SUBJECT CODE: Computers and Software:Internet
      Computers and Software:Networking
      Professional Services:Other Professional Services
      Professional Services:Advertising, PR and Marketing
      Computers and Software:Software
      schrieb am 07.01.09 13:13:21
      Beitrag Nr. 1.732 ()
      Pinnacle Digest: Buzz Sparks Interest of Leading Online Investment Group

      Jan 07, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- is a performance-driven online financial magazine and social network with a proven track record. After yesterday's news from Buzz Inc. (PINKSHEETS: BZTG) announcing that the preliminary feasibility study on its Lanna Project Manganese deposit at its property in Thailand has been completed, our team has launched their exclusive investor controlled forum. Our staff and members have requested that all Buzz shareholders join our community and share their thoughts on the company, its development and future outlook. One of the most important aspects when we research for new investments is to understand the sentiment of the current shareholders; that is why we have released this announcement - we want to know your opinion.
      Once a member of you will have access to all of our Buzz research. It is our goal to find viable opportunities for each one of our members.

      Join to Find out if Buzz makes it as a Pinnacle Featured Company, Chat with other shareholders invested in Buzz, Explain to our investor community what differentiates this company, Connect with investors and professionals in the equity markets, Meet the thousands of investors who have already become members of the Pinnacle community. is an investment club comprised of over 15,000 members. We use all of our member's insight when selecting our next investment opportunity. Your membership is free - join today. has no vested interest in the company mentioned herein. This source of information is from an unbiased perspective. If you wish to become a member of you will be gaining access to articles similar to this one and many other useful services we know you will find valuable. Keeping you educated and up-to-date with the market is one of our main purposes. Our approach in achieving this goal and our ability to consistently deliver high quality investment material is what defines our business model.

      This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of any offer to buy securities in any jurisdiction.

      All material herein was prepared by (Pinnacle Digest) based upon information believed to be reliable. The information contained herein is not guaranteed by to be accurate, and should not be considered to be all-inclusive. The companies that are discussed in this opinion have not approved the statements made in this opinion. This opinion contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. This material is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities. is not a licensed broker, broker dealer, market maker, investment banker, investment advisor, analyst or underwriter. Please consult a broker before purchasing or selling any securities viewed on or mentioned herein. may receive compensation in cash or shares from independent third parties or from the companies mentioned. will not advise as to when it decides to sell and does not and will not offer any opinion as to when others should sell; each investor must make that decision based on his or her judgment of the market.

      This release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. "Forward-looking statements" describe future expectations, plans, results, or strategies and are generally preceded by words such as "may", "future", "plan" or "planned", "will" or "should", "expected," "anticipates", "draft", "eventually" or "projected". You are cautioned that such statements are subject to a multitude of risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events, or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements, including the risks that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, and other risks identified in a companies' annual report on Form 10-K or 10-KSB and other filings made by such company with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      You should consider these factors in evaluating the forward-looking statements included herein, and not place undue reliance on such statements. The forward-looking statements in this release are made as of the date hereof and undertakes no obligation to update such statements.

      CONTACT: Pinnacle Digest WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 09.01.09 12:15:59
      Beitrag Nr. 1.733 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): The Lanna Project Summary

      Jan 09, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- The Lanna Mn Ore deposit, based on studies prior to January 6, 2009:
      Reserve 6.1mtu currently selling at $200pmtu totaling $1.2b USD

      Current production rate 5000mtu per month totaling $1m USD

      Expected production in 3 years 25000mtu per month totaling $5m USD

      Mn Ore prices fell sharply last year and many mines cut production should the worlds economy recover in the next 2 years the increased demand for steel should see prices return to $375 to $400.


      Everything needed for extraction including staff is onsite, this is the limiting factor in relation to output.


      We expect to be filling the first orders in March 2009


      Mn 23-46%

      MnO2 36-71%

      SiO2 (Silica) 22-60%

      Fe (iron) 1-3%

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 09.01.09 19:06:03
      Beitrag Nr. 1.734 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Solar Energy Co-operation Awarded Thai Energy Contract

      Jan 09, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Solar Energy Co-operation Co., Ltd. has been awarded a much sought after energy supply contract with PEA . The contract is for the delivery for 10 years of renewable energy (Solar Generated Electricity).
      The Thai Ministry of Energy has launched many incentives to promote the investment in the renewable energy industry. Most of the incentives come in the forms of tax exemption and financial instrument to help reduce the investment costs in order to create competitive advantages in the market, Solar Energy Co-operation Co., Ltd. will benefit greatly from these incentives.

      According to the plan, from the year 2008 to 2011, the share renewable energy such as solar, wind, hydro, biomass and biogas will increase from 3,274 million tons of oil equivalent to 6,688 million tons of oil equivalent, or approximately from 5.1% to 9.2% of the total energy demand in 2011.

      The Thai Ministry of Energy is well aware of the importance of renewable energy in the very near future, and has strategically laid out the renewable energy roadmap for sustainable development.

      The contract guarantees 69 888 000 Baht ($2m USD) per annum for the supply of Solar Energy.

      Buzz Inc holds 17% of Solar Energy Co-operation Co., Ltd. one of Buzz Inc's many Asian based energy investments.

      Buzz has through necessity and opportunity grown into diverse group of companies spanning a number of industries and countries. Although on the surface it may not be immediately recognizable, the businesses are in fact tied together in one clearly defined area; they are all businesses that are technology dependent. Buzz has pioneered the way in unleashing the full potential of technology in the markets that have the least technological resources, the emerging markets of Asia.

      Bztg shareholders are entitled to 1 Buzz Inc share for each Bztg share held. The share capital of Buzz-Inc is exactly the same as Bztg and the company has stated on numerous occasions there will be no dilution of the share capital. The company has also remained debt free and has only 1 class of share, no preferred shares, no charges over assets or any other encumbrances.

      Expansion has been made from revenue only.

      CONTACT: Buzz Inc, Bang-Tao Commercial Centre Tel: +66 807 007 900 Solar Energy Co-operation Co., Ltd. Tel: +66 53 853 530 Fax: +66 53 248 970

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 12.01.09 07:15:56
      Beitrag Nr. 1.735 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.344.641 von kassier am 09.01.09 19:06:03Hey, Buzz macht also nahtlos in 2009 weiter, wo sie 2008 aufgehört haben: Hauptsache PRs

      Mittlerweile ist aus dem kleinen IT Service Provider, der mit ein paar Hotel WLAN-Installationen angefangen hat, ja ein richtiges Weltunternehmen geworden.
      Ich fasse dann also noch mal die wichtigsten Eckpfeiler des Geschäftes zusammen:

      - IT Service Provider (Hosting, Email Services, Games, Casino)
      - SW Produkt Entwicklung (Webbrowser, VC, IPhone Applikationen)
      - Medienunternehmen (Buzz TV)
      - Hardware Entwicklung "Green IT" (PCO2)
      - Telekommunikationsdienstleister (VoIP sowie 3G in China!)
      - einer der führenden Suchmaschinenprovider in Asien
      - einer der größten Online-Werbeunternehmen in Thailand
      - Venture Capital Geber
      - Personaldienstleistungen (Leiharbeiter)
      - FOREX (Finanzdiestleistungen)
      - Immobilienmakler, Thailand und international
      - Bergbau
      - Solarenergie
      - Niederlassungen in Thailand, China, Indien, USA und irgendwo in Europa, unzählige Angestellte
      - Großangeküngigter Börsengang in HK in 2008, verschoben auf 2009
      (Dies war eine bunte Zusammenstellung vieler PRs aus den letzten Jahren.)

      Klingt sehr beeindruckend und irgendwie nach einem Industrie-Konglomerat wie GE, Siemens oder Hutchison Whampoa
      Und das alles innerhalb von ca. 3 Jahren, mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von rund 1 Mio EURO und 0 EURO Cash in der Tasche!

      Es gibt ja Leute, die behaupten, dass die Firma Buzz eigentlich nur ein größenwahnsinniger, übergewichtiger Krimineller sein soll, der sich, um sich dem Zugriff internationaler Justizbehörden zu entziehen, nach Thailand verdrückt hat.
      Dort lebt er auf einem Leasing-Boot (mittelprächtiger Zustand) und hat mit der Hilfe von Strohmännern/-frauen Buzz Technologies erfunden, um Anlegern das Geld aus der Tasche zu ziehen. Seine einzigen wirklichen Tätigkeiten sind schlechte Webseiten erstellen, Web-Schneeball-Produkte zu verkloppen und PRs zu schreiben.

      Wie die Realität tatsächlich aussieht? Ich weiß es auch nicht. Aber wer in diesen ganzen Buzz Bullshit PRs, die den Markt nur so überschwemmen, auch nur ein ansatzweise Wahrheit vermutet, dem ist eigentlich kaum noch zu helfen…

      Viel Spaß noch!

      schrieb am 12.01.09 12:39:08
      Beitrag Nr. 1.736 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.352.625 von keutula_reloaded am 12.01.09 07:15:56
      Im Augenblick kann ich mich deiner Meinung nur anschließen, leider.
      schrieb am 12.01.09 15:05:19
      Beitrag Nr. 1.737 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.352.625 von keutula_reloaded am 12.01.09 07:15:56
      servus keute,

      na, das ist doch wieder ne schöne Zusammenfassung.
      Mehr weiss ich auch nicht dazu....:laugh::laugh::laugh:
      schrieb am 12.01.09 15:10:00
      Beitrag Nr. 1.738 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.355.613 von kassier am 12.01.09 15:05:19So ca. 130 PRs seit letztem Mai können nicht lügen... :laugh::laugh::laugh:
      schrieb am 15.01.09 07:48:51
      Beitrag Nr. 1.739 ()
      Ja, manchmal wird ja doch jemand einkassiert...

      Singapore man jailed in Hong Kong over investment scam

      schrieb am 15.01.09 14:18:25
      Beitrag Nr. 1.740 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.377.687 von stupidgame am 15.01.09 07:48:51
      mann, hast du mich erschreckt.....:laugh::laugh::laugh:
      schrieb am 15.01.09 14:20:36
      Beitrag Nr. 1.741 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.380.824 von kassier am 15.01.09 14:18:25Also das wollte ich nun wirklich nicht - sorry.:)

      Muss jetzt weg. Schönen Tag.
      schrieb am 22.01.09 19:11:34
      Beitrag Nr. 1.742 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): 12buzz Services Update

      Jan 22, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Inc's has been implementing a series of upgrades to the online services. Since the inception of the online services the company's online offerings have expanded to cover a very wide spectrum of services. So wide in fact that the company felt the need to segment the web offerings into Search, Business, Investment, Entertainment, Adult, Communications and Property.
      As the site goes live it will go live with the various segments rearranged as to provide a better, faster service for all our various customers.

      The first segment to go back on line will be the communities, Best Pinks an investment community and DrTom the environmental community. This is section will be upgraded and improved upon through out the coming year.

      The new look rich media search and portals will come online over the next month.Buzz Inc looks forward to a successful year with the holdings in

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 80 700 7900 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 29.01.09 22:23:01
      Beitrag Nr. 1.743 ()
      < Back

      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): China Internet Market is Still Growing

      Jan 29, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Inc's has continued to grow in China despite the current economic downturn and the company expects to see further growth in the sector in Asia. Recent reports by Bernstein Research analyst Jeffrey Lindsay who has launched coverage of the two largest China-based Internet companys with Outperform ratings. He set price targets of $170 for Baidu (NASDAQ:BIDU) and $80 for Sohu (NASDAQ:SOHU). is aiming to capture the majority of these PCs through working with the various Internet Cafe Unions and rolling out VoIP, ISP and regional IT services across the country in an effort to catch the 2 market leaders in China, Google and Baidu.

      "By 2012 there will be 373 million Internet users in China, 150 million more than in the US at the same time," says Ben Macklin, eMarketer senior analyst and author of the new report, "Online Advertising in China: The Olympic Year." "Despite this fact, the Chinese Internet market is still relatively immature and only in its first phase of growth.

      "This makes China a large -- and growing -- opportunity for online advertising."

      eMarketer forecasts that online advertising spending in China will grow from RMB7 billion ($924 million) in 2007 to RMB29.26 billion ($4.9 billion) in 2012.

      "Concerns about the Chinese economy and a spate of controversies affecting the Internet in China, including a recent crackdown on pornography, have rattled investor confidence in both stocks," he writes. But Lindsay says those fears are "unwarranted," and asserts that "even with slower economic growth, there is more than enough domestic growth to fuel both players for at least the next 5 years. "

      Lindsay notes that China has surpassed the U.S. to become the world's largest Internet market. But he says that in terms of per capita usage, the Net in China still looks like the U.S. in the late 1990s. He notes that total advertising on all media in China is only $13 per capita, versus $935 in the U.S. He also expects big growth in Internet usage on the country's massive mobile phone base. He sees wireless data usage in China growing 63% in 2009, with compound growth of 39% through 2012.

      Lindsay sees Chinese online advertising growing 28% in 2009, versus 11% in the U.S. and 9% globally, with compound growth through 2014 of 24% in China, 9% in the U.S. and 9% globally. He sees paid search growing 35% this year in China, versus 13% in both the U.S. and globally, with compound growth of 27% in China, versus 9% U.S. and 10% globally. For online display ads, he expects growth of 25% in China versus 10% in the U.S. and 7% globally, with growth through 2014 of 19% in China versus 7% both here and globally.

      In Lindsay's view, both companies have sustainable competitive advantages. He notes that Baidu is the market leader in paid search in China with 63% market share in 2008, well ahead of Google's 27% share. And he observes that Sohu, the second-largest player in display ads in China, is also a beneficiary of China's large and rapidly growing online games sector. He says both companies can grow revenue by at least 20% a year through 2014.

      For Baidu, Lindsay sees profits of $4.65 for 2008 and $6.06 in 2009.

      For Sohu, he sees $3.65 for 2008 and $4.86 for 2009.

      Buzz Inc's had the 3G Buzz Mobile site in Chinese operating for sometime and welcomed the recent news that hundreds of millions of people in China will now be able to use all of the Buzz Mobile services.

      With over $41 billion in spending needed to roll out the new networks, telecommunications equipment makers, services and portal hosts, mobile content suppliers and mobile applications will see gains.

      Mobile service providers China Mobile (NYSE: CHL) China Unicom (NYSE: CHU) and China Telecom also rose on expectations the new technology, allowing many new services such as video, email, games and more on mobile phones, will attract more higher spending customers.

      'Our investments in 3G technology will help Buzz expand our growth on many fronts in China" said Sutida Suwunnavid of Buzz Inc

      In China the Publisher Network was given a warm reception and has spread through the China Internet Cafe market so fast that Buzz was forced to rethink infrastructure needs and conducted and extensive upgrade and expansion of delivery infrastructure.

      In China Buzz Broker, Venture Capital and Buzz FX did best with a flood of sign ups, corporate clients and corporate deals. Games product sales were strong, and VoIP in testing beat per PC, per week estimates by 50%.

      Asia-wide Property and Financial Services were the strongest earners, one advertiser secured a large funding deal for a development project from $500 investment in ads, and our testing of market awareness for listed companies proved very positive and in-house property and financial services sales were exceptionally strong.

      Work continues on developing all facets of the technology that delivers the search and ads. Buzz is also focused on presenting ads in new and more engaging ways to help the company in a USA launch in September.

      Buzz Inc's 12Property

      Our property division had a great start predominantly from the exposure in the ad network, which will see both 12Property and Buzz gain huge exposure in Asia.

      Our own developments are continuing and will go on-sale in 2009.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 80 700 7900 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 31.01.09 13:55:37
      Beitrag Nr. 1.744 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Free Online Trading Cash Give Away

      Jan 30, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- To celebrate our new Oil, Gold, Silver and Forex Trading site we are giving away a Cash Bonus on all new accounts opened before 1/2/09. Yes , if you deposit $200 we will give you $50, deposit $2500 we will give you $500.
      Apart from that you will receive

      Personal One-on-One Training Free Trading eBook Free Insider View Software Free SMS Market Alerts Free Streaming Quotes Free Alerts and Analysis and your own personal dealer

      The Inside Viewer™ is a breakthrough feature of our Visual Trading Platform.

      You get insight into real time trades and trends on the platform. How it works is that it takes the aggregate total of all open trades at any one moment and shows you unique market information.

      Setting new standards in transparency, no other platform shares so much.

      the trade controller™

      The Trade Controller™ is the ultimate visual trading tool. It is a precision control instrument.

      Visually adjust the parameters of your open deals and check out alternative scenarios.

      Modify Stop Loss

      Modify the Stop Loss rate on your open deals and calculate potential profit scenarios.

      Make fine adjustments to see the effects on your deal.

      Then choose to accept the changes or cross out to go back to the original Stop Loss rate you set.

      Trade Controller

      Set or Modify Take Profit Rate

      Didn't set a Take Profit rate on your open deal?

      Use The Trade Controller™ to set one now. Or modify the Take Profit rate you set when you opened your deal.

      Click on 'Modify' in My Position and use The Trade Controller™ to precisely define your rates. Analyze different profit scenarios and choose to accept the changes or cross out to go back to your original settings.

      SMS Alert Service

      Join the SMS Alert Service, receive vital notifications and free yourself from your computer.

      Know what's happening to your deals and know what's happening in the market. Make decisive trading decisions then choose to go online and manage your trades.

      Join the SMS Alert Service in My Account section and receive 3 free SMS alerts.

      If you do not have an account, join now to get full access to the site.

      Three types of SMS Alert notifications can be sent directly to your mobile phone:

      * An alert when a specified exchange Rate appears in the market

      * An alert when an your deal closes

      * An alert when your Limit Order captures

      SMS Rate Alert

      You want to know when a specific exchange rate occurs in the market. You don't want to be tied to your computer waiting for it to happen. Set a rate alert for a currency pair you are interested in and walk away. If the rate happens, you are notified so you can choose to login and open a trade.

      Deal Closure Alert

      Be alerted when your Day Trade has automatically closed. Your deal may have closed because it reached the Stop Loss or the Take Profit rates you defined. Or the deal closed as it reached its expiry date. If it does close, and you set this alert, you will be notified that this specific deal has closed.

      Limit Order Capture Alert

      Know when your Limit Order captures, by setting this alert. With a Limit Order you define an exchange rate for a specific currency pair. When this rate is reached in the market a Day Trade is opened automatically for you. The SMS Alert Service conveniently let's you know when this happens.

      Direct information, more convenience and greater freedom.

      The SMS Alert Service sets a new standard in customer support.

      Please note this SMS Alert service is supplied for your convenience. Due to the reliance on external network providers, we cannot guarantee the timeliness, relevance or accuracy of data provided. Also note, that the content of an SMS Alert does not constitute a recommendation and use of such content is the sole responsibility of the user. For a fuller explanation - see the video tour on the SMS Alert Service.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 80 700 7900 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 02.02.09 16:40:38
      Beitrag Nr. 1.745 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Update

      Feb 02, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Inc's will continue upgrading the various services. This week focus will shift to community portals. is re-inventing the communities with new interactive features and more user options. Community portals maybe be offline over the next week to facilitate the changes.
      Buzz Inc's Lanna Project has several offers including offers from major mining companies, some open and some subject to assay. The company continues to build out the production facility while considering the offers.

      One-2-Property has seen strong renewed interest in Phuket and Bangkok commercial and residential property over the last week. SEO services provided by are now generating very high quality leads on a daily basis.

      Financial Services has also seen good growth this week with Oil and Gold traders in Asia adopting the Joint Venture offerings at a much faster rate.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 02.02.09 16:41:17
      Beitrag Nr. 1.746 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): 12buzz Cash Giveaway Extended

      Feb 02, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- We have extended our cash giveaway for our new Oil, Gold, Silver and Forex Trading site we are giving away a Cash Bonus on all new accounts opened before 1/3/09 1st March 2009. Yes , if you deposit $200 we will give you $50, deposit $2500 we will give you $500.
      Apart from that you will receive

      Personal One-on-One Training Free Trading eBook Free Insider View Software Free SMS Market Alerts Free Streaming Quotes Free Alerts and Analysis and your own personal dealer

      The Inside Viewer is a breakthrough feature of our Visual Trading Platform.

      You get insight into real time trades and trends on the platform. How it works is that it takes the aggregate total of all open trades at any one moment and shows you unique market information.

      Setting new standards in transparency, no other platform shares so much.

      the trade controller

      The Trade Controller is the ultimate visual trading tool. It is a precision control instrument.

      Visually adjust the parameters of your open deals and check out alternative scenarios.

      Modify Stop Loss

      Modify the Stop Loss rate on your open deals and calculate potential profit scenarios.

      Make fine adjustments to see the effects on your deal.

      Then choose to accept the changes or cross out to go back to the original Stop Loss rate you set.

      Trade Controller

      Set or Modify Take Profit Rate

      Didn't set a Take Profit rate on your open deal?

      Use The Trade Controller to set one now. Or modify the Take Profit rate you set when you opened your deal.

      Click on 'Modify' in My Position and use The Trade Controller to precisely define your rates. Analyze different profit scenarios and choose to accept the changes or cross out to go back to your original settings.

      SMS Alert Service

      Join the SMS Alert Service, receive vital notifications and free yourself from your computer.

      Know what's happening to your deals and know what's happening in the market. Make decisive trading decisions then choose to go online and manage your trades.

      Join the SMS Alert Service in My Account section and receive 3 free SMS alerts.

      If you do not have an account, join now to get full access to the site.

      Three types of SMS Alert notifications can be sent directly to your mobile phone:

      * An alert when a specified exchange Rate appears in the market

      * An alert when an your deal closes

      * An alert when your Limit Order captures

      SMS Rate Alert

      You want to know when a specific exchange rate occurs in the market. You don't want to be tied to your computer waiting for it to happen. Set a rate alert for a currency pair you are interested in and walk away. If the rate happens, you are notified so you can choose to login and open a trade.

      Deal Closure Alert

      Be alerted when your Day Trade has automatically closed. Your deal may have closed because it reached the Stop Loss or the Take Profit rates you defined. Or the deal closed as it reached its expiry date. If it does close, and you set this alert, you will be notified that this specific deal has closed.

      Limit Order Capture Alert

      Know when your Limit Order captures, by setting this alert. With a Limit Order you define an exchange rate for a specific currency pair. When this rate is reached in the market a Day Trade is opened automatically for you. The SMS Alert Service conveniently let's you know when this happens.

      Direct information, more convenience and greater freedom.

      The SMS Alert Service sets a new standard in customer support.

      Please note this SMS Alert service is supplied for your convenience. Due to the reliance on external network providers, we cannot guarantee the timeliness, relevance or accuracy of data provided. Also note, that the content of an SMS Alert does not constitute a recommendation and use of such content is the sole responsibility of the user. For a fuller explanation - see the video tour on the SMS Alert Service.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies Inc Tel: +66 80 700 7900 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 02.02.09 16:42:29
      Beitrag Nr. 1.747 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.495.883 von kassier am 02.02.09 16:41:17
      hallo keutula, du hast doch immer gern probiert, obs auch wahr ist.

      keine lust ????;)
      schrieb am 03.02.09 06:47:07
      Beitrag Nr. 1.748 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.495.890 von kassier am 02.02.09 16:42:29Ach Kassier, kein Vertrauen mehr?
      Gut, ich bin dem Wahnsinn auch eine Zeit lang bedingungslos gefolgt. Aber jetzt, wo feststeht, dass die ganze Firma nur Anlegerabzocke ist, beleidigt das Ausprobieren so langsam meine Intellligenz. (Man rennt ja schließlich auch nicht als Erwachsener hinter die Bühne eines Zauberers um nachzuschauen, ob im Zylinder nicht doch Karnickel wohnen...;)
      Nein, nein, mach das mal schön allein. Diese FOREX-Geschichte sieht übrigens auch nur nach einem schnöden Web-Schneeballsystem aus. SH hat sich offensichtlich bei easyFOREX registriert und darf zum Dank dafür sein debiles 12buzz Bälle-Logo über deren Web-Applikation kopieren. Wenn tatsächlich dann einer seiner ca. 20 Buzz-Jünger ein paar Kröten umsetzt, kann er evtl. noch nen kleinen Doller Kommission einstecken. Die easyFOREX Bude wirbt übrigens damit, dass sie im letzten Jahr weltweit gerade mal 5 Mio $ Kommission ausgezahlt haben und angeblich gibt es Tausende von Kunden. (Da kannst Du Dir nun allein ausrechnen, wieviel von denen so jeder im Schnitt verdienen dürfte. Und Euren Chef könnt Ihr bei Gelegenheit mal fragen, wieviel er selbst an Umsatz-Erwartungen hat.)
      Du siehst, da ist nix, was wirklich Buzz gehört oder sie entwickelt haben.
      Übrigens kannst auch Du easyFOREX Provider werden. Hier:
      steht, wie es geht.

      Alles Gute, ich probiere hier nichts mehr aus. Das überlasse ich Dir.
      (Aber nicht, dass ich demnächst dubiose kassier-FOREX Angebote von Dir kriege...;)

      Schönen Tag noch!
      schrieb am 03.02.09 11:48:03
      Beitrag Nr. 1.749 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.499.081 von keutula_reloaded am 03.02.09 06:47:07
      Vertrauen, also wirklich, das ist nun schon lange weg. Wie du weisst, gibts zur Zeit nur die Hoffnung.;)

      schrieb am 03.02.09 15:05:59
      Beitrag Nr. 1.750 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.500.766 von kassier am 03.02.09 11:48:03Ja, das stimmt. In einem Netz voller Lügen hilft am Ende nur noch die Hoffnung, leider...
      In Bezug auf diese FOREX-Geschichte sollte ein realistisch gehoffter Jahresumsatz für Buzz bei ihrem Bekanntheits- und Nutzungsgrad so ca. einem halben Kleinwagen (Verschrottungsprämie mit einegrechnet) entsprechen. Alles andere ist bei 5 Mio Jahreskommissionszahlung durch den Betreiber und tausenden Verticker-Buden wie Buzz wohl eher illusionär.
      schrieb am 03.02.09 15:44:42
      Beitrag Nr. 1.751 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): OM Holdings Limited and Buzz Inc Increase Manganese Production for 2009

      Feb 03, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Inc (OTC:BZTG) has committed $500 000 to immediately upgrade of the facility on the company's Lanna Project in Thailand. The Manganese Ore site will see an investment in plant and equipment that will bring production capabilities to 25 000 mtu per month, (300 000 mtu per annum)
      This upgrade was not planned before 2010 and the company expected to make the first Mn Ore deliveries in March 2009.

