
    Lithium Energiespeicherung = Rockwood Holdings - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 27.05.09 17:03:35 von
    neuester Beitrag 19.07.14 12:42:31 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 27.05.09 17:03:35
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Hier wird die Zukunft gehandelt !!!

      Kurs am 09. März 2009 = 3,96 $
      Kurs am 27. Mai 2009 = 15,40 $

      bis dato ein vervierfacher.

      und es geht weiter, denn wir stehen noch am Anfang.

      The lithium boom is coming: The new bubble?

      * Reuters, Friday May 22 2009

      By Steve James
      NEW YORK, May 22 (Reuters) - New vehicle emission standards will likely be a boon for everything from aluminum to new plastics, but the producers of lithium -- a mineral used in batteries that power new generation vehicles -- could be the big winners.
      But while the few public companies that mine lithium will likely see surging revenue, they will also face the pressure that comes with all booms -- making supply meet ever-tightening availability.
      Companies that mine lithium should see a long-term boost to their business, analysts said, although there are questions about whether there is enough lithium for all customers.
      And some energy experts see the irony in lithium batteries replacing carbon-burning gasoline, since they believe exploiting lithium could be just as destructive to the environment as pollution.
      Lithium is generally mined from rock, but it can also be found in deposits in brine ponds. It comes mostly from one region -- the Andes mountains of Chile, Argentina and Bolivia, with some deposits in China. Chile's SQM is the world's largest producer, along with U.S. specialty chemical companies Rockwood Holdings Inc and FMC Corp.
      There are enormous possibilities for profit.
      "We are ready and able to expand production," said Tim McKenna, a Rockwood spokesman. "In fact, in the last 18 months, we completed capacity expansion of our Chile operations to keep pace with expected demand from the auto industry."
      McKenna said the auto industry is not likely to bring lithium-powered cars to the wider market much before 2011, although the Mercedes S-class is expected to be the first lithium/hybrid car on the market late this year.
      Rockwood, through its German subsidiary, Chemetall, produces lithium from brine lakes at Santiago Salar de Atacama in Chile and from a mine in Silver Peak, Nevada.
      Chemetall has a 50 percent share of the global market for lithium and 30 percent for lithium carbonate, which is used for battery manufacture. It produced 27,000 tonnes of lithium last year and is increasing production to about 33,000 tonnes next year and 40,000 tonnes by 2015. Current global demand is 16,000 tonnes per year, or 84,000 tonnes of lithium carbonate.
      This week, the Obama administration announced new vehicle emission standards that come into effect by 2016 and the rules are seen as favoring hybrid and electric vehicles.
      Analyst David Begleiter, of Deutsche Bank North America, said lithium for use in all kinds of batteries -- auto, laptop and other consumer products -- accounted for about one-third of Rockwood's $3.4 billion revenue last year.
      "There is no question (new emission regulations) will be very beneficial for Rockwood, although it depends on what happens with EHV (Electric Hybrid Vehicle) production increases and lithium carbonate pricing. But they all suggest material benefits for Rockwood."
      Begleiter said Rockwood and SQM have some of the world's best lithium reserves.
      "I don't believe there is a problem with supply," he said, although ramping up production might be slow because it takes up to 18 months for water to evaporate in brine ponds allowing the lithium to form.
      Michael Harrison, an analyst at First Analysis Securities, said lithium would be a long-term driver for Rockwood.
      "There is no question the long-term trend is toward lithium-based batteries, but it depends on what kind of demand there is," he said. "It is clear to me that regulatory moves on fuel efficiency are going to help make electric cars a reality."
      Harrison said current hybrids and electric cars mostly have nickel-based batteries, but he expects to see more cars with lithium batteries by 2011-2012.
      Not all analysts were uniformly cheery about the outlook for lithium or its major producers.
      Analyst Ben Johnson of Morningstar voiced skepticism about new cars giving lithium producers a boost.
      "It's a clear positive on the supply side as a small handful of players control lithium resources," he said.
      "Lithium is not abundant by any means and future resources will be more difficult to exploit. On the demand side, key sources of demand like consumer electronics have been very weak recently, but longer-term, cyclical headwinds will fade or normalize.
      "I am not jumping into the pool party that lithium is the be-all and end-all of transport fuel for the future. It's too early to say," Johnson added.
      William Tahil, research director of Meridian International Research, an independent consultancy specializing in renewable energy, is not convinced lithium is the answer.
      "Lithium Ion batteries are rapidly becoming the technology of choice for the next generation of electric vehicles," he noted in a research paper titled "The Trouble with Lithium."
      To achieve the required cuts in oil consumption, a significant percentage of the world's automobile fleet of 1 billion vehicles will be electrified in the next decade, he said. Ultimately, all production, currently 60 million vehicles per year, will have to be replaced with electrified vehicles.
      "There are insufficient economically recoverable lithium resources available to sustain electrified vehicle manufacture in the volumes required, based solely on LiIon batteries.
      "Depletion rates would exceed current oil depletion rates and switch dependency from one diminishing resource to another. Concentration of supply would create new geopolitical tensions, not reduce them," Tahil wrote. (Reporting by Steve James; editing by Patrick Fitzgibbons and Andre Grenon)

      Ich denke, hier wird es noch prächtig gen Norden laufen

      schrieb am 27.05.09 17:22:02
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      74.000.000 (vierundsiebzig Millionen) Aktien wurden schon ausgegeben.
      Über 800 Millionen EUR Börsenwert?
      kaum Handel in Frankfurt ( knapp 1000 EUR/Handelstag lt. Codi)

      Muss ich nicht haben.
      schrieb am 27.05.09 18:13:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.264.393 von Stilles_Wasser am 27.05.09 17:22:02Vieleicht aber diese:
      schrieb am 27.05.09 18:28:24
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.264.193 von Karlll am 27.05.09 17:03:35
      wir stehen am Anfang vom Ende der LiIon Technologie!;)
      schrieb am 27.05.09 18:56:17
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.264.393 von Stilles_Wasser am 27.05.09 17:22:02Nun, jeder hat seinen Marschallstab im Tornister und er mag ihn bei
      Bedarf rausholen, oder dort belassen.


      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1250EUR -1,57 %
      Breaking News & Rallye “ante portas”?! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 27.05.09 18:59:14
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.265.019 von zopa am 27.05.09 18:13:21Ich kenne Sie die ORE, hatte sie bis zum Krisenanfang, dann wurde es
      mir zu heiß, und ich hab sie jetzt nicht mehr im Depot, schaue sie
      mir über


      aber des öfteren an und weiß, daß sie sich wie ROC auch in den letzten Monaten vervierfacht hat.

      schrieb am 27.05.09 19:00:48
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.265.176 von MrRipley am 27.05.09 18:28:24Nun, wenn der Anfang vom Ende und das Ende selbst sich so prächtig
      in meinem Depot niederschlagen, will ich hoffen, daß diese Endzeit-
      stimmung so noch länger anhält.

      Gruß Karlll
      schrieb am 02.06.09 13:45:53
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Die Meldung veranlaßt mich direkt hier noch einmal 1.000 Stück

      02.06.2009 13:11
      Rockwood Holdings, Inc., to Present at Goldman-Sachs Basic Materials Conference, Presentation Webcast

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC), a global producer of specialty chemicals and advanced materials, will participate in the Goldman Sachs Basic Materials Conference on Thursday, June 4. Seifi Ghasemi, chairman and chief executive officer of Rockwood, will make a presentation on the company’s strategy and diversified portfolio of businesses at 8:30 AM that morning.

      A listen-only, live webcast link for the presentation along with the PowerPoint file will be available at Following the conference, the webcast and PowerPoint file will be archived on Rockwood’s website.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. is a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 10,000 people and annual net sales of approximately $3 billion. The company focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit


      Rockwood Holdings, Inc.
      Timothy McKenna, 609-734-6430

      Gruß Karlll
      schrieb am 04.06.09 19:11:40
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Nun, wenn Stilles Wasser, Zopa und Ripley ihr Feld anderweitig
      besser bestellen können...

      Ich werde mich mit dem begnügen, was ROC in den nächsten Jahren

      Heute z. B. nahezu 10% beim jetzigen Stand.

      schrieb am 05.06.09 14:23:23
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Kann man hier sehr viel besser aufgestellt sein, als mit PPO und ROC?

      Hugin-News: Absolut Asset Managers AG

      AAM-Studie: Neuer Boom in der Automobilbranche steht bevor

      Research der Absolut Asset Managers AG sieht großes Marktpotenzial für alternative Antriebsarten

      Autoindustrie, Zulieferer und Rohstoffe langfristig auf der Gewinnerseite

      München, 5. Juni 2009. Der klassische Verbrennungsmotor wird als Antriebsart in Autos weitgehend verschwinden. Eine Researchstudie der Absolut Asset Managers AG kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass in der Automobilbranche eine regelrechte Revolution bevorsteht. Sie wird dazu führen, dass Autos mit herkömmlichem Verbrennungsmotor aus dem Straßenbild verschwinden werden. Nicht nur die Autoindustrie wird vom Megatrend "elektrische Fortbewegung" profitieren, überproportionale Chancen werden auch den angeschlossenen Zulieferern zugerechnet.

      Während sich die Automobilindustrie derzeit weltweit in einer tiefen Rezession befindet, erwartet die Anbieter zukunftsorientierter Mobilitätslösungen mittel- bis langfristig ein großes Marktpotenzial. Vier wesentliche Faktoren beschleunigen den Wechsel der Antriebsarten: 1. Rund um den Globus wollen immer mehr Menschen noch mobiler werden, 2. Die natürlichen Energieressourcen sinken drastisch - beim Öl ist der Zenit bereits überschritten, 3. Weiter steigende Treibhausgas-Emissionen treiben die Erderwärmung dramatisch voran und bergen zunehmend Risiken für Menschen und Volkswirtschaften, 4. Zahlreiche Metropolen beschränken den Individualverkehr für mit Verbrennungsmotor angetriebene Fahrzeuge in den Innenstädten.

      Ein radikales Umdenken in der Autoproduktion ist unumgänglich. Die Verantwortung für den globalen Klimaschutz und ein Umdenken in Politik und bei Verbrauchern sind die Treiber für eine neue Mobilitätsagenda. Verdrängt werden PKW mit konventionellem Antrieb nach und nach durch Elektroautos, die mit Macht auf den Markt vorstoßen werden. Das Center of Automotive Research geht davon aus, dass vom Jahr 2025 an alle in Europa verkauften PKW reine Elektroautos oder Hybrid-Fahrzeuge sein werden.

      Die Absolut Asset Managers AG setzt sich seit geraumer Zeit intensiv mit dem Thema künftiger Mobilitätskonzepte auseinander und analysiert die diesbezüglichen Wachstumspotenziale verschiedener Branchen.

      "Der Autosektor und die ihm angeschlossenen Zulieferer, insbesondere aus der Elektronikbranche, sowie Teilbereiche des Energie- und Rohstoffsektors, werden überproportional vom Trend zum Elektroauto profitieren", prognostiziert Thomas Bauer von der Absolut Asset Managers AG. "Darüber sind sich Branchenspezialisten genauso sicher wie Konjunkturexperten bezüglich der mittelfristig zu erwartenden gesamtwirtschaftlichen Wachstumsschwäche in Europa und den USA. Das Thema ,Alternative zum Verbrennungsmotor' hat daher ein Potenzial, das sich deutlich von dem anderer Branchen in den Industrieländern abhebt."

      Der erwartete Marktanteil von Elektro- und Hybridfahrzeugen bei den Neuzulassungen dürfte sich nach Expertenansicht von 2% im Jahr 2010 auf 65% im Jahr 2020 erhöhen. Eine der größten Profiteure der Entwicklung sollte der Rohstoffsektor sein. Lithium, Nickel und Kobalt sind Rohstoffe, welche für die Herstellung von Batterien als zentrale Elemente in Elektroautos durch eine sprunghaft steigende Nachfrage profitieren sollten. So dürfte der jährliche Bedarf an Lithium von ca. 10.000 Tonnen im Jahr 2012 bis auf über 85.000 Tonnen im Jahr 2020 ansteigen.

      Die Studie der Absolut Asset Managers AG steht als PDF über den Link am Ende dieser Pressemeldung zum Download zur Verfügung.

      Ansprechpartner für weitere Informationen:

      Thomas Bauer Absolut Asset Managers AG Leopoldstr. 8 80802 München Tel. +49 89 200 62 96 - 10 Mail:

      Carsten Krüger Schwarz Financial Communication Humboldtstr. 11 65189 Wiesbaden Tel. +49 611 1745 398 12 Mail:

      This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.…

      Copyright © Hugin AS 2009. All rights reserved.

      AXC0038 2009-06-05/10:00

      Quelle: dpa-AFX

      Und: Kein Stück verkaufen. Chronologisch gesehen befinden wir uns
      in Urknallzeiten in Bezug auf den Durchbruch des EV's.

      Gruß Karlll
      schrieb am 05.06.09 18:36:21
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()

      "Toyota dämpft Erwartungen an Lithium-Ionen-Batterien deutlich

      05.06.2009 - Im Rahmen der derzeit in Japan stattfindenden Präsentationen zur Einführung der dritten Prius-Generation (ATZonline berichtete) sprachen ATZ und ATZelektronik mit Masatami Takimoto, dem in wenigen Wochen aus Altersgründen scheidenden Toyota-Entwicklungschef, über die Reife und die Zukunftschancen von Hochvoltbatterien, die strategische Positionierung verschiedener Hybridantriebskonzepte und sinnvolle Forschungskonzepte.

      Anlass für eine zwar zuversichtliche aber kritischere Betrachtung von Lithium-Ionen-Energiespeichern, unter anderem was den Massenmarkt für diese Batterie betrifft, gibt der Trendsetter der Technologie und erfahrenste OEM auf diesem Gebiet selbst: "Die Langzeitstabilität ist noch nicht ausreichend erforscht und die möglicherweise für immer geltenden limitierenden Kosten dieser Batterie sowie nicht eindeutig abschätzbare Lithium-Ressourcen zeigen uns Grenzen auf." Ungewöhnlich offen und deutlich antwortet Takimoto auf Fragen zu den daraus resultierenden Konsequenzen, die ATZ kurz zusammenfasst.

      Die Nickel-Metallhydrid-Batterie wird auf lange und nicht absehbare Zeit die erste Wahl für Full-Hybrid-Systeme bleiben. Nicht nur deren Reife sondern auch die technische Eignung - im Vergleich zur Lithium-Ionen-Batterie - führt der Entwicklungschef hier als Grund an. Beide Systeme werden je nach Einsatzzweck parallel bestehen (Forum der Meinung "Hat die Nickel Metallhydrid-Batterie ausgedient?"). Toyota setzt Lithium-Ionen-Batterien im Prius mit Plug-in-Hybrid-System ein. Über größere Stückzahlen des möglicherweise ab 2010 startenden offiziellen Markteintritts spricht Toyota nicht. Noch deutlicher fällt die Vorsicht bei der Einschätzung des Einsatzes der neuesten Batteriegeneration in Elektrofahrzeugen (EVs) aus. "Wir starten 2012 mit einer kleinen aber repräsentativen Anzahl von EVs - unmissverständlich aus der Überzeugung heraus, dass der Elektroantrieb eine der wichtigsten Antriebstechniken der Zukunft werden wird." Dennoch schränkt Takimoto ein: "Der Elektroantrieb wird bei Toyota lediglich in Kleinwagen und Stadtfahrzeugen eingebaut." Fahrzeuge der Kompaktklasse und darüber würde es aus Gewichts- und Kostengründen der Lithium-Ionen-Technik im Konzern nicht geben. Deutlich fallen die Statements Takimotos zu den zahlreichen Hybridantriebskonzepten, unter anderem einem Range Extender aus: "Wir begrüßen die nun entstehende Vielfalt der Systeme, bleiben aber bei dem mit dem Prius gestarteten Plug-in-Hybrid-Konzept. Der Range Extender ist nicht in unserem Fokus."

      Batterien bleiben der Bottleneck für den elektrifizierten Antriebstrang. Toyota rief im vergangenen Jahr eine Batterie-Forschungsabteilung im "Genesis-Research Institute" ins Leben. Ziel des Open Laboratory ist die Entwicklung der "nächsten Batterie-Generation", die die Japaner auf weit nach 2020 terminieren. Vorerst 50 (100 Forscher sind geplant) arbeiten an möglichen Technologien - und nicht an einer heute schon fassbaren Struktur eines Energiespeichers.

      Deutliche Worte spricht der Toyota-Entwicklungschef auch in Richtung notwendiger Studiengänge, die Ingenieure speziell für die Entwicklung von Energiespeichern auf ihre Aufgaben im Antriebsstrang vorbereiten: "Wir werden in diesem Zusammenhang neue Ausbildungsgänge fördern und begleiten."

      Autor(en): Markus Schöttle"
      schrieb am 06.06.09 08:07:28
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.331.862 von MrRipley am 05.06.09 18:36:21sh. mein Beitrag-Nr. 641 im "Byd"-Thread vom 05.06.09 um 13.30 Uhr

      schrieb am 08.06.09 20:45:51
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Vielleicht zeitigt das dann ja übermorgen noch einmal einen Kurs-
      anstieg, wenn das Umfeld nicht gar zu negativ ist.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc., to Present at Deutsche Bank 2009 Alternative Energy/Clean Tech Conference

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC), a global producer of specialty chemicals and advanced materials, will participate in the Deutsche Bank 2009 Alternative Energy/Clean Tech Conference on Wednesday, June 10, 2009. Seifi Ghasemi, chairman and chief executive officer of Rockwood, will make a presentation on the company’s strategy and diversified portfolio of businesses at 10:45 AM that morning.

      A listen-only, live webcast link for the presentation along with the PowerPoint file will be available at Following the conference, the webcast and PowerPoint file will be archived on Rockwood’s website.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. is a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 10,000 people and annual net sales of approximately $3 billion. The company focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit

      © Die Welt

      erschienen am 08.06.2009 um 18:19 Uhr
      schrieb am 08.06.09 21:56:17
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      schrieb am 08.06.09 22:17:30
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.347.972 von MrRipley am 08.06.09 21:56:17Sh. mein Beitrag-Nr. 651 im "Byd"-Thread von heute um 14.19 Uhr

      schrieb am 08.06.09 22:25:31
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.348.235 von Karlll am 08.06.09 22:17:30musst Du mir mal verlinken!;)
      schrieb am 08.06.09 22:40:08
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.348.300 von MrRipley am 08.06.09 22:25:31IST HIER…

      schrieb am 08.06.09 22:55:02
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.348.235 von Karlll am 08.06.09 22:17:30Sorry, gemeint ist der Beitrag-Nr. 650, nicht 651.

      schrieb am 08.06.09 23:02:09
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.348.471 von Karlll am 08.06.09 22:55:02Danke, habe es eben schon gefunden. Ich denke da so wie Du.

      Lithium ist nur der Markteintritt in die E-Autommobilbranche, danach kommt etwas besseres!
      schrieb am 08.06.09 23:23:10
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Wenn Du noch den Lithium Player schlechthin suchst!

      Der kommt aus Chile, hat die Materialien die jeder braucht, aber auch Lithium und kann seine Produktion sehr schnell und effizient an die Bedürfnisse des Marktes anpassen. Was man auch am Kurs sieht!

      Egal was die Weltwirtschaft gerade braucht, Batterien, Düngemittel, Metalle, SQM kann liefern.
      Das perfekte Monopol!;)

      schrieb am 09.06.09 21:53:16
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.348.597 von MrRipley am 08.06.09 23:23:10Finde den SQM chart auch sehr attraktiv, sieht im Moment nach einem langen Lauf aus, weniger steil als die Rakete bis in 2008. War da Li-mega-Boom zu der Zeit?
      Aber noch interressanter wäre: Dein Tip für das Bessere nach Li-Akkus in E-Autos. Im Moment scheint ja wirkich jede Auto- und Chemiefirma Batterien bauen zu wollen.
      schrieb am 09.06.09 22:06:05
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.357.883 von MaloneBS am 09.06.09 21:53:16Das kanadische Unternehmen aus dem Bereich Elektroautomanufaktur welches ich verfolge, ist an einem Unternehmen beteiligt, welches die ultimative Speichertechnik zur Serienreife bringen könnte, und das zeitnah - bis 2010 also.
      Die Vorteile wären immens.
      Vor allem keine Chemikalien, da das Konzept auf dem Kondensatorenprinzip beruht, jedoch mit langsamer Entladefähigkeit, hoher Leistungsdichte, niedrigen Kosten, hoher Sicherheit, niedriger Umweltbelastung, simplen Aufbau, überall verfügbarem Rohstoff usw.

      Klingt alles zu gut um wahr zu sein, doch ich halte davon sehr viel, wenn man die Entwicklung verfolgt.
      Und da ich Aktien seitn einem Jahrzehnt intensiv verfolge, denke ich, dort Betrug und Fakts inzwischen gut unterscheiden zu können.

      Die börsennotierte Gesellschaft würde sich bei Erfolg zu einem Rechte- und Lizenzgeber dieser Batterietechnik mausern, das Betriebsrisiko und die Kosten also massiv senken können.

      Wenn ich jetzt lese, dass die Chinesen bei den E-Autos Weltmarktführer werden wollen, muss sich der Westen anstrengen, und das wird er mit Lithium nicht können,
      da 1. nicht wettbewerbsfähig
      und 2. Lithium (leider Gottes) äusserst ungerecht verteilt ist auf der Welt, wenn man von der Seite des Westens spricht. ;)

      Bei Interesse BM.
      schrieb am 10.06.09 12:57:50
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Hier kann man sich einen Überblick über Techniken, Anwendungsgebiete etc. verschaffen:
      schrieb am 15.06.09 12:55:53
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Moody's ändert Aussichten für Rockwood ins Positive

      Moody's Investor ServiceNew York, USA (2. Juni 2009) – Moody's Investors Service bestätigt Schuldenrating der Rockwood Specialties Group, Inc. (Rockwood, Corporate Family Rating B1 CFR) und korrigiert die Perspektive von Stabil zu Positiv. Moody's hat Rockwood Ba2-Ratings für die vorgeschlagene Ergänzung zur vorrangig gesicherten Kreditfazilität zugewiesen, einschließlich revolvierender und befristeter Kredite (Term Loan) (siehe nachfolgende Liste). Neben anderen Veränderungen ist die Ergänzung dazu gedacht, den gesicherten Kredit (Leverage Covenant) zu entspannen und die Laufzeiten um zwei Jahre zu verlängern.

      Dieses Rating reflektiert sowohl die stabile operative Leistung als auch die Aussichten für künftige bedeutungsvolle Schuldenrückzahlungen. Die Veränderung hin zu positiven Ratingaussichten beinhaltet die Erwartung, dass größere zusätzliche über Schulden finanzierte Akquisitionen unwahrscheinlich sind und die übrigen Geschäftsbereiche von Rockwood mit der Zeit positiven Cashflow generieren und sich bezüglich des bestehenden Verschuldungsgrads verbessern werden. Das Rating der vorgeschlagenen erweiterten Fazilitäten geht davon aus, dass diese unter den präsentierten Bedingungen geschlossen werden. Die Transaktion wird überwacht und die Abschlussdokumente werden überprüft.

      „Die positive Aussicht spiegelt unsere Annahme wider, dass der überschüssige freie Cashflow zur Schuldenverringerung eingesetzt wird und die vorgeschlagene rechtzeitige Erweiterung der vorrangig gesicherten Kreditfazilitäten, sofern genehmigt, sich positiv auf Kredite auswirkt und die Liquidität verbessert“, so Moodys Analyst Bill Reed.

      Zugewiesene Ratings:

      * Emittent: Rockwood Specialties Group, Inc.
      Vorgeschlagene Erweiterung der vorrangig gesicherten Bankkreditfazilität, Ba2 – LGD2 29 %


      * Emittent: Rockwood Specialties Group, Inc.
      Aussichten, Veränderung von Stabil zu Positiv


      * Vorhandene vorrangig gesicherte Bankkreditfazilität, Ba2 – LGD2 29 % von LGD2 27 %
      Vorrangig ungesicherte nachrangige Schuldverschreibungen, B3 – LGD5 89 % von LGD5 81 %

      Das B1 CFR wird durch die Größe von Rockwood, verschiedene Marktführerpositionen und die Vielfalt der Produkte, Endmärkte und Kundenbasis gestützt. Die Top-Ten-Kunden stehen für ca. 8 % des Netto-Umsatzes (wobei kein Einzelkunde für mehr als 2 % des Umsatzes steht), und der größte Endverbrauchermarkt repräsentiert ca. 17 % des Nettoumsatzes. Zusätzlich ermutigend wirkt sich die begrenzte Abhängigkeit von Rockwood gegenüber schwankenden Rohöl- und Energiepreisen sowie die breite Basis von Rohmaterialien aus, von denen kein einziges Material mehr als 1,7 % zu den Umsatzkosten beiträgt. Moody's hat außerdem erkannt, dass die Geschäftsführung erfolgreich wesentliche Schwächen der internen Kontrolle über die Finanzberichterstattung in Bezug auf 2004, 2005 und 2006 korrigiert hat. Wir werten dies als positive Entwicklung, da die wesentlichen Schwächen als ein entscheidendes Minus in Rockwoods Kreditprofil galten.

      Außerdem konnten wir vermerken, dass – obwohl Rockwood ein börsennotiertes Unternehmen ist – 30 % des Kapitals vom ersten LBO-Sponsor gehalten wird, wobei zusätzliche 9 % von einem anderen privaten Beteiligungsunternehmen gehalten werden und die Geschäftsführung weitere 6 % der ausstehenden Anteile kontrolliert, was wichtigen Einfluss auf die Wahl des künftigen Verwaltungsrats und die Unternehmenspolitik ausübt, ungeachtet der Präsenz von nur zwei Sponsorvertretern im sieben Personen zählenden Verwaltungsrat. Abschließende Bedenken konzentrieren sich auf den vorhandenen gesicherten Kredit (Leverage Covenant) in den vorrangig gesicherten Kreditfazilitäten. Gesetzt den Fall, dass die vorgeschlagene Erweiterung nicht vervollständigt wird, erwarten wir, dass es unter diesem Covenant über die nächsten acht Quartale hin eng werden könnte, was möglicherweise zu negativem Druck auf die Aussichten oder das Rating führt.

      Moody's jüngste Ankündigung bezüglich der Ratings für Rockwood war am 8. Dezember 2006, als das B1 CFR bestätigt wurde und die Aussichten von Negativ zu Stabil korrigiert wurden.

      Die Hauptmethode beim Rating von Rockwood ist Moody's Global Chemical Industry-Ratingmethode, die unter im Verzeichnis „Credit Policy & Methodologies“ im Unterverzeichnis „Ratings Methodologies“ zu finden ist (Februar, 2006, Dokumenten-Nr. 96180). Andere Methoden und Faktoren, die möglicherweise im Verlauf der Bewertung betrachtet wurden, finden Sie ebenfalls im Verzeichnis „Credit Policy & Methodologies“.

      Die Rockwood Specialties Group, Inc. mit Hauptsitz in Princeton, New Jersey, ist ein weltweit tätiger Hersteller einer Vielfalt von Spezialchemikalien und hochmoderner Werkstoffe, einschließlich Pigmente, Additive, Spezialverbundwerkstoffe, Keramik und Elektronik für den Einsatz in Unternehmen der Biowissenschaft bis hin zur Automobilherstellung. Rockwood ist in den folgenden drei Unternehmensbereichen aktiv: Spezialchemikalien, Pigmente und Additive und hochmoderne Werkstoffe. Die Erträge betrugen USD 3,2 Milliarden für LTM Ende 31. März 2009.

      New York
      William Reed
      VP – Senior Credit Officer
      Corporate Finance Group
      Moody's Investors Service
      JOURNALISTEN: +1 212-553-0376
      ABONNENTEN: +1 212-553-1653

      Damit dürfte Rockwood ja wohl alle Konsolidierungsvoraussetzungen
      zur Konsolidierung erfüllt haben.

      15.06.2009 12:43
      BRIEF-Rockwood Holdings completes amendment to senior secured credit facility

      June 15 (Reuters) - Rockwood Holdings Inc:

      * Completes amendment to senior secured credit facility

      * Says leverage covenant test modified to new ratio of net senior secured debt

      over adjusted EBITDA of 4.40

      * Says amendment also extends the maturity of $1.22 billion of its outstanding

      terms loans from 2012 until 2014

      * Says new limit will decline to 4.00 at end of 2010

      ((Bangalore Equities Newsroom; +91 80 4135 5800; within U.S. +1 646 223 8780))

      (For more news, please click here)


      Copyright Thomson Reuters 2009. All rights reserved.

      The copying, republication or redistribution of Reuters News Content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Thomson Reuters.

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      schrieb am 29.07.09 14:42:34
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Konsensus im 1. Quartal lag bei 10 Cent E/PS
      Ergebnis im 1. Quartal lag bei ./. 2 Cent E/PS

      ROC ist nur kurz Intraday verrissen worden. Danach ging es wieder
      aufwärts. Bin gespannt was der Markt heute draus macht.

      Jul 29, 2009, 6:41 a.m. EST
      Rockwood profit down 98%, demand seen stabilizing

      LONDON (MarketWatch) -- Chemicals and advanced materials group Rockwood Holdings Inc. said Wednesday that its second-quarter net profit fell 98% to $1.7 million, or 2 cents a share, from $78 million, or $1.01 a share, a year earlier. Revenue for the quarter fell 21% to $730.4 million. Excluding one-off charges, the group said earnings were 13 cents a share. Analysts polled by FactSet were expecting adjusted earnings of 16 cents a share for the latest quarter. "Although it is very difficult to predict the course of the global economy, we believe, based on what we have seen recently, that demand for our products has stabilized at current levels. We do not, however, see any clear signs of significant improvement," said CEO Seifi Ghasemi.

      schrieb am 11.08.09 06:08:52
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      10.08.2009 22:34
      Rockwood Holdings’ Lithium Business Awarded $28.4 million in Stimulus Funds for the Production of Advanced Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries in the U.S.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:ROC) today announced that the U.S. Department of Energy has awarded its Chemetall Foote Corp. subsidiary $28.4 million in Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds to expand and upgrade the production of lithium materials for advanced transportation batteries.

      The funds will be used by Rockwood to expand and upgrade the production of lithium carbonate at the company’s Silver Peak, Nevada, site and add the production of very high purity lithium hydroxide to the company’s Kings Mountain, North Carolina, facility. Rockwood and its Chemetall business are the only U.S. domestic source of lithium raw material and the largest global producer of lithium and lithium compounds used in batteries, pharmaceuticals and many other industries.

      Commenting on the award, Seifi Ghasemi, chairman and chief executive officer, said, ”The current dependence of the US and Western Europe on imported oil is a major national security issue. The practical and environmentally beneficial way to reduce this unsustainable dependence is the electrification of the transportation system. The key enabling technology to achieve this worthwhile goal is further development of lithium ion batteries as the most effective means of storing energy in all-electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles. We are very pleased to see the U.S. government taking the initiative and providing major support toward the commercialization of these technologies.

      ”Rockwood and its subsidiary Chemetall are proud to be among the awardees from this highly competitive process, and to be an important part of this national program. We are committed to use our global leadership position to support the eventual electrification of the transport system in the US and across the globe.”

      The Department of Energy’s $2.4 billion program under the Recovery and Reinvestment Act is the single largest investment in advanced battery technology for hybrid and electric-drive vehicles ever made, and the award to Rockwood’s business ranks, in dollar amount, as third highest among advanced material grants. Together, the awarded projects are expected to accelerate the development of manufacturing capacity for batteries in the U.S. and electric drive components as well as the deployment of electric vehicles.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. is a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 10,000 people and annual net sales of approximately $3.0 billion. Rockwood focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit

      The information set forth in this press release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 concerning the business, operations and financial condition of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Rockwood"). Words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "forecasts," "predicts" and variations of such words or expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although Rockwood believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that its expectations will be realized. "Forward-looking statements" consist of all non-historical information, including any statements referring to the prospects and future performance of Rockwood. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in Rockwood's forward-looking statements due to numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties, including, among other things, the "Risk Factors" described in Rockwood's 2008 Form 10-K on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Rockwood does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which any such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.


      Rockwood Holdings, Inc.
      Timothy McKenna, 609-734-6430
      schrieb am 13.08.09 22:58:50
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Electric Vehicles Face Bright Future in U.S.

      Date Published: 11 Aug 2009

      By Matt Scruggs, Research Analyst, Frost & Sullivan's Automotive Practice and Veerender Kaul, Research Director, Frost & Sullivan's Automotive Practice

      President Obama's announcement of a $2.4 billion government grant will open up the electric vehicle frontier on a larger scale than initially predicted. This will prove to be an important measure in reducing the initial cost of electric vehicles and opening the market to consumers. Additionally, electric vehicle development can provide a healthy boost to a stagnant economy with the creation of manufacturing jobs, a great number of which were lost due to the U.S. automotive industry decline. These benefits apply not only to purely-electric vehicles, but also to hybrid vehicles and extended-range electric vehicles (aka plug-in hybrids).

      Of the $2.4 billion allocated in the program, approximately $1.5 billion is allocated to companies that manufacture batteries and battery components, as well as companies that recycle batteries once spent. $500 million goes to companies that manufacture electric drive systems or components, and the remaining $400 million is to be used for the creation of electric vehicle education and training, the creation of charging infrastructure, and the purchase of hybrid and electric vehicles for testing and evaluation. Based on Frost & Sullivan's analysis, this allocation of funding is poised to offer the maximum benefit to the future of electric vehicles.

      The battery is the single-most expensive component of an electric vehicle, ranging from $8,000 to $15,000 on most vehicles in volume quantities. Automakers are working closely with battery suppliers and recyclers to develop several sales scenarios designed to reduce the initial battery cost to a point within reach of the average consumer. This may entail the consumer paying for a portion of the battery cost along with the price of the vehicle and leasing the rest of the cost over the life of the vehicle. Consumers are expected to be receptive to this, since they would not need to purchase gasoline, and electric recharge costs are expected to range from $0.70 to $2.50 per charge, depending on peak usage rates for each area. Companies that recycle batteries can also subsidize the cost, based on the end-of-life value of the battery pack.

      The problem with these scenarios is still the initial cost, which lies not in the materials, but rather the labor and creation of manufacturing facilities for the batteries. The grant provides battery manufacturers with much-needed start-up funds to overcome the initial hurdle, since manufacturers have few options other than either burdening the consumer with excessive costs or absorbing the high prices and losing money on each battery. Once production reaches a significant level, prices will drop, and the cost will stabilize profitably, with price declines potentially reaching 50% by 2015.

      The manufacture of electric drive components is expected to present only mild difficulty for the industry, as the technology is proven. The problem of scale, however, must be addressed, though the funds allocated for this are expected to be sufficient. The recipients of these funds are OEMs, 1st-Tier suppliers, or current manufacturers of electric vehicle drive components, suggesting that a straightforward expansion of manufacturing capacity will be the principle strategy.

      Electric vehicles, while currently faced with challenges as viable modes of transportation, will continue to evolve to suit the changing face of the American market. Urban sprawl has separated working areas of a city from living areas, leading to an increase in average driving distance over the past few years. This trend is expected to continue, and is the largest single challenge to electric vehicle battery development. Initially, extended-range electric vehicles will offer an all-electric range of around 40 miles, which would be sufficient to meet the needs of the average driver. However, battery development is expected to progress quickly, with range being the first priority.

      Aiding and abetting this is the expected creation of recharging infrastructure. Funds granted in this area are the lowest of the categories, though this is not expected to be problematic, as challenges here are largely those of business development. Opportunities are rampant in the infrastructure market, but will not be widely commercially viable until electric vehicles achieve significant market adoption, most likely around 2012.

      For more information, please contact David Escalante, Corporate Communications, at 210.477.8427 or…
      schrieb am 14.08.09 18:43:28
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Rockwood's 2Q Shows Some Promise
      by Joung Park | 29 Jul 09 |

      While Rockwood's ROC second-quarter results were marred by weak demand, particularly from the construction and auto industries, the firm was able to stanch much of the bleeding through cost cuts. Rockwood generated $730 million in revenue during the quarter, representing a 13.1% year-over-year decline on a constant currency basis, while adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization were $125 million, compared with $161 million in the second quarter of 2008.

      Rockwood suffered double-digit sales declines--on a pro forma basis--across all of its segments, as volume dwindled in response to anemic demand from key auto, construction, and consumer electronics end markets. However, the company enacted aggressive cost-cutting measures, which included reducing head count by 11%, that helped offset some of the downward pressure on margins stemming from lower volume. Management indicated that Rockwood's cost-reduction programs have now been fully implemented, which leads us to believe that any margin expansion will have to come as a result of top-line growth.

      While anemic demand punished all of Rockwood's businesses, the firm's prized lithium and advanced ceramics businesses showed some signs of promise. Despite tepid demand from the consumer electronics market, Rockwood's lithium selling prices did not materially decline during the quarter. We believe Rockwood will be able to maintain strong lithium pricing, as global lithium supplies are concentrated with just a handful of major producers that have demonstrated price discipline thus far. And while Rockwood's advanced ceramics business suffered a 25% decline in sales on a constant currency basis, volume for medical ceramics--which are used in artificial hip joints--actually registered a year-over-year increase. We believe these gains in medical ceramics--which constitute about one fourth of total segment sales--support our thesis that ceramics will be increasingly adopted in lieu of metals and plastics in various medical applications.

      We are also heartened by Rockwood's progress on improving its financial flexibility. The firm was able to renegotiate its financial covenants, raising its maximum leverage ratio to 4.4 from 4.25. The maximum leverage ratio will decline to 4.00 at the end of 2010. As of June 30, Rockwood's leverage ratio stood at 3.27, giving the firm plenty of breathing room. We believe these improvements on the financial front, as well as the firm's attractive position in the lithium and medical ceramics markets, will help smooth Rockwood's passage through the current economic downturn.
      schrieb am 11.09.09 14:55:35
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Hallo zusammen!
      Ich habe mir gerade das Topic durchgelesen!
      ich bin mom. auf der Suche nach einen Lithium Akku Hersteller für die Automobilbranche, wo ich Aktien kaufen kann.

      Gibt es von eurer Seite, Favoriten, die gut bewertet sind oder auch Charttechnisch attraktiv sind.

      Toshiba, Avanced Battery Technologies, Orocobre, Altair, Rockwood,SQM....
      Gibt es vl. noch interessante Werte?

      Ich selbst bin in der Automobilbranche tätig, und weiß dass mom. gerade intensiv über den Elektroantrieb geforscht wird, bzw. schon größere Projekte hochgezogen werden, deswegen wäre es an der Zeit hier aufzuspringen.

      Was meint ihr?
      schrieb am 15.09.09 11:39:22
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.962.917 von maxee am 11.09.09 14:55:35SAFT Groupe !!!! ;)
      schrieb am 20.09.09 21:35:45
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.962.917 von maxee am 11.09.09 14:55:35Hallo maxee

      Olaf Hordenbach von hat auf WO: zwei sehr gute Lithium-Artikel geschrieben:

      August 2008:…

      September 2009:…

      Hordenbach hat mit seinem Lithium-Artikel vom August 2008 voll ins Schwarze getroffen. In neusten Artikel hat er eine ganze Liste von Lithium-Unternehmen aufgeführt:…
      schrieb am 01.10.09 18:56:17
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Rockwood Holdings falls after Chilean rival chops lithium prices; analyst downgrades

      NEW YORK (AP) -- Shares of specialty chemicals and materials producer Rockwood Holdings Inc. plunged Thursday after a rival cut lithium prices, leading an analyst to downgrade Rockwood to "Neutral" from "Outperform."

      In midday trading, shares fell $3.58, or 17.4 percent, to $16.99. The stock has ranged from $3.36 to $25.66 over the past year.

      Credit Suisse analyst John P. McNulty said Rockwood rival Soc. Quimica y Minera of Chile, also known as SQM, is reducing prices by 20 percent in an apparent bid to gain market share.

      McNulty said SQM's price cut only affects about 25 percent of Rockwood's current lithium business.

      However, many investors in Princeton, N.J.-based Rockwood "expected that portion of the business to be the largest growth driver for Rockwood over the long term with robust volume and price increases, (so) there is now downside risk to those expectations."

      Even though he does not expect Rockwood to take a "big hit" to earnings this year or next year, investors should consider alternatives.

      "There may be better places to put new money to work until the market digests this (SQM price cutting) news," he wrote in a client note.
      schrieb am 26.10.09 13:06:48
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Nach Bekanntgabe der Zahlen für das 2. Quartal ging es 18 % abwärts.
      am nächsten Tag wurde aber gleich ein Teil wieder wettgemacht.

      Bin mal gespannt, wie man in NY heute auf die Zahlen reagiert.

      Rockwood Holdings Swings To Profit In Q3 - Quick Facts
      10/26/2009 7:26 AM ET

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (ROC) reported third quarter net income attributable to Rockwood of $10.1 million or $0.13 per share, compared to net loss of $3.3 million or $0.04 per share last year.

      Net income from continuing operations attributable to Rockwood was $10.2 million, including after-tax net non-recurring and other special charges of $3.8 million, compared to net loss from continuing operations attributable to Rockwood of $4.8 million, including after-tax net non-recurring and other special charges of $39.5 million primarily related to foreign exchange losses on financing activities and mark-to-market valuation losses on interest rate hedging instruments, in the prior year.

      Excluding net non-recurring and other special charges, earnings per share were $0.19 in the third quarter of 2009, compared to $0.45 in the third quarter of 2008.

      On average, 9 analysts polled by Thomson Reuters expected the company to report earnings of $0.15 per share. Analysts' estimates typically exclude special items.

      Net sales declined to $786.2 million from $880.8 million in the prior year quarter.

      Six analysts estimated revenues of $752.66 million.
      schrieb am 27.10.09 09:19:26
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      US Rockwood optimistic about Q4 despite seasonal slowdown

      26 October 2009 21:57 [Source: ICIS news]

      Rockwood optimistic about Q4HOUSTON (ICIS news)--US specialty chemicals maker Rockwood Holdings anticipates better margins over the next two quarters, but said on Monday that the accuracy of that outlook will depend on December demand from two key end markets: automobiles and construction.

      “Right now, we expect a good fourth quarter,” CEO Seifi Ghasemi said during an earnings call, “but with the caveat of December”, when production in many markets typically experiences a seasonal slowdown or goes off line.

      Although the company reported general improvement in its varied end markets, demand from housing and car manufacturing is particularly difficult to predict, Ghasemi said.

      Still, the company anticipates adjusted earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) margins of 18-19% in the fourth quarter, and eventually even higher margins.

      “We are seeing gradual improvement in all of our key businesses,” Ghasemi said. “If our sales come back to normal, we feel comfortable that we can eventually deliver 20% margins.”

      Rockwood’s third-quarter net income was up by $10.2m (€6.8m) on fewer special charges during the period, but year-over-year net sales were down by 14-24% across most of the company’s business segments.

      Net sales of TiO2 during the quarter increased by 26.2%, but that upward movement was due to the impact of Rockwood’s joint venture with Kemira in September 2008, which has been a boon for Rockwood, Ghasemi said. In that market, margins increased slightly quarter over quarter.

      Ghasemi said that although sales of lithium for car and hand-tool batteries and other applications were down, margins in those markets were better than the year-ago period due to cost controls.

      He was also optimistic that Rockwood would be able to retain its lithium customer base despite 20% discounts offered early in October by one of its competitors in the lithium market.

      ($1 = €0.67)

      To discuss issues facing the chemical industry go to ICIS connect

      By: Larry Terry
      1 713 525 2653

      schrieb am 03.11.09 22:03:23
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Rockwood Holdings "equal weight," target price raised
      10:43a.m. - Barclays Capital

      NEW YORK, November 3 ( - Analysts at Barclays Capital reiterate their "equal weight" rating on Rockwood Holdings (ROC). The target price has been raised from $14 to $23.
      schrieb am 09.12.09 13:12:45
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      aus Focus-Money 51/2009

      Wende geschafft
      Der Us-Konzern Rockwood Holding ist mit einem Marktanteil von 28 % die Nummer zwei i8m Lithium-Markt. Das Geschäft betreibt die Frankfurter Chemetall, die seit 2004 zu Rockwood gehört. Chemetall baut Lithium in der chilenischen Salzwüste Salar de Atacama ab. Der Kurs der Rockwood-Aktie hat sich seit dem Frühjahr verdreifacht. Trotz eines Umsatzrückganges im dritten Quartal um elf Prozent auf 795 Millionen Dollar kehrte der Konzern überraschend klar in die schwarzen Zahlen zurück.

      Analyten: Kauf/Halten/Verkauf: 5/4/0
      Kurs: 22,54 $/14,50 Euro
      Börsenwert: 1,67 Mrd.Dollar
      Umsatz/Aktie: 45,7 Dollar
      KGV 09/10: 46/22
      schrieb am 15.12.09 20:01:13
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.535.279 von Nissie am 09.12.09 13:12:45Moin, Nissie,

      sehe erst mit fast einwöchiger Verspätung, daß Du Dich hier tummelst.

