
    EADS ... bei Zuschlag, Auswirkung auf den Kurs? - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

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      schrieb am 24.02.11 19:40:50
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Wie hoch schätzt ihr eine Kursveränderung mittelfristig aufgrund eines eventuellen Zuschlags ?…
      schrieb am 10.03.11 05:48:10
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Author and trade expert Clyde Prestowitz warns that it would take up to a 50 percent devaluation of the dollar against the Chinese yuan and an end to the greenback as the global reserve currency to truly right the global trade economy.

      Prestowitz is founder and president of the Economic Strategy Institute and formerly a counselor to the Secretary of Commerce during the Reagan Administration.

      In a post at the website of Foreign Policy magazine, Prestowitz details a list of scheduled global banking and trade discussions. Then he dismisses them all, saying that the real problems facing the U.S. economy relate to a fundamental imbalance that cannot be negotiated or smoothed over by simply talking.

      “At present, virtually all the world's economies are attempting to grow and create jobs by exporting primarily to the United States, which, despite the recent economic crisis, high unemployment, and a fragile recovery, is still acting as the world's buyer of last resort,” Prestowitz writes.

      US dollar is global reserve currency

      “But with its budget deficits, and global indebtedness rising and true unemployment hovering around 17 percent, the ability of the United States to continue this role while also acting as the global security provider is questionable,” he explains.

      China and “other high-growth emerging economies” cannot grow, either, using cheap currencies, financing domestic construction booms, and maintaining low internal consumption. “Few believe this situation to be indefinitely sustainable,” he says.

      The “fix” means the following things are due to occur, Prestowitz says:

      • The United States must solve its budget deficits while “doubling present household savings rates.”

      • “Massive investment” in U.S. infrastructure and a renewed manufacturing base.

      • A 40 percent to 50 percent devaluation of the greenback against the yuan and “some other Asian currencies,” along with “a lesser devaluation” against the euro or “a new German deutschmark” if the euro ceases to exist.

      • And finally, possibly the end of the dollar as the global reserve currency.

      • An increase in consumption and a reduction in saving, production, and exports by Germany, China, Japan, and the east Asian “tigers” as they revalue their own currencies.

      U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, speaking to the Senate Thursday, said there was "no material risk" to the dollar’s role as the global reserve currency.

      The real risk, he said, would be if the United States lost global confidence in its “financial leadership" position in the world. "That is the only risk to the role of the dollar," Geithner said.

      Buying Japanese Stocks as the Economic Slump Continues
      So, let's look across the wide the land that invented suicide bombing. Did we update you on our "Trade of the Decade"? We did? We thought so...

      And here's our old friend Marc Faber...with the same idea (or at least half of it.) Buy Japanese stocks, he says...
      After a two-decade bear market, now is the time to buy and hold Japanese stocks, Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report, said.

      Faber, who is credited with predicting the 1987 stock market crash and said two years ago that shares would decline just as they began the biggest rally in more than 50 years, said the Japanese government will be forced to print money to monetize the country's public debt, the developed world's biggest. That will cause the yen to weaken, helping boost earnings for the nation's exporters and buoying stock prices.

      Faber joins other bullish investors on Japan, such as Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and David Herro of Oakmark International Fund, in countering skepticism about Japan earned through four recessions and dismal stock returns after the 1990 crash of the bubble economy. The Nikkei 225 (NKY) Stock Average has fallen about 73 percent since it peaked in December 1989.

      "If I had to make a bet for the next ten years in terms of equity markets, I would seriously consider a very strong weighting here in Japan," Faber said yesterday at the CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets' annual conference in Tokyo. "Once the debt market starts to go down, the yen will begin to weaken and that will lift equity prices. I would buy equities at the present time."

      But wait. What's this?

      Here's Dennis Gartman with a nuance:

      Japan is demographically and fiscally doomed. Her population is collapsing in size and growing elderly at the same time, while her fiscal circumstances are far and away the worst of the industrialized world. Japan has survived for decades in a strange world of fiscal irresponsibility by being able to sell her debt to her own people rather than to the rest of the world as the US can do and must.

      Of course, this just supports our position. The Japanese soon will have a bitter choice. Either they abandon their whole silly economic model - with its eternal stimulus budgets and its perpetual zero interest rates. Or they print money. If they give up, it will bring on the final and devastating bottom of their 21-year slump. If they print money, on the other hand...they might hold off the disaster long enough to make it worse.

      It is a bit like their situation after the Battle of Midway. Had they examined their situation carefully, they would have seen that the gods of war had gone over to the other side. They faced a superior adversary. And they were out of fuel. They needed control of the seas in order to re-supply; and they had just lost it.

      What to do? They had a choice. They could have pulled back to the home island, begged forgiveness and negotiated a settlement. Instead, they soldiered a long, hard, nasty retreat...and eventually turned to kamikaze pilots to try to save the day.

      What choice will they make this time? Probably, they'll print money. Inflation rates will rise. Japanese government bonds will collapse. And investors will try to protect themselves from inflation by buying stocks.

      And more thoughts...

      Let's look at the US. What is different in America, compared to Japan?

      Huge deficits? Check.

      Zero interest rates? Check.

      Great Correction? Check.

      Out-of-control spending on old people? Check. (About which, more tomorrow...)

      In Japan, the financial structure will come down when the country has to begin relying on foreign investors to fund its deficits. The foreigners will look at the figures and inevitably want higher interest rates to protect them against defaults and inflation.

      But the US already counts on foreign investors to fund its huge deficits.

      Which one will get blown away first? Our money is on Japan.