      All sales have now been deferred until after the upgrade is complete. Buzz Inc holds approximately 40 000 mtu of Mn Ore and as mining will continue during the upgrade expects to hold 70 to 80 000 mtu in processed and packed Mn Ore.

      The company is currently looking at several marketing options for the site production. Having the site operating at 25000 mtu per month immediately will allow a more profitable marketing deal.

      Diversified commodity marketing, metals and mining house OM Holdings Limited (ASX: OMH - "OMH") has announced the resumption of manganese export shipments during January 2009 after delivering another strong production performance for the December 2008 Quarter, resulting in record production and shipments for calendar 2008.

      OMH said today (Friday) that Q1 2009 export shipments had commenced and Chinese contract shipments are expected to resume in earnest following the Chinese New Year holiday. Shipments were suspended during the December 2008 Quarter in response to weak market conditions arising from the short-term impact of the global financial and economic crisis.

      The Company's 100%-owned Bootu Creek Manganese Mine in the Northern Territory posted production for the December 2008 Quarter of 143,465 tonnes at an average grade of 42.2% Mn, taking total production for calendar 2008 to a record 672,580 tonnes at 41.9% Mn.

      This was just below the market guidance of 700,000 tonnes after taking into account implementation of the revised production and marketing program announced last year, including the planned cessation of processing activities at Bootu Creek for a two-week period over Christmas and New Year.

      The 2009 production strategy is being executed based on production of 500,000tpa, in line with prevailing market conditions. However, measures are in place to respond proactively with increased production once market conditions strengthen. Process plant performance during the year has demonstrated that an annualised production rate of 700,000 tonnes is achievable.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 04.02.09 10:51:31
      Beitrag Nr. 1.752 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Upgrades Free TV Service

      Feb 03, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- BUzz Inc's (OTC:BZTG) Further increased the pressure on rival China Digital TV (NYSE:STV) Launching an Upgraded Free Sat TV in China. Advertising opportunities on Buzz TV are now available at…
      Viewers can download Buzz TV at" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">

      Buzz Sat TV - Featuring Bloomberg, BBC News, CNN International, ESPN, Fashion TV, NASA and YouTube!

      With 378 million TV households and 152 million cable TV households at the end of 2007, China is the world's largest TV market. Its cable TV industry generated A 3/43.4bn in revenue in 2007 and is expected to grow at over seven per cent year-on-year to be worth Euro 4.8bn by 2012.

      Cable dominates the multi-channel industry as satellite reception is banned and IPTV is in its infancy. As a result 40% of all homes have cable TV, and it accounts for 99% of the pay TV market.

      With significant investment in the technological infrastructure across the country, the cable industry is rapidly converting to digital in time for the planned analogue switch-off in 2015. The Olympics is acting as a catalyst for this - as the Beijing Olympics will be the first all-HD Olympic Games. Digitisation and a raft of interactive TV services will drive average revenue per subscriber up.

      According to The Insight Research Corporation this sector is set to explode, here is what they had to say;

      Streaming video and music distributed across the Internet, an IPTV network, or a mobile handset will generate $70 billion in network- derived and content-derived revenue into the US markets over the next six years, according to a new market research study from The Insight Research Corporation. Streaming media refers to the transmission of digital audio and video files over an IP network or wireless network in real time or on-demand, while prohibiting users from storing the files locally.

      Insight's market analysis study, "Streaming Media, IPTV, and Broadband Transport: Telecommunications Carriers and Entertainment Services 2008-2013," describes the technology and market forces underpinning the network-derived revenues generated from distributing streamed content across the public Internet, content distribution networks, cellular networks, or telco IP networks.

      The study also estimates the revenue from the various types of content- derived revenues, along with associated advertising revenue. The streaming market is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of nearly 29 percent over the next six years, driven by on-demand audio, on-demand video, as well as the accompanying advertising revenue.

      "The outlook for streaming media has never been brighter. Questions surrounding consumers' willingness to pay for content have been dispelled by satellite radio and iTunes," says Robert Rosenberg, Insight Research president. "The forecasts that we present are conservative and in line with current performance. If, however, per- stream costs drop faster than anticipated, we have quicker acceptance of IPTV, or improvements in 3G delivery take place faster than expected, it could blow the doors off of our forecasts, propelling this industry into explosive growth," Rosenberg continues.

      Insight's report examines the following market drivers: licensing issues, broadband Internet access, mass-market demand, and enterprise usage. Forecasts include revenues for the US market by network services, including digital rights management (DRM), encoding, and performance measurement; and by content services, including advertising, music on-demand, Internet radio and video on-demand.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 123 Tel: +66 87 272 1727 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 04.02.09 10:52:24
      Beitrag Nr. 1.753 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Upgrades iPhone Email

      Feb 03, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz has upgraded it's iPhone (NASDAQ:AAPL) compatible Email Anywhere which has a list of features that can make the iPhone a great business solution.
      Heading the list is "great e-mail integration" with push e-mail from servers. Similarly enterprise customers want calendar and contact information pushed out to their devices, a standard feature of RIM's BlackBerry (NASDAQ:RIMM) devices and Buzz delivers.

      IT departments will also be able to use Exchange Server to remotely wipe the Buzz Applications clean or inoperable should it be lost or stolen. Rounding out the list, the Email Anywhere provides access to global address lists, built in support for Cisco's IPSec (network security), VPN and certificates. The service is available now at

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 87 272 1727 123 Tel: +66 87 272 1727 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 04.02.09 16:08:23
      Beitrag Nr. 1.754 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Thailand's Housing Business Association Urges Developers to do More Marketing

      Feb 04, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Inc's ( and One-2-Property have been offering highly advanced Property marketing services in Thailand since the launch of their search engine in mid 2008.
      In response to the government's new incentives, property firms should introduce more activities and launch attractive promotional campaigns to spur homebuyers to make a decision, said Housing Business Association (HBA) secretary Wasan Kiangsiri.

      "The private sector should also help stimulate homebuyers' decisions after the government announced the new incentives related to the property sector," he said.

      "Market sentiment has recovered and developers see positive signs, apparent in fully booked booths at the fair and even higher rental rates," he said.

      Advertising Property: Property advertising on the Internet is extremely competitive and a serious strategy needs to be properly in place for the best positions to be reached on the Google and other search engines. The property market is tough and recently more people have developed websites in the anticipation of reaching the top placements to get all the traffic that are looking for property from all over the globe.

      Advertising Property with Pay per Click Advertising in the property market using traditional pay per click advertising is a very risky and expensive venture. Due to the high level of competition for the business the cost per click is substantial and the sites are consuming a large advertising spend a month with no problem. The advantages are that with one sale in the property market an advertiser could pay for an entire year advertising using ppc on an ad network as the profit margins are high per property sale. The main advantage with ppc is that you are able to take premium listings under your chosen key search terms and gather qualified leads that are searching for your services the instant you place your bid. However people seem to be increasingly aware these are in fact ads and not search results and tend to disregard them.

      Property Advertising with Banners: Banners are a popular way to get branding out there and with the right graphics can influence an end user to remember your company and use your services as opposed to the competitors to purchase their property. Banners provide the added branding benefits.

      Advertising Property with Search Engine Optimization (SEO): The best way to advertise property on the web is to get your property site on to the 1st page of the search engines in the natural listings with Buzz's search engine optimization. The reason is obvious. The best locations on a page of natural listings are used 90% by the end user looking for the property sales as opposed to any paid sponsor listings and there are no costs attached with visitors clicking through to your website. The Phuket property market is extremely aggressive and competing against the long standing websites is difficult - but we make it possible!

      It is essential that you have a clear strategy in place when taking on advertising property on the internet. The first thing to do is decide which key phrases you want to target in the property market and then make sure you know which pages are going to target which phrases. You must avoid repetition in all your web pages and ensure your metas are unique page to page. Your Phuket property website must be 'squeaky clean' to stand any chance of reaching 1st page on Google. You must ensure page layout is correct so the search engine spiders understand what you are wanting to advertise and do not participate in any link farms on the Internet. Call 0807007900 for more information or advice on advertising your property website with search engine optimization (SEO).

      Buzz Marketing for Properties offers attractive options for getting quick cash for property you are looking to sell.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 04.02.09 16:09:05
      Beitrag Nr. 1.755 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Real Estate Marketing

      Feb 04, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- It is estimated that almost over 80% of buyers are now looking for new property online. One-2-Property platform allows real estate agents, developers and property owners access to a suite of products and high-tech tools including Search Engine Optimization propriety to Buzz.
      The Buzz Marketing SEO services will help you transform regular visitors into real buyers by analyzing their behavior once they locate your site, and with Buzz Marketing organizing the correct path through your site for higher conversions online. By us utilizing the content of your website we will transform these visitors into buyers in the most effective and efficient manner possible.

      Many companies are looking for cheaper advertising alternatives, which our search, SEO/SEM services provide, in some instances up to 70% more cost effective in some markets. Our SEO services can deliver the equivalent of over $50 000 in online ad spending for under $8500.

      It is estimated that almost over 80% of buyers are now looking for new property online. One-2-Property (OTC:BZTG) platform allows real estate agents, developers and property owners access to a suite of products and high-tech tools including Search Engine Optimization propriety to Buzz . Today the company has added to the free services by integrating paid advertiser services into the mix.

      Anyone using the One-2-Property platform can also host their own virtual show, flash slide show, mapping and the most detailed database yet. The One-2-Property platform has been built to be extremely user-friendly with 24/7 customer support.

      Despite the dramatic fallout from the subprime mortgage loan fiasco, real estate advertisers will continue to spend online in the next few years. A new report shows home brokers, agents and developers are increasingly shifting their advertising dollars to the Web, almost to the exclusion of all other media, including print newspapers.

      Online advertising research and consulting firm Borrell Associates predicts in its "Real Estate Outlook 2007-2012" report that online real estate advertising will outpace print newspaper advertising within the next five years. The report forecasts newspaper will receive $4.8 billion in advertising revenue in 2007, while online advertising will receive $2.6 billion. By 2012, newspapers will receive $3.3 billion compared to online advertising's $3.5 billion.

      The report predicts real estate newspaper ad revenues will drop 6.8 percent this year and by the same rate in 2008, followed by a sharper 16 percent fall in 2009 and another 13 percent decline in 2010. The steady fall will also affect local homes magazines.

      The real estate ad shift away from traditional media to online mirrors similar shifts in other advertiser verticals, according to Peter Conti, Jr., SVP of Borrell Associates. That transition was spurred by two years of depressed home sales have forced brokers to reassess their ad spending.

      "Unlike recruitment verticals and the automotive vertical, where we've seen the dramatic shift to the Internet over the years, the rising tide of home sales kept all sorts of advertising afloat," said Conti. Now, he added, "There are less homes being sold, but at the same time advertisers and real estate brokers are looking for the most effective use of their dollars. And everybody agrees that the most efficient means is online."

      According to the report, spending by real estate advertisers on online ads and promotions will account for 16.7 percent of total online spending in 2007; Web site design, communications and database services will make up the remainder. By 2009 those numbers will change only slightly with 17.3 percent of online budgets going towards online ads and promotions.

      The falling property markets will push agents to compete even harder for leads.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 04.02.09 16:09:31
      Beitrag Nr. 1.756 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Social Media Marketing

      Feb 04, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Communities, News, Blogs and Content
      Social media marketing is the process of promoting your site or business through social media channels and it is a powerful strategy that will get you links, attention and traffic. There is no other low-cost promotional method out there that will easily give you large numbers of visitors, some of whom may come back to your website again and again. If you are selling products/services or just publishing content for ad revenue, social media marketing is a potent method that will make your site profitable over time.

      Those who ignore the efficacy of social media usually fall into three categories; the ones who don't know much or anything about social media, the ones who are interested but don't know how to use it and those who don't believe in the value that a social media strategy can bring to any site or business.

      Primary and Secondary Traffic Primary traffic is the large amount of visitors who come directly from social media websites. Secondary traffic is referral traffic from websites which link to and send you visitors, after they come across your content through the social sites.

      High Quality Links Becoming popular on social news websites will get you a large number of links, some of which may be topically relevant, some not. A good story can realistically acquire a large number of high quality editorial links, most of which cannot be easily bought. The higher your site ranks in terms of numbers, the further it moves up the rankings of search engines.

      Widgets, Blogs, Forums and News

      Buzz manages all of this from design and construction, to maintenance and distribution.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 04.02.09 16:10:32
      Beitrag Nr. 1.757 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Offers Online Press Releases for Phuket and Bangkok

      Feb 04, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Why Regular News Matters
      Having Buzz Marketing look after a regular stream of news releases is important for a number of reasons:

      Properly released news using RSS (Really Simple Syndication) and Buzz's accredited news feed status means your news will be automatically submitted to over 350 search engines and will find its way on to 100s if not 1,000s of websites.

      The High Quality links built will help search engine rankings, many of the blogs, RSS news companies and those who use.

      Buzz will prepare, edit and make your release as effective as it can possibly be!

      Buzz's Newsfeed as content can be a direct source of new customers.

      Price B2500, Buy 10 for B15000

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 05.02.09 11:30:24
      Beitrag Nr. 1.758 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Mobile VoIP for iPhone and Smartphone

      Feb 05, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- According to Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) "If an Application requires or will have access to the carrier network, then additionally such Application: ... May not have Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) functionality." thus paving the way for Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG) mobile VoIP service to be used on all iPhones around the World.( has developed a line of Callback services which provides customers with three unique ways for making inexpensive calls around the world. No new equipment is needed; you use your existing telephone or mobile phone. It is as easy as using the web, sending an SMS message from your mobile phone or dialing a local access number to initiate a Callback call.
      Buzz VoIP On the Move on Web

      This Callback method allows you to use a web application to initiate a Callback call. By simply accessing Buzz web application, two phone numbers can be connected at a predetermined time. By simply accessing any internet launch point at or end users panels to launch a call, the two phone numbers can be connected. You determine the two phone numbers you want to connect and specify the time for the call. Buzz will connect the two phone numbers at the predetermined time.

      iPhone VoIP On the Move

      Similar to web callback, WAP callback can be initiated from any web enabled mobile phone. Simply go to any WAP enable web page from your mobile devices and initiate a web callback call at

      You determine the two phone numbers you want to connect and specify the time for the call. Buzz will connect the two phone numbers at the predetermined time.

      iPhone SMS On the Move

      Using only a mobile phone, this method allows you to call worldwide by simply sending an SMS or text message. You send a SMS message identifying the phone number you want to call. Buzz SMS On the Move calls back your customer and connects the call to the customer specified phone number.

      iPhone ANI On the Move

      Buzz's ANI On the Move method allows you to use a local access number to initiate the call. You must first register your phone number using the Buzz VoIP control panel or by using one of our many publicly accessed VIN or DID. The Callback call is initiated by dialing a local access number from any registered phone. You receive a call back from Buzz and the call is connected to any phone number you specify.

      The limitations on iPhone VoIP over cellular is probably a requirement from AT&T and is part of their contract. Buzz VoIP can be used on any phone, anywhere, anytime

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
      schrieb am 06.02.09 15:22:00
      Beitrag Nr. 1.759 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Phuket Platinum Residence Park Appoints One-2-Property

      Feb 06, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- One-2-Property is the latest revolution in the real estate industry because of its global vision, with online content covering four continents and companies currently operating in five countries. Reaching out to our members and users all over the world gives the members full worldwide coverage, One-2-Property's archive and database are fully categorized and best searchable with an online keyword search facilities. One-2-Property does all the full plan marketing for you and your property both online and print media. Buyers and renters come across us in all search engines, national newspapers, real estate magazines and also major events we sponsor. Through its unique approach to real estate, One-2-Property has become the most valuable and powerful tool there is.
      One-2-Property offers dedicated real estate news and useful articles, from around the world, carefully selected and assembled by our team of experienced journalists. A complete source of real estate information, contracts and blue-book for each region are provided with an update for members.

      The Internet allows the real estate industry to capitalize on the e-commerce section of this particular sector. One-2-Property is the first company to truly understand and embrace the 'e-revolution' - we offer the only globally integrated service that specially caters to the real estate professionals and consumers.

      Phuket Platinum Residence

      The project is located just minutes away from the fishing village of Rawai and beautiful Nai Harn Beach in the south of Phuket.

      Far away from the hustle and bustle of daily island life, the property features a breathtaking mountain view. The Park is a Government Approved Project which means that all construction, drainage, roads, water systems, waste, and electric installation is of the highest possible quality with standards that ensure minimal environmental negative impact. Platinum Residence features wide recently built roads, spacious walkways, green zones and underground electric cables. Swimming pools are optional and can be installed on request.

      You can choose from three house designs: Type A Koh I Noor with 482 sq m. living space on a plot of land approx 800 sq m. (8000 sq ft., half a rai) and Type B, the Orlob, a smaller version of the same design on the same sized plot or Type C a one story house at the size from 220 sq m. on the same sized plot. The starting price is 8.5 million baht. The main advantage of our properties is that you are welcome to plan and adapt the house of your dreams to your requirements as regards to size, style and luxury.

      For more information on the property/financing/mortgage or viewing please email or One-2-Property Hotline +66 080 700 7900

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 06.02.09 15:22:29
      Beitrag Nr. 1.760 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): More iPhone Content from Buzz

      Feb 06, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- In the hands of the Tech savvy younger market the iPhone's (News - Alert) large touchscreen, user interface and an unlimited data plan lead to high rates of browsing, video viewing, music listening and social networking, according to a new report from M:Metrics.
      Overall, that's good news for the mobile industry: a fun, intuitively interactive device and unlimited service plans can drive data consumption, near-and-dear to the hearts of network operators seeking to induce consumers to add data to their mobile diet. Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG) is one company devoted to mobile content and, someday soon, mobile advertising.

      The company has upgraded reloaded for iPhone and Apple (News - Alert) Inc.(NASDAQ:AAPL) agree that iPhone owners are much more likely to engage in data than smartphone owners as a whole, and far more likely than mobile-phone users in general, according to M:Metrics' survey data.

      The "iPhone demographic" is similar to smartphone owners in general: male, aged 25-34, with a college degree and more than $100,000 in annual income. But the M:Metrics numbers, the result of a survey of more than 31,000 mobile phone users (and 202 iPhoners), show that iPhone users are big consumers of services well-sampled by smartphone owners but only nibbled at by the average mobile-phone owner.

      Fully 85% of iPhone owners browse the Web on their device, versus 58% for smartphone owners and 13% for the average mobile customer. Where only 5% of average mobile customers watched mobile TV or video, 14% of smartphone owners do and 31% of iPhone users do so. Nearly 75% of iPhone users listen to music, versus 28% for smartphone owners and nearly 7% of average mobile customers.

      Despite the fact that iPhone owners' and smartphone owners' demographics are similar, the iPhone drives greater mobile content consumption, according to Mark Donovan, an M:Metrics analyst.

      "In addition to the attributes of the device itself, another important factor is that all iPhones on AT&T Mobility are attached to an unlimited data plan," Donovan said. "Our data shows that once the fear of surprise data charges is eliminated, mobile content consumption increases dramatically, regardless of device."

      YouTube and Google Maps are accessed by 30% and 36%, respectively, of iPhone owners, compared with 1% and more than 2% of average mobile-phone users, according to the M:Metrics data.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 06.02.09 15:22:58
      Beitrag Nr. 1.761 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Inc's Lanna Project to Fund Expansion and Cash Dividends

      Feb 06, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Proceeds from Buzz Inc's rapidly developing Lanna Project (details below) will assist in funding an increased rate of corporate expansion, however shareholders will not be forgotten and Buzz Inc will declare annual cash dividends from mine proceeds, and/or an extraordinary cash dividend if the site is sold.
      Buzz Inc has commenced the $500,000 upgrade to its Lanna Project in Thailand. The Manganese Ore site will see new plant and equipment that will bring production capabilities to 25,000 mtu per month.

      The company is currently looking at several marketing options for the site production. Having the site operating at 25,000 mtu per month immediately will allow a more profitable marketing deal. Assay Reports have been requested by Glencore and Buzz Inc will be having a senior person with long history as a geologist within the international mining community prepare this documentation.

      As a result of this upgrade the company expects to make the first Mn Ore deliveries in March 2009. Previously deliveries were not planned before 2010.

      All sales have now been deferred until after the upgrade is complete. Buzz Inc holds approximately 40,000 mtu of Mn Ore and as mining will continue during the uprade expects to hold 70-80,000 mtu in processed and packed Mn Ore, this is inline with the deal on offer to Glencore. Glencore International AG is one of the world's largest suppliers of a wide range of commodities and raw materials to industrial consumers.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 06.02.09 15:23:30
      Beitrag Nr. 1.762 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): New Research on Search Shows Google Has Competition

      Feb 06, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Despite Google's (NASDAQ:GOOG) clear dominance of online search in the U.S., the company still isn't the only player in town.
      A study by Forrester found that 55 percent use more than one search engine per week, and that 20 percent of searchers use only Google.

      "Users find that other search engines are actually more effective for certain things--like looking up stock quotes or finding news stories," said analyst Shar VanBoskirk in the study.

      According to the study, 69 percent of people use Google at least weekly, compared to 50 percent for Yahoo (NASDAQ:YHOO), 18 percent for AOL, and 14 percent for Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT).

      Buzz Inc's (OTC:BZTG) has been developing a host of search products many of which are seeing the upgraded, dynamic rich media versions come online.

      This Rich Media focus will be migrated across the entire platform in the coming months including the Search services.

      While the "Google" phenomenon exploded and the competition raised and spent fortunes to capture market share,, under the direction of Buzz Inc, quietly built a better product tailored to the emerging markets, with live support, webmaster support and a strong respect for privacy.

      New product features will deliver to users true mutlimedia in portals, search and business services. This focus on offering users the latest technology with 100% privacy will set 12buzz apart from the competition for the worlds Internet traffic.

      The new Youtube Video Search allows users to watch videos and search at the same time on the same page. It is also packed full of the many cool Youtube features such as related Youtube Videos and Top Rated Youtube Videos.

      The Buzz Youtube search provides true web 2.0 entertainment.

      Buzz Inc's has been promoting the privacy of the company's search services for sometime. offers several search engines, a free email service and other community portals that are 100% private.

      This attention to privacy has now become a serious issue at web portals who have long profited from the invasion and sale of peoples personal data. has great opportunities in the Search market.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 09.02.09 19:38:22
      Beitrag Nr. 1.763 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Search Battle Continues Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Ask and Buzz

      Feb 09, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) is without dispute the king of search-but that does not stop the average web user from trying and comparing results to Yahoo, Microsoft, Buzz or Ask on a daily basis.Google's challengers are finally chipping away at this market by targeting users in areas other than core search. And judging from the diverse product launches and announcements this week, the competitors are using the benefits of a new strategy:
      -Yahoo:(NASDAQ:YHOO) Yahoo rolled out a Search Pad tool that lets users keep track of the sites they have visited during an ongoing search; the idea is to eliminate the need to track their research with another program like Microsoft Word, or even taking notes on a sheet of paper. Currently in beta, Search Pad picks up where the old Google Notebook left off; VentureBeat notes that there are thriving alternatives like Zoho and Evernote, but Search Pad's integration with Yahoo Search gives it a pre-established user base.

      -Ask: Facing decreased traffic and user retention, IAC (NASDAQ: IACI ) plans to shift's focus yet again-this time to vertical search. "The strategy for Ask is to not go frontally against the larger competitor, Google," chief executive Barry Diller said, per ClickZ. "We're going after vertical sites that give us traffic and give users a taste of a better experience so they'll come back." Building on its partnership with NASCAR to power search on, the company will roll out around 10 similar relationships this year, though no details on which verticals were given.

      -Buzz: (OTC:BZTG) Has taken a different approach making search far more visually appealing with a focus on the high revenue Property, Travel and Financial Services sector. Buzz is one of the most widely used English searches in Asia. Th Company also offers a Youtube search that allows users to search and watch Youtube video's at the same time. The crisp presentation of the Buzz Search service keeps attracting users. Buzz has seen strong growth in providing clients with the companies search knowledge in the form of premium SEO services.

      -Microsoft: (NASDAQ:MSFT) The company is trying to woo Valentine's Day shoppers with additional cashback promos on gifts from partners like FTD, Organic Bouquet and even online jeweler Blue Nile (NASDAQ:NILE)); it's also highlighting its Farecast travel search engine through a Spring Break forecast, showing that flight and hotel price points are down 15% year-over-year. Campaigns like these could help Microsoft gain a foothold in the e-commerce and travel search niches; the efforts also propel the company in its battle for second-place with Yahoo.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 09.02.09 19:38:49
      Beitrag Nr. 1.764 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Corporate VoIP Services Released Globally

      Feb 09, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Inc's, BuzzTel ( is releasing a corporate VoIP service. The service carries an annual fee of $500 and provides 2 Virtual Phones numners anywhere in the world, Unlimited calling to USA, Canada,(Landlines and Mobiles) China and Europe (landlines).
      Buzz offers Crystal Clear VoIP calling and can be used from your existing phone network, mobiles, smartphones and iPhones.