      Habe hier einen recht interessnten Link, der die großen 3 im
      Lithiumgeschäft etwas näher beleuchtet hat. Stelle ihn nachstehend

      Ich denke, diese Aktie genießt hier in GER nur sehr geringe Aufmerk-
      samkeit, wie auch die Umsätze hier gegen asymptotisch "0" tendieren,
      es sei denn es wird überm Teich eingekauft, glaube ich aber auch

      Ist eben so, es scheint verschwindend wenig Investierte zu geben,
      aber ich denke ROC steuert zum Jahresende ein neues Nachkrisenhoch
      schrieb am 30.12.09 05:48:59
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      29.12.2009 9:01

      TopStory: “Lithium ist kein Engpassfaktor”

      Die in letzter Zeit häufiger zu vernehmende Sorge, das für die Herstellung von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien im Auto benötigte Leichtmetall Lithium könne knapp werden, ist nach Ansicht der Chemetall GmbH unbegründet. “Lithium ist definitiv kein Engpassfaktor”, erklärte Chemetall-Sprecher Thomas Krause gegenüber Dow Jones. Das Unternehmen mit Sitz in Frankfurt am Main ist eine Tochter des US-amerikanischen Spezialchemiekonzerns Rockwood und verfügt über Lithium-Produktionsanlagen in den USA, Chile, Deutschland und Taiwan. Allein die Lagerstätte im chilenischen Salar de Atacama reicht nach Angaben von Krause aus, um die weltweite Nachfrage nach Lithium auf mindestens 100 Jahre hinaus zu befriedigen. Überdies würden derzeit zahlreiche neue Wettbewerber in diesen Markt eintreten, so dass für die zweite Hälfte des kommenden Jahrzehnts mit einem deutlichen Anstieg der Produktionskapazitäten gerechnet werden müsse. Dazu komme, dass das in der Auto-Elektrobatterie eingesetzte Lithium zu rund 50% wieder verwertbar sei, so der Chemetall-Sprecher: “Je mehr Lithium-Ionen-Batterien gebaut werden, desto mehr Lithium steht auch als Rezyklat zur Verfügung.”

      schrieb am 09.01.10 14:51:54
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Ich bin offensichtlich viel zu spät bei dem Wert.

      Wie seht ihr die weitere Kursentwicklung ?

      Auf welchem Niveau kann man Rücksetzer einkaufen ?

      schrieb am 10.01.10 20:14:13
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.700.320 von sven641 am 09.01.10 14:51:54Ich bin offensichtlich viel zu spät bei dem Wert.

      ... aber warum denn?

      Geh zurück auf Start. Dort habe ich geschrieben, daß wir erst am
      Anfang stehen. In den Beiträgen 2,3,4 bin ich dann zwar geschmäht
      worden, aber ich wiederhole meine Aussage: Wir stehen erst am Anfang.

      Wieviele Elektroautos siehst Du denn auf den Straßen der Welt,
      Wieviele Fahrräder, Mofas, Motorräder?

      Ich denke, hier solltest Du nicht auf einen Rücksetzer warten. Selbst
      wenn der bei den Q-Zahlen kommen sollte. Du kannst zurückverfolgen,
      wie schnell sich der Titel immer wieder erholt hat.

      Hier geht es um Zukunft. Ich mag hier nicht pushen. Du triffst
      Deine eigene Anlageentscheidung.

      Viel Erfolg.

      schrieb am 16.02.10 15:45:31
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      February 16, 2010 09:00 AM Eastern Time
      New Biodiesel Production Process Uses Catalytically Active Particles to Convert Industrial Byproducts and Algae

      Rockwood’s Sachtleben unit to introduce a revolutionary process catalyst and build commercial-scale pilot plant in Minnesota

      PRINCETON, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sachtleben, a unit of Rockwood Holdings Inc. (NYSE: ROC) and the leading producer of specialty titanium dioxide and functional additives has developed catalytically active particles that stand to revolutionize the production of biofuels using sustainable and environmentally friendly means.

      Sacthleben is working with Augsburg College and biodiesel producer Ever Cat Fuels LLC, which is currently designing the first commercial-scale pilot plant incorporating this innovative fluidized-bed catalyst system at Isanti, Minnesota, near Minneapolis,.

      The new process is simpler, sustainable and more energy efficient, as opposed to existing biodiesel production that often relies on expensive food crops, primarily cereal grains and soy. In addition, the production of biodiesel, as practiced for many years, involves a catalytic process followed by complex removal of the dissolved catalyst and purification of the biodiesel.

      The new process, developed by Prof. Arlin Gyberg from Augsburg College in Minneapolis and Dr. Clayton McNeff, cofounder of Ever Cat Fuels LLC., a biodiesel company, uses highly catalytically active particles supplied by Sachtleben. The process will also permit the conversion of inferior fats, paper-industry waste and algae oil to high-quality diesel fuel.

      Sachtleben CEO Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dieter Griebler described the new catalytic particles for biodiesel production: "In view of the growing scarcity of foodstuffs in many regions of the world, this new process for production of biodiesel from fat-containing waste products, which is receiving our active support, has multiple benefits over existing processes. In addition, the use of regenerable feedstocks for production of biodiesel in the new process will decrease emissions of CO2, since only the same amount of CO2 will be liberated as was taken in during growth of the input materials."

      Sachtleben's catalytically active particles play a major role in the new approach for the significantly simpler production of biodiesel. The particles are, on the one hand, sufficiently stable to withstand the extreme reaction conditions, and are, on the other hand, the factor which makes rapid and complete transesterification of the feedstocks possible at all. Up until now, the reaction time in the process took several hours, whereas the new process utilizing Sachtleben particles takes just a few seconds.

      In addition, the new Sachtleben catalyst particles are also capable, unlike established process, of converting free fatty acids present, for example, in spent or rancid natural fats and oils, to biodiesel. It is therefore possible to process not only high-quality - and expensive - rapeseed, sunflower, soya or palm oil, but also waste products with a high fat content, including waste from the production of paper, and used frying oils and fats, for instance.

      Recent research results obtained by Gyberg, McNeff and Yan show that even certain types of algae, characterized by a high free fatty-acid content, can be converted to biodiesel. In future, the new process will permit global conservation of important foodstuff resources, and assure long-term supplies of biodiesel. The compact nature of the new process also means that smaller, decentralized plants can be installed, for example, at agricultural locations, and can be operated cost-effectively.

      Sachtleben is the largest producer of specialty titanium dioxide pigments and a leading producer of functional additives. Based in Duisburg, Germany, Sachtleben product line includes pigments for synthetic fibers, packaging inks, cosmetics and personal care products and functional additives for a range of industries.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. is a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 10,000 people and annual net sales of approximately $3.0 billion. Rockwood focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit
      schrieb am 17.02.10 13:49:52
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Der Markt wird sicher mehr erwartet haben. Könnte mir vorstellen,
      daß es, obwohl 10% über den Erwartungen nach unten geht, es sei
      denn, beim CC wird Positives vermeldet.

      Rockwood Holdings Reverses To Q4 Profit - Quick Facts
      2/17/2010 7:28 AM ET

      Rockwood Holdings Inc. (ROC) said its fourth-quarter net income attributable to the company was $10.8 million versus a loss of $690.8 million in the year-ago period.

      Earnings per share for the period were $0.14 compared with a loss of $9.33 a year ago.

      Adjusted net income from continuing operations attributable to Rockwood Holdings Inc., excluding net special charges, for the latest quarter increased to $15.2 million or $0.20 per share from $14.3 million or $0.19 per share last year.

      On average, 8 analysts polled by Thomson Reuters expected earnings per share of $0.18 for the quarter. Analysts' estimate typically excludes one-time items.

      Net sales for the fourth quarter of 2009 were $786.3 million, up 7.4% compared with $732.3 million for the same period in the prior year. Six analysts estimated revenues of $770.12 million for the quarter.
      schrieb am 17.02.10 17:03:22
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Lithium - Lithium ? Kurzer Hype oder sinnvolle Investmentmöglichkeit?
      17.02.10 | 14:56 Uhr

      Stuttgart ( Lithium ist derzeit in aller Munde, gerade auch weil Anleger ständig auf der Suche nach neuen Investitionsmöglichkeiten sind. Der Markt ist sehr eng und es gibt zudem nur wenige Aktien, die nicht immer leicht zu bewerten sind. Wir wollen hier zunächst einen kurzen Überblick zum Lithiummarkt geben und anschließend sinnvolle Investitionsmöglichkeiten für risikofreudige Investoren aufzeigen.Hauptverwendung von Lithium - Baustein für ElektroautosMit

      Stuttgart ( Lithium ist derzeit in aller Munde, gerade auch weil Anleger ständig auf der Suche nach neuen Investitionsmöglichkeiten sind. Der Markt ist sehr eng und es gibt zudem nur wenige Aktien, die nicht immer leicht zu bewerten sind. Wir wollen hier zunächst einen kurzen Überblick zum Lithiummarkt geben und anschließend sinnvolle Investitionsmöglichkeiten für risikofreudige Investoren aufzeigen.

      Hauptverwendung von Lithium - Baustein für Elektroautos

      Mit Lithium-Ionen-Batterien soll in der Kfz-Entwicklung eine neue Ära in grüner Automobiltechnik beginnen. Da Akkumulatoren auf Lithium-Ionen-Basis eine deutlich bessere Speicherfähigkeit haben als derzeit eingesetzte Batterien und zudem mehr Leistung bei kleinerer Bauweise liefern, werden sie in Hybrid- und Elektroautos nach Meinung vieler Experten zum neuen Standard werden. Eine Entwicklung, die nicht lange auf sich warten lassen sollte. So geht das Center of Automotive Research (CAR) an der Fachhochschule Gelsenkirchen davon aus, dass Elektroautos schon ab dem Jahr 2010 verstärkt den Automarkt erobern werden. Ab 2025 würden alle in Europa verkauften PKWs, derzeit sind es rund zehn Millionen im Jahr, reine Elektroautos oder Hybrid-Fahrzeuge sein.

      Zudem besteht weitere Nachfrage nach leistungsstarken Lithium-Ionen-Batterien zum Beispiel durch die Speicherung von Strom aus alternativen Energiequellen um zuviel produzierte Energie erst bei Bedarf wieder ins Leitungsnetz abzugeben. Insbesondere gilt dies aber für Multimediageräte, wie Mobilfunktelefone, Notebooks etc. Auch in der Luftfahrtbranche wird Lithium gebraucht, um mit Hightech-Flugzeugtypen wie dem Boeing-787 Dreamliner und bald dem Airbus A-350 XWB die Notstromversorgung zum Starten der Triebwerke mit Lithiumakkus auszustatten.

      Lithium - Vorkommen und Reserven

      Mehr als 70 Prozent des weltweiten Vorkommens (13,7 Mio-Tonnen) liegt im Lithium-Dreieck Südamerikas: Bolivien, Chile, Argentinien. Weitere 20 Prozent und damit das drittgrößte Lithium-Vorkommen der Welt liegen in Tibet.

      Derzeit wird das mit über 5 Millionen Tonnen weltgrößte Lithium-Vorkommen in Bolivien erforscht Das sind rund 40 Prozent der Weltreserven. Im Salzsee Salar de Uyuni hat die Förderung von Lithium noch gar nicht begonnen. Boliviens staatliche Bergbaugesellschaft Comibol hat zunächst ausschließlich die Gebäude einer Pilotfabrik nahe des Dorfes Río Grande errichtet. China hat die Elektromobilität nun zu einem strategischen Leitmarkt erklärt und will sich den exklusiven Zugang zu dieser Quelle sichern ? mit allen Mitteln, so der BDI. Die Regierung um Evo Morales hält sich mit exklusiven Förderrechten für ausländische Konzerne zurück und will stattdessen die indianische Bevölkerung beteiligen. Der Lithium Mangel und die zukünftige Nachfrage könnten zu einem Versorgungsengpass führen, wie das französische Beratungsunternehmen Meridian International Research warnt.

      Lithium ? ein knapper Rohstoff?

      Branchenkenner warnen, dass angesichts der erhofften Wachstumsraten der Elektroautos in den nächsten Jahrzehnten die bisherige Förderung des Ausgangsstoffes Lithiumcarbonat nicht ausreichen dürfte. Es gibt derzeit nur eine Handvoll Unternehmen, die den Markt dominieren und Lithium abbauen. Vor allem China sichert sich den Zugriff auf das begehrte Lithium und hortet die eigenen Vorräte. Daneben beschränken die Chinesen aufgrund ihres wachsenden Eigenbedarfs die Ausfuhr von Rohstoffen durch hohe Exportzölle. Industrienationen wie etwa Deutschland, USA und Japan sind aufgrund der neuen Zukunftstechnologien im Automobilsektor von diesen Bodenschätzen abhängig.

      Begründet wird ein möglicher Engpass auch durch folgende Fakten:

      - Weltweit werden derzeit pro Jahr 93.000 Tonnen Lithium gefördert, die momentan erschließbaren Reserven liegen laut Meridian International Research aber nur bei vier Millionen Tonnen.

      - Die Nachfrage der Automobilindustrie durch die Umstellung auf Elektroautos würde sich schätzungsweise auf das sechsfache der derzeitigen Weltproduktion belaufen.

      - Die französischen Berater gehen jedoch davon aus, dass wegen der steigenden Nachfrage der Elektronikbranche im Jahr 2015 gerade einmal 30.000 Tonnen Lithium für Elektrovehikel zur Verfügung stehen. Das würde für nicht einmal 1,5 Millionen Hybridmotoren reichen.

      Investitionsmöglichkeiten in Lithium ? Einzelaktien oder Indexfund?

      Obige Tabelle gibt die wichtigsten Lithium Aktien am Markt wieder, wobei man mit SQM, FMC, ROC, ORE und HAO sicherlich die etwas konservativere Wahl treffen würde. Unser Favorit ist Pan American Lithium Corp (PL), die früher unter dem Namen Etna Resources gehandelt wurde. Das Management macht einen soliden Eindruck, zudem ist das Projekt sehr aussichtsreich.

      Da sich der Lithiummarkt und ein Investment in Einzelaktien unsere Ansicht nach aber nur für spekulativ ausgerichtete Anleger eignet, ist der neu aufgesetzte passive Index-Fonds von Hauck & Aufhäuser, der Structured Solutions Lithium Index Strategy Fund, durchaus interessant. Er gibt die Performance des zugrundeliegenden Index wieder und beinhaltet die oben genannten Werte. Damit minimiert der Anleger das Risiko von Einzelausfällen. Die Deutschlandzulassung soll in den nächsten Wochen erfolgen, wodurch dann auch die breite Vermarktung möglich wird.

      Investieren kann man aber bereits unter der ISIN LU0470205575. In einer der nächsten Ausgaben, stellen wir das Produkt noch genauer für unser ETF Depot vor und werden auch einen Blick auf die Kostenstruktur werfen. Insgesamt scheint dies aber wie auch das Thema ?Seltene Erden? uns die nächsten Jahre zu bewegen. Eine Depotbeimischung kann hier durchaus sinnvoll sein und einen Mehrertrag erwirtschaften.
      schrieb am 19.02.10 15:44:04
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      In Frankfurt war heute, weiß der Geier warum, einer der seltenen Tage, an denen ROC unter pari gehandelt wurde. Da habe ich mir noch
      einmal 200 Stück gegönnt.

      Pari war 18,03 und Ask-Kurs, warum auch immer 17,60. Hatte schon
      befürchtet, daß nachdem meine Order mit Limit in Frankfurt landet,
      der Ask-Kurs sogleich erhöht wird um 2-3%, aber nichtsda, sie ist
      anstandslos zu 2 % unter pari durchgegangen.

      Tssss..... Tsssss.

      Kaum zu glauben.
      schrieb am 23.02.10 09:32:06
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      Neuer Börsenstar: Investoren greifen bei Lithium-Aktien zu

      Lithium ist der neue Star am Börsenhimmel. Die Anleger kaufen, was auch nur annähernd mit dem begehrten Rohstoff zu tun hat. Papiere von Fördergesellschaften, Explorern und Batterie-Herstellern sind daher kräftig gestiegen. Doch wer jetzt noch einsteigen will, sollte genau hinschauen.

      FRANKFURT. Die Welt der Autobauer ist im Umbruch. Elektromotoren gehört die Zukunft, sagen Experten. Wegen des Umweltschutzes, wegen der immer knapper werdenden Ölvorkommen. Die Boston Consulting Group (BCG) schätzt, dass der Anteil von Autos mit Hybridantrieb oder Elektromotor in den kommenden Jahren kräftig wachsen wird.

      Bis 2020, so heißt es in einer aktuellen Studie der Unternehmensberater, würden die neuen Technologien in China, Japan, den USA und Westeuropa einen Anteil von rund 26 Prozent bei den Neuwagen ausmachen. In Zahlen sind das rund 14 Millionen Fahrzeuge. Der weltweite Markt für sogenannte Lithium-Ionen-Batterien werde sein Volumen bis dahin auf rund 25 Mrd. Dollar verdreifachen. Noch ist das Zukunftsmusik.

      An der Börse herrscht Goldgräberstimmung

      An der Börse wird trotzdem schon gefeiert. Die Anleger kaufen, was im weitesten Sinne mit Lithium zu tun hat. Minen, Explorer, Firmen, die Lithium-Ionen-Akkus herstellen. Unternehmen wie die Schweizer Gesellschaft Leclanché beispielsweise, deren Aktien in den vergangenen Monaten mehr als 125 Prozent geklettert sind. Oder die Papiere der französischen Saft Group, die sich auf Jahressicht in etwa verdoppelt hat.

      Die Musik, da sind sich die Experten einig, könnte bei der Entwicklung von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien aber schon bald im fernen Osten spielen. China werde aufgrund der staatlichen Zuschüsse in der Batterietechnologie den Westen in naher Zukunft überholen, sagt Phil Gott, Analyst vom US-Marktforscher IHS Global Insight. Nicht umsonst stammt einer der größten Hersteller von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien aus Shenzhen, der chinesischen High-Tech-Schmiede. BYD heißt das Unternehmen; die drei Buchstaben stehen für „Build Your Dreams“. Wang Chuanfu, Gründer und Chef von BYD gehört mittlerweile zu den reichsten Männern in China. Als der weltbekannte US-Investor Warren Buffett im September 2008 Aktien von BYD ordert, schießt der Kurs in den folgenden Monaten zeitweise um 900 Prozent nach oben.

      Zu den Gewinnern gehört auch die Aktie von Rockwood, einem Anbieter von Spezialchemikalien aus Princeton im US-Bundesstaat New Jersey. Rund 230 Prozent hat die Aktie auf Zwölfmonatssicht zugelegt. Was die wenigsten wissen: ein Großteil des Konzerngewinns stammt aus Deutschland, genauer gesagt von Chemetall. Die Frankfurter Unternehmenstochter ist spezialisiert auf Lithiumverbindungen und weltweit führend in diesem Bereich, selbst aber nicht an der Börse notiert.

      Anleger, die sich entsprechende Aktien ins Depot legen wollen, sollten aber genau hinschauen. Lithium-Papiere sind eine Wette auf die Zukunft. Die Kurse vieler Aktien sind zudem bereits weit vorgeprescht, die Unternehmen an der Börse längst nicht mehr zu Schnäppchenpreisen zu haben. Hans-Jürgen Klisch vom US-Finanzhaus Raymond James & Associates empfiehlt Anlegern, vor allem auf Aktien bereits produzierender Lithium-Gesellschaften wie etwa SQM, FMC Corporation und auf die Chemetall-Mutter Rockwood zu setzen. Bei den unzähligen Explorationsgesellschaften und Junior-Minen, die sich mit der Lithium-Exploration beschäftigen, gehe der Anleger dagegen große Risiken ein, sagt Klisch.

      Der große Hoffnungswert der Investoren ist gleichzeitig nämlich auch die größte Unwägbarkeit. Werden die Menschen in Europa, den USA und im fernen Osten tatsächlich in den nächsten Jahren auf Elektroautos umsteigen? Günstig ist das nicht. Den Experten von BCG zufolge werden die entsprechenden Batterien auch in zehn Jahren noch 8 000 bis 10 000 US-Dollar kosten. Auch die Reichweite bleibt ein Problem. Batterien, die 500 Kilometer halten und dann in kurzer Zeit aufgeladen werden und somit mit Verbrennungsmotoren konkurrieren könnten, wird es so bald nicht geben. „Ohne wirkliche technologische Fortschritte bei den Technologie-Metallen wird die Elektroauto-Revolution in Schall und Rauch aufgehen“, warnt deshalb Gal Luft vom Institute for the Analysis of Global Security davor, den Zukunftstrend Elektromobilität als Selbstläufer zu sehen.

      Eine Sorge der Autobranche allerdings scheint unbegründet: „Lithium wird für die vorhersehbare Zukunft in den nachgefragten Mengen zur Verfügung stehen“, sagt Steffen Haber, Divisionsleiter Lithium bei Chemetall. Zuletzt hatten Experten vor einer möglichen Knappheit gewarnt. Der Grund für Habers Einschätzung liegt auf der Hand: Im Gegensatz zu Rohöl kann der größte Teil des einmal zum Einsatz gekommenen Lithiums recycelt und wiederverwendet werden.

      Begehrter Rohstoff


      Lithium wird vielseitig verwendet, in der Medizin beispielsweise, in Batterien für Handys, Laptops, Kameras, zukünftig in Fahrzeugmotoren.


      Auffällig ist die hohe regionale Konzentration von Lithium. 70 Prozent der Vorkommen befinden sich im Lithium-Dreieck Chile, Bolivien und Argentinien. Die Salzseen Salar de Atacama, Salar de Uyuni und Salar de Hombre Muerto bilden das größte Reservoir.
      schrieb am 02.03.10 11:21:34
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Na, da können wir die 20 Euronen ja wohl fest in den Focus nehmen.

      Gestern + 6,5 %. Solch einen Sprung hätte ich ROC gar nicht mehr

      Lassen wir uns weiter überraschen. Die 50,-- $ möchte ich dieses
      Jahr noch sehen.
      schrieb am 05.03.10 19:09:07
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Aha, daher läuft es heute bei ROC so restrictiv obwohl der Gesamt-
      markt gen Norden strebt. Nun, für heute mag das ja Berücksichtigung finden, aber ich denke, schon ab Anfang nächster Woche wird das
      vergessen sein.

      Sidoti Cuts Rockwood Holdings (ROC) to Neutral
      March 5, 2010 11:36 AM EST

      Sidoti & Co. has reduced its investment rating on Rockwood Holdings (NYSE: ROC) from Buy to Neutral today. The firm also maintained its $29 price target.

      The stock is moving modestly lower this morning, now down about 0.5% to $26.39.

      To stay up-to-date on all the upgrades/downgrades on shares of Rockwood, visit our Analyst Ratings page.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. engages in the development, manufacture, and marketing of specialty chemicals and advanced materials for industrial and commercial purposes worldwide.
      schrieb am 05.03.10 22:00:19
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Bombig, was wir hier die letzten Tage gemacht haben.
      Weiter so.

      Schönes WE
      schrieb am 10.03.10 16:04:59
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      So, nachdem ROC nun ca. 5 % korrigiert hat, habe ich mir nochmal
      350 Stück gegönnt, denn ich denke daß die Aktie nur Luft holt, um
      dann mit Schwung durch 20,-- € zu laufen.

      Schaun mer mal.

      Sonst noch jemand hier investiert oder heißt es: "Karlll allein zu
      schrieb am 10.03.10 16:05:26
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      So, nachdem ROC nun ca. 5 % korrigiert hat, habe ich mir nochmal
      350 Stück gegönnt, denn ich denke daß die Aktie nur Luft holt, um
      dann mit Schwung durch 20,-- € zu laufen.

      Schaun mer mal.

      Sonst noch jemand hier investiert oder heißt es: "Karlll allein zu
      schrieb am 12.03.10 15:42:21
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      12.03.2010 15:11
      Rockwood's New Color Pigment is Powered by the Sun

      Rockwood Pigments, a leading manufacturer of innovative inorganic pigments and business unit of Rockwood Holdings Inc. (NYSE: ROC), announces the introduction of a new generation of iron oxide color pigment fused with functional properties that respond to sunlight to enable surfaces to self-clean, reduce air pollutants and inhibit microbial growth. The new pigment, called Solarox™ (patent-pending), is the first colored pigment of its kind with photo-catalytic properties.

      Rockwood Pigments, in collaboration with the University of Turin, world-renowned for its expertise in the field of photo-catalysis, has developed a manufacturing process which merges the coloring power of iron oxide pigments with the photo-catalytic properties of titanium dioxide. The resulting Solarox™ pigment is available in the complete range of yellow, red and black iron oxide color shades that can be blended to create a spectrum of brown, gold, tan and buff color combinations.

      "Solarox™ represents a completely new approach in color pigment development as we combine the aesthetic appeal of color with the functional power of photo-catalysis, powered by natural light," says Rockwood Pigment's President, Andrew Ross. "Through this development, we believe that we will accelerate the interest in and consumption of construction products with photo-catalytic properties. The initial response from customers reinforces our belief in the ultimate success of this product launch. Solarox™ will revolutionise the way color is used, moving beyond aesthetic appeal to providing a positive benefit to our environment".

      Solarox™ pigments demonstrate the same high-durability, fade-resistance and wide application of standard iron oxides. Tests at the University of Turin have confirmed the powerful photo-catalytic properties of Solarox™ and its suitability for use in construction materials such as concrete masonry, pavers, plaster, stucco, roofing materials, wall renderings and decorative concrete.

      Mr. Ross adds "It is easy to adopt Solarox™ technology in traditional concrete products. The concrete product manufacturing process will not be altered. There is no new pigment handling equipment required and no need for product reformulation, other than switching to Solarox™. A customer currently making colored concrete products can easily incorporate the benefits of photo-catalytic properties simply by substituting conventional iron oxide pigments with Solarox™."

      Interest in photo-catalytic properties in construction materials is increasing in response to the desire for environmentally compatible construction materials for new-build projects, refurbishments, renovations and the growing trend towards 'green' buildings.

      Solarox™ pigments comply with existing industry standards for iron oxides. They are compliant with ASTM and European DIN/ISO standards and classified as non-hazardous.

      For further information on Solarox™ visit
      schrieb am 15.03.10 06:32:12
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      15.03.2010 06:00
      Rockwood and Piedmont Regional Government Sign MOU for Research Grant in Italy

      Rockwood Italia, a subsidiary of Rockwood Holdings Inc. (NYSE: ROC) which includes Rockwood Color Pigments and its Turin manufacturing facilities, today signed a memorandum of understanding with the Regional Government of Piedmont in Italy to advance its development work on a new generation of cathode materials. Specifically, the efforts will utilize Rockwood's lithium and particle synthesis technology, targeting the expanding market for energy storage devices for the automotive sector.

      Rockwood, in collaboration with the Politecnico, the world-class engineering university in Turin, is seeking a € 5-7 Million grant from the economic development agency of the Regional Government of Piedmont. Subject to completion of final negotiations between Rockwood and the regional government, the requested grant will fund the investment in a pilot-scale manufacturing unit to process targeted cathode materials for the new generation of electric batteries required by the automotive sector. Rockwood's excellent relationship with the Politecnico and Piedmont's regional government are founded on the longstanding, successful industrial presence of Rockwood's Color Pigments Division in Turin, the regional capital.

      Rockwood Holdings Inc., Princeton, N.J., U.S.A. Rockwood Holdings, Inc. is a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of more than 9,500 people and annual net sales of approximately $3 billion. The company focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit
      schrieb am 08.04.10 16:35:18
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      08.04.2010 16:02
      Rockwood Holdings to Present at Deutsche Bank 2010 Alternative Energy Conference; Panel Discussion on Vehicle Electrification to feature CEO Seifi Ghasemi

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC), a global producer of specialty chemicals and advanced materials and the largest producer of lithium and lithium compounds, will participate in the Deutsche Bank 2010 Alternative Energy, Utilities&Power Conference in Washington, DC. Seifi Ghasemi, chairman and chief executive officer of Rockwood, will make a presentation on the company's strategy and diversified portfolio of businesses on Wednesday, May 12th, at 8:55 am.

      In addition, Mr. Ghasemi will participate in a panel discussion at 2:30 pm that afternoon entitled: Vehicle Electrification, Laying the Groundwork for Mass Adoption. The panel is scheduled to include fellow members of the Electrification Coalition, a nonpartisan group of business leaders committed to promoting policies and actions that facilitate the deployment of electric vehicles on a mass scale in the US. Scheduled at this time, in addition to Mr. Ghasemi, are David Crane, CEO of NRG Energy, Inc., and David Vieau, CEO of A123 Systems, Inc. For more information on the Electrification Coalition, view the following links to a video and economic impact study:…

      A listen-only, live webcast link for the presentation along with the PowerPoint file will be available at Following the conference, the webcast and PowerPoint file will be archived on Rockwood's website.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. is a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,500 people and annual net sales of approximately $3 billion. The company focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit
      schrieb am 12.04.10 13:46:54
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Wer zahlt den eigentlich diese Mondpreise von 5 % über pari hier in

      Ich finde keine Infos, die diesen Kursaufschlag rechtfertigen.

      Weiß jemand etwas, das ich nicht weiß?

      Gruß Karlll
      schrieb am 21.04.10 15:33:00
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      was seht ihr als Kursziel

      schrieb am 21.04.10 15:42:08
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.375.835 von pummel1310 am 21.04.10 15:33:00150 US-$

      schrieb am 29.04.10 13:22:40
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      Nun, da bin ich mal auf die Wallstreet-Eröffnung gespannt, um zu
      sehen ob die Devise dort lautet: Sell on good News, denn die Nach-
      richten für das erste Quartal sind prächtig.

      29.04.2010 13:08
      Rockwood Reports Strong First Quarter Results

      Net sales up 26.3%; Adjusted EBITDA up 51.1%; as reported EPS from continuing operations of $0.48 vs. $(0.05); as Adjusted EPS from continuing operations of $0.47 vs. $(0.02)

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC), a global producer of specialty chemicals and advanced materials, today announced results for the first quarter of 2010.

      Commenting on Rockwood's performance, Seifi Ghasemi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said, "When we announced our 2009 results in February, we made the following comments:

      * Rockwood's first quarter 2010 sales would rebound significantly from the levels of the first quarter of last year.
      * Rockwood has significant profit potential in an upturn in economic activity.
      * Rockwood has the potential to deliver Adjusted EBITDA margins approaching 20 percent when sales improve.

      "Our strong first quarter results confirm all three statements. Our net sales are up 26.3 percent, and our Adjusted EBITDA improved by 51.1 percent compared to the first quarter of last year. More importantly, our Adjusted EBITDA margins were 19.8 percent, one of the highest we have achieved since becoming a public company. In addition, we generated $35.6 million of free cash in the first quarter.

      "These results, once again, demonstrate the strength of Rockwood's diverse portfolio of specialty businesses. Our inorganic raw material costs remain stable, and we continue to benefit from our disciplined approach to pricing and rigorous cost control. In addition, all of our segments increased their sales and profits in the first quarter of 2010 versus the same period last year."

      The highlights from continuing operations for the first quarter ended March 31, 2010 are as follows:

      * Net sales were $833.9 million, up 26.3% compared to $660.0 million for the same period in the prior year.
      * Adjusted EBITDA was $165.0 million, up 51.1% compared to $109.2 million for the same period in the prior year.
      * On a constant-currency basis, net sales were up 20.0% and Adjusted EBITDA was up 43.4%.
      * Net income attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. for the first quarter of 2010 was $36.9 million, including income of $0.9 million related to after-tax net special items. Net loss attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. for the first quarter of 2009 was $(3.8) million, including after-tax net special charges of $2.0 million.
      * Diluted earnings per share for the first quarter of 2010 were $0.48, including income of $0.01 related to after-tax net special items. Excluding net special items, diluted earnings per share were $0.47 in the first quarter of 2010. Diluted loss per share for the first quarter of 2009 was $(0.05), including after-tax net special charges of $0.03. Excluding net special charges, diluted loss per share was $(0.02) in the first quarter of 2009.

      Commenting on the outlook, Mr. Ghasemi said, "Although we are experiencing levels of business activity which are healthier than last year, it is difficult to assess the impact that replenishment of our customer inventories is having on sales. So we remain cautious about the level of business activity for the rest of the year. However, with our diverse portfolio of specialty businesses, our stable inorganic raw material base, our pricing discipline and continued focus on controlling costs, we expect to maintain strong profit margins as we move forward. We will, as always, remain focused on organic growth, generating cash and improving our leverage ratio."

      First quarter results, as compared with the same period a year ago, are summarized below:

      * Specialty Chemicals: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA increased 28.5% and 46.7%, respectively.
      o In our Fine Chemicals business, higher volumes of lithium products and metal sulfide applications were partially offset by lower selling prices of potash and lithium carbonate.
      o In our Surface Treatment business, higher volumes in all markets, particularly in automotive and coil/cold forming applications and lower raw material costs had a favorable impact on our results.
      * Performance Additives: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA increased 14.1% and 43.2%, respectively.
      o Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA were up primarily from higher volumes of oilfield and coatings and inks applications in our Clay-based Additives business and higher volumes primarily of coatings application products in our Color Pigments and Services business.
      * Titanium Dioxide Pigments: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA increased 30.3% and 42.8%, respectively.
      o Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA were up primarily from higher volumes in most applications.
      * Advanced Ceramics: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA increased 41.9% and 107.9%, respectively.
      o Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA were up primarily from higher volumes in all applications, particularly medical, electronics and mechanical systems.
      o Adjusted EBITDA was also favorably impacted by productivity improvements.
      * Specialty Compounds: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA increased 17.0% and 16.7%, respectively.
      o Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA were up primarily from higher volumes in most applications, including wire and cable and consumer/industrial applications.
      * Corporate and other: Corporate costs increased in the first quarter of 2010 primarily due to higher incentive compensation-related costs.
      * Other Items:
      o Restructuring and other severance costs of $2.2 million were recorded in the first quarter of 2010 primarily in our Color Pigments and Services business.
      o Interest expense, net decreased $7.5 million in the first quarter of 2010 compared to the same period in the prior year. The first quarter of 2010 included non-cash gains of $2.1 million and the first quarter of 2009 included non-cash losses of $9.6 million, representing the movement in the mark-to-market valuation of our interest rate hedges. Excluding the impact of these gains and losses, interest expense, net increased $4.2 million primarily due to higher interest rates related to the amendment of our senior secured credit facility in June 2009, partially offset by the termination of interest rate swaps in November 2009 and debt repayments.
      o Income taxes. The effective tax rate for the first quarter of 2010 was 32.3% and was favorably impacted by lower domestic tax losses for which we receive no tax benefit due to a valuation allowance.
      o Free cash flow was an inflow of $35.6 million for the first quarter of 2010. This amount consisted of net cash provided by operating activities of $64.7 million plus special items and other, net of $6.0 million, less capital expenditures, net of $35.1 million.
      o Net debt, which is total debt less cash and cash equivalents, was $2,121.1 million as of March 31, 2010 compared to $2,227.8 million as of December 31, 2009. The decrease in net debt was primarily due to the cash flow generated from operations in the first quarter of 2010.

      Conference Call and Webcast

      We will host a conference call and webcast to discuss the results of operations for the first quarter ended March 31, 2010 on Thursday, April 29, 2010 at 11:00 am Daylight Savings Time. The dial-in number to access the conference call in the U.S. is (800) 398-9367 and the international dial-in number is (612) 332-0228. No access code is needed for either call. A replay of the conference call will be available through June 16, 2010 at (800) 475-6701 in the U.S., access code: 150483, and internationally at (320) 365-3844, access code: 150483.

      A listen only, live webcast of the conference call will be available at Materials for the call, including a PowerPoint file detailing the results, will be available for download on the site on the morning of the call. The webcast and PowerPoint file will be archived on Rockwood's website.

      Non-GAAP Financial Measures

      This press release includes "non-GAAP financial measures," such as, a discussion of Adjusted EBITDA, free cash flow and net income (loss)/diluted earnings (loss) per share from continuing operations attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. excluding certain items. Adjusted EBITDA is not intended to be an alternative to net income attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. as an indicator of operating performance or to cash flows from operating activities as a measure of liquidity. Additionally, Adjusted EBITDA is not intended to be a measure of free cash flow for management's discretionary use, as it does not consider certain cash requirements such as interest payments, tax payments and debt service requirements. All presentations of consolidated Adjusted EBITDA are calculated using the definition set forth in the senior secured credit agreement as a basis and reflects management's interpretations thereof. Adjusted EBITDA, which is referred to under the senior secured credit agreement as "Consolidated EBITDA," is defined in the senior secured credit agreement as consolidated earnings (which, as defined in the senior secured credit agreement, equals income (loss) before the deduction of income taxes of Rockwood Specialties Group, Inc. and the Restricted Subsidiaries (as such term is defined in the senior secured credit agreement), excluding extraordinary items) plus certain items including interest expense, depreciation expense, amortization expense, extraordinary losses and non-recurring charges, losses on asset sales, less certain items including extraordinary gains and non-recurring gains, non-cash gains and gains on asset sales. We use Adjusted EBITDA on a consolidated basis to assess our operating performance, to calculate performance-based cash bonuses and determine whether certain performance-based options and restricted stock units vest (as such bonuses, options and restricted stock units are tied to Adjusted EBITDA), and as a liquidity measure. In addition, we use Adjusted EBITDA to determine compliance with our debt covenants. We also use Adjusted EBITDA on a segment basis as the primary measure used by our chief operating decision maker to evaluate the ongoing performance of our business segments and reporting units. A reconciliation of net income (loss) attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. to Adjusted EBITDA is contained in this press release. We strongly urge you to review the reconciliation. In addition, we discuss sales growth in terms of nominal (actual) and net change (nominal less constant currency impacts). Free cash flow is not intended to be an alternative to cash flows from operating activities as a measure of liquidity. Our presentation of free cash flow is defined as net cash from operating activities from continuing operations, plus special items and other, net less capital expenditures, net (includes proceeds on the sale of property, plant and equipment and excludes sales of property, plant and equipment related to sales of businesses). Management believes that free cash flow is meaningful to investors because it provides an additional measure of liquidity. Neither net income (loss) from continuing operations attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. excluding certain items nor diluted earnings (loss) per share from continuing operations attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. excluding certain items is intended to be an alternative for net income (loss) or diluted earnings (loss) per share. Management believes that net income (loss) and diluted earnings (loss) per share from continuing operations attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. excluding certain items is meaningful to investors because it provides a view of the Company with respect to ongoing operating results. Reconciliations of these non-GAAP financial measures are included herein. These non-GAAP measures should not be viewed as an alternative to GAAP measures of performance. Furthermore, these measures may not be consistent with similar measures provided by other companies.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. is a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,500 people and annual net sales of approximately $3.0 billion. Rockwood focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit

      The information set forth in this press release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 concerning the business, operations and financial condition of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Rockwood"). Words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "forecasts," "predicts" and variations of such words or expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although Rockwood believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that its expectations will be realized. "Forward-looking statements" consist of all non-historical information, including any statements referring to the prospects and future performance of Rockwood. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in Rockwood's forward-looking statements due to numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties, including, among other things, the "Risk Factors" described in Rockwood's 2009 Form 10-K on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Rockwood does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which any such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

      Wer das komplette Zahlenwerk möchte, hier ist der Link:…
      schrieb am 30.04.10 08:36:17
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      gestern +17% wieso?
      schrieb am 30.04.10 09:51:01
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.430.170 von pummel1310 am 30.04.10 08:36:17Mir fehlen die Worte.
      schrieb am 30.04.10 10:00:18
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      ist schon klar, die guten Reports, aber deshalb gleich so nach oben- ist ja super
      schrieb am 30.04.10 10:05:57
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.430.931 von pummel1310 am 30.04.10 10:00:18Richtig,

      da trinke ich morgen am 1.5. ein extra Hefeweizen auf ROC.
      schrieb am 03.05.10 08:13:35
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Monday May 3, 2010

      Chile Plans to Open Up Lithium Mining, Minister Says (Update3)
      April 30, 2010, 4:45 PM EDT

      More From Businessweek

      By Matt Craze

      April 30 (Bloomberg) -- Chile’s government plans to send a bill to congress that would remove lithium’s status as a strategic resource, allowing foreign companies to compete with top world producer Soc. Quimica y Minera de Chile SA.

      The government will meet with representatives of the lithium industry to discuss the proposal, Mining Minister Laurence Golborne said today in an interview in Santiago. Lithium is used in anti-depressant drugs and in batteries for iPods and mobile phones.

      “Opening up exploitation has advantages for any industry,” Golborne said, without elaborating. He said the government will meet with industry participants who have raised “objections” to the plan.

      Changing the status of lithium mining would allow companies to compete with Soquimich, based in Santiago, and Rockwood Holdings Inc., based in Princeton, New Jersey. They control 70 percent of the world’s low-cost lithium from a salt flat in Chile’s Atacama Desert.

      “It brings a lot of noise and uncertainty to the industry and potentially it’s a killer for Soquimich and Rockwood,” said Cesar Perez, managing director of Celfin Capital SA, who rates Soquimich a “buy.”

      Soquimich fell as much as 103 pesos or 0.6 percent today and closed at 18,800 pesos in Santiago. Rockwood fell as much as 0.9 percent and closed at $29.94 in New York. The stock has risen 143 percent in the past 12 months.

      Retain Restrictions

      Chile’s government should retain restrictions on lithium mining because there is an “abundance” of the metal’s reserves in the world, Soquimich’s Chief Executive Officer Patricio Contesse told reporters yesterday.

      Chile decreed in 1979 that only state-owned companies can tap lithium found in pools underneath salt lakes in the desert, Contesse said. Chile is the only country in the world that restricts lithium mining, he said.

      More than 60 mining companies have begun studies to tap lithium deposits worth $1 billion from Argentina to Serbia as demand is expected to surge as automakers use it in hybrid car batteries, the New York Times reported March 12.

      Australia’s Orocobre Ltd. signed an agreement with an affiliate of Toyota Motor Corp. to develop a mine in Argentina that will provide raw materials for vehicles powered by lithium- ion batteries.

      To contact the editor responsible for this story: Dale Crofts at
      Sponsored Links
      schrieb am 03.05.10 11:33:39
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      09:36 Uhr
      Elektroauto-Profiteur Rockwood mit gewaltigem Kurssprung

      Marion Schlegel
      Experten rechnen in den nächsten Jahren mit einem wahren Boom bei Elektroautos. Der Schlüsselrohstoff dieser neuen Technologie ist Lithium. Die großen Profiteure sind die Lithium-Produzenten. Ein großer Player ist Rockwood Holdings. Bereits im ersten Quartal 2010 gelang dem Konzern der Sprung in die Gewinnzone. Dies dürfte aber erst der Anfang gewesen sein.

      Der US-Spezialchemiekonzern und Profiteur des Elektroautobooms Rockwood Holdings hat erstklassige Zahlen für das erste Quartal des laufenden Jahres gemeldet. Demnach gelang dem Lithiumspezialisten der Sprung in die Gewinnzone. Von Januar bis März verdiente Rockwood 36,9 Millionen Dollar oder 0,48 Dollar je Aktie. Im vergleichbaren Vorjahreszeitraum musste der Konzern noch einen Verlust in Höhe von 1,5 Millionen Dollar beziehungsweise 0,05 Dollar je Anteilschein ausweisen. Einmaleffekte ausgeklammert erwirtschaftete Rockwood 36 Millionen Dollar oder 0,47 Dollar je Aktie, nach einem Verlust von 1,8 Millionen Dollar oder 0,02 Dollar je Aktie im Vorjahr. Damit konnte die Gesellschaft die Erwartungen der Analysten, die lediglich von einem Gewinn von 0,21 Dollar je Aktie ausgegangen waren, mehr als deutlich übertreffen. Auch der Umsatz lag über den Prognosen der Experten. Dieser stieg um 26,3 Prozent auf 833,9 Millionen Dollar. Erwartet wurden lediglich 775,23 Millionen Dollar.

      Anleger können jubeln

      Dementsprechend erfreut zeigten sich die Börsianer über dieses hervorragende Ergebnis. Die Aktie von Rockwood schoss förmlich in die Höhe. Nach Bekanntwerden der Meldung kletterte der Wert am Donnerstag zeitweise um mehr als 17 Prozent. Da sich der Elektroautoboom aber gerade erst am Anfang befindet, dürften dem Lithium-Produzenten goldene Zeiten bevorstehen. Anleger können deswegen auch jetzt noch zugreifen, sichern sich aber mit einem Stopp bei 17,70 Euro ab. Anleger, die mehr über den Elektroautoboom sowie den zukünftigen Megatrend Lithium und dessen Gewinner erfahren möchten, laden sich hier den großen Spezialreport "Megatrend mit fantastischen Gewinnchancen: Die heißesten Lithium-Aktien" herunter.

      Neuer Lithium-Fonds: Profitieren vom Elektroauto-Boom 14.03.2010
      Experten rechnen in den kommenden Jahren mit dem großen Siegeszug von Elektroautos. Nach der Meinung von Warren Buffett wird es 2030 kein Neufahrzeug mehr ohne Elektroantrieb geben. Dementsprechend gefragt wird der Schlüsselrohstoff der neue Technologie, Lithium, sein. Anleger können nun auch über einen Fonds von den Kurssteigerungen der Lithium-Produzenten-Aktien profitieren....mehr

      Megatrend mit fantastischen Gewinnchancen: Die heißesten Lithium-Aktien 09.03.2010
      Ist dieser Rohstoff das neue Öl? Fast alles spricht dafür. Viele Wachstumsbranchen setzen auf Lithium. Vom Smartphone über Elektroautos bis hin zu regenerativen Energien. Wenn leichte und leistungsfähige Akkus gebraucht werden, ist Lithium die erste Wahl. Mit diesen Unternehmen gehören Sie zu den Gewinnern des Batterie-Booms. ...mehr
      schrieb am 06.05.10 17:02:08
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      06.05.2010 15:13
      Seifi Ghasemi, CEO of Rockwood, to Participate in Panel Discussion on Vehicle Electrification at Deutsche Bank Alternative Energy Conference Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Washington, DC May 12, 2010

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc.:

      What: Seifi Ghasemi, Rockwood's Chairman and CEO to be featured in:
      Panel discussion on "Vehicle Electrification: Laying the Groundwork for Mass Adoption"
      - exploring the challenges and solutions involved in creating widespread acceptance of
      electric vehicles.


      Washington, DC - Mandarin Oriental Hotel

      1330 Maryland Avenue, SW


      Wednesday, May 12, 2010

      (Conference begins Tuesday, May 11 and continues through May 12)


      1. 8:55 a.m. eastern time

      Rockwood corporate presentation at the investment conference.

      2. 2:30 p.m. eastern time

      Panel discussion as described above.

      A listen-only, live webcast link for the presentation and the panel discussion - along with the related PowerPoint presentation file - will be available that day at Following the conference, the webcast and PowerPoint file will be archived on Rockwood's website.