      *** Want a peek at the future? The New York Times gave it to us last week:

      Vallejo, a city about 25 miles north of San Francisco, offers a sneak preview of what could be the latest version of economic disaster. When the foreclosure wave hit, local tax revenue evaporated. The city managers couldn't make their budget and eliminated financing for the local museum, the symphony and the senior center. The city begged the public-employee unions for pay cuts - all to no avail. In May 2008, Vallejo filed for bankruptcy. The filing drew little national attention; most people were too busy watching banks fail to worry about cities. But while the banks have largely recovered, Vallejo is still in bankruptcy. The police force has shrunk from 153 officers to 92. Calls for any but the most serious crimes go unanswered. Residents who complain about prostitutes or vandals are told to fill out a form. Three of the city's firehouses were closed. Last summer, a fire ravaged a house in one of the city's better neighborhoods; one of the firetrucks came from another town, 15 miles away. Is this America's future?

      Cities across America are facing dire financial distress. Meredith Whitney, a banking analyst turned independent adviser who correctly predicted the banking meltdown, has issued an Armageddon-like prediction of mass municipal defaults. Others - notably Newt Gingrich - have suggested that state governments as well as cities should be allowed to file for bankruptcy. Congress held a hearing to examine the idea.

      These forecasts of apocalypse have touched a nerve. Americans, still reeling from the devastating impact of the mortgage debacle, are fearful that the next economic disaster is only a matter of time. To anyone reading the headlines of budget deficits and staggering pension liabilities, it takes little imagination to conclude that the next big one will be government itself. The problems of cities are everywhere. The city council of Harrisburg, the capital of Pennsylvania, has enlisted a big New York law firm to explore bankruptcy as a means of restructuring a crushing debt. Central Falls, R.I., is in receivership. Hamtramck, Mich., a small city within Detroit's borders, says it could run out of money next month. Hamtramck has only 90 employees, yet it is saddled with the pensions and health care obligations of 252 retirees. Detroit itself is at risk. Large deficits will mean closing about half of the city's schools and will push high-school class sizes to 60 students.

      The United States has nearly $3 trillion in municipal bonds outstanding.
      schrieb am 10.03.11 05:54:08
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Rechnungsstellung in EURO ist als Weltwährung durchsetzbar, wenn man will. Der Yuan löst sich vom US-$, warum haben nicht auch die Europäer den Mut für ihre Währung. Alles wird schlecht geredet, der US-$ ist noch weicher als der Euro, aber alle schauen auf den US-$. Eigene Ratingagenturen in Europa könnten vor Ort die Situation hier besser einschätzen. Mehr Mumm meine Damen und Herren!
      schrieb am 10.03.11 05:55:50
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Statt Produktion in USA bietet sich Kanada, Brasilien und Argentinien an. Wir müssen uns nicht dem Protektionismus der USA ausliefern.
      schrieb am 10.03.11 06:35:28
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Damit mir keiner Plagiatsvorwürfe machen kann. der Autor in Englisch des obigen Textes ist:

      Trading Spotlight

      Nurexone Biologic
      0,3260EUR +0,93 %
      Einzigartiges Medikament löst Milliarden-Problem?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 10.03.11 06:55:27
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Die Produktion des A380 läuft. Das es Probleme bei neuen Technologien und Anlaufschwierigkeiten eines Models gibt liegt in der Komplexität des Produkts. Hier sollten die bisherigen Erfahrungen einfließen. Es haben sich 2 Varianten herausgebildet. Die Exclusive A30 Version mit Duschen und die zwar noch komfortable Version aber auf Massentransport ausgerichtete Version des A380. Warum bietet man diese nicht als A381 und A382 mit einem ECO Triebwerk von MTU an?
      schrieb am 10.03.11 07:05:22
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Wie sind die Fortschritte beim A350 und des Militärtransporters. Auch Europa und Südamerika braucht Tankflugzeuge, warum legt man nicht eine Kleinserie A320T an, die eine Variation des A320 darstellt, für diese Länder. Im Militärbereich kombinierte Flugzeugträger für Militärjets und Hubschrauber, benötigen entsprechende Flugzeuge. Der Einsatz in Krisengebiete per schwimmenden Flugzeug plus auf Natostützpunkte, ermöglicht diese Flugzeuge rasch einzusetzen. Die Lage in Libyen zeigt das Schiffe zu langsam sind, um schnell eingesetzt zu werden. Kleinere Flugzeugträger aber neue Möglichkeiten bieten. Auch bei der Verfolgung von Piraten.
      schrieb am 06.04.11 12:48:36
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Boing muss ALLE 737 auf Risse überprüfen. Das kostet nicht nur Geld, sondern auch Image.Ähnlich wie bei den Triebwerken von Rolls Royce für die A380 letztes Jahr. Jetzt ist das Problem aber gelöst. Technische Probleme bei neuen Modellen sind bei einem komplexen Produkt immer möglich. Langfristig auftretende Probleme sind da etwas anders gelagert.
      schrieb am 21.04.11 17:31:01
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      EADS ist nichts für shorties. Produktpalette wächst aber stetig weiter und der A350 wird sehnlichst erwartet.
      schrieb am 12.05.11 20:19:44
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Die Rumpfschale für den A350 ist in Stade in Produktion gegangen. Spezialisten leisten etwas Besonderes, alter Slogan von ...???

      Jedenfalls trifft es hier auch zu. Serienfertigung 2013.
      schrieb am 13.07.11 15:44:54
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Wie sieht es mit den Aufträgen des A320neo für United Airlines in den USA aus? Gibt es da ein Update?

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      EADS ... bei Zuschlag, Auswirkung auf den Kurs?