      Virtual International Numbers (VIN) Direct Inward Dialing (DID)

      BuzzTel's "Virtual International Numbers": by combining the low cost call rates with the advantage of Direct Inward Dial (DID) numbers to provide a low cost alternative to high direct dial international rates from 40 countries. A DID is a local access number that is used by BuzzTel to forward a call over the internet, using VoIP technology, to a specified number. By using DID numbers, you can bypasses high international long distance rates when making international calls, you can stay connected with clients, employees and suppliers for fraction of the cost. You can also track all phones and callers in real time

      BuzzTel is the ideal solution for Enterprises seeking to have a local presence internationally without having to have a physical location in those counties. For example, a manufacturing firm in China desires a local presence in the United States without having to open up an office in New York. With BuzzTel, they can have a New York phone number that rings directly into the corporate office in China.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
      schrieb am 10.02.09 10:47:43
      Beitrag Nr. 1.765 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Lanna Project to Complete in 60 days, Proceeds of Mine to Fund Dividend and Reinforce Hong Kong Listing

      Feb 10, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Inc has commenced the $500,000 upgrade to its Lanna Project in Thailand and expects to complete the upgrade with in 60 days. The Manganese Ore site will see new plant and equipment that will raise production capabilities to 25,000 mtu per month. As a result of this upgrade the company expects to make the first Mn Ore deliveries in March 2009. Previously deliveries were not planned before 2010.
      The company is currently looking at several marketing options for the site production. Having the site operating at 25,000 mtu per month immediately will allow a more profitable marketing deal. Assay Reports have been requested by Glencore and Buzz Inc will be having a senior person with long history as a geologist within the international mining community prepare this documentation.

      All sales have now been deferred until after the upgrade is complete. Buzz Inc holds approximately 40,000 mtu of Mn Ore and as mining will continue during the uprade expects to hold 80,000 mtu in processed and packed Mn Ore, this is inline with the deal on offer to Glencore.

      Proceeds from Buzz Inc's rapidly developing Lanna Project will assist in funding an increased rate of corporate expansion in's Search Market, however shareholders will not be forgotten and Buzz Inc will declare annual cash dividends from mine proceeds, and/or an extraordinary cash dividend if the site is sold, this may occur prior to the listing of Buzz Inc in Hong Kong, this will help secure a very successful listing.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc e-mail: Tel: +66 807 007 900

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 10.02.09 10:48:36
      Beitrag Nr. 1.766 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Lanna Project to Fund Dividends, Expansion and Underpin Hong Kong Listing

      Feb 10, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Proceeds from Buzz Inc's rapidly developing Lanna Project (details below) will assist in funding the international roll out of Buzz Search, Has taken a different approach making search far more visually appealing with a focus on the high revenue Property, Travel and Financial Services sector. Buzz is one of the most widely used English searches in Asia. Th Company also offers a Youtube search that allows users to search and watch Youtube video's at the same time. The crisp presentation of the Buzz Search service keeps attracting users. Buzz has seen strong growth in providing clients with the companies search knowledge in the form of premium SEO services.
      However shareholders will not be forgotten and Buzz Inc will declare annual cash dividends from mine proceeds, and/or an extraordinary cash dividend if the site is sold. The dividend maybe offered prior to the company's planned listing in Hong Kong and would highlight the many achievements so far.

      Buzz Inc's upgrade of the Lanna Project in Thailand should complete in March 2009. The Manganese Ore site will see new plant and equipment that will bring production capabilities to 25,000 mtu per month.

      The company is currently looking at several marketing options for the site production. Having the site operating at 25,000 mtu per month immediately will allow a more profitable marketing deal. Assay Reports have been requested by Glencore and Buzz Inc will be having a senior person with long history as a geologist within the international mining community prepare this documentation.

      As a result of this upgrade the company expects to make the first Mn Ore deliveries in March 2009. Previously deliveries were not planned before 2010.

      All sales have now been deferred until after the upgrade is complete. Buzz Inc holds approximately 40,000 mtu of Mn Ore and as mining will continue during the uprade expects to hold 83,000 mtu in processed and packed Mn Ore, this is inline with the deal on offer to Glencore. Glencore International AG is one of the world's largest suppliers of a wide range of commodities and raw materials to industrial consumers.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc e-mail:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 10.02.09 19:07:47
      Beitrag Nr. 1.767 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Joins with Facebook and Hi5

      Feb 10, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz has for sometime been an application developer with Facebook and Hi5. We have extended that relationship to now include our communities, this move will see Buzz active in the Open Social program as well as offering the opportunity for over 200m people, meanwhile Buzz Inc will be building something new in the Social Media World.

      About Facebook

      Founded in February 2004, Facebook is a social utility that helps people communicate more efficiently with their friends, family and coworkers. The company develops technologies that facilitate the sharing of information through the social graph, the digital mapping of people's real-world social connections. Anyone can sign up for Facebook and interact with the people they know in a trusted environment.

      Product Facebook's simplified navigation gives users easy access to core site functions and applications. Profile, Friends, Networks and Inbox - pages core to the user experience on Facebook - have a prominent place at the top of the user's profile page. Facebook applications - Photos, Notes, Groups, Events and Posted items - are displayed on the left side bar, along with any third-party applications a user has added to their account.

      Technology Facebook is the second most-trafficked PHP site in the world, and one of the largest MySQL installations anywhere, running thousands of databases. Facebook has built a lightweight but powerful multi-language RPC framework that allows the company to seamlessly and easily tie together subsystems written in any language, running on any platform. The company is the largest user in the world of memcached, an open-source caching system, and has created a custom-built search engine serving millions of queries a day, completely distributed and entirely in-memory, with real-time updates.

      Platform Facebook Platform is a development platform that enables companies and engineers to deeply integrate with the Facebook website and gain access to millions of users through the social graph. Facebook is a part of millions of people's lives all around the world providing unparalleled distribution potential for applications and the opportunity to build a business that is highly relevant to people's lives. More information can be found at .

      Privacy Facebook has led the industry in giving people tools to control the information they share and with whom they choose to share it. User privacy has always been a top priority for the company, which has worked with such organizations as the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and WiredSafety. Facebook is TrustE certified. Users also have the ability to share and restrict information based on specific friends or friend lists.


      Round one: $500,000 from Peter Thiel, Summer 2004;

      Round two: $12.7 million from Accel Partners, April 2005;

      Round three: $27.5 million from Greylock Partners leading the round, Meritech Capital Partners participating, and Accel Partners and Peter Thiel increasing their investment in the company.

      Board Members: Mark Zuckerberg, Marc Andreessen, Jim Breyer, Don Graham (to join in January 2009) and Peter Thiel; Observer: David Sze; Observer: Paul Madera

      Employees 700+

      Users Over 150 million active (users who have returned to the site in the last 30 days)

      Offices Headquartered in Palo Alto, Calif. U.S. offices: Atlanta; Chicago; Dallas; Detroit, New York; Venice Beach, Calif. International offices: Dublin, Ireland; London; Paris.

      About Hi5

      Headquartered in San Francisco, CA, hi5 is one of the world's largest social networks. Alexa ranks hi5 as a top 20 website globally, and as the #1 social network in over 30 countries across Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa.

      hi5 is the most globally diverse social networking site in the world, with over 80% of our users from outside the US. The site was designed for this global audience from the beginning, and was the first in-language social networking site in many countries around the world. The site has been translated to over 40 languages and dialects (with more than 60 planned by the end of 2008). Whether delivering locally relevant applications and feature translations, offering in-language customer support, or securing regional media partnerships, we strive to provide services that are inviting, useable and meaningful for people in many different countries and cultures around the world.

      How the Service is Used While circumstances and geography can separate individuals from one another, hi5 helps its members stay connected with friends, family and others that are important to them in a simple, fun and safe online environment. Through the service (which adjusts to deliver information pertinent to each user), members link to people they've known throughout their lives, while making and maintaining new acquaintances as well. They use hi5 to share photos, send messages, express themselves with profile pages, join discussion groups, explore music and videos, and more - making it easier to learn about what's happening in the lives of the people they care about, regardless of where they live or work.

      In supporting this valuable communication, hi5 is also committed to protecting the privacy of its members. The service offers a range of privacy settings and controls that enable members to select how they are viewed and how their information flows through the system.

      The Technology Behind hi5 hi5 ope rates one of the largest commercial OLTP PostgreSQL installations in the world across hundreds of database and storage servers. Our unique systems store billions of friend relationships and instantly make this information available. To support the network's global reach and a breadth of third party applications, hi5 uses a combination of open source and home grown technologies to deliver a highly available, highly scalable infrastructure on economical Linux servers. hi5 has also adopted Open Social - a common set of APIs developed by Google - to support the rapid development and rollout of more social networking applications for hi5 members.

      Leadership hi5 was founded by Ramu Yalamanchi, CEO, and Akash Garg, CTO. The company is led by a diverse group of business and technology executives with extensive experience in building successful online properties.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 76 326 318 123 Tel: +66 76 326 318 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
      schrieb am 12.02.09 11:24:52
      Beitrag Nr. 1.768 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Remains Committed to Hong Kong Listing

      Feb 11, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Directors of Buzz Inc still see a Hong Kong listing as the best future for the company. Bztg shareholders are entitled to 1 Buzz Inc share for each Bztg share held. The share capital of Buzz-Inc is exactly the same as Bztg and the company has stated on numerous occasions there will be no dilution of the share capital. The company has also remained debt free and has only 1 class of share, no preferred shares, no charges over assets or any other encumbrances.
      The listing in Hong Kong will be done without any change to the share capital of the company, there is no need for the company to issue any new stock, and there will be no need for any stock splits etc. There will be no need for any debt or debt instruments as the directors will follow the no debt/no dilution model, income generated from mining investments will add substantially to the ability to expand operations as well as funding a dividend to shareholders.

      Excerpt from the Memorandum

      Buzz has through necessity and opportunity grown into diverse group of companies spanning a number of industries and countries. Although on the surface it may not be immediately recognizable, the businesses are in fact tied together in one clearly defined area; they are all businesses that are technology dependent. Buzz has pioneered the way in unleashing the full potential of technology in the markets that have the least technological resources, the emerging markets of Asia.

      Executive Summary

      This executive summary is subject to more exhaustive information presented in other sections of the Information Memorandum and must be read and treated accordingly.

      Buzz has through necessity and opportunity grown into a diverse group of companies spanning a number of industries and countries. Although on the surface it may not be immediately recognizable, the businesses are in fact tied together in one clearly defined area; they are all businesses that are technology dependent. Buzz has pioneered the way in unleashing the full potential of technology in the markets that have the least technological resources, the emerging markets of Asia.

      After starting with a VoIP service and acquiring an IT firm around 2 years ago, we set about building a search engine and accompanying ad delivery platforms. Like anyone in or entering the online search and ad business there is one seemingly insurmountable problem, With Google, having dominated Internet search and advertising for many years and continuing to grow stronger year after year, how does anyone catch up? After reviewing all of the competing services we saw an opportunity to capture the publisher market with live customer support, free web assistance and better privacy in the Asian Market. Problem solved? No, to enter the online ad market you need, apart from very advanced technology, 2 distinct groups of customers, publishers who will display your online ads and advertisers who will buy that ad space. As you can not sell adspace you do not have, you must first acquire the publishers as clients, Problem solved? Still, no. A further and much more difficult barrier to entering the search and online ad market is that you must first acquire those publishers. After the publishers are using your ad and search services you must be able to fill those ads with revenue producing product or be happy to accept massive cash outflows while you hunt for advertisers. This is where necessity played its part in building Buzz.

      Rather than turn our backs on one of the worlds most lucrative businesses, that of online ads and search, we decided to select a single market, in our case Thailand, and build the businesses, and form alliances to fill the adspace prior to the commencement of our search and online ad network. After a study of the local market we decided that to fill the online ad space and make a very high return on investment we needed a number of distinct businesses generating ad revenues. Real-Estate, Travel and Financial Services are the 3 key core businesses that provided revenue from online ads. The best of the 3 businesses by far was Real Estate. With 80% of the worlds property sales coming from leads generated online we chose that business to invest in and grow ourselves. For Travel we partnered with Expedia and for Financial Services we initially partnered with Easy-Forex and subsequently with Maritime Securities in the Bahamas.

      When we launched the service in May 2008 we quickly signed The Bangkok Post, and the search and online ad network has continued to grow since then. Our Property Division One-2-Property has seen enormous growth, fueled by occupying Thailand's most sought after online adspace, as have our Travel and Financial Services. Our returns on the ad network exceed all our competition in the local market because of our own innovation and careful planning.

      The ad network has now expanded into China, with Travel and Financial services being well received. Our market in China comprises mostly Internet cafes with a male audience of 15 to 25. This required a rethink of the Thailand model and through Amazon and other MMORPG suppliers we have built a successful games distribution network providing not only game sales but income from recurring monthly fees. To further cement our place in these cafes, we have also made available VoIP and other services, available at the counter. We deferred other publisher deals in Hong Kong and China until we have opened our Real-Estate Offices there later this year.

      That brings us to opportunity. What we did see in Asia, and around the world, were the many start up companies looking to raise funds. These funds were all or in part to build, develop or buy technology. Since Buzz has access to the best and cheapest IT talent in the world, this was a natural fit, it cut out almost all downtime and generated a constant stream of work, making us and our contractors very busy and substantially more profitable. Thus was born Buzz Venture Capital. Buzz Venture Capital brings together a unique offering, IT Services, Marketing, Property and Financial Services all under one roof, allowing us to build a wide and substantial portfolio of investments in companies at different stages of development. Our early entry, and deal structure have created a very secure high value asset for the company.

      Buzz Inc as part of the process toward an IPO in Hong Kong released a draft Information Memorandum in 2008.

      Download The Document Here

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 12.02.09 11:25:17
      Beitrag Nr. 1.769 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Manganese Update Buzz, Citic, BHP

      Feb 11, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Chinese energy and base metal producer CITIC Resources Holdings Ltd (HKG:1205) still plans to spin off CITIC Dameng Holdings Ltd as a separate listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange according to a company statement on Thursday.
      The move was originally planned by the end of last year, but was delayed due to the economic recession's impact on market performance.

      CITIC Resources, along with a subsidiary of CITIC, United Asia Investments Ltd, will provide HK$240 million and HK$60 million of capital respectively to CITIC Dameng. CITIC Resources will have a 52.4% equity interest in CITIC Dameng, up from 48%.

      CITIC Dameng has mining rights in one manganese ore mine in China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region amounting to 120 million metric tons of manganese carbonate, and rights in another mine in Gabon in West Africa amounting to 30 million tons of manganese ore.

      Buzz Inc (OTC:BZTG) has committed $500 000 to immediately upgrade of the facility on the company's Lanna Project in Thailand. The Manganese Ore site will see an investment in plant and equipment that will bring production capabilities to 25 000 mtu per month.

      This upgrade was not planned before 2010 and the company expected to make the first Mn Ore deliveries in March 2009.

      The estimated reserve of minable Mn Ore now sits at 6.1m mtu and this is expected to increase as drilling commences.

      Helped by its strong cash flow, mining giant BHP Billiton Ltd (NYSE:BHP) has chalked out plans to go for acquisitions. However,

      BHP officials refused to divulge detains about the companies which they are planning to acquire.

      The move came after reports emerged Rio Tinto was in discussions with major shareholder, China's state-backed aluminum group, Chinalco about a capital injection and asset sales in an effort to pay down some of its $57 billion of debt.

      So, BHP thinks that more companies are going to have to sell assets in order to meet their short-term demands.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 12.02.09 16:22:43
      Beitrag Nr. 1.770 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Google, Yahoo, Buzz Seek to Improve Mobile Services

      Feb 12, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz
      Buzz Inc's will be releasing a new more visua set of search results for the mobile search at , the new features will be in line with the new features just released on's search engine. With s many people using iPhone and other smartphones the company is hopeful that their new visual format will bring more customers to mobile search. is currently undergoing dynamic rich media upgrades on all the companies web sites.


      After launching the "AdSense for mobile content" program in September 2007, the Google team announced a new feature, "AdSense for mobile search", that allows mobile phones to show Google-supplied advertisements and invites mobile website owners and network carriers to enter a revenue sharing program with the Mountain View, Calif.-based search engine.

      "AdSense for mobile search is a quick and easy way for carriers and mobile publishers to embed a Google search box on their mobile portals and web sites," said Yury Pinsky, product manager for the Google mobile team, in the blog post. Mobile phone users will be able to search the web directly from any page in the site to look up for news, images or simple search results, all specifically formatted to fit on a small phone screen.

      Google will enable webmasters to personalize to some extent the search page with a partner logo at the top left corner of the screen, and up to 2 custom links displayed at the bottom of the page, right before the footer. The webmasters who choose to adhere to the initiative will benefit from a search advertisement revenue sharing program with the search engine.


      The program now uses signals from cell towers and Wi-Fi networks to sense its location, so it will automatically return local results. (Competing services from Google and Microsoft already do this.)

      The new oneSearch also keeps track of your old searches and uses them in suggesting new ones.

      Most importantly, the oneSearch client now works on Windows Mobile phones (though only in the U.S. for now). I think that makes oneSearch the first free search program with speech recognition to work on Windows Mobile

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 13.02.09 16:27:53
      Beitrag Nr. 1.771 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Inc Dividend Policy

      Feb 13, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Directors of Buzz Inc have today passed a resolution that sets out a dividend policy for the company.
      The Company will in the general course of business pay dividends from;

      The Sale of any developed asset, mines or mining sites, the sale of any property Buzz Inc has developed for rental return or resale (not including any sell of the plan projects). The rate at which they are paid will depend on the companys return on investment for the project. Buzz Inc will also pay a proportion of the net earnings from mining and rental returns as dividends.

      These modest returns over time should develop Buzz Inc into a must have for investor portfolio's.

      Buzz Inc will be meeting with a senior mining executive who has served internationally with major banks and mining companies. Buzz Inc will establish a dedicated mine team to deal with the evaluation, sale and further acquisitions of mining interests.

      Bztg shareholders are entitled to 1 Buzz Inc share for each Bztg share held. The share capital of Buzz-Inc is exactly the same as Bztg and the company has stated on numerous occasions there will be no dilution of the share capital.

      The company has also remained debt free and has only 1 class of share, no preferred shares, no charges over assets or any other encumbrances. Should a dividend be paid prior to the Hong Kong Listing it will be paid to Buzz Technologies Inc for distribution to BZTG Shareholders.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 16.02.09 11:55:31
      Beitrag Nr. 1.772 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Citic and Buzz Plan Hong Kong Listings

      Feb 16, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Both Citic and Buzz plan to list Manganese Mines in Hong Kong.
      Chinese energy and base metal producer CITIC Resources Holdings Ltd (HKG:1205) still plans to spin off CITIC Dameng Holdings Ltd as a separate listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange according to a company statement on Thursday.

      The move was originally planned by the end of last year, but was delayed due to the economic recession's impact on market performance.

      CITIC Resources, along with a subsidiary of CITIC, United Asia Investments Ltd, will provide HK$240 million and HK$60 million of capital respectively to CITIC Dameng. CITIC Resources will have a 52.4% equity interest in CITIC Dameng, up from 48%.

      CITIC Dameng has mining rights in one manganese ore mine in China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region amounting to 120 million metric tons of manganese carbonate, and rights in another mine in Gabon in West Africa amounting to 30 million tons of manganese ore.

      CITIC Resources, indirectly controlling 80 percent of CITIC Dameng Holdings, announced on September 5, 2008 that it would float its manganese business on the SEHK Main Board via CITIC Dameng Holdings.

      The Hong Kong-listed energy company filed an application for the listing with the SEHK on the same day, and would kick off the listing at the earliest to raise at most USD 800 million, citing Hong Kong media.

      Before the planned listing, CITIC Dameng Holdings was to buy 40 percent of CITIC Dameng Mining from Guangxi Dameng Manganese Industry Co. through selling new shares to the latter, lifting its ownership to 100 percent. Also, it was to issue some shares to executives of Guangxi Dameng Manganese Industry Co. and the venture.

      Buzz Inc (OTC:BZTG) has committed $500 000 to immediately upgrade of the facility on the company's Lanna Project in Thailand. The Manganese Ore site will see an investment in plant and equipment that will bring production capabilities to 25 000 mtu per month.

      This upgrade was not planned before 2010 and the company expected to make the first Mn Ore deliveries in March 2009.

      The estimated reserve of minable Mn Ore now sits at 6.1m mtu and this is expected to increase as drilling commences.

      Directors of Buzz Inc still see a Hong Kong listing as the best future for the company. Bztg shareholders are entitled to 1 Buzz Inc share for each Bztg share held. The share capital of Buzz-Inc is exactly the same as Bztg and the company has stated on numerous occasions there will be no dilution of the share capital. The company has also remained debt free and has only 1 class of share, no preferred shares, no charges over assets or any other encumbrances.

      The listing in Hong Kong will be done without any change to the share capital of the company, there is no need for the company to issue any new stock, and there will be no need for any stock splits etc. There will be no need for any debt or debt instruments as the directors will follow the no debt/no dilution model, income generated from mining investments will add substantially to the ability to expand operations as well as funding a dividend to shareholders.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 16.02.09 11:56:12
      Beitrag Nr. 1.773 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Search Engine News - GOOG, YHOO, BIDU, BZTG

      Feb 16, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Although Baidu (Nasdaq:BIDU) is the largest search engine in China and has invested heavily in R&D, to a large extent, it remains a Google (Nasdaq:GOOG) follower of in terms of technology and products. After Baidu's bid-ranking system hit a cement wall at the end of last year, the company ramped up its Google shadowing. A quick look at the staple products Baidu aims to promote in 2009 is evidence of this theory:
      -- Phoenix Nest, a step closer to the Google AdWords model, was revealed by Baidu management amid the public image crisis created by CCTV reports of Baidu's unlicensed medical provider clients. The new system is to be promoted in 2Q09 and gradually replace the company's current bid-ranking system with a deeper monetization of the right side of results pages. One of the key challenges for this initiative is to maintain a good a number of clicks despite the F-shaped page viewing habit of web users that often leaves the right side of computer screens ignored.

      -- An upgrade of Baidu Union to the North Star System, also called Baidu Content, was unveiled at the end of last year shortly after the announcement of Phoenix Nest. The new system aims to improve the monetization capability of Baidu Union and consolidate the system with Baidu's recently launched C2C platform, Due to poor effectiveness measurability and quality control, Baidu Union hasn't been as profitable as Google AdSense in the west. Upgrading to North Star is expected to improve target ads in terms of keywords matching, site selection and geography management.

      -- Aladdin Project, the first axe chop by new Baidu CTO Li Yinan is expected to intro at the beginning of 2009 and be gradually integrated into Baidu's current search system. It is expected to lay the foundation for Baidu's next generation search engine technology and ensure that Baidu is not left behind Google's Cloud Computing program.

      In name, these projects sound innovative. Compared with the existing Google framework, however, they look a bit worn. Being a market leader is riskier than being a follower, but, as a tech company, it would behoove Baidu to work on more original projects.

      One of the market's biggest criticisms of Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) is that it offers a large number of products that don't make the company money. To make matters worse, some of these offerings will probably never bring in a dime and that is a big drag on Google's margins.

      The days of Google supporting odd projects that have no financial future may be over. Perhaps the recession has brought those times to an end, or it may be that the ability to keep track of dozens of unrelated engineering projects has become a burden to the firm's management. How many of these programs Google cuts will be a sign of how serious the company is about keeping its profits as high as possible.

      According to The New York Times, Google has moved toward a system of evaluating which projects are folded based on whether "they had difficulty attracting Google employees to develop them; they didn't solve a big enough problem; or they failed to achieve internal performance targets known as 'objectives and key results.'"

      Those standards still sound vague if Google does not want to waste money and engineering resource.

      There are a few products investors should watch to see if Google is really cutting costs, a move that will be cheered by shareholders who have watched the search company's price collapse.Google Earth is very popular, but it must be expensive to develop and seems to have no path to making money. The same is true with the company's social network, Orkut. Google Check-Out may be a good way to make money on e-commerce, but it has next to no market share compared to industry leader PayPal.

      Buzz Inc (OTC:BZTG) (Buzz Technologies Inc)

      Buzz Inc's will be releasing a new more visual set of search results for the mobile search at , the new features will be in line with the new features just released on's search engine. With s many people using iPhone and other smartphones the company is hopeful that their new visual format will bring more customers to mobile search. is currently undergoing dynamic rich media upgrades on all the companies web sites.

      The Buzz Marketing SEO services will help you transform regular visitors into real buyers by analyzing their behavior once they locate your site, and with Buzz Marketing organising the correct path through your site for higher conversions online. By us utilizing the content of your website we will transform these visitors into buyers in the most effective and efficient manner possible.

      Many companies are looking for cheaper advertising alternatives, which our search, SEO/SEM services provide, in some instances up to 70% more cost effective in some markets. Our SEO services can deliver the equivalent of over $50 000 in online ad spending for under $8500.

      Yahoo's Build Your Own Search Service, or BOSS, is one of the most visible components of Yahoo's Open Strategy.

      With BOSS, developers are given the ability to build their own search engines that query Yahoo using an API and can then take the results that Yahoo returns and do with them what they please.

      Yahoo's Open Strategy is designed to "open up the assets of Yahoo in a way never done before" and BOSS appeared to represent a real push to make Yahoo search relevant again by putting it in the hands of third party developers.

      Obviously, Yahoo's new strategy wasn't exactly charity. With BOSS, Yahoo initially planned to use the offering to "expand the footprint of Yahoo search advertising on the Web".

      The deal: use BOSS free of charge but as you grow and succeed, we'll require that you place our search ads on your BOSS-powered search engine. Given Yahoo's position in the search advertising market, the idea certainly seemed like it was worth a shot.

      But apparently Yahoo has come to the conclusion that this model won't work and is trying a different approach.