      For Further

      See for detailed information on Rockwood






      Timothy McKenna

      Vice President, Investor Relations& Communications



      Rockwood Holdings, Inc.
      Timothy McKenna, 609-734-6430
      Vice President, Investor Relations&Communications

      © 2010 Business Wire
      schrieb am 10.05.10 11:48:38
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      -3% obwohl der Markt boomt?

      nicht nachvollziehbar?
      schrieb am 10.05.10 13:09:12
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.490.769 von pummel1310 am 10.05.10 11:48:38Sag mal Pummel, wo informierst Du Dich eigentlich? Minus 3%, hab ich
      hier nicht.

      Der Spread allein beträgt in Stuttgart 1,38 €.

      Da guckst Du halt heute abend noch mal zwischen 19 und 20 Uhr.

      schrieb am 10.05.10 14:54:04
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Kurs lt. Depot Comdirect heute vormittag gegen 10 Uhr
      sorry, wenn ich Verwirrung gestiftet hätte
      schrieb am 10.05.10 15:44:24
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.492.169 von pummel1310 am 10.05.10 14:54:04Nö, hast keine Verwirrung gestiftet. Ist ja alles Bestens.

      ROC gewinnt derzeit in Amiland 7%. So kann es bleiben und dann besser
      schrieb am 11.05.10 13:50:42
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Also, wenn ich die Earnings des 1. Quartals mal in der gleichen Höhe
      voraussetze, dann wären wir bei 4 x 0,48 Cent = 1,92$.

      Der jetzige Kurs beträgt 27,08 Dollar. Wir hätten also ein diesjähri-
      ges KGV von 14,1.

      Ich denke, da ist ROC noch sehr moderat bewertet und es besteht noch
      reichlich Potential gen Norden.

      schrieb am 12.05.10 10:26:48
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Rockwood introduces Solarox; powered by Sun
      May 12, 2010 (USA)

      Rockwood Pigments, a leading manufacturer of innovative inorganic pigments and business unit of Rockwood Holdings Inc, announces the introduction of a new generation of iron oxide color pigment fused with functional properties that respond to sunlight to enable surfaces to self-clean, reduce air pollutants and inhibit microbial growth. The new pigment, called Solarox (patent-pending), is the first colored pigment of its kind with photo-catalytic properties.

      Rockwood Pigments, in collaboration with the University of Turin, world-renowned for its expertise in the field of photo-catalysis, has developed a manufacturing process which merges the coloring power of iron oxide pigments with the photo-catalytic properties of titanium dioxide. The resulting Solarox pigment is available in the complete range of yellow, red and black iron oxide color shades that can be blended to create a spectrum of brown, gold, tan and buff color combinations.

      “Solarox represents a completely new approach in color pigment development as we combine the aesthetic appeal of color with the functional power of photo-catalysis, powered by natural light,” says Rockwood Pigment’s President, Andrew Ross. “Through this development, we believe that we will accelerate the interest in and consumption of construction products with photo-catalytic properties. The initial response from customers reinforces our belief in the ultimate success of this product launch.

      Solarox will revolutionise the way color is used, moving beyond aesthetic appeal to providing a positive benefit to our environment”.

      Solarox pigments demonstrate the same high-durability, fade-resistance and wide application of standard iron oxides. Tests at the University of Turin have confirmed the powerful photo-catalytic properties of Solarox and its suitability for use in construction materials such as concrete masonry, pavers, plaster, stucco, roofing materials, wall renderings and decorative concrete.

      Mr. Ross adds “It is easy to adopt Solarox technology in traditional concrete products. The concrete product manufacturing process will not be altered. There is no new pigment handling equipment required and no need for product reformulation, other than switching to Solarox. A customer currently making colored concrete products can easily incorporate the benefits of photo-catalytic properties simply by substituting conventional iron oxide pigments with Solarox.”

      Interest in photo-catalytic properties in construction materials is increasing in response to the desire for environmentally compatible construction materials for new-build projects, refurbishments, renovations and the growing trend towards ‘green’ buildings.

      Solarox pigments comply with existing industry standards for iron oxides. They are compliant with ASTM and European DIN/ISO standards and classified as non-hazardous.

      Rockwood’s Color Pigments & Services Division is one of the largest worldwide suppliers of colored pigments for construction, coatings, plastics and specialty applications. The Division’s manufacturing sites and customer service centers are located in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Australia and China with additional sales offices located in Singapore and Hong Kong.

      Rockwood Pigments
      schrieb am 12.05.10 15:44:58
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      ROC derzeit mit über 4% im Plus. Na, da scheint die Conference ja
      Positives bewirkt zu haben und einige Investoren sind der Ansicht,
      daß sie hier dabei sein müssen.

      06.05.2010 15:13
      Seifi Ghasemi, CEO of Rockwood, to Participate in Panel Discussion on Vehicle Electrification at Deutsche Bank Alternative Energy Conference Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Washington, DC May 12, 2010

      Gruß Karlll
      schrieb am 12.05.10 19:17:48
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Gute Güte.

      Ein Up von über 10% Plus momentan. Das schreit ja förmlich danach,daß
      ein paar Teilnehmer zum Sitzungsende auf Cash gehen und morgen in
      Ruhe den Himmelfahrtstag begehen.

      Gruß Karlll
      schrieb am 17.05.10 17:40:21
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      17.05.2010 13:04
      Rockwood Holdings Chairman and CEO, Seifi Ghasemi, Urges Further Electrification of U.S. Transportation to Ensure National, Economic and Environmental Security

      Seifi Ghasemi, chairman and chief executive officer of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC),speaking at an alternative energy conference in Washington D.C., urged policymakers and others to recognize that "electrification of our transportation system is essential for the future ."

      Mr. Ghasemi made his comments at a panel, "Vehicle Electrification, Laying the Groundwork for Mass Adoption," at the Deutsche Bank Alternative Energy Conference, which included other members of that Coalition. Following is the text of his opening statement:

      "The first point I want to make is why we are convinced electrification of our transportation system is essential for the future," Mr. Ghasemi said. "Our current way of life, and to some extent, our day-to-day existence is totally dependent on a transportation system which is powered by the internal combustion engine. To maintain this means of transportation, we are dependent on imported oil. This dependence, especially in the last 40 years, has created three significant problems for the United States and the western world in general. They are:

      * national security
      * economic security
      * "environmental sustainability."

      Mr. Ghasemi's went on to explain, "On the national security front, we are dependent on oil from very unstable and hostile regions of the world. Therefore, to secure the flow of oil, we are spending billions of dollars to have a military presence in the Persian Gulf and other strategic parts of the world to ensure security of supply. To fuel our current transportation system based on the internal combustion engine, we are paying in treasure and blood. This cannot go on forever.

      "Second, on the issue of economic security, the United States alone spends close to $300-400 billion a year on imported oil to fuel our transportation system. This is a gigantic transfer of wealth to other, mostly hostile regions of the world. Considering our current national debt, this cannot continue for much longer either.

      "The third issue of environmental sustainability is obvious. Gasoline driven cars do pollute," Mr. Ghasemi said.

      He concluded, "We believe, strongly, that electrification of our transportation system is the only logical solution to the above problems. Nuclear energy, wind power or solar energy alone will not make us free of imported oil. As long as our transportation system is based on the internal combustion engine we will be dependant on imported oil.

      That is why we think electrification of the transportation system is the right way to move forward. Thus, we are very supportive of the actions taken, and policy proposals put forth by the Electrification Coalition.

      "As a leading producer of lithium, we at Rockwood will do our best to ensure an adequate and secure supply of lithium to power the lithium ion batteries for electric cars of the future."

      Rockwood Holdings is a global producer of specialty chemicals and advanced materials and the largest producer of lithium and lithium compounds. The company is also a founding member of the Electrification Coalition, a nonpartisan group of business leaders committed to promoting policies and actions that facilitate the deployment of electric vehicles on a mass scale in the United States.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. is a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,500 people and annual net sales of approximately $3 billion. The company focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit

      The information set forth in this press release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 concerning the business, operations and financial condition of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Rockwood"). Words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "forecasts," "predicts" and variations of such words or expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although Rockwood believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that its expectations will be realized. "Forward-looking statements" consist of all non-historical information, including any statements referring to the prospects and future performance of Rockwood. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in Rockwood's forward-looking statements due to numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties, including, among other things, the "Risk Factors" described in Rockwood's 2009 Form 10-K on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Rockwood does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which any such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.


      Rockwood Holdings, Inc.
      Timothy McKenna, +1-609-734-6430
      schrieb am 20.05.10 21:52:05
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.510.192 von Karlll am 12.05.10 19:17:48Tja, das ist Börse live.

      Am 12.5. hatten wir einen Schlußkurs von 9,58 US-$.
      Momentan stehen wir bei 23,99 US-$.

      schrieb am 27.05.10 14:52:40
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      27.05.2010 14:33
      Rockwood Holdings to Present at Two Investment Conferences In Washington, DC, and New York City on June 2 and 3

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC), a global producer of specialty chemicals and advanced materials and the largest producer of lithium and lithium compounds, will participate in two investment conferences next week. At each, Seifi Ghasemi, chairman and chief executive officer of Rockwood, will make a presentation on the company's strategy and diversified portfolio of businesses. The conference details are:

      * The Credit Suisse 2010 Future of Energy Conference in Washington, DC, on Wednesday, June 2. The Rockwood presentation is scheduled at 1:40 pm.
      * The Goldman Sachs Basic Materials Conference 2010 in New York City on Thursday, June 3. The Rockwood presentation is scheduled at 9:10 am.

      A listen-only, live webcast link for both presentations, along with the respective PowerPoint files, will be available at Following the conference, the webcasts and PowerPoint files will be archived on Rockwood's website.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. is a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,500 people and annual net sales of approximately $3 billion. The company focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit

      The information set forth in this press release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 concerning the business, operations and financial condition of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Rockwood"). Words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "forecasts," "predicts" and variations of such words or expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although Rockwood believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that its expectations will be realized. "Forward-looking statements" consist of all non-historical information, including any statements referring to the prospects and future performance of Rockwood. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in Rockwood's forward-looking statements due to numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties, including, among other things, the "Risk Factors" described in Rockwood's 2009 Form 10-K on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Rockwood does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which any such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.


      Rockwood Holdings, Inc.
      Timothy McKenna, +1-609-734-6430
      schrieb am 27.05.10 14:56:13
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.559.961 von Karlll am 20.05.10 21:52:05Sorry, es sollte natürlich 29,58 heißen.

      Bernd Specht
      schrieb am 27.05.10 21:25:30
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      H e r z l i c h e n G l ü c k w u n s c h !!!

      Dieser Thread ist genau heute 1 Jahr alt und ROC hat sich bisher, wie
      ich finde, prächtig entwickelt, aber wir sind m. E. immer noch am

      Vor 1 Jahr standen wir bei 14,79 US-$.

      In einem Jahr werden wir sicher noch einmal einen Verdoppler bewerk-

      Gruß Karlll
      schrieb am 27.05.10 21:49:17
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      Sieht mal so aus, als wolle ROC in der Schlußviertelstunde noch
      ein klein wenig nachholen.

      Weiter gen Norden dann in der nächsten Woche.

      schrieb am 02.06.10 21:06:23
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      02.06.2010 20:45
      Rockwood Holdings CEO, Seifi Ghasemi, Urges Further Electrification of U.S. Transportation to Ensure National, Economic and Environmental Security

      Ghasemi's Presentation at Credit Suisse Conference Supports Congressional Legislation Introduced Last Week toward Vehicle Electrification

      Seifi Ghasemi, chairman and chief executive officer of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC),speaking today at a Credit Suisse Investment conference on the Future of Energy in Washington D.C., urged policymakers and others to recognize that "electrification of our transportation system is essential for the future."

      Specifically, Ghasemi urged that Congress give careful but prompt attention to legislation introduced last week in both the House and the Senate titled the "Electric Vehicle Deployment Act of 2010." He stressed, "I want to thank the sponsors of this proposed legislation for their vision and courage to move us forward toward a future where we are not dependent on imported oil."

      Mr. Ghasemi noted that to maintain a transportation system dependent on foreign oil creates and extends three significant problems for the United States and the Western world in general:

      * National security - "We import oil from very unstable and mostly hostile regions of the world. We are spending billions of dollars each year to have a military presence in the Middle East and other strategic parts of the world to ensure security of supply. To fuel our current transportation system, we are paying in treasure and blood."
      * Economic security - "The U.S. spends over $1 billion per day on imported oil, which is a gigantic transfer of wealth to other, mostly hostile, regions of the world."
      * Environmental security - "The issue is obvious. Gasoline powered cars do pollute."

      Mr. Ghasemi stressed, "We believe, strongly, that electrification of our transportation system is the only logical solution to the above problems. As long as cars run on gasoline, we will be depending on unstable and hostile regions of the world. The constructive policies proposed in the new legislation will go a long way to facilitate the orderly deployment of this technology in a specific geographic area to demonstrate full scale feasibility. The final goal is freedom from imported oil."

      The Electric Vehicle Deployment Act of 2010 was introduced on Thursday of last week to both houses of the U.S. Congress by House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming Chairman Ed Markey (D-MA), Rep. Judy Biggert (R-IL), Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) and Rep. Jerry McNerney (D-CA). The Senate bill, entitled the Electric Vehicle Deployment Act of 2010 is being introduced by Senators Byron Dorgan (D-ND), Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Jeff Merkley (D-OR).

      Mr. Ghasemi concluded, "For our part as a leading producer of lithium, we will do our best to ensure an adequate, clean and secure supply of lithium to power the lithium ion batteries for electric cars of the future."

      More information on the Electrification Coalition, the economics of vehicle electrification and the recently introduced legislation can be found at

      Rockwood Holdings is a global producer of specialty chemicals and advanced materials and the largest producer of lithium and lithium compounds. The company is also a founding member of the Electrification Coalition, a nonpartisan group of business leaders committed to promoting policies and actions that facilitate the deployment of electric vehicles on a mass scale in the United States.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. is a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,500 people and annual net sales of approximately $3 billion. The company focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit

      The information set forth in this press release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 concerning the business, operations and financial condition of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Rockwood"). Words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "forecasts," "predicts" and variations of such words or expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although Rockwood believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that its expectations will be realized. "Forward-looking statements" consist of all non-historical information, including any statements referring to the prospects and future performance of Rockwood. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in Rockwood's forward-looking statements due to numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties, including, among other things, the "Risk Factors" described in Rockwood's 2009 Form 10-K on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Rockwood does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which any such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.


      Rockwood Holdings, Inc.
      Timothy McKenna, +1-609-734-6430
      schrieb am 25.06.10 11:21:59
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      im moment gehts leider nur südwärts
      schrieb am 25.06.10 12:43:36
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.736.364 von pummel1310 am 25.06.10 11:21:59@ Pummel,
      Was aber nicht ursächlich an Rockwood liegt.

      Leider ist das Umfeld mit den allgemein bekannten Problemzonen bearish.
      schrieb am 05.07.10 14:14:24
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      Bericht zu ROC mit Video hier:…

      Gruß Karlll
      schrieb am 07.07.10 12:44:50
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      habe die Hoffnung verloren und bin heute mit sattem Minus raus
      wünsche euch alles Gute
      schrieb am 12.07.10 15:34:46
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      12.07.2010 14:40
      Rockwood begins expansion of Chemetall Foote lithium operation in Nevada

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC) has announced that its Chemetall Foote subsidiary has begun expansion of its lithium production operation in Silver Peak, Nevada. The project is funded in part by a $28.4 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to expand and upgrade the production of lithium materials for advanced transportation batteries.

      The Chemetall Foote operation, which is the only operating domestic lithium resource in the US, extracts lithium salts by brine evaporation in the Clayton Valley. The brine is pumped from salt-rich aquifers beneath the desert and evaporated in large ponds on the desert surface. The concentrated brine is then pumped to a production plant at Silver Peak where it is converted into lithium carbonate, the basic raw material for lithium compounds.

      The expansion activities include a well drilling program to begin in the next few months that will double the capacity of its lithium carbonate production. The Department of Energy grant is also being used to install a geothermal power plant which the company expects will make the operation self-sufficient for electric power. The company believes that the reduced energy costs will increase the global competitiveness of the operation and that the combination of solar and geothermal energy should supply more than 98% of the energy requirements at the site.

      As of June 2010, 20 new jobs have been created either by Chemetall Foote or by contractors directly working on projects for the site. During the peak of construction in 2011 and 2012, the project will employ 50 additional people between the company and its contractors. At the conclusion of the project in 2013 the site will employ 50 people, doubling the number of employees in 2009. As previously announced, the project is part of a $56.8 million expansion of Rockwood's lithium capabilities in the United States.

      Chemetall is the world's leading manufacturer of lithium-based compounds and an innovative developer of metal-based fine chemicals for use in specialty applications. Chemetall's lithium-based compounds are used in a variety of high growth applications, including base chemicals for numerous industries, drug intermediates, elastomers for car tires and rubber soles, lithium batteries, thermoplastic materials and high performance greases. Chemetall has lithium production facilities in the United States, Chile, Germany and Taiwan.

      Chemetall is part of Rockwood Holdings, Inc., a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,500 people and annual net sales of approximately $3 billion. The company focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit

      The information set forth in this press release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 concerning the business, operations and financial condition of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Rockwood"). Words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "forecasts," "predicts" and variations of such words or expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although Rockwood believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that its expectations will be realized. "Forward-looking statements" consist of all non-historical information, including any statements referring to the prospects and future performance of Rockwood. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in Rockwood's forward-looking statements due to numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties, including, among other things, the "Risk Factors" described in Rockwood's 2009 Form 10-K on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Rockwood does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which any such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.


      Rockwood Holdings, Inc.
      Timothy McKenna, 1-609-734-6430
      Thomas Krause, 49-69-7165-2232
      schrieb am 27.07.10 13:55:21
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      Nun, das sind ja wohl phantastische Zahlen. Mit dem vorsichtigen Ausblick, denke ich,
      läßt es sich gut leben. Mal sehen, wie der Markt in Amiland darauf reagiert.

      UPDATE 1-Rockwood Holdings Q2 beats Wall Street view
      Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:03am EDT

      * Q2 adj EPS $0.59 vs est. $0.39

      * Net sales from cont ops up 20 pct

      * Gives "cautious" outlook

      July 27 (Reuters) - Specialty chemicals maker Rockwood Holdings Inc (ROC.N) posted better-than-expected quarterly results, helped by strong demand, but presented a cautious outlook on macroeconomic concerns.

      "Although demand for our products remained strong throughout the second quarter and continues as we begin the third quarter, we are operating with a cautious outlook," Chief Executive Seifi Ghasemi said in a statement, citing his concerns about performance of the overall economy.

      Second-quarter net income from continuing operations was $52.4 million, or 68 cents a share, compared with $1.7 million, or 2 cents a share, a year earlier.

      Excluding items, the company, which is composed of 10 individual business units, earned 59 cents a share.

      Analysts expected 39 cents, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

      Net sales from continuing operations rose 20 percent to $874.5 million, above an estimated $833 million.

      Quarterly revenues from the key specialty chemicals business increased about 22 percent.

      The Princeton, New Jersey-based company's shares closed at $28.97 Monday on the New York Stock Exchange. (Reporting by Vinay Sarawagi in Bangalore; Editing by Vyas Mohan)
      schrieb am 27.07.10 15:53:42
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Excellente Nachrichten... und fallende Kurse.

      Bei dem Anstieg in den letzten Wochen werden hier sicher viele Momentum-Player an Bord

      Es geht aktuell 2,6 % nach unten.
      schrieb am 29.07.10 00:08:39
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      J.P. Morgan Reiterates Overweight on Rockwood Holdings (ROC)
      Michael J. Zerinskas
      Posted on 07/28/10 at 10:07am by Michael J. Zerinskas

      J.P. Morgan is out with a research report this morning, where it reiterates its Overweight rating on Rockwood Holdings Inc. (NYSE: ROC); it has a $35.00 price target on the stock.

      The JPM analysts cited the company’s most recent earnings report, where second quarter volumes improved 24% reflecting healthy demand in several end markets including automotive, construction, and electronics. Consolidated sales grew by 20%. JPM’s analysts have thus raised 2010 EBITDA projections from $656 million to $664 million.

      The analysts remarked that cash flow generation remains well above the level of earnings, which reflects “capital spending of $170M relative to D&A of $270M.” Rockwood remains well within its covenant limits of 4.25x and currently has a leverage ratio in of 2.36x, based on “senior secured net debt of $1,520M and 12-month trailing adjusted EBITDA of $643M.”

      The JPM analysts continue to rate Rockwood Overweight. They added, “ROC trades at an EV/EBITDA multiple of 6.0x based on our 2010 estimate and 5.5x based on our 2011 forecast relative to a peer group average of 4-7x. We introduced a December 2011 price target of $35 reflecting a 6.2x EBITDA multiple based on our revised 2011 forecast.”
      schrieb am 29.07.10 13:19:50
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      Im 1. Quartal gab es 47 Cent und jetzt im 2. Quartal 59 Cent.

      Wenn es keine Steigerung im 2. Hj. gäbe, sondern wieder 1,06 $ erlöst würden, wären wir
      bei 2,12 $ p. a. 2010.

      Und das entspricht beim jetzigen Kurs von 28,58 $ einem KGV von exakt 13,48.

      Nun, für diesen Zukuftswert unter dem Aspekt, daß EV nach und nach anstreben, den Markt
      zu durchringen, bleibt da noch viel Luft nach oben. Auf Dividende verzichte ich da gerne.

      schrieb am 17.08.10 15:38:32
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      ... und Phantasie im Rohstoffbereich gibt es heute reichlich nach dem Übernahmeangebot von
      BHP an POT.

      POT = + 25%
      SQM = + 7%
      ROC = + 4%

      Mal schaun, ob sich diese Tendenz verfestigt, oder ob es wieder gen Süden geht.

      schrieb am 24.08.10 17:26:58
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      Aug. 24, 2010, 8:09 a.m. EDT · Recommend · Post:
      Rockwood Holdings CEO Seifi Ghasemi to Address Electrification in Transportation at NYSE Opening Bell Reception on August 27

      PRINCETON, N.J., Aug 24, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Chairman and CEO of Rockwood Holdings /quotes/comstock/13*!roc/quotes/nls/roc (ROC 26.07, -0.62, -2.33%) Seifi Ghasemi will be the keynote speaker at a New York Stock Exchange pre-Opening Bell institutional reception, on Friday August 27, hosted by Global X Funds. He will share the podium with Bruno del Ama, CEO of Global X Funds, issuer of the recent Lithium exchange-traded fund (NYSEArca: LIT).

      "We are pleased to participate in Global X's advocacy efforts for lithium, which we believe will play a key role in what we see as the coming transportation revolution," said Rockwood Holdings CEO, Seifi Ghasemi. Rockwood is the largest producer of lithium and lithium compounds for a range of products including batteries, pharmaceuticals and advanced transportation batteries for electric and hybrid electric vehicles.

      Global X CEO, Bruno del Ama said, "We are honored to have Seifi with us to address what the energy and commodity worlds are talking about -- lithium and how to invest in it."

      The following is a confirmed schedule for the August 27th pre-Opening Bell Executive Breakfast and Industry Briefing at the NYSE:

      8:00 AM - 8:30 AM Breakfast at NYSE Boardroom
      8:30 AM - 8:40 AM Bruno del Ama, CEO of Global X Funds, "Introduction to Global X
      Commodity ETFs"
      8:40 AM - 9:05 AM Seifi Ghasemi, CEO of Rockwood Holdings, "The Future of Lithium"
      9:05 AM - 9:15 AM Gift Exchange by NYSE
      9:30 AM Opening Bell Ring

      schrieb am 30.08.10 22:41:04
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      Aug. 30, 2010, 4:05 p.m.
      KBR Awarded Contract by Chemetall Foote Corp. for Lithium Hydroxide Operation Expansion

      HOUSTON, Aug 30, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- KBR /quotes/comstock/13*!kbr/quotes/nls/kbr (KBR 23.14, -0.03, -0.13%) announced that its Downstream business unit has been awarded a contract to provide engineering and procurement services to Chemetall Foote Corp. (a subsidiary of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC)) for the addition of lithium hydroxide production at its current operation in Kings Mountain, North Carolina. The project is funded in part by a $28.4 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to expand and upgrade the production of lithium materials for advanced transportation batteries.

      The award of this contract follows the execution by KBR of various development services from Front-End Loading Feasibility through the current stage of the project. KBR will work in support of Chemetall Foote to help the company meet its goal of increasing lithium hydroxide production in response to an increase in demand and forecasted growth of electric vehicles. The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2011.

      "This award is significant as it represents a growing and relatively new industry within the energy sector," said John Quinn, President, KBR Downstream. "We are proud to build upon our existing relationship with Chemetall Foote and look forward to applying and expanding our capabilities in a growing market."

      The DOE grant funding is provided under the Electric Drive Vehicle Battery and Component Manufacturing Initiative (DE-FOA-0000026) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) that provides up to approximately $2 billion in federal stimulus funding to support the creation of American jobs while promoting the development of U.S.-based advanced battery production for the EDV market.

      KBR is a global engineering, construction and services company supporting the energy, hydrocarbon, government services, minerals, civil infrastructure, power and industrial markets. For more information, visit

      Chemetall Foote, a member of the Chemetall group headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany, is the world's leading manufacturer of lithium-based compounds and an innovative developer of metal-based fine chemicals for use in specialty applications. Chemetall's lithium-based compounds are used in a variety of high growth applications, including base chemicals for numerous industries, drug intermediates, elastomers for car tires and rubber soles, lithium batteries, thermoplastic materials and high performance greases.

      Chemetall has lithium production facilities in the United States, Chile, Germany and Taiwan. Rockwood Holdings, Inc., the parent company of Chemetall, is a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,500 people and annual net sales of approximately $3 billion. The company focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit

      schrieb am 31.08.10 14:20:37
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      Na, da wird doch bestimmt etwas für ROC dabeisein.

      Obama will schwache Konjunktur mit neuen Maßnahmen stützen
      Uhrzeit: 12:06

      Washington ( - Aufgrund der wachsenden Sorgen über einen Rückfall der US-Wirtschaft in die Rezession stellte Präsident Barack Obama die Einführung neuer Konjunktur stimulierender Maßnahmen in Aussicht. In Betracht komme unter anderem die Verlängerung von Steuererleichterungen für die Mittelschicht und Implementierung von Steuervergünstigungen für Unternehmen sowie ein Schub an Investitionen in Infrastruktur, Forschung und saubere Energien. Wie Obama vergangenen Montag weiter erklärte, sind die Wirtschaftsberater der Regierung fieberhaft mit der Ausarbeitung von Möglichkeiten zur Ankurbelung des Wirtschafts-und Stellenwachstums und der langfristigen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Landes beschäftigt. Die Bekanntgabe von entsprechenden Details soll in den kommenden Tagen und Wochen vonstatten gehen.
      schrieb am 10.09.10 21:09:09
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      10.09.2010 19:55
      Fitch Upgrades Rockwood's IDR to 'B+'; Outlook Stable

      Fitch Ratings has upgraded the Issuer Default Rating (IDR) and outstanding debt ratings on Rockwood Specialties Group, Inc. (Rockwood) as follows:

      --IDR to 'B+' from 'B';

      --Senior secured credit facility to 'BB+/RR1' from 'BB/RR1';

      --Senior secured term loans to 'BB+/RR1'from 'BB/RR1';

      --Senior subordinated notes to 'B+/RR4' from'B-/RR5'.

      The Rating Outlook is Stable.

      Rockwood's ratings reflect leading positions in many of its product lines, diversification by market and end-use, good profit margins, and consistent generation of free cash flow.

      Pro forma for the $200 million debt repayment on July 29, 2010, total debt was $2.1 billion or 3.33 times (x) latest 12 months EBITDA.

      Pro forma cash on hand at June 30, 2010 was $164 million and availability under the $180 million revolver due July 30, 2012 after $25.1 million in letters of credit was $155 million. Fitch expects cash generation after $170 million capital expenditures for 2010 to comfortably service debt. Current maturities are estimated as $31 million due in the second half of 2010, $73 million due in 2011, $228 million due in 2012, $204 million due in 2013 and $1.516 billion due in 2014.

      The senior secured credit facilities contain financial covenants. The maximum senior secured debt ratio of 4.25x through Sept. 30, 2010, and 4.00x thereafter, is defined as net senior secured debt (total debt excluding senior subordinated notes plus capital lease obligations minus cash up to a maximum of $100 million) to adjusted EBITDA. Rockwood reported that it complied with the senior secured debt ratio covenant limit with a ratio of 2.79x for the period ending June 30, 2010. There is a minimum interest coverage ratio of 2.00x defined as adjusted EBITDA to cash interest expense (interest expense, net excluding deferred debt issuance cost amortization and the movements in the mark-to-market value of the interest rate and cross-currency interest rate derivatives). Rockwood reported that it complied with the interest coverage ratio covenant limit with a ratio of 3.55x for the period ending June 30, 2010. Fitch expects Rockwood to be well within compliance with its covenants over the next 12-18 months.

      The Stable Outlook reflects Fitch's expectations that margins should remain stable, liquidity should remain ample and leverage should decline modestly over the next 12-18 months.

      Additional information is available at The issuer did not participate in the rating process other than through the medium of its public disclosure.
      schrieb am 13.09.10 19:49:08
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      Sieht mal so aus, als wollten sich vor der Conference noch einige Spieler eindecken.

      13.09.2010 18:58
      Rockwood Holdings to Present at Credit Suisse Chemical and Ag Science Conference

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC), a global producer of specialty chemicals and advanced materials, will make a presentation at 1 pm on Tuesday, September 14, at the Credit Suisse Chemical and Ag Science Conference in New York.

      Rockwood Chairman and CEO Seifi Ghasemi will review the company's portfolio of businesses and discuss the potential for lithium in the electrification of the transport system.

      A listen-only, live webcast link for the presentation along with the PowerPoint file will be available at Following the conference, the webcast and PowerPoint file will be archived on Rockwood's website.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. is a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,500 people and annual net sales of approximately $3 billion. The company focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit
      schrieb am 20.09.10 18:05:19
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      Aha, jetzt kommt die preisliche Seite ins Rollen.

      Sept. 20, 2010, 11:22 a.m.
      Chemetall Increases Organo Lithium Prices

      PRINCETON, N.J., Sep 20, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Chemetall a wholly owned subsidiary of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. /quotes/comstock/13*!roc/quotes/nls/roc (ROC 31.16, +0.35, +1.14%) announced today that effective October 1st, 2010, as contracts permit, prices for Organo Lithium products will be increased by 8 percent. The reasons to take this action are owing to the increased costs for energy, raw materials, solvents and transport. Chemetall wants further to maintain and to expand its capabilities as the leading supplier of Lithium products with excellent technical service and first class logistics.

      Chemetall continues to develop cost-effective and reliable sources of supply and has invested in new capacities and technologies. Appropriate prices are necessary to ensure that Chemetall will remain a long-term reliable and innovative partner for the company's global customers.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. is a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,500 people and annual net sales of approximately $3 billion. The company focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit

      The information set forth in this press release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 concerning the business, operations and financial condition of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Rockwood"). Words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "forecasts," "predicts" and variations of such words or expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although Rockwood believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that its expectations will be realized. "Forward-looking statements" consist of all non-historical information, including any statements referring to the prospects and future performance of Rockwood. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in Rockwood's forward-looking statements due to numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties, including, among other things, the "Risk Factors" described in Rockwood's 2009 Form 10-K on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Rockwood does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which any such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

      SOURCE: Rockwood Holdings, Inc.
      schrieb am 05.10.10 14:29:30
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      05.10.2010 13:51
      Rockwood Initiates Lithium Hydroxide Expansion in North Carolina

      Kings Mountain expansion funded by 50% matching grant from Department of Energy

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC) today announced that the expansion of its lithium production operation in Kings Mountain, NC, is proceeding from preparation to construction. The project is funded in part by a $28.4 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to expand and upgrade the production of lithium materials for advanced transportation batteries.

      The plant is being built at the existing Chemetall Foote Kings Mountain production site. When completed, the expansion will be a state-of-the-art facility to produce battery grade lithium hydroxide. Currently the site produces other lithium salts and lithium metal for primary batteries. Previous to the lithium hydroxide expansion project, the company purchased most of the major equipment and began site preparation work. Major civil and mechanical work at the site will begin after issuance of the recently completed environmental assessment. Chemetall Foote is a subsidiary of Rockwood Holdings.

      Commenting on the expansion plan, Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC) said, "Chemetall Foote is at the forefront of advanced battery technology. This Recovery Act grant will give the company the resources to increase the quality of lithium for next-generation batteries, which will create high-tech manufacturing jobs in our state. This funding is an investment in battery technology that will help power electric cars and reduce America's dependence on foreign oil."

      As of July 2010, 35 new jobs have been created either at Chemetall Foote or contractors directly working on projects for the site. During the peak of construction in 2011, the project will employ 68 additional people by the company and its contractors. At the conclusion of the project in 2012 the expansion will have created 22 permanent jobs bringing the total site headcount to approximately 130.

      The DOE grant funding is provided under the Electric Drive Vehicle Battery and Component Manufacturing Initiative (DE-FOA-0000026) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) that provides up to approximately $2 billion in federal stimulus funding to support the creation of American jobs while promoting the development of U.S.-based advanced battery production for the EDV market.

      Chemetall is the world's leading manufacturer of lithium-based compounds and an innovative developer of metal-based fine chemicals for use in specialty applications. Chemetall's lithium-based compounds are used in a variety of high growth applications, including base chemicals for numerous industries, drug intermediates, elastomers for car tires and rubber soles, lithium batteries, thermoplastic materials and high performance greases. Chemetall has lithium production facilities in the United States, Chile, Germany and Taiwan.

      Chemetall is part of Rockwood Holdings, Inc., a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,500 people and annual net sales of approximately $3 billion. The company focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit

      The information set forth in this press release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 concerning the business, operations and financial condition of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Rockwood"). Words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "forecasts," "predicts" and variations of such words or expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although Rockwood believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that its expectations will be realized. "Forward-looking statements" consist of all non-historical information, including any statements referring to the prospects and future performance of Rockwood. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in Rockwood's forward-looking statements due to numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties, including, among other things, the "Risk Factors" described in Rockwood's 2009 Form 10-K on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Rockwood does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which any such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.


      For Rockwood Holdings, Inc.
      Timothy McKenna, 1-609-734-6430
      Thomas Krause, 49-69-7165-2232
      schrieb am 14.10.10 15:46:15
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      Thursday October 14, 03:10 PM Reuters
      DCW in pact with Italy's Rockwood to set-up new plant

      MUMBAI (Reuters) - Chemicals maker DCW Ltd said on Thursday it has entered into an agreement with Italy's Rockwood Italia for setting up a synthetic iron oxide plant.

      Rockwood has also entered into an offtake agreement with DCW to buy 50 percent of the output from the proposed plant, it said in a statement to the National Stock Exchange (^NSEI : 6177.35 -56.55).

      The plant is expected to be commissioned in two years, it added.

      At 1.23 p.m., shares in the Indian firm were up 6.59 percent at 19.4 rupees in a flat Mumbai market.

      (Reporting by Swati Pandey; Editing by Harish Nambiar)
      schrieb am 26.10.10 16:44:21
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      Das war ja heute mit den Q-Zahlen so ziemlich eine Punktlandung. Nur 2% über den Erwartungen. Das reicht natürlich manchen Investoren nicht.

      Bin mal sehr gespannt, wie ROC heute aus dem Handel geht. Zu Sitzungsanfang hatten wir
      ja bereits minus 6%.

      In der Vergangenheit rauschte ROC auch bereits einige Male runter, wenn einige Investoren die Q-Zahlen für zu schwach hielten. Aber fast immer gab es solche, die an der Seitenlinie auf einen Einstieg gewartet hatten und eingestiegen sind.

      So hoffe ich auch heute, daß ROC nicht mit signifikantem Minus aus dem Handel geht, es
      sei denn das der gesamte Markt scharf korrigiert.


      26.10.2010 13:03
      Rockwood Reports Strong Third Quarter Results

      Net sales up 9.5%; Adjusted EBITDA up 11.9%; As reported EPS from continuing operations of $0.52 vs. $0.14; As adjusted EPS from continuing operations of $0.55 vs. $0.19; and Free cash flow of $129.7 million.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC), a global producer of specialty chemicals and advanced materials, today reported earnings per share from continuing operations of $0.52 for the third quarter of 2010 as compared to $0.14 for the same period in the prior year. Rockwood's as adjusted earnings per share from continuing operations increased to $0.55 in the third quarter of 2010 from $0.19 for the same period in the prior year. In addition, Rockwood reported Adjusted EBITDA of $169.1 million for the third quarter of 2010 as compared to $151.1 million for the same period in the prior year.

      "Our third quarter results reflect continued strong global demand for Rockwood's specialty chemicals and advanced materials and strong volume growth in all markets, except those related to construction in the United States," Seifi Ghasemi, Chairman&CEO, said. "On a constant currency basis, Rockwood's sales increased 16.1 percent compared to last year's third quarter and Adjusted EBITDA increased 19.2 percent compared to the same period last year. Most importantly, our Adjusted EBITDA margins were 19.6 percent, reflecting our ongoing focus on cost control and disciplined approach to pricing. Strong free cash flow during the quarter generated $129.7 million of cash after paying interest on our debt, capital expenditures and taxes. In the first nine months of 2010, we have generated $252.0 million of free cash enabling us to significantly improve our balance sheet."

      The highlights from continuing operations for the third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2010 are as follows:

      * Net sales were $860.9 million for the third quarter of 2010, up 9.5% compared to $786.2 million for the same period in the prior year. Net sales were $2,569.3 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2010, up 18.0% compared to $2,176.6 million for the same period in the prior year.
      * Adjusted EBITDA was $169.1 million for the third quarter of 2010, up 11.9% compared to $151.1 million for the same period in the prior year. Adjusted EBITDA was $506.3 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2010, up 31.3% compared to $385.6 million for the same period in the prior year.
      * On a constant-currency basis, net sales and Adjusted EBITDA were up 16.1% and 19.2%, respectively, for the third quarter of 2010, and were up 19.9% and 33.9%, respectively, for the nine months ended September 30, 2010.
      * Net income attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. for the third quarter of 2010 was $40.5 million, including after-tax net special charges of $2.1 million. Net income attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. for the third quarter of 2009 was $10.2 million, including after-tax net special charges of $3.8 million.
      * Net income attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. for the nine months ended September 30, 2010 was $129.8 million, including income of $5.7 million related to after-tax net special items. Net income attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. for the nine months ended September 30, 2009 was $7.0 million, including after-tax net special charges of $14.6 million.
      * Diluted earnings per share for the third quarter of 2010 were $0.52, including after-tax net special charges of $0.03. Excluding net special charges, diluted earnings per share were $0.55 in the third quarter of 2010. Diluted earnings per share for the third quarter of 2009 were $0.14, including after-tax net special charges of $0.05. Excluding net special charges, diluted earnings per share were $0.19 in the third quarter of 2009.
      * Diluted earnings per share for the nine months ended September 30, 2010 were $1.67, including income of $0.07 related to after-tax net special items. Excluding net special items, diluted earnings per share were $1.60 for the nine months ended September 30, 2010. Diluted earnings per share for the nine months ended September 30, 2009 were $0.09, including after-tax net special charges of $0.20. Excluding net special charges, diluted earnings per share were $0.29 for the nine months ended September 30, 2009.

      Commenting on the outlook, Mr. Ghasemi said, "We continue to be positive about the demand for our specialty chemicals and advanced materials. Therefore, we are optimistic about our results for the remainder of 2010. We currently expect continued positive demand growth into 2011."

      Third quarter results, as compared with the same period a year ago, are summarized below:

      * Specialty Chemicals: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA increased 8.5% and 4.0%, respectively.
      o In our Fine Chemicals business, significantly higher volumes of lithium products were partially offset by lower selling prices of potash and lithium carbonate and higher raw material costs.
      o In our Surface Treatment business, higher volumes in all markets, particularly in automotive and general industrial applications, and lower raw material costs had a favorable impact on our results.
      * Performance Additives: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA increased 3.1% and 20.5%, respectively.
      o Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA were up primarily from higher volumes of oilfield and other applications in our Clay-based Additives business and a favorable product mix and increased selling prices in our Color Pigments and Services business. This was partially offset by higher raw material costs and lower construction volumes in the United States.
      * Titanium Dioxide Pigments: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA increased 8.6% and 39.0%, respectively.
      o Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA were up primarily from higher selling prices, as well as increased volumes in all applications and a favorable product mix. This was partially offset by higher raw material and production costs.
      * Advanced Ceramics: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA increased 20.6% and 28.3%, respectively.
      o Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA were up from higher volumes in all product applications, primarily medical, automotive and electronic applications, partially offset by higher maintenance costs and lower selling prices.
      * Specialty Compounds: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA increased 16.6% and 6.8%, respectively.
      o Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA were up from higher selling prices, as well as increased volumes in most applications, primarily in wire and cable.
      o Adjusted EBITDA was negatively impacted by higher raw material costs.

      * Corporate and other: Corporate costs increased in the third quarter of 2010 primarily due to variable compensation-related costs.

      Other Items:

      * Interest expense, net decreased $15.0 million in the third quarter of 2010 compared to the same period in the prior year. The third quarter of 2010 and 2009 included non-cash gains and losses of $1.2 million and $(1.3) million, respectively, representing the movement in the mark-to-market valuation of our interest rate hedges. Excluding the impact of these gains and losses, interest expense, net decreased $12.5 million primarily due to the termination of interest rate swaps in November 2009 and debt repayments.
      * Loss on early extinguishment of debt. In the third quarter of 2010, we recorded a loss on early extinguishment of debt of $1.6 million related to the write-off of deferred financing costs associated with the voluntary prepayment of $200.2 million of our senior secured term loans in July 2010.
      * Income taxes. The effective tax rate for the third quarter of 2010 was 32.2% and was negatively impacted by domestic tax losses that were not tax effected due to a valuation allowance and unfavorable foreign tax rate changes.
      * Free cash flow was an inflow of $129.7 million for the third quarter of 2010. This amount consisted of net cash provided by operating activities of $171.5 million plus special items and other, net of $2.2 million, less capital expenditures, net of $44.0 million. We had $283.1 million of cash and cash equivalents as of September 30, 2010.
      * Net debt, which is total debt less cash and cash equivalents, was $1,912.5 million as of September 30, 2010 compared to $2,227.8 million as of December 31, 2009. The decrease in net debt was primarily due to the cash generated from operations in the first nine months of 2010. For the twelve-month period ended September 30, 2010, our net debt to Adjusted EBITDA ratio was 2.89.

      Conference Call and Webcast

      We will host a conference call and webcast to discuss the results of operations for the third quarter ended September 30, 2010 on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 10:00 am Daylight Savings Time. The dial-in number to access the conference call in the U.S. is (800) 230-1074 and the international dial-in number is (612) 234-9960. No access code is needed for either call. A replay of the conference call will be available through November 12, 2010 at (800) 475-6701 in the U.S., access code: 169651, and internationally at (320) 365-3844, access code: 169651.

      A listen only, live webcast of the conference call will be available at Materials for the call, including a PowerPoint file detailing the results, will be available for download on this site on the morning of the call. The webcast and PowerPoint file will be archived on Rockwood's website.

      Non-GAAP Financial Measures

      This press release includes "non-GAAP financial measures," such as, a discussion of Adjusted EBITDA, free cash flow and net income diluted earnings per share from continuing operations attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. excluding certain items. Adjusted EBITDA is not intended to be an alternative to net income attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. as an indicator of operating performance or to cash flows from operating activities as a measure of liquidity. Additionally, Adjusted EBITDA is not intended to be a measure of free cash flow for management's discretionary use, as it does not consider certain cash requirements such as interest payments, tax payments and debt service requirements. All presentations of consolidated Adjusted EBITDA are calculated using the definition set forth in the Company's senior secured credit agreement as a basis and reflects management's interpretations thereof. Adjusted EBITDA, which is referred to under the senior secured credit agreement as "Consolidated EBITDA," is defined in the senior secured credit agreement as consolidated earnings (which, as defined in the senior secured credit agreement, equals income before the deduction of income taxes of Rockwood Specialties Group, Inc. and the Restricted Subsidiaries (as such term is defined in the senior secured credit agreement), excluding extraordinary items) plus certain items including interest expense, depreciation expense, amortization expense, extraordinary losses and non-recurring charges, losses on asset sales, less certain items including extraordinary gains and non-recurring gains, non-cash gains and gains on asset sales. We use Adjusted EBITDA on a consolidated basis to assess our operating performance, to calculate performance-based cash bonuses and determine whether certain performance-based options and restricted stock units vest (as such bonuses, options and restricted stock units are tied to Adjusted EBITDA), and as a liquidity measure. In addition, we use Adjusted EBITDA to determine compliance with our debt covenants. We also use Adjusted EBITDA on a segment basis as the primary measure used by our chief operating decision maker to evaluate the ongoing performance of our business segments and reporting units. A reconciliation of net income attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. to Adjusted EBITDA is contained in this press release. We strongly urge you to review the reconciliation. In addition, we discuss sales growth in terms of nominal (actual) and net change (nominal less constant currency impacts). Free cash flow is not intended to be an alternative to cash flows from operating activities as a measure of liquidity. Our presentation of free cash flow is defined as net cash from operating activities from continuing operations, plus special items and other, net less capital expenditures, net (includes proceeds on the sale of property, plant and equipment and excludes sales of property, plant and equipment related to sales of businesses). Management believes that free cash flow is meaningful to investors because it provides an additional measure of liquidity. Neither net income from continuing operations attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. excluding certain items nor diluted earnings per share from continuing operations attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. excluding certain items is intended to be an alternative for net income (loss) or diluted earnings per share. Management believes that net income and diluted earnings per share from continuing operations attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. excluding certain items is meaningful to investors because it provides a view of the Company with respect to ongoing operating results. Reconciliations of these non-GAAP financial measures are included herein. These non-GAAP measures should not be viewed as an alternative to GAAP measures of performance. Furthermore, these measures may not be consistent with similar measures provided by other companies.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. is a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,800 people and annual net sales of approximately $3.0 billion. Rockwood focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit

      The information set forth in this press release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 concerning the business, operations and financial condition of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Rockwood"). Words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "forecasts," "predicts" and variations of such words or expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although Rockwood believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that its expectations will be realized. "Forward-looking statements" consist of all non-historical information, including any statements referring to the prospects and future performance of Rockwood. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in Rockwood's forward-looking statements due to numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties, including, among other things, the "Risk Factors" described in Rockwood's 2009 Form 10-K on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Rockwood does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which any such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.
      schrieb am 27.10.10 18:04:32
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      27.10.2010 16:46
      BRIEF-RESEARCH ALERT-Credit Suisse raises Rockwood Holdings target price

      Oct 27 (Reuters) - Rockwood Holdings Inc:
      * Credit Suisse raises Rockwood Holdings Inc target price to $40 from 34
      schrieb am 07.12.10 18:26:45
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      Rockwood oberhalb von 40,-- $.
      Ich denke, sie werden das auch im Schlußkurs halten können.

      Liegen wir im SK über 40,30 hätten wir ein neues ATH. Denn dieses datiert mit 40,30$ vom
      6. Juni 2008.

      schrieb am 17.12.10 13:22:21
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Na, ich denke, das ist aber noch eine feine Nachricht vor dem Fest.
      Da kann es sein, das die Jungs, die vorgestern auf den Verkaufsknopf gedrückt haben, heute
      schon wieder zugreifen müssen, denn die unterstrichenen Aussagen hört man doch wohl
      gern auf der Investorenseite.

      17.12.2010 12:31
      Rockwood Announces Agreement to Sell AlphaGary Plastic Compounding Business

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC) announced today that it has reached an agreement to sell its AlphaGary plastic compounding business to Mexichem C.V. for $300 million in cash. AlphaGary is the largest division in Rockwood's Specialty Compounds segment.

      Commenting on the transaction, Rockwood Chairman and CEO Seifi Ghasemi said that the company expects to use the proceeds of the sale to reduce debt. He added, "The completion of the sale of this compounding business is another step in concentrating our portfolio on high-margin specialty chemicals and advanced materials businesses. This sale will further enhance our overall Adjusted EBITDA margins, improve our leverage ratio and help maximize shareholder value."

      AlphaGary manufactures specialty plastic compounds for the wire and cable business as well as medical applications and other uses. The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions, including regulatory approval, and Rockwood expects the transaction to close during the first quarter of 2011.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc., is a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,500 people and annual net sales of approximately $3 billion. The company focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit
      schrieb am 17.12.10 15:02:51
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      Oder wird evtl. aus dieser Sache ein Schuh, indem man versucht von One Equity die 50,41%
      zu erhandeln

      Neue Produktionsanlage
      Südchemie investiert in Serienproduktion von Lithiumeisenphosphat

      14.07.2010 | Redakteur: Gabriele Ilg

      Süd-Chemie investiert mehr als 60 Millionen Euro in die Produktion von Lithiumeisenphosphat (LFP), einem besonders leistungsfähigen Energiespeichermaterial für Batterien.

      München, Candiac/Kanada – Der deutsche Konzern baut am neuen Standort seiner 100-prozentigen kanadischen Tochtergesellschaft Phostech Lithium in Candiac/Quebec die erste Anlage zur industriellen Großproduktion von LFP mit einem eigens entwickelten nasschemischen Herstellungsverfahren.

      Durch diesen Prozess lässt sich in konstanter Qualität hochwertiges LFP herstellen. Aufgrund einer großen Nachfrage weitet Süd-Chemie die LFP-Kapazitäten nach dem neuen Verfahren erheblich aus.

      Bisher kann das Unternehmen an seinem Standort in Moosburg bis zu 300 Tonnen LFP pro

      Jahr mit diesem Verfahren produzieren. Das neu entwickelte nasschemische Herstellungsverfahren ermöglicht die Lieferung von LFP in einer am Markt bislang einzigartigen Qualität und mit überlegenen Produkteigenschaften. Das LFP kann somit einer neuen – zugleich leistungsstarken, sicheren, langlebigen und zuverlässigen – Generation von Lithiumionenbatterien zum Durchbruch verhelfen.

      Verglichen mit anderen Speichermaterialien für Lithiumionenbatterien zeichnet sich das Süd-Chemie LFP der Marke LIFE Power neben der hohen Energiedichte durch Materialsicherheit, hohe Langlebigkeit, ein günstiges Herstellungskostenprofil und Zyklenstabilität, das heißt ein auch in der Langzeitnutzung stabiles und zuverlässiges Entlade- und Ladeverhalten aus.

      Dieses Speichermaterial besitzt großes Potenzial in stationären Hochleistungsbatterien, etwa zur Stabilisierung des Stromnetzes oder zur Speicherung von Photovoltaikstrom. Zudem wird das LFP in Europa, Asien und Amerika bereits erfolgreich in mobilen Elektrowerkzeugen (Power Tools), Starterbatterien für PKW und Elektrofahrrädern eingesetzt. Der Süd-Chemie Konzern besitzt eine weltweite Patentsituation bei Herstellung und Verwendung von LFP in Batterien sowie ein starkes LFP-Schutzrechtsportfolio für das selbst entwickelte nasschemische Herstellungsverfahren.

      Sued-Chemie Chief Holds Out for Share Sale as Buyers Circle
      By Andrew Noel and Richard Weiss - Nov 25, 2010

      Sued-Chemie AG Chief Executive Officer Guenter von Au said he’s holding out for a public share sale as controlling shareholder One Equity Partners LLC negotiates the possible sale of its stake.

      The company is only at the start of an expansion into battery materials and catalysts for bioethanol and diesel- emissions, fast-growing markets that will boost its value “significantly” in the future, von Au said.

      “For the company, management and the employees, the easiest way would be an IPO, because then we could develop everything as we are doing right now,” von Au said in a Nov. 23 phone interview. “We’ve proven we can do that.”

      One Equity, which built a 50.41 percent stake in Sued- Chemie, has attracted initial offers, people with knowledge of the process said Nov. 17. The New York-based firm is also weighing a share sale at a time when Sued-Chemie is poised to report record sales for 2010. Umicore and Rockwood Holdings Inc. are seen as potential bidders, analysts said.

      Sued-Chemie’s chemicals go into consumer goods and its catalysts are used in refining and catalytic converters that reduce car-exhaust emissions. Von Au is channelling cash from these products into manufacturing catalysts to make bioethanol from straw and battery materials for vehicles, betting that booming car demand in markets like China will bring electric cars to the fore.


      Any new owner would be well advised to keep the current structure, given existing businesses are funding future growth, the CEO said. A capital increase would only be needed if new businesses began to grow faster than expected, he said.

      A suitor will also need to get the support of long-time investors Dolf Stockhausen and the Winterstein family, as each still retain stakes of about 10 percent in the company.

      “It’s a great company, which would attract a lot of interest, but probably not for a stake that cannot be leveraged,” said Johan van den Arend Schmidt, a mergers and acquisitions strategist and partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP in London. “Any interest is most likely to be from trade.”

      If One Equity proceeds with a sale, it would mark the 153- year-old company’s second ownership change in four years. JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s buyout arm obtained stakes owned by Allianz AG, Possehl Beteiligungsverwaltung and Bayerische Landesbank.

      The remaining 25.87 percent of the company trades on the Frankfurt stock exchange, where Sued-Chemie has climbed 17 percent to 106.8 euros this year. The advance gives the company a market value of 1.26 billion euros. On average, only 167 shares have traded per day over the past 12 months.

      “The share price is not a good indication for the value of Sued-Chemie,” von Au said. “Our start-up businesses have to be significantly valued, and these aren’t included in the current market value.”
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 17.12.10 16:26:14
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.728.692 von Karlll am 17.12.10 15:02:51Nichts - Null - Garnichts !!!

      Es scheint die Börse nicht zu interessieren.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 20.12.10 23:43:01
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.729.310 von Karlll am 17.12.10 16:26:14Aber hierauf reagiert ROC nachbörslich, es geht nämlich aktuell 2,61% nach unten.

      Nun, ich denke, das muß man nicht unbedingt als Negativereignis sehen. So wird die
      Aktionärsstruktur auf breitere Füße gestellt. Ich denke, der Kurs kann das wegstecken,
      ohne daß es groß gen Süden gehen wird.

      Schaun wir mal in den nächsten Tagen.

      20.12.2010 23:33
      Rockwood Announces Agreement to Sell Common Stock by Stockholders

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC) announced today that funds affiliated with Kohlberg Kravis Roberts&Co. L.P. and DLJ Merchant Banking Partners III have agreed to sell 8,000,000 shares of its common stock in an underwritten offering. The Company will not receive any proceeds from the offering.

      The shares will be offered pursuant to an automatically effective registration statement filed today with the Securities and Exchange Commission. A prospectus supplement relating to the offering will be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Deutsche Bank Securities is serving as sole book running manager of the offering. Deutsche Bank Securities proposes to offer the shares of common stock from time to time for sale in one or more transactions on the NYSE, in the over-the-counter market, through negotiated transactions or otherwise at market prices prevailing at the time of sale, at prices related to prevailing market prices or at negotiated prices.

      The prospectus supplement relating to the offering may be obtained from Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., Attn: Prospectus Department, Harborside Financial Center, 100 Plaza One, Jersey City, NJ 07311-3988, telephone: 1-800-503-4611 or by emailing

      This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. is a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,800 people and annual net sales of approximately $3.0 billion. Rockwood focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets.

      The information set forth in this press release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 concerning the business, operations and financial condition of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Rockwood"). Words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "forecasts," "predicts" and variations of such words or expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although Rockwood believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that its expectations will be realized. "Forward-looking statements" consist of all non-historical information, including any statements referring to the prospects and future performance of Rockwood. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in Rockwood's forward-looking statements due to numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties, including, among other things, the "Risk Factors" described in Rockwood's 2009 Form 10-K on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Rockwood does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which any such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

      schrieb am 21.12.10 15:14:14
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      Und genau da liegt ROC im Pre-Market momentan, bei 38,3 US-$.

      Sie notiert also mit 5,1% im minus. Ich denke aber, daß der Schlußkurs heute darüber liegen

      Rockwood Holdings (ROC) 8M Common Secondary Offering Prices at $38.30/Share

      December 21, 2010 8:59 AM EST

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC) announced that an 8 million common offering by selling shareholders has priced at $38.30 per share.

      Settlement of the offering is expected to occur on December 23, 2010.
      schrieb am 03.01.11 17:25:14
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      Wär natürlich schöner gewesen, wenn diese Nachricht auf einen Tag gefallen wäre, an dem
      die Indizes seitwärts laufen. Heute, wo es eh 1,5% an den Börsen nach oben geht, verliert
      sich diese positive Nachricht.

      03.01.2011 16:16
      BRIEF-RESEARCH ALERT-Credit Suisse raises Rockwood target price

      Jan 3 (Reuters) - Rockwood Holdings Inc:

      * Credit Suisse raises Rockwood Holdings target price to $51 from $47
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 20.01.11 11:37:05
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.790.872 von Karlll am 03.01.11 17:25:14Vielleicht geht es nach den 3,8% minus von gestern heute bereits wieder in die andere

      20.01.2011 10:41
      BRIEF-RESEARCH ALERT-Deutsche Bank raises Rockwood price target

      Jan 20 (Reuters) - Rockwood Holdings Inc:

      * Deutsche Bank raises Rockwood Holdings Inc price target to $50 from

      $40; rating buy
      schrieb am 20.01.11 14:42:23
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      Deutsche Bank Sees Upside In Rockwood Holdings
      By Benzinga Staff
      Created 01/20/2011 - 8:14am

      Meetings with Rockwood's (NYSE: ROC [1]) CEO increased Deutsche Bank's confidence that ROC's discount vs specialty peers will no longer be justified if, over the next 12 months, ROC further delevers towards 2x net debt/EBITDA, refinances its above market term loan, delivers 10% EBITDA & 20% EPS growth in '11, maintains industry leading EBITDA margins and remains well positioned to benefit from growth in lithium powered electric cars.

      Rockwood's key US and European auto and general industrial end markets remain strong. The only end market that remains weak is US construction. Rockwood does not expect this business to improve in ‘11. Rockwood's focus is on investing in organic growth, reducing debt and positioning its lithium business such that when the inflection point in demand occurs,

      Once it has reached this target range, Rockwood would consider paying a dividend. Rockwood's European-based TiO2 business is sold out. With 50% of the business commodity and 50% specialty, Rockwood is focused on growing its higher margin specialty sales. An industry-wide January 1 price increase for April 1 implementation remains under discussion. Rockwood believes TiO2 pricing will be up at least 15% in ‘11, though it is not a market leader.

      Deutsche Bank has a $50 PT and Buy rating on ROC

      ROC closed Wednesday at $39.60
      schrieb am 29.01.11 18:41:07
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      Barron's: Meryl, what good ideas have you brought us?

      Witmer: I have five stocks. The first is Rockwood Holdings [ticker: ROC]. It has about 76 million shares outstanding and trades at 39.50, for an equity capitalization of about $3 billion. It was taken private by KKR and came public again in 2005. Throughout the LBO [leveraged buyout] and since, it has been managed by Seifi Ghasemi, a superb CEO. Rockwood makes advanced materials and high-value-added specialty chemicals, including lithium, titanium dioxide and ceramics. We love the lithium business. Rockwood processes lithium from a brine pumped from underground and concentrated in large ponds in the desert in Chile and Nevada. It also produces potash from these brines. Rockwood's lithium compounds are used in batteries, pharmaceuticals, alloys and ceramics.

      The lithium market has grown by 10% compounded in the past decade, and there is real home-run potential if electric cars gain popularity. A million all-electric cars would double demand for battery-grade lithium. Rockwood also makes titanium dioxide, an essential product used to improve the durability and opacity of plastics, paints and cosmetics.

      Schafer: And paper.

      Witmer: Yes. Rockwood has a grade that is used to make synthetic fibers, which should benefit from high cotton prices. There is no affordable substitute for titanium dioxide. If you don't have it in car and house paints, the rain would wash the paint off over time. Seven percent of industry capacity was shut down and dismantled during the downturn. Now demand is rebounding, and there is pricing power for the first time in a decade.

      Is capacity starting to expand?

      Witmer: No expansions have been announced because titanium dioxide is made from a heavy mineral called rutile and there is limited capacity to produce it. You would never consider a plant until you locked in rutile supply. Also, prices aren't yet at the point where companies would want to add capacity. There is a long runway of strong pricing ahead since it takes four-plus years to add capacity.

      Schafer: If plants were closed, isn't the rutile still around?

      Witmer: Rutile-ore bodies run out after five to 10 years. Rockwood buys rutile on the open market and will pass through cost increases. Rockwood's advanced-materials business produces high-performance ceramics used in the electronics, automotive and medical markets, including the hip-joint market, where its all-ceramic joint has a high market share. Pro forma, including the sale of its plastics business, which closed [Jan. 7], Rockwood could earn about $2.40 a share in 2011. Adding back excess depreciation and amortization from the step-up of asset values stemming from the LBO, and using a cash tax rate of 20%, free cash flow will be about $4.10 a share in 2011 and $4.50 in 2012. We target a price-to-free-cash-flow multiple of 12. Our one-year price target is 55.
      schrieb am 31.01.11 13:48:44
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      31.01.2011 13:04
      Rockwood Holdings and Michigan Economic Development Commission Announce $25 Million Surface Treatment Plant in Michigan

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC) and the Michigan Economic Development Commission have announced the decision to build a new state-of-the-art $25 million manufacturing plant in Blackman Township, Michigan, for Rockwood's Chemetall U.S. Inc. business unit.

      The plant will manufacture surface treatment chemicals to pre-treat metal used in the manufacture of durable goods and the cleaning and sanitizing of equipment used in a broad range of US industries.

      Commenting on the investment, Rockwood Chairman and CEO Seifi Ghasemi said, "Rockwood believes in the future of manufacturing in the United States and in the state of Michigan and we are demonstrating our commitment to business and the workers of this state with a multi-million dollar investment."

      Joris Merckx, President of Chemetall Surface Treatment, added, "With this investment, Rockwood and Chemetall demonstrate their commitment to set equally high standards around the globe, for both global and local customers, as we recently have done with new plants in Mexico, Brazil and Turkey."

      The new plant will employ 74 individuals from workers to supervisors and chemists. "We are proud of this investment," said Ron Felber, President, Chemetall US Inc. "Our new plant is a commitment to excellence and a positive statement to our valued customers, employees, and the state of Michigan."

      Chemetall US Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Rockwood Holdings, is a specialty chemical company that supplies industrial products used in the manufacturing of durable goods. These products include metalworking fluids, cleaners, and coatings that prepare metal surfaces for painting. Chemetall also supplies cleaners for the food industry, used to clean and sanitize processing equipment, to the pulp and paper industry for felt and equipment cleaning and general maintenance products.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc, based in Princeton, NJ, is a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,500 people and annual net sales of approximately $3 billion. The company focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit


      Rockwood Holdings, Inc.
      Timothy McKenna, 609-734-6430
      schrieb am 12.02.11 10:46:00
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      Bau einer 25 Millionen US-Dollar-Produktionsstätte für Chemetall

      10.02.2011 | Redakteur: Jörg Kempf

      Rockwood Holdings und die Michigan Economic Development Commission haben die Entscheidung bekannt gegeben, eine hochmoderne Produktionsstätte in Blackman Township, Michigan, für den Geschäftsbereich Chemetall von Rockwood zu bauen.

      Chemetall ist ein weltweit tätiges Unternehmen der Spezialitätenchemie. Die Aktivitäten konzentrieren sich auf Produkte und Verfahren für die chemische Behandlung von Metalloberflächen und Kunststoffen sowie ausgewählte Gebiete der Feinchemie wie zum Beispiel Lithium- und Cäsiumverbindungen. (Bild: Chemetall)
      Chemetall ist ein weltweit tätiges Unternehmen der Spezialitätenchemie. Die Aktivitäten konzentrieren sich auf Produkte und Verfahren für die chemische Behandlung von Metalloberflächen und Kunststoffen sowie ausgewählte Gebiete der Feinchemie wie zum Beispiel Lithium- und Cäsiumverbindungen. (Bild: Chemetall)

      Jackson/MI, USA – Das neue Werk soll Ende 2012 in Betrieb gehen. Die drei bestehenden Anlagen in den USA (Romulus/MI, Jackson/MI, LaMirada/CA) werden in die neue Produktionsstätte integriert. Die Investition von 25 Millionen US-Dollar demonstriert Rockwoods und Chemetalls Bestreben, das Oberflächengeschäft in der NAFTA Region weiter auszubauen.

      „Rockwood glaubt an die Zukunft der Fertigung in den USA. Mit unserer Investition unterstreichen wir die Bedeutung des Produktionsstandortes USA und des Bundesstaates Michigan“, erläutert Seifi Ghasemi, Vorstandsvorsitzender und CEO von Rockwood.

      Mit Blackman Township hat Chemetall einen Standort in einer wirtschaftlich aufstrebenden Region in Jackson/MI ausgewählt. Die neue Anlage erhöht sowohl die Produktivität als auch Effizienz, da nun Produktionsstätte und Lager zusammengeführt und neue Automatisierungsprozesse aufgesetzt werden.

      Joris Merckx, Präsident von Chemetall Surface Treatment, sagt: „Mit dieser Investition verdeutlichen Rockwood und Chemetall ihren Anspruch, weltweit einheitlich hohe Standards zu setzen – sowohl für globale als auch für lokale Kunden.“ Und ergänzt „Unsere neuen Anlagen in Mexiko, Brasilien und der Türkei unterstreichen bereits unser Engagement.“

      In dem neuen Werk werden 74 Arbeitsplätze für qualifizierte Mitarbeiter geschaffen. „Wir sind stolz auf diese Investition“, so Ron Felber, Präsident, Chemetall US Inc. „Unsere neue hochmoderne Anlage wird hohe Sicherheits- und Umweltstandards setzen und bietet zudem genügend Kapazität für zukünftiges Wachstum.“
      Copyright © 2011 - Vogel Business Media
      schrieb am 12.02.11 10:53:00
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      Na, das ist schon stark:

      Nur 22 Tage nachdem man 50,-- US-$ als Ziel genannt hatte, wird dieses auf 55 gehievt.
      Nun, am Mittwoch gibt es Zahlen. Dann werden wir sehen, wie Rockwood reagiert.

      Analysts’ Price Target Changes for February, 11st (BG, BWA, CMG, HGR, ROC, IR, OZM, PM)
      February 11th, 2011 • View Comments • Filed Under • by ABMN Staff

      Deutsche Bank analysts raised their price target on shares of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC) from $50.00 to $55.00. They now have a “buy” rating on the stock.
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 15.02.11 14:59:22
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      Rocket Stock or Dud?

      Rich Smith (TMF Ditty)
      February 14, 2011

      "The bigger they are, the harder they fall." It's the worst nightmare of every investor in today's market -- buying a rocket stock just before it takes a nosedive.

      Now I readily admit that sometimes, stocks rise for a reason. But sometimes, the rise becomes the reason. No matter how often we caution them not to, investors do have a habit of buying "hot" stocks, and trusting momentum to keep 'em moving upwards.

      Problem is, if the price goes up too much, even a great company can turn into a lousy investment (and if the company was less than great in the first place...) Below I list a few stocks that may have done just this. Stocks that, according to the smart folks at, have doubled (or nearly so) over the past year, and just might be ripe to fall back to earth.

      Recent Price

      CAPS Rating
      (out of 5)
      Rockwood Holdings (NYSE: ROC)


      Whole Foods (Nasdaq: WFMI)


      Sina Corp (Nasdaq: SINA)



      Companies are selected by screening for 100% and higher intraday price appreciation over the last 12 months on Five stars = highest possible CAPS rating; one star = lowest. Current pricing provided by Yahoo! Finance. CAPS ratings from Motley Fool CAPS.

      Question: What do hi-tech chemicals have to do with organic groceries? What do either of these things have in common with Chinese Internet ads? Answer: the companies doing business in these fields boast some of the hottest stocks on the market today.

      Shares of Rockwood Holdings and Whole Foods have both more than doubled over the past 52-weeks, while Chinese Internet star Sina has done even better -- up nearly 160% in a year. Yet while the stocks have all enjoyed strong price appreciation historically, investors differ widely in their opinions on which of these companies will keep on growing in the future.

      When polled for their opinions on which of these stocks will outperform the S&P 500 going forward, the 170,000-plus investors who make up the Motley Fool CAPS give Whole Foods and Sina no better than 50-50 chances. In contrast, they couldn't be more enthusiastic about the prospects for Rockwood Holdings. Why is that? Well, why don't we ask the Fools who help create these ratings.

      The bull case for Rockwood Holdings
      You can't open a news paper these days without reading about a new electric car coming to market. General Motors (NYSE: GM) and Nissan have already begun rolling out their Volts and Leafs, respectively. Ford's (NYSE: F) Electric Focus could begin showing up on auto lots any month now, while Tesla (Nasdaq: TSLA) is hard at work getting its Model S electric sedan (sequel to the fabulously popular, and even more fabulously expensive Roadster) ready for market. Late last year, no lesser company than General Electric (NYSE: GE) made a big bet on the industry's success, promising to spend as much as $1 billion on electric cars for its own use over the course of the next few years.

      The key to powering all these new electric buggies, of course, is the advanced lithium battery -- and that's where Rockwood enters the picture. CAPS member newfoolrr tells us that Rockwood is already "a major player in the lithium ion batteries market. ... I believe in the next five years that the price of lithium will explode. I believe Rockwell is the best play in this market."

      CAPS member DigitalPaladine agrees: "Demand for lithium is snowballing and this company is poised to reap tremendous gains from this." But Rockwood's other operations are no slouch, either. For example, DP tells us that Rockwood boasts a "100% market share in the plastics used to create artificial hip and joint replacements in the US."

      Indeed, All-Star investor silentrumble recently picked Rockwood to outperform based largely on its being "diversified in several other high tech industries" aside from lithium "titanium dioxide for plastic and paint additives, for example." Silentrumble calls the stock a "very favorable value at this stock price considering the current cash flow and future growth projections."

      Crunchy lithium
      I agree. Crunching the numbers on this lithium (and not just lithium) play, we find Rockwood selling for 24.6 times trailing earnings. That might sound expensive, but the consensus on Wall Street is that the boom in lithium demand could cause Rockwood to grow those earnings as fast as 34% per year over the next five years. And it gets better.

      Examine Rockwood's cash flow statements, and what you'll find is that Rockwood is already cheaper than it looks. The company reported $141 million in earnings under GAAP over the past year, but its actual free cash flow number is more than twice as big -- $294 million.

      Time to chime in
      What this means is that Rockwood's supposedly rich P/E ratio is actually an illusion. Valued on actual cash earnings, the company sells for a more modest 11.2 times free cash flow (or 17.1x, after you factor in the company's debt load). Any way you look at it, though -- P/E, P/FCF, or even EV/FCF, the stock looks quite attractive relative to that 30%-plus growth rate.

      To my Foolish eye, this is one rocket stock that's still got fuel in the tank. Disagree? Hey, it's a free country. But won't you take a moment to tell us why? If you've got a bone to pick with Rockwood, click over to Motley Fool CAPS now, and sound off.

      Legal Information. © 1995-2008 The Motley Fool. All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 16.02.11 14:48:58
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.028.935 von Karlll am 12.02.11 10:53:00Na, dann dürften wir ja auch bald das nach oben korrigierte Ziel von 55,-- US-$ bald

      UPDATE 1-Rockwood Holdings Q4 tops Street, upbeat on 2011
      Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:11am EST

      * Q4 adj EPS $0.49 vs est $0.43

      * Q4 rev jumps 9 pct to $853.6 vs est $817.5 mln

      * Says demand for its products continues to be strong

      Feb 16 (Reuters) - Rockwood Holdings Inc posted its sixth straight market-topping quarterly profit as sales in most of its segments rose, and the specialty chemicals company gave an upbeat outlook for 2011.

      "Demand for our products continues to be strong. We expect to increase sales, improve our margins and earnings per share, and reduce debt in line with our long-term objectives," Chief Executive Seifi Ghasemi said.

      October-December profit soared to $109.6 million, or $1.40 a share, from $10.8 million, or 14 cents a share, a year ago.

      Excluding an income tax benefit of 97 cents related to the sale of its plastic compounding business , the company earned 49 cents a share. Analysts were looking for 43 cents a share, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

      Princeton, New Jersey-based Rockwood's quarterly revenue climbed 9 percent to $853.6 million, while analysts were expecting $817.5 million.

      Shares of the company closed at $43.88 on Tuesday on the New York Stock Exchange. (Reporting by Swetha Gopinath in Bangalore; Editing by Don Sebastian)
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 16.02.11 15:18:00
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.050.498 von Karlll am 16.02.11 14:48:58Auch in 2011 sieht man weiteres Potential

      Commenting on the outlook for 2011, Mr. Ghasemi said, "We remain very positive about the prospects for our business. Demand for our products continues to be strong. We expect to increase sales, improve our margins and earnings per share, and reduce debt in line with our long-term objectives."
      schrieb am 16.02.11 21:31:49
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      Rockwood's Fourth Quarter Solid but Unspectacularby Jeffrey Stafford, CFA | 02-16-11 | 1:15PM

      On Wednesday, Rockwood Holdings reported fourth-quarter and full-year results that were in line with our expectations, and we're leaving our fair value estimate unchanged. Excluding the firm's divested plastic compounding business, sales increased 8.2% in the fourth quarter compared to the prior-year period, with double-digit growth in advanced ceramics and specialty chemicals. We expected solid performance from these two businesses, and we think Rockwood has carved out an enviable position in advanced ceramics and lithium, which is housed in the specialty chemicals business. Profitability in both segments was basically flat compared to the prior-year quarter.

      Like many other chemical companies, Rockwood dealt with higher raw-material costs during the fourth quarter. In particular, the company noted higher costs impacted profitability in both the performance additives and titanium dioxide businesses. While the company probably will continue to confront rising costs in 2011, Rockwood's raw-material costs are mostly inorganic, with limited exposure to oil and natural gas prices. Further, the company's lithium operation is relatively immune to cost pressure. Utilizing unique assets in Chile, Rockwood pumps salt brine from below the surface to evaporation pools, using energy from the sun to lower production costs.
      schrieb am 17.02.11 14:14:52
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      Es gibt nur eines, das ich fürchte wie der Teufel das Weihwasser, nämlich daß ROC von
      einem großen der Branche übernommen wird und es dann vorbei ist mit der Cashmaschine.
      schrieb am 17.02.11 14:48:21
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      habe nichts gegen positive Ergebnisse in den nächsten Tagen.

      schrieb am 17.02.11 17:31:43
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      Es hätte ruhig etwas mehr sein dürfen.

      J.P. Morgan Raised Rockwood Holdings PT To $47 (ROC)
      By Benzinga Staff
      Created 02/17/2011 - 8:50am


      J.P. Morgan raised its Rockwood Holdings (NYSE: ROC [2]) price target from $38 to $47 in a research report published today.

      In the report, J.P. Morgan states, "ROC shares have risen 20% since the
      beginning of the year from $39 to $47 versus a 6% lift for the market, and 10%
      for DD, the largest supplier in the TiO2 industry. ROC trades at an EV/EBITDA
      multiple of 6.5x based on our 2011 forecast relative to a peer group average of
      5.0-7.3x. The company's earnings prospects seem largely reflected in the
      company's share price at this point."

      Shares of Rockwood Holdings closed Wednesday at $46.92, reflecting no change from Tuesday's market close.
      schrieb am 17.02.11 21:00:00
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      Most active stock of the day ROC, JMP, HYC

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:ROC) is currently trading at 46.96 USD which is0.04 USD or 0.09 % more than its previous close of 46.92 USD. The stock started trading at 46.63 USD and traded at an intraday low of 46.52 USD and reached an intraday high of 47.22 USD. In a recent report J.P. Morgan has raised price target for the company form 38 USD to 47 USD. In one of its reports the company has announced that its fourth quarter EPS has increased by 145 % to 49 cents and its sales rose by 8% to 798.3 million USD. The operating margin has widened from 8.7% to 9.1%. . The share traded at a 52 week range of 21.59 - 47.22 and has market capital of 3.55 billion USD. Its current RSI is of 76.64 which indicate that it is Highly Overbought.
      schrieb am 17.02.11 21:02:46
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      Credit Suisse Raises Price Target & Estimates on Rockwood Holdings (ROC), Maintains Outperform Rating

      Credit Suisse is maintaining their Outperform rating on Rockwood Holdings (NYSE: ROC) as the company reported their 4Q sales growth above what the firm was predicting. The company posted sales growth of 8.6% when the firm was only ...
      schrieb am 21.02.11 16:38:27
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      ROC-Umsätze in ROC noch nie so hoch wie heute, aber auch die letzten Tage mit sehr hohen
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 21.02.11 16:39:34
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.077.972 von Karlll am 21.02.11 16:38:27So´n Quatsch!

      Es sollte natürlich heißen: ROC-Umsätze in GER...
      schrieb am 24.02.11 18:46:19
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      5-Star Stock Poised to Pop: Rockwood Holdings
      Market-trouncing returns could be written in these five stars.

      By Brian D. Pacampara
      updated 2/24/2011 4:39:18 AM ET

      Based on the aggregated intelligence of
      170,000-plus investors participating in Motley
      Fool CAPS, the Fool's free investing
      community, specialty chemical company
      Rockwood Holdings has earned a coveted
      five-star ranking.

      With that in mind, let's take a closer look at
      Rockwood's business and see what CAPS
      investors are saying about the stock right

      Rockwood facts
      Headquarters (Founded) Princeton, N.J. (2000)
      Market Cap $3.42 billion
      Industry Specialty chemicals
      Trailing-12-Month Revenue $3.19 billion
      Management Chairman/CEO Seifi Ghasemi
      CFO Robert Zatta
      Return on Equity (Average, Past 3 Years) (9.9%)
      Cash/Debt $324.1 million / $2.16 billion
      Competitors DuPont (NYSE: DD)

      Sources: Capital IQ (a division of Standard &
      Poor's) and Motley Fool CAPS.

      On CAPS, 94% of the 257 members who have
      rated Rockwood believe the stock will
      outperform the S&P 500 going forward. These
      bulls include All-Star silentrumble, who is
      ranked in the top 5% of our community, and

      Earlier this month, silentrumble listed several
      of Rockwood's positives:

      In fact, Rockwood currently trades at a
      cheapish price-to-cash flow of 7.9. That
      represents a discount to larger chemical plays
      like Ashland (10.8), Dow Chemical (10.0), and
      DuPont (11.0).

      CAPS member DigitalPaladine expands on the
      outperform case:

      What do you think about Rockwood, or any
      other stock for that matter? If you want to
      retire rich, you need to put together the best
      portfolio you can. Owning exceptional stocks
      is a surefire way to secure your financial
      future, and on Motley Fool CAPS, thousands of
      investors are working every day to find them.
      CAPS is 100% free, so get started!

      schrieb am 03.03.11 19:58:39
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      immer nur still mitgelesen. Es ist höchste Zeit mal eine Danke! an KarIII zu leiten für seine Info-Sammlung hier.

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 03.03.11 20:21:15
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.143.350 von dottore am 03.03.11 19:58:39Hab`s gern gehört, dottore, vielen Dank.

      Hoffe Du bist reichlich investiert. Auch heute geht es in Amiland ja einen guten Gang.

      schrieb am 21.03.11 13:38:09
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      Na ja, dann kann ja ROC heute wohl Frühlingsgefühle bekommen und ein neues Hoch markieren.

      21.03.2011 12:49
      BRIEF-RESEARCH ALERT-Gleacher & Co starts Rockwood Holdings with buy

      March 21 (Reuters) - Rockwood Holdings Inc:

      * Gleacher&Co starts Rockwood Holdings Inc with buy rating; $59 price

      schrieb am 21.03.11 17:00:54
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      The Wall Street Transcript > News
      Recent Reports

      Rockwood Holdings (ROC) A Stock Favorite With Credit Suisse Managing Director; Good Near-term Trends With Increased Demands In The Lithium Market And Decent Exposure To The European Auto Sector Make The Stock Highly Valuable

      March 21, 2011 - The Wall Street Transcript has just published Chemicals, Rubber and Plastics Report offering a timely review of the Specialty Chemicals sector. This Special Report contains expert industry commentary through in-depth interviews with public company CEOs, Equity Analysts and Money Managers. Please find an excerpt below.

      John McNulty, CFA, is a Managing Director of Credit Suisse within the investment banking division, based in New York. Mr. McNulty is Head of the Basic Materials Team and is responsible for specialty chemical coverage. He is also responsible for running the Equity Research Analyst Development Program. He has been recognized for his analytical work by Institutional Investor magazine, as well as his stocking-picking ability by the Financial Times. Mr. McNulty joined Credit Suisse First Boston in June 1999 from JPMorgan, where he was also in equity research as an Associate on the transportation coverage team. Mr. McNulty received a B.S. and B.A. from Lehigh University in 1993 and became a Chartered Financial Analyst in 2001.

      TWST: What is your coverage on specialty chemicals, and what are the names you cover?

      Mr. McNulty: My coverage is fairly broad with a host of specialty chemical names, as well as a few of the larger commodity names. Our coverage universe includes approximately 20 names, including Ashland (ASH), Avery Dennison (AVY), Air Products (APD), Celanese (CE), Cytec (CYT), DuPont (DFT), Dow (DOW), Ecolab (ECL), FMC (FMC_), Ferro (FOE), Hexcel (HXL), Kraton (KRA), 3M (MMM), Nalco (NLC), PPG (PPG), Praxair (PX), Rockwood (ROC), RPM (RPM), Sherwin-Williams (SHW) and Valspar (VAL).

      TWST: What about in terms of midcap names?

      Mr. McNulty: On the midcap side, there are a lot of names we like and find interesting. At this point, I would say our favorite is Rockwood. Rockwood is an interesting story because of the good near-term trends with demands in the lithium market starting to improve. They also have a decent amount of exposure to the European auto sector, which seems to be doing well, and have a TiO2 business, which is benefiting from significant price increases. In addition, they have a strong ceramics business that has been seeing decent demand. All of these contribute to good near-term fundamentals. On a long-termer horizon, we expect these fundamentals will continue to get better, including pricing in TiO2 continuing to push higher and an increase in demand for lithium, in particular as the auto industry shifts toward electric vehicles over next few years. Additionally, equity holders should benefit from ROC's delivery of the balance sheet. Management has made it very clear that they understand that the multiple has been under pressure over the past few years, to some degree because of the high debt load that they had been carrying.
      schrieb am 22.03.11 14:20:57
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      Titanium Dioxide Could Give These 10 Stocks a Boost
      by: Kurtis Hemmerling March 22, 2011

      Looking for a cornered market with a strong upside? Look no further than titanium dioxide as prices are starting to jump. Inventories are low, producers cannot supply enough, and a price squeeze is taking place.

      What is titanium dioxide and why is demand high?

      Titanium Dioxide

      Titanium dioxide (Ti02) is a white powder pigment. It has uses in self cleaning on glass and other materials, anti-bacteria properties such as coating surfaces in hospitals, in deodorizing and in cleaning water, to name a few. You will find it in paint, electronics, food, and cosmetics such as moisturizer's and lipsticks with added sunscreen protection. Titanium dioxide has a high refractive index, and is widely used because of its UV blocking capabilities.

      It is a very versatile product that can protect, clean, and be used as a pigment among other things. The cosmetic sector is asking for more product: U.S. exports rose by 17% for the first 11 months of 2010, and there simply doesn’t seem to be enough to go around. Growth is largely seen driven by China with India also being a major player over the next decade.

      Price of Titanium Dioxide

      Prices per ton have not increased greatly over the past few years:


      2007 - $1,870

      2008 - $2,210

      2009 - $2,210

      Then in 2010 and 2011, the big price increases began. Producers began to announce price hikes to the tune of $150 - $200 per ton in November 2010. An Asian market report by Feliana Widjaja outlined costs, including freight, to be somewhere between $2,800 and $3,000 per tonne. Some expect it to reach $4,800 per metric tonne in 2015.

      The market is seen to be strong going into 2011 as producers just can’t make enough and inventories are low.

      Stocks to Benefit From the Jump?

      My top two picks are Kronos Worldwide (KRO) and Rockwood Holdings (ROC).

      Here is the skinny: Kronos knows that prices are popping and is using the opportunity to let its profit margins grow. Instead of instinctively boosting production to meet demand, the company is first concerned about improving current margins instead of ramping up production and expanding. These will become a liability when prices subside.

      Rockwood Holdings also has some exposure to this market, and the company is using boosting profits to pay down debt as it looks forward to improving profit margins as well.

      1. Both stocks have market caps between $3 – 4 billion. Both have fairly valued PEG ratios, but the high one year EPS growth rate should be factored into KRO. That will actually lower the ratio significantly when you consider the short-term parabolic jump in earnings as opposed to the average 5 year growth rate.

      2. Both stocks are exhibiting strong price momentum over the past 9 months. KRO looks to be breaking out above its pricing channel and ROC may not be far behind.

      Problems with Valuation

      The one difficultly is in forecasting how high prices may go. It seems the analysts are not too sure. Consider the wide ranges for this year: $3.60 EPS - $5.03. The gap for next year is even higher at $3.90 - $8.10. I only see one analyst brave enough for the 2013 year, at $6.38.

      This means that while we expect the companies to do very well over the next couple of years as prices jump, we don’t know how high it can go. Much depends on sustained demand, increasing prices, the middlemen not jumping to lower-priced alternatives, and expansion once margins are high enough to warrant it.

      A Few Other Stocks With Exposure to TiO2

      A few other stocks with exposure to this compound are Tronox (TRX), Huntsman (HUN), and Rio Tinto Group (RIO). Or you might go with DOW Chemicals (DOW) which is trying to reduce the paint-market dependency on titanium dioxide.

      Other big players that have some vested interest in TiO2 that attended the February 2011 convention (in addition to RIO and DOW) were Titanium Resources Group, 3M (MMM), Benjamin Moore & Co (which is owned by Berkshire and Hathaway (BRK.A), Dupont Titanium (DD) and the Sherwin-Williams Company (SHW).

      As the price of this commodity rockets, producers are sure to profit. But those needing it will have eroded profit margins unless they can pass costs onto customers. Watch for new innovators creating alternatives which may see new and fast-paced markets open up.

      Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours.

      You may also like
      schrieb am 30.03.11 19:22:28
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      Chemetall Foote marks groundbreaking: Expansion will add dozens of jobs at Kings Mountain facility
      Graham Cawthon
      2011-03-30 11:42:15

      KINGS MOUNTAIN – At the end of 2009, Chemetall Foote had 106 full-time employees. By 2012, with the opening of their new Lithium Hydroxide plant, that number is expected to be 137, according to information from the company.

      Chemetall Foote, located in Kings Mountain, recently celebrated their groundbreaking on the new plant, which will aid in creating lithium ion batteries.

      According to the company, $35 million will have been invested in the plant by 2012, with $17.5 million of that being reimbursed by the Department of Energy as an investment in a clean energy economy.

      “We’ll be adding jobs in North Carolina and Nevada,” Tim McKenna, VP of investor relations and communications for Rockwood Holdings, Inc, previously told The Star. Chemetall is a subsidiary of Rockwood Holdings.

      “We expect the growth to continue, especially if the electric vehicle catches on. And we’re optimistic that the vehicles are eventually going to grow to a pretty significant market share over time.”

      Between 150 and 200 contract employees will be used on site during the peak of construction.

      The company, with the help of the city of Kings Mountain, received two $100,000 grants from the North Carolina Rural Economic Development Center and the North Carolina Industrial Development Fund to aid in creating the new plant.

      Chemetall has Lithium production facilities in the United States, Chile, Germany and Taiwan. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,500 people and annual net sales of approximately $3 billion.

      Reach City Editor Graham Cawthon at 704-669-3334.
      schrieb am 01.04.11 16:33:59
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      Das geht hier alles seinen Gang.

      ROC beschaut sich erstmals in seiner Geschichte die 50,-- US-$ von oben.
      Vielleicht erlebe ich ja das gleich in den nächsten Jahren auch mit der 100,-- er Marke.
      Wäre schön. Ich mag aber auch nicht unbescheiden sein.

      Allen Investierten ein schönes WE.

      schrieb am 04.05.11 18:23:21
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      Auch im Urlaub haben diese tollen Zahlen meine Stimmung verbessern können. Wer Einzel-
      heiten möchte, sollte sich auf der Homepage umtun.

      Rockwood Reports Very Strong First Quarter Results

      Net Sales up 17.4%; Adjusted EBITDA from Continuing Operations up 31.7%; As Reported EPS from Continuing Operations $0.80 vs. $0.42; As Adjusted EPS from Continuing Operations $0.88 vs. $0.41.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC), a global producer of specialty chemicals and advanced materials, today reported earnings per share from continuing operations of $0.80 for the first quarter of 2011 as compared to $0.42 for the same period in the prior year. Rockwood''s as adjusted earnings per share increased to $0.88 in the first quarter of 2011 from $0.41 for the same period in the prior year.

      "Rockwood''s exceptionally strong first quarter profits resulted from organic sales growth in all segments, as well as price increases that offset raw material and other cost increases. We were also able to improve our product mix, primarily in the specialty titanium dioxide business. All of this contributed to achieving an all-time high Adjusted EBITDA margin from continuing operations of 22.6 percent. In addition, our decision to repay a portion of our term debt and refinance the balance resulted in significantly lower interest expense, which further contributed to the significant increase in as adjusted earnings per share to $0.88 compared to the first quarter a year ago," Seifi Ghasemi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said.

      The highlights from continuing operations for the first quarter ended March 31, 2011 are as follows:

      * Net sales were $914.0 million for the first quarter of 2011, up 17.4% compared to $778.4 million for the same period in the prior year.
      * Adjusted EBITDA was $206.6 million for the first quarter of 2011, up 31.7% compared to $156.9 million for the same period in the prior year.
      * Net income attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. for the first quarter of 2011 was $63.3 million, including after-tax net special charges of $6.9 million. Net income attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. for the first quarter of 2010 was $32.3 million, including income of $0.9 million related to after-tax net special items.
      * Diluted earnings per share for the first quarter of 2011 were $0.80, including after-tax net special charges of $0.08. Excluding net special charges, diluted earnings per share were $0.88 in the first quarter of 2011. Diluted earnings per share for the first quarter of 2010 were $0.42, including income of $0.01 related to after-tax net special items. Excluding net special items, diluted earnings per share were $0.41 in the first quarter of 2010.
      * As previously announced, on January 7, 2011, the Company completed the sale of its AlphaGary plastic compounding business to Mexichem C.V. and recorded a gain on sale, net of taxes of $114.5 million. The results of this business have been accounted for as a discontinued operation in the condensed consolidated financial statements for all periods presented.
      * The Company also completed a refinancing in support of its long-term debt-reduction strategy on February 10, 2011. The Company refinanced $850 million of its senior secured term loans and repaid $409 million of its senior secured term loans. This refinancing and repayment of senior secured debt is expected to reduce interest expense by approximately $40 million.

      Commenting on the outlook, Mr. Ghasemi said, "We remain optimistic about the prospects for our business as demand for Rockwood''s products continues to be strong. We expect to increase sales, maintain strong margins and improve earnings per share, while reducing debt in line with our long-term objectives."
      schrieb am 04.05.11 18:28:54
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      Rockwood Holdings Shares Popped: What You Need to Know…

      Rich Smith
      April 27, 2011

      Although we don't believe in timing the market or panicking over market movements, we do like to keep an eye on big changes -- just in case they're material to our investing thesis.

      What: Told you so. Two months ago, I took a look at lithium play Rockwood Holdings (NYSE: ROC ) at the very top of its 52-week high stock price -- and pronounced the stock still undervalued and likely to go higher. This morning it did just that -- up 10% in response to boffo first-quarter earnings.

      So what: Expected to earn $0.61 per share in Q1, Rockwood delivered a true whopper of an earnings beat -- $0.88 per share, or 44% better than predicted. In case you're counting, that makes seven straight earnings beats for Rockwood (and counting.)