      Yesterday Yahoo announced that it was willing to let BOSS developers be their own bosses. Under the new terms of service, developers can use whatever platforms they desire to monetize their BOSS-powered products. But they'll have to pay for it if they do more than a certain threshold of API calls.

      According to the BOSS fees page, Yahoo is basing its pricing on 'units', which are used to purchase API calls. Different API calls require different amounts of units. Yahoo provides 30 units per day free of charge, which could represent up to 10,000 API calls per day depending on the type of calls.

      It's not a bad model and it's probably more convenient for both developers and Yahoo. Dealing with the display of search ads (and possibly revenue sharing) on potentially thousands of sites run by third parties is not nearly as efficient as simply charging for API calls.

      There are other benefits to this model as well. Thanks, of course, to the fact that it's being paid, Yahoo will be able to offer an SLA guaranteeing developers some level of reliability. For the most serious developers who are interested in building something substantial, that should make BOSS a more appealing proposition.

      That said, it is hard to ignore the fact that Yahoo has done an about-face. In less than a year, it has gone from trying to "expand the footprint of Yahoo search advertising on the Web" by opening up its search platform to selling 'units' of API calls for 10 cents. This seems to be yet another indication of not only how confused Yahoo is about its identity but also of its lack of confidence in its search advertising product.

      That's a problem but given that Yahoo has already effectively lost the search advertising war, choosing to make developers the BOSS under this new model may prove to be a good move after all.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 17.02.09 18:29:43
      Beitrag Nr. 1.774 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Reports Ahead of Google, Yahoo and MSN in Thailand

      Feb 17, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- has again ranked the search engine above Google, Yahoo and MSN. The clear winner in
      Thailand was Google's Thai web search , of English search engines was a clear winner. has focused on attracting English speaking locals and expatriates across Asia as they represent the prime market for Buzz Inc's (12buzz Parent) One-2-Property and for Buzz Financial Services.

      Google predicted Thailand would see an explosion of spending on online and search-related advertising that would be worth an estimated $250 million (7.88 billion baht), according to Google's regional managing director for Australia, NZ, Korea and Southeast Asia Richard Kimber who sees a very strong future for Google in Thailand.

      The Thai Real Estate sector is offered it's own service from Buzz, anyone using the Buzz One-2-Property platform can also host their own virtual show, flash slide show, mapping and the most detailed database yet. The One-2-Property platform has been built to be extremely user-friendly with 24/7 customer support. With the addition today of paid search result ads this sector certainly will become a big part of Buzz's local revenue, some of the countries biggest Hotels and Developers can already be seen on search and

      The Online ad market expectations from sites such as Google (NASDAQ: GOOG), Baidu (NASDAQ:BIDU) Yahoo (NASDAQ: YHOO) and the new player Buzz Technologies Inc (NASDAQ:BZTG), remain healthy during the Global downturn. 12buzz offers services that can deliver the equivalent of over $50 000 in online ad spending for under $5800.

      Ebizvaluations have valued Buzz Traffic (not including ad-network, property sales, financial services or other sales) and the valuation can be found here

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 17.02.09 18:30:08
      Beitrag Nr. 1.775 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): The Final Countdown

      Feb 17, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Today until Monday marks the last phase of rich media upgrades Buzz Inc's services. In the coming month all new web properties will go online. The new sites will focus on real estate, financial services and entertainment. It is possible that some services maybe interrupted during this period. Shareholders looking to use the chat room can do so at
      New sites will be announced as they come online.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 18.02.09 20:41:11
      Beitrag Nr. 1.776 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Lanna and Holding Update

      Feb 18, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- After visiting the site and the team on site, the company is certain, based on results so far that the grade and quantity will exceed previous estimates.
      Proceeds from Buzz Inc's rapidly developing Lanna Project will assist in funding an increased rate of corporate expansion, however shareholders will not be forgotten and Buzz Inc will declare annual cash dividends from mine proceeds, and/or an extraordinary cash dividend if the site is sold.

      Directors of Buzz Inc have passed a resolution that sets out a dividend policy for the company.

      The Company will in the general course of business pay dividends from;

      The Sale of any developed asset, mines or mining sites, the sale of any property Buzz Inc has developed for rental return or resale (not including any sell of the plan projects). The rate at which they are paid will depend on the companys return on investment for the project. Buzz Inc will also pay a proportion of the net earnings from mining and rental returns as dividends.

      These modest returns over time should develop Buzz Inc into a must have for investor portfolio's.

      Buzz Inc will be meeting with a senior mining executive who has served internationally with major banks and mining companies. Buzz Inc will establish a dedicated mine team to deal with the evaluation, sale and further acquisitions of mining interests.

      Bztg shareholders are entitled to 1 Buzz Inc share for each Bztg share held. The share capital of Buzz-Inc is exactly the same as Bztg and the company has stated on numerous occasions there will be no dilution of the share capital.

      The company has also remained debt free and has only 1 class of share, no preferred shares, no charges over assets or any other encumbrances. Should a dividend be paid prior to the Hong Kong Listing it will be paid to Buzz Technologies Inc for distribution to BZTG Shareholders.

      BZTG holds all shares in Buzz Inc as per the released balance sheet.

      CONTACT: Buzz Inc e-mail: Tel: +66 807 007 900

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 24.02.09 09:57:51
      Beitrag Nr. 1.777 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): OMH Record $115.6m Profit, Buzz Inc Looks to Bright 2009

      Feb 23, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- OM Holdings Limited (ASX: OMH - "OMH") today announced a record $115.6 million net profit after tax for the 12 months to 31 December 2008, reflecting exceptional contributions by each of its manganese mining, marketing and ferro-alloy business units and providing a strong platform for continued growth.
      The record net profit - which was more than double the $56.9 million net profit for the previous corresponding year - was achieved on a 98% increase in sales revenue to $574.1 million (2007: $290.5 million).

      Significantly, more than half of total sales ($288.9 million) were derived in the second half of 2008 despite the suspension of product shipments during the fourth quarter following the impact of the economic crisis on global commodity markets.

      The outstanding financial performance enabled the Board of OMH to declare a final dividend of 3 cents per share (payable on 29 May 2009 with a record date for entitlements of 24 April 2009). This takes the total dividends for 2008 to 6.5 cents per share.

      Gross profit increased by 121% to $243.1 million (2007: $109.9 million), equating to a gross profit margin of 42.3% (2007: 37.8%). Operating profit before interest and tax was $134.4 million (2007: $63.7 million). The bottom line result was after expensing exploration expenditure of $11.9 million, foreign exchange losses of $19.8 million, IFRS adjustments of $13.6 million and depreciation and amortisation of $8.8 million.

      The result translated to a basic earnings per share of 25 cents in 2008 (2007: 14 cents). Net tangible asset backing increased to 52 cents per share as at 31 December 2008 (2007: 36 cents per share).

      Consolidated cash flows from operations increased strongly to $151.8 million for the 2008 year, reflecting the strong cash generation capability of all three major business units at different stages of the commodities cycle.

      *Note: All Dollar values in this release are Australian Dollars unless otherwise specified

      Bootu Creek Manganese Mine (Australia)

      The OMM operation at the Bootu Creek Manganese Mine in the Northern Territory delivered a record operating profit after tax of $48.8 million, after expensing exploration expenditure of $9.4 million, amortisation/depreciation of $7.5 million and foreign exchange losses of $22.2 million.

      This was underpinned by record manganese production of 672,580 tonnes (2007: 516,448 tonnes) and strong price increases over the first three quarters. C1 production costs for the year were A$4.06/dmtu (2007: A$3.03/dmtu), predominantly due to higher mining costs associated with the increased volumes of material mined.

      The Company has implemented a revised production strategy in response to prevailing market conditions based upon a 500,000tpa production rate. With a reduced first half production target aiming to further improve product yield and metal recovery performance with expanded mining capability, Bootu Creek has the ability to rapidly return to production at a rate of 700,000tpa once market conditions improve.

      The $10 million exploration program completed during 2008 has returned excellent results, providing strong indications of the potential to increase the current Mineral Resource base of 17.75 million tonnes at 25.7% Mn, with a revised resource inventory expected to be released within the next few weeks.

      Marketing, Trading and Logistics Operations (Singapore)

      The Singapore-based trading operations achieved a record operating profit after tax of $48.1 million for 2008, mainly reflecting increases in manganese ore and alloy prices during the first three quarters. Sound marketing strategies enabled OMS to take advantage of a robust market and achieve a preferential strategic balance between long term and spot contracts. Record volumes of 530,442 wet tonnes of high grade product were shipped by OMM during the year, while marketing and trading activity for OMS totalled 818,519 tonnes.

      Qinzhou Smelter (China)

      OMH's Qinzhou Smelter in China contributed a record operating profit after tax of $19.5 million, which was 73% higher than the previous year. This result was attributable to strong market demand and high prices secured for High Carbon Ferro Manganese (HC FeMn) produced, which totalled 45,511 tonnes (2007: 38,101 tonnes). The pivotal Qinzhou sinter plant project is progressing on schedule with project commissioning planned for Q4 of 2009.

      Management Comment & Outlook

      "This is an outstanding result, particularly considering the turbulent events experienced in commodity markets during the second half of the year," said OMH's CEO, Mr Peter Toth. "It reflects the considerable strategic value inherent within our vertically integrated business as well as the robustness of our core business units.

      "All divisions contributed strongly to this result with record operational and financial milestones achieved from our mining, smelting and marketing operations. The strong cash generation capability of these businesses enabled us to finish the year with total cash and bank balances of $119.3 million with virtually no debt, putting us in a strong position moving forward.

      "The revised production plan at Bootu Creek combined with ongoing operational and cost control initiatives at all our operations will position us to move quickly and effectively to take advantage of a recovery in the manganese market," he continued.

      "While the outlook for the steel industry remains volatile and uncertain, we have seen a recovery in Chinese manganese alloy and ore demand during the first Quarter. This has been reflected in our ability to secure more than 150,000 tonnes of contracted sales of manganese ore for the January-March Quarter of 2009.

      "With the completion of a highly successful exploration program in 2008 - and an updated Mineral Resource inventory for Bootu Creek expected to be released shortly, we are continuing to work towards future medium term organic growth opportunities including completing the study to examine the feasibility of further expanding production at Bootu Creek to a 1.5Mtpa production case upon a sustained recovery in global markets.

      "In addition, we are continuing to aggressively pursue inorganic growth opportunities that will allow us to diversify our product and geographical exposure in the steel-making raw materials segment," Mr Toth said.

      Buzz Inc

      Buzz Inc (OTC:BZTG)

      Buzz Inc. (the"Company" or "Buzz") (PINKSHEETS: BZTG),, is pleased to announce that the preliminary feasibility study on its Lanna Project Manganese deposit at its property in Thailand has been completed.

      The study was commissioned by the Company in November 2008 and was performed by incoming and outgoing staff at the mine site. It confirmed that the project is economically viable and also supports an updated mineral reserve calculation and updated mineral resource estimate on the property.

      Lanna is the Company's prime exploration target for the Manganese deposit which is located on the Company's Property in Thailand.


      Mineral Resources and Reserves

      An initial updated Mn Ore indicated mineral resource estimate for The Lanna deposit was reported in a news release previously based on estimates from the negotiations of the site.

      As a result of further in-depth analysis, the quantity has changed; however, there have otherwise been no material changes to the grades and quantities previously reported. The following table summarizes the mineral reserves for The Lanna Mn Ore deposit, effective January 6, 2009:

      Mn 23-46%

      MnO2 36-71%

      SiO2 (Silica) 22-60%

      Fe (iron) 1-3%

      The estimated reserve of minable Mn Ore now sits at 6.1m mtu and this is expected to increase as drilling commences.


      Rounding may result in some discrepancies. No processing recovery factors have been applied to these reserve figures.

      Assumptions and Methods: the team included the following steps during calculation of the indicated resources at The Lanna Project:

      -- personal inspection of The Lanna Project property during 2008 - 2009;

      -- database compilation and data validation;

      -- geological interpretation and modeling;

      -- compositing test intervals to a common length;

      -- determination of average material density;

      -- previous analysis of grade variability.

      Data Verification: During numerous inspections of the The Lanna Project properties (2008 to 2009) areas for immediate mining were identified and a mining plan commenced.


      The team completed the preliminary study in order to evaluate the merits of extracting Mn Ore from The Lanna Project using the reserve and resource base summarized above. The conceptual work plan is to continue the current extraction methods (open cut) along high quality mineralization, processing of ore and bagging on site then shipping a commercial grade to overseas buyers, predominantly in China. The preliminary feasibility study used a wide variety of economic data to produce projected capital and operating costs estimates, environmental and social considerations, mining methods, processing technologies, permitting issues, taxation issues, and commodity price trends, all of which became components of The Lanna Project development economic model.

      Assuming an Mn Ore price of $200 mtu and using the previous methods and ship bagged Mn Ore during a two-year period, generating $48m in revenue, with the initial profits funding more drilling and exploration for Copper, Silver and Gold.

      The mine would pay back capital costs in the third or fourth quarter of the first year of development. Mn Ore Bags would be produced at the mine site, thus creating early cash flow. Maintaining Mn Ore quality for overseas markets is very important to the success of the proposed development. Preliminary testing of an area of The Lanna Project shows high recovery rates of Mn Ore. Other impacting factors include rainfall, and metal price trends of both Mn Ore and Iron Ore as well as global steel demand.

      The mine plan contemplates deploying standard scrap, crush and bag ore processing. When in full production the mill will process up to 25000 mtu of Mn Ore per month; this would not occur before year 3.

      Cautionary Notes to Investors SEC's Industry Guide 7 standards have not been applied, and many of the terms and concepts set out in and used as information material to the Company are neither recognized by the SEC nor included in or compliant with Industry Guide 7 standards. Buzz Inc., as part of the process toward an IPO in Hong Kong, released a draft Information Memorandum in 2008.

      Buzz has through necessity and opportunity grown into a diverse group of companies spanning a number of industries and countries. Although on the surface it may not be immediately recognizable, the businesses are in fact tied together in one clearly defined area; they are all businesses that are technology dependent. Buzz has pioneered the way in unleashing the full potential of technology in the markets that have the least technological resources, the emerging markets of Asia.

      BZTG shareholders are entitled to 1 Buzz Inc. share for each BZTG share held. The share capital of Buzz Inc. is exactly the same as BZTG and the company has stated on numerous occasions there will be no dilution of the share capital. The company has also remained debt free and has only 1 class of share, no preferred shares and no charges over assets or any other encumbrances.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 24.02.09 09:59:31
      Beitrag Nr. 1.778 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Different Approach to Economic Downturn, Google, Buzz

      Feb 23, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) is famous for pampering its employees, but some shareholders feel like they're getting a raw deal.The sore spot became evident after the Web search leader decided last month to reset the price of underwater employee stock options, in light of a more than 50 percent drop in Google's share price from its November 2007 peak of $747.24. The move, which will result in a $400 million charge, provoked grumbling among some investors who are not being similarly compensated.
      Buzz Inc (OTC:BZTG) has done neither, with few salaried staff and most of them earning over 80% of their salary from incentives and commissions Buzz Inc has provided an opportunity to earn well based on performance, but no safety net. And don't bother looking for any employee option schemes, there are none. Buzz Inc has taken no charges and has not diluted by even a single share in years.

      While investors have griped about Google and Buzz Inc unconventional actions in the past, such as its refusal to provide earnings forecasts, or Buzz Inc's refusal to provide recent numbers, Google's appreciating stock price had muted most of the discord. But with shares well off highs, some analysts say Wall Street may be less willing to give Google a pass this time, Buzz on the other hand has fallen to 52 week lows in recent months and the details of the core investment business have only just started coming to light.

      Stock options provide incentives for employees to work hard and share in profits. But the option becomes worthless when the market price falls below the exercise price. Google has said about 85 percent of employees have underwater options.

      "Because motivating and retaining employees is a good thing both for those employees and our shareholders, we believe this exchange works for all involved," said Google spokeswoman Jane Penner. "Our employees are well rewarded on an effort and result basis, however it is not possible to justify that effort or result in terms of a percentage of the entire company at the expense of shareholders" Said Sutida Suwunnavid of Buzz Inc.

      Google's dual-class share structure gave three individuals -- co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, and Chief Executive Eric Schmidt -- 67 percent of voting rights as of 2008."Having that unequal voting right in and of itself tends to indicate that shareholders definitely take a back seat," said McGurn of RiskMetrics. Critics of Google fault it for not holding a shareholder vote on the options exchange plan, as most companies are required to do under Nasdaq and New York Stock Exchange rules.

      Buzz Inc's structure has 1 class of shares and a strict 1 share 1 vote rule.

      Given the dual-class share structure, investors may have little recourse other than a symbolic protest vote.Those who invest in Google signed away a lot of their rights to complain about decisions, said Ironfire Capital's Eric Jackson, who was involved in an activist campaign directed at Yahoo in 2007, but who does not have a position in Google."Many investors have chosen to do that because they assumed growth is going to be fantastic and they wanted to be along for the ride," he said. "It's instances like this that cause shareholders to take a step back and think about it."

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 24.02.09 10:00:39
      Beitrag Nr. 1.779 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Dividends Set the Pace for Growth BZTG, MCD, PG, BCR

      Feb 23, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Over the past week Buzz Inc has revealed a bold dividend policy clearly stating the Company will in the general course of business pay dividends from;
      The Sale of any developed asset, mines or mining sites, the sale of any property Buzz Inc has developed for rental return or resale (not including any sell of the plan projects). The rate at which they are paid will depend on the companys return on investment for the project. Buzz Inc will also pay a proportion of the net earnings from mining and rental returns as dividends.

      The company feels these modest returns over time should develop Buzz Inc into a must have for investor portfolio's.

      This strategy comes at a time of the fastest reduction in U.S. dividends since 1955 depriving investors of the only thing that gave stocks an advantage over government bonds in the last century.

      U.S. equities returned 6 percent a year on average since 1900, inflation-adjusted data compiled by the London Business School and Credit Suisse Group AG show. Take away dividends and the annual gain drops to 1.7 percent, compared with 2.1 percent for long-term Treasury bonds, according to the data. A total of 288 companies cut or suspended payouts last quarter, the most since Standard & Poor's records began 54 years ago. While the S&P 500 is trading at the lowest price relative to earnings since 1985 and all 10 Wall Street strategists tracked by Bloomberg forecast a rally this year, predictions based on dividends show shares are overvalued by as much as 46 percent. (source:Bloomberg)

      New York Times

      New York Times Co., the third-largest U.S. newspaper publisher, suspended its 6-cent dividend after making steady payments since going public 40 years ago, to lower debt. Midland, Michigan-based Dow Chemical Co., the biggest U.S. chemical maker, cut payouts for the first time since 1912. Milwaukee-based Harley-Davidson Inc., the motorcycle maker, reduced its dividend 70 percent, ending a string of increases dating to at least 1993.

      The same model that signals the S&P 500 is too high shows some companies that maintained dividends are cheap after more than $1 trillion in losses and writedowns at the world's biggest financial institutions sent the U.S., Europe and Japan into the first simultaneous recessions since World War II.

      McDonald's Corp., the world's biggest restaurant chain, Procter & Gamble Co., the largest consumer products maker, and eight other S&P 500 companies are the most attractive because they have cash to raise payouts, data compiled by Bloomberg show.

      'More Teeth'

      Dividends are "the single best tool to understanding a company," said Matthew McCormick, a money manager at Cincinnati- based Bahl & Gaynor Investment Counsel Inc., which oversees $2.5 billion and owns shares of McDonald's and P&G. "There's a lot more teeth to a dividend."

      Without dividends, investing in equities may not be worth the risk. Dividend income accounted for about 70 percent of average U.S. equity returns since 1900 after inflation, according to Elroy Dimson, Paul Marsh and Mike Staunton at the London Business School, in a study published by Zurich-based Credit Suisse this month.

      Investors who put $1 in U.S. stocks at the start of the century were paid back $582 with reinvested dividends, adjusted for inflation, the study showed. Price increases alone would have given an investor just $6 after that span, less than the $9.90 from holding long-term government debt, according to the study.

      "Ultimately, what you get out of investing in stocks is the cash flow from dividends," said Laurence Booth, finance professor at University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management and a colleague of Myron J. Gordon, who developed the constant growth version of the so-called dividend discount model in 1959.

      Discounting Dividends

      The measure, which values a stock as the sum of all its future dividends, shows equities are still overpriced. With S&P 500 companies projected to pay a combined $25.27 in dividends this year, the index would need to fall to 526.46 before investors are compensated for owning shares.

      The analysis assumes investors expect total returns of 6 percent annually from stocks, including a 1.2 percent increase in dividends, which is the historical average since 1900, adjusted for inflation, according to data from the London Business School.

      The S&P 500 closed last week at 770.05, after dropping 15 percent so far this year and 38 percent in 2008. Treasury notes and bonds of all maturities returned 14 percent last year, according to data compiled by Merrill Lynch & Co.

      "Bearing in mind the higher risk, equities obviously become less attractive if the dividend decreases," said JArg Boysen, who manages a global equities fund at Frankfurt-based Union Investment, which oversees $182 billion.

      Cash Kings

      Companies raising payouts may become more valuable. Oak Brook, Illinois-based McDonald's, which returned 8.6 percent during the worst year for U.S. stocks since 1937, is undervalued by 46 percent from last week's closing price of $54.57, according to a dividend discount model that adjusts for earnings and dividend growth over time.

      The company, which boosted its payout every year since 1976, is set to pay $2.17 a share in 2009. That represents an increase of 34 percent from $1.625 last year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Spokeswoman Heidi Barker declined to comment on the future of the company's dividend policy.

      P&G, located in Cincinnati, is worth 42 percent more than its market price of $50.25, according to the measure. Analysts estimate the company, which makes everything from Tide laundry detergent to Charmin toilet paper and has increased its dividend for 52 consecutive years, will give investors $1.625 a share this fiscal year, a 12 percent increase from a year ago.

      "We're confident we can sustain strong dividends," P&G Chief Executive Officer A.G. Lafley said at an analyst conference in Boca Raton, Florida on Feb. 19.

      "The prime purpose of a business corporation is to pay dividends to its owners," Graham and Dodd wrote.

      Returning money to shareholders prevents managers from wasting it on investments that may not prove profitable, according to Bahl & Gaynor's McCormick.

      "It forces companies from empire building, stupid acquisitions and nefarious activities," he said. "You can't fake the cash."

      Undervalued S&P Companies Based on Dividend Discount Model

      (The following non-financial companies raised annual cash payouts to shareholders every year this decade; are projected to have higher dividends this year and next; will report an increase in earnings per share in 2009; and are undervalued by more than 20 percent from their closing price last week based on the Bloomberg dividend discount model.)

      Company '09E DPS '08 DPS DDM Pct.Chg

      BCR C.R. Bard $0.64 $0.62 +59.08%

      BDX Becton, Dickinson $1.30 $1.14 +54.32%

      MCD McDonald's $2.17 $1.63 +46.11%

      PG Procter & Gamble $1.63 $1.45 +41.94%

      ABT Abbott Labs $1.57 $1.44 +39.81%

      MDT Medtronic $0.67 $0.50 +37.36%

      GD General Dynamics $1.44 $1.40 +34.81%

      MKC McCormick $0.96 $0.88 +34.70%

      PEP PepsiCo $1.84 $1.65 +28.02%

      KO Coca-Cola $1.65 $1.52 +27.00%

      S&P 500 Companies Cutting or Suspending Dividends This Year

      Company New DPS Old DPS USD Change

      AEE Ameren $1.54 $2.54 -$211 MLN

      AIV Apartment Investment $1.00 $2.40 -$124 MLN

      BAC Bank of America $0.04 $1.28 -$6.222 BLN

      CBS CBS $0.20 $1.08 -$547 MLN

      CIT CIT Group $0.08 $0.40 -$91 MLN

      CMA Comerica $0.20 $1.32 -$169 MLN

      CEG Constellation Energy $0.96 $1.91 -$170 MLN

      DOW Dow Chemical $0.60 $1.68 -$998 MLN

      HOG Harley-Davidson $0.40 $1.32 -$215 MLN

      HIG Hartford Financial $0.20 $1.28 -$351 MLN

      HST Host Hotels & Resorts $0.00 $0.20 -$105 MLN

      HBAN Huntington Bancshares $0.04 $0.53 -$179 MLN

      JNY Jones Apparel $0.20 $0.56 -$31 MLN

      M MacyaEUR(TM)s $0.20 $0.53 -$139 MLN

      MI Marshall & Ilsley $0.04 $1.28 -$323 MLN

      MAS Masco $0.04 $1.28 -$323 MLN

      MOT Motorola $0.00 $0.20 -$453 MLN

      NYT New York Times $0.00 $0.24 -$34 MLN

      NWL Newell Rubbermaid $0.42 $0.84 -$116 MLN

      PFE Pfizer $0.64 $1.28 -$4.315 BLN

      RDC Rowan $0.00 $0.40 -$45 MLN

      STT State Street $0.04 $0.96 -$397 MLN

      STI SunTrust Banks $0.40 $2.16 -$623 MLN

      XL XL Capital $0.40 $1.52 -$370 MLN

      ZION Zions Bancorp $0.16 $1.28 -$129 MLN


      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 24.02.09 10:01:15
      Beitrag Nr. 1.780 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Inc, Managing in a Contracting Economy

      Feb 23, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- The directors of Buzz Inc would think by now it is clear to everyone that regardless of Trillion Dollar bailouts the markets and the economies of the world will be having a difficult time for the foreseeable future. So, how do we manage the diverse interests of Buzz Inc during this period while at the same time being in a position of strength when parts of the market start to recover.
      The world's current economic crisis is still playing out and it this stage it is almost impossible to predict the impact that it will have on different sectors during 2009. Buzz Inc has made some changes that will protect the company from the worst of the problems. We have scaled back efforts n some areas and cut other areas that were not profitable. Buzz Inc has also diversified the liquid holdings, spreading them over currencies and precious metals to insulate the impact of any particular currency collapse. Huge deficits as predicted by Barak Obama could have an adverse effect on the US Dollar.