      Now what: In making my bullish call on Rockwood, I looked past the company's seemingly high P/E ratio and pointed to the firm's strong underlying free cash flow as the true measure of its value. Now that we have new data, let's run it through the number cruncher and see what comes out:

      Free cash flow for the last 12 months now totals $283 million -- a number not far off from what we saw two months ago. So while it's true that Rockwood costs more today than it did back then, I still see value in the shares. Basically, we're looking at a 15 times FCF stock today, pegged for superfast 34% growth by Wall Street analysts. This being the case, I still see room for the shares to rise. My advice: Count your winnings ... then buy more.

      Maybe Rich was lucky, recommending a high-flying stock at the top of its perigee in February -- but is it tempting fate to double down on that bet after a 25% gain? Add Rockwood Holdings to your watchlist, and watch how this plays out.
      schrieb am 04.05.11 18:36:26
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()
      Wäre ja auch zu schön, wenn die Freude nachhaltig gewesen wäre.

      03.05.2011 00:27
      AFX News · Mehr Nachrichten von AFX News · Archiv
      UPDATE 1-KKR to sell half of its stake in Rockwood Holdings

      * Kohlberg Kravis Roberts to sell almost half of shares

      * Goldman Sachs & Co serving as sole book running manager

      May 2 (Reuters) - Rockwood Holdings Inc said its shareholder Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co will sell almost half of the stake it owns in the specialty chemicals maker, sending its shares down 2 percent in extended trading.

      Kohlberg Kravis -- an asset management company -- owns about 21 percent stake, or 15.9 million shares in Rockwood Holdings.

      Goldman Sachs & Co is serving as sole book running manager of the offering, the company said.

      Rockwood Holdings, which makes inorganic chemicals and solutions and engineered materials, posted its seventh straight market-topping quarterly results last week.

      The shares of the New Jersey-based company closed at $55.72 on Monday on the New York Stock Exchange.

      (Reporting by Vaishnavi Bala in Bangalore; Editing by Prem Udyaabhanu)

      (( within U.S. +1 646 223 8780 outside U.S. +91 80 4135 5800 Reuters


      COPYRIGHT Copyright Thomson Reuters 2011. All rights reserved. The copying, republication or redistribution of Reuters News Content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Thomson Reuters.

      © 2011 AFX News
      schrieb am 23.05.11 15:06:01
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      - Rockwood Holdings ist bei Lithiumerbindungen weltweit führend

      20.05.11 11:42

      Berlin ( AG) - Die Experten von "Fuchsbriefe" empfehlen, die Rockwood Holdings-Aktie (ISIN US7744151033 / WKN A0F5ML) zu kaufen.

      Elektrische Zusatzantriebe würden im Automobilbau eine immer gewichtigere Rolle spielen. Die Experten würden vor allem im Hybridfahrzeug-Bereich mit überdurchschnittlichen Wachstumsraten rechnen. Dabei setze die Industrie derzeit vor allem auf die Lithium-Ionen-Technologie, da Lithium-Ionen-Batterien als das leistungsfähigste Konzept der mobilen Energiespeicherung gelten würden. Über ein Tochterunternehmen sei Rockwood Holdings bei den gefragten Lithium-Verbindungen weltweit führend.

      Die Erholung im vergangenen Jahr habe sich für Rockwood auch 2011 verstärkt fortgesetzt. Dank eines hohen organischen Wachstums und Preiserhöhungen habe das Unternehmen den Umsatz im 1. Quartal um 17,4% auf umgerechnet 648 Mio. Euro steigern und den Gewinn pro Aktie mit 0,56 Euro mehr als verdoppeln können.

      Sofern der Widerstand bei 50 USD nicht nachhaltig nach unten durchbrochen werde, stehe aus technischer Sicht einem weiteren Kursanstieg nichts im Wege. Bei einem für das Gesamtjahr 2011 erwarteten Gewinn von 2,20 Euro pro Aktie sei die Aktie auch fundamental nicht überbewertet.

      Für die Experten von "Fuchsbriefe" ist die Aktie von Rockwood Holdings ein Kauf, der mit einem Stopp-Loss bei 30,30 Euro abgesichert werden sollte. Das Kursziel werde bei 44,56 Euro gesehen. (Ausgabe 21 vom 19. Mai 2011) (20.05.2011/ac/a/a)

      schrieb am 25.05.11 00:09:09
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      deine empfehlungen mit roc und ppo waren wirklich nicht schlecht.
      die eine steigt um 200% und die andere versechsfacht sich sogar in den letzten zwei jahren. gibt nicht viele user hier, die solche treffsicheren prognosen geben können.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 25.05.11 17:14:57
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.551.764 von steven_trader am 25.05.11 00:09:09@ steven,

      ich hab´s gern gelesen, aber das alles geht natürlich nur, wenn die Kapitalmärkte weiter-
      hin relativ stabil bleiben. Nur dann geht hier bei beiden die Story weiter.

      Dann will ich mal hoffen, daß Du diese Titel auch so ziemlich seit Anbeginn hälst. Habe
      damals gebetsmühlenartig immer wieder darauf hingewiesen, daß man am besten kein Stück
      aus der Hand gibt.

      Vielleicht solltes Du Dir auch mal BIDU ansehen, hab sie zu 104 US-$ gekauft. Sie liegen
      in meinem abgeltungssteuerfreien Depot. Nach den Q-Zahlen sind sie ganz gut zurückgekommen,
      so daß ein Einstieg jetzt ganz gut möglich ist. Aber auch hier geht es natürlich nur unter
      der Voraussetzung weiter nach oben, daß die Börse nicht crashed.

      schrieb am 02.06.11 21:54:46
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      Ruhig mal lesen !!!

      Daniela Desormeaux: Can Lithium Ride the Electric Vehicle Craze?
      The Energy Report | Jun. 2, 2011, 4:00 AM

      Daniela Desormeaux: Our customers are very diverse. Investment banks are looking for new investments in natural resources, including lithium, which has become important for its use in batteries for electric vehicles, and has therefore become very popular. In the last four years, more than 80 new lithium projects have been announced. So we have seen a lot of appetite for investment in lithium.

      Our customers also include battery companies; they are interested in understanding the future of lithium because they have to buy it. We also have customers who are lithium producers and involved in exploration activities. Lithium is strategic in terms of its use, and that's why we have seen Toyota, Mitsubishi and other automakers investing in the industry. They want to secure their supply of lithium in the future. So, a percentage of our customers are automakers.

      TER: Daniela, lithium trades on industrial supply and demand factors in a negotiated market. Without a public market for the metal or its salts, how do you value producers?

      DD: Lithium is not traded on a formal market like copper and gold. So it is impossible to know, for example, how much lithium is traded in one day and at what prices. The price is determined by negotiations between producers and customers. So far, production of lithium chemicals has been concentrated among three main players: Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. (NYSE:SQM; SSX:SQM-B, SQM-A) in Chile, Chemetall, a division of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:ROC) in Chile and in the U.S. and FMC Lithium Corp. (NYSE:FMC) in Argentina. Meanwhile, Talison Lithium Ltd. (TSX:TLH) in Australia is the largest producer of lithium concentrates.

      These are public companies that have to release information, so we can value the lithium business to a certain degree, despite the fact that lithium is not traded on an exchange. However, we don't have a daily track of what is happening in this industry in terms of volumes and prices. On a monthly basis, we track lithium exports from major producer countries such as Chile, Argentina, Australia and China.

      TER: Do large market-maker companies enjoy a pricing advantage over smaller companies? Can they get more for lithium because they can supply more?

      DD: Absolutely, yes. SQM and Chemetall sell more than 50% of the total use of chemical supply nowadays. They are the drivers of lithium prices. The main advantage they have is that they are both located in the Salar de Atacama in Chile, which has the highest quality lithium resources in the world and is located within the driest desert in the world.

      TER: I know that electric vehicles—cars, scooters and bikes—are a major growth driver for lithium used to produce lithium-ion batteries. If these lithium-ion batteries can be charged to five times the capacity of the same sized nickel-metal hydride battery, that obviously represents a tremendous efficiency. But the power still has to be generated by nuclear, natural gas, coal, hydro, solar, wind or geothermal means. These batteries don't produce power; they only store it, so what is the value proposition?

      DD: Well, electric vehicles are an option, but lithium-ion batteries also serve other technologies, such as hybrid-electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid-electric vehicles. Pure electric vehicle batteries can be plugged into a home's electricity for charging; batteries for hybrid-electric vehicles can also be also while the engine is running. So it is not just an external source of electricity. We have also to consider that automakers are researching other technologies as well, and they have made important progress on the efficiency of internal combustion engines, for example. I believe that in the future we will see a mix of different technologies coexisting. You have to strike a balance because there are tradeoffs. Yes, you have to generate the electricity, but if you consider the impact of CO2 emissions, you will conclude that electric vehicles are the best option compared with other current-available technologies.

      TER: About two months ago, you gave a presentation at the Technology and Rare Earth Metals Conference 2011. You concluded that there was enough lithium in the world to meet future demand and that the price of lithium would remain the same or drop. You also said there was room for more new producers to come into the market. Those were your three takeaways. From what you said, it doesn't sound like a growth industry.

      DD: In the presentation, I said that the lithium industry is a growth industry and it has a real potential because we haven't yet seen a full implementation of its uses. We are in a transition period and so we have to wait. It's like what happened in the 1990s: Sony introduced the first lithium-ion battery, and it was very successful. In less than five years, almost 90% of the batteries were based on lithium. So we saw a very fast penetration break for the lithium battery segment. We still don't know what will happen in the auto industry, but the future is promising.

      Years ago, some news articles questioned the ability of the world lithium supply to meet future requirements. I think that many people overestimated the growth in the demand of lithium and underestimated the amount of lithium resources in the world. That's why we saw predictions of near-term high price grow. That's absolutely not going to happen. My perception is that the future is promising and lithium demand will show interesting growth rates because it has many applications in addition to batteries. On the other hand, lithium is abundant as evidenced by a total of 80 exploration projects that have been announced globally in the last few years.

      TER: Can you address some players?

      DD: These companies are not producing lithium right now, but are exploration mining companies working deposits and projects around the world.

      Galaxy Resources Ltd. (ASX:GXY) is an Australian company that extracts lithium from Mount Cattlin in Western Australia. The company is building a lithium chemicals plant in China and has already shipped lithium concentrate mineral to the site. SignumBOX ranks Galaxy as number one of all of the lithium mineral projects.

      Nemaska Exploration Inc. (TSX.V:NMX; OTC:MNKEF) has a good deposit in Canada. The company also has an important investor in China (Chengdu Tianqi), which holds 10% of the stock. Nemaska's Whabouchi Lithium Project is ranked number three at signumBOX.

      Companies with projects based on less expensive salar-bearing brines production include Orocobre Ltd. (TSX:ORL; ASX:ORE), Lithium One Inc. (TSX.V:LI) and Lithium Americas Corp. (TSX:LAC). All of these companies have projects in Argentina with strategic partner offtake agreements—Orocobre with Toyota; Lithium Americas with Mitsubishi and Magna, and Lithium One with LG International, Kores and GS Galtex.

      In Chile, Li3 Energy (OTX:LIEG) is considering extracting lithium from a deposit in the northern Salar de Maricunga area. However, current mining regulation (which was established after SQM and Chemetall started to produce in the region) lists lithium as a strategic mineral that cannot be exported. I strongly believe that this situation is going to change in the near future since it could cost the government its global lithium industry leadership position.

      Western Lithium USA Corp. (TSX:WLC; OTCQX:WLCDF) plans to produce lithium in the U.S. from a hectorite deposit located within the McDermitt Caldera Complex. The company claims that it would be competitive in terms of lithium carbonate's cash cost; nevertheless, they may not be as competitive as producers from brines.

      TER: Do you believe that Li3 is closer to production than the hard rock mineral companies we just talked about?

      DD: It's difficult to say because Li3 doesn't have the permit to extract lithium. The company has the mining rights and a strategic partner, but it needs a permit from the government. As I said earlier, I think the government will eventually allow new companies to extract lithium. If Li3 gets the permit, it could succeed, but it is very difficult to say when this will happen.

      TER: You mentioned Nemaska Explorations. I understand that the company is spinning out its non-lithium properties into a new company, Monarques Resources. I'm wondering if you believe this will make it easier for the company to move its Whabouchi Project into production by 2013.

      DD: At this stage, it is difficult to say. As I said before, the Whabouchi Project is very well ranked by signumBOX because of the geological characteristics of the deposit and the presence of China as a strategic investor. But this is a relative ranking, which gives an idea about which project is more likely to eventually become part of the lithium supply. It doesn't indicate when it will occur. It is also important to note that the survival of many of the projects that are under evaluation will depend on the price strategy that current lithium producers decide to deploy.

      TER: 2013 sounds near term compared to some others. Is that something investors can hang their hat on?

      DD: Well, 2013 is short term and I believe that the biggest potential for lithium demand will be after 2015 when electric cars become more commonplace. So, I don't see much room for the entry of these projects in the short term.

      TER: Nemaska has formed a strategic partnership with China's Tianqi Group, which could purchase as much as 50% of the company’s lithium production. It sounds like a big advantage.

      DD: Tianqi is an important Chinese operation that produces lithium chemicals from lithium concentrates, so they have the experience and the knowledge of the Chinese market. China is the largest consumer of lithium concentrates, which are mainly used as raw materials for lithium chemicals but they are also used in several industrial applications. In this context, it is crucial for a lithium concentrate producer to have a strategic partner or investor in China.

      TER: Daniela, I've enjoyed meeting you very much.

      DD: Thank you.

      Daniela Desormeaux is an economist and an expert in industrial chemicals and natural resources. Prior to starting with signumBox, she was strategic marketing manager at SQM, where she was responsible for market intelligence on lithium, iodine and other industrial chemicals. Before joining SQM, she was an economic analyst at Cámara Chilena de la Construcción, a Chilean trade association focused on the housing and construction industries.

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      schrieb am 16.06.11 09:54:47
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      June 16, 2011 02:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
      Rockwood’s Lithium Division Announces Global Price Increases

      PRINCETON, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Rockwood Holdings' Inc. (NYSE: ROC) lithium division is announcing price increases of up to 20 percent for its lithium salts, including lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide, lithium chloride, and increases on lithium metal battery grade, effective July 1. The company is also implementing and adjusting specific surcharges due to the requirements of its different global markets. The company is taking this action to recover the increased costs for energy, raw materials, solvents and transport.

      “With this increase we will return prices of lithium carbonate and lithium hydroxide to the levels of 2008” said Dr. Steffen Haber, President of Rockwood’s Chemetall lithium division. “In addition, higher prices will help to support our efforts to increase our global production capacities,” Haber explained.

      Rockwood’s lithium division continues to develop cost-effective and reliable sources of supply and has invested in new capacities and cost-effective technologies. Appropriate prices are necessary to ensure that the company will remain a long term reliable and innovative partner for the company’s global customers.

      Chemetall Lithium is the world's leading manufacturer of lithium-based compounds and an innovative developer of metal-based fine chemicals for use in specialty applications. Chemetall's lithium-based compounds are used in a variety of high growth applications, including base chemicals for numerous industries, drug intermediates, elastomers for car tires and rubber soles, lithium batteries, thermoplastic materials and high performance greases. Chemetall has lithium production facilities in the United States, Chile, Germany and Taiwan. For more information go to:

      Chemetall is part of Rockwood Holdings, Inc., a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,600 people and annual net sales of more than $3 billion. The company focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit

      The information set forth in this press release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 concerning the business, operations and financial condition of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Rockwood"). Words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "forecasts," "predicts" and variations of such words or expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although Rockwood believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that its expectations will be realized. "Forward-looking statements" consist of all non-historical information, including any statements referring to the prospects and future performance of Rockwood. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in Rockwood's forward-looking statements due to numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties, including, among other things, the "Risk Factors" described in Rockwood's 2010 Form 10-K on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Rockwood does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which any such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated a global company committed to the specialty chemistry. The Group's activities focus on products and processes for the chemical treatment of metal surfaces and plastics, as well as selected fields of fine chemistry, e.g. lithium and cesium compounds.


      Rockwood Holdings, Inc.
      Timothy McKenna, +1-609-734-6430
      Investors & Financial Press
      Thomas Krause, +49-69-7165-2232
      European and Trade Press
      schrieb am 24.06.11 11:03:36
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      Aha, der nächste zieht nach.
      Wenn es denn von SQM noch eine gleichlautende Aussage gibt, sollten sich die Preise
      eigentlich nicht negativ auf das Ergebnis des 3. Quartals auswirken.

      FMC Lithium Announces Global Price Increases

      CHARLOTTE, N.C., June 23, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- FMC Lithium announced today that effective July 1, 2011, or as contracts permit, it will increase prices 20 percent for lithium carbonate and between 15 and 25 percent, depending on product grade, for a range of lithium products, including lithium hydroxide, lithium chloride, specialty lithium salts and lithium battery metal.

      "This price increase is necessary to support continued investment in our operations as well as to offset cost increases for raw materials, transportation and energy." said Eric Norris, global commercial director for FMC Lithium.

      From its headquarters in Charlotte, N.C., FMC Lithium serves markets including battery and energy, air treatment, construction, energy, fine chemicals, glass and ceramics, greases and lubricants, pool-water treatment, and polymers. Information is available at The company may be reached by phone at 888/LITHIUM or 704/426-5300, by fax at 704/426-5370, or by email at

      FMC Corporation (NYSE: FMC) is a diversified chemical company serving agricultural, industrial and consumer markets globally for more than a century with innovative solutions, applications and quality products. The company employs approximately 5,000 people throughout the world. The company operates its businesses in three segments: Agricultural Products, Specialty Chemicals and Industrial Chemicals.

      FMC, the FMC logo and all brand names, company names, service marks, logos and trade dress of FMC or its subsidiaries, affiliates or licensors are registered trademarks of FMC Corporation or its subsidiaries, affiliates or licensors in the United States and other countries.

      SOURCE FMC Corporation
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 24.06.11 19:38:20
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.694.181 von Karlll am 24.06.11 11:03:36In dem schlechten Umfeld heute in Amiland sehen SQM,ROC und PPO recht gut aus.
      Sollte es sich zum Sitzungsende etwas aufhellen, können sicher alle 3 im Plus aus dem
      Handel gehen. Ich denke, diese Titel werden in den nächsten 4 Wochen noch recht ordentlich
      laufen, wenn die Weltbörsen in dieser Zeit nicht weiter gen Süden laufen.

      Schönes WE

      schrieb am 24.06.11 22:10:01
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()
      Preise für Lithium-Polymer-Akkus ziehen an
      24.06.2011 00:11

      Die in den vergangenen Jahren eher selten verwendeten Lithium-Polymer-Akkus erfreuen sich nicht zuletzt aufgrund der hohen Nachfrage nach Tablets einer immer größeren Beliebtheit seitens der Gerätehersteller. Das wachsende Interesse an diesem Akkutyp sorgt nun aber für steigende Preise.

      Denn zusätzlich zu dem Bedarf der Tablet-Industrie kommt der dünne und recht flexibel anpassbare Energiespeicher auch immer häufiger in Notebooks zum Einsatz. Denn erst durch die im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Lithium-Ionen-Akkus geringere Bauhöhe sind dünne Notebooks wie beispielsweise das Samsung 900X3A (ComputerBase-Test) oder Tablets möglich.

      Laut DigiTimes gehen Branchenkenner nun davon aus, dass bis zum Ende des kommenden Jahres vier von zehn Notebooks Lithium-Polymer-Akkus verwenden werden. Derzeit sind lediglich zehn Prozent aller ausgelieferten Mobil-PCs damit ausgestattet. Als erste Reaktion auf diesen steigenden Bedarf sind die Preise im zweiten Quartal im Vergleich zu den ersten drei Monaten 2010 um etwa 20 Prozent gestiegen. Da die Fertigung bereits am Limit läuft und die Kapazitäten erst im Laufe der nächsten Monate ausgebaut werden können, dürften weitere Steigerungen folgen. Schon jetzt sind die gefragten Akkus 60 Prozent teurer als die Lithium-Ionen-Pendants.

      Hauptabnehmer ist im übrigen Apple, das Unternehmen aus Cupertino stattet eine Vielzahl seiner Geräte mit den Polymer-Energiespeichern aus. Durch langfristige Lieferverträge hat der Mac-Hersteller im Vergleich zu anderen Nachfragern wie Acer, Asus oder HP eine bessere Ausgangslage.
      Autor: Patrick Bellmer
      Quelle: DigiTimes
      schrieb am 25.06.11 13:10:41
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()
      Preise für Lithium-Polymer-Akkus ziehen an

      und nicht nur die. ROC hatte gestern den höchsten Tagesumsatz der letzten 12 Monate gehabt
      und mehr als das 5-fache des durchschnittlichen Tagesumsatzes.

      Ich habe noch einmal 500 Stck. nachgekauft. Hätte der Nasdaq nicht so grottenschlecht
      ausgesehen gestern, wäre es für ROC sicher 3% nach oben gegangen, aber das werden die dem-
      nächst nachholen, wenn die Börsenlage einigermaßen stabil bleibt.

      schrieb am 05.07.11 17:56:10
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      Neues Verlaufs-ATH bei ROC.
      Und die Story geht weiter.

      05. Juli 2011, 06:29 Uhr
      Revolution der Stadt-Knirpse

      Von Jürgen Pander

      Gegen sie wirken Polo, Corsa oder Mini wie fette Kaleschen: Eine ganze Armada pfiffiger Kleinstwagen schickt sich an, die Metropolen zu erobern. Bis 2013 werden rund 20 völlig neue Modelle der sogenannten Microcar-Klasse in Europa auf den Markt kommen - die meisten mit Elektroantrieb.

      Die Städte werden immer größer, die Autos darin jedoch immer kleiner. Weil es an Platz mangelt, sowohl zum Fahren, als auch zum Parken. Weil die Luftbelastung durch Abgase immer ärger wird. Und weil viele Metropolen bereits sehr große Pkw mit empfindlichen Einfahrzöllen belegen - oder gleich komplett aus den Innenstädten aussperren. All das spricht für kleinere, praktischere, umweltfreundlichere Autos. "Die Entwicklung der Megacitys, die sich verändernden Mobilitätstrends und das wachsende Interesse an abgasarmen, spritsparenden Autos lässt viele Fahrzeughersteller ganz neue Microcars für Europa entwickeln", sagt Vishwas Shanka, Analyst beim Marktforschungsunternehmen Frost & Sullivan.

      In der Studie "Strategic Analysis of the European Microcars Market" sprechen die Marktforscher von einer "neuen Ära" der Mikromobilität, die in den nächsten Jahren eine erhebliche Breitenwirkung entfalten werde. Es geht um Autos, die ungefähr das Format eines Smart Fortwo haben - also zwischen 2,50 und 3,50 Meter lang sind, die zwei bis vier Sitzplätze bieten, eine Höchstgeschwindigkeit zwischen 75 und 150 km/h, deren Antriebe zwischen 20 und 55 PS leisten und die, je nach Ausstattung und Positionierung, etwa 7000 bis 15.000 Euro kosten werden.

      Bislang, so die Studie von Frost & Sullivan, werden in diesem Segment europaweit etwa 12.000 Fahrzeuge pro Jahr verkauft. Bis 2017 jedoch könnten es pro Jahr rund 230.000 Microcars sein. Das enorme Wachstumspotential ruft nach Einschätzung der Marktforscher zunehmend die etablierten Autohersteller auf den Plan: "Sieben der zehn weltweit größten Autokonzerne planen ein Microcar für den europäischen Markt bis spätestens 2013", heißt es. Größte Microcar-Märkte des alten Kontinents sollen Deutschland und Großbritannien werden - hierzulande haben die Anlaysten vor allem die Städte Berlin, Hamburg, Köln und München sowie die dazugehörigen Ballungsräume als Microcar-Hochburgen ausgemacht.

      Kleine Autos plus elektrischer Antrieb sind eine clevere Kombination

      Der Trend zum Kleinstwagen trifft auf jenen zum Elektroantrieb - und beide Erscheinungen lassen sich ideal miteinander verknüpfen. Denn je kleiner und leichter ein Fahrzeug, desto sinnvoller und effizienter lässt es sich mit einem Elektroantrieb kombinieren - zumal die Zweisitzer in erster Linie für den Kurzstreckenverkehr in der Stadt gedacht sind. Kein Wunder also, dass die Studie vorhersagt, etwa 85 Prozent der neu auf den Markt kommenden Autozwerge seien als reine Elektrofahrzeuge konzipiert.

      Für die Hersteller sind die neuen Miniautos aus mehreren Gründen attraktiv. Erstens helfen die sparsamen und im Falle eines Elektroantriebs sogar emissionsfreien Mobile, die CO2-Bilanz aufzuhübschen. Zweitens können in den Fahrzeugen technische Komponenten aus bereits vorhandenen Kleinwagen verwendet werden, was die Entwicklungskosten deutlich reduziert. Und drittens interessieren sich für diese Art von Minimalautos auch kaufkräftige Kunden - darunter vermutlich zahlreiche so genannte LoHaS (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability, etwa: umweltbewusste Verbraucher) - die durchaus üppig ausgestattete Fahrzeuge kaufen; mit anderen Worten: Es lässt sich mit den Microcars ordentlich Geld verdienen.

      Sehr kleine Autos mit sehr üppiger Ausstattung

      Der Einsatz in urbanen Ballungsräumen hat laut Frost & Sullivan-Analyst Shanka diverse Auswirkungen auf die Ausstattung der Microcars. So seien Spracherkennungssysteme, Start-Stopp-Automatik, Einparkhilfen, Bordcomputer, schlüssellose Zugangssysteme, Panoramadächer, Internet-Zugangsmöglichkeiten und intelligente Navigationssysteme wichtige Details dieser Fahrzeuge. Und all diese Extras dürften den Preis des Autos und vor allem die Gewinnmarge für den Hersteller hübsch nach oben treiben.

      VW wird bereits Ende August das neue Einstiegsmodell Up vorstellen, BMW plant bis spätestens 2013 die Premiere des sogenannten Megacity-Vehicles, von Opel heißt es, auch dort werde ein Kleinstwagen entwickelt und Mercedes-Benz und Renault werden in ihrer neuen Kooperation Autokonzepte wie den Smart oder das Renault E-Mobil Twizy sicher weiter ausbauen, ebenso Toyota das Modell iQ, dass demnächst mit Elektroantrieb auf den Markt kommen soll. Darüber hinaus deuten Studien von den vergangenen großen Automessen wie Kia Pop, Peugeot BB1, Tata Pixel oder Citroën Lacoste an, in welche Richtung die anderen großen Hersteller planen. Kleine, neue Autowelt.



      schrieb am 27.07.11 10:23:17
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      In ca. 3 Std. wissen wir mehr. Bin mal gespannt, ob die Erwartungen, nachdem sie nach den Q.-1 Zahlen
      tüchtig nach oben korrigiert wurden, noch zu toppen sind.

      Es werden im Konsens 97 Cent erwartet.

      Für das 3. Quartal dann 93 Cent und das 4. Quartal 82 Cent

      schrieb am 27.07.11 13:03:29
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      Nun, das schaut ja alles recht ordentlich aus. Da dürfte es heute in Amiland wohl recht strong gen Norden

      07/27/2011 | 06:30 am
      ROCKWOOD : Reports Very Strong Second Quarter 2011 Result

      Rockwood Reports Very Strong Second Quarter Results:

      - Net sales up 22.9%.

      - Adjusted EBITDA from continuing operations up 43.1%.

      - As reported EPS from continuing operations of $1.11 vs. $0.59.

      - As adjusted EPS from continuing operations of $1.17 vs. $0.50.

      Princeton, New Jersey; July 27, 2011 — Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC), a global producer of specialty chemicals and advanced materials, today reported earnings per share from continuing operations of $1.11 for the second quarter of 2011 as compared to $0.59 for the same period in the prior year. Rockwood’s as adjusted earnings per share increased to $1.17 in the second quarter of 2011 from $0.50 for the same period in the prior year.

      “Our businesses performed exceptionally well in the second quarter. Strong demand for our products, combined with improvement in pricing and productivity, enabled us to achieve an all-time high Adjusted EBITDA to sales margin of 23.4 percent. Adjusted EBITDA improved by 43.1 percent versus the second quarter of last year and EPS almost doubled. Rockwood continued to benefit from the fundamental strengths of its focused portfolio of world-class businesses. It is particularly encouraging that all of our business units improved performance as compared to a year ago,” Seifi Ghasemi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer said.

      The highlights from continuing operations for the second quarter and six months ended June 30, 2011 are as follows:

      · Net sales were $1,000.0 million for the second quarter of 2011, up 22.9% compared to $813.7 million for the same period in the prior year. Net sales were $1,914.0 million for the six months ended June 30, 2011, up 20.2% compared to $1,592.1 million for the same period in the prior year.

      · Adjusted EBITDA was $233.6 million for the second quarter of 2011, up 43.1% compared to $163.2 million for the same period in the prior year. Adjusted EBITDA was $440.2 million for the six months ended June 30, 2011, up 37.5% compared to $320.1 million for the same period in the prior year.

      · On a constant-currency basis, net sales and Adjusted EBITDA were up 12.2% and 30.0%, respectively, for the second quarter of 2011 and were up 14.7% and 30.8%, respectively, for the six months ended June 30, 2011 compared to the same period in the prior year.

      · Net income attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. for the second quarter of 2011 was $88.9 million, including after-tax net special charges of $4.7 million. Net income attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. for the second quarter of 2010 was $45.9 million, including income of $6.9 million related to after-tax net special items.

      Net income attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. for the six months ended June 30, 2011 was $152.2 million, including after-tax net special charges of $11.6 million. Net income attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. for the six months ended June 30, 2010 was $78.2 million, including income of $7.8 million related to after-tax net special items.

      · Diluted earnings per share for the second quarter of 2011 were $1.11, including after-tax net special charges of $0.06. Excluding net special charges, diluted earnings per share were $1.17 in the second quarter of 2011. Diluted earnings per share for the second quarter of 2010 were $0.59, including income of $0.09 related to after-tax net special items. Excluding net special items, diluted earnings per share were $0.50 in the second quarter of 2010.

      Diluted earnings per share for the six months ended June 30, 2011 were $1.91, including after-tax net special charges of $0.14. Excluding net special charges, diluted earnings per share were $2.05 for the six months ended June 30, 2011. Diluted earnings per share for the six months ended June 30, 2010 were $1.01, including income of $0.10 related to after-tax net special items. Excluding net special items, diluted earnings per share were $0.91 for the six months ended June 30, 2010.

      · See reconciliations of net income/EPS as reported to net income/EPS as adjusted at the end of this release for details of the special charges/items discussed above.

      Commenting on the outlook, Mr. Ghasemi said, “We continue to be optimistic about the prospects for our businesses. Demand for our products continues to be strong. We expect to maintain our high margins and improve EPS. We intend to use our strong cash flow to invest in our businesses to promote organic growth and to reduce our leverage in line with our long-term objectives.”

      Second quarter results, as compared with the same period a year ago, are summarized below:

      · Specialty Chemicals: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA increased 24.9% and 25.9%, respectively.

      o In our Fine Chemicals business, higher volumes of lithium products, as well as increased selling prices, were partially offset by higher raw material costs primarily in our Metal Sulfides business.

      o In our Surface Treatment business, higher volumes in all markets, particularly in automotive and general industrial, as well as increased selling prices, were partially offset by higher raw material costs.

      · Performance Additives: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA increased 10.9% and 24.3%, respectively.

      o Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA were up from increased selling prices, as well as higher volumes of oilfield applications in our Clay-based Additives business.

      o Adjusted EBITDA was negatively impacted by lower volumes in our Color Pigments and Services business and higher raw material costs.

      · Titanium Dioxide Pigments: Net salesand Adjusted EBITDA increased 34.6% and 114.5%, respectively.

      o Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA were up primarily from higher selling prices and, to a lesser extent, a favorable product mix. Adjusted EBITDA was negatively impacted by higher production, raw material and energy costs and lower volumes.

      · Advanced Ceramics: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA increased 19.6% and 24.6%, respectively.

      o Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA were up from higher volumes in most product applications, including medical applications.

      · Corporate and other: Corporate costs increased in the second quarter of 2011 due to higher miscellaneous central costs.

      Other Items:

      o Interest expense, net decreased $11.6 million in the second quarter of 2011 compared to the same period in the prior year. The second quarter of 2011 included non-cash losses of $1.4 million and the second quarter of 2010 included non-cash gains of $5.6 million, representing the movement in the mark-to-market valuation of our interest rate swaps. Excluding the impact of these losses and gains, interest expense, net decreased $18.6 million primarily due to debt repayments and lower interest rates related to the refinancing of our senior secured terms loans in February 2011.

      o Income taxes. The effective income tax rate for the second quarter of 2011 was 27.5% and was favorably impacted by certain domestic income that was not tax effected and a beneficial foreign earnings mix.

      o Free cash flow was an inflow of $61.4 million for the second quarter of 2011 and consisted of net cash provided by operating activities of continuing operations of $117.2 million plus special items and other, net of $2.6 million, less capital expenditures, net of $58.4 million.

      o Net debt, which is total debt less cash and cash equivalents, was $1,555.3 million as of June 30, 2011 compared to $1,836.9 million as of December 31, 2010. The decrease in net debt was primarily due to proceeds from the sale of our AlphaGary plastic compounding business in January 2011, partially offset by the impact of currency changes.

      Conference Call and Webcast

      We will host a conference call and webcast to discuss the results of operations for the second quarter ended June 30, 2011 on Wednesday, July 27th, 2011 at 11:00 am Eastern Time. The dial-in number to access the conference call in the U.S. is (800) 230-1074 and the international dial-in number is (612) 234-9959. No access code is needed for either call. A replay of the conference call will be available through August 10th, 2011 at (800) 475-6701 in the U.S., access code: 208353, and internationally at (320) 365-3844, access code: 208353.

      A listen only, live webcast of the conference call will be available at Materials for the call, including a PowerPoint file detailing the results, will be available for download on this site on the morning of the call. The webcast and PowerPoint file will be archived on Rockwood’s website.

      Non-GAAP Financial Measures

      This press release includes “non-GAAP financial measures,” such as, a discussion of Adjusted EBITDA, free cash flow and net income/diluted earnings per share from continuing operations attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. excluding certain items. Adjusted EBITDA is not intended to be an alternative to net income attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. as an indicator of operating performance or to cash flows from operating activities as a measure of liquidity. Additionally, Adjusted EBITDA is not intended to be a measure of free cash flow for management’s discretionary use, as it does not consider certain cash requirements such as interest payments, tax payments and debt service requirements. All presentations of consolidated Adjusted EBITDA are calculated using the definition set forth in the Company’s senior secured credit agreement as a basis and reflects management’s interpretations thereof. Adjusted EBITDA, which is referred to under the senior secured credit agreement as “Consolidated EBITDA,” is defined in the senior secured credit agreement as consolidated earnings (which, as defined in the senior secured credit agreement, equals income (loss) before the deduction of income taxes of Rockwood Specialties Group, Inc. and the Restricted Subsidiaries (as such term is defined in the senior secured credit agreement), excluding extraordinary items) plus certain items including interest expense, depreciation expense, amortization expense, extraordinary losses and non-recurring charges, losses on asset sales, less certain items including extraordinary gains and non-recurring gains, non-cash gains and gains on asset sales. We use Adjusted EBITDA on a consolidated basis to assess our operating performance, to calculate performance-based cash bonuses and determine whether certain performance-based options and restricted stock units vest (as such bonuses, options and restricted stock units are tied to Adjusted EBITDA), and as a liquidity measure. In addition, we use Adjusted EBITDA to determine compliance with our debt covenants. We also use Adjusted EBITDA on a segment basis as the primary measure used by our chief operating decision maker to evaluate the ongoing performance of our business segments and reporting units. A reconciliation of net income attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. to Adjusted EBITDA is contained in this press release. We strongly urge you to review the reconciliation. In addition, we discuss sales growth in terms of nominal (actual) and net change (nominal less constant currency impacts). Free cash flow is not intended to be an alternative to cash flows from operating activities as a measure of liquidity. Our presentation of free cash flow is defined as net cash from operating activities of continuing operations plus special items and other, net less capital expenditures, net (includes proceeds on the sale of property, plant and equipment and proceeds from government grants received; excludes sales of property, plant and equipment related to sales of businesses). Management believes that free cash flow is meaningful to investors because it provides an additional measure of liquidity. Neither net income from continuing operations attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. excluding certain items nor diluted earnings per share from continuing operations attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. excluding certain items is intended to be an alternative for net income or diluted earnings per share. Management believes that net income and diluted earnings per share from continuing operations attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. excluding certain items is meaningful to investors because it provides a view of the Company with respect to ongoing operating results. Reconciliations of these non-GAAP financial measures are included herein. These non-GAAP measures should not be viewed as an alternative to GAAP measures of performance. Furthermore, these measures may not be consistent with similar measures provided by other companies.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. is a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,700 people and annual net sales of approximately $3.2 billion. Rockwood focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit
      schrieb am 27.07.11 13:14:26
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      Nachfrage "robust" interpretiere ich als: "es läuft bombig". Wenn ich pro Quartal mal E/PS von 1 Dollar
      zugrundelgege für 2011, was wohl eher noch konservativ veranschlagt ist, dann liegen wir bei einem
      KGV von unter 15.

      Nicht berücksichtigt dabei ist noch der Effekt höherer Preise ab 01.07.2011. Siehe mein Beitrag-Nr. 139

      Also: Very strong buy

      UPDATE 1-Rockwood posts strong Q2, says demand robust
      6:48am EDT

      * Q2 adj EPS $1.17 vs est $0.97

      * Q2 rev $1 bln vs est $949.7 mln

      * Says demand strong, to improve EPS (Follows alerts)

      July 27 (Reuters) - Rockwood Holdings Inc posted its eighth straight market-topping quarterly results, helped by higher realised prices and strong demand, and the specialty chemicals maker said it expects to improve earnings.

      "Demand for our products continues to be strong. We expect to maintain our high margins and improve EPS (earnings per share)," Chief Executive Seifi Ghasemi said in a statement.

      April-June net income from continuing operations at the Princeton, New Jersey-based company rose 88 percent to $88.9 million, or $1.11 a share, from $45.9 million, or 59 cents a share, in the year-ago period.

      Excluding items, it earned $1.17 a share.

      Rockwood, which makes inorganic chemicals and solutions and engineered materials, reported 23 percent higher revenue at $1 billion.

      Analysts, on an average, expected earnings of 97 cents a share, on revenue of $949.7 million.

      Rockwood's specialty chemicals segment contributed more than one-third to revenue at $358.7 million.

      The company's shares, which dipped to their quarterly low on June 16 at $45.81 when the company raised prices of its lithium-based products, closed at $58.66 on Tuesday on the New York Stock Exchange. (Reporting by Divya Lad in Bangalore; Editing by Maju Samuel)
      schrieb am 27.07.11 20:55:09
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      Fällt heute nicht auf fruchtbaren Boden, die Kursentwicklung.

      Solange In Amiland Schuldenkrise gespielt wird, ist halt nicht mehr drin. Nachher werden sich die Investoren
      schon an die tolle Vorlage erinnern, denke ich mir.
      schrieb am 28.07.11 17:46:02
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      UPDATE: J.P. Morgan Raises PT on Rockwood Holdings to $65
      Created 07/28/2011 - 8:39am
      Posted on 07/28/11 at 8:39am by BenzingaStaffJ [1]

      J.P. Morgan is out with its report today on Rockwood Holdings (NYSE: ROC [2]), raising its PT from $55 to $65.

      In a note to clients, J.P. Morgan writes, "We establish a December 2012E price target of $65 reflecting our revised estimates. Our previous December 2011E price target was $55. Our price target is based on a 6.3x EV/EBITDA multiple based on our 2012 estimates, which compares to a peer group average of 4.4-6.6x EV/EBITDA."

      J.P. Morgan maintains Neutral on ROC.

      At the time of posting, shares of ROC were trading pre-market at $59.89, down 1.12% from Wednesday's close.

      UPDATE: Deutsche Bank Raises PT on Rockwood Holdings from $65.00 to $70.00
      By Lydia Davis
      Created 07/28/2011 - 7:04am
      Posted on 07/28/11 at 7:04am by Lydia Davis [1]

      Deutsche Bank has published a report on Rockwood Holdings (NYSE: ROC [2]) raising the price target, estimated earnings per share, and revenue estimates.

      In the report, Deutsche Bank wrote, "Rockwood shares rose 3% following a strong Q2 release. While TiO2 was again the (rock) star of the quarter (EBITDA +115%), Rockwood's other 3 segments also posted strong results with EBITDA up 24-26%. This helped drive Rockwood's EBITDA margin to an all time high of 23.4%. With tight TiO2 s/d underpinning further price increases, a 20% lithium price increase beginning to stick and battery grade lithium products sold out."

      Deutsche Bank rated Rockwood Holdings a BUY with a price target raised from $65.00 to $70.00. Rockwood Holdings closed Wednesday at $60.57.
      schrieb am 12.08.11 14:25:41
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()
      Aug. 12, 2011, 3:00 a.m. EDT
      Chemetall Increases Organolithium Prices

      FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Germany & PRINCETON, N.J., Aug 12, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Chemetall GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of Rockwood Holdings Inc. /quotes/zigman/384069/quotes/nls/roc ROC +7.29% , announced today that effective September 1st, 2011, as contracts permit, prices for organolithium products will be increased by 8 percent.

      "The company is taking this action to recover the increased costs for energy, raw materials, solvents and transport," said Dr. Steffen Haber, President of Chemetall GmbH.

      Butyllithium is the most important lithium containing organometallic compound. It is used in organic synthesis and for the production of polymers.

      Chemetall continues to develop cost-effective and reliable sources of supply and has invested in new capacities and cost-effective technologies. Appropriate prices are necessary to ensure that the company will remain a long-term reliable and innovative partner for the company's global customers.

      Chemetall is the world's leading manufacturer of lithium-based compounds and an innovative developer of metal-based fine chemicals for use in specialty applications. Chemetall's lithium-based compounds are used in a variety of high growth applications, including base chemicals for numerous industries, drug intermediates, elastomers for car tires and rubber soles, lithium batteries, thermoplastic materials and high performance greases. Chemetall has lithium production facilities in the United States, Chile, Germany and Taiwan. For more information go to:

      Chemetall is part of Rockwood Holdings, Inc., a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,600 people and annual net sales of more than $3.5 billion. The company focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit .

      The information set forth in this press release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 concerning the business, operations and financial condition of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Rockwood"). Words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "forecasts," "predicts" and variations of such words or expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although Rockwood believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that its expectations will be realized. "Forward-looking statements" consist of all non-historical information, including any statements referring to the prospects and future performance of Rockwood. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in Rockwood's forward-looking statements due to numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties, including, among other things, the "Risk Factors" described in Rockwood's 2010 Form 10-K on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Rockwood does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which any such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. The Group's activities focus on products and processes for the chemical treatment of metal surfaces and plastics, as well as selected fields of fine chemistry, e.g. lithium and cesium compounds.

      SOURCE: Rockwood Holdings Inc.
      schrieb am 12.08.11 18:51:30
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      One Reason the Street Should Expect Big Things From Rockwood Holdings…

      Seth Jayson
      August 12, 2011

      Here at The Motley Fool, I've long cautioned investors to keep a close eye on inventory levels. It’s a part of my standard diligence when searching for the market's best stocks. I think a quarterly checkup can help you spot potential problems. For many companies, products that sit on the shelves too long can become big trouble. Stale inventory may be sold for lower prices, hurting profitability. In extreme cases, it may be written off completely and sent to the shredder.

      Basic guidelines
      In this series, I examine inventory using a simple rule of thumb: Inventory increases ought to roughly parallel revenue increases. If inventory bloats more quickly than sales grow, this might be a sign that expected sales haven't materialized.

      Is the current inventory situation at Rockwood Holdings (NYSE: ROC ) out of line? To figure that out, start by comparing the company’s figures to those from peers and competitors:


      TTM Revenue Growth

      TTM Inventory Growth

      Rockwood Holdings



      FMC (NYSE: FMC )



      Georgia Gulf (NYSE: GGC )



      Arch Chemicals (NYSE: ARJ )



      Source: Capital IQ, a division of Standard & Poor's. Data is current as of latest fully reported quarter. TTM = trailing 12 months.

      How is Rockwood Holdings doing by this quick checkup? At first glance, not so great. Trailing-12-month revenue increased 18.3%, and inventory increased 28.2%. Over the sequential quarterly period, the trend looks healthy. Revenue grew 9.4%, and inventory grew 5.9%.

      Advanced inventory
      I don’t stop my checkup there, because the type of inventory can matter even more than the overall quantity. There’s even one type of inventory bulge we sometimes like to see. You can check for it by examining the quarterly filings to evaluate the different kinds of inventory: raw materials, work-in-progress inventory, and finished goods.

      A company ramping up for increased demand may increase raw materials and work-in-progress inventory at a faster rate when it expects robust future growth. As such, we might consider oversized growth in those categories to offer a clue to a brighter future, and a clue that most other investors will miss. We call it "positive inventory divergence.”

      On the other hand, if we see a big increase in finished goods, that often means product isn’t moving as well as expected, and it’s time to hunker down with the filings and conference calls to find out why.

      What’s going on with the inventory at Rockwood Holdings? I chart the details below for both quarterly and 12-month periods.

      Source: Capital IQ, a division of Standard & Poor's. Data is current as of latest fully reported quarter. Dollar amounts in millions. FY = fiscal year. TTM = trailing 12 months.

      Source: Capital IQ, a division of Standard & Poor's. Data is current as of latest fully reported quarter. Dollar amounts in millions. FQ = fiscal quarter.

      Let's dig into the inventory specifics. On a trailing-12-month basis, raw materials inventory was the fastest-growing segment, up 34.2%. On a sequential-quarter basis, raw materials inventory was also the fastest-growing segment, up 13.1%. Although Rockwood Holdings shows inventory growth that outpaces revenue growth, the company may also display positive inventory divergence, suggesting that management sees increased demand on the horizon.

      Foolish bottom line
      When you’re doing your research, remember that aggregate numbers such as inventory balances often mask situations that are more complex than they appear. Even the detailed numbers don’t give us the final word. When in doubt, listen to the conference call, or contact investor relations. What at first looks like a problem may actually signal a stock that will provide the market's best returns. And what might look hunky-dory at first glance could actually be warning you to cut your losses before the rest of the Street wises up.