      As the market does recover, we feel Asia will be at the forefront of that recovery. As western countries start spending again it is most likely they will be buying production that originated in Asia due to the comparative lower cost of production. We are also of the opinion that the crisis may well benefit some of the small nations in Asia, while they have not lead the economic boom the way China has, they have also not developed the rising costs that China has either. Veitnam, Philippines, Indonesia and India could well prosper over the coming year. Thailand has separate political problems, however as far as production it may well see growth in the later part of 2009.

      Given Buzz is now expecting additional cash reserves through the sale or operation of the Lanna Project consideration must be given on how to use those funds for the long term good of all shareholders. The Dividend we see as the start of a corporate culture of making and delivering a return to shareholders on an annual basis, while this is not the traditional approach to managing a growth company, or an investment company like Buzz Inc, we feel it is a course that will build shareholder value over time.

      With many traditional company practices, securities, derivatives and some currencies now in question, there clearly is the opportunity to re-invent a quality equity that has regular modest returns to shareholders and maintains growth through hard work and innovation rather than debt and fancy accounting.

      It is our plan to develop Buzz Inc into a broad spectrum company with diverse and successful homegrown holdings that will be a must have in any serious investors portfolio.

      NEW YORK (Reuters) - Renowned investor George Soros said on Friday the world financial system has effectively disintegrated, adding that there is yet no prospect of a near-term resolution to the crisis.

      Soros said the turbulence is actually more severe than during the Great Depression, comparing the current situation to the demise of the Soviet Union.

      He said the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September marked a turning point in the functioning of the market system.

      "We witnessed the collapse of the financial system," Soros said at a Columbia University dinner. "It was placed on life support, and it's still on life support. There's no sign that we are anywhere near a bottom."

      His comments echoed those made earlier at the same conference by Paul Volcker, a former Federal Reserve chairman who is now a top adviser to President Barack Obama.

      Volcker said industrial production around the world was declining even more rapidly than in the United States, which is itself under severe strain.

      "I don't remember any time, maybe even in the Great Depression, when things went down quite so fast, quite so uniformly around the world," Volcker said.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 25.02.09 11:32:37
      Beitrag Nr. 1.781 ()
      Buzz will Dividende zahlen! Herrlich :laugh::laugh::laugh:
      Mal sehen, was für obskures Zeug sich der Verrückte noch alles so einfallen lässt. Wie mir scheint, gerät er immer mehr unter Druck. Die PRs werden immer großspuriger und trotzdem will ihm keiner seine wertlosen Aktien mehr abkaufen. Und seine Aktionärs-Gefolgschaft sitzt zu allem Überfluß auch noch auf ca. 80 Mio Shares, die darauf warten, mit Gewinn verkloppt zu werden.
      Ich vermute, wir dürften da noch einiges an PR-Bullshit erwarten. Es bleibt wohl unterhaltsam...
      schrieb am 25.02.09 11:44:35
      Beitrag Nr. 1.782 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.648.586 von keutula_reloaded am 25.02.09 11:32:37Hallo keutula!

      Ich habe mittlerweile den Eindruck, das muss ein sehr kranker Mensch sein. Irgendwie hat das was schizoides auf mich. Der lebt doch irgendwie in einer Parallelwelt. Wo er mit seinem roraroten Barbiemobil durch seine Zuckerwattewelt fährt.
      Oder vielleicht sitzt der vor seinem Monopoly-Spiel und verwechselt das mit dem realen Leben?
      Die "Firma" hat ja nicht mal eines fertiggebracht... Das hoch und heilig versprochene, für das HK-Listing vorausgesetzte Listing am OTCQX. Dort findet man Buzz nach wie vor nicht - schon wieder mal locker 1/2 Jahr oder länger, nachdem dies angekündigt war, dort als "BZTGF" zu notieren.
      Warum nicht? Weil natürlich die Firma nicht einen Krümel der dort notwendigen Bedingungen erfüllt - und das "Management" auch nicht im Traum in der Lage ist das zu tun.

      schrieb am 25.02.09 12:05:31
      Beitrag Nr. 1.783 ()
      naaa, das waren doch mal wieder ein paar Worte zum Aschermittwoch.....da ist ja bekanntlich allllles vorbei...:D:D
      schrieb am 25.02.09 13:37:50
      Beitrag Nr. 1.784 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.648.698 von stupidgame am 25.02.09 11:44:35Ja stupid, Parallelwelt dürfte es ganz gut ausdrücken. Jeder Chef einer kleinen 8-Mann-Firma wird wissen, dass der Tag meist zu kurz ist, um vieles zu schaffen. Aber der BZTG-Chef, immerhin Manager eines multi-nationalen und multi-Millionen Dollar Großkonzerns, hat tatsächlich die Zeit, sich jeden Tag stundenlang mit ein paar Leute in einen Chat rumzudrücken. Dort spinnt er dann allen, die es hören wollen, was von seinen neuesten Großprojekten vor.
      Wie gesagt, ich vermute er ist unter Druck, weil er sich bei der Planung seines nächsten Pump & Dump Anlaufs etwas verkalkuliert hat.
      Vermutlich hatte er nicht einem so starken Auftauchen einer Anti-Buzz Bewegung gerechnet. Und da muß er nun wie verrückt PRs rausschieben, die immer tollere Dinge versprechen, um evtl. doch noch ein paar Käufer zu finden.
      Alles nicht wirklich schön, aber wenigstens unterhaltsam...
      schrieb am 26.02.09 19:25:01
      Beitrag Nr. 1.785 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.649.692 von keutula_reloaded am 25.02.09 13:37:50
      mag ja alles so stimmen, aber mit der Zeit stimmt das so nicht. wenn der jack oder wie immer er sich nennen mag zum chat geht, also zum börsenanfang in usa, ist bei denen schon längst Feierabend.
      schrieb am 26.02.09 19:25:46
      Beitrag Nr. 1.786 ()
      < Back

      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): BZTG Dividend

      Feb 26, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Inc (OTC:BZTG) a diversified group companies ranging from technology, mining, financial services and real estate, announces the declaration of a dividend of $.009c per share from the proceeds of mineral sales payable on August 31, 2009 to holders of record on June 30, 2009. The dividend will be paid to shareholders of BZTG or Buzz Inc depending on the speed at which markets allow for the Hong Kong listing of the company.
      The Board believes that the shareholders should receive a cash benefit from the performance of the mining division in 2009. The Company's financial condition is excellent, with continued growth without debt or dilution. In determining the amount of the dividend, the Board considered the pressing need to maintain a strong balance sheet to support plans to enter new property markets and other anticipated growth opportunities. The Board presently plans to review at the end of each fiscal quarter the financial performance and capital needed to support future growth to determine the amount of cash dividend, if any, that is appropriate.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 26.02.09 19:30:48
      Beitrag Nr. 1.787 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.661.554 von kassier am 26.02.09 19:25:46

      na, wenn das 0,009 divid. geben soll ??!! d.h. mehr als der Kurs heute steht. also bekomme ich mehr divid. als das Depot heute wert ist.

      sind das nicht tolle Aussichten ????;):D

      ...also keute und stupidgame, da lohnt es sich doch nachzudenken, oder ???

      machts gut

      schrieb am 26.02.09 19:33:35
      Beitrag Nr. 1.788 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.661.598 von kassier am 26.02.09 19:30:48du dividentenjäger:)
      schrieb am 27.02.09 08:07:25
      Beitrag Nr. 1.789 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.661.549 von kassier am 26.02.09 19:25:01Ja, das stimmt. Es is genau 12 Stunden später in Thailand, sprich der Typ setzt sich JEDEN TAG um halb 10 abends bis um 4 oder 5 Uhr morgens an seinen Chat.
      Dann beginnt er wie alle Top-Manager um 6 Uhr seinen Tag, geht eine Runde joggen, hat einen 13 Stunden Arbeitstag, den er für seine multi-Millionen Dollar Bude wohl mindesten braucht, und geht wieder an seinen Chat.
      Wenn ich es mir genau überlege, kann es wohl nur so sein. Wir dürfen nämlich nicht vergessen, dass Fabelwesen aus einer Parallelwelt keinen Schlaf brauchen.

      ps. Die Dividenden PR hat ja gester eingeschlagen wie eine Bombe. Eine Dividende, die fast doppelt so hoch ist, wie der aktuelle Aktienpreis. Hut ab vor soviel Größenwahn.

      Alles Gute Dir. Ich hoffe, Du kriegst irgendwann noch mal wenigstens etwas Kohle raus.

      ps.2. Revoltieren die Chat-Brüder eigentlich schon?
      schrieb am 27.02.09 08:19:16
      Beitrag Nr. 1.790 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.663.780 von keutula_reloaded am 27.02.09 08:07:25Die Dividenden PR hat ja gester eingeschlagen wie eine Bombe. Eine Dividende, die fast doppelt so hoch ist, wie der aktuelle Aktienpreis

      Da sollte man doch besser den Dividendenabschlag abwarten. Der müsste den Kurs ja dann auf 0,0001$ bringen. Dann kann man die Bude für 30.000$ bzw. 23.600€ aufkaufen - wer Lust hat...

      schrieb am 27.02.09 15:24:14
      Beitrag Nr. 1.791 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.663.780 von keutula_reloaded am 27.02.09 08:07:25
      nein, keine Revolte....:D

      das mit dem pps, das passiert in letzter Zeit sehr häufig.- manchmal Tage hintereinander. Zum market-end werden meist 100 bis 200 stück verkauft und der kurs halbiert.

      der Meister kann sich das auch nicht erklären.
      schrieb am 03.03.09 17:33:58
      Beitrag Nr. 1.792 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Why Buzz Will Survive the Downturn

      Mar 03, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Although the current economic downturn has claimed many corporations, Buzz Inc remains in a strong position and is capable of seeing out a multi year recession/depression without the need for debt or dilution.
      Having taken the long road from the beginning and building the business predominantly from earnings Buzz Inc now sits in an enviable position.

      The diversity of investments has meant the company is not critically exposed to any one sector of the market. Instead Buzz Inc has used its success to build a solid base of core investments. These investments combined with tight cost management and low overhead business model allow Buzz Inc to not only survive the economic downturn, but to take advantage of it!

      Buzz Inc is now looking at investments in the USA real estate sector as well as real estate in Asia's financial centres and holiday destinations.

      Core management at Buzz Inc has stepped up the corporate monitoring and meeting schedules, the group believes that the markets may indeed get worse in coming months, however a recovery is certain in some areas and investment will focus on those areas.

      This sentiment has also been reflected by the world's foremost investor, Warren Buffet, Buffet has said the economy will be "in shambles" this year, and perhaps longer, before recovering from the reckless lending that caused the worst "freefall" he ever saw in the financial system.

      The economy and stocks will rebound, and the best days for the U.S. are ahead, said Buffett, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., in his annual letter to shareholders Feb. 28. Buffett said he'll spend the recession shopping for new investments for Omaha, Nebraska-based Berkshire.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: +66 807 007 900 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 03.03.09 17:34:41
      Beitrag Nr. 1.793 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Manganese Prices Offer Hope

      Mar 03, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Manganese, a crucial steelmaking ingredient, produced super profits for its miners, especially during 2008, as confirmed on Monday in results from African Rainbow Minerals, or ARM, and also OM Holdings.
      Huge manganese profits featured heavily in Anglo American results, released in Feb, where Samancor Manganese was shown to have contributed USD 980m to Anglo American's 2008 group profits, compared to USD 225m in 2007. BHP Billiton, the world's biggest diversified resources stock, owns the other 60% of Samancor Manganese, and operates it. BHP Billiton earned underlying EBIT (earnings before interest and tax) from manganese of USD 132m in its 2006 financial year, USD 253m in its 2007 financial year, and an explosive USD1.6bn in its 2008 financial year to 30 June.

      While Anglo American stated that the first half of 2009 "is expected to be a challenging period for sales volumes of iron ore and manganese ore and alloys", the freak-level profits generated by sky high manganese prices during sections of 2008 are reminiscent of those seen from time to time for medium sized metals and minerals, such as nickel, cobalt and uranium.

      During the earlier months of the second half of 2008, ARM reports that contractors were employed to load and haul manganese to Richards Bay port and iron ore to Beeshoek: "This expenditure generated additional revenue at very high margins". During the first half of ARM's 2008 financial year, viz., the second half of calendar 2007, its ferrous metals division produced headline earnings of ZAR 574m. The comparable number for the first half of the 2009 financial year: R2.8bn.

      Manganese and iron ore prices also ensured that Anglo American's ferrous and industries division ranked as its single biggest earnings contributor for 2008. Anglo American warned on Friday that "the market for manganese ore and alloys is dependent on the carbon steel industry and is therefore directly impacted by the current weak steel markets. Should global steel production decline further during 2009, manganese ore and alloy prices are expected to remain under pressure".

      ARM's ferrous metals division - comprising manganese, iron ore, chrome and ferrochrome - is via ARM's 50% stake in Assmang, which operates in South Africa, where long-established miner Assore holds the other 50% of Assmang. In its recent half-year results to 31 December 2008, Assore stated that "despite the increase in earnings compared to the same period in the previous fiscal year, trading conditions have changed radically since the world economic turmoil set in at the beginning of October 2008.

      "Since the end of the period under review these conditions have deteriorated further making it impossible to determine the outlook for the second half with any certainty or to provide any comment with regard to market recovery. Results of the group continue to be significantly exposed to fluctuations in exchange rates and the bulk of the group's sales remain in the export market".

      OM Holdings CEO Peter Toth, speaking for what possibly ranks as the most manganese-focused listed miner, stated on Monday that "While the outlook for the steel industry remains volatile and uncertain, we have seen a recovery in Chinese manganese alloy and ore demand during the first quarter. This has been reflected in our ability to secure more than 150,000 tonnes of contracted sales of manganese ore for the January-March quarter of 2009".

      OM Holdings saw 2008 out with AUD 119m in cash and "virtually no debt", while ARM ended the period with ZAR 1.1bn in net cash, excluding a ZAR 586m loan from Impala Platinum, in respect of Two Rivers, in which ARM holds 55%, and also excluding a ZAR 1.1bn loan from Xstrata to ARM Coal, which holds 20% in Xstrata Coal South Africa, and 26% in Goedgevonden, which is managed by Xstrata.

      Buzz Inc (OTC:BZTG)

      Buzz Inc. (the"Company" or "Buzz") (PINKSHEETS: BZTG),, announced that the preliminary feasibility study on its Lanna Project Manganese deposit at its property in Thailand has been completed.

      The study was commissioned by the Company in November 2008 and was performed by incoming and outgoing staff at the mine site. It confirmed that the project is economically viable and also supports an updated mineral reserve calculation and updated mineral resource estimate on the property.

      Lanna is the Company's prime exploration target for the Manganese deposit which is located on the Company's Property in Thailand.


      Mineral Resources and Reserves

      An initial updated Mn Ore indicated mineral resource estimate for The Lanna deposit was reported in a news release previously based on estimates from the negotiations of the site.

      As a result of further in-depth analysis, the quantity has changed; however, there have otherwise been no material changes to the grades and quantities previously reported. The following table summarizes the mineral reserves for The Lanna Mn Ore deposit, effective January 6, 2009:

      Mn 23-46%

      MnO2 36-71%

      SiO2 (Silica) 22-60%

      Fe (iron) 1-3%

      The estimated reserve of minable Mn Ore now sits at 6.1m mtu and this is expected to increase as drilling commences.


      Rounding may result in some discrepancies. No processing recovery factors have been applied to these reserve figures.

      Assumptions and Methods: the team included the following steps during calculation of the indicated resources at The Lanna Project:

      -- personal inspection of The Lanna Project property during 2008 - 2009;

      -- database compilation and data validation;

      -- geological interpretation and modeling;

      -- compositing test intervals to a common length;

      -- determination of average material density;

      -- previous analysis of grade variability.

      Data Verification: During numerous inspections of the The Lanna Project properties (2008 to 2009) areas for immediate mining were identified and a mining plan commenced.


      The team completed the preliminary study in order to evaluate the merits of extracting Mn Ore from The Lanna Project using the reserve and resource base summarized above. The conceptual work plan is to continue the current extraction methods (open cut) along high quality mineralization, processing of ore and bagging on site then shipping a commercial grade to overseas buyers, predominantly in China. The preliminary feasibility study used a wide variety of economic data to produce projected capital and operating costs estimates, environmental and social considerations, mining methods, processing technologies, permitting issues, taxation issues, and commodity price trends, all of which became components of The Lanna Project development economic model.

      Assuming an Mn Ore price of $200 mtu and using the previous methods and ship bagged Mn Ore during a two-year period, generating $48m in revenue, with the initial profits funding more drilling and exploration for Copper, Silver and Gold.

      The mine would pay back capital costs in the third or fourth quarter of the first year of development. Mn Ore Bags would be produced at the mine site, thus creating early cash flow. Maintaining Mn Ore quality for overseas markets is very important to the success of the proposed development. Preliminary testing of an area of The Lanna Project shows high recovery rates of Mn Ore. Other impacting factors include rainfall, and metal price trends of both Mn Ore and Iron Ore as well as global steel demand.

      The mine plan contemplates deploying standard scrap, crush and bag ore processing. When in full production the mill will process up to 25000 mtu of Mn Ore per month; this would not occur before year 3.

      Cautionary Notes to Investors SEC's Industry Guide 7 standards have not been applied, and many of the terms and concepts set out in and used as information material to the Company are neither recognized by the SEC nor included in or compliant with Industry Guide 7 standards. Buzz Inc., as part of the process toward an IPO in Hong Kong, released a draft Information Memorandum in 2008.

      Buzz has through necessity and opportunity grown into a diverse group of companies spanning a number of industries and countries. Although on the surface it may not be immediately recognizable, the businesses are in fact tied together in one clearly defined area; they are all businesses that are technology dependent. Buzz has pioneered the way in unleashing the full potential of technology in the markets that have the least technological resources, the emerging markets of Asia.

      BZTG shareholders are entitled to 1 Buzz Inc. share for each BZTG share held. The share capital of Buzz Inc. is exactly the same as BZTG and the company has stated on numerous occasions there will be no dilution of the share capital. The company has also remained debt free and has only 1 class of share, no preferred shares and no charges over assets or any other encumbrances.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 03.03.09 17:35:03
      Beitrag Nr. 1.794 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Phuket One-2-Property to Start Offering Properties Under $60,000

      Mar 03, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- The Phuket property market will see some contraction during in 2009 with a distinct shift in the types of properties being sought by buyers. The 2008/2009 high season has reflected this shift with the bargain resorts filling up as many luxury resorts remained well below normal high season occupancy rates. Very few good value properties are available on the market considering the worldwide economic slump, while prices have dipped around the world, Phuket has not seen any real discounting. Advertised prices have not fallen to any great extent although the much stronger baht means many investors have made a good return in USD or GBP without any change in the Thai Baht. Many developers in Phuket rely on sales exclusively to fund building and many projects have no ceased work before completion leaving buyers waiting..
      The Budget end of Phukets tourism market has seen an increase in activity due to the global financial crises, Phuket offers comparative luxury for a fraction of the price of many international destinations, the same can be said for living in Phuket. Many people are now looking to Phuket as a retirement destination due to the low cost of living and high quality of life.

      Phuket has been developing infrastructure, Hospital and Schools at an incredible rate and very soon Phuket will become one of Asia's most advanced and westernized destinations. To meet the new market One-2-Property is set to launch a wide selection of properties in the range of 2m to 5m Baht (from under $60,000 USD). These will be first class resort properties in a range of locations in Phuket. These Properties will be One-2-Properties own developments and offerings from selected developers ensuring that buyers will be moving into their property fast.

      CONTACT: One-2-Property Tel: +66 807 007 900 e-mail:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 04.03.09 12:30:08
      Beitrag Nr. 1.795 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.691.161 von kassier am 03.03.09 17:33:58Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Why Buzz Will Survive the Downturn

      Ich lach mich echt schlapp!
      Eine Firma, die quasi nur in PRs stattfindet, überlebt vermutlich sogar den größten anzunehmenden Meteoriteneinschlag auf der Erde...
      schrieb am 09.03.09 15:41:27
      Beitrag Nr. 1.796 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Inc Updates

      Mar 09, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Corporate
      Buzz Inc has announced a Dividend, and re-affirmed the intention to list in Hong Kong when market conditions are deemed suitable, the company has also re-affirmed the no debt no dilution policy.

      Cutbacks have been made in all areas that are not contributing, or will not contribute to producing revenue during the current economic conditions. Given the length of this particular downturn can not be predicted the company has adopted a minimalist approach to all spending. Although Buzz Inc is in a strong cash position every attempt possible should be made to secure that position and maintain it during the downturn.


      The companies property focus has shifted to developments that will have an end user retail price of $50,000 to $120,000. The company feels this market will be the largest market in the coming 2-3 years as people will not have free access to mortgages and in general will be more conservative with what they spend on a second home or investment property.

      The company will begin to market lots of 10, 20 and 50 rental apartments for $500 000, $950,000 and $2.1m respectively.

      Interest in hotels and commercial properties remains strong.


      Technology has seen the most cutbacks with many non performing sites being taken offline and more profitable sites being launched, work has focused on ad, tech and SEO sales.

      Buzz Inc Corporate and individual corporate sites in the Buzz Inc group are expected to be delayed coming online, in some cases up to 30 days.

      Financial Services

      Buzz Inc is currently in negotiation to provide broad spectrum financial services across Asia. This will include Equity, FX and other online trading.


      Following the companys success with the Lanna Project work has commenced on 2 other sites, 1 Gold and 1 Oil site in the region.

      Venture Capital

      2 of our solar projects have received additional funding and are moving closer to commencement.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Buzz Technologies, Inc e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 10.03.09 13:28:27
      Beitrag Nr. 1.797 ()
      Other News Sources < Back

      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Mining News GRYO,OHM, BZTG

      Mar 10, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Gryphon Resources Inc., (OTC:GRYO) reported a significant discovery of manganese has been made at the H33D4 exploration site of its Turkish subsidiary APM Madencilik Ltd. ("APM").
      Gryphon's CEO, Mr. Serdar Kirmizioglu, reports: "We're very pleased with our recent finding of manganese deposits at the H33D4 site. Initial indications are the tenor ore of the deposits are in the range of 42-54% and are readily minable. Gryphon's main focus has been exploration for copper and the discovery of manganese is a welcome development. We'll be able to fully estimate the size of the H33D4 deposit once we start drilling, but our visual inspection shows approximately 100,000 tons and we believe it may hold up to 10,000,000 tons. Depending on weather conditions, we expect to begin production of 1,000 tons of manganese per month at the latest by the end of spring 2009. Our production for the next phase will increase to 10,000 - 15,000 tons per month. Inspections show the manganese deposit is in surface levels and enrichment is not required, it's ready to sell once mined. This provides us with solid momentum. Our team is well experienced and knows the geological and regulatory terrain in Turkey and we're looking forward to using our base in Turkey to implement aggressive long term plans for Gryphon."

      During February APM submitted the mining authorization applications required by Turkey's Mining Works General Management Office and inspection of the manganese deposit is scheduled to be finished by Mining Works staff by the end of February 2009. APM expects to be issued the necessary Production Permissions by early March 2009 and then begin production. Gryphon will now engage a qualified Independent geologist to perform geological analysis of H33D4 and issue an SEC Industry Guide 7 compliant report.

      The H33D4 exploration site was acquired by APM in April 2008 and comprises a 1375 hectare exploration license. The site is located approximately 180 km due East of Ankara, the capital of Turkey. Infrastructure in the region is suitably developed and road, electricity and water resources can be supplied to the site with some minor preliminary work.

      Company OM Holdings (ASX:OMH), which owns the Bootu Creek mine near Tennant Creek says it's discovered millions of tonnes in manganese which will double the mine's lifespan to 15 years.

      Speaking from Singapore, OM Holdings chief executive Peter Toth said a $10 million exploration project found just over 30 million tonnes of manganese resources.

      He says this is a positive development, but the mine's production and sales will be restrained by the market.

      "We're hoping that the demand in the Chinese market will recover, and that will allow us to do one or two things in terms of produce for longer, or produce a larger quantity, if and when the market recovers," he said.

      "We knew that we had an extensive resource at Bootu Creek prior to this, but what this has allowed us to do is to just confirm the total size of the resource."

      Singapore-based OM Holdings had to slash production at the mine by a third last year, because of a slump in demand from China.

      Buzz Inc (OTC:BZTG)

      Buzz Inc. (the"Company" or "Buzz") (PINKSHEETS: BZTG),, is pleased to announce that the preliminary feasibility study on its Lanna Project Manganese deposit at its property in Thailand has been completed.

      The study was commissioned by the Company in November 2008 and was performed by incoming and outgoing staff at the mine site. It confirmed that the project is economically viable and also supports an updated mineral reserve calculation and updated mineral resource estimate on the property.

      Lanna is the Company's prime exploration target for the Manganese deposit which is located on the Company's Property in Thailand.


      Mineral Resources and Reserves

      An initial updated Mn Ore indicated mineral resource estimate for The Lanna deposit was reported in a news release previously based on estimates from the negotiations of the site.

      As a result of further in-depth analysis, the quantity has changed; however, there have otherwise been no material changes to the grades and quantities previously reported. The following table summarizes the mineral reserves for The Lanna Mn Ore deposit, effective January 6, 2009:

      Mn 23-46%

      MnO2 36-71%

      SiO2 (Silica) 22-60%

      Fe (iron) 1-3%

      The estimated reserve of minable Mn Ore now sits at 6.1m mtu and this is expected to increase as drilling commences.