      I run these quick inventory checks every quarter. To stay on top of the inventory story at your favorite companies, just use the handy links below to add companies to your free watchlist, and we’ll deliver our latest coverage right to your inbox.
      schrieb am 22.08.11 20:45:04
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      Nun, da zerreißt es ROC heute aber über Gebühr.
      Gestartet mit 3,5% plus, und jetzt stehen wir bei 3,8% minus.

      Mal schaun, wo wir schließen.
      schrieb am 01.09.11 06:09:41
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()
      2011 Lithium Market Trends
      August 31, 2011 @ 3:55 pm In Feature Articles,Uncategorized

      [1]By Dave Brown —Exclusive to Lithium Investing News [2]

      With more than ninety different varieties of lithium commercially produced a lithium spot price is not possible and determining an underlying trend in the price for lithium is not simplified enough to give a generic quote as there are different volumes and purities according to specified demands. Recent announcements from some of the biggest producers [3] highlight some of the inflationary costs which appear to have had an impact on the overall lithium industry over the last three months.

      Last month Chemetall Foote [4], a lithium division of specialty chemicals and materials producer Rockwood Holdings Inc. [5] (NYSE:ROC [6]), implemented a price increase [7] up to 20 percent on several products as the result of inflationary expenses from transport, energy, raw materials and solvents. FMC Corporation [8] (NYSE:FMC [9]) preceded this when in June the company announced its second lithium product price increase [10] in the range of 20 percent for lithium carbonate and between 15 and 25 percent, depending on product grade, on a field of lithium products, including lithium battery metal, lithium chloride, lithium hydroxide and specialty lithium salts.

      Equity markets correction

      Overall market corrections represented by a drop in the broader Toronto Stock Exchange, S&P 500, NASDAQ and the Australian equity indexes declining by 10.7, 10.2, 10.4 and 10.8 percent respectively have contributed to a decline in lithium equity valuations over the last 3 months. The Global X [11] Lithium ETF (NYSE:LIT [12]) might serve as a proxy for the overall lithium [13] industry with the cautionary disclaimer that a considerable portion of the represented index constituency is not reflective of pure play lithium exposure. Overall, the index has declined 13.29 percent over the last quarter. The proprietary lithium investing news [14] index has demonstrated a stronger downside pressure potentially attributed to exposure to increased exploration and development risk from its constituents with the overall value declining 26.0 percent from the last quarter.

      The most recent quarterly earnings release [15] from Johnson [16] Controls [17] (NYSE:JCI [18]) suggest impacts for some lithium battery manufacturers may have been enhanced by inefficiencies in North America and Asia due to production disruptions in Japan [19] following the earthquake in March. Higher engineering and inflationary costs have also affected the volume and magnitude of new projects.

      Weather conditions [20] have also been important for some of the South American brine producers with the wettest weather in more than a decade having presented operational challenges in the previous quarter. Heavy rain and snow resulted in road blockages or washouts, creating additional expense and logistical impediments for production yields.

      Strategic alliances and offtake agreements

      A series of announcements from lithium [21] exploration and development companies have highlighted an emergent theme from the last quarter with direct partnerships from battery manufacturers, consumer electronics companies and industrial conglomerates to develop and source critical reserves. Last week, the terms of a previously announced agreement [22] between Li3 Energy, Inc. [23] (OTC:LIEG [24]), a US-listed and Peruvian-based lithium exploration company along with POSCO [25] (NYSE:PKX [26]), were finalized and disclosed. The strategic partnership is to include up to $18 million in funding for the Maricunga exploration and development project.

      There have also been electric vehicle initiatives between automotive and battery manufacturers, governments and universities to further support the potential growth of research and development. This has recently been underscored by the press release [27] last week that General Motors [28] (NYSE:GM [29])(TSE:GMM [30]) and LG Group [31] intend to jointly engineer future electric vehicles, enhancing the relationship of LG's battery cell source for the Chevrolet Volt and Opel Ampera extended-range EVs. The news of this partnership follows a cooperative deal between Toyota and Ford to build a new hybrid system. The most recent announcement has a material application for Lithium One Inc. [32] (CVE:LI [33]) as they are partners in developing Sal de Vida Lithium Brine Project in Argentina along with the Korean government-owned mining company, Korea Resource Corporation (KORES).

      Foreign exchange developments

      Currency rate movements can sometimes be of interest to lithium investors in following trends. Although many producers will be employing complex currency hedging strategies depending upon their segmented revenue forecasts, in general, when a lithium producer operates in a particular region, the expenses will be paid in that region's currency. If the lithium producer exports to another nation, its revenues might lose or might gain in marginal value, or if nothing else the cost to hedge against currency rate volatility could be impacted.

      Of potential interest to some lithium investors might be that the Chinese yuan has strengthened against most currencies, recently reported by Bloomberg [34] to be at a 17 year high. This may provide a windfall for some lithium producing companies that may be generating considerable revenues in yuan and paying most expenses in Argentinian or Chilean pesos or Australian, United States, or Canadian dollars.

      Securities Disclosure: I, Dave Brown, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.
      schrieb am 14.09.11 21:11:38
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      14.09.2011 | 16:46
      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. Announces 3rd Quarter Conference Call and Webcast

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC), a leading global producer of inorganic specialty chemicals and advanced materials, will host a conference call and webcast to discuss the results of operations for the third quarter ended September 30, 2011 on Wednesday, October 19th at 11:00 am eastern time.

      The dial-in number to access the conference call in the U.S. is (800) 230-1059, and the international dial-in number is (612) 234-9960. No access code is needed for either call. A replay of the conference call will be available through November 2, 2011 at (800) 475-6701 in the U.S., access code: 216735, and internationally at (320) 365-3844, access code: 216735.

      A listen-only, live webcast of the conference call will be available at Materials for the call, including a PowerPoint file detailing the results, will be available for download on the company''s website on the morning of the call. The webcast and PowerPoint file will be archived on Rockwood''s website.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. is a leading global inorganic specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,600 people and annual net sales of approximately $3.2 billion. The company focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets.For more information on Rockwood, please visit


      Rockwood Holdings, Inc.
      Timothy McKenna, 609-734-6430

      © 2011 Business Wire
      schrieb am 30.09.11 20:27:31
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      Also, jetzt sollte es aber langsam reichen - oder genauer gesagt, es ist
      eigentlich zuviel mit dem Minus.

      Wir liegen jetzt bei einem KGV von ca. 6,5.

      M. E. dürfte es langsam wieder in die andere Richtung gehen.
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 04.10.11 15:58:34
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.157.234 von Karlll am 30.09.11 20:27:31Ja der Kursverfall in letzter Zeit war schon sehr heftig.Aber wie es aus sieht verlangsamt sich dieser nun zumindest ein bisschen. Ich finde auch das Roc günstig zu haben ist aber bei dem Marktumfeld kann es fast nicht steigen.
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 04.10.11 17:27:38
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.167.619 von Stocker1000 am 04.10.11 15:58:34@ Stocker,

      da haste wahr, momentan interessiert das KGV nicht so recht.

      Solange mehr gebende Hände am Markt aktiv sind, wird es wohl kaum aufwärts

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 05.10.11 20:27:21
      Beitrag Nr. 158 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.168.231 von Karlll am 04.10.11 17:27:38Aha, nun gibt es also Luft unter die Flügel. Aktuell + 8 %.

      05.10.2011 | 18:41
      Rockwood Holdings: JP Morgan erhöht das Rating

      Washington D.C. ( - Der Chemiekonzern Rockwood Holdings ist am Mittwoch nach dem jüngsten Kursrutsch von JP Morgan von neutral auf übergewichten hochgestuft worden. Man erwarte ein starkes drittes Quartal, passe aber die Gewinnprognose für das Jahr 2012 leicht nach unten an, so die Aussage der Investmentbank. Für das Jahr 2012 erwartet man einen Gewinn je Aktie von 4,20 US-Dollar, nach zuvor noch 4,70 US-Dollar je Anteilsschein. Die reduzierte Gewinnprognose trage dem Exposure in Europa Rechnung. Hinzu komme eine schwächere Nachfrage nach Produkten in den Bau- und Elektronik-Märkten. JP Morgan hat nun ein Kursziel von 42,00 US-Dollar, im Vergleich zu der vorherigen Zielvorgabe von 65,00 US-Dollar.
      (© BörseGo AG 2011 - Autor: Jens Lüders, Externer Redakteur)
      schrieb am 16.10.11 14:53:12
      Beitrag Nr. 159 ()
      schrieb am 19.10.11 13:20:31
      Beitrag Nr. 160 ()
      Nun, ob auch der Markt die Zahlen des 3. Quartals als "very strong" ansieht,
      will ich erst mal abwarten.

      EPS continuing 0,95$ und adjusted 1,06$. Da trifft man mit Letzterem gerade
      die Erwartungen. Da ROC aber stark korrigiert hat und der Ausblick unver-
      ändert positiv, könnte es auch aufwärts gehen.

      Die Schlußglocke wird es zeigen.


      Oct. 19, 2011, 6:30 a.m. EDT
      Rockwood Reports Very Strong Third Quarter Results

      Net Sales Up 17.4%; Adjusted EBITDA from Continuing Operations Up 41.3%; As Reported EPS from Continuing Operations of $0.95 vs. $0.49; As Adjusted EPS from Continuing Operations of $1.06 vs. $0.51

      PRINCETON, N.J., Oct 19, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Rockwood Holdings, Inc. ROC +3.65% , a global producer of specialty chemicals and advanced materials, today reported earnings per share from continuing operations of $0.95 for the third quarter of 2011 as compared to $0.49 for the same period in the prior year. Rockwood's as adjusted earnings per share increased to $1.06 in the third quarter of 2011 from $0.51 for the same period in the prior year.

      Seifi Ghasemi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said, "This quarter's superior results are further confirmation of the fundamental strength of Rockwood's unique portfolio of inorganic specialty chemicals. This quality, combined with our constant focus on productivity, enabled us to achieve a record Adjusted EBITDA margin of 24.1 percent for the quarter. Continued strong volume growth in our lithium, surface treatment and clay-based additives businesses, combined with improved pricing in titanium dioxide and lithium, enabled us to more than double our adjusted EPS for the quarter. All of our business units have improved performance versus last year, and we generated a very strong free cash flow of $135 million for the third quarter."

      The highlights from continuing operations for the third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2011 are as follows:

      -- Net sales were $940.9 million for the third quarter of 2011, up 17.4% compared to $801.2 million for the same period in the prior year. Net sales were $2,854.9 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2011, up 19.3% compared to $2,393.3 million for the same period in the prior year.

      -- Adjusted EBITDA was $226.9 million for the third quarter of 2011, up 41.3% compared to $160.6 million for the same period in the prior year. Adjusted EBITDA was $667.1 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2011, up 38.8% compared to $480.7 million for the same period in the prior year.

      -- On a constant-currency basis, net sales and Adjusted EBITDA were up 10.4% and 32.1%, respectively, for the third quarter of 2011 and were up 13.3% and 31.2%, respectively, for the nine months ended September 30, 2011 compared to the same period in the prior year.

      -- Net income attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. for the third quarter of 2011 was $75.9 million, including after-tax net special charges of $8.8 million. Net income attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. for the third quarter of 2010 was $38.0 million, including after-tax net special charges of $2.1 million. Net income attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. for the nine months ended September 30, 2011 was $228.1 million, including after-tax net special charges of $20.4 million. Net income attributable to Rockwood Holdings, Inc. for the nine months ended September 30, 2010 was $116.2 million, including income of $5.7 million related to after-tax net special items.

      -- Diluted earnings per share for the third quarter of 2011 were $0.95, including after-tax net special charges of $0.11. Excluding net special charges, diluted earnings per share were $1.06 in the third quarter of 2011. Diluted earnings per share for the third quarter of 2010 were $0.49, including after-tax net special charges of $0.02. Excluding net special charges, diluted earnings per share were $0.51 in the third quarter of 2010. Diluted earnings per share for the nine months ended September 30, 2011 were $2.85, including after-tax net special charges of $0.26. Excluding net special charges, diluted earnings per share were $3.11 for the nine months ended September 30, 2011. Diluted earnings per share for the nine months ended September 30, 2010 were $1.50, including income of $0.08 related to after-tax net special items. Excluding net special items, diluted earnings per share were $1.42 for the nine months ended September 30, 2010.

      -- See reconciliations of net income/EPS as reported to net income/EPS as adjusted at the end of this release for details of the special charges/items discussed above.

      Commenting on the outlook, Mr. Ghasemi said, "Rockwood continues to benefit from the fundamental strengths of a focused portfolio of specialty businesses. Demand for our products is strong, and we continue to see solid order patterns across our businesses. We expect to maintain our margins and are optimistic about our prospects. We intend to use our strong cash flow to invest in organic growth and to reduce leverage in line with our long-term objectives."

      Third quarter results, as compared with the same period a year ago, are summarized below:

      -- Specialty Chemicals: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA increased 17.4% and 22.2%, respectively. -- In our Fine Chemicals business, higher volumes of lithium products, as well as increased selling prices, were partially offset by higher raw material costs primarily in our Metal Sulfides business.

      -- In our Surface Treatment business, increased selling prices, as well as higher volumes in most markets, particularly in automotive and general industrial, were partially offset by higher raw material costs.

      -- Performance Additives: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA increased 6.9% and 7.0%, respectively. -- Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA were up from increased selling prices, as well as higher volumes of specialty coatings and oilfield applications in our Clay-based Additives business.

      -- Adjusted EBITDA was negatively impacted by lower volumes in our Color Pigments and Services and Timber Treatment Chemicals businesses and higher raw material costs.

      -- Titanium Dioxide Pigments: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA increased 31.1% and 119.0%, respectively. -- Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA were up primarily from higher selling prices and, to a lesser extent, a favorable product mix.

      -- Adjusted EBITDA was negatively impacted by lower volumes and higher production, raw material and energy costs.

      -- Advanced Ceramics: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA increased 11.6% and 17.9%, respectively. -- Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA were up from higher volumes in most product applications, particularly cutting tool and mechanical applications.

      -- Adjusted EBITDA was favorably impacted by lower maintenance costs.

      Other Items:

      -- Interest expense, net decreased $12.3 million in the third quarter of 2011 compared to the same period in the prior year. The third quarter of 2011 included non-cash losses of $3.9 million and the third quarter of 2010 included non-cash gains of $1.2 million, representing the movement in the mark-to-market valuation of our interest rate swaps. Excluding the impact of these losses and gains, interest expense, net decreased $17.4 million primarily due to debt repayments and lower interest rates related to the refinancing of our senior secured term loans in February 2011.

      -- Income taxes. The effective income tax rate for the third quarter of 2011 was 28.2% and was favorably impacted by a beneficial foreign earnings mix and certain domestic income that was not tax effected.

      -- Free cash flow was an inflow of $135.0 million for the third quarter of 2011 and consisted of net cash provided by operating activities of continuing operations of $201.9 million plus special items and other, net of $3.7 million, less capital expenditures, net of $70.6 million.

      -- Net debt, which is total debt less cash and cash equivalents, was $1,371.3 million as of September 30, 2011 compared to $1,836.9 million as of December 31, 2010. The decrease in net debt was primarily due to proceeds from the sale of our AlphaGary plastic compounding business in January 2011 and cash generated from operations in the nine months ended September 30, 2011.

      Conference Call and Webcast

      We will host a conference call and webcast to discuss the results of operations for the third quarter ended September 30, 2011 on Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 11:00 am Eastern time. The dial-in number to access the conference call in the U.S. is (800) 230-1059 and the international dial-in number is (612) 234-9960. No access code is needed for either call. A replay of the conference call will be available through November 2, 2011 at (800) 475-6701 in the U.S., access code: 216735, and internationally at (320) 365-3844, access code: 216735.

      A listen only, live webcast of the conference call will be available at . Materials for the call, including a PowerPoint file detailing the results, will be available for download on this site on the morning of the call. The webcast and PowerPoint file will be archived on Rockwood's website.

      schrieb am 19.10.11 15:29:42
      Beitrag Nr. 161 ()
      Aktuell minus 12 % im Pre-Market
      schrieb am 19.10.11 15:33:53
      Beitrag Nr. 162 ()
      Aktuell bereits ./. 14% zu Handelsbeginn, ich denke das ist etwas zu heftig
      und kann mir nicht vorstellen, daß es auch so desaströs endet.
      schrieb am 19.10.11 16:33:45
      Beitrag Nr. 163 ()
      viel zu heftig, das ergebnis finde ich eig ganz gut, nur marginal schlechter als das q2, aber damit wurde ja gerechnet. Schade das ich bei den Tiefstkursten heute nicht nachkaufen konnte...
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 19.10.11 16:46:26
      Beitrag Nr. 164 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.232.571 von Stocker1000 am 19.10.11 16:33:45@Stocker,

      habe mir schon gedacht, daß es so kommen wird.

      Es hat schon so viele Quartale bei ROC gegeben, die sich so dargestellt haben.
      Anfänglich haben manche Spieler zu Beginn der Sitzung ihre Anteile auf den
      Markt geworfen und diejenigen, die bisher an der Seitenauslinie waren haben
      die Anteile dankbar aufgenommen.

      ROC ist und bleibt ein Hoffnungswert für diese Dekade, und evtl. darüber

      schrieb am 19.10.11 16:47:57
      Beitrag Nr. 165 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.232.571 von Stocker1000 am 19.10.11 16:33:45KGV bei 10,5 derzeit. Da gibt es keinen Grund panisch abzugeben bei der
      glänzenden Zukunft.
      schrieb am 09.11.11 16:44:11
      Beitrag Nr. 166 ()
      09.11.2011 | 16:18
      Rockwood's Chemetall Lithium Business Opens New Butyllithium Operation in India

      Chemetall Lithium India Pvt. Ltd., a business unit of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC), has inaugurated a new butyllithium operation in Gujarat, India. The new site is located in the Dahei SEZ (Special Economic Zone) and will function as the main platform for the supply of Chemetall's lithium products to India and other markets in the region.

      Chemetall has based the installed technology at the new plant on expertise Chemetall has acquired over the last several decades as the leading manufacturer of air and moisture sensitive organometallic compounds. The facility will operate at the highest standards of safety and will ensure a reliable supply of high quality butyllithium, which is widely used as an initiator for anionic polymerization and as a base in organic, pharmaceutical or agrochemical syntheses.

      In addition to butyllithium operations, the facility will also be expanded to store and sell other specialty chemicals manufactured by Chemetall. With an internationally trained team, the site will simplify the logistics, reduce the lead time and boost Chemetall's presence locally in India and the region.

      Chemetall has been a pioneer in India for over 20 years, starting with the supply of sampling and pilot quantities to major pharmaceutical producers. Chemetall recently introduced several successful new products into the Indian market. Currently, Chemetall supplies all major producers of active pharmaceutical ingredients, as well as numerous generic drug manufacturers. Chemetall works closely together with research departments as well as with contract research organizations (CROs).

      Chemetall is the world's leading manufacturer of lithium-based compounds and an innovative developer of metal-based fine chemicals for use in specialty applications. Chemetall's lithium-based compounds are used in a variety of high growth applications, including base chemicals for numerous industries, drug intermediates, elastomers for car tires and rubber soles, lithium batteries, thermoplastic materials and high performance greases. In addition, Chemetall supplies cesium compounds and special metals like zirconium for various industrial applications. Chemetall has lithium production facilities in the United States, Chile, Germany and Taiwan. For more information go to:

      Chemetall is part of Rockwood Holdings, Inc., (NYSE: ROC) a leading global specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,700 people and annual net sales of about $3.5 billion. The company focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit

      The information set forth in this press release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 concerning the business, operations and financial condition of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Rockwood"). Words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "forecasts," "predicts" and variations of such words or expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although Rockwood believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that its expectations will be realized. "Forward-looking statements" consist of all non-historical information, including any statements referring to the prospects and future performance of Rockwood. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in Rockwood's forward-looking statements due to numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties, including, among other things, the "Risk Factors" described in Rockwood's periodic reports on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Rockwood does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which any such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.


      Investors & Financial Press:
      Rockwood Holdings, Inc.
      Timothy McKenna, 609-734-6430
      schrieb am 09.11.11 16:46:12
      Beitrag Nr. 167 ()
      Der Rohstoff kommt aus der Atacama-Wüste
      Die Frankfurter Chemetall ist einer der weltweit führenden Lithium-Produzenten

      (09.11.11) Frankfurt - Zuhause ist das Unternehmen mit seinen weltweit 3000 Mitarbeitern im Frankfurter Stadtteil Hausen. Neben Lithium, das in der modernen Elektronik so gut wie unentbehrlich ist, liefert die Chemetall ihrer Kundschaft auch Verbindungen von Zirkon, Caesium, Barium und Titan. Elektromobilität und Batterien sind die Wachstumsfelder dieses Wirtschaftszweiges.

      Schöne neue Autowelt. In zwei Jahren sollen eine Million Elektroautos über Deutschlands Straßen fahren. So plant es zumindest die Bundesregierung. Sie lässt die nahezu lautlose elektromobile Zukunft in verschiedenen Regionen des Landes testen. Rhein-Main mit dem Zentrum Frankfurt gehört dazu. Mit dem Unternehmen Chemetall sitzt dort ein Unternehmen, dessen Produkte so manchem E-Autos erst zum Laufen verhelfen.

      Lithium für die Autobatterie
      Die Batterien sind das Herz eines Elektroautos. Damit sie möglichst kräftig schlagen, bekommen sie vielfach eine Portion Lithium. Die Frankfurter Chemetall zählt sich zu den weltweit führenden Produzenten des Metalls. Das Gesamtunternehmen mit Hauptsitz im Stadtteil Hausen ist trotz weltweit rund 3000 Mitarbeitern, Aktivitäten in Nord- und Südamerika, Asien, Australien und Afrika sowie einem Umsatz knapp unter der Milliarden-Grenze außerhalb der Branche fast unbekannt. Mit den Einsatzgebieten seiner Produkte sieht das anders aus. Litihium ist in der modernen Elektronik fast unentbehrlich. Das leichteste unter den Metallen bietet aufgrund seiner Eigenschaften die Voraussetzung für hohe Speicherkapazi täten. Das machen sich die Entwickler elektrischer Antriebe zunutze. Mit Hilfe von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien sollen E-Autos eines Tages lange Strecken ohne Tankstopp an der Steckdose schaffen. Für Akkus von Mobiltelefonen wird ebenfalls Lithium benötigt.

      Ein Stoff, der sowohl härter als auch weicher macht
      Ein Produkt des Frankfurter Unternehmens lagert in Ceran-Kochfeldern, wo es dazu beiträgt, dass das Glas nicht zerspringt. Darüber hinaus macht der Zusatz von Lithium andere Metalle unter anderem weicher und damit biegsamer. Ein Vorteil, auf den unter anderem die Flugzeugindustrie setzt. Es geht auch handfester: Lithiumverbindungen lassen Beton schneller härten. Und es geht feiner: Lithiumcarbonat wird in der Pharmaindustrie als Wirkstoff in Medikamenten gegen Depression oder einer speziellen Art von Kopfschmerzen eingesetzt. Auf diesem Markt sind die Frankfurter ebenfalls unterwegs. Neben Lithium liefern sie ihrer Kundschaft auch begehrte Verbindungen von Zirkon, Caesium, Barium u nd Titan. Produziert wird in Langelsheim im Harz.

      Kombination von Chemie und Metall
      Der Firmenname Chemetall verweist auf die Verbindung von Chemie und Metall. Wie das funktioniert, wussten schon die Menschen der Bronzezeit: Die Bearbeitung des Metalls mit Feuer setzte einen chemischen Prozess in Gang, der am Ende zu besserem Werkzeug führte. Von der Entdeckung sollte etliche Generationen später die industrielle Entwicklung Frankfurts profitieren: Mit der Metallgesellschaft und der Deutschen Gold- und Silberscheideanstalt (Degussa) entstanden im 19. Jahrhundert am Main zwei Unternehmen, die aus der Kombination von Chemie und Metall Kapital zu schlagen wussten. Dritter im Bunde war die Hanauer Heraeus.

      Eine Wachstumsbranche
      Die Namen Metallgesellschaft und Degussa sind Geschichte. Der ehemalige Degussa-Standort, nahe dem Römerberg am Mainufer gelegen, macht demnächst Neubauten Platz. Die Unternehmen legten aber den Grundstein für Konzerne, die – inzwischen umstrukturiert, aufgeteilt, umbenannt – weiterhin international agieren und auf Basis traditioneller Arbeitsgebiete an Ideen für die Zukunft arbeiten. Die Chemetall ist einer der Nachfolger. Sie wurzelt in der 1889 gegründeten Technischen Abteilung der Metallgesellschaft. Später wurde sie Teil der Metallurgischen Gesellschaft (Lurgi), die in den 20er Jahren Lithium zur Weiterentwicklung eines Metalls zum Bau von Bahnrädern einsetzte. Seither wuchsen die Einsatzgebiete, El ektromobilität und Batterien sind auf dem Markt die Wachstumsfelder der gesamten Branche.

      Recycling steht auf der Agenda
      Der Rohstoffnachschub kommt überwiegend aus Südamerika. In den chilenischen Anden betreibt die Chemetall eine Gewinnungsanlage für Lithium. Aus einem Salzsee in der Atacama-Wüste pumpt man das Wasser zum Verdunsten in Becken. Die zurückbleibenden Kristalle werden weiterverarbeitet. Die Ressourcen des Salzsees decken nach Einschätzung des Unternehmens und seiner amerikanischen Muttergesellschaft Rockwood den Weltmarktbedarf der nächsten hundert Jahre ab. 7,5 Millionen Tonnen lagern im Salar der Atacama, das wären etwa 20 Prozent der weltweiten Reserven. Recycling steht dennoch auf der Agenda. Zusammen mit Auto- und Batterieherstellern waren die Chemetaller in ein Forschungsprojekt der Bundesregierun g eingebunden, das Möglichkeiten und Machbarkeit ausloten sollte. Ende September 2011 wurde es abgeschlossen. Als Ergebnis entstand in Langelsheim eine Pilotanlage zum Recycling von Lithium aus Batteriematerialen, die aus E-Autos stammen. Die Anlage wird Anfang Dezember offiziell eingeweiht. Etwa die Hälfte des verwendeten Lithiums könnte wieder gewonnen werden, schätzt Chemetall. Die Rede ist von 2030.

      Margarete Lausberg
      Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Presse- und Informationsamt
      schrieb am 06.12.11 21:02:00
      Beitrag Nr. 168 ()
      Rockwood Color Pigments and Services to Build Advanced Technology Iron Oxide Pigment Plant in the US

      Rockwood Holdings Inc. (NYSE: ROC) announced today that its Color Pigments and Services business will build an advanced technology production facility in Augusta, GA, for the synthesis of iron oxide pigments. This $115 million investment will result in the first new iron oxide pigment production plant in the United States in nearly 35 years.

      Commenting on the investment plans, Andrew M. Ross, president of Rockwood Performance Additives, said, "Rockwood is the only global iron oxide supplier with production capabilities in North America. We are making this investment in a new production facility in the US to deploy significant recent advancements in our proven iron oxide pigment technology. This investment is further evidence of our commitment to strengthen regional manufacturing capability to support our customers.”
      Seifi Ghasemi, chairman and chief executive of Rockwood Holdings, said, "The construction of this advanced technology facility enables us to consolidate our operations in the US, to improve product quality and reduce our dependence on imported raw material for the production of this product. In addition, it reflects our confidence in the future growth of the US economy.”

      Rockwood expects this advanced technology facility to provide a consistent supply of the highest quality color pigments to North American customers, to strengthen customer service, and to reduce lead time and improve product development potential within the region.
      Construction of the facility is expected to take place over the next 18 months, with commissioning targeted for the first half of 2013. This investment is expected to create 80 to 100 new jobs at the new facility. Following the completion of the new plant, Rockwood will close its St. Louis, MO, manufacturing facility and part of its Beltsville, MD, facility.
      Rockwood’s Color Pigments & Services Division is one of the largest worldwide suppliers of colored pigments for construction, coatings, plastics and specialty applications. Its manufacturing sites and customer service centers are located in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Australia and China with additional sales offices located in Singapore and Hong Kong. For more information, please visit

      Interessante News leider sinkt der Kurs von Rockwood um 2,8% (Stand 21.00 Uhr) Gibt es Gründe dafür ?

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 06.12.11 21:31:01
      Beitrag Nr. 169 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.446.738 von Oberkassel am 06.12.11 21:02:00Interessante News leider sinkt der Kurs von Rockwood um 2,8% (Stand 21.00 Uhr) Gibt es Gründe dafür ?

      M. E. nicht, jedenfalls keine Gründe, die gegen ROC sprechen. Es ist halt die
      politische Makroökonomie, weshalb die Investoren hier Geld vom Tisch nehmen.

      schrieb am 25.12.11 17:08:29
      Beitrag Nr. 170 ()
      Tandem Polypore-Rockwood

      Einfaches Einfügen von wallstreetONLINE Charts: So funktionierts.
      schrieb am 28.12.11 13:39:16
      Beitrag Nr. 171 ()
      ............ zusammen mit A123 und BYD ........

      Einfaches Einfügen von wallstreetONLINE Charts: So funktionierts.
      schrieb am 27.01.12 21:21:16
      Beitrag Nr. 172 ()
      Wachstum setzt sich fort
      Lithium - Autobranche treibt die Nachfrage an
      Geschrieben von Redaktion • 27. Januar 2012 •

      Lithium gehört die Zukunft. Dabei ist der Rohstoff nicht so knapp wie manch anderer, der von der Industrie heiß begehrt ist.

      Auf einer Liste der besonders begehrten und zugleich knappen und somit gefährdeten Rohstoffe taucht Lithium im gesicherten Mittelfeld auf. Ein Wert von 5,5 auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10 gibt keinen Anlass zu allzu großer Sorge. Dies mag auch mit dem größten Förderland zusammenhängen. Australien ist ein bergbaufreundliches Land, die Verhältnisse sind stabil, der Export wird nicht, wie beispielsweise in China, bisweilen mit Quoten stark reglementiert.

      Doch auch in anderen Ländern wird Lithium abgebaut. Große Expansionsbestrebungen gibt es derzeit in Argentinien und in den USA. China versucht ebenfalls, seine Kapazitäten auszuweiten. Man will einen größeren Einfluss auf den weltweiten Lithiummarkt erhalten.

      Dieser soll in den kommenden Jahren deutlich stärker als die Weltwirtschaft wachsen. Experten vermuten, dass die Nachfrage jährlich um rund 10 Prozent ansteigen wird. Grund zur Sorge besteht jedoch nicht, Nachfrage und Angebot halten sich derzeit die Waage. Dies soll sich vorläufig auch nicht ändern. Eine Vielzahl von Explorationen laufen, wahrscheinlich werden bald vier oder fünf größere Explorationen erfolgreich in Förderprojekte umgewandelt werden können.

      Derzeit wird Lithium vor allem in wieder aufladbaren Batterien eingesetzt. 30 Prozent der Nachfrage stammen aus diesem Bereich. Große Abnehmer sind zudem die Glas- und die Keramikindustrie. Anzunehmen ist, dass die Nutzung in Batterien künftig noch weiter zunehmen wird. Waren es bisher vor allem Batterien für Handys, in denen Lithium zum Einsatz kam, wird die Bandbreite inzwischen immer größer. Smartphones und Tablets brauchen ebenfalls Lithium. Doch der wirkliche Push kommt durch die Hybrid- und Elektroautos, die auf Lithium setzen. Werden in einer Handybatterie 5 Gramm Lithiumäquivalent benötigt, steigt die Menge in einer Autobatterie je nach Größe und Ausstattung auf 5 Kilogramm bis 60 Kilogramm an. Entsprechend sollte die Nachfrage aus der Batteriebranche künftig auf mehr als 50 Prozent des Gesamtbedarfs steigen.

      Der Preis für Lithium sollte dennoch nicht zu sehr nach oben gehen. Die Balance zwischen Angebot und Nachfrage ist ausgewogen. Daran sollte sich vorläufig nichts ändern. In diesem Punkt sind sich die Experten einig.

      Hinweis: Die hier angebotenen Artikel stellen keine Kauf- bzw. Verkaufsempfehlungen dar, weder explizit noch implizit sind sie als Zusicherung etwaiger Kursentwicklungen zu verstehen. Die GOLDINVEST Media GmbH und ihre Autoren schließen jede Haftung diesbezüglich aus. Die Artikel und Berichte dienen ausschließlich der Information der Leser und stellen keine wie immer geartete Handlungsaufforderung dar. Zwischen der GOLDINVEST Media GmbH und den Lesern dieser Artikel entsteht keinerlei Vertrags- und/oder Beratungsverhältnis, da sich unsere Artikel lediglich auf das jeweilige Unternehmen, nicht aber auf die Anlageentscheidung, beziehen. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass Partner, Autoren und Mitarbeiter der GOLDINVEST Media GmbH Aktien der jeweils angesprochenen Unternehmen halten oder halten können und somit ein möglicher Interessenkonflikt besteht. Wir können nicht ausschließen, dass andere Börsenbriefe, Medien oder Research-Firmen die von uns empfohlenen Werte im gleichen Zeitraum besprechen. Daher kann es in diesem Zeitraum zur symmetrischen Informations- und Meinungsgenerierung kommen.
      schrieb am 27.01.12 22:26:15
      Beitrag Nr. 173 ()
      Daniela Desormeaux: Lithium Investment To Power Portfolios (LIT, ROC, FMC, SQM)
      January 27th, 2012

      George Mack: The lithium market (NYSEArca:LIT) is currently dominated by a handful of major producers, but investors naturally look to smaller junior exploration and production (E&P) companies for the real growth. Economist Daniela Desormeaux of Santiago, Chile-based signumBOX takes a global macroeconomic view of the lithium industry and concludes that supply will meet demand, but if the adoption of vehicular lithium ion batteries occurs sooner than the market expects, demand could overtake supply. In this exclusive interview with The Energy Report, Desormeaux discusses some of the juniors that could ultimately add some energy to portfolios.

      The Energy Report: Daniela, over the past three months the small-cap lithium developers have on the whole been in positive territory. Are we at the beginning of a long-overdue bull market in lithium equities?

      Daniela Desormeaux: Most of the smaller-scale suppliers trading in the open market are young, junior mining companies. The stock price fluctuations observed during recent months reflect the market’s sensitivity to the companies’ announcements and news.

      TER: What is currently driving lithium demand? What will drive it in the future?

      DD: Lithium demand has a promising future. Rechargeable batteries are the largest application, accounting for about 30% of the lithium demand. This is also the segment with the highest growth rate for the next 10–15 years, by which point we believe batteries will represent more than 50% of demand. The main driver is the automotive industry. Electrification of transportation is now driving the use of lithium in energy storage devices for hybrid and electric cars. The amounts of lithium required in these batteries are significant, from between 5–60kg lithium carbonate equivalent (LCE) depending on the battery type and specification. When compared with the lithium required for mobile phone batteries, for example, the difference is huge. A mobile phone battery device requires less than 5g LCE. Other battery applications will also show very interesting growth rates in the coming years. These include smartphones, tablets, power tools and batteries for grid storage, among others. Other current lithium applications include glass and ceramics as well as lubricating greases. Considering all of its applications, we estimate lithium’s average demand will grow around 10%/year, which is greater than the growth of the economy.

      TER: How are lithium prices holding up currently?

      DD: In the last few months we have seen lithium prices going up in response to announcements made by FMC Lithium Corporation (NYSE:FMC) and Chemetall (a unit of Rockwood Holdings Inc. (NYSE:ROC)). Both companies announced price increases of around 20% on all of their lithium products last year. According to the companies, the main reason behind the rise in prices was higher raw material costs. So, we might be seeing an inflation phenomenon in this industry. In real terms, prices have remained stable, and probably will go down since new capacity is being added. Talison Lithium Ltd. (TLH:TSX) is expanding capacity in Western Australia, and Chemetall is also expanding in the U.S. Other new projects are in the pipeline coming from Galaxy Resources Ltd. (GXY:ASX) in Australia and from other projects in Argentina and Canada.

      TER: So, for the moment there is currently some pricing power in the market?

      DD: In general terms, prices are driven by the balance between production capacity and demand. If the market is tight, prices go up. Nevertheless, this industry has been, and still is, very concentrated and the largest, lowest-cost lithium chemicals producers drive prices. However, we have seen more competition in the market. Chinese lithium hydroxide producers have entered with an aggressive price strategy in order to gain market share from the other producers.

      TER: But not all the large producers are raising prices, right?

      DD: So far, Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. (NYSE:SQM) has kept prices stable. It hasn’t announced any price increase the way FMC or Chemetall have. The company probably wants to give a signal to the new competitors that they can “afford” higher costs. Most of the Chinese lithium hydroxide is produced from lithium concentrate, which is obtained mainly from spodumene. Producing lithium hydroxide from hard rock pegmatites has competitive advantages compared with producing from the lithium carbonate like Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile does, and so the Chinese can compete better in this field.

      TER: Here in the U.S. we are seeing proliferation of TV ads for hybrid and electric cars (EVs). Manufactures are beginning to advertise these cars with some zing. Will this jump start hybrid and EV sales?

      DD: It is difficult to know because these are still considered “luxury” cars because of their high price. We have tested a statistical model on how hybrid car sales in the U.S. responded to changes in the economic cycle and changes in gasoline prices. Conclusions are very interesting. We found some price elasticity with gasoline prices, as higher gasoline prices incentivize decisions to buy more efficient cars. But income elasticity is huge, which means these cars are very sensitive to the economic cycle. Of course these conclusions will change in the future when these cars become more affordable.

      TER: Investors need to see double-digit sales and real increases in cash flow, and small companies have the tremendous advantage of not having the law of large numbers work against them. Can any of the companies you follow begin to double production and revenue and create exciting bottom lines?

      DD: In the short term I don’t think so, but it’s likely in a future. Main sources of uncertainty are how fast/slow hybrid and electric cars will enter into the market in a massive way (at lower prices), and how fast/slow producers will respond to the demand. In the last years we have seen that in more than 90 projects under evaluation. We believe that 4–5 projects have chances to become part of the lithium supply very soon. That means that more competition will be added in the market.

      TER: I’m recalling the way the mobile phone industry took off in less-developed countries in Asia and elsewhere because there was no pre-existing buildout of copper wire infrastructure. Mobile phones were an instant success in those areas. Why then are we not seeing large lithium ion storage batteries powering neighborhoods in the developing world where power grids have not been developed?

      DD: Well, the thing is that batteries are expensive. The technology has only been in development since the early 90s. It took 30 years to make progress in developing batteries for mobile phones and electronic devices, and these are small batteries and less costly than larger batteries. This is where the industry has been focused, and now we are seeing a shift from batteries for cell phones and electronic devices to electric cars.

      The requirement in terms of energy storage capacity is huge, and so the cost so far is also huge. That’s why we haven’t seen implementation of these batteries in neighborhoods and in small towns. There are also some projects that try to store energy for the grid, but in order to make these projects profitable, you have to store an important amount of energy. For a power grid, the main issue is cost.

      TER: With a lot of new lithium supply coming onto the market over the next few years, will supply overpower demand, or will it be the other way around?

      DD: Again, while demand is growing, so is supply. Talison Lithium Ltd. in Australia, for example, is performing a very aggressive expansion plan. We see expansions in Argentina and in the U.S., and the Chinese are also expanding capacity. The main question mark is how fast or slow electric cars will come into the market. But without subsidies and without incentives from the government, it’s very difficult to enter the market because the electric and hybrid vehicles are expensive right now. If demand for lithium grows sooner than expected, we might see a delay if supply is unable to meet demand, but I don’t think this is going to happen. In short, I think supply will meet demand.

      TER: Which types of projects do you favor?

      DD: There are projects based on pegmatites and projects based on brines. These are two completely different worlds. I think projects based on lower-cost brine have better chances to compete with current low-cost producers.

      TER: What companies are interesting to you?

      DD: Australian company Galaxy Resources Ltd. extracts lithium from pegmatite and has already started producing. Apparently, the company is competitive, and it has started to ship concentrated spodumene to its lithium carbonate plant in China.

      Other pegmatite projects include Canada Lithium Corp. (CLQ:TSX; CLQMF:OTCQX) and Nemaska Lithium Inc. (NMX:TSX.V; NMKEF:OTCQX). All of these projects have a chance to become part of the lithium supply. In Argentina there’s Lithium Americas Corp. (LAC:TSX; LHMAF:OTCQX), Lithium One Inc. (LI:TSX.V) and Orocobre Ltd. (ORL:TSX; ORE:ASX). These and the previous ones I mentioned have the highest project ranking by our methodology and have more chances to become part of the lithium supply.

      TER: What about Li3 Energy Inc. (LIEG:OTCBB)? Back in December, it executed a letter of intent to acquire a 100% mining interest in one of the biggest assets to be had near the Maricunga Salar in Northern Chile. That makes Li3 Energy a potential major player in Chile and one of the few developers inside of Maricunga. What does this mean to the company, particularly with regard to the ban?

      DD: Li3 is developing a project in the Salar de Maricunga, the second-best salar after Atacama in Chile. The company has a project and has a strategic partner (POSCAN), but current Chilean regulation does not allow newcomers to exploit lithium. We have a ban that only allows lithium extraction from those mining concessions that were assessed before 1984, which is the case of most of the mining concessions at Atacama. I think that the ban will be removed this year, but we really can’t yet know the formula that the government will use.

      TER: Lithium One is close to production, and it has established a good relationship and a joint venture with Korea Resources Corp. I believe the stock has been supported by this relationship. What are the prospects here?

      DD: Lithium One is in a very advanced stage of development, and it is very well ranked in our signumBOX ranking. One of its upsides is that it is located in Salar del Hombre Muerto. It’s the only startup that actually is operating in Argentina. So it has really good prospects for the future.

      TER: Back in November, Rodinia Lithium Inc. (RM:TSX.V; RDNAF:OTCQX) delivered results of a preliminary economic assessment (PEA) for the Salar de Diablillos lithium brine deposit. There are estimates of 15 kilotons (kt)/year production of lithium carbonate and 51 kt/year of potash. This implies a 34% internal rate of return (IRR), which is excellent. Is this a viable project?

      DD: I think it can work, but Rodinia faces huge competition. The company estimates costs will be in the range of $1,500/t lithium carbonate. But I think that it is very different to have an estimated cost before starting production than when you’ve already started producing. I think that Rodinia can be a player in the lithium industry, but like other players in Argentina it will face huge competition. It will have to be competitive because new production is coming from China and Australia. And if Chile removes the ban, they will have to deal also with that.

      TER: Talison Lithium is the leading global producer of lithium, and it’s a pure play. It’s a mature company. How much can it grow?

      DD: Yes, Talison is the largest lithium concentrate producer, but it’s not the lowest-cost producer. It produces lithium concentrate in Australia and most of its product is shipped to China, where it’s converted into chemicals. I think Talison will face more competition, and that’s why it has expanded production capacity. It has performed a very aggressive expansion plan at its Greenbushes project in Australia. Nevertheless, its deposit has a short mining life; that’s why it is looking for other sources of lithium and performing an evaluation project in Chile.

      TER: Daniela, thank you very much for your time.

      DD: Thanks to you.

      Daniela Desormeaux is an economist and an expert in industrial chemicals and natural resources. She runs signumBOX, a Chilean-based company with extensive experience in the lithium industry. signumBOX has issued several reports regarding the use of lithium in batteries and vehicles and its prospects and trends.

      Want to read more exclusive Energy Report interviews like this? Sign up for our free e-newsletter, and you’ll learn when new articles have been published. To see a list of recent interviews with industry analysts and commentators, visit our Exclusive Interviews page.

      1) George Mack of The Energy Report conducted this interview. He personally and/or his family own shares of the following companies mentioned in this interview: None.
      2) The following companies mentioned in the interview are sponsors of The Energy Report: Li3 Energy Inc., Lithium Americas Corp., Lithium One Inc., Nemaska Lithium Inc., Rodinia Lithium Inc. and Talison Lithium Ltd.
      3) From time to time, Streetwise Reports LLC and its directors, officers, employees or members of their families, as well as persons interviewed for articles on the site, may have a long or short position in securities mentioned and may make purchases and/or sales of those securities in the open market or otherwise. I was not paid by Streetwise for participating in this story.
      schrieb am 05.02.12 18:47:48
      Beitrag Nr. 174 ()
      Rockwood Holdings (ROC) Share Price Target Raised to $60.00 by Deutsche Bank (DB) Analysts

      Posted by LUSA Staff on Jan 31st, 2012 // No Comments

      Analysts at Deutsche Bank (NYSE: DB) boosted their price target on shares of Rockwood Holdings (NYSE: ROC) to $60.00 in a research report issued to clients and investors on Tuesday.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (Rockwood) is a developer, manufacturer and marketer of specialty chemicals and advanced materials used for industrial and commercial purposes. The Company’s products consist of inorganic chemicals and solutions and engineered materials. The Company operates manufacturing its products in 87 facilities in 24 countries and selling its products and providing its services to more than 60,000 customers. The Company has five operating segments: Specialty Chemicals, Performance Additives, Titanium Dioxide Pigments, Advanced Ceramics and Specialty Compounds. The Specialty Chemicals segment develops and manufactures metal surface treatment products and services, lithium chemicals and fine chemicals for a range of industries and end markets. The Performance Additives segment consists of business lines, which develop and manufacture a range of specialty chemicals used in industrial and consumer products and processes to enhance performance or to create characteristics.

      Shares of Rockwood Holdings traded up 1.16% during mid-day trading on Tuesday, hitting $50.45. Rockwood Holdings has a 52 week low of $30.43 and a 52 week high of $62.03. The stock’s 50-day moving average is $42.0 and its 200-day moving average is $45.37. The company has a market cap of $3.880 billion and a P/E ratio of 8.69.
      schrieb am 06.02.12 14:00:04
      Beitrag Nr. 175 ()
      Nun, ich denke, das ist schon ein Schluck aus der Pulle.

      REFILE-UPDATE 1-Rockwood to build new Chile plant, double output by 2013
      Mon Feb 6, 2012 6:34am EST

      Feb 6 (Reuters) - Rockwood Holdings Inc said it will invest $140 million in a 20,000 metric ton lithium production plant in Chile as part of its ongoing efforts to double production capacity.

      Along with already-announced expansions, the new plant will increase the company's annual production to 50,000 metric tons of Lithium Carbonate equivalent by the end of 2013, the Princeton, New Jersey-based company said in a statement.

      The company is currently completing a $75 million expansion program in the United States.

      Rockwood chief executive Seifi Ghasemi said the expansion will help the company meet increasing demand, especially for high purity lithium compounds used in batteries inside electric vehicles.

      In October, Rockwood said volumes grew in its lithium, surface treatment and clay-based additives businesses.

      Shares of the company closed at $53.81 on Friday on the New York Stock Exchange.
      schrieb am 08.02.12 21:41:29
      Beitrag Nr. 176 ()
      Guten Abend Karll und die Rockwood Freunde,

      Business Wire · Mehr Nachrichten von Business Wire

      Rockwood Announces Major Expansion to Double Lithium Production Capacity
      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC) today announced that it plans to invest $140 million in a new lithium carbonate production plant in Chile. The new investment, along with the company's current $75 million expansion program in the United States, will increase total annual production capacity to 50,000 metric tons of lithium carbonate equivalent by end of 2013.

      Under the new investment program, Rockwood will build a 20,000 metric ton lithium carbonate plant at the sight at LeNegra, near the port of Antofagasta in northern Chile. The company expects this plant will be on stream by the end of 2013. As previously announced, Rockwood is currently completing a $75 million expansion of its lithium production in the United States which includes expansion of its brine pond system at Silver Peak, NV and construction of a battery grade lithium hydroxide plant and a global technical center at Kings Mountain, NC. These expanded sites in the US will be on stream this spring.

      Commenting on the expansion, Rockwood Chairman and CEO Seifi Ghasemi said, "The accelerating increase in the demand for lithium, especially high purity lithium compounds required for the production of large format lithium ion batteries for electric vehicles of the future, is making it necessary for us to substantially increase production capacity to ensure that we meet the growing needs of our customers.

      "We are committed to maintain our position as the leading supplier of lithium products to the world. The new investment will also make it possible for us to develop and produce new grades of sophisticated and high purity lithium compounds required for all applications such as batteries, pharmaceutical and lithium alloy."

      Wann werden die Quartalergebnisse von ROC kommen ?
      Karll was ich deine Meinung zum Kursziel --65$ ? :lick:

      Danke -

      Beste Grüsse

      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 21.02.12 14:36:18
      Beitrag Nr. 177 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.722.493 von Oberkassel am 08.02.12 21:41:29@ Oberkassel,

      Nun, das sieht doch recht ordentlich aus. Für das ganze Jahr 2011 hätten
      wir mit 4,-- US-$ ein KGV von knapp 14 und wenn ich mal ein Wachstum von
      20% für das aktuelle Jahr voraussetze hätten wir für 2012 ein KGV von 11.

      Der CEO spricht davon, das man stark in 2012 gestartet ist und auch die
      Zukunft rosig sieht. Ich denke, da sollte bei einem aktuellen KGV von 11
      noch Luft nach oben sein.

      Ich lehne mich mal aus dem Fenster uns halte 75,-- US-$ bis 80,-- US-$ für
      möglich bis Ende dieses Jahres, bei stabilen Weltbörsenmärkten. Bei
      Baissestimmung ist das natürlich alles Makulatur.

      02/21/2012 | 07:27am
      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. : Rockwood Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2011 Results
      Rockwood Reports Fourth Quarter and Year End Results:
      - Net sales up 2.0% for the quarter and 15.0% for the full year.
      - Adjusted EBITDA from continuing operations up 27.3% for the quarter and 36.0% for the full year.
      - As reported EPS from continuing operations of $0.79 vs. $1.32 for the quarter and $3.64 vs. $2.82 for the full year.
      - As adjusted EPS from continuing operations of $0.91 vs. $0.42 for the quarter and $4.02 vs. $1.84 for the full year.

      Princeton, NJ USA (February 21, 2012) - Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC), a global producer of specialty chemicals and advanced materials, today reported earnings per share from continuing operations of $0.79 for the fourth quarter of 2011 as compared to $1.32 for the same period in the prior year. Rockwood's as adjusted earnings per share from continuing operations increased to $0.91 in the fourth quarter of 2011 from $0.42 for the same period in the prior year.

      Commenting on the fourth quarter and full year, Seifi Ghasemi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said, "As a direct result of the tireless, committed and dedicated efforts of our team of more than 9,700 employees, Rockwood delivered excellent performance in 2011. We more than doubled our as adjusted earnings per share from continuing operations to $4.02 and improved our Adjusted EBITDA margin to 23.5 percent, up from 19.9 percent in 2010.

      "In the fourth quarter, despite the seasonal downturn in demand, our Adjusted EBITDA margin was 24.0 percent as all of our business sectors improved their profitability. We saw particularly strong results from our German-based global businesses, which include our lithium, surface treatment, ceramics and titanium dioxide businesses.

      "Based on new technologies developed in our facilities, we are embarking on several capital expansion projects to support future growth and technology leadership. These projects include the construction of a greenfield plant in Georgia to produce advanced iron-oxide pigments for our Color Pigments business, the construction of the world's largest surface treatment facility in Michigan, the construction of a battery-grade lithium hydroxide facility in North Carolina and a major expansion of our lithium production facilities in Chile to produce advanced compounds to power the lithium-ion batteries of the future.

      "Our financial performance and the major projects mentioned above are further confirmation of our confidence in the fundamental strengths of Rockwood's focused portfolio of globally leading businesses."

      The highlights from continuing operations for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2011 are as follows:

      * Net sales were $814.4 million for the fourth quarter of 2011, up 2.0% compared to $798.3 million for the same period in the prior year. Net sales were $3,669.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2011, up 15.0% compared to $3,191.6 million for the same period in the prior year.
      * Adjusted EBITDA was $195.7 million for the fourth quarter of 2011, up 27.3% compared to $153.7 million for the same period in the prior year. Adjusted EBITDA was $862.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2011, up 36.0% compared to $634.4 million for the same period in the prior year.
      * On a constant-currency basis, net sales and Adjusted EBITDA were up 3.0% and 28.7%, respectively, for the fourth quarter of 2011 and were up 10.7% and 30.6%, respectively, for the year ended December 31, 2011 compared to the same period in the prior year.
      * Net income attributable to Rockwood for the fourth quarter of 2011 was $63.0 million, including after-tax other charges of $9.7 million. Net income attributable to Rockwood for the fourth quarter of 2010 was $103.8 million, including income of $70.5 million related to after-tax other items.

      Net income attributable to Rockwood for the year ended December 31, 2011 was $291.1 million, including after-tax other charges of $30.1 million. Net income attributable to Rockwood for the year ended December 31, 2010 was $220.0 million, including income of $76.2 million related to after-tax other items.
      * Diluted earnings per share for the fourth quarter of 2011 were $0.79, including after-tax other charges of $0.12. Excluding other charges, diluted earnings per share were $0.91 in the fourth quarter of 2011. Diluted earnings per share for the fourth quarter of 2010 were $1.32, including income of $0.90 related to after-tax other items. Excluding other items, diluted earnings per share were $0.42 in the fourth quarter of 2010.

      Diluted earnings per share for the year ended December 31, 2011 were $3.64, including after-tax other charges of $0.38. Excluding other charges, diluted earnings per share were $4.02 for the year ended December 31, 2011. Diluted earnings per share for the year ended December 31, 2010 were $2.82, including income of $0.98 related to after-tax other items. Excluding other items, diluted earnings per share were $1.84 for the year ended December 31, 2010.
      * As previously announced, the Company plans to use cash on hand and proceeds from a new tranche of term loan A under its existing senior secured credit facility to redeem all of its outstanding senior subordinated notes, consisting of €250.1 million in aggregate principal amount of 7.625% euro-denominated notes and $200 million in aggregate principal amount of 7.5% dollar-denominated notes, and pay accrued and unpaid interest and applicable redemption premiums. The new term loan is expected to be in the amount of $350.0 million and have a maturity of five years.

      Commenting on the outlook, Mr. Ghasemi said, "Our businesses have had a strong start in 2012. We continue to remain optimistic about the future outlook for our businesses. We will focus efforts in 2012 to ensure growth in earnings per share, improve productivity and successfully execute all of our capital expansion projects."

      Fourth quarter results, as compared with the same period a year ago, are summarized below:

      Specialty Chemicals

      Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA increased 3.5% and 7.2%, respectively.

      * In our Fine Chemicals business, higher selling prices were partially offset by higher raw material costs.
      * In our Surface Treatment business, increased selling prices, as well as higher volumes in most markets, particularly in automotive and general industrial, were partially offset by higher raw material costs.

      Performance Additives

      Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA increased 4.6% and 14.7%, respectively.

      * Net sales were up from increased selling prices, as well as higher volumes of oilfield applications in our Clay-based Additives business. This was partially offset by lower volumes in our Color Pigments and Services and Timber Treatment Chemicals businesses.
      * Adjusted EBITDA was up from higher selling prices, partially offset by higher raw material costs and lower volumes.

      Titanium Dioxide Pigments

      Net sales decreased 0.1% and Adjusted EBITDA increased 84.3%.

      * Net sales were down slightly on lower volumes from customer destocking, partially offset by higher selling prices.
      * Adjusted EBITDA was up on higher selling prices, partially offset by lower volumes and higher raw material costs, particularly slag and ilmenite, and higher energy costs.

      Advanced Ceramics

      Net sales decreased 0.4% and Adjusted EBITDA increased 5.7%.

      * Net sales were down slightly as lower volumes of electronic and mechanical systems applications and the negative impact of currency changes were partially offset by higher volumes of medical applications.
      * Adjusted EBITDA was up on improved productivity and lower maintenance costs.

      Other Items

      * Interest expense, net decreased $12.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2011 compared to the same period in the prior year, primarily due to debt repayments and lower interest rates related to the refinancing of our senior secured term loans in February 2011.
      * Income taxes. The effective income tax rate for the fourth quarter of 2011 was 24.8% and was favorably impacted by a beneficial foreign earnings mix and certain domestic income that was not tax effected.
      * Free cash flow was an outflow of $0.9 million for the fourth quarter of 2011, primarily due to increased capital expenditures.
      * Net debt, which is total debt less cash and cash equivalents, was $1,366.2 million as of December 31, 2011 compared to $1,836.9 million as of December 31, 2010. The decrease in net debt was due to proceeds from the sale of our AlphaGary plastic compounding business and cash generated from operations.

      Conference Call and Webcast

      We will host a conference call and webcast to discuss the results of operations for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2011 on Tuesday, February 21st at 11:00 am Eastern Time. The dial-in number to access the conference call in the U.S. is (800) 230-1092 and the international dial-in number is (612) 234-9959. No access code is needed for either call. A replay of the conference call will be available through March 6th, 2012 at (800) 475-6701 in the U.S., access code: 229199, and internationally at (320) 365-3844, access code: 229199.

      A listen only, live webcast of the conference call will be available at . Materials for the call, including a PowerPoint file detailing the results, will be available for download on the site on the morning of the call. The webcast and PowerPoint file will be archived on Rockwood's website.

      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 21.02.12 17:12:51
      Beitrag Nr. 178 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.782.657 von Karlll am 21.02.12 14:36:18Am 29.4.11 hatten wir mit 56,74 ein vorgelagertes Hoch, bevor wir
      am 22,7.11 mit 61,11 das bisherige ATH bildeten.

      Sollten wir in Kürze über die 56,74 hinaus laufen, denke ich, geht es
      auch weiter über 60 und wir sehen ein neues ATH.

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 21.02.12 17:19:39
      Beitrag Nr. 179 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.783.764 von Karlll am 21.02.12 17:12:51... und indem ich das schreibe, macht der Intraday-Chart einen Sprung
      und wir beschauen uns die Marke von 56,74 von oben.

      Sicher werden einige Jungs gerade dem CC lauschen und sind der Ansicht,
      daß man doch noch schnell investiert sein sollte.

      schrieb am 22.02.12 16:50:18
      Beitrag Nr. 180 ()
      Rockwood Holdings Beats on EPS but GAAP Results Lag
      Seth Jayson
      February 21, 2012…

      Rockwood Holdings (NYSE: ROC ) reported earnings on Feb. 21. Here are the numbers you need to know.

      The 10-second takeaway
      For the quarter ended Dec. 31 (Q4), Rockwood Holdings missed estimates on revenues and beat expectations on earnings per share.

      Compared to the prior-year quarter, revenue grew slightly and GAAP earnings per share shrank significantly.

      Gross margins expanded, operating margins grew, net margins contracted.

      Revenue details
      Rockwood Holdings recorded revenue of $814.4 million. The seven analysts polled by S&P Capital IQ looked for a top line of $867.1 million on the same basis. GAAP reported sales were 2.0% higher than the prior-year quarter's $798.3 million.

      Source: S&P Capital IQ. Quarterly periods. Dollar amounts in millions. Non-GAAP figures may vary to maintain comparability with estimates.

      EPS details
      Non-GAAP EPS came in at $0.91. The seven earnings estimates compiled by S&P Capital IQ predicted $0.79 per share on the same basis. GAAP EPS of $0.79 for Q4 were 43% lower than the prior-year quarter's $1.39 per share.

      Source: S&P Capital IQ. Quarterly periods. Non-GAAP figures may vary to maintain comparability with estimates.

      Margin details
      For the quarter, gross margin was 35.7%, 440 basis points better than the prior-year quarter. Operating margin was 15.1%, 450 basis points better than the prior-year quarter. Net margin was 7.7%, 600 basis points worse than the prior-year quarter.

      Looking ahead
      Next quarter's average estimate for revenue is $950.2 million. On the bottom line, the average EPS estimate is $1.02.

      Next year's average estimate for revenue is $3.91 billion. The average EPS estimate is $4.27.

      Investor sentiment
      The stock has a five-star rating (out of five) at Motley Fool CAPS, with 329 members out of 346 rating the stock outperform, and 17 members rating it underperform. Among 135 CAPS All-Star picks (recommendations by the highest-ranked CAPS members), 133 give Rockwood Holdings a green thumbs-up, and two give it a red thumbs-down.

      Of Wall Street recommendations tracked by S&P Capital IQ, the average opinion on Rockwood Holdings is outperform, with an average price target of $54.43.
      schrieb am 02.04.12 13:16:15
      Beitrag Nr. 181 ()
      April 2, 2012, 2:00 a.m. EDT
      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. Rebrands Global Lithium Business as Rockwood Lithium

      PRINCETON, N.J., Apr 02, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Rockwood Holdings, Inc. /quotes/zigman/384069/quotes/nls/roc ROC +1.11% today announced that its global lithium and special metal compounds business will trade under the new brand name Rockwood Lithium.

      Currently Rockwood uses several brand names in the market, including Chemetall -- the lithium company, Chemetall Foote and Sociedad Chilena de Litio (SCL). All of these brand names have been replaced by Rockwood Lithium. In the United States the business will be called Rockwood Lithium Inc.

      Rockwood Lithium is the global market leader for lithium compounds and one of the largest lithium raw material producers. The company is also a leading provider of special metal compounds based on cesium, barium, titanium and zirconium.

      Commenting on this, Rockwood Chairman and CEO Seifi Ghasemi said, “With the rapidly expanding markets for lithium ion batteries and metal organic chemicals, and in particular with the potential for growth in lithium batteries for electric vehicles, Rockwood is unifying its businesses under the Rockwood Lithium brand name. We intend to be the leading global brand for sophisticated products, high level customer service and sustainable production to satisfy customer needs.”

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. is a leading global inorganic specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,700 people and annual net sales of approximately $3.7 billion. The company focuses on global niche segments of the specialty chemicals, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit .

      The information set forth in this press release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 concerning the business, operations and financial condition of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Rockwood"). Words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "forecasts," "predicts" and variations of such words or expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although Rockwood believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that its expectations will be realized. "Forward-looking statements" consist of all non-historical information, including any statements referring to the prospects and future performance of Rockwood. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in Rockwood's forward-looking statements due to numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties, including, among other things, the "Risk Factors" described in Rockwood's 2010 Form 10-K on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Rockwood does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which any such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

      SOURCE: Rockwood Holdings, Inc.
      schrieb am 04.04.12 20:48:41
      Beitrag Nr. 182 ()
      Rockwood Holding Inc.
      Oberflächenbehandlung Werk in Indien in Chennai
      2012.04.04 | 08:35 Uhr

      Chemetall Oberflächentechnik, die globale Behandlung von Metalloberflächen Geschäft der Rockwood Holdings, Inc., (NYSE: ROC) hat in einem neuen state-of-the-art-Produktionswerk in Chennai, Indien, investiert, um auf die steigende Nachfrage für lokale Beschaffung reagieren der Produkte in dieser wachsenden Region.

      Das neue Werk in Chennai, wie das Detroit Indiens bekannt, hat eine große Bedeutung für die Automobil-OEMs und Komponenten-Herstellern. Die Automobilindustrie in dieser Region ist von besonderem Interesse für Chemetall, wie sie Innovationen auslöst, setzt hohe Qualitätsstandards und speist viele andere Metall erzeugenden Industrie. Mit einer modernen Produktionsanlage in der Nähe der Hyundai, Ford und Renault-Nissan-Produktionsstätten, wird Chemetall nach ihrer Strategie, um state-of-the-art Technologien, Qualität sowie lokale Unterstützung für globale Kunden.

      "Die Investition in unser neues Werk ist ein weiterer Meilenstein in der Expansionsstrategie von Chemetall und es zeigt deutlich die Bedeutung des indischen Marktes" , betont Joris Merckx, Präsident Chemetall Oberflächentechnik. Asis Ray, Geschäftsführer der Chemetall-Rai, dem lokalen Geschäftsbereich der Firma Chemetall, fügte hinzu: "Um mit der Wachstumsdynamik des indischen Marktes zu halten, haben wir unsere neue Anlage im Herzen der Automobilindustrie aufgebaut. Unsere globalen Kunden befinden in dieser Region erfordern Premium-Qualität und lokaler Verfügbarkeit. Jetzt sind wir beide zu bieten. "

      Die Konzeption und den Bau dieser neuen Anlage setzt neue Maßstäbe in Sicherheit und Qualität bei ihren Reaktionen auf die steigende Nachfrage nach lokalen Sourcing in dieser wachsenden Region. Die Anlage wird erhöht Chemetall-Rai die Kapazität. Die neue Anlage wird auch durch die kürzlich erworbene Geschäft des Gramos, einer der wichtigsten lokalen Akteure der Oberflächentechnik für die indische Automobilindustrie ergänzt werden.

      siehe Orginal:

      " target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">

      schrieb am 25.04.12 18:25:46
      Beitrag Nr. 183 ()
      So kann es weiter gehen:

      REFILE-UPDATE 2-Price hikes boost Rockwood's profit, shares rise
      11:30am EDT

      * Adj EPS $1.23 vs est.$1.02

      * Shares up 7 pct

      April 25 (Reuters) - Rockwood Holdings Inc continued its run of market-topping earnings as the specialty chemicals company was able to pass on increased raw material prices to customers in the form of price hikes.

      The company's shares, which have gained more than 72 percent since touching a year-low in November, rose 7 percent on Wednesday morning on the New York Stock Exchange.

      Rockwood has hiked prices for the last three quarters as the chemicals industry battles higher costs of raw materials due to a shortage of supply. What has helped the companies is a recovery in demand after a two-year long slump.

      Princeton, New Jersey-based Rockwood said prices at its lithium, surface treatment and clay-based additives businesses were higher during the quarter.

      The company, which has been betting on the increasing demand for lithium ion-based batteries, said it expects battery grade lithium products to show double-digit sales growth this year.

      Earlier this year, the company said it would invest $140 million in a 20,000 metric ton lithium production plant in Chile. Lithium segment sales currently account for 13 percent of its overall sales.

      Lithium-ion batteries, used in electric cars and personal electronics, are driving demand growth for lithium, a metal mined primarily in Chile, Argentina and Australia.

      Rockwood also expects stronger volumes at its surface treatment business.

      "Despite investors' apprehension about European exposure, management remains very optimistic about the balance of 2012," Lazard Capital Markets analyst Edlain Rodriguez wrote in a note to clients.

      Income from continuing operations rose to $75.8 million, or 94 cents per share, from $63.3 million, or 80 cents per share, a year ago.

      Adjusted profit from continuing operations was $1.23 per share. Analysts on an average were expecting a profit of $1.02, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

      Net sales dipped slightly to $909.5 million, while cost of products sold fell 4 percent.

      The company, whose peers include Kronos Worldwide, Sensient Tech, W.R. Grace and Co and Valhi Inc , makes inorganic chemicals and solutions and engineered materials.
      schrieb am 26.04.12 08:27:06
      Beitrag Nr. 184 ()
      April 25, 2012, 2:33PM ET text size: TT
      Rockwood Holdings 1Q net income down 57 percent

      Rockwood Holdings Inc. said Wednesday that its first-quarter profit slid 57 percent, but adjusted income rose, beating Wall Street expectations and sending shares up in afternoon trading.

      During the quarter ended March 31, it earned $75.8 million, or 94 cents per share, compared to $178 million, or $2.24 per share. Excluding discontinued business, the company's year-ago income from continuing operations was $63.3 million, or 80 cents per share.

      Revenue during the quarter was $909.5 million, down less than 1 percent from $914 million.

      The company also reported adjusted income, excluding one-time charges, of $1.23 per share, up from 88 cents per share last year.

      On average, analysts surveyed by FactSet forecast a quarterly profit of $1.03 per share and revenue of $941.8 million.

      The Princeton, N.J., company said that it raised prices in its lithium division, where revenue rose 1.2 percent while adjusted earnings before interest, taxes and other factors jumped 8 percent.

      Rockwood Holdings said it also raised prices in its surface treatment unit, where revenue rose 3.4 percent while adjusted earnings before interest, taxes and other factors rose 6.7 percent.

      The higher prices let the company offset raw materials costs and improve its profit margins.

      CEO Seifi Ghasemi said revenue from lithium products, especially battery-grade lithium, should grow by double-digits during 2012. A new lithium hydroxide plant in North Carolina should be operational in July, he said.
      schrieb am 04.05.12 16:04:22
      Beitrag Nr. 185 ()
      Favorit des Tages Rockwood im Lithium-Hype
      [11:42, 04.05.12]

      Von Achim Jüngling

      Gute Quartalszahlen treiben die Rockwood-Aktie weiter in die Höhe. Der Konzern ist mit Lithiumverbindungen dick im Geschäft. Experten bescheinigen dem Leichtmetall eine glänzende Zukunft.

      Im ersten Jahresviertel 2012 hat der Hersteller von Spezialchemikalien und Werkstoffen den bereinigten Gewinn je Aktie um fast 40 Prozent auf 1,23 Dollar gesteigert und die bereinigte Marge vor Zinsen, Steuern und Abschreibungen auf einen Rekordwert von 25,8 Prozent gehievt. Damit wurden die Marktschätzungen getoppt. Ein höherer Absatz bei Lithiumprodukten ist ein Grund für das erfolgreiche Abschneiden. Der andere: Rockwood kann steigende Rohstoffkosten in Form von höheren Verkaufspreisen an die Kunden weiterreichen. Niedrigere Zinskosten und eine gesunkene Steuerrate haben das Ergebnis ebenfalls begünstigt. Der leicht um 0,5 Prozent auf 909,5 Mio. Dollar gesunkene Umsatz ist ein kleiner Wermutstropfen, mehr nicht.

      Rockwood wird ab sofort die Zahlen für die Bereiche Lithium und Oberflächentechnik getrennt ausweisen. Dies soll bei Investoren für mehr Klarheit sorgen und die hohe Qualität beider Bereiche besser herausstreichen. Vor allem das Lithium-Geschäft dürfte damit noch stärker ins Rampenlicht rücken. Nicht von ungefähr steht seit einiger Zeit hinter dem Firmennamen der Zusatz „Powered by Lithium“. Die globalen Aktivitäten mit dem „weißen Gold“ hat die Holding aus dem US-Bundesstaat New Jersey bislang je nach Markt unter verschiedenen Markennamen geführt. Künftig werden sie unter einer einzigen Marke betrieben: Rockwood Lithium.

      Für den deutschen Markt bedeutet dies, dass die Frankfurter Chemetall - seit 2004 im Besitz von Rockwood Holdings - demnächst umfirmiert. Frankfurt am Main wird zugleich die Zentrale von Rockwood Lithium. Überraschend ist dies nicht wirklich: Das Lithium-Geschäft von Rockwood wäre ohne Chemetall nicht denkbar.
      Rohstoff der Zukunft

      Lithium gilt als Rohstoff der Zukunft, findet in zahlreichen Branchen Verwendung. Benötigt wird es beispielsweise zur Speicherung von Energie in den Akkus von Handys oder Laptops. Eine Branche giert ganz besonders nach dem Rohstoff: die Automobilindustrie. Sie braucht Lithium-Ionen-Batterien für die Fahrzeuge mit Elektroantrieb.

      Rockwood-Vorstandschef Seifi Ghasemi sieht im Markt für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien denn auch den Wachstumsmotor der Zukunft. Die Lithium-Verkäufe für diese Zwecke seien im ersten Quartal 2012 um mehr als 100 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum geklettert, sagt er. Damit ist die verheißungsvolle Lithium-Zukunft für Rockwood längst Gegenwart. Für den weiteren Jahresverlauf gibt sich der Konzernlenker optimistisch: „Der Umsatz mit Lithiumprodukten, vor allem für Batterien, dürfte weiterhin im zweistelligen Prozentbereich zulegen.“ Zusätzlich erwartet Gashemi anziehende Volumina im Geschäft mit Oberflächentechnik. Produktivitätssteigerungen werden in allen Bereichen angepeilt.

      Die Rockwood-Aktie hat am Tag der Zahlenvorlage einen kräftigen Satz nach oben gemacht. Sie kostet aktuell knapp 42 Euro und hat somit seit ihrem 2011er-Tief im Herbst um über 70 Prozent zugelegt. Bis zu ihrem Allzeithoch fehlt nicht mehr viel. Rockwood bleibt mit Blick auf den Lithium-Hype eine heiße Wette.
      schrieb am 11.05.12 05:45:19
      Beitrag Nr. 186 ()
      Duisburger Pigmenthersteller: Rockwood will Sachtleben an die Börse bringen
      Quelle: Handelsblatt Online

      Die Chemiekonzerne Rockwood und Kemira wollen ihre Beteiligung Sachtleben an die Börse bringen. Laut Insider-Informationen sind bereits Bankhäuser mit den Plänen für den Börsengang des Duisburger Unternehmens betraut.
      Eine Weißpigmentproduktionsstätte des Duisburger Unternehmens Sachtleben. Die Chemiekonzerne Rockwood und Kemira wollen ihre Beteiligung an die Börse bringen.
      Eine Weißpigmentproduktionsstätte des Duisburger Unternehmens Sachtleben. Die Chemiekonzerne Rockwood und Kemira wollen ihre Beteiligung an die Börse bringen.

      FrankfurtDer US-Chemiekonzern Rockwood und sein finnischer Partner Kemira arbeiten Insidern zufolge an einem möglichen Börsengang ihrer deutschen Beteiligung Sachtleben. Als Zeitfenster werde aber frühestens das dritte Quartal angepeilt, sagte eine mit den Plänen vertraute Person. Bankhäuser seien bereits mit der Erarbeitung von Plänen betraut worden. Ein Verkauf an einen Wettbewerber oder an eine Beteiligungsgesellschaft bleibe auch eine Option, sagte einer der Insider.

      Das in Duisburg ansässige Unternehmen stellt unter anderem das Weißpigment Titandioxid her, dass in Farben, Kunststoffen aber auch in der Verpackungsindustrie zum Einsatz kommt. Rockwood hält 61 Prozent an Sachtleben, Kemira die restlichen 39 Prozent.

      Sachtleben kommt nach eigenen Angaben auf Jahresumsätze von rund 700 Millionen Euro. Den Insidern zufolge war das Interesse aus der Branche oder von Beteiligungsgesellschaften zuletzt nicht ausreichend an dem Geschäft gewesen. Daher rücke nun die Börsengangsoption mehr in den Vordergrund. Sowohl Rockwood als auch Kemira hatten bereits in der Vergangenheit gesagt, strategische Optionen für das Geschäft, einschließlich eines Ausstiegs, zu prüfen.

      Zu den Informationen aus Kreisen befragt, bekräftigte Kemira lediglich frühere Aussagen, dass das Bankhaus Lazard strategische Gelegenheiten für Sachtleben ausloten soll. Bei Rockwood in den USA war zunächst keine Stellungnahme erhältlich.
      Quelle: Handelsblatt Online
      schrieb am 14.05.12 09:20:48
      Beitrag Nr. 187 ()
      May 14, 2012, 3:00 a.m. EDT
      Rockwood Lithium Announces Global Price Increases for Lithium Salts

      PRINCETON, N.J., May 14, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Rockwood Lithium, a division of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. /quotes/zigman/384069/quotes/nls/roc ROC -0.38% , is announcing global price increases, as contracts permit, of up to $1,000 per metric tonne for its lithium salts, especially lithium carbonate and lithium hydroxide, effective July 1.

      "This price increase helps us fund our numerous investment projects to expand our global production facilities," said Dr. Steffen Haber, President of Rockwood Lithium. "These investments will ensure the long term availability of lithium products for existing and future markets such as for electric vehicles," Haber added.

      Rockwood Lithium recently announced plans to invest $140 million in a new lithium carbonate production plant in Chile. In addition the company is completing previously announced expansions of its lithium brine system in Nevada and a new high purity lithium hydroxide plant in North Carolina.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. is a leading global inorganic specialty chemicals and advanced materials company. Rockwood has a worldwide employee base of approximately 9,700 people and annual net sales of approximately $3.7 billion. The company focuses on global niche segments of the lithium, surface treatment, pigments and additives and advanced materials markets. For more information on Rockwood, please visit .

      The information set forth in this press release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 concerning the business, operations and financial condition of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Rockwood"). Words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "forecasts," "predicts" and variations of such words or expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although Rockwood believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that its expectations will be realized. "Forward-looking statements" consist of all non-historical information, including any statements referring to the prospects and future performance of Rockwood. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in Rockwood's forward-looking statements due to numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties, including, among other things, the "Risk Factors" described in Rockwood's periodic reports on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Rockwood does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which any such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

      SOURCE: Rockwood Lithium
      schrieb am 11.06.12 17:47:10
      Beitrag Nr. 188 ()
      11.06.2012 | 14:23
      BörseGo · Mehr Nachrichten von BörseGo
      Rockwood Holdings kündigt neues Dividendenprogramm an

      New York ( - Der US-Spezialchemiekonzern Rockwood Holdings hat am Montag verkündet, künftig eine reguläre Quartalsdividende auszuschütten. Das Unternehmen erwartet, dass künftige Auszahlungen im März, Juni, September und Dezember erfolgen. Die jeweilige Ausschüttungshöhe liegt im Ermessen des Verwaltungsrats.

      Eine erste Quartalsdividende in Höhe von 35 Cents je Aktie zahlt Rockwood am 11. Juli 2012 an seine Aktionäre aus (Stichtag: 26. Juni 2012). Annualisiert stellt die angekündigte Quartalsdividende eine Rendite von 2,96 Prozent dar (in Bezug auf den Schlusskurs von vergangenen Freitag in Höhe von 47,30 US-Dollar).

      Chairman und CEO Seifi Ghasemi sagte: "Wir freuen uns, dass wir unsere Aktionäre mit diesem Dividendenprogramm belohnen können. Das Programm spiegelt unsere Fähigkeit zur Generierung von starken Cashflows wider und schafft Vertrauen in die Zukunftsperspektiven unseres Unternehmens".
      (© BörseGo AG 2012 - Autor: Bernd Lammert)

      © 2012 BörseGo
      schrieb am 28.06.12 10:10:30
      Beitrag Nr. 189 ()
      Wie es aussieht gabs zum ersten mal eine Dividende. Weiß jmd warum plötlich ausgeschüttet wird? Neue Firmenpolitik?
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 29.07.12 20:40:56
      Beitrag Nr. 190 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.329.660 von Stocker1000 am 28.06.12 10:10:30Wahrscheinlich als Ausgleich für die am Mittwoch folgenden miesen

      Nein, im Ernst; ich weiß es nicht. Mittwoch abend wissen wir mehr.

      Consensus = 1,18 $.
      schrieb am 30.07.12 12:57:37
      Beitrag Nr. 191 ()
      Montag, 30.07.2012
      Rockwood: Preiserhöhung für Farbpigmente

      Ab 1. August 2012 erhöht der Geschäftsbereich „Color Pigments and Services" von Rockwood Holdings (Princeton, New Jersey / USA) die Preise für synthetische Eisenoxidpigmente um 120 USD/t (99 EUR/t).

      Die Erhöhung gilt weltweit, das Unternehmen begründete den Schritt mit der Notwendigkeit ständig in die Infrastruktur und die Forschung und Entwicklung zu investieren.

      schrieb am 01.08.12 13:25:55
      Beitrag Nr. 192 ()
      Aug. 1, 2012, 6:28 a.m. EDT
      Rockwood Reports Second Quarter Results
      As reported EPS from continuing operations of $2.81 vs. $1.11;

      PRINCETON, N.J., Aug 01, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- --As adjusted EPS from continuing operations of $1.24 vs. $1.17

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. /quotes/zigman/384069/quotes/nls/roc ROC +0.91% , a global producer of specialty chemicals and advanced materials, today reported earnings per share from continuing operations of $2.81 for the second quarter of 2012 as compared to $1.11 for the same period in the prior year. The reported results include a $139.0 million income tax benefit related to the reversal of our federal valuation allowance on net federal deferred tax assets.

      Rockwood's as adjusted earnings per share from continuing operations increased to $1.24 in the second quarter of 2012 from $1.17 for the same period in the prior year.

      Commenting on the second quarter, Seifi Ghasemi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said, "A majority of Rockwood's net sales and cost of products sold are denominated in Euros and are impacted by the fluctuation of the Euro against our reporting currency, the U.S. dollar. Over the past year, we have seen a significant fluctuation in the Euro/U.S. dollar exchange rate. The effect of foreign currency translation decreased our reported net sales by $75.1 million and our Adjusted EBITDA by $19.2 million in the quarter, driven primarily by changes in the Euro/U.S. dollar rate.

      "However, our operating margins have not been significantly impacted by currency fluctuations as our portfolio of businesses act as a natural hedge against currency fluctuations because, in general, net sales and cost of products sold are generated or incurred in the same currency. Our Adjusted EBITDA margin for the second quarter of 2012 was 24.4%, 100 basis points higher than last year.

      "Despite the currency headwind, we reported adjusted earnings per share of $1.24 versus $1.17 last year. This illustrates the fundamental strength of Rockwood's core businesses. Adjusted for currency, our lithium, surface treatment and advanced ceramics businesses each increased net sales and Adjusted EBITDA during the quarter."

      Mr. Ghasemi added, "We commenced a cash dividend program and recently paid our first quarterly dividend of $0.35 per share. In addition, we started up our new state-of-the-art lithium hydroxide facility in North Carolina, and we bought a 100,000-ton-per-year TiO2 facility in Germany which is expected to significantly enhance the value of our titanium dioxide business."

      The highlights from continuing operations for the second quarter and six months ended June 30, 2012 are as follows:

      -- Net sales were $905.6 million for the second quarter of 2012, down 9.4% compared to $1,000.0 million for the same period in the prior year. Net sales were $1,815.1 million for the six months ended June 30, 2012, down 5.2% compared to $1,914.0 million for the same period in the prior year.

      -- Adjusted EBITDA was $221.1 million for the second quarter of 2012, down 5.4% compared to $233.6 million for the same period in the prior year. Adjusted EBITDA was $456.0 million for the six months ended June 30, 2012, up 3.6% compared to $440.2 million for the same period in the prior year.

      -- On a constant-currency basis, net sales decreased 1.9% and Adjusted EBITDA increased 2.9% for the second quarter of 2012 compared to the same period in the prior year. For the six months ended June 30, 2012, net sales and Adjusted EBITDA increased 0.2% and 9.8%, respectively, compared to the same period in the prior year.

      -- Net income attributable to Rockwood for the second quarter of 2012 was $224.9 million, including income of $125.8 million related to other items, primarily related to the reversal of $139.0 million of our federal valuation allowance on net federal deferred tax assets. Net income attributable to Rockwood for the second quarter of 2011 was $88.9 million, including other charges of $4.7 million. Net income attributable to Rockwood for the six months ended June 30, 2012 was $300.7 million, including income of $103.0 million related to other items. Net income attributable to Rockwood for the six months ended June 30, 2011 was $152.2 million, including other charges of $11.6 million.

      -- Diluted earnings per share for the second quarter of 2012 were $2.81, including income of $1.57 related to other items. Excluding other items, diluted earnings per share were $1.24 in the second quarter of 2012. Diluted earnings per share for the second quarter of 2011 were $1.11, including other charges of $0.06. Excluding other charges, diluted earnings per share were $1.17 in the second quarter of 2011. Diluted earnings per share for the six months ended June 30, 2012 were $3.76, including income of $1.29 related to other items. Excluding other items, diluted earnings per share were $2.47 for the six months ended June 30, 2012. Diluted earnings per share for the six months ended June 30, 2011 were $1.91, including other charges of $0.14. Excluding other charges, diluted earnings per share were $2.05 for the six months ended June 30, 2011.

      -- We announced in June 2012 that our titanium dioxide pigments venture entered into a new facility agreement in the amount of EUR430 million. The proceeds were used to repay outstanding term loans under the previous facility agreement, to pay a dividend to the venture partners (including Rockwood) and for general corporate purposes.

      Looking ahead, Mr. Ghasemi concluded, "We expect that volumes in our lithium, surface treatment and advanced ceramics businesses will remain steady for the balance of the year. As we have said for the last two years, we do not expect any pickup in volumes in Performance Additives which has significant exposure to the construction market. For the first half of 2012, our titanium dioxide business performed well as we have improved our Adjusted EBITDA margins. Despite the current slowdown in demand, we remain confident about the future prospects of our titanium dioxide business in the mid- to long-term as we do not expect any significant change in the fundamental drivers of this business."

      Second quarter results, as compared with the same period a year ago, are summarized below:

      -- Lithium: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA increased 0.2% and 4.3%, respectively. -- Net sales increased from higher selling prices and higher volumes of lithium battery products, but were negatively impacted by currency changes and lower volumes of butyllithium in Asia.

      -- Adjusted EBITDA increased from higher net sales, partially offset by higher selling, general and administrative expenses and raw material costs.

      -- Surface Treatment: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA decreased 5.4% and 2.3%, respectively. -- Net sales decreased from the negative impact of currency changes and lower volumes in Europe, partially offset by increased selling prices in certain markets and higher volumes in the U.S. and Asia.

      -- Adjusted EBITDA decreased from the negative impact of currency changes, lower volumes, along with higher selling, general and administrative and raw material costs. This was partially offset by increased selling prices.

      -- Performance Additives: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA decreased 7.1% and 16.7%, respectively. -- Net sales decreased from lower volumes primarily in Color Pigments and Services and the negative impact of currency changes. This was partially offset by increased selling prices and a favorable product mix.

      -- Adjusted EBITDA decreased from lower net sales and higher raw material costs.

      -- Titanium Dioxide Pigments: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA decreased 17.4% and 13.7%, respectively. -- Net sales decreased as lower volumes and the negative impact of currency changes were partially offset by higher selling prices.

      -- Adjusted EBITDA decreased from lower volumes and higher raw material costs, primarily slag and ilmenite, and the negative impact of currency changes. This was partially offset by increased selling prices.

      -- Advanced Ceramics: Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA decreased 7.9% and 5.7%, respectively. -- Net sales and Adjusted EBITDA decreased primarily from the negative impact of currency changes, partially offset by higher volumes, particularly medical applications.

      -- Corporate and other: Net sales decreased 24.1% and Adjusted loss before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization decreased 45.6%. -- Net sales decreased primarily from lower volumes and selling prices in our metal sulfides business and the negative impact of currency changes.

      -- Adjusted loss before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization decreased primarily from lower variable compensation costs.

      Other Financial Items:

      -- Interest expense, net decreased $9.8 million in the second quarter of 2012 compared to the same period in the prior year, primarily due to debt repayments.

      -- Loss on early extinguishment/modification of debt. In connection with the refinancing of the titanium dioxide facility agreement and the repayment of the outstanding titanium dioxide term loans, we recorded a charge of $2.7 million in the second quarter of 2012 comprised of fees of $2.4 million and the write-off of deferred financing costs of $0.3 million.

      -- Foreign exchange. The foreign exchange loss of $6.7 million recorded in the second quarter of 2012 was primarily due to the impact of the weaker euro as of June 30, 2012 versus March 31, 2012 in connection with non-operating euro-denominated transactions.

      -- Income taxes. We recorded an income tax benefit of $108.8 million on income from continuing operations before taxes of $124.9 million in the second quarter of 2012, including the reversal of $139.0 million of our federal valuation allowance on net federal deferred tax assets, as it was determined that it is more likely than not that we will be able to utilize federal deferred tax assets in future years. Our normalized effective tax rate was approximately 23.2% for the second quarter of 2012.

      -- Free cash flow was an inflow of $39.0 million for the second quarter of 2012, and primarily consisted of net cash provided by operating activities of continuing operations, partially offset by capital expenditures.

      -- Net debt, which is total debt less cash and cash equivalents, was $1,423.4 million as of June 30, 2012 compared to $1,366.2 million as of December 31, 2011. The increase in net debt was primarily due to cash outflows for working capital, capital expenditures and a dividend payment to the noncontrolling partner in our titanium dioxide pigments venture.
      schrieb am 23.08.12 18:15:51
      Beitrag Nr. 193 ()
      Rockwood buying Talison Lithium in $732M deal
      Chemical maker Rockwood Holdings buying Talison Lithium in a $732 million deal

      PRINCETON, N.J. (AP) -- Chemical maker Rockwood Holdings is buying Talison Lithium for $732 million in order to strengthen its lithium business.

      "This acquisition will enable us to better serve both our existing global customers as well as Talison's current lithium concentrate customers in China and the rest of the world," Rockwood Chairman and CEO Seifi Ghasemi said in a statement on Thursday.

      Based in western Australia, Talison has operations there and in Chile and produces lithium used in batteries for consumer electronics, electric bicycles, buses and passenger vehicles.

      Rockwood will pay $6.50 Canadian dollars ($6.58) per share.

      Talison currently has about 108.8 million outstanding shares, according to FactSet. Rockwood Holdings Inc. said Thursday that it plans to finance the buyout with cash on its balance sheet and new debt financing.

      Talison Lithium Ltd.'s board unanimously recommended the deal to shareholders. The company's stockholders must still approve it.

      Earlier this month Rockwood reported that its second-quarter net income more than doubled, but the Princeton, N.J. company's revenue fell due to unfavorable currency exchanges.
      schrieb am 24.08.12 22:20:27
      Beitrag Nr. 194 ()
      Rock-Solid Long-Term Outlook For Rockwood After Strategic Acquisition Of Talison Lithium
      August 24, 2012 by: Robert Broens

      Shares of Rockwood Holdings (ROC) ended Thursday's trading session 1.2% lower. Rockwood announced yesterday that it will acquire Talison Lithium Limited in a deal valuing the company at $732 million. Shareholders in the Canadian firm were enthusiastic, which sent shares 53% higher toward the offer price of CAD $6.50. Investors in Rockwood are not too enthusiastic yet, despite the strategic rationale of the deal, which will boost Rockwood's long-term potential.

      The Deal

      Rockwood announced that it will acquire Talison Lithium in a transaction valuing the firm at $732 million, or CAD $724 million. Rockwood will pay $6.50 per share for Talison, in an equity transaction that is unanimously recommended by Talison's board of directors.

      Talison is the world's largest producer of lithium ore. The company operates in a fast-growing market, as lithium-based products are rapidly adopted for batteries in electrical cars and other technologies.

      For the first nine months of its fiscal 2012, Talison reported revenues of $85.5 million. It generated a net profit of $15.5 million for the same time period. Assuming annual revenues of $115 million, and profits of $20 million, the deal values the company at 6.3 times annual revenues and 36 times annul earnings.

      Chairman and CEO Seife Ghasemi commented on the deal:

      The acquisition of Talison is the logical next step in further strengthening our lithium business and enhancing our capabilities. This acquisition will enable us to better serve both our existing global customers as well as Talison's current lithium concentrate customers in China and the rest of the world.

      Rockwood will finance the deal with cash available and the issuance of new debt. The deal is not focused on short-term benefits, but increases the strategic long-term profile of the company. The transaction is subject to the normal closing conditions, including regulatory and shareholder approval.


      Rockwood reported its second-quarter results for 2012 on Aug. 1. Second-quarter revenues fell 9.4% to $905.6 million. Net income came in at $224.9 million, including a benefit of $125.8 million related to one-time items. Excluding the one-time items, earnings per share came in at $1.24.

      For full-year 2012, Rockwood is on track to report annual revenues of $3.5 billion. It is on track to earn $400 million, or almost $5 per share, excluding the one-time benefits. The company operates with $343 million in cash and equivalents. Rockwood has $1.8 billion in short- and long-term debt outstanding, for a net debt position of $1.5 billion.

      Currently, the market values Rockwood at $3.6 billion. This values the firm at roughly 1.0 times annual revenues and 9 times annual earnings. The valuation compares to a revenue multiple of 1.1 times for PPG Industries (PPG) and 0.6 times for Dow Chemical (DOW). These competitors trade at 19 times trailing annual earnings.

      Rockwood pays a quarterly dividend of $0.35 per share, for an annual dividend yield of 3.0%.

      Investment Thesis

      Year to date, shares of Rockwood trade with gains of 20%. Shares of the manufacturer and marketer of specialty chemicals rose to highs of $55 in the spring of this year. Shares fell to the low $40s in the summer amid signs of lower economic growth, resulting in lower commodity prices, including those for specialty products. Shares steadily recovered in recent weeks to current levels around $47 per share.