      Rounding may result in some discrepancies. No processing recovery factors have been applied to these reserve figures.

      Assumptions and Methods: the team included the following steps during calculation of the indicated resources at The Lanna Project:

      -- personal inspection of The Lanna Project property during 2008 - 2009;

      -- database compilation and data validation;

      -- geological interpretation and modeling;

      -- compositing test intervals to a common length;

      -- determination of average material density;

      -- previous analysis of grade variability.

      Data Verification: During numerous inspections of the The Lanna Project properties (2008 to 2009) areas for immediate mining were identified and a mining plan commenced.


      The team completed the preliminary study in order to evaluate the merits of extracting Mn Ore from The Lanna Project using the reserve and resource base summarized above. The conceptual work plan is to continue the current extraction methods (open cut) along high quality mineralization, processing of ore and bagging on site then shipping a commercial grade to overseas buyers, predominantly in China. The preliminary feasibility study used a wide variety of economic data to produce projected capital and operating costs estimates, environmental and social considerations, mining methods, processing technologies, permitting issues, taxation issues, and commodity price trends, all of which became components of The Lanna Project development economic model.

      Assuming an Mn Ore price of $200 mtu and using the previous methods and ship bagged Mn Ore during a two-year period, generating $48m in revenue, with the initial profits funding more drilling and exploration for Copper, Silver and Gold.

      The mine would pay back capital costs in the third or fourth quarter of the first year of development. Mn Ore Bags would be produced at the mine site, thus creating early cash flow. Maintaining Mn Ore quality for overseas markets is very important to the success of the proposed development. Preliminary testing of an area of The Lanna Project shows high recovery rates of Mn Ore. Other impacting factors include rainfall, and metal price trends of both Mn Ore and Iron Ore as well as global steel demand.

      The mine plan contemplates deploying standard scrap, crush and bag ore processing. When in full production the mill will process up to 25000 mtu of Mn Ore per month; this would not occur before year 3.

      Cautionary Notes to Investors SEC's Industry Guide 7 standards have not been applied, and many of the terms and concepts set out in and used as information material to the Company are neither recognized by the SEC nor included in or compliant with Industry Guide 7 standards. Buzz Inc., as part of the process toward an IPO in Hong Kong, released a draft Information Memorandum in 2008.

      Buzz has through necessity and opportunity grown into a diverse group of companies spanning a number of industries and countries. Although on the surface it may not be immediately recognizable, the businesses are in fact tied together in one clearly defined area; they are all businesses that are technology dependent. Buzz has pioneered the way in unleashing the full potential of technology in the markets that have the least technological resources, the emerging markets of Asia.

      BZTG shareholders are entitled to 1 Buzz Inc. share for each BZTG share held. The share capital of Buzz Inc. is exactly the same as BZTG and the company has stated on numerous occasions there will be no dilution of the share capital. The company has also remained debt free and has only 1 class of share, no preferred shares and no charges over assets or any other encumbrances.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE
      schrieb am 28.03.09 00:04:13
      Beitrag Nr. 1.798 ()
      wie sagte man news are good news...:D
      schrieb am 01.04.09 14:59:06
      Beitrag Nr. 1.799 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): The Trade Simulator - try before you trade

      Mar 31, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Get a feel of what live trading under real market conditions is like.
      With the Trade Simulator you can now try trading with no obligation, no cost and no risk.

      Feel the excitement of Forex, explore innovative features of the trading platform, and see for yourself just how easy it is to start trading with us.

      Make the most of the Trade Simulator and explore our other platform features; including the Inside Viewer that shows you the most popularly traded currency pairs or the Trade Controller that enables you to visually set your risk management strategy.

      If you are already trading on our platform, then the Simulator is a great way to sharpen your trading skills or to test out some trading strategies. You may simply want to use the Simulator to show your friends just how easy it is to start trading with Easy-Forex and Buzz Financial Services.

      To get the Simulator just click on the link below or from the Home page click the 'trade now' button on the trading ticket.

      As a registered user you get even more trading time and credit on the Simulator. So if you haven't joined yet, click here to register.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 30.04.09 11:28:36
      Beitrag Nr. 1.800 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Managed funds from Buzz FS

      Apr 30, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Many people are drawn to the forex market due to the high liquidity, 24 hour trading, low start up costs, and the high returns. However, some traders are unable to sufficiently learn or trade currency due to a conflicting full time job or other obligation. Also, many investors like to supplement their existing portfolio without having to learn a completely new market. This is where the " managed forex account" comes in. A managed forex account is an established easy forex account funded by the investor, and traded by our professional team. This allows the investor a reasonable rate of return on an account he does not necessarily have to trade himself, and the opportunity to be a part of the largest market in the world.
      There are literally hundreds of companies and investment firms that make use of an investor's money by establishing a managed forex account. Some of these companies and firms specialize in managed forex accounts, and spend all of their time and effort strictly in the currency exchange. This gives the investor confidence their managed forex account is being traded by a professional currency investor, and gives them a better chance of a steady monthly (or yearly) percentage of return. The returns on a managed forex account have been anywhere from 5% to 20%+ monthly, with a 40% of the profit as a monthly fee to BUzz Inc. While many companies and professionals may take management fees on the managed forex account even if the account is not in profit for the month, Buzz Inc only takes a fee on success.

      There are obviously many up sides to a managed forex account. The investor is able to achieve a steady rate of growth without having to spend all the necessary time and effort to trade the money himself. The investing firm or company that provides the managed forex account will take a small portion of the profit for the month or year, still assuring that the account is at steady growth. The forex market is a very liquid market as well, giving the investor a much more flexible means of withdrawing funds from the managed forex account. Also, trading currency allows profit potential in both rising and falling markets, giving the experienced money manager more opportunities to grow the investor's account.

      As a managed forex account seems like a very lucrative direction to take in the forex market, some people may still be drawn away from it for a few select reasons. Usually, many commercial brokers and investment firms have a minimum for the account to be traded. These minimums are usually around $10,000, and prove a hefty starting cost to the average trader. BUzz Inc has a $1000 minimum and NO SET UP FEES, you open and oversee your own easy forex account and notify them that Buzz Inc will be trading the account.

      Also, many of these companies can (and usually do) promise high returns. In spite of these statements, the majority charge a monthly management fee to your managed forex account. If your monthly return is less than the standard monthly charge, your managed forex account will be in the negative even though before the fee, you were positive. Great care must be taken in selecting your forex investment firm, as to minimize your losses due to weak months. BUzz Inc has a net success only policy.

      Managed forex accounts can be an excellent way to grow a large account, or provide a steady rate of growth over a long period of time without the hassles and emotional swings of trading currency yourself. If the investor has both the capital and a reputable investment firm or professional, a managed forex account could prove to be a great investment opportunity.

      We offer managed forex accounts for high net worth clients. Please contact us for details ! Why would Forex traders trade through a Portfolio Manager

      They may not have the time or the experience to trade in the currency markets themselves

      They prefer to not constantly follow movements of the market

      They want to have the ability to obtain and respond instantaneously to new information that is beyond the capacity of most busy investors

      They want to experience the profit potential of Forex trading, without having to do the work themselves

      They want to utilize the experience, knowledge and discipline of professional money managers

      Full transparency

      At the click of a button you can generate detailed reports, as well as track all transactions performed in your Forex account. This is what is called "WYSIWYG" (What you see is what you get). You may check the value of your position at any time, as well as see historical data (transactions and deals). In addition, you may generate 'scenarios' ('what-if') with possible rates to test your position to see if you will lose or gain.

      Please contact us for details!

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 05.05.09 11:27:32
      Beitrag Nr. 1.801 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): No News***$100 giveaway from Buzz Financial Services

      Apr 30, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- $100 give away from Buzz Financial Services, Sign Up your forex account and Activate today and get a $100 bonus
      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 06.05.09 10:23:37
      Beitrag Nr. 1.802 ()
      < Back

      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Stocks to Watch WAMUQ OIH

      May 05, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- WAMUQ Defruaded by JPMorgan
      Washington Mutual Inc (WAMUQ.PK) has filed a lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) seeking the return of more than $4 billion in cash deposits which it lost access to when its bank was sold last year.

      Washington Mutual Bank was closed by the U.S. government in September, in the largest bank failure in U.S. history. Its banking assets were sold the same day to JPMorgan for $1.9 billion, and the parent holding company filed for bankruptcy protection a day later in what seems to clearly be an underhanded deal to bolster the JPMorgan balance sheet while the company reorganizes. While it is clear to anyone familiar with the story the withholding of the $4b does not fit within hastily provisioned sale contract.

      In a lawsuit filed late Monday in U.S. bankruptcy court in Delaware, WaMu said that JPMorgan has "wrongfully withheld" more than $4 billion in cash that the parent company had on deposit at Washington Mutual Bank at the time of the acquisition.

      WaMu said in the lawsuit that JPMorgan improperly claims it acquired the deposits as part of the takeover transaction, when they should have been treated like any other deposit at the bank.

      "The cornerstone of the agreement by which JPMC acquired the assets was that all Bank depositors would have immediate and ready access to their cash on deposit," WaMu said in the lawsuit.

      WaMu said it needs access to that cash to come up with its Chapter 11 plan, and that by withholding the deposits, JPMorgan could be earning as much as $200 million per year in interest on those deposits.

      A JPMorgan Chase spokeswoman in Chicago declined to comment on the lawsuit, saying "we do not comment on ongoing litigation."

      The lawsuit was filed as an adversary proceeding to WaMu's main bankruptcy case. The bankruptcy case is In re: Washington Mutual, Inc. U.S. Bankruptcy Court, District of Delaware, No. 08-12229.


      Oil Service HOLDRS (NYSE:OIH)Trust issues depositary receipts called Oil Service HOLDRS, representing an undivided beneficial ownership in the common stock of a group of specified companies that, among other things, provide drilling, well-site management, and related products and services for the oil service industry. The Bank of New York is the trustee. The Trust will terminate on December 31, 2041, or earlier if a termination event occurs.

      As Oil prices recover this investment trust is set to see broad spectrum growth from the majority of the invested companies.

      Buzz Inc and the Author are, have been and will continue to trade markets in these 2 equities.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid Tel: +66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: +66 80 700 7900 129 WWW: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      As of Friday, 05-01-2009 23:59, the latest Comtex SmarTrend? Alert, an automated pattern recognition system, indicated a DOWNTREND on 12-15-2008 for JPM @ $28.98.

      For more information on SmarTrend, contact your market data provider or go to

      SmarTrend is a registered trademark of Comtex News Network, Inc. Copyright ? 2004-2009 Comtex News Network, Inc. All rights reserved.

      schrieb am 11.05.09 12:11:04
      Beitrag Nr. 1.803 ()
      < Back

      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Stock Alert: Belltower Entertainment BTOW

      May 11, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Cinemark's earning report offer a bright outlook for the entertainment sector in the coming year, and hot stock pick for next week has a schedule of 6 films that bring together Academy Award Winning Talent and proven Hollywood performers setting the stage for a great year.
      The recently formed Belltower Entertainment BTOW has an attractive capital structure for investors with 37m shares on issue and a float of only 5.1m.

      This is the news from Cinemark

      Cinemark Holdings Inc. (NYSE:CNK) reports Thursday that its first-quarter profit more than tripled as consumers continued to seek escapee from the economy's woes at the movies. Chief Executive Alan Stock said the film industry saw the strongest first quarter box office sales in history, "further demonstrating the resiliency of the industry" amid a challenging economy.

      The movie-going surge is even more notable since it comes amid higher ticket prices. Still, theater companies face increased indirect competition from at-home entertainment media, and the industry is heavily reliant on a small number of film-distribution companies, which have been cutting back on production.

      Analysts have said they expect summer-movie-season attendance to hold up against last year's record season.Cinemark's profit rose to $17.6 million, or 16 cents a share, from $5.3 million, or 5 cents a share, a year earlier.Revenue rose 6.2% to $425.8 million.

      Analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters expected earnings of 13 cents on revenue of $422 million.Admissions revenue rose 6.7% amid 8.8% growth in attendance. Concession revenue increased 6.4%.International revenue fell 8.5% - a change from past quarters, which have seen Cinemark benefit when the dollar is weak because of its expanded presence in Latin America. U.S. revenue rose 11%.

      Introducing Belltower Entertainment

      Belltower Entertainment has announced the addition of two new films to its current production slate of six features:

      The first is a collaboration with Academy Award-winning writer Barry Morrow (Rain Man) which tells the story of legendary golfer Moe Norman. The film, tentatively titled Dance the Green, will begin filming this summer in Canada.

      The second film, titled A Kid for Christmas, is a family comedy being written by Josh Goldstein, whose credits include "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air," "The Jamie Foxx Show" and HBO's "Arli$$." Much of the film will be shot in China.

      Belltower is an independent film company based in Los Angeles, with offices in Toronto and Shanghai. Led by founder and CEO Donald Bell, Belltower was formed in 2008 to take advantage of the popularity of independent films and the globalization of the entertainment industry.

      "Our intent is not to focus on a specific niche market or film genre, but rather to produce a diverse portfolio of films with entertaining stories and compelling characters, and do so in a manner which is cost-efficient while attracting high profile talent," noted Bell, a financier who entered the entertainment industry in 2004. "We have a targeted international structure that includes tapping into local production facilities, alliances with strategic partners, along with meaningful talent in countries like China and Canada."

      Belltower now has six projects in its production pipeline, three of which will be at least partly filmed in mainland China. The strategy is to appeal to high profile directors and talent while keeping the films within a modest budget. The key is to identify projects that directors and actors are very passionate about. Take Dance the Green for example, cited in a recent Globe and Mail article screenwriter Barry Morrow, an avid golfer and devotee of all things Moe Norman, was interested in Moe for the same reasons that led to Rain Man, in which Dustin Hoffman played an autistic savant. I want to "pay homage to a character you want to see protected. Moe is a character study of a true underdog" Morrow states. Morrow has wanted to make this film since 1995. A top Hollywood talent agency is actively packaging the film with Belltower for release date in 2010.

      Additional information on Belltower Entertainment can be found at

      Belltower Entertainment Corporation 401 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 1065 Santa Monica CA 90401 Phone: +1 (877) 355-1833

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 WWW: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 11.05.09 12:11:37
      Beitrag Nr. 1.804 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Hollywood Looking Hot as Revenue Improves NWSA, CNK, MVL, BTOW

      Monday, May 11, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Despite the doom and gloom, or possibly becuase of it, Hollywood seems to be doing very well. The new "Star Trek" movie beamed up an estimated $72.5 million in North American ticket sales its first weekend in theaters, dominating the box office and re-energizing a 40-year-old science-fiction franchise.
      That figure far surpassed the opening grosses posted by any of the previous 10 "Star Trek" films, even when adjusted for inflation, and kept up a robust pace for the second week of Hollywood's summer moviegoing season.

      Monday, May 11th, 2009 Last weekend's top box office entry, "X-Men Origins: Wolverine," still ranks as the biggest film opening so far this year, with $85 million in its first Friday-through-Sunday tally. (NYSE:MVL) (NASDAQ:NWSA) Monday, May 11th, 2009 Cinemark Holdings Inc. (NYSE:CNK) reports Thursday that its first-quarter profit more than tripled as consumers continued to seek escapee from the economy's woes at the movies. Chief Executive Alan Stock said the film industry saw the strongest first quarter box office sales in history, "further demonstrating the resiliency of the industry" amid a challenging economy.

      The movie-going surge is even more notable since it comes amid higher ticket prices. Still, theater companies face increased indirect competition from at-home entertainment media, and the industry is heavily reliant on a small number of film-distribution companies, which have been cutting back on production.

      Analysts have said they expect summer-movie-season attendance to hold up against last year's record season.Cinemark's profit rose to $17.6 million, or 16 cents a share, from $5.3 million, or 5 cents a share, a year earlier.Revenue rose 6.2% to $425.8 million.

      Monday, May 11th, 2009 Belltower (OTC:BTOW) with a schedule of 6 films that bring together Academy Award Winning Talent and proven Hollywood performers setting the stage for a great year.

      The recently formed Belltower Entertainment BTOW has an attractive capital structure for investors with 37m shares on issue and a float of only 5.1m.

      Belltower Entertainment has announced the addition of two new films to its current production slate of six features: The first is a collaboration with Academy Award-winning writer Barry Morrow (Rain Man) which tells the story of legendary golfer Moe Norman. The film, tentatively titled Dance the Green, will begin filming this summer in Canada.

      The second film, titled A Kid for Christmas, is a family comedy being written by Josh Goldstein, whose credits include "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air," "The Jamie Foxx Show" and HBO's "Arli$$." Much of the film will be shot in China.

      Belltower is an independent film company based in Los Angeles, with offices in Toronto and Shanghai. Led by founder and CEO Donald Bell, Belltower was formed in 2008 to take advantage of the popularity of independent films and the globalization of the entertainment

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 WWW: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 12.05.09 18:23:15
      Beitrag Nr. 1.805 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Manganese Reserve Now Certified at 6m tonnes

      May 12, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz, Inc is pleased to announce that the a Certified Reserve of 6m MTU of MN Ore has been signed by Mr. Suthep Soontrarun Geologist/Mining Engineer acting as Authorized Geologist on Behalf the Department of Primary Industries and Mines, Ministry of Industry. This Certificate covers 2 of the 4 sections on the Lanna site. This certification completes an important part of our sales and marketing plan for 2009.
      Focus now shifts to the Lanna Nth Site where preliminary studies have indicated a minable quantity of 8m tonnes of Iron Ore. Iron Ore, like Manganese Ore prices have fallen substantially since the credit crisis griped the world, they have since begun to recover. Given the site is located very close to China we see that we have some pricing advantages in relation to shipping.

      In relation to Iron Ore it is important to note that the traditional pricing method is coming to an end. Should exchange trading of Iron Ore commence Buzz, Inc would need to have the Iron Ore not only certified locally but, like the London Metal Exchange we would need to gain exchange certification.

      Interested parties should read the Financial Times report on Iron Ore Below:

      Three of the biggest banks in commodities plan to launch trading in iron ore, a further signal of the rapid growth of the mineral's derivatives market amid disarray in the annual price negotiations. The move by Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and Barclays Capital into cash-settled iron ore swaps comes as mining executives acknowledge openly that the traditional system of annual talks - known as the benchmark - to settle prices for the input to steel is breaking down.

      The secretive negotiations are between Vale of Brazil, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton and the steelmakers, led by Baosteel and the China Iron and Steel Association.

      Traders said spot prices - physical and paper - could gain further importance if miners and steelmakers fail to reach an agreement for the 2009-10 prices, after missing an April 1 deadline. They said the possibility of a failure was growing.

      The likelihood of a structural change to price iron ore sales based on spot prices rather than annual settlements comes a year after the launch of the first cash-settled ore swap by Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank.

      Among the banks, Morgan Stanley said it had started trading iron ore. Barclays said it was "considering entering into the iron ore market in response to" its customers' needs while bankers said Goldman Sachs was looking into ore, but added that its plans appeared less defined. Goldman declined to comment.

      Espen Aaboe, managing director of freight at Morgan Stanley in London, said that as the spot market for iron ore has evolved, Morgan has concluded that there were "opportunities" for both the bank and its clients by being involved. "It is clear that the benchmark system is undergoing change and that the long-term trend may be evolving towards a spot pricing market," he told the Financial Times.

      Bankers and traders said Morgan was better positioned than others to profit from iron ore trading because of the linkages with its strong freight business.

      The spot physical ore market last year saw transactions worth about 180m tonnes, up 50 per cent from 2007, and accounting for about a fifth of the total seaborne ore market, according to BHP Billiton. Traders estimate about 18m tonnes of iron ore were traded on the derivatives, or paper, market in the past 12 months and estimate volumes could hit 30m-40m tonnes by the end of the year.

      The paper market has been boosted after LCH. Clearnet, Europe's largest independent clearing house, and Singapore Exchange, announced that they would clear the swaps. The move is important because until now, buyers and sellers of the private, bilateral over the counter swaps bore the risk of their counterparties defaulting, deterring some potential participants. Now that concern has been salved.

      Ian Ashby, head of iron ore at BHP Billiton, said the market was following a natural evolution. He told an industry conference last week in Sydney: "Not only is iron ore now traded daily on the physical market, but also every day iron ore paper contracts are traded."

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 WWW: WWW:

      M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
      schrieb am 28.05.09 18:47:11
      Beitrag Nr. 1.806 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Inc to Partner in Oil Services Hub

      May 28, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- The 68,000 SQM site consists of Warehouses, Offices and Yards for rent. The site offers in-house transport, forklifts, cranes, meeting rooms, and much more.
      The facilities have their own 12m wide concrete road with direct access from the main highway. Telecommunications are first class offering the latest technology and hi-speed internet access, by 2010 the second phase of services including a convenience store.

      The Adisorn Songkhla site offers the best resources for the Oil Services Sector in Southern Thailand.

      PORT Information

      The Port of Songkhla is located in the Gukf of Thailand at 07*13'.7 N. 100*34'.5 E.

      Access for vessels

      Access for vessels entering or leaving the port is via a 120m wide channel dredged to -9.0 m C.D. and some 4.0 km in length.

      There is a 300m turning circle to the westerly end of the quay.

      The tidal range on Springs is 0.6m. Mean sea level varies seasonally and fro year to year. Mean low water is +0.3m. C.D. with water levels below this predicted to occur rarely.


      The Port area amounts to some 9 hectares.

      The Port or Songkhla is suitable for the working of large ocean going cargo vessels.

      The quay is 510m. Long with a 30m. wide apron.

      The tidal flow within the port limits does not normally exceed 2 knots.

      There is a minimum depth of water of 10m alongside.


      Access to the port is via an asphaltic concrete paved causeway from either:

      New Coastal Highway 4083 to Nakhon Si Thammarat; or, Highway 407 from Hat Yai the via Tinsulanonda Bridge.

      Fresh Water

      Fresh water is available for sale and is supplied to fire hydrants on the quay.

      Contact or call +66807007900 for details will be online in June 2009

      CONTACT: e-mail: Tel: +66 807 007 900

      ((M2 Communications disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
      schrieb am 02.06.09 17:33:59
      Beitrag Nr. 1.807 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): WahooaEUR(TM)s World of Big Game Fishing Phuket Thailand

      Jun 01, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- It is the intention of "Team Wahoo" to provide clients with the very best in genuine blue water sportfishing, targeting the most popular and desirable game fish species that the world's oceans have to offer. Client satisfaction is paramount in our pursuit of perfection and our team of dedicated professionals has gone to great lengths to ensure that our anglers reap maximum rewards from their fishing experiences aboard the Wahoo fleet vessels.
      Our boats are top of the line sport-fishers fully tournament rigged and carry the best fishing equipment money can buy. Nov 2008 will see the addition of a new Maritimo 500 54 feet of pure luxury fitted with all top of the line electronics and fishing equipment.

      With more than 20-years of experience fishing out of our home base in Phuket, and numerous fact-finding trips to worldwide fishing venues, Team Wahoo can proudly declare that Wahoo Big Game Fishing (Thailand) Co. Ltd is undoubtedly the most professional and sophisticated game fishing operation in the region.

      Our multi-day, live-on-board game-fishing safaris are now legendary among the region's fishing fraternity. These fishing adventures offer discerning anglers a golden opportunity to experience fishing at its very best. The Andaman Islands extreme long range trips regularly provide our clients with the "trip of a lifetime". Closer to home, the magical Similan Islands and the notorious hot-spot, Don Mai Seamount can provide action with virtually every species of big game fish known to inhabit the Andaman Sea.

      Local, single day trips often provide less experienced anglers with their first ever billfish. Novice anglers, lady anglers and juniors are especially welcome on our standard day charters. Fishing in Phuket can be enjoyed by all the family - all year round.

      Contact us today and treat yourself to a truly memorable fishing experience with the region's most professional and experienced big game charter company whether it be a day charter,multi-day charter or a corporate day with your company.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 WWW: WWW:

      ((M2 Communications disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
      schrieb am 02.06.09 17:34:27
      Beitrag Nr. 1.808 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Archer Named Phuket Co-Ordinator for the World Comedy Film Festival 2009

      Jun 01, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Archer Entertainment Media Communications Incorporated has been awarded the role of Phuket Co-Ordinator for the World Comedy Film Festival 2009. Representing Archer at the event will be Issaree Sutida Suwunnavid Chairwoman of Buzz Inc and the Co-President of Foreign Affairs for Zonta International Bangkok. Zenniesha Opakul well known TV Personality and Photograher will be documenting the events for The Phuket Sun and International Media.
      Some of the worlds leading names in comedy ,Keenan Ivory Wayans and Brothers Marlon and Shawn Wayans, Kieth David, Eric Anthony Roberts, Brittany Daniel , Ari Gold, Tina Kim ,Natasha Leggero and Bollywood Star Tania Zaetta are just part of the group landing in Phuket on the 7th of June 2009 for 3 days of rest and relaxation.

      The group will be flying in with Air Asia and enjoying the delightful surrounds of the Award Winning Aleenta Resort . Guests will enjoy cruising Phuket's amazing waterways with the Wahoo Team

      The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) and the Federation of National Film Associations will co-organize the World Comedy Film Festival 2009 for the first time in Thailand and Asia. The event will showcase comedy films by leading comedian actors internationally to make you laugh, from 10-16 June, 2009, at Siam Paragon Cineplex and the SF World Cinema at Central World.

      The World Comedy Film Festival is to be staged as part of a public relations campaign to promote Thailand as a country where hospitality and smiles comes naturally, helping to boost Thailand's image as an established industry hub for filming in Asia. The World Comedy Film Festival attracts a group of people in film industry and all interested parties including Thais and foreigners, building trust and confidence to invest in Thailand.