      Over the past five years, Rockwood has seen its share price rise by more than 50%. The company has seen a slight uptick in revenues amid demand for specialty chemicals for the technology and automobile industry, among others. At the same time, the company dramatically improved its profitability, and initiated a dividend this year.

      Shareholders in Rockwood are a bit hesitant about the deal. Shares lost little over 1%, or $40 million, of their value in Thursday's session. Part of the reason is the generous premium of $250 million, or over 50%, which Rockwood is willing to pay for Talison.

      For long-term investors, it might be worthwhile doing your research on the company. Rockwood made a strategic sound acquisition and operates in a long-term growth industry. Furthermore, it has resources in stable geographic areas and initiated a dividend this year.

      Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
      schrieb am 24.08.12 22:28:29
      Beitrag Nr. 195 ()
      Rockwood Bids To Swallow Talison Lithium After Talison Swallowed Salares
      August 24, 2012 by: Retirefund

      As you know, in business as well as in nature, there is a "food chain" that develops in any new market. The Lithium market seems to be following that age old analogy as just yesterday, Rockwood Holdings (ROC) made a bid of $724 million to swallow Talison Lithium (TLTHF.PK)

      of Australia, for a 53% premium over Talison share price of one day earlier ($4.25 to $6.50 offer price see: Financial Post). Just two years ago in 2010, Talison was the bigger fish, swallowing Salares Lithium at a premium of 100% above the share price of Salares at that time (see Salares).

      In any new market there are very tasty fish and some not so tasty. Some may not even qualify as fish, as the quick buck artists invade the new market with "mirage" companies of there own, with the intent of fooling novice investors with dreams of big pay days. Talison is certainly not one of those.

      With 25 years in the business of producing lithium (from spodomen) at their Greenbushes operation in Western Australia, and over 300 customers, most of which are in China, Talison is no mirage. Just this summer Talison finished upgrading their plant and announced a 25% premium on their product, which their customers have already accepted. There are the largest pure lithium company on the planet, and that made them a very tasty morsel for Rockwood.

      There are some whispers of possible competing bids and some recent investors in Talison I hear are planning to hold on to see if or what those competing bids might be. For me, that is simply pie in the sky right now, and I have cashed out of my Talison shares as of yesterday at a premium of 110% over all (previously made over 300% on our original shares of Salares Lithium before the Talison buyout).

      There is nothing wrong with taking profit, especially such rich profit. I hope for their sake these newer investors are right about possible competing bids. That is a distinct possibility, given that Talison is so well positioned in the industry and the fact the merger will effectively grant Rockwood almost 55% of the current lithium market worldwide.

      For my part, I will look to possibly buy Rockwood on any pullback, but only after the deal gets done.

      Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
      schrieb am 19.11.12 18:23:54
      Beitrag Nr. 196 ()
      China's Tianqi bids C$806 mln for Talison Lithium
      Mon Nov 19, 2012 10:02am EST

      Nov 19 (Reuters) - China's Chengdu Tianqi Industry Group Co said on Monday it made a formal takeover offer for Talison Lithium Ltd, valuing the lithium producer at C$806 million ($803.31 million) and topping a friendly deal with Rockwood Holdings Inc.

      The C$7.15-a-share offer, made through Tianqi subsidiary Windfield Holdings Pty, is 65 Canadian cents a share higher than the bid from Rockwood, a U.S.-based chemical producer, which valued Talison at C$724 million.

      Closely held Tianqi said last week it had tied up a 15 percent stake in the miner and was planning to make an offer, boosting Talison's stock.

      The company's shares rose nearly 2 percent to C$7.18 on Monday morning on the Toronto Stock Exchange. The stock has gained more than 68 percent since Aug. 22, the day before the Rockwood deal became public.

      Talison, which owns the Greenbushes lithium project in Western Australia, produces hard rock lithium, primarily for export to China.

      Tianqi, a longtime Talison customer, is the world's largest hard rock lithium converter and makes a variety of raw materials for the battery industry.

      Demand for lithium batteries has risen in recent years on the surging market for smartphones, portable electronics, and hybrid and electric vehicles.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 22.11.12 18:48:30
      Beitrag Nr. 197 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.840.499 von Karlll am 19.11.12 18:23:54Hallo Karlll,

      ich hoffe dir geht es gut. Habe Rockwood Holding wieder auf meine erste Watchlist gesetzt. Schauen wir mal - Rock ist als Outperform bewertet worden.

      Yassine Touahri, Paul Roger und Rohit Bhatia, Analysten von Exane BNP Paribas, stufen die Aktie von Rockwood Holdings (ISIN US7744151033/ WKN A0F5ML) weiterhin mit "outperform" ein. Das 12-Monats-Kursziel bleibe mit 770,00 DKK (Dänische Krone) unverändert. (Analyse vom 21.11.2012) (22.11.2012/ac/a/a)

      UPDATE 2-Talison shares drop as Rockwood rejects bidding war

      Friendly takeover by Rockwood approved by regulators

      TORONTO, Nov 21 (Reuters) - Shares of Talison Lithium Ltd dropped more than 7 percent on Wednesday after suitor Rockwood Holdings Inc said it was not interested in a bidding war, even as Talison indicated it plans to open talks with a rival bidder.

      Rockwood, a U.S.-based chemical producer, said late on Tuesday that Australian authorities had approved its C$724 million ($725.71 million) takeover of Perth-based, Toronto-listed Talison.

      "With this approval, Rockwood has obtained all regulatory approvals," Chief Executive Seifi Ghasemi said in a statement. "Rockwood has no intention of engaging in a bidding process for the acquisition of Talison."

      Talison recently completed an expansion at its flagship project in Australia and now has the capacity to produce nearly two-thirds of current global demand for lithium carbonate, which is used in smartphone and hybrid car batteries.

      The company said on Wednesday that it would hold talks with Chengdu Tianqi Industry Group Co to determine if the Chinese company's C$7.15-a-share offer, which values Talison at C$806 million, represents a "superior proposal" to the Rockwood deal.

      A "superior proposal" takes into account the monetary value of the offer, the likelihood of conditions being attached to a takeover, and the timing required to complete a deal, Talison said.

      Talison's board continues to back the Rockwood deal.

      Shares of the lithium producer climbed as high as C$7.25 after Tianqi's bid was made official earlier this week. The stock fell to C$6.62 on Wednesday afternoon, well below the Tianqi offer price, but above the C$6.50-a-share Rockwood offer.

      Shares of Talison have risen more than 56 percent since Aug. 21, the day before the Rockwood deal was announced, and are up more than 92 percent this year on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

      Closely held Tianqi said on Wednesday that it had made offers for more Talison shares, potentially boosting its stake in the lithium miner to 20 percent, conditional on regulator approvals.


      Talison has a unique position as an established, pure-play lithium producer with operations in Australia and a strong customer base in Asia, making it an attractive target.

      The lithium market has grown in recent years on rising demand for lithium batteries, which fuel smartphones, tablet computers and other portable electronics, along with hybrid and electric vehicles.

      Tianqi is the world's largest hard rock lithium converter and makes various raw materials for the battery industry. The Chinese company is a long time Talison customer.

      New Jersey-based Rockwood has said a takeover of Talison will allow it to expand into Asia and boost its lithium output to meet rising demand from the battery market.

      Lazard Ltd is advising Rockwood while Talison is advised by Macquarie Capital in Australia and Canada. Tianqi's financial adviser is RedBridge Grant Samuel.

      schrieb am 23.11.12 19:52:24
      Beitrag Nr. 198 ()
      Hallo Oberkassler,

      ich glaube, Du führst Dich hier ein wenig selber hinter die Fichte.

      Rockwood und Rockwool sind zwei paar unterschiedliche Schuhe und BNP Paribas
      hat Rockwood nicht auf dem "Schirm", würde wenn überhaupt auch kein Kursziel
      in DKK abgeben.

      Du meinst also die dänische Rockwool, dazu gibt es auch einen Thread und vor
      etlichen Jahren habe ich dort gepostet und war auch investiert, das ist aber
      schon lange her.

      Dein Update 2 zu Talison und Rockwood passt dann wieder.

      12.10., 13:19 EXANE BNP PARIBAS
      ROCKWOOL International: "outperform"

      Paris ( - Paul Roger und Yassine Touahri, Analysten von Exane BNP Paribas, stufen die Aktie von ROCKWOOL International (ISIN DK0010219153/ WKN 889488) nach wie vor mit "outperform" ein. Das Kursziel werde bei 770,00 DKK (Dänische Krone) gesehen. (Analyse vom 11.10.2012) (12.10.2012/ac/a/a)

      Gruß Karlll
      schrieb am 29.11.12 19:44:21
      Beitrag Nr. 199 ()
      Rockwood's Talison Buy OK'd - Analyst Blog
      11/28/2012 12:30 PM
      by Zacks Equity Research from in Investing, Business, Stocks

      Specialty and advanced materials company Rockwood Holdings Inc. ( ROC ) recently secured the green signal from the government of Australia's Foreign Investment Review Board for its impending takeover of Talison Lithium Limited.

      With this approval, the New Jersey-based company has received all the required regulatory clearances for the transaction. It expects to wrap up the acquisition by mid-December.

      Rockwood, in August 2012, entered into an agreement to buy Talison for C$724 million (roughly $732 million) to boost the production of lithium used in batteries and smartphones. The deal is, however, subject to the approval of Talison shareholders. The company expects its shareholders to vote in favor of the deal in a meeting on November 29.

      Talison is a leading global producer of lithium, and supplies its customer network from the Greenbushes Lithium Operations in Western Australia. Rockwood believes that the acquisition will help expand its lithium business and enable it to better serve its existing customers as well as Talison's customers in China and rest of the world. The company plans to finance the acquisition using its cash in hand and new debt.

      Rockwood released its third-quarter 2012 results last month. Its reported profit (from continuing operation) fell roughly 19% year over year to $61.6 million or 77 cents per share on lower sales.

      Revenues dipped roughly 8% year over year to $862.8 million, hurt by negative currency translation. Rockwood saw weak demand in its titanium dioxide (TiO2) business in the quarter.

      The company recorded higher sales from its lithium business, helped by better pricing and increased volumes of lithium carbonate. However, sales fell in the surface treatment business due to negative currency impact. Declines were also witnessed across performance additives, TiO2 pigments and advanced ceramics businesses.

      Rockwood expects demand for TiO2 to remain soft in the fourth quarter. However, it sees continued strength in its lithium franchise.

      Rockwood, which competes with PPG Industries, Inc ( PPG ) and Sigma Aldrich Corporation ( SIAL ), currently retains a Zacks #4 Rank, reflecting a short-term (1 to 3 months) Sell rating.

      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 29.11.12 20:13:12
      Beitrag Nr. 200 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.876.732 von Karlll am 29.11.12 19:44:21Guten Abend Karlll,

      danke für dein Kommentar, habe wohl zuviel gelesen !

      Danke für die heutige Info von Rockwood Talison !

      Bin auch im "Rohstoffsektor" unterwegs. Thema Tio2 !

      Was hältst du von Argex Titanium Inc (Public, CVE:RGX)?
      Siehe im Forum: Minen, Explorer.... - RGX

      Schoenen Abend

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 30.11.12 14:21:39
      Beitrag Nr. 201 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.876.852 von Oberkassel am 29.11.12 20:13:12@ Oberkassler,

      bin da im Bereich Minenwerte und Explorer nicht unterwegs bin, schaue
      wohl mal nach Lynas, Orocobre, Talison usw., kann mir aber kein
      qualifiziertes Urteil erlauben, da in diesen Werten m. E. zuviel Hype
      enthalten ist.

      Aktuell verfolge ich so ein wenig das Gezerre um LYI, aber ohne in
      diesen Werten investiert zu sein.

      schrieb am 16.12.12 09:40:25
      Beitrag Nr. 202 ()
      13.12.2012 | 10:55

      Talison Lithium Ltd.: Deal mit Rockwood Holdings geplatzt, aber neue Pläne
      Wie Talison Lithium Limited heute bekannt gab, haben das Unternehmen und Rockwood Holdings, Inc. die im August gemeldete Vereinbarung abgesagt. Gemäß dieser hätte Rockwood alle Stammaktien von Talison erworben. Pro Talison-Aktie sollten die Aktionäre 6,50 CAD in bar erhalten.

      Talison wird an Rockwood eine Aufhebungszahlung in Höhe von 7 Mio. CAD leisten.

      Grund für das Platzen des Deals sind Pläne, wonach Windfield Holdings Pty Ltd., ein australisches Tochterunternehmen von Chengdu Tianqi Industry (Group), alle Wertpapiere von Talison für 7,50 CAD je Aktie in bar erwerben wird.

      © Redaktion / /

      © 2012
      schrieb am 29.01.13 07:22:28
      Beitrag Nr. 203 ()
      VW forscht an Lithium-Luft Akkus für Elektroautos und will die Reichweite auf 350 Kilometer erhöhen

      Volkswagen (VW) forscht auf dem Gebiet der Lithium-Luft-Akkuzellen, diese sollen Elektroautos zu einer Reichweite von mindestens 360 Kilometern verhelfen.

      Lithium-Luft-Akkuzellen haben eine drei- bis fünffach höhere Energiedichte als herkömmliche Lithium-Ionen-Akkuzellen, leider sind diese auch feuergefährlicher, so das viele Hersteller derzeit den Einbau in Elektromobile scheuen.
      Nun will ein Konsortium aus VW, Schott, Varta Microbatteries und dem Frankfurter Werkstoffspezialisten Rockwood Lithium und das Batterieforschungszentrum MEET (Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology) der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität die Probleme lösen.

      Wenn die Wissenschaftler erfolgreich sind, könnten Elektroautos und andere Elektrofahrzeuge eine drei- bis fünffach höhere Reichweite, als E-Autos mit herkömmlichen Lithium-Ionen-Batterien haben.
      Daher würde die Reichweite von etwa 120 Kilometern auf mindestens 360 Kilometer steigen.

      Das Projekt trägt den Namen Glanz (Durch Glas geschützte Anode und Zelle), der Name des Forschungsprojekts, das mit 5,6 Millionen Euro vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung gefördert wird, deutet schon auf die entscheidende Innovation hin. Denn bei den neuen Akkuzellen soll eine Glaskeramik, welche Ionen durchlässt, aber für Elektronen eine undurchdringbare Barriere bildet, zum Einsatz kommen.

      Die Elektronen müssen gewissermaßen außen herum zu ihrem Ziel kommen, auf den Weg dahin versorgen sie einen Verbraucher, zum Beispiel den Elektromotor eines Elektroautos mit Energie. Da Glas, anders als die in manchen Lithium-Ionen-Akkuzellen verwendeten Kunststoffmembranen, unbrennbar ist, ist die Feuergefahr um einiges minimiert.

      Das diese Lithium-Luft-Akkuzellen eine so hohe Energiedichte haben, liegt daran, dass Lithium in reiner Form als positive Elektrode eingesetzt wird. Das Material ist chemisch höchst aktiv und muss daher davor geschützt werden, unerwünschte und gefährliche Verbindungen einzugehen. Dafür soll die Glaskeramik sorgen.

      Bereits im kommenden Jahr sollen die Forschungsarbeiten abgeschlossen sein. Bis man die Lithium-Luft-Batterien im Elektroauto einbaut, wird aber noch etwas Zeit vergehen.

      VW scheint also so langsam in dem Bereich der Elektromobilität durchzustarten, denn bisher haben die Wolfsburger den Markt rund um die Elektrofahrzeuge eher der ausländischen Konkurrenz überlassen.
      schrieb am 08.02.13 19:18:10
      Beitrag Nr. 204 ()
      Rockwood Said to Explore Sale of Ceramic-Materials Unit

      Rockwood Holding the world’s largest producer of lithium products, is considering the sale of a ceramic-materials unit generating $550 million in annual revenue, according to three people with knowledge of the matter.

      The U.S. specialty chemical maker is working with Lazard Ltd. to explore options for Plochingen, Germany-based CeramTec, said the people, who asked not to be identified as the plan is private. The process is in the early stages, they said.

      CeramTec may be valued at about $1 billion based on the average multiple paid in ceramic products deals in North America and western Europe in the last five years.

      Rockwood Chief Executive Officer and Chairman Seifi Ghasemi is moving the Princeton, New Jersey-based company away from commodities to lithium battery materials and surface treatments. He’s already overseeing an exit of a from a titanium-dioxide venture with Kemira Oyj. Tim McKenna, a spokesman for Rockwood, declined to comment on a potential sale of CeramTec.

      CeramTec, founded in 1903 with a porcelain factory, supplies ceramics to the electronics and auto industries, with more than 3,600 employees worldwide. The company got its current name after Dynamit Nobel’s Cerasiv unit took over Hoechst CeramTec. Rockwood agreed to buy the business in 2004.

      CeramTec last year had earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization of about $170 million on sales of about $550 million. The average multiple paid in ceramic material deals in North America and western Europe in the last five years was 6.2 times Ebitda, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

      War heute ein satter Sprung ! Karlll die Zeit schafft Kurse. :cool:

      Beste Grüsse

      schrieb am 19.02.13 14:59:21
      Beitrag Nr. 205 ()
      Nun, da wird es heute wohl Rolltreppe abwärts gehen.

      Feb. 19, 2013, 6:30 a.m. EST
      Rockwood Holdings Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2012 Results
      2012 Highlights

      PRINCETON, N.J., Feb 19, 2013 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- --Adjusted EPS from continuing operations - $0.47 versus $0.91 for the quarter and $3.89 versus $4.02 for the full year

      --Adjusted EBITDA - $141 million versus $196 million for the quarter and $779 million versus $863 million for the full year

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. ROC -0.86% today reported net income from continuing operations of $21.2 million, or $0.26 per share for the fourth quarter of 2012, which included other net charges of $16.8 million, as compared to $63.0 million, or $0.79 per share for the same period in the prior year, which included other net charges of $9.7 million.

      Excluding these other net charges, adjusted net income from continuing operations was $38.0 million, or $0.47 per share, in the fourth quarter of 2012 compared to $72.7 million, or $0.91 per share, for the same period in the prior year.

      For the full year, reported net income from continuing operations was $383.5 million, or $4.80 per share, which included other net benefits of $72.5 million, as compared to $291.1 million, or $3.64 per share for the prior year, which included other net charges of $30.1 million. Reported net income for the full year of 2012 was favorably impacted by an income tax benefit related to the reversal of a majority of our federal valuation allowance.

      Excluding these items, adjusted net income from continuing operations was $311.0 million, or $3.89 per share in 2012, versus $321.2 million, or $4.02 per share in 2011. Year on year performance was down on weak results from Titanium Dioxide Pigments, and to a lesser extent, Performance Additives, which was partially offset by improved results from Lithium, Surface Treatment and our Advanced Ceramics medical business.

      Seifi Ghasemi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, commented, "Our two core businesses, Lithium and Surface Treatment, as well as Advanced Ceramics, had a satisfactory performance in the fourth quarter, each with higher Adjusted EBITDA versus last year. The results for our Performance Additives segment were negatively impacted by lower oil and natural gas drilling activity in North America. Our TiO2 business did not perform well due to lower prices and higher raw material costs. As a result of our continued focus on cash, we generated $87 million of free cash in the fourth quarter and nearly $170 million in the second half of 2012."

      Commenting on the outlook, Mr. Ghasemi said, "Rockwood is very well positioned to benefit from any improvement in the economy. We are optimistic about the performance of our Lithium, Surface Treatment and Advanced Ceramics businesses as we move forward. Our Performance Additives segment is anticipated to benefit from any strengthening of the U.S. housing market. We expect our TiO2 business to have a weak performance in the first half of the year with results improving in the second half should pricing and raw material costs stabilize."
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 19.02.13 15:49:49
      Beitrag Nr. 206 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.158.351 von Karlll am 19.02.13 14:59:21... aber hier wie überhaupt kommt es anders als man glaubt (W. Busch)

      Damit läuft ROC in Richtung ATH.

      schrieb am 30.04.13 14:29:05
      Beitrag Nr. 207 ()
      Na, das ist dann wohl alles Murks

      Rockwood Holdings Q1 Profit Matches Estimates - Quick Facts
      4/30/2013 7:06 AM ET

      Rockwood Holdings Inc. (ROC: Quote) reported that its first-quarter net income attributable to shareholders decreased to $18.9 million or $0.24 per share, from $75.8 million or $0.94 per share last year. The company reported higher sales, but lower gross profit and operating income for the quarter, compared to last year. Net sales increased to $934.6 million from $909.5 million last year.

      Adjusted net income decreased to $54.4 million or $0.68 per share, from $98.7 milion or $1.23 per share prior year. On average, nine analysts polled by Thomson Reuters expected the company to report profit of $0.68 per share for the quarter. Analysts' estimates typically exclude special items. Analysts expected revenue of $908.67 million for the quarter.

      The company said, its quarter on quarter performance was down on weak results from Titanium Dioxide Pigments, and to a lesser extent, Performance Additives, which was slightly offset by improved results from Lithium and the Advanced Ceramics medical business.
      schrieb am 14.06.13 21:49:04
      Beitrag Nr. 208 ()
      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. : Exclusive: Cinven in exclusive talks for $2 billion CeramTec deal - sources…

      Wieder auf der Watchliste bei mir - Grüne Zeichen heute !

      schrieb am 18.09.13 17:09:58
      Beitrag Nr. 209 ()
      Rockwood verkauft Pigmentgeschäft an Huntsman
      17.09.2013 −

      Der US-amerikanische Chemiekonzern Rockwood verkauft sein in der Sachtleben-Gruppe zusammengefasstes Titandioxidgeschäft an den Huntsman-Konzern. Laut einer heute Mittag veröffentlichten Rockwood-Mitteilung haben beide Unternehmen eine entsprechende Vereinbarung unterzeichnet. Die Transaktion umfasst neben dem Titandioxidgeschäft auch die vier von Rockwood nicht mehr zum Kerngeschäft gezählten Aktivitäten in den Bereichen Farbpigmente, Holzschutzmittel, Wasserchemikalien und bestimmte Kunststoff-Aktivitäten. Der Gesamtkaufpreis beläuft sich auf 1,325 Mrd US$; in diesem Betrag sind allerdings auch Pensionsverpflichtungen in Höhe von 225 Mio US$ enthalten. Der daraus resultierende Bar-Kaufpreis von 1,1 Mrd US$ entspricht laut Huntsman dem 5,5fachen des im Geschäftsjahr 2012 erwirtschafteten EBITDA von rund 200 Mio US$. Die von Huntsman übernommenen Aktivitäten hatten im Geschäftsjahr 2012 einen Gesamtumsatz von 1,451 Mrd US$ erreicht; in den zwölf Monaten bis zum 30. Juni 2013 wurden 1,539 Mrd US$ erwirtschaftet. Die Übernahme soll im ersten Halbjahr 2014 abgeschlossen werden. Rockwood hatte seine Titandioxidaktivitäten bereits mehrfach auf den Prüfstand gestellt. Mit der Mitte Februar 2013 vereinbarten Komplettübernahme des zuvor gemeinsam mit der finnischen Kemira geführten Joint Ventures Sachtleben sollten die Voraussetzungen für einen Verkauf der Titandioxidaktivitäten verbessert werden. Die Sachtleben-Gruppe hatte ihre Titandioxid-Produktionskapazität zuvor mit der zum 16. Juli 2012 abgeschlossenen Übernahme der wesentlichen Assets der seit März 2009 insolventen Crenox auf 337.000 t/Jahr gesteigert.
      schrieb am 12.11.13 15:13:33
      Beitrag Nr. 210 ()
      Rockwood Holdings (ROC) Releases Quarterly Earnings Results, Beats Expectations By $0.13 EPS

      Posted by Stuart Ham on Nov 12th, 2013

      Rockwood Holdings logoRockwood Holdings (NYSE:ROC) released its earnings data on Tuesday. The company reported $0.63 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the analysts’ consensus estimate of $0.50 by $0.13, ARN reports. The company had revenue of $890.10 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $758.23 million. During the same quarter in the previous year, the company posted $0.94 earnings per share.

      Several analysts have recently commented on the stock. Analysts at Merrill Lynch downgraded shares of Rockwood Holdings from a “buy” rating to a “neutral” rating in a research note to investors on Tuesday, September 24th. On the ratings front, analysts at Bank of America Corp. downgraded shares of Rockwood Holdings from a “buy” rating to a “neutral” rating in a research note to investors on Monday, September 23rd. They now have a $73.00 price target on the stock. They noted that the move was a valuation call. Finally, analysts at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. downgraded shares of Rockwood Holdings from a “buy” rating to a “neutral” rating in a research note to investors on Thursday, September 19th. They now have a $78.00 price target on the stock, down previously from $80.00. One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, six have given a hold rating and two have given a buy rating to the company’s stock. The company presently has a consensus rating of “Hold” and a consensus target price of $72.70.

      Shares of Rockwood Holdings (NYSE:ROC) opened at 66.10 on Tuesday. Rockwood Holdings has a 1-year low of $42.02 and a 1-year high of $69.60. The stock has a 50-day moving average of $65.61 and a 200-day moving average of $65.72. The company has a market cap of $4.938 billion and a P/E ratio of 39.16.

      The company also recently announced a quarterly dividend, which is scheduled for Tuesday, December 3rd. Shareholders of record on Monday, November 18th will be paid a dividend of $0.45 per share. This represents a $1.80 annualized dividend and a dividend yield of 2.72%. The ex-dividend date is Thursday, November 14th.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc (NYSE:ROC) is a developer, manufacturer and marketer of specialty chemicals and advanced materials used for industrial and commercial purposes.

      schrieb am 12.11.13 21:23:56
      Beitrag Nr. 211 ()
      Rockwood Board of Directors Authorize New Share Repurchase of Up to $500 million

      November 12, 2013 12:32 PM

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC [FREE Stock Trend Analysis] [4]) today announced that its Board of Directors has authorized a new share repurchase program of up to $500 million to be completed over two years. This program is in addition to the $400 million share repurchase program recently completed in the third quarter 2013.

      Seifi Ghasemi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, commented, “As is consistent with our guiding principle to deliver continued long term shareholder value and a disciplined approach to redeploying our excess cash on hand, we are pleased to announce this new $500 million share repurchase authorization, which in addition to our quarterly cash dividends, continues our commitment for an ongoing return of capital to shareholders.”

      Repurchases under the program may be made through one or more open market transactions, unsolicited or solicited privately negotiated transactions, accelerated share repurchase programs or other derivative transactions, self tender offers, or through any combination of the foregoing, or in such other manner as determined by the Company. The timing of the repurchases and the actual amount repurchased will depend on a variety of factors, including the market price of the Company's shares, general market and economic conditions, and other factors. The share repurchase program may be extended, suspended or discontinued at any time without notice.

      * * *

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. based in Princeton, N.J., is a leading global developer, manufacturer and marketer of technologically advanced and high value-added specialty chemicals, with a market capitalization of nearly $5 billion. It is the leading integrated and lowest cost global producer of lithium and lithium compounds, enabling the significant global growth of mobile devices by providing adequate lithium supply used in lithium-ion batteries for electronics and alternative transportation. The company is also the second largest global producer of products and services for metal processing, servicing the luxury European automotive and aerospace industry.

      With approximately 3,500 employees in 17 countries and over 50,000 customers, Rockwood's materials result in end-use products for nearly every industry and generated annual net sales of approximately $1.3 billion in 2012 (after adjustment for discontinued operations).

      For more information on Rockwood, please visit [5].

      * * *

      The information set forth in this press release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 concerning the business, operations and financial condition of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Rockwood"). Words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "forecasts," "predicts" and variations of such words or expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although Rockwood believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that its expectations will be realized. "Forward-looking statements" consist of all non-historical information, including any statements referring to the prospects and future performance of Rockwood, including without limitation, the payment of future dividends and the share repurchase program. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in Rockwood's forward-looking statements due to numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties, including, among other things, the "Risk Factors" described in Rockwood's periodic reports on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Rockwood does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which any such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc.
      Nahla A. Azmy, 609-524-1109
      Vice President, Investor Relations & Communications [6]
      schrieb am 02.12.13 13:49:14
      Beitrag Nr. 212 ()
      Rockwood Enters JV with Chengdu Tianqi Industry Group to Acquire 49% Stake in Talison Lithium for $196M
      Charles Gross, Benzinga Staff Writer
      December 02, 2013 5:45 AM

      Rockwood Holdings (NYSE: ROC) announced today that it entered into
      a joint venture (“JV”) with Chengdu Tianqi Industry Group (“Tianqi”)
      giving Rockwood a 49% ownership interest and Tianqi a 51% interest in
      Talison Lithium Pty Ltd. This transaction is expected to close during
      the first quarter of 2014, following receipt of regulatory approvals.

      At close, it is expected that Rockwood and Tianqi will contribute equity
      of $196 million and $204 million, respectively. In addition, Rockwood
      will also provide to the joint venture a two-year secured loan of up to
      $670 million at 8% interest. Rockwood will grant Tianqi a three-year
      call option to invest from 20% to 30% in the equity of Rockwood Lithium
      GmbH, the European arm of Rockwood's
      schrieb am 07.12.13 10:57:27
      Beitrag Nr. 213 ()
      Nun, nachdem es vor einem Jahr mit der Talison-Übernahme nicht geklappt hat, soll der Drops jetzt gelutscht werden.

      Das ROC drangeblieben ist und man sich trotzdem entschieden hat, sich
      einen Anteil zu sichern, sollte dafür sprechen, daß man 1 Jahr später
      noch davon ausgeht, das das Lithium-Business erfolgversprechend ist.

      Wer soll es besser wissen als ROC. Also scheint Alles einen guten Gang
      zu gehen, zumal man weniger erfolgversprechende Zweige abgestoßen hat.

      Aus dem EV-Business hört man ja keine Jubelschreie mehr, aber vielleicht
      ist hier immer noch ein guter Einstiegszeitpunkt.

      Gruß Karlll

      b]UPDATE: Bank of America Upgrades Rockwood Holdings On Lithium Business
      Nitai Leve, Benzinga Staff Writer
      December 06, 2013 7:18 AM
      In a report published Friday, Bank of America Merrill Lynch analyst Aleksey Yefremov upgraded Rockwood Holdings (NYSE: ROC) from a Neutral rating to a Buy rating and raised the price target to $86.00.

      In the report, Bank of America Merrill Lynch says "We think that the company's lithium business (57% of PF EBITDA) is in the early stages of a multi-year earnings upcycle. Rockwood's acquisition of a 49% stake in Talison announced on December 2 raises our conviction that lithium business will see healthy volume and price growth over the next 3+ years. The acquisition combines Rockwood's 32% share in lithium with Talison's upstream lithium ore that is used in another 17% of lithium production, creating a global leader. We believe that lithium market has been tightening in 2013 as most major producers operated at capacity, while demand grew. Rockwood appears well-positioned to take advantage of that tightness given its low cost position on the curve and improved industry structure. We raise our PO to $86, representing 13.2x average EBITDA for 2014-15 or 20.7x our 2015 EPS estimate of $3.15 as adjusted for excess cash and pending buyback."

      Rockwood Holdings closed on Thursday at $70.22.
      schrieb am 10.12.13 08:54:39
      Beitrag Nr. 214 ()
      Rockwood Holdings Upgraded by Merrill Lynch to “Buy” (ROC)
      Posted by Stephan Byrd on Dec 9th, 2013

      Rockwood Holdings Inc. logoMerrill Lynch upgraded shares of Rockwood Holdings (NYSE:ROC) to a buy rating in a research note released on Friday morning, StockRatingsNetwork reports.

      Rockwood Holdings (NYSE:ROC) opened at 73.33 on Friday. Rockwood Holdings has a 52 week low of $46.77 and a 52 week high of $74.67. The stock has a 50-day moving average of $67.31 and a 200-day moving average of $66.2. The company has a market cap of $5.366 billion and a price-to-earnings ratio of 4.86.

      Rockwood Holdings (NYSE:ROC) last announced its earnings results on Tuesday, November 12th. The company reported $0.63 EPS for the quarter, beating the Thomson Reuters consensus estimate of $0.50 by $0.13. The company had revenue of $890.10 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $758.23 million. During the same quarter in the prior year, the company posted $0.94 earnings per share. The company’s quarterly revenue was up 3.2% on a year-over-year basis. On average, analysts predict that Rockwood Holdings will post $2.09 earnings per share for the current fiscal year.

      ROC has been the subject of a number of other recent research reports. Analysts at Bank of America Corp. upgraded shares of Rockwood Holdings from a neutral rating to a buy rating in a research note to investors on Friday. They now have a $86.00 price target on the stock, up previously from $75.00. Separately, analysts at Monness Crespi & Hardt upgraded shares of Rockwood Holdings from a neutral rating to a buy rating in a research note to investors on Wednesday, November 13th. They now have a $80.00 price target on the stock, up previously from $67.00. One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, three have assigned a hold rating and five have assigned a buy rating to the company. Rockwood Holdings presently has an average rating of Hold and a consensus price target of $76.41.

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc (NYSE:ROC) is a developer, manufacturer and marketer of specialty chemicals and advanced materials used for industrial and commercial purposes.
      schrieb am 25.02.14 17:27:57
      Beitrag Nr. 215 ()
      Hier schönes neues ATH von über 76 US-$.
      Ich lehne mich auch mal etwas aus dem Fenster und prognostiziere gute
      Hoffentlich verliere ich dabei nicht das Gleichgewicht

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. Announces Date of March 3, 2014 for 4th Quarter and Full Year 2013 Earnings Release and Conference Call

      Princeton, NJ (February 14, 2014) – Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC) today announced plans to host its conference call and webcast to discuss the results of operations for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2013 on Monday, March 3, 2014 at 10:00 am Eastern time.

      To access this conference call, the dial-in number in the U.S. is (800) 230-1059, and for international is (612) 234-9959. No access code is needed for either call. A listen-only, live webcast of the conference call will also be available at
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 25.02.14 20:18:16
      Beitrag Nr. 216 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.521.471 von Karlll am 25.02.14 17:27:57Wenigstens einer interessiert sich noch für die Aktie :laugh:
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 25.02.14 20:44:18
      Beitrag Nr. 217 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.522.737 von Banker-de am 25.02.14 20:18:16Na, Du bist mir vielleicht lustig. Dann lies doch einfach mal die
      ersten Posting 2009 von mir.

      Seitdem werde ich der einzige sein, der hier kontinuierlich an Bord
      war. Bei 81 US-$ habe ich den tenbagger.

      Ansonsten schöne Grüße
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 26.02.14 15:58:56
      Beitrag Nr. 218 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.522.913 von Karlll am 25.02.14 20:44:18Mein lieber Freund, jetzt machen sie aber wohl richtig ernst, +5 %, das sind ja ganz
      unbekannte Dimensionen.

      Haben gestern wohl gelesen, was mir noch zum tenbagger fehlt und möchten mich heute gleich beglücken.

      Finde ich sehr nobel.
      schrieb am 03.03.14 21:31:49
      Beitrag Nr. 219 ()
      Rockwood Holdings Q4 Profit Surges On Higher Sales, Gain
      Rockwood Holdings Q4 13 Earnings Conference Call At 10:00 AM ET
      Rockwood Holdings Q4 Adj. Earnings Increase
      3/3/2014 7:44 AM ET

      Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (ROC: Quote), a producer of specialty inorganic chemicals, on Monday reported a surge in profit for the fourth quarter from last year, reflecting higher sales and a gain on sale of discontinued operations.

      The Princeton, New Jersey-based company's net income attributable to shareholders for the fourth quarter was $499.8 million or $6.69 per share, up from $21.0 million or $0.26 per share in the prior-year period.

      In the latest quarter, Rockwood completed the sale of the Clay-based Additives business for a gross purchase price of $635 million, resulting in a gain of $506.3 million net of tax, or $6.49 per share. In addition, the latest quarter's results include net charges of $24.7 million, compared to net charges of $7.3 million in the prior-year period.

      Excluding the net charges, adjusted net income from continuing operations was $39.5 million or $0.53 per share, compared to $35.6 million or $0.44 per share in the year-ago quarter. On average, eight analysts polled by Thomson Reuters expected the company to report earnings of $0.34 per share for the quarter. Analysts' estimates typically exclude special items.

      Net sales from continuing operations for the quarter grew 8 percent to $347.0 million from $322.0 million in the same period last year. Including discontinued operations, net sales declined 14 percent to $715.6 million from $829.0 million in the prior-year period. Analysts had a consensus revenue estimate of $342.14 million.

      Lithium segment net sales for the quarter declined 4 percent from last year to $114.9 million primarily from lower potash sales that were partly offset by higher volumes of lithium chloride and lithium hydroxide.

      Surface treatment segment sales rose 15 percent from the year-ago period to $200.9 million, reflecting increased volumes in most markets, particularly driven by higher automotive OEM, general industry and aerospace applications. In addition, the company completed the acquisition of the remaining 50 percent interest in a previously unconsolidated joint venture in India as well as higher selling prices.

      For fiscal 2013, Rockwood Holdings' net income attributable to shareholders was $1.66 billion or $21.45 per share, up from $379.2 million or $4.74 per share in the prior year. Adjusted net income from continuing operations was $122.8 million or $1.59 per share, compared to $139.3 million or $1.74 per share in the previous year.

      Net sales from continuing operations for the year rose 5 percent to $1.38 billion from $1.32 billion last year. Including discontinued operations, net sales edged up to $3.52 billion from $3.51 billion in the prior year.

      Street expected the company to earn $2.06 per share for the year on revenues of $2.47 billion.

      Looking ahead to fiscal 2014, Rockwood Holdings forecasts surface treatment to grow at solid high single digit growth with target adjusted EBITDA margins of 22 percent to 23 percent, while lithium applications is projected to continue to record adjusted EBITDA margins of 36 percent to 38 percent.

      ROC closed Friday's trading at $78.88, down $2.24 or 2.76 percent on a volume of 3.84 million shares.
      schrieb am 04.03.14 21:02:25
      Beitrag Nr. 220 ()
      Quarter Highlights

      -- Achieved robust quarterly results from Lithium applications (excluding
      potash) and Surface Treatment

      -- Adjusted earnings per share from continuing operations - $0.53 per share
      versus $0.44 per share

      -- Adjusted EBITDA from continuing operations - $78 million versus $81

      -- Completed the sale of the Clay-based Additives business for a gross
      purchase price of $635 million, resulting in a gain of $506.3 million
      (net of tax)

      -- Entered into an agreement with Chengdu Tianqi Industry Group which will
      give Rockwood a 49% ownership interest in Talison Lithium

      -- Announced a new share repurchase program expected to repurchase common
      stock up to $500 million over two years
      schrieb am 19.03.14 17:01:13
      Beitrag Nr. 221 ()
      Diese Aktie ist noch heiß, wer weiß wohin es hier noch geht.
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 15.07.14 13:00:52
      Beitrag Nr. 222 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.659.639 von geldspender am 19.03.14 17:01:13Das diese Fa. heiß ist haben nun auch andere realisiert und die machen keine
      Gefangenen. Damit kann ich dann auch das Kapitel ROC schließen.

      Albemarle to buy Rockwood in a $6.2 billion deal
      Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:23am EDT

      (Reuters) - Specialty chemical company Albemarle Corp (ALB.N) said it would buy rival Rockwood Holdings Inc (ROC.N) in a cash-and-stock deal valued at about $6.2 billion.

      Rockwood shareholders will get $50.65 in cash and 0.4803 Albemarle shares for each share they own.

      The offer translates to $85.53 per share, a 13 percent premium to Rockwood's Monday closing price.

      (Reporting by Swetha Gopinath in Bangalore; Editing by Sriraj Kalluvila)

      S c h a a d e !!!
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 15.07.14 21:35:27
      Beitrag Nr. 223 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.312.134 von Karlll am 15.07.14 13:00:52Trotzdem Glückwunsch Karlll ich habe sie leider zu früh verkauft.

      schrieb am 16.07.14 13:29:05
      Beitrag Nr. 224 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.312.134 von Karlll am 15.07.14 13:00:52Welche Strategie wäre jetzt angebracht? Rockwood halten und auf Nachschlag hoffen, das Übernahmeangebot annehmen oder sofort verkaufen?

      Sollte man im Gegenzug jetzt bei Albemarle einsteigen, schließlich wäre mit der Fusion ein neuer Übernahmekandidat geschaffen! Das Katalysatorgeschäft von Albemarle könnte gut zu BASF passen, falls nicht Gründe wegen Marktbeherrschung entgegenstehen und für DuPont käme eine Verstärkung im Spezialchemikaliensektor in Frage.

      Rockwood Seen as Deal Target After Asset Sales: Real M&A
      schrieb am 16.07.14 13:57:37
      Beitrag Nr. 225 ()
      @ Leichtmatrose,

      manchmal ist es sinnvoll, die Sache auszusitzen. Läuft ja hier alles m. E. für den
      Shareholder, aber die Entscheidung muß jeder für sich treffen.

      15.07.2014 | 22:38
      SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz LLP Investigates Claims That the Merger May Not Be in the Best Interest of Investors of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. - ROC

      NEW YORK, July 15, 2014 /PRNewswire/ --Pomerantz LLP is investigating claims on behalf of investors of Rockwood Holdings, Inc. ("Rockwood" or the "Company") (NYSE: ROC) (ISIN: US7744151033) (CUSIP: 774415103) concerning the proposed acquisition of Rockwood by Albemarle Corporation.

      Rockwood shareholders seeking more information about this acquisition are advised to contact Robert Willoughby at or 212-661-1100 or 888-476-6529, ext. 237.

      The investigation concerns whether the Rockwood directors are breaching their fiduciary duties by failing to adequately shop the Company and maximize shareholder value. Under the terms of the proposed acquisition, each outstanding share of Rockwood common stock will be exchanged for $50.65 in cash and 0.4803 of a share of Albemarle common stock, which values Rockwood at approximately $85.53 per share. However, an analyst recently set a price target for Rockwood of $93.00 per share.

      Pomerantz LLP, with offices in New York, Chicago, Florida, and San Diego, is acknowledged as one of the premier firms in the areas of corporate, securities, and antitrust class litigation. Founded by the late Abraham L. Pomerantz, known as the dean of the class action bar, the Pomerantz LLP pioneered the field of securities class actions. Today, more than 75 years later, the Pomerantz LLP continues in the tradition he established, fighting for the rights of the victims of securities fraud, breaches of fiduciary duty, and corporate misconduct. The Firm has recovered numerous multimillion-dollar damages awards on behalf of defrauded investors. See
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 16.07.14 20:17:55
      Beitrag Nr. 226 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.319.072 von Karlll am 16.07.14 13:57:37Werde den Deal mal weiter verfolgen und anfangen eine Position bei Albemarle aufzubauen.

      Die Lithium-Story wird gewiss noch eine Weile weiterlaufen.
      schrieb am 19.07.14 12:42:31
      Beitrag Nr. 227 ()
      Hmmm. Mal schauen, da hier noch nicht alle Vögel geflogen scheinen.

      Weg vom Öl
      Chemieindustrie im Lithium-Rausch
      Von Arvid Kaiser

      Ist Lithium das Öl der Zukunft? Eine milliardenschwere Übernahme in den USA zeigt, dass die Chemieindustrie auf starkes Wachstum der Elektromobilität mit Lithium-Ionen-Batterien setzt. Damit ist auch Produktion in Deutschland verbunden, wo die Erfolge bisher eher bescheiden waren.

      Hamburg - Es ist die teuerste Übernahme in der Chemieindustrie seit Jahren. 6,2 Milliarden Dollar zahlt die Firma Albemarle aus dem US-Staat Louisiana, um Rockwood aus Princeton zu kaufen. Albemarle, deren Geschichte auf die Ethyl Gasoline Corporation und Tetraethylblei als Mittel zur Klopffestigkeit in Benzin zurückgeht, setzt seine Zukunft auf die Elektromobilität.

      Denn Rockwood ist der weltgrößte Lieferant von Lithium. Der Rohstoff wird vor allem in Lithium-Ionen-Batterien verwendet, die bislang hauptsächlich in tragbaren Geräten wie Laptops oder Mobiltelefonen zum Einsatz kommen. Doch Branchenexperten rechnen wie in dieser Studie (PDF) mit einem Siegeszug der Elektroautos, die bis zum Jahr 2025 zur wichtigsten Verwendung von Lithium aufsteigen sollen - was für die nahe Zukunft 11-prozentiges Wachstum des Konsums pro Jahr bringt.

      Für diese These spricht neben den Plänen des Elektroautopioniers Tesla Chart zeigen für eine gigantische Batteriefabrik in den USA auch der neueste Milliardendeal zwischen BMW Chart zeigen und Samsung Chart zeigen für weitere Lieferungen von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien für Autos.

      "Die Autoindustrie wird sicher ein großer Wachstumsmarkt", erklärte Albemarle-Chef Luke Kissam den Deal gegenüber "Bloomberg". Seine Firma arbeitet seit 2011 daran, aus den eigenen Brominsalzseen in Arkansas auch Lithium zu schöpfen. "Den Weltmarktführer im Team zu haben, wird diesen Prozess beschleunigen."

      "Bloomberg" spekuliert über Gegenangebote für Rockwood, etwa von den Chemieriesen BASF Chart zeigen, Dupont oder dem chilenischen Lithium-Lieferanten SQM. Dabei stellt der 6,2-Milliarden-Dollar-Deal die Übernahme des damaligen größten Anbieters von Lithium, der australischen Talison Lithium durch Chengdu Tianqi im vergangenen Jahr in den Schatten. 673 Millionen Dollar zahlten die Chinesen und gaben anschließend 49 Prozent am Lithium-Tagebau von Talison an Rockwood ab.

      Zu Rockwood gehört auch ein Lithium-Werk im niedersächsischen Langelsheim, mit der Frankfurter Spezialchemiefirma Chemetall aus dem zerschlagenen einstigen Dax-Konzern Metallgesellschaft übernommen. Die übrigen Versuche deutscher Firmen, auf die Wachstumsgeschichte Lithium sind eher bescheiden. Daimler Chart zeigen zieht sich aus der mit Evonik gegründeten Batteriefabrik im sächsischen Kamenz zurück. Immerhin sucht Solarworld im Erzgebirge noch nach Lithium.

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      Lithium Energiespeicherung = Rockwood Holdings