      The World Comedy Film Festival 2009 features national comedy films which shares common feelings to different cultures over the world, under the theme "A day without laughter is a day wasted- Charlie Chaplin.. So Come Laugh with Us". The activities include an opening ceremony, 10th June, 2009 at 7 p.m. at the Infinicity Hall, 5th Floor, Paragon Cineplex, Siam Paragon. The red carpet is an important welcoming for guests from various foreign and Thai film industries. There is a Stand up Comedy night which is the hi-lighted activity of the international leading comedians on the 11th.. The closing ceremony is on 16th June, 2009, 4p.m. at SF World Cinema at Central World. It is a Gala night for comedians and festival participants, joining to pay tribute to many of the world's renowned film comedians with an honorary award ceremony and to close with lasting impression. Approximately 50 qualified and famous international comedies and short movies will be on the screen at the festival.

      The festival was co-coordinated with public and private sectors, Siam Paragon Cineplex, Siam Paragon and SF World Cinema, Central World, Archer and the comedy association in Thailand which has colored this World Comedy Film Festival 2009.



      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 WWW: WWW:

      ((M2 Communications disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
      schrieb am 03.06.09 17:35:50
      Beitrag Nr. 1.809 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Offer Received by Board of Directors

      Jun 03, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Today the Board of Directors of Buzz, Inc., have received an offer from a private family trust to acquire the rights to any and all stock held by the Directors and other parties deemed to be insiders.
      The offer brings with it access to new infrastructure and staff at no additional cost to the company. The offer also seeks three (3) board seats and a new Chief Executive Officer/Director.

      The Board expects to announce the result of the offer within the next seven (7) days.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 WWW: WWW:

      ((M2 Communications disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
      schrieb am 03.06.09 17:36:15
      Beitrag Nr. 1.810 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): World Comedy Film Festival Comes To Phuket

      Jun 03, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) and the Federation of National Film Associations will co-organize the World Comedy Film Festival 2009 for the first time in Thailand and Asia. The event will showcase comedy films by leading comedian actors internationally to make you laugh, from 10-16 June, 2009, at Siam Paragon Cineplex and the SF World Cinema at Central World. Celebrity Guests will begin arriving in Phuket on the 7th of June compliments of Air Asia, the worlds best low cost airline
      The star studded international guest list will be treated to the best of Phuket staying at the Aleenta, Phukets small luxury boutique hideaway with 15 private Beachfront Villas, Ocean View Residences and 15 Pool Suites and Pool Villas, all within steps of the ocean, all with stunning view of the Andaman Sea. Aleenta is a relaxing, tranquil and private paradise on a long stretch of white sandy beach, and is a perfect backdrop for a dream tropical getaway.

      Wahoo have provided a tailor made cruise itinerary that will give the celebrity visitors a real tropical island experience, while one of Wahoo's luxury boats tour the guests around the stunning Phang Nga Bay, another will create a private floating beach club in pristine waters that offer great snorkeling, swimming and relaxation.

      The Phuket Sun will be covering all of the events in Phuket, Archer represented by Buzz Inc Chairwoman Issaree Sutida Suwunnavid is coordinating the event, they can be contacted at +66807007900 or email Archer is planning a feature film to be shot in Phang Nga Bay and Phuket.

      The World Comedy Film Festival is to be staged as part of a public relations campaign to promote Thailand as a country where hospitality and smiles comes naturally, helping to boost Thailand's image as an established industry hub for filming in Asia. The World Comedy Film Festival attracts a group of people in film industry and all interested parties including Thais and foreigners, building trust and confidence to invest in Thailand.

      The World Comedy Film Festival 2009 features national comedy films which shares common feelings to different cultures over the world, under the theme "A day without laughter is a day wasted- Charlie Chaplin.. So Come Laugh with Us". The activities include an opening ceremony, 10th June, 2009 at 7 p.m. at the Infinicity Hall, 5th Floor, Paragon Cineplex, Siam Paragon. The red carpet is an important welcoming for guests from various foreign and Thai film industries. There is a Stand up Comedy night which is the hi-lighted activity of the international leading comedians on the 11th.. The closing ceremony is on 16th June, 2009, 4p.m. at SF World Cinema at Central World. It is a Gala night for comedians and festival participants, joining to pay tribute to many of the world's renowned film comedians with an honorary award ceremony and to close with lasting impression. Approximately 50 qualified and famous international comedies and short movies will be on the screen at the festival.

      The festival was co-coordinated with public and private sectors, Siam Paragon Cineplex, Siam Paragon and SF World Cinema, Central World and comedy association in Thailand which has colored this World Comedy Film Festival 2009.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 WWW: WWW:

      ((M2 Communications disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
      schrieb am 03.06.09 17:36:39
      Beitrag Nr. 1.811 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Red Roadmaster Hot Topic: Is Gold set to jump to $1,000/oz ?

      Jun 03, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- With Gold setting up for a move to or above US$1,000 oz for a third time, the lines are being drawn between Bulls who believe a dollar-hedging rally has just begun and Bears who say four-digit bullion will not last.
      The rally is fueled by expectations of growing inflation after aggressive government pump-priming measures around the world to help prevent major economies from falling deeper into recession, spot Gold prices have risen 14% over the last two months.

      At 2:54 a.m. EDT today, prices were up nearly 1%at almost $990 oz within sight of the US$1,000 mark first hit in March 2008 and last touched on February 20.

      Despite briefly trading at US$ 1,000 oz on three separate days, Gold has closed above the mark only once, on March 17, 2008.

      Big Gold Bulls say expectations of further US$ weakness, a recovery in stocks that has bolstered investment funds' purchasing power, and concerns about the inflation outlook should help drive the spot market into uncharted territory beyond the US$1,030.80 intra-day record high hit last year.

      But the Gold Bears cast doubt on the sustainability of Gld buying, saying the US$'s current weakness is tied to too much optimism about the economic and financial outlook and that other fundamental factors will put a lid on Gold ability to tally further gains.

      The Bears are saying that the current rise in Gold prices is primarily driven by speculative buying and fears of an inflation surge that may not materialize for years, and question the idea that US$ anxiety will keep growing, driving investment non-dollar assets.

      "Gold's strength is unnatural and $1,000 is overshooting, based on very short-term technical factors driven by trend followers," said Wakako Harada, senior trader at Mitsubishi Corp.

      "Even given all the problems the United States has, I don't think investors will totally shun the dollar," she said, adding that the latest bout of dollar selling was due for a correction.

      They also argue that the same fundamentals that have impeded gold's past attempts to sustain four-digit gains will come to the fore again: scrap selling from major consumers such as China, India, Southeast Asia and the Middle East; reduced demand for jewelry as high prices dampen consumer buying.

      Based on U.S. CFTC futures-options data, speculators' holdings amounted to more than 700 tonnes, says Ikemizu, and past patterns showed gold hit US$1,000 when speculators' long positions reached 850 tonnes, and prices reversed and fell.

      And should economic data continue to show steady gains, thwarting expectations of a likely slow rebound, gold prices could quickly come under renewed pressure.

      "This year not only will we see some positive surprise on the production side - production will be increasing due to higher prices - and on the demand side, we will probably be negatively surprised by weak jewelry demand," said Eugen Weinberg, an analyst at Commerzbank in Frankfurt.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 WWW: WWW:

      ((M2 Communications disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
      schrieb am 04.06.09 18:09:30
      Beitrag Nr. 1.812 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): China Financial Services to Expand

      Jun 04, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Buzz Inc will be expanding the current online Financial Services offerings in China to include local licensed offices.
      Yan Ma has been negotiating with officials for some time and a program has been set in place to see Buzz Inc licensed and operating in the Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Oil markets within 6 months. Within 12 months Buzz Inc will be licensed to trade on China Exchanges and in 18 months International Exchanges.

      The first offices are planned in Dalian and Shanghai followed by Hong Kong.

      Economists upgraded China's 2009 growth forecast to 7.5 percent from the 7.1 percent in February, and the latest data seems to support the improved expectations. China's manufacturing index shows expansion in both output and new orders. Higher domestic demand is helping to offset weak exports from the country.

      That demand from China has been driving up commodity prices worldwide. Oil has nearly doubled off its lows, and was fast approaching $70 a barrel before a big decline yesterday. Industrial metals such as copper and zinc have both rallied too. The market is anticipating growth, but so far the growth has been limited to mostly in China and some other key emerging markets.

      Buzz offices in China will not only offer trading and investment services, they will also assist Chinese companies wanting to acquire secure supply of raw materials especially commodities.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 WWW: WWW:

      ((M2 Communications disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
      schrieb am 04.06.09 18:09:57
      Beitrag Nr. 1.813 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Board Accepts Offer

      Jun 04, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- The Board of Directors of Buzz Inc has accepted an offer for control from a private family trust. The Trust has acquired all shares from directors with the exception of Sutida Suwunnavid. The Trust has also purchased all stock used in acquisitions over the past few years removing several insiders.
      Significant changes will begin to occur as of today. On Monday the New CEO will be named at a private function in Phuket, Thailand.

      CONTACT: Sutida Suwunnavid, Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 WWW: WWW:

      ((M2 Communications disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
      schrieb am 04.06.09 18:20:57
      Beitrag Nr. 1.814 ()
      also, jetzt tut sich innerhalb buzz wieder mal was.

      Es wird auch wieder über IPO und Dividende diskutiert.

      ..und der Kurs.......den Anstieg kann ich noch nicht so ernst nehmen, da er mit ganz wenig Volumen entstand.

      Sollte der Markt jedoch ausgetrochnet sein, wäre diese Entwicklung normal.

      Es sieht nämlich so aus, als wären nur noch "fest Entschlossene" investiert.

      schrieb am 09.06.09 12:37:20
      Beitrag Nr. 1.815 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): A New Era Begins at Buzz Inc

      Jun 08, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- As a result of Buzz Inc directors accepting an offer from a private family trust a number of changes have been made today.
      Shayne Heffernan will take over as CEO/Executive Director of Buzz Inc. New management teams have been implemented in each division. The company will relocate operational head offices to Hong Kong and Corporate head office will be established in the British Virgin Islands.

      Under the agreement Buzz Inc will take over the personal offices and staff of Mr Heffernan however will not assume the expenses for 2 years from today.

      As part of taking over those offices a number of new opportunities have opened for Buzz Inc in China and in the Financial Services Sector in Asia.

      Mr Heffernan brings with him over 25 years of trading experience in Asia and hands on experience in Venture Capital, he has been involved in several start ups that have seen market capitalization over $500m and 1 that reach a peak market cap of $15b. He has managed and overseen start ups in Mining, Shipping, Technology and Financial Services.

      A controversial individual Mr Heffernan served as ambassador to the pacific nations on behalf of Manual Tilman's unsanctioned Senate of Timor Lorosae prior to the nations independance. He worked closely with Mr Tilman establishing relations in the pacific nations, working with UNTEAT and consulting in relation to East Timors oil fields post in dependance.

      CONTACT: Buzz Technologies, Inc Tel: 66 80 700 7900 123 Tel: 66 80 700 7900 129 e-mail:

      ((M2 Communications disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS


      An alle Kritiker....und die die es noch werden wollen..:D

      der Chef hat sich nun eindeutig geoutet. Insidern war das zwar alles klar, aber es sieht für mich so aus, als ob er ein Verstecken nicht mehr nötig hat, weil die Geschäfte jetzt und für die Zukunft recht gut aussehen und er deshalb keine Probleme mit seiner Historie hat.

      Der pps ist gesprungen und wurde durch bashen von ihub vermutlich gedrückt.

      Ich hatte und habe noch ein wenig Zweifel an der angekündigten Dividendenzahlung.
      Aber nachdem heffe (wie er sich schon früher nannte) jetzt offiziell als Ceo ...und mit seinem richtigen Namen ..auftritt, nehme ich an, daß er weiß, daß er ein für alle mal sein Gesicht verliert, sollte seine Ankündigung nicht realisiert werden.

      ich würde mich freuen, die Meinungen der "alten" Mitstreiter zu hören, wie....keute und stupidgame etc.



      schrieb am 09.06.09 21:10:55
      Beitrag Nr. 1.816 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.351.566 von kassier am 09.06.09 12:37:20hallo k.

      ich hab bei buzz keine meinung mehr , weil ich sie nicht meht verfolge, aber ich wünsche dir , dass du die aktien so verkaufen kannst , dass du dir sagen kannst , es war o.k.

      gruss alamzana
      schrieb am 09.06.09 21:13:16
      Beitrag Nr. 1.817 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.357.428 von alamzana am 09.06.09 21:10:55
      danke dir alamzana,

      ich wäre die Tage mit leichtem Gewinn raus gekommen. Aber das wäre mich nicht ...o.k. ....gewesen....:D:D

      ich meine, wer so lange drin ist, der wills wohl genau wissen.
      schrieb am 11.06.09 09:41:22
      Beitrag Nr. 1.818 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Inc, Letter from the CEO

      Jun 10, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- It is great to take the helm of Buzz Inc, and I am looking forward to working with everyone and expanding our Board of Directors. Buzz Inc has been coming together as a company for many years, and it is my role now to complete the company. Today we find ourselves at the very beginning of that task. Positive change is now underway across the company but there is much work to do.
      It is my firm belief that financial strength is the foundation for all our corporate aspirations. The bottom line is, the bottom line, and building our financial strength is my number 1 priority.

      The financial objectives that I have set are:

      * Double-digit operating margins in all operational units;

      * Strong cash generation without debt;

      * Consistent multi-sector growth greater than the market;

      * Improved share price;

      Buzz Inc has a proud history. The company has consistently grown and developed without any external funding. We intend to continue that tradition, and start a new tradition of delivering consistent value to shareholders. It won't happen tonight, but the change is underway. As I write this, I have been in charge for a few days. I have relocated the entire family to Hong Kong and will set about the transition to being 100% Buzz Inc. Our team wants to build this company and is ready for the tough roads ahead. Although sacrificing life on the beach, weekends on the boat and what many would consider a perfect life, I can't think of a place I would rather be right now than leading Buzz Inc on its way to success.

      In the coming weeks you will see changes to the sites, a site audit is underway to make sure there is consistency and professionalism at all levels. I have ordered and approved funding for staff to be dispatched to 3 gold mining sites in Asia that the company has, and for management to start negotiations to finalize a tentative Oil reserve in Asia that we have held for some time. Iron Ore, Gold and Oil are my prime targets for our mining section.

      Bztg shareholders are entitled to 1 Buzz Inc share for each Bztg share held. The share capital of Buzz-Inc is exactly the same as Bztg and the company has stated on numerous occasions there will be no dilution of the share capital. The company has also remained debt free and has only 1 class of share, no preferred shares, and no charges over assets or any other encumbrances. This will not change.

      I will be settled in Hong Kong this week and new contact details will be posted for me.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson, Personal Assistant to the CEO, Buzz Technologies Inc e-mail:

      ((M2 Communications disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
      schrieb am 11.06.09 23:33:03
      Beitrag Nr. 1.819 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.351.566 von kassier am 09.06.09 12:37:20@kassier

      Dir ist offensichtlich wohl nicht mehr zu helfen.
      Frage mich nie wieder nach meiner Meinung zu dieser "Firma"!!! Ich werde da in Zukunft auch nicht mehr drauf antworten.
      Buzz ist und bleibt nichts weiter als Anlegerbetrug. Das zeigt (wie schon zum X. Mal in 4 Jahren) die aktuelle Entwicklung. Ein paar Bullshit PRs, ein Hochkaufen des Kurses, ein bisschen Gezeter drum herum und die, die den Kurs dann zum Einsturz bringen, sind natürlich die Basher. Aber was schreibe ich hier überhaupt, Du kapierst es ja eh nicht.

      Lass mich bitte einfach in Frieden!

      Halte Deine Aktien von mir aus bis zum Sankt Nimmerleinstag, in der frohen Hoffnung, dass sie mal 1 Dollar wert sein werden und gaukel der restlichen Welt von mir aus vor, dass dieses Investment sie reich machen wird. Wenn Du Deinen ganzen riesigen Haufen wertloser Shares für 2 Cent verkauft kriegst, dann freu Dich drüber. (Aber selbst darauf würde ich nicht hoffen, wenn man mal sieht, was mit dem Kurs passiert, sobald hier nur einer 500.000 Shares verkloppen will.)

      Ich gehe jetzt wieder zurück in meine eigene Welt, wo ich mich bevorzugt mit Leuten umgebe, die ihr Gehirn zum Denken benutzen.

      Gute Nacht!


      ps. Mittlerweile tust Du mir nicht mal mehr leid.
      schrieb am 12.06.09 16:16:31
      Beitrag Nr. 1.820 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.377.074 von keutula_reloaded am 11.06.09 23:33:03

      schade , daß du zum humorlosen Depp geworden bist.

      Früher konnte man sich prima mit dir unterhalten.

      machs gut in deiner Welt.
      schrieb am 12.06.09 17:57:58
      Beitrag Nr. 1.821 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.377.074 von keutula_reloaded am 11.06.09 23:33:03du bist ein schlechter verlierer wie viele anderen alten hier auch
      und solltest dich schämen.
      kassier hat dir persönlich nichts getan und war , bis auf heute , freundlich.
      es ist nicht anrührend meldungen irgendeiner firma weiterzugeben.
      jeder lesende hier mag sich seine eigene meinung bilden.
      ich bin jetzt über 30 jahre in diesem geschäft und diese aktie war mit weitem abstand die beste , die ich hatte.
      der otc markt ist ein roulette markt , auch mit den besten dd `s. die man persönlich machen kann , sieht man trotzdem nicht wirklich rein. es gehört geschick und glück dazu im richtigen moment die reissleine zu ziehen...
      nichts mehr und nicht weniger

      lass hier und als stranger 08 einfach wird dir dann besser gehn
      schrieb am 16.06.09 10:30:35
      Beitrag Nr. 1.822 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Media to launch IQ: Investors Quarterly

      Jun 15, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- The digital edition of Investors Quarterly Magazine will be available on employing Flash technology. The publication is simple to use and operates in a web browser window. The July 09 issue is as visually stunning publication, using Flash as its format. It's presented online, within the browser, but is also available as an offline PDF file. The magazine is free. Advertisers wishing to appear in the next issue should contact
      Buzz Media recently surveyed audiences with a weekend trial for their partner Surin Hil's Focus on Surin Beach magazine with better than expected readership.

      Apart from being an impressive technological achievement, Investors Quarterly offers first hand research, analysis and insights from the Buzz Financial Services team.

      This quarter China and Mining lead our stories. As the world entered the financial crisis China began stock piling industrial resources. We cover the players and the policies that all investors should be following. We also cover a Canadian company that is fast becoming a success in India's lucrative oil and gas industry. A special feature on uranium, and the separate tales of two Aussie rouges on the comeback trail.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson e-mail:

      ((M2 Communications disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
      schrieb am 18.06.09 10:12:25
      Beitrag Nr. 1.823 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc (OTC:BZTG): Buzz Inc Resources

      Jun 17, 2009 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- The following is a summary of the Buzz Inc Resources Division as at June 17 2009. The company mining interests are speculative in nature and acquired for the express intent of proving reserves and on selling the sites mainly to Chinese buyers/investors. Our focus remains firmly on Steel related ores, Gold, Oil and Uranium.
      Manganese Ore - Thailand

      Certified Reserve of 6m MTU of MN Ore signed by Mr. Suthep Soontrarun Geologist/Mining Engineer acting as Authorized Geologist on Behalf the Department of Primary Industries and Mines, Ministry of Industry Thailand. This Certificate covers 2 of the 4 sections on the Lanna site. This certification completes an important part of our sales and marketing plan for 2009.

      The MN Ore is at the top end of the quality scale and this site is now in production with its first order ready for China.

      MN Ore of this grade currently sells for approx $200 per MTU

      Iron Ore - Thailand

      On our own site we have a reserve, tested but not yet certified of 8m MTU of Iron Ore also in the high end grade, we have further secured the marketing rights to an adjoining 30m MTU of Iron Ore, we have been introducing end users to the reserve but we are not selling any Iron Ore at the moment, there is a strong possibility that the way Iron Ore is sold will change in the near future, further, the price of Iron Ore is far too low to be entering any long term contracts, instead we will take advantage of the time to create interest in the site and offer it for sale as the price improves.

      Today the Av Iron Ore (lump) price is at $78

      Our sites in Thailand have a distinct advantage over competing sites and that is location, as the Oil price rises the cost of Sea Transport will rise dramatically. Our ore can be trucked, trained or shipped the short distance to China easily. We are looking at the possibilities of having our own location in China, we would ship our own production directly into China and "retail" it ourselves, and this could make the mining part of the venture worthwhile and would add significantly to the minerals marketing area.

      Gold- Cambodia

      We have a site in Cambodia that was tested in 2002; the result was an estimated 380,000 oz deposit of Gold. The Estimate was done only on 25% of the area and did not involve extensive drilling. What we can say for sure is that the site does contain Gold, how much we cannot really be sure but at least 25% of the site shows a very good hard rock deposit of Gold. We are now examining the site further and will report when we have more concrete information.

      Oil and Gas Cambodia

      Chevron is the big explorer and also our neighbor on a concession we have under contract, no exploration has been done yet. They have estimated the potential Oil Reserve in Cambodia to be worth over $1b per annum.

      Uranium- Namibia

      We hold a concession in Namibia for a very prospective Uranium area, exploration will commence in December 2009.

      -- Namibia has two significant uranium mines capable of providing 10% of world mining output.

      -- Its first commercial uranium mine began operating in 1976.

      -- There is strong government support for expanding uranium mining and some interest in using nuclear power.

      While "future sales" of the mining products adds into the billions it is not the intention of Buzz Inc to operate mines in the future unless it is based on very long term supply contracts and/or joint ventures. Our preference is to find, prove and sell reserves.

      We look forward to mining becoming a major part of future revenue estimates.

      CONTACT: Beth Simpson Tel: +66 87 272 1727

      ((M2 Communications disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at on the world wide web. Inquiries to

      (C)1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
      schrieb am 03.07.09 11:20:15
      Beitrag Nr. 1.824 ()
      noch ca. 2 Monate bis zur Auszahlung der Dividende, oder ??
      schrieb am 15.07.09 19:04:28
      Beitrag Nr. 1.825 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.513.241 von kassier am 03.07.09 11:20:15daß du zum humorlosen Depp geworden bist

      noch ca. 2 Monate bis zur Auszahlung der Dividende, oder ??

      Das nenne ich mal wahres Deppentum.
      Und übrigens: Humor hat nicht zwangsläufig der, der seine Postings permanent mit dämlichen Grinse-Smiley versieht.

      @alamzana: Du hast aber auch so wirklich gar nichts kapiert. Was soll das Geschwafel mit dem schlechten Verlierer? Es ging mir bei meiner Argumentation nie ums Geld. Das waren Peanuts.
      Ich habe in diesen Wert investiert, weil ich einem notorischen Betrüger seine Story abgekauft habe. Dass es bei Anlegerabzocke auch immer Profiteure gibt, ist ja wohl klar. Der Fakt, dass Du Dir darauf auch noch was einzubilden scheinst, zeigt, dass Du keinen Deut besser als all diese Vögel bist, die heute auf Millionen von BZTG-Shares hocken und das miese Betrugsspiel genau bis zur nächster Welle mitreiten wollen. Allerdings glaube ich kaum, dass diese Welle tatsächlich noch so wie früher kommen wird. Dafür hat sich SH mittlerweile in zu viele Lügen und Versprechungen verstrickt, aus denen er wohl nur noch schwerlich herauskommen wird. Ich habe meine Entscheidung für den Ausstieg damals getroffen, als mir der Betrug bewusst wurde. Meine Entscheidung - mit allen Konsequenzen. Ich hab mich bei keinem darüber beschwert, dass das Geschäft ein Verlust war, sondern lediglich darüber, dass SH ein Lügner ist.

      Du wusstest ja wohl auch schon viel früher vom betrügerischen Vorleben des SH und hast aber für Deinen Gewinn noch ein paar Ahnungslose ins Messer laufen lassen. Deine Entscheidung. Ich will Dir hier jetzt auch keinen von Moral runterbeten, aber mir hier den schlechten Verlierer vorzuwerfen, obwohl ich mich nur offen, klar und eindeutig gegen diese Betrügerfirma positioniere, ist wohl mehr als hinterfragenswert.

      Das nur mal so zwischendurch...
      Und ich glaube kassier freut sich auch, wenn mal wieder einer was in seinem Selbstgespräche-Thread postet.
      schrieb am 17.07.09 15:56:57
      Beitrag Nr. 1.826 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.579.814 von keutula_reloaded am 15.07.09 19:04:28Lass mich bitte einfach in Frieden!

      Ich gehe jetzt wieder zurück in meine eigene Welt, wo ich mich bevorzugt mit Leuten umgebe, die ihr Gehirn zum Denken benutzen.

      warum stehst du nicht zu deinem Wort und bleibst bei den Klugen......:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
      schrieb am 18.07.09 10:22:46
      Beitrag Nr. 1.827 ()

      am 7. Aug. soll die Divi gezahlt werden, also 0,009 $ per share.

      Außerdem ne ausgedehnte presswire über ipo mit Geschäftszahlen, wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe.

      schönes Wochenende, den vielen "stillen" Lesern......:D:D:D:D

      schrieb am 19.07.09 11:50:34
      Beitrag Nr. 1.828 ()
      warum stehst du nicht zu deinem Wort

      Nicht mal das hast Du verstanden...

      Viel Spaß beim Zählen der CASH-Dividende im Werte von ca. 60% des derzeitigen Aktienpreises.
      schrieb am 19.07.09 11:57:40
      Beitrag Nr. 1.829 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.598.443 von kassier am 18.07.09 10:22:46
      7.8. ist nicht richtig. Haltefrist ist bis 31.8.

      ab 7.8. soll promotion erfolgen
      schrieb am 23.07.09 12:07:52
      Beitrag Nr. 1.830 ()
      hier war Buzz FS-Service beteiligt. Hört sich seriös an.


      Buzz FS Sets Venture Capital Funding in NPWS in India
      NEAH Power (OTCBB:NPWS - News), the company leading development in fuel cells for the military and portable electronic devices, reported today that Wearology Ltd., a Poddar Group division, and associated entities, have committed to invest up to $500,000 in NEAH.

      Dr. Christopher D’Couto, NEAH’s CEO, and Rohitashwa Poddar, Group Managing Director, Poddar Group in Mumbai, India, announced the covenant jointly, saying the two companies’ business plans support their joint philosophy of environmentally friendly, pollution-free businesses. “This capital infusion will allow a rapid move to the AMEX, and facilitates funding for production of prototypes for various companies, such as Hobie Boats, EKO Vehicles, of India, and others which we have joint venture deals with,” D’Couto said. “Buzz Financial Services ( assisted in this transaction, for which we are appreciative.”

      The Poddar Group of Companies in India includes Wearology Ltd, Organically Grown, Poddar Developers, Poddar Infrastructure and Idhasoft Ltd. Wearology Limited, the division taking the investment position, is a Public Limited Company, listed on the BSE in Mumbai, India, with offices in the USA, India, China, Italy, and headquartered in Mumbai.

      Rohit Poddar, commented, “This is an exciting opportunity for the Poddar Group to participate in what will be a tectonic shift in global energy production. All of the Poddar Group’s many businesses will benefit as a result.”

      Rohit Poddar, who was elected into the Global Leadership Initiative this year at the Aspen Institute India-Goldman Sachs India Leadership Initiative of Accomplished Leaders, provides executive leadership in the real estate, sustainable textiles, organic farming and ITeS segments, part of a virtual manufacturing, services and knowledge-driven business, with an emphasis on environmentally sustainable practices.

      About NEAH Power

      NEAH Power Systems, Inc. (NPWS) is developing long-lasting, efficient and safe power solutions for the military and for portable electronic devices. NEAH uses a unique, patented, silicon-based design for its micro fuel cells that enable higher power densities, lower cost and compact form-factors. The company’s micro fuel cell system can run in aerobic and anaerobic modes.

      About Wearology, Ltd., a part of The Poddar Group (TPG)

      Wearology specializes in Organic Farming, Organic Apparel, and Anti-Microbial Healthcare Solutions, farming 10,568 acres of USDA certified 100% organic land growing cotton, soy, bamboo, vegetables, fruits and spices. Sustainable processes include water conservation, harvesting and treatment, and energy sources include windmills for power generation.

      Forward-Looking Statements

      This press release contains forward looking statements and made pursuant to the Safe Harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements reflect numerous assumptions and involve a variety of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the company’s control that may cause actual results to differ materially from stated expectations. Factors that might cause such material difference include, among others, our limited operating history, potential research and prototype delays, difficulties in developing and commercializing new technologies.
      schrieb am 12.08.09 21:17:45
      Beitrag Nr. 1.831 ()
      noch 12 Handelstage, dann sollte es dividende geben....:D
      schrieb am 04.09.09 12:14:03
      Beitrag Nr. 1.832 ()
      Firmenwechsel von buzz in Heffernan inc. ist geplant. Siehe Firmen HP.
      schrieb am 07.10.09 16:50:50
      Beitrag Nr. 1.833 ()
      divi soll auf Heffernan inc. gezahlt werden.

      weiter warten...:(
      schrieb am 12.10.09 15:49:07
      Beitrag Nr. 1.834 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.133.001 von kassier am 07.10.09 16:50:50hi kassier,

      hast du nähere informationen über den share exchange?
      angeblich gibt es ein formular, welches dazu dienen soll, die shares von buzz zu heffernan inc. zu transferieren!?
      also wird dies nicht automatisch geschehen und jeder muss persönlich dafür sorge tragen seine anteile zu überschreiben!?
      anschließend soll ja dann auch endlich die dividende gezahlt werden...:rolleyes:

      not really sure what to do!?

      schrieb am 12.10.09 16:44:31
      Beitrag Nr. 1.835 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.159.799 von Pinkies am 12.10.09 15:49:07

      das ganze steht sozusagen in der Warteschleife.

      I.Augenblick kann man gar nichts machen. bztg hat ja ab 19.10. die Ausrichtung der Wahl von Miss Asia-World. Hierbei soll Werbung gemacht werden für bztg, bzw Heffernan inc, und die Firmen die von bztg betreut werden, wie z.B. --aemc, npwz, usw. eben die Firmen der hot-list, wie man auf HP von heffernan inc. nachlesen kann.
      schrieb am 04.11.09 19:36:56
      Beitrag Nr. 1.836 ()
      schrieb am 15.01.10 13:03:55
      Beitrag Nr. 1.837 ()
      wieder ein neuer Termin

      in der zweiten Februarhälfte listing in HK
      schrieb am 21.01.10 22:46:15
      Beitrag Nr. 1.838 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.744.357 von kassier am 15.01.10 13:03:55Mir wird einiges klar. Ich kann andere nur warnen sich in solche international arbeitetenden Pump and Dump Aktien zu investieren.

      Ich kann nur hoffen, das diese Firmen keine weitere Zulassung bekommen!

      @da sind einige immer noch…

      Meiner Meinung nach sind hier mehrere Aktienfirmen aus der OTC beteiligt. Dies weitet sich jedoch mittlerweile aus!

      Wie man solche Firmen erkennt ? Hab noch keinen Plan !

      schrieb am 22.01.10 12:33:52
      Beitrag Nr. 1.839 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.786.829 von sunny3999 am 21.01.10 22:46:15ob du da reinstellst oder nicht ist mir völlig egal.

      jeder der in diesem thread schon gelesen hat, weiss dass ich weder pushe noch bashe.

      ob hier jemand kauft oder verkauft ist mir natürlich auch wurscht.
      Wer sich mit der OTC befasst, sollte wissen was er tut.

      dies ist ein reiner info-thread. Was dabei heraus kommt, weiss niemand.

      Fakt ist, dass wir bisher immer wieder vertröstet wurden und dass ein Verkauf beim jetzigen Kurs nicht lohnt. Also stirbt die Hoffnung zuletzt.

      Sollte es aber zutreffen, auch wenn nur teilweise, was angekündigt wird, dann sind die bisherigen buchmäßigen Verlierer absolute winner.

      schrieb am 25.01.10 16:42:30
      Beitrag Nr. 1.840 ()
      news sind unterwegs mit offiziell press agent, heisst es
      schrieb am 08.02.10 21:24:27
      Beitrag Nr. 1.841 ()
      Buzz Technologies Inc BZTG Board of Directors have agreed to a name change
      Buzz Technologies Inc BZTG Board of Directors have agreed to a name change to The Heffernan Group, there will be changes made to the cusip and stock ticker in the near future and shareholders will be kept aware of those changes.

      The company's assets will be for now the entire capital of The Heffernan Group, post exchange the board will consider a restructure of the share capital on a 1 for 10 or 1 for 100 basis once if needed, once The Heffernan Group (BVI) has secured its own listing.

      The Heffernan Group (BVI) is made up of a number of investment holding companies. It operates through various business divisions in Asia: Property, Technology, Finance, Mining, Energy and Industrial.

      The Heffernan Group investment portfolio in property principally comprises of hotels and condominium projects in Asia, as well as serviced apartments, hotel interests and other residential accommodation. The Manufacuring division manufactures, markets and distributes the products from washing machines to motor vehicles and spare parts in partnership with Ebeling Heffernan.

      The Financial services division operates a number of businesses many in partnership with Ebeling Heffernan all concentrated on Asian markets and will expand into the securities sector in 2010. Our energy investments include Asian Energy Inc a supplier of solar energy and a leading manufacturer of solar products in Asia. Our mining interests in Asia include Oil & Gas, Mn Ore, Iron Ore, Gold and Quartz.

      In Technology, we are launching the platform, we have built and own the, our games company Splashscreen is set to release games in Asia in 2010 on iPhone, PS3 and PC and our premium outsourcing service has already generated solid revenue.
      schrieb am 17.02.10 17:30:19
      Beitrag Nr. 1.842 ()
      {"s" : "","k" : "c10,l10,p20,t10","o" : "","j" : ""} Press Release Source: Buzz Technologies On Wednesday February 17, 2010, 10:00 am EST
      HONG KONG and BANGKOK, THAILAND--(Marketwire - 02/17/10) - Buzz Technologies Inc. (Pinksheets:BZTG - News) - The Board of Directors at BZTG have agreed to change the company name to The Heffernan Group. Changes will also be made to the cusip and stock ticker symbol in the near future. The company will keep shareholders informed of these changes.

      Initially, the company's assets will be the entire capital of The Heffernan Group. Once the exchange is completed, the board will consider restructuring the share capital on a 1 for 10 or 1 for 100 basis, if needed. This would be a one time event, once The Heffernan Group (BVI) has secured its own listing.

      The Heffernan Group (BVI) is made up of a number of investment holding companies. It operates through various business divisions in Asia: Property, Technology, Finance, Mining, Energy and Industrial. The Heffernan Group investment portfolio in property principally consists of hotels and condominium projects in Asia, as well as serviced apartments, hotel interests and other residential accommodations. The Manufacturing division manufactures, markets and distributes products from washing machines to motor vehicles and spare parts, in partnership with Ebeling Heffernan. The Financial services division operates a number of businesses, many in partnership with Ebeling Heffernan and all concentrated on Asian markets. This will expand into the securities sector in 2010. Our energy investments include Asian Energy Inc., a supplier of solar energy and a leading manufacturer of solar products in Asia. Our mining interests in Asia include Oil & Gas, Mn Ore, Iron Ore, Gold and Quartz. In technology we are launching the platform, we have built and own the , our games company: Splashscreen is set to release games in Asia in 2010 on the iPhone, PS3 and PC and our premium outsourcing service has already generated solid revenue.
      schrieb am 13.04.10 16:55:55
      Beitrag Nr. 1.843 ()
      ja, isses denn zu glauben, das geht wieder was....!!!![

      schrieb am 16.04.10 20:57:02
      Beitrag Nr. 1.844 ()
      ja, schaut nur den chart an, wer hält denn das noch aus...:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
      schrieb am 29.06.10 15:42:23
      Beitrag Nr. 1.845 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.353.908 von kassier am 16.04.10 20:57:02:mad:
      schrieb am 21.07.10 16:57:40
      Beitrag Nr. 1.846 ()
      ohne Kommentar meinerseits

      Text size: Last Update: July 21, 2010 08:09 ET
      Heffernan Holdings to be Trading with in Weeks
      Heffernan Holdings will be trading with in weeks and the company is happy to report there have been no changes to the business or corporate plans.

      BZTG shareholders will take on a Heffernan Holdings stock on a 1 for 1 basis, the company will then plan on moving to another OTC market prior to a shift in the primary listing to Asia.

      Heffernan Holdings (BVI) is made up of a number of investment holding companies. It operates through various business divisions in Asia: Property, Technology, Finance, Mining, Energy, and Industrial.The company owns and operates a number of subsidiaries, is involved in joint ventures and partnerships as well as being invested in many listed securities and private ventures. Among these companies are Ebeling Heffernan, Archer Asia, Xirxi, Buzz, SplashScreen, Xtreme Developments, and more.

      Heffernan Holdings holds positions in over 80 listed companies to varying degrees as well as being invested in commodities and other derivative markets.

      Heffernan Holdings investment portfolio in Property is principally comprised of hotels and condominium projects in Asia, as well as serviced apartments, hotel interests, and other residential accommodations.

      The Manufacturing division manufactures, markets, and distributes the products from washing machines to motor vehicles and spare parts in partnership with Ebeling Heffernan.

      The Financial Services division operates a number of businesses many in partnership with Ebeling Heffernan all concentrated on Asian markets and will expand into the securities sector in 2010.

      Our Energy investments include Asian Energy Inc. a supplier of solar energy and a leading manufacturer of solar products in Asia.

      Our Mining interests in Asia include Oil & Gas, Mn Ore, Iron Ore, Gold, and Quartz.

      In Technology we are launching the platform, we have built and own the, our games company Splashscreen is set to release games in Asia in 2010 on iPhone, PS3, and PC, and our premium outsourcing service has already generated solid revenue.

      There will be no new issue of stock and the dividend etc will still occur when the company makes the shift to the Asian Exchange.
      schrieb am 24.08.10 10:29:07
      Beitrag Nr. 1.847 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.856.190 von kassier am 21.07.10 16:57:40
      noch eine Woche bis zum Namenswechsel ??
      schrieb am 24.08.10 18:45:00
      Beitrag Nr. 1.848 ()
      Last Update: August 24, 2010 08:55 ET
      No Changes at Heffernan Holdings as Listing Looms One of Heffernan Holdings Manufacturing Plants
      Heffernan Holdings will be trading with in weeks and the company is happy to report there have been no changes to the business or corporate plans.

      BZTG shareholders will take on a Heffernan Holdings stock on a 1 for 1 basis, the company will then plan on moving to another OTC market prior to a shift in the primary listing to Asia.

      Heffernan Holdings (BVI) is made up of a number of investment holding companies. It operates through various business divisions in Asia: Property, Technology, Finance, Mining, Energy, and Industrial.The company owns and operates a number of subsidiaries, is involved in joint ventures and partnerships as well as being invested in many listed securities and private ventures. Among these companies are Ebeling Heffernan, Archer Asia, Xirxi, Buzz, SplashScreen, Xtreme Developments, and more.

      Heffernan Holdings holds positions in over 80 listed companies to varying degrees as well as being invested in commodities and other derivative markets.

      Heffernan Holdings investment portfolio in Property is principally comprised of hotels and condominium projects in Asia, as well as serviced apartments, hotel interests, and other residential accommodations.

      The Manufacturing division manufactures, markets, and distributes the products from washing machines to motor vehicles and spare parts in partnership with Ebeling Heffernan.

      The Financial Services division operates a number of businesses many in partnership with Ebeling Heffernan all concentrated on Asian markets and will expand into the securities sector in 2010.

      Our Energy investments include Asian Energy Inc. a supplier of solar energy and a leading manufacturer of solar products in Asia.

      Our Mining interests in Asia include Coal, Oil & Gas, Mn Ore, Iron Ore, Gold, and Quartz.

      Last week a major acquisition was made the target company has revenuse in excess of $220m usd.

      In Technology we are launching the platform, we have built and own the, our games company Splashscreen is set to release games in Asia in 2010 on iPhone, PS3, and PC, and our premium outsourcing service has already generated solid revenue.

      There will be no new issue of stock and the dividend etc will still occur when the company makes the shift to the Asian Exchange.

      News in relation to each sector will be made after the listing
      schrieb am 26.08.10 12:14:16
      Beitrag Nr. 1.849 ()
      Text size: Last Update: August 26, 2010 03:50 ET
      Heffernan Holdings Extends Coal Reserves in Asia Heffernan Holdings CEO Shayne Heffernan on Stage with Malaysia's Energy Minister Peter Chin, and Regional CEO's of Bayer, Emerson and Siemans this month in Kuala Lumpur at an event sponsored by Heffernan, Siemans, Bayer and Emerson
      Heffernan Holdings has extended Coal assets in Asia lifting production to 50 000 tonnes per month and growing to 100 000 tones per month in the next 6 months.

      The new acquistion will be housed in its own entity to allow for rapid expansion into other Asian Coal producing nations. The strategy is part of the greater corporate goal to invest in Energy production in Asia.

      Having already won Government contracts in Thailand for the constrution and operation of Solar Plants, completed the CSP manufacturing facility, luanched ECO-Start Smart Grid Technology, acquried Uranium u308 reserves and in the process of expanding the Engineeering arm to include Coal Fired Power Plants, Heffernan Holdings is now well placed in the Asian Energy market.

      Heffernan Holdings is now looking to expand these operations in Indonesia and Malaysia.
      schrieb am 11.11.10 19:58:46
      Beitrag Nr. 1.850 ()
      nächster Termin ist evtl. lol, der 22.11. für die neue holding ????
      schrieb am 25.01.11 08:07:18
      Beitrag Nr. 1.851 ()

      So, nun fliegt also auch der alte Rechner endgueltig raus (war ja schon ganz schoen verstaubt). Habe doch tatsaechlich noch die alten Links wie diesen hier zu WO gefunden.

      Ich hatte viel Frust aber auch jede Menge Spass hier. Der Wert scheint am Ende dann doch dem Tod geweiht (ein viertel Cent, da redet wohl auch keiner mehr von Dividende). Nun ja, ging ja auch immer sehr emotional zu in diesem Forum.
      Die Karawane ist wohl weitergezogen und mit ihr die hinterhaeltigen Betrueger, die Kleinanlegern das Geld aus der Tasche ziehen. Ich habe hier wenigstens eine Lektion gelernt.


      WO Mitgleidschaft beendet am 25.1.2011
      schrieb am 26.06.13 23:32:58
      Beitrag Nr. 1.852 ()
      hallo zusammen,
      in diesem thread kann ab sofort wieder geschrieben werden
      euch allen viel Spaß und viel Erfolg
      schrieb am 28.06.13 12:37:11
      Beitrag Nr. 1.853 ()
      Hallo Leute, ich habe den alten thread wieder aufleben lassen.

      Wie ihr seht ist der pps von 0.0006 auf 0.006 angestiegen !!

      Einen wichtigen Grund dafür sehe ich nicht. Kann aber sein, dass die Ankündigung eines neuen Internetauftritts (die LTN -seiten sind nicht mehr aufrufbar) für Bewegung sorgt. Jedenfalls ist jetzt jeden Tag Umsatz. Und der Firmenchat ist auch wieder gut besucht.


      schrieb am 17.07.13 15:20:42
      Beitrag Nr. 1.854 ()
      Fast jeden Tag etwas Volumen, neue Seiten sollen laut "Chef" bald kommen.
      schrieb am 30.09.13 11:13:47
      Beitrag Nr. 1.855 ()
      mann jetzt sind wir wieder bei Schrott
      schrieb am 08.10.13 16:04:03
      Beitrag Nr. 1.856 ()
      der chefe meint wieder mal, das wird noch was Groß
      schrieb am 22.11.13 22:10:16
      Beitrag Nr. 1.857 ()
      rauf und runter
      schrieb am 09.01.14 17:03:49
      Beitrag Nr. 1.858 ()
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 01.03.14 14:13:55
      Beitrag Nr. 1.859 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.193.773 von kassier am 09.01.14 17:03:49bitte nicht archivieren
      schrieb am 06.05.14 22:34:18
      Beitrag Nr. 1.860 ()
      schrieb am 06.06.14 10:00:04
      Beitrag Nr. 1.861 ()
      in ungefähr 10 Tagen soll ein RS kommen, vermutlich 10 : 1

      siehe HP der Firma
      schrieb am 07.07.14 11:58:38
      Beitrag Nr. 1.862 ()
      und dieser RS wurde auch wieder nicht eingehalten.

      unglaublich, dieses Geschmarre
      schrieb am 25.09.14 14:16:00
      Beitrag Nr. 1.863 ()
      schrieb am 04.11.14 13:07:45
      Beitrag Nr. 1.864 ()
      von der HP buzz:

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. (OTCMKTS:BZTG) Moves Closer to Reorganization

      Buzz Technologies, Inc. (OTCMKTS:BZTG) has moved closer to an acquisition that will result in a substantial reorganization of the company.

      The Acquisition is in the Financial Services, namely FX and related services.

      FX Industry

      The foreign exchange market (forex, FX, or currency market) is a global decentralized market for the trading of currencies. In terms of volume of trading, it is by far the largest market in the world.[1] The main participants in this market are the larger international banks. Financial centres around the world function as anchors of trading between a wide range of multiple types of buyers and sellers around the clock, with the exception of weekends. The foreign exchange market determines the relative values of different currencies.

      The foreign exchange market works through financial institutions, and it operates on several levels. Behind the scenes banks turn to a smaller number of financial firms known as “dealers,” who are actively involved in large quantities of foreign exchange trading. Most foreign exchange dealers are banks, so this behind-the-scenes market is sometimes called the “interbank market”, although a few insurance companies and other kinds of financial firms are involved. Trades between foreign exchange dealers can be very large, involving hundreds of millions of dollars.[citation needed] Because of the sovereignty issue when involving two currencies, Forex has little (if any) supervisory entity regulating its actions.

      The foreign exchange market assists international trade and investments by enabling currency conversion. For example, it permits a business in the United States to import goods from the European Union member states, especially Eurozone members, and pay euros, even though its income is in United States dollars. It also supports direct speculation and evaluation relative to the value of currencies, and the carry trade, speculation based on the interest rate differential between two currencies.

      In a typical foreign exchange transaction, a party purchases some quantity of one currency by paying for some quantity of another currency. The modern foreign exchange market began forming during the 1970s after three decades of government restrictions on foreign exchange transactions (the Bretton Woods system of monetary management established the rules for commercial and financial relations among the world’s major industrial states after World War II), when countries gradually switched to floating exchange rates from the previous exchange rate regime, which remained fixed as per the Bretton Woods system.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 28.07.15 11:29:35
      Beitrag Nr. 1.865 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 48.215.872 von kassier am 04.11.14 13:07:45toter geht's nimmer
      schrieb am 05.01.16 23:59:00
      Beitrag Nr. 1.866 ()
      einfach nur test
      schrieb am 18.02.16 19:28:18
      Beitrag Nr. 1.867 ()
      gestern ein Anstieg um mehrere 100 %

      soll doch wohl ein Scherz sein
      schrieb am 13.04.16 10:55:14
      Beitrag Nr. 1.868 ()
      kommt da nix mehr ?
      schrieb am 18.04.16 19:45:31
      Beitrag Nr. 1.869 ()
      das war ja eben ein irrer Vorgang,, plus 800 % und dann der Zusammenbruch
      schrieb am 26.05.16 17:41:50
      Beitrag Nr. 1.870 ()
      NUn soll es tatsächlich zum Namenswechsel von buzz zu heffx kommen.

      Auszug aus LTN

      HEFFX Inc, Are We There Yet?

      Well, yes and no, the name change has been effected everywhere (SoS, Bloomberg,Reuters, Transfer Agent) but we are still awaiting the change to reflect on OTC Markets.

      The Finra application has been filed by a very competent and experienced Lawyer, like all those following we are checking the Daily List often, at this point everyone will see the change come through at the same time.

      It is very exciting and frustrating, but there is nothing more we can do but wait.

      At the business end HEFFX is Beta testing a new trading platform, has rebuilt Live Trading News for the Mobile Device market and is seeing strong growth in Private Equity.

      Private Equity will see no less than 4 to 6 listing in 2016.

      Business has expanded from South East Asia and the Middle East to Central and South America.

      HEFFX Inc, Are We There Yet? added by Shayne Heffernan on May 26, 2016
      View all posts by Shayne Heffernan →
      schrieb am 22.06.16 17:03:11
      Beitrag Nr. 1.871 ()
      es dauert und dauert, aber die Probleme mit der Finra sollten bald gelöst sein
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 06.09.16 17:00:07
      Beitrag Nr. 1.872 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 52.671.668 von eri72 am 22.06.16 17:03:11
      oder wir werden genau so verarscht wie schon mal
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 04.01.17 21:01:03
      Beitrag Nr. 1.873 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.218.593 von eri72 am 06.09.16 17:00:07
      ja, wir werden.

      und das gleiche Spiel vermutlich wieder, da zum Jahresende wieder eine tolle Zukunft vorausgesagt wird, vom Cheffe
      schrieb am 17.03.18 18:40:37
      Beitrag Nr. 1.874 ()
      ich habe von meiner Bank die info erhalten, dass ein Handel nicht mehr möglich ist, da am Handelsplatz Unregelmäßigkeiten vorkamen.

      hat jemand eine info wo man evtl. handeln kann ??
      schrieb am 26.07.19 17:34:43
      Beitrag Nr. 1.875 ()
      mal sehen wie lange es diesmal anhält
      Buzz Technologies | 0,0090 $
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 29.07.19 18:06:32
      Beitrag Nr. 1.876 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 61.113.730 von kassier am 26.07.19 17:34:43
      über 100 % heute
      Buzz Technologies | 0,021 $
      schrieb am 18.08.19 12:16:10
      Beitrag Nr. 1.877 ()
      bin mal gespannt ob hier mal wieder "alte" buzz-Kämpfer auftauchen, da der pps recht hartnäckig oben bleibt
      Buzz Technologies | 0,013 $
      schrieb am 20.11.19 19:07:36
      Beitrag Nr. 1.878 ()
      jack soll wieder mal eine neue Idee haben. der Internetauftritt ist inzwischen geändert und in ca 17 tagen soll das nochmal geändert werden. Volumen und pps sind zur Zeit sehr "beweglich"
      Buzz Technologies | 0,010 $
      schrieb am 08.01.20 18:43:42
      Beitrag Nr. 1.879 ()
      und wieder mal das gleiche Spiel, rauf und runter
      Buzz Technologies | 0,0036 $
      schrieb am 25.06.20 10:44:08
      Beitrag Nr. 1.880 ()
      und nach vielen Monaten schon wieder der gleiche Mist, obwohl das Volumen vor Tagen richtig hoch war
      Buzz Technologies | 0,0040 $
      schrieb am 12.03.21 10:19:19
      Beitrag Nr. 1.881 ()
      eins muss man lassen gegenüber früher, es ist täglich Umsatz
      Buzz Technologies | 0,0084 $
      schrieb am 26.11.21 10:23:25
      Beitrag Nr. 1.882 ()
      nun ist der Dreck auf Null
      Buzz Technologies | 0,0001 $
      • 1
      • 4

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      Buzz Technologies, Inc.-Übernahme abgeschlossen, große Chancen in den Märkten von China und Indien